path: root/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_cli.py
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authornkozlovskiy <nmk@ydb.tech>2023-09-29 12:24:06 +0300
committernkozlovskiy <nmk@ydb.tech>2023-09-29 12:41:34 +0300
commite0e3e1717e3d33762ce61950504f9637a6e669ed (patch)
treebca3ff6939b10ed60c3d5c12439963a1146b9711 /contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_cli.py
parent38f2c5852db84c7b4d83adfcb009eb61541d1ccd (diff)
add ydb deps
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_cli.py')
1 files changed, 629 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_cli.py b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_cli.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..68ca3d03f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/prompt-toolkit/py2/tests/test_cli.py
@@ -0,0 +1,629 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+These are almost end-to-end tests. They create a CommandLineInterface
+instance, feed it with some input and check the result.
+from __future__ import unicode_literals
+from prompt_toolkit.application import Application
+from prompt_toolkit.buffer import Buffer, AcceptAction
+from prompt_toolkit.clipboard import InMemoryClipboard, ClipboardData
+from prompt_toolkit.enums import DEFAULT_BUFFER, EditingMode
+from prompt_toolkit.eventloop.posix import PosixEventLoop
+from prompt_toolkit.history import InMemoryHistory
+from prompt_toolkit.input import PipeInput
+from prompt_toolkit.interface import CommandLineInterface
+from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.manager import KeyBindingManager
+from prompt_toolkit.output import DummyOutput
+from prompt_toolkit.terminal.vt100_input import ANSI_SEQUENCES
+from functools import partial
+import pytest
+def _history():
+ h = InMemoryHistory()
+ h.append('line1 first input')
+ h.append('line2 second input')
+ h.append('line3 third input')
+ return h
+def _feed_cli_with_input(text, editing_mode=EditingMode.EMACS, clipboard=None,
+ history=None, multiline=False, check_line_ending=True,
+ pre_run_callback=None):
+ """
+ Create a CommandLineInterface, feed it with the given user input and return
+ the CLI object.
+ This returns a (result, CLI) tuple.
+ """
+ # If the given text doesn't end with a newline, the interface won't finish.
+ if check_line_ending:
+ assert text.endswith('\n')
+ loop = PosixEventLoop()
+ try:
+ inp = PipeInput()
+ inp.send_text(text)
+ cli = CommandLineInterface(
+ application=Application(
+ buffer=Buffer(accept_action=AcceptAction.RETURN_DOCUMENT,
+ history=history, is_multiline=multiline),
+ editing_mode=editing_mode,
+ clipboard=clipboard or InMemoryClipboard(),
+ key_bindings_registry=KeyBindingManager.for_prompt().registry,
+ ),
+ eventloop=loop,
+ input=inp,
+ output=DummyOutput())
+ if pre_run_callback:
+ pre_run_callback(cli)
+ result = cli.run()
+ return result, cli
+ finally:
+ loop.close()
+ inp.close()
+def test_simple_text_input():
+ # Simple text input, followed by enter.
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello'
+ assert cli.buffers[DEFAULT_BUFFER].text == 'hello'
+def test_emacs_cursor_movements():
+ """
+ Test cursor movements with Emacs key bindings.
+ """
+ # ControlA (beginning-of-line)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x01X\n')
+ assert result.text == 'Xhello'
+ # ControlE (end-of-line)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x01X\x05Y\n')
+ assert result.text == 'XhelloY'
+ # ControlH or \b
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x08X\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hellX'
+ # Delete. (Left, left, delete)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x1b[D\x1b[D\x1b[3~\n')
+ assert result.text == 'helo'
+ # Left.
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x1b[DX\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hellXo'
+ # ControlA, right
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x01\x1b[CX\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hXello'
+ # ControlA, right
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x01\x1b[CX\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hXello'
+ # ControlB (backward-char)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x02X\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hellXo'
+ # ControlF (forward-char)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x01\x06X\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hXello'
+ # ControlC: raise KeyboardInterrupt.
+ with pytest.raises(KeyboardInterrupt):
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x03\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello'
+ # ControlD without any input: raises EOFError.
+ with pytest.raises(EOFError):
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x04\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello'
+ # ControlD: delete after cursor.
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x01\x04\n')
+ assert result.text == 'ello'
+ # ControlD at the end of the input ssshould not do anything.
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x04\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello'
+ # Left, Left, ControlK (kill-line)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x1b[D\x1b[D\x0b\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hel'
+ # Left, Left Esc- ControlK (kill-line, but negative)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x1b[D\x1b[D\x1b-\x0b\n')
+ assert result.text == 'lo'
+ # ControlL: should not influence the result.
