path: root/contrib/tools/cython/Cython/Compiler/Buffer.py
diff options
authoralexv-smirnov <alex@ydb.tech>2023-06-13 11:05:01 +0300
committeralexv-smirnov <alex@ydb.tech>2023-06-13 11:05:01 +0300
commitbf0f13dd39ee3e65092ba3572bb5b1fcd125dcd0 (patch)
tree1d1df72c0541a59a81439842f46d95396d3e7189 /contrib/tools/cython/Cython/Compiler/Buffer.py
parent8bfdfa9a9bd19bddbc58d888e180fbd1218681be (diff)
add ymake export to ydb
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/tools/cython/Cython/Compiler/Buffer.py')
1 files changed, 740 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/tools/cython/Cython/Compiler/Buffer.py b/contrib/tools/cython/Cython/Compiler/Buffer.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c62a24f568
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/tools/cython/Cython/Compiler/Buffer.py
@@ -0,0 +1,740 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from .Visitor import CythonTransform
+from .ModuleNode import ModuleNode
+from .Errors import CompileError
+from .UtilityCode import CythonUtilityCode
+from .Code import UtilityCode, TempitaUtilityCode
+from . import Options
+from . import Interpreter
+from . import PyrexTypes
+from . import Naming
+from . import Symtab
+def dedent(text, reindent=0):
+ from textwrap import dedent
+ text = dedent(text)
+ if reindent > 0:
+ indent = " " * reindent
+ text = '\n'.join([indent + x for x in text.split('\n')])
+ return text
+class IntroduceBufferAuxiliaryVars(CythonTransform):
+ #
+ # Entry point
+ #
+ buffers_exists = False
+ using_memoryview = False
+ def __call__(self, node):
+ assert isinstance(node, ModuleNode)
+ self.max_ndim = 0
+ result = super(IntroduceBufferAuxiliaryVars, self).__call__(node)
+ if self.buffers_exists:
+ use_bufstruct_declare_code(node.scope)
+ use_py2_buffer_functions(node.scope)
+ return result
+ #
+ # Basic operations for transforms
+ #
+ def handle_scope(self, node, scope):
+ # For all buffers, insert extra variables in the scope.
+ # The variables are also accessible from the buffer_info
+ # on the buffer entry
+ scope_items = scope.entries.items()
+ bufvars = [entry for name, entry in scope_items if entry.type.is_buffer]
+ if len(bufvars) > 0:
+ bufvars.sort(key=lambda entry: entry.name)
+ self.buffers_exists = True
+ memviewslicevars = [entry for name, entry in scope_items if entry.type.is_memoryviewslice]
+ if len(memviewslicevars) > 0:
+ self.buffers_exists = True
+ for (name, entry) in scope_items:
+ if name == 'memoryview' and isinstance(entry.utility_code_definition, CythonUtilityCode):
+ self.using_memoryview = True
+ break
+ del scope_items
+ if isinstance(node, ModuleNode) and len(bufvars) > 0:
+ # for now...note that pos is wrong
+ raise CompileError(node.pos, "Buffer vars not allowed in module scope")
+ for entry in bufvars:
+ if entry.type.dtype.is_ptr:
+ raise CompileError(node.pos, "Buffers with pointer types not yet supported.")
