path: root/contrib/python/oauthlib/tests/oauth1/rfc5849/test_signatures.py
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authoralexv-smirnov <alex@ydb.tech>2023-12-01 12:02:50 +0300
committeralexv-smirnov <alex@ydb.tech>2023-12-01 13:28:10 +0300
commit0e578a4c44d4abd539d9838347b9ebafaca41dfb (patch)
treea0c1969c37f818c830ebeff9c077eacf30be6ef8 /contrib/python/oauthlib/tests/oauth1/rfc5849/test_signatures.py
parent84f2d3d4cc985e63217cff149bd2e6d67ae6fe22 (diff)
Change "ya.make"
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/oauthlib/tests/oauth1/rfc5849/test_signatures.py')
1 files changed, 896 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/oauthlib/tests/oauth1/rfc5849/test_signatures.py b/contrib/python/oauthlib/tests/oauth1/rfc5849/test_signatures.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2d4735eafd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/oauthlib/tests/oauth1/rfc5849/test_signatures.py
@@ -0,0 +1,896 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from oauthlib.oauth1.rfc5849.signature import (
+ base_string_uri, collect_parameters, normalize_parameters,
+ sign_hmac_sha1_with_client, sign_hmac_sha256_with_client,
+ sign_hmac_sha512_with_client, sign_plaintext_with_client,
+ sign_rsa_sha1_with_client, sign_rsa_sha256_with_client,
+ sign_rsa_sha512_with_client, signature_base_string, verify_hmac_sha1,
+ verify_hmac_sha256, verify_hmac_sha512, verify_plaintext, verify_rsa_sha1,
+ verify_rsa_sha256, verify_rsa_sha512,
+from tests.unittest import TestCase
+# ################################################################
+class MockRequest:
+ """
+ Mock of a request used by the verify_* functions.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ method: str,
+ uri_str: str,
+ params: list,
+ signature: str):
+ """
+ The params is a list of (name, value) tuples. It is not a dictionary,
+ because there can be multiple parameters with the same name.
+ """
+ self.uri = uri_str
+ self.http_method = method
+ self.params = params
+ self.signature = signature
+# ################################################################
+class MockClient:
+ """
+ Mock of client credentials used by the sign_*_with_client functions.
+ For HMAC, set the client_secret and resource_owner_secret.
+ For RSA, set the rsa_key to either a PEM formatted PKCS #1 public key or
+ PEM formatted PKCS #1 private key.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ client_secret: str = None,
+ resource_owner_secret: str = None,
+ rsa_key: str = None):
+ self.client_secret = client_secret
+ self.resource_owner_secret = resource_owner_secret
+ self.rsa_key = rsa_key # used for private or public key: a poor design!
+# ################################################################
+class SignatureTests(TestCase):
+ """
+ Unit tests for the oauthlib/oauth1/rfc5849/signature.py module.
+ The tests in this class are organised into sections, to test the
+ functions relating to:
+ - Signature base string calculation
+ - HMAC-based signature methods
+ - RSA-based signature methods
+ - PLAINTEXT signature method
+ Each section is separated by a comment beginning with "====".
+ Those comments have been formatted to remain visible when the code is
+ collapsed using PyCharm's code folding feature. That is, those section
+ heading comments do not have any other comment lines around it, so they
+ don't get collapsed when the contents of the class is collapsed. While
+ there is a "Sequential comments" option in the code folding configuration,
+ by default they are folded.
+ They all use some/all of the example test vector, defined in the first
+ section below.
+ """
+ # ==== Example test vector =======================================
+ eg_signature_base_string =\
+ 'POST&http%3A%2F%2Fexample.com%2Frequest&a2%3Dr%2520b%26a3%3D2%2520q' \
+ '%26a3%3Da%26b5%3D%253D%25253D%26c%2540%3D%26c2%3D%26oauth_consumer_' \
+ 'key%3D9djdj82h48djs9d2%26oauth_nonce%3D7d8f3e4a%26oauth_signature_m' \
+ 'ethod%3DHMAC-SHA1%26oauth_timestamp%3D137131201%26oauth_token%3Dkkk' \
+ '9d7dh3k39sjv7'
+ # The _signature base string_ above is copied from the end of
+ # RFC 5849 section
+ #
+ # It corresponds to the three values below.
