path: root/contrib/python/pytest/py2/_pytest/skipping.py
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authornkozlovskiy <nmk@ydb.tech>2023-09-29 12:24:06 +0300
committernkozlovskiy <nmk@ydb.tech>2023-09-29 12:41:34 +0300
commite0e3e1717e3d33762ce61950504f9637a6e669ed (patch)
treebca3ff6939b10ed60c3d5c12439963a1146b9711 /contrib/python/pytest/py2/_pytest/skipping.py
parent38f2c5852db84c7b4d83adfcb009eb61541d1ccd (diff)
add ydb deps
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/pytest/py2/_pytest/skipping.py')
1 files changed, 186 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/pytest/py2/_pytest/skipping.py b/contrib/python/pytest/py2/_pytest/skipping.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc8b88e717
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/pytest/py2/_pytest/skipping.py
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+""" support for skip/xfail functions and markers. """
+from __future__ import absolute_import
+from __future__ import division
+from __future__ import print_function
+from _pytest.config import hookimpl
+from _pytest.mark.evaluate import MarkEvaluator
+from _pytest.outcomes import fail
+from _pytest.outcomes import skip
+from _pytest.outcomes import xfail
+def pytest_addoption(parser):
+ group = parser.getgroup("general")
+ group.addoption(
+ "--runxfail",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="runxfail",
+ default=False,
+ help="report the results of xfail tests as if they were not marked",
+ )
+ parser.addini(
+ "xfail_strict",
+ "default for the strict parameter of xfail "
+ "markers when not given explicitly (default: False)",
+ default=False,
+ type="bool",
+ )
+def pytest_configure(config):
+ if config.option.runxfail:
+ # yay a hack
+ import pytest
+ old = pytest.xfail
+ config._cleanup.append(lambda: setattr(pytest, "xfail", old))
+ def nop(*args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ nop.Exception = xfail.Exception
+ setattr(pytest, "xfail", nop)
+ config.addinivalue_line(
+ "markers",
+ "skip(reason=None): skip the given test function with an optional reason. "
+ 'Example: skip(reason="no way of currently testing this") skips the '
+ "test.",
+ )
+ config.addinivalue_line(
+ "markers",
+ "skipif(condition): skip the given test function if eval(condition) "
+ "results in a True value. Evaluation happens within the "
+ "module global context. Example: skipif('sys.platform == \"win32\"') "
+ "skips the test if we are on the win32 platform. see "
+ "https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/skipping.html",
+ )
+ config.addinivalue_line(
+ "markers",
+ "xfail(condition, reason=None, run=True, raises=None, strict=False): "
+ "mark the test function as an expected failure if eval(condition) "
+ "has a True value. Optionally specify a reason for better reporting "
+ "and run=False if you don't even want to execute the test function. "
+ "If only specific exception(s) are expected, you can list them in "
+ "raises, and if the test fails in other ways, it will be reported as "
+ "a true failure. See https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/skipping.html",
+ )
+def pytest_runtest_setup(item):
+ # Check if skip or skipif are specified as pytest marks
+ item._skipped_by_mark = False
+ eval_skipif = MarkEvaluator(item, "skipif")
+ if eval_skipif.istrue():
+ item._skipped_by_mark = True
+ skip(eval_skipif.getexplanation())
+ for skip_info in item.iter_markers(name="skip"):
+ item._skipped_by_mark = True
+ if "reason" in skip_info.kwargs:
+ skip(skip_info.kwargs["reason"])
+ elif skip_info.args:
+ skip(skip_info.args[0])
+ else:
+ skip("unconditional skip")
+ item._evalxfail = MarkEvaluator(item, "xfail")
+ check_xfail_no_run(item)
+def pytest_pyfunc_call(pyfuncitem):
+ check_xfail_no_run(pyfuncitem)
+ outcome = yield
+ passed = outcome.excinfo is None
+ if passed:
+ check_strict_xfail(pyfuncitem)
+def check_xfail_no_run(item):
+ """check xfail(run=False)"""
+ if not item.config.option.runxfail:
+ evalxfail = item._evalxfail
+ if evalxfail.istrue():
+ if not evalxfail.get("run", True):
+ xfail("[NOTRUN] " + evalxfail.getexplanation())
+def check_strict_xfail(pyfuncitem):
+ """check xfail(strict=True) for the given PASSING test"""
+ evalxfail = pyfuncitem._evalxfail
+ if evalxfail.istrue():
+ strict_default = pyfuncitem.config.getini("xfail_strict")
+ is_strict_xfail = evalxfail.get("strict", strict_default)
+ if is_strict_xfail:
+ del pyfuncitem._evalxfail
+ explanation = evalxfail.getexplanation()
+ fail("[XPASS(strict)] " + explanation, pytrace=False)
+def pytest_runtest_makereport(item, call):
+ outcome = yield
+ rep = outcome.get_result()
+ evalxfail = getattr(item, "_evalxfail", None)
+ # unitttest special case, see setting of _unexpectedsuccess
+ if hasattr(item, "_unexpectedsuccess") and rep.when == "call":
+ from _pytest.compat import _is_unittest_unexpected_success_a_failure
+ if item._unexpectedsuccess:
+ rep.longrepr = "Unexpected success: {}".format(item._unexpectedsuccess)
+ else:
+ rep.longrepr = "Unexpected success"
+ if _is_unittest_unexpected_success_a_failure():
+ rep.outcome = "failed"
+ else:
+ rep.outcome = "passed"
+ rep.wasxfail = rep.longrepr
+ elif item.config.option.runxfail:
+ pass # don't interefere
+ elif call.excinfo and call.excinfo.errisinstance(xfail.Exception):
+ rep.wasxfail = "reason: " + call.excinfo.value.msg
+ rep.outcome = "skipped"
+ elif evalxfail and not rep.skipped and evalxfail.wasvalid() and evalxfail.istrue():
+ if call.excinfo:
+ if evalxfail.invalidraise(call.excinfo.value):
+ rep.outcome = "failed"
+ else:
+ rep.outcome = "skipped"
+ rep.wasxfail = evalxfail.getexplanation()
+ elif call.when == "call":
+ strict_default = item.config.getini("xfail_strict")
+ is_strict_xfail = evalxfail.get("strict", strict_default)
+ explanation = evalxfail.getexplanation()
+ if is_strict_xfail:
+ rep.outcome = "failed"
+ rep.longrepr = "[XPASS(strict)] {}".format(explanation)
+ else:
+ rep.outcome = "passed"
+ rep.wasxfail = explanation
+ elif (
+ getattr(item, "_skipped_by_mark", False)
+ and rep.skipped
+ and type(rep.longrepr) is tuple
+ ):
+ # skipped by mark.skipif; change the location of the failure
+ # to point to the item definition, otherwise it will display
+ # the location of where the skip exception was raised within pytest
+ filename, line, reason = rep.longrepr
+ filename, line = item.location[:2]
+ rep.longrepr = filename, line, reason
+# called by terminalreporter progress reporting
+def pytest_report_teststatus(report):
+ if hasattr(report, "wasxfail"):
+ if report.skipped:
+ return "xfailed", "x", "XFAIL"
+ elif report.passed:
+ return "xpassed", "X", "XPASS"