path: root/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2
diff options
authorshadchin <shadchin@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:44:39 +0300
committerDaniil Cherednik <dcherednik@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:44:39 +0300
commite9656aae26e0358d5378e5b63dcac5c8dbe0e4d0 (patch)
tree64175d5cadab313b3e7039ebaa06c5bc3295e274 /contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2
parent2598ef1d0aee359b4b6d5fdd1758916d5907d04f (diff)
Restoring authorship annotation for <shadchin@yandex-team.ru>. Commit 2 of 2.
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2')
50 files changed, 3531 insertions, 3531 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/.dist-info/METADATA b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/.dist-info/METADATA
index 2eef0447f0..24d0343b30 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/.dist-info/METADATA
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/.dist-info/METADATA
@@ -1,198 +1,198 @@
-Metadata-Version: 2.1
-Name: prompt-toolkit
-Version: 1.0.18
-Summary: Library for building powerful interactive command lines in Python
-Home-page: https://github.com/jonathanslenders/python-prompt-toolkit
-Author: Jonathan Slenders
-Author-email: UNKNOWN
-License: UNKNOWN
-Platform: UNKNOWN
-Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
-Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
-Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License
-Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
-Classifier: Topic :: Software Development
-Requires-Dist: six (>=1.9.0)
-Requires-Dist: wcwidth
-Python Prompt Toolkit
-|Build Status| |PyPI|
-``prompt_toolkit`` is a library for building powerful interactive command lines
-and terminal applications in Python.
-Read the `documentation on readthedocs
-`ptpython <http://github.com/jonathanslenders/ptpython/>`_ is an interactive
-Python Shell, build on top of prompt_toolkit.
-.. image :: https://github.com/jonathanslenders/python-prompt-toolkit/raw/master/docs/images/ptpython.png
-prompt_toolkit features
-``prompt_toolkit`` could be a replacement for `GNU readline
-<http://cnswww.cns.cwru.edu/php/chet/readline/rltop.html>`_, but it can be much
-more than that.
-Some features:
-- Pure Python.
-- Syntax highlighting of the input while typing. (For instance, with a Pygments lexer.)
-- Multi-line input editing.
-- Advanced code completion.
-- Both Emacs and Vi key bindings. (Similar to readline.)
-- Even some advanced Vi functionality, like named registers and digraphs.
-- Reverse and forward incremental search.
-- Runs on all Python versions from 2.6 up to 3.5.
-- Works well with Unicode double width characters. (Chinese input.)
-- Selecting text for copy/paste. (Both Emacs and Vi style.)
-- Support for `bracketed paste <https://cirw.in/blog/bracketed-paste>`_.
-- Mouse support for cursor positioning and scrolling.
-- Auto suggestions. (Like `fish shell <http://fishshell.com/>`_.)
-- Multiple input buffers.
-- No global state.
-- Lightweight, the only dependencies are Pygments, six and wcwidth.
-- Runs on Linux, OS X, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Windows systems.
-- And much more...
-Feel free to create tickets for bugs and feature requests, and create pull
-requests if you have nice patches that you would like to share with others.
-About Windows support
-``prompt_toolkit`` is cross platform, and everything that you build on top
-should run fine on both Unix and Windows systems. On Windows, it uses a
-different event loop (``WaitForMultipleObjects`` instead of ``select``), and
-another input and output system. (Win32 APIs instead of pseudo-terminals and
-It's worth noting that the implementation is a "best effort of what is
-possible". Both Unix and Windows terminals have their limitations. But in
-general, the Unix experience will still be a little better.
-For Windows, it's recommended to use either `cmder
-<http://cmder.net/>`_ or `conemu <https://conemu.github.io/>`_.
- pip install prompt_toolkit
-For Conda, do:
- conda install -c https://conda.anaconda.org/conda-forge prompt_toolkit
-Getting started
-The most simple example of the library would look like this:
-.. code:: python
- from prompt_toolkit import prompt
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- answer = prompt('Give me some input: ')
- print('You said: %s' % answer)
-For more complex examples, have a look in the ``examples`` directory. All
-examples are chosen to demonstrate only one thing. Also, don't be afraid to
-look at the source code. The implementation of the ``prompt`` function could be
-a good start.
-Note for Python 2: all strings are expected to be unicode strings. So, either
-put a small ``u`` in front of every string or put ``from __future__ import
-unicode_literals`` at the start of the above example.
-Projects using prompt_toolkit
-- `ptpython <http://github.com/jonathanslenders/ptpython/>`_: Python REPL
-- `ptpdb <http://github.com/jonathanslenders/ptpdb/>`_: Python debugger (pdb replacement)
-- `pgcli <http://pgcli.com/>`_: Postgres client.
-- `mycli <http://mycli.net>`_: MySql client.
-- `wharfee <http://wharfee.com/>`_: A Docker command line.
-- `xonsh <http://xon.sh/>`_: A Python-ish, BASHwards-compatible shell.
-- `saws <https://github.com/donnemartin/saws>`_: A Supercharged AWS Command Line Interface.
-- `cycli <https://github.com/nicolewhite/cycli>`_: A Command Line Interface for Cypher.
-- `crash <https://github.com/crate/crash>`_: Crate command line client.
-- `vcli <https://github.com/dbcli/vcli>`_: Vertica client.
-- `aws-shell <https://github.com/awslabs/aws-shell>`_: An integrated shell for working with the AWS CLI.
-- `softlayer-python <https://github.com/softlayer/softlayer-python>`_: A command-line interface to manage various SoftLayer products and services.
-- `ipython <http://github.com/ipython/ipython/>`_: The IPython REPL
-- `click-repl <https://github.com/click-contrib/click-repl>`_: Subcommand REPL for click apps.
-- `haxor-news <https://github.com/donnemartin/haxor-news>`_: A Hacker News CLI.
-- `gitsome <https://github.com/donnemartin/gitsome>`_: A Git/Shell Autocompleter with GitHub Integration.
-- `http-prompt <https://github.com/eliangcs/http-prompt>`_: An interactive command-line HTTP client.
-- `coconut <http://coconut-lang.org/>`_: Functional programming in Python.
-- `Ergonomica <https://ergonomica.github.io/>`_: A Bash alternative written in Python.
-- `Kube-shell <https://github.com/cloudnativelabs/kube-shell>`_: Kubernetes shell: An integrated shell for working with the Kubernetes CLI
-Full screen applications:
-- `pymux <http://github.com/jonathanslenders/pymux/>`_: A terminal multiplexer (like tmux) in pure Python.
-- `pyvim <http://github.com/jonathanslenders/pyvim/>`_: A Vim clone in pure Python.
-(Want your own project to be listed here? Please create a GitHub issue.)
-The source code of ``prompt_toolkit`` should be readable, concise and
-efficient. We prefer short functions focussing each on one task and for which
-the input and output types are clearly specified. We mostly prefer composition
-over inheritance, because inheritance can result in too much functionality in
-the same object. We prefer immutable objects where possible (objects don't
-change after initialisation). Reusability is important. We absolutely refrain
-from having a changing global state, it should be possible to have multiple
-independent instances of the same code in the same process. The architecture
-should be layered: the lower levels operate on primitive operations and data
-structures giving -- when correctly combined -- all the possible flexibility;
-while at the higher level, there should be a simpler API, ready-to-use and
-sufficient for most use cases. Thinking about algorithms and efficiency is
-important, but avoid premature optimization.
-Special thanks to
-- `Pygments <http://pygments.org/>`_: Syntax highlighter.
-- `wcwidth <https://github.com/jquast/wcwidth>`_: Determine columns needed for a wide characters.
-.. |Build Status| image:: https://api.travis-ci.org/jonathanslenders/python-prompt-toolkit.svg?branch=master
- :target: https://travis-ci.org/jonathanslenders/python-prompt-toolkit#
-.. |PyPI| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/prompt_toolkit.svg
- :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/prompt-toolkit/
- :alt: Latest Version
+Metadata-Version: 2.1
+Name: prompt-toolkit
+Version: 1.0.18
+Summary: Library for building powerful interactive command lines in Python
+Home-page: https://github.com/jonathanslenders/python-prompt-toolkit
+Author: Jonathan Slenders
+Author-email: UNKNOWN
+License: UNKNOWN
+Platform: UNKNOWN
+Classifier: Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
+Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License
+Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.6
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python
+Classifier: Topic :: Software Development
+Requires-Dist: six (>=1.9.0)
+Requires-Dist: wcwidth
+Python Prompt Toolkit
+|Build Status| |PyPI|
+``prompt_toolkit`` is a library for building powerful interactive command lines
+and terminal applications in Python.
+Read the `documentation on readthedocs
+`ptpython <http://github.com/jonathanslenders/ptpython/>`_ is an interactive
+Python Shell, build on top of prompt_toolkit.
+.. image :: https://github.com/jonathanslenders/python-prompt-toolkit/raw/master/docs/images/ptpython.png
+prompt_toolkit features
+``prompt_toolkit`` could be a replacement for `GNU readline
+<http://cnswww.cns.cwru.edu/php/chet/readline/rltop.html>`_, but it can be much
+more than that.
+Some features:
+- Pure Python.
+- Syntax highlighting of the input while typing. (For instance, with a Pygments lexer.)
+- Multi-line input editing.
+- Advanced code completion.
+- Both Emacs and Vi key bindings. (Similar to readline.)
+- Even some advanced Vi functionality, like named registers and digraphs.
+- Reverse and forward incremental search.
+- Runs on all Python versions from 2.6 up to 3.5.
+- Works well with Unicode double width characters. (Chinese input.)
+- Selecting text for copy/paste. (Both Emacs and Vi style.)
+- Support for `bracketed paste <https://cirw.in/blog/bracketed-paste>`_.
+- Mouse support for cursor positioning and scrolling.
+- Auto suggestions. (Like `fish shell <http://fishshell.com/>`_.)
+- Multiple input buffers.
+- No global state.
+- Lightweight, the only dependencies are Pygments, six and wcwidth.
+- Runs on Linux, OS X, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Windows systems.
+- And much more...
+Feel free to create tickets for bugs and feature requests, and create pull
+requests if you have nice patches that you would like to share with others.
+About Windows support
+``prompt_toolkit`` is cross platform, and everything that you build on top
+should run fine on both Unix and Windows systems. On Windows, it uses a
+different event loop (``WaitForMultipleObjects`` instead of ``select``), and
+another input and output system. (Win32 APIs instead of pseudo-terminals and
+It's worth noting that the implementation is a "best effort of what is
+possible". Both Unix and Windows terminals have their limitations. But in
+general, the Unix experience will still be a little better.
+For Windows, it's recommended to use either `cmder
+<http://cmder.net/>`_ or `conemu <https://conemu.github.io/>`_.
+ pip install prompt_toolkit
+For Conda, do:
+ conda install -c https://conda.anaconda.org/conda-forge prompt_toolkit
+Getting started
+The most simple example of the library would look like this:
+.. code:: python
+ from prompt_toolkit import prompt
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ answer = prompt('Give me some input: ')
+ print('You said: %s' % answer)
+For more complex examples, have a look in the ``examples`` directory. All
+examples are chosen to demonstrate only one thing. Also, don't be afraid to
+look at the source code. The implementation of the ``prompt`` function could be
+a good start.
+Note for Python 2: all strings are expected to be unicode strings. So, either
+put a small ``u`` in front of every string or put ``from __future__ import
+unicode_literals`` at the start of the above example.
+Projects using prompt_toolkit
+- `ptpython <http://github.com/jonathanslenders/ptpython/>`_: Python REPL
+- `ptpdb <http://github.com/jonathanslenders/ptpdb/>`_: Python debugger (pdb replacement)
+- `pgcli <http://pgcli.com/>`_: Postgres client.
+- `mycli <http://mycli.net>`_: MySql client.
+- `wharfee <http://wharfee.com/>`_: A Docker command line.
+- `xonsh <http://xon.sh/>`_: A Python-ish, BASHwards-compatible shell.
+- `saws <https://github.com/donnemartin/saws>`_: A Supercharged AWS Command Line Interface.
+- `cycli <https://github.com/nicolewhite/cycli>`_: A Command Line Interface for Cypher.
+- `crash <https://github.com/crate/crash>`_: Crate command line client.
+- `vcli <https://github.com/dbcli/vcli>`_: Vertica client.
+- `aws-shell <https://github.com/awslabs/aws-shell>`_: An integrated shell for working with the AWS CLI.
+- `softlayer-python <https://github.com/softlayer/softlayer-python>`_: A command-line interface to manage various SoftLayer products and services.
+- `ipython <http://github.com/ipython/ipython/>`_: The IPython REPL
+- `click-repl <https://github.com/click-contrib/click-repl>`_: Subcommand REPL for click apps.
+- `haxor-news <https://github.com/donnemartin/haxor-news>`_: A Hacker News CLI.
+- `gitsome <https://github.com/donnemartin/gitsome>`_: A Git/Shell Autocompleter with GitHub Integration.
+- `http-prompt <https://github.com/eliangcs/http-prompt>`_: An interactive command-line HTTP client.
+- `coconut <http://coconut-lang.org/>`_: Functional programming in Python.
+- `Ergonomica <https://ergonomica.github.io/>`_: A Bash alternative written in Python.
+- `Kube-shell <https://github.com/cloudnativelabs/kube-shell>`_: Kubernetes shell: An integrated shell for working with the Kubernetes CLI
+Full screen applications:
+- `pymux <http://github.com/jonathanslenders/pymux/>`_: A terminal multiplexer (like tmux) in pure Python.
+- `pyvim <http://github.com/jonathanslenders/pyvim/>`_: A Vim clone in pure Python.
+(Want your own project to be listed here? Please create a GitHub issue.)
+The source code of ``prompt_toolkit`` should be readable, concise and
+efficient. We prefer short functions focussing each on one task and for which
+the input and output types are clearly specified. We mostly prefer composition
+over inheritance, because inheritance can result in too much functionality in
+the same object. We prefer immutable objects where possible (objects don't
+change after initialisation). Reusability is important. We absolutely refrain
+from having a changing global state, it should be possible to have multiple
+independent instances of the same code in the same process. The architecture
+should be layered: the lower levels operate on primitive operations and data
+structures giving -- when correctly combined -- all the possible flexibility;
+while at the higher level, there should be a simpler API, ready-to-use and
+sufficient for most use cases. Thinking about algorithms and efficiency is
+important, but avoid premature optimization.
+Special thanks to
+- `Pygments <http://pygments.org/>`_: Syntax highlighter.
+- `wcwidth <https://github.com/jquast/wcwidth>`_: Determine columns needed for a wide characters.
+.. |Build Status| image:: https://api.travis-ci.org/jonathanslenders/python-prompt-toolkit.svg?branch=master
+ :target: https://travis-ci.org/jonathanslenders/python-prompt-toolkit#
+.. |PyPI| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/prompt_toolkit.svg
+ :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/prompt-toolkit/
+ :alt: Latest Version
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/.dist-info/top_level.txt b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/.dist-info/top_level.txt
index 9bc5fd72d9..29392dfc5b 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/.dist-info/top_level.txt
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/.dist-info/top_level.txt
@@ -1 +1 @@
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/AUTHORS.rst b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/AUTHORS.rst
index c79b244a3d..f7c8f60f40 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/AUTHORS.rst
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/AUTHORS.rst
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-Jonathan Slenders <jonathan AT slenders.be>
-- Amjith Ramanujam <amjith.r AT gmail.com>
+Jonathan Slenders <jonathan AT slenders.be>
+- Amjith Ramanujam <amjith.r AT gmail.com>
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/README.rst b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/README.rst
index a73dbd2389..35b1745614 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/README.rst
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/README.rst
@@ -1,171 +1,171 @@
-Python Prompt Toolkit
-|Build Status| |PyPI|
-``prompt_toolkit`` is a library for building powerful interactive command lines
-and terminal applications in Python.
-Read the `documentation on readthedocs
-`ptpython <http://github.com/jonathanslenders/ptpython/>`_ is an interactive
-Python Shell, build on top of prompt_toolkit.
-.. image :: https://github.com/jonathanslenders/python-prompt-toolkit/raw/master/docs/images/ptpython.png
-prompt_toolkit features
-``prompt_toolkit`` could be a replacement for `GNU readline
-<http://cnswww.cns.cwru.edu/php/chet/readline/rltop.html>`_, but it can be much
-more than that.
-Some features:
-- Pure Python.
-- Syntax highlighting of the input while typing. (For instance, with a Pygments lexer.)
-- Multi-line input editing.
-- Advanced code completion.
-- Both Emacs and Vi key bindings. (Similar to readline.)
-- Even some advanced Vi functionality, like named registers and digraphs.
-- Reverse and forward incremental search.
-- Runs on all Python versions from 2.6 up to 3.5.
-- Works well with Unicode double width characters. (Chinese input.)
-- Selecting text for copy/paste. (Both Emacs and Vi style.)
-- Support for `bracketed paste <https://cirw.in/blog/bracketed-paste>`_.
-- Mouse support for cursor positioning and scrolling.
-- Auto suggestions. (Like `fish shell <http://fishshell.com/>`_.)
-- Multiple input buffers.
-- No global state.
-- Lightweight, the only dependencies are Pygments, six and wcwidth.
-- Runs on Linux, OS X, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Windows systems.
-- And much more...
-Feel free to create tickets for bugs and feature requests, and create pull
-requests if you have nice patches that you would like to share with others.
-About Windows support
-``prompt_toolkit`` is cross platform, and everything that you build on top
-should run fine on both Unix and Windows systems. On Windows, it uses a
-different event loop (``WaitForMultipleObjects`` instead of ``select``), and
-another input and output system. (Win32 APIs instead of pseudo-terminals and
-It's worth noting that the implementation is a "best effort of what is
-possible". Both Unix and Windows terminals have their limitations. But in
-general, the Unix experience will still be a little better.
-For Windows, it's recommended to use either `cmder
-<http://cmder.net/>`_ or `conemu <https://conemu.github.io/>`_.
- pip install prompt_toolkit
-For Conda, do:
- conda install -c https://conda.anaconda.org/conda-forge prompt_toolkit
-Getting started
-The most simple example of the library would look like this:
-.. code:: python
- from prompt_toolkit import prompt
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- answer = prompt('Give me some input: ')
- print('You said: %s' % answer)
-For more complex examples, have a look in the ``examples`` directory. All
-examples are chosen to demonstrate only one thing. Also, don't be afraid to
-look at the source code. The implementation of the ``prompt`` function could be
-a good start.
-Note for Python 2: all strings are expected to be unicode strings. So, either
-put a small ``u`` in front of every string or put ``from __future__ import
-unicode_literals`` at the start of the above example.
-Projects using prompt_toolkit
-- `ptpython <http://github.com/jonathanslenders/ptpython/>`_: Python REPL
-- `ptpdb <http://github.com/jonathanslenders/ptpdb/>`_: Python debugger (pdb replacement)
-- `pgcli <http://pgcli.com/>`_: Postgres client.
-- `mycli <http://mycli.net>`_: MySql client.
-- `wharfee <http://wharfee.com/>`_: A Docker command line.
-- `xonsh <http://xon.sh/>`_: A Python-ish, BASHwards-compatible shell.
-- `saws <https://github.com/donnemartin/saws>`_: A Supercharged AWS Command Line Interface.
-- `cycli <https://github.com/nicolewhite/cycli>`_: A Command Line Interface for Cypher.
-- `crash <https://github.com/crate/crash>`_: Crate command line client.
-- `vcli <https://github.com/dbcli/vcli>`_: Vertica client.
-- `aws-shell <https://github.com/awslabs/aws-shell>`_: An integrated shell for working with the AWS CLI.
-- `softlayer-python <https://github.com/softlayer/softlayer-python>`_: A command-line interface to manage various SoftLayer products and services.
-- `ipython <http://github.com/ipython/ipython/>`_: The IPython REPL
-- `click-repl <https://github.com/click-contrib/click-repl>`_: Subcommand REPL for click apps.
-- `haxor-news <https://github.com/donnemartin/haxor-news>`_: A Hacker News CLI.
-- `gitsome <https://github.com/donnemartin/gitsome>`_: A Git/Shell Autocompleter with GitHub Integration.
-- `http-prompt <https://github.com/eliangcs/http-prompt>`_: An interactive command-line HTTP client.
-- `coconut <http://coconut-lang.org/>`_: Functional programming in Python.
-- `Ergonomica <https://ergonomica.github.io/>`_: A Bash alternative written in Python.
-- `Kube-shell <https://github.com/cloudnativelabs/kube-shell>`_: Kubernetes shell: An integrated shell for working with the Kubernetes CLI
-Full screen applications:
-- `pymux <http://github.com/jonathanslenders/pymux/>`_: A terminal multiplexer (like tmux) in pure Python.
-- `pyvim <http://github.com/jonathanslenders/pyvim/>`_: A Vim clone in pure Python.
-(Want your own project to be listed here? Please create a GitHub issue.)
-The source code of ``prompt_toolkit`` should be readable, concise and
-efficient. We prefer short functions focussing each on one task and for which
-the input and output types are clearly specified. We mostly prefer composition
-over inheritance, because inheritance can result in too much functionality in
-the same object. We prefer immutable objects where possible (objects don't
-change after initialisation). Reusability is important. We absolutely refrain
-from having a changing global state, it should be possible to have multiple
-independent instances of the same code in the same process. The architecture
-should be layered: the lower levels operate on primitive operations and data
-structures giving -- when correctly combined -- all the possible flexibility;
-while at the higher level, there should be a simpler API, ready-to-use and
-sufficient for most use cases. Thinking about algorithms and efficiency is
-important, but avoid premature optimization.
-Special thanks to
-- `Pygments <http://pygments.org/>`_: Syntax highlighter.
-- `wcwidth <https://github.com/jquast/wcwidth>`_: Determine columns needed for a wide characters.
-.. |Build Status| image:: https://api.travis-ci.org/jonathanslenders/python-prompt-toolkit.svg?branch=master
- :target: https://travis-ci.org/jonathanslenders/python-prompt-toolkit#
-.. |PyPI| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/prompt_toolkit.svg
- :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/prompt-toolkit/
- :alt: Latest Version
+Python Prompt Toolkit
+|Build Status| |PyPI|
+``prompt_toolkit`` is a library for building powerful interactive command lines
+and terminal applications in Python.
+Read the `documentation on readthedocs
+`ptpython <http://github.com/jonathanslenders/ptpython/>`_ is an interactive
+Python Shell, build on top of prompt_toolkit.
+.. image :: https://github.com/jonathanslenders/python-prompt-toolkit/raw/master/docs/images/ptpython.png
+prompt_toolkit features
+``prompt_toolkit`` could be a replacement for `GNU readline
+<http://cnswww.cns.cwru.edu/php/chet/readline/rltop.html>`_, but it can be much
+more than that.
+Some features:
+- Pure Python.
+- Syntax highlighting of the input while typing. (For instance, with a Pygments lexer.)
+- Multi-line input editing.
+- Advanced code completion.
+- Both Emacs and Vi key bindings. (Similar to readline.)
+- Even some advanced Vi functionality, like named registers and digraphs.
+- Reverse and forward incremental search.
+- Runs on all Python versions from 2.6 up to 3.5.
+- Works well with Unicode double width characters. (Chinese input.)
+- Selecting text for copy/paste. (Both Emacs and Vi style.)
+- Support for `bracketed paste <https://cirw.in/blog/bracketed-paste>`_.
+- Mouse support for cursor positioning and scrolling.
+- Auto suggestions. (Like `fish shell <http://fishshell.com/>`_.)
+- Multiple input buffers.
+- No global state.
+- Lightweight, the only dependencies are Pygments, six and wcwidth.
+- Runs on Linux, OS X, FreeBSD, OpenBSD and Windows systems.
+- And much more...
+Feel free to create tickets for bugs and feature requests, and create pull
+requests if you have nice patches that you would like to share with others.
+About Windows support
+``prompt_toolkit`` is cross platform, and everything that you build on top
+should run fine on both Unix and Windows systems. On Windows, it uses a
+different event loop (``WaitForMultipleObjects`` instead of ``select``), and
+another input and output system. (Win32 APIs instead of pseudo-terminals and
+It's worth noting that the implementation is a "best effort of what is
+possible". Both Unix and Windows terminals have their limitations. But in
+general, the Unix experience will still be a little better.
+For Windows, it's recommended to use either `cmder
+<http://cmder.net/>`_ or `conemu <https://conemu.github.io/>`_.
+ pip install prompt_toolkit
+For Conda, do:
+ conda install -c https://conda.anaconda.org/conda-forge prompt_toolkit
+Getting started
+The most simple example of the library would look like this:
+.. code:: python
+ from prompt_toolkit import prompt
+ if __name__ == '__main__':
+ answer = prompt('Give me some input: ')
+ print('You said: %s' % answer)
+For more complex examples, have a look in the ``examples`` directory. All
+examples are chosen to demonstrate only one thing. Also, don't be afraid to
+look at the source code. The implementation of the ``prompt`` function could be
+a good start.
+Note for Python 2: all strings are expected to be unicode strings. So, either
+put a small ``u`` in front of every string or put ``from __future__ import
+unicode_literals`` at the start of the above example.
+Projects using prompt_toolkit
+- `ptpython <http://github.com/jonathanslenders/ptpython/>`_: Python REPL
+- `ptpdb <http://github.com/jonathanslenders/ptpdb/>`_: Python debugger (pdb replacement)
+- `pgcli <http://pgcli.com/>`_: Postgres client.
+- `mycli <http://mycli.net>`_: MySql client.
+- `wharfee <http://wharfee.com/>`_: A Docker command line.
+- `xonsh <http://xon.sh/>`_: A Python-ish, BASHwards-compatible shell.
+- `saws <https://github.com/donnemartin/saws>`_: A Supercharged AWS Command Line Interface.
+- `cycli <https://github.com/nicolewhite/cycli>`_: A Command Line Interface for Cypher.
+- `crash <https://github.com/crate/crash>`_: Crate command line client.
+- `vcli <https://github.com/dbcli/vcli>`_: Vertica client.
+- `aws-shell <https://github.com/awslabs/aws-shell>`_: An integrated shell for working with the AWS CLI.
+- `softlayer-python <https://github.com/softlayer/softlayer-python>`_: A command-line interface to manage various SoftLayer products and services.
+- `ipython <http://github.com/ipython/ipython/>`_: The IPython REPL
+- `click-repl <https://github.com/click-contrib/click-repl>`_: Subcommand REPL for click apps.
+- `haxor-news <https://github.com/donnemartin/haxor-news>`_: A Hacker News CLI.
+- `gitsome <https://github.com/donnemartin/gitsome>`_: A Git/Shell Autocompleter with GitHub Integration.
+- `http-prompt <https://github.com/eliangcs/http-prompt>`_: An interactive command-line HTTP client.
+- `coconut <http://coconut-lang.org/>`_: Functional programming in Python.
+- `Ergonomica <https://ergonomica.github.io/>`_: A Bash alternative written in Python.
+- `Kube-shell <https://github.com/cloudnativelabs/kube-shell>`_: Kubernetes shell: An integrated shell for working with the Kubernetes CLI
+Full screen applications:
+- `pymux <http://github.com/jonathanslenders/pymux/>`_: A terminal multiplexer (like tmux) in pure Python.
+- `pyvim <http://github.com/jonathanslenders/pyvim/>`_: A Vim clone in pure Python.
+(Want your own project to be listed here? Please create a GitHub issue.)
+The source code of ``prompt_toolkit`` should be readable, concise and
+efficient. We prefer short functions focussing each on one task and for which
+the input and output types are clearly specified. We mostly prefer composition
+over inheritance, because inheritance can result in too much functionality in
+the same object. We prefer immutable objects where possible (objects don't
+change after initialisation). Reusability is important. We absolutely refrain
+from having a changing global state, it should be possible to have multiple
+independent instances of the same code in the same process. The architecture
+should be layered: the lower levels operate on primitive operations and data
+structures giving -- when correctly combined -- all the possible flexibility;
+while at the higher level, there should be a simpler API, ready-to-use and
+sufficient for most use cases. Thinking about algorithms and efficiency is
+important, but avoid premature optimization.
+Special thanks to
+- `Pygments <http://pygments.org/>`_: Syntax highlighter.
+- `wcwidth <https://github.com/jquast/wcwidth>`_: Determine columns needed for a wide characters.
+.. |Build Status| image:: https://api.travis-ci.org/jonathanslenders/python-prompt-toolkit.svg?branch=master
+ :target: https://travis-ci.org/jonathanslenders/python-prompt-toolkit#
+.. |PyPI| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/prompt_toolkit.svg
+ :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/prompt-toolkit/
+ :alt: Latest Version
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/patches/01-fix-tests.patch b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/patches/01-fix-tests.patch
index 01a3d44c27..2830ea41db 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/patches/01-fix-tests.patch
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/patches/01-fix-tests.patch
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
---- contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_contrib.py (index)
-+++ contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_contrib.py (working tree)
-@@ -194,7 +194,8 @@ def test_pathcompleter_does_not_expanduser_by_default():
- assert [] == completions
--def test_pathcompleter_can_expanduser():
-+def test_pathcompleter_can_expanduser(monkeypatch):
-+ monkeypatch.setenv('HOME', '/tmp')
- completer = PathCompleter(expanduser=True)
- doc_text = '~'
- doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
+--- contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_contrib.py (index)
++++ contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_contrib.py (working tree)
+@@ -194,7 +194,8 @@ def test_pathcompleter_does_not_expanduser_by_default():
+ assert [] == completions
+-def test_pathcompleter_can_expanduser():
++def test_pathcompleter_can_expanduser(monkeypatch):
++ monkeypatch.setenv('HOME', '/tmp')
+ completer = PathCompleter(expanduser=True)
+ doc_text = '~'
+ doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/__init__.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/__init__.py
index 310f653209..6478ba4f9a 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/__init__.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/__init__.py
@@ -19,4 +19,4 @@ from .shortcuts import prompt, prompt_async
# Don't forget to update in `docs/conf.py`!
-__version__ = '1.0.18'
+__version__ = '1.0.18'
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/application.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/application.py
index 61ff79de4c..272d8bbcbb 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/application.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/application.py
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ from .filters import CLIFilter, to_cli_filter
from .key_binding.bindings.basic import load_basic_bindings
from .key_binding.bindings.emacs import load_emacs_bindings
from .key_binding.bindings.vi import load_vi_bindings
-from .key_binding.registry import BaseRegistry
-from .key_binding.defaults import load_key_bindings
+from .key_binding.registry import BaseRegistry
+from .key_binding.defaults import load_key_bindings
from .layout import Window
from .layout.containers import Container
from .layout.controls import BufferControl
@@ -50,17 +50,17 @@ class Application(object):
:param buffer: A :class:`~prompt_toolkit.buffer.Buffer` instance for the default buffer.
:param initial_focussed_buffer: Name of the buffer that is focussed during start-up.
:param key_bindings_registry:
- :class:`~prompt_toolkit.key_binding.registry.BaseRegistry` instance for
- the key bindings.
+ :class:`~prompt_toolkit.key_binding.registry.BaseRegistry` instance for
+ the key bindings.
:param clipboard: :class:`~prompt_toolkit.clipboard.base.Clipboard` to use.
:param on_abort: What to do when Control-C is pressed.
:param on_exit: What to do when Control-D is pressed.
:param use_alternate_screen: When True, run the application on the alternate screen buffer.
:param get_title: Callable that returns the current title to be displayed in the terminal.