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x0c\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello'
+ # ControlRight (forward-word)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x01X\x1b[1;5CY\n')
+ assert result.text == 'XhelloY world'
+ # ContrlolLeft (backward-word)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x1b[1;5DY\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello Yworld'
+ # <esc>-f with argument. (forward-word)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world abc def\x01\x1b3\x1bfX\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello world abcX def'
+ # <esc>-f with negative argument. (forward-word)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world abc def\x1b-\x1b3\x1bfX\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello Xworld abc def'
+ # <esc>-b with argument. (backward-word)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world abc def\x1b3\x1bbX\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello Xworld abc def'
+ # <esc>-b with negative argument. (backward-word)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world abc def\x01\x1b-\x1b3\x1bbX\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello world abc Xdef'
+ # ControlW (kill-word / unix-word-rubout)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x17\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello '
+ assert cli.clipboard.get_data().text == 'world'
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('test hello world\x1b2\x17\n')
+ assert result.text == 'test '
+ # Escape Backspace (unix-word-rubout)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x1b\x7f\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello '
+ assert cli.clipboard.get_data().text == 'world'
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x1b\x08\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello '
+ assert cli.clipboard.get_data().text == 'world'
+ # Backspace (backward-delete-char)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x7f\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello worl'
+ assert result.cursor_position == len('hello worl')
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x08\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello worl'
+ assert result.cursor_position == len('hello worl')
+ # Delete (delete-char)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x01\x1b[3~\n')
+ assert result.text == 'ello world'
+ assert result.cursor_position == 0
+ # Escape-\\ (delete-horizontal-space)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x1b8\x02\x1b\\\n')
+ assert result.text == 'helloworld'
+ assert result.cursor_position == len('hello')
+def test_emacs_yank():
+ # ControlY (yank)
+ c = InMemoryClipboard(ClipboardData('XYZ'))
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x02\x19\n', clipboard=c)
+ assert result.text == 'hellXYZo'
+ assert result.cursor_position == len('hellXYZ')
+def test_quoted_insert():
+ # ControlQ - ControlB (quoted-insert)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x11\x02\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello\x02'
+def test_transformations():
+ # Meta-c (capitalize-word)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\01\x1bc\n')
+ assert result.text == 'Hello world'
+ assert result.cursor_position == len('Hello')
+ # Meta-u (uppercase-word)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\01\x1bu\n')
+ assert result.text == 'HELLO world'
+ assert result.cursor_position == len('Hello')
+ # Meta-u (downcase-word)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('HELLO WORLD\01\x1bl\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello WORLD'
+ assert result.cursor_position == len('Hello')
+ # ControlT (transpose-chars)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x14\n')
+ assert result.text == 'helol'
+ assert result.cursor_position == len('hello')
+ # Left, Left, Control-T (transpose-chars)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('abcde\x1b[D\x1b[D\x14\n')
+ assert result.text == 'abdce'
+ assert result.cursor_position == len('abcd')
+def test_emacs_other_bindings():
+ # Transpose characters.
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('abcde\x14X\n') # Ctrl-T
+ assert result.text == 'abcedX'
+ # Left, Left, Transpose. (This is slightly different.)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('abcde\x1b[D\x1b[D\x14X\n')
+ assert result.text == 'abdcXe'
+ # Clear before cursor.
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x1b[D\x1b[D\x15X\n')
+ assert result.text == 'Xlo'
+ # unix-word-rubout: delete word before the cursor.
+ # (ControlW).
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world test\x17X\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello world X'
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world /some/very/long/path\x17X\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello world X'
+ # (with argument.)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world test\x1b2\x17X\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello X'
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world /some/very/long/path\x1b2\x17X\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello X'
+ # backward-kill-word: delete word before the cursor.
+ # (Esc-ControlH).
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world /some/very/long/path\x1b\x08X\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello world /some/very/long/X'
+ # (with arguments.)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world /some/very/long/path\x1b3\x1b\x08X\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello world /some/very/X'
+def test_controlx_controlx():
+ # At the end: go to the start of the line.
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x18\x18X\n')
+ assert result.text == 'Xhello world'
+ assert result.cursor_position == 1
+ # At the start: go to the end of the line.
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x01\x18\x18X\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello worldX'
+ # Left, Left Control-X Control-X: go to the end of the line.
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello world\x1b[D\x1b[D\x18\x18X\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello worldX'
+def test_emacs_history_bindings():
+ # Adding a new item to the history.
+ history = _history()
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('new input\n', history=history)
+ assert result.text == 'new input'
+ history.strings[-1] == 'new input'
+ # Go up in history, and accept the last item.