+ #
+ # The _normalized parameters_ below is copied from the end of
+ # RFC 5849 section
+ eg_http_method = 'POST'
+ eg_base_string_uri = 'http://example.com/request'
+ eg_normalized_parameters =\
+ 'a2=r%20b&a3=2%20q&a3=a&b5=%3D%253D&c%40=&c2=&oauth_consumer_key=9dj' \
+ 'dj82h48djs9d2&oauth_nonce=7d8f3e4a&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-SHA1' \
+ '&oauth_timestamp=137131201&oauth_token=kkk9d7dh3k39sjv7'
+ # The above _normalized parameters_ corresponds to the parameters below.
+ #
+ # The parameters below is copied from the table at the end of
+ # RFC 5849 section
+ eg_params = [
+ ('b5', '=%3D'),
+ ('a3', 'a'),
+ ('c@', ''),
+ ('a2', 'r b'),
+ ('oauth_consumer_key', '9djdj82h48djs9d2'),
+ ('oauth_token', 'kkk9d7dh3k39sjv7'),
+ ('oauth_signature_method', 'HMAC-SHA1'),
+ ('oauth_timestamp', '137131201'),
+ ('oauth_nonce', '7d8f3e4a'),
+ ('c2', ''),
+ ('a3', '2 q'),
+ ]
+ # The above parameters correspond to parameters from the three values below.
+ #
+ # These come from RFC 5849 section
+ eg_uri_query = 'b5=%3D%253D&a3=a&c%40=&a2=r%20b'
+ eg_body = 'c2&a3=2+q'
+ eg_authorization_header =\
+ 'OAuth realm="Example", oauth_consumer_key="9djdj82h48djs9d2",' \
+ ' oauth_token="kkk9d7dh3k39sjv7", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",' \
+ ' oauth_timestamp="137131201", oauth_nonce="7d8f3e4a",' \
+ ' oauth_signature="djosJKDKJSD8743243%2Fjdk33klY%3D"'
+ # ==== Signature base string calculating function tests ==========
+ def test_signature_base_string(self):
+ """
+ Test the ``signature_base_string`` function.
+ """
+ # Example from RFC 5849
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.eg_signature_base_string,
+ signature_base_string(
+ self.eg_http_method,
+ self.eg_base_string_uri,
+ self.eg_normalized_parameters))
+ # Test method is always uppercase in the signature base string
+ for test_method in ['POST', 'Post', 'pOST', 'poST', 'posT', 'post']:
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.eg_signature_base_string,
+ signature_base_string(
+ test_method,
+ self.eg_base_string_uri,
+ self.eg_normalized_parameters))
+ def test_base_string_uri(self):
+ """
+ Test the ``base_string_uri`` function.
+ """
+ # ----------------
+ # Examples from the OAuth 1.0a specification: RFC 5849.
+ # First example from RFC 5849 section
+ #
+ # GET /r%20v/X?id=123 HTTP/1.1
+ # Host: EXAMPLE.COM:80
+ #
+ # Note: there is a space between "r" and "v"
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'http://example.com/r%20v/X',
+ base_string_uri('http://EXAMPLE.COM:80/r v/X?id=123'))
+ # Second example from RFC 5849 section
+ #
+ # GET /?q=1 HTTP/1.1
+ # Host: www.example.net:8080
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'https://www.example.net:8080/',
+ base_string_uri('https://www.example.net:8080/?q=1'))
+ # ----------------
+ # Scheme: will always be in lowercase
+ for uri in [
+ 'foobar://www.example.com',
+ 'FOOBAR://www.example.com',
+ 'Foobar://www.example.com',
+ 'FooBar://www.example.com',
+ 'fOObAR://www.example.com',
+ ]:
+ self.assertEqual('foobar://www.example.com/', base_string_uri(uri))
+ # ----------------
+ # Host: will always be in lowercase
+ for uri in [
+ 'http://www.example.com',
+ 'http://WWW.EXAMPLE.COM',
+ 'http://www.EXAMPLE.com',
+ 'http://wWW.eXAMPLE.cOM',
+ ]:
+ self.assertEqual('http://www.example.com/', base_string_uri(uri))
+ # base_string_uri has an optional host parameter that can be used to
+ # override the URI's netloc (or used as the host if there is no netloc)
+ # The "netloc" refers to the "hostname[:port]" part of the URI.