+ name = entry.name
+ buftype = entry.type
+ if buftype.ndim > Options.buffer_max_dims:
+ raise CompileError(node.pos,
+ "Buffer ndims exceeds Options.buffer_max_dims = %d" % Options.buffer_max_dims)
+ if buftype.ndim > self.max_ndim:
+ self.max_ndim = buftype.ndim
+ # Declare auxiliary vars
+ def decvar(type, prefix):
+ cname = scope.mangle(prefix, name)
+ aux_var = scope.declare_var(name=None, cname=cname,
+ type=type, pos=node.pos)
+ if entry.is_arg:
+ aux_var.used = True # otherwise, NameNode will mark whether it is used
+ return aux_var
+ auxvars = ((PyrexTypes.c_pyx_buffer_nd_type, Naming.pybuffernd_prefix),
+ (PyrexTypes.c_pyx_buffer_type, Naming.pybufferstruct_prefix))
+ pybuffernd, rcbuffer = [decvar(type, prefix) for (type, prefix) in auxvars]
+ entry.buffer_aux = Symtab.BufferAux(pybuffernd, rcbuffer)
+ scope.buffer_entries = bufvars
+ self.scope = scope
+ def visit_ModuleNode(self, node):
+ self.handle_scope(node, node.scope)
+ self.visitchildren(node)
+ return node
+ def visit_FuncDefNode(self, node):
+ self.handle_scope(node, node.local_scope)
+ self.visitchildren(node)
+ return node
+# Analysis
+buffer_options = ("dtype", "ndim", "mode", "negative_indices", "cast") # ordered!
+buffer_defaults = {"ndim": 1, "mode": "full", "negative_indices": True, "cast": False}
+buffer_positional_options_count = 1 # anything beyond this needs keyword argument
+ERR_BUF_OPTION_UNKNOWN = '"%s" is not a buffer option'
+ERR_BUF_TOO_MANY = 'Too many buffer options'
+ERR_BUF_DUP = '"%s" buffer option already supplied'
+ERR_BUF_MISSING = '"%s" missing'
+ERR_BUF_MODE = 'Only allowed buffer modes are: "c", "fortran", "full", "strided" (as a compile-time string)'
+ERR_BUF_NDIM = 'ndim must be a non-negative integer'
+ERR_BUF_DTYPE = 'dtype must be "object", numeric type or a struct'
+ERR_BUF_BOOL = '"%s" must be a boolean'
+def analyse_buffer_options(globalpos, env, posargs, dictargs, defaults=None, need_complete=True):
+ """
+ Must be called during type analysis, as analyse is called
+ on the dtype argument.
+ posargs and dictargs should consist of a list and a dict
+ of tuples (value, pos). Defaults should be a dict of values.
+ Returns a dict containing all the options a buffer can have and
+ its value (with the positions stripped).
+ """
+ if defaults is None:
+ defaults = buffer_defaults
+ posargs, dictargs = Interpreter.interpret_compiletime_options(
+ posargs, dictargs, type_env=env, type_args=(0, 'dtype'))
+ if len(posargs) > buffer_positional_options_count:
+ raise CompileError(posargs[-1][1], ERR_BUF_TOO_MANY)
+ options = {}
+ for name, (value, pos) in dictargs.items():
+ if not name in buffer_options:
+ raise CompileError(pos, ERR_BUF_OPTION_UNKNOWN % name)
+ options[name] = value
+ for name, (value, pos) in zip(buffer_options, posargs):
+ if not name in buffer_options:
+ raise CompileError(pos, ERR_BUF_OPTION_UNKNOWN % name)
+ if name in options:
+ raise CompileError(pos, ERR_BUF_DUP % name)
+ options[name] = value
+ # Check that they are all there and copy defaults
+ for name in buffer_options:
+ if not name in options:
+ try:
+ options[name] = defaults[name]
+ except KeyError:
+ if need_complete:
+ raise CompileError(globalpos, ERR_BUF_MISSING % name)
+ dtype = options.get("dtype")
+ if dtype and dtype.is_extension_type:
+ raise CompileError(globalpos, ERR_BUF_DTYPE)
+ ndim = options.get("ndim")
+ if ndim and (not isinstance(ndim, int) or ndim < 0):
+ raise CompileError(globalpos, ERR_BUF_NDIM)
+ mode = options.get("mode")
+ if mode and not (mode in ('full', 'strided', 'c', 'fortran')):
+ raise CompileError(globalpos, ERR_BUF_MODE)
+ def assert_bool(name):
+ x = options.get(name)
+ if not isinstance(x, bool):
+ raise CompileError(globalpos, ERR_BUF_BOOL % name)
+ assert_bool('negative_indices')
+ assert_bool('cast')
+ return options
+# Code generation
+class BufferEntry(object):
+ def __init__(self, entry):
+ self.entry = entry
+ self.type = entry.type
+ self.cname = entry.buffer_aux.buflocal_nd_var.cname
+ self.buf_ptr = "%s.rcbuffer->pybuffer.buf" % self.cname
+ self.buf_ptr_type = entry.type.buffer_ptr_type
+ self.init_attributes()
+ def init_attributes(self):
+ self.shape = self.get_buf_shapevars()
+ self.strides = self.get_buf_stridevars()
+ self.suboffsets = self.get_buf_suboffsetvars()
+ def get_buf_suboffsetvars(self):
+ return self._for_all_ndim("%s.diminfo[%d].suboffsets")
+ def get_buf_stridevars(self):
+ return self._for_all_ndim("%s.diminfo[%d].strides")
+ def get_buf_shapevars(self):
+ return self._for_all_ndim("%s.diminfo[%d].shape")
+ def _for_all_ndim(self, s):
+ return [s % (self.cname, i) for i in range(self.type.ndim)]
+ def generate_buffer_lookup_code(self, code, index_cnames):
+ # Create buffer lookup and return it
+ # This is done via utility macros/inline functions, which vary
+ # according to the access mode used.
