path: root/contrib/python/pytest-asyncio/pytest_asyncio
diff options
authorrobot-piglet <robot-piglet@yandex-team.com>2024-10-06 13:42:43 +0300
committerrobot-piglet <robot-piglet@yandex-team.com>2024-10-06 13:52:30 +0300
commit52aed29f744afda4549ef5d64acd0fa8c2092789 (patch)
treee40c9abd25653990d13b68936aee518454df424e /contrib/python/pytest-asyncio/pytest_asyncio
parent813943fcad905eee1235d764be4268dddd07ce64 (diff)
Intermediate changes
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/pytest-asyncio/pytest_asyncio')
4 files changed, 633 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/pytest-asyncio/pytest_asyncio/__init__.py b/contrib/python/pytest-asyncio/pytest_asyncio/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1bc2811d93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/pytest-asyncio/pytest_asyncio/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+"""The main point for importing pytest-asyncio items."""
+from ._version import version as __version__ # noqa
+from .plugin import fixture
+__all__ = ("fixture",)
diff --git a/contrib/python/pytest-asyncio/pytest_asyncio/_version.py b/contrib/python/pytest-asyncio/pytest_asyncio/_version.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..11f23015fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/pytest-asyncio/pytest_asyncio/_version.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# file generated by setuptools_scm
+# don't change, don't track in version control
+__version__ = version = '0.21.1'
+__version_tuple__ = version_tuple = (0, 21, 1)
diff --git a/contrib/python/pytest-asyncio/pytest_asyncio/plugin.py b/contrib/python/pytest-asyncio/pytest_asyncio/plugin.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db93b851de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/pytest-asyncio/pytest_asyncio/plugin.py
@@ -0,0 +1,624 @@
+"""pytest-asyncio implementation."""
+import asyncio
+import contextlib
+import enum
+import functools
+import inspect
+import socket
+import sys
+import warnings
+from textwrap import dedent
+from typing import (
+ Any,
+ AsyncIterator,
+ Awaitable,
+ Callable,
+ Dict,
+ Iterable,
+ Iterator,
+ List,
+ Optional,
+ Set,
+ TypeVar,
+ Union,
+ cast,
+ overload,
+import pytest
+from pytest import (
+ Config,
+ FixtureRequest,
+ Function,
+ Item,
+ Parser,
+ PytestPluginManager,
+ Session,
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
+ from typing import Literal
+ from typing_extensions import Literal
+_R = TypeVar("_R")
+_ScopeName = Literal["session", "package", "module", "class", "function"]
+_T = TypeVar("_T")
+SimpleFixtureFunction = TypeVar(
+ "SimpleFixtureFunction", bound=Callable[..., Awaitable[_R]]
+FactoryFixtureFunction = TypeVar(
+ "FactoryFixtureFunction", bound=Callable[..., AsyncIterator[_R]]
+FixtureFunction = Union[SimpleFixtureFunction, FactoryFixtureFunction]
+FixtureFunctionMarker = Callable[[FixtureFunction], FixtureFunction]
+# https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/pull/9510
+FixtureDef = Any
+SubRequest = Any
+class Mode(str, enum.Enum):
+ AUTO = "auto"
+ STRICT = "strict"
+'auto' - for automatically handling all async functions by the plugin
+'strict' - for autoprocessing disabling (useful if different async frameworks \
+should be tested together, e.g. \
+both pytest-asyncio and pytest-trio are used in the same project)
+def pytest_addoption(parser: Parser, pluginmanager: PytestPluginManager) -> None:
+ group = parser.getgroup("asyncio")
+ group.addoption(
+ "--asyncio-mode",
+ dest="asyncio_mode",
+ default=None,
+ metavar="MODE",
+ )
+ parser.addini(
+ "asyncio_mode",
+ help="default value for --asyncio-mode",
+ default="auto",
+ )
+def fixture(
+ fixture_function: FixtureFunction,
+ *,
+ scope: "Union[_ScopeName, Callable[[str, Config], _ScopeName]]" = ...,
+ params: Optional[Iterable[object]] = ...,
+ autouse: bool = ...,
+ ids: Union[
+ Iterable[Union[str, float, int, bool, None]],
+ Callable[[Any], Optional[object]],
+ None,
+ ] = ...,
+ name: Optional[str] = ...,
+) -> FixtureFunction:
+ ...
