path: root/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3
diff options
authorshadchin <shadchin@yandex-team.com>2024-03-04 21:16:16 +0300
committershadchin <shadchin@yandex-team.com>2024-03-04 21:43:39 +0300
commit74819c4157bd388a7d429c870ea4b343a282dafa (patch)
tree4bff355b03dfb24b14d33581357cc8e624d170fd /contrib/python/matplotlib/py3
parentf64c28a5443395e3a8f27e6f1b15a3507812d2de (diff)
Extend support pyi files
Сейчас pyi файлы в макросе PY_SRCS используются исключительно в Arcadia плагине для продуктов JB, при сборке эти файлы просто игнорируются. В этом PR добавил шаг, который будет содержимое этих файлов складывать в ресурсы, секция PY_SRCS удобна тем, что позволяет раскладывать pyi файлы с учетом TOP_LEVEL/NAMESPACE, а это необходимо для правильной работы mypy. 3924b0556bc99947e6893cd79e5ce62ec72a18a9
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/matplotlib/py3')
83 files changed, 10769 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/__init__.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/__init__.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ef23a3dc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/__init__.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+__all__ = [
+ "__bibtex__",
+ "__version__",
+ "__version_info__",
+ "set_loglevel",
+ "ExecutableNotFoundError",
+ "get_configdir",
+ "get_cachedir",
+ "get_data_path",
+ "matplotlib_fname",
+ "MatplotlibDeprecationWarning",
+ "RcParams",
+ "rc_params",
+ "rc_params_from_file",
+ "rcParamsDefault",
+ "rcParams",
+ "rcParamsOrig",
+ "defaultParams",
+ "rc",
+ "rcdefaults",
+ "rc_file_defaults",
+ "rc_file",
+ "rc_context",
+ "use",
+ "get_backend",
+ "interactive",
+ "is_interactive",
+ "colormaps",
+ "color_sequences",
+import os
+from pathlib import Path
+from collections.abc import Callable, Generator
+import contextlib
+from packaging.version import Version
+from matplotlib._api import MatplotlibDeprecationWarning
+from typing import Any, NamedTuple
+class _VersionInfo(NamedTuple):
+ major: int
+ minor: int
+ micro: int
+ releaselevel: str
+ serial: int
+__bibtex__: str
+__version__: str
+__version_info__: _VersionInfo
+def set_loglevel(level: str) -> None: ...
+class _ExecInfo(NamedTuple):
+ executable: str
+ raw_version: str
+ version: Version
+class ExecutableNotFoundError(FileNotFoundError): ...
+def _get_executable_info(name: str) -> _ExecInfo: ...
+def get_configdir() -> str: ...
+def get_cachedir() -> str: ...
+def get_data_path() -> str: ...
+def matplotlib_fname() -> str: ...
+class RcParams(dict[str, Any]):
+ validate: dict[str, Callable]
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ def __setitem__(self, key: str, val: Any) -> None: ...
+ def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any: ...
+ def __iter__(self) -> Generator[str, None, None]: ...
+ def __len__(self) -> int: ...
+ def find_all(self, pattern: str) -> RcParams: ...
+ def copy(self) -> RcParams: ...
+def rc_params(fail_on_error: bool = ...) -> RcParams: ...
+def rc_params_from_file(
+ fname: str | Path | os.PathLike,
+ fail_on_error: bool = ...,
+ use_default_template: bool = ...,
+) -> RcParams: ...
+rcParamsDefault: RcParams
+rcParams: RcParams
+rcParamsOrig: RcParams
+defaultParams: dict[str, Any]
+def rc(group: str, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+def rcdefaults() -> None: ...
+def rc_file_defaults() -> None: ...
+def rc_file(
+ fname: str | Path | os.PathLike, *, use_default_template: bool = ...
+) -> None: ...
+def rc_context(
+ rc: dict[str, Any] | None = ..., fname: str | Path | os.PathLike | None = ...
+) -> Generator[None, None, None]: ...
+def use(backend: str, *, force: bool = ...) -> None: ...
+def get_backend() -> str: ...
+def interactive(b: bool) -> None: ...
+def is_interactive() -> bool: ...
+def _preprocess_data(
+ func: Callable | None = ...,
+ *,
+ replace_names: list[str] | None = ...,
+ label_namer: str | None = ...
+) -> Callable: ...
+from matplotlib.cm import _colormaps as colormaps
+from matplotlib.colors import _color_sequences as color_sequences
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_api/__init__.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_api/__init__.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4baff7cd80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_api/__init__.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+from collections.abc import Callable, Generator, Mapping, Sequence
+from typing import Any, Iterable, TypeVar, overload
+from numpy.typing import NDArray
+from .deprecation import ( # noqa: re-exported API
+ deprecated as deprecated,
+ warn_deprecated as warn_deprecated,
+ rename_parameter as rename_parameter,
+ delete_parameter as delete_parameter,
+ make_keyword_only as make_keyword_only,
+ deprecate_method_override as deprecate_method_override,
+ deprecate_privatize_attribute as deprecate_privatize_attribute,
+ suppress_matplotlib_deprecation_warning as suppress_matplotlib_deprecation_warning,
+ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning as MatplotlibDeprecationWarning,
+_T = TypeVar("_T")
+class classproperty(Any):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ fget: Callable[[_T], Any],
+ fset: None = ...,
+ fdel: None = ...,
+ doc: str | None = None,
+ ): ...
+ # Replace return with Self when py3.9 is dropped
+ @overload
+ def __get__(self, instance: None, owner: None) -> classproperty: ...
+ @overload
+ def __get__(self, instance: object, owner: type[object]) -> Any: ...
+ @property
+ def fget(self) -> Callable[[_T], Any]: ...
+def check_isinstance(
+ types: type | tuple[type | None, ...], /, **kwargs: Any
+) -> None: ...
+def check_in_list(
+ values: Sequence[Any], /, *, _print_supported_values: bool = ..., **kwargs: Any
+) -> None: ...
+def check_shape(shape: tuple[int | None, ...], /, **kwargs: NDArray) -> None: ...
+def check_getitem(mapping: Mapping[Any, Any], /, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: ...
+def caching_module_getattr(cls: type) -> Callable[[str], Any]: ...
+def define_aliases(
+ alias_d: dict[str, list[str]], cls: None = ...
+) -> Callable[[type[_T]], type[_T]]: ...
+def define_aliases(alias_d: dict[str, list[str]], cls: type[_T]) -> type[_T]: ...
+def select_matching_signature(
+ funcs: list[Callable], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any
+) -> Any: ...
+def nargs_error(name: str, takes: int | str, given: int) -> TypeError: ...
+def kwarg_error(name: str, kw: str | Iterable[str]) -> TypeError: ...
+def recursive_subclasses(cls: type) -> Generator[type, None, None]: ...
+def warn_external(
+ message: str | Warning, category: type[Warning] | None = ...
+) -> None: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_api/deprecation.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_api/deprecation.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9619d1b484
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_api/deprecation.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+from collections.abc import Callable
+import contextlib
+from typing import Any, TypedDict, TypeVar, overload
+from typing_extensions import (
+ ParamSpec, # < Py 3.10
+ Unpack, # < Py 3.11
+_P = ParamSpec("_P")
+_R = TypeVar("_R")
+_T = TypeVar("_T")
+class MatplotlibDeprecationWarning(DeprecationWarning): ...
+class DeprecationKwargs(TypedDict, total=False):
+ message: str
+ alternative: str
+ pending: bool
+ obj_type: str
+ addendum: str
+ removal: str
+class NamedDeprecationKwargs(DeprecationKwargs, total=False):
+ name: str
+def warn_deprecated(since: str, **kwargs: Unpack[NamedDeprecationKwargs]) -> None: ...
+def deprecated(
+ since: str, **kwargs: Unpack[NamedDeprecationKwargs]
+) -> Callable[[_T], _T]: ...
+class deprecate_privatize_attribute(Any):
+ def __init__(self, since: str, **kwargs: Unpack[NamedDeprecationKwargs]): ...
+ def __set_name__(self, owner: type[object], name: str) -> None: ...
+DECORATORS: dict[Callable, Callable] = ...
+def rename_parameter(
+ since: str, old: str, new: str, func: None = ...
+) -> Callable[[Callable[_P, _R]], Callable[_P, _R]]: ...
+def rename_parameter(
+ since: str, old: str, new: str, func: Callable[_P, _R]
+) -> Callable[_P, _R]: ...
+class _deprecated_parameter_class: ...
+_deprecated_parameter: _deprecated_parameter_class
+def delete_parameter(
+ since: str, name: str, func: None = ..., **kwargs: Unpack[DeprecationKwargs]
+) -> Callable[[Callable[_P, _R]], Callable[_P, _R]]: ...
+def delete_parameter(
+ since: str, name: str, func: Callable[_P, _R], **kwargs: Unpack[DeprecationKwargs]
+) -> Callable[_P, _R]: ...
+def make_keyword_only(
+ since: str, name: str, func: None = ...
+) -> Callable[[Callable[_P, _R]], Callable[_P, _R]]: ...
+def make_keyword_only(
+ since: str, name: str, func: Callable[_P, _R]
+) -> Callable[_P, _R]: ...
+def deprecate_method_override(
+ method: Callable[_P, _R],
+ obj: object | type,
+ *,
+ allow_empty: bool = ...,
+ since: str,
+ **kwargs: Unpack[NamedDeprecationKwargs]
+) -> Callable[_P, _R]: ...
+def suppress_matplotlib_deprecation_warning() -> (
+ contextlib.AbstractContextManager[None]
+): ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_c_internal_utils.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_c_internal_utils.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a211223be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_c_internal_utils.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+def display_is_valid() -> bool: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_color_data.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_color_data.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..feb3de9c30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_color_data.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+from .typing import ColorType
+BASE_COLORS: dict[str, ColorType]
+TABLEAU_COLORS: dict[str, ColorType]
+XKCD_COLORS: dict[str, ColorType]
+CSS4_COLORS: dict[str, ColorType]
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_docstring.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_docstring.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0377dc5fe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_docstring.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+from typing import Any, Callable, TypeVar, overload
+_T = TypeVar('_T')
+class Substitution:
+ @overload
+ def __init__(self, *args: str): ...
+ @overload
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs: str): ...
+ def __call__(self, func: _T) -> _T: ...
+ def update(self, *args, **kwargs): ... # type: ignore[no-untyped-def]
+class _ArtistKwdocLoader(dict[str, str]):
+ def __missing__(self, key: str) -> str: ...
+class _ArtistPropertiesSubstitution(Substitution):
+ def __init__(self) -> None: ...
+ def __call__(self, obj: _T) -> _T: ...
+def copy(source: Any) -> Callable[[_T], _T]: ...
+dedent_interpd: _ArtistPropertiesSubstitution
+interpd: _ArtistPropertiesSubstitution
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_enums.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_enums.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..351088b364
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_enums.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+from enum import Enum
+class _AutoStringNameEnum(Enum):
+ def __hash__(self) -> int: ...
+class JoinStyle(str, _AutoStringNameEnum):
+ miter: str
+ round: str
+ bevel: str
+ @staticmethod
+ def demo() -> None: ...
+class CapStyle(str, _AutoStringNameEnum):
+ butt: str
+ projecting: str
+ round: str
+ @staticmethod
+ def demo() -> None: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_image.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_image.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_image.pyi
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_path.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_path.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..456905528b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_path.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+from collections.abc import Sequence
+import numpy as np
+from .transforms import BboxBase
+def affine_transform(points: np.ndarray, trans: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: ...
+def count_bboxes_overlapping_bbox(bbox: BboxBase, bboxes: Sequence[BboxBase]) -> int: ...
+def update_path_extents(path, trans, rect, minpos, ignore): ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_pylab_helpers.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_pylab_helpers.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bdd8cfba31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_pylab_helpers.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from matplotlib.backend_bases import FigureManagerBase
+from matplotlib.figure import Figure
+class Gcf:
+ figs: OrderedDict[int, FigureManagerBase]
+ @classmethod
+ def get_fig_manager(cls, num: int) -> FigureManagerBase | None: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def destroy(cls, num: int | FigureManagerBase) -> None: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def destroy_fig(cls, fig: Figure) -> None: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def destroy_all(cls) -> None: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def has_fignum(cls, num: int) -> bool: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def get_all_fig_managers(cls) -> list[FigureManagerBase]: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def get_num_fig_managers(cls) -> int: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def get_active(cls) -> FigureManagerBase | None: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def _set_new_active_manager(cls, manager: FigureManagerBase) -> None: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def set_active(cls, manager: FigureManagerBase) -> None: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def draw_all(cls, force: bool = ...) -> None: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_qhull.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_qhull.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_qhull.pyi
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_tri.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_tri.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cab7fcf2bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_tri.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# This is a private module implemented in C++
+# As such these type stubs are overly generic, but here to allow these types
+# as return types for public methods
+from typing import Any
+class TrapezoidMapTriFinder:
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ def find_many(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: ...
+ def get_tree_stats(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: ...
+ def initialize(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: ...
+ def print_tree(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: ...
+class TriContourGenerator:
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ def create_contour(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: ...
+ def create_filled_contour(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: ...
+class Triangulation:
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ def calculate_plane_coefficients(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: ...
+ def get_edges(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: ...
+ def get_neighbors(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: ...
+ def set_mask(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_ttconv.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_ttconv.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/_ttconv.pyi
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/animation.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/animation.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..de1b9926af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/animation.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+import abc
+from collections.abc import Callable, Collection, Iterable, Sequence, Generator
+import contextlib
+from pathlib import Path
+from matplotlib.artist import Artist
+from matplotlib.backend_bases import TimerBase
+from matplotlib.figure import Figure
+from typing import Any
+subprocess_creation_flags: int
+def adjusted_figsize(w: float, h: float, dpi: float, n: int) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+class MovieWriterRegistry:
+ def __init__(self) -> None: ...
+ def register(
+ self, name: str
+ ) -> Callable[[type[AbstractMovieWriter]], type[AbstractMovieWriter]]: ...
+ def is_available(self, name: str) -> bool: ...
+ def __iter__(self) -> Generator[str, None, None]: ...
+ def list(self) -> list[str]: ...
+ def __getitem__(self, name: str) -> type[AbstractMovieWriter]: ...
+writers: MovieWriterRegistry
+class AbstractMovieWriter(abc.ABC, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
+ fps: int
+ metadata: dict[str, str]
+ codec: str
+ bitrate: int
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ fps: int = ...,
+ metadata: dict[str, str] | None = ...,
+ codec: str | None = ...,
+ bitrate: int | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ outfile: str | Path
+ fig: Figure
+ dpi: float
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def setup(self, fig: Figure, outfile: str | Path, dpi: float | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def frame_size(self) -> tuple[int, int]: ...
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def grab_frame(self, **savefig_kwargs) -> None: ...
+ @abc.abstractmethod
+ def finish(self) -> None: ...
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def saving(
+ self, fig: Figure, outfile: str | Path, dpi: float | None, *args, **kwargs
+ ) -> Generator[AbstractMovieWriter, None, None]: ...
+class MovieWriter(AbstractMovieWriter):
+ supported_formats: list[str]
+ frame_format: str
+ extra_args: list[str] | None
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ fps: int = ...,
+ codec: str | None = ...,
+ bitrate: int | None = ...,
+ extra_args: list[str] | None = ...,
+ metadata: dict[str, str] | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def setup(self, fig: Figure, outfile: str | Path, dpi: float | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def grab_frame(self, **savefig_kwargs) -> None: ...
+ def finish(self) -> None: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def bin_path(cls) -> str: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def isAvailable(cls) -> bool: ...
+class FileMovieWriter(MovieWriter):
+ fig: Figure
+ outfile: str | Path
+ dpi: float
+ temp_prefix: str
+ fname_format_str: str
+ def setup(
+ self,
+ fig: Figure,
+ outfile: str | Path,
+ dpi: float | None = ...,
+ frame_prefix: str | Path | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def __del__(self) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def frame_format(self) -> str: ...
+ @frame_format.setter
+ def frame_format(self, frame_format: str) -> None: ...
+class PillowWriter(AbstractMovieWriter):
+ @classmethod
+ def isAvailable(cls) -> bool: ...
+ def setup(
+ self, fig: Figure, outfile: str | Path, dpi: float | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def grab_frame(self, **savefig_kwargs) -> None: ...
+ def finish(self) -> None: ...
+class FFMpegBase:
+ codec: str
+ @property
+ def output_args(self) -> list[str]: ...
+class FFMpegWriter(FFMpegBase, MovieWriter): ...
+class FFMpegFileWriter(FFMpegBase, FileMovieWriter):
+ supported_formats: list[str]
+class ImageMagickBase:
+ @classmethod
+ def bin_path(cls) -> str: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def isAvailable(cls) -> bool: ...
+class ImageMagickWriter(ImageMagickBase, MovieWriter):
+ input_names: str
+class ImageMagickFileWriter(ImageMagickBase, FileMovieWriter):
+ supported_formats: list[str]
+ @property
+ def input_names(self) -> str: ...
+class HTMLWriter(FileMovieWriter):
+ supported_formats: list[str]
+ @classmethod
+ def isAvailable(cls) -> bool: ...
+ embed_frames: bool
+ default_mode: str
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ fps: int = ...,
+ codec: str | None = ...,
+ bitrate: int | None = ...,
+ extra_args: list[str] | None = ...,
+ metadata: dict[str, str] | None = ...,
+ embed_frames: bool = ...,
+ default_mode: str = ...,
+ embed_limit: float | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def setup(
+ self,
+ fig: Figure,
+ outfile: str | Path,
+ dpi: float | None = ...,
+ frame_dir: str | Path | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def grab_frame(self, **savefig_kwargs): ...
+ def finish(self) -> None: ...
+class Animation:
+ frame_seq: Iterable[Artist]
+ event_source: Any
+ def __init__(
+ self, fig: Figure, event_source: Any | None = ..., blit: bool = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def __del__(self) -> None: ...
+ def save(
+ self,
+ filename: str | Path,
+ writer: AbstractMovieWriter | str | None = ...,
+ fps: int | None = ...,
+ dpi: float | None = ...,
+ codec: str | None = ...,
+ bitrate: int | None = ...,
+ extra_args: list[str] | None = ...,
+ metadata: dict[str, str] | None = ...,
+ extra_anim: list[Animation] | None = ...,
+ savefig_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ *,
+ progress_callback: Callable[[int, int], Any] | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def new_frame_seq(self) -> Iterable[Artist]: ...
+ def new_saved_frame_seq(self) -> Iterable[Artist]: ...
+ def to_html5_video(self, embed_limit: float | None = ...) -> str: ...
+ def to_jshtml(
+ self,
+ fps: int | None = ...,
+ embed_frames: bool = ...,
+ default_mode: str | None = ...,
+ ) -> str: ...
+ def _repr_html_(self) -> str: ...
+ def pause(self) -> None: ...
+ def resume(self) -> None: ...
+class TimedAnimation(Animation):
+ repeat: bool
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ fig: Figure,
+ interval: int = ...,
+ repeat_delay: int = ...,
+ repeat: bool = ...,
+ event_source: TimerBase | None = ...,
+ *args,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+class ArtistAnimation(TimedAnimation):
+ def __init__(self, fig: Figure, artists: Sequence[Collection[Artist]], *args, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+class FuncAnimation(TimedAnimation):
+ save_count: int
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ fig: Figure,
+ func: Callable[..., Iterable[Artist]],
+ frames: Iterable[Artist] | int | Callable[[], Generator] | None = ...,
+ init_func: Callable[[], Iterable[Artist]] | None = ...,
+ fargs: tuple[Any, ...] | None = ...,
+ save_count: int | None = ...,
+ *,
+ cache_frame_data: bool = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/artist.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/artist.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..101e97a9a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/artist.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+from .axes._base import _AxesBase
+from .backend_bases import RendererBase, MouseEvent
+from .figure import Figure, SubFigure
+from .path import Path
+from .patches import Patch
+from .patheffects import AbstractPathEffect
+from .transforms import (
+ BboxBase,
+ Bbox,
+ Transform,
+ TransformedPatchPath,
+ TransformedPath,
+import numpy as np
+from collections.abc import Callable, Iterable
+from typing import Any, NamedTuple, TextIO, overload
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+def allow_rasterization(draw): ...
+class _XYPair(NamedTuple):
+ x: ArrayLike
+ y: ArrayLike
+class _Unset: ...
+class Artist:
+ zorder: float
+ stale_callback: Callable[[Artist, bool], None] | None
+ figure: Figure | SubFigure | None
+ clipbox: BboxBase | None
+ def __init__(self) -> None: ...
+ def remove(self) -> None: ...
+ def have_units(self) -> bool: ...
+ # TODO units
+ def convert_xunits(self, x): ...
+ def convert_yunits(self, y): ...
+ @property
+ def axes(self) -> _AxesBase | None: ...
+ @axes.setter
+ def axes(self, new_axes: _AxesBase | None) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def stale(self) -> bool: ...
+ @stale.setter
+ def stale(self, val: bool) -> None: ...
+ def get_window_extent(self, renderer: RendererBase | None = ...) -> Bbox: ...
+ def get_tightbbox(self, renderer: RendererBase | None = ...) -> Bbox | None: ...
+ def add_callback(self, func: Callable[[Artist], Any]) -> int: ...
+ def remove_callback(self, oid: int) -> None: ...
+ def pchanged(self) -> None: ...
+ def is_transform_set(self) -> bool: ...
+ def set_transform(self, t: Transform | None) -> None: ...
+ def get_transform(self) -> Transform: ...
+ def get_children(self) -> list[Artist]: ...
+ # TODO can these dicts be type narrowed? e.g. str keys
+ def contains(self, mouseevent: MouseEvent) -> tuple[bool, dict[Any, Any]]: ...
+ def pickable(self) -> bool: ...
+ def pick(self, mouseevent: MouseEvent) -> None: ...
+ def set_picker(
+ self,
+ picker: None
+ | bool
+ | float
+ | Callable[[Artist, MouseEvent], tuple[bool, dict[Any, Any]]],
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_picker(
+ self,
+ ) -> None | bool | float | Callable[
+ [Artist, MouseEvent], tuple[bool, dict[Any, Any]]
+ ]: ...
+ def get_url(self) -> str | None: ...
+ def set_url(self, url: str | None) -> None: ...
+ def get_gid(self) -> str | None: ...
+ def set_gid(self, gid: str | None) -> None: ...
+ def get_snap(self) -> bool | None: ...
+ def set_snap(self, snap: bool | None) -> None: ...
+ def get_sketch_params(self) -> tuple[float, float, float] | None: ...
+ def set_sketch_params(
+ self,
+ scale: float | None = ...,
+ length: float | None = ...,
+ randomness: float | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_path_effects(self, path_effects: list[AbstractPathEffect]) -> None: ...
+ def get_path_effects(self) -> list[AbstractPathEffect]: ...
+ def get_figure(self) -> Figure | None: ...
+ def set_figure(self, fig: Figure) -> None: ...
+ def set_clip_box(self, clipbox: BboxBase | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_clip_path(
+ self,
+ path: Patch | Path | TransformedPath | TransformedPatchPath | None,
+ transform: Transform | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_alpha(self) -> float | None: ...
+ def get_visible(self) -> bool: ...
+ def get_animated(self) -> bool: ...
+ def get_in_layout(self) -> bool: ...
+ def get_clip_on(self) -> bool: ...
+ def get_clip_box(self) -> Bbox | None: ...
+ def get_clip_path(
+ self,
+ ) -> Patch | Path | TransformedPath | TransformedPatchPath | None: ...
+ def get_transformed_clip_path_and_affine(
+ self,
+ ) -> tuple[None, None] | tuple[Path, Transform]: ...
+ def set_clip_on(self, b: bool) -> None: ...
+ def get_rasterized(self) -> bool: ...
+ def set_rasterized(self, rasterized: bool) -> None: ...
+ def get_agg_filter(self) -> Callable[[ArrayLike, float], tuple[np.ndarray, float, float]] | None: ...
+ def set_agg_filter(
+ self, filter_func: Callable[[ArrayLike, float], tuple[np.ndarray, float, float]] | None
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def draw(self, renderer: RendererBase) -> None: ...
+ def set_alpha(self, alpha: float | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_visible(self, b: bool) -> None: ...
+ def set_animated(self, b: bool) -> None: ...
+ def set_in_layout(self, in_layout: bool) -> None: ...
+ def get_label(self) -> object: ...
+ def set_label(self, s: object) -> None: ...
+ def get_zorder(self) -> float: ...
+ def set_zorder(self, level: float) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def sticky_edges(self) -> _XYPair: ...
+ def update_from(self, other: Artist) -> None: ...
+ def properties(self) -> dict[str, Any]: ...
+ def update(self, props: dict[str, Any]) -> list[Any]: ...
+ def _internal_update(self, kwargs: Any) -> list[Any]: ...
+ def set(self, **kwargs: Any) -> list[Any]: ...
+ def findobj(
+ self,
+ match: None | Callable[[Artist], bool] | type[Artist] = ...,
+ include_self: bool = ...,
+ ) -> list[Artist]: ...
+ def get_cursor_data(self, event: MouseEvent) -> Any: ...
+ def format_cursor_data(self, data: Any) -> str: ...
+ def get_mouseover(self) -> bool: ...
+ def set_mouseover(self, mouseover: bool) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def mouseover(self) -> bool: ...
+ @mouseover.setter
+ def mouseover(self, mouseover: bool) -> None: ...
+class ArtistInspector:
+ oorig: Artist | type[Artist]
+ o: type[Artist]
+ aliasd: dict[str, set[str]]
+ def __init__(
+ self, o: Artist | type[Artist] | Iterable[Artist | type[Artist]]
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_aliases(self) -> dict[str, set[str]]: ...
+ def get_valid_values(self, attr: str) -> str | None: ...
+ def get_setters(self) -> list[str]: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def number_of_parameters(func: Callable) -> int: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def is_alias(method: Callable) -> bool: ...
+ def aliased_name(self, s: str) -> str: ...
+ def aliased_name_rest(self, s: str, target: str) -> str: ...
+ @overload
+ def pprint_setters(
+ self, prop: None = ..., leadingspace: int = ...
+ ) -> list[str]: ...
+ @overload
+ def pprint_setters(self, prop: str, leadingspace: int = ...) -> str: ...
+ @overload
+ def pprint_setters_rest(
+ self, prop: None = ..., leadingspace: int = ...
+ ) -> list[str]: ...
+ @overload
+ def pprint_setters_rest(self, prop: str, leadingspace: int = ...) -> str: ...
+ def properties(self) -> dict[str, Any]: ...
+ def pprint_getters(self) -> list[str]: ...
+def getp(obj: Artist, property: str | None = ...) -> Any: ...
+get = getp
+def setp(obj: Artist, *args, file: TextIO | None = ..., **kwargs) -> list[Any] | None: ...
+def kwdoc(artist: Artist | type[Artist] | Iterable[Artist | type[Artist]]) -> str: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/axes/__init__.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/axes/__init__.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7df38b8bde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/axes/__init__.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+from typing import TypeVar
+from ._axes import Axes as Axes
+_T = TypeVar("_T")
+# Backcompat.
+Subplot = Axes
+class _SubplotBaseMeta(type):
+ def __instancecheck__(self, obj) -> bool: ...
+class SubplotBase(metaclass=_SubplotBaseMeta): ...
+def subplot_class_factory(cls: type[_T]) -> type[_T]: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/axes/_axes.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/axes/_axes.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9602db3b95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/axes/_axes.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,767 @@
+from matplotlib.axes._base import _AxesBase
+from matplotlib.axes._secondary_axes import SecondaryAxis
+from matplotlib.artist import Artist
+from matplotlib.backend_bases import RendererBase
+from matplotlib.collections import (
+ Collection,
+ LineCollection,
+ BrokenBarHCollection,
+ PathCollection,
+ PolyCollection,
+ EventCollection,
+ QuadMesh,
+from matplotlib.colors import Colormap, Normalize
+from matplotlib.container import BarContainer, ErrorbarContainer, StemContainer
+from matplotlib.contour import ContourSet, QuadContourSet
+from matplotlib.image import AxesImage, PcolorImage
+from matplotlib.legend import Legend
+from matplotlib.legend_handler import HandlerBase
+from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
+from matplotlib.mlab import GaussianKDE
+from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle, FancyArrow, Polygon, StepPatch, Wedge
+from matplotlib.quiver import Quiver, QuiverKey, Barbs
+from matplotlib.text import Annotation, Text
+from matplotlib.transforms import Transform, Bbox
+import matplotlib.tri as mtri
+import matplotlib.table as mtable
+import matplotlib.stackplot as mstack
+import matplotlib.streamplot as mstream
+import datetime
+import PIL.Image
+from collections.abc import Callable, Sequence
+from typing import Any, Literal, overload
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+from matplotlib.typing import ColorType, MarkerType, LineStyleType
+class Axes(_AxesBase):
+ def get_title(self, loc: Literal["left", "center", "right"] = ...) -> str: ...
+ def set_title(
+ self,
+ label: str,
+ fontdict: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ loc: Literal["left", "center", "right"] | None = ...,
+ pad: float | None = ...,
+ *,
+ y: float | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> Text: ...
+ def get_legend_handles_labels(
+ self, legend_handler_map: dict[type, HandlerBase] | None = ...
+ ) -> tuple[list[Artist], list[Any]]: ...
+ legend_: Legend | None
+ @overload
+ def legend(self) -> Legend: ...
+ @overload
+ def legend(self, handles: Sequence[Artist | tuple[Artist, ...]], labels: Sequence[str], **kwargs) -> Legend: ...
+ @overload
+ def legend(self, *, handles: Sequence[Artist | tuple[Artist, ...]], **kwargs) -> Legend: ...
+ @overload
+ def legend(self, labels: Sequence[str], **kwargs) -> Legend: ...
+ @overload
+ def legend(self, **kwargs) -> Legend: ...
+ def inset_axes(
+ self,
+ bounds: tuple[float, float, float, float],
+ *,
+ transform: Transform | None = ...,
+ zorder: float = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> Axes: ...
+ def indicate_inset(
+ self,
+ bounds: tuple[float, float, float, float],
+ inset_ax: Axes | None = ...,
+ *,
+ transform: Transform | None = ...,
+ facecolor: ColorType = ...,
+ edgecolor: ColorType = ...,
+ alpha: float = ...,
+ zorder: float = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> Rectangle: ...
+ def indicate_inset_zoom(self, inset_ax: Axes, **kwargs) -> Rectangle: ...
+ def secondary_xaxis(
+ self,
+ location: Literal["top", "bottom"] | float,
+ *,
+ functions: tuple[
+ Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike], Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike]
+ ]
+ | Transform
+ | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> SecondaryAxis: ...
+ def secondary_yaxis(
+ self,
+ location: Literal["left", "right"] | float,
+ *,
+ functions: tuple[
+ Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike], Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike]
+ ]
+ | Transform
+ | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> SecondaryAxis: ...
+ def text(
+ self,
+ x: float,
+ y: float,
+ s: str,
+ fontdict: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> Text: ...
+ def annotate(
+ self,
+ text: str,
+ xy: tuple[float, float],
+ xytext: tuple[float, float] | None = ...,
+ xycoords: str
+ | Artist
+ | Transform
+ | Callable[[RendererBase], Bbox | Transform]
+ | tuple[float, float] = ...,
+ textcoords: str
+ | Artist
+ | Transform
+ | Callable[[RendererBase], Bbox | Transform]
+ | tuple[float, float]
+ | None = ...,
+ arrowprops: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ annotation_clip: bool | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> Annotation: ...
+ def axhline(
+ self, y: float = ..., xmin: float = ..., xmax: float = ..., **kwargs
+ ) -> Line2D: ...
+ def axvline(
+ self, x: float = ..., ymin: float = ..., ymax: float = ..., **kwargs
+ ) -> Line2D: ...
+ # TODO: Could separate the xy2 and slope signatures
+ def axline(
+ self,
+ xy1: tuple[float, float],
+ xy2: tuple[float, float] | None = ...,
+ *,
+ slope: float | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> Line2D: ...
+ def axhspan(
+ self, ymin: float, ymax: float, xmin: float = ..., xmax: float = ..., **kwargs
+ ) -> Polygon: ...
+ def axvspan(
+ self, xmin: float, xmax: float, ymin: float = ..., ymax: float = ..., **kwargs
+ ) -> Polygon: ...
+ def hlines(
+ self,
+ y: float | ArrayLike,
+ xmin: float | ArrayLike,
+ xmax: float | ArrayLike,
+ colors: ColorType | Sequence[ColorType] | None = ...,
+ linestyles: LineStyleType = ...,
+ label: str = ...,
+ *,
+ data=...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> LineCollection: ...
+ def vlines(
+ self,
+ x: float | ArrayLike,
+ ymin: float | ArrayLike,
+ ymax: float | ArrayLike,
+ colors: ColorType | Sequence[ColorType] | None = ...,
+ linestyles: LineStyleType = ...,
+ label: str = ...,
+ *,
+ data=...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> LineCollection: ...
+ def eventplot(
+ self,
+ positions: ArrayLike | Sequence[ArrayLike],
+ orientation: Literal["horizontal", "vertical"] = ...,
+ lineoffsets: float | Sequence[float] = ...,
+ linelengths: float | Sequence[float] = ...,
+ linewidths: float | Sequence[float] | None = ...,
+ colors: ColorType | Sequence[ColorType] | None = ...,
+ alpha: float | Sequence[float] | None = ...,
+ linestyles: LineStyleType | Sequence[LineStyleType] = ...,
+ *,
+ data=...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> EventCollection: ...
+ def plot(
+ self,
+ *args: float | ArrayLike | str,
+ scalex: bool = ...,
+ scaley: bool = ...,
+ data = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> list[Line2D]: ...
+ def plot_date(
+ self,
+ x: ArrayLike,
+ y: ArrayLike,
+ fmt: str = ...,
+ tz: str | datetime.tzinfo | None = ...,
+ xdate: bool = ...,
+ ydate: bool = ...,
+ *,
+ data=...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> list[Line2D]: ...
+ def loglog(self, *args, **kwargs) -> list[Line2D]: ...
+ def semilogx(self, *args, **kwargs) -> list[Line2D]: ...
+ def semilogy(self, *args, **kwargs) -> list[Line2D]: ...
+ def acorr(
+ self, x: ArrayLike, *, data=..., **kwargs
+ ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, LineCollection | Line2D, Line2D | None]: ...
+ def xcorr(
+ self,
+ x: ArrayLike,
+ y: ArrayLike,
+ normed: bool = ...,
+ detrend: Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike] = ...,
+ usevlines: bool = ...,
+ maxlags: int = ...,
+ *,
+ data = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, LineCollection | Line2D, Line2D | None]: ...
+ def step(
+ self,
+ x: ArrayLike,
+ y: ArrayLike,
+ *args,
+ where: Literal["pre", "post", "mid"] = ...,
+ data = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> list[Line2D]: ...
+ def bar(
+ self,
+ x: float | ArrayLike,
+ height: float | ArrayLike,
+ width: float | ArrayLike = ...,
+ bottom: float | ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ *,
+ align: Literal["center", "edge"] = ...,
+ data = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> BarContainer: ...
+ def barh(
+ self,
+ y: float | ArrayLike,
+ width: float | ArrayLike,
+ height: float | ArrayLike = ...,
+ left: float | ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ *,
+ align: Literal["center", "edge"] = ...,
+ data = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> BarContainer: ...
+ def bar_label(
+ self,
+ container: BarContainer,
+ labels: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ *,
+ fmt: str | Callable[[float], str] = ...,
+ label_type: Literal["center", "edge"] = ...,
+ padding: float = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> list[Annotation]: ...
+ def broken_barh(
+ self,
+ xranges: Sequence[tuple[float, float]],
+ yrange: tuple[float, float],
+ *,
+ data=...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> BrokenBarHCollection: ...
+ def stem(
+ self,
+ *args: ArrayLike | str,
+ linefmt: str | None = ...,
+ markerfmt: str | None = ...,
+ basefmt: str | None = ...,
+ bottom: float = ...,
+ label: str | None = ...,
+ orientation: Literal["vertical", "horizontal"] = ...,
+ data=...,
+ ) -> StemContainer: ...
+ # TODO: data kwarg preprocessor?
+ def pie(
+ self,
+ x: ArrayLike,
+ explode: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ labels: Sequence[str] | None = ...,
+ colors: ColorType | Sequence[ColorType] | None = ...,
+ autopct: str | Callable[[float], str] | None = ...,
+ pctdistance: float = ...,
+ shadow: bool = ...,
+ labeldistance: float | None = ...,
+ startangle: float = ...,
+ radius: float = ...,
+ counterclock: bool = ...,
+ wedgeprops: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ textprops: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ center: tuple[float, float] = ...,
+ frame: bool = ...,
+ rotatelabels: bool = ...,
+ *,
+ normalize: bool = ...,
+ hatch: str | Sequence[str] | None = ...,
+ data=...,
+ ) -> tuple[list[Wedge], list[Text]] | tuple[
+ list[Wedge], list[Text], list[Text]
+ ]: ...
+ def errorbar(
+ self,
+ x: float | ArrayLike,
+ y: float | ArrayLike,
+ yerr: float | ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ xerr: float | ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ fmt: str = ...,
+ ecolor: ColorType | None = ...,
+ elinewidth: float | None = ...,
+ capsize: float | None = ...,
+ barsabove: bool = ...,
+ lolims: bool | ArrayLike = ...,
+ uplims: bool | ArrayLike = ...,
+ xlolims: bool | ArrayLike = ...,
+ xuplims: bool | ArrayLike = ...,
+ errorevery: int | tuple[int, int] = ...,
+ capthick: float | None = ...,
+ *,
+ data=...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> ErrorbarContainer: ...
+ def boxplot(
+ self,
+ x: ArrayLike | Sequence[ArrayLike],
+ notch: bool | None = ...,
+ sym: str | None = ...,
+ vert: bool | None = ...,
+ whis: float | tuple[float, float] | None = ...,
+ positions: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ widths: float | ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ patch_artist: bool | None = ...,
+ bootstrap: int | None = ...,
+ usermedians: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ conf_intervals: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ meanline: bool | None = ...,
+ showmeans: bool | None = ...,
+ showcaps: bool | None = ...,
+ showbox: bool | None = ...,
+ showfliers: bool | None = ...,
+ boxprops: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ labels: Sequence[str] | None = ...,
+ flierprops: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ medianprops: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ meanprops: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ capprops: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ whiskerprops: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ manage_ticks: bool = ...,
+ autorange: bool = ...,
+ zorder: float | None = ...,
+ capwidths: float | ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ *,
+ data=...,
+ ) -> dict[str, Any]: ...
+ def bxp(
+ self,
+ bxpstats: Sequence[dict[str, Any]],
+ positions: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ widths: float | ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ vert: bool = ...,
+ patch_artist: bool = ...,
+ shownotches: bool = ...,
+ showmeans: bool = ...,
+ showcaps: bool = ...,
+ showbox: bool = ...,
+ showfliers: bool = ...,
+ boxprops: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ whiskerprops: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ flierprops: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ medianprops: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ capprops: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ meanprops: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ meanline: bool = ...,
+ manage_ticks: bool = ...,
+ zorder: float | None = ...,
+ capwidths: float | ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ ) -> dict[str, Any]: ...
+ def scatter(
+ self,
+ x: float | ArrayLike,
+ y: float | ArrayLike,
+ s: float | ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ c: ArrayLike | Sequence[ColorType] | ColorType | None = ...,
+ marker: MarkerType | None = ...,
+ cmap: str | Colormap | None = ...,
+ norm: str | Normalize | None = ...,
+ vmin: float | None = ...,
+ vmax: float | None = ...,
+ alpha: float | None = ...,
+ linewidths: float | Sequence[float] | None = ...,
+ *,
+ edgecolors: Literal["face", "none"] | ColorType | Sequence[ColorType] | None = ...,
+ plotnonfinite: bool = ...,
+ data=...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> PathCollection: ...
+ def hexbin(
+ self,
+ x: ArrayLike,
+ y: ArrayLike,
+ C: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ gridsize: int | tuple[int, int] = ...,
+ bins: Literal["log"] | int | Sequence[float] | None = ...,
+ xscale: Literal["linear", "log"] = ...,
+ yscale: Literal["linear", "log"] = ...,
+ extent: tuple[float, float, float, float] | None = ...,
+ cmap: str | Colormap | None = ...,
+ norm: str | Normalize | None = ...,
+ vmin: float | None = ...,
+ vmax: float | None = ...,
+ alpha: float | None = ...,
+ linewidths: float | None = ...,
+ edgecolors: Literal["face", "none"] | ColorType = ...,
+ reduce_C_function: Callable[[np.ndarray | list[float]], float] = ...,
+ mincnt: int | None = ...,
+ marginals: bool = ...,
+ *,
+ data=...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> PolyCollection: ...
+ def arrow(
+ self, x: float, y: float, dx: float, dy: float, **kwargs
+ ) -> FancyArrow: ...
+ def quiverkey(
+ self, Q: Quiver, X: float, Y: float, U: float, label: str, **kwargs
+ ) -> QuiverKey: ...
+ def quiver(self, *args, data=..., **kwargs) -> Quiver: ...
+ def barbs(self, *args, data=..., **kwargs) -> Barbs: ...
+ def fill(self, *args, data=..., **kwargs) -> list[Polygon]: ...
+ def fill_between(
+ self,
+ x: ArrayLike,
+ y1: ArrayLike | float,
+ y2: ArrayLike | float = ...,
+ where: Sequence[bool] | None = ...,
+ interpolate: bool = ...,
+ step: Literal["pre", "post", "mid"] | None = ...,
+ *,
+ data=...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> PolyCollection: ...
+ def fill_betweenx(
+ self,
+ y: ArrayLike,
+ x1: ArrayLike | float,
+ x2: ArrayLike | float = ...,
+ where: Sequence[bool] | None = ...,
+ step: Literal["pre", "post", "mid"] | None = ...,
+ interpolate: bool = ...,
+ *,
+ data=...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> PolyCollection: ...
+ def imshow(
+ self,
+ X: ArrayLike | PIL.Image.Image,
+ cmap: str | Colormap | None = ...,
+ norm: str | Normalize | None = ...,
+ *,
+ aspect: Literal["equal", "auto"] | float | None = ...,
+ interpolation: str | None = ...,
+ alpha: float | ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ vmin: float | None = ...,
+ vmax: float | None = ...,
+ origin: Literal["upper", "lower"] | None = ...,
+ extent: tuple[float, float, float, float] | None = ...,
+ interpolation_stage: Literal["data", "rgba"] | None = ...,
+ filternorm: bool = ...,
+ filterrad: float = ...,
+ resample: bool | None = ...,
+ url: str | None = ...,
+ data=...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> AxesImage: ...
+ def pcolor(
+ self,
+ *args: ArrayLike,
+ shading: Literal["flat", "nearest", "auto"] | None = ...,
+ alpha: float | None = ...,
+ norm: str | Normalize | None = ...,
+ cmap: str | Colormap | None = ...,
+ vmin: float | None = ...,
+ vmax: float | None = ...,
+ data=...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> Collection: ...
+ def pcolormesh(
+ self,
+ *args: ArrayLike,
+ alpha: float | None = ...,
+ norm: str | Normalize | None = ...,
+ cmap: str | Colormap | None = ...,
+ vmin: float | None = ...,
+ vmax: float | None = ...,
+ shading: Literal["flat", "nearest", "gouraud", "auto"] | None = ...,
+ antialiased: bool = ...,
+ data=...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> QuadMesh: ...