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x1b[A\n', history=history)
+ assert result.text == 'new input'
+ # Esc< (beginning-of-history)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x1b<\n', history=history)
+ assert result.text == 'line1 first input'
+ # Esc> (end-of-history)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('another item\x1b[A\x1b[a\x1b>\n', history=history)
+ assert result.text == 'another item'
+ # ControlUp (previous-history)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x1b[1;5A\n', history=history)
+ assert result.text == 'another item'
+ # Esc< ControlDown (beginning-of-history, next-history)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x1b<\x1b[1;5B\n', history=history)
+ assert result.text == 'line2 second input'
+def test_emacs_reverse_search():
+ history = _history()
+ # ControlR (reverse-search-history)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x12input\n\n', history=history)
+ assert result.text == 'line3 third input'
+ # Hitting ControlR twice.
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x12input\x12\n\n', history=history)
+ assert result.text == 'line2 second input'
+def test_emacs_arguments():
+ """
+ Test various combinations of arguments in Emacs mode.
+ """
+ # esc 4
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x1b4x\n')
+ assert result.text == 'xxxx'
+ # esc 4 4
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x1b44x\n')
+ assert result.text == 'x' * 44
+ # esc 4 esc 4
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x1b4\x1b4x\n')
+ assert result.text == 'x' * 44
+ # esc - right (-1 position to the right, equals 1 to the left.)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('aaaa\x1b-\x1b[Cbbbb\n')
+ assert result.text == 'aaabbbba'
+ # esc - 3 right
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('aaaa\x1b-3\x1b[Cbbbb\n')
+ assert result.text == 'abbbbaaa'
+ # esc - - - 3 right
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('aaaa\x1b---3\x1b[Cbbbb\n')
+ assert result.text == 'abbbbaaa'
+def test_emacs_arguments_for_all_commands():
+ """
+ Test all Emacs commands with Meta-[0-9] arguments (both positive and
+ negative). No one should crash.
+ """
+ for key in ANSI_SEQUENCES:
+ # Ignore BracketedPaste. This would hang forever, because it waits for
+ # the end sequence.
+ if key != '\x1b[200~':
+ try:
+ # Note: we add an 'X' after the key, because Ctrl-Q (quoted-insert)
+ # expects something to follow. We add an additional \n, because
+ # Ctrl-R and Ctrl-S (reverse-search) expect that.
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input(
+ 'hello\x1b4' + key + 'X\n\n')
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input(
+ 'hello\x1b-' + key + 'X\n\n')
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ # This exception should only be raised for Ctrl-C
+ assert key == '\x03'
+def test_emacs_kill_ring():
+ operations = (
+ # abc ControlA ControlK
+ 'abc\x01\x0b'
+ # def ControlA ControlK
+ 'def\x01\x0b'
+ # ghi ControlA ControlK
+ 'ghi\x01\x0b'
+ # ControlY (yank)
+ '\x19'
+ )
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input(operations + '\n')
+ assert result.text == 'ghi'
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input(operations + '\x1by\n')
+ assert result.text == 'def'
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input(operations + '\x1by\x1by\n')
+ assert result.text == 'abc'
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input(operations + '\x1by\x1by\x1by\n')
+ assert result.text == 'ghi'
+def test_emacs_insert_comment():
+ # Test insert-comment (M-#) binding.
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('hello\x1b#', check_line_ending=False)
+ assert result.text == '#hello'
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input(
+ 'hello\nworld\x1b#', check_line_ending=False, multiline=True)
+ assert result.text == '#hello\n#world'
+def test_emacs_record_macro():
+ operations = (
+ ' '
+ '\x18(' # Start recording macro. C-X(
+ 'hello'
+ '\x18)' # Stop recording macro.
+ ' '
+ '\x18e' # Execute macro.
+ '\x18e' # Execute macro.
+ '\n'
+ )
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input(operations)
+ assert result.text == ' hello hellohello'
+def test_prefix_meta():
+ # Test the prefix-meta command.
+ def setup_keybindings(cli):
+ from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.bindings.named_commands import prefix_meta
+ from prompt_toolkit.filters import ViInsertMode
+ cli.application.key_bindings_registry.add_binding('j', 'j', filter=ViInsertMode())(prefix_meta)
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input(
+ 'hellojjIX\n', pre_run_callback=setup_keybindings, editing_mode=EditingMode.VI)
+ assert result.text == 'Xhello'
+def test_bracketed_paste():
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x1b[200~hello world\x1b[201~\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello world'
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x1b[200~hello\nworld\x1b[201~\x1b\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello\nworld'
+ # With \r\n endings.
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x1b[200~hello\r\nworld\x1b[201~\x1b\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello\nworld'
+ # With \r endings.
+ result, cli = _feed_cli_with_input('\x1b[200~hello\rworld\x1b[201~\x1b\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hello\nworld'
+def test_vi_cursor_movements():
+ """
+ Test cursor movements with Vi key bindings.