+ params = []
+ nd = self.type.ndim
+ mode = self.type.mode
+ if mode == 'full':
+ for i, s, o in zip(index_cnames,
+ self.get_buf_stridevars(),
+ self.get_buf_suboffsetvars()):
+ params.append(i)
+ params.append(s)
+ params.append(o)
+ funcname = "__Pyx_BufPtrFull%dd" % nd
+ funcgen = buf_lookup_full_code
+ else:
+ if mode == 'strided':
+ funcname = "__Pyx_BufPtrStrided%dd" % nd
+ funcgen = buf_lookup_strided_code
+ elif mode == 'c':
+ funcname = "__Pyx_BufPtrCContig%dd" % nd
+ funcgen = buf_lookup_c_code
+ elif mode == 'fortran':
+ funcname = "__Pyx_BufPtrFortranContig%dd" % nd
+ funcgen = buf_lookup_fortran_code
+ else:
+ assert False
+ for i, s in zip(index_cnames, self.get_buf_stridevars()):
+ params.append(i)
+ params.append(s)
+ # Make sure the utility code is available
+ if funcname not in code.globalstate.utility_codes:
+ code.globalstate.utility_codes.add(funcname)
+ protocode = code.globalstate['utility_code_proto']
+ defcode = code.globalstate['utility_code_def']
+ funcgen(protocode, defcode, name=funcname, nd=nd)
+ buf_ptr_type_code = self.buf_ptr_type.empty_declaration_code()
+ ptrcode = "%s(%s, %s, %s)" % (funcname, buf_ptr_type_code, self.buf_ptr,
+ ", ".join(params))
+ return ptrcode
+def get_flags(buffer_aux, buffer_type):
+ flags = 'PyBUF_FORMAT'
+ mode = buffer_type.mode
+ if mode == 'full':
+ flags += '| PyBUF_INDIRECT'
+ elif mode == 'strided':
+ flags += '| PyBUF_STRIDES'
+ elif mode == 'c':
+ flags += '| PyBUF_C_CONTIGUOUS'
+ elif mode == 'fortran':
+ flags += '| PyBUF_F_CONTIGUOUS'
+ else:
+ assert False
+ if buffer_aux.writable_needed: flags += "| PyBUF_WRITABLE"
+ return flags
+def used_buffer_aux_vars(entry):
+ buffer_aux = entry.buffer_aux
+ buffer_aux.buflocal_nd_var.used = True
+ buffer_aux.rcbuf_var.used = True
+def put_unpack_buffer_aux_into_scope(buf_entry, code):
+ # Generate code to copy the needed struct info into local
+ # variables.
