path: root/contrib/python/pytest/py2/_pytest/config/argparsing.py
diff options
authornkozlovskiy <nmk@ydb.tech>2023-09-29 12:24:06 +0300
committernkozlovskiy <nmk@ydb.tech>2023-09-29 12:41:34 +0300
commite0e3e1717e3d33762ce61950504f9637a6e669ed (patch)
treebca3ff6939b10ed60c3d5c12439963a1146b9711 /contrib/python/pytest/py2/_pytest/config/argparsing.py
parent38f2c5852db84c7b4d83adfcb009eb61541d1ccd (diff)
add ydb deps
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/pytest/py2/_pytest/config/argparsing.py')
1 files changed, 410 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/pytest/py2/_pytest/config/argparsing.py b/contrib/python/pytest/py2/_pytest/config/argparsing.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..37fb772db9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/pytest/py2/_pytest/config/argparsing.py
@@ -0,0 +1,410 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import argparse
+import warnings
+import py
+import six
+from _pytest.config.exceptions import UsageError
+FILE_OR_DIR = "file_or_dir"
+class Parser(object):
+ """ Parser for command line arguments and ini-file values.
+ :ivar extra_info: dict of generic param -> value to display in case
+ there's an error processing the command line arguments.
+ """
+ prog = None
+ def __init__(self, usage=None, processopt=None):
+ self._anonymous = OptionGroup("custom options", parser=self)
+ self._groups = []
+ self._processopt = processopt
+ self._usage = usage
+ self._inidict = {}
+ self._ininames = []
+ self.extra_info = {}
+ def processoption(self, option):
+ if self._processopt:
+ if option.dest:
+ self._processopt(option)
+ def getgroup(self, name, description="", after=None):
+ """ get (or create) a named option Group.
+ :name: name of the option group.
+ :description: long description for --help output.
+ :after: name of other group, used for ordering --help output.
+ The returned group object has an ``addoption`` method with the same
+ signature as :py:func:`parser.addoption
+ <_pytest.config.Parser.addoption>` but will be shown in the
+ respective group in the output of ``pytest. --help``.
+ """
+ for group in self._groups:
+ if group.name == name:
+ return group
+ group = OptionGroup(name, description, parser=self)
+ i = 0
+ for i, grp in enumerate(self._groups):
+ if grp.name == after:
+ break
+ self._groups.insert(i + 1, group)
+ return group
+ def addoption(self, *opts, **attrs):
+ """ register a command line option.
+ :opts: option names, can be short or long options.
+ :attrs: same attributes which the ``add_option()`` function of the
+ `argparse library
+ <http://docs.python.org/2/library/argparse.html>`_
+ accepts.
+ After command line parsing options are available on the pytest config
+ object via ``config.option.NAME`` where ``NAME`` is usually set
+ by passing a ``dest`` attribute, for example
+ ``addoption("--long", dest="NAME", ...)``.
+ """
+ self._anonymous.addoption(*opts, **attrs)
+ def parse(self, args, namespace=None):
+ from _pytest._argcomplete import try_argcomplete
+ self.optparser = self._getparser()
+ try_argcomplete(self.optparser)
+ args = [str(x) if isinstance(x, py.path.local) else x for x in args]
+ return self.optparser.parse_args(args, namespace=namespace)
+ def _getparser(self):
+ from _pytest._argcomplete import filescompleter
+ optparser = MyOptionParser(self, self.extra_info, prog=self.prog)
+ groups = self._groups + [self._anonymous]
+ for group in groups:
+ if group.options:
+ desc = group.description or group.name
+ arggroup = optparser.add_argument_group(desc)
+ for option in group.options:
+ n = option.names()
+ a = option.attrs()
+ arggroup.add_argument(*n, **a)
+ # bash like autocompletion for dirs (appending '/')
+ optparser.add_argument(FILE_OR_DIR, nargs="*").completer = filescompleter
+ return optparser
+ def parse_setoption(self, args, option, namespace=None):
+ parsedoption = self.parse(args, namespace=namespace)
+ for name, value in parsedoption.__dict__.items():
+ setattr(option, name, value)
+ return getattr(parsedoption, FILE_OR_DIR)
+ def parse_known_args(self, args, namespace=None):
+ """parses and returns a namespace object with known arguments at this
+ point.
+ """
+ return self.parse_known_and_unknown_args(args, namespace=namespace)[0]
+ def parse_known_and_unknown_args(self, args, namespace=None):
+ """parses and returns a namespace object with known arguments, and
+ the remaining arguments unknown at this point.
+ """
+ optparser = self._getparser()
+ args = [str(x) if isinstance(x, py.path.local) else x for x in args]
+ return optparser.parse_known_args(args, namespace=namespace)
+ def addini(self, name, help, type=None, default=None):
+ """ register an ini-file option.