+ def pcolorfast(
+ self,
+ *args: ArrayLike | tuple[float, float],
+ alpha: float | None = ...,
+ norm: str | Normalize | None = ...,
+ cmap: str | Colormap | None = ...,
+ vmin: float | None = ...,
+ vmax: float | None = ...,
+ data=...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> AxesImage | PcolorImage | QuadMesh: ...
+ def contour(self, *args, data=..., **kwargs) -> QuadContourSet: ...
+ def contourf(self, *args, data=..., **kwargs) -> QuadContourSet: ...
+ def clabel(
+ self, CS: ContourSet, levels: ArrayLike | None = ..., **kwargs
+ ) -> list[Text]: ...
+ def hist(
+ self,
+ x: ArrayLike | Sequence[ArrayLike],
+ bins: int | Sequence[float] | str | None = ...,
+ range: tuple[float, float] | None = ...,
+ density: bool = ...,
+ weights: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ cumulative: bool | float = ...,
+ bottom: ArrayLike | float | None = ...,
+ histtype: Literal["bar", "barstacked", "step", "stepfilled"] = ...,
+ align: Literal["left", "mid", "right"] = ...,
+ orientation: Literal["vertical", "horizontal"] = ...,
+ rwidth: float | None = ...,
+ log: bool = ...,
+ color: ColorType | Sequence[ColorType] | None = ...,
+ label: str | Sequence[str] | None = ...,
+ stacked: bool = ...,
+ *,
+ data=...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> tuple[
+ np.ndarray | list[np.ndarray],
+ np.ndarray,
+ BarContainer | Polygon | list[BarContainer | Polygon],
+ ]: ...
+ def stairs(
+ self,
+ values: ArrayLike,
+ edges: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ *,
+ orientation: Literal["vertical", "horizontal"] = ...,
+ baseline: float | ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ fill: bool = ...,
+ data=...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> StepPatch: ...
+ def hist2d(
+ self,
+ x: ArrayLike,
+ y: ArrayLike,
+ bins: None
+ | int
+ | tuple[int, int]
+ | ArrayLike
+ | tuple[ArrayLike, ArrayLike] = ...,
+ range: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ density: bool = ...,
+ weights: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ cmin: float | None = ...,
+ cmax: float | None = ...,
+ *,
+ data=...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, QuadMesh]: ...
+ def ecdf(
+ self,
+ x: ArrayLike,
+ weights: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ *,
+ complementary: bool=...,
+ orientation: Literal["vertical", "horizonatal"]=...,
+ compress: bool=...,
+ data=...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> Line2D: ...
+ def psd(
+ self,
+ x: ArrayLike,
+ NFFT: int | None = ...,
+ Fs: float | None = ...,
+ Fc: int | None = ...,
+ detrend: Literal["none", "mean", "linear"]
+ | Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike]
+ | None = ...,
+ window: Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike] | ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ noverlap: int | None = ...,
+ pad_to: int | None = ...,
+ sides: Literal["default", "onesided", "twosided"] | None = ...,
+ scale_by_freq: bool | None = ...,
+ return_line: bool | None = ...,
+ *,
+ data=...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] | tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, Line2D]: ...
+ def csd(
+ self,
+ x: ArrayLike,
+ y: ArrayLike,
+ NFFT: int | None = ...,
+ Fs: float | None = ...,
+ Fc: int | None = ...,
+ detrend: Literal["none", "mean", "linear"]
+ | Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike]
+ | None = ...,
+ window: Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike] | ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ noverlap: int | None = ...,
+ pad_to: int | None = ...,
+ sides: Literal["default", "onesided", "twosided"] | None = ...,
+ scale_by_freq: bool | None = ...,
+ return_line: bool | None = ...,
+ *,
+ data=...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] | tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, Line2D]: ...
+ def magnitude_spectrum(
+ self,
+ x: ArrayLike,
+ Fs: float | None = ...,
+ Fc: int | None = ...,
+ window: Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike] | ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ pad_to: int | None = ...,
+ sides: Literal["default", "onesided", "twosided"] | None = ...,
+ scale: Literal["default", "linear", "dB"] | None = ...,
+ *,
+ data=...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, Line2D]: ...
+ def angle_spectrum(
+ self,
+ x: ArrayLike,
+ Fs: float | None = ...,
+ Fc: int | None = ...,
+ window: Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike] | ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ pad_to: int | None = ...,
+ sides: Literal["default", "onesided", "twosided"] | None = ...,
+ *,
+ data=...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, Line2D]: ...
+ def phase_spectrum(
+ self,
+ x: ArrayLike,
+ Fs: float | None = ...,
+ Fc: int | None = ...,
+ window: Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike] | ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ pad_to: int | None = ...,
+ sides: Literal["default", "onesided", "twosided"] | None = ...,
+ *,
+ data=...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, Line2D]: ...
+ def cohere(
+ self,
+ x: ArrayLike,
+ y: ArrayLike,
+ NFFT: int = ...,
+ Fs: float = ...,
+ Fc: int = ...,
+ detrend: Literal["none", "mean", "linear"]
+ | Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike] = ...,
+ window: Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike] | ArrayLike = ...,
+ noverlap: int = ...,
+ pad_to: int | None = ...,
+ sides: Literal["default", "onesided", "twosided"] = ...,
+ scale_by_freq: bool | None = ...,
+ *,
+ data=...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: ...
+ def specgram(
+ self,
+ x: ArrayLike,
+ NFFT: int | None = ...,
+ Fs: float | None = ...,
+ Fc: int | None = ...,
+ detrend: Literal["none", "mean", "linear"]
+ | Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike]
+ | None = ...,
+ window: Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike] | ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ noverlap: int | None = ...,
+ cmap: str | Colormap | None = ...,
+ xextent: tuple[float, float] | None = ...,
+ pad_to: int | None = ...,
+ sides: Literal["default", "onesided", "twosided"] | None = ...,
+ scale_by_freq: bool | None = ...,
+ mode: Literal["default", "psd", "magnitude", "angle", "phase"] | None = ...,
+ scale: Literal["default", "linear", "dB"] | None = ...,
+ vmin: float | None = ...,
+ vmax: float | None = ...,
+ *,
+ data=...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, AxesImage]: ...
+ def spy(
+ self,
+ Z: ArrayLike,
+ precision: float | Literal["present"] = ...,
+ marker: str | None = ...,
+ markersize: float | None = ...,
+ aspect: Literal["equal", "auto"] | float | None = ...,
+ origin: Literal["upper", "lower"] = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> AxesImage: ...
+ def matshow(self, Z: ArrayLike, **kwargs) -> AxesImage: ...
+ def violinplot(
+ self,
+ dataset: ArrayLike | Sequence[ArrayLike],
+ positions: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ vert: bool = ...,
+ widths: float | ArrayLike = ...,
+ showmeans: bool = ...,
+ showextrema: bool = ...,
+ showmedians: bool = ...,
+ quantiles: Sequence[float | Sequence[float]] | None = ...,
+ points: int = ...,
+ bw_method: Literal["scott", "silverman"]
+ | float
+ | Callable[[GaussianKDE], float]
+ | None = ...,
+ *,
+ data=...,
+ ) -> dict[str, Collection]: ...
+ def violin(
+ self,
+ vpstats: Sequence[dict[str, Any]],
+ positions: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ vert: bool = ...,
+ widths: float | ArrayLike = ...,
+ showmeans: bool = ...,
+ showextrema: bool = ...,
+ showmedians: bool = ...,
+ ) -> dict[str, Collection]: ...
+ table = mtable.table
+ stackplot = mstack.stackplot
+ streamplot = mstream.streamplot
+ tricontour = mtri.tricontour
+ tricontourf = mtri.tricontourf
+ tripcolor = mtri.tripcolor
+ triplot = mtri.triplot
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/axes/_base.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/axes/_base.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6adbb3e6f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/axes/_base.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
+import matplotlib.artist as martist
+import datetime
+from collections.abc import Callable, Iterable, Iterator, Sequence
+from matplotlib import cbook
+from matplotlib.artist import Artist
+from matplotlib.axis import XAxis, YAxis, Tick
+from matplotlib.backend_bases import RendererBase, MouseButton, MouseEvent
+from matplotlib.cbook import CallbackRegistry
+from matplotlib.container import Container
+from matplotlib.collections import Collection
+from matplotlib.cm import ScalarMappable
+from matplotlib.legend import Legend
+from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
+from matplotlib.gridspec import SubplotSpec, GridSpec
+from matplotlib.figure import Figure
+from matplotlib.image import AxesImage
+from matplotlib.patches import Patch
+from matplotlib.scale import ScaleBase
+from matplotlib.spines import Spines
+from matplotlib.table import Table
+from matplotlib.text import Text
+from matplotlib.transforms import Transform, Bbox
+from cycler import Cycler
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+from typing import Any, Literal, TypeVar, overload
+from matplotlib.typing import ColorType
+_T = TypeVar("_T", bound=Artist)
+class _axis_method_wrapper:
+ attr_name: str
+ method_name: str
+ __doc__: str
+ def __init__(
+ self, attr_name: str, method_name: str, *, doc_sub: dict[str, str] | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def __set_name__(self, owner: Any, name: str) -> None: ...
+class _AxesBase(martist.Artist):
+ name: str
+ patch: Patch
+ spines: Spines
+ fmt_xdata: Callable[[float], str] | None
+ fmt_ydata: Callable[[float], str] | None
+ xaxis: XAxis
+ yaxis: YAxis
+ bbox: Bbox
+ dataLim: Bbox
+ transAxes: Transform
+ transScale: Transform
+ transLimits: Transform
+ transData: Transform
+ ignore_existing_data_limits: bool
+ axison: bool
+ containers: list[Container]
+ callbacks: CallbackRegistry
+ child_axes: list[_AxesBase]
+ legend_: Legend | None
+ title: Text
+ _projection_init: Any
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ fig: Figure,
+ *args: tuple[float, float, float, float] | Bbox | int,
+ facecolor: ColorType | None = ...,
+ frameon: bool = ...,
+ sharex: _AxesBase | None = ...,
+ sharey: _AxesBase | None = ...,
+ label: Any = ...,
+ xscale: str | ScaleBase | None = ...,
+ yscale: str | ScaleBase | None = ...,
+ box_aspect: float | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_subplotspec(self) -> SubplotSpec | None: ...
+ def set_subplotspec(self, subplotspec: SubplotSpec) -> None: ...
+ def get_gridspec(self) -> GridSpec | None: ...
+ def set_figure(self, fig: Figure) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def viewLim(self) -> Bbox: ...
+ def get_xaxis_transform(
+ self, which: Literal["grid", "tick1", "tick2"] = ...
+ ) -> Transform: ...
+ def get_xaxis_text1_transform(
+ self, pad_points: float
+ ) -> tuple[
+ Transform,
+ Literal["center", "top", "bottom", "baseline", "center_baseline"],
+ Literal["center", "left", "right"],
+ ]: ...
+ def get_xaxis_text2_transform(
+ self, pad_points
+ ) -> tuple[
+ Transform,
+ Literal["center", "top", "bottom", "baseline", "center_baseline"],
+ Literal["center", "left", "right"],
+ ]: ...
+ def get_yaxis_transform(
+ self, which: Literal["grid", "tick1", "tick2"] = ...
+ ) -> Transform: ...
+ def get_yaxis_text1_transform(
+ self, pad_points
+ ) -> tuple[
+ Transform,
+ Literal["center", "top", "bottom", "baseline", "center_baseline"],
+ Literal["center", "left", "right"],
+ ]: ...
+ def get_yaxis_text2_transform(
+ self, pad_points
+ ) -> tuple[
+ Transform,
+ Literal["center", "top", "bottom", "baseline", "center_baseline"],
+ Literal["center", "left", "right"],
+ ]: ...
+ def get_position(self, original: bool = ...) -> Bbox: ...
+ def set_position(
+ self,
+ pos: Bbox | tuple[float, float, float, float],
+ which: Literal["both", "active", "original"] = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def reset_position(self) -> None: ...
+ def set_axes_locator(
+ self, locator: Callable[[_AxesBase, RendererBase], Bbox]
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_axes_locator(self) -> Callable[[_AxesBase, RendererBase], Bbox]: ...
+ def sharex(self, other: _AxesBase) -> None: ...
+ def sharey(self, other: _AxesBase) -> None: ...
+ def clear(self) -> None: ...
+ def cla(self) -> None: ...
+ class ArtistList(Sequence[_T]):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ axes: _AxesBase,
+ prop_name: str,
+ valid_types: type | Iterable[type] | None = ...,
+ invalid_types: type | Iterable[type] | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def __len__(self) -> int: ...
+ def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[_T]: ...
+ @overload
+ def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> _T: ...
+ @overload
+ def __getitem__(self, key: slice) -> list[_T]: ...
+ @overload
+ def __add__(self, other: _AxesBase.ArtistList[_T]) -> list[_T]: ...
+ @overload
+ def __add__(self, other: list[Any]) -> list[Any]: ...
+ @overload
+ def __add__(self, other: tuple[Any]) -> tuple[Any]: ...
+ @overload
+ def __radd__(self, other: _AxesBase.ArtistList[_T]) -> list[_T]: ...
+ @overload
+ def __radd__(self, other: list[Any]) -> list[Any]: ...
+ @overload
+ def __radd__(self, other: tuple[Any]) -> tuple[Any]: ...
+ @property
+ def artists(self) -> _AxesBase.ArtistList[Artist]: ...
+ @property
+ def collections(self) -> _AxesBase.ArtistList[Collection]: ...
+ @property
+ def images(self) -> _AxesBase.ArtistList[AxesImage]: ...
+ @property
+ def lines(self) -> _AxesBase.ArtistList[Line2D]: ...
+ @property
+ def patches(self) -> _AxesBase.ArtistList[Patch]: ...
+ @property
+ def tables(self) -> _AxesBase.ArtistList[Table]: ...
+ @property
+ def texts(self) -> _AxesBase.ArtistList[Text]: ...
+ def get_facecolor(self) -> ColorType: ...
+ def set_facecolor(self, color: ColorType | None) -> None: ...
+ @overload
+ def set_prop_cycle(self, cycler: Cycler) -> None: ...
+ @overload
+ def set_prop_cycle(self, label: str, values: Iterable[Any]) -> None: ...
+ @overload
+ def set_prop_cycle(self, **kwargs: Iterable[Any]) -> None: ...
+ def get_aspect(self) -> float | Literal["auto"]: ...
+ def set_aspect(
+ self,
+ aspect: float | Literal["auto", "equal"],
+ adjustable: Literal["box", "datalim"] | None = ...,
+ anchor: str | tuple[float, float] | None = ...,
+ share: bool = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_adjustable(self) -> Literal["box", "datalim"]: ...
+ def set_adjustable(
+ self, adjustable: Literal["box", "datalim"], share: bool = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_box_aspect(self) -> float | None: ...
+ def set_box_aspect(self, aspect: float | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def get_anchor(self) -> str | tuple[float, float]: ...
+ def set_anchor(
+ self, anchor: str | tuple[float, float], share: bool = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_data_ratio(self) -> float: ...
+ def apply_aspect(self, position: Bbox | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ @overload
+ def axis(
+ self,
+ arg: tuple[float, float, float, float] | bool | str | None = ...,
+ /,
+ *,
+ emit: bool = ...
+ ) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]: ...
+ @overload
+ def axis(
+ self,
+ *,
+ emit: bool = ...,
+ xmin: float | None = ...,
+ xmax: float | None = ...,
+ ymin: float | None = ...,
+ ymax: float | None = ...
+ ) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]: ...
+ def get_legend(self) -> Legend: ...
+ def get_images(self) -> list[AxesImage]: ...
+ def get_lines(self) -> list[Line2D]: ...
+ def get_xaxis(self) -> XAxis: ...
+ def get_yaxis(self) -> YAxis: ...
+ def has_data(self) -> bool: ...
+ def add_artist(self, a: Artist) -> Artist: ...
+ def add_child_axes(self, ax: _AxesBase) -> _AxesBase: ...
+ def add_collection(
+ self, collection: Collection, autolim: bool = ...
+ ) -> Collection: ...
+ def add_image(self, image: AxesImage) -> AxesImage: ...
+ def add_line(self, line: Line2D) -> Line2D: ...
+ def add_patch(self, p: Patch) -> Patch: ...
+ def add_table(self, tab: Table) -> Table: ...
+ def add_container(self, container: Container) -> Container: ...
+ def relim(self, visible_only: bool = ...) -> None: ...
+ def update_datalim(
+ self, xys: ArrayLike, updatex: bool = ..., updatey: bool = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def in_axes(self, mouseevent: MouseEvent) -> bool: ...
+ def get_autoscale_on(self) -> bool: ...
+ def set_autoscale_on(self, b: bool) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def use_sticky_edges(self) -> bool: ...
+ @use_sticky_edges.setter
+ def use_sticky_edges(self, b: bool) -> None: ...
+ def set_xmargin(self, m: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_ymargin(self, m: float) -> None: ...
+ # Probably could be made better with overloads
+ def margins(
+ self,
+ *margins: float,
+ x: float | None = ...,
+ y: float | None = ...,
+ tight: bool | None = ...
+ ) -> tuple[float, float] | None: ...
+ def set_rasterization_zorder(self, z: float | None) -> None: ...
+ def get_rasterization_zorder(self) -> float | None: ...
+ def autoscale(
+ self,
+ enable: bool = ...,
+ axis: Literal["both", "x", "y"] = ...,
+ tight: bool | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def autoscale_view(
+ self, tight: bool | None = ..., scalex: bool = ..., scaley: bool = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def draw_artist(self, a: Artist) -> None: ...
+ def redraw_in_frame(self) -> None: ...
+ def get_frame_on(self) -> bool: ...
+ def set_frame_on(self, b: bool) -> None: ...
+ def get_axisbelow(self) -> bool | Literal["line"]: ...
+ def set_axisbelow(self, b: bool | Literal["line"]) -> None: ...
+ def grid(
+ self,
+ visible: bool | None = ...,
+ which: Literal["major", "minor", "both"] = ...,
+ axis: Literal["both", "x", "y"] = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def ticklabel_format(
+ self,
+ *,
+ axis: Literal["both", "x", "y"] = ...,
+ style: Literal["", "sci", "scientific", "plain"] = ...,
+ scilimits: tuple[int, int] | None = ...,
+ useOffset: bool | float | None = ...,
+ useLocale: bool | None = ...,
+ useMathText: bool | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def locator_params(
+ self, axis: Literal["both", "x", "y"] = ..., tight: bool | None = ..., **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def tick_params(self, axis: Literal["both", "x", "y"] = ..., **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ def set_axis_off(self) -> None: ...
+ def set_axis_on(self) -> None: ...
+ def get_xlabel(self) -> str: ...
+ def set_xlabel(
+ self,
+ xlabel: str,
+ fontdict: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ labelpad: float | None = ...,
+ *,
+ loc: Literal["left", "center", "right"] | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> Text: ...
+ def invert_xaxis(self) -> None: ...
+ def get_xbound(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ def set_xbound(
+ self, lower: float | None = ..., upper: float | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_xlim(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ def set_xlim(
+ self,
+ left: float | tuple[float, float] | None = ...,
+ right: float | None = ...,
+ *,
+ emit: bool = ...,
+ auto: bool | None = ...,
+ xmin: float | None = ...,
+ xmax: float | None = ...
+ ) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ def get_ylabel(self) -> str: ...
+ def set_ylabel(
+ self,
+ ylabel: str,
+ fontdict: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ labelpad: float | None = ...,
+ *,
+ loc: Literal["bottom", "center", "top"] | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> Text: ...
+ def invert_yaxis(self) -> None: ...
+ def get_ybound(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ def set_ybound(
+ self, lower: float | None = ..., upper: float | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_ylim(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ def set_ylim(
+ self,
+ bottom: float | tuple[float, float] | None = ...,
+ top: float | None = ...,
+ *,
+ emit: bool = ...,
+ auto: bool | None = ...,
+ ymin: float | None = ...,
+ ymax: float | None = ...
+ ) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ def format_xdata(self, x: float) -> str: ...
+ def format_ydata(self, y: float) -> str: ...
+ def format_coord(self, x: float, y: float) -> str: ...
+ def minorticks_on(self) -> None: ...
+ def minorticks_off(self) -> None: ...
+ def can_zoom(self) -> bool: ...
+ def can_pan(self) -> bool: ...
+ def get_navigate(self) -> bool: ...
+ def set_navigate(self, b: bool) -> None: ...
+ def get_navigate_mode(self) -> Literal["PAN", "ZOOM"] | None: ...
+ def set_navigate_mode(self, b: Literal["PAN", "ZOOM"] | None) -> None: ...
+ def start_pan(self, x: float, y: float, button: MouseButton) -> None: ...
+ def end_pan(self) -> None: ...
+ def drag_pan(
+ self, button: MouseButton, key: str | None, x: float, y: float
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_children(self) -> list[Artist]: ...
+ def contains_point(self, point: tuple[int, int]) -> bool: ...
+ def get_default_bbox_extra_artists(self) -> list[Artist]: ...
+ def get_tightbbox(
+ self,
+ renderer: RendererBase | None = ...,
+ *,
+ call_axes_locator: bool = ...,
+ bbox_extra_artists: Sequence[Artist] | None = ...,
+ for_layout_only: bool = ...
+ ) -> Bbox | None: ...
+ def twinx(self) -> _AxesBase: ...
+ def twiny(self) -> _AxesBase: ...
+ def get_shared_x_axes(self) -> cbook.GrouperView: ...
+ def get_shared_y_axes(self) -> cbook.GrouperView: ...
+ def label_outer(self, remove_inner_ticks: bool = ...) -> None: ...
+ # The methods underneath this line are added via the `_axis_method_wrapper` class
+ # Initially they are set to an object, but that object uses `__set_name__` to override
+ # itself with a method modified from the Axis methods for the x or y Axis.
+ # As such, they are typed according to the resultant method rather than as that object.
+ def get_xgridlines(self) -> list[Line2D]: ...
+ def get_xticklines(self, minor: bool = ...) -> list[Line2D]: ...
+ def get_ygridlines(self) -> list[Line2D]: ...
+ def get_yticklines(self, minor: bool = ...) -> list[Line2D]: ...
+ def _sci(self, im: ScalarMappable) -> None: ...
+ def get_autoscalex_on(self) -> bool: ...
+ def get_autoscaley_on(self) -> bool: ...
+ def set_autoscalex_on(self, b: bool) -> None: ...
+ def set_autoscaley_on(self, b: bool) -> None: ...
+ def xaxis_inverted(self) -> bool: ...
+ def get_xscale(self) -> str: ...
+ def set_xscale(self, value: str | ScaleBase, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ def get_xticks(self, *, minor: bool = ...) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def set_xticks(
+ self,
+ ticks: ArrayLike,
+ labels: Iterable[str] | None = ...,
+ *,
+ minor: bool = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> list[Tick]: ...
+ def get_xmajorticklabels(self) -> list[Text]: ...
+ def get_xminorticklabels(self) -> list[Text]: ...
+ def get_xticklabels(
+ self, minor: bool = ..., which: Literal["major", "minor", "both"] | None = ...
+ ) -> list[Text]: ...
+ def set_xticklabels(
+ self,
+ labels: Iterable[str | Text],
+ *,
+ minor: bool = ...,
+ fontdict: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> list[Text]: ...
+ def yaxis_inverted(self) -> bool: ...
+ def get_yscale(self) -> str: ...
+ def set_yscale(self, value: str | ScaleBase, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ def get_yticks(self, *, minor: bool = ...) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def set_yticks(
+ self,
+ ticks: ArrayLike,
+ labels: Iterable[str] | None = ...,
+ *,
+ minor: bool = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> list[Tick]: ...
+ def get_ymajorticklabels(self) -> list[Text]: ...
+ def get_yminorticklabels(self) -> list[Text]: ...
+ def get_yticklabels(
+ self, minor: bool = ..., which: Literal["major", "minor", "both"] | None = ...
+ ) -> list[Text]: ...
+ def set_yticklabels(
+ self,
+ labels: Iterable[str | Text],
+ *,
+ minor: bool = ...,
+ fontdict: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> list[Text]: ...
+ def xaxis_date(self, tz: str | datetime.tzinfo | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def yaxis_date(self, tz: str | datetime.tzinfo | None = ...) -> None: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/axes/_secondary_axes.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/axes/_secondary_axes.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dcf1d2eb77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/axes/_secondary_axes.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+from matplotlib.axes._base import _AxesBase
+from matplotlib.axis import Tick
+from matplotlib.transforms import Transform
+from collections.abc import Callable, Iterable
+from typing import Literal
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+from matplotlib.typing import ColorType
+class SecondaryAxis(_AxesBase):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ parent: _AxesBase,
+ orientation: Literal["x", "y"],
+ location: Literal["top", "bottom", "right", "left"] | float,
+ functions: tuple[
+ Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike], Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike]
+ ]
+ | Transform,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_alignment(
+ self, align: Literal["top", "bottom", "right", "left"]
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_location(
+ self, location: Literal["top", "bottom", "right", "left"] | float
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_ticks(
+ self,
+ ticks: ArrayLike,
+ labels: Iterable[str] | None = ...,
+ *,
+ minor: bool = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> list[Tick]: ...
+ def set_functions(
+ self,
+ functions: tuple[Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike], Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike]] | Transform,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_aspect(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ def set_color(self, color: ColorType) -> None: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/axis.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/axis.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5ca8fcb6fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/axis.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+from collections.abc import Callable, Iterable, Sequence
+import datetime
+from typing import Any, Literal, overload
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+import matplotlib.artist as martist
+from matplotlib import cbook
+from matplotlib.axes import Axes
+from matplotlib.backend_bases import RendererBase
+from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
+from matplotlib.text import Text
+from matplotlib.ticker import Locator, Formatter
+from matplotlib.transforms import Transform, Bbox
+from matplotlib.typing import ColorType
+class Tick(martist.Artist):
+ axes: Axes
+ tick1line: Line2D
+ tick2line: Line2D
+ gridline: Line2D
+ label1: Text
+ label2: Text
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ axes: Axes,
+ loc: float,
+ *,
+ size: float | None = ...,
+ width: float | None = ...,
+ color: ColorType | None = ...,
+ tickdir: Literal["in", "inout", "out"] | None = ...,
+ pad: float | None = ...,
+ labelsize: float | None = ...,
+ labelcolor: ColorType | None = ...,
+ labelfontfamily: str | Sequence[str] | None = ...,
+ zorder: float | None = ...,
+ gridOn: bool | None = ...,
+ tick1On: bool = ...,
+ tick2On: bool = ...,
+ label1On: bool = ...,
+ label2On: bool = ...,
+ major: bool = ...,
+ labelrotation: float = ...,
+ grid_color: ColorType | None = ...,
+ grid_linestyle: str | None = ...,
+ grid_linewidth: float | None = ...,
+ grid_alpha: float | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_tickdir(self) -> Literal["in", "inout", "out"]: ...
+ def get_tick_padding(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_children(self) -> list[martist.Artist]: ...
+ stale: bool
+ def set_pad(self, val: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_pad(self) -> None: ...
+ def get_loc(self) -> float: ...
+ def set_label1(self, s: object) -> None: ...
+ def set_label(self, s: object) -> None: ...
+ def set_label2(self, s: object) -> None: ...
+ def set_url(self, url: str | None) -> None: ...
+ def get_view_interval(self) -> ArrayLike: ...
+ def update_position(self, loc: float) -> None: ...
+class XTick(Tick):
+ __name__: str
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ stale: bool
+ def update_position(self, loc: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_view_interval(self) -> np.ndarray: ...
+class YTick(Tick):
+ __name__: str
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ stale: bool
+ def update_position(self, loc: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_view_interval(self) -> np.ndarray: ...
+class Ticker:
+ def __init__(self) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def locator(self) -> Locator | None: ...
+ @locator.setter
+ def locator(self, locator: Locator) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def formatter(self) -> Formatter | None: ...
+ @formatter.setter
+ def formatter(self, formatter: Formatter) -> None: ...
+class _LazyTickList:
+ def __init__(self, major: bool) -> None: ...
+ # Replace return with Self when py3.9 is dropped
+ @overload
+ def __get__(self, instance: None, owner: None) -> _LazyTickList: ...
+ @overload
+ def __get__(self, instance: Axis, owner: type[Axis]) -> list[Tick]: ...
+class Axis(martist.Artist):
+ isDefault_label: bool
+ axes: Axes
+ major: Ticker
+ minor: Ticker
+ callbacks: cbook.CallbackRegistry
+ label: Text
+ offsetText: Text
+ labelpad: float
+ pickradius: float
+ def __init__(self, axes, *, pickradius: float = ...,
+ clear: bool = ...) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def isDefault_majloc(self) -> bool: ...
+ @isDefault_majloc.setter
+ def isDefault_majloc(self, value: bool) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def isDefault_majfmt(self) -> bool: ...
+ @isDefault_majfmt.setter
+ def isDefault_majfmt(self, value: bool) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def isDefault_minloc(self) -> bool: ...
+ @isDefault_minloc.setter
+ def isDefault_minloc(self, value: bool) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def isDefault_minfmt(self) -> bool: ...
+ @isDefault_minfmt.setter
+ def isDefault_minfmt(self, value: bool) -> None: ...
+ majorTicks: _LazyTickList
+ minorTicks: _LazyTickList
+ def get_remove_overlapping_locs(self) -> bool: ...
+ def set_remove_overlapping_locs(self, val: bool) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def remove_overlapping_locs(self) -> bool: ...
+ @remove_overlapping_locs.setter
+ def remove_overlapping_locs(self, val: bool) -> None: ...
+ stale: bool
+ def set_label_coords(
+ self, x: float, y: float, transform: Transform | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_transform(self) -> Transform: ...
+ def get_scale(self) -> str: ...
+ def limit_range_for_scale(
+ self, vmin: float, vmax: float
+ ) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ def get_children(self) -> list[martist.Artist]: ...
+ # TODO units
+ converter: Any
+ units: Any
+ def clear(self) -> None: ...
+ def reset_ticks(self) -> None: ...
+ def set_tick_params(
+ self,
+ which: Literal["major", "minor", "both"] = ...,
+ reset: bool = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_tick_params(
+ self, which: Literal["major", "minor"] = ...
+ ) -> dict[str, Any]: ...
+ def get_view_interval(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ def set_view_interval(
+ self, vmin: float, vmax: float, ignore: bool = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_data_interval(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ def set_data_interval(
+ self, vmin: float, vmax: float, ignore: bool = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_inverted(self) -> bool: ...
+ def set_inverted(self, inverted: bool) -> None: ...
+ def set_default_intervals(self) -> None: ...
+ def get_tightbbox(
+ self, renderer: RendererBase | None = ..., *, for_layout_only: bool = ...
+ ) -> Bbox | None: ...
+ def get_tick_padding(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_gridlines(self) -> list[Line2D]: ...
+ def get_label(self) -> Text: ...
+ def get_offset_text(self) -> Text: ...
+ def get_pickradius(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_majorticklabels(self) -> list[Text]: ...
+ def get_minorticklabels(self) -> list[Text]: ...
+ def get_ticklabels(
+ self, minor: bool = ..., which: Literal["major", "minor", "both"] | None = ...
+ ) -> list[Text]: ...
+ def get_majorticklines(self) -> list[Line2D]: ...
+ def get_minorticklines(self) -> list[Line2D]: ...
+ def get_ticklines(self, minor: bool = ...) -> list[Line2D]: ...
+ def get_majorticklocs(self) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def get_minorticklocs(self) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def get_ticklocs(self, *, minor: bool = ...) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def get_ticks_direction(self, minor: bool = ...) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def get_label_text(self) -> str: ...
+ def get_major_locator(self) -> Locator: ...
+ def get_minor_locator(self) -> Locator: ...
+ def get_major_formatter(self) -> Formatter: ...
+ def get_minor_formatter(self) -> Formatter: ...
+ def get_major_ticks(self, numticks: int | None = ...) -> list[Tick]: ...
+ def get_minor_ticks(self, numticks: int | None = ...) -> list[Tick]: ...
+ def grid(
+ self,
+ visible: bool | None = ...,
+ which: Literal["major", "minor", "both"] = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ # TODO units
+ def update_units(self, data): ...
+ def have_units(self) -> bool: ...
+ def convert_units(self, x): ...
+ def set_units(self, u) -> None: ...
+ def get_units(self): ...
+ def set_label_text(
+ self, label: str, fontdict: dict[str, Any] | None = ..., **kwargs
+ ) -> Text: ...
+ def set_major_formatter(
+ self, formatter: Formatter | str | Callable[[float, float], str]
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_minor_formatter(
+ self, formatter: Formatter | str | Callable[[float, float], str]
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_major_locator(self, locator: Locator) -> None: ...
+ def set_minor_locator(self, locator: Locator) -> None: ...
+ def set_pickradius(self, pickradius: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_ticklabels(
+ self,
+ labels: Iterable[str | Text],
+ *,
+ minor: bool = ...,
+ fontdict: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> list[Text]: ...
+ def set_ticks(
+ self,
+ ticks: ArrayLike,
+ labels: Iterable[str] | None = ...,
+ *,
+ minor: bool = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> list[Tick]: ...
+ def axis_date(self, tz: str | datetime.tzinfo | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def get_tick_space(self) -> int: ...
+ def get_label_position(self) -> Literal["top", "bottom"]: ...
+ def set_label_position(
+ self, position: Literal["top", "bottom", "left", "right"]
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_minpos(self) -> float: ...
+class XAxis(Axis):
+ __name__: str
+ axis_name: str
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ label_position: Literal["bottom", "top"]
+ stale: bool
+ def set_label_position(self, position: Literal["bottom", "top"]) -> None: ... # type: ignore[override]
+ def set_ticks_position(
+ self, position: Literal["top", "bottom", "both", "default", "none"]
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def tick_top(self) -> None: ...
+ def tick_bottom(self) -> None: ...
+ def get_ticks_position(self) -> Literal["top", "bottom", "default", "unknown"]: ...
+ def get_tick_space(self) -> int: ...
+class YAxis(Axis):
+ __name__: str
+ axis_name: str
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ label_position: Literal["left", "right"]
+ stale: bool
+ def set_label_position(self, position: Literal["left", "right"]) -> None: ... # type: ignore[override]
+ def set_offset_position(self, position: Literal["left", "right"]) -> None: ...
+ def set_ticks_position(
+ self, position: Literal["left", "right", "both", "default", "none"]
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def tick_right(self) -> None: ...
+ def tick_left(self) -> None: ...
+ def get_ticks_position(self) -> Literal["left", "right", "default", "unknown"]: ...
+ def get_tick_space(self) -> int: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/backend_bases.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/backend_bases.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ae88cf18a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/backend_bases.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,490 @@
+from enum import Enum, IntEnum
+import os
+from matplotlib import (
+ cbook,
+ transforms,
+ widgets,
+ _api,
+from matplotlib.artist import Artist
+from matplotlib.axes import Axes
+from matplotlib.backend_managers import ToolManager
+from matplotlib.backend_tools import Cursors, ToolBase
+from matplotlib.colorbar import Colorbar
+from matplotlib.figure import Figure
+from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
+from matplotlib.path import Path
+from matplotlib.texmanager import TexManager
+from matplotlib.text import Text
+from matplotlib.transforms import Bbox, BboxBase, Transform, TransformedPath
+from collections.abc import Callable, Iterable, Sequence
+from typing import Any, IO, Literal, NamedTuple, TypeVar
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+from .typing import ColorType, LineStyleType, CapStyleType, JoinStyleType
+def register_backend(
+ format: str, backend: str | type[FigureCanvasBase], description: str | None = ...
+) -> None: ...
+def get_registered_canvas_class(format: str) -> type[FigureCanvasBase]: ...
+class RendererBase:
+ def __init__(self) -> None: ...
+ def open_group(self, s: str, gid: str | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def close_group(self, s: str) -> None: ...
+ def draw_path(
+ self,
+ gc: GraphicsContextBase,
+ path: Path,
+ transform: Transform,
+ rgbFace: ColorType | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def draw_markers(
+ self,
+ gc: GraphicsContextBase,
+ marker_path: Path,
+ marker_trans: Transform,
+ path: Path,
+ trans: Transform,
+ rgbFace: ColorType | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def draw_path_collection(
+ self,
+ gc: GraphicsContextBase,
+ master_transform: Transform,
+ paths: Sequence[Path],
+ all_transforms: Sequence[ArrayLike],
+ offsets: ArrayLike | Sequence[ArrayLike],
+ offset_trans: Transform,
+ facecolors: ColorType | Sequence[ColorType],
+ edgecolors: ColorType | Sequence[ColorType],
+ linewidths: float | Sequence[float],
+ linestyles: LineStyleType | Sequence[LineStyleType],
+ antialiaseds: bool | Sequence[bool],
+ urls: str | Sequence[str],
+ offset_position: Any,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def draw_quad_mesh(
+ self,
+ gc: GraphicsContextBase,
+ master_transform: Transform,
+ meshWidth,
+ meshHeight,
+ coordinates: ArrayLike,
+ offsets: ArrayLike | Sequence[ArrayLike],
+ offsetTrans: Transform,
+ facecolors: Sequence[ColorType],
+ antialiased: bool,
+ edgecolors: Sequence[ColorType] | ColorType | None,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def draw_gouraud_triangle(
+ self,
+ gc: GraphicsContextBase,
+ points: ArrayLike,
+ colors: ArrayLike,
+ transform: Transform,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def draw_gouraud_triangles(
+ self,
+ gc: GraphicsContextBase,
+ triangles_array: ArrayLike,
+ colors_array: ArrayLike,
+ transform: Transform,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_image_magnification(self) -> float: ...
+ def draw_image(
+ self,
+ gc: GraphicsContextBase,
+ x: float,
+ y: float,
+ im: ArrayLike,
+ transform: transforms.Affine2DBase | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def option_image_nocomposite(self) -> bool: ...
+ def option_scale_image(self) -> bool: ...
+ def draw_tex(
+ self,
+ gc: GraphicsContextBase,
+ x: float,
+ y: float,
+ s: str,
+ prop: FontProperties,
+ angle: float,
+ *,
+ mtext: Text | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def draw_text(
+ self,
+ gc: GraphicsContextBase,
+ x: float,
+ y: float,
+ s: str,
+ prop: FontProperties,
+ angle: float,
+ ismath: bool | Literal["TeX"] = ...,
+ mtext: Text | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_text_width_height_descent(
+ self, s: str, prop: FontProperties, ismath: bool | Literal["TeX"]
+ ) -> tuple[float, float, float]: ...
+ def flipy(self) -> bool: ...
+ def get_canvas_width_height(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ def get_texmanager(self) -> TexManager: ...
+ def new_gc(self) -> GraphicsContextBase: ...
+ def points_to_pixels(self, points: ArrayLike) -> ArrayLike: ...
+ def start_rasterizing(self) -> None: ...
+ def stop_rasterizing(self) -> None: ...
+ def start_filter(self) -> None: ...
+ def stop_filter(self, filter_func) -> None: ...
+class GraphicsContextBase:
+ def __init__(self) -> None: ...
+ def copy_properties(self, gc: GraphicsContextBase) -> None: ...
+ def restore(self) -> None: ...
+ def get_alpha(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_antialiased(self) -> int: ...
+ def get_capstyle(self) -> Literal["butt", "projecting", "round"]: ...
+ def get_clip_rectangle(self) -> Bbox | None: ...
+ def get_clip_path(
+ self,
+ ) -> tuple[TransformedPath, Transform] | tuple[None, None]: ...
+ def get_dashes(self) -> tuple[float, ArrayLike | None]: ...
+ def get_forced_alpha(self) -> bool: ...
+ def get_joinstyle(self) -> Literal["miter", "round", "bevel"]: ...
+ def get_linewidth(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_rgb(self) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]: ...
+ def get_url(self) -> str | None: ...
+ def get_gid(self) -> int | None: ...
+ def get_snap(self) -> bool | None: ...
+ def set_alpha(self, alpha: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_antialiased(self, b: bool) -> None: ...
+ def set_capstyle(self, cs: CapStyleType) -> None: ...
+ def set_clip_rectangle(self, rectangle: Bbox | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_clip_path(self, path: TransformedPath | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_dashes(self, dash_offset: float, dash_list: ArrayLike | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_foreground(self, fg: ColorType, isRGBA: bool = ...) -> None: ...
+ def set_joinstyle(self, js: JoinStyleType) -> None: ...
+ def set_linewidth(self, w: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_url(self, url: str | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_gid(self, id: int | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_snap(self, snap: bool | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_hatch(self, hatch: str | None) -> None: ...
+ def get_hatch(self) -> str | None: ...
+ def get_hatch_path(self, density: float = ...) -> Path: ...
+ def get_hatch_color(self) -> ColorType: ...
+ def set_hatch_color(self, hatch_color: ColorType) -> None: ...
+ def get_hatch_linewidth(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_sketch_params(self) -> tuple[float, float, float] | None: ...
+ def set_sketch_params(
+ self,
+ scale: float | None = ...,
+ length: float | None = ...,
+ randomness: float | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+class TimerBase:
+ callbacks: list[tuple[Callable, tuple, dict[str, Any]]]
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ interval: int | None = ...,
+ callbacks: list[tuple[Callable, tuple, dict[str, Any]]] | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def __del__(self) -> None: ...
+ def start(self, interval: int | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def stop(self) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def interval(self) -> int: ...
+ @interval.setter
+ def interval(self, interval: int) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def single_shot(self) -> bool: ...
+ @single_shot.setter
+ def single_shot(self, ss: bool) -> None: ...
+ def add_callback(self, func: Callable, *args, **kwargs) -> Callable: ...
+ def remove_callback(self, func: Callable, *args, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+class Event:
+ name: str
+ canvas: FigureCanvasBase
+ def __init__(
+ self, name: str, canvas: FigureCanvasBase, guiEvent: Any | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def guiEvent(self) -> Any: ...
+class DrawEvent(Event):
+ renderer: RendererBase
+ def __init__(
+ self, name: str, canvas: FigureCanvasBase, renderer: RendererBase
+ ) -> None: ...
+class ResizeEvent(Event):
+ width: int
+ height: int
+ def __init__(self, name: str, canvas: FigureCanvasBase) -> None: ...
+class CloseEvent(Event): ...
+class LocationEvent(Event):
+ lastevent: Event | None
+ x: int
+ y: int
+ inaxes: Axes | None
+ xdata: float | None
+ ydata: float | None
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ name: str,
+ canvas: FigureCanvasBase,
+ x: int,
+ y: int,
+ guiEvent: Any | None = ...,
+ *,
+ modifiers: Iterable[str] | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+class MouseButton(IntEnum):
+ LEFT: int
+ MIDDLE: int
+ RIGHT: int
+ BACK: int
+ FORWARD: int
+class MouseEvent(LocationEvent):
+ button: MouseButton | Literal["up", "down"] | None
+ key: str | None
+ step: float
+ dblclick: bool
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ name: str,
+ canvas: FigureCanvasBase,
+ x: int,
+ y: int,
+ button: MouseButton | Literal["up", "down"] | None = ...,
+ key: str | None = ...,
+ step: float = ...,
+ dblclick: bool = ...,
+ guiEvent: Any | None = ...,
+ *,
+ modifiers: Iterable[str] | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+class PickEvent(Event):
+ mouseevent: MouseEvent
+ artist: Artist
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ name: str,
+ canvas: FigureCanvasBase,
+ mouseevent: MouseEvent,
+ artist: Artist,
+ guiEvent: Any | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+class KeyEvent(LocationEvent):
+ key: str | None
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ name: str,
+ canvas: FigureCanvasBase,
+ key: str | None,
+ x: int = ...,
+ y: int = ...,
+ guiEvent: Any | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+class FigureCanvasBase:
+ required_interactive_framework: str | None
+ @_api.classproperty
+ def manager_class(cls) -> type[FigureManagerBase]: ...