+ buffer_aux, mode = buf_entry.buffer_aux, buf_entry.type.mode
+ pybuffernd_struct = buffer_aux.buflocal_nd_var.cname
+ fldnames = ['strides', 'shape']
+ if mode == 'full':
+ fldnames.append('suboffsets')
+ ln = []
+ for i in range(buf_entry.type.ndim):
+ for fldname in fldnames:
+ ln.append("%s.diminfo[%d].%s = %s.rcbuffer->pybuffer.%s[%d];" % \
+ (pybuffernd_struct, i, fldname,
+ pybuffernd_struct, fldname, i))
+ code.putln(' '.join(ln))
+def put_init_vars(entry, code):
+ bufaux = entry.buffer_aux
+ pybuffernd_struct = bufaux.buflocal_nd_var.cname
+ pybuffer_struct = bufaux.rcbuf_var.cname
+ # init pybuffer_struct
+ code.putln("%s.pybuffer.buf = NULL;" % pybuffer_struct)
+ code.putln("%s.refcount = 0;" % pybuffer_struct)
+ # init the buffer object
+ # code.put_init_var_to_py_none(entry)
+ # init the pybuffernd_struct
+ code.putln("%s.data = NULL;" % pybuffernd_struct)
+ code.putln("%s.rcbuffer = &%s;" % (pybuffernd_struct, pybuffer_struct))
+def put_acquire_arg_buffer(entry, code, pos):
+ buffer_aux = entry.buffer_aux
+ getbuffer = get_getbuffer_call(code, entry.cname, buffer_aux, entry.type)
+ # Acquire any new buffer
+ code.putln("{")
+ code.putln("__Pyx_BufFmt_StackElem __pyx_stack[%d];" % entry.type.dtype.struct_nesting_depth())
+ code.putln(code.error_goto_if("%s == -1" % getbuffer, pos))
+ code.putln("}")
+ # An exception raised in arg parsing cannot be caught, so no
+ # need to care about the buffer then.
+ put_unpack_buffer_aux_into_scope(entry, code)
+def put_release_buffer_code(code, entry):
+ code.globalstate.use_utility_code(acquire_utility_code)
+ code.putln("__Pyx_SafeReleaseBuffer(&%s.rcbuffer->pybuffer);" % entry.buffer_aux.buflocal_nd_var.cname)
+def get_getbuffer_call(code, obj_cname, buffer_aux, buffer_type):
+ ndim = buffer_type.ndim
+ cast = int(buffer_type.cast)
+ flags = get_flags(buffer_aux, buffer_type)
+ pybuffernd_struct = buffer_aux.buflocal_nd_var.cname
+ dtype_typeinfo = get_type_information_cname(code, buffer_type.dtype)
+ code.globalstate.use_utility_code(acquire_utility_code)
+ return ("__Pyx_GetBufferAndValidate(&%(pybuffernd_struct)s.rcbuffer->pybuffer, "
+ "(PyObject*)%(obj_cname)s, &%(dtype_typeinfo)s, %(flags)s, %(ndim)d, "
+ "%(cast)d, __pyx_stack)" % locals())
+def put_assign_to_buffer(lhs_cname, rhs_cname, buf_entry,
+ is_initialized, pos, code):
+ """
+ Generate code for reassigning a buffer variables. This only deals with getting
+ the buffer auxiliary structure and variables set up correctly, the assignment
+ itself and refcounting is the responsibility of the caller.
+ However, the assignment operation may throw an exception so that the reassignment
+ never happens.
+ Depending on the circumstances there are two possible outcomes:
+ - Old buffer released, new acquired, rhs assigned to lhs
+ - Old buffer released, new acquired which fails, reaqcuire old lhs buffer
+ (which may or may not succeed).
