path: root/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib
diff options
authoralexv-smirnov <alex@ydb.tech>2023-12-01 12:02:50 +0300
committeralexv-smirnov <alex@ydb.tech>2023-12-01 13:28:10 +0300
commit0e578a4c44d4abd539d9838347b9ebafaca41dfb (patch)
treea0c1969c37f818c830ebeff9c077eacf30be6ef8 /contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib
parent84f2d3d4cc985e63217cff149bd2e6d67ae6fe22 (diff)
Change "ya.make"
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib')
15 files changed, 1351 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/__init__.py b/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0d3e49f991
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+import logging
+from .oauth1_auth import OAuth1
+from .oauth1_session import OAuth1Session
+from .oauth2_auth import OAuth2
+from .oauth2_session import OAuth2Session, TokenUpdated
+__version__ = "1.3.1"
+import requests
+if requests.__version__ < "2.0.0":
+ msg = (
+ "You are using requests version %s, which is older than "
+ "requests-oauthlib expects, please upgrade to 2.0.0 or later."
+ )
+ raise Warning(msg % requests.__version__)
diff --git a/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/compliance_fixes/__init__.py b/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/compliance_fixes/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e8e3ac84f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/compliance_fixes/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from .facebook import facebook_compliance_fix
+from .fitbit import fitbit_compliance_fix
+from .slack import slack_compliance_fix
+from .instagram import instagram_compliance_fix
+from .mailchimp import mailchimp_compliance_fix
+from .weibo import weibo_compliance_fix
+from .plentymarkets import plentymarkets_compliance_fix
+from .ebay import ebay_compliance_fix
diff --git a/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/compliance_fixes/douban.py b/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/compliance_fixes/douban.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ecc57b0818
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/compliance_fixes/douban.py
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+import json
+from oauthlib.common import to_unicode
+def douban_compliance_fix(session):
+ def fix_token_type(r):
+ token = json.loads(r.text)
+ token.setdefault("token_type", "Bearer")
+ fixed_token = json.dumps(token)
+ r._content = to_unicode(fixed_token).encode("utf-8")
+ return r
+ session._client_default_token_placement = "query"
+ session.register_compliance_hook("access_token_response", fix_token_type)
+ return session
diff --git a/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/compliance_fixes/ebay.py b/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/compliance_fixes/ebay.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4aa423b3fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/compliance_fixes/ebay.py
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import json
+from oauthlib.common import to_unicode
+def ebay_compliance_fix(session):
+ def _compliance_fix(response):
+ token = json.loads(response.text)
+ # eBay responds with non-compliant token types.
+ # https://developer.ebay.com/api-docs/static/oauth-client-credentials-grant.html
+ # https://developer.ebay.com/api-docs/static/oauth-auth-code-grant-request.html
+ # Modify these to be "Bearer".
+ if token.get("token_type") in ["Application Access Token", "User Access Token"]:
+ token["token_type"] = "Bearer"
+ fixed_token = json.dumps(token)
+ response._content = to_unicode(fixed_token).encode("utf-8")
+ return response
+ session.register_compliance_hook("access_token_response", _compliance_fix)
+ session.register_compliance_hook("refresh_token_response", _compliance_fix)
+ return session
diff --git a/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/compliance_fixes/facebook.py b/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/compliance_fixes/facebook.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..90e7921272
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/compliance_fixes/facebook.py
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+from json import dumps
+ from urlparse import parse_qsl
+except ImportError:
+ from urllib.parse import parse_qsl
+from oauthlib.common import to_unicode
+def facebook_compliance_fix(session):
+ def _compliance_fix(r):
+ # if Facebook claims to be sending us json, let's trust them.
+ if "application/json" in r.headers.get("content-type", {}):
+ return r
+ # Facebook returns a content-type of text/plain when sending their
+ # x-www-form-urlencoded responses, along with a 200. If not, let's
+ # assume we're getting JSON and bail on the fix.
+ if "text/plain" in r.headers.get("content-type", {}) and r.status_code == 200:
+ token = dict(parse_qsl(r.text, keep_blank_values=True))
+ else:
+ return r
+ expires = token.get("expires")
+ if expires is not None:
+ token["expires_in"] = expires
+ token["token_type"] = "Bearer"
+ r._content = to_unicode(dumps(token)).encode("UTF-8")
+ return r
+ session.register_compliance_hook("access_token_response", _compliance_fix)
+ return session
diff --git a/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/compliance_fixes/fitbit.py b/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/compliance_fixes/fitbit.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e62702401
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/compliance_fixes/fitbit.py
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+The Fitbit API breaks from the OAuth2 RFC standard by returning an "errors"
+object list, rather than a single "error" string. This puts hooks in place so
+that oauthlib can process an error in the results from access token and refresh
+token responses. This is necessary to prevent getting the generic red herring
+from json import loads, dumps
+from oauthlib.common import to_unicode
+def fitbit_compliance_fix(session):
+ def _missing_error(r):
+ token = loads(r.text)
+ if "errors" in token:
+ # Set the error to the first one we have
+ token["error"] = token["errors"][0]["errorType"]
+ r._content = to_unicode(dumps(token)).encode("UTF-8")
+ return r
+ session.register_compliance_hook("access_token_response", _missing_error)
+ session.register_compliance_hook("refresh_token_response", _missing_error)
+ return session
diff --git a/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/compliance_fixes/instagram.py b/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/compliance_fixes/instagram.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4e07fe08b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/compliance_fixes/instagram.py
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+ from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qs
+except ImportError:
+ from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs
+from oauthlib.common import add_params_to_uri
+def instagram_compliance_fix(session):
+ def _non_compliant_param_name(url, headers, data):
+ # If the user has already specified the token in the URL
+ # then there's nothing to do.
+ # If the specified token is different from ``session.access_token``,
+ # we assume the user intends to override the access token.