:param erase_when_done: (bool) Clear the application output when it finishes.
- :param reverse_vi_search_direction: Normally, in Vi mode, a '/' searches
- forward and a '?' searches backward. In readline mode, this is usually
- reversed.
+ :param reverse_vi_search_direction: Normally, in Vi mode, a '/' searches
+ forward and a '?' searches backward. In readline mode, this is usually
+ reversed.
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class Application(object):
paste_mode=False, ignore_case=False, editing_mode=EditingMode.EMACS,
- reverse_vi_search_direction=False,
+ reverse_vi_search_direction=False,
on_input_timeout=None, on_start=None, on_stop=None,
on_reset=None, on_initialize=None, on_buffer_changed=None,
@@ -103,12 +103,12 @@ class Application(object):
paste_mode = to_cli_filter(paste_mode)
ignore_case = to_cli_filter(ignore_case)
mouse_support = to_cli_filter(mouse_support)
- reverse_vi_search_direction = to_cli_filter(reverse_vi_search_direction)
+ reverse_vi_search_direction = to_cli_filter(reverse_vi_search_direction)
assert layout is None or isinstance(layout, Container)
assert buffer is None or isinstance(buffer, Buffer)
assert buffers is None or isinstance(buffers, (dict, BufferMapping))
- assert key_bindings_registry is None or isinstance(key_bindings_registry, BaseRegistry)
+ assert key_bindings_registry is None or isinstance(key_bindings_registry, BaseRegistry)
assert clipboard is None or isinstance(clipboard, Clipboard)
assert on_abort in AbortAction._all
assert on_exit in AbortAction._all
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ class Application(object):
self.style = style or DEFAULT_STYLE
if key_bindings_registry is None:
- key_bindings_registry = load_key_bindings()
+ key_bindings_registry = load_key_bindings()
if get_title is None:
get_title = lambda: None
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ class Application(object):
self.ignore_case = ignore_case
self.editing_mode = editing_mode
self.erase_when_done = erase_when_done
- self.reverse_vi_search_direction = reverse_vi_search_direction
+ self.reverse_vi_search_direction = reverse_vi_search_direction
def dummy_handler(cli):
" Dummy event handler. "
@@ -181,12 +181,12 @@ class Application(object):
self.on_buffer_changed = on_buffer_changed or dummy_handler
self.on_render = on_render or dummy_handler
self.on_invalidate = on_invalidate or dummy_handler
- # List of 'extra' functions to execute before a CommandLineInterface.run.
- # Note: It's important to keep this here, and not in the
- # CommandLineInterface itself. shortcuts.run_application creates
- # a new Application instance everytime. (Which is correct, it
- # could be that we want to detach from one IO backend and attach
- # the UI on a different backend.) But important is to keep as
- # much state as possible between runs.
- self.pre_run_callables = []
+ # List of 'extra' functions to execute before a CommandLineInterface.run.
+ # Note: It's important to keep this here, and not in the
+ # CommandLineInterface itself. shortcuts.run_application creates
+ # a new Application instance everytime. (Which is correct, it
+ # could be that we want to detach from one IO backend and attach
+ # the UI on a different backend.) But important is to keep as
+ # much state as possible between runs.
+ self.pre_run_callables = []
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/buffer.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/buffer.py
index 4047fd8c5c..f5df289827 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/buffer.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/buffer.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from .enums import IncrementalSearchDirection
from .filters import to_simple_filter
from .history import History, InMemoryHistory
from .search_state import SearchState
-from .selection import SelectionType, SelectionState, PasteMode
+from .selection import SelectionType, SelectionState, PasteMode
from .utils import Event
from .cache import FastDictCache
from .validation import ValidationError
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ from six.moves import range
import os
import re
-import shlex
+import shlex
import six
import subprocess
import tempfile
@@ -87,27 +87,27 @@ class AcceptAction(object):
def _return_document_handler(cli, buffer):
- # Set return value.
+ # Set return value.
- # Make sure that if we run this UI again, that we reset this buffer, next
- # time.
- def reset_this_buffer():
- buffer.reset()
- cli.pre_run_callables.append(reset_this_buffer)
+ # Make sure that if we run this UI again, that we reset this buffer, next
+ # time.
+ def reset_this_buffer():
+ buffer.reset()
+ cli.pre_run_callables.append(reset_this_buffer)
AcceptAction.RETURN_DOCUMENT = AcceptAction(_return_document_handler)
AcceptAction.IGNORE = AcceptAction(handler=None)
-class ValidationState(object):
- " The validation state of a buffer. This is set after the validation. "
+class ValidationState(object):
+ " The validation state of a buffer. This is set after the validation. "
class CompletionState(object):
Immutable class that contains a completion state.
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ class Buffer(object):
# `ValidationError` instance. (Will be set when the input is wrong.)
self.validation_error = None
- self.validation_state = ValidationState.UNKNOWN
+ self.validation_state = ValidationState.UNKNOWN
# State of the selection.
self.selection_state = None
@@ -304,10 +304,10 @@ class Buffer(object):
# State of Emacs yank-nth-arg completion.
self.yank_nth_arg_state = None # for yank-nth-arg.
- # Remember the document that we had *right before* the last paste
- # operation. This is used for rotating through the kill ring.
- self.document_before_paste = None
+ # Remember the document that we had *right before* the last paste
+ # operation. This is used for rotating through the kill ring.
+ self.document_before_paste = None
# Current suggestion.
self.suggestion = None
@@ -413,10 +413,10 @@ class Buffer(object):
def _text_changed(self):
# Remove any validation errors and complete state.
self.validation_error = None
- self.validation_state = ValidationState.UNKNOWN
+ self.validation_state = ValidationState.UNKNOWN
self.complete_state = None
self.yank_nth_arg_state = None
- self.document_before_paste = None
+ self.document_before_paste = None
self.selection_state = None
self.suggestion = None
self.preferred_column = None
@@ -427,10 +427,10 @@ class Buffer(object):
def _cursor_position_changed(self):
# Remove any validation errors and complete state.
self.validation_error = None
- self.validation_state = ValidationState.UNKNOWN
+ self.validation_state = ValidationState.UNKNOWN
self.complete_state = None
self.yank_nth_arg_state = None
- self.document_before_paste = None
+ self.document_before_paste = None
# Unset preferred_column. (Will be set after the cursor movement, if
# required.)
@@ -849,7 +849,7 @@ class Buffer(object):
""" Set `history_search_text`. """
if self.enable_history_search():
if self.history_search_text is None:
- self.history_search_text = self.document.text_before_cursor
+ self.history_search_text = self.document.text_before_cursor
self.history_search_text = None
@@ -986,20 +986,20 @@ class Buffer(object):
return self.copy_selection(_cut=True)
- def paste_clipboard_data(self, data, paste_mode=PasteMode.EMACS, count=1):
+ def paste_clipboard_data(self, data, paste_mode=PasteMode.EMACS, count=1):
Insert the data from the clipboard.
assert isinstance(data, ClipboardData)
- assert paste_mode in (PasteMode.VI_BEFORE, PasteMode.VI_AFTER, PasteMode.EMACS)
- original_document = self.document
- self.document = self.document.paste_clipboard_data(data, paste_mode=paste_mode, count=count)
- # Remember original document. This assignment should come at the end,
- # because assigning to 'document' will erase it.
- self.document_before_paste = original_document
+ assert paste_mode in (PasteMode.VI_BEFORE, PasteMode.VI_AFTER, PasteMode.EMACS)
+ original_document = self.document
+ self.document = self.document.paste_clipboard_data(data, paste_mode=paste_mode, count=count)
+ # Remember original document. This assignment should come at the end,
+ # because assigning to 'document' will erase it.
+ self.document_before_paste = original_document
def newline(self, copy_margin=True):
Insert a line ending at the current position.
@@ -1093,10 +1093,10 @@ class Buffer(object):
Returns `True` if valid.
- # Don't call the validator again, if it was already called for the
- # current input.
- if self.validation_state != ValidationState.UNKNOWN:
- return self.validation_state == ValidationState.VALID
+ # Don't call the validator again, if it was already called for the
+ # current input.
+ if self.validation_state != ValidationState.UNKNOWN:
+ return self.validation_state == ValidationState.VALID
# Validate first. If not valid, set validation exception.
if self.validator:
@@ -1107,12 +1107,12 @@ class Buffer(object):
cursor_position = e.cursor_position
self.cursor_position = min(max(0, cursor_position), len(self.text))
- self.validation_state = ValidationState.INVALID
+ self.validation_state = ValidationState.INVALID
self.validation_error = e
return False
- self.validation_state = ValidationState.VALID
- self.validation_error = None
+ self.validation_state = ValidationState.VALID
+ self.validation_error = None
return True
def append_to_history(self):
@@ -1297,13 +1297,13 @@ class Buffer(object):
Return True when we received a zero return code.
- # If the 'VISUAL' or 'EDITOR' environment variable has been set, use that.
+ # If the 'VISUAL' or 'EDITOR' environment variable has been set, use that.
# Otherwise, fall back to the first available editor that we can find.
- visual = os.environ.get('VISUAL')
+ visual = os.environ.get('VISUAL')
editor = os.environ.get('EDITOR')
editors = [
- visual,
+ visual,
# Order of preference.
@@ -1317,9 +1317,9 @@ class Buffer(object):
for e in editors:
if e:
- # Use 'shlex.split()', because $VISUAL can contain spaces
- # and quotes.
- returncode = subprocess.call(shlex.split(e) + [filename])
+ # Use 'shlex.split()', because $VISUAL can contain spaces
+ # and quotes.
+ returncode = subprocess.call(shlex.split(e) + [filename])
return returncode == 0
except OSError:
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/clipboard/base.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/clipboard/base.py
index 985a506ad6..803c0b0e7d 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/clipboard/base.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/clipboard/base.py
@@ -50,11 +50,11 @@ class Clipboard(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)):
assert isinstance(text, six.string_types)
- def rotate(self):
- """
- For Emacs mode, rotate the kill ring.
- """
+ def rotate(self):
+ """
+ For Emacs mode, rotate the kill ring.
+ """
def get_data(self):
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/clipboard/in_memory.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/clipboard/in_memory.py
index f81f4056d1..081666ab80 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/clipboard/in_memory.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/clipboard/in_memory.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
from .base import Clipboard, ClipboardData
-from collections import deque
+from collections import deque
__all__ = (
@@ -11,32 +11,32 @@ class InMemoryClipboard(Clipboard):
Default clipboard implementation.
Just keep the data in memory.
- This implements a kill-ring, for Emacs mode.
+ This implements a kill-ring, for Emacs mode.
- def __init__(self, data=None, max_size=60):
+ def __init__(self, data=None, max_size=60):
assert data is None or isinstance(data, ClipboardData)
- assert max_size >= 1
+ assert max_size >= 1
+ self.max_size = max_size
+ self._ring = deque()
+ if data is not None:
+ self.set_data(data)
- self.max_size = max_size
- self._ring = deque()
- if data is not None:
- self.set_data(data)
def set_data(self, data):
assert isinstance(data, ClipboardData)
- self._ring.appendleft(data)
+ self._ring.appendleft(data)
+ while len(self._ring) > self.max_size:
+ self._ring.pop()
- while len(self._ring) > self.max_size:
- self._ring.pop()
def get_data(self):
- if self._ring:
- return self._ring[0]
- else:
- return ClipboardData()
- def rotate(self):
- if self._ring:
- # Add the very first item at the end.
- self._ring.append(self._ring.popleft())
+ if self._ring:
+ return self._ring[0]
+ else:
+ return ClipboardData()
+ def rotate(self):
+ if self._ring:
+ # Add the very first item at the end.
+ self._ring.append(self._ring.popleft())
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/document.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/document.py
index 4a06348a23..25d817ddd0 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/document.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/document.py
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import string
import weakref
from six.moves import range, map
-from .selection import SelectionType, SelectionState, PasteMode
+from .selection import SelectionType, SelectionState, PasteMode
from .clipboard import ClipboardData
__all__ = ('Document',)
@@ -874,31 +874,31 @@ class Document(object):
return self, ClipboardData('')
- def paste_clipboard_data(self, data, paste_mode=PasteMode.EMACS, count=1):
+ def paste_clipboard_data(self, data, paste_mode=PasteMode.EMACS, count=1):
Return a new :class:`.Document` instance which contains the result if
we would paste this data at the current cursor position.
- :param paste_mode: Where to paste. (Before/after/emacs.)
+ :param paste_mode: Where to paste. (Before/after/emacs.)
:param count: When >1, Paste multiple times.
assert isinstance(data, ClipboardData)
- assert paste_mode in (PasteMode.VI_BEFORE, PasteMode.VI_AFTER, PasteMode.EMACS)
+ assert paste_mode in (PasteMode.VI_BEFORE, PasteMode.VI_AFTER, PasteMode.EMACS)
+ before = (paste_mode == PasteMode.VI_BEFORE)
+ after = (paste_mode == PasteMode.VI_AFTER)
- before = (paste_mode == PasteMode.VI_BEFORE)
- after = (paste_mode == PasteMode.VI_AFTER)
if data.type == SelectionType.CHARACTERS:
- if after:
+ if after:
new_text = (self.text[:self.cursor_position + 1] + data.text * count +
self.text[self.cursor_position + 1:])
- else:
- new_text = self.text_before_cursor + data.text * count + self.text_after_cursor
+ else:
+ new_text = self.text_before_cursor + data.text * count + self.text_after_cursor
+ new_cursor_position = self.cursor_position + len(data.text) * count
+ if before:
+ new_cursor_position -= 1
- new_cursor_position = self.cursor_position + len(data.text) * count
- if before:
- new_cursor_position -= 1
elif data.type == SelectionType.LINES:
l = self.cursor_position_row
if before:
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/eventloop/asyncio_posix.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/eventloop/asyncio_posix.py
index 3c54992beb..426ed96f67 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/eventloop/asyncio_posix.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/eventloop/asyncio_posix.py
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class PosixAsyncioEventLoop(EventLoop):
self.loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
self.closed = False
- self._stopped_f = asyncio.Future(loop=self.loop)
+ self._stopped_f = asyncio.Future(loop=self.loop)
def run_as_coroutine(self, stdin, callbacks):
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class PosixAsyncioEventLoop(EventLoop):
# Create a new Future every time.
- self._stopped_f = asyncio.Future(loop=self.loop)
+ self._stopped_f = asyncio.Future(loop=self.loop)
# Handle input timouts
def timeout_handler():
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/eventloop/win32.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/eventloop/win32.py
index e13c4c22ee..18e356f088 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/eventloop/win32.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/eventloop/win32.py
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ class Win32EventLoop(EventLoop):
def __init__(self, inputhook=None, recognize_paste=True):
assert inputhook is None or callable(inputhook)
- self._event = HANDLE(_create_event())
+ self._event = HANDLE(_create_event())
self._console_input_reader = ConsoleInputReader(recognize_paste=recognize_paste)
self._calls_from_executor = []
@@ -74,14 +74,14 @@ class Win32EventLoop(EventLoop):
# Wait for the next event.
handle = self._ready_for_reading(remaining_timeout)
- if handle == self._console_input_reader.handle.value:
+ if handle == self._console_input_reader.handle.value:
# When stdin is ready, read input and reset timeout timer.
keys = self._console_input_reader.read()
for k in keys:
current_timeout = INPUT_TIMEOUT_MS
- elif handle == self._event.value:
+ elif handle == self._event.value:
# When the Windows Event has been trigger, process the messages in the queue.
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/interface.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/interface.py
index bf5111542b..e1e0e56393 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/interface.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/interface.py
@@ -87,9 +87,9 @@ class CommandLineInterface(object):
#: EditingMode.VI or EditingMode.EMACS
self.editing_mode = application.editing_mode
- #: Quoted insert. This flag is set if we go into quoted insert mode.
- self.quoted_insert = False
+ #: Quoted insert. This flag is set if we go into quoted insert mode.
+ self.quoted_insert = False
#: Vi state. (For Vi key bindings.)
self.vi_state = ViState()
@@ -148,10 +148,10 @@ class CommandLineInterface(object):
def clipboard(self):
return self.application.clipboard
- @property
- def pre_run_callables(self):
- return self.application.pre_run_callables
+ @property
+ def pre_run_callables(self):
+ return self.application.pre_run_callables
def add_buffer(self, name, buffer, focus=False):
Insert a new buffer.
@@ -275,10 +275,10 @@ class CommandLineInterface(object):
Reset everything, for reading the next input.
- :param reset_current_buffer: XXX: not used anymore. The reason for
- having this option in the past was when this CommandLineInterface
- is run multiple times, that we could reset the buffer content from
- the previous run. This is now handled in the AcceptAction.
+ :param reset_current_buffer: XXX: not used anymore. The reason for
+ having this option in the past was when this CommandLineInterface
+ is run multiple times, that we could reset the buffer content from
+ the previous run. This is now handled in the AcceptAction.
# Notice that we don't reset the buffers. (This happens just before
# returning, and when we have multiple buffers, we clearly want the
@@ -372,27 +372,27 @@ class CommandLineInterface(object):
- def _load_next_buffer_indexes(self):
- for buff, index in self._next_buffer_indexes.items():
- if buff in self.buffers:
- self.buffers[buff].working_index = index
- def _pre_run(self, pre_run=None):
- " Called during `run`. "
- if pre_run:
- pre_run()
- # Process registered "pre_run_callables" and clear list.
- for c in self.pre_run_callables:
- c()
- del self.pre_run_callables[:]
+ def _load_next_buffer_indexes(self):
+ for buff, index in self._next_buffer_indexes.items():
+ if buff in self.buffers:
+ self.buffers[buff].working_index = index
+ def _pre_run(self, pre_run=None):
+ " Called during `run`. "
+ if pre_run:
+ pre_run()
+ # Process registered "pre_run_callables" and clear list.
+ for c in self.pre_run_callables:
+ c()
+ del self.pre_run_callables[:]
def run(self, reset_current_buffer=False, pre_run=None):
Read input from the command line.
This runs the eventloop until a return value has been set.
- :param reset_current_buffer: XXX: Not used anymore.
+ :param reset_current_buffer: XXX: Not used anymore.
:param pre_run: Callable that is called right after the reset has taken
place. This allows custom initialisation.
@@ -402,10 +402,10 @@ class CommandLineInterface(object):
self._is_running = True
- self.reset()
+ self.reset()
# Call pre_run.
- self._pre_run(pre_run)
+ self._pre_run(pre_run)
# Run eventloop in raw mode.
with self.input.raw_mode():
@@ -454,10 +454,10 @@ class CommandLineInterface(object):
self._is_running = True
- self.reset()
+ self.reset()
# Call pre_run.
- self._pre_run(pre_run)
+ self._pre_run(pre_run)
with self.input.raw_mode():
@@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ class CommandLineInterface(object):
if self.eventloop:
- def run_in_terminal(self, func, render_cli_done=False, cooked_mode=True):
+ def run_in_terminal(self, func, render_cli_done=False, cooked_mode=True):
Run function on the terminal above the prompt.
@@ -624,8 +624,8 @@ class CommandLineInterface(object):
:param render_cli_done: When True, render the interface in the
'Done' state first, then execute the function. If False,
erase the interface first.
- :param cooked_mode: When True (the default), switch the input to
- cooked mode while executing the function.
+ :param cooked_mode: When True (the default), switch the input to
+ cooked mode while executing the function.
:returns: the result of `func`.
@@ -639,10 +639,10 @@ class CommandLineInterface(object):
self._return_value = None
# Run system command.
- if cooked_mode:
- with self.input.cooked_mode():
- result = func()
- else:
+ if cooked_mode:
+ with self.input.cooked_mode():
+ result = func()
+ else:
result = func()
# Redraw interface again.
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/key_binding/bindings/basic.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/key_binding/bindings/basic.py
index 6b36bc30f5..401135dec0 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/key_binding/bindings/basic.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/key_binding/bindings/basic.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from prompt_toolkit.enums import DEFAULT_BUFFER
-from prompt_toolkit.filters import HasSelection, Condition, EmacsInsertMode, ViInsertMode
+from prompt_toolkit.filters import HasSelection, Condition, EmacsInsertMode, ViInsertMode
from prompt_toolkit.keys import Keys
from prompt_toolkit.layout.screen import Point
from prompt_toolkit.mouse_events import MouseEventType, MouseEvent
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ from prompt_toolkit.renderer import HeightIsUnknownError
from prompt_toolkit.utils import suspend_to_background_supported, is_windows
from .named_commands import get_by_name
-from ..registry import Registry
+from ..registry import Registry
__all__ = (
@@ -26,10 +26,10 @@ def if_no_repeat(event):
return not event.is_repeat
-def load_basic_bindings():
- registry = Registry()
+def load_basic_bindings():
+ registry = Registry()
insert_mode = ViInsertMode() | EmacsInsertMode()
- handle = registry.add_binding
+ handle = registry.add_binding
has_selection = HasSelection()
@@ -141,8 +141,8 @@ def load_basic_bindings():
handle(Keys.ControlT, filter=insert_mode)(get_by_name('transpose-chars'))
handle(Keys.ControlW, filter=insert_mode)(get_by_name('unix-word-rubout'))
- handle(Keys.ControlI, filter=insert_mode)(get_by_name('menu-complete'))
- handle(Keys.BackTab, filter=insert_mode)(get_by_name('menu-complete-backward'))
+ handle(Keys.ControlI, filter=insert_mode)(get_by_name('menu-complete'))
+ handle(Keys.BackTab, filter=insert_mode)(get_by_name('menu-complete-backward'))
handle(Keys.PageUp, filter= ~has_selection)(get_by_name('previous-history'))
handle(Keys.PageDown, filter= ~has_selection)(get_by_name('next-history'))
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ def load_basic_bindings():
data = event.current_buffer.cut_selection()
- # Global bindings.
+ # Global bindings.
def _(event):
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ def load_basic_bindings():
- @handle(Keys.CPRResponse, save_before=lambda e: False)
+ @handle(Keys.CPRResponse, save_before=lambda e: False)
def _(event):
Handle incoming Cursor-Position-Request response.
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ def load_basic_bindings():
# Report absolute cursor position to the renderer.
- @handle(Keys.BracketedPaste)
+ @handle(Keys.BracketedPaste)
def _(event):
" Pasting from clipboard. "
data = event.data
@@ -221,24 +221,24 @@ def load_basic_bindings():
- @handle(Keys.Any, filter=Condition(lambda cli: cli.quoted_insert), eager=True)
- def _(event):
- """
- Handle quoted insert.
- """
- event.current_buffer.insert_text(event.data, overwrite=False)
- event.cli.quoted_insert = False
- return registry
-def load_mouse_bindings():
+ @handle(Keys.Any, filter=Condition(lambda cli: cli.quoted_insert), eager=True)
+ def _(event):
+ """
+ Handle quoted insert.
+ """
+ event.current_buffer.insert_text(event.data, overwrite=False)
+ event.cli.quoted_insert = False
+ return registry
+def load_mouse_bindings():
Key bindings, required for mouse support.
(Mouse events enter through the key binding system.)
- registry = Registry()
+ registry = Registry()
def _(event):
@@ -335,15 +335,15 @@ def load_mouse_bindings():
handler(event.cli, MouseEvent(position=Point(x=x, y=y),
- return registry
+ return registry
-def load_abort_and_exit_bindings():
+def load_abort_and_exit_bindings():
Basic bindings for abort (Ctrl-C) and exit (Ctrl-D).
- registry = Registry()
- handle = registry.add_binding
+ registry = Registry()
+ handle = registry.add_binding
def _(event):
@@ -359,34 +359,34 @@ def load_abort_and_exit_bindings():
handle(Keys.ControlD, filter=ctrl_d_condition)(get_by_name('end-of-file'))
- return registry
+ return registry
-def load_basic_system_bindings():
+def load_basic_system_bindings():
Basic system bindings (For both Emacs and Vi mode.)
- registry = Registry()
+ registry = Registry()
suspend_supported = Condition(
lambda cli: suspend_to_background_supported())
- @registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlZ, filter=suspend_supported)
+ @registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlZ, filter=suspend_supported)
def _(event):
Suspend process to background.
- return registry
+ return registry
-def load_auto_suggestion_bindings():
+def load_auto_suggestion_bindings():
Key bindings for accepting auto suggestion text.
- registry = Registry()
- handle = registry.add_binding
+ registry = Registry()
+ handle = registry.add_binding
suggestion_available = Condition(
lambda cli:
@@ -403,5 +403,5 @@ def load_auto_suggestion_bindings():
if suggestion:
- return registry
+ return registry
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/key_binding/bindings/emacs.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/key_binding/bindings/emacs.py
index 0f4ea37b01..bccdb04ff3 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/key_binding/bindings/emacs.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/key_binding/bindings/emacs.py
@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
from prompt_toolkit.buffer import SelectionType, indent, unindent
from prompt_toolkit.keys import Keys
from prompt_toolkit.enums import IncrementalSearchDirection, SEARCH_BUFFER, SYSTEM_BUFFER
-from prompt_toolkit.filters import Condition, EmacsMode, HasSelection, EmacsInsertMode, HasFocus, HasArg
+from prompt_toolkit.filters import Condition, EmacsMode, HasSelection, EmacsInsertMode, HasFocus, HasArg
from prompt_toolkit.completion import CompleteEvent
from .scroll import scroll_page_up, scroll_page_down
from .named_commands import get_by_name
-from ..registry import Registry, ConditionalRegistry
+from ..registry import Registry, ConditionalRegistry
__all__ = (
@@ -18,14 +18,14 @@ __all__ = (
-def load_emacs_bindings():
+def load_emacs_bindings():
Some e-macs extensions.
# Overview of Readline emacs commands:
# http://www.catonmat.net/download/readline-emacs-editing-mode-cheat-sheet.pdf
- registry = ConditionalRegistry(Registry(), EmacsMode())
- handle = registry.add_binding
+ registry = ConditionalRegistry(Registry(), EmacsMode())
+ handle = registry.add_binding
insert_mode = EmacsInsertMode()
has_selection = HasSelection()
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ def load_emacs_bindings():
handle(Keys.Escape, 'f')(get_by_name('forward-word'))
handle(Keys.Escape, 'l', filter=insert_mode)(get_by_name('downcase-word'))
handle(Keys.Escape, 'u', filter=insert_mode)(get_by_name('uppercase-word'))
- handle(Keys.Escape, 'y', filter=insert_mode)(get_by_name('yank-pop'))
- handle(Keys.Escape, Keys.ControlH, filter=insert_mode)(get_by_name('backward-kill-word'))
- handle(Keys.Escape, Keys.Backspace, filter=insert_mode)(get_by_name('backward-kill-word'))
+ handle(Keys.Escape, 'y', filter=insert_mode)(get_by_name('yank-pop'))
+ handle(Keys.Escape, Keys.ControlH, filter=insert_mode)(get_by_name('backward-kill-word'))
+ handle(Keys.Escape, Keys.Backspace, filter=insert_mode)(get_by_name('backward-kill-word'))
handle(Keys.Escape, '\\', filter=insert_mode)(get_by_name('delete-horizontal-space'))
handle(Keys.ControlUnderscore, save_before=(lambda e: False), filter=insert_mode)(
@@ -75,18 +75,18 @@ def load_emacs_bindings():
handle(Keys.Escape, '.', filter=insert_mode)(get_by_name('yank-last-arg'))
handle(Keys.Escape, '_', filter=insert_mode)(get_by_name('yank-last-arg'))
handle(Keys.Escape, Keys.ControlY, filter=insert_mode)(get_by_name('yank-nth-arg'))
- handle(Keys.Escape, '#', filter=insert_mode)(get_by_name('insert-comment'))
- handle(Keys.ControlO)(get_by_name('operate-and-get-next'))
- # ControlQ does a quoted insert. Not that for vt100 terminals, you have to
- # disable flow control by running ``stty -ixon``, otherwise Ctrl-Q and
- # Ctrl-S are captured by the terminal.
- handle(Keys.ControlQ, filter= ~has_selection)(get_by_name('quoted-insert'))
- handle(Keys.ControlX, '(')(get_by_name('start-kbd-macro'))
- handle(Keys.ControlX, ')')(get_by_name('end-kbd-macro'))
- handle(Keys.ControlX, 'e')(get_by_name('call-last-kbd-macro'))
+ handle(Keys.Escape, '#', filter=insert_mode)(get_by_name('insert-comment'))
+ handle(Keys.ControlO)(get_by_name('operate-and-get-next'))
+ # ControlQ does a quoted insert. Not that for vt100 terminals, you have to
+ # disable flow control by running ``stty -ixon``, otherwise Ctrl-Q and
+ # Ctrl-S are captured by the terminal.
+ handle(Keys.ControlQ, filter= ~has_selection)(get_by_name('quoted-insert'))
+ handle(Keys.ControlX, '(')(get_by_name('start-kbd-macro'))
+ handle(Keys.ControlX, ')')(get_by_name('end-kbd-macro'))
+ handle(Keys.ControlX, 'e')(get_by_name('call-last-kbd-macro'))
def _(event):
" Next line. "
@@ -144,13 +144,13 @@ def load_emacs_bindings():
@handle(Keys.ControlSquareClose, Keys.Any)
def _(event):
" When Ctl-] + a character is pressed. go to that character. "
- # Also named 'character-search'
+ # Also named 'character-search'
character_search(event.current_buffer, event.data, event.arg)
@handle(Keys.Escape, Keys.ControlSquareClose, Keys.Any)
def _(event):
" Like Ctl-], but backwards. "
- # Also named 'character-search-backward'
+ # Also named 'character-search-backward'
character_search(event.current_buffer, event.data, -event.arg)
@handle(Keys.Escape, 'a')
@@ -296,26 +296,26 @@ def load_emacs_bindings():
unindent(buffer, from_, to + 1, count=event.arg)
- return registry
+ return registry
-def load_emacs_open_in_editor_bindings():
+def load_emacs_open_in_editor_bindings():
Pressing C-X C-E will open the buffer in an external editor.
- registry = Registry()
+ registry = Registry()
+ registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlX, Keys.ControlE,
+ filter=EmacsMode() & ~HasSelection())(
+ get_by_name('edit-and-execute-command'))
- registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlX, Keys.ControlE,
- filter=EmacsMode() & ~HasSelection())(
- get_by_name('edit-and-execute-command'))
+ return registry
- return registry
-def load_emacs_system_bindings():
- registry = ConditionalRegistry(Registry(), EmacsMode())
- handle = registry.add_binding
+def load_emacs_system_bindings():
+ registry = ConditionalRegistry(Registry(), EmacsMode())
+ handle = registry.add_binding
has_focus = HasFocus(SYSTEM_BUFFER)
@handle(Keys.Escape, '!', filter= ~has_focus)
@@ -347,13 +347,13 @@ def load_emacs_system_bindings():
# Focus previous buffer again.
- return registry
+ return registry
+def load_emacs_search_bindings(get_search_state=None):
+ registry = ConditionalRegistry(Registry(), EmacsMode())
+ handle = registry.add_binding
-def load_emacs_search_bindings(get_search_state=None):
- registry = ConditionalRegistry(Registry(), EmacsMode())
- handle = registry.add_binding
has_focus = HasFocus(SEARCH_BUFFER)
assert get_search_state is None or callable(get_search_state)
@@ -375,7 +375,7 @@ def load_emacs_search_bindings(get_search_state=None):
@handle(Keys.ControlJ, filter=has_focus)
- @handle(Keys.Escape, filter=has_focus, eager=True)
+ @handle(Keys.Escape, filter=has_focus, eager=True)
def _(event):
When enter pressed in isearch, quit isearch mode. (Multiline
@@ -433,20 +433,20 @@ def load_emacs_search_bindings(get_search_state=None):
def _(event):
incremental_search(event.cli, IncrementalSearchDirection.FORWARD, count=event.arg)
- return registry
+ return registry
-def load_extra_emacs_page_navigation_bindings():
+def load_extra_emacs_page_navigation_bindings():
Key bindings, for scrolling up and down through pages.