+ events: list[str]
+ fixed_dpi: None | float
+ filetypes: dict[str, str]
+ @_api.classproperty
+ def supports_blit(cls) -> bool: ...
+ figure: Figure
+ manager: None | FigureManagerBase
+ widgetlock: widgets.LockDraw
+ mouse_grabber: None | Axes
+ toolbar: None | NavigationToolbar2
+ def __init__(self, figure: Figure | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def callbacks(self) -> cbook.CallbackRegistry: ...
+ @property
+ def button_pick_id(self) -> int: ...
+ @property
+ def scroll_pick_id(self) -> int: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def new_manager(cls, figure: Figure, num: int | str) -> FigureManagerBase: ...
+ def is_saving(self) -> bool: ...
+ def blit(self, bbox: BboxBase | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def inaxes(self, xy: tuple[float, float]) -> Axes | None: ...
+ def grab_mouse(self, ax: Axes) -> None: ...
+ def release_mouse(self, ax: Axes) -> None: ...
+ def set_cursor(self, cursor: Cursors) -> None: ...
+ def draw(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ def draw_idle(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def device_pixel_ratio(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_width_height(self, *, physical: bool = ...) -> tuple[int, int]: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def get_supported_filetypes(cls) -> dict[str, str]: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def get_supported_filetypes_grouped(cls) -> dict[str, list[str]]: ...
+ def print_figure(
+ self,
+ filename: str | os.PathLike | IO,
+ dpi: float | None = ...,
+ facecolor: ColorType | Literal["auto"] | None = ...,
+ edgecolor: ColorType | Literal["auto"] | None = ...,
+ orientation: str = ...,
+ format: str | None = ...,
+ *,
+ bbox_inches: Literal["tight"] | Bbox | None = ...,
+ pad_inches: float | None = ...,
+ bbox_extra_artists: list[Artist] | None = ...,
+ backend: str | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> Any: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def get_default_filetype(cls) -> str: ...
+ def get_default_filename(self) -> str: ...
+ _T = TypeVar("_T", bound=FigureCanvasBase)
+ def switch_backends(self, FigureCanvasClass: type[_T]) -> _T: ...
+ def mpl_connect(self, s: str, func: Callable[[Event], Any]) -> int: ...
+ def mpl_disconnect(self, cid: int) -> None: ...
+ def new_timer(
+ self,
+ interval: int | None = ...,
+ callbacks: list[tuple[Callable, tuple, dict[str, Any]]] | None = ...,
+ ) -> TimerBase: ...
+ def flush_events(self) -> None: ...
+ def start_event_loop(self, timeout: float = ...) -> None: ...
+ def stop_event_loop(self) -> None: ...
+def key_press_handler(
+ event: KeyEvent,
+ canvas: FigureCanvasBase | None = ...,
+ toolbar: NavigationToolbar2 | None = ...,
+) -> None: ...
+def button_press_handler(
+ event: MouseEvent,
+ canvas: FigureCanvasBase | None = ...,
+ toolbar: NavigationToolbar2 | None = ...,
+) -> None: ...
+class NonGuiException(Exception): ...
+class FigureManagerBase:
+ canvas: FigureCanvasBase
+ num: int | str
+ key_press_handler_id: int | None
+ button_press_handler_id: int | None
+ toolmanager: ToolManager | None
+ toolbar: NavigationToolbar2 | ToolContainerBase | None
+ def __init__(self, canvas: FigureCanvasBase, num: int | str) -> None: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def create_with_canvas(
+ cls, canvas_class: type[FigureCanvasBase], figure: Figure, num: int | str
+ ) -> FigureManagerBase: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def start_main_loop(cls) -> None: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def pyplot_show(cls, *, block: bool | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def show(self) -> None: ...
+ def destroy(self) -> None: ...
+ def full_screen_toggle(self) -> None: ...
+ def resize(self, w: int, h: int) -> None: ...
+ def get_window_title(self) -> str: ...
+ def set_window_title(self, title: str) -> None: ...
+cursors = Cursors
+class _Mode(str, Enum):
+ NONE: str
+ PAN: str
+ ZOOM: str
+class NavigationToolbar2:
+ toolitems: tuple[tuple[str, ...] | tuple[None, ...], ...]
+ canvas: FigureCanvasBase
+ mode: _Mode
+ def __init__(self, canvas: FigureCanvasBase) -> None: ...
+ def set_message(self, s: str) -> None: ...
+ def draw_rubberband(
+ self, event: Event, x0: float, y0: float, x1: float, y1: float
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def remove_rubberband(self) -> None: ...
+ def home(self, *args) -> None: ...
+ def back(self, *args) -> None: ...
+ def forward(self, *args) -> None: ...
+ def mouse_move(self, event: MouseEvent) -> None: ...
+ def pan(self, *args) -> None: ...
+ class _PanInfo(NamedTuple):
+ button: MouseButton
+ axes: list[Axes]
+ cid: int
+ def press_pan(self, event: Event) -> None: ...
+ def drag_pan(self, event: Event) -> None: ...
+ def release_pan(self, event: Event) -> None: ...
+ def zoom(self, *args) -> None: ...
+ class _ZoomInfo(NamedTuple):
+ direction: Literal["in", "out"]
+ start_xy: tuple[float, float]
+ axes: list[Axes]
+ cid: int
+ cbar: Colorbar
+ def press_zoom(self, event: Event) -> None: ...
+ def drag_zoom(self, event: Event) -> None: ...
+ def release_zoom(self, event: Event) -> None: ...
+ def push_current(self) -> None: ...
+ subplot_tool: widgets.SubplotTool
+ def configure_subplots(self, *args): ...
+ def save_figure(self, *args) -> None: ...
+ def update(self) -> None: ...
+ def set_history_buttons(self) -> None: ...
+class ToolContainerBase:
+ toolmanager: ToolManager
+ def __init__(self, toolmanager: ToolManager) -> None: ...
+ def add_tool(self, tool: ToolBase, group: str, position: int = ...) -> None: ...
+ def trigger_tool(self, name: str) -> None: ...
+ def add_toolitem(
+ self,
+ name: str,
+ group: str,
+ position: int,
+ image: str,
+ description: str,
+ toggle: bool,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def toggle_toolitem(self, name: str, toggled: bool) -> None: ...
+ def remove_toolitem(self, name: str) -> None: ...
+ def set_message(self, s: str) -> None: ...
+class _Backend:
+ backend_version: str
+ FigureCanvas: type[FigureCanvasBase] | None
+ FigureManager: type[FigureManagerBase]
+ mainloop: None | Callable[[], Any]
+ @classmethod
+ def new_figure_manager(cls, num: int | str, *args, **kwargs) -> FigureManagerBase: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def new_figure_manager_given_figure(cls, num: int | str, figure: Figure) -> FigureManagerBase: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def draw_if_interactive(cls) -> None: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def show(cls, *, block: bool | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def export(cls) -> type[_Backend]: ...
+class ShowBase(_Backend):
+ def __call__(self, block: bool | None = ...) -> None: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/backend_managers.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/backend_managers.pyi
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+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/backend_managers.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+from matplotlib import backend_tools, widgets
+from matplotlib.backend_bases import FigureCanvasBase
+from matplotlib.figure import Figure
+from collections.abc import Callable, Iterable
+from typing import Any, TypeVar
+class ToolEvent:
+ name: str
+ sender: Any
+ tool: backend_tools.ToolBase
+ data: Any
+ def __init__(self, name, sender, tool, data: Any | None = ...) -> None: ...
+class ToolTriggerEvent(ToolEvent):
+ canvasevent: ToolEvent
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ name,
+ sender,
+ tool,
+ canvasevent: ToolEvent | None = ...,
+ data: Any | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+class ToolManagerMessageEvent:
+ name: str
+ sender: Any
+ message: str
+ def __init__(self, name: str, sender: Any, message: str) -> None: ...
+class ToolManager:
+ keypresslock: widgets.LockDraw
+ messagelock: widgets.LockDraw
+ def __init__(self, figure: Figure | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def canvas(self) -> FigureCanvasBase | None: ...
+ @property
+ def figure(self) -> Figure | None: ...
+ @figure.setter
+ def figure(self, figure: Figure) -> None: ...
+ def set_figure(self, figure: Figure, update_tools: bool = ...) -> None: ...
+ def toolmanager_connect(self, s: str, func: Callable[[ToolEvent], Any]) -> int: ...
+ def toolmanager_disconnect(self, cid: int) -> None: ...
+ def message_event(self, message: str, sender: Any | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def active_toggle(self) -> dict[str | None, list[str] | str]: ...
+ def get_tool_keymap(self, name: str) -> list[str]: ...
+ def update_keymap(self, name: str, key: str | Iterable[str]) -> None: ...
+ def remove_tool(self, name: str) -> None: ...
+ _T = TypeVar("_T", bound=backend_tools.ToolBase)
+ def add_tool(self, name: str, tool: type[_T], *args, **kwargs) -> _T: ...
+ def trigger_tool(
+ self,
+ name: str | backend_tools.ToolBase,
+ sender: Any | None = ...,
+ canvasevent: ToolEvent | None = ...,
+ data: Any | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def tools(self) -> dict[str, backend_tools.ToolBase]: ...
+ def get_tool(
+ self, name: str | backend_tools.ToolBase, warn: bool = ...
+ ) -> backend_tools.ToolBase | None: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/backend_tools.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/backend_tools.pyi
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index 0000000000..446f713292
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+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/backend_tools.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+import enum
+from matplotlib import cbook
+from matplotlib.axes import Axes
+from matplotlib.backend_bases import ToolContainerBase, FigureCanvasBase
+from matplotlib.backend_managers import ToolManager, ToolEvent
+from matplotlib.figure import Figure
+from matplotlib.scale import ScaleBase
+from typing import Any
+class Cursors(enum.IntEnum):
+ POINTER: int
+ HAND: int
+ MOVE: int
+ WAIT: int
+cursors = Cursors
+class ToolBase:
+ @property
+ def default_keymap(self) -> list[str] | None: ...
+ description: str | None
+ image: str | None
+ def __init__(self, toolmanager: ToolManager, name: str) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def name(self) -> str: ...
+ @property
+ def toolmanager(self) -> ToolManager: ...
+ @property
+ def canvas(self) -> FigureCanvasBase | None: ...
+ @property
+ def figure(self) -> Figure | None: ...
+ @figure.setter
+ def figure(self, figure: Figure | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_figure(self, figure: Figure | None) -> None: ...
+ def trigger(self, sender: Any, event: ToolEvent, data: Any = ...) -> None: ...
+class ToolToggleBase(ToolBase):
+ radio_group: str | None
+ cursor: Cursors | None
+ default_toggled: bool
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ def enable(self, event: ToolEvent | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def disable(self, event: ToolEvent | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def toggled(self) -> bool: ...
+ def set_figure(self, figure: Figure | None) -> None: ...
+class ToolSetCursor(ToolBase): ...
+class ToolCursorPosition(ToolBase):
+ def send_message(self, event: ToolEvent) -> None: ...
+class RubberbandBase(ToolBase):
+ def draw_rubberband(self, *data) -> None: ...
+ def remove_rubberband(self) -> None: ...
+class ToolQuit(ToolBase): ...
+class ToolQuitAll(ToolBase): ...
+class ToolGrid(ToolBase): ...
+class ToolMinorGrid(ToolBase): ...
+class ToolFullScreen(ToolBase): ...
+class AxisScaleBase(ToolToggleBase):
+ def enable(self, event: ToolEvent | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def disable(self, event: ToolEvent | None = ...) -> None: ...
+class ToolYScale(AxisScaleBase):
+ def set_scale(self, ax: Axes, scale: str | ScaleBase) -> None: ...
+class ToolXScale(AxisScaleBase):
+ def set_scale(self, ax, scale: str | ScaleBase) -> None: ...
+class ToolViewsPositions(ToolBase):
+ views: dict[Figure | Axes, cbook.Stack]
+ positions: dict[Figure | Axes, cbook.Stack]
+ home_views: dict[Figure, dict[Axes, tuple[float, float, float, float]]]
+ def add_figure(self, figure: Figure) -> None: ...
+ def clear(self, figure: Figure) -> None: ...
+ def update_view(self) -> None: ...
+ def push_current(self, figure: Figure | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def update_home_views(self, figure: Figure | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def home(self) -> None: ...
+ def back(self) -> None: ...
+ def forward(self) -> None: ...
+class ViewsPositionsBase(ToolBase): ...
+class ToolHome(ViewsPositionsBase): ...
+class ToolBack(ViewsPositionsBase): ...
+class ToolForward(ViewsPositionsBase): ...
+class ConfigureSubplotsBase(ToolBase): ...
+class SaveFigureBase(ToolBase): ...
+class ZoomPanBase(ToolToggleBase):
+ base_scale: float
+ scrollthresh: float
+ lastscroll: float
+ def __init__(self, *args) -> None: ...
+ def enable(self, event: ToolEvent | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def disable(self, event: ToolEvent | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def scroll_zoom(self, event: ToolEvent) -> None: ...
+class ToolZoom(ZoomPanBase): ...
+class ToolPan(ZoomPanBase): ...
+class ToolHelpBase(ToolBase):
+ @staticmethod
+ def format_shortcut(key_sequence: str) -> str: ...
+class ToolCopyToClipboardBase(ToolBase): ...
+default_tools: dict[str, ToolBase]
+default_toolbar_tools: list[list[str | list[str]]]
+def add_tools_to_manager(
+ toolmanager: ToolManager, tools: dict[str, type[ToolBase]] = ...
+) -> None: ...
+def add_tools_to_container(container: ToolContainerBase, tools: list[Any] = ...) -> None: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/backends/_backend_agg.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/backends/_backend_agg.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/backends/_backend_agg.pyi
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/backends/_macosx.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/backends/_macosx.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/backends/_macosx.pyi
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/backends/_tkagg.pyi
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/bezier.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/bezier.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad82b873af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/bezier.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+from collections.abc import Callable
+from typing import Literal
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+from .path import Path
+class NonIntersectingPathException(ValueError): ...
+def get_intersection(
+ cx1: float,
+ cy1: float,
+ cos_t1: float,
+ sin_t1: float,
+ cx2: float,
+ cy2: float,
+ cos_t2: float,
+ sin_t2: float,
+) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+def get_normal_points(
+ cx: float, cy: float, cos_t: float, sin_t: float, length: float
+) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]: ...
+def split_de_casteljau(beta: ArrayLike, t: float) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: ...
+def find_bezier_t_intersecting_with_closedpath(
+ bezier_point_at_t: Callable[[float], tuple[float, float]],
+ inside_closedpath: Callable[[tuple[float, float]], bool],
+ t0: float = ...,
+ t1: float = ...,
+ tolerance: float = ...,
+) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+# TODO make generic over d, the dimension? ndarraydim
+class BezierSegment:
+ def __init__(self, control_points: ArrayLike) -> None: ...
+ def __call__(self, t: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def point_at_t(self, t: float) -> tuple[float, ...]: ...
+ @property
+ def control_points(self) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ @property
+ def dimension(self) -> int: ...
+ @property
+ def degree(self) -> int: ...
+ @property
+ def polynomial_coefficients(self) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def axis_aligned_extrema(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: ...
+def split_bezier_intersecting_with_closedpath(
+ bezier: ArrayLike,
+ inside_closedpath: Callable[[tuple[float, float]], bool],
+ tolerance: float = ...,
+) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: ...
+def split_path_inout(
+ path: Path,
+ inside: Callable[[tuple[float, float]], bool],
+ tolerance: float = ...,
+ reorder_inout: bool = ...,
+) -> tuple[Path, Path]: ...
+def inside_circle(
+ cx: float, cy: float, r: float
+) -> Callable[[tuple[float, float]], bool]: ...
+def get_cos_sin(x0: float, y0: float, x1: float, y1: float) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+def check_if_parallel(
+ dx1: float, dy1: float, dx2: float, dy2: float, tolerance: float = ...
+) -> Literal[-1, False, 1]: ...
+def get_parallels(
+ bezier2: ArrayLike, width: float
+) -> tuple[list[tuple[float, float]], list[tuple[float, float]]]: ...
+def find_control_points(
+ c1x: float, c1y: float, mmx: float, mmy: float, c2x: float, c2y: float
+) -> list[tuple[float, float]]: ...
+def make_wedged_bezier2(
+ bezier2: ArrayLike, width: float, w1: float = ..., wm: float = ..., w2: float = ...
+) -> tuple[list[tuple[float, float]], list[tuple[float, float]]]: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/cbook.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/cbook.pyi
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index 0000000000..227a23df41
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+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/cbook.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+import collections.abc
+from collections.abc import Callable, Collection, Generator, Iterable, Iterator
+import contextlib
+import os
+from pathlib import Path
+from matplotlib.artist import Artist
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+from typing import (
+ Any,
+ Generic,
+ IO,
+ Literal,
+ TypeVar,
+ overload,
+_T = TypeVar("_T")
+def _get_running_interactive_framework() -> str | None: ...
+class CallbackRegistry:
+ exception_handler: Callable[[Exception], Any]
+ callbacks: dict[Any, dict[int, Any]]
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ exception_handler: Callable[[Exception], Any] | None = ...,
+ *,
+ signals: Iterable[Any] | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def connect(self, signal: Any, func: Callable) -> int: ...
+ def disconnect(self, cid: int) -> None: ...
+ def process(self, s: Any, *args, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ def blocked(
+ self, *, signal: Any | None = ...
+ ) -> contextlib.AbstractContextManager[None]: ...
+class silent_list(list[_T]):
+ type: str | None
+ def __init__(self, type: str | None, seq: Iterable[_T] | None = ...) -> None: ...
+def strip_math(s: str) -> str: ...
+def is_writable_file_like(obj: Any) -> bool: ...
+def file_requires_unicode(x: Any) -> bool: ...
+def to_filehandle(
+ fname: str | os.PathLike | IO,
+ flag: str = ...,
+ return_opened: Literal[False] = ...,
+ encoding: str | None = ...,
+) -> IO: ...
+def to_filehandle(
+ fname: str | os.PathLike | IO,
+ flag: str,
+ return_opened: Literal[True],
+ encoding: str | None = ...,
+) -> tuple[IO, bool]: ...
+def to_filehandle(
+ fname: str | os.PathLike | IO,
+ *, # if flag given, will match previous sig
+ return_opened: Literal[True],
+ encoding: str | None = ...,
+) -> tuple[IO, bool]: ...
+def open_file_cm(
+ path_or_file: str | os.PathLike | IO,
+ mode: str = ...,
+ encoding: str | None = ...,
+) -> contextlib.AbstractContextManager[IO]: ...
+def is_scalar_or_string(val: Any) -> bool: ...
+def get_sample_data(
+ fname: str | os.PathLike, asfileobj: Literal[True] = ..., *, np_load: Literal[True]
+) -> np.ndarray: ...
+def get_sample_data(
+ fname: str | os.PathLike,
+ asfileobj: Literal[True] = ...,
+ *,
+ np_load: Literal[False] = ...,
+) -> IO: ...
+def get_sample_data(
+ fname: str | os.PathLike, asfileobj: Literal[False], *, np_load: bool = ...
+) -> str: ...
+def _get_data_path(*args: Path | str) -> Path: ...
+def flatten(
+ seq: Iterable[Any], scalarp: Callable[[Any], bool] = ...
+) -> Generator[Any, None, None]: ...
+class Stack(Generic[_T]):
+ def __init__(self, default: _T | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def __call__(self) -> _T: ...
+ def __len__(self) -> int: ...
+ def __getitem__(self, ind: int) -> _T: ...
+ def forward(self) -> _T: ...
+ def back(self) -> _T: ...
+ def push(self, o: _T) -> _T: ...
+ def home(self) -> _T: ...
+ def empty(self) -> bool: ...
+ def clear(self) -> None: ...
+ def bubble(self, o: _T) -> _T: ...
+ def remove(self, o: _T) -> None: ...
+def safe_masked_invalid(x: ArrayLike, copy: bool = ...) -> np.ndarray: ...
+def print_cycles(
+ objects: Iterable[Any], outstream: IO = ..., show_progress: bool = ...
+) -> None: ...
+class Grouper(Generic[_T]):
+ def __init__(self, init: Iterable[_T] = ...) -> None: ...
+ def __contains__(self, item: _T) -> bool: ...
+ def clean(self) -> None: ...
+ def join(self, a: _T, *args: _T) -> None: ...
+ def joined(self, a: _T, b: _T) -> bool: ...
+ def remove(self, a: _T) -> None: ...
+ def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[list[_T]]: ...
+ def get_siblings(self, a: _T) -> list[_T]: ...
+class GrouperView(Generic[_T]):
+ def __init__(self, grouper: Grouper[_T]) -> None: ...
+ def __contains__(self, item: _T) -> bool: ...
+ def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[list[_T]]: ...
+ def joined(self, a: _T, b: _T) -> bool: ...
+ def get_siblings(self, a: _T) -> list[_T]: ...
+def simple_linear_interpolation(a: ArrayLike, steps: int) -> np.ndarray: ...
+def delete_masked_points(*args): ...
+def boxplot_stats(
+ X: ArrayLike,
+ whis: float | tuple[float, float] = ...,
+ bootstrap: int | None = ...,
+ labels: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ autorange: bool = ...,
+) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: ...
+ls_mapper: dict[str, str]
+ls_mapper_r: dict[str, str]
+def contiguous_regions(mask: ArrayLike) -> list[np.ndarray]: ...
+def is_math_text(s: str) -> bool: ...
+def violin_stats(
+ X: ArrayLike, method: Callable, points: int = ..., quantiles: ArrayLike | None = ...
+) -> list[dict[str, Any]]: ...
+def pts_to_prestep(x: ArrayLike, *args: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: ...
+def pts_to_poststep(x: ArrayLike, *args: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: ...
+def pts_to_midstep(x: np.ndarray, *args: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: ...
+STEP_LOOKUP_MAP: dict[str, Callable]
+def index_of(y: float | ArrayLike) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: ...
+def safe_first_element(obj: Collection[_T]) -> _T: ...
+def sanitize_sequence(data): ...
+def normalize_kwargs(
+ kw: dict[str, Any],
+ alias_mapping: dict[str, list[str]] | type[Artist] | Artist | None = ...,
+) -> dict[str, Any]: ...
+def _lock_path(path: str | os.PathLike) -> contextlib.AbstractContextManager[None]: ...
+def _str_equal(obj: Any, s: str) -> bool: ...
+def _setattr_cm(obj: Any, **kwargs) -> contextlib.AbstractContextManager[None]: ...
+class _OrderedSet(collections.abc.MutableSet):
+ def __init__(self) -> None: ...
+ def __contains__(self, key) -> bool: ...
+ def __iter__(self): ...
+ def __len__(self) -> int: ...
+ def add(self, key) -> None: ...
+ def discard(self, key) -> None: ...
+def _backend_module_name(name: str) -> str: ...
+def _format_approx(number: float, precision: int) -> str: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/cm.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/cm.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..be8f10b39c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/cm.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+from collections.abc import Iterator, Mapping
+from matplotlib import cbook, colors
+from matplotlib.colorbar import Colorbar
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+class ColormapRegistry(Mapping[str, colors.Colormap]):
+ def __init__(self, cmaps: Mapping[str, colors.Colormap]) -> None: ...
+ def __getitem__(self, item: str) -> colors.Colormap: ...
+ def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: ...
+ def __len__(self) -> int: ...
+ def __call__(self) -> list[str]: ...
+ def register(
+ self, cmap: colors.Colormap, *, name: str | None = ..., force: bool = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def unregister(self, name: str) -> None: ...
+ def get_cmap(self, cmap: str | colors.Colormap) -> colors.Colormap: ...
+_colormaps: ColormapRegistry = ...
+def get_cmap(name: str | colors.Colormap | None = ..., lut: int | None = ...) -> colors.Colormap: ...
+class ScalarMappable:
+ cmap: colors.Colormap | None
+ colorbar: Colorbar | None
+ callbacks: cbook.CallbackRegistry
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ norm: colors.Normalize | None = ...,
+ cmap: str | colors.Colormap | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def to_rgba(
+ self,
+ x: np.ndarray,
+ alpha: float | ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ bytes: bool = ...,
+ norm: bool = ...,
+ ) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def set_array(self, A: ArrayLike | None) -> None: ...
+ def get_array(self) -> np.ndarray | None: ...
+ def get_cmap(self) -> colors.Colormap: ...
+ def get_clim(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ def set_clim(self, vmin: float | tuple[float, float] | None = ..., vmax: float | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def get_alpha(self) -> float | None: ...
+ def set_cmap(self, cmap: str | colors.Colormap) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def norm(self) -> colors.Normalize: ...
+ @norm.setter
+ def norm(self, norm: colors.Normalize | str | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_norm(self, norm: colors.Normalize | str | None) -> None: ...
+ def autoscale(self) -> None: ...
+ def autoscale_None(self) -> None: ...
+ def changed(self) -> None: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/collections.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/collections.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..01682a55b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/collections.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+from collections.abc import Callable, Iterable, Sequence
+from typing import Literal
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike, NDArray
+from . import artist, cm, transforms
+from .backend_bases import MouseEvent
+from .artist import Artist
+from .colors import Normalize, Colormap
+from .lines import Line2D
+from .path import Path
+from .patches import Patch
+from .ticker import Locator, Formatter
+from .tri import Triangulation
+from .typing import ColorType, LineStyleType, CapStyleType, JoinStyleType
+class Collection(artist.Artist, cm.ScalarMappable):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ edgecolors: ColorType | Sequence[ColorType] | None = ...,
+ facecolors: ColorType | Sequence[ColorType] | None = ...,
+ linewidths: float | Sequence[float] | None = ...,
+ linestyles: LineStyleType | Sequence[LineStyleType] = ...,
+ capstyle: CapStyleType | None = ...,
+ joinstyle: JoinStyleType | None = ...,
+ antialiaseds: bool | Sequence[bool] | None = ...,
+ offsets: tuple[float, float] | Sequence[tuple[float, float]] | None = ...,
+ offset_transform: transforms.Transform | None = ...,
+ norm: Normalize | None = ...,
+ cmap: Colormap | None = ...,
+ pickradius: float = ...,
+ hatch: str | None = ...,
+ urls: Sequence[str] | None = ...,
+ zorder: float = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_paths(self) -> Sequence[Path]: ...
+ def set_paths(self, paths: Sequence[Path]) -> None: ...
+ def get_transforms(self) -> Sequence[transforms.Transform]: ...
+ def get_offset_transform(self) -> transforms.Transform: ...
+ def set_offset_transform(self, offset_transform: transforms.Transform) -> None: ...
+ def get_datalim(self, transData: transforms.Transform) -> transforms.Bbox: ...
+ def set_pickradius(self, pickradius: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_pickradius(self) -> float: ...
+ def set_urls(self, urls: Sequence[str | None]) -> None: ...
+ def get_urls(self) -> Sequence[str | None]: ...
+ def set_hatch(self, hatch: str) -> None: ...
+ def get_hatch(self) -> str: ...
+ def set_offsets(self, offsets: ArrayLike) -> None: ...
+ def get_offsets(self) -> ArrayLike: ...
+ def set_linewidth(self, lw: float | Sequence[float]) -> None: ...
+ def set_linestyle(self, ls: LineStyleType | Sequence[LineStyleType]) -> None: ...
+ def set_capstyle(self, cs: CapStyleType) -> None: ...
+ def get_capstyle(self) -> Literal["butt", "projecting", "round"] | None: ...
+ def set_joinstyle(self, js: JoinStyleType) -> None: ...
+ def get_joinstyle(self) -> Literal["miter", "round", "bevel"] | None: ...
+ def set_antialiased(self, aa: bool | Sequence[bool]) -> None: ...
+ def get_antialiased(self) -> NDArray[np.bool_]: ...
+ def set_color(self, c: ColorType | Sequence[ColorType]) -> None: ...
+ def set_facecolor(self, c: ColorType | Sequence[ColorType]) -> None: ...
+ def get_facecolor(self) -> ColorType | Sequence[ColorType]: ...
+ def get_edgecolor(self) -> ColorType | Sequence[ColorType]: ...
+ def set_edgecolor(self, c: ColorType | Sequence[ColorType]) -> None: ...
+ def set_alpha(self, alpha: float | Sequence[float] | None) -> None: ...
+ def get_linewidth(self) -> float | Sequence[float]: ...
+ def get_linestyle(self) -> LineStyleType | Sequence[LineStyleType]: ...
+ def update_scalarmappable(self) -> None: ...
+ def get_fill(self) -> bool: ...
+ def update_from(self, other: Artist) -> None: ...
+class _CollectionWithSizes(Collection):
+ def get_sizes(self) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def set_sizes(self, sizes: ArrayLike | None, dpi: float = ...) -> None: ...
+class PathCollection(_CollectionWithSizes):
+ def __init__(
+ self, paths: Sequence[Path], sizes: ArrayLike | None = ..., **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_paths(self, paths: Sequence[Path]) -> None: ...
+ def get_paths(self) -> Sequence[Path]: ...
+ def legend_elements(
+ self,
+ prop: Literal["colors", "sizes"] = ...,
+ num: int | Literal["auto"] | ArrayLike | Locator = ...,
+ fmt: str | Formatter | None = ...,
+ func: Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike] = ...,
+ **kwargs,
+ ) -> tuple[list[Line2D], list[str]]: ...
+class PolyCollection(_CollectionWithSizes):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ verts: Sequence[ArrayLike],
+ sizes: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ *,
+ closed: bool = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_verts(
+ self, verts: Sequence[ArrayLike | Path], closed: bool = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_paths(self, verts: Sequence[Path], closed: bool = ...) -> None: ...
+ def set_verts_and_codes(
+ self, verts: Sequence[ArrayLike | Path], codes: Sequence[int]
+ ) -> None: ...
+class BrokenBarHCollection(PolyCollection):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ xranges: Iterable[tuple[float, float]],
+ yrange: tuple[float, float],
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def span_where(
+ cls, x: ArrayLike, ymin: float, ymax: float, where: ArrayLike, **kwargs
+ ) -> BrokenBarHCollection: ...
+class RegularPolyCollection(_CollectionWithSizes):
+ def __init__(
+ self, numsides: int, *, rotation: float = ..., sizes: ArrayLike = ..., **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_numsides(self) -> int: ...
+ def get_rotation(self) -> float: ...
+class StarPolygonCollection(RegularPolyCollection): ...
+class AsteriskPolygonCollection(RegularPolyCollection): ...
+class LineCollection(Collection):
+ def __init__(
+ self, segments: Sequence[ArrayLike], *, zorder: float = ..., **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_segments(self, segments: Sequence[ArrayLike] | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_verts(self, segments: Sequence[ArrayLike] | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_paths(self, segments: Sequence[ArrayLike] | None) -> None: ... # type: ignore[override]
+ def get_segments(self) -> list[np.ndarray]: ...
+ def set_color(self, c: ColorType | Sequence[ColorType]) -> None: ...
+ def set_colors(self, c: ColorType | Sequence[ColorType]) -> None: ...
+ def set_gapcolor(self, gapcolor: ColorType | Sequence[ColorType] | None) -> None: ...
+ def get_color(self) -> ColorType | Sequence[ColorType]: ...
+ def get_colors(self) -> ColorType | Sequence[ColorType]: ...
+ def get_gapcolor(self) -> ColorType | Sequence[ColorType] | None: ...
+class EventCollection(LineCollection):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ positions: ArrayLike,
+ orientation: Literal["horizontal", "vertical"] = ...,
+ *,
+ lineoffset: float = ...,
+ linelength: float = ...,
+ linewidth: float | Sequence[float] | None = ...,
+ color: ColorType | Sequence[ColorType] | None = ...,
+ linestyle: LineStyleType | Sequence[LineStyleType] = ...,
+ antialiased: bool | Sequence[bool] | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_positions(self) -> list[float]: ...
+ def set_positions(self, positions: Sequence[float] | None) -> None: ...
+ def add_positions(self, position: Sequence[float] | None) -> None: ...
+ def extend_positions(self, position: Sequence[float] | None) -> None: ...
+ def append_positions(self, position: Sequence[float] | None) -> None: ...
+ def is_horizontal(self) -> bool: ...
+ def get_orientation(self) -> Literal["horizontal", "vertical"]: ...
+ def switch_orientation(self) -> None: ...
+ def set_orientation(
+ self, orientation: Literal["horizontal", "vertical"]
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_linelength(self) -> float | Sequence[float]: ...
+ def set_linelength(self, linelength: float | Sequence[float]) -> None: ...
+ def get_lineoffset(self) -> float: ...
+ def set_lineoffset(self, lineoffset: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_linewidth(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_linewidths(self) -> Sequence[float]: ...
+ def get_color(self) -> ColorType: ...
+class CircleCollection(_CollectionWithSizes):
+ def __init__(self, sizes: float | ArrayLike, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+class EllipseCollection(Collection):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ widths: ArrayLike,
+ heights: ArrayLike,
+ angles: ArrayLike,
+ *,
+ units: Literal[
+ "points", "inches", "dots", "width", "height", "x", "y", "xy"
+ ] = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+class PatchCollection(Collection):
+ def __init__(
+ self, patches: Iterable[Patch], *, match_original: bool = ..., **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_paths(self, patches: Iterable[Patch]) -> None: ... # type: ignore[override]
+class TriMesh(Collection):
+ def __init__(self, triangulation: Triangulation, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ def get_paths(self) -> list[Path]: ...
+ # Parent class has an argument, perhaps add a noop arg?
+ def set_paths(self) -> None: ... # type: ignore[override]
+ @staticmethod
+ def convert_mesh_to_paths(tri: Triangulation) -> list[Path]: ...
+class _MeshData:
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ coordinates: ArrayLike,
+ *,
+ shading: Literal["flat", "gouraud"] = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_array(self, A: ArrayLike | None) -> None: ...
+ def get_coordinates(self) -> ArrayLike: ...
+ def get_facecolor(self) -> ColorType | Sequence[ColorType]: ...
+ def get_edgecolor(self) -> ColorType | Sequence[ColorType]: ...
+class QuadMesh(_MeshData, Collection):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ coordinates: ArrayLike,
+ *,
+ antialiased: bool = ...,
+ shading: Literal["flat", "gouraud"] = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_paths(self) -> list[Path]: ...
+ # Parent class has an argument, perhaps add a noop arg?
+ def set_paths(self) -> None: ... # type: ignore[override]
+ def get_datalim(self, transData: transforms.Transform) -> transforms.Bbox: ...
+ def get_cursor_data(self, event: MouseEvent) -> float: ...
+class PolyQuadMesh(_MeshData, PolyCollection):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ coordinates: ArrayLike,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/colorbar.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/colorbar.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f71c5759fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/colorbar.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+import matplotlib.spines as mspines
+from matplotlib import cm, collections, colors, contour
+from matplotlib.axes import Axes
+from matplotlib.backend_bases import RendererBase
+from matplotlib.patches import Patch
+from matplotlib.ticker import Locator, Formatter
+from matplotlib.transforms import Bbox
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+from collections.abc import Sequence
+from typing import Any, Literal, overload
+from .typing import ColorType
+class _ColorbarSpine(mspines.Spines):
+ def __init__(self, axes: Axes): ...
+ def get_window_extent(self, renderer: RendererBase | None = ...) -> Bbox:...
+ def set_xy(self, xy: ArrayLike) -> None: ...
+ def draw(self, renderer: RendererBase | None) -> None:...
+class Colorbar:
+ n_rasterize: int
+ mappable: cm.ScalarMappable
+ ax: Axes
+ alpha: float | None
+ cmap: colors.Colormap
+ norm: colors.Normalize
+ values: Sequence[float] | None
+ boundaries: Sequence[float] | None
+ extend: Literal["neither", "both", "min", "max"]
+ spacing: Literal["uniform", "proportional"]
+ orientation: Literal["vertical", "horizontal"]
+ drawedges: bool
+ extendfrac: Literal["auto"] | float | Sequence[float] | None
+ extendrect: bool
+ solids: None | collections.QuadMesh
+ solids_patches: list[Patch]
+ lines: list[collections.LineCollection]
+ outline: _ColorbarSpine
+ dividers: collections.LineCollection
+ ticklocation: Literal["left", "right", "top", "bottom"]
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ax: Axes,
+ mappable: cm.ScalarMappable | None = ...,
+ *,
+ cmap: str | colors.Colormap | None = ...,
+ norm: colors.Normalize | None = ...,
+ alpha: float | None = ...,
+ values: Sequence[float] | None = ...,
+ boundaries: Sequence[float] | None = ...,
+ orientation: Literal["vertical", "horizontal"] | None = ...,
+ ticklocation: Literal["auto", "left", "right", "top", "bottom"] = ...,
+ extend: Literal["neither", "both", "min", "max"] | None = ...,
+ spacing: Literal["uniform", "proportional"] = ...,
+ ticks: Sequence[float] | Locator | None = ...,
+ format: str | Formatter | None = ...,
+ drawedges: bool = ...,
+ extendfrac: Literal["auto"] | float | Sequence[float] | None = ...,
+ extendrect: bool = ...,
+ label: str = ...,
+ location: Literal["left", "right", "top", "bottom"] | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def locator(self) -> Locator: ...
+ @locator.setter
+ def locator(self, loc: Locator) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def minorlocator(self) -> Locator: ...
+ @minorlocator.setter
+ def minorlocator(self, loc: Locator) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def formatter(self) -> Formatter: ...
+ @formatter.setter
+ def formatter(self, fmt: Formatter) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def minorformatter(self) -> Formatter: ...
+ @minorformatter.setter
+ def minorformatter(self, fmt: Formatter) -> None: ...
+ def update_normal(self, mappable: cm.ScalarMappable) -> None: ...
+ @overload
+ def add_lines(self, CS: contour.ContourSet, erase: bool = ...) -> None: ...
+ @overload
+ def add_lines(
+ self,
+ levels: ArrayLike,
+ colors: ColorType | Sequence[ColorType],
+ linewidths: float | ArrayLike,
+ erase: bool = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def update_ticks(self) -> None: ...
+ def set_ticks(
+ self,
+ ticks: Sequence[float] | Locator,
+ *,
+ labels: Sequence[str] | None = ...,
+ minor: bool = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_ticks(self, minor: bool = ...) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def set_ticklabels(
+ self,
+ ticklabels: Sequence[str],
+ *,
+ minor: bool = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def minorticks_on(self) -> None: ...
+ def minorticks_off(self) -> None: ...
+ def set_label(self, label: str, *, loc: str | None = ..., **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ def set_alpha(self, alpha: float | np.ndarray) -> None: ...
+ def remove(self) -> None: ...
+ def drag_pan(self, button: Any, key: Any, x: float, y: float) -> None: ...
+ColorbarBase = Colorbar
+def make_axes(
+ parents: Axes | list[Axes] | np.ndarray,
+ location: Literal["left", "right", "top", "bottom"] | None = ...,
+ orientation: Literal["vertical", "horizontal"] | None = ...,
+ fraction: float = ...,
+ shrink: float = ...,
+ aspect: float = ...,
+ **kwargs
+) -> tuple[Axes, dict[str, Any]]: ...
+def make_axes_gridspec(
+ parent: Axes,
+ *,
+ location: Literal["left", "right", "top", "bottom"] | None = ...,
+ orientation: Literal["vertical", "horizontal"] | None = ...,
+ fraction: float = ...,
+ shrink: float = ...,
+ aspect: float = ...,
+ **kwargs
+) -> tuple[Axes, dict[str, Any]]: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/colors.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/colors.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9bb1725f4f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/colors.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+from collections.abc import Callable, Iterable, Iterator, Mapping, Sequence
+from matplotlib import cbook, scale
+import re
+from typing import Any, Literal, overload
+from .typing import ColorType
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+# Explicitly export colors dictionaries which are imported in the impl
+BASE_COLORS: dict[str, ColorType]
+CSS4_COLORS: dict[str, ColorType]
+TABLEAU_COLORS: dict[str, ColorType]
+XKCD_COLORS: dict[str, ColorType]
+class _ColorMapping(dict[str, ColorType]):
+ cache: dict[tuple[ColorType, float | None], tuple[float, float, float, float]]
+ def __init__(self, mapping) -> None: ...
+ def __setitem__(self, key, value) -> None: ...
+ def __delitem__(self, key) -> None: ...
+def get_named_colors_mapping() -> _ColorMapping: ...
+class ColorSequenceRegistry(Mapping):
+ def __init__(self) -> None: ...
+ def __getitem__(self, item: str) -> list[ColorType]: ...
+ def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: ...
+ def __len__(self) -> int: ...
+ def register(self, name: str, color_list: Iterable[ColorType]) -> None: ...
+ def unregister(self, name: str) -> None: ...
+_color_sequences: ColorSequenceRegistry = ...
+def is_color_like(c: Any) -> bool: ...
+def same_color(c1: ColorType, c2: ColorType) -> bool: ...
+def to_rgba(
+ c: ColorType, alpha: float | None = ...
+) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]: ...
+def to_rgba_array(
+ c: ColorType | ArrayLike, alpha: float | ArrayLike | None = ...
+) -> np.ndarray: ...
+def to_rgb(c: ColorType) -> tuple[float, float, float]: ...
+def to_hex(c: ColorType, keep_alpha: bool = ...) -> str: ...
+cnames: dict[str, ColorType]
+hexColorPattern: re.Pattern
+rgb2hex = to_hex
+hex2color = to_rgb
+class ColorConverter:
+ colors: _ColorMapping
+ cache: dict[tuple[ColorType, float | None], tuple[float, float, float, float]]
+ @staticmethod
+ def to_rgb(c: ColorType) -> tuple[float, float, float]: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def to_rgba(
+ c: ColorType, alpha: float | None = ...
+ ) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def to_rgba_array(
+ c: ColorType | ArrayLike, alpha: float | ArrayLike | None = ...
+ ) -> np.ndarray: ...
+colorConverter: ColorConverter
+class Colormap:
+ name: str
+ N: int
+ colorbar_extend: bool
+ def __init__(self, name: str, N: int = ...) -> None: ...
+ @overload
+ def __call__(
+ self, X: Sequence[float] | np.ndarray, alpha: ArrayLike | None = ..., bytes: bool = ...
+ ) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ @overload
+ def __call__(
+ self, X: float, alpha: float | None = ..., bytes: bool = ...
+ ) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]: ...
+ @overload
+ def __call__(
+ self, X: ArrayLike, alpha: ArrayLike | None = ..., bytes: bool = ...
+ ) -> tuple[float, float, float, float] | np.ndarray: ...
+ def __copy__(self) -> Colormap: ...
+ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ...
+ def get_bad(self) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def set_bad(self, color: ColorType = ..., alpha: float | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def get_under(self) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def set_under(self, color: ColorType = ..., alpha: float | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def get_over(self) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def set_over(self, color: ColorType = ..., alpha: float | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def set_extremes(
+ self,
+ *,
+ bad: ColorType | None = ...,
+ under: ColorType | None = ...,
+ over: ColorType | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def with_extremes(
+ self,
+ *,
+ bad: ColorType | None = ...,
+ under: ColorType | None = ...,
+ over: ColorType | None = ...
+ ) -> Colormap: ...
+ def is_gray(self) -> bool: ...
+ def resampled(self, lutsize: int) -> Colormap: ...