+ url_query = dict(parse_qs(urlparse(url).query))
+ token = url_query.get("access_token")
+ if token:
+ # Nothing to do, just return.
+ return url, headers, data
+ token = [("access_token", session.access_token)]
+ url = add_params_to_uri(url, token)
+ return url, headers, data
+ session.register_compliance_hook("protected_request", _non_compliant_param_name)
+ return session
diff --git a/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/compliance_fixes/mailchimp.py b/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/compliance_fixes/mailchimp.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c69ce9fdae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/compliance_fixes/mailchimp.py
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+import json
+from oauthlib.common import to_unicode
+def mailchimp_compliance_fix(session):
+ def _null_scope(r):
+ token = json.loads(r.text)
+ if "scope" in token and token["scope"] is None:
+ token.pop("scope")
+ r._content = to_unicode(json.dumps(token)).encode("utf-8")
+ return r
+ def _non_zero_expiration(r):
+ token = json.loads(r.text)
+ if "expires_in" in token and token["expires_in"] == 0:
+ token["expires_in"] = 3600
+ r._content = to_unicode(json.dumps(token)).encode("utf-8")
+ return r
+ session.register_compliance_hook("access_token_response", _null_scope)
+ session.register_compliance_hook("access_token_response", _non_zero_expiration)
+ return session
diff --git a/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/compliance_fixes/plentymarkets.py b/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/compliance_fixes/plentymarkets.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f605f058c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/compliance_fixes/plentymarkets.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+from json import dumps, loads
+import re
+from oauthlib.common import to_unicode
+def plentymarkets_compliance_fix(session):
+ def _to_snake_case(n):
+ return re.sub("(.)([A-Z][a-z]+)", r"\1_\2", n).lower()
+ def _compliance_fix(r):
+ # Plenty returns the Token in CamelCase instead of _
+ if (
+ "application/json" in r.headers.get("content-type", {})
+ and r.status_code == 200
+ ):
+ token = loads(r.text)
+ else:
+ return r
+ fixed_token = {}
+ for k, v in token.items():
+ fixed_token[_to_snake_case(k)] = v
+ r._content = to_unicode(dumps(fixed_token)).encode("UTF-8")
+ return r
+ session.register_compliance_hook("access_token_response", _compliance_fix)
+ return session
diff --git a/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/compliance_fixes/slack.py b/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/compliance_fixes/slack.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f574b03ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/compliance_fixes/slack.py
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ from urlparse import urlparse, parse_qs
+except ImportError:
+ from urllib.parse import urlparse, parse_qs
+from oauthlib.common import add_params_to_uri
+def slack_compliance_fix(session):
+ def _non_compliant_param_name(url, headers, data):
+ # If the user has already specified the token, either in the URL
+ # or in a data dictionary, then there's nothing to do.
+ # If the specified token is different from ``session.access_token``,
+ # we assume the user intends to override the access token.
+ url_query = dict(parse_qs(urlparse(url).query))
+ token = url_query.get("token")
+ if not token and isinstance(data, dict):
+ token = data.get("token")
+ if token:
+ # Nothing to do, just return.
+ return url, headers, data
+ if not data:
+ data = {"token": session.access_token}
+ elif isinstance(data, dict):
+ data["token"] = session.access_token
+ else:
+ # ``data`` is something other than a dict: maybe a stream,
+ # maybe a file object, maybe something else. We can't easily
+ # modify it, so we'll set the token by modifying the URL instead.
+ token = [("token", session.access_token)]
+ url = add_params_to_uri(url, token)
+ return url, headers, data
+ session.register_compliance_hook("protected_request", _non_compliant_param_name)
+ return session
diff --git a/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/compliance_fixes/weibo.py b/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/compliance_fixes/weibo.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6733abeb15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/compliance_fixes/weibo.py
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+from json import loads, dumps
+from oauthlib.common import to_unicode
+def weibo_compliance_fix(session):
+ def _missing_token_type(r):
+ token = loads(r.text)
+ token["token_type"] = "Bearer"
+ r._content = to_unicode(dumps(token)).encode("UTF-8")
+ return r
+ session._client.default_token_placement = "query"
+ session.register_compliance_hook("access_token_response", _missing_token_type)
+ return session
diff --git a/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/oauth1_auth.py b/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/oauth1_auth.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cfbbd5902c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/oauth1_auth.py
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import logging
+from oauthlib.common import extract_params
+from oauthlib.oauth1 import Client, SIGNATURE_HMAC, SIGNATURE_TYPE_AUTH_HEADER
+from oauthlib.oauth1 import SIGNATURE_TYPE_BODY
+from requests.compat import is_py3
+from requests.utils import to_native_string
+from requests.auth import AuthBase
+CONTENT_TYPE_FORM_URLENCODED = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
+CONTENT_TYPE_MULTI_PART = "multipart/form-data"
+if is_py3:
+ unicode = str
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+# OBS!: Correct signing of requests are conditional on invoking OAuth1
+# as the last step of preparing a request, or at least having the
+# content-type set properly.
+class OAuth1(AuthBase):
+ """Signs the request using OAuth 1 (RFC5849)"""
+ client_class = Client
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ client_key,
+ client_secret=None,
+ resource_owner_key=None,
+ resource_owner_secret=None,
+ callback_uri=None,
+ signature_method=SIGNATURE_HMAC,
+ rsa_key=None,
+ verifier=None,
+ decoding="utf-8",
+ client_class=None,
+ force_include_body=False,
+ **kwargs
+ ):
+ try:
+ signature_type = signature_type.upper()
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ client_class = client_class or self.client_class
+ self.force_include_body = force_include_body
+ self.client = client_class(
+ client_key,
+ client_secret,
+ resource_owner_key,
+ resource_owner_secret,
+ callback_uri,
+ signature_method,
+ signature_type,
+ rsa_key,
+ verifier,
+ decoding=decoding,
+ **kwargs
+ )
+ def __call__(self, r):
+ """Add OAuth parameters to the request.
