path: root/contrib/tools/cython/Cython/Compiler/Scanning.py
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authoralexv-smirnov <alex@ydb.tech>2023-06-13 11:05:01 +0300
committeralexv-smirnov <alex@ydb.tech>2023-06-13 11:05:01 +0300
commitbf0f13dd39ee3e65092ba3572bb5b1fcd125dcd0 (patch)
tree1d1df72c0541a59a81439842f46d95396d3e7189 /contrib/tools/cython/Cython/Compiler/Scanning.py
parent8bfdfa9a9bd19bddbc58d888e180fbd1218681be (diff)
add ymake export to ydb
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/tools/cython/Cython/Compiler/Scanning.py')
1 files changed, 553 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/tools/cython/Cython/Compiler/Scanning.py b/contrib/tools/cython/Cython/Compiler/Scanning.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c721bba69b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/cython/Cython/Compiler/Scanning.py
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+# cython: infer_types=True, language_level=3, py2_import=True, auto_pickle=False
+# Cython Scanner
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+import cython
+cython.declare(make_lexicon=object, lexicon=object,
+ print_function=object, error=object, warning=object,
+ os=object, platform=object)
+import os
+import platform
+from .. import Utils
+from ..Plex.Scanners import Scanner
+from ..Plex.Errors import UnrecognizedInput
+from .Errors import error, warning
+from .Lexicon import any_string_prefix, make_lexicon, IDENT
+from .Future import print_function
+debug_scanner = 0
+trace_scanner = 0
+scanner_debug_flags = 0
+scanner_dump_file = None
+lexicon = None
+def get_lexicon():
+ global lexicon
+ if not lexicon:
+ lexicon = make_lexicon()
+ return lexicon
+py_reserved_words = [
+ "global", "nonlocal", "def", "class", "print", "del", "pass", "break",
+ "continue", "return", "raise", "import", "exec", "try",
+ "except", "finally", "while", "if", "elif", "else", "for",
+ "in", "assert", "and", "or", "not", "is", "lambda",
+ "from", "yield", "with",
+pyx_reserved_words = py_reserved_words + [
+ "include", "ctypedef", "cdef", "cpdef",
+ "cimport", "DEF", "IF", "ELIF", "ELSE"
+class Method(object):
+ def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
+ self.name = name
+ self.kwargs = kwargs or None
+ self.__name__ = name # for Plex tracing
+ def __call__(self, stream, text):
+ method = getattr(stream, self.name)
+ # self.kwargs is almost always unused => avoid call overhead
+ return method(text, **self.kwargs) if self.kwargs is not None else method(text)
+ def __copy__(self):
+ return self # immutable, no need to copy
+ def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
+ return self # immutable, no need to copy
+class CompileTimeScope(object):
+ def __init__(self, outer=None):
+ self.entries = {}
+ self.outer = outer
+ def declare(self, name, value):
+ self.entries[name] = value
+ def update(self, other):
+ self.entries.update(other)
+ def lookup_here(self, name):
+ return self.entries[name]
+ def __contains__(self, name):
+ return name in self.entries
+ def lookup(self, name):
+ try:
+ return self.lookup_here(name)
+ except KeyError:
+ outer = self.outer
+ if outer:
+ return outer.lookup(name)
+ else:
+ raise
+def initial_compile_time_env():
+ benv = CompileTimeScope()
+ for name, value in zip(names, platform.uname()):
+ benv.declare(name, value)
+ try:
+ import __builtin__ as builtins
+ except ImportError:
+ import builtins
+ names = (
+ 'False', 'True',
+ 'abs', 'all', 'any', 'ascii', 'bin', 'bool', 'bytearray', 'bytes',
+ 'chr', 'cmp', 'complex', 'dict', 'divmod', 'enumerate', 'filter',
+ 'float', 'format', 'frozenset', 'hash', 'hex', 'int', 'len',
+ 'list', 'map', 'max', 'min', 'oct', 'ord', 'pow', 'range',
+ 'repr', 'reversed', 'round', 'set', 'slice', 'sorted', 'str',
+ 'sum', 'tuple', 'zip',
+ ### defined below in a platform independent way
+ # 'long', 'unicode', 'reduce', 'xrange'
+ )
+ for name in names:
+ try:
+ benv.declare(name, getattr(builtins, name))
+ except AttributeError:
+ # ignore, likely Py3
+ pass
+ # Py2/3 adaptations
+ from functools import reduce
+ benv.declare('reduce', reduce)
+ benv.declare('unicode', getattr(builtins, 'unicode', getattr(builtins, 'str')))
+ benv.declare('long', getattr(builtins, 'long', getattr(builtins, 'int')))
+ benv.declare('xrange', getattr(builtins, 'xrange', getattr(builtins, 'range')))
+ denv = CompileTimeScope(benv)
+ return denv
+class SourceDescriptor(object):
+ """
+ A SourceDescriptor should be considered immutable.