+ """
+ buffer_aux, buffer_type = buf_entry.buffer_aux, buf_entry.type
+ pybuffernd_struct = buffer_aux.buflocal_nd_var.cname
+ flags = get_flags(buffer_aux, buffer_type)
+ code.putln("{") # Set up necessary stack for getbuffer
+ code.putln("__Pyx_BufFmt_StackElem __pyx_stack[%d];" % buffer_type.dtype.struct_nesting_depth())
+ getbuffer = get_getbuffer_call(code, "%s", buffer_aux, buffer_type) # fill in object below
+ if is_initialized:
+ # Release any existing buffer
+ code.putln('__Pyx_SafeReleaseBuffer(&%s.rcbuffer->pybuffer);' % pybuffernd_struct)
+ # Acquire
+ retcode_cname = code.funcstate.allocate_temp(PyrexTypes.c_int_type, manage_ref=False)
+ code.putln("%s = %s;" % (retcode_cname, getbuffer % rhs_cname))
+ code.putln('if (%s) {' % (code.unlikely("%s < 0" % retcode_cname)))
+ # If acquisition failed, attempt to reacquire the old buffer
+ # before raising the exception. A failure of reacquisition
+ # will cause the reacquisition exception to be reported, one
+ # can consider working around this later.
+ exc_temps = tuple(code.funcstate.allocate_temp(PyrexTypes.py_object_type, manage_ref=False)
+ for _ in range(3))
+ code.putln('PyErr_Fetch(&%s, &%s, &%s);' % exc_temps)
+ code.putln('if (%s) {' % code.unlikely("%s == -1" % (getbuffer % lhs_cname)))
+ code.putln('Py_XDECREF(%s); Py_XDECREF(%s); Py_XDECREF(%s);' % exc_temps) # Do not refnanny these!
+ code.globalstate.use_utility_code(raise_buffer_fallback_code)
+ code.putln('__Pyx_RaiseBufferFallbackError();')
+ code.putln('} else {')
+ code.putln('PyErr_Restore(%s, %s, %s);' % exc_temps)
+ code.putln('}')
+ code.putln('%s = %s = %s = 0;' % exc_temps)
+ for t in exc_temps:
+ code.funcstate.release_temp(t)
+ code.putln('}')
+ # Unpack indices
+ put_unpack_buffer_aux_into_scope(buf_entry, code)
+ code.putln(code.error_goto_if_neg(retcode_cname, pos))
+ code.funcstate.release_temp(retcode_cname)
+ else:
+ # Our entry had no previous value, so set to None when acquisition fails.
+ # In this case, auxiliary vars should be set up right in initialization to a zero-buffer,
+ # so it suffices to set the buf field to NULL.
+ code.putln('if (%s) {' % code.unlikely("%s == -1" % (getbuffer % rhs_cname)))
+ code.putln('%s = %s; __Pyx_INCREF(Py_None); %s.rcbuffer->pybuffer.buf = NULL;' %
+ (lhs_cname,
+ PyrexTypes.typecast(buffer_type, PyrexTypes.py_object_type, "Py_None"),
+ pybuffernd_struct))
+ code.putln(code.error_goto(pos))
+ code.put('} else {')
+ # Unpack indices
+ put_unpack_buffer_aux_into_scope(buf_entry, code)
+ code.putln('}')
+ code.putln("}") # Release stack
+def put_buffer_lookup_code(entry, index_signeds, index_cnames, directives,
+ pos, code, negative_indices, in_nogil_context):
+ """
+ Generates code to process indices and calculate an offset into
+ a buffer. Returns a C string which gives a pointer which can be
+ read from or written to at will (it is an expression so caller should
+ store it in a temporary if it is used more than once).
+ As the bounds checking can have any number of combinations of unsigned
+ arguments, smart optimizations etc. we insert it directly in the function
+ body. The lookup however is delegated to a inline function that is instantiated
+ once per ndim (lookup with suboffsets tend to get quite complicated).
+ entry is a BufferEntry
+ """
+ negative_indices = directives['wraparound'] and negative_indices
+ if directives['boundscheck']:
+ # Check bounds and fix negative indices.
+ # We allocate a temporary which is initialized to -1, meaning OK (!).
+ # If an error occurs, the temp is set to the index dimension the
+ # error is occurring at.