+ def reversed(self, name: str | None = ...) -> Colormap: ...
+ def _repr_html_(self) -> str: ...
+ def _repr_png_(self) -> bytes: ...
+ def copy(self) -> Colormap: ...
+class LinearSegmentedColormap(Colormap):
+ monochrome: bool
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ name: str,
+ segmentdata: dict[
+ Literal["red", "green", "blue", "alpha"], Sequence[tuple[float, ...]]
+ ],
+ N: int = ...,
+ gamma: float = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_gamma(self, gamma: float) -> None: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_list(
+ name: str, colors: ArrayLike, N: int = ..., gamma: float = ...
+ ) -> LinearSegmentedColormap: ...
+ def resampled(self, lutsize: int) -> LinearSegmentedColormap: ...
+ def reversed(self, name: str | None = ...) -> LinearSegmentedColormap: ...
+class ListedColormap(Colormap):
+ monochrome: bool
+ colors: ArrayLike | ColorType
+ def __init__(
+ self, colors: ArrayLike | ColorType, name: str = ..., N: int | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def resampled(self, lutsize: int) -> ListedColormap: ...
+ def reversed(self, name: str | None = ...) -> ListedColormap: ...
+class Normalize:
+ callbacks: cbook.CallbackRegistry
+ def __init__(
+ self, vmin: float | None = ..., vmax: float | None = ..., clip: bool = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def vmin(self) -> float | None: ...
+ @vmin.setter
+ def vmin(self, value: float | None) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def vmax(self) -> float | None: ...
+ @vmax.setter
+ def vmax(self, value: float | None) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def clip(self) -> bool: ...
+ @clip.setter
+ def clip(self, value: bool) -> None: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def process_value(value: ArrayLike) -> tuple[np.ma.MaskedArray, bool]: ...
+ @overload
+ def __call__(self, value: float, clip: bool | None = ...) -> float: ...
+ @overload
+ def __call__(self, value: np.ndarray, clip: bool | None = ...) -> np.ma.MaskedArray: ...
+ @overload
+ def __call__(self, value: ArrayLike, clip: bool | None = ...) -> ArrayLike: ...
+ @overload
+ def inverse(self, value: float) -> float: ...
+ @overload
+ def inverse(self, value: np.ndarray) -> np.ma.MaskedArray: ...
+ @overload
+ def inverse(self, value: ArrayLike) -> ArrayLike: ...
+ def autoscale(self, A: ArrayLike) -> None: ...
+ def autoscale_None(self, A: ArrayLike) -> None: ...
+ def scaled(self) -> bool: ...
+class TwoSlopeNorm(Normalize):
+ def __init__(
+ self, vcenter: float, vmin: float | None = ..., vmax: float | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def vcenter(self) -> float: ...
+ @vcenter.setter
+ def vcenter(self, value: float) -> None: ...
+ def autoscale_None(self, A: ArrayLike) -> None: ...
+class CenteredNorm(Normalize):
+ def __init__(
+ self, vcenter: float = ..., halfrange: float | None = ..., clip: bool = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def vcenter(self) -> float: ...
+ @vcenter.setter
+ def vcenter(self, vcenter: float) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def halfrange(self) -> float: ...
+ @halfrange.setter
+ def halfrange(self, halfrange: float) -> None: ...
+def make_norm_from_scale(
+ scale_cls: type[scale.ScaleBase],
+ base_norm_cls: type[Normalize],
+ *,
+ init: Callable | None = ...
+) -> type[Normalize]: ...
+def make_norm_from_scale(
+ scale_cls: type[scale.ScaleBase],
+ base_norm_cls: None = ...,
+ *,
+ init: Callable | None = ...
+) -> Callable[[type[Normalize]], type[Normalize]]: ...
+class FuncNorm(Normalize):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ functions: tuple[Callable, Callable],
+ vmin: float | None = ...,
+ vmax: float | None = ...,
+ clip: bool = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+class LogNorm(Normalize): ...
+class SymLogNorm(Normalize):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ linthresh: float,
+ linscale: float = ...,
+ vmin: float | None = ...,
+ vmax: float | None = ...,
+ clip: bool = ...,
+ *,
+ base: float = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def linthresh(self) -> float: ...
+ @linthresh.setter
+ def linthresh(self, value: float) -> None: ...
+class AsinhNorm(Normalize):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ linear_width: float = ...,
+ vmin: float | None = ...,
+ vmax: float | None = ...,
+ clip: bool = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def linear_width(self) -> float: ...
+ @linear_width.setter
+ def linear_width(self, value: float) -> None: ...
+class PowerNorm(Normalize):
+ gamma: float
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ gamma: float,
+ vmin: float | None = ...,
+ vmax: float | None = ...,
+ clip: bool = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+class BoundaryNorm(Normalize):
+ boundaries: np.ndarray
+ N: int
+ Ncmap: int
+ extend: Literal["neither", "both", "min", "max"]
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ boundaries: ArrayLike,
+ ncolors: int,
+ clip: bool = ...,
+ *,
+ extend: Literal["neither", "both", "min", "max"] = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+class NoNorm(Normalize): ...
+def rgb_to_hsv(arr: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: ...
+def hsv_to_rgb(hsv: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: ...
+class LightSource:
+ azdeg: float
+ altdeg: float
+ hsv_min_val: float
+ hsv_max_val: float
+ hsv_min_sat: float
+ hsv_max_sat: float
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ azdeg: float = ...,
+ altdeg: float = ...,
+ hsv_min_val: float = ...,
+ hsv_max_val: float = ...,
+ hsv_min_sat: float = ...,
+ hsv_max_sat: float = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def direction(self) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def hillshade(
+ self,
+ elevation: ArrayLike,
+ vert_exag: float = ...,
+ dx: float = ...,
+ dy: float = ...,
+ fraction: float = ...,
+ ) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def shade_normals(
+ self, normals: np.ndarray, fraction: float = ...
+ ) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def shade(
+ self,
+ data: ArrayLike,
+ cmap: Colormap,
+ norm: Normalize | None = ...,
+ blend_mode: Literal["hsv", "overlay", "soft"] | Callable = ...,
+ vmin: float | None = ...,
+ vmax: float | None = ...,
+ vert_exag: float = ...,
+ dx: float = ...,
+ dy: float = ...,
+ fraction: float = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def shade_rgb(
+ self,
+ rgb: ArrayLike,
+ elevation: ArrayLike,
+ fraction: float = ...,
+ blend_mode: Literal["hsv", "overlay", "soft"] | Callable = ...,
+ vert_exag: float = ...,
+ dx: float = ...,
+ dy: float = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def blend_hsv(
+ self,
+ rgb: ArrayLike,
+ intensity: ArrayLike,
+ hsv_max_sat: float | None = ...,
+ hsv_max_val: float | None = ...,
+ hsv_min_val: float | None = ...,
+ hsv_min_sat: float | None = ...,
+ ) -> ArrayLike: ...
+ def blend_soft_light(
+ self, rgb: np.ndarray, intensity: np.ndarray
+ ) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def blend_overlay(self, rgb: np.ndarray, intensity: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: ...
+def from_levels_and_colors(
+ levels: Sequence[float],
+ colors: Sequence[ColorType],
+ extend: Literal["neither", "min", "max", "both"] = ...,
+) -> tuple[ListedColormap, BoundaryNorm]: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/container.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/container.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9cc2e1ac2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/container.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+from matplotlib.artist import Artist
+from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
+from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
+from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
+from collections.abc import Callable
+from typing import Any, Literal
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+class Container(tuple):
+ def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): ...
+ def __init__(self, kl, label: Any | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def remove(self) -> None: ...
+ def get_children(self) -> list[Artist]: ...
+ def get_label(self) -> str | None: ...
+ def set_label(self, s: Any) -> None: ...
+ def add_callback(self, func: Callable[[Artist], Any]) -> int: ...
+ def remove_callback(self, oid: int) -> None: ...
+ def pchanged(self) -> None: ...
+class BarContainer(Container):
+ patches: list[Rectangle]
+ errorbar: None | ErrorbarContainer
+ datavalues: None | ArrayLike
+ orientation: None | Literal["vertical", "horizontal"]
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ patches: list[Rectangle],
+ errorbar: ErrorbarContainer | None = ...,
+ *,
+ datavalues: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ orientation: Literal["vertical", "horizontal"] | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+class ErrorbarContainer(Container):
+ lines: tuple[Line2D, Line2D, LineCollection]
+ has_xerr: bool
+ has_yerr: bool
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ lines: tuple[Line2D, Line2D, LineCollection],
+ has_xerr: bool = ...,
+ has_yerr: bool = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+class StemContainer(Container):
+ markerline: Line2D
+ stemlines: LineCollection
+ baseline: Line2D
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ markerline_stemlines_baseline: tuple[Line2D, LineCollection, Line2D],
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/contour.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/contour.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d7bddfe8f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/contour.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+import matplotlib.cm as cm
+from matplotlib.artist import Artist
+from matplotlib.axes import Axes
+from matplotlib.collections import Collection, PathCollection
+from matplotlib.colors import Colormap, Normalize
+from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
+from matplotlib.path import Path
+from matplotlib.patches import Patch
+from matplotlib.text import Text
+from matplotlib.transforms import Transform, TransformedPatchPath, TransformedPath
+from matplotlib.ticker import Locator, Formatter
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+import numpy as np
+from collections.abc import Callable, Iterable, Sequence
+from typing import Literal
+from .typing import ColorType
+class ClabelText(Text): ...
+class ContourLabeler:
+ labelFmt: str | Formatter | Callable[[float], str] | dict[float, str]
+ labelManual: bool | Iterable[tuple[float, float]]
+ rightside_up: bool
+ labelLevelList: list[float]
+ labelIndiceList: list[int]
+ labelMappable: cm.ScalarMappable
+ labelCValueList: list[ColorType]
+ labelXYs: list[tuple[float, float]]
+ def clabel(
+ self,
+ levels: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ *,
+ fontsize: str | float | None = ...,
+ inline: bool = ...,
+ inline_spacing: float = ...,
+ fmt: str | Formatter | Callable[[float], str] | dict[float, str] | None = ...,
+ colors: ColorType | Sequence[ColorType] | None = ...,
+ use_clabeltext: bool = ...,
+ manual: bool | Iterable[tuple[float, float]] = ...,
+ rightside_up: bool = ...,
+ zorder: float | None = ...
+ ) -> list[Text]: ...
+ @property
+ def labelFontProps(self) -> FontProperties: ...
+ @property
+ def labelFontSizeList(self) -> list[float]: ...
+ @property
+ def labelTextsList(self) -> list[Text]: ...
+ def print_label(self, linecontour: ArrayLike, labelwidth: float) -> bool: ...
+ def too_close(self, x: float, y: float, lw: float) -> bool: ...
+ def set_label_props(self, label: Text, text: str, color: ColorType) -> None: ...
+ def get_text(
+ self,
+ lev: float,
+ fmt: str | Formatter | Callable[[float], str] | dict[float, str],
+ ) -> str: ...
+ def locate_label(
+ self, linecontour: ArrayLike, labelwidth: float
+ ) -> tuple[float, float, float]: ...
+ def calc_label_rot_and_inline(
+ self,
+ slc: ArrayLike,
+ ind: int,
+ lw: float,
+ lc: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ spacing: int = ...,
+ ) -> tuple[float, list[ArrayLike]]: ...
+ def add_label(
+ self, x: float, y: float, rotation: float, lev: float, cvalue: ColorType
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def add_label_clabeltext(
+ self, x: float, y: float, rotation: float, lev: float, cvalue: ColorType
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def add_label_near(
+ self,
+ x: float,
+ y: float,
+ inline: bool = ...,
+ inline_spacing: int = ...,
+ transform: Transform | Literal[False] | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def pop_label(self, index: int = ...) -> None: ...
+ def labels(self, inline: bool, inline_spacing: int) -> None: ...
+ def remove(self) -> None: ...
+class ContourSet(ContourLabeler, Collection):
+ axes: Axes
+ levels: Iterable[float]
+ filled: bool
+ linewidths: float | ArrayLike | None
+ hatches: Iterable[str | None]
+ origin: Literal["upper", "lower", "image"] | None
+ extent: tuple[float, float, float, float] | None
+ colors: ColorType | Sequence[ColorType]
+ extend: Literal["neither", "both", "min", "max"]
+ nchunk: int
+ locator: Locator | None
+ logscale: bool
+ negative_linestyles: None | Literal[
+ "solid", "dashed", "dashdot", "dotted"
+ ] | Iterable[Literal["solid", "dashed", "dashdot", "dotted"]]
+ clip_path: Patch | Path | TransformedPath | TransformedPatchPath | None
+ labelTexts: list[Text]
+ labelCValues: list[ColorType]
+ @property
+ def tcolors(self) -> list[tuple[tuple[float, float, float, float]]]: ...
+ # only for not filled
+ @property
+ def tlinewidths(self) -> list[tuple[float]]: ...
+ @property
+ def allkinds(self) -> list[list[np.ndarray | None]]: ...
+ @property
+ def allsegs(self) -> list[list[np.ndarray]]: ...
+ @property
+ def alpha(self) -> float | None: ...
+ @property
+ def antialiased(self) -> bool: ...
+ @antialiased.setter
+ def antialiased(self, aa: bool | Sequence[bool]) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def collections(self) -> list[PathCollection]: ...
+ @property
+ def linestyles(self) -> (
+ None |
+ Literal["solid", "dashed", "dashdot", "dotted"] |
+ Iterable[Literal["solid", "dashed", "dashdot", "dotted"]]
+ ): ...
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ax: Axes,
+ *args,
+ levels: Iterable[float] | None = ...,
+ filled: bool = ...,
+ linewidths: float | ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ linestyles: Literal["solid", "dashed", "dashdot", "dotted"]
+ | Iterable[Literal["solid", "dashed", "dashdot", "dotted"]]
+ | None = ...,
+ hatches: Iterable[str | None] = ...,
+ alpha: float | None = ...,
+ origin: Literal["upper", "lower", "image"] | None = ...,
+ extent: tuple[float, float, float, float] | None = ...,
+ cmap: str | Colormap | None = ...,
+ colors: ColorType | Sequence[ColorType] | None = ...,
+ norm: str | Normalize | None = ...,
+ vmin: float | None = ...,
+ vmax: float | None = ...,
+ extend: Literal["neither", "both", "min", "max"] = ...,
+ antialiased: bool | None = ...,
+ nchunk: int = ...,
+ locator: Locator | None = ...,
+ transform: Transform | None = ...,
+ negative_linestyles: Literal["solid", "dashed", "dashdot", "dotted"]
+ | Iterable[Literal["solid", "dashed", "dashdot", "dotted"]]
+ | None = ...,
+ clip_path: Patch | Path | TransformedPath | TransformedPatchPath | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def legend_elements(
+ self, variable_name: str = ..., str_format: Callable[[float], str] = ...
+ ) -> tuple[list[Artist], list[str]]: ...
+ def find_nearest_contour(
+ self, x: float, y: float, indices: Iterable[int] | None = ..., pixel: bool = ...
+ ) -> tuple[int, int, int, float, float, float]: ...
+class QuadContourSet(ContourSet): ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/dviread.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/dviread.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf5cfcbe31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/dviread.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+from pathlib import Path
+import io
+import os
+from enum import Enum
+from collections.abc import Generator
+from typing import NamedTuple
+class _dvistate(Enum):
+ pre: int
+ outer: int
+ inpage: int
+ post_post: int
+ finale: int
+class Page(NamedTuple):
+ text: list[Text]
+ boxes: list[Box]
+ height: int
+ width: int
+ descent: int
+class Box(NamedTuple):
+ x: int
+ y: int
+ height: int
+ width: int
+class Text(NamedTuple):
+ x: int
+ y: int
+ font: DviFont
+ glyph: int
+ width: int
+ @property
+ def font_path(self) -> Path: ...
+ @property
+ def font_size(self) -> float: ...
+ @property
+ def font_effects(self) -> dict[str, float]: ...
+ @property
+ def glyph_name_or_index(self) -> int | str: ...
+class Dvi:
+ file: io.BufferedReader
+ dpi: float | None
+ fonts: dict[int, DviFont]
+ state: _dvistate
+ def __init__(self, filename: str | os.PathLike, dpi: float | None) -> None: ...
+ # Replace return with Self when py3.9 is dropped
+ def __enter__(self) -> Dvi: ...
+ def __exit__(self, etype, evalue, etrace) -> None: ...
+ def __iter__(self) -> Generator[Page, None, None]: ...
+ def close(self) -> None: ...
+class DviFont:
+ texname: bytes
+ size: float
+ widths: list[int]
+ def __init__(
+ self, scale: float, tfm: Tfm, texname: bytes, vf: Vf | None
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ...
+ def __ne__(self, other: object) -> bool: ...
+class Vf(Dvi):
+ def __init__(self, filename: str | os.PathLike) -> None: ...
+ def __getitem__(self, code: int) -> Page: ...
+class Tfm:
+ checksum: int
+ design_size: int
+ width: dict[int, int]
+ height: dict[int, int]
+ depth: dict[int, int]
+ def __init__(self, filename: str | os.PathLike) -> None: ...
+class PsFont(NamedTuple):
+ texname: bytes
+ psname: bytes
+ effects: dict[str, float]
+ encoding: None | bytes
+ filename: str
+class PsfontsMap:
+ # Replace return with Self when py3.9 is dropped
+ def __new__(cls, filename: str | os.PathLike) -> PsfontsMap: ...
+ def __getitem__(self, texname: bytes) -> PsFont: ...
+def find_tex_file(filename: str | os.PathLike) -> str: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/figure.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/figure.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..887b6ed5d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/figure.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+from collections.abc import Callable, Hashable, Iterable
+import os
+from typing import Any, IO, Literal, TypeVar, overload
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+from matplotlib.artist import Artist
+from matplotlib.axes import Axes, SubplotBase
+from matplotlib.backend_bases import (
+ FigureCanvasBase,
+ MouseButton,
+ MouseEvent,
+ RendererBase,
+from matplotlib.colors import Colormap, Normalize
+from matplotlib.colorbar import Colorbar
+from matplotlib.cm import ScalarMappable
+from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec, SubplotSpec
+from matplotlib.image import _ImageBase, FigureImage
+from matplotlib.layout_engine import LayoutEngine
+from matplotlib.legend import Legend
+from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
+from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle, Patch
+from matplotlib.text import Text
+from matplotlib.transforms import Affine2D, Bbox, BboxBase, Transform
+from .typing import ColorType, HashableList
+_T = TypeVar("_T")
+class SubplotParams:
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ left: float | None = ...,
+ bottom: float | None = ...,
+ right: float | None = ...,
+ top: float | None = ...,
+ wspace: float | None = ...,
+ hspace: float | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ left: float
+ right: float
+ bottom: float
+ top: float
+ wspace: float
+ hspace: float
+ def update(
+ self,
+ left: float | None = ...,
+ bottom: float | None = ...,
+ right: float | None = ...,
+ top: float | None = ...,
+ wspace: float | None = ...,
+ hspace: float | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+class FigureBase(Artist):
+ artists: list[Artist]
+ lines: list[Line2D]
+ patches: list[Patch]
+ texts: list[Text]
+ images: list[_ImageBase]
+ legends: list[Legend]
+ subfigs: list[SubFigure]
+ stale: bool
+ suppressComposite: bool | None
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ def autofmt_xdate(
+ self,
+ bottom: float = ...,
+ rotation: int = ...,
+ ha: Literal["left", "center", "right"] = ...,
+ which: Literal["major", "minor", "both"] = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_children(self) -> list[Artist]: ...
+ def contains(self, mouseevent: MouseEvent) -> tuple[bool, dict[Any, Any]]: ...
+ def suptitle(self, t: str, **kwargs) -> Text: ...
+ def get_suptitle(self) -> str: ...
+ def supxlabel(self, t: str, **kwargs) -> Text: ...
+ def get_supxlabel(self) -> str: ...
+ def supylabel(self, t: str, **kwargs) -> Text: ...
+ def get_supylabel(self) -> str: ...
+ def get_edgecolor(self) -> ColorType: ...
+ def get_facecolor(self) -> ColorType: ...
+ def get_frameon(self) -> bool: ...
+ def set_linewidth(self, linewidth: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_linewidth(self) -> float: ...
+ def set_edgecolor(self, color: ColorType) -> None: ...
+ def set_facecolor(self, color: ColorType) -> None: ...
+ def set_frameon(self, b: bool) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def frameon(self) -> bool: ...
+ @frameon.setter
+ def frameon(self, b: bool) -> None: ...
+ def add_artist(self, artist: Artist, clip: bool = ...) -> Artist: ...
+ @overload
+ def add_axes(self, ax: Axes) -> Axes: ...
+ @overload
+ def add_axes(
+ self,
+ rect: tuple[float, float, float, float],
+ projection: None | str = ...,
+ polar: bool = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> Axes: ...
+ # TODO: docstring indicates SubplotSpec a valid arg, but none of the listed signatures appear to be that
+ @overload
+ def add_subplot(
+ self, nrows: int, ncols: int, index: int | tuple[int, int], **kwargs
+ ) -> Axes: ...
+ @overload
+ def add_subplot(self, pos: int, **kwargs) -> Axes: ...
+ @overload
+ def add_subplot(self, ax: Axes, **kwargs) -> Axes: ...
+ @overload
+ def add_subplot(self, ax: SubplotSpec, **kwargs) -> Axes: ...
+ @overload
+ def add_subplot(self, **kwargs) -> Axes: ...
+ @overload
+ def subplots(
+ self,
+ nrows: int = ...,
+ ncols: int = ...,
+ *,
+ sharex: bool | Literal["none", "all", "row", "col"] = ...,
+ sharey: bool | Literal["none", "all", "row", "col"] = ...,
+ squeeze: Literal[False],
+ width_ratios: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ height_ratios: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ subplot_kw: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ gridspec_kw: dict[str, Any] | None = ...
+ ) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ @overload
+ def subplots(
+ self,
+ nrows: int = ...,
+ ncols: int = ...,
+ *,
+ sharex: bool | Literal["none", "all", "row", "col"] = ...,
+ sharey: bool | Literal["none", "all", "row", "col"] = ...,
+ squeeze: bool = ...,
+ width_ratios: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ height_ratios: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ subplot_kw: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ gridspec_kw: dict[str, Any] | None = ...
+ ) -> np.ndarray | SubplotBase | Axes: ...
+ def delaxes(self, ax: Axes) -> None: ...
+ def clear(self, keep_observers: bool = ...) -> None: ...
+ def clf(self, keep_observers: bool = ...) -> None: ...
+ @overload
+ def legend(self) -> Legend: ...
+ @overload
+ def legend(self, handles: Iterable[Artist], labels: Iterable[str], **kwargs) -> Legend: ...
+ @overload
+ def legend(self, *, handles: Iterable[Artist], **kwargs) -> Legend: ...
+ @overload
+ def legend(self, labels: Iterable[str], **kwargs) -> Legend: ...
+ @overload
+ def legend(self, **kwargs) -> Legend: ...
+ def text(
+ self,
+ x: float,
+ y: float,
+ s: str,
+ fontdict: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> Text: ...
+ def colorbar(
+ self,
+ mappable: ScalarMappable,
+ cax: Axes | None = ...,
+ ax: Axes | Iterable[Axes] | None = ...,
+ use_gridspec: bool = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> Colorbar: ...
+ def subplots_adjust(
+ self,
+ left: float | None = ...,
+ bottom: float | None = ...,
+ right: float | None = ...,
+ top: float | None = ...,
+ wspace: float | None = ...,
+ hspace: float | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def align_xlabels(self, axs: Iterable[Axes] | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def align_ylabels(self, axs: Iterable[Axes] | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def align_labels(self, axs: Iterable[Axes] | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def add_gridspec(self, nrows: int = ..., ncols: int = ..., **kwargs) -> GridSpec: ...
+ @overload
+ def subfigures(
+ self,
+ nrows: int = ...,
+ ncols: int = ...,
+ squeeze: Literal[False] = ...,
+ wspace: float | None = ...,
+ hspace: float | None = ...,
+ width_ratios: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ height_ratios: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ @overload
+ def subfigures(
+ self,
+ nrows: int = ...,
+ ncols: int = ...,
+ squeeze: Literal[True] = ...,
+ wspace: float | None = ...,
+ hspace: float | None = ...,
+ width_ratios: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ height_ratios: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> np.ndarray | SubFigure: ...
+ def add_subfigure(self, subplotspec: SubplotSpec, **kwargs) -> SubFigure: ...
+ def sca(self, a: Axes) -> Axes: ...
+ def gca(self) -> Axes: ...
+ def _gci(self) -> ScalarMappable | None: ...
+ def _process_projection_requirements(
+ self, *, axes_class=None, polar=False, projection=None, **kwargs
+ ) -> tuple[type[Axes], dict[str, Any]]: ...
+ def get_default_bbox_extra_artists(self) -> list[Artist]: ...
+ def get_tightbbox(
+ self,
+ renderer: RendererBase | None = ...,
+ *,
+ bbox_extra_artists: Iterable[Artist] | None = ...,
+ ) -> Bbox: ...
+ @overload
+ def subplot_mosaic(
+ self,
+ mosaic: str,
+ *,
+ sharex: bool = ...,
+ sharey: bool = ...,
+ width_ratios: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ height_ratios: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ empty_sentinel: str = ...,
+ subplot_kw: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ per_subplot_kw: dict[str | tuple[str, ...], dict[str, Any]] | None = ...,
+ gridspec_kw: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ ) -> dict[str, Axes]: ...
+ @overload
+ def subplot_mosaic(
+ self,
+ mosaic: list[HashableList[_T]],
+ *,
+ sharex: bool = ...,
+ sharey: bool = ...,
+ width_ratios: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ height_ratios: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ empty_sentinel: _T = ...,
+ subplot_kw: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ per_subplot_kw: dict[_T | tuple[_T, ...], dict[str, Any]] | None = ...,
+ gridspec_kw: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ ) -> dict[_T, Axes]: ...
+ @overload
+ def subplot_mosaic(
+ self,
+ mosaic: list[HashableList[Hashable]],
+ *,
+ sharex: bool = ...,
+ sharey: bool = ...,
+ width_ratios: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ height_ratios: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ empty_sentinel: Any = ...,
+ subplot_kw: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ per_subplot_kw: dict[Hashable | tuple[Hashable, ...], dict[str, Any]] | None = ...,
+ gridspec_kw: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ ) -> dict[Hashable, Axes]: ...
+class SubFigure(FigureBase):
+ figure: Figure
+ subplotpars: SubplotParams
+ dpi_scale_trans: Affine2D
+ canvas: FigureCanvasBase
+ transFigure: Transform
+ bbox_relative: Bbox
+ figbbox: BboxBase
+ bbox: BboxBase
+ transSubfigure: Transform
+ patch: Rectangle
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ parent: Figure | SubFigure,
+ subplotspec: SubplotSpec,
+ *,
+ facecolor: ColorType | None = ...,
+ edgecolor: ColorType | None = ...,
+ linewidth: float = ...,
+ frameon: bool | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def dpi(self) -> float: ...
+ @dpi.setter
+ def dpi(self, value: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_dpi(self) -> float: ...
+ def set_dpi(self, val) -> None: ...
+ def get_constrained_layout(self) -> bool: ...
+ def get_constrained_layout_pads(
+ self, relative: bool = ...
+ ) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]: ...
+ def get_layout_engine(self) -> LayoutEngine: ...
+ @property # type: ignore[misc]
+ def axes(self) -> list[Axes]: ... # type: ignore[override]
+ def get_axes(self) -> list[Axes]: ...
+class Figure(FigureBase):
+ figure: Figure
+ bbox_inches: Bbox
+ dpi_scale_trans: Affine2D
+ bbox: BboxBase
+ figbbox: BboxBase
+ transFigure: Transform
+ transSubfigure: Transform
+ patch: Rectangle
+ subplotpars: SubplotParams
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ figsize: tuple[float, float] | None = ...,
+ dpi: float | None = ...,
+ *,
+ facecolor: ColorType | None = ...,
+ edgecolor: ColorType | None = ...,
+ linewidth: float = ...,
+ frameon: bool | None = ...,
+ subplotpars: SubplotParams | None = ...,
+ tight_layout: bool | dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ constrained_layout: bool | dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ layout: Literal["constrained", "compressed", "tight"]
+ | LayoutEngine
+ | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def pick(self, mouseevent: MouseEvent) -> None: ...
+ def set_layout_engine(
+ self,
+ layout: Literal["constrained", "compressed", "tight", "none"]
+ | LayoutEngine
+ | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_layout_engine(self) -> LayoutEngine | None: ...
+ def _repr_html_(self) -> str | None: ...
+ def show(self, warn: bool = ...) -> None: ...
+ @property # type: ignore[misc]
+ def axes(self) -> list[Axes]: ... # type: ignore[override]
+ def get_axes(self) -> list[Axes]: ...
+ @property
+ def dpi(self) -> float: ...
+ @dpi.setter
+ def dpi(self, dpi: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_tight_layout(self) -> bool: ...
+ def get_constrained_layout_pads(
+ self, relative: bool = ...
+ ) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]: ...
+ def get_constrained_layout(self) -> bool: ...
+ canvas: FigureCanvasBase
+ def set_canvas(self, canvas: FigureCanvasBase) -> None: ...
+ def figimage(
+ self,
+ X: ArrayLike,
+ xo: int = ...,
+ yo: int = ...,
+ alpha: float | None = ...,
+ norm: str | Normalize | None = ...,
+ cmap: str | Colormap | None = ...,
+ vmin: float | None = ...,
+ vmax: float | None = ...,
+ origin: Literal["upper", "lower"] | None = ...,
+ resize: bool = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> FigureImage: ...
+ def set_size_inches(
+ self, w: float | tuple[float, float], h: float | None = ..., forward: bool = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_size_inches(self) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def get_figwidth(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_figheight(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_dpi(self) -> float: ...
+ def set_dpi(self, val: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_figwidth(self, val: float, forward: bool = ...) -> None: ...
+ def set_figheight(self, val: float, forward: bool = ...) -> None: ...
+ def clear(self, keep_observers: bool = ...) -> None: ...
+ def draw_without_rendering(self) -> None: ...
+ def draw_artist(self, a: Artist) -> None: ...
+ def add_axobserver(self, func: Callable[[Figure], Any]) -> None: ...
+ def savefig(
+ self,
+ fname: str | os.PathLike | IO,
+ *,
+ transparent: bool | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def ginput(
+ self,
+ n: int = ...,
+ timeout: float = ...,
+ show_clicks: bool = ...,
+ mouse_add: MouseButton = ...,
+ mouse_pop: MouseButton = ...,
+ mouse_stop: MouseButton = ...,
+ ) -> list[tuple[int, int]]: ...
+ def waitforbuttonpress(self, timeout: float = ...) -> None | bool: ...
+ def tight_layout(
+ self,
+ *,
+ pad: float = ...,
+ h_pad: float | None = ...,
+ w_pad: float | None = ...,
+ rect: tuple[float, float, float, float] | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+def figaspect(arg: float | ArrayLike) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/font_manager.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/font_manager.pyi
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index 0000000000..48d0e362d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/font_manager.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+import os
+from matplotlib._afm import AFM
+from matplotlib import ft2font
+from pathlib import Path
+from collections.abc import Iterable
+from typing import Any, Literal
+font_scalings: dict[str | None, float]
+stretch_dict: dict[str, int]
+weight_dict: dict[str, int]
+font_family_aliases: set[str]
+MSFolders: str
+MSFontDirectories: list[str]
+MSUserFontDirectories: list[str]
+X11FontDirectories: list[str]
+OSXFontDirectories: list[str]
+def get_fontext_synonyms(fontext: str) -> list[str]: ...
+def list_fonts(directory: str, extensions: Iterable[str]) -> list[str]: ...
+def win32FontDirectory() -> str: ...
+def _get_fontconfig_fonts() -> list[Path]: ...
+def findSystemFonts(
+ fontpaths: Iterable[str | os.PathLike | Path] | None = ..., fontext: str = ...
+) -> list[str]: ...
+class FontEntry:
+ fname: str = ...
+ name: str = ...
+ style: str = ...
+ variant: str = ...
+ weight: str | int = ...
+ stretch: str = ...
+ size: str = ...
+ def _repr_html_(self) -> str: ...
+ def _repr_png_(self) -> bytes: ...
+def ttfFontProperty(font: ft2font.FT2Font) -> FontEntry: ...
+def afmFontProperty(fontpath: str, font: AFM) -> FontEntry: ...
+class FontProperties:
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ family: str | Iterable[str] | None = ...,
+ style: Literal["normal", "italic", "oblique"] | None = ...,
+ variant: Literal["normal", "small-caps"] | None = ...,
+ weight: int | str | None = ...,
+ stretch: int | str | None = ...,
+ size: float | str | None = ...,
+ fname: str | os.PathLike | Path | None = ...,
+ math_fontfamily: str | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def __hash__(self) -> int: ...
+ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ...
+ def get_family(self) -> list[str]: ...
+ def get_name(self) -> str: ...
+ def get_style(self) -> Literal["normal", "italic", "oblique"]: ...
+ def get_variant(self) -> Literal["normal", "small-caps"]: ...
+ def get_weight(self) -> int | str: ...
+ def get_stretch(self) -> int | str: ...
+ def get_size(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_file(self) -> str | bytes | None: ...
+ def get_fontconfig_pattern(self) -> dict[str, list[Any]]: ...
+ def set_family(self, family: str | Iterable[str] | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_style(
+ self, style: Literal["normal", "italic", "oblique"] | None
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_variant(self, variant: Literal["normal", "small-caps"] | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_weight(self, weight: int | str | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_stretch(self, stretch: int | str | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_size(self, size: float | str | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_file(self, file: str | os.PathLike | Path | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_fontconfig_pattern(self, pattern: str) -> None: ...
+ def get_math_fontfamily(self) -> str: ...
+ def set_math_fontfamily(self, fontfamily: str | None) -> None: ...
+ def copy(self) -> FontProperties: ...
+ # Aliases
+ set_name = set_family
+ get_slant = get_style
+ set_slant = set_style
+ get_size_in_points = get_size
+def json_dump(data: FontManager, filename: str | Path | os.PathLike) -> None: ...
+def json_load(filename: str | Path | os.PathLike) -> FontManager: ...
+class FontManager:
+ __version__: int
+ default_size: float | None
+ defaultFamily: dict[str, str]
+ afmlist: list[FontEntry]
+ ttflist: list[FontEntry]
+ def __init__(self, size: float | None = ..., weight: str = ...) -> None: ...
+ def addfont(self, path: str | Path | os.PathLike) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def defaultFont(self) -> dict[str, str]: ...
+ def get_default_weight(self) -> str: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_default_size() -> float: ...
+ def set_default_weight(self, weight: str) -> None: ...
+ def score_family(
+ self, families: str | list[str] | tuple[str], family2: str
+ ) -> float: ...
+ def score_style(self, style1: str, style2: str) -> float: ...
+ def score_variant(self, variant1: str, variant2: str) -> float: ...
+ def score_stretch(self, stretch1: str | int, stretch2: str | int) -> float: ...
+ def score_weight(self, weight1: str | float, weight2: str | float) -> float: ...
+ def score_size(self, size1: str | float, size2: str | float) -> float: ...
+ def findfont(
+ self,
+ prop: str | FontProperties,
+ fontext: Literal["ttf", "afm"] = ...,
+ directory: str | None = ...,
+ fallback_to_default: bool = ...,
+ rebuild_if_missing: bool = ...,
+ ) -> str: ...
+ def get_font_names(self) -> list[str]: ...
+def is_opentype_cff_font(filename: str) -> bool: ...
+def get_font(
+ font_filepaths: Iterable[str | Path | bytes] | str | Path | bytes,
+ hinting_factor: int | None = ...,
+) -> ft2font.FT2Font: ...
+fontManager: FontManager
+def findfont(
+ prop: str | FontProperties,
+ fontext: Literal["ttf", "afm"] = ...,
+ directory: str | None = ...,
+ fallback_to_default: bool = ...,
+ rebuild_if_missing: bool = ...,
+) -> str: ...
+def get_font_names() -> list[str]: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/ft2font.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/ft2font.pyi
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index 0000000000..6a0716e993
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/ft2font.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+from typing import BinaryIO, Literal, TypedDict, overload
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.typing import NDArray
+__freetype_build_type__: str
+__freetype_version__: str
+BOLD: int
+ITALIC: int
+SFNT: int
+class _SfntHeadDict(TypedDict):
+ version: tuple[int, int]
+ fontRevision: tuple[int, int]
+ checkSumAdjustment: int
+ magicNumber: int
+ flags: int
+ unitsPerEm: int
+ created: tuple[int, int]
+ modified: tuple[int, int]
+ xMin: int
+ yMin: int
+ xMax: int
+ yMax: int
+ macStyle: int
+ lowestRecPPEM: int
+ fontDirectionHint: int
+ indexToLocFormat: int
+ glyphDataFormat: int
+class _SfntMaxpDict(TypedDict):
+ version: tuple[int, int]
+ numGlyphs: int
+ maxPoints: int
+ maxContours: int
+ maxComponentPoints: int
+ maxComponentContours: int
+ maxZones: int
+ maxTwilightPoints: int
+ maxStorage: int
+ maxFunctionDefs: int
+ maxInstructionDefs: int
+ maxStackElements: int
+ maxSizeOfInstructions: int
+ maxComponentElements: int
+ maxComponentDepth: int
+class _SfntOs2Dict(TypedDict):
+ version: int
+ xAvgCharWidth: int
+ usWeightClass: int
+ usWidthClass: int
+ fsType: int
+ ySubscriptXSize: int
+ ySubscriptYSize: int
+ ySubscriptXOffset: int
+ ySubscriptYOffset: int
+ ySuperscriptXSize: int
+ ySuperscriptYSize: int
+ ySuperscriptXOffset: int
+ ySuperscriptYOffset: int
+ yStrikeoutSize: int
+ yStrikeoutPosition: int
+ sFamilyClass: int
+ panose: bytes
+ ulCharRange: tuple[int, int, int, int]
+ achVendID: bytes
+ fsSelection: int
+ fsFirstCharIndex: int
+ fsLastCharIndex: int
+class _SfntHheaDict(TypedDict):
+ version: tuple[int, int]
+ ascent: int
+ descent: int
+ lineGap: int
+ advanceWidthMax: int
+ minLeftBearing: int
+ minRightBearing: int
+ xMaxExtent: int
+ caretSlopeRise: int
+ caretSlopeRun: int
+ caretOffset: int
+ metricDataFormat: int
+ numOfLongHorMetrics: int
+class _SfntVheaDict(TypedDict):
+ version: tuple[int, int]
+ vertTypoAscender: int
+ vertTypoDescender: int
+ vertTypoLineGap: int
+ advanceHeightMax: int
+ minTopSideBearing: int
+ minBottomSizeBearing: int
+ yMaxExtent: int
+ caretSlopeRise: int
+ caretSlopeRun: int
+ caretOffset: int
+ metricDataFormat: int
+ numOfLongVerMetrics: int
+class _SfntPostDict(TypedDict):
+ format: tuple[int, int]
+ italicAngle: tuple[int, int]
+ underlinePosition: int
+ underlineThickness: int
+ isFixedPitch: int
+ minMemType42: int
+ maxMemType42: int
+ minMemType1: int
+ maxMemType1: int
+class _SfntPcltDict(TypedDict):
+ version: tuple[int, int]
+ fontNumber: int
+ pitch: int
+ xHeight: int
+ style: int
+ typeFamily: int
+ capHeight: int
+ symbolSet: int
+ typeFace: bytes
+ characterComplement: bytes
+ strokeWeight: int
+ widthType: int
+ serifStyle: int
+class FT2Font:
+ ascender: int
+ bbox: tuple[int, int, int, int]
+ descender: int
+ face_flags: int
+ family_name: str
+ fname: str
+ height: int
+ max_advance_height: int
+ max_advance_width: int
+ num_charmaps: int
+ num_faces: int
+ num_fixed_sizes: int
+ num_glyphs: int
+ postscript_name: str
+ scalable: bool
+ style_flags: int
+ style_name: str
+ underline_position: int
+ underline_thickness: int
+ units_per_EM: int
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ filename: str | BinaryIO,
+ hinting_factor: int = ...,
+ *,
+ _fallback_list: list[FT2Font] | None = ...,
+ _kerning_factor: int = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def _get_fontmap(self, string: str) -> dict[str, FT2Font]: ...
+ def clear(self) -> None: ...
+ def draw_glyph_to_bitmap(
+ self, image: FT2Image, x: float, y: float, glyph: Glyph, antialiased: bool = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def draw_glyphs_to_bitmap(self, antialiased: bool = ...) -> None: ...
+ def get_bitmap_offset(self) -> tuple[int, int]: ...
+ def get_char_index(self, codepoint: int) -> int: ...
+ def get_charmap(self) -> dict[int, int]: ...
+ def get_descent(self) -> int: ...
+ def get_glyph_name(self, index: int) -> str: ...
+ def get_image(self) -> NDArray[np.uint8]: ...
+ def get_kerning(self, left: int, right: int, mode: int) -> int: ...
+ def get_name_index(self, name: str) -> int: ...
+ def get_num_glyphs(self) -> int: ...
+ def get_path(self) -> tuple[NDArray[np.float64], NDArray[np.int8]]: ...
+ def get_ps_font_info(
+ self,
+ ) -> tuple[str, str, str, str, str, int, int, int, int]: ...
+ def get_sfnt(self) -> dict[tuple[int, int, int, int], bytes]: ...
+ @overload
+ def get_sfnt_table(self, name: Literal["head"]) -> _SfntHeadDict | None: ...
+ @overload
+ def get_sfnt_table(self, name: Literal["maxp"]) -> _SfntMaxpDict | None: ...
+ @overload
+ def get_sfnt_table(self, name: Literal["OS/2"]) -> _SfntOs2Dict | None: ...
+ @overload
+ def get_sfnt_table(self, name: Literal["hhea"]) -> _SfntHheaDict | None: ...
+ @overload
+ def get_sfnt_table(self, name: Literal["vhea"]) -> _SfntVheaDict | None: ...
+ @overload
+ def get_sfnt_table(self, name: Literal["post"]) -> _SfntPostDict | None: ...
+ @overload
+ def get_sfnt_table(self, name: Literal["pclt"]) -> _SfntPcltDict | None: ...
+ def get_width_height(self) -> tuple[int, int]: ...
+ def get_xys(self, antialiased: bool = ...) -> NDArray[np.float64]: ...
+ def load_char(self, charcode: int, flags: int = ...) -> Glyph: ...
+ def load_glyph(self, glyphindex: int, flags: int = ...) -> Glyph: ...
+ def select_charmap(self, i: int) -> None: ...
+ def set_charmap(self, i: int) -> None: ...
+ def set_size(self, ptsize: float, dpi: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_text(
+ self, string: str, angle: float = ..., flags: int = ...
+ ) -> NDArray[np.float64]: ...
+class FT2Image: # TODO: When updating mypy>=1.4, subclass from Buffer.
+ def __init__(self, width: float, height: float) -> None: ...
+ def draw_rect(self, x0: float, y0: float, x1: float, y1: float) -> None: ...
+ def draw_rect_filled(self, x0: float, y0: float, x1: float, y1: float) -> None: ...