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'http://actual.example.com/',
+ base_string_uri('http://IGNORE.example.com', 'ACTUAL.example.com'))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'http://override.example.com/path',
+ base_string_uri('http:///path', 'OVERRIDE.example.com'))
+ # ----------------
+ # Host: valid host allows for IPv4 and IPv6
+ self.assertEqual(
+ '',
+ base_string_uri('')
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ '',
+ base_string_uri('')
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'https://[123:db8:fd00:1000::5]:13000/',
+ base_string_uri('https://[123:db8:fd00:1000::5]:13000')
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'https://[123:db8:fd00:1000::5]/',
+ base_string_uri('https://[123:db8:fd00:1000::5]')
+ )
+ # ----------------
+ # Port: default ports always excluded; non-default ports always included
+ self.assertEqual(
+ "http://www.example.com/",
+ base_string_uri("http://www.example.com:80/")) # default port
+ self.assertEqual(
+ "https://www.example.com/",
+ base_string_uri("https://www.example.com:443/")) # default port
+ self.assertEqual(
+ "https://www.example.com:999/",
+ base_string_uri("https://www.example.com:999/")) # non-default port
+ self.assertEqual(
+ "http://www.example.com:443/",
+ base_string_uri("HTTP://www.example.com:443/")) # non-default port
+ self.assertEqual(
+ "https://www.example.com:80/",
+ base_string_uri("HTTPS://www.example.com:80/")) # non-default port
+ self.assertEqual(
+ "http://www.example.com/",
+ base_string_uri("http://www.example.com:/")) # colon but no number
+ # ----------------
+ # Paths
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'http://www.example.com/',
+ base_string_uri('http://www.example.com')) # no slash
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'http://www.example.com/',
+ base_string_uri('http://www.example.com/')) # with slash
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'http://www.example.com:8080/',
+ base_string_uri('http://www.example.com:8080')) # no slash
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'http://www.example.com:8080/',
+ base_string_uri('http://www.example.com:8080/')) # with slash
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'http://www.example.com/foo/bar',
+ base_string_uri('http://www.example.com/foo/bar')) # no slash
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'http://www.example.com/foo/bar/',
+ base_string_uri('http://www.example.com/foo/bar/')) # with slash
+ # ----------------
+ # Query parameters & fragment IDs do not appear in the base string URI
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'https://www.example.com/path',
+ base_string_uri('https://www.example.com/path?foo=bar'))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'https://www.example.com/path',
+ base_string_uri('https://www.example.com/path#fragment'))
+ # ----------------
+ # Percent encoding
+ #
+ # RFC 5849 does not specify what characters are percent encoded, but in
+ # one of its examples it shows spaces being percent encoded.
+ # So it is assumed that spaces must be encoded, but we don't know what
+ # other characters are encoded or not.