This are separate bindings, because GNU readline doesn't have them.
- registry = ConditionalRegistry(Registry(), EmacsMode())
- handle = registry.add_binding
+ registry = ConditionalRegistry(Registry(), EmacsMode())
+ handle = registry.add_binding
handle(Keys.Escape, 'v')(scroll_page_up)
- return registry
+ return registry
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/key_binding/bindings/named_commands.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/key_binding/bindings/named_commands.py
index d045b1268f..f80c439fc6 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/key_binding/bindings/named_commands.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/key_binding/bindings/named_commands.py
@@ -5,15 +5,15 @@ See: http://www.delorie.com/gnu/docs/readline/rlman_13.html
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from prompt_toolkit.enums import IncrementalSearchDirection, SEARCH_BUFFER
-from prompt_toolkit.selection import PasteMode
+from prompt_toolkit.selection import PasteMode
from six.moves import range
import six
-from .completion import generate_completions, display_completions_like_readline
-from prompt_toolkit.document import Document
-from prompt_toolkit.enums import EditingMode
-from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.input_processor import KeyPress
-from prompt_toolkit.keys import Keys
+from .completion import generate_completions, display_completions_like_readline
+from prompt_toolkit.document import Document
+from prompt_toolkit.enums import EditingMode
+from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.input_processor import KeyPress
+from prompt_toolkit.keys import Keys
__all__ = (
@@ -134,13 +134,13 @@ def accept_line(event):
def previous_history(event):
- " Move `back` through the history list, fetching the previous command. "
+ " Move `back` through the history list, fetching the previous command. "
def next_history(event):
- " Move `forward` through the history list, fetching the next command. "
+ " Move `forward` through the history list, fetching the next command. "
@@ -163,13 +163,13 @@ def end_of_history(event):
def reverse_search_history(event):
- Search backward starting at the current line and moving `up` through
+ Search backward starting at the current line and moving `up` through
the history as necessary. This is an incremental search.
event.cli.current_search_state.direction = IncrementalSearchDirection.BACKWARD
# Commands for changing text
@@ -267,16 +267,16 @@ def capitalize_word(event):
words = buff.document.text_after_cursor[:pos]
buff.insert_text(words.title(), overwrite=True)
-def quoted_insert(event):
- """
- Add the next character typed to the line verbatim. This is how to insert
- key sequences like C-q, for example.
- """
- event.cli.quoted_insert = True
+def quoted_insert(event):
+ """
+ Add the next character typed to the line verbatim. This is how to insert
+ key sequences like C-q, for example.
+ """
+ event.cli.quoted_insert = True
# Killing and yanking.
@@ -316,13 +316,13 @@ def kill_word(event):
-def unix_word_rubout(event, WORD=True):
+def unix_word_rubout(event, WORD=True):
- Kill the word behind point, using whitespace as a word boundary.
- Usually bound to ControlW.
+ Kill the word behind point, using whitespace as a word boundary.
+ Usually bound to ControlW.
buff = event.current_buffer
- pos = buff.document.find_start_of_previous_word(count=event.arg, WORD=WORD)
+ pos = buff.document.find_start_of_previous_word(count=event.arg, WORD=WORD)
if pos is None:
# Nothing found? delete until the start of the document. (The
@@ -344,15 +344,15 @@ def unix_word_rubout(event, WORD=True):
-def backward_kill_word(event):
- """
- Kills the word before point, using "not a letter nor a digit" as a word boundary.
- Usually bound to M-Del or M-Backspace.
- """
- unix_word_rubout(event, WORD=False)
+def backward_kill_word(event):
+ """
+ Kills the word before point, using "not a letter nor a digit" as a word boundary.
+ Usually bound to M-Del or M-Backspace.
+ """
+ unix_word_rubout(event, WORD=False)
def delete_horizontal_space(event):
" Delete all spaces and tabs around point. "
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ def yank(event):
Paste before cursor.
- event.cli.clipboard.get_data(), count=event.arg, paste_mode=PasteMode.EMACS)
+ event.cli.clipboard.get_data(), count=event.arg, paste_mode=PasteMode.EMACS)
def yank_nth_arg(event):
@@ -408,86 +408,86 @@ def yank_last_arg(event):
n = (event.arg if event.arg_present else None)
-def yank_pop(event):
- """
- Rotate the kill ring, and yank the new top. Only works following yank or
- yank-pop.
- """
- buff = event.current_buffer
- doc_before_paste = buff.document_before_paste
- clipboard = event.cli.clipboard
- if doc_before_paste is not None:
- buff.document = doc_before_paste
- clipboard.rotate()
- buff.paste_clipboard_data(
- clipboard.get_data(), paste_mode=PasteMode.EMACS)
+def yank_pop(event):
+ """
+ Rotate the kill ring, and yank the new top. Only works following yank or
+ yank-pop.
+ """
+ buff = event.current_buffer
+ doc_before_paste = buff.document_before_paste
+ clipboard = event.cli.clipboard
+ if doc_before_paste is not None:
+ buff.document = doc_before_paste
+ clipboard.rotate()
+ buff.paste_clipboard_data(
+ clipboard.get_data(), paste_mode=PasteMode.EMACS)
# Completion.
def complete(event):
- " Attempt to perform completion. "
- display_completions_like_readline(event)
-def menu_complete(event):
- """
- Generate completions, or go to the next completion. (This is the default
- way of completing input in prompt_toolkit.)
- """
+ " Attempt to perform completion. "
+ display_completions_like_readline(event)
+def menu_complete(event):
+ """
+ Generate completions, or go to the next completion. (This is the default
+ way of completing input in prompt_toolkit.)
+ """
-def menu_complete_backward(event):
- " Move backward through the list of possible completions. "
- event.current_buffer.complete_previous()
+def menu_complete_backward(event):
+ " Move backward through the list of possible completions. "
+ event.current_buffer.complete_previous()
+# Keyboard macros.
+def start_kbd_macro(event):
+ """
+ Begin saving the characters typed into the current keyboard macro.
+ """
+ event.cli.input_processor.start_macro()
+def start_kbd_macro(event):
+ """
+ Stop saving the characters typed into the current keyboard macro and save
+ the definition.
+ """
+ event.cli.input_processor.end_macro()
+def start_kbd_macro(event):
+ """
+ Re-execute the last keyboard macro defined, by making the characters in the
+ macro appear as if typed at the keyboard.
+ """
+ event.cli.input_processor.call_macro()
+def print_last_kbd_macro(event):
+ " Print the last keboard macro. "
+ # TODO: Make the format suitable for the inputrc file.
+ def print_macro():
+ for k in event.cli.input_processor.macro:
+ print(k)
+ event.cli.run_in_terminal(print_macro)
-# Keyboard macros.
-def start_kbd_macro(event):
- """
- Begin saving the characters typed into the current keyboard macro.
- """
- event.cli.input_processor.start_macro()
-def start_kbd_macro(event):
- """
- Stop saving the characters typed into the current keyboard macro and save
- the definition.
- """
- event.cli.input_processor.end_macro()
-def start_kbd_macro(event):
- """
- Re-execute the last keyboard macro defined, by making the characters in the
- macro appear as if typed at the keyboard.
- """
- event.cli.input_processor.call_macro()
-def print_last_kbd_macro(event):
- " Print the last keboard macro. "
- # TODO: Make the format suitable for the inputrc file.
- def print_macro():
- for k in event.cli.input_processor.macro:
- print(k)
- event.cli.run_in_terminal(print_macro)
# Miscellaneous Commands.
@@ -495,84 +495,84 @@ def print_last_kbd_macro(event):
def undo(event):
" Incremental undo. "
-def insert_comment(event):
- """
- Without numeric argument, comment all lines.
- With numeric argument, uncomment all lines.
- In any case accept the input.
- """
- buff = event.current_buffer
- # Transform all lines.
- if event.arg != 1:
- def change(line):
- return line[1:] if line.startswith('#') else line
- else:
- def change(line):
- return '#' + line
- buff.document = Document(
- text='\n'.join(map(change, buff.text.splitlines())),
- cursor_position=0)
- # Accept input.
- buff.accept_action.validate_and_handle(event.cli, buff)
-def vi_editing_mode(event):
- " Switch to Vi editing mode. "
- event.cli.editing_mode = EditingMode.VI
-def emacs_editing_mode(event):
- " Switch to Emacs editing mode. "
- event.cli.editing_mode = EditingMode.EMACS
-def prefix_meta(event):
- """
- Metafy the next character typed. This is for keyboards without a meta key.
- Sometimes people also want to bind other keys to Meta, e.g. 'jj'::
- registry.add_key_binding('j', 'j', filter=ViInsertMode())(prefix_meta)
- """
- event.cli.input_processor.feed(KeyPress(Keys.Escape))
-def operate_and_get_next(event):
- """
- Accept the current line for execution and fetch the next line relative to
- the current line from the history for editing.
- """
- buff = event.current_buffer
- new_index = buff.working_index + 1
- # Accept the current input. (This will also redraw the interface in the
- # 'done' state.)
- buff.accept_action.validate_and_handle(event.cli, buff)
- # Set the new index at the start of the next run.
- def set_working_index():
- if new_index < len(buff._working_lines):
- buff.working_index = new_index
- event.cli.pre_run_callables.append(set_working_index)
-def edit_and_execute(event):
- """
- Invoke an editor on the current command line, and accept the result.
- """
- buff = event.current_buffer
- buff.open_in_editor(event.cli)
- buff.accept_action.validate_and_handle(event.cli, buff)
+def insert_comment(event):
+ """
+ Without numeric argument, comment all lines.
+ With numeric argument, uncomment all lines.
+ In any case accept the input.
+ """
+ buff = event.current_buffer
+ # Transform all lines.
+ if event.arg != 1:
+ def change(line):
+ return line[1:] if line.startswith('#') else line
+ else:
+ def change(line):
+ return '#' + line
+ buff.document = Document(
+ text='\n'.join(map(change, buff.text.splitlines())),
+ cursor_position=0)
+ # Accept input.
+ buff.accept_action.validate_and_handle(event.cli, buff)
+def vi_editing_mode(event):
+ " Switch to Vi editing mode. "
+ event.cli.editing_mode = EditingMode.VI
+def emacs_editing_mode(event):
+ " Switch to Emacs editing mode. "
+ event.cli.editing_mode = EditingMode.EMACS
+def prefix_meta(event):
+ """
+ Metafy the next character typed. This is for keyboards without a meta key.
+ Sometimes people also want to bind other keys to Meta, e.g. 'jj'::
+ registry.add_key_binding('j', 'j', filter=ViInsertMode())(prefix_meta)
+ """
+ event.cli.input_processor.feed(KeyPress(Keys.Escape))
+def operate_and_get_next(event):
+ """
+ Accept the current line for execution and fetch the next line relative to
+ the current line from the history for editing.
+ """
+ buff = event.current_buffer
+ new_index = buff.working_index + 1
+ # Accept the current input. (This will also redraw the interface in the
+ # 'done' state.)
+ buff.accept_action.validate_and_handle(event.cli, buff)
+ # Set the new index at the start of the next run.
+ def set_working_index():
+ if new_index < len(buff._working_lines):
+ buff.working_index = new_index
+ event.cli.pre_run_callables.append(set_working_index)
+def edit_and_execute(event):
+ """
+ Invoke an editor on the current command line, and accept the result.
+ """
+ buff = event.current_buffer
+ buff.open_in_editor(event.cli)
+ buff.accept_action.validate_and_handle(event.cli, buff)
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/key_binding/bindings/vi.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/key_binding/bindings/vi.py
index 25133196af..72568ee273 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/key_binding/bindings/vi.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/key_binding/bindings/vi.py
@@ -3,17 +3,17 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
from prompt_toolkit.buffer import ClipboardData, indent, unindent, reshape_text
from prompt_toolkit.document import Document
from prompt_toolkit.enums import IncrementalSearchDirection, SEARCH_BUFFER, SYSTEM_BUFFER
-from prompt_toolkit.filters import Filter, Condition, HasArg, Always, IsReadOnly
+from prompt_toolkit.filters import Filter, Condition, HasArg, Always, IsReadOnly
from prompt_toolkit.filters.cli import ViNavigationMode, ViInsertMode, ViInsertMultipleMode, ViReplaceMode, ViSelectionMode, ViWaitingForTextObjectMode, ViDigraphMode, ViMode
from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.digraphs import DIGRAPHS
from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.vi_state import CharacterFind, InputMode
from prompt_toolkit.keys import Keys
from prompt_toolkit.layout.utils import find_window_for_buffer_name
-from prompt_toolkit.selection import SelectionType, SelectionState, PasteMode
+from prompt_toolkit.selection import SelectionType, SelectionState, PasteMode
from .scroll import scroll_forward, scroll_backward, scroll_half_page_up, scroll_half_page_down, scroll_one_line_up, scroll_one_line_down, scroll_page_up, scroll_page_down
-from .named_commands import get_by_name
-from ..registry import Registry, ConditionalRegistry, BaseRegistry
+from .named_commands import get_by_name
+from ..registry import Registry, ConditionalRegistry, BaseRegistry
import prompt_toolkit.filters as filters
from six.moves import range
@@ -137,168 +137,168 @@ class TextObject(object):
return new_document, clipboard_data
-def create_text_object_decorator(registry):
+def create_text_object_decorator(registry):
+ """
+ Create a decorator that can be used to register Vi text object implementations.
+ """
+ assert isinstance(registry, BaseRegistry)
+ operator_given = ViWaitingForTextObjectMode()
+ navigation_mode = ViNavigationMode()
+ selection_mode = ViSelectionMode()
+ def text_object_decorator(*keys, **kw):
+ """
+ Register a text object function.
+ Usage::
+ @text_object('w', filter=..., no_move_handler=False)
+ def handler(event):
+ # Return a text object for this key.
+ return TextObject(...)
+ :param no_move_handler: Disable the move handler in navigation mode.
+ (It's still active in selection mode.)
+ """
+ filter = kw.pop('filter', Always())
+ no_move_handler = kw.pop('no_move_handler', False)
+ no_selection_handler = kw.pop('no_selection_handler', False)
+ eager = kw.pop('eager', False)
+ assert not kw
+ def decorator(text_object_func):
+ assert callable(text_object_func)
+ @registry.add_binding(*keys, filter=operator_given & filter, eager=eager)
+ def _(event):
+ # Arguments are multiplied.
+ vi_state = event.cli.vi_state
+ event._arg = (vi_state.operator_arg or 1) * (event.arg or 1)
+ # Call the text object handler.
+ text_obj = text_object_func(event)
+ if text_obj is not None:
+ assert isinstance(text_obj, TextObject)
+ # Call the operator function with the text object.
+ vi_state.operator_func(event, text_obj)
+ # Clear operator.
+ event.cli.vi_state.operator_func = None
+ event.cli.vi_state.operator_arg = None
+ # Register a move operation. (Doesn't need an operator.)
+ if not no_move_handler:
+ @registry.add_binding(*keys, filter=~operator_given & filter & navigation_mode, eager=eager)
+ def _(event):
+ " Move handler for navigation mode. "
+ text_object = text_object_func(event)
+ event.current_buffer.cursor_position += text_object.start
+ # Register a move selection operation.
+ if not no_selection_handler:
+ @registry.add_binding(*keys, filter=~operator_given & filter & selection_mode, eager=eager)
+ def _(event):
+ " Move handler for selection mode. "
+ text_object = text_object_func(event)
+ buff = event.current_buffer
+ # When the text object has both a start and end position, like 'i(' or 'iw',
+ # Turn this into a selection, otherwise the cursor.
+ if text_object.end:
+ # Take selection positions from text object.
+ start, end = text_object.operator_range(buff.document)
+ start += buff.cursor_position
+ end += buff.cursor_position
+ buff.selection_state.original_cursor_position = start
+ buff.cursor_position = end
+ # Take selection type from text object.
+ if text_object.type == TextObjectType.LINEWISE:
+ buff.selection_state.type = SelectionType.LINES
+ else:
+ buff.selection_state.type = SelectionType.CHARACTERS
+ else:
+ event.current_buffer.cursor_position += text_object.start
+ # Make it possible to chain @text_object decorators.
+ return text_object_func
+ return decorator
+ return text_object_decorator
+def create_operator_decorator(registry):
+ """
+ Create a decorator that can be used for registering Vi operators.
+ """
+ assert isinstance(registry, BaseRegistry)
+ operator_given = ViWaitingForTextObjectMode()
+ navigation_mode = ViNavigationMode()
+ selection_mode = ViSelectionMode()
+ def operator_decorator(*keys, **kw):
+ """
+ Register a Vi operator.
+ Usage::
+ @operator('d', filter=...)
+ def handler(cli, text_object):
+ # Do something with the text object here.
+ """
+ filter = kw.pop('filter', Always())
+ eager = kw.pop('eager', False)
+ assert not kw
+ def decorator(operator_func):
+ @registry.add_binding(*keys, filter=~operator_given & filter & navigation_mode, eager=eager)
+ def _(event):
+ """
+ Handle operator in navigation mode.
+ """
+ # When this key binding is matched, only set the operator
+ # function in the ViState. We should execute it after a text
+ # object has been received.
+ event.cli.vi_state.operator_func = operator_func
+ event.cli.vi_state.operator_arg = event.arg
+ @registry.add_binding(*keys, filter=~operator_given & filter & selection_mode, eager=eager)
+ def _(event):
+ """
+ Handle operator in selection mode.
+ """
+ buff = event.current_buffer
+ selection_state = buff.selection_state
+ # Create text object from selection.
+ if selection_state.type == SelectionType.LINES:
+ text_obj_type = TextObjectType.LINEWISE
+ elif selection_state.type == SelectionType.BLOCK:
+ text_obj_type = TextObjectType.BLOCK
+ else:
+ text_obj_type = TextObjectType.INCLUSIVE
+ text_object = TextObject(
+ selection_state.original_cursor_position - buff.cursor_position,
+ type=text_obj_type)
+ # Execute operator.
+ operator_func(event, text_object)
+ # Quit selection mode.
+ buff.selection_state = None
+ return operator_func
+ return decorator
+ return operator_decorator
+def load_vi_bindings(get_search_state=None):
- Create a decorator that can be used to register Vi text object implementations.
- """
- assert isinstance(registry, BaseRegistry)
- operator_given = ViWaitingForTextObjectMode()
- navigation_mode = ViNavigationMode()
- selection_mode = ViSelectionMode()
- def text_object_decorator(*keys, **kw):
- """
- Register a text object function.
- Usage::
- @text_object('w', filter=..., no_move_handler=False)
- def handler(event):
- # Return a text object for this key.
- return TextObject(...)
- :param no_move_handler: Disable the move handler in navigation mode.
- (It's still active in selection mode.)
- """
- filter = kw.pop('filter', Always())
- no_move_handler = kw.pop('no_move_handler', False)
- no_selection_handler = kw.pop('no_selection_handler', False)
- eager = kw.pop('eager', False)
- assert not kw
- def decorator(text_object_func):
- assert callable(text_object_func)
- @registry.add_binding(*keys, filter=operator_given & filter, eager=eager)
- def _(event):
- # Arguments are multiplied.
- vi_state = event.cli.vi_state
- event._arg = (vi_state.operator_arg or 1) * (event.arg or 1)
- # Call the text object handler.
- text_obj = text_object_func(event)
- if text_obj is not None:
- assert isinstance(text_obj, TextObject)
- # Call the operator function with the text object.
- vi_state.operator_func(event, text_obj)
- # Clear operator.
- event.cli.vi_state.operator_func = None
- event.cli.vi_state.operator_arg = None
- # Register a move operation. (Doesn't need an operator.)
- if not no_move_handler:
- @registry.add_binding(*keys, filter=~operator_given & filter & navigation_mode, eager=eager)
- def _(event):
- " Move handler for navigation mode. "
- text_object = text_object_func(event)
- event.current_buffer.cursor_position += text_object.start
- # Register a move selection operation.
- if not no_selection_handler:
- @registry.add_binding(*keys, filter=~operator_given & filter & selection_mode, eager=eager)
- def _(event):
- " Move handler for selection mode. "
- text_object = text_object_func(event)
- buff = event.current_buffer
- # When the text object has both a start and end position, like 'i(' or 'iw',
- # Turn this into a selection, otherwise the cursor.
- if text_object.end:
- # Take selection positions from text object.
- start, end = text_object.operator_range(buff.document)
- start += buff.cursor_position
- end += buff.cursor_position
- buff.selection_state.original_cursor_position = start
- buff.cursor_position = end
- # Take selection type from text object.
- if text_object.type == TextObjectType.LINEWISE:
- buff.selection_state.type = SelectionType.LINES
- else:
- buff.selection_state.type = SelectionType.CHARACTERS
- else:
- event.current_buffer.cursor_position += text_object.start
- # Make it possible to chain @text_object decorators.
- return text_object_func
- return decorator
- return text_object_decorator
-def create_operator_decorator(registry):
- """
- Create a decorator that can be used for registering Vi operators.
- """
- assert isinstance(registry, BaseRegistry)
- operator_given = ViWaitingForTextObjectMode()
- navigation_mode = ViNavigationMode()
- selection_mode = ViSelectionMode()
- def operator_decorator(*keys, **kw):
- """
- Register a Vi operator.
- Usage::
- @operator('d', filter=...)
- def handler(cli, text_object):
- # Do something with the text object here.
- """
- filter = kw.pop('filter', Always())
- eager = kw.pop('eager', False)
- assert not kw
- def decorator(operator_func):
- @registry.add_binding(*keys, filter=~operator_given & filter & navigation_mode, eager=eager)
- def _(event):
- """
- Handle operator in navigation mode.
- """
- # When this key binding is matched, only set the operator
- # function in the ViState. We should execute it after a text
- # object has been received.
- event.cli.vi_state.operator_func = operator_func
- event.cli.vi_state.operator_arg = event.arg
- @registry.add_binding(*keys, filter=~operator_given & filter & selection_mode, eager=eager)
- def _(event):
- """
- Handle operator in selection mode.
- """
- buff = event.current_buffer
- selection_state = buff.selection_state
- # Create text object from selection.
- if selection_state.type == SelectionType.LINES:
- text_obj_type = TextObjectType.LINEWISE
- elif selection_state.type == SelectionType.BLOCK:
- text_obj_type = TextObjectType.BLOCK
- else:
- text_obj_type = TextObjectType.INCLUSIVE
- text_object = TextObject(
- selection_state.original_cursor_position - buff.cursor_position,
- type=text_obj_type)
- # Execute operator.
- operator_func(event, text_object)
- # Quit selection mode.
- buff.selection_state = None
- return operator_func
- return decorator
- return operator_decorator
-def load_vi_bindings(get_search_state=None):
- """
Vi extensions.
# Overview of Readline Vi commands:
@@ -316,8 +316,8 @@ def load_vi_bindings(get_search_state=None):
# handled correctly. There is no need to add "~IsReadOnly" to all key
# bindings that do text manipulation.
- registry = ConditionalRegistry(Registry(), ViMode())
- handle = registry.add_binding
+ registry = ConditionalRegistry(Registry(), ViMode())
+ handle = registry.add_binding
# Default get_search_state.
if get_search_state is None:
@@ -348,9 +348,9 @@ def load_vi_bindings(get_search_state=None):
(('~', ), Condition(lambda cli: cli.vi_state.tilde_operator), lambda string: string.swapcase()),
- # Insert a character literally (quoted insert).
- handle(Keys.ControlV, filter=insert_mode)(get_by_name('quoted-insert'))
+ # Insert a character literally (quoted insert).
+ handle(Keys.ControlV, filter=insert_mode)(get_by_name('quoted-insert'))
def _(event):
@@ -635,8 +635,8 @@ def load_vi_bindings(get_search_state=None):
- count=event.arg,
- paste_mode=PasteMode.VI_AFTER)
+ count=event.arg,
+ paste_mode=PasteMode.VI_AFTER)
@handle('P', filter=navigation_mode)
def _(event):
@@ -645,8 +645,8 @@ def load_vi_bindings(get_search_state=None):
- count=event.arg,
- paste_mode=PasteMode.VI_BEFORE)
+ count=event.arg,
+ paste_mode=PasteMode.VI_BEFORE)
@handle('"', Keys.Any, 'p', filter=navigation_mode)
def _(event):
@@ -655,8 +655,8 @@ def load_vi_bindings(get_search_state=None):
if c in vi_register_names:
data = event.cli.vi_state.named_registers.get(c)
if data:
- event.current_buffer.paste_clipboard_data(
- data, count=event.arg, paste_mode=PasteMode.VI_AFTER)
+ event.current_buffer.paste_clipboard_data(
+ data, count=event.arg, paste_mode=PasteMode.VI_AFTER)
@handle('"', Keys.Any, 'P', filter=navigation_mode)
def _(event):
@@ -666,7 +666,7 @@ def load_vi_bindings(get_search_state=None):
data = event.cli.vi_state.named_registers.get(c)
if data:
- data, count=event.arg, paste_mode=PasteMode.VI_BEFORE)
+ data, count=event.arg, paste_mode=PasteMode.VI_BEFORE)
@handle('r', Keys.Any, filter=navigation_mode)
def _(event):
@@ -723,7 +723,7 @@ def load_vi_bindings(get_search_state=None):
- @handle('v', filter=navigation_mode)
+ @handle('v', filter=navigation_mode)
def _(event):
" Enter character selection mode. "
@@ -910,8 +910,8 @@ def load_vi_bindings(get_search_state=None):
# XXX: should become text_object.
- operator = create_operator_decorator(registry)
- text_object = create_text_object_decorator(registry)
+ operator = create_operator_decorator(registry)
+ text_object = create_text_object_decorator(registry)
@text_object(Keys.Any, filter=operator_given)
def _(event):
@@ -1705,25 +1705,25 @@ def load_vi_bindings(get_search_state=None):
event.cli.vi_state.waiting_for_digraph = False
event.cli.vi_state.digraph_symbol1 = None
- return registry
+ return registry
-def load_vi_open_in_editor_bindings():
+def load_vi_open_in_editor_bindings():
Pressing 'v' in navigation mode will open the buffer in an external editor.
- registry = Registry()
+ registry = Registry()
navigation_mode = ViNavigationMode()
- registry.add_binding('v', filter=navigation_mode)(
- get_by_name('edit-and-execute-command'))
- return registry
+ registry.add_binding('v', filter=navigation_mode)(
+ get_by_name('edit-and-execute-command'))
+ return registry
-def load_vi_system_bindings():
- registry = ConditionalRegistry(Registry(), ViMode())
- handle = registry.add_binding
+def load_vi_system_bindings():
+ registry = ConditionalRegistry(Registry(), ViMode())
+ handle = registry.add_binding
has_focus = filters.HasFocus(SYSTEM_BUFFER)
navigation_mode = ViNavigationMode()
@@ -1759,28 +1759,28 @@ def load_vi_system_bindings():
# Focus previous buffer again.
- return registry
+ return registry
-def load_vi_search_bindings(get_search_state=None,
- search_buffer_name=SEARCH_BUFFER):
+def load_vi_search_bindings(get_search_state=None,
+ search_buffer_name=SEARCH_BUFFER):
assert get_search_state is None or callable(get_search_state)
if not get_search_state:
def get_search_state(cli): return cli.search_state
- registry = ConditionalRegistry(Registry(), ViMode())
- handle = registry.add_binding
+ registry = ConditionalRegistry(Registry(), ViMode())
+ handle = registry.add_binding
has_focus = filters.HasFocus(search_buffer_name)
navigation_mode = ViNavigationMode()
selection_mode = ViSelectionMode()
- reverse_vi_search_direction = Condition(
- lambda cli: cli.application.reverse_vi_search_direction(cli))
- @handle('/', filter=(navigation_mode|selection_mode)&~reverse_vi_search_direction)
- @handle('?', filter=(navigation_mode|selection_mode)&reverse_vi_search_direction)
+ reverse_vi_search_direction = Condition(
+ lambda cli: cli.application.reverse_vi_search_direction(cli))
+ @handle('/', filter=(navigation_mode|selection_mode)&~reverse_vi_search_direction)
+ @handle('?', filter=(navigation_mode|selection_mode)&reverse_vi_search_direction)
@handle(Keys.ControlS, filter=~has_focus)
def _(event):
@@ -1793,8 +1793,8 @@ def load_vi_search_bindings(get_search_state=None,
# Focus search buffer.
- @handle('?', filter=(navigation_mode|selection_mode)&~reverse_vi_search_direction)
- @handle('/', filter=(navigation_mode|selection_mode)&reverse_vi_search_direction)
+ @handle('?', filter=(navigation_mode|selection_mode)&~reverse_vi_search_direction)
+ @handle('/', filter=(navigation_mode|selection_mode)&reverse_vi_search_direction)
@handle(Keys.ControlR, filter=~has_focus)
def _(event):
@@ -1808,7 +1808,7 @@ def load_vi_search_bindings(get_search_state=None,
event.cli.vi_state.input_mode = InputMode.INSERT
@handle(Keys.ControlJ, filter=has_focus)
- @handle(Keys.Escape, filter=has_focus)
+ @handle(Keys.Escape, filter=has_focus)
def _(event):
Apply the search. (At the / or ? prompt.)
@@ -1870,16 +1870,16 @@ def load_vi_search_bindings(get_search_state=None,
- return registry
+ return registry
-def load_extra_vi_page_navigation_bindings():
+def load_extra_vi_page_navigation_bindings():
Key bindings, for scrolling up and down through pages.
This are separate bindings, because GNU readline doesn't have them.
- registry = ConditionalRegistry(Registry(), ViMode())
- handle = registry.add_binding
+ registry = ConditionalRegistry(Registry(), ViMode())
+ handle = registry.add_binding
@@ -1890,9 +1890,9 @@ def load_extra_vi_page_navigation_bindings():
- return registry
+ return registry
class ViStateFilter(Filter):
" Deprecated! "
def __init__(self, get_vi_state, mode):
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/key_binding/defaults.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/key_binding/defaults.py
index a7396b82cc..fb2c1070f7 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/key_binding/defaults.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/key_binding/defaults.py
@@ -1,119 +1,119 @@
-Default key bindings.::
- registry = load_key_bindings()
- app = Application(key_bindings_registry=registry)
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.registry import ConditionalRegistry, MergedRegistry
-from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.bindings.basic import load_basic_bindings, load_abort_and_exit_bindings, load_basic_system_bindings, load_auto_suggestion_bindings, load_mouse_bindings
-from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.bindings.emacs import load_emacs_bindings, load_emacs_system_bindings, load_emacs_search_bindings, load_emacs_open_in_editor_bindings, load_extra_emacs_page_navigation_bindings
-from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.bindings.vi import load_vi_bindings, load_vi_system_bindings, load_vi_search_bindings, load_vi_open_in_editor_bindings, load_extra_vi_page_navigation_bindings
-from prompt_toolkit.filters import to_cli_filter
-__all__ = (
- 'load_key_bindings',
- 'load_key_bindings_for_prompt',
-def load_key_bindings(
- get_search_state=None,
- enable_abort_and_exit_bindings=False,
- enable_system_bindings=False,
- enable_search=False,
- enable_open_in_editor=False,
- enable_extra_page_navigation=False,
- enable_auto_suggest_bindings=False):
- """
- Create a Registry object that contains the default key bindings.