+def fixture(
+ fixture_function: None = ...,
+ *,
+ scope: "Union[_ScopeName, Callable[[str, Config], _ScopeName]]" = ...,
+ params: Optional[Iterable[object]] = ...,
+ autouse: bool = ...,
+ ids: Union[
+ Iterable[Union[str, float, int, bool, None]],
+ Callable[[Any], Optional[object]],
+ None,
+ ] = ...,
+ name: Optional[str] = None,
+) -> FixtureFunctionMarker:
+ ...
+def fixture(
+ fixture_function: Optional[FixtureFunction] = None, **kwargs: Any
+) -> Union[FixtureFunction, FixtureFunctionMarker]:
+ if fixture_function is not None:
+ _make_asyncio_fixture_function(fixture_function)
+ return pytest.fixture(fixture_function, **kwargs)
+ else:
+ @functools.wraps(fixture)
+ def inner(fixture_function: FixtureFunction) -> FixtureFunction:
+ return fixture(fixture_function, **kwargs)
+ return inner
+def _is_asyncio_fixture_function(obj: Any) -> bool:
+ obj = getattr(obj, "__func__", obj) # instance method maybe?
+ return getattr(obj, "_force_asyncio_fixture", False)
+def _make_asyncio_fixture_function(obj: Any) -> None:
+ if hasattr(obj, "__func__"):
+ # instance method, check the function object
+ obj = obj.__func__
+ obj._force_asyncio_fixture = True
+def _is_coroutine(obj: Any) -> bool:
+ """Check to see if an object is really an asyncio coroutine."""
+ return asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(obj)
+def _is_coroutine_or_asyncgen(obj: Any) -> bool:
+ return _is_coroutine(obj) or inspect.isasyncgenfunction(obj)
+def _get_asyncio_mode(config: Config) -> Mode:
+ val = config.getoption("asyncio_mode")
+ if val is None:
+ val = config.getini("asyncio_mode")
+ try:
+ return Mode(val)
+ except ValueError:
+ modes = ", ".join(m.value for m in Mode)
+ raise pytest.UsageError(
+ f"{val!r} is not a valid asyncio_mode. Valid modes: {modes}."
+ )
+def pytest_configure(config: Config) -> None:
+ """Inject documentation."""
+ config.addinivalue_line(
+ "markers",
+ "asyncio: "
+ "mark the test as a coroutine, it will be "
+ "run using an asyncio event loop",
+ )
+def pytest_report_header(config: Config) -> List[str]:
+ """Add asyncio config to pytest header."""
+ mode = _get_asyncio_mode(config)
+ return [f"asyncio: mode={mode}"]
+def _preprocess_async_fixtures(
+ config: Config,
+ processed_fixturedefs: Set[FixtureDef],
+) -> None:
+ asyncio_mode = _get_asyncio_mode(config)
+ fixturemanager = config.pluginmanager.get_plugin("funcmanage")
+ for fixtures in fixturemanager._arg2fixturedefs.values():
+ for fixturedef in fixtures:
+ func = fixturedef.func
+ if fixturedef in processed_fixturedefs or not _is_coroutine_or_asyncgen(
+ func
+ ):
+ continue
+ if not _is_asyncio_fixture_function(func) and asyncio_mode == Mode.STRICT:
+ # Ignore async fixtures without explicit asyncio mark in strict mode
+ # This applies to pytest_trio fixtures, for example
+ continue
+ _make_asyncio_fixture_function(func)
+ _inject_fixture_argnames(fixturedef)
+ _synchronize_async_fixture(fixturedef)
+ assert _is_asyncio_fixture_function(fixturedef.func)
+ processed_fixturedefs.add(fixturedef)
+def _inject_fixture_argnames(fixturedef: FixtureDef) -> None:
+ """
+ Ensures that `request` and `event_loop` are arguments of the specified fixture.
+ """
+ to_add = []
+ for name in ("request", "event_loop"):
+ if name not in fixturedef.argnames:
+ to_add.append(name)
+ if to_add:
+ fixturedef.argnames += tuple(to_add)
+def _synchronize_async_fixture(fixturedef: FixtureDef) -> None:
+ """
+ Wraps the fixture function of an async fixture in a synchronous function.