+class Glyph:
+ width: int
+ height: int
+ horiBearingX: int
+ horiBearingY: int
+ horiAdvance: int
+ linearHoriAdvance: int
+ vertBearingX: int
+ vertBearingY: int
+ vertAdvance: int
+ @property
+ def bbox(self) -> tuple[int, int, int, int]: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/gridspec.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/gridspec.pyi
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index 0000000000..6e2273080b
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+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/gridspec.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+from typing import Any, Literal, overload
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+import numpy as np
+from matplotlib.axes import Axes, SubplotBase
+from matplotlib.backend_bases import RendererBase
+from matplotlib.figure import Figure, SubplotParams
+from matplotlib.transforms import Bbox
+class GridSpecBase:
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ nrows: int,
+ ncols: int,
+ height_ratios: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ width_ratios: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def nrows(self) -> int: ...
+ @property
+ def ncols(self) -> int: ...
+ def get_geometry(self) -> tuple[int, int]: ...
+ def get_subplot_params(self, figure: Figure | None = ...) -> SubplotParams: ...
+ def new_subplotspec(
+ self, loc: tuple[int, int], rowspan: int = ..., colspan: int = ...
+ ) -> SubplotSpec: ...
+ def set_width_ratios(self, width_ratios: ArrayLike | None) -> None: ...
+ def get_width_ratios(self) -> ArrayLike: ...
+ def set_height_ratios(self, height_ratios: ArrayLike | None) -> None: ...
+ def get_height_ratios(self) -> ArrayLike: ...
+ def get_grid_positions(
+ self, fig: Figure, raw: bool = ...
+ ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def _check_gridspec_exists(figure: Figure, nrows: int, ncols: int) -> GridSpec: ...
+ def __getitem__(
+ self, key: tuple[int | slice, int | slice] | slice | int
+ ) -> SubplotSpec: ...
+ @overload
+ def subplots(
+ self,
+ *,
+ sharex: bool | Literal["all", "row", "col", "none"] = ...,
+ sharey: bool | Literal["all", "row", "col", "none"] = ...,
+ squeeze: Literal[False],
+ subplot_kw: dict[str, Any] | None = ...
+ ) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ @overload
+ def subplots(
+ self,
+ *,
+ sharex: bool | Literal["all", "row", "col", "none"] = ...,
+ sharey: bool | Literal["all", "row", "col", "none"] = ...,
+ squeeze: Literal[True] = ...,
+ subplot_kw: dict[str, Any] | None = ...
+ ) -> np.ndarray | SubplotBase | Axes: ...
+class GridSpec(GridSpecBase):
+ left: float | None
+ bottom: float | None
+ right: float | None
+ top: float | None
+ wspace: float | None
+ hspace: float | None
+ figure: Figure | None
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ nrows: int,
+ ncols: int,
+ figure: Figure | None = ...,
+ left: float | None = ...,
+ bottom: float | None = ...,
+ right: float | None = ...,
+ top: float | None = ...,
+ wspace: float | None = ...,
+ hspace: float | None = ...,
+ width_ratios: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ height_ratios: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def update(self, **kwargs: float | None) -> None: ...
+ def locally_modified_subplot_params(self) -> list[str]: ...
+ def tight_layout(
+ self,
+ figure: Figure,
+ renderer: RendererBase | None = ...,
+ pad: float = ...,
+ h_pad: float | None = ...,
+ w_pad: float | None = ...,
+ rect: tuple[float, float, float, float] | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+class GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(GridSpecBase):
+ figure: Figure | None
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ nrows: int,
+ ncols: int,
+ subplot_spec: SubplotSpec,
+ wspace: float | None = ...,
+ hspace: float | None = ...,
+ height_ratios: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ width_ratios: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_topmost_subplotspec(self) -> SubplotSpec: ...
+class SubplotSpec:
+ num1: int
+ def __init__(
+ self, gridspec: GridSpecBase, num1: int, num2: int | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def _from_subplot_args(figure, args): ...
+ @property
+ def num2(self) -> int: ...
+ @num2.setter
+ def num2(self, value: int) -> None: ...
+ def get_gridspec(self) -> GridSpec: ...
+ def get_geometry(self) -> tuple[int, int, int, int]: ...
+ @property
+ def rowspan(self) -> range: ...
+ @property
+ def colspan(self) -> range: ...
+ def is_first_row(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_last_row(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_first_col(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_last_col(self) -> bool: ...
+ def get_position(self, figure: Figure) -> Bbox: ...
+ def get_topmost_subplotspec(self) -> SubplotSpec: ...
+ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ...
+ def __hash__(self) -> int: ...
+ def subgridspec(
+ self, nrows: int, ncols: int, **kwargs
+ ) -> GridSpecFromSubplotSpec: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/hatch.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/hatch.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..348cf52149
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/hatch.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+from matplotlib.path import Path
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+class HatchPatternBase: ...
+class HorizontalHatch(HatchPatternBase):
+ num_lines: int
+ num_vertices: int
+ def __init__(self, hatch: str, density: int) -> None: ...
+ def set_vertices_and_codes(self, vertices: ArrayLike, codes: ArrayLike) -> None: ...
+class VerticalHatch(HatchPatternBase):
+ num_lines: int
+ num_vertices: int
+ def __init__(self, hatch: str, density: int) -> None: ...
+ def set_vertices_and_codes(self, vertices: ArrayLike, codes: ArrayLike) -> None: ...
+class NorthEastHatch(HatchPatternBase):
+ num_lines: int
+ num_vertices: int
+ def __init__(self, hatch: str, density: int) -> None: ...
+ def set_vertices_and_codes(self, vertices: ArrayLike, codes: ArrayLike) -> None: ...
+class SouthEastHatch(HatchPatternBase):
+ num_lines: int
+ num_vertices: int
+ def __init__(self, hatch: str, density: int) -> None: ...
+ def set_vertices_and_codes(self, vertices: ArrayLike, codes: ArrayLike) -> None: ...
+class Shapes(HatchPatternBase):
+ filled: bool
+ num_shapes: int
+ num_vertices: int
+ def __init__(self, hatch: str, density: int) -> None: ...
+ def set_vertices_and_codes(self, vertices: ArrayLike, codes: ArrayLike) -> None: ...
+class Circles(Shapes):
+ shape_vertices: np.ndarray
+ shape_codes: np.ndarray
+ def __init__(self, hatch: str, density: int) -> None: ...
+class SmallCircles(Circles):
+ size: float
+ num_rows: int
+ def __init__(self, hatch: str, density: int) -> None: ...
+class LargeCircles(Circles):
+ size: float
+ num_rows: int
+ def __init__(self, hatch: str, density: int) -> None: ...
+class SmallFilledCircles(Circles):
+ size: float
+ filled: bool
+ num_rows: int
+ def __init__(self, hatch: str, density: int) -> None: ...
+class Stars(Shapes):
+ size: float
+ filled: bool
+ num_rows: int
+ shape_vertices: np.ndarray
+ shape_codes: np.ndarray
+ def __init__(self, hatch: str, density: int) -> None: ...
+def get_path(hatchpattern: str, density: int = ...) -> Path: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/image.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/image.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..426e34ec83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/image.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+from collections.abc import Callable, Sequence
+import os
+import pathlib
+from typing import Any, BinaryIO, Literal
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike, NDArray
+import PIL.Image
+import matplotlib.artist as martist
+from matplotlib.axes import Axes
+from matplotlib import cm
+from matplotlib.backend_bases import RendererBase, MouseEvent
+from matplotlib.colors import Colormap, Normalize
+from matplotlib.figure import Figure
+from matplotlib.transforms import Affine2D, BboxBase, Bbox, Transform
+# These names are re-exported from matplotlib._image.
+BESSEL: int
+CATROM: int
+KAISER: int
+SINC: int
+SPLINE16: int
+SPLINE36: int
+def resample(
+ input_array: NDArray[np.float32] | NDArray[np.float64] | NDArray[np.int8],
+ output_array: NDArray[np.float32] | NDArray[np.float64] | NDArray[np.int8],
+ transform: Transform,
+ interpolation: int = ...,
+ resample: bool = ...,
+ alpha: float = ...,
+ norm: bool = ...,
+ radius: float = ...,
+) -> None: ...
+# END names re-exported from matplotlib._image.
+interpolations_names: set[str]
+def composite_images(
+ images: Sequence[_ImageBase], renderer: RendererBase, magnification: float = ...
+) -> tuple[np.ndarray, float, float]: ...
+class _ImageBase(martist.Artist, cm.ScalarMappable):
+ zorder: float
+ origin: Literal["upper", "lower"]
+ axes: Axes
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ax: Axes,
+ cmap: str | Colormap | None = ...,
+ norm: str | Normalize | None = ...,
+ interpolation: str | None = ...,
+ origin: Literal["upper", "lower"] | None = ...,
+ filternorm: bool = ...,
+ filterrad: float = ...,
+ resample: bool | None = ...,
+ *,
+ interpolation_stage: Literal["data", "rgba"] | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_size(self) -> tuple[int, int]: ...
+ def set_alpha(self, alpha: float | ArrayLike | None) -> None: ...
+ def changed(self) -> None: ...
+ def make_image(
+ self, renderer: RendererBase, magnification: float = ..., unsampled: bool = ...
+ ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, float, float, Affine2D]: ...
+ def draw(self, renderer: RendererBase, *args, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ def write_png(self, fname: str | pathlib.Path | BinaryIO) -> None: ...
+ def set_data(self, A: ArrayLike | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_array(self, A: ArrayLike | None) -> None: ...
+ def get_shape(self) -> tuple[int, int, int]: ...
+ def get_interpolation(self) -> str: ...
+ def set_interpolation(self, s: str | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_interpolation_stage(self, s: Literal["data", "rgba"]) -> None: ...
+ def can_composite(self) -> bool: ...
+ def set_resample(self, v: bool | None) -> None: ...
+ def get_resample(self) -> bool: ...
+ def set_filternorm(self, filternorm: bool) -> None: ...
+ def get_filternorm(self) -> bool: ...
+ def set_filterrad(self, filterrad: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_filterrad(self) -> float: ...
+class AxesImage(_ImageBase):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ax: Axes,
+ *,
+ cmap: str | Colormap | None = ...,
+ norm: str | Normalize | None = ...,
+ interpolation: str | None = ...,
+ origin: Literal["upper", "lower"] | None = ...,
+ extent: tuple[float, float, float, float] | None = ...,
+ filternorm: bool = ...,
+ filterrad: float = ...,
+ resample: bool = ...,
+ interpolation_stage: Literal["data", "rgba"] | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_window_extent(self, renderer: RendererBase | None = ...) -> Bbox: ...
+ def make_image(
+ self, renderer: RendererBase, magnification: float = ..., unsampled: bool = ...
+ ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, float, float, Affine2D]: ...
+ def set_extent(
+ self, extent: tuple[float, float, float, float], **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_extent(self) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]: ...
+ def get_cursor_data(self, event: MouseEvent) -> None | float: ...
+class NonUniformImage(AxesImage):
+ mouseover: bool
+ def __init__(
+ self, ax: Axes, *, interpolation: Literal["nearest", "bilinear"] = ..., **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_data(self, x: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike, A: ArrayLike) -> None: ... # type: ignore[override]
+ # more limited interpolation available here than base class
+ def set_interpolation(self, s: Literal["nearest", "bilinear"]) -> None: ... # type: ignore[override]
+class PcolorImage(AxesImage):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ax: Axes,
+ x: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ y: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ A: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ *,
+ cmap: str | Colormap | None = ...,
+ norm: str | Normalize | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_data(self, x: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike, A: ArrayLike) -> None: ... # type: ignore[override]
+class FigureImage(_ImageBase):
+ zorder: float
+ figure: Figure
+ ox: float
+ oy: float
+ magnification: float
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ fig: Figure,
+ *,
+ cmap: str | Colormap | None = ...,
+ norm: str | Normalize | None = ...,
+ offsetx: int = ...,
+ offsety: int = ...,
+ origin: Literal["upper", "lower"] | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_extent(self) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]: ...
+class BboxImage(_ImageBase):
+ bbox: BboxBase
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ bbox: BboxBase | Callable[[RendererBase | None], Bbox],
+ *,
+ cmap: str | Colormap | None = ...,
+ norm: str | Normalize | None = ...,
+ interpolation: str | None = ...,
+ origin: Literal["upper", "lower"] | None = ...,
+ filternorm: bool = ...,
+ filterrad: float = ...,
+ resample: bool = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_window_extent(self, renderer: RendererBase | None = ...) -> Bbox: ...
+def imread(
+ fname: str | pathlib.Path | BinaryIO, format: str | None = ...
+) -> np.ndarray: ...
+def imsave(
+ fname: str | os.PathLike | BinaryIO,
+ arr: ArrayLike,
+ vmin: float | None = ...,
+ vmax: float | None = ...,
+ cmap: str | Colormap | None = ...,
+ format: str | None = ...,
+ origin: Literal["upper", "lower"] | None = ...,
+ dpi: float = ...,
+ *,
+ metadata: dict[str, str] | None = ...,
+ pil_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = ...
+) -> None: ...
+def pil_to_array(pilImage: PIL.Image.Image) -> np.ndarray: ...
+def thumbnail(
+ infile: str | BinaryIO,
+ thumbfile: str | BinaryIO,
+ scale: float = ...,
+ interpolation: str = ...,
+ preview: bool = ...,
+) -> Figure: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/layout_engine.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/layout_engine.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b8c812ff4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/layout_engine.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+from matplotlib.figure import Figure
+from typing import Any
+class LayoutEngine:
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: ...
+ def set(self) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def colorbar_gridspec(self) -> bool: ...
+ @property
+ def adjust_compatible(self) -> bool: ...
+ def get(self) -> dict[str, Any]: ...
+ def execute(self, fig: Figure) -> None: ...
+class PlaceHolderLayoutEngine(LayoutEngine):
+ def __init__(
+ self, adjust_compatible: bool, colorbar_gridspec: bool, **kwargs: Any
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def execute(self, fig: Figure) -> None: ...
+class TightLayoutEngine(LayoutEngine):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ pad: float = ...,
+ h_pad: float | None = ...,
+ w_pad: float | None = ...,
+ rect: tuple[float, float, float, float] = ...,
+ **kwargs: Any
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def execute(self, fig: Figure) -> None: ...
+ def set(
+ self,
+ *,
+ pad: float | None = ...,
+ w_pad: float | None = ...,
+ h_pad: float | None = ...,
+ rect: tuple[float, float, float, float] | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+class ConstrainedLayoutEngine(LayoutEngine):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ h_pad: float | None = ...,
+ w_pad: float | None = ...,
+ hspace: float | None = ...,
+ wspace: float | None = ...,
+ rect: tuple[float, float, float, float] = ...,
+ compress: bool = ...,
+ **kwargs: Any
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def execute(self, fig: Figure) -> Any: ...
+ def set(
+ self,
+ *,
+ h_pad: float | None = ...,
+ w_pad: float | None = ...,
+ hspace: float | None = ...,
+ wspace: float | None = ...,
+ rect: tuple[float, float, float, float] | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/legend.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/legend.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d559b06c5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/legend.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+from matplotlib.axes import Axes
+from matplotlib.artist import Artist
+from matplotlib.backend_bases import MouseEvent
+from matplotlib.figure import Figure
+from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
+from matplotlib.legend_handler import HandlerBase
+from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
+from matplotlib.offsetbox import (
+ DraggableOffsetBox,
+from matplotlib.patches import FancyBboxPatch, Patch, Rectangle
+from matplotlib.text import Text
+from matplotlib.transforms import (
+ BboxBase,
+ Transform,
+import pathlib
+from collections.abc import Iterable
+from typing import Any, Literal, overload
+from .typing import ColorType
+class DraggableLegend(DraggableOffsetBox):
+ legend: Legend
+ def __init__(
+ self, legend: Legend, use_blit: bool = ..., update: Literal["loc", "bbox"] = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def finalize_offset(self) -> None: ...
+class Legend(Artist):
+ codes: dict[str, int]
+ zorder: float
+ prop: FontProperties
+ texts: list[Text]
+ legend_handles: list[Artist | None]
+ numpoints: int
+ markerscale: float
+ scatterpoints: int
+ borderpad: float
+ labelspacing: float
+ handlelength: float
+ handleheight: float
+ handletextpad: float
+ borderaxespad: float
+ columnspacing: float
+ shadow: bool
+ isaxes: bool
+ axes: Axes
+ parent: Axes | Figure
+ legendPatch: FancyBboxPatch
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ parent: Axes | Figure,
+ handles: Iterable[Artist | tuple[Artist, ...]],
+ labels: Iterable[str],
+ *,
+ loc: str | tuple[float, float] | int | None = ...,
+ numpoints: int | None = ...,
+ markerscale: float | None = ...,
+ markerfirst: bool = ...,
+ reverse: bool = ...,
+ scatterpoints: int | None = ...,
+ scatteryoffsets: Iterable[float] | None = ...,
+ prop: FontProperties | dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ fontsize: float | str | None = ...,
+ labelcolor: ColorType
+ | Iterable[ColorType]
+ | Literal["linecolor", "markerfacecolor", "mfc", "markeredgecolor", "mec"]
+ | None = ...,
+ borderpad: float | None = ...,
+ labelspacing: float | None = ...,
+ handlelength: float | None = ...,
+ handleheight: float | None = ...,
+ handletextpad: float | None = ...,
+ borderaxespad: float | None = ...,
+ columnspacing: float | None = ...,
+ ncols: int = ...,
+ mode: Literal["expand"] | None = ...,
+ fancybox: bool | None = ...,
+ shadow: bool | dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ title: str | None = ...,
+ title_fontsize: float | None = ...,
+ framealpha: float | None = ...,
+ edgecolor: Literal["inherit"] | ColorType | None = ...,
+ facecolor: Literal["inherit"] | ColorType | None = ...,
+ bbox_to_anchor: BboxBase
+ | tuple[float, float]
+ | tuple[float, float, float, float]
+ | None = ...,
+ bbox_transform: Transform | None = ...,
+ frameon: bool | None = ...,
+ handler_map: dict[Artist | type, HandlerBase] | None = ...,
+ title_fontproperties: FontProperties | dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ alignment: Literal["center", "left", "right"] = ...,
+ ncol: int = ...,
+ draggable: bool = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def contains(self, mouseevent: MouseEvent) -> tuple[bool, dict[Any, Any]]: ...
+ def set_ncols(self, ncols: int) -> None: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def get_default_handler_map(cls) -> dict[type, HandlerBase]: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def set_default_handler_map(cls, handler_map: dict[type, HandlerBase]) -> None: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def update_default_handler_map(
+ cls, handler_map: dict[type, HandlerBase]
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_legend_handler_map(self) -> dict[type, HandlerBase]: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_legend_handler(
+ legend_handler_map: dict[type, HandlerBase], orig_handle: Any
+ ) -> HandlerBase | None: ...
+ def get_children(self) -> list[Artist]: ...
+ def get_frame(self) -> Rectangle: ...
+ def get_lines(self) -> list[Line2D]: ...
+ def get_patches(self) -> list[Patch]: ...
+ def get_texts(self) -> list[Text]: ...
+ def set_alignment(self, alignment: Literal["center", "left", "right"]) -> None: ...
+ def get_alignment(self) -> Literal["center", "left", "right"]: ...
+ def set_loc(self, loc: str | tuple[float, float] | int | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def set_title(
+ self, title: str, prop: FontProperties | str | pathlib.Path | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_title(self) -> Text: ...
+ def get_frame_on(self) -> bool: ...
+ def set_frame_on(self, b: bool) -> None: ...
+ draw_frame = set_frame_on
+ def get_bbox_to_anchor(self) -> BboxBase: ...
+ def set_bbox_to_anchor(
+ self,
+ bbox: BboxBase
+ | tuple[float, float]
+ | tuple[float, float, float, float]
+ | None,
+ transform: Transform | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @overload
+ def set_draggable(
+ self,
+ state: Literal[True],
+ use_blit: bool = ...,
+ update: Literal["loc", "bbox"] = ...,
+ ) -> DraggableLegend: ...
+ @overload
+ def set_draggable(
+ self,
+ state: Literal[False],
+ use_blit: bool = ...,
+ update: Literal["loc", "bbox"] = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_draggable(self) -> bool: ...
+ @property
+ def legendHandles(self) -> list[Artist | None]: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/legend_handler.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/legend_handler.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db028a136a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/legend_handler.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+from collections.abc import Callable, Sequence
+from matplotlib.artist import Artist
+from matplotlib.legend import Legend
+from matplotlib.offsetbox import OffsetBox
+from matplotlib.transforms import Transform
+from typing import TypeVar
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+def update_from_first_child(tgt: Artist, src: Artist) -> None: ...
+class HandlerBase:
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ xpad: float = ...,
+ ypad: float = ...,
+ update_func: Callable[[Artist, Artist], None] | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def update_prop(
+ self, legend_handle: Artist, orig_handle: Artist, legend: Legend
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def adjust_drawing_area(
+ self,
+ legend: Legend,
+ orig_handle: Artist,
+ xdescent: float,
+ ydescent: float,
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ fontsize: float,
+ ) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]: ...
+ def legend_artist(
+ self, legend: Legend, orig_handle: Artist, fontsize: float, handlebox: OffsetBox
+ ) -> Artist: ...
+ def create_artists(
+ self,
+ legend: Legend,
+ orig_handle: Artist,
+ xdescent: float,
+ ydescent: float,
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ fontsize: float,
+ trans: Transform,
+ ) -> Sequence[Artist]: ...
+class HandlerNpoints(HandlerBase):
+ def __init__(
+ self, marker_pad: float = ..., numpoints: int | None = ..., **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_numpoints(self, legend: Legend) -> int | None: ...
+ def get_xdata(
+ self,
+ legend: Legend,
+ xdescent: float,
+ ydescent: float,
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ fontsize: float,
+ ) -> tuple[ArrayLike, ArrayLike]: ...
+class HandlerNpointsYoffsets(HandlerNpoints):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ numpoints: int | None = ...,
+ yoffsets: Sequence[float] | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_ydata(
+ self,
+ legend: Legend,
+ xdescent: float,
+ ydescent: float,
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ fontsize: float,
+ ) -> ArrayLike: ...
+class HandlerLine2DCompound(HandlerNpoints):
+ def create_artists(
+ self,
+ legend: Legend,
+ orig_handle: Artist,
+ xdescent: float,
+ ydescent: float,
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ fontsize: float,
+ trans: Transform,
+ ) -> Sequence[Artist]: ...
+class HandlerLine2D(HandlerNpoints):
+ def create_artists(
+ self,
+ legend: Legend,
+ orig_handle: Artist,
+ xdescent: float,
+ ydescent: float,
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ fontsize: float,
+ trans: Transform,
+ ) -> Sequence[Artist]: ...
+class HandlerPatch(HandlerBase):
+ def __init__(self, patch_func: Callable | None = ..., **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ def create_artists(
+ self,
+ legend: Legend,
+ orig_handle: Artist,
+ xdescent: float,
+ ydescent: float,
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ fontsize: float,
+ trans: Transform,
+ ) -> Sequence[Artist]: ...
+class HandlerStepPatch(HandlerBase):
+ def create_artists(
+ self,
+ legend: Legend,
+ orig_handle: Artist,
+ xdescent: float,
+ ydescent: float,
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ fontsize: float,
+ trans: Transform,
+ ) -> Sequence[Artist]: ...
+class HandlerLineCollection(HandlerLine2D):
+ def get_numpoints(self, legend: Legend) -> int: ...
+ def create_artists(
+ self,
+ legend: Legend,
+ orig_handle: Artist,
+ xdescent: float,
+ ydescent: float,
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ fontsize: float,
+ trans: Transform,
+ ) -> Sequence[Artist]: ...
+_T = TypeVar("_T", bound=Artist)
+class HandlerRegularPolyCollection(HandlerNpointsYoffsets):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ yoffsets: Sequence[float] | None = ...,
+ sizes: Sequence[float] | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_numpoints(self, legend: Legend) -> int: ...
+ def get_sizes(
+ self,
+ legend: Legend,
+ orig_handle: Artist,
+ xdescent: float,
+ ydescent: float,
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ fontsize: float,
+ ) -> Sequence[float]: ...
+ def update_prop(
+ self, legend_handle, orig_handle: Artist, legend: Legend
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def create_collection(
+ self,
+ orig_handle: _T,
+ sizes: Sequence[float] | None,
+ offsets: Sequence[float] | None,
+ offset_transform: Transform,
+ ) -> _T: ...
+ def create_artists(
+ self,
+ legend: Legend,
+ orig_handle: Artist,
+ xdescent: float,
+ ydescent: float,
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ fontsize: float,
+ trans: Transform,
+ ) -> Sequence[Artist]: ...
+class HandlerPathCollection(HandlerRegularPolyCollection):
+ def create_collection(
+ self,
+ orig_handle: _T,
+ sizes: Sequence[float] | None,
+ offsets: Sequence[float] | None,
+ offset_transform: Transform,
+ ) -> _T: ...
+class HandlerCircleCollection(HandlerRegularPolyCollection):
+ def create_collection(
+ self,
+ orig_handle: _T,
+ sizes: Sequence[float] | None,
+ offsets: Sequence[float] | None,
+ offset_transform: Transform,
+ ) -> _T: ...
+class HandlerErrorbar(HandlerLine2D):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ xerr_size: float = ...,
+ yerr_size: float | None = ...,
+ marker_pad: float = ...,
+ numpoints: int | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_err_size(
+ self,
+ legend: Legend,
+ xdescent: float,
+ ydescent: float,
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ fontsize: float,
+ ) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ def create_artists(
+ self,
+ legend: Legend,
+ orig_handle: Artist,
+ xdescent: float,
+ ydescent: float,
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ fontsize: float,
+ trans: Transform,
+ ) -> Sequence[Artist]: ...
+class HandlerStem(HandlerNpointsYoffsets):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ marker_pad: float = ...,
+ numpoints: int | None = ...,
+ bottom: float | None = ...,
+ yoffsets: Sequence[float] | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_ydata(
+ self,
+ legend: Legend,
+ xdescent: float,
+ ydescent: float,
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ fontsize: float,
+ ) -> ArrayLike: ...
+ def create_artists(
+ self,
+ legend: Legend,
+ orig_handle: Artist,
+ xdescent: float,
+ ydescent: float,
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ fontsize: float,
+ trans: Transform,
+ ) -> Sequence[Artist]: ...
+class HandlerTuple(HandlerBase):
+ def __init__(
+ self, ndivide: int | None = ..., pad: float | None = ..., **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def create_artists(
+ self,
+ legend: Legend,
+ orig_handle: Artist,
+ xdescent: float,
+ ydescent: float,
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ fontsize: float,
+ trans: Transform,
+ ) -> Sequence[Artist]: ...
+class HandlerPolyCollection(HandlerBase):
+ def create_artists(
+ self,
+ legend: Legend,
+ orig_handle: Artist,
+ xdescent: float,
+ ydescent: float,
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ fontsize: float,
+ trans: Transform,
+ ) -> Sequence[Artist]: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/lines.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/lines.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c91e457e33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/lines.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+from .artist import Artist
+from .axes import Axes
+from .backend_bases import MouseEvent, FigureCanvasBase
+from .path import Path
+from .transforms import Bbox, Transform
+from collections.abc import Callable, Sequence
+from typing import Any, Literal, overload
+from .typing import (
+ ColorType,
+ DrawStyleType,
+ FillStyleType,
+ LineStyleType,
+ CapStyleType,
+ JoinStyleType,
+ MarkEveryType,
+ MarkerType,
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+def segment_hits(
+ cx: ArrayLike, cy: ArrayLike, x: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike, radius: ArrayLike
+) -> ArrayLike: ...
+class Line2D(Artist):
+ lineStyles: dict[str, str]
+ drawStyles: dict[str, str]
+ drawStyleKeys: list[str]
+ markers: dict[str | int, str]
+ filled_markers: tuple[str, ...]
+ fillStyles: tuple[str, ...]
+ zorder: float
+ ind_offset: float
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ xdata: ArrayLike,
+ ydata: ArrayLike,
+ *,
+ linewidth: float | None = ...,
+ linestyle: LineStyleType | None = ...,
+ color: ColorType | None = ...,
+ gapcolor: ColorType | None = ...,
+ marker: MarkerType | None = ...,
+ markersize: float | None = ...,
+ markeredgewidth: float | None = ...,
+ markeredgecolor: ColorType | None = ...,
+ markerfacecolor: ColorType | None = ...,
+ markerfacecoloralt: ColorType = ...,
+ fillstyle: FillStyleType | None = ...,
+ antialiased: bool | None = ...,
+ dash_capstyle: CapStyleType | None = ...,
+ solid_capstyle: CapStyleType | None = ...,
+ dash_joinstyle: JoinStyleType | None = ...,
+ solid_joinstyle: JoinStyleType | None = ...,
+ pickradius: float = ...,
+ drawstyle: DrawStyleType | None = ...,
+ markevery: MarkEveryType | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def contains(self, mouseevent: MouseEvent) -> tuple[bool, dict]: ...
+ def get_pickradius(self) -> float: ...
+ def set_pickradius(self, pickradius: float) -> None: ...
+ pickradius: float
+ def get_fillstyle(self) -> FillStyleType: ...
+ stale: bool
+ def set_fillstyle(self, fs: FillStyleType) -> None: ...
+ def set_markevery(self, every: MarkEveryType) -> None: ...
+ def get_markevery(self) -> MarkEveryType: ...
+ def set_picker(
+ self, p: None | bool | float | Callable[[Artist, MouseEvent], tuple[bool, dict]]
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_bbox(self) -> Bbox: ...
+ @overload
+ def set_data(self, args: ArrayLike) -> None: ...
+ @overload
+ def set_data(self, x: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike) -> None: ...
+ def recache_always(self) -> None: ...
+ def recache(self, always: bool = ...) -> None: ...
+ def get_antialiased(self) -> bool: ...
+ def get_color(self) -> ColorType: ...
+ def get_drawstyle(self) -> DrawStyleType: ...
+ def get_gapcolor(self) -> ColorType: ...
+ def get_linestyle(self) -> LineStyleType: ...
+ def get_linewidth(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_marker(self) -> MarkerType: ...
+ def get_markeredgecolor(self) -> ColorType: ...
+ def get_markeredgewidth(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_markerfacecolor(self) -> ColorType: ...
+ def get_markerfacecoloralt(self) -> ColorType: ...
+ def get_markersize(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_data(self, orig: bool = ...) -> tuple[ArrayLike, ArrayLike]: ...
+ def get_xdata(self, orig: bool = ...) -> ArrayLike: ...
+ def get_ydata(self, orig: bool = ...) -> ArrayLike: ...
+ def get_path(self) -> Path: ...
+ def get_xydata(self) -> ArrayLike: ...
+ def set_antialiased(self, b: bool) -> None: ...
+ def set_color(self, color: ColorType) -> None: ...
+ def set_drawstyle(self, drawstyle: DrawStyleType | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_gapcolor(self, gapcolor: ColorType | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_linewidth(self, w: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_linestyle(self, ls: LineStyleType) -> None: ...
+ def set_marker(self, marker: MarkerType) -> None: ...
+ def set_markeredgecolor(self, ec: ColorType | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_markerfacecolor(self, fc: ColorType | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_markerfacecoloralt(self, fc: ColorType | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_markeredgewidth(self, ew: float | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_markersize(self, sz: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_xdata(self, x: ArrayLike) -> None: ...
+ def set_ydata(self, y: ArrayLike) -> None: ...
+ def set_dashes(self, seq: Sequence[float] | tuple[None, None]) -> None: ...
+ def update_from(self, other: Artist) -> None: ...
+ def set_dash_joinstyle(self, s: JoinStyleType) -> None: ...
+ def set_solid_joinstyle(self, s: JoinStyleType) -> None: ...
+ def get_dash_joinstyle(self) -> Literal["miter", "round", "bevel"]: ...
+ def get_solid_joinstyle(self) -> Literal["miter", "round", "bevel"]: ...
+ def set_dash_capstyle(self, s: CapStyleType) -> None: ...
+ def set_solid_capstyle(self, s: CapStyleType) -> None: ...
+ def get_dash_capstyle(self) -> Literal["butt", "projecting", "round"]: ...
+ def get_solid_capstyle(self) -> Literal["butt", "projecting", "round"]: ...
+ def is_dashed(self) -> bool: ...
+class AxLine(Line2D):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ xy1: tuple[float, float],
+ xy2: tuple[float, float] | None,
+ slope: float | None,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_xy1(self) -> tuple[float, float] | None: ...
+ def get_xy2(self) -> tuple[float, float] | None: ...
+ def get_slope(self) -> float: ...
+ def set_xy1(self, x: float, y: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_xy2(self, x: float, y: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_slope(self, slope: float) -> None: ...
+class VertexSelector:
+ axes: Axes
+ line: Line2D
+ cid: int
+ ind: set[int]
+ def __init__(self, line: Line2D) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def canvas(self) -> FigureCanvasBase: ...
+ def process_selected(
+ self, ind: Sequence[int], xs: ArrayLike, ys: ArrayLike
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def onpick(self, event: Any) -> None: ...
+lineStyles: dict[str, str]
+lineMarkers: dict[str | int, str]
+drawStyles: dict[str, str]
+fillStyles: tuple[FillStyleType, ...]
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/markers.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/markers.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ee5388385
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/markers.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+from typing import Literal
+from .path import Path
+from .transforms import Affine2D, Transform
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+from .typing import CapStyleType, FillStyleType, JoinStyleType
+TICKUP: int
+class MarkerStyle:
+ markers: dict[str | int, str]
+ filled_markers: tuple[str, ...]
+ fillstyles: tuple[FillStyleType, ...]
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ marker: str | ArrayLike | Path | MarkerStyle | None,
+ fillstyle: FillStyleType | None = ...,
+ transform: Transform | None = ...,
+ capstyle: CapStyleType | None = ...,
+ joinstyle: JoinStyleType | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def __bool__(self) -> bool: ...
+ def is_filled(self) -> bool: ...
+ def get_fillstyle(self) -> FillStyleType: ...
+ def get_joinstyle(self) -> Literal["miter", "round", "bevel"]: ...
+ def get_capstyle(self) -> Literal["butt", "projecting", "round"]: ...
+ def get_marker(self) -> str | ArrayLike | Path | None: ...
+ def get_path(self) -> Path: ...
+ def get_transform(self) -> Transform: ...
+ def get_alt_path(self) -> Path | None: ...
+ def get_alt_transform(self) -> Transform: ...
+ def get_snap_threshold(self) -> float | None: ...
+ def get_user_transform(self) -> Transform | None: ...
+ def transformed(self, transform: Affine2D) -> MarkerStyle: ...
+ def rotated(
+ self, *, deg: float | None = ..., rad: float | None = ...
+ ) -> MarkerStyle: ...
+ def scaled(self, sx: float, sy: float | None = ...) -> MarkerStyle: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/mathtext.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/mathtext.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..607501a275
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/mathtext.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import os
+from typing import Generic, IO, Literal, TypeVar, overload
+from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
+from matplotlib.typing import ColorType
+# Re-exported API from _mathtext.
+from ._mathtext import (
+ RasterParse as RasterParse,
+ VectorParse as VectorParse,
+ get_unicode_index as get_unicode_index,
+_ParseType = TypeVar("_ParseType", RasterParse, VectorParse)
+class MathTextParser(Generic[_ParseType]):
+ @overload
+ def __init__(self: MathTextParser[VectorParse], output: Literal["path"]) -> None: ...
+ @overload
+ def __init__(self: MathTextParser[RasterParse], output: Literal["agg", "raster", "macosx"]) -> None: ...
+ def parse(
+ self, s: str, dpi: float = ..., prop: FontProperties | None = ..., *, antialiased: bool | None = ...
+ ) -> _ParseType: ...
+def math_to_image(
+ s: str,
+ filename_or_obj: str | os.PathLike | IO,
+ prop: FontProperties | None = ...,
+ dpi: float | None = ...,
+ format: str | None = ...,
+ *,
+ color: ColorType | None = ...
+) -> float: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/mlab.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/mlab.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1f23288dd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/mlab.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+from collections.abc import Callable
+import functools
+from typing import Literal
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+def window_hanning(x: ArrayLike) -> ArrayLike: ...
+def window_none(x: ArrayLike) -> ArrayLike: ...
+def detrend(
+ x: ArrayLike,
+ key: Literal["default", "constant", "mean", "linear", "none"]
+ | Callable[[ArrayLike, int | None], ArrayLike]
+ | None = ...,
+ axis: int | None = ...,
+) -> ArrayLike: ...
+def detrend_mean(x: ArrayLike, axis: int | None = ...) -> ArrayLike: ...
+def detrend_none(x: ArrayLike, axis: int | None = ...) -> ArrayLike: ...
+def detrend_linear(y: ArrayLike) -> ArrayLike: ...
+def psd(
+ x: ArrayLike,
+ NFFT: int | None = ...,
+ Fs: float | None = ...,
+ detrend: Literal["none", "mean", "linear"]
+ | Callable[[ArrayLike, int | None], ArrayLike]
+ | None = ...,
+ window: Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike] | ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ noverlap: int | None = ...,
+ pad_to: int | None = ...,
+ sides: Literal["default", "onesided", "twosided"] | None = ...,
+ scale_by_freq: bool | None = ...,
+) -> tuple[ArrayLike, ArrayLike]: ...
+def csd(
+ x: ArrayLike,
+ y: ArrayLike | None,
+ NFFT: int | None = ...,
+ Fs: float | None = ...,
+ detrend: Literal["none", "mean", "linear"]
+ | Callable[[ArrayLike, int | None], ArrayLike]
+ | None = ...,
+ window: Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike] | ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ noverlap: int | None = ...,
+ pad_to: int | None = ...,
+ sides: Literal["default", "onesided", "twosided"] | None = ...,
+ scale_by_freq: bool | None = ...,
+) -> tuple[ArrayLike, ArrayLike]: ...
+complex_spectrum = functools.partial(tuple[ArrayLike, ArrayLike])
+magnitude_spectrum = functools.partial(tuple[ArrayLike, ArrayLike])
+angle_spectrum = functools.partial(tuple[ArrayLike, ArrayLike])
+phase_spectrum = functools.partial(tuple[ArrayLike, ArrayLike])
+def specgram(
+ x: ArrayLike,
+ NFFT: int | None = ...,
+ Fs: float | None = ...,
+ detrend: Literal["none", "mean", "linear"] | Callable[[ArrayLike, int | None], ArrayLike] | None = ...,
+ window: Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike] | ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ noverlap: int | None = ...,
+ pad_to: int | None = ...,
+ sides: Literal["default", "onesided", "twosided"] | None = ...,
+ scale_by_freq: bool | None = ...,
+ mode: Literal["psd", "complex", "magnitude", "angle", "phase"] | None = ...,
+) -> tuple[ArrayLike, ArrayLike, ArrayLike]: ...
+def cohere(
+ x: ArrayLike,
+ y: ArrayLike,
+ NFFT: int = ...,
+ Fs: float = ...,
+ detrend: Literal["none", "mean", "linear"] | Callable[[ArrayLike, int | None], ArrayLike] = ...,
+ window: Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike] | ArrayLike = ...,
+ noverlap: int = ...,
+ pad_to: int | None = ...,
+ sides: Literal["default", "onesided", "twosided"] = ...,
+ scale_by_freq: bool | None = ...,
+) -> tuple[ArrayLike, ArrayLike]: ...
+class GaussianKDE:
+ dataset: ArrayLike
+ dim: int
+ num_dp: int
+ factor: float
+ data_covariance: ArrayLike
+ data_inv_cov: ArrayLike
+ covariance: ArrayLike
+ inv_cov: ArrayLike
+ norm_factor: float
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ dataset: ArrayLike,
+ bw_method: Literal["scott", "silverman"]
+ | float
+ | Callable[[GaussianKDE], float]
+ | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def scotts_factor(self) -> float: ...
+ def silverman_factor(self) -> float: ...
+ def covariance_factor(self) -> float: ...
+ def evaluate(self, points: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def __call__(self, points: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/offsetbox.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/offsetbox.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fdd6ce287f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/offsetbox.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+import matplotlib.artist as martist
+from matplotlib.backend_bases import RendererBase, Event, FigureCanvasBase
+from matplotlib.colors import Colormap, Normalize
+import matplotlib.text as mtext
+from matplotlib.figure import Figure
+from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
+from matplotlib.image import BboxImage
+from matplotlib.patches import FancyArrowPatch, FancyBboxPatch
+from matplotlib.transforms import Bbox, BboxBase, Transform
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+from collections.abc import Callable, Sequence
+from typing import Any, Literal, overload
+DEBUG: bool
+def bbox_artist(*args, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+def _get_packed_offsets(
+ widths: Sequence[float],
+ total: float | None,
+ sep: float | None,
+ mode: Literal["fixed", "expand", "equal"] = ...,
+) -> tuple[float, np.ndarray]: ...
+class OffsetBox(martist.Artist):
+ width: float | None
+ height: float | None
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ def set_figure(self, fig: Figure) -> None: ...
+ def set_offset(
+ self,
+ xy: tuple[float, float]
+ | Callable[[float, float, float, float, RendererBase], tuple[float, float]],
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @overload
+ def get_offset(self, bbox: Bbox, renderer: RendererBase) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ @overload
+ def get_offset(
+ self,
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ xdescent: float,
+ ydescent: float,
+ renderer: RendererBase
+ ) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ def set_width(self, width: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_height(self, height: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_visible_children(self) -> list[martist.Artist]: ...
+ def get_children(self) -> list[martist.Artist]: ...
+ def get_bbox(self, renderer: RendererBase) -> Bbox: ...
+ def get_extent_offsets(
+ self, renderer: RendererBase
+ ) -> tuple[float, float, float, float, list[tuple[float, float]]]: ...
+ def get_extent(
+ self, renderer: RendererBase
+ ) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]: ...
+ def get_window_extent(self, renderer: RendererBase | None = ...) -> Bbox: ...
+class PackerBase(OffsetBox):
+ height: float | None
+ width: float | None
+ sep: float | None
+ pad: float | None
+ mode: Literal["fixed", "expand", "equal"]
+ align: Literal["top", "bottom", "left", "right", "center", "baseline"]
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ pad: float | None = ...,
+ sep: float | None = ...,
+ width: float | None = ...,
+ height: float | None = ...,
+ align: Literal["top", "bottom", "left", "right", "center", "baseline"] = ...,
+ mode: Literal["fixed", "expand", "equal"] = ...,
+ children: list[martist.Artist] | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+class VPacker(PackerBase): ...
+class HPacker(PackerBase): ...
+class PaddedBox(OffsetBox):
+ pad: float | None
+ patch: FancyBboxPatch
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ child: martist.Artist,
+ pad: float | None = ...,
+ *,
+ draw_frame: bool = ...,
+ patch_attrs: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def update_frame(self, bbox: Bbox, fontsize: float | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def draw_frame(self, renderer: RendererBase) -> None: ...
+class DrawingArea(OffsetBox):
+ width: float
+ height: float
+ xdescent: float
+ ydescent: float
+ offset_transform: Transform
+ dpi_transform: Transform
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ xdescent: float = ...,
+ ydescent: float = ...,
+ clip: bool = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def clip_children(self) -> bool: ...
+ @clip_children.setter
+ def clip_children(self, val: bool) -> None: ...
+ def get_transform(self) -> Transform: ...
+ # does not accept all options of superclass
+ def set_offset(self, xy: tuple[float, float]) -> None: ... # type: ignore[override]
+ def get_offset(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ... # type: ignore[override]
+ def add_artist(self, a: martist.Artist) -> None: ...
+class TextArea(OffsetBox):
+ offset_transform: Transform
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ s: str,
+ *,
+ textprops: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ multilinebaseline: bool = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_text(self, s: str) -> None: ...