- :param enable_abort_and_exit_bindings: Filter to enable Ctrl-C and Ctrl-D.
- :param enable_system_bindings: Filter to enable the system bindings (meta-!
- prompt and Control-Z suspension.)
- :param enable_search: Filter to enable the search bindings.
- :param enable_open_in_editor: Filter to enable open-in-editor.
- :param enable_open_in_editor: Filter to enable open-in-editor.
- :param enable_extra_page_navigation: Filter for enabling extra page
- navigation. (Bindings for up/down scrolling through long pages, like in
- Emacs or Vi.)
- :param enable_auto_suggest_bindings: Filter to enable fish-style suggestions.
- """
- assert get_search_state is None or callable(get_search_state)
- # Accept both Filters and booleans as input.
- enable_abort_and_exit_bindings = to_cli_filter(enable_abort_and_exit_bindings)
- enable_system_bindings = to_cli_filter(enable_system_bindings)
- enable_search = to_cli_filter(enable_search)
- enable_open_in_editor = to_cli_filter(enable_open_in_editor)
- enable_extra_page_navigation = to_cli_filter(enable_extra_page_navigation)
- enable_auto_suggest_bindings = to_cli_filter(enable_auto_suggest_bindings)
- registry = MergedRegistry([
- # Load basic bindings.
- load_basic_bindings(),
- load_mouse_bindings(),
- ConditionalRegistry(load_abort_and_exit_bindings(),
- enable_abort_and_exit_bindings),
- ConditionalRegistry(load_basic_system_bindings(),
- enable_system_bindings),
- # Load emacs bindings.
- load_emacs_bindings(),
- ConditionalRegistry(load_emacs_open_in_editor_bindings(),
- enable_open_in_editor),
- ConditionalRegistry(load_emacs_search_bindings(get_search_state=get_search_state),
- enable_search),
- ConditionalRegistry(load_emacs_system_bindings(),
- enable_system_bindings),
- ConditionalRegistry(load_extra_emacs_page_navigation_bindings(),
- enable_extra_page_navigation),
- # Load Vi bindings.
- load_vi_bindings(get_search_state=get_search_state),
- ConditionalRegistry(load_vi_open_in_editor_bindings(),
- enable_open_in_editor),
- ConditionalRegistry(load_vi_search_bindings(get_search_state=get_search_state),
- enable_search),
- ConditionalRegistry(load_vi_system_bindings(),
- enable_system_bindings),
- ConditionalRegistry(load_extra_vi_page_navigation_bindings(),
- enable_extra_page_navigation),
- # Suggestion bindings.
- # (This has to come at the end, because the Vi bindings also have an
- # implementation for the "right arrow", but we really want the
- # suggestion binding when a suggestion is available.)
- ConditionalRegistry(load_auto_suggestion_bindings(),
- enable_auto_suggest_bindings),
- ])
- return registry
-def load_key_bindings_for_prompt(**kw):
- """
- Create a ``Registry`` object with the defaults key bindings for an input
- prompt.
- This activates the key bindings for abort/exit (Ctrl-C/Ctrl-D),
- incremental search and auto suggestions.
- (Not for full screen applications.)
- """
- kw.setdefault('enable_abort_and_exit_bindings', True)
- kw.setdefault('enable_search', True)
- kw.setdefault('enable_auto_suggest_bindings', True)
- return load_key_bindings(**kw)
+Default key bindings.::
+ registry = load_key_bindings()
+ app = Application(key_bindings_registry=registry)
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.registry import ConditionalRegistry, MergedRegistry
+from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.bindings.basic import load_basic_bindings, load_abort_and_exit_bindings, load_basic_system_bindings, load_auto_suggestion_bindings, load_mouse_bindings
+from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.bindings.emacs import load_emacs_bindings, load_emacs_system_bindings, load_emacs_search_bindings, load_emacs_open_in_editor_bindings, load_extra_emacs_page_navigation_bindings
+from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.bindings.vi import load_vi_bindings, load_vi_system_bindings, load_vi_search_bindings, load_vi_open_in_editor_bindings, load_extra_vi_page_navigation_bindings
+from prompt_toolkit.filters import to_cli_filter
+__all__ = (
+ 'load_key_bindings',
+ 'load_key_bindings_for_prompt',
+def load_key_bindings(
+ get_search_state=None,
+ enable_abort_and_exit_bindings=False,
+ enable_system_bindings=False,
+ enable_search=False,
+ enable_open_in_editor=False,
+ enable_extra_page_navigation=False,
+ enable_auto_suggest_bindings=False):
+ """
+ Create a Registry object that contains the default key bindings.
+ :param enable_abort_and_exit_bindings: Filter to enable Ctrl-C and Ctrl-D.
+ :param enable_system_bindings: Filter to enable the system bindings (meta-!
+ prompt and Control-Z suspension.)
+ :param enable_search: Filter to enable the search bindings.
+ :param enable_open_in_editor: Filter to enable open-in-editor.
+ :param enable_open_in_editor: Filter to enable open-in-editor.
+ :param enable_extra_page_navigation: Filter for enabling extra page
+ navigation. (Bindings for up/down scrolling through long pages, like in
+ Emacs or Vi.)
+ :param enable_auto_suggest_bindings: Filter to enable fish-style suggestions.
+ """
+ assert get_search_state is None or callable(get_search_state)
+ # Accept both Filters and booleans as input.
+ enable_abort_and_exit_bindings = to_cli_filter(enable_abort_and_exit_bindings)
+ enable_system_bindings = to_cli_filter(enable_system_bindings)
+ enable_search = to_cli_filter(enable_search)
+ enable_open_in_editor = to_cli_filter(enable_open_in_editor)
+ enable_extra_page_navigation = to_cli_filter(enable_extra_page_navigation)
+ enable_auto_suggest_bindings = to_cli_filter(enable_auto_suggest_bindings)
+ registry = MergedRegistry([
+ # Load basic bindings.
+ load_basic_bindings(),
+ load_mouse_bindings(),
+ ConditionalRegistry(load_abort_and_exit_bindings(),
+ enable_abort_and_exit_bindings),
+ ConditionalRegistry(load_basic_system_bindings(),
+ enable_system_bindings),
+ # Load emacs bindings.
+ load_emacs_bindings(),
+ ConditionalRegistry(load_emacs_open_in_editor_bindings(),
+ enable_open_in_editor),
+ ConditionalRegistry(load_emacs_search_bindings(get_search_state=get_search_state),
+ enable_search),
+ ConditionalRegistry(load_emacs_system_bindings(),
+ enable_system_bindings),
+ ConditionalRegistry(load_extra_emacs_page_navigation_bindings(),
+ enable_extra_page_navigation),
+ # Load Vi bindings.
+ load_vi_bindings(get_search_state=get_search_state),
+ ConditionalRegistry(load_vi_open_in_editor_bindings(),
+ enable_open_in_editor),
+ ConditionalRegistry(load_vi_search_bindings(get_search_state=get_search_state),
+ enable_search),
+ ConditionalRegistry(load_vi_system_bindings(),
+ enable_system_bindings),
+ ConditionalRegistry(load_extra_vi_page_navigation_bindings(),
+ enable_extra_page_navigation),
+ # Suggestion bindings.
+ # (This has to come at the end, because the Vi bindings also have an
+ # implementation for the "right arrow", but we really want the
+ # suggestion binding when a suggestion is available.)
+ ConditionalRegistry(load_auto_suggestion_bindings(),
+ enable_auto_suggest_bindings),
+ ])
+ return registry
+def load_key_bindings_for_prompt(**kw):
+ """
+ Create a ``Registry`` object with the defaults key bindings for an input
+ prompt.
+ This activates the key bindings for abort/exit (Ctrl-C/Ctrl-D),
+ incremental search and auto suggestions.
+ (Not for full screen applications.)
+ """
+ kw.setdefault('enable_abort_and_exit_bindings', True)
+ kw.setdefault('enable_search', True)
+ kw.setdefault('enable_auto_suggest_bindings', True)
+ return load_key_bindings(**kw)
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/key_binding/input_processor.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/key_binding/input_processor.py
index 7c1da5de90..51a3110827 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/key_binding/input_processor.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/key_binding/input_processor.py
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from prompt_toolkit.filters.cli import ViNavigationMode
from prompt_toolkit.keys import Keys, Key
from prompt_toolkit.utils import Event
-from .registry import BaseRegistry
+from .registry import BaseRegistry
from collections import deque
from six.moves import range
@@ -67,11 +67,11 @@ class InputProcessor(object):
# Now the ControlX-ControlC callback will be called if this sequence is
# registered in the registry.
- :param registry: `BaseRegistry` instance.
+ :param registry: `BaseRegistry` instance.
:param cli_ref: weakref to `CommandLineInterface`.
def __init__(self, registry, cli_ref):
- assert isinstance(registry, BaseRegistry)
+ assert isinstance(registry, BaseRegistry)
self._registry = registry
self._cli_ref = cli_ref
@@ -86,14 +86,14 @@ class InputProcessor(object):
# (This is at at most the amount of keys that make up for one key binding.)
self.key_buffer = []
- # Simple macro recording. (Like readline does.)
- self.record_macro = False
- self.macro = []
+ # Simple macro recording. (Like readline does.)
+ self.record_macro = False
+ self.macro = []
def reset(self):
- self._previous_key_sequence = []
+ self._previous_key_sequence = []
self._previous_handler = None
self._process_coroutine = self._process()
@@ -103,19 +103,19 @@ class InputProcessor(object):
#: https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/html_node/Readline-Arguments.html
self.arg = None
- def start_macro(self):
- " Start recording macro. "
- self.record_macro = True
- self.macro = []
- def end_macro(self):
- " End recording macro. "
- self.record_macro = False
- def call_macro(self):
- for k in self.macro:
- self.feed(k)
+ def start_macro(self):
+ " Start recording macro. "
+ self.record_macro = True
+ self.macro = []
+ def end_macro(self):
+ " End recording macro. "
+ self.record_macro = False
+ def call_macro(self):
+ for k in self.macro:
+ self.feed(k)
def _get_matches(self, key_presses):
For a list of :class:`KeyPress` instances. Give the matching handlers
@@ -163,17 +163,17 @@ class InputProcessor(object):
is_prefix_of_longer_match = self._is_prefix_of_longer_match(buffer)
matches = self._get_matches(buffer)
- # When eager matches were found, give priority to them and also
- # ignore all the longer matches.
- eager_matches = [m for m in matches if m.eager(self._cli_ref())]
- if eager_matches:
- matches = eager_matches
+ # When eager matches were found, give priority to them and also
+ # ignore all the longer matches.
+ eager_matches = [m for m in matches if m.eager(self._cli_ref())]
+ if eager_matches:
+ matches = eager_matches
is_prefix_of_longer_match = False
# Exact matches found, call handler.
if not is_prefix_of_longer_match and matches:
- self._call_handler(matches[-1], key_sequence=buffer[:])
+ self._call_handler(matches[-1], key_sequence=buffer[:])
del buffer[:] # Keep reference.
# No match found.
@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ class InputProcessor(object):
def _call_handler(self, handler, key_sequence=None):
- was_recording = self.record_macro
+ was_recording = self.record_macro
arg = self.arg
self.arg = None
@@ -255,11 +255,11 @@ class InputProcessor(object):
self._previous_key_sequence = key_sequence
self._previous_handler = handler
- # Record the key sequence in our macro. (Only if we're in macro mode
- # before and after executing the key.)
- if self.record_macro and was_recording:
- self.macro.extend(key_sequence)
+ # Record the key sequence in our macro. (Only if we're in macro mode
+ # before and after executing the key.)
+ if self.record_macro and was_recording:
+ self.macro.extend(key_sequence)
def _fix_vi_cursor_position(self, event):
After every command, make sure that if we are in Vi navigation mode, we
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/key_binding/manager.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/key_binding/manager.py
index 7bad16a6c5..83612c2a5c 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/key_binding/manager.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/key_binding/manager.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-Use `prompt_toolkit.key_binding.defaults.load_key_bindings` instead.
+Use `prompt_toolkit.key_binding.defaults.load_key_bindings` instead.
:class:`KeyBindingManager` is a utility (or shortcut) for loading all the key
bindings in a key binding registry, with a logic set of filters to quickly to
quickly change from Vi to Emacs key bindings at runtime.
@@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ You don't have to use this, but it's practical.
manager = KeyBindingManager()
- app = Application(key_bindings_registry=manager.registry)
+ app = Application(key_bindings_registry=manager.registry)
from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from .defaults import load_key_bindings
+from .defaults import load_key_bindings
from prompt_toolkit.filters import to_cli_filter
-from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.registry import Registry, ConditionalRegistry, MergedRegistry
+from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.registry import Registry, ConditionalRegistry, MergedRegistry
__all__ = (
@@ -40,37 +40,37 @@ class KeyBindingManager(object):
:param enable_vi_mode: Deprecated!
- def __init__(self,
- registry=None, # XXX: not used anymore.
+ def __init__(self,
+ registry=None, # XXX: not used anymore.
enable_vi_mode=None, # (`enable_vi_mode` is deprecated.)
- enable_all=True, #
+ enable_all=True, #
- enable_system_bindings=False,
- enable_search=False,
- enable_open_in_editor=False,
- enable_extra_page_navigation=False,
- enable_auto_suggest_bindings=False):
+ enable_system_bindings=False,
+ enable_search=False,
+ enable_open_in_editor=False,
+ enable_extra_page_navigation=False,
+ enable_auto_suggest_bindings=False):
assert registry is None or isinstance(registry, Registry)
assert get_search_state is None or callable(get_search_state)
enable_all = to_cli_filter(enable_all)
- defaults = load_key_bindings(
- get_search_state=get_search_state,
- enable_abort_and_exit_bindings=enable_abort_and_exit_bindings,
- enable_system_bindings=enable_system_bindings,
- enable_search=enable_search,
- enable_open_in_editor=enable_open_in_editor,
- enable_extra_page_navigation=enable_extra_page_navigation,
- enable_auto_suggest_bindings=enable_auto_suggest_bindings)
- # Note, we wrap this whole thing again in a MergedRegistry, because we
- # don't want the `enable_all` settings to apply on items that were
- # added to the registry as a whole.
- self.registry = MergedRegistry([
- ConditionalRegistry(defaults, enable_all)
- ])
+ defaults = load_key_bindings(
+ get_search_state=get_search_state,
+ enable_abort_and_exit_bindings=enable_abort_and_exit_bindings,
+ enable_system_bindings=enable_system_bindings,
+ enable_search=enable_search,
+ enable_open_in_editor=enable_open_in_editor,
+ enable_extra_page_navigation=enable_extra_page_navigation,
+ enable_auto_suggest_bindings=enable_auto_suggest_bindings)
+ # Note, we wrap this whole thing again in a MergedRegistry, because we
+ # don't want the `enable_all` settings to apply on items that were
+ # added to the registry as a whole.
+ self.registry = MergedRegistry([
+ ConditionalRegistry(defaults, enable_all)
+ ])
def for_prompt(cls, **kw):
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/key_binding/registry.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/key_binding/registry.py
index 5d6bc3493c..24d0e729a1 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/key_binding/registry.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/key_binding/registry.py
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
-Key bindings registry.
-A `Registry` object is a container that holds a list of key bindings. It has a
-very efficient internal data structure for checking which key bindings apply
-for a pressed key.
-Typical usage::
- r = Registry()
- @r.add_binding(Keys.ControlX, Keys.ControlC, filter=INSERT)
- def handler(event):
- # Handle ControlX-ControlC key sequence.
- pass
-It is also possible to combine multiple registries. We do this in the default
-key bindings. There are some registries that contain Emacs bindings, while
-others contain the Vi bindings. They are merged together using a
-We also have a `ConditionalRegistry` object that can enable/disable a group of
-key bindings at once.
+Key bindings registry.
+A `Registry` object is a container that holds a list of key bindings. It has a
+very efficient internal data structure for checking which key bindings apply
+for a pressed key.
+Typical usage::
+ r = Registry()
+ @r.add_binding(Keys.ControlX, Keys.ControlC, filter=INSERT)
+ def handler(event):
+ # Handle ControlX-ControlC key sequence.
+ pass
+It is also possible to combine multiple registries. We do this in the default
+key bindings. There are some registries that contain Emacs bindings, while
+others contain the Vi bindings. They are merged together using a
+We also have a `ConditionalRegistry` object that can enable/disable a group of
+key bindings at once.
from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from prompt_toolkit.cache import SimpleCache
from prompt_toolkit.filters import CLIFilter, to_cli_filter, Never
from prompt_toolkit.keys import Key, Keys
-from six import text_type, with_metaclass
+from six import text_type, with_metaclass
__all__ = (
- 'BaseRegistry',
+ 'BaseRegistry',
- 'ConditionalRegistry',
- 'MergedRegistry',
+ 'ConditionalRegistry',
+ 'MergedRegistry',
@@ -65,36 +65,36 @@ class _Binding(object):
self.__class__.__name__, self.keys, self.handler)
-class BaseRegistry(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)):
+class BaseRegistry(with_metaclass(ABCMeta, object)):
- Interface for a Registry.
- """
- _version = 0 # For cache invalidation.
- @abstractmethod
- def get_bindings_for_keys(self, keys):
- pass
- @abstractmethod
- def get_bindings_starting_with_keys(self, keys):
- pass
- # `add_binding` and `remove_binding` don't have to be part of this
- # interface.
-class Registry(BaseRegistry):
+ Interface for a Registry.
+ """
+ _version = 0 # For cache invalidation.
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_bindings_for_keys(self, keys):
+ pass
+ @abstractmethod
+ def get_bindings_starting_with_keys(self, keys):
+ pass
+ # `add_binding` and `remove_binding` don't have to be part of this
+ # interface.
+class Registry(BaseRegistry):
+ """
+ Key binding registry.
- Key binding registry.
- """
def __init__(self):
self.key_bindings = []
self._get_bindings_for_keys_cache = SimpleCache(maxsize=10000)
self._get_bindings_starting_with_keys_cache = SimpleCache(maxsize=1000)
- self._version = 0 # For cache invalidation.
+ self._version = 0 # For cache invalidation.
def _clear_cache(self):
- self._version += 1
+ self._version += 1
@@ -215,136 +215,136 @@ class Registry(BaseRegistry):
return result
return self._get_bindings_starting_with_keys_cache.get(keys, get)
-class _AddRemoveMixin(BaseRegistry):
- """
- Common part for ConditionalRegistry and MergedRegistry.
- """
- def __init__(self):
- # `Registry` to be synchronized with all the others.
- self._registry2 = Registry()
- self._last_version = None
- # The 'extra' registry. Mostly for backwards compatibility.
- self._extra_registry = Registry()
- def _update_cache(self):
- raise NotImplementedError
- # For backwards, compatibility, we allow adding bindings to both
- # ConditionalRegistry and MergedRegistry. This is however not the
- # recommended way. Better is to create a new registry and merge them
- # together using MergedRegistry.
- def add_binding(self, *k, **kw):
- return self._extra_registry.add_binding(*k, **kw)
- def remove_binding(self, *k, **kw):
- return self._extra_registry.remove_binding(*k, **kw)
- # Proxy methods to self._registry2.
- @property
- def key_bindings(self):
- self._update_cache()
- return self._registry2.key_bindings
- @property
- def _version(self):
- self._update_cache()
- return self._last_version
- def get_bindings_for_keys(self, *a, **kw):
- self._update_cache()
- return self._registry2.get_bindings_for_keys(*a, **kw)
- def get_bindings_starting_with_keys(self, *a, **kw):
- self._update_cache()
- return self._registry2.get_bindings_starting_with_keys(*a, **kw)
-class ConditionalRegistry(_AddRemoveMixin):
- """
- Wraps around a `Registry`. Disable/enable all the key bindings according to
- the given (additional) filter.::
- @Condition
- def setting_is_true(cli):
- return True # or False
- registy = ConditionalRegistry(registry, setting_is_true)
- When new key bindings are added to this object. They are also
- enable/disabled according to the given `filter`.
- :param registries: List of `Registry` objects.
- :param filter: `CLIFilter` object.
- """
- def __init__(self, registry=None, filter=True):
- registry = registry or Registry()
- assert isinstance(registry, BaseRegistry)
- _AddRemoveMixin.__init__(self)
- self.registry = registry
- self.filter = to_cli_filter(filter)
- def _update_cache(self):
- " If the original registry was changed. Update our copy version. "
- expected_version = (self.registry._version, self._extra_registry._version)
- if self._last_version != expected_version:
- registry2 = Registry()
- # Copy all bindings from `self.registry`, adding our condition.
- for reg in (self.registry, self._extra_registry):
- for b in reg.key_bindings:
- registry2.key_bindings.append(
- _Binding(
- keys=b.keys,
- handler=b.handler,
- filter=self.filter & b.filter,
- eager=b.eager,
- save_before=b.save_before))
- self._registry2 = registry2
- self._last_version = expected_version
-class MergedRegistry(_AddRemoveMixin):
- """
- Merge multiple registries of key bindings into one.
- This class acts as a proxy to multiple `Registry` objects, but behaves as
- if this is just one bigger `Registry`.
- :param registries: List of `Registry` objects.
- """
- def __init__(self, registries):
- assert all(isinstance(r, BaseRegistry) for r in registries)
- _AddRemoveMixin.__init__(self)
- self.registries = registries
- def _update_cache(self):
- """
- If one of the original registries was changed. Update our merged
- version.
- """
- expected_version = (
- tuple(r._version for r in self.registries) +
- (self._extra_registry._version, ))
- if self._last_version != expected_version:
- registry2 = Registry()
- for reg in self.registries:
- registry2.key_bindings.extend(reg.key_bindings)
- # Copy all bindings from `self._extra_registry`.
- registry2.key_bindings.extend(self._extra_registry.key_bindings)
- self._registry2 = registry2
- self._last_version = expected_version
+class _AddRemoveMixin(BaseRegistry):
+ """
+ Common part for ConditionalRegistry and MergedRegistry.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ # `Registry` to be synchronized with all the others.
+ self._registry2 = Registry()
+ self._last_version = None
+ # The 'extra' registry. Mostly for backwards compatibility.
+ self._extra_registry = Registry()
+ def _update_cache(self):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ # For backwards, compatibility, we allow adding bindings to both
+ # ConditionalRegistry and MergedRegistry. This is however not the
+ # recommended way. Better is to create a new registry and merge them
+ # together using MergedRegistry.
+ def add_binding(self, *k, **kw):
+ return self._extra_registry.add_binding(*k, **kw)
+ def remove_binding(self, *k, **kw):
+ return self._extra_registry.remove_binding(*k, **kw)
+ # Proxy methods to self._registry2.
+ @property
+ def key_bindings(self):
+ self._update_cache()
+ return self._registry2.key_bindings
+ @property
+ def _version(self):
+ self._update_cache()
+ return self._last_version
+ def get_bindings_for_keys(self, *a, **kw):
+ self._update_cache()
+ return self._registry2.get_bindings_for_keys(*a, **kw)
+ def get_bindings_starting_with_keys(self, *a, **kw):
+ self._update_cache()
+ return self._registry2.get_bindings_starting_with_keys(*a, **kw)
+class ConditionalRegistry(_AddRemoveMixin):
+ """
+ Wraps around a `Registry`. Disable/enable all the key bindings according to
+ the given (additional) filter.::
+ @Condition
+ def setting_is_true(cli):
+ return True # or False
+ registy = ConditionalRegistry(registry, setting_is_true)
+ When new key bindings are added to this object. They are also
+ enable/disabled according to the given `filter`.
+ :param registries: List of `Registry` objects.
+ :param filter: `CLIFilter` object.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, registry=None, filter=True):
+ registry = registry or Registry()
+ assert isinstance(registry, BaseRegistry)
+ _AddRemoveMixin.__init__(self)
+ self.registry = registry
+ self.filter = to_cli_filter(filter)
+ def _update_cache(self):
+ " If the original registry was changed. Update our copy version. "
+ expected_version = (self.registry._version, self._extra_registry._version)
+ if self._last_version != expected_version:
+ registry2 = Registry()
+ # Copy all bindings from `self.registry`, adding our condition.
+ for reg in (self.registry, self._extra_registry):
+ for b in reg.key_bindings:
+ registry2.key_bindings.append(
+ _Binding(
+ keys=b.keys,
+ handler=b.handler,
+ filter=self.filter & b.filter,
+ eager=b.eager,
+ save_before=b.save_before))
+ self._registry2 = registry2
+ self._last_version = expected_version
+class MergedRegistry(_AddRemoveMixin):
+ """
+ Merge multiple registries of key bindings into one.
+ This class acts as a proxy to multiple `Registry` objects, but behaves as
+ if this is just one bigger `Registry`.
+ :param registries: List of `Registry` objects.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, registries):
+ assert all(isinstance(r, BaseRegistry) for r in registries)
+ _AddRemoveMixin.__init__(self)
+ self.registries = registries
+ def _update_cache(self):
+ """
+ If one of the original registries was changed. Update our merged
+ version.
+ """
+ expected_version = (
+ tuple(r._version for r in self.registries) +
+ (self._extra_registry._version, ))
+ if self._last_version != expected_version:
+ registry2 = Registry()
+ for reg in self.registries:
+ registry2.key_bindings.extend(reg.key_bindings)
+ # Copy all bindings from `self._extra_registry`.
+ registry2.key_bindings.extend(self._extra_registry.key_bindings)
+ self._registry2 = registry2
+ self._last_version = expected_version
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/layout/containers.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/layout/containers.py
index f91a15a1e1..0bdafe18e0 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/layout/containers.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/layout/containers.py
@@ -1046,8 +1046,8 @@ class Window(Container):
def _get_digraph_char(self, cli):
" Return `False`, or the Digraph symbol to be used. "
- if cli.quoted_insert:
- return '^'
+ if cli.quoted_insert:
+ return '^'
if cli.vi_state.waiting_for_digraph:
if cli.vi_state.digraph_symbol1:
return cli.vi_state.digraph_symbol1
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/layout/lexers.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/layout/lexers.py
index 7c3cc3c8f7..a928fd8226 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/layout/lexers.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/layout/lexers.py
@@ -150,17 +150,17 @@ class PygmentsLexer(Lexer):
Lexer that calls a pygments lexer.
- Example::
- from pygments.lexers import HtmlLexer
- lexer = PygmentsLexer(HtmlLexer)
- Note: Don't forget to also load a Pygments compatible style. E.g.::
- from prompt_toolkit.styles.from_pygments import style_from_pygments
- from pygments.styles import get_style_by_name
- style = style_from_pygments(get_style_by_name('monokai'))
+ Example::
+ from pygments.lexers import HtmlLexer
+ lexer = PygmentsLexer(HtmlLexer)
+ Note: Don't forget to also load a Pygments compatible style. E.g.::
+ from prompt_toolkit.styles.from_pygments import style_from_pygments
+ from pygments.styles import get_style_by_name
+ style = style_from_pygments(get_style_by_name('monokai'))
:param pygments_lexer_cls: A `Lexer` from Pygments.
:param sync_from_start: Start lexing at the start of the document. This
will always give the best results, but it will be slow for bigger
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/layout/margins.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/layout/margins.py
index 412c602207..2934dfc9a7 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/layout/margins.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/layout/margins.py
@@ -231,10 +231,10 @@ class PromptMargin(Margin):
# Next lines. (Show line numbering when numbering is enabled.)
if self.get_continuation_tokens:
- # Note: we turn this into a list, to make sure that we fail early
- # in case `get_continuation_tokens` returns something else,
- # like `None`.
- tokens2 = list(self.get_continuation_tokens(cli, width))
+ # Note: we turn this into a list, to make sure that we fail early
+ # in case `get_continuation_tokens` returns something else,
+ # like `None`.
+ tokens2 = list(self.get_continuation_tokens(cli, width))
tokens2 = []
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/renderer.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/renderer.py
index 5104b22f2b..7a8fde55b3 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/renderer.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/renderer.py
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ __all__ = (
def _output_screen_diff(output, screen, current_pos, previous_screen=None, last_token=None,
- is_done=False, use_alternate_screen=False, attrs_for_token=None, size=None,
- previous_width=0): # XXX: drop is_done
+ is_done=False, use_alternate_screen=False, attrs_for_token=None, size=None,
+ previous_width=0): # XXX: drop is_done
Render the diff between this screen and the previous screen.
@@ -109,17 +109,17 @@ def _output_screen_diff(output, screen, current_pos, previous_screen=None, last_
last_token[0] = char.token
- # Render for the first time: reset styling.
+ # Render for the first time: reset styling.
if not previous_screen:
- # Disable autowrap. (When entering a the alternate screen, or anytime when
- # we have a prompt. - In the case of a REPL, like IPython, people can have
- # background threads, and it's hard for debugging if their output is not
- # wrapped.)
- if not previous_screen or not use_alternate_screen:
- output.disable_autowrap()
+ # Disable autowrap. (When entering a the alternate screen, or anytime when
+ # we have a prompt. - In the case of a REPL, like IPython, people can have
+ # background threads, and it's hard for debugging if their output is not
+ # wrapped.)
+ if not previous_screen or not use_alternate_screen:
+ output.disable_autowrap()
# When the previous screen has a different size, redraw everything anyway.
# Also when we are done. (We meight take up less rows, so clearing is important.)
if is_done or not previous_screen or previous_width != width: # XXX: also consider height??
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ def _output_screen_diff(output, screen, current_pos, previous_screen=None, last_
current_pos = move_cursor(screen.cursor_position)
- if is_done or not use_alternate_screen:
+ if is_done or not use_alternate_screen:
# Always reset the color attributes. This is important because a background
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ class Renderer(object):
self._cursor_pos, self._last_token = _output_screen_diff(
output, screen, self._cursor_pos,
self._last_screen, self._last_token, is_done,
- use_alternate_screen=self.use_alternate_screen,
+ use_alternate_screen=self.use_alternate_screen,
previous_width=(self._last_size.columns if self._last_size else 0))
@@ -480,7 +480,7 @@ class Renderer(object):
- output.enable_autowrap()
+ output.enable_autowrap()
# Erase title.
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/selection.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/selection.py
index 10cf160e28..6582921222 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/selection.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/selection.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
__all__ = (
- 'PasteMode',
+ 'PasteMode',
@@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ class SelectionType(object):
-class PasteMode(object):
- EMACS = 'EMACS' # Yank like emacs.
- VI_AFTER = 'VI_AFTER' # When pressing 'p' in Vi.
- VI_BEFORE = 'VI_BEFORE' # When pressing 'P' in Vi.
+class PasteMode(object):
+ EMACS = 'EMACS' # Yank like emacs.
+ VI_AFTER = 'VI_AFTER' # When pressing 'p' in Vi.
+ VI_BEFORE = 'VI_BEFORE' # When pressing 'P' in Vi.
class SelectionState(object):
State of the current selection.