+ """
+ if inspect.isasyncgenfunction(fixturedef.func):
+ _wrap_asyncgen_fixture(fixturedef)
+ elif inspect.iscoroutinefunction(fixturedef.func):
+ _wrap_async_fixture(fixturedef)
+def _add_kwargs(
+ func: Callable[..., Any],
+ kwargs: Dict[str, Any],
+ event_loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop,
+ request: SubRequest,
+) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ sig = inspect.signature(func)
+ ret = kwargs.copy()
+ if "request" in sig.parameters:
+ ret["request"] = request
+ if "event_loop" in sig.parameters:
+ ret["event_loop"] = event_loop
+ return ret
+def _perhaps_rebind_fixture_func(
+ func: _T, instance: Optional[Any], unittest: bool
+) -> _T:
+ if instance is not None:
+ # The fixture needs to be bound to the actual request.instance
+ # so it is bound to the same object as the test method.
+ unbound, cls = func, None
+ try:
+ unbound, cls = func.__func__, type(func.__self__) # type: ignore
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ # If unittest is true, the fixture is bound unconditionally.
+ # otherwise, only if the fixture was bound before to an instance of
+ # the same type.
+ if unittest or (cls is not None and isinstance(instance, cls)):
+ func = unbound.__get__(instance) # type: ignore
+ return func
+def _wrap_asyncgen_fixture(fixturedef: FixtureDef) -> None:
+ fixture = fixturedef.func
+ @functools.wraps(fixture)
+ def _asyncgen_fixture_wrapper(
+ event_loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, request: SubRequest, **kwargs: Any
+ ):
+ func = _perhaps_rebind_fixture_func(
+ fixture, request.instance, fixturedef.unittest
+ )
+ gen_obj = func(**_add_kwargs(func, kwargs, event_loop, request))
+ async def setup():
+ res = await gen_obj.__anext__()
+ return res
+ def finalizer() -> None:
+ """Yield again, to finalize."""
+ async def async_finalizer() -> None:
+ try:
+ await gen_obj.__anext__()
+ except StopAsyncIteration:
+ pass
+ else:
+ msg = "Async generator fixture didn't stop."
+ msg += "Yield only once."
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ event_loop.run_until_complete(async_finalizer())
+ result = event_loop.run_until_complete(setup())
+ request.addfinalizer(finalizer)
+ return result
+ fixturedef.func = _asyncgen_fixture_wrapper
+def _wrap_async_fixture(fixturedef: FixtureDef) -> None:
+ fixture = fixturedef.func
+ @functools.wraps(fixture)
+ def _async_fixture_wrapper(
+ event_loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, request: SubRequest, **kwargs: Any
+ ):
+ func = _perhaps_rebind_fixture_func(
+ fixture, request.instance, fixturedef.unittest
+ )
+ async def setup():
+ res = await func(**_add_kwargs(func, kwargs, event_loop, request))
+ return res
+ return event_loop.run_until_complete(setup())
+ fixturedef.func = _async_fixture_wrapper
+_HOLDER: Set[FixtureDef] = set()
+def pytest_pycollect_makeitem(
+ collector: Union[pytest.Module, pytest.Class], name: str, obj: object
+) -> Union[
+ pytest.Item, pytest.Collector, List[Union[pytest.Item, pytest.Collector]], None
+ """A pytest hook to collect asyncio coroutines."""
+ if not collector.funcnamefilter(name):
+ return None
+ _preprocess_async_fixtures(collector.config, _HOLDER)
+ return None
+def pytest_collection_modifyitems(
+ session: Session, config: Config, items: List[Item]
+) -> None:
+ """
+ Marks collected async test items as `asyncio` tests.
+ The mark is only applied in `AUTO` mode. It is applied to:
+ - coroutines
+ - staticmethods wrapping coroutines
+ - Hypothesis tests wrapping coroutines
+ """
+ if _get_asyncio_mode(config) != Mode.AUTO:
+ return
+ function_items = (item for item in items if isinstance(item, Function))
+ for function_item in function_items:
+ function = function_item.obj
+ if isinstance(function, staticmethod):
+ # staticmethods need to be unwrapped.