+ Parameters may be included from the body if the content-type is
+ urlencoded, if no content type is set a guess is made.
+ """
+ # Overwriting url is safe here as request will not modify it past
+ # this point.
+ log.debug("Signing request %s using client %s", r, self.client)
+ content_type = r.headers.get("Content-Type", "")
+ if (
+ not content_type
+ and extract_params(r.body)
+ or self.client.signature_type == SIGNATURE_TYPE_BODY
+ ):
+ if not isinstance(content_type, unicode):
+ content_type = content_type.decode("utf-8")
+ is_form_encoded = CONTENT_TYPE_FORM_URLENCODED in content_type
+ log.debug(
+ "Including body in call to sign: %s",
+ is_form_encoded or self.force_include_body,
+ )
+ if is_form_encoded:
+ r.headers["Content-Type"] = CONTENT_TYPE_FORM_URLENCODED
+ r.url, headers, r.body = self.client.sign(
+ unicode(r.url), unicode(r.method), r.body or "", r.headers
+ )
+ elif self.force_include_body:
+ # To allow custom clients to work on non form encoded bodies.
+ r.url, headers, r.body = self.client.sign(
+ unicode(r.url), unicode(r.method), r.body or "", r.headers
+ )
+ else:
+ # Omit body data in the signing of non form-encoded requests
+ r.url, headers, _ = self.client.sign(
+ unicode(r.url), unicode(r.method), None, r.headers
+ )
+ r.prepare_headers(headers)
+ r.url = to_native_string(r.url)
+ log.debug("Updated url: %s", r.url)
+ log.debug("Updated headers: %s", headers)
+ log.debug("Updated body: %r", r.body)
+ return r
diff --git a/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/oauth1_session.py b/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/oauth1_session.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..88f2853ca0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/oauth1_session.py
@@ -0,0 +1,400 @@
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+ from urlparse import urlparse
+except ImportError:
+ from urllib.parse import urlparse
+import logging
+from oauthlib.common import add_params_to_uri
+from oauthlib.common import urldecode as _urldecode
+import requests
+from . import OAuth1
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def urldecode(body):
+ """Parse query or json to python dictionary"""
+ try:
+ return _urldecode(body)
+ except Exception:
+ import json
+ return json.loads(body)
+class TokenRequestDenied(ValueError):
+ def __init__(self, message, response):
+ super(TokenRequestDenied, self).__init__(message)
+ self.response = response
+ @property
+ def status_code(self):
+ """For backwards-compatibility purposes"""
+ return self.response.status_code
+class TokenMissing(ValueError):
+ def __init__(self, message, response):
+ super(TokenMissing, self).__init__(message)
+ self.response = response
+class VerifierMissing(ValueError):
+ pass
+class OAuth1Session(requests.Session):
+ """Request signing and convenience methods for the oauth dance.
+ What is the difference between OAuth1Session and OAuth1?
+ OAuth1Session actually uses OAuth1 internally and its purpose is to assist
+ in the OAuth workflow through convenience methods to prepare authorization
+ URLs and parse the various token and redirection responses. It also provide
+ rudimentary validation of responses.
+ An example of the OAuth workflow using a basic CLI app and Twitter.
+ >>> # Credentials obtained during the registration.
+ >>> client_key = 'client key'
+ >>> client_secret = 'secret'
+ >>> callback_uri = ''
+ >>>
+ >>> # Endpoints found in the OAuth provider API documentation
+ >>> request_token_url = 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token'
+ >>> authorization_url = 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize'
+ >>> access_token_url = 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token'
+ >>>
+ >>> oauth_session = OAuth1Session(client_key,client_secret=client_secret, callback_uri=callback_uri)
+ >>>
+ >>> # First step, fetch the request token.
+ >>> oauth_session.fetch_request_token(request_token_url)
+ {
+ 'oauth_token': 'kjerht2309u',
+ 'oauth_token_secret': 'lsdajfh923874',
+ }
+ >>>
+ >>> # Second step. Follow this link and authorize
+ >>> oauth_session.authorization_url(authorization_url)
+ 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize?oauth_token=sdf0o9823sjdfsdf&oauth_callback=https%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%2Fcallback'
+ >>>
+ >>> # Third step. Fetch the access token
+ >>> redirect_response = raw_input('Paste the full redirect URL here.')
+ >>> oauth_session.parse_authorization_response(redirect_response)
+ {
+ 'oauth_token: 'kjerht2309u',
+ 'oauth_token_secret: 'lsdajfh923874',
+ 'oauth_verifier: 'w34o8967345',
+ }
+ >>> oauth_session.fetch_access_token(access_token_url)
+ {
+ 'oauth_token': 'sdf0o9823sjdfsdf',
+ 'oauth_token_secret': '2kjshdfp92i34asdasd',
+ }
+ >>> # Done. You can now make OAuth requests.
+ >>> status_url = 'http://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/update.json'
+ >>> new_status = {'status': 'hello world!'}
+ >>> oauth_session.post(status_url, data=new_status)
+ <Response [200]>
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ client_key,
+ client_secret=None,
+ resource_owner_key=None,
+ resource_owner_secret=None,
+ callback_uri=None,
+ signature_method=SIGNATURE_HMAC,
+ rsa_key=None,
+ verifier=None,
+ client_class=None,
+ force_include_body=False,
+ **kwargs
+ ):
+ """Construct the OAuth 1 session.
+ :param client_key: A client specific identifier.
+ :param client_secret: A client specific secret used to create HMAC and
+ plaintext signatures.
+ :param resource_owner_key: A resource owner key, also referred to as
+ request token or access token depending on
+ when in the workflow it is used.
+ :param resource_owner_secret: A resource owner secret obtained with
+ either a request or access token. Often
+ referred to as token secret.
+ :param callback_uri: The URL the user is redirect back to after
+ authorization.