+ failed_dim_temp = code.funcstate.allocate_temp(PyrexTypes.c_int_type, manage_ref=False)
+ code.putln("%s = -1;" % failed_dim_temp)
+ for dim, (signed, cname, shape) in enumerate(zip(index_signeds, index_cnames, entry.get_buf_shapevars())):
+ if signed != 0:
+ # not unsigned, deal with negative index
+ code.putln("if (%s < 0) {" % cname)
+ if negative_indices:
+ code.putln("%s += %s;" % (cname, shape))
+ code.putln("if (%s) %s = %d;" % (
+ code.unlikely("%s < 0" % cname),
+ failed_dim_temp, dim))
+ else:
+ code.putln("%s = %d;" % (failed_dim_temp, dim))
+ code.put("} else ")
+ # check bounds in positive direction
+ if signed != 0:
+ cast = ""
+ else:
+ cast = "(size_t)"
+ code.putln("if (%s) %s = %d;" % (
+ code.unlikely("%s >= %s%s" % (cname, cast, shape)),
+ failed_dim_temp, dim))
+ if in_nogil_context:
+ code.globalstate.use_utility_code(raise_indexerror_nogil)
+ func = '__Pyx_RaiseBufferIndexErrorNogil'
+ else:
+ code.globalstate.use_utility_code(raise_indexerror_code)
+ func = '__Pyx_RaiseBufferIndexError'
+ code.putln("if (%s) {" % code.unlikely("%s != -1" % failed_dim_temp))
+ code.putln('%s(%s);' % (func, failed_dim_temp))
+ code.putln(code.error_goto(pos))
+ code.putln('}')
+ code.funcstate.release_temp(failed_dim_temp)
+ elif negative_indices:
+ # Only fix negative indices.
+ for signed, cname, shape in zip(index_signeds, index_cnames, entry.get_buf_shapevars()):
+ if signed != 0:
+ code.putln("if (%s < 0) %s += %s;" % (cname, cname, shape))
+ return entry.generate_buffer_lookup_code(code, index_cnames)
+def use_bufstruct_declare_code(env):
+ env.use_utility_code(buffer_struct_declare_code)
+def buf_lookup_full_code(proto, defin, name, nd):
+ """
+ Generates a buffer lookup function for the right number
+ of dimensions. The function gives back a void* at the right location.
+ """
+ # _i_ndex, _s_tride, sub_o_ffset
+ macroargs = ", ".join(["i%d, s%d, o%d" % (i, i, i) for i in range(nd)])
+ proto.putln("#define %s(type, buf, %s) (type)(%s_imp(buf, %s))" % (name, macroargs, name, macroargs))
+ funcargs = ", ".join(["Py_ssize_t i%d, Py_ssize_t s%d, Py_ssize_t o%d" % (i, i, i) for i in range(nd)])
+ proto.putln("static CYTHON_INLINE void* %s_imp(void* buf, %s);" % (name, funcargs))
+ defin.putln(dedent("""
+ static CYTHON_INLINE void* %s_imp(void* buf, %s) {
+ char* ptr = (char*)buf;
+ """) % (name, funcargs) + "".join([dedent("""\
+ ptr += s%d * i%d;
+ if (o%d >= 0) ptr = *((char**)ptr) + o%d;
+ """) % (i, i, i, i) for i in range(nd)]
+ ) + "\nreturn ptr;\n}")
+def buf_lookup_strided_code(proto, defin, name, nd):
+ """
+ Generates a buffer lookup function for the right number
+ of dimensions. The function gives back a void* at the right location.
+ """
+ # _i_ndex, _s_tride
+ args = ", ".join(["i%d, s%d" % (i, i) for i in range(nd)])
+ offset = " + ".join(["i%d * s%d" % (i, i) for i in range(nd)])
+ proto.putln("#define %s(type, buf, %s) (type)((char*)buf + %s)" % (name, args, offset))
+def buf_lookup_c_code(proto, defin, name, nd):
+ """
+ Similar to strided lookup, but can assume that the last dimension
+ doesn't need a multiplication as long as.
+ Still we keep the same signature for now.