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'https://www.example.com/hello%20world',
+ base_string_uri('https://www.example.com/hello world'))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'https://www.hello%20world.com/',
+ base_string_uri('https://www.hello world.com/'))
+ # ----------------
+ # Errors detected
+ # base_string_uri expects a string
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, base_string_uri, None)
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, base_string_uri, 42)
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, base_string_uri, b'http://example.com')
+ # Missing scheme is an error
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, base_string_uri, '')
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, base_string_uri, ' ') # single space
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, base_string_uri, 'http')
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, base_string_uri, 'example.com')
+ # Missing host is an error
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, base_string_uri, 'http:')
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, base_string_uri, 'http://')
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, base_string_uri, 'http://:8080')
+ # Port is not a valid TCP/IP port number
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, base_string_uri, 'http://eg.com:0')
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, base_string_uri, 'http://eg.com:-1')
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, base_string_uri, 'http://eg.com:65536')
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, base_string_uri, 'http://eg.com:3.14')
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, base_string_uri, 'http://eg.com:BAD')
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, base_string_uri, 'http://eg.com:NaN')
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, base_string_uri, 'http://eg.com: ')
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError, base_string_uri, 'http://eg.com:42:42')
+ def test_collect_parameters(self):
+ """
+ Test the ``collect_parameters`` function.
+ """
+ # ----------------
+ # Examples from the OAuth 1.0a specification: RFC 5849.
+ params = collect_parameters(
+ self.eg_uri_query,
+ self.eg_body,
+ {'Authorization': self.eg_authorization_header})
+ # Check params contains the same pairs as control_params, ignoring order
+ self.assertEqual(sorted(self.eg_params), sorted(params))
+ # ----------------
+ # Examples with no parameters
+ self.assertEqual([], collect_parameters('', '', {}))
+ self.assertEqual([], collect_parameters(None, None, None))
+ self.assertEqual([], collect_parameters())
+ self.assertEqual([], collect_parameters(headers={'foo': 'bar'}))
+ # ----------------
+ # Test effect of exclude_oauth_signature"
+ no_sig = collect_parameters(
+ headers={'authorization': self.eg_authorization_header})
+ with_sig = collect_parameters(
+ headers={'authorization': self.eg_authorization_header},
+ exclude_oauth_signature=False)
+ self.assertEqual(sorted(no_sig + [('oauth_signature',
+ 'djosJKDKJSD8743243/jdk33klY=')]),
+ sorted(with_sig))
+ # ----------------
+ # Test effect of "with_realm" as well as header name case insensitivity
+ no_realm = collect_parameters(
+ headers={'authorization': self.eg_authorization_header},
+ with_realm=False)
+ with_realm = collect_parameters(
+ headers={'AUTHORIZATION': self.eg_authorization_header},
+ with_realm=True)
+ self.assertEqual(sorted(no_realm + [('realm', 'Example')]),
+ sorted(with_realm))
+ def test_normalize_parameters(self):
+ """
+ Test the ``normalize_parameters`` function.
+ """
+ # headers = {'Authorization': self.authorization_header}
+ # parameters = collect_parameters(
+ # uri_query=self.uri_query, body=self.body, headers=headers)
+ # normalized = normalize_parameters(parameters)
+ #
+ # # Unicode everywhere and always
+ # self.assertIsInstance(normalized, str)
+ #
+ # # Lets see if things are in order
+ # # check to see that querystring keys come in alphanumeric order:
+ # querystring_keys = ['a2', 'a3', 'b5', 'oauth_consumer_key',
+ # 'oauth_nonce', 'oauth_signature_method',
+ # 'oauth_timestamp', 'oauth_token']
+ # index = -1 # start at -1 because the 'a2' key starts at index 0
+ # for key in querystring_keys:
+ # self.assertGreater(normalized.index(key), index)
+ # index = normalized.index(key)
+ # ----------------
+ # Example from the OAuth 1.0a specification: RFC 5849.
+ # Params from end of section and the expected
+ # normalized parameters from the end of section
+ self.assertEqual(self.eg_normalized_parameters,
+ normalize_parameters(self.eg_params))
+ # ==== HMAC-based signature method tests =========================
+ hmac_client = MockClient(
+ client_secret='ECrDNoq1VYzzzzzzzzzyAK7TwZNtPnkqatqZZZZ',
+ resource_owner_secret='just-a-string asdasd')
+ # The following expected signatures were calculated by putting the value of
+ # the eg_signature_base_string in a file ("base-str.txt") and running:
+ #
+ # echo -n `cat base-str.txt` | openssl dgst -hmac KEY -sha1 -binary| base64
+ #
+ # Where the KEY is the concatenation of the client_secret, an ampersand and
+ # the resource_owner_secret. But those values need to be encoded properly,
+ # so the spaces in the resource_owner_secret must be represented as '%20'.