+ :param signature_method: Signature methods determine how the OAuth
+ signature is created. The three options are
+ oauthlib.oauth1.SIGNATURE_HMAC (default),
+ oauthlib.oauth1.SIGNATURE_RSA and
+ oauthlib.oauth1.SIGNATURE_PLAIN.
+ :param signature_type: Signature type decides where the OAuth
+ parameters are added. Either in the
+ Authorization header (default) or to the URL
+ query parameters or the request body. Defined as
+ oauthlib.oauth1.SIGNATURE_TYPE_QUERY and
+ oauthlib.oauth1.SIGNATURE_TYPE_BODY
+ respectively.
+ :param rsa_key: The private RSA key as a string. Can only be used with
+ signature_method=oauthlib.oauth1.SIGNATURE_RSA.
+ :param verifier: A verifier string to prove authorization was granted.
+ :param client_class: A subclass of `oauthlib.oauth1.Client` to use with
+ `requests_oauthlib.OAuth1` instead of the default
+ :param force_include_body: Always include the request body in the
+ signature creation.
+ :param **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments passed to `OAuth1`
+ """
+ super(OAuth1Session, self).__init__()
+ self._client = OAuth1(
+ client_key,
+ client_secret=client_secret,
+ resource_owner_key=resource_owner_key,
+ resource_owner_secret=resource_owner_secret,
+ callback_uri=callback_uri,
+ signature_method=signature_method,
+ signature_type=signature_type,
+ rsa_key=rsa_key,
+ verifier=verifier,
+ client_class=client_class,
+ force_include_body=force_include_body,
+ **kwargs
+ )
+ self.auth = self._client
+ @property
+ def token(self):
+ oauth_token = self._client.client.resource_owner_key
+ oauth_token_secret = self._client.client.resource_owner_secret
+ oauth_verifier = self._client.client.verifier
+ token_dict = {}
+ if oauth_token:
+ token_dict["oauth_token"] = oauth_token
+ if oauth_token_secret:
+ token_dict["oauth_token_secret"] = oauth_token_secret
+ if oauth_verifier:
+ token_dict["oauth_verifier"] = oauth_verifier
+ return token_dict
+ @token.setter
+ def token(self, value):
+ self._populate_attributes(value)
+ @property
+ def authorized(self):
+ """Boolean that indicates whether this session has an OAuth token
+ or not. If `self.authorized` is True, you can reasonably expect
+ OAuth-protected requests to the resource to succeed. If
+ `self.authorized` is False, you need the user to go through the OAuth
+ authentication dance before OAuth-protected requests to the resource
+ will succeed.
+ """
+ if self._client.client.signature_method == SIGNATURE_RSA:
+ # RSA only uses resource_owner_key
+ return bool(self._client.client.resource_owner_key)
+ else:
+ # other methods of authentication use all three pieces
+ return (
+ bool(self._client.client.client_secret)
+ and bool(self._client.client.resource_owner_key)
+ and bool(self._client.client.resource_owner_secret)
+ )
+ def authorization_url(self, url, request_token=None, **kwargs):
+ """Create an authorization URL by appending request_token and optional
+ kwargs to url.
+ This is the second step in the OAuth 1 workflow. The user should be
+ redirected to this authorization URL, grant access to you, and then
+ be redirected back to you. The redirection back can either be specified
+ during client registration or by supplying a callback URI per request.
+ :param url: The authorization endpoint URL.
+ :param request_token: The previously obtained request token.
+ :param kwargs: Optional parameters to append to the URL.
+ :returns: The authorization URL with new parameters embedded.
+ An example using a registered default callback URI.
+ >>> request_token_url = 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token'
+ >>> authorization_url = 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize'
+ >>> oauth_session = OAuth1Session('client-key', client_secret='secret')
+ >>> oauth_session.fetch_request_token(request_token_url)
+ {
+ 'oauth_token': 'sdf0o9823sjdfsdf',
+ 'oauth_token_secret': '2kjshdfp92i34asdasd',
+ }
+ >>> oauth_session.authorization_url(authorization_url)
+ 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize?oauth_token=sdf0o9823sjdfsdf'
+ >>> oauth_session.authorization_url(authorization_url, foo='bar')
+ 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize?oauth_token=sdf0o9823sjdfsdf&foo=bar'
+ An example using an explicit callback URI.
+ >>> request_token_url = 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token'
+ >>> authorization_url = 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize'
+ >>> oauth_session = OAuth1Session('client-key', client_secret='secret', callback_uri='')
+ >>> oauth_session.fetch_request_token(request_token_url)
+ {
+ 'oauth_token': 'sdf0o9823sjdfsdf',
+ 'oauth_token_secret': '2kjshdfp92i34asdasd',
+ }
+ >>> oauth_session.authorization_url(authorization_url)
+ 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/authorize?oauth_token=sdf0o9823sjdfsdf&oauth_callback=https%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%2Fcallback'
+ """
+ kwargs["oauth_token"] = request_token or self._client.client.resource_owner_key
+ log.debug("Adding parameters %s to url %s", kwargs, url)
+ return add_params_to_uri(url, kwargs.items())
+ def fetch_request_token(self, url, realm=None, **request_kwargs):
+ r"""Fetch a request token.
+ This is the first step in the OAuth 1 workflow. A request token is
+ obtained by making a signed post request to url. The token is then
+ parsed from the application/x-www-form-urlencoded response and ready
+ to be used to construct an authorization url.
+ :param url: The request token endpoint URL.
+ :param realm: A list of realms to request access to.
+ :param \*\*request_kwargs: Optional arguments passed to ''post''
+ function in ''requests.Session''
+ :returns: The response in dict format.
+ Note that a previously set callback_uri will be reset for your
+ convenience, or else signature creation will be incorrect on
+ consecutive requests.