+ def get_text(self) -> str: ...
+ def set_multilinebaseline(self, t: bool) -> None: ...
+ def get_multilinebaseline(self) -> bool: ...
+ # does not accept all options of superclass
+ def set_offset(self, xy: tuple[float, float]) -> None: ... # type: ignore[override]
+ def get_offset(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ... # type: ignore[override]
+class AuxTransformBox(OffsetBox):
+ aux_transform: Transform
+ offset_transform: Transform
+ ref_offset_transform: Transform
+ def __init__(self, aux_transform: Transform) -> None: ...
+ def add_artist(self, a: martist.Artist) -> None: ...
+ def get_transform(self) -> Transform: ...
+ # does not accept all options of superclass
+ def set_offset(self, xy: tuple[float, float]) -> None: ... # type: ignore[override]
+ def get_offset(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ... # type: ignore[override]
+class AnchoredOffsetbox(OffsetBox):
+ zorder: float
+ codes: dict[str, int]
+ loc: int
+ borderpad: float
+ pad: float
+ prop: FontProperties
+ patch: FancyBboxPatch
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ loc: str,
+ *,
+ pad: float = ...,
+ borderpad: float = ...,
+ child: OffsetBox | None = ...,
+ prop: FontProperties | None = ...,
+ frameon: bool = ...,
+ bbox_to_anchor: BboxBase
+ | tuple[float, float]
+ | tuple[float, float, float, float]
+ | None = ...,
+ bbox_transform: Transform | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_child(self, child: OffsetBox | None) -> None: ...
+ def get_child(self) -> OffsetBox | None: ...
+ def get_children(self) -> list[martist.Artist]: ...
+ def get_bbox_to_anchor(self) -> Bbox: ...
+ def set_bbox_to_anchor(
+ self, bbox: BboxBase, transform: Transform | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def update_frame(self, bbox: Bbox, fontsize: float | None = ...) -> None: ...
+class AnchoredText(AnchoredOffsetbox):
+ txt: TextArea
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ s: str,
+ loc: str,
+ *,
+ pad: float = ...,
+ borderpad: float = ...,
+ prop: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+class OffsetImage(OffsetBox):
+ image: BboxImage
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ arr: ArrayLike,
+ *,
+ zoom: float = ...,
+ cmap: Colormap | str | None = ...,
+ norm: Normalize | str | None = ...,
+ interpolation: str | None = ...,
+ origin: Literal["upper", "lower"] | None = ...,
+ filternorm: bool = ...,
+ filterrad: float = ...,
+ resample: bool = ...,
+ dpi_cor: bool = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ stale: bool
+ def set_data(self, arr: ArrayLike | None) -> None: ...
+ def get_data(self) -> ArrayLike | None: ...
+ def set_zoom(self, zoom: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_zoom(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_children(self) -> list[martist.Artist]: ...
+ def get_offset(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ... # type: ignore[override]
+class AnnotationBbox(martist.Artist, mtext._AnnotationBase):
+ zorder: float
+ offsetbox: OffsetBox
+ arrowprops: dict[str, Any] | None
+ xybox: tuple[float, float]
+ boxcoords: str | tuple[str, str] | martist.Artist | Transform | Callable[
+ [RendererBase], Bbox | Transform
+ ]
+ arrow_patch: FancyArrowPatch | None
+ patch: FancyBboxPatch
+ prop: FontProperties
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ offsetbox: OffsetBox,
+ xy: tuple[float, float],
+ xybox: tuple[float, float] | None = ...,
+ xycoords: str
+ | tuple[str, str]
+ | martist.Artist
+ | Transform
+ | Callable[[RendererBase], Bbox | Transform] = ...,
+ boxcoords: str
+ | tuple[str, str]
+ | martist.Artist
+ | Transform
+ | Callable[[RendererBase], Bbox | Transform]
+ | None = ...,
+ *,
+ frameon: bool = ...,
+ pad: float = ...,
+ annotation_clip: bool | None = ...,
+ box_alignment: tuple[float, float] = ...,
+ bboxprops: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ arrowprops: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ fontsize: float | str | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def xyann(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ @xyann.setter
+ def xyann(self, xyann: tuple[float, float]) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def anncoords(
+ self,
+ ) -> str | tuple[str, str] | martist.Artist | Transform | Callable[
+ [RendererBase], Bbox | Transform
+ ]: ...
+ @anncoords.setter
+ def anncoords(
+ self,
+ coords: str
+ | tuple[str, str]
+ | martist.Artist
+ | Transform
+ | Callable[[RendererBase], Bbox | Transform],
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_children(self) -> list[martist.Artist]: ...
+ def set_figure(self, fig: Figure) -> None: ...
+ def set_fontsize(self, s: str | float | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def get_fontsize(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_tightbbox(self, renderer: RendererBase | None = ...) -> Bbox: ...
+ def update_positions(self, renderer: RendererBase) -> None: ...
+class DraggableBase:
+ ref_artist: martist.Artist
+ got_artist: bool
+ mouse_x: int
+ mouse_y: int
+ background: Any
+ @property
+ def canvas(self) -> FigureCanvasBase: ...
+ @property
+ def cids(self) -> list[int]: ...
+ def __init__(self, ref_artist: martist.Artist, use_blit: bool = ...) -> None: ...
+ def on_motion(self, evt: Event) -> None: ...
+ def on_pick(self, evt: Event) -> None: ...
+ def on_release(self, event: Event) -> None: ...
+ def disconnect(self) -> None: ...
+ def save_offset(self) -> None: ...
+ def update_offset(self, dx: float, dy: float) -> None: ...
+ def finalize_offset(self) -> None: ...
+class DraggableOffsetBox(DraggableBase):
+ offsetbox: OffsetBox
+ def __init__(
+ self, ref_artist: martist.Artist, offsetbox: OffsetBox, use_blit: bool = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def save_offset(self) -> None: ...
+ def update_offset(self, dx: float, dy: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_loc_in_canvas(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+class DraggableAnnotation(DraggableBase):
+ annotation: mtext.Annotation
+ def __init__(self, annotation: mtext.Annotation, use_blit: bool = ...) -> None: ...
+ def save_offset(self) -> None: ...
+ def update_offset(self, dx: float, dy: float) -> None: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/patches.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/patches.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..29fe36aa6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/patches.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,751 @@
+from . import artist
+from .axes import Axes
+from .backend_bases import RendererBase, MouseEvent
+from .path import Path
+from .transforms import Transform, Bbox
+from typing import Any, Literal, overload
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+from .typing import ColorType, LineStyleType, CapStyleType, JoinStyleType
+class Patch(artist.Artist):
+ zorder: float
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ edgecolor: ColorType | None = ...,
+ facecolor: ColorType | None = ...,
+ color: ColorType | None = ...,
+ linewidth: float | None = ...,
+ linestyle: LineStyleType | None = ...,
+ antialiased: bool | None = ...,
+ hatch: str | None = ...,
+ fill: bool = ...,
+ capstyle: CapStyleType | None = ...,
+ joinstyle: JoinStyleType | None = ...,
+ **kwargs,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_verts(self) -> ArrayLike: ...
+ def contains(self, mouseevent: MouseEvent, radius: float | None = None) -> tuple[bool, dict[Any, Any]]: ...
+ def contains_point(
+ self, point: tuple[float, float], radius: float | None = ...
+ ) -> bool: ...
+ def contains_points(
+ self, points: ArrayLike, radius: float | None = ...
+ ) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def get_extents(self) -> Bbox: ...
+ def get_transform(self) -> Transform: ...
+ def get_data_transform(self) -> Transform: ...
+ def get_patch_transform(self) -> Transform: ...
+ def get_antialiased(self) -> bool: ...
+ def get_edgecolor(self) -> ColorType: ...
+ def get_facecolor(self) -> ColorType: ...
+ def get_linewidth(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_linestyle(self) -> LineStyleType: ...
+ def set_antialiased(self, aa: bool | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_edgecolor(self, color: ColorType | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_facecolor(self, color: ColorType | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_color(self, c: ColorType | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_alpha(self, alpha: float | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_linewidth(self, w: float | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_linestyle(self, ls: LineStyleType | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_fill(self, b: bool) -> None: ...
+ def get_fill(self) -> bool: ...
+ fill = property(get_fill, set_fill)
+ def set_capstyle(self, s: CapStyleType) -> None: ...
+ def get_capstyle(self) -> Literal["butt", "projecting", "round"]: ...
+ def set_joinstyle(self, s: JoinStyleType) -> None: ...
+ def get_joinstyle(self) -> Literal["miter", "round", "bevel"]: ...
+ def set_hatch(self, hatch: str) -> None: ...
+ def get_hatch(self) -> str: ...
+ def get_path(self) -> Path: ...
+class Shadow(Patch):
+ patch: Patch
+ def __init__(self, patch: Patch, ox: float, oy: float, *, shade: float = ..., **kwargs) -> None: ...
+class Rectangle(Patch):
+ angle: float
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ xy: tuple[float, float],
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ *,
+ angle: float = ...,
+ rotation_point: Literal["xy", "center"] | tuple[float, float] = ...,
+ **kwargs,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def rotation_point(self) -> Literal["xy", "center"] | tuple[float, float]: ...
+ @rotation_point.setter
+ def rotation_point(
+ self, value: Literal["xy", "center"] | tuple[float, float]
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_x(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_y(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_xy(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ def get_corners(self) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def get_center(self) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def get_width(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_height(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_angle(self) -> float: ...
+ def set_x(self, x: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_y(self, y: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_angle(self, angle: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_xy(self, xy: tuple[float, float]) -> None: ...
+ def set_width(self, w: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_height(self, h: float) -> None: ...
+ @overload
+ def set_bounds(self, args: tuple[float, float, float, float], /) -> None: ...
+ @overload
+ def set_bounds(
+ self, left: float, bottom: float, width: float, height: float, /
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_bbox(self) -> Bbox: ...
+ xy = property(get_xy, set_xy)
+class RegularPolygon(Patch):
+ xy: tuple[float, float]
+ numvertices: int
+ orientation: float
+ radius: float
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ xy: tuple[float, float],
+ numVertices: int,
+ *,
+ radius: float = ...,
+ orientation: float = ...,
+ **kwargs,
+ ) -> None: ...
+class PathPatch(Patch):
+ def __init__(self, path: Path, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ def set_path(self, path: Path) -> None: ...
+class StepPatch(PathPatch):
+ orientation: Literal["vertical", "horizontal"]
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ values: ArrayLike,
+ edges: ArrayLike,
+ *,
+ orientation: Literal["vertical", "horizontal"] = ...,
+ baseline: float = ...,
+ **kwargs,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ # NamedTuple StairData, defined in body of method
+ def get_data(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, float]: ...
+ def set_data(
+ self,
+ values: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ edges: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ baseline: float | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+class Polygon(Patch):
+ def __init__(self, xy: ArrayLike, *, closed: bool = ..., **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ def get_closed(self) -> bool: ...
+ def set_closed(self, closed: bool) -> None: ...
+ def get_xy(self) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def set_xy(self, xy: ArrayLike) -> None: ...
+ xy = property(get_xy, set_xy)
+class Wedge(Patch):
+ center: tuple[float, float]
+ r: float
+ theta1: float
+ theta2: float
+ width: float | None
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ center: tuple[float, float],
+ r: float,
+ theta1: float,
+ theta2: float,
+ *,
+ width: float | None = ...,
+ **kwargs,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_center(self, center: tuple[float, float]) -> None: ...
+ def set_radius(self, radius: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_theta1(self, theta1: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_theta2(self, theta2: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_width(self, width: float | None) -> None: ...
+class Arrow(Patch):
+ def __init__(
+ self, x: float, y: float, dx: float, dy: float, *, width: float = ..., **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+class FancyArrow(Polygon):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ x: float,
+ y: float,
+ dx: float,
+ dy: float,
+ *,
+ width: float = ...,
+ length_includes_head: bool = ...,
+ head_width: float | None = ...,
+ head_length: float | None = ...,
+ shape: Literal["full", "left", "right"] = ...,
+ overhang: float = ...,
+ head_starts_at_zero: bool = ...,
+ **kwargs,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_data(
+ self,
+ *,
+ x: float | None = ...,
+ y: float | None = ...,
+ dx: float | None = ...,
+ dy: float | None = ...,
+ width: float | None = ...,
+ head_width: float | None = ...,
+ head_length: float | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+class CirclePolygon(RegularPolygon):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ xy: tuple[float, float],
+ radius: float = ...,
+ *,
+ resolution: int = ...,
+ **kwargs,
+ ) -> None: ...
+class Ellipse(Patch):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ xy: tuple[float, float],
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ *,
+ angle: float = ...,
+ **kwargs,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_center(self, xy: tuple[float, float]) -> None: ...
+ def get_center(self) -> float: ...
+ center = property(get_center, set_center)
+ def set_width(self, width: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_width(self) -> float: ...
+ width = property(get_width, set_width)
+ def set_height(self, height: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_height(self) -> float: ...
+ height = property(get_height, set_height)
+ def set_angle(self, angle: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_angle(self) -> float: ...
+ angle = property(get_angle, set_angle)
+ def get_corners(self) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def get_vertices(self) -> list[tuple[float, float]]: ...
+ def get_co_vertices(self) -> list[tuple[float, float]]: ...
+class Annulus(Patch):
+ a: float
+ b: float
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ xy: tuple[float, float],
+ r: float | tuple[float, float],
+ width: float,
+ angle: float = ...,
+ **kwargs,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_center(self, xy: tuple[float, float]) -> None: ...
+ def get_center(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ center = property(get_center, set_center)
+ def set_width(self, width: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_width(self) -> float: ...
+ width = property(get_width, set_width)
+ def set_angle(self, angle: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_angle(self) -> float: ...
+ angle = property(get_angle, set_angle)
+ def set_semimajor(self, a: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_semiminor(self, b: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_radii(self, r: float | tuple[float, float]) -> None: ...
+ def get_radii(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ radii = property(get_radii, set_radii)
+class Circle(Ellipse):
+ def __init__(
+ self, xy: tuple[float, float], radius: float = ..., **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_radius(self, radius: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_radius(self) -> float: ...
+ radius = property(get_radius, set_radius)
+class Arc(Ellipse):
+ theta1: float
+ theta2: float
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ xy: tuple[float, float],
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ *,
+ angle: float = ...,
+ theta1: float = ...,
+ theta2: float = ...,
+ **kwargs,
+ ) -> None: ...
+def bbox_artist(
+ artist: artist.Artist,
+ renderer: RendererBase,
+ props: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ fill: bool = ...,
+) -> None: ...
+def draw_bbox(
+ bbox: Bbox,
+ renderer: RendererBase,
+ color: ColorType = ...,
+ trans: Transform | None = ...,
+) -> None: ...
+class _Style:
+ def __new__(cls, stylename, **kwargs): ...
+ @classmethod
+ def get_styles(cls) -> dict[str, type]: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def pprint_styles(cls) -> str: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def register(cls, name: str, style: type) -> None: ...
+class BoxStyle(_Style):
+ class Square(BoxStyle):
+ pad: float
+ def __init__(self, pad: float = ...) -> None: ...
+ def __call__(
+ self,
+ x0: float,
+ y0: float,
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ mutation_size: float,
+ ) -> Path: ...
+ class Circle(BoxStyle):
+ pad: float
+ def __init__(self, pad: float = ...) -> None: ...
+ def __call__(
+ self,
+ x0: float,
+ y0: float,
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ mutation_size: float,
+ ) -> Path: ...
+ class Ellipse(BoxStyle):
+ pad: float
+ def __init__(self, pad: float = ...) -> None: ...
+ def __call__(
+ self,
+ x0: float,
+ y0: float,
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ mutation_size: float,
+ ) -> Path: ...
+ class LArrow(BoxStyle):
+ pad: float
+ def __init__(self, pad: float = ...) -> None: ...
+ def __call__(
+ self,
+ x0: float,
+ y0: float,
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ mutation_size: float,
+ ) -> Path: ...
+ class RArrow(LArrow):
+ def __call__(
+ self,
+ x0: float,
+ y0: float,
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ mutation_size: float,
+ ) -> Path: ...
+ class DArrow(BoxStyle):
+ pad: float
+ def __init__(self, pad: float = ...) -> None: ...
+ def __call__(
+ self,
+ x0: float,
+ y0: float,
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ mutation_size: float,
+ ) -> Path: ...
+ class Round(BoxStyle):
+ pad: float
+ rounding_size: float | None
+ def __init__(
+ self, pad: float = ..., rounding_size: float | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def __call__(
+ self,
+ x0: float,
+ y0: float,
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ mutation_size: float,
+ ) -> Path: ...
+ class Round4(BoxStyle):
+ pad: float
+ rounding_size: float | None
+ def __init__(
+ self, pad: float = ..., rounding_size: float | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def __call__(
+ self,
+ x0: float,
+ y0: float,
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ mutation_size: float,
+ ) -> Path: ...
+ class Sawtooth(BoxStyle):
+ pad: float
+ tooth_size: float | None
+ def __init__(
+ self, pad: float = ..., tooth_size: float | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def __call__(
+ self,
+ x0: float,
+ y0: float,
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ mutation_size: float,
+ ) -> Path: ...
+ class Roundtooth(Sawtooth):
+ def __call__(
+ self,
+ x0: float,
+ y0: float,
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ mutation_size: float,
+ ) -> Path: ...
+class ConnectionStyle(_Style):
+ class _Base(ConnectionStyle):
+ class SimpleEvent:
+ def __init__(self, xy: tuple[float, float]) -> None: ...
+ def __call__(
+ self,
+ posA: tuple[float, float],
+ posB: tuple[float, float],
+ shrinkA: float = ...,
+ shrinkB: float = ...,
+ patchA: Patch | None = ...,
+ patchB: Patch | None = ...,
+ ) -> Path: ...
+ class Arc3(_Base):
+ rad: float
+ def __init__(self, rad: float = ...) -> None: ...
+ def connect(
+ self, posA: tuple[float, float], posB: tuple[float, float]
+ ) -> Path: ...
+ class Angle3(_Base):
+ angleA: float
+ angleB: float
+ def __init__(self, angleA: float = ..., angleB: float = ...) -> None: ...
+ def connect(
+ self, posA: tuple[float, float], posB: tuple[float, float]
+ ) -> Path: ...
+ class Angle(_Base):
+ angleA: float
+ angleB: float
+ rad: float
+ def __init__(
+ self, angleA: float = ..., angleB: float = ..., rad: float = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def connect(
+ self, posA: tuple[float, float], posB: tuple[float, float]
+ ) -> Path: ...
+ class Arc(_Base):
+ angleA: float
+ angleB: float
+ armA: float | None
+ armB: float | None
+ rad: float
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ angleA: float = ...,
+ angleB: float = ...,
+ armA: float | None = ...,
+ armB: float | None = ...,
+ rad: float = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def connect(
+ self, posA: tuple[float, float], posB: tuple[float, float]
+ ) -> Path: ...
+ class Bar(_Base):
+ armA: float
+ armB: float
+ fraction: float
+ angle: float | None
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ armA: float = ...,
+ armB: float = ...,
+ fraction: float = ...,
+ angle: float | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def connect(
+ self, posA: tuple[float, float], posB: tuple[float, float]
+ ) -> Path: ...
+class ArrowStyle(_Style):
+ class _Base(ArrowStyle):
+ @staticmethod
+ def ensure_quadratic_bezier(path: Path) -> list[float]: ...
+ def transmute(
+ self, path: Path, mutation_size: float, linewidth: float
+ ) -> tuple[Path, bool]: ...
+ def __call__(
+ self,
+ path: Path,
+ mutation_size: float,
+ linewidth: float,
+ aspect_ratio: float = ...,
+ ) -> tuple[Path, bool]: ...
+ class _Curve(_Base):
+ arrow: str
+ fillbegin: bool
+ fillend: bool
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ head_length: float = ...,
+ head_width: float = ...,
+ widthA: float = ...,
+ widthB: float = ...,
+ lengthA: float = ...,
+ lengthB: float = ...,
+ angleA: float | None = ...,
+ angleB: float | None = ...,
+ scaleA: float | None = ...,
+ scaleB: float | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ class Curve(_Curve):
+ def __init__(self) -> None: ...
+ class CurveA(_Curve):
+ arrow: str
+ class CurveB(_Curve):
+ arrow: str
+ class CurveAB(_Curve):
+ arrow: str
+ class CurveFilledA(_Curve):
+ arrow: str
+ class CurveFilledB(_Curve):
+ arrow: str
+ class CurveFilledAB(_Curve):
+ arrow: str
+ class BracketA(_Curve):
+ arrow: str
+ def __init__(
+ self, widthA: float = ..., lengthA: float = ..., angleA: float = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ class BracketB(_Curve):
+ arrow: str
+ def __init__(
+ self, widthB: float = ..., lengthB: float = ..., angleB: float = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ class BracketAB(_Curve):
+ arrow: str
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ widthA: float = ...,
+ lengthA: float = ...,
+ angleA: float = ...,
+ widthB: float = ...,
+ lengthB: float = ...,
+ angleB: float = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ class BarAB(_Curve):
+ arrow: str
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ widthA: float = ...,
+ angleA: float = ...,
+ widthB: float = ...,
+ angleB: float = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ class BracketCurve(_Curve):
+ arrow: str
+ def __init__(
+ self, widthA: float = ..., lengthA: float = ..., angleA: float | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ class CurveBracket(_Curve):
+ arrow: str
+ def __init__(
+ self, widthB: float = ..., lengthB: float = ..., angleB: float | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ class Simple(_Base):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ head_length: float = ...,
+ head_width: float = ...,
+ tail_width: float = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ class Fancy(_Base):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ head_length: float = ...,
+ head_width: float = ...,
+ tail_width: float = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ class Wedge(_Base):
+ tail_width: float
+ shrink_factor: float
+ def __init__(
+ self, tail_width: float = ..., shrink_factor: float = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+class FancyBboxPatch(Patch):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ xy: tuple[float, float],
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ boxstyle: str | BoxStyle = ...,
+ *,
+ mutation_scale: float = ...,
+ mutation_aspect: float = ...,
+ **kwargs,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_boxstyle(self, boxstyle: str | BoxStyle | None = ..., **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ def get_boxstyle(self) -> BoxStyle: ...
+ def set_mutation_scale(self, scale: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_mutation_scale(self) -> float: ...
+ def set_mutation_aspect(self, aspect: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_mutation_aspect(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_x(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_y(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_width(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_height(self) -> float: ...
+ def set_x(self, x: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_y(self, y: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_width(self, w: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_height(self, h: float) -> None: ...
+ @overload
+ def set_bounds(self, args: tuple[float, float, float, float], /) -> None: ...
+ @overload
+ def set_bounds(
+ self, left: float, bottom: float, width: float, height: float, /
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_bbox(self) -> Bbox: ...
+class FancyArrowPatch(Patch):
+ patchA: Patch
+ patchB: Patch
+ shrinkA: float
+ shrinkB: float
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ posA: tuple[float, float] | None = ...,
+ posB: tuple[float, float] | None = ...,
+ *,
+ path: Path | None = ...,
+ arrowstyle: str | ArrowStyle = ...,
+ connectionstyle: str | ConnectionStyle = ...,
+ patchA: Patch | None = ...,
+ patchB: Patch | None = ...,
+ shrinkA: float = ...,
+ shrinkB: float = ...,
+ mutation_scale: float = ...,
+ mutation_aspect: float | None = ...,
+ **kwargs,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_positions(
+ self, posA: tuple[float, float], posB: tuple[float, float]
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_patchA(self, patchA: Patch) -> None: ...
+ def set_patchB(self, patchB: Patch) -> None: ...
+ def set_connectionstyle(self, connectionstyle: str | ConnectionStyle | None = ..., **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ def get_connectionstyle(self) -> ConnectionStyle: ...
+ def set_arrowstyle(self, arrowstyle: str | ArrowStyle | None = ..., **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ def get_arrowstyle(self) -> ArrowStyle: ...
+ def set_mutation_scale(self, scale: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_mutation_scale(self) -> float: ...
+ def set_mutation_aspect(self, aspect: float | None) -> None: ...
+ def get_mutation_aspect(self) -> float: ...
+class ConnectionPatch(FancyArrowPatch):
+ xy1: tuple[float, float]
+ xy2: tuple[float, float]
+ coords1: str | Transform
+ coords2: str | Transform | None
+ axesA: Axes | None
+ axesB: Axes | None
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ xyA: tuple[float, float],
+ xyB: tuple[float, float],
+ coordsA: str | Transform,
+ coordsB: str | Transform | None = ...,
+ *,
+ axesA: Axes | None = ...,
+ axesB: Axes | None = ...,
+ arrowstyle: str | ArrowStyle = ...,
+ connectionstyle: str | ConnectionStyle = ...,
+ patchA: Patch | None = ...,
+ patchB: Patch | None = ...,
+ shrinkA: float = ...,
+ shrinkB: float = ...,
+ mutation_scale: float = ...,
+ mutation_aspect: float | None = ...,
+ clip_on: bool = ...,
+ **kwargs,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_annotation_clip(self, b: bool | None) -> None: ...
+ def get_annotation_clip(self) -> bool | None: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/path.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/path.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..464fc6d9a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/path.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+from .bezier import BezierSegment
+from .transforms import Affine2D, Transform, Bbox
+from collections.abc import Generator, Iterable, Sequence
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+from typing import Any, overload
+class Path:
+ code_type: type[np.uint8]
+ STOP: np.uint8
+ MOVETO: np.uint8
+ LINETO: np.uint8
+ CURVE3: np.uint8
+ CURVE4: np.uint8
+ CLOSEPOLY: np.uint8
+ NUM_VERTICES_FOR_CODE: dict[np.uint8, int]
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ vertices: ArrayLike,
+ codes: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ _interpolation_steps: int = ...,
+ closed: bool = ...,
+ readonly: bool = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def vertices(self) -> ArrayLike: ...
+ @vertices.setter
+ def vertices(self, vertices: ArrayLike) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def codes(self) -> ArrayLike | None: ...
+ @codes.setter
+ def codes(self, codes: ArrayLike) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def simplify_threshold(self) -> float: ...
+ @simplify_threshold.setter
+ def simplify_threshold(self, threshold: float) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def should_simplify(self) -> bool: ...
+ @should_simplify.setter
+ def should_simplify(self, should_simplify: bool) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def readonly(self) -> bool: ...
+ def copy(self) -> Path: ...
+ def __deepcopy__(self, memo: dict[int, Any] | None = ...) -> Path: ...
+ deepcopy = __deepcopy__
+ @classmethod
+ def make_compound_path_from_polys(cls, XY: ArrayLike) -> Path: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def make_compound_path(cls, *args: Path) -> Path: ...
+ def __len__(self) -> int: ...
+ def iter_segments(
+ self,
+ transform: Transform | None = ...,
+ remove_nans: bool = ...,
+ clip: tuple[float, float, float, float] | None = ...,
+ snap: bool | None = ...,
+ stroke_width: float = ...,
+ simplify: bool | None = ...,
+ curves: bool = ...,
+ sketch: tuple[float, float, float] | None = ...,
+ ) -> Generator[tuple[np.ndarray, np.uint8], None, None]: ...
+ def iter_bezier(self, **kwargs) -> Generator[BezierSegment, None, None]: ...
+ def cleaned(
+ self,
+ transform: Transform | None = ...,
+ remove_nans: bool = ...,
+ clip: tuple[float, float, float, float] | None = ...,
+ *,
+ simplify: bool | None = ...,
+ curves: bool = ...,
+ stroke_width: float = ...,
+ snap: bool | None = ...,
+ sketch: tuple[float, float, float] | None = ...
+ ) -> Path: ...
+ def transformed(self, transform: Transform) -> Path: ...
+ def contains_point(
+ self,
+ point: tuple[float, float],
+ transform: Transform | None = ...,
+ radius: float = ...,
+ ) -> bool: ...
+ def contains_points(
+ self, points: ArrayLike, transform: Transform | None = ..., radius: float = ...
+ ) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def contains_path(self, path: Path, transform: Transform | None = ...) -> bool: ...
+ def get_extents(self, transform: Transform | None = ..., **kwargs) -> Bbox: ...
+ def intersects_path(self, other: Path, filled: bool = ...) -> bool: ...
+ def intersects_bbox(self, bbox: Bbox, filled: bool = ...) -> bool: ...
+ def interpolated(self, steps: int) -> Path: ...
+ def to_polygons(
+ self,
+ transform: Transform | None = ...,
+ width: float = ...,
+ height: float = ...,
+ closed_only: bool = ...,
+ ) -> list[ArrayLike]: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def unit_rectangle(cls) -> Path: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def unit_regular_polygon(cls, numVertices: int) -> Path: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def unit_regular_star(cls, numVertices: int, innerCircle: float = ...) -> Path: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def unit_regular_asterisk(cls, numVertices: int) -> Path: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def unit_circle(cls) -> Path: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def circle(
+ cls,
+ center: tuple[float, float] = ...,
+ radius: float = ...,
+ readonly: bool = ...,
+ ) -> Path: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def unit_circle_righthalf(cls) -> Path: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def arc(
+ cls, theta1: float, theta2: float, n: int | None = ..., is_wedge: bool = ...
+ ) -> Path: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def wedge(cls, theta1: float, theta2: float, n: int | None = ...) -> Path: ...
+ @overload
+ @staticmethod
+ def hatch(hatchpattern: str, density: float = ...) -> Path: ...
+ @overload
+ @staticmethod
+ def hatch(hatchpattern: None, density: float = ...) -> None: ...
+ def clip_to_bbox(self, bbox: Bbox, inside: bool = ...) -> Path: ...
+def get_path_collection_extents(
+ master_transform: Transform,
+ paths: Sequence[Path],
+ transforms: Iterable[Affine2D],
+ offsets: ArrayLike,
+ offset_transform: Affine2D,
+) -> Bbox: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/patheffects.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/patheffects.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d8dcfeab6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/patheffects.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+from collections.abc import Iterable, Sequence
+from typing import Any
+from matplotlib.backend_bases import RendererBase, GraphicsContextBase
+from matplotlib.path import Path
+from matplotlib.patches import Patch
+from matplotlib.transforms import Transform
+from matplotlib.typing import ColorType
+class AbstractPathEffect:
+ def __init__(self, offset: tuple[float, float] = ...) -> None: ...
+ def draw_path(
+ self,
+ renderer: RendererBase,
+ gc: GraphicsContextBase,
+ tpath: Path,
+ affine: Transform,
+ rgbFace: ColorType | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+class PathEffectRenderer(RendererBase):
+ def __init__(
+ self, path_effects: Iterable[AbstractPathEffect], renderer: RendererBase
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def copy_with_path_effect(self, path_effects: Iterable[AbstractPathEffect]) -> PathEffectRenderer: ...
+ def draw_path(
+ self,
+ gc: GraphicsContextBase,
+ tpath: Path,
+ affine: Transform,
+ rgbFace: ColorType | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def draw_markers(
+ self,
+ gc: GraphicsContextBase,
+ marker_path: Path,
+ marker_trans: Transform,
+ path: Path,
+ *args,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def draw_path_collection(
+ self,
+ gc: GraphicsContextBase,
+ master_transform: Transform,
+ paths: Sequence[Path],
+ *args,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def __getattribute__(self, name: str) -> Any: ...
+class Normal(AbstractPathEffect): ...
+class Stroke(AbstractPathEffect):
+ def __init__(self, offset: tuple[float, float] = ..., **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ # rgbFace becomes non-optional
+ def draw_path(self, renderer: RendererBase, gc: GraphicsContextBase, tpath: Path, affine: Transform, rgbFace: ColorType) -> None: ... # type: ignore
+class withStroke(Stroke): ...
+class SimplePatchShadow(AbstractPathEffect):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ offset: tuple[float, float] = ...,
+ shadow_rgbFace: ColorType | None = ...,
+ alpha: float | None = ...,
+ rho: float = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ # rgbFace becomes non-optional
+ def draw_path(self, renderer: RendererBase, gc: GraphicsContextBase, tpath: Path, affine: Transform, rgbFace: ColorType) -> None: ... # type: ignore
+class withSimplePatchShadow(SimplePatchShadow): ...
+class SimpleLineShadow(AbstractPathEffect):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ offset: tuple[float, float] = ...,
+ shadow_color: ColorType = ...,
+ alpha: float = ...,
+ rho: float = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ # rgbFace becomes non-optional
+ def draw_path(self, renderer: RendererBase, gc: GraphicsContextBase, tpath: Path, affine: Transform, rgbFace: ColorType) -> None: ... # type: ignore
+class PathPatchEffect(AbstractPathEffect):
+ patch: Patch
+ def __init__(self, offset: tuple[float, float] = ..., **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ # rgbFace becomes non-optional
+ def draw_path(self, renderer: RendererBase, gc: GraphicsContextBase, tpath: Path, affine: Transform, rgbFace: ColorType) -> None: ... # type: ignore
+class TickedStroke(AbstractPathEffect):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ offset: tuple[float, float] = ...,
+ spacing: float = ...,
+ angle: float = ...,
+ length: float = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ # rgbFace becomes non-optional
+ def draw_path(self, renderer: RendererBase, gc: GraphicsContextBase, tpath: Path, affine: Transform, rgbFace: ColorType) -> None: ... # type: ignore
+class withTickedStroke(TickedStroke): ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/projections/__init__.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/projections/__init__.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f8b6c0980
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/projections/__init__.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+from .geo import AitoffAxes, HammerAxes, LambertAxes, MollweideAxes
+from .polar import PolarAxes
+from ..axes import Axes
+class ProjectionRegistry:
+ def __init__(self) -> None: ...
+ def register(self, *projections: type[Axes]) -> None: ...
+ def get_projection_class(self, name: str) -> type[Axes]: ...
+ def get_projection_names(self) -> list[str]: ...
+projection_registry: ProjectionRegistry
+def register_projection(cls: type[Axes]) -> None: ...
+def get_projection_class(projection: str | None = ...) -> type[Axes]: ...
+def get_projection_names() -> list[str]: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/projections/geo.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/projections/geo.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..93220f8cbc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/projections/geo.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+from matplotlib.axes import Axes
+from matplotlib.ticker import Formatter
+from matplotlib.transforms import Transform
+from typing import Any, Literal
+class GeoAxes(Axes):
+ class ThetaFormatter(Formatter):
+ def __init__(self, round_to: float = ...) -> None: ...
+ def __call__(self, x: float, pos: Any | None = ...): ...
+ def get_xaxis_transform(
+ self, which: Literal["tick1", "tick2", "grid"] = ...
+ ) -> Transform: ...
+ def get_xaxis_text1_transform(
+ self, pad: float
+ ) -> tuple[
+ Transform,
+ Literal["center", "top", "bottom", "baseline", "center_baseline"],
+ Literal["center", "left", "right"],
+ ]: ...
+ def get_xaxis_text2_transform(
+ self, pad: float
+ ) -> tuple[
+ Transform,
+ Literal["center", "top", "bottom", "baseline", "center_baseline"],
+ Literal["center", "left", "right"],
+ ]: ...
+ def get_yaxis_transform(
+ self, which: Literal["tick1", "tick2", "grid"] = ...
+ ) -> Transform: ...
+ def get_yaxis_text1_transform(
+ self, pad: float
+ ) -> tuple[
+ Transform,
+ Literal["center", "top", "bottom", "baseline", "center_baseline"],
+ Literal["center", "left", "right"],
+ ]: ...
+ def get_yaxis_text2_transform(
+ self, pad: float
+ ) -> tuple[
+ Transform,
+ Literal["center", "top", "bottom", "baseline", "center_baseline"],
+ Literal["center", "left", "right"],
+ ]: ...
+ def set_xlim(self, *args, **kwargs) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ def set_ylim(self, *args, **kwargs) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ def format_coord(self, lon: float, lat: float) -> str: ...
+ def set_longitude_grid(self, degrees: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_latitude_grid(self, degrees: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_longitude_grid_ends(self, degrees: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_data_ratio(self) -> float: ...
+ def can_zoom(self) -> bool: ...
+ def can_pan(self) -> bool: ...
+ def start_pan(self, x, y, button) -> None: ...
+ def end_pan(self) -> None: ...
+ def drag_pan(self, button, key, x, y) -> None: ...
+class _GeoTransform(Transform):
+ input_dims: int
+ output_dims: int
+ def __init__(self, resolution: int) -> None: ...
+class AitoffAxes(GeoAxes):
+ name: str
+ class AitoffTransform(_GeoTransform):
+ def inverted(self) -> AitoffAxes.InvertedAitoffTransform: ...
+ class InvertedAitoffTransform(_GeoTransform):
+ def inverted(self) -> AitoffAxes.AitoffTransform: ...
+class HammerAxes(GeoAxes):
+ name: str
+ class HammerTransform(_GeoTransform):
+ def inverted(self) -> HammerAxes.InvertedHammerTransform: ...
+ class InvertedHammerTransform(_GeoTransform):
+ def inverted(self) -> HammerAxes.HammerTransform: ...
+class MollweideAxes(GeoAxes):
+ name: str
+ class MollweideTransform(_GeoTransform):
+ def inverted(self) -> MollweideAxes.InvertedMollweideTransform: ...
+ class InvertedMollweideTransform(_GeoTransform):
+ def inverted(self) -> MollweideAxes.MollweideTransform: ...
+class LambertAxes(GeoAxes):
+ name: str
+ class LambertTransform(_GeoTransform):
+ def __init__(
+ self, center_longitude: float, center_latitude: float, resolution: int
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def inverted(self) -> LambertAxes.InvertedLambertTransform: ...
+ class InvertedLambertTransform(_GeoTransform):
+ def __init__(
+ self, center_longitude: float, center_latitude: float, resolution: int
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def inverted(self) -> LambertAxes.LambertTransform: ...
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *args,
+ center_longitude: float = ...,
+ center_latitude: float = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/projections/polar.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/projections/polar.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2592d49471
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/projections/polar.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+import matplotlib.axis as maxis
+import matplotlib.ticker as mticker
+import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms
+from matplotlib.axes import Axes
+from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
+from matplotlib.text import Text
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+from collections.abc import Sequence
+from typing import Any, ClassVar, Literal, overload
+class PolarTransform(mtransforms.Transform):
+ input_dims: int
+ output_dims: int
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ axis: PolarAxes | None = ...,
+ use_rmin: bool = ...,
+ _apply_theta_transforms: bool = ...,
+ *,
+ scale_transform: mtransforms.Transform | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def inverted(self) -> InvertedPolarTransform: ...
+class PolarAffine(mtransforms.Affine2DBase):
+ def __init__(
+ self, scale_transform: mtransforms.Transform, limits: mtransforms.BboxBase
+ ) -> None: ...
+class InvertedPolarTransform(mtransforms.Transform):
+ input_dims: int
+ output_dims: int
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ axis: PolarAxes | None = ...,
+ use_rmin: bool = ...,
+ _apply_theta_transforms: bool = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def inverted(self) -> PolarTransform: ...
+class ThetaFormatter(mticker.Formatter): ...
+class _AxisWrapper:
+ def __init__(self, axis: maxis.Axis) -> None: ...
+ def get_view_interval(self) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def set_view_interval(self, vmin: float, vmax: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_minpos(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_data_interval(self) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def set_data_interval(self, vmin: float, vmax: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_tick_space(self) -> int: ...
+class ThetaLocator(mticker.Locator):
+ base: mticker.Locator
+ axis: _AxisWrapper | None
+ def __init__(self, base: mticker.Locator) -> None: ...
+class ThetaTick(maxis.XTick):
+ def __init__(self, axes: PolarAxes, *args, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+class ThetaAxis(maxis.XAxis):
+ axis_name: str
+class RadialLocator(mticker.Locator):
+ base: mticker.Locator
+ def __init__(self, base, axes: PolarAxes | None = ...) -> None: ...
+class RadialTick(maxis.YTick): ...
+class RadialAxis(maxis.YAxis):
+ axis_name: str
+class _WedgeBbox(mtransforms.Bbox):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ center: tuple[float, float],
+ viewLim: mtransforms.Bbox,
+ originLim: mtransforms.Bbox,
+ **kwargs,
+ ) -> None: ...
+class PolarAxes(Axes):
+ PolarTransform: ClassVar[type] = PolarTransform
+ PolarAffine: ClassVar[type] = PolarAffine
+ InvertedPolarTransform: ClassVar[type] = InvertedPolarTransform
+ ThetaFormatter: ClassVar[type] = ThetaFormatter
+ RadialLocator: ClassVar[type] = RadialLocator
+ ThetaLocator: ClassVar[type] = ThetaLocator
+ name: str
+ use_sticky_edges: bool
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *args,
+ theta_offset: float = ...,
+ theta_direction: float = ...,
+ rlabel_position: float = ...,
+ **kwargs,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_xaxis_transform(
+ self, which: Literal["tick1", "tick2", "grid"] = ...
+ ) -> mtransforms.Transform: ...
+ def get_xaxis_text1_transform(
+ self, pad: float
+ ) -> tuple[
+ mtransforms.Transform,
+ Literal["center", "top", "bottom", "baseline", "center_baseline"],
+ Literal["center", "left", "right"],
+ ]: ...
+ def get_xaxis_text2_transform(
+ self, pad: float
+ ) -> tuple[
+ mtransforms.Transform,
+ Literal["center", "top", "bottom", "baseline", "center_baseline"],
+ Literal["center", "left", "right"],
+ ]: ...
+ def get_yaxis_transform(
+ self, which: Literal["tick1", "tick2", "grid"] = ...
+ ) -> mtransforms.Transform: ...
+ def get_yaxis_text1_transform(
+ self, pad: float
+ ) -> tuple[
+ mtransforms.Transform,
+ Literal["center", "top", "bottom", "baseline", "center_baseline"],
+ Literal["center", "left", "right"],
+ ]: ...
+ def get_yaxis_text2_transform(
+ self, pad: float
+ ) -> tuple[
+ mtransforms.Transform,
+ Literal["center", "top", "bottom", "baseline", "center_baseline"],
+ Literal["center", "left", "right"],
+ ]: ...
+ def set_thetamax(self, thetamax: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_thetamax(self) -> float: ...
+ def set_thetamin(self, thetamin: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_thetamin(self) -> float: ...
+ @overload
+ def set_thetalim(self, minval: float, maxval: float, /) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ @overload
+ def set_thetalim(self, *, thetamin: float, thetamax: float) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ def set_theta_offset(self, offset: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_theta_offset(self) -> float: ...
+ def set_theta_zero_location(
+ self,
+ loc: Literal["N", "NW", "W", "SW", "S", "SE", "E", "NE"],
+ offset: float = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_theta_direction(
+ self,
+ direction: Literal[-1, 1, "clockwise", "counterclockwise", "anticlockwise"],
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_theta_direction(self) -> Literal[-1, 1]: ...
+ def set_rmax(self, rmax: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_rmax(self) -> float: ...
+ def set_rmin(self, rmin: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_rmin(self) -> float: ...
+ def set_rorigin(self, rorigin: float | None) -> None: ...
+ def get_rorigin(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_rsign(self) -> float: ...
+ def set_rlim(
+ self,
+ bottom: float | tuple[float, float] | None = ...,
+ top: float | None = ...,
+ *,
+ emit: bool = ...,
+ auto: bool = ...,
+ **kwargs,
+ ) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ def get_rlabel_position(self) -> float: ...
+ def set_rlabel_position(self, value: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_rscale(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ def set_rticks(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ def set_thetagrids(
+ self,
+ angles: ArrayLike,
+ labels: Sequence[str | Text] | None = ...,
+ fmt: str | None = ...,
+ **kwargs,
+ ) -> tuple[list[Line2D], list[Text]]: ...
