path: root/contrib/python/pyre2/py3/src/compile.pxi
diff options
authorvitalyisaev <vitalyisaev@ydb.tech>2023-11-30 13:26:22 +0300
committervitalyisaev <vitalyisaev@ydb.tech>2023-11-30 15:44:45 +0300
commit0a98fece5a9b54f16afeb3a94b3eb3105e9c3962 (patch)
tree291d72dbd7e9865399f668c84d11ed86fb190bbf /contrib/python/pyre2/py3/src/compile.pxi
parentcb2c8d75065e5b3c47094067cb4aa407d4813298 (diff)
YQ Connector:Use docker-compose in integrational tests
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/pyre2/py3/src/compile.pxi')
1 files changed, 234 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/pyre2/py3/src/compile.pxi b/contrib/python/pyre2/py3/src/compile.pxi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..887a2778cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/pyre2/py3/src/compile.pxi
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+def compile(pattern, int flags=0, int max_mem=8388608):
+ cachekey = (type(pattern), pattern, flags)
+ if cachekey in _cache:
+ return _cache[cachekey]
+ p = _compile(pattern, flags, max_mem)
+ if len(_cache) >= _MAXCACHE:
+ _cache.popitem()
+ _cache[cachekey] = p
+ return p
+def _compile(object pattern, int flags=0, int max_mem=8388608):
+ """Compile a regular expression pattern, returning a pattern object."""
+ def fallback(pattern, flags, error_msg):
+ """Raise error, warn, or simply return fallback from re module."""
+ if current_notification == FALLBACK_EXCEPTION:
+ raise RegexError(error_msg)
+ elif current_notification == FALLBACK_WARNING:
+ warnings.warn("WARNING: Using re module. Reason: %s" % error_msg)
+ try:
+ result = PythonRePattern(pattern, flags)
+ except re.error as err:
+ raise RegexError(*err.args)
+ return result
+ cdef StringPiece * s
+ cdef Options opts
+ cdef int error_code
+ cdef int encoded = 0
+ cdef object original_pattern
+ if isinstance(pattern, (Pattern, SREPattern)):
+ if flags:
+ raise ValueError(
+ 'Cannot process flags argument with a compiled pattern')
+ return pattern
+ original_pattern = pattern
+ if flags & _L:
+ return fallback(original_pattern, flags, "re.LOCALE not supported")
+ pattern = unicode_to_bytes(pattern, &encoded, -1)
+ newflags = flags
+ if not PY2:
+ if not encoded and flags & _U: # re.UNICODE
+ pass # can use UNICODE with bytes pattern, but assumes valid UTF-8
+ # raise ValueError("can't use UNICODE flag with a bytes pattern")
+ elif encoded and not (flags & ASCII): # re.ASCII (not in Python 2)
+ newflags = flags | _U # re.UNICODE
+ elif encoded and flags & ASCII:
+ newflags = flags & ~_U # re.UNICODE
+ try:
+ pattern = _prepare_pattern(pattern, newflags)
+ except BackreferencesException:
+ return fallback(original_pattern, flags, "Backreferences not supported")
+ except CharClassProblemException:
+ return fallback(original_pattern, flags,
+ "\W and \S not supported inside character classes")
+ # Set the options given the flags above.
+ if flags & _I:
+ opts.set_case_sensitive(0);
+ opts.set_max_mem(max_mem)
+ opts.set_log_errors(0)
+ if flags & _U or encoded:
+ opts.set_encoding(EncodingUTF8)
+ else: # re.UNICODE flag not passed, and pattern is bytes,
+ # so allow matching of arbitrary byte sequences.
+ opts.set_encoding(EncodingLatin1)
+ s = new StringPiece(<char *><bytes>pattern, len(pattern))
+ cdef RE2 *re_pattern
+ with nogil:
+ re_pattern = new RE2(s[0], opts)
+ if not re_pattern.ok():
+ # Something went wrong with the compilation.
+ del s
+ error_msg = cpp_to_unicode(re_pattern.error())
+ error_code = re_pattern.error_code()
+ del re_pattern
+ if current_notification == FALLBACK_EXCEPTION:
+ # Raise an exception regardless of the type of error.
+ raise RegexError(error_msg)
+ elif error_code not in (ErrorBadPerlOp, ErrorRepeatSize,
+ # ErrorBadEscape,
+ ErrorPatternTooLarge):
+ # Raise an error because these will not be fixed by using the
+ # ``re`` module.