+ >>> request_token_url = 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token'
+ >>> oauth_session = OAuth1Session('client-key', client_secret='secret')
+ >>> oauth_session.fetch_request_token(request_token_url)
+ {
+ 'oauth_token': 'sdf0o9823sjdfsdf',
+ 'oauth_token_secret': '2kjshdfp92i34asdasd',
+ }
+ """
+ self._client.client.realm = " ".join(realm) if realm else None
+ token = self._fetch_token(url, **request_kwargs)
+ log.debug("Resetting callback_uri and realm (not needed in next phase).")
+ self._client.client.callback_uri = None
+ self._client.client.realm = None
+ return token
+ def fetch_access_token(self, url, verifier=None, **request_kwargs):
+ """Fetch an access token.
+ This is the final step in the OAuth 1 workflow. An access token is
+ obtained using all previously obtained credentials, including the
+ verifier from the authorization step.
+ Note that a previously set verifier will be reset for your
+ convenience, or else signature creation will be incorrect on
+ consecutive requests.
+ >>> access_token_url = 'https://api.twitter.com/oauth/access_token'
+ >>> redirect_response = ''
+ >>> oauth_session = OAuth1Session('client-key', client_secret='secret')
+ >>> oauth_session.parse_authorization_response(redirect_response)
+ {
+ 'oauth_token: 'kjerht2309u',
+ 'oauth_token_secret: 'lsdajfh923874',
+ 'oauth_verifier: 'w34o8967345',
+ }
+ >>> oauth_session.fetch_access_token(access_token_url)
+ {
+ 'oauth_token': 'sdf0o9823sjdfsdf',
+ 'oauth_token_secret': '2kjshdfp92i34asdasd',
+ }
+ """
+ if verifier:
+ self._client.client.verifier = verifier
+ if not getattr(self._client.client, "verifier", None):
+ raise VerifierMissing("No client verifier has been set.")
+ token = self._fetch_token(url, **request_kwargs)
+ log.debug("Resetting verifier attribute, should not be used anymore.")
+ self._client.client.verifier = None
+ return token
+ def parse_authorization_response(self, url):
+ """Extract parameters from the post authorization redirect response URL.
+ :param url: The full URL that resulted from the user being redirected
+ back from the OAuth provider to you, the client.
+ :returns: A dict of parameters extracted from the URL.
+ >>> redirect_response = ''
+ >>> oauth_session = OAuth1Session('client-key', client_secret='secret')
+ >>> oauth_session.parse_authorization_response(redirect_response)
+ {
+ 'oauth_token: 'kjerht2309u',
+ 'oauth_token_secret: 'lsdajfh923874',
+ 'oauth_verifier: 'w34o8967345',
+ }
+ """
+ log.debug("Parsing token from query part of url %s", url)
+ token = dict(urldecode(urlparse(url).query))
+ log.debug("Updating internal client token attribute.")
+ self._populate_attributes(token)
+ self.token = token
+ return token
+ def _populate_attributes(self, token):
+ if "oauth_token" in token:
+ self._client.client.resource_owner_key = token["oauth_token"]
+ else:
+ raise TokenMissing(
+ "Response does not contain a token: {resp}".format(resp=token), token
+ )
+ if "oauth_token_secret" in token:
+ self._client.client.resource_owner_secret = token["oauth_token_secret"]
+ if "oauth_verifier" in token:
+ self._client.client.verifier = token["oauth_verifier"]
+ def _fetch_token(self, url, **request_kwargs):
+ log.debug("Fetching token from %s using client %s", url, self._client.client)
+ r = self.post(url, **request_kwargs)
+ if r.status_code >= 400:
+ error = "Token request failed with code %s, response was '%s'."
+ raise TokenRequestDenied(error % (r.status_code, r.text), r)
+ log.debug('Decoding token from response "%s"', r.text)
+ try:
+ token = dict(urldecode(r.text.strip()))
+ except ValueError as e:
+ error = (
+ "Unable to decode token from token response. "
+ "This is commonly caused by an unsuccessful request where"
+ " a non urlencoded error message is returned. "
+ "The decoding error was %s"
+ "" % e
+ )
+ raise ValueError(error)
+ log.debug("Obtained token %s", token)
+ log.debug("Updating internal client attributes from token data.")
+ self._populate_attributes(token)
+ self.token = token
+ return token
+ def rebuild_auth(self, prepared_request, response):
+ """
+ When being redirected we should always strip Authorization
+ header, since nonce may not be reused as per OAuth spec.
+ """
+ if "Authorization" in prepared_request.headers:
+ # If we get redirected to a new host, we should strip out
+ # any authentication headers.
+ prepared_request.headers.pop("Authorization", True)
+ prepared_request.prepare_auth(self.auth)
+ return
diff --git a/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/oauth2_auth.py b/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/oauth2_auth.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b880f72f58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/oauth2_auth.py
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from oauthlib.oauth2 import WebApplicationClient, InsecureTransportError
+from oauthlib.oauth2 import is_secure_transport
+from requests.auth import AuthBase
+class OAuth2(AuthBase):
+ """Adds proof of authorization (OAuth2 token) to the request."""
+ def __init__(self, client_id=None, client=None, token=None):
+ """Construct a new OAuth 2 authorization object.
+ :param client_id: Client id obtained during registration
+ :param client: :class:`oauthlib.oauth2.Client` to be used. Default is
+ WebApplicationClient which is useful for any
+ hosted application but not mobile or desktop.
+ :param token: Token dictionary, must include access_token
+ and token_type.
+ """
+ self._client = client or WebApplicationClient(client_id, token=token)
+ if token:
+ for k, v in token.items():
+ setattr(self._client, k, v)
+ def __call__(self, r):
+ """Append an OAuth 2 token to the request.
+ Note that currently HTTPS is required for all requests. There may be
+ a token type that allows for plain HTTP in the future and then this
+ should be updated to allow plain HTTP on a white list basis.