+ """
+ if nd == 1:
+ proto.putln("#define %s(type, buf, i0, s0) ((type)buf + i0)" % name)
+ else:
+ args = ", ".join(["i%d, s%d" % (i, i) for i in range(nd)])
+ offset = " + ".join(["i%d * s%d" % (i, i) for i in range(nd - 1)])
+ proto.putln("#define %s(type, buf, %s) ((type)((char*)buf + %s) + i%d)" % (name, args, offset, nd - 1))
+def buf_lookup_fortran_code(proto, defin, name, nd):
+ """
+ Like C lookup, but the first index is optimized instead.
+ """
+ if nd == 1:
+ proto.putln("#define %s(type, buf, i0, s0) ((type)buf + i0)" % name)
+ else:
+ args = ", ".join(["i%d, s%d" % (i, i) for i in range(nd)])
+ offset = " + ".join(["i%d * s%d" % (i, i) for i in range(1, nd)])
+ proto.putln("#define %s(type, buf, %s) ((type)((char*)buf + %s) + i%d)" % (name, args, offset, 0))
+def use_py2_buffer_functions(env):
+ env.use_utility_code(GetAndReleaseBufferUtilityCode())
+class GetAndReleaseBufferUtilityCode(object):
+ # Emulation of PyObject_GetBuffer and PyBuffer_Release for Python 2.
+ # For >= 2.6 we do double mode -- use the new buffer interface on objects
+ # which has the right tp_flags set, but emulation otherwise.
+ requires = None
+ is_cython_utility = False
+ def __init__(self):
+ pass
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return isinstance(other, GetAndReleaseBufferUtilityCode)
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return 24342342
+ def get_tree(self, **kwargs): pass
+ def put_code(self, output):
+ code = output['utility_code_def']
+ proto_code = output['utility_code_proto']
+ env = output.module_node.scope
+ cython_scope = env.context.cython_scope
+ # Search all types for __getbuffer__ overloads
+ types = []
+ visited_scopes = set()
+ def find_buffer_types(scope):
+ if scope in visited_scopes:
+ return
+ visited_scopes.add(scope)
+ for m in scope.cimported_modules:
+ find_buffer_types(m)
+ for e in scope.type_entries:
+ if isinstance(e.utility_code_definition, CythonUtilityCode):
+ continue
+ t = e.type
+ if t.is_extension_type:
+ if scope is cython_scope and not e.used:
+ continue
+ release = get = None
+ for x in t.scope.pyfunc_entries:
+ if x.name == u"__getbuffer__": get = x.func_cname
+ elif x.name == u"__releasebuffer__": release = x.func_cname
+ if get:
+ types.append((t.typeptr_cname, get, release))
+ find_buffer_types(env)
+ util_code = TempitaUtilityCode.load(
+ "GetAndReleaseBuffer", from_file="Buffer.c",
+ context=dict(types=types))
+ proto = util_code.format_code(util_code.proto)
+ impl = util_code.format_code(
+ util_code.inject_string_constants(util_code.impl, output)[1])
+ proto_code.putln(proto)
+ code.putln(impl)
+def mangle_dtype_name(dtype):
+ # Use prefixes to separate user defined types from builtins
+ # (consider "typedef float unsigned_int")
+ if dtype.is_pyobject:
+ return "object"
+ elif dtype.is_ptr:
+ return "ptr"
+ else:
+ if dtype.is_typedef or dtype.is_struct_or_union:
+ prefix = "nn_"
+ else:
+ prefix = ""
+ return prefix + dtype.specialization_name()
+def get_type_information_cname(code, dtype, maxdepth=None):
+ """
+ Output the run-time type information (__Pyx_TypeInfo) for given dtype,
+ and return the name of the type info struct.
+ Structs with two floats of the same size are encoded as complex numbers.
+ One can separate between complex numbers declared as struct or with native
+ encoding by inspecting to see if the fields field of the type is
+ filled in.