+ #
+ # Note: the "echo -n" is needed to remove the last newline character, which
+ # most text editors will add.
+ expected_signature_hmac_sha1 = \
+ 'wsdNmjGB7lvis0UJuPAmjvX/PXw='
+ expected_signature_hmac_sha256 = \
+ expected_signature_hmac_sha512 = \
+ 'u/vlyZFDxOWOZ9UUXwRBJHvq8/T4jCA74ocRmn2ECnjUBTAeJiZIRU8hDTjS88Tz' \
+ '1fGONffMpdZxUkUTW3k1kg=='
+ def test_sign_hmac_sha1_with_client(self):
+ """
+ Test sign and verify with HMAC-SHA1.
+ """
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.expected_signature_hmac_sha1,
+ sign_hmac_sha1_with_client(self.eg_signature_base_string,
+ self.hmac_client))
+ self.assertTrue(verify_hmac_sha1(
+ MockRequest('POST',
+ 'http://example.com/request',
+ self.eg_params,
+ self.expected_signature_hmac_sha1),
+ self.hmac_client.client_secret,
+ self.hmac_client.resource_owner_secret))
+ def test_sign_hmac_sha256_with_client(self):
+ """
+ Test sign and verify with HMAC-SHA256.
+ """
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.expected_signature_hmac_sha256,
+ sign_hmac_sha256_with_client(self.eg_signature_base_string,
+ self.hmac_client))
+ self.assertTrue(verify_hmac_sha256(
+ MockRequest('POST',
+ 'http://example.com/request',
+ self.eg_params,
+ self.expected_signature_hmac_sha256),
+ self.hmac_client.client_secret,
+ self.hmac_client.resource_owner_secret))
+ def test_sign_hmac_sha512_with_client(self):
+ """
+ Test sign and verify with HMAC-SHA512.
+ """
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.expected_signature_hmac_sha512,
+ sign_hmac_sha512_with_client(self.eg_signature_base_string,
+ self.hmac_client))
+ self.assertTrue(verify_hmac_sha512(
+ MockRequest('POST',
+ 'http://example.com/request',
+ self.eg_params,
+ self.expected_signature_hmac_sha512),
+ self.hmac_client.client_secret,
+ self.hmac_client.resource_owner_secret))
+ def test_hmac_false_positives(self):
+ """
+ Test verify_hmac-* functions will correctly detect invalid signatures.
+ """
+ _ros = self.hmac_client.resource_owner_secret
+ for functions in [
+ (sign_hmac_sha1_with_client, verify_hmac_sha1),
+ (sign_hmac_sha256_with_client, verify_hmac_sha256),
+ (sign_hmac_sha512_with_client, verify_hmac_sha512),
+ ]:
+ signing_function = functions[0]
+ verify_function = functions[1]
+ good_signature = \
+ signing_function(
+ self.eg_signature_base_string,
+ self.hmac_client)
+ bad_signature_on_different_value = \
+ signing_function(
+ 'not the signature base string',
+ self.hmac_client)
+ bad_signature_produced_by_different_client_secret = \
+ signing_function(
+ self.eg_signature_base_string,
+ MockClient(client_secret='wrong-secret',
+ resource_owner_secret=_ros))
+ bad_signature_produced_by_different_resource_owner_secret = \
+ signing_function(
+ self.eg_signature_base_string,
+ MockClient(client_secret=self.hmac_client.client_secret,
+ resource_owner_secret='wrong-secret'))
+ bad_signature_produced_with_no_resource_owner_secret = \
+ signing_function(
+ self.eg_signature_base_string,
+ MockClient(client_secret=self.hmac_client.client_secret))