+ """
+ if not is_secure_transport(r.url):
+ raise InsecureTransportError()
+ r.url, r.headers, r.body = self._client.add_token(
+ r.url, http_method=r.method, body=r.body, headers=r.headers
+ )
+ return r
diff --git a/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/oauth2_session.py b/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/oauth2_session.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db4468089b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/requests-oauthlib/requests_oauthlib/oauth2_session.py
@@ -0,0 +1,540 @@
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import logging
+from oauthlib.common import generate_token, urldecode
+from oauthlib.oauth2 import WebApplicationClient, InsecureTransportError
+from oauthlib.oauth2 import LegacyApplicationClient
+from oauthlib.oauth2 import TokenExpiredError, is_secure_transport
+import requests
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class TokenUpdated(Warning):
+ def __init__(self, token):
+ super(TokenUpdated, self).__init__()
+ self.token = token
+class OAuth2Session(requests.Session):
+ """Versatile OAuth 2 extension to :class:`requests.Session`.
+ Supports any grant type adhering to :class:`oauthlib.oauth2.Client` spec
+ including the four core OAuth 2 grants.
+ Can be used to create authorization urls, fetch tokens and access protected
+ resources using the :class:`requests.Session` interface you are used to.
+ - :class:`oauthlib.oauth2.WebApplicationClient` (default): Authorization Code Grant
+ - :class:`oauthlib.oauth2.MobileApplicationClient`: Implicit Grant
+ - :class:`oauthlib.oauth2.LegacyApplicationClient`: Password Credentials Grant
+ - :class:`oauthlib.oauth2.BackendApplicationClient`: Client Credentials Grant
+ Note that the only time you will be using Implicit Grant from python is if
+ you are driving a user agent able to obtain URL fragments.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ client_id=None,
+ client=None,
+ auto_refresh_url=None,
+ auto_refresh_kwargs=None,
+ scope=None,
+ redirect_uri=None,
+ token=None,
+ state=None,
+ token_updater=None,
+ **kwargs
+ ):
+ """Construct a new OAuth 2 client session.
+ :param client_id: Client id obtained during registration
+ :param client: :class:`oauthlib.oauth2.Client` to be used. Default is
+ WebApplicationClient which is useful for any
+ hosted application but not mobile or desktop.
+ :param scope: List of scopes you wish to request access to
+ :param redirect_uri: Redirect URI you registered as callback
+ :param token: Token dictionary, must include access_token
+ and token_type.
+ :param state: State string used to prevent CSRF. This will be given
+ when creating the authorization url and must be supplied
+ when parsing the authorization response.
+ Can be either a string or a no argument callable.
+ :auto_refresh_url: Refresh token endpoint URL, must be HTTPS. Supply
+ this if you wish the client to automatically refresh
+ your access tokens.
+ :auto_refresh_kwargs: Extra arguments to pass to the refresh token
+ endpoint.
+ :token_updater: Method with one argument, token, to be used to update
+ your token database on automatic token refresh. If not
+ set a TokenUpdated warning will be raised when a token
+ has been refreshed. This warning will carry the token
+ in its token argument.
+ :param kwargs: Arguments to pass to the Session constructor.
+ """
+ super(OAuth2Session, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+ self._client = client or WebApplicationClient(client_id, token=token)
+ self.token = token or {}
+ self.scope = scope
+ self.redirect_uri = redirect_uri
+ self.state = state or generate_token
+ self._state = state
+ self.auto_refresh_url = auto_refresh_url
+ self.auto_refresh_kwargs = auto_refresh_kwargs or {}
+ self.token_updater = token_updater
+ # Ensure that requests doesn't do any automatic auth. See #278.
+ # The default behavior can be re-enabled by setting auth to None.
+ self.auth = lambda r: r
+ # Allow customizations for non compliant providers through various
+ # hooks to adjust requests and responses.
+ self.compliance_hook = {
+ "access_token_response": set(),
+ "refresh_token_response": set(),
+ "protected_request": set(),
+ }
+ def new_state(self):
+ """Generates a state string to be used in authorizations."""
+ try:
+ self._state = self.state()
+ log.debug("Generated new state %s.", self._state)
+ except TypeError:
+ self._state = self.state
+ log.debug("Re-using previously supplied state %s.", self._state)
+ return self._state
+ @property
+ def client_id(self):
+ return getattr(self._client, "client_id", None)
+ @client_id.setter
+ def client_id(self, value):
+ self._client.client_id = value
+ @client_id.deleter
+ def client_id(self):
+ del self._client.client_id
+ @property
+ def token(self):
+ return getattr(self._client, "token", None)
+ @token.setter
+ def token(self, value):
+ self._client.token = value
+ self._client.populate_token_attributes(value)
+ @property
+ def access_token(self):
+ return getattr(self._client, "access_token", None)
+ @access_token.setter
+ def access_token(self, value):
+ self._client.access_token = value
+ @access_token.deleter
+ def access_token(self):
+ del self._client.access_token
+ @property
+ def authorized(self):
+ """Boolean that indicates whether this session has an OAuth token
+ or not. If `self.authorized` is True, you can reasonably expect
+ OAuth-protected requests to the resource to succeed. If
+ `self.authorized` is False, you need the user to go through the OAuth
+ authentication dance before OAuth-protected requests to the resource
+ will succeed.
+ """
+ return bool(self.access_token)
+ def authorization_url(self, url, state=None, **kwargs):
+ """Form an authorization URL.
+ :param url: Authorization endpoint url, must be HTTPS.
+ :param state: An optional state string for CSRF protection. If not
+ given it will be generated for you.
+ :param kwargs: Extra parameters to include.
+ :return: authorization_url, state
+ """
+ state = state or self.new_state()
+ return (
+ self._client.prepare_request_uri(
+ url,
+ redirect_uri=self.redirect_uri,
+ scope=self.scope,
+ state=state,
+ **kwargs
+ ),
+ state,
+ )
+ def fetch_token(
+ self,
+ token_url,
+ code=None,
+ authorization_response=None,
+ body="",
+ auth=None,
+ username=None,
+ password=None,
+ method="POST",
+ force_querystring=False,
+ timeout=None,
+ headers=None,
+ verify=True,
+ proxies=None,
+ include_client_id=None,
+ client_secret=None,
+ cert=None,
+ **kwargs
+ ):
+ """Generic method for fetching an access token from the token endpoint.