+ """
+ filename = None
+ _file_type = 'pyx'
+ _escaped_description = None
+ _cmp_name = ''
+ def __str__(self):
+ assert False # To catch all places where a descriptor is used directly as a filename
+ def set_file_type_from_name(self, filename):
+ name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
+ self._file_type = ext in ('.pyx', '.pxd', '.py') and ext[1:] or 'pyx'
+ def is_cython_file(self):
+ return self._file_type in ('pyx', 'pxd')
+ def is_python_file(self):
+ return self._file_type == 'py'
+ def get_escaped_description(self):
+ if self._escaped_description is None:
+ esc_desc = \
+ self.get_description().encode('ASCII', 'replace').decode("ASCII")
+ # Use forward slashes on Windows since these paths
+ # will be used in the #line directives in the C/C++ files.
+ self._escaped_description = esc_desc.replace('\\', '/')
+ return self._escaped_description
+ def __gt__(self, other):
+ # this is only used to provide some sort of order
+ try:
+ return self._cmp_name > other._cmp_name
+ except AttributeError:
+ return False
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ # this is only used to provide some sort of order
+ try:
+ return self._cmp_name < other._cmp_name
+ except AttributeError:
+ return False
+ def __le__(self, other):
+ # this is only used to provide some sort of order
+ try:
+ return self._cmp_name <= other._cmp_name
+ except AttributeError:
+ return False
+ def __copy__(self):
+ return self # immutable, no need to copy
+ def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
+ return self # immutable, no need to copy
+class FileSourceDescriptor(SourceDescriptor):
+ """
+ Represents a code source. A code source is a more generic abstraction
+ for a "filename" (as sometimes the code doesn't come from a file).
+ Instances of code sources are passed to Scanner.__init__ as the
+ optional name argument and will be passed back when asking for
+ the position()-tuple.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, filename, path_description=None):
+ filename = Utils.decode_filename(filename)
+ self.path_description = path_description or filename
+ self.filename = filename
+ # Prefer relative paths to current directory (which is most likely the project root) over absolute paths.
+ workdir = os.path.abspath('.') + os.sep
+ self.file_path = filename[len(workdir):] if filename.startswith(workdir) else filename
+ self.set_file_type_from_name(filename)
+ self._cmp_name = filename
+ self._lines = {}
+ def get_lines(self, encoding=None, error_handling=None):
+ # we cache the lines only the second time this is called, in
+ # order to save memory when they are only used once
+ key = (encoding, error_handling)
+ try:
+ lines = self._lines[key]
+ if lines is not None:
+ return lines
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ with Utils.open_source_file(self.filename, encoding=encoding, error_handling=error_handling) as f:
+ lines = list(f)
+ if key in self._lines:
+ self._lines[key] = lines
+ else:
+ # do not cache the first access, but remember that we
+ # already read it once
+ self._lines[key] = None
+ return lines
+ def get_description(self):
+ # Dump path_description, it's already arcadia root relative (required for proper file matching in coverage)
+ return self.path_description
+ try:
+ return os.path.relpath(self.path_description)
+ except ValueError:
+ # path not under current directory => use complete file path
+ return self.path_description
+ def get_error_description(self):
+ path = self.filename
+ cwd = Utils.decode_filename(os.getcwd() + os.path.sep)
+ if path.startswith(cwd):
+ return path[len(cwd):]
+ return path
+ def get_filenametable_entry(self):
+ return self.file_path
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return isinstance(other, FileSourceDescriptor) and self.filename == other.filename
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(self.filename)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<FileSourceDescriptor:%s>" % self.filename
+class StringSourceDescriptor(SourceDescriptor):