+ function = function.__func__
+ if (
+ _is_coroutine(function)
+ or _is_hypothesis_test(function)
+ and _hypothesis_test_wraps_coroutine(function)
+ ):
+ function_item.add_marker("asyncio")
+def _hypothesis_test_wraps_coroutine(function: Any) -> bool:
+ return _is_coroutine(function.hypothesis.inner_test)
+def pytest_fixture_setup(
+ fixturedef: FixtureDef, request: SubRequest
+) -> Optional[object]:
+ """Adjust the event loop policy when an event loop is produced."""
+ if fixturedef.argname == "event_loop":
+ # The use of a fixture finalizer is preferred over the
+ # pytest_fixture_post_finalizer hook. The fixture finalizer is invoked once
+ # for each fixture, whereas the hook may be invoked multiple times for
+ # any specific fixture.
+ # see https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/issues/5848
+ _add_finalizers(
+ fixturedef,
+ _close_event_loop,
+ _provide_clean_event_loop,
+ )
+ outcome = yield
+ loop = outcome.get_result()
+ policy = asyncio.get_event_loop_policy()
+ try:
+ with warnings.catch_warnings():
+ warnings.simplefilter("ignore", DeprecationWarning)
+ old_loop = policy.get_event_loop()
+ if old_loop is not loop:
+ old_loop.close()
+ except RuntimeError:
+ # Either the current event loop has been set to None
+ # or the loop policy doesn't specify to create new loops
+ # or we're not in the main thread
+ pass
+ policy.set_event_loop(loop)
+ return
+ yield
+def _add_finalizers(fixturedef: FixtureDef, *finalizers: Callable[[], object]) -> None:
+ """
+ Regsiters the specified fixture finalizers in the fixture.
+ Finalizers need to specified in the exact order in which they should be invoked.
+ :param fixturedef: Fixture definition which finalizers should be added to
+ :param finalizers: Finalizers to be added
+ """
+ for finalizer in reversed(finalizers):
+ fixturedef.addfinalizer(finalizer)
+ """\
+ pytest-asyncio detected an unclosed event loop when tearing down the event_loop
+ fixture: %r
+ pytest-asyncio will close the event loop for you, but future versions of the
+ library will no longer do so. In order to ensure compatibility with future
+ versions, please make sure that:
+ 1. Any custom "event_loop" fixture properly closes the loop after yielding it
+ 2. The scopes of your custom "event_loop" fixtures do not overlap
+ 3. Your code does not modify the event loop in async fixtures or tests
+ """
+def _close_event_loop() -> None:
+ policy = asyncio.get_event_loop_policy()
+ try:
+ loop = policy.get_event_loop()
+ except RuntimeError:
+ loop = None
+ if loop is not None:
+ if not loop.is_closed():
+ warnings.warn(
+ DeprecationWarning,
+ )
+ loop.close()
+def _provide_clean_event_loop() -> None:
+ # At this point, the event loop for the current thread is closed.
+ # When a user calls asyncio.get_event_loop(), they will get a closed loop.
+ # In order to avoid this side effect from pytest-asyncio, we need to replace
+ # the current loop with a fresh one.
+ # Note that we cannot set the loop to None, because get_event_loop only creates
+ # a new loop, when set_event_loop has not been called.
+ policy = asyncio.get_event_loop_policy()
+ new_loop = policy.new_event_loop()
+ policy.set_event_loop(new_loop)
+@pytest.hookimpl(tryfirst=True, hookwrapper=True)
+def pytest_pyfunc_call(pyfuncitem: pytest.Function) -> Optional[object]:
+ """
+ Pytest hook called before a test case is run.
+ Wraps marked tests in a synchronous function
+ where the wrapped test coroutine is executed in an event loop.