+ bad_signature_produced_with_no_client_secret = \
+ signing_function(
+ self.eg_signature_base_string,
+ MockClient(resource_owner_secret=_ros))
+ self.assertTrue(verify_function(
+ MockRequest('POST',
+ 'http://example.com/request',
+ self.eg_params,
+ good_signature),
+ self.hmac_client.client_secret,
+ self.hmac_client.resource_owner_secret))
+ for bad_signature in [
+ '',
+ 'ZG9uJ3QgdHJ1c3QgbWUK', # random base64 encoded value
+ 'altérer', # value with a non-ASCII character in it
+ bad_signature_on_different_value,
+ bad_signature_produced_by_different_client_secret,
+ bad_signature_produced_by_different_resource_owner_secret,
+ bad_signature_produced_with_no_resource_owner_secret,
+ bad_signature_produced_with_no_client_secret,
+ ]:
+ self.assertFalse(verify_function(
+ MockRequest('POST',
+ 'http://example.com/request',
+ self.eg_params,
+ bad_signature),
+ self.hmac_client.client_secret,
+ self.hmac_client.resource_owner_secret))
+ # ==== RSA-based signature methods tests =========================
+ rsa_private_client = MockClient(rsa_key='''
+ rsa_public_client = MockClient(rsa_key='''
+ # The above private key was generated using:
+ # $ openssl genrsa -out example.pvt 1024
+ # $ chmod 600 example.pvt
+ # Public key was extract from it using:
+ # $ ssh-keygen -e -m pem -f example.pvt
+ # PEM encoding requires the key to be concatenated with linebreaks.
+ # The following expected signatures were calculated by putting the private
+ # key in a file (test.pvt) and the value of sig_base_str_rsa in another file
+ # ("base-str.txt") and running:
+ #
+ # echo -n `cat base-str.txt` | openssl dgst -sha1 -sign test.pvt| base64
+ #
+ # Note: the "echo -n" is needed to remove the last newline character, which
+ # most text editors will add.
+ expected_signature_rsa_sha1 = \
+ 'mFY2KOEnlYWsTvUA+5kxuBIcvBYXu+ljw9ttVJQxKduMueGSVPCB1tK1PlqVLK738' \
+ 'HK0t19ecBJfb6rMxUwrriw+MlBO+jpojkZIWccw1J4cAb4qu4M81DbpUAq4j/1w/Q' \
+ 'yTR4TWCODlEfN7Zfgy8+pf+TjiXfIwRC1jEWbuL1E='
+ expected_signature_rsa_sha256 = \
+ 'jqKl6m0WS69tiVJV8ZQ6aQEfJqISoZkiPBXRv6Al2+iFSaDpfeXjYm+Hbx6m1azR' \
+ 'drZ/35PM3cvuid3LwW/siAkzb0xQcGnTyAPH8YcGWzmnKGY7LsB7fkqThchNxvRK' \
+ '/N7s9M1WMnfZZ+1dQbbwtTs1TG1+iexUcV7r3M7Heec='
+ expected_signature_rsa_sha512 = \
+ 'jL1CnjlsNd25qoZVHZ2oJft47IRYTjpF5CvCUjL3LY0NTnbEeVhE4amWXUFBe9GL' \
+ 'DWdUh/79ZWNOrCirBFIP26cHLApjYdt4ZG7EVK0/GubS2v8wT1QPRsog8zyiMZkm' \
+ 'g4JXdWCGXG8YRvRJTg+QKhXuXwS6TcMNakrgzgFIVhA='
+ def test_sign_rsa_sha1_with_client(self):
+ """
+ Test sign and verify with RSA-SHA1.
+ """
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.expected_signature_rsa_sha1,
+ sign_rsa_sha1_with_client(self.eg_signature_base_string,
+ self.rsa_private_client))
+ self.assertTrue(verify_rsa_sha1(
+ MockRequest('POST',
+ 'http://example.com/request',
+ self.eg_params,
+ self.expected_signature_rsa_sha1),
+ self.rsa_public_client.rsa_key))
+ def test_sign_rsa_sha256_with_client(self):
+ """
+ Test sign and verify with RSA-SHA256.