+ raise RegexError(error_msg)
+ elif current_notification == FALLBACK_WARNING:
+ warnings.warn("WARNING: Using re module. Reason: %s" % error_msg)
+ return PythonRePattern(original_pattern, flags)
+ cdef Pattern pypattern = Pattern()
+ cdef map[cpp_string, int] named_groups = re_pattern.NamedCapturingGroups()
+ pypattern.pattern = original_pattern
+ pypattern.re_pattern = re_pattern
+ pypattern.groups = re_pattern.NumberOfCapturingGroups()
+ pypattern.encoded = encoded
+ pypattern.flags = flags
+ pypattern.groupindex = {}
+ for it in named_groups:
+ pypattern.groupindex[cpp_to_unicode(it.first)] = it.second
+ if flags & DEBUG:
+ print(repr(pypattern._dump_pattern()))
+ del s
+ return pypattern
+def _prepare_pattern(bytes pattern, int flags):
+ """Translate pattern to RE2 syntax."""
+ cdef bytearray result = bytearray()
+ cdef unsigned char * cstring = pattern
+ cdef unsigned char this, that
+ cdef int size = len(pattern)
+ cdef int n = 0
+ if flags & (_S | _M):
+ result.extend(b'(?')
+ if flags & _S:
+ result.extend(b's')
+ if flags & _M:
+ result.extend(b'm')
+ result.extend(b')')
+ while n < size:
+ this = cstring[n]
+ if flags & _X:
+ if this in b' \t\n\r\f\v':
+ n += 1
+ continue
+ elif this == b'#':
+ while True:
+ n += 1
+ if n >= size:
+ break
+ this = cstring[n]
+ if this == b'\n':
+ break
+ n += 1
+ continue
+ if this != b'[' and this != b'\\':
+ result.append(this)
+ n += 1
+ continue
+ elif this == b'[':
+ result.append(this)
+ while True:
+ n += 1
+ if n >= size:
+ raise RegexError("unexpected end of regular expression")
+ this = cstring[n]
+ if this == b']':
+ result.append(this)
+ break
+ elif this == b'\\':
+ n += 1
+ that = cstring[n]
+ if that == b'b':
+ result.extend(br'\010')
+ elif flags & _U:
+ if that == b'd':
+ result.extend(br'\p{Nd}')
+ elif that == b'w':
+ result.extend(br'_\p{L}\p{Nd}')
+ elif that == b's':
+ result.extend(br'\s\p{Z}')
+ elif that == b'D':
+ result.extend(br'\P{Nd}')
+ elif that == b'W':
+ # Since \w and \s are made out of several character
+ # groups, I don't see a way to convert their
+ # complements into a group without rewriting the
+ # whole expression, which seems too complicated.
+ raise CharClassProblemException()
+ elif that == b'S':
+ raise CharClassProblemException()
+ else:
+ result.append(this)
+ result.append(that)
+ else:
+ result.append(this)
+ result.append(that)
+ else:
+ result.append(this)
+ elif this == b'\\':
+ n += 1
+ that = cstring[n]
+ if b'8' <= that <= b'9':
+ raise BackreferencesException()
+ elif isoct(that):
+ if (n + 2 < size and isoct(cstring[n + 1])
+ and isoct(cstring[n + 2])):
+ # all clear, this is an octal escape
+ result.extend(cstring[n - 1:n + 3])
+ n += 2
+ else:
+ raise BackreferencesException()
+ elif that == b'x':
+ if (n + 2 < size and ishex(cstring[n + 1])
+ and ishex(cstring[n + 2])):
+ # hex escape
+ result.extend(cstring[n - 1:n + 3])
+ n += 2
+ else:
+ raise BackreferencesException()
+ elif that == b'Z':
+ result.extend(b'\\z')
+ elif flags & _U:
+ if that == b'd':
+ result.extend(br'\p{Nd}')
+ elif that == b'w':
+ result.extend(br'[_\p{L}\p{Nd}]')
+ elif that == b's':
+ result.extend(br'[\s\p{Z}]')
+ elif that == b'D':
+ result.extend(br'[^\p{Nd}]')
+ elif that == b'W':
+ result.extend(br'[^_\p{L}\p{Nd}]')
+ elif that == b'S':
+ result.extend(br'[^\s\p{Z}]')
+ else:
+ result.append(this)
+ result.append(that)
+ else:
+ result.append(this)
+ result.append(that)
+ n += 1
+ return bytes(result)