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/shortcuts.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/shortcuts.py
index 566fc23319..9893624c6e 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/shortcuts.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/shortcuts.py
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ from .enums import DEFAULT_BUFFER, SEARCH_BUFFER, EditingMode
from .filters import IsDone, HasFocus, RendererHeightIsKnown, to_simple_filter, to_cli_filter, Condition
from .history import InMemoryHistory
from .interface import CommandLineInterface, Application, AbortAction
-from .key_binding.defaults import load_key_bindings_for_prompt
+from .key_binding.defaults import load_key_bindings_for_prompt
from .key_binding.registry import Registry
from .keys import Keys
from .layout import Window, HSplit, FloatContainer, Float
@@ -77,10 +77,10 @@ __all__ = (
- 'run_application',
+ 'run_application',
- 'clear',
+ 'clear',
@@ -449,9 +449,9 @@ def create_prompt_application(
be edited by the user.)
if key_bindings_registry is None:
- key_bindings_registry = load_key_bindings_for_prompt(
+ key_bindings_registry = load_key_bindings_for_prompt(
- enable_open_in_editor=enable_open_in_editor)
+ enable_open_in_editor=enable_open_in_editor)
# Ensure backwards-compatibility, when `vi_mode` is passed.
if vi_mode:
@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ def create_prompt_application(
- reverse_vi_search_direction=True,
+ reverse_vi_search_direction=True,
@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ def run_application(
cli.on_stop += stop_refresh_loop
# Replace stdout.
- patch_context = cli.patch_stdout_context(raw=True) if patch_stdout else DummyContext()
+ patch_context = cli.patch_stdout_context(raw=True) if patch_stdout else DummyContext()
# Read input and return it.
if return_asyncio_coroutine:
@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ def run_application(
def run():
with patch_context:
- result = yield from cli.run_async()
+ result = yield from cli.run_async()
if isinstance(result, Document): # Backwards-compatibility.
return result.text
@@ -622,7 +622,7 @@ def run_application(
with patch_context:
- result = cli.run()
+ result = cli.run()
if isinstance(result, Document): # Backwards-compatibility.
return result.text
@@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ def confirm(message='Confirm (y or n) '):
return run_application(app)
-def print_tokens(tokens, style=None, true_color=False, file=None):
+def print_tokens(tokens, style=None, true_color=False, file=None):
Print a list of (Token, text) tuples in the given style to the output.
@@ -689,13 +689,13 @@ def print_tokens(tokens, style=None, true_color=False, file=None):
:param tokens: List of ``(Token, text)`` tuples.
:param style: :class:`.Style` instance for the color scheme.
:param true_color: When True, use 24bit colors instead of 256 colors.
- :param file: The output file. This can be `sys.stdout` or `sys.stderr`.
+ :param file: The output file. This can be `sys.stdout` or `sys.stderr`.
- if style is None:
+ if style is None:
assert isinstance(style, Style)
- output = create_output(true_color=true_color, stdout=file)
+ output = create_output(true_color=true_color, stdout=file)
renderer_print_tokens(output, tokens, style)
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/styles/from_dict.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/styles/from_dict.py
index e17cac4564..b50325710f 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/styles/from_dict.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/styles/from_dict.py
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@ This is very similar to the Pygments style dictionary, with some additions:
- Support for ANSI color names. (These will map directly to the 16 terminal
- from collections.abc import Mapping
-except ImportError:
- from collections import Mapping
+ from collections.abc import Mapping
+except ImportError:
+ from collections import Mapping
from .base import Style, DEFAULT_ATTRS, ANSI_COLOR_NAMES
from .defaults import DEFAULT_STYLE_EXTENSIONS
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/styles/from_pygments.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/styles/from_pygments.py
index ad4861346c..0af8c53cf2 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/styles/from_pygments.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/styles/from_pygments.py
@@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ def style_from_pygments(style_cls=pygments_DefaultStyle,
Shortcut to create a :class:`.Style` instance from a Pygments style class
and a style dictionary.
- Example::
- from prompt_toolkit.styles.from_pygments import style_from_pygments
- from pygments.styles import get_style_by_name
- style = style_from_pygments(get_style_by_name('monokai'))
+ Example::
+ from prompt_toolkit.styles.from_pygments import style_from_pygments
+ from pygments.styles import get_style_by_name
+ style = style_from_pygments(get_style_by_name('monokai'))
:param style_cls: Pygments style class to start from.
:param style_dict: Dictionary for this style. `{Token: style}`.
:param include_defaults: (`bool`) Include prompt_toolkit extensions.
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/terminal/vt100_input.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/terminal/vt100_input.py
index 5f7ad8b298..74841312fa 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/terminal/vt100_input.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/terminal/vt100_input.py
@@ -170,9 +170,9 @@ ANSI_SEQUENCES = {
'\x1b[5C': Keys.ControlRight,
'\x1b[5D': Keys.ControlLeft,
- '\x1bOc': Keys.ControlRight, # rxvt
- '\x1bOd': Keys.ControlLeft, # rxvt
+ '\x1bOc': Keys.ControlRight, # rxvt
+ '\x1bOd': Keys.ControlLeft, # rxvt
'\x1b[200~': Keys.BracketedPaste, # Start of bracketed paste.
# Meta + arrow keys. Several terminals handle this differently.
@@ -459,14 +459,14 @@ class raw_mode(object):
newattr[tty.LFLAG] = self._patch_lflag(newattr[tty.LFLAG])
newattr[tty.IFLAG] = self._patch_iflag(newattr[tty.IFLAG])
- # VMIN defines the number of characters read at a time in
- # non-canonical mode. It seems to default to 1 on Linux, but on
- # Solaris and derived operating systems it defaults to 4. (This is
- # because the VMIN slot is the same as the VEOF slot, which
- # defaults to ASCII EOT = Ctrl-D = 4.)
- newattr[tty.CC][termios.VMIN] = 1
+ # VMIN defines the number of characters read at a time in
+ # non-canonical mode. It seems to default to 1 on Linux, but on
+ # Solaris and derived operating systems it defaults to 4. (This is
+ # because the VMIN slot is the same as the VEOF slot, which
+ # defaults to ASCII EOT = Ctrl-D = 4.)
+ newattr[tty.CC][termios.VMIN] = 1
termios.tcsetattr(self.fileno, termios.TCSANOW, newattr)
# Put the terminal in cursor mode. (Instead of application mode.)
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/terminal/vt100_output.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/terminal/vt100_output.py
index 04a6a12804..b800aaacec 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/terminal/vt100_output.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/terminal/vt100_output.py
@@ -28,48 +28,48 @@ FG_ANSI_COLORS = {
'ansidefault': 39,
# Low intensity.
- 'ansiblack': 30,
+ 'ansiblack': 30,
'ansidarkred': 31,
'ansidarkgreen': 32,
'ansibrown': 33,
'ansidarkblue': 34,
'ansipurple': 35,
'ansiteal': 36,
- 'ansilightgray': 37,
+ 'ansilightgray': 37,
# High intensity.
- 'ansidarkgray': 90,
+ 'ansidarkgray': 90,
'ansired': 91,
'ansigreen': 92,
'ansiyellow': 93,
'ansiblue': 94,
'ansifuchsia': 95,
'ansiturquoise': 96,
- 'ansiwhite': 97,
+ 'ansiwhite': 97,
'ansidefault': 49,
# Low intensity.
- 'ansiblack': 40,
+ 'ansiblack': 40,
'ansidarkred': 41,
'ansidarkgreen': 42,
'ansibrown': 43,
'ansidarkblue': 44,
'ansipurple': 45,
'ansiteal': 46,
- 'ansilightgray': 47,
+ 'ansilightgray': 47,
# High intensity.
- 'ansidarkgray': 100,
+ 'ansidarkgray': 100,
'ansired': 101,
'ansigreen': 102,
'ansiyellow': 103,
'ansiblue': 104,
'ansifuchsia': 105,
'ansiturquoise': 106,
- 'ansiwhite': 107,
+ 'ansiwhite': 107,
@@ -424,9 +424,9 @@ class Vt100_Output(Output):
assert stdout.isatty()
def get_size():
rows, columns = _get_size(stdout.fileno())
- # If terminal (incorrectly) reports its size as 0, pick a reasonable default.
- # See https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/10071
- return Size(rows=(rows or 24), columns=(columns or 80))
+ # If terminal (incorrectly) reports its size as 0, pick a reasonable default.
+ # See https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/10071
+ return Size(rows=(rows or 24), columns=(columns or 80))
return cls(stdout, get_size, true_color=true_color,
ansi_colors_only=ansi_colors_only, term=term)
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/terminal/win32_input.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/terminal/win32_input.py
index 2a66351221..410e5fa517 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/terminal/win32_input.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/terminal/win32_input.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from ctypes import windll, pointer
-from ctypes.wintypes import DWORD, HANDLE
+from ctypes.wintypes import DWORD, HANDLE
from six.moves import range
from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.input_processor import KeyPress
@@ -111,10 +111,10 @@ class ConsoleInputReader(object):
# When stdin is a tty, use that handle, otherwise, create a handle from
if sys.stdin.isatty():
- self.handle = HANDLE(windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE))
+ self.handle = HANDLE(windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE))
self._fdcon = os.open('CONIN$', os.O_RDWR | os.O_BINARY)
- self.handle = HANDLE(msvcrt.get_osfhandle(self._fdcon))
+ self.handle = HANDLE(msvcrt.get_osfhandle(self._fdcon))
def close(self):
" Close fdcon. "
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ class raw_mode(object):
`raw_input` method of `.vt100_input`.
def __init__(self, fileno=None):
- self.handle = HANDLE(windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE))
+ self.handle = HANDLE(windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE))
def __enter__(self):
# Remember original mode.
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/terminal/win32_output.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/terminal/win32_output.py
index 19788652d2..d4dddbab42 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/terminal/win32_output.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/prompt_toolkit/terminal/win32_output.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from ctypes import windll, byref, ArgumentError, c_char, c_long, c_ulong, c_uint, pointer
-from ctypes.wintypes import DWORD, HANDLE
+from ctypes.wintypes import DWORD, HANDLE
from prompt_toolkit.renderer import Output
from prompt_toolkit.styles import ANSI_COLOR_NAMES
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ class Win32Output(Output):
self._buffer = []
self.stdout = stdout
- self.hconsole = HANDLE(windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE))
+ self.hconsole = HANDLE(windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE))
self._in_alternate_screen = False
@@ -141,31 +141,31 @@ class Win32Output(Output):
Return Screen buffer info.
- # NOTE: We don't call the `GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo` API through
- # `self._winapi`. Doing so causes Python to crash on certain 64bit
- # Python versions. (Reproduced with 64bit Python 2.7.6, on Windows
- # 10). It is not clear why. Possibly, it has to do with passing
- # these objects as an argument, or through *args.
- # The Python documentation contains the following - possibly related - warning:
- # ctypes does not support passing unions or structures with
- # bit-fields to functions by value. While this may work on 32-bit
- # x86, it's not guaranteed by the library to work in the general
- # case. Unions and structures with bit-fields should always be
- # passed to functions by pointer.
- # Also see:
- # - https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/10070
- # - https://github.com/jonathanslenders/python-prompt-toolkit/issues/406
- # - https://github.com/jonathanslenders/python-prompt-toolkit/issues/86
- self.flush()
+ # NOTE: We don't call the `GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo` API through
+ # `self._winapi`. Doing so causes Python to crash on certain 64bit
+ # Python versions. (Reproduced with 64bit Python 2.7.6, on Windows
+ # 10). It is not clear why. Possibly, it has to do with passing
+ # these objects as an argument, or through *args.
+ # The Python documentation contains the following - possibly related - warning:
+ # ctypes does not support passing unions or structures with
+ # bit-fields to functions by value. While this may work on 32-bit
+ # x86, it's not guaranteed by the library to work in the general
+ # case. Unions and structures with bit-fields should always be
+ # passed to functions by pointer.
+ # Also see:
+ # - https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/10070
+ # - https://github.com/jonathanslenders/python-prompt-toolkit/issues/406
+ # - https://github.com/jonathanslenders/python-prompt-toolkit/issues/86
+ self.flush()
- success = windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(self.hconsole, byref(sbinfo))
- # success = self._winapi(windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo,
- # self.hconsole, byref(sbinfo))
+ success = windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(self.hconsole, byref(sbinfo))
+ # success = self._winapi(windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo,
+ # self.hconsole, byref(sbinfo))
if success:
return sbinfo
@@ -346,8 +346,8 @@ class Win32Output(Output):
GENERIC_WRITE = 0x40000000
# Create a new console buffer and activate that one.
- handle = HANDLE(self._winapi(windll.kernel32.CreateConsoleScreenBuffer, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE,
- DWORD(0), None, DWORD(1), None))
+ handle = HANDLE(self._winapi(windll.kernel32.CreateConsoleScreenBuffer, GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE,
+ DWORD(0), None, DWORD(1), None))
self._winapi(windll.kernel32.SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer, handle)
self.hconsole = handle
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ class Win32Output(Output):
Make stdout again the active buffer.
if self._in_alternate_screen:
- stdout = HANDLE(self._winapi(windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE))
+ stdout = HANDLE(self._winapi(windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE))
self._winapi(windll.kernel32.SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer, stdout)
self._winapi(windll.kernel32.CloseHandle, self.hconsole)
self.hconsole = stdout
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ class Win32Output(Output):
def enable_mouse_support(self):
- handle = HANDLE(windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE))
+ handle = HANDLE(windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE))
original_mode = DWORD()
self._winapi(windll.kernel32.GetConsoleMode, handle, pointer(original_mode))
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@ class Win32Output(Output):
def disable_mouse_support(self):
- handle = HANDLE(windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE))
+ handle = HANDLE(windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE))
original_mode = DWORD()
self._winapi(windll.kernel32.GetConsoleMode, handle, pointer(original_mode))
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ class Win32Output(Output):
to a bug in the Windows Console. Sending a repaint request solves it.
# Get console handle
- handle = HANDLE(windll.kernel32.GetConsoleWindow())
+ handle = HANDLE(windll.kernel32.GetConsoleWindow())
windll.user32.RedrawWindow(handle, None, None, c_uint(RDW_INVALIDATE))
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_buffer.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_buffer.py
index 9ef53956e7..a9cff19024 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_buffer.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_buffer.py
@@ -1,111 +1,111 @@
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from prompt_toolkit.buffer import Buffer
-import pytest
-def _buffer():
- return Buffer()
-def test_initial(_buffer):
- assert _buffer.text == ''
- assert _buffer.cursor_position == 0
-def test_insert_text(_buffer):
- _buffer.insert_text('some_text')
- assert _buffer.text == 'some_text'
- assert _buffer.cursor_position == len('some_text')
-def test_cursor_movement(_buffer):
- _buffer.insert_text('some_text')
- _buffer.cursor_left()
- _buffer.cursor_left()
- _buffer.cursor_left()
- _buffer.cursor_right()
- _buffer.insert_text('A')
- assert _buffer.text == 'some_teAxt'
- assert _buffer.cursor_position == len('some_teA')
-def test_backspace(_buffer):
- _buffer.insert_text('some_text')
- _buffer.cursor_left()
- _buffer.cursor_left()
- _buffer.delete_before_cursor()
- assert _buffer.text == 'some_txt'
- assert _buffer.cursor_position == len('some_t')
-def test_cursor_up(_buffer):
- # Cursor up to a line thats longer.
- _buffer.insert_text('long line1\nline2')
- _buffer.cursor_up()
- assert _buffer.document.cursor_position == 5
- # Going up when already at the top.
- _buffer.cursor_up()
- assert _buffer.document.cursor_position == 5
- # Going up to a line that's shorter.
- _buffer.reset()
- _buffer.insert_text('line1\nlong line2')
- _buffer.cursor_up()
- assert _buffer.document.cursor_position == 5
-def test_cursor_down(_buffer):
- _buffer.insert_text('line1\nline2')
- _buffer.cursor_position = 3
- # Normally going down
- _buffer.cursor_down()
- assert _buffer.document.cursor_position == len('line1\nlin')
- # Going down to a line that's storter.
- _buffer.reset()
- _buffer.insert_text('long line1\na\nb')
- _buffer.cursor_position = 3
- _buffer.cursor_down()
- assert _buffer.document.cursor_position == len('long line1\na')
-def test_join_next_line(_buffer):
- _buffer.insert_text('line1\nline2\nline3')
- _buffer.cursor_up()
- _buffer.join_next_line()
- assert _buffer.text == 'line1\nline2 line3'
- # Test when there is no '\n' in the text
- _buffer.reset()
- _buffer.insert_text('line1')
- _buffer.cursor_position = 0
- _buffer.join_next_line()
- assert _buffer.text == 'line1'
-def test_newline(_buffer):
- _buffer.insert_text('hello world')
- _buffer.newline()
- assert _buffer.text == 'hello world\n'
-def test_swap_characters_before_cursor(_buffer):
- _buffer.insert_text('hello world')
- _buffer.cursor_left()
- _buffer.cursor_left()
- _buffer.swap_characters_before_cursor()
- assert _buffer.text == 'hello wrold'
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from prompt_toolkit.buffer import Buffer
+import pytest
+def _buffer():
+ return Buffer()
+def test_initial(_buffer):
+ assert _buffer.text == ''
+ assert _buffer.cursor_position == 0
+def test_insert_text(_buffer):
+ _buffer.insert_text('some_text')
+ assert _buffer.text == 'some_text'
+ assert _buffer.cursor_position == len('some_text')
+def test_cursor_movement(_buffer):
+ _buffer.insert_text('some_text')
+ _buffer.cursor_left()
+ _buffer.cursor_left()
+ _buffer.cursor_left()
+ _buffer.cursor_right()
+ _buffer.insert_text('A')
+ assert _buffer.text == 'some_teAxt'
+ assert _buffer.cursor_position == len('some_teA')
+def test_backspace(_buffer):
+ _buffer.insert_text('some_text')
+ _buffer.cursor_left()
+ _buffer.cursor_left()
+ _buffer.delete_before_cursor()
+ assert _buffer.text == 'some_txt'
+ assert _buffer.cursor_position == len('some_t')
+def test_cursor_up(_buffer):
+ # Cursor up to a line thats longer.
+ _buffer.insert_text('long line1\nline2')
+ _buffer.cursor_up()
+ assert _buffer.document.cursor_position == 5
+ # Going up when already at the top.
+ _buffer.cursor_up()
+ assert _buffer.document.cursor_position == 5
+ # Going up to a line that's shorter.
+ _buffer.reset()
+ _buffer.insert_text('line1\nlong line2')
+ _buffer.cursor_up()
+ assert _buffer.document.cursor_position == 5
+def test_cursor_down(_buffer):
+ _buffer.insert_text('line1\nline2')
+ _buffer.cursor_position = 3
+ # Normally going down
+ _buffer.cursor_down()
+ assert _buffer.document.cursor_position == len('line1\nlin')
+ # Going down to a line that's storter.
+ _buffer.reset()
+ _buffer.insert_text('long line1\na\nb')
+ _buffer.cursor_position = 3
+ _buffer.cursor_down()
+ assert _buffer.document.cursor_position == len('long line1\na')
+def test_join_next_line(_buffer):
+ _buffer.insert_text('line1\nline2\nline3')
+ _buffer.cursor_up()
+ _buffer.join_next_line()
+ assert _buffer.text == 'line1\nline2 line3'
+ # Test when there is no '\n' in the text
+ _buffer.reset()
+ _buffer.insert_text('line1')
+ _buffer.cursor_position = 0
+ _buffer.join_next_line()
+ assert _buffer.text == 'line1'
+def test_newline(_buffer):
+ _buffer.insert_text('hello world')
+ _buffer.newline()
+ assert _buffer.text == 'hello world\n'
+def test_swap_characters_before_cursor(_buffer):
+ _buffer.insert_text('hello world')
+ _buffer.cursor_left()
+ _buffer.cursor_left()
+ _buffer.swap_characters_before_cursor()
+ assert _buffer.text == 'hello wrold'
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_cli.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_cli.py
index 403b6163d4..68ca3d03f0 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_cli.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_cli.py
@@ -1,629 +1,629 @@
-# encoding: utf-8
-These are almost end-to-end tests. They create a CommandLineInterface
-instance, feed it with some input and check the result.
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from prompt_toolkit.application import Application
-from prompt_toolkit.buffer import Buffer, AcceptAction
-from prompt_toolkit.clipboard import InMemoryClipboard, ClipboardData
-from prompt_toolkit.enums import DEFAULT_BUFFER, EditingMode
-from prompt_toolkit.eventloop.posix import PosixEventLoop
-from prompt_toolkit.history import InMemoryHistory
-from prompt_toolkit.input import PipeInput
-from prompt_toolkit.interface import CommandLineInterface
-from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.manager import KeyBindingManager
-from prompt_toolkit.output import DummyOutput
-from prompt_toolkit.terminal.vt100_input import ANSI_SEQUENCES
-from functools import partial
-import pytest
-def _history():
- h = InMemoryHistory()
- h.append('line1 first input')
- h.append('line2 second input')
- h.append('line3 third input')
- return h
-def _feed_cli_with_input(text, editing_mode=EditingMode.EMACS, clipboard=None,
- history=None, multiline=False, check_line_ending=True,
- pre_run_callback=None):
- """
- Create a CommandLineInterface, feed it with the given user input and return
- the CLI object.
- This returns a (result, CLI) tuple.
- """
- # If the given text doesn't end with a newline, the interface won't finish.
- if check_line_ending:
- assert text.endswith('\n')
- loop = PosixEventLoop()
- try:
- inp = PipeInput()
- inp.send_text(text)
- cli = CommandLineInterface(
- application=Application(
- buffer=Buffer(accept_action=AcceptAction.RETURN_DOCUMENT,
- history=history, is_multiline=multiline),
- editing_mode=editing_mode,
- clipboard=clipboard or InMemoryClipboard(),
- key_bindings_registry=KeyBindingManager.for_prompt().registry,
- ),
- eventloop=loop,
- input=inp,
- output=DummyOutput())
- if pre_run_callback:
- pre_run_callback(cli)
- result = cli.run()
- return result, cli
- finally:
- loop.close()
- inp.close()
-def test_simple_text_input():
- # Simple text input, followed by enter.
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\n')
- assert result.text == 'hello'
- assert cli.buffers[DEFAULT_BUFFER].text == 'hello'
-def test_emacs_cursor_movements():
- """
- Test cursor movements with Emacs key bindings.
- """
- # ControlA (beginning-of-line)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x01X\n')
- assert result.text == 'Xhello'
- # ControlE (end-of-line)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x01X\x05Y\n')
- assert result.text == 'XhelloY'
- # ControlH or \b
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x08X\n')
- assert result.text == 'hellX'
- # Delete. (Left, left, delete)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x1b[D\x1b[D\x1b[3~\n')
- assert result.text == 'helo'
- # Left.
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x1b[DX\n')
- assert result.text == 'hellXo'
- # ControlA, right
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x01\x1b[CX\n')
- assert result.text == 'hXello'
- # ControlA, right
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x01\x1b[CX\n')
- assert result.text == 'hXello'
- # ControlB (backward-char)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x02X\n')
- assert result.text == 'hellXo'
- # ControlF (forward-char)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x01\x06X\n')
- assert result.text == 'hXello'
- # ControlC: raise KeyboardInterrupt.
- with pytest.raises(KeyboardInterrupt):
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x03\n')
- assert result.text == 'hello'
- # ControlD without any input: raises EOFError.
- with pytest.raises(EOFError):
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x04\n')
- assert result.text == 'hello'
- # ControlD: delete after cursor.
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x01\x04\n')
- assert result.text == 'ello'
- # ControlD at the end of the input ssshould not do anything.
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x04\n')
- assert result.text == 'hello'
- # Left, Left, ControlK (kill-line)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x1b[D\x1b[D\x0b\n')
- assert result.text == 'hel'
- # Left, Left Esc- ControlK (kill-line, but negative)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x1b[D\x1b[D\x1b-\x0b\n')
- assert result.text == 'lo'
- # ControlL: should not influence the result.
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x0c\n')
- assert result.text == 'hello'
- # ControlRight (forward-word)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x01X\x1b[1;5CY\n')
- assert result.text == 'XhelloY world'
- # ContrlolLeft (backward-word)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x1b[1;5DY\n')
- assert result.text == 'hello Yworld'
- # <esc>-f with argument. (forward-word)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world abc def\x01\x1b3\x1bfX\n')
- assert result.text == 'hello world abcX def'
- # <esc>-f with negative argument. (forward-word)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world abc def\x1b-\x1b3\x1bfX\n')
- assert result.text == 'hello Xworld abc def'
- # <esc>-b with argument. (backward-word)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world abc def\x1b3\x1bbX\n')
- assert result.text == 'hello Xworld abc def'
- # <esc>-b with negative argument. (backward-word)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world abc def\x01\x1b-\x1b3\x1bbX\n')
- assert result.text == 'hello world abc Xdef'
- # ControlW (kill-word / unix-word-rubout)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x17\n')
- assert result.text == 'hello '
- assert cli.clipboard.get_data().text == 'world'
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('test hello world\x1b2\x17\n')
- assert result.text == 'test '
- # Escape Backspace (unix-word-rubout)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x1b\x7f\n')
- assert result.text == 'hello '
- assert cli.clipboard.get_data().text == 'world'
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x1b\x08\n')
- assert result.text == 'hello '
- assert cli.clipboard.get_data().text == 'world'
- # Backspace (backward-delete-char)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x7f\n')
- assert result.text == 'hello worl'
- assert result.cursor_position == len('hello worl')
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x08\n')
- assert result.text == 'hello worl'
- assert result.cursor_position == len('hello worl')
- # Delete (delete-char)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x01\x1b[3~\n')
- assert result.text == 'ello world'
- assert result.cursor_position == 0
- # Escape-\\ (delete-horizontal-space)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x1b8\x02\x1b\\\n')
- assert result.text == 'helloworld'
- assert result.cursor_position == len('hello')
-def test_emacs_yank():
- # ControlY (yank)
- c = InMemoryClipboard(ClipboardData('XYZ'))
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x02\x19\n', clipboard=c)
- assert result.text == 'hellXYZo'
- assert result.cursor_position == len('hellXYZ')
-def test_quoted_insert():
- # ControlQ - ControlB (quoted-insert)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x11\x02\n')
- assert result.text == 'hello\x02'
-def test_transformations():
- # Meta-c (capitalize-word)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\01\x1bc\n')
- assert result.text == 'Hello world'
- assert result.cursor_position == len('Hello')
- # Meta-u (uppercase-word)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\01\x1bu\n')
- assert result.text == 'HELLO world'
- assert result.cursor_position == len('Hello')
- # Meta-u (downcase-word)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('HELLO WORLD\01\x1bl\n')
- assert result.text == 'hello WORLD'
- assert result.cursor_position == len('Hello')
- # ControlT (transpose-chars)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x14\n')
- assert result.text == 'helol'
- assert result.cursor_position == len('hello')
- # Left, Left, Control-T (transpose-chars)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('abcde\x1b[D\x1b[D\x14\n')
- assert result.text == 'abdce'
- assert result.cursor_position == len('abcd')
-def test_emacs_other_bindings():
- # Transpose characters.
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('abcde\x14X\n') # Ctrl-T
- assert result.text == 'abcedX'
- # Left, Left, Transpose. (This is slightly different.)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('abcde\x1b[D\x1b[D\x14X\n')
- assert result.text == 'abdcXe'
- # Clear before cursor.
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x1b[D\x1b[D\x15X\n')
- assert result.text == 'Xlo'
- # unix-word-rubout: delete word before the cursor.
- # (ControlW).
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world test\x17X\n')
- assert result.text == 'hello world X'
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world /some/very/long/path\x17X\n')
- assert result.text == 'hello world X'
- # (with argument.)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world test\x1b2\x17X\n')
- assert result.text == 'hello X'
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world /some/very/long/path\x1b2\x17X\n')
- assert result.text == 'hello X'
- # backward-kill-word: delete word before the cursor.
- # (Esc-ControlH).
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world /some/very/long/path\x1b\x08X\n')
- assert result.text == 'hello world /some/very/long/X'
- # (with arguments.)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world /some/very/long/path\x1b3\x1b\x08X\n')
- assert result.text == 'hello world /some/very/X'
-def test_controlx_controlx():
- # At the end: go to the start of the line.
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x18\x18X\n')
- assert result.text == 'Xhello world'
- assert result.cursor_position == 1
- # At the start: go to the end of the line.
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x01\x18\x18X\n')
- assert result.text == 'hello worldX'
- # Left, Left Control-X Control-X: go to the end of the line.
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x1b[D\x1b[D\x18\x18X\n')
- assert result.text == 'hello worldX'
-def test_emacs_history_bindings():
- # Adding a new item to the history.
- history = _history()
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('new input\n', history=history)
- assert result.text == 'new input'
- history.strings[-1] == 'new input'
- # Go up in history, and accept the last item.
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x1b[A\n', history=history)
- assert result.text == 'new input'
- # Esc< (beginning-of-history)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x1b<\n', history=history)
- assert result.text == 'line1 first input'
- # Esc> (end-of-history)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('another item\x1b[A\x1b[a\x1b>\n', history=history)
- assert result.text == 'another item'
- # ControlUp (previous-history)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x1b[1;5A\n', history=history)
- assert result.text == 'another item'
- # Esc< ControlDown (beginning-of-history, next-history)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x1b<\x1b[1;5B\n', history=history)
- assert result.text == 'line2 second input'
-def test_emacs_reverse_search():
- history = _history()
- # ControlR (reverse-search-history)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x12input\n\n', history=history)
- assert result.text == 'line3 third input'
- # Hitting ControlR twice.
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x12input\x12\n\n', history=history)
- assert result.text == 'line2 second input'
-def test_emacs_arguments():
- """
- Test various combinations of arguments in Emacs mode.
- """
- # esc 4
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x1b4x\n')
- assert result.text == 'xxxx'
- # esc 4 4
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x1b44x\n')
- assert result.text == 'x' * 44
- # esc 4 esc 4
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x1b4\x1b4x\n')
- assert result.text == 'x' * 44
- # esc - right (-1 position to the right, equals 1 to the left.)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('aaaa\x1b-\x1b[Cbbbb\n')
- assert result.text == 'aaabbbba'
- # esc - 3 right
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('aaaa\x1b-3\x1b[Cbbbb\n')
- assert result.text == 'abbbbaaa'
- # esc - - - 3 right
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('aaaa\x1b---3\x1b[Cbbbb\n')
- assert result.text == 'abbbbaaa'
-def test_emacs_arguments_for_all_commands():
- """
- Test all Emacs commands with Meta-[0-9] arguments (both positive and
- negative). No one should crash.
- """
- for key in ANSI_SEQUENCES:
- # Ignore BracketedPaste. This would hang forever, because it waits for
- # the end sequence.
- if key != '\x1b[200~':
- try:
- # Note: we add an 'X' after the key, because Ctrl-Q (quoted-insert)
- # expects something to follow. We add an additional \n, because
- # Ctrl-R and Ctrl-S (reverse-search) expect that.
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input(
- 'hello\x1b4' + key + 'X\n\n')
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input(
- 'hello\x1b-' + key + 'X\n\n')
- except KeyboardInterrupt:
- # This exception should only be raised for Ctrl-C
- assert key == '\x03'
-def test_emacs_kill_ring():
- operations = (
- # abc ControlA ControlK
- 'abc\x01\x0b'
- # def ControlA ControlK
- 'def\x01\x0b'
- # ghi ControlA ControlK
- 'ghi\x01\x0b'
- # ControlY (yank)
- '\x19'
- )
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input(operations + '\n')
- assert result.text == 'ghi'
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input(operations + '\x1by\n')
- assert result.text == 'def'
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input(operations + '\x1by\x1by\n')
- assert result.text == 'abc'
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input(operations + '\x1by\x1by\x1by\n')
- assert result.text == 'ghi'
-def test_emacs_insert_comment():
- # Test insert-comment (M-#) binding.