+ """
+ Instances of this class can be used instead of a filenames if the
+ code originates from a string object.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name, code):
+ self.name = name
+ #self.set_file_type_from_name(name)
+ self.codelines = [x + "\n" for x in code.split("\n")]
+ self._cmp_name = name
+ def get_lines(self, encoding=None, error_handling=None):
+ if not encoding:
+ return self.codelines
+ else:
+ return [line.encode(encoding, error_handling).decode(encoding)
+ for line in self.codelines]
+ def get_description(self):
+ return self.name
+ get_error_description = get_description
+ def get_filenametable_entry(self):
+ return "stringsource"
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return id(self)
+ # Do not hash on the name, an identical string source should be the
+ # same object (name is often defaulted in other places)
+ # return hash(self.name)
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return isinstance(other, StringSourceDescriptor) and self.name == other.name
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "<StringSourceDescriptor:%s>" % self.name
+class PyrexScanner(Scanner):
+ # context Context Compilation context
+ # included_files [string] Files included with 'include' statement
+ # compile_time_env dict Environment for conditional compilation
+ # compile_time_eval boolean In a true conditional compilation context
+ # compile_time_expr boolean In a compile-time expression context
+ def __init__(self, file, filename, parent_scanner=None,
+ scope=None, context=None, source_encoding=None, parse_comments=True, initial_pos=None):
+ Scanner.__init__(self, get_lexicon(), file, filename, initial_pos)
+ if filename.is_python_file():
+ self.in_python_file = True
+ self.keywords = set(py_reserved_words)
+ else:
+ self.in_python_file = False
+ self.keywords = set(pyx_reserved_words)
+ self.async_enabled = 0
+ if parent_scanner:
+ self.context = parent_scanner.context
+ self.included_files = parent_scanner.included_files
+ self.compile_time_env = parent_scanner.compile_time_env
+ self.compile_time_eval = parent_scanner.compile_time_eval
+ self.compile_time_expr = parent_scanner.compile_time_expr
+ if parent_scanner.async_enabled:
+ self.enter_async()
+ else:
+ self.context = context
+ self.included_files = scope.included_files
+ self.compile_time_env = initial_compile_time_env()
+ self.compile_time_eval = 1
+ self.compile_time_expr = 0
+ if getattr(context.options, 'compile_time_env', None):
+ self.compile_time_env.update(context.options.compile_time_env)
+ self.parse_comments = parse_comments
+ self.source_encoding = source_encoding
+ self.trace = trace_scanner
+ self.indentation_stack = [0]
+ self.indentation_char = None
+ self.bracket_nesting_level = 0
+ self.begin('INDENT')
+ self.sy = ''
+ self.next()
+ def commentline(self, text):
+ if self.parse_comments:
+ self.produce('commentline', text)
+ def strip_underscores(self, text, symbol):
+ self.produce(symbol, text.replace('_', ''))
+ def current_level(self):
+ return self.indentation_stack[-1]
+ def open_bracket_action(self, text):
+ self.bracket_nesting_level += 1
+ return text
+ def close_bracket_action(self, text):
+ self.bracket_nesting_level -= 1
+ return text
+ def newline_action(self, text):
+ if self.bracket_nesting_level == 0:
+ self.begin('INDENT')
+ self.produce('NEWLINE', '')
+ string_states = {
+ "'": 'SQ_STRING',
+ '"': 'DQ_STRING',
+ "'''": 'TSQ_STRING',
+ '"""': 'TDQ_STRING'
+ }
+ def begin_string_action(self, text):
+ while text[:1] in any_string_prefix:
+ text = text[1:]
+ self.begin(self.string_states[text])
+ self.produce('BEGIN_STRING')
+ def end_string_action(self, text):
+ self.begin('')
+ self.produce('END_STRING')
+ def unclosed_string_action(self, text):
+ self.end_string_action(text)
+ self.error("Unclosed string literal")
+ def indentation_action(self, text):
+ self.begin('')
+ # Indentation within brackets should be ignored.
+ #if self.bracket_nesting_level > 0:
+ # return
+ # Check that tabs and spaces are being used consistently.