+ If you are using the MobileApplicationClient you will want to use
+ `token_from_fragment` instead of `fetch_token`.
+ The current implementation enforces the RFC guidelines.
+ :param token_url: Token endpoint URL, must use HTTPS.
+ :param code: Authorization code (used by WebApplicationClients).
+ :param authorization_response: Authorization response URL, the callback
+ URL of the request back to you. Used by
+ WebApplicationClients instead of code.
+ :param body: Optional application/x-www-form-urlencoded body to add the
+ include in the token request. Prefer kwargs over body.
+ :param auth: An auth tuple or method as accepted by `requests`.
+ :param username: Username required by LegacyApplicationClients to appear
+ in the request body.
+ :param password: Password required by LegacyApplicationClients to appear
+ in the request body.
+ :param method: The HTTP method used to make the request. Defaults
+ to POST, but may also be GET. Other methods should
+ be added as needed.
+ :param force_querystring: If True, force the request body to be sent
+ in the querystring instead.
+ :param timeout: Timeout of the request in seconds.
+ :param headers: Dict to default request headers with.
+ :param verify: Verify SSL certificate.
+ :param proxies: The `proxies` argument is passed onto `requests`.
+ :param include_client_id: Should the request body include the
+ `client_id` parameter. Default is `None`,
+ which will attempt to autodetect. This can be
+ forced to always include (True) or never
+ include (False).
+ :param client_secret: The `client_secret` paired to the `client_id`.
+ This is generally required unless provided in the
+ `auth` tuple. If the value is `None`, it will be
+ omitted from the request, however if the value is
+ an empty string, an empty string will be sent.
+ :param cert: Client certificate to send for OAuth 2.0 Mutual-TLS Client
+ Authentication (draft-ietf-oauth-mtls). Can either be the
+ path of a file containing the private key and certificate or
+ a tuple of two filenames for certificate and key.
+ :param kwargs: Extra parameters to include in the token request.
+ :return: A token dict
+ """
+ if not is_secure_transport(token_url):
+ raise InsecureTransportError()
+ if not code and authorization_response:
+ self._client.parse_request_uri_response(
+ authorization_response, state=self._state
+ )
+ code = self._client.code
+ elif not code and isinstance(self._client, WebApplicationClient):
+ code = self._client.code
+ if not code:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Please supply either code or " "authorization_response parameters."
+ )
+ # Earlier versions of this library build an HTTPBasicAuth header out of
+ # `username` and `password`. The RFC states, however these attributes
+ # must be in the request body and not the header.
+ # If an upstream server is not spec compliant and requires them to
+ # appear as an Authorization header, supply an explicit `auth` header
+ # to this function.
+ # This check will allow for empty strings, but not `None`.
+ #
+ # References
+ # 4.3.2 - Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant
+ # https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749#section-4.3.2
+ if isinstance(self._client, LegacyApplicationClient):
+ if username is None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "`LegacyApplicationClient` requires both the "
+ "`username` and `password` parameters."
+ )
+ if password is None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "The required parameter `username` was supplied, "
+ "but `password` was not."
+ )
+ # merge username and password into kwargs for `prepare_request_body`
+ if username is not None:
+ kwargs["username"] = username
+ if password is not None:
+ kwargs["password"] = password
+ # is an auth explicitly supplied?
+ if auth is not None:
+ # if we're dealing with the default of `include_client_id` (None):
+ # we will assume the `auth` argument is for an RFC compliant server
+ # and we should not send the `client_id` in the body.
+ # This approach allows us to still force the client_id by submitting
+ # `include_client_id=True` along with an `auth` object.
+ if include_client_id is None:
+ include_client_id = False
+ # otherwise we may need to create an auth header
+ else:
+ # since we don't have an auth header, we MAY need to create one
+ # it is possible that we want to send the `client_id` in the body
+ # if so, `include_client_id` should be set to True
+ # otherwise, we will generate an auth header
+ if include_client_id is not True:
+ client_id = self.client_id
+ if client_id:
+ log.debug(
+ 'Encoding `client_id` "%s" with `client_secret` '
+ "as Basic auth credentials.",
+ client_id,
+ )
+ client_secret = client_secret if client_secret is not None else ""
+ auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(client_id, client_secret)
+ if include_client_id:
+ # this was pulled out of the params
+ # it needs to be passed into prepare_request_body
+ if client_secret is not None:
+ kwargs["client_secret"] = client_secret
+ body = self._client.prepare_request_body(
+ code=code,
+ body=body,
+ redirect_uri=self.redirect_uri,
+ include_client_id=include_client_id,
+ **kwargs
+ )
+ headers = headers or {
+ "Accept": "application/json",
+ "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8",
+ }
+ self.token = {}
+ request_kwargs = {}
+ if method.upper() == "POST":
+ request_kwargs["params" if force_querystring else "data"] = dict(
+ urldecode(body)
+ )
+ elif method.upper() == "GET":
+ request_kwargs["params"] = dict(urldecode(body))
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("The method kwarg must be POST or GET.")
+ r = self.request(
+ method=method,
+ url=token_url,
+ timeout=timeout,
+ headers=headers,
+ auth=auth,
+ verify=verify,
+ proxies=proxies,
+ cert=cert,
+ **request_kwargs
+ )
+ log.debug("Request to fetch token completed with status %s.", r.status_code)
+ log.debug("Request url was %s", r.request.url)
+ log.debug("Request headers were %s", r.request.headers)
+ log.debug("Request body was %s", r.request.body)
+ log.debug("Response headers were %s and content %s.", r.headers, r.text)
+ log.debug(
+ "Invoking %d token response hooks.",
+ len(self.compliance_hook["access_token_response"]),
+ )
+ for hook in self.compliance_hook["access_token_response"]:
+ log.debug("Invoking hook %s.", hook)
+ r = hook(r)
+ self._client.parse_request_body_response(r.text, scope=self.scope)
+ self.token = self._client.token
+ log.debug("Obtained token %s.", self.token)
+ return self.token
+ def token_from_fragment(self, authorization_response):
+ """Parse token from the URI fragment, used by MobileApplicationClients.