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x1b#', check_line_ending=False)
- assert result.text == '#hello'
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input(
- 'hello\nworld\x1b#', check_line_ending=False, multiline=True)
- assert result.text == '#hello\n#world'
-def test_emacs_record_macro():
- operations = (
- ' '
- '\x18(' # Start recording macro. C-X(
- 'hello'
- '\x18)' # Stop recording macro.
- ' '
- '\x18e' # Execute macro.
- '\x18e' # Execute macro.
- '\n'
- )
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input(operations)
- assert result.text == ' hello hellohello'
-def test_prefix_meta():
- # Test the prefix-meta command.
- def setup_keybindings(cli):
- from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.bindings.named_commands import prefix_meta
- from prompt_toolkit.filters import ViInsertMode
- cli.application.key_bindings_registry.add_binding('j', 'j', filter=ViInsertMode())(prefix_meta)
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input(
- 'hellojjIX\n', pre_run_callback=setup_keybindings, editing_mode=EditingMode.VI)
- assert result.text == 'Xhello'
-def test_bracketed_paste():
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x1b[200~hello world\x1b[201~\n')
- assert result.text == 'hello world'
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x1b[200~hello\nworld\x1b[201~\x1b\n')
- assert result.text == 'hello\nworld'
- # With \r\n endings.
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x1b[200~hello\r\nworld\x1b[201~\x1b\n')
- assert result.text == 'hello\nworld'
- # With \r endings.
- result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x1b[200~hello\rworld\x1b[201~\x1b\n')
- assert result.text == 'hello\nworld'
-def test_vi_cursor_movements():
- """
- Test cursor movements with Vi key bindings.
- """
- feed = partial(_feed_cli_with_input, editing_mode=EditingMode.VI)
- result, cli = feed('\x1b\n')
- assert result.text == ''
- assert cli.editing_mode == EditingMode.VI
- # Esc h a X
- result, cli = feed('hello\x1bhaX\n')
- assert result.text == 'hellXo'
- # Esc I X
- result, cli = feed('hello\x1bIX\n')
- assert result.text == 'Xhello'
- # Esc I X
- result, cli = feed('hello\x1bIX\n')
- assert result.text == 'Xhello'
- # Esc 2hiX
- result, cli = feed('hello\x1b2hiX\n')
- assert result.text == 'heXllo'
- # Esc 2h2liX
- result, cli = feed('hello\x1b2h2liX\n')
- assert result.text == 'hellXo'
- # Esc \b\b
- result, cli = feed('hello\b\b\n')
- assert result.text == 'hel'
- # Esc \b\b
- result, cli = feed('hello\b\b\n')
- assert result.text == 'hel'
- # Esc 2h D
- result, cli = feed('hello\x1b2hD\n')
- assert result.text == 'he'
- # Esc 2h rX \n
- result, cli = feed('hello\x1b2hrX\n')
- assert result.text == 'heXlo'
-def test_vi_operators():
- feed = partial(_feed_cli_with_input, editing_mode=EditingMode.VI)
- # Esc g~0
- result, cli = feed('hello\x1bg~0\n')
- assert result.text == 'HELLo'
- # Esc gU0
- result, cli = feed('hello\x1bgU0\n')
- assert result.text == 'HELLo'
- # Esc d0
- result, cli = feed('hello\x1bd0\n')
- assert result.text == 'o'
-def test_vi_text_objects():
- feed = partial(_feed_cli_with_input, editing_mode=EditingMode.VI)
- # Esc gUgg
- result, cli = feed('hello\x1bgUgg\n')
- assert result.text == 'HELLO'
- # Esc gUU
- result, cli = feed('hello\x1bgUU\n')
- assert result.text == 'HELLO'
- # Esc di(
- result, cli = feed('before(inside)after\x1b8hdi(\n')
- assert result.text == 'before()after'
- # Esc di[
- result, cli = feed('before[inside]after\x1b8hdi[\n')
- assert result.text == 'before[]after'
- # Esc da(
- result, cli = feed('before(inside)after\x1b8hda(\n')
- assert result.text == 'beforeafter'
-def test_vi_digraphs():
- feed = partial(_feed_cli_with_input, editing_mode=EditingMode.VI)
- # C-K o/
- result, cli = feed('hello\x0bo/\n')
- assert result.text == 'helloø'
- # C-K /o (reversed input.)
- result, cli = feed('hello\x0b/o\n')
- assert result.text == 'helloø'
- # C-K e:
- result, cli = feed('hello\x0be:\n')
- assert result.text == 'helloë'
- # C-K xxy (Unknown digraph.)
- result, cli = feed('hello\x0bxxy\n')
- assert result.text == 'helloy'
-def test_vi_block_editing():
- " Test Vi Control-V style block insertion. "
- feed = partial(_feed_cli_with_input, editing_mode=EditingMode.VI,
- multiline=True)
- operations = (
- # Three lines of text.
- '-line1\n-line2\n-line3\n-line4\n-line5\n-line6'
- # Go to the second character of the second line.
- '\x1bkkkkkkkj0l'
- # Enter Visual block mode.
- '\x16'
- # Go down two more lines.
- 'jj'
- # Go 3 characters to the right.
- 'lll'
- # Go to insert mode.
- 'insert' # (Will be replaced.)
- # Insert stars.
- '***'
- # Escape again.
- '\x1b\n')
- # Control-I
- result, cli = feed(operations.replace('insert', 'I'))
- assert (result.text ==
- '-line1\n-***line2\n-***line3\n-***line4\n-line5\n-line6')
- # Control-A
- result, cli = feed(operations.replace('insert', 'A'))
- assert (result.text ==
- '-line1\n-line***2\n-line***3\n-line***4\n-line5\n-line6')
-def test_vi_character_paste():
- feed = partial(_feed_cli_with_input, editing_mode=EditingMode.VI)
- # Test 'p' character paste.
- result, cli = feed('abcde\x1bhhxp\n')
- assert result.text == 'abdce'
- assert result.cursor_position == 3
- # Test 'P' character paste.
- result, cli = feed('abcde\x1bhhxP\n')
- assert result.text == 'abcde'
- assert result.cursor_position == 2
+# encoding: utf-8
+These are almost end-to-end tests. They create a CommandLineInterface
+instance, feed it with some input and check the result.
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from prompt_toolkit.application import Application
+from prompt_toolkit.buffer import Buffer, AcceptAction
+from prompt_toolkit.clipboard import InMemoryClipboard, ClipboardData
+from prompt_toolkit.enums import DEFAULT_BUFFER, EditingMode
+from prompt_toolkit.eventloop.posix import PosixEventLoop
+from prompt_toolkit.history import InMemoryHistory
+from prompt_toolkit.input import PipeInput
+from prompt_toolkit.interface import CommandLineInterface
+from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.manager import KeyBindingManager
+from prompt_toolkit.output import DummyOutput
+from prompt_toolkit.terminal.vt100_input import ANSI_SEQUENCES
+from functools import partial
+import pytest
+def _history():
+ h = InMemoryHistory()
+ h.append('line1 first input')
+ h.append('line2 second input')
+ h.append('line3 third input')
+ return h
+def _feed_cli_with_input(text, editing_mode=EditingMode.EMACS, clipboard=None,
+ history=None, multiline=False, check_line_ending=True,
+ pre_run_callback=None):
+ """
+ Create a CommandLineInterface, feed it with the given user input and return
+ the CLI object.
+ This returns a (result, CLI) tuple.
+ """
+ # If the given text doesn't end with a newline, the interface won't finish.
+ if check_line_ending:
+ assert text.endswith('\n')
+ loop = PosixEventLoop()
+ try:
+ inp = PipeInput()
+ inp.send_text(text)
+ cli = CommandLineInterface(
+ application=Application(
+ buffer=Buffer(accept_action=AcceptAction.RETURN_DOCUMENT,
+ history=history, is_multiline=multiline),
+ editing_mode=editing_mode,
+ clipboard=clipboard or InMemoryClipboard(),
+ key_bindings_registry=KeyBindingManager.for_prompt().registry,
+ ),
+ eventloop=loop,
+ input=inp,
+ output=DummyOutput())
+ if pre_run_callback:
+ pre_run_callback(cli)
+ result = cli.run()
+ return result, cli
+ finally:
+ loop.close()
+ inp.close()
+def test_simple_text_input():
+ # Simple text input, followed by enter.
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello'
+ assert cli.buffers[DEFAULT_BUFFER].text == 'hello'
+def test_emacs_cursor_movements():
+ """
+ Test cursor movements with Emacs key bindings.
+ """
+ # ControlA (beginning-of-line)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x01X\n')
+ assert result.text == 'Xhello'
+ # ControlE (end-of-line)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x01X\x05Y\n')
+ assert result.text == 'XhelloY'
+ # ControlH or \b
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x08X\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hellX'
+ # Delete. (Left, left, delete)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x1b[D\x1b[D\x1b[3~\n')
+ assert result.text == 'helo'
+ # Left.
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x1b[DX\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hellXo'
+ # ControlA, right
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x01\x1b[CX\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hXello'
+ # ControlA, right
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x01\x1b[CX\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hXello'
+ # ControlB (backward-char)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x02X\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hellXo'
+ # ControlF (forward-char)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x01\x06X\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hXello'
+ # ControlC: raise KeyboardInterrupt.
+ with pytest.raises(KeyboardInterrupt):
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x03\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello'
+ # ControlD without any input: raises EOFError.
+ with pytest.raises(EOFError):
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x04\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello'
+ # ControlD: delete after cursor.
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x01\x04\n')
+ assert result.text == 'ello'
+ # ControlD at the end of the input ssshould not do anything.
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x04\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello'
+ # Left, Left, ControlK (kill-line)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x1b[D\x1b[D\x0b\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hel'
+ # Left, Left Esc- ControlK (kill-line, but negative)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x1b[D\x1b[D\x1b-\x0b\n')
+ assert result.text == 'lo'
+ # ControlL: should not influence the result.
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x0c\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello'
+ # ControlRight (forward-word)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x01X\x1b[1;5CY\n')
+ assert result.text == 'XhelloY world'
+ # ContrlolLeft (backward-word)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x1b[1;5DY\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello Yworld'
+ # <esc>-f with argument. (forward-word)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world abc def\x01\x1b3\x1bfX\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello world abcX def'
+ # <esc>-f with negative argument. (forward-word)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world abc def\x1b-\x1b3\x1bfX\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello Xworld abc def'
+ # <esc>-b with argument. (backward-word)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world abc def\x1b3\x1bbX\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello Xworld abc def'
+ # <esc>-b with negative argument. (backward-word)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world abc def\x01\x1b-\x1b3\x1bbX\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello world abc Xdef'
+ # ControlW (kill-word / unix-word-rubout)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x17\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello '
+ assert cli.clipboard.get_data().text == 'world'
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('test hello world\x1b2\x17\n')
+ assert result.text == 'test '
+ # Escape Backspace (unix-word-rubout)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x1b\x7f\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello '
+ assert cli.clipboard.get_data().text == 'world'
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x1b\x08\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello '
+ assert cli.clipboard.get_data().text == 'world'
+ # Backspace (backward-delete-char)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x7f\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello worl'
+ assert result.cursor_position == len('hello worl')
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x08\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello worl'
+ assert result.cursor_position == len('hello worl')
+ # Delete (delete-char)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x01\x1b[3~\n')
+ assert result.text == 'ello world'
+ assert result.cursor_position == 0
+ # Escape-\\ (delete-horizontal-space)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x1b8\x02\x1b\\\n')
+ assert result.text == 'helloworld'
+ assert result.cursor_position == len('hello')
+def test_emacs_yank():
+ # ControlY (yank)
+ c = InMemoryClipboard(ClipboardData('XYZ'))
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x02\x19\n', clipboard=c)
+ assert result.text == 'hellXYZo'
+ assert result.cursor_position == len('hellXYZ')
+def test_quoted_insert():
+ # ControlQ - ControlB (quoted-insert)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x11\x02\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello\x02'
+def test_transformations():
+ # Meta-c (capitalize-word)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\01\x1bc\n')
+ assert result.text == 'Hello world'
+ assert result.cursor_position == len('Hello')
+ # Meta-u (uppercase-word)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\01\x1bu\n')
+ assert result.text == 'HELLO world'
+ assert result.cursor_position == len('Hello')
+ # Meta-u (downcase-word)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('HELLO WORLD\01\x1bl\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello WORLD'
+ assert result.cursor_position == len('Hello')
+ # ControlT (transpose-chars)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x14\n')
+ assert result.text == 'helol'
+ assert result.cursor_position == len('hello')
+ # Left, Left, Control-T (transpose-chars)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('abcde\x1b[D\x1b[D\x14\n')
+ assert result.text == 'abdce'
+ assert result.cursor_position == len('abcd')
+def test_emacs_other_bindings():
+ # Transpose characters.
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('abcde\x14X\n') # Ctrl-T
+ assert result.text == 'abcedX'
+ # Left, Left, Transpose. (This is slightly different.)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('abcde\x1b[D\x1b[D\x14X\n')
+ assert result.text == 'abdcXe'
+ # Clear before cursor.
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x1b[D\x1b[D\x15X\n')
+ assert result.text == 'Xlo'
+ # unix-word-rubout: delete word before the cursor.
+ # (ControlW).
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world test\x17X\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello world X'
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world /some/very/long/path\x17X\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello world X'
+ # (with argument.)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world test\x1b2\x17X\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello X'
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world /some/very/long/path\x1b2\x17X\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello X'
+ # backward-kill-word: delete word before the cursor.
+ # (Esc-ControlH).
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world /some/very/long/path\x1b\x08X\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello world /some/very/long/X'
+ # (with arguments.)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world /some/very/long/path\x1b3\x1b\x08X\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello world /some/very/X'
+def test_controlx_controlx():
+ # At the end: go to the start of the line.
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x18\x18X\n')
+ assert result.text == 'Xhello world'
+ assert result.cursor_position == 1
+ # At the start: go to the end of the line.
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x01\x18\x18X\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello worldX'
+ # Left, Left Control-X Control-X: go to the end of the line.
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x1b[D\x1b[D\x18\x18X\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello worldX'
+def test_emacs_history_bindings():
+ # Adding a new item to the history.
+ history = _history()
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('new input\n', history=history)
+ assert result.text == 'new input'
+ history.strings[-1] == 'new input'
+ # Go up in history, and accept the last item.
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x1b[A\n', history=history)
+ assert result.text == 'new input'
+ # Esc< (beginning-of-history)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x1b<\n', history=history)
+ assert result.text == 'line1 first input'
+ # Esc> (end-of-history)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('another item\x1b[A\x1b[a\x1b>\n', history=history)
+ assert result.text == 'another item'
+ # ControlUp (previous-history)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x1b[1;5A\n', history=history)
+ assert result.text == 'another item'
+ # Esc< ControlDown (beginning-of-history, next-history)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x1b<\x1b[1;5B\n', history=history)
+ assert result.text == 'line2 second input'
+def test_emacs_reverse_search():
+ history = _history()
+ # ControlR (reverse-search-history)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x12input\n\n', history=history)
+ assert result.text == 'line3 third input'
+ # Hitting ControlR twice.
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x12input\x12\n\n', history=history)
+ assert result.text == 'line2 second input'
+def test_emacs_arguments():
+ """
+ Test various combinations of arguments in Emacs mode.
+ """
+ # esc 4
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x1b4x\n')
+ assert result.text == 'xxxx'
+ # esc 4 4
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x1b44x\n')
+ assert result.text == 'x' * 44
+ # esc 4 esc 4
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x1b4\x1b4x\n')
+ assert result.text == 'x' * 44
+ # esc - right (-1 position to the right, equals 1 to the left.)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('aaaa\x1b-\x1b[Cbbbb\n')
+ assert result.text == 'aaabbbba'
+ # esc - 3 right
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('aaaa\x1b-3\x1b[Cbbbb\n')
+ assert result.text == 'abbbbaaa'
+ # esc - - - 3 right
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('aaaa\x1b---3\x1b[Cbbbb\n')
+ assert result.text == 'abbbbaaa'
+def test_emacs_arguments_for_all_commands():
+ """
+ Test all Emacs commands with Meta-[0-9] arguments (both positive and
+ negative). No one should crash.
+ """
+ for key in ANSI_SEQUENCES:
+ # Ignore BracketedPaste. This would hang forever, because it waits for
+ # the end sequence.
+ if key != '\x1b[200~':
+ try:
+ # Note: we add an 'X' after the key, because Ctrl-Q (quoted-insert)
+ # expects something to follow. We add an additional \n, because
+ # Ctrl-R and Ctrl-S (reverse-search) expect that.
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input(
+ 'hello\x1b4' + key + 'X\n\n')
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input(
+ 'hello\x1b-' + key + 'X\n\n')
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ # This exception should only be raised for Ctrl-C
+ assert key == '\x03'
+def test_emacs_kill_ring():
+ operations = (
+ # abc ControlA ControlK
+ 'abc\x01\x0b'
+ # def ControlA ControlK
+ 'def\x01\x0b'
+ # ghi ControlA ControlK
+ 'ghi\x01\x0b'
+ # ControlY (yank)
+ '\x19'
+ )
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input(operations + '\n')
+ assert result.text == 'ghi'
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input(operations + '\x1by\n')
+ assert result.text == 'def'
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input(operations + '\x1by\x1by\n')
+ assert result.text == 'abc'
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input(operations + '\x1by\x1by\x1by\n')
+ assert result.text == 'ghi'
+def test_emacs_insert_comment():
+ # Test insert-comment (M-#) binding.
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x1b#', check_line_ending=False)
+ assert result.text == '#hello'
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input(
+ 'hello\nworld\x1b#', check_line_ending=False, multiline=True)
+ assert result.text == '#hello\n#world'
+def test_emacs_record_macro():
+ operations = (
+ ' '
+ '\x18(' # Start recording macro. C-X(
+ 'hello'
+ '\x18)' # Stop recording macro.
+ ' '
+ '\x18e' # Execute macro.
+ '\x18e' # Execute macro.
+ '\n'
+ )
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input(operations)
+ assert result.text == ' hello hellohello'
+def test_prefix_meta():
+ # Test the prefix-meta command.
+ def setup_keybindings(cli):
+ from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.bindings.named_commands import prefix_meta
+ from prompt_toolkit.filters import ViInsertMode
+ cli.application.key_bindings_registry.add_binding('j', 'j', filter=ViInsertMode())(prefix_meta)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input(
+ 'hellojjIX\n', pre_run_callback=setup_keybindings, editing_mode=EditingMode.VI)
+ assert result.text == 'Xhello'
+def test_bracketed_paste():
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x1b[200~hello world\x1b[201~\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello world'
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x1b[200~hello\nworld\x1b[201~\x1b\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello\nworld'
+ # With \r\n endings.
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x1b[200~hello\r\nworld\x1b[201~\x1b\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello\nworld'
+ # With \r endings.
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x1b[200~hello\rworld\x1b[201~\x1b\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello\nworld'
+def test_vi_cursor_movements():
+ """
+ Test cursor movements with Vi key bindings.
+ """
+ feed = partial(_feed_cli_with_input, editing_mode=EditingMode.VI)
+ result, cli = feed('\x1b\n')
+ assert result.text == ''
+ assert cli.editing_mode == EditingMode.VI
+ # Esc h a X
+ result, cli = feed('hello\x1bhaX\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hellXo'
+ # Esc I X
+ result, cli = feed('hello\x1bIX\n')
+ assert result.text == 'Xhello'
+ # Esc I X
+ result, cli = feed('hello\x1bIX\n')
+ assert result.text == 'Xhello'
+ # Esc 2hiX
+ result, cli = feed('hello\x1b2hiX\n')
+ assert result.text == 'heXllo'
+ # Esc 2h2liX
+ result, cli = feed('hello\x1b2h2liX\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hellXo'
+ # Esc \b\b
+ result, cli = feed('hello\b\b\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hel'
+ # Esc \b\b
+ result, cli = feed('hello\b\b\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hel'
+ # Esc 2h D
+ result, cli = feed('hello\x1b2hD\n')
+ assert result.text == 'he'
+ # Esc 2h rX \n
+ result, cli = feed('hello\x1b2hrX\n')
+ assert result.text == 'heXlo'
+def test_vi_operators():
+ feed = partial(_feed_cli_with_input, editing_mode=EditingMode.VI)
+ # Esc g~0
+ result, cli = feed('hello\x1bg~0\n')
+ assert result.text == 'HELLo'
+ # Esc gU0
+ result, cli = feed('hello\x1bgU0\n')
+ assert result.text == 'HELLo'
+ # Esc d0
+ result, cli = feed('hello\x1bd0\n')
+ assert result.text == 'o'
+def test_vi_text_objects():
+ feed = partial(_feed_cli_with_input, editing_mode=EditingMode.VI)
+ # Esc gUgg
+ result, cli = feed('hello\x1bgUgg\n')
+ assert result.text == 'HELLO'
+ # Esc gUU
+ result, cli = feed('hello\x1bgUU\n')
+ assert result.text == 'HELLO'
+ # Esc di(
+ result, cli = feed('before(inside)after\x1b8hdi(\n')
+ assert result.text == 'before()after'
+ # Esc di[
+ result, cli = feed('before[inside]after\x1b8hdi[\n')
+ assert result.text == 'before[]after'
+ # Esc da(
+ result, cli = feed('before(inside)after\x1b8hda(\n')
+ assert result.text == 'beforeafter'
+def test_vi_digraphs():
+ feed = partial(_feed_cli_with_input, editing_mode=EditingMode.VI)
+ # C-K o/
+ result, cli = feed('hello\x0bo/\n')
+ assert result.text == 'helloø'
+ # C-K /o (reversed input.)
+ result, cli = feed('hello\x0b/o\n')
+ assert result.text == 'helloø'
+ # C-K e:
+ result, cli = feed('hello\x0be:\n')
+ assert result.text == 'helloë'
+ # C-K xxy (Unknown digraph.)
+ result, cli = feed('hello\x0bxxy\n')
+ assert result.text == 'helloy'
+def test_vi_block_editing():
+ " Test Vi Control-V style block insertion. "
+ feed = partial(_feed_cli_with_input, editing_mode=EditingMode.VI,
+ multiline=True)
+ operations = (
+ # Three lines of text.
+ '-line1\n-line2\n-line3\n-line4\n-line5\n-line6'
+ # Go to the second character of the second line.
+ '\x1bkkkkkkkj0l'
+ # Enter Visual block mode.
+ '\x16'
+ # Go down two more lines.
+ 'jj'
+ # Go 3 characters to the right.
+ 'lll'
+ # Go to insert mode.
+ 'insert' # (Will be replaced.)
+ # Insert stars.
+ '***'
+ # Escape again.
+ '\x1b\n')
+ # Control-I
+ result, cli = feed(operations.replace('insert', 'I'))
+ assert (result.text ==
+ '-line1\n-***line2\n-***line3\n-***line4\n-line5\n-line6')
+ # Control-A
+ result, cli = feed(operations.replace('insert', 'A'))
+ assert (result.text ==
+ '-line1\n-line***2\n-line***3\n-line***4\n-line5\n-line6')
+def test_vi_character_paste():
+ feed = partial(_feed_cli_with_input, editing_mode=EditingMode.VI)
+ # Test 'p' character paste.
+ result, cli = feed('abcde\x1bhhxp\n')
+ assert result.text == 'abdce'
+ assert result.cursor_position == 3
+ # Test 'P' character paste.
+ result, cli = feed('abcde\x1bhhxP\n')
+ assert result.text == 'abcde'
+ assert result.cursor_position == 2
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_contrib.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_contrib.py
index bf9fc5e064..64765d3f1a 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_contrib.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_contrib.py
@@ -1,254 +1,254 @@
-from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import, print_function
-import os
-import shutil
-import tempfile
-from contextlib import contextmanager
-from six import text_type
-from prompt_toolkit.completion import CompleteEvent
-from prompt_toolkit.document import Document
-from prompt_toolkit.contrib.completers.filesystem import PathCompleter
-def chdir(directory):
- """Context manager for current working directory temporary change."""
- orig_dir = os.getcwd()
- os.chdir(directory)
- try:
- yield
- finally:
- os.chdir(orig_dir)
-def write_test_files(test_dir, names=None):
- """Write test files in test_dir using the names list."""
- names = names or range(10)
- for i in names:
- with open(os.path.join(test_dir, str(i)), 'wb') as out:
- out.write(''.encode('UTF-8'))
-def test_pathcompleter_completes_in_current_directory():
- completer = PathCompleter()
- doc_text = ''
- doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
- event = CompleteEvent()
- completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
- assert len(completions) > 0
-def test_pathcompleter_completes_files_in_current_directory():
- # setup: create a test dir with 10 files
- test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- write_test_files(test_dir)
- expected = sorted([str(i) for i in range(10)])
- if not test_dir.endswith(os.path.sep):
- test_dir += os.path.sep
- with chdir(test_dir):
- completer = PathCompleter()
- # this should complete on the cwd
- doc_text = ''
- doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
- event = CompleteEvent()
- completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
- result = sorted(c.text for c in completions)
- assert expected == result
- # cleanup
- shutil.rmtree(test_dir)
-def test_pathcompleter_completes_files_in_absolute_directory():
- # setup: create a test dir with 10 files
- test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- write_test_files(test_dir)
- expected = sorted([str(i) for i in range(10)])
- test_dir = os.path.abspath(test_dir)
- if not test_dir.endswith(os.path.sep):
- test_dir += os.path.sep
- completer = PathCompleter()
- # force unicode
- doc_text = text_type(test_dir)
- doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
- event = CompleteEvent()
- completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
- result = sorted([c.text for c in completions])
- assert expected == result
- # cleanup
- shutil.rmtree(test_dir)
-def test_pathcompleter_completes_directories_with_only_directories():
- # setup: create a test dir with 10 files
- test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- write_test_files(test_dir)
- # create a sub directory there
- os.mkdir(os.path.join(test_dir, 'subdir'))
- if not test_dir.endswith(os.path.sep):
- test_dir += os.path.sep
- with chdir(test_dir):
- completer = PathCompleter(only_directories=True)
- doc_text = ''
- doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
- event = CompleteEvent()
- completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
- result = [c.text for c in completions]
- assert ['subdir'] == result
- # check that there is no completion when passing a file
- with chdir(test_dir):
- completer = PathCompleter(only_directories=True)
- doc_text = '1'
- doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
- event = CompleteEvent()
- completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
- assert [] == completions
- # cleanup
- shutil.rmtree(test_dir)
-def test_pathcompleter_respects_completions_under_min_input_len():
- # setup: create a test dir with 10 files
- test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- write_test_files(test_dir)
- # min len:1 and no text
- with chdir(test_dir):
- completer = PathCompleter(min_input_len=1)
- doc_text = ''
- doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
- event = CompleteEvent()
- completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
- assert [] == completions
- # min len:1 and text of len 1
- with chdir(test_dir):
- completer = PathCompleter(min_input_len=1)
- doc_text = '1'
- doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
- event = CompleteEvent()
- completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
- result = [c.text for c in completions]
- assert [''] == result
- # min len:0 and text of len 2
- with chdir(test_dir):
- completer = PathCompleter(min_input_len=0)
- doc_text = '1'
- doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
- event = CompleteEvent()
- completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
- result = [c.text for c in completions]
- assert [''] == result
- # create 10 files with a 2 char long name
- for i in range(10):
- with open(os.path.join(test_dir, str(i) * 2), 'wb') as out:
- out.write(b'')
- # min len:1 and text of len 1
- with chdir(test_dir):
- completer = PathCompleter(min_input_len=1)
- doc_text = '2'
- doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
- event = CompleteEvent()
- completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
- result = sorted(c.text for c in completions)
- assert ['', '2'] == result
- # min len:2 and text of len 1
- with chdir(test_dir):
- completer = PathCompleter(min_input_len=2)
- doc_text = '2'
- doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
- event = CompleteEvent()
- completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
- assert [] == completions
- # cleanup
- shutil.rmtree(test_dir)
-def test_pathcompleter_does_not_expanduser_by_default():
- completer = PathCompleter()
- doc_text = '~'
- doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
- event = CompleteEvent()
- completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
- assert [] == completions
-def test_pathcompleter_can_expanduser(monkeypatch):
- monkeypatch.setenv('HOME', '/tmp')
- completer = PathCompleter(expanduser=True)
- doc_text = '~'
- doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
- event = CompleteEvent()
- completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
- assert len(completions) > 0
-def test_pathcompleter_can_apply_file_filter():
- # setup: create a test dir with 10 files
- test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- write_test_files(test_dir)
- # add a .csv file
- with open(os.path.join(test_dir, 'my.csv'), 'wb') as out:
- out.write(b'')
- file_filter = lambda f: f and f.endswith('.csv')
- with chdir(test_dir):
- completer = PathCompleter(file_filter=file_filter)
- doc_text = ''
- doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
- event = CompleteEvent()
- completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
- result = [c.text for c in completions]
- assert ['my.csv'] == result
- # cleanup
- shutil.rmtree(test_dir)
-def test_pathcompleter_get_paths_constrains_path():
- # setup: create a test dir with 10 files
- test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
- write_test_files(test_dir)
- # add a subdir with 10 other files with different names
- subdir = os.path.join(test_dir, 'subdir')
- os.mkdir(subdir)
- write_test_files(subdir, 'abcdefghij')
- get_paths = lambda: ['subdir']
- with chdir(test_dir):
- completer = PathCompleter(get_paths=get_paths)
- doc_text = ''
- doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
- event = CompleteEvent()
- completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
- result = [c.text for c in completions]
- expected = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']
- assert expected == result
- # cleanup
- shutil.rmtree(test_dir)
+from __future__ import unicode_literals, absolute_import, print_function
+import os
+import shutil
+import tempfile
+from contextlib import contextmanager
+from six import text_type
+from prompt_toolkit.completion import CompleteEvent
+from prompt_toolkit.document import Document
+from prompt_toolkit.contrib.completers.filesystem import PathCompleter
+def chdir(directory):
+ """Context manager for current working directory temporary change."""
+ orig_dir = os.getcwd()
+ os.chdir(directory)
+ try:
+ yield
+ finally:
+ os.chdir(orig_dir)
+def write_test_files(test_dir, names=None):
+ """Write test files in test_dir using the names list."""