+ def set_rgrids(
+ self,
+ radii: ArrayLike,
+ labels: Sequence[str | Text] | None = ...,
+ angle: float | None = ...,
+ fmt: str | None = ...,
+ **kwargs,
+ ) -> tuple[list[Line2D], list[Text]]: ...
+ def format_coord(self, theta: float, r: float) -> str: ...
+ def get_data_ratio(self) -> float: ...
+ def can_zoom(self) -> bool: ...
+ def can_pan(self) -> bool: ...
+ def start_pan(self, x: float, y: float, button: int) -> None: ...
+ def end_pan(self) -> None: ...
+ def drag_pan(self, button: Any, key: Any, x: float, y: float) -> None: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/quiver.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/quiver.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c673c5dd3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/quiver.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+import matplotlib.artist as martist
+import matplotlib.collections as mcollections
+from matplotlib.axes import Axes
+from matplotlib.figure import Figure
+from matplotlib.text import Text
+from matplotlib.transforms import Transform, Bbox
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+from collections.abc import Sequence
+from typing import Any, Literal, overload
+from matplotlib.typing import ColorType
+class QuiverKey(martist.Artist):
+ halign: dict[Literal["N", "S", "E", "W"], Literal["left", "center", "right"]]
+ valign: dict[Literal["N", "S", "E", "W"], Literal["top", "center", "bottom"]]
+ pivot: dict[Literal["N", "S", "E", "W"], Literal["middle", "tip", "tail"]]
+ Q: Quiver
+ X: float
+ Y: float
+ U: float
+ angle: float
+ coord: Literal["axes", "figure", "data", "inches"]
+ color: ColorType | None
+ label: str
+ labelpos: Literal["N", "S", "E", "W"]
+ labelcolor: ColorType | None
+ fontproperties: dict[str, Any]
+ kw: dict[str, Any]
+ text: Text
+ zorder: float
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ Q: Quiver,
+ X: float,
+ Y: float,
+ U: float,
+ label: str,
+ *,
+ angle: float = ...,
+ coordinates: Literal["axes", "figure", "data", "inches"] = ...,
+ color: ColorType | None = ...,
+ labelsep: float = ...,
+ labelpos: Literal["N", "S", "E", "W"] = ...,
+ labelcolor: ColorType | None = ...,
+ fontproperties: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def labelsep(self) -> float: ...
+ def set_figure(self, fig: Figure) -> None: ...
+class Quiver(mcollections.PolyCollection):
+ X: ArrayLike
+ Y: ArrayLike
+ XY: ArrayLike
+ U: ArrayLike
+ V: ArrayLike
+ Umask: ArrayLike
+ N: int
+ scale: float | None
+ headwidth: float
+ headlength: float
+ headaxislength: float
+ minshaft: float
+ minlength: float
+ units: Literal["width", "height", "dots", "inches", "x", "y", "xy"]
+ scale_units: Literal["width", "height", "dots", "inches", "x", "y", "xy"] | None
+ angles: Literal["uv", "xy"] | ArrayLike
+ width: float | None
+ pivot: Literal["tail", "middle", "tip"]
+ transform: Transform
+ polykw: dict[str, Any]
+ @overload
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ax: Axes,
+ U: ArrayLike,
+ V: ArrayLike,
+ C: ArrayLike = ...,
+ *,
+ scale: float | None = ...,
+ headwidth: float = ...,
+ headlength: float = ...,
+ headaxislength: float = ...,
+ minshaft: float = ...,
+ minlength: float = ...,
+ units: Literal["width", "height", "dots", "inches", "x", "y", "xy"] = ...,
+ scale_units: Literal["width", "height", "dots", "inches", "x", "y", "xy"]
+ | None = ...,
+ angles: Literal["uv", "xy"] | ArrayLike = ...,
+ width: float | None = ...,
+ color: ColorType | Sequence[ColorType] = ...,
+ pivot: Literal["tail", "mid", "middle", "tip"] = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @overload
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ax: Axes,
+ X: ArrayLike,
+ Y: ArrayLike,
+ U: ArrayLike,
+ V: ArrayLike,
+ C: ArrayLike = ...,
+ *,
+ scale: float | None = ...,
+ headwidth: float = ...,
+ headlength: float = ...,
+ headaxislength: float = ...,
+ minshaft: float = ...,
+ minlength: float = ...,
+ units: Literal["width", "height", "dots", "inches", "x", "y", "xy"] = ...,
+ scale_units: Literal["width", "height", "dots", "inches", "x", "y", "xy"]
+ | None = ...,
+ angles: Literal["uv", "xy"] | ArrayLike = ...,
+ width: float | None = ...,
+ color: ColorType | Sequence[ColorType] = ...,
+ pivot: Literal["tail", "mid", "middle", "tip"] = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_datalim(self, transData: Transform) -> Bbox: ...
+ def set_UVC(
+ self, U: ArrayLike, V: ArrayLike, C: ArrayLike | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def quiver_doc(self) -> str: ...
+class Barbs(mcollections.PolyCollection):
+ sizes: dict[str, float]
+ fill_empty: bool
+ barb_increments: dict[str, float]
+ rounding: bool
+ flip: np.ndarray
+ x: ArrayLike
+ y: ArrayLike
+ u: ArrayLike
+ v: ArrayLike
+ @overload
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ax: Axes,
+ U: ArrayLike,
+ V: ArrayLike,
+ C: ArrayLike = ...,
+ *,
+ pivot: str = ...,
+ length: int = ...,
+ barbcolor: ColorType | Sequence[ColorType] | None = ...,
+ flagcolor: ColorType | Sequence[ColorType] | None = ...,
+ sizes: dict[str, float] | None = ...,
+ fill_empty: bool = ...,
+ barb_increments: dict[str, float] | None = ...,
+ rounding: bool = ...,
+ flip_barb: bool | ArrayLike = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @overload
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ax: Axes,
+ X: ArrayLike,
+ Y: ArrayLike,
+ U: ArrayLike,
+ V: ArrayLike,
+ C: ArrayLike = ...,
+ *,
+ pivot: str = ...,
+ length: int = ...,
+ barbcolor: ColorType | Sequence[ColorType] | None = ...,
+ flagcolor: ColorType | Sequence[ColorType] | None = ...,
+ sizes: dict[str, float] | None = ...,
+ fill_empty: bool = ...,
+ barb_increments: dict[str, float] | None = ...,
+ rounding: bool = ...,
+ flip_barb: bool | ArrayLike = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_UVC(
+ self, U: ArrayLike, V: ArrayLike, C: ArrayLike | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_offsets(self, xy: ArrayLike) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def barbs_doc(self) -> str: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/rcsetup.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/rcsetup.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..70e94a7694
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/rcsetup.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+from cycler import Cycler
+from collections.abc import Callable, Iterable
+from typing import Any, Literal, TypeVar
+from matplotlib.typing import ColorType, LineStyleType, MarkEveryType
+interactive_bk: list[str]
+non_interactive_bk: list[str]
+all_backends: list[str]
+_T = TypeVar("_T")
+def _listify_validator(s: Callable[[Any], _T]) -> Callable[[Any], list[_T]]: ...
+class ValidateInStrings:
+ key: str
+ ignorecase: bool
+ valid: dict[str, str]
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ key: str,
+ valid: Iterable[str],
+ ignorecase: bool = ...,
+ *,
+ _deprecated_since: str | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def __call__(self, s: Any) -> str: ...
+def validate_any(s: Any) -> Any: ...
+def validate_anylist(s: Any) -> list[Any]: ...
+def validate_bool(b: Any) -> bool: ...
+def validate_axisbelow(s: Any) -> bool | Literal["line"]: ...
+def validate_dpi(s: Any) -> Literal["figure"] | float: ...
+def validate_string(s: Any) -> str: ...
+def validate_string_or_None(s: Any) -> str | None: ...
+def validate_stringlist(s: Any) -> list[str]: ...
+def validate_int(s: Any) -> int: ...
+def validate_int_or_None(s: Any) -> int | None: ...
+def validate_float(s: Any) -> float: ...
+def validate_float_or_None(s: Any) -> float | None: ...
+def validate_floatlist(s: Any) -> list[float]: ...
+def validate_fonttype(s: Any) -> int: ...
+_auto_backend_sentinel: object
+def validate_backend(s: Any) -> str: ...
+def validate_color_or_inherit(s: Any) -> Literal["inherit"] | ColorType: ...
+def validate_color_or_auto(s: Any) -> ColorType | Literal["auto"]: ...
+def validate_color_for_prop_cycle(s: Any) -> ColorType: ...
+def validate_color(s: Any) -> ColorType: ...
+def validate_colorlist(s: Any) -> list[ColorType]: ...
+def _validate_color_or_linecolor(
+ s: Any,
+) -> ColorType | Literal["linecolor", "markerfacecolor", "markeredgecolor"] | None: ...
+def validate_aspect(s: Any) -> Literal["auto", "equal"] | float: ...
+def validate_fontsize_None(
+ s: Any,
+) -> Literal[
+ "xx-small",
+ "x-small",
+ "small",
+ "medium",
+ "large",
+ "x-large",
+ "xx-large",
+ "smaller",
+ "larger",
+] | float | None: ...
+def validate_fontsize(
+ s: Any,
+) -> Literal[
+ "xx-small",
+ "x-small",
+ "small",
+ "medium",
+ "large",
+ "x-large",
+ "xx-large",
+ "smaller",
+ "larger",
+] | float: ...
+def validate_fontsizelist(
+ s: Any,
+) -> list[
+ Literal[
+ "xx-small",
+ "x-small",
+ "small",
+ "medium",
+ "large",
+ "x-large",
+ "xx-large",
+ "smaller",
+ "larger",
+ ]
+ | float
+]: ...
+def validate_fontweight(
+ s: Any,
+) -> Literal[
+ "ultralight",
+ "light",
+ "normal",
+ "regular",
+ "book",
+ "medium",
+ "roman",
+ "semibold",
+ "demibold",
+ "demi",
+ "bold",
+ "heavy",
+ "extra bold",
+ "black",
+] | int: ...
+def validate_fontstretch(
+ s: Any,
+) -> Literal[
+ "ultra-condensed",
+ "extra-condensed",
+ "condensed",
+ "semi-condensed",
+ "normal",
+ "semi-expanded",
+ "expanded",
+ "extra-expanded",
+ "ultra-expanded",
+] | int: ...
+def validate_font_properties(s: Any) -> dict[str, Any]: ...
+def validate_whiskers(s: Any) -> list[float] | float: ...
+def validate_ps_distiller(s: Any) -> None | Literal["ghostscript", "xpdf"]: ...
+validate_fillstyle: ValidateInStrings
+def validate_fillstylelist(
+ s: Any,
+) -> list[Literal["full", "left", "right", "bottom", "top", "none"]]: ...
+def validate_markevery(s: Any) -> MarkEveryType: ...
+def _validate_linestyle(s: Any) -> LineStyleType: ...
+def validate_markeverylist(s: Any) -> list[MarkEveryType]: ...
+def validate_bbox(s: Any) -> Literal["tight", "standard"] | None: ...
+def validate_sketch(s: Any) -> None | tuple[float, float, float]: ...
+def validate_hatch(s: Any) -> str: ...
+def validate_hatchlist(s: Any) -> list[str]: ...
+def validate_dashlist(s: Any) -> list[list[float]]: ...
+# TODO: copy cycler overloads?
+def cycler(*args, **kwargs) -> Cycler: ...
+def validate_cycler(s: Any) -> Cycler: ...
+def validate_hist_bins(
+ s: Any,
+) -> Literal["auto", "sturges", "fd", "doane", "scott", "rice", "sqrt"] | int | list[
+ float
+]: ...
+# At runtime is added in __init__.py
+defaultParams: dict[str, Any]
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/sankey.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/sankey.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a40c31e3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/sankey.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+from matplotlib.axes import Axes
+from collections.abc import Callable, Iterable
+from typing import Any
+import numpy as np
+__license__: str
+__credits__: list[str]
+__author__: str
+__version__: str
+RIGHT: int
+UP: int
+DOWN: int
+# TODO typing units
+class Sankey:
+ diagrams: list[Any]
+ ax: Axes
+ unit: Any
+ format: str | Callable[[float], str]
+ scale: float
+ gap: float
+ radius: float
+ shoulder: float
+ offset: float
+ margin: float
+ pitch: float
+ tolerance: float
+ extent: np.ndarray
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ax: Axes | None = ...,
+ scale: float = ...,
+ unit: Any = ...,
+ format: str | Callable[[float], str] = ...,
+ gap: float = ...,
+ radius: float = ...,
+ shoulder: float = ...,
+ offset: float = ...,
+ head_angle: float = ...,
+ margin: float = ...,
+ tolerance: float = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def add(
+ self,
+ patchlabel: str = ...,
+ flows: Iterable[float] | None = ...,
+ orientations: Iterable[int] | None = ...,
+ labels: str | Iterable[str | None] = ...,
+ trunklength: float = ...,
+ pathlengths: float | Iterable[float] = ...,
+ prior: int | None = ...,
+ connect: tuple[int, int] = ...,
+ rotation: float = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ # Replace return with Self when py3.9 is dropped
+ ) -> Sankey: ...
+ def finish(self) -> list[Any]: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/scale.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/scale.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7fec8e68cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/scale.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+from matplotlib.axis import Axis
+from matplotlib.transforms import Transform
+from collections.abc import Callable, Iterable
+from typing import Literal
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+class ScaleBase:
+ def __init__(self, axis: Axis | None) -> None: ...
+ def get_transform(self) -> Transform: ...
+ def set_default_locators_and_formatters(self, axis: Axis) -> None: ...
+ def limit_range_for_scale(
+ self, vmin: float, vmax: float, minpos: float
+ ) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+class LinearScale(ScaleBase):
+ name: str
+class FuncTransform(Transform):
+ input_dims: int
+ output_dims: int
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ forward: Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike],
+ inverse: Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike],
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def inverted(self) -> FuncTransform: ...
+class FuncScale(ScaleBase):
+ name: str
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ axis: Axis | None,
+ functions: tuple[
+ Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike], Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike]
+ ],
+ ) -> None: ...
+class LogTransform(Transform):
+ input_dims: int
+ output_dims: int
+ base: float
+ def __init__(
+ self, base: float, nonpositive: Literal["clip", "mask"] = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def inverted(self) -> InvertedLogTransform: ...
+class InvertedLogTransform(Transform):
+ input_dims: int
+ output_dims: int
+ base: float
+ def __init__(self, base: float) -> None: ...
+ def inverted(self) -> LogTransform: ...
+class LogScale(ScaleBase):
+ name: str
+ subs: Iterable[int] | None
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ axis: Axis | None,
+ *,
+ base: float = ...,
+ subs: Iterable[int] | None = ...,
+ nonpositive: Literal["clip", "mask"] = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def base(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_transform(self) -> Transform: ...
+class FuncScaleLog(LogScale):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ axis: Axis | None,
+ functions: tuple[
+ Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike], Callable[[ArrayLike], ArrayLike]
+ ],
+ base: float = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def base(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_transform(self) -> Transform: ...
+class SymmetricalLogTransform(Transform):
+ input_dims: int
+ output_dims: int
+ base: float
+ linthresh: float
+ linscale: float
+ def __init__(self, base: float, linthresh: float, linscale: float) -> None: ...
+ def inverted(self) -> InvertedSymmetricalLogTransform: ...
+class InvertedSymmetricalLogTransform(Transform):
+ input_dims: int
+ output_dims: int
+ base: float
+ linthresh: float
+ invlinthresh: float
+ linscale: float
+ def __init__(self, base: float, linthresh: float, linscale: float) -> None: ...
+ def inverted(self) -> SymmetricalLogTransform: ...
+class SymmetricalLogScale(ScaleBase):
+ name: str
+ subs: Iterable[int] | None
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ axis: Axis | None,
+ *,
+ base: float = ...,
+ linthresh: float = ...,
+ subs: Iterable[int] | None = ...,
+ linscale: float = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def base(self) -> float: ...
+ @property
+ def linthresh(self) -> float: ...
+ @property
+ def linscale(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_transform(self) -> SymmetricalLogTransform: ...
+class AsinhTransform(Transform):
+ input_dims: int
+ output_dims: int
+ linear_width: float
+ def __init__(self, linear_width: float) -> None: ...
+ def inverted(self) -> InvertedAsinhTransform: ...
+class InvertedAsinhTransform(Transform):
+ input_dims: int
+ output_dims: int
+ linear_width: float
+ def __init__(self, linear_width: float) -> None: ...
+ def inverted(self) -> AsinhTransform: ...
+class AsinhScale(ScaleBase):
+ name: str
+ auto_tick_multipliers: dict[int, tuple[int, ...]]
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ axis: Axis | None,
+ *,
+ linear_width: float = ...,
+ base: float = ...,
+ subs: Iterable[int] | Literal["auto"] | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def linear_width(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_transform(self) -> AsinhTransform: ...
+class LogitTransform(Transform):
+ input_dims: int
+ output_dims: int
+ def __init__(self, nonpositive: Literal["mask", "clip"] = ...) -> None: ...
+ def inverted(self) -> LogisticTransform: ...
+class LogisticTransform(Transform):
+ input_dims: int
+ output_dims: int
+ def __init__(self, nonpositive: Literal["mask", "clip"] = ...) -> None: ...
+ def inverted(self) -> LogitTransform: ...
+class LogitScale(ScaleBase):
+ name: str
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ axis: Axis | None,
+ nonpositive: Literal["mask", "clip"] = ...,
+ *,
+ one_half: str = ...,
+ use_overline: bool = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_transform(self) -> LogitTransform: ...
+def get_scale_names() -> list[str]: ...
+def scale_factory(scale: str, axis: Axis, **kwargs) -> ScaleBase: ...
+def register_scale(scale_class: type[ScaleBase]) -> None: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/spines.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/spines.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f06a6d1ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/spines.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+from collections.abc import Callable, Iterator, MutableMapping
+from typing import Any, Literal, TypeVar, overload
+import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
+from matplotlib.axes import Axes
+from matplotlib.axis import Axis
+from matplotlib.path import Path
+from matplotlib.transforms import Transform
+from matplotlib.typing import ColorType
+class Spine(mpatches.Patch):
+ axes: Axes
+ spine_type: str
+ axis: Axis | None
+ def __init__(self, axes: Axes, spine_type: str, path: Path, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ def set_patch_arc(
+ self, center: tuple[float, float], radius: float, theta1: float, theta2: float
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_patch_circle(self, center: tuple[float, float], radius: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_patch_line(self) -> None: ...
+ def get_patch_transform(self) -> Transform: ...
+ def get_path(self) -> Path: ...
+ def register_axis(self, axis: Axis) -> None: ...
+ def clear(self) -> None: ...
+ def set_position(
+ self,
+ position: Literal["center", "zero"]
+ | tuple[Literal["outward", "axes", "data"], float],
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_position(
+ self,
+ ) -> Literal["center", "zero"] | tuple[
+ Literal["outward", "axes", "data"], float
+ ]: ...
+ def get_spine_transform(self) -> Transform: ...
+ def set_bounds(self, low: float | None = ..., high: float | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def get_bounds(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ _T = TypeVar("_T", bound=Spine)
+ @classmethod
+ def linear_spine(
+ cls: type[_T],
+ axes: Axes,
+ spine_type: Literal["left", "right", "bottom", "top"],
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> _T: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def arc_spine(
+ cls: type[_T],
+ axes: Axes,
+ spine_type: Literal["left", "right", "bottom", "top"],
+ center: tuple[float, float],
+ radius: float,
+ theta1: float,
+ theta2: float,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> _T: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def circular_spine(
+ cls: type[_T], axes: Axes, center: tuple[float, float], radius: float, **kwargs
+ ) -> _T: ...
+ def set_color(self, c: ColorType | None) -> None: ...
+class SpinesProxy:
+ def __init__(self, spine_dict: dict[str, Spine]) -> None: ...
+ def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Callable[..., None]: ...
+ def __dir__(self) -> list[str]: ...
+class Spines(MutableMapping[str, Spine]):
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs: Spine) -> None: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, d: dict[str, Spine]) -> Spines: ...
+ def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Spine: ...
+ @overload
+ def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Spine: ...
+ @overload
+ def __getitem__(self, key: list[str]) -> SpinesProxy: ...
+ @overload
+ def __getitem__(self, key: slice) -> SpinesProxy: ...
+ def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Spine) -> None: ...
+ def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None: ...
+ def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]: ...
+ def __len__(self) -> int: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/stackplot.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/stackplot.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..503e282665
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/stackplot.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+from matplotlib.axes import Axes
+from matplotlib.collections import PolyCollection
+from collections.abc import Iterable
+from typing import Literal
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+from matplotlib.typing import ColorType
+def stackplot(
+ axes: Axes,
+ x: ArrayLike,
+ *args: ArrayLike,
+ labels: Iterable[str] = ...,
+ colors: Iterable[ColorType] | None = ...,
+ baseline: Literal["zero", "sym", "wiggle", "weighted_wiggle"] = ...,
+ **kwargs
+) -> list[PolyCollection]: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/streamplot.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/streamplot.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9da83096e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/streamplot.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+from matplotlib.axes import Axes
+from matplotlib.colors import Normalize, Colormap
+from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection, PatchCollection
+from matplotlib.patches import ArrowStyle
+from matplotlib.transforms import Transform
+from typing import Literal
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+from .typing import ColorType
+def streamplot(
+ axes: Axes,
+ x: ArrayLike,
+ y: ArrayLike,
+ u: ArrayLike,
+ v: ArrayLike,
+ density: float | tuple[float, float] = ...,
+ linewidth: float | ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ color: ColorType | ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ cmap: str | Colormap | None = ...,
+ norm: str | Normalize | None = ...,
+ arrowsize: float = ...,
+ arrowstyle: str | ArrowStyle = ...,
+ minlength: float = ...,
+ transform: Transform | None = ...,
+ zorder: float | None = ...,
+ start_points: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ maxlength: float = ...,
+ integration_direction: Literal["forward", "backward", "both"] = ...,
+ broken_streamlines: bool = ...,
+) -> StreamplotSet: ...
+class StreamplotSet:
+ lines: LineCollection
+ arrows: PatchCollection
+ def __init__(self, lines: LineCollection, arrows: PatchCollection) -> None: ...
+class DomainMap:
+ grid: Grid
+ mask: StreamMask
+ x_grid2mask: float
+ y_grid2mask: float
+ x_mask2grid: float
+ y_mask2grid: float
+ x_data2grid: float
+ y_data2grid: float
+ def __init__(self, grid: Grid, mask: StreamMask) -> None: ...
+ def grid2mask(self, xi: float, yi: float) -> tuple[int, int]: ...
+ def mask2grid(self, xm: float, ym: float) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ def data2grid(self, xd: float, yd: float) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ def grid2data(self, xg: float, yg: float) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ def start_trajectory(
+ self, xg: float, yg: float, broken_streamlines: bool = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def reset_start_point(self, xg: float, yg: float) -> None: ...
+ def update_trajectory(self, xg, yg, broken_streamlines: bool = ...) -> None: ...
+ def undo_trajectory(self) -> None: ...
+class Grid:
+ nx: int
+ ny: int
+ dx: float
+ dy: float
+ x_origin: float
+ y_origin: float
+ width: float
+ height: float
+ def __init__(self, x: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def shape(self) -> tuple[int, int]: ...
+ def within_grid(self, xi: float, yi: float) -> bool: ...
+class StreamMask:
+ nx: int
+ ny: int
+ shape: tuple[int, int]
+ def __init__(self, density: float | tuple[float, float]) -> None: ...
+ def __getitem__(self, args): ...
+class InvalidIndexError(Exception): ...
+class TerminateTrajectory(Exception): ...
+class OutOfBounds(IndexError): ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/style/core.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/style/core.pyi
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index 0000000000..7340049214
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/style/core.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+from collections.abc import Generator
+import contextlib
+from matplotlib import RcParams
+from matplotlib.typing import RcStyleType
+USER_LIBRARY_PATHS: list[str] = ...
+def use(style: RcStyleType) -> None: ...
+def context(
+ style: RcStyleType, after_reset: bool = ...
+) -> Generator[None, None, None]: ...
+library: dict[str, RcParams]
+available: list[str]
+def reload_library() -> None: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/table.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/table.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..842c55edb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/table.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+from .artist import Artist
+from .axes import Axes
+from .backend_bases import RendererBase
+from .patches import Rectangle
+from .path import Path
+from .text import Text
+from .transforms import Bbox
+from .typing import ColorType
+from collections.abc import Sequence
+from typing import Any, Literal
+class Cell(Rectangle):
+ PAD: float
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ xy: tuple[float, float],
+ width: float,
+ height: float,
+ *,
+ edgecolor: ColorType = ...,
+ facecolor: ColorType = ...,
+ fill: bool = ...,
+ text: str = ...,
+ loc: Literal["left", "center", "right"] | None = ...,
+ fontproperties: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ visible_edges: str | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_text(self) -> Text: ...
+ def set_fontsize(self, size: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_fontsize(self) -> float: ...
+ def auto_set_font_size(self, renderer: RendererBase) -> float: ...
+ def get_text_bounds(
+ self, renderer: RendererBase
+ ) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]: ...
+ def get_required_width(self, renderer: RendererBase) -> float: ...
+ def set_text_props(self, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def visible_edges(self) -> str: ...
+ @visible_edges.setter
+ def visible_edges(self, value: str | None) -> None: ...
+ def get_path(self) -> Path: ...
+CustomCell = Cell
+class Table(Artist):
+ codes: dict[str, int]
+ FONTSIZE: float
+ AXESPAD: float
+ def __init__(
+ self, ax: Axes, loc: str | None = ..., bbox: Bbox | None = ..., **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def add_cell(self, row: int, col: int, *args, **kwargs) -> Cell: ...
+ def __setitem__(self, position: tuple[int, int], cell: Cell) -> None: ...
+ def __getitem__(self, position: tuple[int, int]) -> Cell: ...
+ @property
+ def edges(self) -> str | None: ...
+ @edges.setter
+ def edges(self, value: str | None) -> None: ...
+ def draw(self, renderer) -> None: ...
+ def get_children(self) -> list[Artist]: ...
+ def get_window_extent(self, renderer: RendererBase | None = ...) -> Bbox: ...
+ def auto_set_column_width(self, col: int | Sequence[int]) -> None: ...
+ def auto_set_font_size(self, value: bool = ...) -> None: ...
+ def scale(self, xscale: float, yscale: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_fontsize(self, size: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_celld(self) -> dict[tuple[int, int], Cell]: ...
+def table(
+ ax: Axes,
+ cellText: Sequence[Sequence[str]] | None = ...,
+ cellColours: Sequence[Sequence[ColorType]] | None = ...,
+ cellLoc: Literal["left", "center", "right"] = ...,
+ colWidths: Sequence[float] | None = ...,
+ rowLabels: Sequence[str] | None = ...,
+ rowColours: Sequence[ColorType] | None = ...,
+ rowLoc: Literal["left", "center", "right"] = ...,
+ colLabels: Sequence[str] | None = ...,
+ colColours: Sequence[ColorType] | None = ...,
+ colLoc: Literal["left", "center", "right"] = ...,
+ loc: str = ...,
+ bbox: Bbox | None = ...,
+ edges: str = ...,
+ **kwargs
+) -> Table: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/testing/__init__.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/testing/__init__.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..30cfd9a9ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/testing/__init__.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+from collections.abc import Callable
+import subprocess
+from typing import Any, IO, Literal, overload
+def set_font_settings_for_testing() -> None: ...
+def set_reproducibility_for_testing() -> None: ...
+def setup() -> None: ...
+def subprocess_run_for_testing(
+ command: list[str],
+ env: dict[str, str] | None = ...,
+ timeout: float | None = ...,
+ stdout: int | IO[Any] | None = ...,
+ stderr: int | IO[Any] | None = ...,
+ check: bool = ...,
+ *,
+ text: Literal[True],
+ capture_output: bool = ...,
+) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess[str]: ...
+def subprocess_run_for_testing(
+ command: list[str],
+ env: dict[str, str] | None = ...,
+ timeout: float | None = ...,
+ stdout: int | IO[Any] | None = ...,
+ stderr: int | IO[Any] | None = ...,
+ check: bool = ...,
+ text: Literal[False] = ...,
+ capture_output: bool = ...,
+) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess[bytes]: ...
+def subprocess_run_for_testing(
+ command: list[str],
+ env: dict[str, str] | None = ...,
+ timeout: float | None = ...,
+ stdout: int | IO[Any] | None = ...,
+ stderr: int | IO[Any] | None = ...,
+ check: bool = ...,
+ text: bool = ...,
+ capture_output: bool = ...,
+) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess[bytes] | subprocess.CompletedProcess[str]: ...
+def subprocess_run_helper(
+ func: Callable[[], None],
+ *args: Any,
+ timeout: float,
+ extra_env: dict[str, str] | None = ...,
+) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess[str]: ...
+def _check_for_pgf(texsystem: str) -> bool: ...
+def _has_tex_package(package: str) -> bool: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/testing/compare.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/testing/compare.pyi
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index 0000000000..8f11b3bebc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/testing/compare.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+from collections.abc import Callable
+from typing import Literal, overload
+from numpy.typing import NDArray
+__all__ = ["calculate_rms", "comparable_formats", "compare_images"]
+def make_test_filename(fname: str, purpose: str) -> str: ...
+def get_cache_dir() -> str: ...
+def get_file_hash(path: str, block_size: int = ...) -> str: ...
+converter: dict[str, Callable[[str, str], None]] = {}
+def comparable_formats() -> list[str]: ...
+def convert(filename: str, cache: bool) -> str: ...
+def crop_to_same(
+ actual_path: str, actual_image: NDArray, expected_path: str, expected_image: NDArray
+) -> tuple[NDArray, NDArray]: ...
+def calculate_rms(expected_image: NDArray, actual_image: NDArray) -> float: ...
+def compare_images(
+ expected: str, actual: str, tol: float, in_decorator: Literal[True]
+) -> None | dict[str, float | str]: ...
+def compare_images(
+ expected: str, actual: str, tol: float, in_decorator: Literal[False]
+) -> None | str: ...
+def compare_images(
+ expected: str, actual: str, tol: float, in_decorator: bool = ...
+) -> None | str | dict[str, float | str]: ...
+def save_diff_image(expected: str, actual: str, output: str) -> None: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/testing/conftest.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/testing/conftest.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2af0eb93cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/testing/conftest.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+from types import ModuleType
+import pytest
+def pytest_configure(config: pytest.Config) -> None: ...
+def pytest_unconfigure(config: pytest.Config) -> None: ...
+def mpl_test_settings(request: pytest.FixtureRequest) -> None: ...
+def pd() -> ModuleType: ...
+def xr() -> ModuleType: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/testing/decorators.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/testing/decorators.pyi
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index 0000000000..f1b6c5e595
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/testing/decorators.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+from collections.abc import Callable, Sequence
+from pathlib import Path
+from typing import Any, TypeVar
+from typing_extensions import ParamSpec
+from matplotlib.figure import Figure
+from matplotlib.typing import RcStyleType
+_P = ParamSpec("_P")
+_R = TypeVar("_R")
+def remove_ticks_and_titles(figure: Figure) -> None: ...
+def image_comparison(
+ baseline_images: list[str] | None,
+ extensions: list[str] | None = ...,
+ tol: float = ...,
+ freetype_version: tuple[str, str] | str | None = ...,
+ remove_text: bool = ...,
+ savefig_kwarg: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ style: RcStyleType = ...,
+) -> Callable[[Callable[_P, _R]], Callable[_P, _R]]: ...
+def check_figures_equal(
+ *, extensions: Sequence[str] = ..., tol: float = ...
+) -> Callable[[Callable[_P, _R]], Callable[_P, _R]]: ...
+def _image_directories(func: Callable) -> tuple[Path, Path]: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/testing/widgets.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/testing/widgets.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..858ff45715
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/testing/widgets.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+from typing import Any, Literal
+from matplotlib.axes import Axes
+from matplotlib.backend_bases import Event, MouseButton
+from matplotlib.widgets import AxesWidget, Widget
+def get_ax() -> Axes: ...
+def noop(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: ...
+def mock_event(
+ ax: Axes,
+ button: MouseButton | int | Literal["up", "down"] | None = ...,
+ xdata: float = ...,
+ ydata: float = ...,
+ key: str | None = ...,
+ step: int = ...,
+) -> Event: ...
+def do_event(
+ tool: AxesWidget,
+ etype: str,
+ button: MouseButton | int | Literal["up", "down"] | None = ...,
+ xdata: float = ...,
+ ydata: float = ...,
+ key: str | None = ...,
+ step: int = ...,
+) -> None: ...
+def click_and_drag(
+ tool: Widget,
+ start: tuple[float, float],
+ end: tuple[float, float],
+ key: str | None = ...,
+) -> None: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/texmanager.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/texmanager.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..94f0d76fa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/texmanager.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+from .backend_bases import RendererBase
+from matplotlib.typing import ColorType
+import numpy as np
+class TexManager:
+ texcache: str
+ @classmethod
+ def get_basefile(
+ cls, tex: str, fontsize: float, dpi: float | None = ...
+ ) -> str: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def get_font_preamble(cls) -> str: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def get_custom_preamble(cls) -> str: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def make_tex(cls, tex: str, fontsize: float) -> str: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def make_dvi(cls, tex: str, fontsize: float) -> str: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def make_png(cls, tex: str, fontsize: float, dpi: float) -> str: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def get_grey(
+ cls, tex: str, fontsize: float | None = ..., dpi: float | None = ...
+ ) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def get_rgba(
+ cls,
+ tex: str,
+ fontsize: float | None = ...,
+ dpi: float | None = ...,
+ rgb: ColorType = ...,
+ ) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ @classmethod
+ def get_text_width_height_descent(
+ cls, tex: str, fontsize, renderer: RendererBase | None = ...
+ ) -> tuple[int, int, int]: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/text.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/text.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a83b1bbbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/text.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+from .artist import Artist
+from .backend_bases import RendererBase
+from .font_manager import FontProperties
+from .offsetbox import DraggableAnnotation
+from .path import Path
+from .patches import FancyArrowPatch, FancyBboxPatch
+from .textpath import ( # noqa: reexported API
+ TextPath as TextPath,
+ TextToPath as TextToPath,
+from .transforms import (
+ Bbox,
+ BboxBase,
+ Transform,
+from collections.abc import Callable, Iterable
+from typing import Any, Literal
+from .typing import ColorType
+class Text(Artist):
+ zorder: float
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ x: float = ...,
+ y: float = ...,
+ text: Any = ...,
+ *,
+ color: ColorType | None = ...,
+ verticalalignment: Literal[
+ "bottom", "baseline", "center", "center_baseline", "top"
+ ] = ...,
+ horizontalalignment: Literal["left", "center", "right"] = ...,
+ multialignment: Literal["left", "center", "right"] | None = ...,
+ fontproperties: str | Path | FontProperties | None = ...,
+ rotation: float | Literal["vertical", "horizontal"] | None = ...,
+ linespacing: float | None = ...,
+ rotation_mode: Literal["default", "anchor"] | None = ...,
+ usetex: bool | None = ...,
+ wrap: bool = ...,
+ transform_rotates_text: bool = ...,
+ parse_math: bool | None = ...,
+ antialiased: bool | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def update(self, kwargs: dict[str, Any]) -> list[Any]: ...
+ def get_rotation(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_transform_rotates_text(self) -> bool: ...
+ def set_rotation_mode(self, m: None | Literal["default", "anchor"]) -> None: ...
+ def get_rotation_mode(self) -> Literal["default", "anchor"]: ...
+ def set_bbox(self, rectprops: dict[str, Any]) -> None: ...
+ def get_bbox_patch(self) -> None | FancyBboxPatch: ...
+ def update_bbox_position_size(self, renderer: RendererBase) -> None: ...
+ def get_wrap(self) -> bool: ...
+ def set_wrap(self, wrap: bool) -> None: ...
+ def get_color(self) -> ColorType: ...
+ def get_fontproperties(self) -> FontProperties: ...
+ def get_fontfamily(self) -> list[str]: ...
+ def get_fontname(self) -> str: ...
+ def get_fontstyle(self) -> Literal["normal", "italic", "oblique"]: ...
+ def get_fontsize(self) -> float | str: ...
+ def get_fontvariant(self) -> Literal["normal", "small-caps"]: ...
+ def get_fontweight(self) -> int | str: ...
+ def get_stretch(self) -> int | str: ...
+ def get_horizontalalignment(self) -> Literal["left", "center", "right"]: ...
+ def get_unitless_position(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ def get_position(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ def get_text(self) -> str: ...
+ def get_verticalalignment(
+ self,
+ ) -> Literal["bottom", "baseline", "center", "center_baseline", "top"]: ...
+ def get_window_extent(
+ self, renderer: RendererBase | None = ..., dpi: float | None = ...
+ ) -> Bbox: ...
+ def set_backgroundcolor(self, color: ColorType) -> None: ...
+ def set_color(self, color: ColorType) -> None: ...
+ def set_horizontalalignment(
+ self, align: Literal["left", "center", "right"]
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_multialignment(self, align: Literal["left", "center", "right"]) -> None: ...
+ def set_linespacing(self, spacing: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_fontfamily(self, fontname: str | Iterable[str]) -> None: ...
+ def set_fontvariant(self, variant: Literal["normal", "small-caps"]) -> None: ...
+ def set_fontstyle(
+ self, fontstyle: Literal["normal", "italic", "oblique"]
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_fontsize(self, fontsize: float | str) -> None: ...
+ def get_math_fontfamily(self) -> str: ...
+ def set_math_fontfamily(self, fontfamily: str) -> None: ...
+ def set_fontweight(self, weight: int | str) -> None: ...
+ def set_fontstretch(self, stretch: int | str) -> None: ...
+ def set_position(self, xy: tuple[float, float]) -> None: ...
+ def set_x(self, x: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_y(self, y: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_rotation(self, s: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_transform_rotates_text(self, t: bool) -> None: ...
+ def set_verticalalignment(
+ self, align: Literal["bottom", "baseline", "center", "center_baseline", "top"]
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_text(self, s: Any) -> None: ...
+ def set_fontproperties(self, fp: FontProperties | str | Path | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_usetex(self, usetex: bool | None) -> None: ...
+ def get_usetex(self) -> bool: ...
+ def set_parse_math(self, parse_math: bool) -> None: ...
+ def get_parse_math(self) -> bool: ...
+ def set_fontname(self, fontname: str | Iterable[str]) -> None: ...
+ def get_antialiased(self) -> bool: ...
+ def set_antialiased(self, antialiased: bool) -> None: ...
+class OffsetFrom:
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ artist: Artist | BboxBase | Transform,
+ ref_coord: tuple[float, float],
+ unit: Literal["points", "pixels"] = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_unit(self, unit: Literal["points", "pixels"]) -> None: ...
+ def get_unit(self) -> Literal["points", "pixels"]: ...
+ def __call__(self, renderer: RendererBase) -> Transform: ...
+class _AnnotationBase:
+ xy: tuple[float, float]
+ xycoords: str | tuple[str, str] | Artist | Transform | Callable[
+ [RendererBase], Bbox | Transform
+ ]
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ xy,
+ xycoords: str
+ | tuple[str, str]
+ | Artist
+ | Transform
+ | Callable[[RendererBase], Bbox | Transform] = ...,
+ annotation_clip: bool | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_annotation_clip(self, b: bool | None) -> None: ...
+ def get_annotation_clip(self) -> bool | None: ...
+ def draggable(
+ self, state: bool | None = ..., use_blit: bool = ...
+ ) -> DraggableAnnotation | None: ...
+class Annotation(Text, _AnnotationBase):
+ arrowprops: dict[str, Any] | None
+ arrow_patch: FancyArrowPatch | None
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ text: str,
+ xy: tuple[float, float],
+ xytext: tuple[float, float] | None = ...,
+ xycoords: str
+ | tuple[str, str]
+ | Artist
+ | Transform
+ | Callable[[RendererBase], Bbox | Transform] = ...,
+ textcoords: str
+ | tuple[str, str]
+ | Artist
+ | Transform
+ | Callable[[RendererBase], Bbox | Transform]
+ | None = ...,
+ arrowprops: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ annotation_clip: bool | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def xycoords(
+ self,
+ ) -> str | tuple[str, str] | Artist | Transform | Callable[
+ [RendererBase], Bbox | Transform
+ ]: ...
+ @xycoords.setter
+ def xycoords(
+ self,
+ xycoords: str
+ | tuple[str, str]
+ | Artist
+ | Transform
+ | Callable[[RendererBase], Bbox | Transform],
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def xyann(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ @xyann.setter
+ def xyann(self, xytext: tuple[float, float]) -> None: ...
+ def get_anncoords(
+ self,
+ ) -> str | tuple[str, str] | Artist | Transform | Callable[
+ [RendererBase], Bbox | Transform
+ ]: ...
+ def set_anncoords(
+ self,
+ coords: str
+ | tuple[str, str]
+ | Artist
+ | Transform
+ | Callable[[RendererBase], Bbox | Transform],
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def anncoords(
+ self,
+ ) -> str | tuple[str, str] | Artist | Transform | Callable[
+ [RendererBase], Bbox | Transform
+ ]: ...
+ @anncoords.setter
+ def anncoords(
+ self,
+ coords: str
+ | tuple[str, str]
+ | Artist
+ | Transform
+ | Callable[[RendererBase], Bbox | Transform],
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def update_positions(self, renderer: RendererBase) -> None: ...
+ # Drops `dpi` parameter from superclass
+ def get_window_extent(self, renderer: RendererBase | None = ...) -> Bbox: ... # type: ignore[override]
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/textpath.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/textpath.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..34d4e92ac4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/textpath.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+from matplotlib.font_manager import FontProperties
+from matplotlib.ft2font import FT2Font
+from matplotlib.mathtext import MathTextParser, VectorParse
+from matplotlib.path import Path
+import numpy as np
+from typing import Literal
+class TextToPath:
+ FONT_SCALE: float
+ DPI: float
+ mathtext_parser: MathTextParser[VectorParse]
+ def __init__(self) -> None: ...
+ def get_text_width_height_descent(
+ self, s: str, prop: FontProperties, ismath: bool | Literal["TeX"]
+ ) -> tuple[float, float, float]: ...
+ def get_text_path(
+ self, prop: FontProperties, s: str, ismath: bool | Literal["TeX"] = ...
+ ) -> list[np.ndarray]: ...
+ def get_glyphs_with_font(
+ self,
+ font: FT2Font,
+ s: str,
+ glyph_map: dict[str, tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]] | None = ...,
+ return_new_glyphs_only: bool = ...,
+ ) -> tuple[
+ list[tuple[str, float, float, float]],
+ dict[str, tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]],
+ list[tuple[list[tuple[float, float]], list[int]]],
+ ]: ...
+ def get_glyphs_mathtext(
+ self,
+ prop: FontProperties,
+ s: str,
+ glyph_map: dict[str, tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]] | None = ...,
+ return_new_glyphs_only: bool = ...,
+ ) -> tuple[
+ list[tuple[str, float, float, float]],
+ dict[str, tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]],
+ list[tuple[list[tuple[float, float]], list[int]]],
+ ]: ...