+ :param authorization_response: The full URL of the redirect back to you
+ :return: A token dict
+ """
+ self._client.parse_request_uri_response(
+ authorization_response, state=self._state
+ )
+ self.token = self._client.token
+ return self.token
+ def refresh_token(
+ self,
+ token_url,
+ refresh_token=None,
+ body="",
+ auth=None,
+ timeout=None,
+ headers=None,
+ verify=True,
+ proxies=None,
+ **kwargs
+ ):
+ """Fetch a new access token using a refresh token.
+ :param token_url: The token endpoint, must be HTTPS.
+ :param refresh_token: The refresh_token to use.
+ :param body: Optional application/x-www-form-urlencoded body to add the
+ include in the token request. Prefer kwargs over body.
+ :param auth: An auth tuple or method as accepted by `requests`.
+ :param timeout: Timeout of the request in seconds.
+ :param headers: A dict of headers to be used by `requests`.
+ :param verify: Verify SSL certificate.
+ :param proxies: The `proxies` argument will be passed to `requests`.
+ :param kwargs: Extra parameters to include in the token request.
+ :return: A token dict
+ """
+ if not token_url:
+ raise ValueError("No token endpoint set for auto_refresh.")
+ if not is_secure_transport(token_url):
+ raise InsecureTransportError()
+ refresh_token = refresh_token or self.token.get("refresh_token")
+ log.debug(
+ "Adding auto refresh key word arguments %s.", self.auto_refresh_kwargs
+ )
+ kwargs.update(self.auto_refresh_kwargs)
+ body = self._client.prepare_refresh_body(
+ body=body, refresh_token=refresh_token, scope=self.scope, **kwargs
+ )
+ log.debug("Prepared refresh token request body %s", body)
+ if headers is None:
+ headers = {
+ "Accept": "application/json",
+ "Content-Type": ("application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8"),
+ }
+ r = self.post(
+ token_url,
+ data=dict(urldecode(body)),
+ auth=auth,
+ timeout=timeout,
+ headers=headers,
+ verify=verify,
+ withhold_token=True,
+ proxies=proxies,
+ )
+ log.debug("Request to refresh token completed with status %s.", r.status_code)
+ log.debug("Response headers were %s and content %s.", r.headers, r.text)
+ log.debug(
+ "Invoking %d token response hooks.",
+ len(self.compliance_hook["refresh_token_response"]),
+ )
+ for hook in self.compliance_hook["refresh_token_response"]:
+ log.debug("Invoking hook %s.", hook)
+ r = hook(r)
+ self.token = self._client.parse_request_body_response(r.text, scope=self.scope)
+ if not "refresh_token" in self.token:
+ log.debug("No new refresh token given. Re-using old.")
+ self.token["refresh_token"] = refresh_token
+ return self.token
+ def request(
+ self,
+ method,
+ url,
+ data=None,
+ headers=None,
+ withhold_token=False,
+ client_id=None,
+ client_secret=None,
+ **kwargs
+ ):
+ """Intercept all requests and add the OAuth 2 token if present."""
+ if not is_secure_transport(url):
+ raise InsecureTransportError()
+ if self.token and not withhold_token:
+ log.debug(
+ "Invoking %d protected resource request hooks.",
+ len(self.compliance_hook["protected_request"]),
+ )
+ for hook in self.compliance_hook["protected_request"]:
+ log.debug("Invoking hook %s.", hook)
+ url, headers, data = hook(url, headers, data)
+ log.debug("Adding token %s to request.", self.token)
+ try:
+ url, headers, data = self._client.add_token(
+ url, http_method=method, body=data, headers=headers
+ )
+ # Attempt to retrieve and save new access token if expired
+ except TokenExpiredError:
+ if self.auto_refresh_url:
+ log.debug(
+ "Auto refresh is set, attempting to refresh at %s.",
+ self.auto_refresh_url,
+ )
+ # We mustn't pass auth twice.
+ auth = kwargs.pop("auth", None)
+ if client_id and client_secret and (auth is None):
+ log.debug(
+ 'Encoding client_id "%s" with client_secret as Basic auth credentials.',
+ client_id,
+ )
+ auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(client_id, client_secret)
+ token = self.refresh_token(
+ self.auto_refresh_url, auth=auth, **kwargs
+ )
+ if self.token_updater:
+ log.debug(
+ "Updating token to %s using %s.", token, self.token_updater
+ )
+ self.token_updater(token)
+ url, headers, data = self._client.add_token(
+ url, http_method=method, body=data, headers=headers
+ )
+ else:
+ raise TokenUpdated(token)
+ else:
+ raise
+ log.debug("Requesting url %s using method %s.", url, method)
+ log.debug("Supplying headers %s and data %s", headers, data)
+ log.debug("Passing through key word arguments %s.", kwargs)
+ return super(OAuth2Session, self).request(
+ method, url, headers=headers, data=data, **kwargs
+ )
+ def register_compliance_hook(self, hook_type, hook):
+ """Register a hook for request/response tweaking.
+ Available hooks are:
+ access_token_response invoked before token parsing.
+ refresh_token_response invoked before refresh token parsing.
+ protected_request invoked before making a request.
+ If you find a new hook is needed please send a GitHub PR request
+ or open an issue.
+ """
+ if hook_type not in self.compliance_hook:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Hook type %s is not in %s.", hook_type, self.compliance_hook
+ )
+ self.compliance_hook[hook_type].add(hook)