+ names = names or range(10)
+ for i in names:
+ with open(os.path.join(test_dir, str(i)), 'wb') as out:
+ out.write(''.encode('UTF-8'))
+def test_pathcompleter_completes_in_current_directory():
+ completer = PathCompleter()
+ doc_text = ''
+ doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
+ event = CompleteEvent()
+ completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
+ assert len(completions) > 0
+def test_pathcompleter_completes_files_in_current_directory():
+ # setup: create a test dir with 10 files
+ test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ write_test_files(test_dir)
+ expected = sorted([str(i) for i in range(10)])
+ if not test_dir.endswith(os.path.sep):
+ test_dir += os.path.sep
+ with chdir(test_dir):
+ completer = PathCompleter()
+ # this should complete on the cwd
+ doc_text = ''
+ doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
+ event = CompleteEvent()
+ completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
+ result = sorted(c.text for c in completions)
+ assert expected == result
+ # cleanup
+ shutil.rmtree(test_dir)
+def test_pathcompleter_completes_files_in_absolute_directory():
+ # setup: create a test dir with 10 files
+ test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ write_test_files(test_dir)
+ expected = sorted([str(i) for i in range(10)])
+ test_dir = os.path.abspath(test_dir)
+ if not test_dir.endswith(os.path.sep):
+ test_dir += os.path.sep
+ completer = PathCompleter()
+ # force unicode
+ doc_text = text_type(test_dir)
+ doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
+ event = CompleteEvent()
+ completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
+ result = sorted([c.text for c in completions])
+ assert expected == result
+ # cleanup
+ shutil.rmtree(test_dir)
+def test_pathcompleter_completes_directories_with_only_directories():
+ # setup: create a test dir with 10 files
+ test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ write_test_files(test_dir)
+ # create a sub directory there
+ os.mkdir(os.path.join(test_dir, 'subdir'))
+ if not test_dir.endswith(os.path.sep):
+ test_dir += os.path.sep
+ with chdir(test_dir):
+ completer = PathCompleter(only_directories=True)
+ doc_text = ''
+ doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
+ event = CompleteEvent()
+ completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
+ result = [c.text for c in completions]
+ assert ['subdir'] == result
+ # check that there is no completion when passing a file
+ with chdir(test_dir):
+ completer = PathCompleter(only_directories=True)
+ doc_text = '1'
+ doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
+ event = CompleteEvent()
+ completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
+ assert [] == completions
+ # cleanup
+ shutil.rmtree(test_dir)
+def test_pathcompleter_respects_completions_under_min_input_len():
+ # setup: create a test dir with 10 files
+ test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ write_test_files(test_dir)
+ # min len:1 and no text
+ with chdir(test_dir):
+ completer = PathCompleter(min_input_len=1)
+ doc_text = ''
+ doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
+ event = CompleteEvent()
+ completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
+ assert [] == completions
+ # min len:1 and text of len 1
+ with chdir(test_dir):
+ completer = PathCompleter(min_input_len=1)
+ doc_text = '1'
+ doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
+ event = CompleteEvent()
+ completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
+ result = [c.text for c in completions]
+ assert [''] == result
+ # min len:0 and text of len 2
+ with chdir(test_dir):
+ completer = PathCompleter(min_input_len=0)
+ doc_text = '1'
+ doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
+ event = CompleteEvent()
+ completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
+ result = [c.text for c in completions]
+ assert [''] == result
+ # create 10 files with a 2 char long name
+ for i in range(10):
+ with open(os.path.join(test_dir, str(i) * 2), 'wb') as out:
+ out.write(b'')
+ # min len:1 and text of len 1
+ with chdir(test_dir):
+ completer = PathCompleter(min_input_len=1)
+ doc_text = '2'
+ doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
+ event = CompleteEvent()
+ completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
+ result = sorted(c.text for c in completions)
+ assert ['', '2'] == result
+ # min len:2 and text of len 1
+ with chdir(test_dir):
+ completer = PathCompleter(min_input_len=2)
+ doc_text = '2'
+ doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
+ event = CompleteEvent()
+ completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
+ assert [] == completions
+ # cleanup
+ shutil.rmtree(test_dir)
+def test_pathcompleter_does_not_expanduser_by_default():
+ completer = PathCompleter()
+ doc_text = '~'
+ doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
+ event = CompleteEvent()
+ completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
+ assert [] == completions
+def test_pathcompleter_can_expanduser(monkeypatch):
+ monkeypatch.setenv('HOME', '/tmp')
+ completer = PathCompleter(expanduser=True)
+ doc_text = '~'
+ doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
+ event = CompleteEvent()
+ completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
+ assert len(completions) > 0
+def test_pathcompleter_can_apply_file_filter():
+ # setup: create a test dir with 10 files
+ test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ write_test_files(test_dir)
+ # add a .csv file
+ with open(os.path.join(test_dir, 'my.csv'), 'wb') as out:
+ out.write(b'')
+ file_filter = lambda f: f and f.endswith('.csv')
+ with chdir(test_dir):
+ completer = PathCompleter(file_filter=file_filter)
+ doc_text = ''
+ doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
+ event = CompleteEvent()
+ completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
+ result = [c.text for c in completions]
+ assert ['my.csv'] == result
+ # cleanup
+ shutil.rmtree(test_dir)
+def test_pathcompleter_get_paths_constrains_path():
+ # setup: create a test dir with 10 files
+ test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+ write_test_files(test_dir)
+ # add a subdir with 10 other files with different names
+ subdir = os.path.join(test_dir, 'subdir')
+ os.mkdir(subdir)
+ write_test_files(subdir, 'abcdefghij')
+ get_paths = lambda: ['subdir']
+ with chdir(test_dir):
+ completer = PathCompleter(get_paths=get_paths)
+ doc_text = ''
+ doc = Document(doc_text, len(doc_text))
+ event = CompleteEvent()
+ completions = list(completer.get_completions(doc, event))
+ result = [c.text for c in completions]
+ expected = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j']
+ assert expected == result
+ # cleanup
+ shutil.rmtree(test_dir)
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_document.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_document.py
index 0cc1762c3e..8c0cf5704c 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_document.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_document.py
@@ -1,74 +1,74 @@
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-import pytest
-from prompt_toolkit.document import Document
-def document():
- return Document(
- 'line 1\n' +
- 'line 2\n' +
- 'line 3\n' +
- 'line 4\n',
- len('line 1\n' + 'lin')
- )
-def test_current_char(document):
- assert document.current_char == 'e'
-def test_text_before_cursor(document):
- assert document.text_before_cursor == 'line 1\nlin'
-def test_text_after_cursor(document):
- assert document.text_after_cursor == 'e 2\n' + \
- 'line 3\n' + \
- 'line 4\n'
-def test_lines(document):
- assert document.lines == [
- 'line 1',
- 'line 2',
- 'line 3',
- 'line 4', '']
-def test_line_count(document):
- assert document.line_count == 5
-def test_current_line_before_cursor(document):
- assert document.current_line_before_cursor == 'lin'
-def test_current_line_after_cursor(document):
- assert document.current_line_after_cursor == 'e 2'
-def test_current_line(document):
- assert document.current_line == 'line 2'
-def test_cursor_position(document):
- assert document.cursor_position_row == 1
- assert document.cursor_position_col == 3
- d = Document('', 0)
- assert d.cursor_position_row == 0
- assert d.cursor_position_col == 0
-def test_translate_index_to_position(document):
- pos = document.translate_index_to_position(
- len('line 1\nline 2\nlin'))
- assert pos[0] == 2
- assert pos[1] == 3
- pos = document.translate_index_to_position(0)
- assert pos == (0, 0)
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+import pytest
+from prompt_toolkit.document import Document
+def document():
+ return Document(
+ 'line 1\n' +
+ 'line 2\n' +
+ 'line 3\n' +
+ 'line 4\n',
+ len('line 1\n' + 'lin')
+ )
+def test_current_char(document):
+ assert document.current_char == 'e'
+def test_text_before_cursor(document):
+ assert document.text_before_cursor == 'line 1\nlin'
+def test_text_after_cursor(document):
+ assert document.text_after_cursor == 'e 2\n' + \
+ 'line 3\n' + \
+ 'line 4\n'
+def test_lines(document):
+ assert document.lines == [
+ 'line 1',
+ 'line 2',
+ 'line 3',
+ 'line 4', '']
+def test_line_count(document):
+ assert document.line_count == 5
+def test_current_line_before_cursor(document):
+ assert document.current_line_before_cursor == 'lin'
+def test_current_line_after_cursor(document):
+ assert document.current_line_after_cursor == 'e 2'
+def test_current_line(document):
+ assert document.current_line == 'line 2'
+def test_cursor_position(document):
+ assert document.cursor_position_row == 1
+ assert document.cursor_position_col == 3
+ d = Document('', 0)
+ assert d.cursor_position_row == 0
+ assert d.cursor_position_col == 0
+def test_translate_index_to_position(document):
+ pos = document.translate_index_to_position(
+ len('line 1\nline 2\nlin'))
+ assert pos[0] == 2
+ assert pos[1] == 3
+ pos = document.translate_index_to_position(0)
+ assert pos == (0, 0)
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_filter.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_filter.py
index b9cf8fb239..5aee62a9a9 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_filter.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_filter.py
@@ -1,168 +1,168 @@
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from prompt_toolkit.filters import Condition, Never, Always, Filter
-from prompt_toolkit.filters.types import CLIFilter, SimpleFilter
-from prompt_toolkit.filters.utils import to_cli_filter, to_simple_filter
-from prompt_toolkit.filters.cli import HasArg, HasFocus, HasSelection
-import pytest
-def test_condition_filter_args():
- c = Condition(lambda a, b, c: True)
- assert c.test_args('a', 'b', 'c')
- assert not c.test_args()
- assert not c.test_args('a')
- assert not c.test_args('a', 'b')
- assert not c.test_args('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')
- c2 = Condition(lambda a, b=1: True)
- assert c2.test_args('a')
- assert c2.test_args('a', 'b')
- assert not c2.test_args('a', 'b', 'c')
- assert not c2.test_args()
- c3 = Condition(lambda *a: True)
- assert c3.test_args()
- assert c3.test_args('a')
- assert c3.test_args('a', 'b')
-def test_and_arg():
- c1 = Condition(lambda a: True)
- c2 = Condition(lambda a: True)
- c3 = c1 & c2
- assert c3.test_args('a')
- assert not c3.test_args()
- assert not c3.test_args('a', 'b')
-def test_or_arg():
- c1 = Condition(lambda a: True)
- c2 = Condition(lambda a: True)
- c3 = c1 | c2
- assert c3.test_args('a')
- assert not c3.test_args()
- assert not c3.test_args('a', 'b')
-def test_condition():
- c = Condition(lambda a: a % 2 == 0)
- assert c(4)
- assert c(6)
- assert not c(5)
- assert not c(3)
-def test_never():
- assert not Never()()
-def test_always():
- assert Always()()
-def test_invert():
- assert not (~Always())()
- assert (~Never()())
- c = ~Condition(lambda: False)
- assert c()
-def test_or():
- for a in (True, False):
- for b in (True, False):
- c1 = Condition(lambda: a)
- c2 = Condition(lambda: b)
- c3 = c1 | c2
- assert isinstance(c3, Filter)
- assert c3() == a or b
-def test_and():
- for a in (True, False):
- for b in (True, False):
- c1 = Condition(lambda: a)
- c2 = Condition(lambda: b)
- c3 = c1 & c2
- assert isinstance(c3, Filter)
- assert c3() == (a and b)
-def test_cli_filter():
- c1 = Condition(lambda cli: True)
- assert isinstance(c1, CLIFilter)
- assert not isinstance(c1, SimpleFilter)
- c2 = Condition(lambda: True)
- assert not isinstance(c2, CLIFilter)
- assert isinstance(c2, SimpleFilter)
- c3 = c1 | c2
- assert not isinstance(c3, CLIFilter)
- assert not isinstance(c3, SimpleFilter)
- c4 = Condition(lambda cli: True)
- c5 = Condition(lambda cli: True)
- c6 = c4 & c5
- c7 = c4 | c5
- assert isinstance(c6, CLIFilter)
- assert isinstance(c7, CLIFilter)
- assert not isinstance(c6, SimpleFilter)
- assert not isinstance(c7, SimpleFilter)
- c8 = Condition(lambda *args: True)
- assert isinstance(c8, CLIFilter)
- assert isinstance(c8, SimpleFilter)
-def test_to_cli_filter():
- f1 = to_cli_filter(True)
- f2 = to_cli_filter(False)
- f3 = to_cli_filter(Condition(lambda cli: True))
- f4 = to_cli_filter(Condition(lambda cli: False))
- assert isinstance(f1, CLIFilter)
- assert isinstance(f2, CLIFilter)
- assert isinstance(f3, CLIFilter)
- assert isinstance(f4, CLIFilter)
- assert f1(None)
- assert not f2(None)
- assert f3(None)
- assert not f4(None)
- with pytest.raises(TypeError):
- to_cli_filter(4)
- with pytest.raises(TypeError):
- to_cli_filter(Condition(lambda: True))
-def test_to_simple_filter():
- f1 = to_simple_filter(True)
- f2 = to_simple_filter(False)
- f3 = to_simple_filter(Condition(lambda: True))
- f4 = to_simple_filter(Condition(lambda: False))
- assert isinstance(f1, SimpleFilter)
- assert isinstance(f2, SimpleFilter)
- assert isinstance(f3, SimpleFilter)
- assert isinstance(f4, SimpleFilter)
- assert f1()
- assert not f2()
- assert f3()
- assert not f4()
- with pytest.raises(TypeError):
- to_simple_filter(4)
- with pytest.raises(TypeError):
- to_simple_filter(Condition(lambda cli: True))
-def test_cli_filters():
- assert isinstance(HasArg(), CLIFilter)
- assert isinstance(HasFocus('BUFFER_NAME'), CLIFilter)
- assert isinstance(HasSelection(), CLIFilter)
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from prompt_toolkit.filters import Condition, Never, Always, Filter
+from prompt_toolkit.filters.types import CLIFilter, SimpleFilter
+from prompt_toolkit.filters.utils import to_cli_filter, to_simple_filter
+from prompt_toolkit.filters.cli import HasArg, HasFocus, HasSelection
+import pytest
+def test_condition_filter_args():
+ c = Condition(lambda a, b, c: True)
+ assert c.test_args('a', 'b', 'c')
+ assert not c.test_args()
+ assert not c.test_args('a')
+ assert not c.test_args('a', 'b')
+ assert not c.test_args('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')
+ c2 = Condition(lambda a, b=1: True)
+ assert c2.test_args('a')
+ assert c2.test_args('a', 'b')
+ assert not c2.test_args('a', 'b', 'c')
+ assert not c2.test_args()
+ c3 = Condition(lambda *a: True)
+ assert c3.test_args()
+ assert c3.test_args('a')
+ assert c3.test_args('a', 'b')
+def test_and_arg():
+ c1 = Condition(lambda a: True)
+ c2 = Condition(lambda a: True)
+ c3 = c1 & c2
+ assert c3.test_args('a')
+ assert not c3.test_args()
+ assert not c3.test_args('a', 'b')
+def test_or_arg():
+ c1 = Condition(lambda a: True)
+ c2 = Condition(lambda a: True)
+ c3 = c1 | c2
+ assert c3.test_args('a')
+ assert not c3.test_args()
+ assert not c3.test_args('a', 'b')
+def test_condition():
+ c = Condition(lambda a: a % 2 == 0)
+ assert c(4)
+ assert c(6)
+ assert not c(5)
+ assert not c(3)
+def test_never():
+ assert not Never()()
+def test_always():
+ assert Always()()
+def test_invert():
+ assert not (~Always())()
+ assert (~Never()())
+ c = ~Condition(lambda: False)
+ assert c()
+def test_or():
+ for a in (True, False):
+ for b in (True, False):
+ c1 = Condition(lambda: a)
+ c2 = Condition(lambda: b)
+ c3 = c1 | c2
+ assert isinstance(c3, Filter)
+ assert c3() == a or b
+def test_and():
+ for a in (True, False):
+ for b in (True, False):
+ c1 = Condition(lambda: a)
+ c2 = Condition(lambda: b)
+ c3 = c1 & c2
+ assert isinstance(c3, Filter)
+ assert c3() == (a and b)
+def test_cli_filter():
+ c1 = Condition(lambda cli: True)
+ assert isinstance(c1, CLIFilter)
+ assert not isinstance(c1, SimpleFilter)
+ c2 = Condition(lambda: True)
+ assert not isinstance(c2, CLIFilter)
+ assert isinstance(c2, SimpleFilter)
+ c3 = c1 | c2
+ assert not isinstance(c3, CLIFilter)
+ assert not isinstance(c3, SimpleFilter)
+ c4 = Condition(lambda cli: True)
+ c5 = Condition(lambda cli: True)
+ c6 = c4 & c5
+ c7 = c4 | c5
+ assert isinstance(c6, CLIFilter)
+ assert isinstance(c7, CLIFilter)
+ assert not isinstance(c6, SimpleFilter)
+ assert not isinstance(c7, SimpleFilter)
+ c8 = Condition(lambda *args: True)
+ assert isinstance(c8, CLIFilter)
+ assert isinstance(c8, SimpleFilter)
+def test_to_cli_filter():
+ f1 = to_cli_filter(True)
+ f2 = to_cli_filter(False)
+ f3 = to_cli_filter(Condition(lambda cli: True))
+ f4 = to_cli_filter(Condition(lambda cli: False))
+ assert isinstance(f1, CLIFilter)
+ assert isinstance(f2, CLIFilter)
+ assert isinstance(f3, CLIFilter)
+ assert isinstance(f4, CLIFilter)
+ assert f1(None)
+ assert not f2(None)
+ assert f3(None)
+ assert not f4(None)
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+ to_cli_filter(4)
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+ to_cli_filter(Condition(lambda: True))
+def test_to_simple_filter():
+ f1 = to_simple_filter(True)
+ f2 = to_simple_filter(False)
+ f3 = to_simple_filter(Condition(lambda: True))
+ f4 = to_simple_filter(Condition(lambda: False))
+ assert isinstance(f1, SimpleFilter)
+ assert isinstance(f2, SimpleFilter)
+ assert isinstance(f3, SimpleFilter)
+ assert isinstance(f4, SimpleFilter)
+ assert f1()
+ assert not f2()
+ assert f3()
+ assert not f4()
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+ to_simple_filter(4)
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+ to_simple_filter(Condition(lambda cli: True))
+def test_cli_filters():
+ assert isinstance(HasArg(), CLIFilter)
+ assert isinstance(HasFocus('BUFFER_NAME'), CLIFilter)
+ assert isinstance(HasSelection(), CLIFilter)
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_inputstream.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_inputstream.py
index d3521be710..de10c0f9a9 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_inputstream.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_inputstream.py
@@ -1,142 +1,142 @@
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from prompt_toolkit.terminal.vt100_input import InputStream
-from prompt_toolkit.keys import Keys
-import pytest
-class _ProcessorMock(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.keys = []
- def feed_key(self, key_press):
- self.keys.append(key_press)
-def processor():
- return _ProcessorMock()
-def stream(processor):
- return InputStream(processor.feed_key)
-def test_control_keys(processor, stream):
- stream.feed('\x01\x02\x10')
- assert len(processor.keys) == 3
- assert processor.keys[0].key == Keys.ControlA
- assert processor.keys[1].key == Keys.ControlB
- assert processor.keys[2].key == Keys.ControlP
- assert processor.keys[0].data == '\x01'
- assert processor.keys[1].data == '\x02'
- assert processor.keys[2].data == '\x10'
-def test_arrows(processor, stream):
- stream.feed('\x1b[A\x1b[B\x1b[C\x1b[D')
- assert len(processor.keys) == 4
- assert processor.keys[0].key == Keys.Up
- assert processor.keys[1].key == Keys.Down
- assert processor.keys[2].key == Keys.Right
- assert processor.keys[3].key == Keys.Left
- assert processor.keys[0].data == '\x1b[A'
- assert processor.keys[1].data == '\x1b[B'
- assert processor.keys[2].data == '\x1b[C'
- assert processor.keys[3].data == '\x1b[D'
-def test_escape(processor, stream):
- stream.feed('\x1bhello')
- assert len(processor.keys) == 1 + len('hello')
- assert processor.keys[0].key == Keys.Escape
- assert processor.keys[1].key == 'h'
- assert processor.keys[0].data == '\x1b'
- assert processor.keys[1].data == 'h'
-def test_special_double_keys(processor, stream):
- stream.feed('\x1b[1;3D') # Should both send escape and left.
- assert len(processor.keys) == 2
- assert processor.keys[0].key == Keys.Escape
- assert processor.keys[1].key == Keys.Left
- assert processor.keys[0].data == '\x1b[1;3D'
- assert processor.keys[1].data == '\x1b[1;3D'
-def test_flush_1(processor, stream):
- # Send left key in two parts without flush.
- stream.feed('\x1b')
- stream.feed('[D')
- assert len(processor.keys) == 1
- assert processor.keys[0].key == Keys.Left
- assert processor.keys[0].data == '\x1b[D'
-def test_flush_2(processor, stream):
- # Send left key with a 'Flush' in between.
- # The flush should make sure that we process evenything before as-is,
- # with makes the first part just an escape character instead.
- stream.feed('\x1b')
- stream.flush()
- stream.feed('[D')
- assert len(processor.keys) == 3
- assert processor.keys[0].key == Keys.Escape
- assert processor.keys[1].key == '['
- assert processor.keys[2].key == 'D'
- assert processor.keys[0].data == '\x1b'
- assert processor.keys[1].data == '['
- assert processor.keys[2].data == 'D'
-def test_meta_arrows(processor, stream):
- stream.feed('\x1b\x1b[D')
- assert len(processor.keys) == 2
- assert processor.keys[0].key == Keys.Escape
- assert processor.keys[1].key == Keys.Left
-def test_control_square_close(processor, stream):
- stream.feed('\x1dC')
- assert len(processor.keys) == 2
- assert processor.keys[0].key == Keys.ControlSquareClose
- assert processor.keys[1].key == 'C'
-def test_invalid(processor, stream):
- # Invalid sequence that has at two characters in common with other
- # sequences.
- stream.feed('\x1b[*')
- assert len(processor.keys) == 3
- assert processor.keys[0].key == Keys.Escape
- assert processor.keys[1].key == '['
- assert processor.keys[2].key == '*'
-def test_cpr_response(processor, stream):
- stream.feed('a\x1b[40;10Rb')
- assert len(processor.keys) == 3
- assert processor.keys[0].key == 'a'
- assert processor.keys[1].key == Keys.CPRResponse
- assert processor.keys[2].key == 'b'
-def test_cpr_response_2(processor, stream):
- # Make sure that the newline is not included in the CPR response.
- stream.feed('\x1b[40;1R\n')
- assert len(processor.keys) == 2
- assert processor.keys[0].key == Keys.CPRResponse
- assert processor.keys[1].key == Keys.ControlJ
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from prompt_toolkit.terminal.vt100_input import InputStream
+from prompt_toolkit.keys import Keys
+import pytest
+class _ProcessorMock(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.keys = []
+ def feed_key(self, key_press):
+ self.keys.append(key_press)
+def processor():
+ return _ProcessorMock()
+def stream(processor):
+ return InputStream(processor.feed_key)
+def test_control_keys(processor, stream):
+ stream.feed('\x01\x02\x10')
+ assert len(processor.keys) == 3
+ assert processor.keys[0].key == Keys.ControlA
+ assert processor.keys[1].key == Keys.ControlB
+ assert processor.keys[2].key == Keys.ControlP
+ assert processor.keys[0].data == '\x01'
+ assert processor.keys[1].data == '\x02'
+ assert processor.keys[2].data == '\x10'
+def test_arrows(processor, stream):
+ stream.feed('\x1b[A\x1b[B\x1b[C\x1b[D')
+ assert len(processor.keys) == 4
+ assert processor.keys[0].key == Keys.Up
+ assert processor.keys[1].key == Keys.Down
+ assert processor.keys[2].key == Keys.Right
+ assert processor.keys[3].key == Keys.Left
+ assert processor.keys[0].data == '\x1b[A'
+ assert processor.keys[1].data == '\x1b[B'
+ assert processor.keys[2].data == '\x1b[C'
+ assert processor.keys[3].data == '\x1b[D'
+def test_escape(processor, stream):
+ stream.feed('\x1bhello')
+ assert len(processor.keys) == 1 + len('hello')
+ assert processor.keys[0].key == Keys.Escape
+ assert processor.keys[1].key == 'h'
+ assert processor.keys[0].data == '\x1b'
+ assert processor.keys[1].data == 'h'
+def test_special_double_keys(processor, stream):
+ stream.feed('\x1b[1;3D') # Should both send escape and left.
+ assert len(processor.keys) == 2
+ assert processor.keys[0].key == Keys.Escape
+ assert processor.keys[1].key == Keys.Left
+ assert processor.keys[0].data == '\x1b[1;3D'
+ assert processor.keys[1].data == '\x1b[1;3D'
+def test_flush_1(processor, stream):
+ # Send left key in two parts without flush.
+ stream.feed('\x1b')
+ stream.feed('[D')
+ assert len(processor.keys) == 1
+ assert processor.keys[0].key == Keys.Left
+ assert processor.keys[0].data == '\x1b[D'
+def test_flush_2(processor, stream):
+ # Send left key with a 'Flush' in between.
+ # The flush should make sure that we process evenything before as-is,
+ # with makes the first part just an escape character instead.
+ stream.feed('\x1b')
+ stream.flush()
+ stream.feed('[D')
+ assert len(processor.keys) == 3
+ assert processor.keys[0].key == Keys.Escape
+ assert processor.keys[1].key == '['
+ assert processor.keys[2].key == 'D'
+ assert processor.keys[0].data == '\x1b'
+ assert processor.keys[1].data == '['
+ assert processor.keys[2].data == 'D'
+def test_meta_arrows(processor, stream):
+ stream.feed('\x1b\x1b[D')
+ assert len(processor.keys) == 2
+ assert processor.keys[0].key == Keys.Escape
+ assert processor.keys[1].key == Keys.Left
+def test_control_square_close(processor, stream):
+ stream.feed('\x1dC')
+ assert len(processor.keys) == 2
+ assert processor.keys[0].key == Keys.ControlSquareClose
+ assert processor.keys[1].key == 'C'
+def test_invalid(processor, stream):
+ # Invalid sequence that has at two characters in common with other
+ # sequences.
+ stream.feed('\x1b[*')
+ assert len(processor.keys) == 3
+ assert processor.keys[0].key == Keys.Escape
+ assert processor.keys[1].key == '['
+ assert processor.keys[2].key == '*'
+def test_cpr_response(processor, stream):
+ stream.feed('a\x1b[40;10Rb')
+ assert len(processor.keys) == 3
+ assert processor.keys[0].key == 'a'
+ assert processor.keys[1].key == Keys.CPRResponse
+ assert processor.keys[2].key == 'b'
+def test_cpr_response_2(processor, stream):
+ # Make sure that the newline is not included in the CPR response.
+ stream.feed('\x1b[40;1R\n')
+ assert len(processor.keys) == 2
+ assert processor.keys[0].key == Keys.CPRResponse
+ assert processor.keys[1].key == Keys.ControlJ
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_key_binding.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_key_binding.py
index 468ff9b080..d706c4443b 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_key_binding.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_key_binding.py
@@ -1,140 +1,140 @@
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.input_processor import InputProcessor, KeyPress
-from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.registry import Registry
-from prompt_toolkit.keys import Keys
-import pytest
-class Handlers(object):
- def __init__(self):
- self.called = []
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- def func(event):
- self.called.append(name)
- return func
-def handlers():
- return Handlers()
-def registry(handlers):
- registry = Registry()
- registry.add_binding(
- Keys.ControlX, Keys.ControlC)(handlers.controlx_controlc)
- registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlX)(handlers.control_x)
- registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlD)(handlers.control_d)
- registry.add_binding(
- Keys.ControlSquareClose, Keys.Any)(handlers.control_square_close_any)
- return registry
-def processor(registry):
- return InputProcessor(registry, lambda: None)
-def test_feed_simple(processor, handlers):
- processor.feed(KeyPress(Keys.ControlX, '\x18'))
- processor.feed(KeyPress(Keys.ControlC, '\x03'))
- processor.process_keys()
- assert handlers.called == ['controlx_controlc']
-def test_feed_several(processor, handlers):
- # First an unknown key first.
- processor.feed(KeyPress(Keys.ControlQ, ''))
- processor.process_keys()
- assert handlers.called == []
- # Followed by a know key sequence.
- processor.feed(KeyPress(Keys.ControlX, ''))
- processor.feed(KeyPress(Keys.ControlC, ''))
- processor.process_keys()
- assert handlers.called == ['controlx_controlc']
- # Followed by another unknown sequence.
- processor.feed(KeyPress(Keys.ControlR, ''))
- processor.feed(KeyPress(Keys.ControlS, ''))
- # Followed again by a know key sequence.
- processor.feed(KeyPress(Keys.ControlD, ''))
- processor.process_keys()
- assert handlers.called == ['controlx_controlc', 'control_d']
-def test_control_square_closed_any(processor, handlers):
- processor.feed(KeyPress(Keys.ControlSquareClose, ''))
- processor.feed(KeyPress('C', 'C'))
- processor.process_keys()
- assert handlers.called == ['control_square_close_any']
-def test_common_prefix(processor, handlers):
- # Sending Control_X should not yet do anything, because there is
- # another sequence starting with that as well.
- processor.feed(KeyPress(Keys.ControlX, ''))
- processor.process_keys()
- assert handlers.called == []
- # When another key is pressed, we know that we did not meant the longer
- # "ControlX ControlC" sequence and the callbacks are called.
- processor.feed(KeyPress(Keys.ControlD, ''))
- processor.process_keys()
- assert handlers.called == ['control_x', 'control_d']
-def test_previous_key_sequence(processor, handlers):
- """
- test whether we receive the correct previous_key_sequence.
- """
- events = []
- def handler(event):
- events.append(event)
- # Build registry.
- registry = Registry()
- registry.add_binding('a', 'a')(handler)
- registry.add_binding('b', 'b')(handler)
- processor = InputProcessor(registry, lambda: None)
- # Create processor and feed keys.
- processor.feed(KeyPress('a', 'a'))
- processor.feed(KeyPress('a', 'a'))
- processor.feed(KeyPress('b', 'b'))
- processor.feed(KeyPress('b', 'b'))
- processor.process_keys()
- # Test.
- assert len(events) == 2
- assert len(events[0].key_sequence) == 2
- assert events[0].key_sequence[0].key == 'a'
- assert events[0].key_sequence[0].data == 'a'
- assert events[0].key_sequence[1].key == 'a'
- assert events[0].key_sequence[1].data == 'a'
- assert events[0].previous_key_sequence == []
- assert len(events[1].key_sequence) == 2
- assert events[1].key_sequence[0].key == 'b'
- assert events[1].key_sequence[0].data == 'b'
- assert events[1].key_sequence[1].key == 'b'
- assert events[1].key_sequence[1].data == 'b'
- assert len(events[1].previous_key_sequence) == 2
- assert events[1].previous_key_sequence[0].key == 'a'
- assert events[1].previous_key_sequence[0].data == 'a'
- assert events[1].previous_key_sequence[1].key == 'a'
- assert events[1].previous_key_sequence[1].data == 'a'
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.input_processor import InputProcessor, KeyPress
+from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.registry import Registry
+from prompt_toolkit.keys import Keys
+import pytest
+class Handlers(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.called = []
+ def __getattr__(self, name):
+ def func(event):
+ self.called.append(name)
+ return func
+def handlers():
+ return Handlers()
+def registry(handlers):
+ registry = Registry()
+ registry.add_binding(
+ Keys.ControlX, Keys.ControlC)(handlers.controlx_controlc)
+ registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlX)(handlers.control_x)
+ registry.add_binding(Keys.ControlD)(handlers.control_d)
+ registry.add_binding(
+ Keys.ControlSquareClose, Keys.Any)(handlers.control_square_close_any)
+ return registry
+def processor(registry):
+ return InputProcessor(registry, lambda: None)
+def test_feed_simple(processor, handlers):
+ processor.feed(KeyPress(Keys.ControlX, '\x18'))
+ processor.feed(KeyPress(Keys.ControlC, '\x03'))
+ processor.process_keys()
+ assert handlers.called == ['controlx_controlc']
+def test_feed_several(processor, handlers):
+ # First an unknown key first.