+ """
+ feed = partial(_feed_cli_with_input, editing_mode=EditingMode.VI)
+ result, cli = feed('\x1b\n')
+ assert result.text == ''
+ assert cli.editing_mode == EditingMode.VI
+ # Esc h a X
+ result, cli = feed('hello\x1bhaX\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hellXo'
+ # Esc I X
+ result, cli = feed('hello\x1bIX\n')
+ assert result.text == 'Xhello'
+ # Esc I X
+ result, cli = feed('hello\x1bIX\n')
+ assert result.text == 'Xhello'
+ # Esc 2hiX
+ result, cli = feed('hello\x1b2hiX\n')
+ assert result.text == 'heXllo'
+ # Esc 2h2liX
+ result, cli = feed('hello\x1b2h2liX\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hellXo'
+ # Esc \b\b
+ result, cli = feed('hello\b\b\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hel'
+ # Esc \b\b
+ result, cli = feed('hello\b\b\n')
+ assert result.text == 'hel'
+ # Esc 2h D
+ result, cli = feed('hello\x1b2hD\n')
+ assert result.text == 'he'
+ # Esc 2h rX \n
+ result, cli = feed('hello\x1b2hrX\n')
+ assert result.text == 'heXlo'
+def test_vi_operators():
+ feed = partial(_feed_cli_with_input, editing_mode=EditingMode.VI)
+ # Esc g~0
+ result, cli = feed('hello\x1bg~0\n')
+ assert result.text == 'HELLo'
+ # Esc gU0
+ result, cli = feed('hello\x1bgU0\n')
+ assert result.text == 'HELLo'
+ # Esc d0
+ result, cli = feed('hello\x1bd0\n')
+ assert result.text == 'o'
+def test_vi_text_objects():
+ feed = partial(_feed_cli_with_input, editing_mode=EditingMode.VI)
+ # Esc gUgg
+ result, cli = feed('hello\x1bgUgg\n')
+ assert result.text == 'HELLO'
+ # Esc gUU
+ result, cli = feed('hello\x1bgUU\n')
+ assert result.text == 'HELLO'
+ # Esc di(
+ result, cli = feed('before(inside)after\x1b8hdi(\n')
+ assert result.text == 'before()after'
+ # Esc di[
+ result, cli = feed('before[inside]after\x1b8hdi[\n')
+ assert result.text == 'before[]after'
+ # Esc da(
+ result, cli = feed('before(inside)after\x1b8hda(\n')
+ assert result.text == 'beforeafter'
+def test_vi_digraphs():
+ feed = partial(_feed_cli_with_input, editing_mode=EditingMode.VI)
+ # C-K o/
+ result, cli = feed('hello\x0bo/\n')
+ assert result.text == 'helloø'
+ # C-K /o (reversed input.)
+ result, cli = feed('hello\x0b/o\n')
+ assert result.text == 'helloø'
+ # C-K e:
+ result, cli = feed('hello\x0be:\n')
+ assert result.text == 'helloë'
+ # C-K xxy (Unknown digraph.)
+ result, cli = feed('hello\x0bxxy\n')
+ assert result.text == 'helloy'
+def test_vi_block_editing():
+ " Test Vi Control-V style block insertion. "
+ feed = partial(_feed_cli_with_input, editing_mode=EditingMode.VI,
+ multiline=True)
+ operations = (
+ # Three lines of text.
+ '-line1\n-line2\n-line3\n-line4\n-line5\n-line6'
+ # Go to the second character of the second line.
+ '\x1bkkkkkkkj0l'
+ # Enter Visual block mode.
+ '\x16'
+ # Go down two more lines.
+ 'jj'
+ # Go 3 characters to the right.
+ 'lll'
+ # Go to insert mode.
+ 'insert' # (Will be replaced.)
+ # Insert stars.
+ '***'
+ # Escape again.
+ '\x1b\n')
+ # Control-I
+ result, cli = feed(operations.replace('insert', 'I'))
+ assert (result.text ==
+ '-line1\n-***line2\n-***line3\n-***line4\n-line5\n-line6')
+ # Control-A
+ result, cli = feed(operations.replace('insert', 'A'))
+ assert (result.text ==
+ '-line1\n-line***2\n-line***3\n-line***4\n-line5\n-line6')
+def test_vi_character_paste():
+ feed = partial(_feed_cli_with_input, editing_mode=EditingMode.VI)
+ # Test 'p' character paste.
+ result, cli = feed('abcde\x1bhhxp\n')
+ assert result.text == 'abdce'
+ assert result.cursor_position == 3
+ # Test 'P' character paste.
+ result, cli = feed('abcde\x1bhhxP\n')
+ assert result.text == 'abcde'
+ assert result.cursor_position == 2