+ :name: name of the ini-variable
+ :type: type of the variable, can be ``pathlist``, ``args``, ``linelist``
+ or ``bool``.
+ :default: default value if no ini-file option exists but is queried.
+ The value of ini-variables can be retrieved via a call to
+ :py:func:`config.getini(name) <_pytest.config.Config.getini>`.
+ """
+ assert type in (None, "pathlist", "args", "linelist", "bool")
+ self._inidict[name] = (help, type, default)
+ self._ininames.append(name)
+class ArgumentError(Exception):
+ """
+ Raised if an Argument instance is created with invalid or
+ inconsistent arguments.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, msg, option):
+ self.msg = msg
+ self.option_id = str(option)
+ def __str__(self):
+ if self.option_id:
+ return "option %s: %s" % (self.option_id, self.msg)
+ else:
+ return self.msg
+class Argument(object):
+ """class that mimics the necessary behaviour of optparse.Option
+ it's currently a least effort implementation
+ and ignoring choices and integer prefixes
+ https://docs.python.org/3/library/optparse.html#optparse-standard-option-types
+ """
+ _typ_map = {"int": int, "string": str, "float": float, "complex": complex}
+ def __init__(self, *names, **attrs):
+ """store parms in private vars for use in add_argument"""
+ self._attrs = attrs
+ self._short_opts = []
+ self._long_opts = []
+ self.dest = attrs.get("dest")
+ if "%default" in (attrs.get("help") or ""):
+ warnings.warn(
+ 'pytest now uses argparse. "%default" should be'
+ ' changed to "%(default)s" ',
+ DeprecationWarning,
+ stacklevel=3,
+ )
+ try:
+ typ = attrs["type"]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ # this might raise a keyerror as well, don't want to catch that
+ if isinstance(typ, six.string_types):
+ if typ == "choice":
+ warnings.warn(
+ "`type` argument to addoption() is the string %r."
+ " For choices this is optional and can be omitted, "
+ " but when supplied should be a type (for example `str` or `int`)."
+ " (options: %s)" % (typ, names),
+ DeprecationWarning,
+ stacklevel=4,
+ )
+ # argparse expects a type here take it from
+ # the type of the first element
+ attrs["type"] = type(attrs["choices"][0])
+ else:
+ warnings.warn(
+ "`type` argument to addoption() is the string %r, "
+ " but when supplied should be a type (for example `str` or `int`)."
+ " (options: %s)" % (typ, names),
+ DeprecationWarning,
+ stacklevel=4,
+ )
+ attrs["type"] = Argument._typ_map[typ]
+ # used in test_parseopt -> test_parse_defaultgetter
+ self.type = attrs["type"]
+ else:
+ self.type = typ
+ try:
+ # attribute existence is tested in Config._processopt
+ self.default = attrs["default"]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ self._set_opt_strings(names)
+ if not self.dest:
+ if self._long_opts:
+ self.dest = self._long_opts[0][2:].replace("-", "_")
+ else:
+ try:
+ self.dest = self._short_opts[0][1:]
+ except IndexError:
+ raise ArgumentError("need a long or short option", self)
+ def names(self):
+ return self._short_opts + self._long_opts
+ def attrs(self):
+ # update any attributes set by processopt
+ attrs = "default dest help".split()
+ if self.dest:
+ attrs.append(self.dest)
+ for attr in attrs:
+ try:
+ self._attrs[attr] = getattr(self, attr)
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ if self._attrs.get("help"):
+ a = self._attrs["help"]
+ a = a.replace("%default", "%(default)s")
+ # a = a.replace('%prog', '%(prog)s')
+ self._attrs["help"] = a
+ return self._attrs
+ def _set_opt_strings(self, opts):
+ """directly from optparse
+ might not be necessary as this is passed to argparse later on"""
+ for opt in opts:
+ if len(opt) < 2:
+ raise ArgumentError(
+ "invalid option string %r: "
+ "must be at least two characters long" % opt,
+ self,
+ )
+ elif len(opt) == 2:
+ if not (opt[0] == "-" and opt[1] != "-"):
+ raise ArgumentError(
+ "invalid short option string %r: "
+ "must be of the form -x, (x any non-dash char)" % opt,
+ self,
+ )
+ self._short_opts.append(opt)
+ else:
+ if not (opt[0:2] == "--" and opt[2] != "-"):
+ raise ArgumentError(
+ "invalid long option string %r: "
+ "must start with --, followed by non-dash" % opt,
+ self,
+ )
+ self._long_opts.append(opt)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ args = []
+ if self._short_opts:
+ args += ["_short_opts: " + repr(self._short_opts)]
+ if self._long_opts:
+ args += ["_long_opts: " + repr(self._long_opts)]
+ args += ["dest: " + repr(self.dest)]
+ if hasattr(self, "type"):
+ args += ["type: " + repr(self.type)]
+ if hasattr(self, "default"):
+ args += ["default: " + repr(self.default)]
+ return "Argument({})".format(", ".join(args))
+class OptionGroup(object):
+ def __init__(self, name, description="", parser=None):
+ self.name = name
+ self.description = description
+ self.options = []
+ self.parser = parser
+ def addoption(self, *optnames, **attrs):
+ """ add an option to this group.