+ processor.feed(KeyPress(Keys.ControlQ, ''))
+ processor.process_keys()
+ assert handlers.called == []
+ # Followed by a know key sequence.
+ processor.feed(KeyPress(Keys.ControlX, ''))
+ processor.feed(KeyPress(Keys.ControlC, ''))
+ processor.process_keys()
+ assert handlers.called == ['controlx_controlc']
+ # Followed by another unknown sequence.
+ processor.feed(KeyPress(Keys.ControlR, ''))
+ processor.feed(KeyPress(Keys.ControlS, ''))
+ # Followed again by a know key sequence.
+ processor.feed(KeyPress(Keys.ControlD, ''))
+ processor.process_keys()
+ assert handlers.called == ['controlx_controlc', 'control_d']
+def test_control_square_closed_any(processor, handlers):
+ processor.feed(KeyPress(Keys.ControlSquareClose, ''))
+ processor.feed(KeyPress('C', 'C'))
+ processor.process_keys()
+ assert handlers.called == ['control_square_close_any']
+def test_common_prefix(processor, handlers):
+ # Sending Control_X should not yet do anything, because there is
+ # another sequence starting with that as well.
+ processor.feed(KeyPress(Keys.ControlX, ''))
+ processor.process_keys()
+ assert handlers.called == []
+ # When another key is pressed, we know that we did not meant the longer
+ # "ControlX ControlC" sequence and the callbacks are called.
+ processor.feed(KeyPress(Keys.ControlD, ''))
+ processor.process_keys()
+ assert handlers.called == ['control_x', 'control_d']
+def test_previous_key_sequence(processor, handlers):
+ """
+ test whether we receive the correct previous_key_sequence.
+ """
+ events = []
+ def handler(event):
+ events.append(event)
+ # Build registry.
+ registry = Registry()
+ registry.add_binding('a', 'a')(handler)
+ registry.add_binding('b', 'b')(handler)
+ processor = InputProcessor(registry, lambda: None)
+ # Create processor and feed keys.
+ processor.feed(KeyPress('a', 'a'))
+ processor.feed(KeyPress('a', 'a'))
+ processor.feed(KeyPress('b', 'b'))
+ processor.feed(KeyPress('b', 'b'))
+ processor.process_keys()
+ # Test.
+ assert len(events) == 2
+ assert len(events[0].key_sequence) == 2
+ assert events[0].key_sequence[0].key == 'a'
+ assert events[0].key_sequence[0].data == 'a'
+ assert events[0].key_sequence[1].key == 'a'
+ assert events[0].key_sequence[1].data == 'a'
+ assert events[0].previous_key_sequence == []
+ assert len(events[1].key_sequence) == 2
+ assert events[1].key_sequence[0].key == 'b'
+ assert events[1].key_sequence[0].data == 'b'
+ assert events[1].key_sequence[1].key == 'b'
+ assert events[1].key_sequence[1].data == 'b'
+ assert len(events[1].previous_key_sequence) == 2
+ assert events[1].previous_key_sequence[0].key == 'a'
+ assert events[1].previous_key_sequence[0].data == 'a'
+ assert events[1].previous_key_sequence[1].key == 'a'
+ assert events[1].previous_key_sequence[1].data == 'a'
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_layout.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_layout.py
index 5d388e6400..6c9e67b4de 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_layout.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_layout.py
@@ -1,60 +1,60 @@
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from prompt_toolkit.layout.utils import split_lines
-from prompt_toolkit.token import Token
-def test_split_lines():
- lines = list(split_lines([(Token.A, 'line1\nline2\nline3')]))
- assert lines == [
- [(Token.A, 'line1')],
- [(Token.A, 'line2')],
- [(Token.A, 'line3')],
- ]
-def test_split_lines_2():
- lines = list(split_lines([
- (Token.A, 'line1'),
- (Token.B, 'line2\nline3\nline4')
- ]))
- assert lines == [
- [(Token.A, 'line1'), (Token.B, 'line2')],
- [(Token.B, 'line3')],
- [(Token.B, 'line4')],
- ]
-def test_split_lines_3():
- " Edge cases: inputs ending with newlines. "
- # -1-
- lines = list(split_lines([
- (Token.A, 'line1\nline2\n')
- ]))
- assert lines == [
- [(Token.A, 'line1')],
- [(Token.A, 'line2')],
- [(Token.A, '')],
- ]
- # -2-
- lines = list(split_lines([
- (Token.A, '\n'),
- ]))
- assert lines == [
- [],
- [(Token.A, '')],
- ]
- # -3-
- lines = list(split_lines([
- (Token.A, ''),
- ]))
- assert lines == [
- [(Token.A, '')],
- ]
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from prompt_toolkit.layout.utils import split_lines
+from prompt_toolkit.token import Token
+def test_split_lines():
+ lines = list(split_lines([(Token.A, 'line1\nline2\nline3')]))
+ assert lines == [
+ [(Token.A, 'line1')],
+ [(Token.A, 'line2')],
+ [(Token.A, 'line3')],
+ ]
+def test_split_lines_2():
+ lines = list(split_lines([
+ (Token.A, 'line1'),
+ (Token.B, 'line2\nline3\nline4')
+ ]))
+ assert lines == [
+ [(Token.A, 'line1'), (Token.B, 'line2')],
+ [(Token.B, 'line3')],
+ [(Token.B, 'line4')],
+ ]
+def test_split_lines_3():
+ " Edge cases: inputs ending with newlines. "
+ # -1-
+ lines = list(split_lines([
+ (Token.A, 'line1\nline2\n')
+ ]))
+ assert lines == [
+ [(Token.A, 'line1')],
+ [(Token.A, 'line2')],
+ [(Token.A, '')],
+ ]
+ # -2-
+ lines = list(split_lines([
+ (Token.A, '\n'),
+ ]))
+ assert lines == [
+ [],
+ [(Token.A, '')],
+ ]
+ # -3-
+ lines = list(split_lines([
+ (Token.A, ''),
+ ]))
+ assert lines == [
+ [(Token.A, '')],
+ ]
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_print_tokens.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_print_tokens.py
index a8d0c33048..c3b5826b36 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_print_tokens.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_print_tokens.py
@@ -1,50 +1,50 @@
-Test `shortcuts.print_tokens`.
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts import print_tokens
-from prompt_toolkit.token import Token
-from prompt_toolkit.styles import style_from_dict
-class _Capture:
- " Emulate an stdout object. "
- encoding = 'utf-8'
- def __init__(self):
- self._data = []
- def write(self, data):
- self._data.append(data)
- @property
- def data(self):
- return b''.join(self._data)
- def flush(self):
- pass
- def isatty(self):
- return True
-def test_print_tokens():
- f = _Capture()
- print_tokens([(Token, 'hello'), (Token, 'world')], file=f)
- assert b'hello' in f.data
- assert b'world' in f.data
-def test_with_style():
- f = _Capture()
- style = style_from_dict({
- Token.Hello: '#ff0066',
- Token.World: '#44ff44 italic',
- })
- tokens = [
- (Token.Hello, 'Hello '),
- (Token.World, 'world'),
- ]
- print_tokens(tokens, style=style, file=f)
- assert b'\x1b[0;38;5;197mHello' in f.data
- assert b'\x1b[0;38;5;83;3mworld' in f.data
+Test `shortcuts.print_tokens`.
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts import print_tokens
+from prompt_toolkit.token import Token
+from prompt_toolkit.styles import style_from_dict
+class _Capture:
+ " Emulate an stdout object. "
+ encoding = 'utf-8'
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._data = []
+ def write(self, data):
+ self._data.append(data)
+ @property
+ def data(self):
+ return b''.join(self._data)
+ def flush(self):
+ pass
+ def isatty(self):
+ return True
+def test_print_tokens():
+ f = _Capture()
+ print_tokens([(Token, 'hello'), (Token, 'world')], file=f)
+ assert b'hello' in f.data
+ assert b'world' in f.data
+def test_with_style():
+ f = _Capture()
+ style = style_from_dict({
+ Token.Hello: '#ff0066',
+ Token.World: '#44ff44 italic',
+ })
+ tokens = [
+ (Token.Hello, 'Hello '),
+ (Token.World, 'world'),
+ ]
+ print_tokens(tokens, style=style, file=f)
+ assert b'\x1b[0;38;5;197mHello' in f.data
+ assert b'\x1b[0;38;5;83;3mworld' in f.data
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_regular_languages.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_regular_languages.py
index beb976abcc..6ece5cdeb5 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_regular_languages.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_regular_languages.py
@@ -1,110 +1,110 @@
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from prompt_toolkit.completion import CompleteEvent, Completer, Completion
-from prompt_toolkit.contrib.regular_languages import compile
-from prompt_toolkit.contrib.regular_languages.compiler import Match, Variables
-from prompt_toolkit.contrib.regular_languages.completion import \
- GrammarCompleter
-from prompt_toolkit.document import Document
-def test_simple_match():
- g = compile('hello|world')
- m = g.match('hello')
- assert isinstance(m, Match)
- m = g.match('world')
- assert isinstance(m, Match)
- m = g.match('somethingelse')
- assert m is None
-def test_variable_varname():
- """
- Test `Variable` with varname.
- """
- g = compile('((?P<varname>hello|world)|test)')
- m = g.match('hello')
- variables = m.variables()
- assert isinstance(variables, Variables)
- assert variables.get('varname') == 'hello'
- assert variables['varname'] == 'hello'
- m = g.match('world')
- variables = m.variables()
- assert isinstance(variables, Variables)
- assert variables.get('varname') == 'world'
- assert variables['varname'] == 'world'
- m = g.match('test')
- variables = m.variables()
- assert isinstance(variables, Variables)
- assert variables.get('varname') is None
- assert variables['varname'] is None
-def test_prefix():
- """
- Test `match_prefix`.
- """
- g = compile(r'(hello\ world|something\ else)')
- m = g.match_prefix('hello world')
- assert isinstance(m, Match)
- m = g.match_prefix('he')
- assert isinstance(m, Match)
- m = g.match_prefix('')
- assert isinstance(m, Match)
- m = g.match_prefix('som')
- assert isinstance(m, Match)
- m = g.match_prefix('hello wor')
- assert isinstance(m, Match)
- m = g.match_prefix('no-match')
- assert m.trailing_input().start == 0
- assert m.trailing_input().stop == len('no-match')
- m = g.match_prefix('hellotest')
- assert m.trailing_input().start == len('hello')
- assert m.trailing_input().stop == len('hellotest')
-def test_completer():
- class completer1(Completer):
- def get_completions(self, document, complete_event):
- yield Completion(
- 'before-%s-after' % document.text, -len(document.text))
- yield Completion(
- 'before-%s-after-B' % document.text, -len(document.text))
- class completer2(Completer):
- def get_completions(self, document, complete_event):
- yield Completion(
- 'before2-%s-after2' % document.text, -len(document.text))
- yield Completion(
- 'before2-%s-after2-B' % document.text, -len(document.text))
- # Create grammar. "var1" + "whitespace" + "var2"
- g = compile(r'(?P<var1>[a-z]*) \s+ (?P<var2>[a-z]*)')
- # Test 'get_completions()'
- completer = GrammarCompleter(
- g, {'var1': completer1(), 'var2': completer2()})
- completions = list(completer.get_completions(
- Document('abc def', len('abc def')),
- CompleteEvent()))
- assert len(completions) == 2
- assert completions[0].text == 'before2-def-after2'
- assert completions[0].start_position == -3
- assert completions[1].text == 'before2-def-after2-B'
- assert completions[1].start_position == -3
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from prompt_toolkit.completion import CompleteEvent, Completer, Completion
+from prompt_toolkit.contrib.regular_languages import compile
+from prompt_toolkit.contrib.regular_languages.compiler import Match, Variables
+from prompt_toolkit.contrib.regular_languages.completion import \
+ GrammarCompleter
+from prompt_toolkit.document import Document
+def test_simple_match():
+ g = compile('hello|world')
+ m = g.match('hello')
+ assert isinstance(m, Match)
+ m = g.match('world')
+ assert isinstance(m, Match)
+ m = g.match('somethingelse')
+ assert m is None
+def test_variable_varname():
+ """
+ Test `Variable` with varname.
+ """
+ g = compile('((?P<varname>hello|world)|test)')
+ m = g.match('hello')
+ variables = m.variables()
+ assert isinstance(variables, Variables)
+ assert variables.get('varname') == 'hello'
+ assert variables['varname'] == 'hello'
+ m = g.match('world')
+ variables = m.variables()
+ assert isinstance(variables, Variables)
+ assert variables.get('varname') == 'world'
+ assert variables['varname'] == 'world'
+ m = g.match('test')
+ variables = m.variables()
+ assert isinstance(variables, Variables)
+ assert variables.get('varname') is None
+ assert variables['varname'] is None
+def test_prefix():
+ """
+ Test `match_prefix`.
+ """
+ g = compile(r'(hello\ world|something\ else)')
+ m = g.match_prefix('hello world')
+ assert isinstance(m, Match)
+ m = g.match_prefix('he')
+ assert isinstance(m, Match)
+ m = g.match_prefix('')
+ assert isinstance(m, Match)
+ m = g.match_prefix('som')
+ assert isinstance(m, Match)
+ m = g.match_prefix('hello wor')
+ assert isinstance(m, Match)
+ m = g.match_prefix('no-match')
+ assert m.trailing_input().start == 0
+ assert m.trailing_input().stop == len('no-match')
+ m = g.match_prefix('hellotest')
+ assert m.trailing_input().start == len('hello')
+ assert m.trailing_input().stop == len('hellotest')
+def test_completer():
+ class completer1(Completer):
+ def get_completions(self, document, complete_event):
+ yield Completion(
+ 'before-%s-after' % document.text, -len(document.text))
+ yield Completion(
+ 'before-%s-after-B' % document.text, -len(document.text))
+ class completer2(Completer):
+ def get_completions(self, document, complete_event):
+ yield Completion(
+ 'before2-%s-after2' % document.text, -len(document.text))
+ yield Completion(
+ 'before2-%s-after2-B' % document.text, -len(document.text))
+ # Create grammar. "var1" + "whitespace" + "var2"
+ g = compile(r'(?P<var1>[a-z]*) \s+ (?P<var2>[a-z]*)')
+ # Test 'get_completions()'
+ completer = GrammarCompleter(
+ g, {'var1': completer1(), 'var2': completer2()})
+ completions = list(completer.get_completions(
+ Document('abc def', len('abc def')),
+ CompleteEvent()))
+ assert len(completions) == 2
+ assert completions[0].text == 'before2-def-after2'
+ assert completions[0].start_position == -3
+ assert completions[1].text == 'before2-def-after2-B'
+ assert completions[1].start_position == -3
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_shortcuts.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_shortcuts.py
index c677306859..8c13510ea8 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_shortcuts.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_shortcuts.py
@@ -1,50 +1,50 @@
-from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts import _split_multiline_prompt
-from prompt_toolkit.token import Token
-def test_split_multiline_prompt():
- # Test 1: no newlines:
- tokens = [(Token, 'ab')]
- has_before_tokens, before, first_input_line = _split_multiline_prompt(lambda cli: tokens)
- assert has_before_tokens(None) is False
- assert before(None) == []
- assert first_input_line(None) == [
- (Token, 'a'),
- (Token, 'b'),
- ]
- # Test 1: multiple lines.
- tokens = [(Token, 'ab\ncd\nef')]
- has_before_tokens, before, first_input_line = _split_multiline_prompt(lambda cli: tokens)
- assert has_before_tokens(None) is True
- assert before(None) == [
- (Token, 'a'),
- (Token, 'b'),
- (Token, '\n'),
- (Token, 'c'),
- (Token, 'd'),
- ]
- assert first_input_line(None) == [
- (Token, 'e'),
- (Token, 'f'),
- ]
- # Edge case 1: starting with a newline.
- tokens = [(Token, '\nab')]
- has_before_tokens, before, first_input_line = _split_multiline_prompt(lambda cli: tokens)
- assert has_before_tokens(None) is True
- assert before(None) == []
- assert first_input_line(None) == [
- (Token, 'a'),
- (Token, 'b')
- ]
- # Edge case 2: starting with two newlines.
- tokens = [(Token, '\n\nab')]
- has_before_tokens, before, first_input_line = _split_multiline_prompt(lambda cli: tokens)
- assert has_before_tokens(None) is True
- assert before(None) == [(Token, '\n')]
- assert first_input_line(None) == [
- (Token, 'a'),
- (Token, 'b')
- ]
+from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts import _split_multiline_prompt
+from prompt_toolkit.token import Token
+def test_split_multiline_prompt():
+ # Test 1: no newlines:
+ tokens = [(Token, 'ab')]
+ has_before_tokens, before, first_input_line = _split_multiline_prompt(lambda cli: tokens)
+ assert has_before_tokens(None) is False
+ assert before(None) == []
+ assert first_input_line(None) == [
+ (Token, 'a'),
+ (Token, 'b'),
+ ]
+ # Test 1: multiple lines.
+ tokens = [(Token, 'ab\ncd\nef')]
+ has_before_tokens, before, first_input_line = _split_multiline_prompt(lambda cli: tokens)
+ assert has_before_tokens(None) is True
+ assert before(None) == [
+ (Token, 'a'),
+ (Token, 'b'),
+ (Token, '\n'),
+ (Token, 'c'),
+ (Token, 'd'),
+ ]
+ assert first_input_line(None) == [
+ (Token, 'e'),
+ (Token, 'f'),
+ ]
+ # Edge case 1: starting with a newline.
+ tokens = [(Token, '\nab')]
+ has_before_tokens, before, first_input_line = _split_multiline_prompt(lambda cli: tokens)
+ assert has_before_tokens(None) is True
+ assert before(None) == []
+ assert first_input_line(None) == [
+ (Token, 'a'),
+ (Token, 'b')
+ ]
+ # Edge case 2: starting with two newlines.
+ tokens = [(Token, '\n\nab')]
+ has_before_tokens, before, first_input_line = _split_multiline_prompt(lambda cli: tokens)
+ assert has_before_tokens(None) is True
+ assert before(None) == [(Token, '\n')]
+ assert first_input_line(None) == [
+ (Token, 'a'),
+ (Token, 'b')
+ ]
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_style.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_style.py
index 655237a24f..fc839ec95f 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_style.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_style.py
@@ -1,40 +1,40 @@
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from prompt_toolkit.styles import Attrs, style_from_dict
-from prompt_toolkit.token import Token
-def test_style_from_dict():
- style = style_from_dict({
- Token.A: '#ff0000 bold underline italic',
- Token.B: 'bg:#00ff00 blink reverse',
- })
- expected = Attrs(color='ff0000', bgcolor=None, bold=True,
- underline=True, italic=True, blink=False, reverse=False)
- assert style.get_attrs_for_token(Token.A) == expected
- expected = Attrs(color=None, bgcolor='00ff00', bold=False,
- underline=False, italic=False, blink=True, reverse=True)
- assert style.get_attrs_for_token(Token.B) == expected
-def test_style_inheritance():
- style = style_from_dict({
- Token: '#ff0000',
- Token.A.B.C: 'bold',
- Token.A.B.C.D: '#ansired',
- Token.A.B.C.D.E: 'noinherit blink'
- })
- expected = Attrs(color='ff0000', bgcolor=None, bold=True,
- underline=False, italic=False, blink=False, reverse=False)
- assert style.get_attrs_for_token(Token.A.B.C) == expected
- expected = Attrs(color='ansired', bgcolor=None, bold=True,
- underline=False, italic=False, blink=False, reverse=False)
- assert style.get_attrs_for_token(Token.A.B.C.D) == expected
- expected = Attrs(color=None, bgcolor=None, bold=False,
- underline=False, italic=False, blink=True, reverse=False)
- assert style.get_attrs_for_token(Token.A.B.C.D.E) == expected
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from prompt_toolkit.styles import Attrs, style_from_dict
+from prompt_toolkit.token import Token
+def test_style_from_dict():
+ style = style_from_dict({
+ Token.A: '#ff0000 bold underline italic',
+ Token.B: 'bg:#00ff00 blink reverse',
+ })
+ expected = Attrs(color='ff0000', bgcolor=None, bold=True,
+ underline=True, italic=True, blink=False, reverse=False)
+ assert style.get_attrs_for_token(Token.A) == expected
+ expected = Attrs(color=None, bgcolor='00ff00', bold=False,
+ underline=False, italic=False, blink=True, reverse=True)
+ assert style.get_attrs_for_token(Token.B) == expected
+def test_style_inheritance():
+ style = style_from_dict({
+ Token: '#ff0000',
+ Token.A.B.C: 'bold',
+ Token.A.B.C.D: '#ansired',
+ Token.A.B.C.D.E: 'noinherit blink'
+ })
+ expected = Attrs(color='ff0000', bgcolor=None, bold=True,
+ underline=False, italic=False, blink=False, reverse=False)
+ assert style.get_attrs_for_token(Token.A.B.C) == expected
+ expected = Attrs(color='ansired', bgcolor=None, bold=True,
+ underline=False, italic=False, blink=False, reverse=False)
+ assert style.get_attrs_for_token(Token.A.B.C.D) == expected
+ expected = Attrs(color=None, bgcolor=None, bold=False,
+ underline=False, italic=False, blink=True, reverse=False)
+ assert style.get_attrs_for_token(Token.A.B.C.D.E) == expected
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_utils.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_utils.py
index b3b56eb738..1e3d92cda6 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_utils.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_utils.py
@@ -1,39 +1,39 @@
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from prompt_toolkit.utils import take_using_weights
-import itertools
-def test_using_weights():
- def take(generator, count):
- return list(itertools.islice(generator, 0, count))
- # Check distribution.
- data = take(take_using_weights(['A', 'B', 'C'], [5, 10, 20]), 35)
- assert data.count('A') == 5
- assert data.count('B') == 10
- assert data.count('C') == 20
- assert data == [
- 'A', 'B', 'C', 'C', 'B', 'C', 'C', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'C', 'B', 'C',
- 'C', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'C', 'B', 'C', 'C', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'C',
- 'B', 'C', 'C', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'C', 'B', 'C', 'C']
- # Another order.
- data = take(take_using_weights(['A', 'B', 'C'], [20, 10, 5]), 35)
- assert data.count('A') == 20
- assert data.count('B') == 10
- assert data.count('C') == 5
- # Bigger numbers.
- data = take(take_using_weights(['A', 'B', 'C'], [20, 10, 5]), 70)
- assert data.count('A') == 40
- assert data.count('B') == 20
- assert data.count('C') == 10
- # Negative numbers.
- data = take(take_using_weights(['A', 'B', 'C'], [-20, 10, 0]), 70)
- assert data.count('A') == 0
- assert data.count('B') == 70
- assert data.count('C') == 0
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from prompt_toolkit.utils import take_using_weights
+import itertools
+def test_using_weights():
+ def take(generator, count):
+ return list(itertools.islice(generator, 0, count))
+ # Check distribution.
+ data = take(take_using_weights(['A', 'B', 'C'], [5, 10, 20]), 35)
+ assert data.count('A') == 5
+ assert data.count('B') == 10
+ assert data.count('C') == 20
+ assert data == [
+ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'C', 'B', 'C', 'C', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'C', 'B', 'C',
+ 'C', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'C', 'B', 'C', 'C', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'C',
+ 'B', 'C', 'C', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'C', 'B', 'C', 'C']
+ # Another order.
+ data = take(take_using_weights(['A', 'B', 'C'], [20, 10, 5]), 35)
+ assert data.count('A') == 20
+ assert data.count('B') == 10
+ assert data.count('C') == 5
+ # Bigger numbers.
+ data = take(take_using_weights(['A', 'B', 'C'], [20, 10, 5]), 70)
+ assert data.count('A') == 40
+ assert data.count('B') == 20
+ assert data.count('C') == 10
+ # Negative numbers.
+ data = take(take_using_weights(['A', 'B', 'C'], [-20, 10, 0]), 70)
+ assert data.count('A') == 0
+ assert data.count('B') == 70
+ assert data.count('C') == 0
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_yank_nth_arg.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_yank_nth_arg.py
index d7cc0aa8c9..1ccec7bf7b 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_yank_nth_arg.py
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_yank_nth_arg.py
@@ -1,85 +1,85 @@
-from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from prompt_toolkit.buffer import Buffer
-from prompt_toolkit.history import InMemoryHistory
-import pytest
-def _history():
- " Prefilled history. "
- history = InMemoryHistory()
- history.append('alpha beta gamma delta')
- history.append('one two three four')
- return history
-# Test yank_last_arg.
-def test_empty_history():
- buf = Buffer()
- buf.yank_last_arg()
- assert buf.document.current_line == ''
-def test_simple_search(_history):
- buff = Buffer(history=_history)
- buff.yank_last_arg()
- assert buff.document.current_line == 'four'
-def test_simple_search_with_quotes(_history):
- _history.append("""one two "three 'x' four"\n""")
- buff = Buffer(history=_history)
- buff.yank_last_arg()
- assert buff.document.current_line == '''"three 'x' four"'''
-def test_simple_search_with_arg(_history):
- buff = Buffer(history=_history)
- buff.yank_last_arg(n=2)
- assert buff.document.current_line == 'three'
-def test_simple_search_with_arg_out_of_bounds(_history):
- buff = Buffer(history=_history)
- buff.yank_last_arg(n=8)
- assert buff.document.current_line == ''
-def test_repeated_search(_history):
- buff = Buffer(history=_history)
- buff.yank_last_arg()
- buff.yank_last_arg()
- assert buff.document.current_line == 'delta'
-def test_repeated_search_with_wraparound(_history):
- buff = Buffer(history=_history)
- buff.yank_last_arg()
- buff.yank_last_arg()
- buff.yank_last_arg()
- assert buff.document.current_line == 'four'
-# Test yank_last_arg.
-def test_yank_nth_arg(_history):
- buff = Buffer(history=_history)
- buff.yank_nth_arg()
- assert buff.document.current_line == 'two'
-def test_repeated_yank_nth_arg(_history):
- buff = Buffer(history=_history)
- buff.yank_nth_arg()
- buff.yank_nth_arg()
- assert buff.document.current_line == 'beta'
-def test_yank_nth_arg_with_arg(_history):
- buff = Buffer(history=_history)
- buff.yank_nth_arg(n=2)
- assert buff.document.current_line == 'three'
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from prompt_toolkit.buffer import Buffer
+from prompt_toolkit.history import InMemoryHistory
+import pytest
+def _history():
+ " Prefilled history. "
+ history = InMemoryHistory()
+ history.append('alpha beta gamma delta')
+ history.append('one two three four')
+ return history
+# Test yank_last_arg.
+def test_empty_history():
+ buf = Buffer()
+ buf.yank_last_arg()
+ assert buf.document.current_line == ''
+def test_simple_search(_history):
+ buff = Buffer(history=_history)
+ buff.yank_last_arg()
+ assert buff.document.current_line == 'four'
+def test_simple_search_with_quotes(_history):
+ _history.append("""one two "three 'x' four"\n""")
+ buff = Buffer(history=_history)
+ buff.yank_last_arg()
+ assert buff.document.current_line == '''"three 'x' four"'''
+def test_simple_search_with_arg(_history):
+ buff = Buffer(history=_history)
+ buff.yank_last_arg(n=2)
+ assert buff.document.current_line == 'three'
+def test_simple_search_with_arg_out_of_bounds(_history):
+ buff = Buffer(history=_history)
+ buff.yank_last_arg(n=8)
+ assert buff.document.current_line == ''
+def test_repeated_search(_history):
+ buff = Buffer(history=_history)
+ buff.yank_last_arg()
+ buff.yank_last_arg()
+ assert buff.document.current_line == 'delta'
+def test_repeated_search_with_wraparound(_history):
+ buff = Buffer(history=_history)
+ buff.yank_last_arg()
+ buff.yank_last_arg()
+ buff.yank_last_arg()
+ assert buff.document.current_line == 'four'
+# Test yank_last_arg.
+def test_yank_nth_arg(_history):
+ buff = Buffer(history=_history)
+ buff.yank_nth_arg()
+ assert buff.document.current_line == 'two'
+def test_repeated_yank_nth_arg(_history):
+ buff = Buffer(history=_history)
+ buff.yank_nth_arg()
+ buff.yank_nth_arg()
+ assert buff.document.current_line == 'beta'
+def test_yank_nth_arg_with_arg(_history):
+ buff = Buffer(history=_history)
+ buff.yank_nth_arg(n=2)
+ assert buff.document.current_line == 'three'
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/ya.make b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/ya.make
index c1db893e64..afd26fbfe7 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/ya.make
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/ya.make
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
- contrib/python/prompt-toolkit
- test_buffer.py
- test_cli.py
- test_contrib.py
- test_document.py
- test_filter.py
- test_inputstream.py
- test_key_binding.py
- test_layout.py
- test_print_tokens.py
- test_regular_languages.py
- test_shortcuts.py
- test_style.py
- test_utils.py
- test_yank_nth_arg.py
+ contrib/python/prompt-toolkit
+ test_buffer.py
+ test_cli.py
+ test_contrib.py
+ test_document.py
+ test_filter.py
+ test_inputstream.py
+ test_key_binding.py
+ test_layout.py
+ test_print_tokens.py
+ test_regular_languages.py
+ test_shortcuts.py
+ test_style.py
+ test_utils.py
+ test_yank_nth_arg.py
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/ya.make b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/ya.make
index 75aaf74e01..db22aa0a70 100644
--- a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/ya.make
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/ya.make
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
-OWNER(blinkov nslus g:python-contrib)
+OWNER(blinkov nslus g:python-contrib)
- contrib/python/six
+ contrib/python/six
- prompt_toolkit.contrib.telnet.*
+ prompt_toolkit.contrib.telnet.*
- prompt_toolkit.eventloop.posix
+ prompt_toolkit.eventloop.posix
- prompt_toolkit.input.win32
- prompt_toolkit.input.win32_pipe
- prompt_toolkit.output.conemu
- prompt_toolkit.output.win32
- prompt_toolkit.output.windows10
+ prompt_toolkit.input.win32
+ prompt_toolkit.input.win32_pipe
+ prompt_toolkit.output.conemu
+ prompt_toolkit.output.win32
+ prompt_toolkit.output.windows10
- prompt_toolkit.terminal.vt100_input
- prompt_toolkit.terminal.vt100_output
+ prompt_toolkit.terminal.vt100_input
+ prompt_toolkit.terminal.vt100_output
- prompt_toolkit.win32_types
+ prompt_toolkit.win32_types
@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ PY_SRCS(
- prompt_toolkit/key_binding/defaults.py
+ prompt_toolkit/key_binding/defaults.py
@@ -140,14 +140,14 @@ PY_SRCS(
- PREFIX contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/
- .dist-info/METADATA
- .dist-info/top_level.txt
+ PREFIX contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/
+ .dist-info/METADATA
+ .dist-info/top_level.txt
- tests
+ tests