path: root/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp/absl/strings/internal/str_format/checker.h
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authorthegeorg <thegeorg@yandex-team.com>2023-03-05 12:50:38 +0300
committerthegeorg <thegeorg@yandex-team.com>2023-03-05 12:50:38 +0300
commitdc697e5cf6f0cd4d1ff44614a4b1c09a50583d94 (patch)
tree151bc18c91b9bb7e7b26791e4d49d387a43f798b /contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp/absl/strings/internal/str_format/checker.h
parentab17e559a95ccff2508caeca81d07daafaabf92b (diff)
Update contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp to 20230125.0
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp/absl/strings/internal/str_format/checker.h')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 287 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp/absl/strings/internal/str_format/checker.h b/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp/absl/strings/internal/str_format/checker.h
index 4fd19d13ae..eab6ab9d00 100644
--- a/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp/absl/strings/internal/str_format/checker.h
+++ b/contrib/restricted/abseil-cpp/absl/strings/internal/str_format/checker.h
@@ -15,8 +15,11 @@
+#include <algorithm>
#include "absl/base/attributes.h"
#include "absl/strings/internal/str_format/arg.h"
+#include "absl/strings/internal/str_format/constexpr_parser.h"
#include "absl/strings/internal/str_format/extension.h"
// Compile time check support for entry points.
@@ -36,297 +39,56 @@ namespace absl {
namespace str_format_internal {
-constexpr bool AllOf() { return true; }
-template <typename... T>
-constexpr bool AllOf(bool b, T... t) {
- return b && AllOf(t...);
-constexpr bool ContainsChar(const char* chars, char c) {
- return *chars == c || (*chars && ContainsChar(chars + 1, c));
-// A constexpr compatible list of Convs.
-struct ConvList {
- const FormatConversionCharSet* array;
- int count;
- // We do the bound check here to avoid having to do it on the callers.
- // Returning an empty FormatConversionCharSet has the same effect as
- // short circuiting because it will never match any conversion.
- constexpr FormatConversionCharSet operator[](int i) const {
- return i < count ? array[i] : FormatConversionCharSet{};
- }
- constexpr ConvList without_front() const {
- return count != 0 ? ConvList{array + 1, count - 1} : *this;
- }
-template <size_t count>
-struct ConvListT {
- // Make sure the array has size > 0.
- FormatConversionCharSet list[count ? count : 1];
-constexpr char GetChar(string_view str, size_t index) {
- return index < str.size() ? str[index] : char{};
-constexpr string_view ConsumeFront(string_view str, size_t len = 1) {
- return len <= str.size() ? string_view(str.data() + len, str.size() - len)
- : string_view();
-constexpr string_view ConsumeAnyOf(string_view format, const char* chars) {
- return ContainsChar(chars, GetChar(format, 0))
- ? ConsumeAnyOf(ConsumeFront(format), chars)
- : format;
-constexpr bool IsDigit(char c) { return c >= '0' && c <= '9'; }
-// Helper class for the ParseDigits function.
-// It encapsulates the two return values we need there.
-struct Integer {
- string_view format;
- int value;
- // If the next character is a '$', consume it.
- // Otherwise, make `this` an invalid positional argument.
- constexpr Integer ConsumePositionalDollar() const {
- return GetChar(format, 0) == '$' ? Integer{ConsumeFront(format), value}
- : Integer{format, 0};
- }
-constexpr Integer ParseDigits(string_view format, int value = 0) {
- return IsDigit(GetChar(format, 0))
- ? ParseDigits(ConsumeFront(format),
- 10 * value + GetChar(format, 0) - '0')
- : Integer{format, value};
-// Parse digits for a positional argument.
-// The parsing also consumes the '$'.
-constexpr Integer ParsePositional(string_view format) {
- return ParseDigits(format).ConsumePositionalDollar();
-// Parses a single conversion specifier.
-// See ConvParser::Run() for post conditions.