+ if a shortened version of a long option is specified it will
+ be suppressed in the help. addoption('--twowords', '--two-words')
+ results in help showing '--two-words' only, but --twowords gets
+ accepted **and** the automatic destination is in args.twowords
+ """
+ conflict = set(optnames).intersection(
+ name for opt in self.options for name in opt.names()
+ )
+ if conflict:
+ raise ValueError("option names %s already added" % conflict)
+ option = Argument(*optnames, **attrs)
+ self._addoption_instance(option, shortupper=False)
+ def _addoption(self, *optnames, **attrs):
+ option = Argument(*optnames, **attrs)
+ self._addoption_instance(option, shortupper=True)
+ def _addoption_instance(self, option, shortupper=False):
+ if not shortupper:
+ for opt in option._short_opts:
+ if opt[0] == "-" and opt[1].islower():
+ raise ValueError("lowercase shortoptions reserved")
+ if self.parser:
+ self.parser.processoption(option)
+ self.options.append(option)
+class MyOptionParser(argparse.ArgumentParser):
+ def __init__(self, parser, extra_info=None, prog=None):
+ if not extra_info:
+ extra_info = {}
+ self._parser = parser
+ argparse.ArgumentParser.__init__(
+ self,
+ prog=prog,
+ usage=parser._usage,
+ add_help=False,
+ formatter_class=DropShorterLongHelpFormatter,
+ )
+ # extra_info is a dict of (param -> value) to display if there's
+ # an usage error to provide more contextual information to the user
+ self.extra_info = extra_info
+ def error(self, message):
+ """Transform argparse error message into UsageError."""
+ msg = "%s: error: %s" % (self.prog, message)
+ if hasattr(self._parser, "_config_source_hint"):
+ msg = "%s (%s)" % (msg, self._parser._config_source_hint)
+ raise UsageError(self.format_usage() + msg)
+ def parse_args(self, args=None, namespace=None):
+ """allow splitting of positional arguments"""
+ args, argv = self.parse_known_args(args, namespace)
+ if argv:
+ for arg in argv:
+ if arg and arg[0] == "-":
+ lines = ["unrecognized arguments: %s" % (" ".join(argv))]
+ for k, v in sorted(self.extra_info.items()):
+ lines.append(" %s: %s" % (k, v))
+ self.error("\n".join(lines))
+ getattr(args, FILE_OR_DIR).extend(argv)
+ return args
+class DropShorterLongHelpFormatter(argparse.HelpFormatter):
+ """shorten help for long options that differ only in extra hyphens
+ - collapse **long** options that are the same except for extra hyphens
+ - special action attribute map_long_option allows surpressing additional
+ long options
+ - shortcut if there are only two options and one of them is a short one
+ - cache result on action object as this is called at least 2 times
+ """
+ def _format_action_invocation(self, action):
+ orgstr = argparse.HelpFormatter._format_action_invocation(self, action)
+ if orgstr and orgstr[0] != "-": # only optional arguments
+ return orgstr
+ res = getattr(action, "_formatted_action_invocation", None)
+ if res:
+ return res
+ options = orgstr.split(", ")
+ if len(options) == 2 and (len(options[0]) == 2 or len(options[1]) == 2):
+ # a shortcut for '-h, --help' or '--abc', '-a'
+ action._formatted_action_invocation = orgstr
+ return orgstr
+ return_list = []
+ option_map = getattr(action, "map_long_option", {})
+ if option_map is None:
+ option_map = {}
+ short_long = {}
+ for option in options:
+ if len(option) == 2 or option[2] == " ":
+ continue
+ if not option.startswith("--"):
+ raise ArgumentError(
+ 'long optional argument without "--": [%s]' % (option), self
+ )
+ xxoption = option[2:]
+ if xxoption.split()[0] not in option_map:
+ shortened = xxoption.replace("-", "")
+ if shortened not in short_long or len(short_long[shortened]) < len(
+ xxoption
+ ):
+ short_long[shortened] = xxoption
+ # now short_long has been filled out to the longest with dashes
+ # **and** we keep the right option ordering from add_argument
+ for option in options:
+ if len(option) == 2 or option[2] == " ":
+ return_list.append(option)
+ if option[2:] == short_long.get(option.replace("-", "")):
+ return_list.append(option.replace(" ", "=", 1))
+ action._formatted_action_invocation = ", ".join(return_list)
+ return action._formatted_action_invocation