+ """
+ namesuffix = mangle_dtype_name(dtype)
+ name = "__Pyx_TypeInfo_%s" % namesuffix
+ structinfo_name = "__Pyx_StructFields_%s" % namesuffix
+ if dtype.is_error: return "<error>"
+ # It's critical that walking the type info doesn't use more stack
+ # depth than dtype.struct_nesting_depth() returns, so use an assertion for this
+ if maxdepth is None: maxdepth = dtype.struct_nesting_depth()
+ if maxdepth <= 0:
+ assert False
+ if name not in code.globalstate.utility_codes:
+ code.globalstate.utility_codes.add(name)
+ typecode = code.globalstate['typeinfo']
+ arraysizes = []
+ if dtype.is_array:
+ while dtype.is_array:
+ arraysizes.append(dtype.size)
+ dtype = dtype.base_type
+ complex_possible = dtype.is_struct_or_union and dtype.can_be_complex()
+ declcode = dtype.empty_declaration_code()
+ if dtype.is_simple_buffer_dtype():
+ structinfo_name = "NULL"
+ elif dtype.is_struct:
+ struct_scope = dtype.scope
+ if dtype.is_const:
+ struct_scope = struct_scope.const_base_type_scope
+ # Must pre-call all used types in order not to recurse during utility code writing.
+ fields = struct_scope.var_entries
+ assert len(fields) > 0
+ types = [get_type_information_cname(code, f.type, maxdepth - 1)
+ for f in fields]
+ typecode.putln("static __Pyx_StructField %s[] = {" % structinfo_name, safe=True)
+ for f, typeinfo in zip(fields, types):
+ typecode.putln(' {&%s, "%s", offsetof(%s, %s)},' %
+ (typeinfo, f.name, dtype.empty_declaration_code(), f.cname), safe=True)
+ typecode.putln(' {NULL, NULL, 0}', safe=True)
+ typecode.putln("};", safe=True)
+ else:
+ assert False
+ rep = str(dtype)
+ flags = "0"
+ is_unsigned = "0"
+ if dtype is PyrexTypes.c_char_type:
+ is_unsigned = "IS_UNSIGNED(%s)" % declcode
+ typegroup = "'H'"
+ elif dtype.is_int:
+ is_unsigned = "IS_UNSIGNED(%s)" % declcode
+ typegroup = "%s ? 'U' : 'I'" % is_unsigned
+ elif complex_possible or dtype.is_complex:
+ typegroup = "'C'"
+ elif dtype.is_float:
+ typegroup = "'R'"
+ elif dtype.is_struct:
+ typegroup = "'S'"
+ if dtype.packed:
+ elif dtype.is_pyobject:
+ typegroup = "'O'"
+ else:
+ assert False, dtype
+ typeinfo = ('static __Pyx_TypeInfo %s = '
+ '{ "%s", %s, sizeof(%s), { %s }, %s, %s, %s, %s };')
+ tup = (name, rep, structinfo_name, declcode,
+ ', '.join([str(x) for x in arraysizes]) or '0', len(arraysizes),
+ typegroup, is_unsigned, flags)
+ typecode.putln(typeinfo % tup, safe=True)
+ return name
+def load_buffer_utility(util_code_name, context=None, **kwargs):
+ if context is None:
+ return UtilityCode.load(util_code_name, "Buffer.c", **kwargs)
+ else:
+ return TempitaUtilityCode.load(util_code_name, "Buffer.c", context=context, **kwargs)
+context = dict(max_dims=Options.buffer_max_dims)
+buffer_struct_declare_code = load_buffer_utility("BufferStructDeclare", context=context)
+buffer_formats_declare_code = load_buffer_utility("BufferFormatStructs")
+# Utility function to set the right exception
+# The caller should immediately goto_error
+raise_indexerror_code = load_buffer_utility("BufferIndexError")
+raise_indexerror_nogil = load_buffer_utility("BufferIndexErrorNogil")
+raise_buffer_fallback_code = load_buffer_utility("BufferFallbackError")
+acquire_utility_code = load_buffer_utility("BufferGetAndValidate", context=context)
+buffer_format_check_code = load_buffer_utility("BufferFormatCheck", context=context)
+# See utility code BufferFormatFromTypeInfo
+_typeinfo_to_format_code = load_buffer_utility("TypeInfoToFormat")