-class ConvParser {
- constexpr ConvParser SetFormat(string_view format) const {
- return ConvParser(format, args_, error_, arg_position_, is_positional_);
- }
- constexpr ConvParser SetArgs(ConvList args) const {
- return ConvParser(format_, args, error_, arg_position_, is_positional_);
- }
- constexpr ConvParser SetError(bool error) const {
- return ConvParser(format_, args_, error_ || error, arg_position_,
- is_positional_);
- }
- constexpr ConvParser SetArgPosition(int arg_position) const {
- return ConvParser(format_, args_, error_, arg_position, is_positional_);
- }
- // Consumes the next arg and verifies that it matches `conv`.
- // `error_` is set if there is no next arg or if it doesn't match `conv`.
- constexpr ConvParser ConsumeNextArg(char conv) const {
- return SetArgs(args_.without_front()).SetError(!Contains(args_[0], conv));
- }
- // Verify that positional argument `i.value` matches `conv`.
- // `error_` is set if `i.value` is not a valid argument or if it doesn't
- // match.
- constexpr ConvParser VerifyPositional(Integer i, char conv) const {
- return SetFormat(i.format).SetError(!Contains(args_[i.value - 1], conv));
- }
- // Parse the position of the arg and store it in `arg_position_`.
- constexpr ConvParser ParseArgPosition(Integer arg) const {
- return SetFormat(arg.format).SetArgPosition(arg.value);
- }
- // Consume the flags.
- constexpr ConvParser ParseFlags() const {
- return SetFormat(ConsumeAnyOf(format_, "-+ #0"));
- }
- // Consume the width.
- // If it is '*', we verify that it matches `args_`. `error_` is set if it
- // doesn't match.
- constexpr ConvParser ParseWidth() const {
- return IsDigit(GetChar(format_, 0))
- ? SetFormat(ParseDigits(format_).format)
- : GetChar(format_, 0) == '*'
- ? is_positional_
- ? VerifyPositional(
- ParsePositional(ConsumeFront(format_)), '*')
- : SetFormat(ConsumeFront(format_))
- .ConsumeNextArg('*')
- : *this;
- }
- // Consume the precision.
- // If it is '*', we verify that it matches `args_`. `error_` is set if it
- // doesn't match.
- constexpr ConvParser ParsePrecision() const {
- return GetChar(format_, 0) != '.'
- ? *this
- : GetChar(format_, 1) == '*'
- ? is_positional_
- ? VerifyPositional(
- ParsePositional(ConsumeFront(format_, 2)), '*')
- : SetFormat(ConsumeFront(format_, 2))
- .ConsumeNextArg('*')
- : SetFormat(ParseDigits(ConsumeFront(format_)).format);
- }
- // Consume the length characters.
- constexpr ConvParser ParseLength() const {
- return SetFormat(ConsumeAnyOf(format_, "lLhjztq"));
- }
- // Consume the conversion character and verify that it matches `args_`.
- // `error_` is set if it doesn't match.
- constexpr ConvParser ParseConversion() const {
- return is_positional_
- ? VerifyPositional({ConsumeFront(format_), arg_position_},
- GetChar(format_, 0))
- : ConsumeNextArg(GetChar(format_, 0))
- .SetFormat(ConsumeFront(format_));
- }
- constexpr ConvParser(string_view format, ConvList args, bool error,
- int arg_position, bool is_positional)
- : format_(format),
- args_(args),
- error_(error),
- arg_position_(arg_position),
- is_positional_(is_positional) {}
- public:
- constexpr ConvParser(string_view format, ConvList args, bool is_positional)
- : format_(format),
- args_(args),
- error_(false),
- arg_position_(0),
- is_positional_(is_positional) {}
- // Consume the whole conversion specifier.
- // `format()` will be set to the character after the conversion character.
- // `error()` will be set if any of the arguments do not match.
- constexpr ConvParser Run() const {
- return (is_positional_ ? ParseArgPosition(ParsePositional(format_)) : *this)
- .ParseFlags()
- .ParseWidth()
- .ParsePrecision()
- .ParseLength()
- .ParseConversion();
- }
- constexpr string_view format() const { return format_; }
- constexpr ConvList args() const { return args_; }
- constexpr bool error() const { return error_; }
- constexpr bool is_positional() const { return is_positional_; }
- private:
- string_view format_;
- // Current list of arguments. If we are not in positional mode we will consume
- // from the front.
- ConvList args_;
- bool error_;
- // Holds the argument position of the conversion character, if we are in
- // positional mode. Otherwise, it is unspecified.