+ """
+ marker = pyfuncitem.get_closest_marker("asyncio")
+ if marker is not None:
+ funcargs: Dict[str, object] = pyfuncitem.funcargs # type: ignore[name-defined]
+ loop = cast(asyncio.AbstractEventLoop, funcargs["event_loop"])
+ if _is_hypothesis_test(pyfuncitem.obj):
+ pyfuncitem.obj.hypothesis.inner_test = wrap_in_sync(
+ pyfuncitem,
+ pyfuncitem.obj.hypothesis.inner_test,
+ _loop=loop,
+ )
+ else:
+ pyfuncitem.obj = wrap_in_sync(
+ pyfuncitem,
+ pyfuncitem.obj,
+ _loop=loop,
+ )
+ yield
+def _is_hypothesis_test(function: Any) -> bool:
+ return getattr(function, "is_hypothesis_test", False)
+def wrap_in_sync(
+ pyfuncitem: pytest.Function,
+ func: Callable[..., Awaitable[Any]],
+ _loop: asyncio.AbstractEventLoop,
+ """Return a sync wrapper around an async function executing it in the
+ current event loop."""
+ # if the function is already wrapped, we rewrap using the original one
+ # not using __wrapped__ because the original function may already be
+ # a wrapped one
+ raw_func = getattr(func, "_raw_test_func", None)
+ if raw_func is not None:
+ func = raw_func
+ @functools.wraps(func)
+ def inner(*args, **kwargs):
+ coro = func(*args, **kwargs)
+ if not inspect.isawaitable(coro):
+ pyfuncitem.warn(
+ pytest.PytestWarning(
+ f"The test {pyfuncitem} is marked with '@pytest.mark.asyncio' "
+ "but it is not an async function. "
+ "Please remove asyncio marker. "
+ "If the test is not marked explicitly, "
+ "check for global markers applied via 'pytestmark'."
+ )
+ )
+ return
+ task = asyncio.ensure_future(coro, loop=_loop)
+ try:
+ return _loop.run_until_complete(task)
+ except BaseException:
+ # run_until_complete doesn't get the result from exceptions
+ # that are not subclasses of `Exception`. Consume all
+ # exceptions to prevent asyncio's warning from logging.
+ if task.done() and not task.cancelled():
+ task.exception()
+ raise
+ inner._raw_test_func = func # type: ignore[attr-defined]
+ return inner
+def pytest_runtest_setup(item: pytest.Item) -> None:
+ marker = item.get_closest_marker("asyncio")
+ if marker is None:
+ return
+ fixturenames = item.fixturenames # type: ignore[attr-defined]
+ # inject an event loop fixture for all async tests
+ if "event_loop" in fixturenames:
+ fixturenames.remove("event_loop")
+ fixturenames.insert(0, "event_loop")
+ obj = getattr(item, "obj", None)
+ if not getattr(obj, "hypothesis", False) and getattr(
+ obj, "is_hypothesis_test", False
+ ):
+ pytest.fail(
+ "test function `%r` is using Hypothesis, but pytest-asyncio "
+ "only works with Hypothesis 3.64.0 or later." % item
+ )
+def event_loop(request: FixtureRequest) -> Iterator[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop]:
+ """Create an instance of the default event loop for each test case."""
+ loop = asyncio.get_event_loop_policy().new_event_loop()
+ yield loop
+ loop.close()
+def _unused_port(socket_type: int) -> int:
+ """Find an unused localhost port from 1024-65535 and return it."""
+ with contextlib.closing(socket.socket(type=socket_type)) as sock:
+ sock.bind(("", 0))
+ return sock.getsockname()[1]
+def unused_tcp_port() -> int:
+ return _unused_port(socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+def unused_udp_port() -> int:
+ return _unused_port(socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
+def unused_tcp_port_factory() -> Callable[[], int]:
+ """A factory function, producing different unused TCP ports."""
+ produced = set()
+ def factory():
+ """Return an unused port."""
+ port = _unused_port(socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ while port in produced:
+ port = _unused_port(socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ produced.add(port)
+ return port
+ return factory
+def unused_udp_port_factory() -> Callable[[], int]:
+ """A factory function, producing different unused UDP ports."""
+ produced = set()
+ def factory():
+ """Return an unused port."""
+ port = _unused_port(socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
+ while port in produced:
+ port = _unused_port(socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
+ produced.add(port)
+ return port
+ return factory
diff --git a/contrib/python/pytest-asyncio/pytest_asyncio/py.typed b/contrib/python/pytest-asyncio/pytest_asyncio/py.typed
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/pytest-asyncio/pytest_asyncio/py.typed