+ if text:
+ c = text[0]
+ #print "Scanner.indentation_action: indent with", repr(c) ###
+ if self.indentation_char is None:
+ self.indentation_char = c
+ #print "Scanner.indentation_action: setting indent_char to", repr(c)
+ else:
+ if self.indentation_char != c:
+ self.error("Mixed use of tabs and spaces")
+ if text.replace(c, "") != "":
+ self.error("Mixed use of tabs and spaces")
+ # Figure out how many indents/dedents to do
+ current_level = self.current_level()
+ new_level = len(text)
+ #print "Changing indent level from", current_level, "to", new_level ###
+ if new_level == current_level:
+ return
+ elif new_level > current_level:
+ #print "...pushing level", new_level ###
+ self.indentation_stack.append(new_level)
+ self.produce('INDENT', '')
+ else:
+ while new_level < self.current_level():
+ #print "...popping level", self.indentation_stack[-1] ###
+ self.indentation_stack.pop()
+ self.produce('DEDENT', '')
+ #print "...current level now", self.current_level() ###
+ if new_level != self.current_level():
+ self.error("Inconsistent indentation")
+ def eof_action(self, text):
+ while len(self.indentation_stack) > 1:
+ self.produce('DEDENT', '')
+ self.indentation_stack.pop()
+ self.produce('EOF', '')
+ def next(self):
+ try:
+ sy, systring = self.read()
+ except UnrecognizedInput:
+ self.error("Unrecognized character")
+ return # just a marker, error() always raises
+ if sy == IDENT:
+ if systring in self.keywords:
+ if systring == u'print' and print_function in self.context.future_directives:
+ self.keywords.discard('print')
+ elif systring == u'exec' and self.context.language_level >= 3:
+ self.keywords.discard('exec')
+ else:
+ sy = systring
+ systring = self.context.intern_ustring(systring)
+ self.sy = sy
+ self.systring = systring
+ if False: # debug_scanner:
+ _, line, col = self.position()
+ if not self.systring or self.sy == self.systring:
+ t = self.sy
+ else:
+ t = "%s %s" % (self.sy, self.systring)
+ print("--- %3d %2d %s" % (line, col, t))
+ def peek(self):
+ saved = self.sy, self.systring
+ self.next()
+ next = self.sy, self.systring
+ self.unread(*next)
+ self.sy, self.systring = saved
+ return next
+ def put_back(self, sy, systring):
+ self.unread(self.sy, self.systring)
+ self.sy = sy
+ self.systring = systring
+ def unread(self, token, value):
+ # This method should be added to Plex
+ self.queue.insert(0, (token, value))
+ def error(self, message, pos=None, fatal=True):
+ if pos is None:
+ pos = self.position()
+ if self.sy == 'INDENT':
+ error(pos, "Possible inconsistent indentation")
+ err = error(pos, message)
+ if fatal: raise err
+ def expect(self, what, message=None):
+ if self.sy == what:
+ self.next()
+ else:
+ self.expected(what, message)
+ def expect_keyword(self, what, message=None):
+ if self.sy == IDENT and self.systring == what:
+ self.next()
+ else:
+ self.expected(what, message)
+ def expected(self, what, message=None):
+ if message:
+ self.error(message)
+ else:
+ if self.sy == IDENT:
+ found = self.systring
+ else:
+ found = self.sy
+ self.error("Expected '%s', found '%s'" % (what, found))
+ def expect_indent(self):
+ self.expect('INDENT', "Expected an increase in indentation level")
+ def expect_dedent(self):
+ self.expect('DEDENT', "Expected a decrease in indentation level")
+ def expect_newline(self, message="Expected a newline", ignore_semicolon=False):
+ # Expect either a newline or end of file
+ useless_trailing_semicolon = None
+ if ignore_semicolon and self.sy == ';':
+ useless_trailing_semicolon = self.position()
+ self.next()
+ if self.sy != 'EOF':
+ self.expect('NEWLINE', message)
+ if useless_trailing_semicolon is not None:
+ warning(useless_trailing_semicolon, "useless trailing semicolon")
+ def enter_async(self):
+ self.async_enabled += 1
+ if self.async_enabled == 1:
+ self.keywords.add('async')
+ self.keywords.add('await')
+ def exit_async(self):
+ assert self.async_enabled > 0
+ self.async_enabled -= 1
+ if not self.async_enabled:
+ self.keywords.discard('await')
+ self.keywords.discard('async')
+ if self.sy in ('async', 'await'):
+ self.sy, self.systring = IDENT, self.context.intern_ustring(self.sy)