- int arg_position_;
- // Whether we are in positional mode.
- // It changes the behavior of '*' and where to find the converted argument.
- bool is_positional_;
-// Parses a whole format expression.
-// See FormatParser::Run().
-class FormatParser {
- static constexpr bool FoundPercent(string_view format) {
- return format.empty() ||
- (GetChar(format, 0) == '%' && GetChar(format, 1) != '%');
- }
- // We use an inner function to increase the recursion limit.
- // The inner function consumes up to `limit` characters on every run.
- // This increases the limit from 512 to ~512*limit.
- static constexpr string_view ConsumeNonPercentInner(string_view format,
- int limit = 20) {
- return FoundPercent(format) || !limit
- ? format
- : ConsumeNonPercentInner(
- ConsumeFront(format, GetChar(format, 0) == '%' &&
- GetChar(format, 1) == '%'
- ? 2
- : 1),
- limit - 1);
- }
- // Consume characters until the next conversion spec %.
- // It skips %%.
- static constexpr string_view ConsumeNonPercent(string_view format) {
- return FoundPercent(format)
- ? format
- : ConsumeNonPercent(ConsumeNonPercentInner(format));
- }
- static constexpr bool IsPositional(string_view format) {
- return IsDigit(GetChar(format, 0)) ? IsPositional(ConsumeFront(format))
- : GetChar(format, 0) == '$';
- }
- constexpr bool RunImpl(bool is_positional) const {
- // In non-positional mode we require all arguments to be consumed.
- // In positional mode just reaching the end of the format without errors is
- // enough.
- return (format_.empty() && (is_positional || args_.count == 0)) ||
- (!format_.empty() &&
- ValidateArg(
- ConvParser(ConsumeFront(format_), args_, is_positional).Run()));
- }
- constexpr bool ValidateArg(ConvParser conv) const {
- return !conv.error() && FormatParser(conv.format(), conv.args())
- .RunImpl(conv.is_positional());
- }
- public:
- constexpr FormatParser(string_view format, ConvList args)
- : format_(ConsumeNonPercent(format)), args_(args) {}
- // Runs the parser for `format` and `args`.
- // It verifies that the format is valid and that all conversion specifiers
- // match the arguments passed.
- // In non-positional mode it also verfies that all arguments are consumed.
- constexpr bool Run() const {
- return RunImpl(!format_.empty() && IsPositional(ConsumeFront(format_)));
- }
- private:
- string_view format_;
- // Current list of arguments.
- // If we are not in positional mode we will consume from the front and will
- // have to be empty in the end.
- ConvList args_;
template <FormatConversionCharSet... C>
constexpr bool ValidFormatImpl(string_view format) {
- return FormatParser(format,
- {ConvListT<sizeof...(C)>{{C...}}.list, sizeof...(C)})
- .Run();
+ int next_arg = 0;
+ const char* p = format.data();
+ const char* const end = p + format.size();
+ constexpr FormatConversionCharSet
+ kAllowedConvs[(std::max)(sizeof...(C), size_t{1})] = {C...};
+ bool used[(std::max)(sizeof...(C), size_t{1})]{};
+ constexpr int kNumArgs = sizeof...(C);
+ while (p != end) {
+ while (p != end && *p != '%') ++p;
+ if (p == end) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (p + 1 >= end) return false;
+ if (p[1] == '%') {
+ // %%
+ p += 2;
+ continue;
+ }
+ UnboundConversion conv(absl::kConstInit);
+ p = ConsumeUnboundConversion(p + 1, end, &conv, &next_arg);
+ if (p == nullptr) return false;
+ if (conv.arg_position <= 0 || conv.arg_position > kNumArgs) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!Contains(kAllowedConvs[conv.arg_position - 1], conv.conv)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ used[conv.arg_position - 1] = true;
+ for (auto extra : {conv.width, conv.precision}) {
+ if (extra.is_from_arg()) {
+ int pos = extra.get_from_arg();
+ if (pos <= 0 || pos > kNumArgs) return false;
+ used[pos - 1] = true;
+ if (!Contains(kAllowedConvs[pos - 1], '*')) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (sizeof...(C) != 0) {
+ for (bool b : used) {
+ if (!b) return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;