+ """
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.expected_signature_rsa_sha256,
+ sign_rsa_sha256_with_client(self.eg_signature_base_string,
+ self.rsa_private_client))
+ self.assertTrue(verify_rsa_sha256(
+ MockRequest('POST',
+ 'http://example.com/request',
+ self.eg_params,
+ self.expected_signature_rsa_sha256),
+ self.rsa_public_client.rsa_key))
+ def test_sign_rsa_sha512_with_client(self):
+ """
+ Test sign and verify with RSA-SHA512.
+ """
+ self.assertEqual(
+ self.expected_signature_rsa_sha512,
+ sign_rsa_sha512_with_client(self.eg_signature_base_string,
+ self.rsa_private_client))
+ self.assertTrue(verify_rsa_sha512(
+ MockRequest('POST',
+ 'http://example.com/request',
+ self.eg_params,
+ self.expected_signature_rsa_sha512),
+ self.rsa_public_client.rsa_key))
+ def test_rsa_false_positives(self):
+ """
+ Test verify_rsa-* functions will correctly detect invalid signatures.
+ """
+ another_client = MockClient(rsa_key='''
+ for functions in [
+ (sign_rsa_sha1_with_client, verify_rsa_sha1),
+ (sign_rsa_sha256_with_client, verify_rsa_sha256),
+ (sign_rsa_sha512_with_client, verify_rsa_sha512),
+ ]:
+ signing_function = functions[0]
+ verify_function = functions[1]
+ good_signature = \
+ signing_function(self.eg_signature_base_string,
+ self.rsa_private_client)
+ bad_signature_on_different_value = \
+ signing_function('wrong value signed', self.rsa_private_client)
+ bad_signature_produced_by_different_private_key = \
+ signing_function(self.eg_signature_base_string, another_client)
+ self.assertTrue(verify_function(
+ MockRequest('POST',
+ 'http://example.com/request',
+ self.eg_params,
+ good_signature),
+ self.rsa_public_client.rsa_key))
+ for bad_signature in [
+ '',
+ 'ZG9uJ3QgdHJ1c3QgbWUK', # random base64 encoded value
+ 'altérer', # value with a non-ASCII character in it
+ bad_signature_on_different_value,
+ bad_signature_produced_by_different_private_key,
+ ]:
+ self.assertFalse(verify_function(
+ MockRequest('POST',
+ 'http://example.com/request',
+ self.eg_params,
+ bad_signature),
+ self.rsa_public_client.rsa_key))
+ def test_rsa_bad_keys(self):
+ """
+ Testing RSA sign and verify with bad key values produces errors.
+ This test is useful for coverage tests, since it runs the code branches
+ that deal with error situations.
+ """
+ # Signing needs a private key
+ for bad_value in [None, '', 'foobar']:
+ self.assertRaises(ValueError,
+ sign_rsa_sha1_with_client,
+ self.eg_signature_base_string,
+ MockClient(rsa_key=bad_value))
+ self.assertRaises(AttributeError,
+ sign_rsa_sha1_with_client,
+ self.eg_signature_base_string,
+ self.rsa_public_client) # public key doesn't sign
+ # Verify needs a public key
+ for bad_value in [None, '', 'foobar', self.rsa_private_client.rsa_key]:
+ self.assertRaises(TypeError,
+ verify_rsa_sha1,
+ MockRequest('POST',
+ 'http://example.com/request',
+ self.eg_params,
+ self.expected_signature_rsa_sha1),
+ MockClient(rsa_key=bad_value))
+ # For completeness, this text could repeat the above for RSA-SHA256 and
+ # RSA-SHA512 signing and verification functions.
+ def test_rsa_jwt_algorithm_cache(self):
+ # Tests cache of RSAAlgorithm objects is implemented correctly.
+ # This is difficult to test, since the cache is internal.
+ #
+ # Running this test with coverage will show the cache-hit branch of code
+ # being executed by two signing operations with the same hash algorithm.
+ self.test_sign_rsa_sha1_with_client() # creates cache entry
+ self.test_sign_rsa_sha1_with_client() # reuses cache entry
+ # Some possible bugs will be detected if multiple signing operations
+ # with different hash algorithms produce the wrong results (e.g. if the
+ # cache incorrectly returned the previously used algorithm, instead
+ # of the one that is needed).
+ self.test_sign_rsa_sha256_with_client()
+ self.test_sign_rsa_sha256_with_client()
+ self.test_sign_rsa_sha1_with_client()
+ self.test_sign_rsa_sha256_with_client()
+ self.test_sign_rsa_sha512_with_client()
+ # ==== PLAINTEXT signature method tests ==========================
+ plaintext_client = hmac_client # for convenience, use the same HMAC secrets
+ expected_signature_plaintext = (
+ 'ECrDNoq1VYzzzzzzzzzyAK7TwZNtPnkqatqZZZZ'
+ '&'
+ 'just-a-string%20%20%20%20asdasd')
+ def test_sign_plaintext_with_client(self):
+ # With PLAINTEXT, the "signature" is always the same: regardless of the
+ # contents of the request. It is the concatenation of the encoded
+ # client_secret, an ampersand, and the encoded resource_owner_secret.
+ #
+ # That is why the spaces in the resource owner secret are "%20".
+ self.assertEqual(self.expected_signature_plaintext,
+ sign_plaintext_with_client(None, # request is ignored
+ self.plaintext_client))
+ self.assertTrue(verify_plaintext(
+ MockRequest('PUT',
+ 'http://example.com/some-other-path',
+ [('description', 'request is ignored in PLAINTEXT')],
+ self.expected_signature_plaintext),
+ self.plaintext_client.client_secret,
+ self.plaintext_client.resource_owner_secret))
+ def test_plaintext_false_positives(self):
+ """
+ Test verify_plaintext function will correctly detect invalid signatures.
+ """
+ _ros = self.plaintext_client.resource_owner_secret
+ good_signature = \
+ sign_plaintext_with_client(
+ self.eg_signature_base_string,
+ self.plaintext_client)
+ bad_signature_produced_by_different_client_secret = \
+ sign_plaintext_with_client(
+ self.eg_signature_base_string,
+ MockClient(client_secret='wrong-secret',
+ resource_owner_secret=_ros))
+ bad_signature_produced_by_different_resource_owner_secret = \
+ sign_plaintext_with_client(
+ self.eg_signature_base_string,
+ MockClient(client_secret=self.plaintext_client.client_secret,
+ resource_owner_secret='wrong-secret'))
+ bad_signature_produced_with_no_resource_owner_secret = \
+ sign_plaintext_with_client(
+ self.eg_signature_base_string,
+ MockClient(client_secret=self.plaintext_client.client_secret))
+ bad_signature_produced_with_no_client_secret = \
+ sign_plaintext_with_client(
+ self.eg_signature_base_string,
+ MockClient(resource_owner_secret=_ros))
+ self.assertTrue(verify_plaintext(
+ MockRequest('POST',
+ 'http://example.com/request',
+ self.eg_params,
+ good_signature),
+ self.plaintext_client.client_secret,
+ self.plaintext_client.resource_owner_secret))
+ for bad_signature in [
+ '',
+ 'ZG9uJ3QgdHJ1c3QgbWUK', # random base64 encoded value
+ 'altérer', # value with a non-ASCII character in it
+ bad_signature_produced_by_different_client_secret,
+ bad_signature_produced_by_different_resource_owner_secret,
+ bad_signature_produced_with_no_resource_owner_secret,
+ bad_signature_produced_with_no_client_secret,
+ ]:
+ self.assertFalse(verify_plaintext(
+ MockRequest('POST',
+ 'http://example.com/request',
+ self.eg_params,
+ bad_signature),
+ self.plaintext_client.client_secret,
+ self.plaintext_client.resource_owner_secret))