+ def get_glyphs_tex(
+ self,
+ prop: FontProperties,
+ s: str,
+ glyph_map: dict[str, tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]] | None = ...,
+ return_new_glyphs_only: bool = ...,
+ ) -> tuple[
+ list[tuple[str, float, float, float]],
+ dict[str, tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]],
+ list[tuple[list[tuple[float, float]], list[int]]],
+ ]: ...
+text_to_path: TextToPath
+class TextPath(Path):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ xy: tuple[float, float],
+ s: str,
+ size: float | None = ...,
+ prop: FontProperties | None = ...,
+ _interpolation_steps: int = ...,
+ usetex: bool = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_size(self, size: float | None) -> None: ...
+ def get_size(self) -> float | None: ...
+ # These are read only... there actually are protections in the base class, so probably can be deleted...
+ @property # type: ignore[misc]
+ def vertices(self) -> np.ndarray: ... # type: ignore[override]
+ @property # type: ignore[misc]
+ def codes(self) -> np.ndarray: ... # type: ignore[override]
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/ticker.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/ticker.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f026b4943c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/ticker.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+from collections.abc import Callable, Sequence
+from typing import Any, Literal
+from matplotlib.axis import Axis
+from matplotlib.transforms import Transform
+from matplotlib.projections.polar import _AxisWrapper
+import numpy as np
+class _DummyAxis:
+ __name__: str
+ def __init__(self, minpos: float = ...) -> None: ...
+ def get_view_interval(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ def set_view_interval(self, vmin: float, vmax: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_minpos(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_data_interval(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ def set_data_interval(self, vmin: float, vmax: float) -> None: ...
+ def get_tick_space(self) -> int: ...
+class TickHelper:
+ axis: None | Axis | _DummyAxis | _AxisWrapper
+ def set_axis(self, axis: Axis | _DummyAxis | _AxisWrapper | None) -> None: ...
+ def create_dummy_axis(self, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+class Formatter(TickHelper):
+ locs: list[float]
+ def __call__(self, x: float, pos: int | None = ...) -> str: ...
+ def format_ticks(self, values: list[float]) -> list[str]: ...
+ def format_data(self, value: float) -> str: ...
+ def format_data_short(self, value: float) -> str: ...
+ def get_offset(self) -> str: ...
+ def set_locs(self, locs: list[float]) -> None: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def fix_minus(s: str) -> str: ...
+class NullFormatter(Formatter): ...
+class FixedFormatter(Formatter):
+ seq: Sequence[str]
+ offset_string: str
+ def __init__(self, seq: Sequence[str]) -> None: ...
+ def set_offset_string(self, ofs: str) -> None: ...
+class FuncFormatter(Formatter):
+ func: Callable[[float, int | None], str]
+ offset_string: str
+ # Callable[[float, int | None], str] | Callable[[float], str]
+ def __init__(self, func: Callable[..., str]) -> None: ...
+ def set_offset_string(self, ofs: str) -> None: ...
+class FormatStrFormatter(Formatter):
+ fmt: str
+ def __init__(self, fmt: str) -> None: ...
+class StrMethodFormatter(Formatter):
+ fmt: str
+ def __init__(self, fmt: str) -> None: ...
+class ScalarFormatter(Formatter):
+ orderOfMagnitude: int
+ format: str
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ useOffset: bool | float | None = ...,
+ useMathText: bool | None = ...,
+ useLocale: bool | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ offset: float
+ def get_useOffset(self) -> bool: ...
+ def set_useOffset(self, val: bool | float) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def useOffset(self) -> bool: ...
+ @useOffset.setter
+ def useOffset(self, val: bool | float) -> None: ...
+ def get_useLocale(self) -> bool: ...
+ def set_useLocale(self, val: bool | None) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def useLocale(self) -> bool: ...
+ @useLocale.setter
+ def useLocale(self, val: bool | None) -> None: ...
+ def get_useMathText(self) -> bool: ...
+ def set_useMathText(self, val: bool | None) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def useMathText(self) -> bool: ...
+ @useMathText.setter
+ def useMathText(self, val: bool | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_scientific(self, b: bool) -> None: ...
+ def set_powerlimits(self, lims: tuple[int, int]) -> None: ...
+ def format_data_short(self, value: float | np.ma.MaskedArray) -> str: ...
+ def format_data(self, value: float) -> str: ...
+class LogFormatter(Formatter):
+ minor_thresholds: tuple[float, float]
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ base: float = ...,
+ labelOnlyBase: bool = ...,
+ minor_thresholds: tuple[float, float] | None = ...,
+ linthresh: float | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_base(self, base: float) -> None: ...
+ labelOnlyBase: bool
+ def set_label_minor(self, labelOnlyBase: bool) -> None: ...
+ def set_locs(self, locs: Any | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def format_data(self, value: float) -> str: ...
+ def format_data_short(self, value: float) -> str: ...
+class LogFormatterExponent(LogFormatter): ...
+class LogFormatterMathtext(LogFormatter): ...
+class LogFormatterSciNotation(LogFormatterMathtext): ...
+class LogitFormatter(Formatter):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ *,
+ use_overline: bool = ...,
+ one_half: str = ...,
+ minor: bool = ...,
+ minor_threshold: int = ...,
+ minor_number: int = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def use_overline(self, use_overline: bool) -> None: ...
+ def set_one_half(self, one_half: str) -> None: ...
+ def set_minor_threshold(self, minor_threshold: int) -> None: ...
+ def set_minor_number(self, minor_number: int) -> None: ...
+ def format_data_short(self, value: float) -> str: ...
+class EngFormatter(Formatter):
+ ENG_PREFIXES: dict[int, str]
+ unit: str
+ places: int | None
+ sep: str
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ unit: str = ...,
+ places: int | None = ...,
+ sep: str = ...,
+ *,
+ usetex: bool | None = ...,
+ useMathText: bool | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def get_usetex(self) -> bool: ...
+ def set_usetex(self, val: bool | None) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def usetex(self) -> bool: ...
+ @usetex.setter
+ def usetex(self, val: bool | None) -> None: ...
+ def get_useMathText(self) -> bool: ...
+ def set_useMathText(self, val: bool | None) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def useMathText(self) -> bool: ...
+ @useMathText.setter
+ def useMathText(self, val: bool | None) -> None: ...
+ def format_eng(self, num: float) -> str: ...
+class PercentFormatter(Formatter):
+ xmax: float
+ decimals: int | None
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ xmax: float = ...,
+ decimals: int | None = ...,
+ symbol: str | None = ...,
+ is_latex: bool = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def format_pct(self, x: float, display_range: float) -> str: ...
+ def convert_to_pct(self, x: float) -> float: ...
+ @property
+ def symbol(self) -> str: ...
+ @symbol.setter
+ def symbol(self, symbol: str) -> None: ...
+class Locator(TickHelper):
+ def tick_values(self, vmin: float, vmax: float) -> Sequence[float]: ...
+ # Implementation accepts **kwargs, but is a no-op other than a warning
+ # Typing as **kwargs would require each subclass to accept **kwargs for mypy
+ def set_params(self) -> None: ...
+ def __call__(self) -> Sequence[float]: ...
+ def raise_if_exceeds(self, locs: Sequence[float]) -> Sequence[float]: ...
+ def nonsingular(self, v0: float, v1: float) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ def view_limits(self, vmin: float, vmax: float) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+class IndexLocator(Locator):
+ offset: float
+ def __init__(self, base: float, offset: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_params(
+ self, base: float | None = ..., offset: float | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+class FixedLocator(Locator):
+ nbins: int | None
+ def __init__(self, locs: Sequence[float], nbins: int | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def set_params(self, nbins: int | None = ...) -> None: ...
+class NullLocator(Locator): ...
+class LinearLocator(Locator):
+ presets: dict[tuple[float, float], Sequence[float]]
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ numticks: int | None = ...,
+ presets: dict[tuple[float, float], Sequence[float]] | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def numticks(self) -> int: ...
+ @numticks.setter
+ def numticks(self, numticks: int | None) -> None: ...
+ def set_params(
+ self,
+ numticks: int | None = ...,
+ presets: dict[tuple[float, float], Sequence[float]] | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+class MultipleLocator(Locator):
+ def __init__(self, base: float = ..., offset: float = ...) -> None: ...
+ def set_params(self, base: float | None = ..., offset: float | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def view_limits(self, dmin: float, dmax: float) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+class _Edge_integer:
+ step: float
+ def __init__(self, step: float, offset: float) -> None: ...
+ def closeto(self, ms: float, edge: float) -> bool: ...
+ def le(self, x: float) -> float: ...
+ def ge(self, x: float) -> float: ...
+class MaxNLocator(Locator):
+ default_params: dict[str, Any]
+ def __init__(self, nbins: int | Literal["auto"] | None = ..., **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ def set_params(self, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ def view_limits(self, dmin: float, dmax: float) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+class LogLocator(Locator):
+ numdecs: float
+ numticks: int | None
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ base: float = ...,
+ subs: None | Literal["auto", "all"] | Sequence[float] = ...,
+ numdecs: float = ...,
+ numticks: int | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_params(
+ self,
+ base: float | None = ...,
+ subs: Literal["auto", "all"] | Sequence[float] | None = ...,
+ numdecs: float | None = ...,
+ numticks: int | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+class SymmetricalLogLocator(Locator):
+ numticks: int
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ transform: Transform | None = ...,
+ subs: Sequence[float] | None = ...,
+ linthresh: float | None = ...,
+ base: float | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_params(
+ self, subs: Sequence[float] | None = ..., numticks: int | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+class AsinhLocator(Locator):
+ linear_width: float
+ numticks: int
+ symthresh: float
+ base: int
+ subs: Sequence[float] | None
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ linear_width: float,
+ numticks: int = ...,
+ symthresh: float = ...,
+ base: int = ...,
+ subs: Sequence[float] | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_params(
+ self,
+ numticks: int | None = ...,
+ symthresh: float | None = ...,
+ base: int | None = ...,
+ subs: Sequence[float] | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+class LogitLocator(MaxNLocator):
+ def __init__(
+ self, minor: bool = ..., *, nbins: Literal["auto"] | int = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_params(self, minor: bool | None = ..., **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def minor(self) -> bool: ...
+ @minor.setter
+ def minor(self, value: bool) -> None: ...
+class AutoLocator(MaxNLocator):
+ def __init__(self) -> None: ...
+class AutoMinorLocator(Locator):
+ ndivs: int
+ def __init__(self, n: int | None = ...) -> None: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/transforms.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/transforms.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..90a527e5bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/transforms.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,335 @@
+from .path import Path
+from .patches import Patch
+from .figure import Figure
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+from collections.abc import Iterable, Sequence
+from typing import Literal
+DEBUG: bool
+class TransformNode:
+ INVALID: int
+ is_bbox: bool
+ # Implemented as a standard attr in base class, but functionally readonly and some subclasses implement as such
+ @property
+ def is_affine(self) -> bool: ...
+ pass_through: bool
+ def __init__(self, shorthand_name: str | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def __copy__(self) -> TransformNode: ...
+ def invalidate(self) -> None: ...
+ def set_children(self, *children: TransformNode) -> None: ...
+ def frozen(self) -> TransformNode: ...
+class BboxBase(TransformNode):
+ is_bbox: bool
+ is_affine: bool
+ def frozen(self) -> Bbox: ...
+ def __array__(self, *args, **kwargs): ...
+ @property
+ def x0(self) -> float: ...
+ @property
+ def y0(self) -> float: ...
+ @property
+ def x1(self) -> float: ...
+ @property
+ def y1(self) -> float: ...
+ @property
+ def p0(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ @property
+ def p1(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ @property
+ def xmin(self) -> float: ...
+ @property
+ def ymin(self) -> float: ...
+ @property
+ def xmax(self) -> float: ...
+ @property
+ def ymax(self) -> float: ...
+ @property
+ def min(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ @property
+ def max(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ @property
+ def intervalx(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ @property
+ def intervaly(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ @property
+ def width(self) -> float: ...
+ @property
+ def height(self) -> float: ...
+ @property
+ def size(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ @property
+ def bounds(self) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]: ...
+ @property
+ def extents(self) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]: ...
+ def get_points(self) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def containsx(self, x: float) -> bool: ...
+ def containsy(self, y: float) -> bool: ...
+ def contains(self, x: float, y: float) -> bool: ...
+ def overlaps(self, other: BboxBase) -> bool: ...
+ def fully_containsx(self, x: float) -> bool: ...
+ def fully_containsy(self, y: float) -> bool: ...
+ def fully_contains(self, x: float, y: float) -> bool: ...
+ def fully_overlaps(self, other: BboxBase) -> bool: ...
+ def transformed(self, transform: Transform) -> Bbox: ...
+ coefs: dict[str, tuple[float, float]]
+ # anchored type can be s/str/Literal["C", "SW", "S", "SE", "E", "NE", "N", "NW", "W"]
+ def anchored(
+ self, c: tuple[float, float] | str, container: BboxBase | None = ...
+ ) -> Bbox: ...
+ def shrunk(self, mx: float, my: float) -> Bbox: ...
+ def shrunk_to_aspect(
+ self,
+ box_aspect: float,
+ container: BboxBase | None = ...,
+ fig_aspect: float = ...,
+ ) -> Bbox: ...
+ def splitx(self, *args: float) -> list[Bbox]: ...
+ def splity(self, *args: float) -> list[Bbox]: ...
+ def count_contains(self, vertices: ArrayLike) -> int: ...
+ def count_overlaps(self, bboxes: Iterable[BboxBase]) -> int: ...
+ def expanded(self, sw: float, sh: float) -> Bbox: ...
+ def padded(self, w_pad: float, h_pad: float | None = ...) -> Bbox: ...
+ def translated(self, tx: float, ty: float) -> Bbox: ...
+ def corners(self) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def rotated(self, radians: float) -> Bbox: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def union(bboxes: Sequence[BboxBase]) -> Bbox: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def intersection(bbox1: BboxBase, bbox2: BboxBase) -> Bbox | None: ...
+class Bbox(BboxBase):
+ def __init__(self, points: ArrayLike, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def unit() -> Bbox: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def null() -> Bbox: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_bounds(x0: float, y0: float, width: float, height: float) -> Bbox: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_extents(*args: float, minpos: float | None = ...) -> Bbox: ...
+ def __format__(self, fmt: str) -> str: ...
+ def ignore(self, value: bool) -> None: ...
+ def update_from_path(
+ self,
+ path: Path,
+ ignore: bool | None = ...,
+ updatex: bool = ...,
+ updatey: bool = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def update_from_data_x(self, x: ArrayLike, ignore: bool | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def update_from_data_y(self, y: ArrayLike, ignore: bool | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def update_from_data_xy(
+ self,
+ xy: ArrayLike,
+ ignore: bool | None = ...,
+ updatex: bool = ...,
+ updatey: bool = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def minpos(self) -> float: ...
+ @property
+ def minposx(self) -> float: ...
+ @property
+ def minposy(self) -> float: ...
+ def get_points(self) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def set_points(self, points: ArrayLike) -> None: ...
+ def set(self, other: Bbox) -> None: ...
+ def mutated(self) -> bool: ...
+ def mutatedx(self) -> bool: ...
+ def mutatedy(self) -> bool: ...
+class TransformedBbox(BboxBase):
+ def __init__(self, bbox: Bbox, transform: Transform, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ def get_points(self) -> np.ndarray: ...
+class LockableBbox(BboxBase):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ bbox: BboxBase,
+ x0: float | None = ...,
+ y0: float | None = ...,
+ x1: float | None = ...,
+ y1: float | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def locked_x0(self) -> float | None: ...
+ @locked_x0.setter
+ def locked_x0(self, x0: float | None) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def locked_y0(self) -> float | None: ...
+ @locked_y0.setter
+ def locked_y0(self, y0: float | None) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def locked_x1(self) -> float | None: ...
+ @locked_x1.setter
+ def locked_x1(self, x1: float | None) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def locked_y1(self) -> float | None: ...
+ @locked_y1.setter
+ def locked_y1(self, y1: float | None) -> None: ...
+class Transform(TransformNode):
+ # Implemented as a standard attrs in base class, but functionally readonly and some subclasses implement as such
+ @property
+ def input_dims(self) -> int | None: ...
+ @property
+ def output_dims(self) -> int | None: ...
+ @property
+ def is_separable(self) -> bool: ...
+ @property
+ def has_inverse(self) -> bool: ...
+ def __add__(self, other: Transform) -> Transform: ...
+ @property
+ def depth(self) -> int: ...
+ def contains_branch(self, other: Transform) -> bool: ...
+ def contains_branch_seperately(
+ self, other_transform: Transform
+ ) -> Sequence[bool]: ...
+ def __sub__(self, other: Transform) -> Transform: ...
+ def __array__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def transform(self, values: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def transform_affine(self, values: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def transform_non_affine(self, values: ArrayLike) -> ArrayLike: ...
+ def transform_bbox(self, bbox: BboxBase) -> Bbox: ...
+ def get_affine(self) -> Transform: ...
+ def get_matrix(self) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def transform_point(self, point: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def transform_path(self, path: Path) -> Path: ...
+ def transform_path_affine(self, path: Path) -> Path: ...
+ def transform_path_non_affine(self, path: Path) -> Path: ...
+ def transform_angles(
+ self,
+ angles: ArrayLike,
+ pts: ArrayLike,
+ radians: bool = ...,
+ pushoff: float = ...,
+ ) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def inverted(self) -> Transform: ...
+class TransformWrapper(Transform):
+ pass_through: bool
+ def __init__(self, child: Transform) -> None: ...
+ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ...
+ def frozen(self) -> Transform: ...
+ def set(self, child: Transform) -> None: ...
+class AffineBase(Transform):
+ is_affine: Literal[True]
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ...
+class Affine2DBase(AffineBase):
+ input_dims: Literal[2]
+ output_dims: Literal[2]
+ def frozen(self) -> Affine2D: ...
+ def to_values(self) -> tuple[float, float, float, float, float, float]: ...
+class Affine2D(Affine2DBase):
+ def __init__(self, matrix: ArrayLike | None = ..., **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_values(
+ a: float, b: float, c: float, d: float, e: float, f: float
+ ) -> Affine2D: ...
+ def set_matrix(self, mtx: ArrayLike) -> None: ...
+ def clear(self) -> Affine2D: ...
+ def rotate(self, theta: float) -> Affine2D: ...
+ def rotate_deg(self, degrees: float) -> Affine2D: ...
+ def rotate_around(self, x: float, y: float, theta: float) -> Affine2D: ...
+ def rotate_deg_around(self, x: float, y: float, degrees: float) -> Affine2D: ...
+ def translate(self, tx: float, ty: float) -> Affine2D: ...
+ def scale(self, sx: float, sy: float | None = ...) -> Affine2D: ...
+ def skew(self, xShear: float, yShear: float) -> Affine2D: ...
+ def skew_deg(self, xShear: float, yShear: float) -> Affine2D: ...
+class IdentityTransform(Affine2DBase): ...
+class _BlendedMixin:
+ def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: ...
+ def contains_branch_seperately(self, transform: Transform) -> Sequence[bool]: ...
+class BlendedGenericTransform(_BlendedMixin, Transform):
+ input_dims: Literal[2]
+ output_dims: Literal[2]
+ pass_through: bool
+ def __init__(
+ self, x_transform: Transform, y_transform: Transform, **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def depth(self) -> int: ...
+ def contains_branch(self, other: Transform) -> Literal[False]: ...
+ @property
+ def is_affine(self) -> bool: ...
+class BlendedAffine2D(_BlendedMixin, Affine2DBase):
+ def __init__(
+ self, x_transform: Transform, y_transform: Transform, **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+def blended_transform_factory(
+ x_transform: Transform, y_transform: Transform
+) -> BlendedGenericTransform | BlendedAffine2D: ...
+class CompositeGenericTransform(Transform):
+ pass_through: bool
+ def __init__(self, a: Transform, b: Transform, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+class CompositeAffine2D(Affine2DBase):
+ def __init__(self, a: Affine2DBase, b: Affine2DBase, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def depth(self) -> int: ...
+def composite_transform_factory(a: Transform, b: Transform) -> Transform: ...
+class BboxTransform(Affine2DBase):
+ def __init__(self, boxin: BboxBase, boxout: BboxBase, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+class BboxTransformTo(Affine2DBase):
+ def __init__(self, boxout: BboxBase, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+class BboxTransformToMaxOnly(BboxTransformTo): ...
+class BboxTransformFrom(Affine2DBase):
+ def __init__(self, boxin: BboxBase, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+class ScaledTranslation(Affine2DBase):
+ def __init__(
+ self, xt: float, yt: float, scale_trans: Affine2DBase, **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+class AffineDeltaTransform(Affine2DBase):
+ def __init__(self, transform: Affine2DBase, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+class TransformedPath(TransformNode):
+ def __init__(self, path: Path, transform: Transform) -> None: ...
+ def get_transformed_points_and_affine(self) -> tuple[Path, Transform]: ...
+ def get_transformed_path_and_affine(self) -> tuple[Path, Transform]: ...
+ def get_fully_transformed_path(self) -> Path: ...
+ def get_affine(self) -> Transform: ...
+class TransformedPatchPath(TransformedPath):
+ def __init__(self, patch: Patch) -> None: ...
+def nonsingular(
+ vmin: float,
+ vmax: float,
+ expander: float = ...,
+ tiny: float = ...,
+ increasing: bool = ...,
+) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+def interval_contains(interval: tuple[float, float], val: float) -> bool: ...
+def interval_contains_open(interval: tuple[float, float], val: float) -> bool: ...
+def offset_copy(
+ trans: Transform,
+ fig: Figure | None = ...,
+ x: float = ...,
+ y: float = ...,
+ units: Literal["inches", "points", "dots"] = ...,
+) -> Transform: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/tri/_triangulation.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/tri/_triangulation.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e00b272ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/tri/_triangulation.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+from matplotlib import _tri
+from matplotlib.tri._trifinder import TriFinder
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+from typing import Any
+class Triangulation:
+ x: np.ndarray
+ y: np.ndarray
+ mask: np.ndarray | None
+ is_delaunay: bool
+ triangles: np.ndarray
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ x: ArrayLike,
+ y: ArrayLike,
+ triangles: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ mask: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def calculate_plane_coefficients(self, z: ArrayLike) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ @property
+ def edges(self) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def get_cpp_triangulation(self) -> _tri.Triangulation: ...
+ def get_masked_triangles(self) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ @staticmethod
+ def get_from_args_and_kwargs(
+ *args, **kwargs
+ ) -> tuple[Triangulation, tuple[Any, ...], dict[str, Any]]: ...
+ def get_trifinder(self) -> TriFinder: ...
+ @property
+ def neighbors(self) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def set_mask(self, mask: None | ArrayLike) -> None: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/tri/_tricontour.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/tri/_tricontour.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31929d8661
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/tri/_tricontour.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+from matplotlib.axes import Axes
+from matplotlib.contour import ContourSet
+from matplotlib.tri._triangulation import Triangulation
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+from typing import overload
+# TODO: more explicit args/kwargs (for all things in this module)?
+class TriContourSet(ContourSet):
+ def __init__(self, ax: Axes, *args, **kwargs) -> None: ...
+def tricontour(
+ ax: Axes,
+ triangulation: Triangulation,
+ z: ArrayLike,
+ levels: int | ArrayLike = ...,
+ **kwargs
+) -> TriContourSet: ...
+def tricontour(
+ ax: Axes,
+ x: ArrayLike,
+ y: ArrayLike,
+ z: ArrayLike,
+ levels: int | ArrayLike = ...,
+ *,
+ triangles: ArrayLike = ...,
+ mask: ArrayLike = ...,
+ **kwargs
+) -> TriContourSet: ...
+def tricontourf(
+ ax: Axes,
+ triangulation: Triangulation,
+ z: ArrayLike,
+ levels: int | ArrayLike = ...,
+ **kwargs
+) -> TriContourSet: ...
+def tricontourf(
+ ax: Axes,
+ x: ArrayLike,
+ y: ArrayLike,
+ z: ArrayLike,
+ levels: int | ArrayLike = ...,
+ *,
+ triangles: ArrayLike = ...,
+ mask: ArrayLike = ...,
+ **kwargs
+) -> TriContourSet: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/tri/_trifinder.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/tri/_trifinder.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..41a9990b89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/tri/_trifinder.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+from matplotlib.tri import Triangulation
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+class TriFinder:
+ def __init__(self, triangulation: Triangulation) -> None: ...
+ def __call__(self, x: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike) -> ArrayLike: ...
+class TrapezoidMapTriFinder(TriFinder):
+ def __init__(self, triangulation: Triangulation) -> None: ...
+ def __call__(self, x: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike) -> ArrayLike: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/tri/_triinterpolate.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/tri/_triinterpolate.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8a56b22acd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/tri/_triinterpolate.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+from matplotlib.tri import Triangulation, TriFinder
+from typing import Literal
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+class TriInterpolator:
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ triangulation: Triangulation,
+ z: ArrayLike,
+ trifinder: TriFinder | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ # __call__ and gradient are not actually implemented by the ABC, but are specified as required
+ def __call__(self, x: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike) -> np.ma.MaskedArray: ...
+ def gradient(
+ self, x: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike
+ ) -> tuple[np.ma.MaskedArray, np.ma.MaskedArray]: ...
+class LinearTriInterpolator(TriInterpolator): ...
+class CubicTriInterpolator(TriInterpolator):
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ triangulation: Triangulation,
+ z: ArrayLike,
+ kind: Literal["min_E", "geom", "user"] = ...,
+ trifinder: TriFinder | None = ...,
+ dz: tuple[ArrayLike, ArrayLike] | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/tri/_tripcolor.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/tri/_tripcolor.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..42acffcdc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/tri/_tripcolor.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+from matplotlib.axes import Axes
+from matplotlib.collections import PolyCollection, TriMesh
+from matplotlib.colors import Normalize, Colormap
+from matplotlib.tri._triangulation import Triangulation
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+from typing import overload, Literal
+def tripcolor(
+ ax: Axes,
+ triangulation: Triangulation,
+ c: ArrayLike = ...,
+ *,
+ alpha: float = ...,
+ norm: str | Normalize | None = ...,
+ cmap: str | Colormap | None = ...,
+ vmin: float | None = ...,
+ vmax: float | None = ...,
+ shading: Literal["flat"] = ...,
+ facecolors: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+) -> PolyCollection: ...
+def tripcolor(
+ ax: Axes,
+ x: ArrayLike,
+ y: ArrayLike,
+ c: ArrayLike = ...,
+ *,
+ alpha: float = ...,
+ norm: str | Normalize | None = ...,
+ cmap: str | Colormap | None = ...,
+ vmin: float | None = ...,
+ vmax: float | None = ...,
+ shading: Literal["flat"] = ...,
+ facecolors: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+) -> PolyCollection: ...
+def tripcolor(
+ ax: Axes,
+ triangulation: Triangulation,
+ c: ArrayLike = ...,
+ *,
+ alpha: float = ...,
+ norm: str | Normalize | None = ...,
+ cmap: str | Colormap | None = ...,
+ vmin: float | None = ...,
+ vmax: float | None = ...,
+ shading: Literal["gouraud"],
+ facecolors: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+) -> TriMesh: ...
+def tripcolor(
+ ax: Axes,
+ x: ArrayLike,
+ y: ArrayLike,
+ c: ArrayLike = ...,
+ *,
+ alpha: float = ...,
+ norm: str | Normalize | None = ...,
+ cmap: str | Colormap | None = ...,
+ vmin: float | None = ...,
+ vmax: float | None = ...,
+ shading: Literal["gouraud"],
+ facecolors: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+) -> TriMesh: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/tri/_triplot.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/tri/_triplot.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6224276afd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/tri/_triplot.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+from matplotlib.tri._triangulation import Triangulation
+from matplotlib.axes import Axes
+from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
+from typing import overload
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+def triplot(
+ ax: Axes, triangulation: Triangulation, *args, **kwargs
+) -> tuple[Line2D, Line2D]: ...
+def triplot(
+ ax: Axes, x: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike, triangles: ArrayLike = ..., *args, **kwargs
+) -> tuple[Line2D, Line2D]: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/tri/_trirefine.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/tri/_trirefine.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c60dc76e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/tri/_trirefine.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+from typing import Literal, overload
+import numpy as np
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+from matplotlib.tri._triangulation import Triangulation
+from matplotlib.tri._triinterpolate import TriInterpolator
+class TriRefiner:
+ def __init__(self, triangulation: Triangulation) -> None: ...
+class UniformTriRefiner(TriRefiner):
+ def __init__(self, triangulation: Triangulation) -> None: ...
+ @overload
+ def refine_triangulation(
+ self, *, return_tri_index: Literal[True], subdiv: int = ...
+ ) -> tuple[Triangulation, np.ndarray]: ...
+ @overload
+ def refine_triangulation(
+ self, return_tri_index: Literal[False] = ..., subdiv: int = ...
+ ) -> Triangulation: ...
+ @overload
+ def refine_triangulation(
+ self, return_tri_index: bool = ..., subdiv: int = ...
+ ) -> tuple[Triangulation, np.ndarray] | Triangulation: ...
+ def refine_field(
+ self,
+ z: ArrayLike,
+ triinterpolator: TriInterpolator | None = ...,
+ subdiv: int = ...,
+ ) -> tuple[Triangulation, np.ndarray]: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/tri/_tritools.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/tri/_tritools.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9b5e1bec4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/tri/_tritools.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+from matplotlib.tri import Triangulation
+import numpy as np
+class TriAnalyzer:
+ def __init__(self, triangulation: Triangulation) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def scale_factors(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ def circle_ratios(self, rescale: bool = ...) -> np.ndarray: ...
+ def get_flat_tri_mask(
+ self, min_circle_ratio: float = ..., rescale: bool = ...
+ ) -> np.ndarray: ...
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/widgets.pyi b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/widgets.pyi
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..00c2d0da8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/matplotlib/widgets.pyi
@@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
+from .artist import Artist
+from .axes import Axes
+from .backend_bases import FigureCanvasBase, Event, MouseEvent, MouseButton
+from .collections import LineCollection
+from .figure import Figure
+from .lines import Line2D
+from .patches import Circle, Polygon, Rectangle
+from .text import Text
+import PIL.Image
+from collections.abc import Callable, Collection, Iterable, Sequence
+from typing import Any, Literal
+from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
+from .typing import ColorType
+import numpy as np
+class LockDraw:
+ def __init__(self) -> None: ...
+ def __call__(self, o: Any) -> None: ...
+ def release(self, o: Any) -> None: ...
+ def available(self, o: Any) -> bool: ...
+ def isowner(self, o: Any) -> bool: ...
+ def locked(self) -> bool: ...
+class Widget:
+ drawon: bool
+ eventson: bool
+ active: bool
+ def set_active(self, active: bool) -> None: ...
+ def get_active(self) -> None: ...
+ def ignore(self, event) -> bool: ...
+class AxesWidget(Widget):
+ ax: Axes
+ canvas: FigureCanvasBase | None
+ def __init__(self, ax: Axes) -> None: ...
+ def connect_event(self, event: Event, callback: Callable) -> None: ...
+ def disconnect_events(self) -> None: ...
+class Button(AxesWidget):
+ label: Text
+ color: ColorType
+ hovercolor: ColorType
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ax: Axes,
+ label: str,
+ image: ArrayLike | PIL.Image.Image | None = ...,
+ color: ColorType = ...,
+ hovercolor: ColorType = ...,
+ *,
+ useblit: bool = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def on_clicked(self, func: Callable[[Event], Any]) -> int: ...
+ def disconnect(self, cid: int) -> None: ...
+class SliderBase(AxesWidget):
+ orientation: Literal["horizontal", "vertical"]
+ closedmin: bool
+ closedmax: bool
+ valmin: float
+ valmax: float
+ valstep: float | ArrayLike | None
+ drag_active: bool
+ valfmt: str
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ax: Axes,
+ orientation: Literal["horizontal", "vertical"],
+ closedmin: bool,
+ closedmax: bool,
+ valmin: float,
+ valmax: float,
+ valfmt: str,
+ dragging: Slider | None,
+ valstep: float | ArrayLike | None,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def disconnect(self, cid: int) -> None: ...
+ def reset(self) -> None: ...
+class Slider(SliderBase):
+ slidermin: Slider | None
+ slidermax: Slider | None
+ val: float
+ valinit: float
+ track: Rectangle
+ poly: Polygon
+ hline: Line2D
+ vline: Line2D
+ label: Text
+ valtext: Text
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ax: Axes,
+ label: str,
+ valmin: float,
+ valmax: float,
+ *,
+ valinit: float = ...,
+ valfmt: str | None = ...,
+ closedmin: bool = ...,
+ closedmax: bool = ...,
+ slidermin: Slider | None = ...,
+ slidermax: Slider | None = ...,
+ dragging: bool = ...,
+ valstep: float | ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ orientation: Literal["horizontal", "vertical"] = ...,
+ initcolor: ColorType = ...,
+ track_color: ColorType = ...,
+ handle_style: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_val(self, val: float) -> None: ...
+ def on_changed(self, func: Callable[[float], Any]) -> int: ...
+class RangeSlider(SliderBase):
+ val: tuple[float, float]
+ valinit: tuple[float, float]
+ track: Rectangle
+ poly: Polygon
+ label: Text
+ valtext: Text
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ax: Axes,
+ label: str,
+ valmin: float,
+ valmax: float,
+ *,
+ valinit: tuple[float, float] | None = ...,
+ valfmt: str | None = ...,
+ closedmin: bool = ...,
+ closedmax: bool = ...,
+ dragging: bool = ...,
+ valstep: float | ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ orientation: Literal["horizontal", "vertical"] = ...,
+ track_color: ColorType = ...,
+ handle_style: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ **kwargs
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_min(self, min: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_max(self, max: float) -> None: ...
+ def set_val(self, val: ArrayLike) -> None: ...
+ def on_changed(self, func: Callable[[tuple[float, float]], Any]) -> int: ...
+class CheckButtons(AxesWidget):
+ labels: list[Text]
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ax: Axes,
+ labels: Sequence[str],
+ actives: Iterable[bool] | None = ...,
+ *,
+ useblit: bool = ...,
+ label_props: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ frame_props: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ check_props: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_label_props(self, props: dict[str, Any]) -> None: ...
+ def set_frame_props(self, props: dict[str, Any]) -> None: ...
+ def set_check_props(self, props: dict[str, Any]) -> None: ...
+ def set_active(self, index: int) -> None: ...
+ def get_status(self) -> list[bool]: ...
+ def on_clicked(self, func: Callable[[str], Any]) -> int: ...
+ def disconnect(self, cid: int) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def lines(self) -> list[tuple[Line2D, Line2D]]: ...
+ @property
+ def rectangles(self) -> list[Rectangle]: ...
+class TextBox(AxesWidget):
+ label: Text
+ text_disp: Text
+ cursor_index: int
+ cursor: LineCollection
+ color: ColorType
+ hovercolor: ColorType
+ capturekeystrokes: bool
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ax: Axes,
+ label: str,
+ initial: str = ...,
+ *,
+ color: ColorType = ...,
+ hovercolor: ColorType = ...,
+ label_pad: float = ...,
+ textalignment: Literal["left", "center", "right"] = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def text(self) -> str: ...
+ def set_val(self, val: str) -> None: ...
+ def begin_typing(self, x = ...) -> None: ...
+ def stop_typing(self) -> None: ...
+ def on_text_change(self, func: Callable[[str], Any]) -> int: ...
+ def on_submit(self, func: Callable[[str], Any]) -> int: ...
+ def disconnect(self, cid: int) -> None: ...
+class RadioButtons(AxesWidget):
+ activecolor: ColorType
+ value_selected: str
+ labels: list[Text]
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ax: Axes,
+ labels: Iterable[str],
+ active: int = ...,
+ activecolor: ColorType | None = ...,
+ *,
+ useblit: bool = ...,
+ label_props: dict[str, Any] | Sequence[dict[str, Any]] | None = ...,
+ radio_props: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def set_label_props(self, props: dict[str, Any]) -> None: ...
+ def set_radio_props(self, props: dict[str, Any]) -> None: ...
+ def set_active(self, index: int) -> None: ...
+ def on_clicked(self, func: Callable[[str], Any]) -> int: ...
+ def disconnect(self, cid: int) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def circles(self) -> list[Circle]: ...
+class SubplotTool(Widget):
+ figure: Figure
+ targetfig: Figure
+ buttonreset: Button
+ def __init__(self, targetfig: Figure, toolfig: Figure) -> None: ...
+class Cursor(AxesWidget):
+ visible: bool
+ horizOn: bool
+ vertOn: bool
+ useblit: bool
+ lineh: Line2D
+ linev: Line2D
+ background: Any
+ needclear: bool
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ax: Axes,
+ *,
+ horizOn: bool = ...,
+ vertOn: bool = ...,
+ useblit: bool = ...,
+ **lineprops
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def clear(self, event: Event) -> None: ...
+ def onmove(self, event: Event) -> None: ...
+class MultiCursor(Widget):
+ axes: Sequence[Axes]
+ horizOn: bool
+ vertOn: bool
+ visible: bool
+ useblit: bool
+ needclear: bool
+ vlines: list[Line2D]
+ hlines: list[Line2D]
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ canvas: Any,
+ axes: Sequence[Axes],
+ *,
+ useblit: bool = ...,
+ horizOn: bool = ...,
+ vertOn: bool = ...,
+ **lineprops
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def connect(self) -> None: ...
+ def disconnect(self) -> None: ...
+ def clear(self, event: Event) -> None: ...
+ def onmove(self, event: Event) -> None: ...
+class _SelectorWidget(AxesWidget):
+ onselect: Callable[[float, float], Any]
+ useblit: bool
+ background: Any
+ validButtons: list[MouseButton]
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ax: Axes,
+ onselect: Callable[[float, float], Any],
+ useblit: bool = ...,
+ button: MouseButton | Collection[MouseButton] | None = ...,
+ state_modifier_keys: dict[str, str] | None = ...,
+ use_data_coordinates: bool = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def update_background(self, event: Event) -> None: ...
+ def connect_default_events(self) -> None: ...
+ def ignore(self, event: Event) -> bool: ...
+ def update(self) -> None: ...
+ def press(self, event: Event) -> bool: ...
+ def release(self, event: Event) -> bool: ...
+ def onmove(self, event: Event) -> bool: ...
+ def on_scroll(self, event: Event) -> None: ...
+ def on_key_press(self, event: Event) -> None: ...
+ def on_key_release(self, event: Event) -> None: ...
+ def set_visible(self, visible: bool) -> None: ...
+ def get_visible(self) -> bool: ...
+ @property
+ def visible(self) -> bool: ...
+ def clear(self) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def artists(self) -> tuple[Artist]: ...
+ def set_props(self, **props) -> None: ...
+ def set_handle_props(self, **handle_props) -> None: ...
+ def add_state(self, state: str) -> None: ...
+ def remove_state(self, state: str) -> None: ...
+class SpanSelector(_SelectorWidget):
+ snap_values: ArrayLike | None
+ onmove_callback: Callable[[float, float], Any]
+ minspan: float
+ grab_range: float
+ drag_from_anywhere: bool
+ ignore_event_outside: bool
+ canvas: FigureCanvasBase | None
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ax: Axes,
+ onselect: Callable[[float, float], Any],
+ direction: Literal["horizontal", "vertical"],
+ *,
+ minspan: float = ...,
+ useblit: bool = ...,
+ props: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ onmove_callback: Callable[[float, float], Any] | None = ...,
+ interactive: bool = ...,
+ button: MouseButton | Collection[MouseButton] | None = ...,
+ handle_props: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ grab_range: float = ...,
+ state_modifier_keys: dict[str, str] | None = ...,
+ drag_from_anywhere: bool = ...,
+ ignore_event_outside: bool = ...,
+ snap_values: ArrayLike | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def new_axes(self, ax: Axes, *, _props: dict[str, Any] | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def connect_default_events(self) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def direction(self) -> Literal["horizontal", "vertical"]: ...
+ @direction.setter
+ def direction(self, direction: Literal["horizontal", "vertical"]) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def extents(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ @extents.setter
+ def extents(self, extents: tuple[float, float]) -> None: ...
+class ToolLineHandles:
+ ax: Axes
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ax: Axes,
+ positions: ArrayLike,
+ direction: Literal["horizontal", "vertical"],
+ *,
+ line_props: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ useblit: bool = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def artists(self) -> tuple[Line2D]: ...
+ @property
+ def positions(self) -> list[float]: ...
+ @property
+ def direction(self) -> Literal["horizontal", "vertical"]: ...
+ def set_data(self, positions: ArrayLike) -> None: ...
+ def set_visible(self, value: bool) -> None: ...
+ def set_animated(self, value: bool) -> None: ...
+ def remove(self) -> None: ...
+ def closest(self, x: float, y: float) -> tuple[int, float]: ...
+class ToolHandles:
+ ax: Axes
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ax: Axes,
+ x: ArrayLike,
+ y: ArrayLike,
+ *,
+ marker: str = ...,
+ marker_props: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ useblit: bool = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def x(self) -> ArrayLike: ...
+ @property
+ def y(self) -> ArrayLike: ...
+ @property
+ def artists(self) -> tuple[Line2D]: ...
+ def set_data(self, pts: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike | None = ...) -> None: ...
+ def set_visible(self, val: bool) -> None: ...
+ def set_animated(self, val: bool) -> None: ...
+ def closest(self, x: float, y: float) -> tuple[int, float]: ...
+class RectangleSelector(_SelectorWidget):
+ drag_from_anywhere: bool
+ ignore_event_outside: bool
+ minspanx: float
+ minspany: float
+ spancoords: Literal["data", "pixels"]
+ grab_range: float
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ax: Axes,
+ onselect: Callable[[MouseEvent, MouseEvent], Any],
+ *,
+ minspanx: float = ...,
+ minspany: float = ...,
+ useblit: bool = ...,
+ props: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ spancoords: Literal["data", "pixels"] = ...,
+ button: MouseButton | Collection[MouseButton] | None = ...,
+ grab_range: float = ...,
+ handle_props: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ interactive: bool = ...,
+ state_modifier_keys: dict[str, str] | None = ...,
+ drag_from_anywhere: bool = ...,
+ ignore_event_outside: bool = ...,
+ use_data_coordinates: bool = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def corners(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: ...
+ @property
+ def edge_centers(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: ...
+ @property
+ def center(self) -> tuple[float, float]: ...
+ @property
+ def extents(self) -> tuple[float, float, float, float]: ...
+ @extents.setter
+ def extents(self, extents: tuple[float, float, float, float]) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def rotation(self) -> float: ...
+ @rotation.setter
+ def rotation(self, value: float) -> None: ...
+ @property
+ def geometry(self) -> np.ndarray: ...
+class EllipseSelector(RectangleSelector): ...
+class LassoSelector(_SelectorWidget):
+ verts: None | list[tuple[float, float]]
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ax: Axes,
+ onselect: Callable[[list[tuple[float, float]]], Any],
+ *,
+ useblit: bool = ...,
+ props: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ button: MouseButton | Collection[MouseButton] | None = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+class PolygonSelector(_SelectorWidget):
+ grab_range: float
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ax: Axes,
+ onselect: Callable[[ArrayLike, ArrayLike], Any],
+ *,
+ useblit: bool = ...,
+ props: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ handle_props: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ grab_range: float = ...,
+ draw_bounding_box: bool = ...,
+ box_handle_props: dict[str, Any] | None = ...,
+ box_props: dict[str, Any] | None = ...
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def onmove(self, event: Event) -> bool: ...
+ @property
+ def verts(self) -> list[tuple[float, float]]: ...
+ @verts.setter
+ def verts(self, xys: Sequence[tuple[float, float]]) -> None: ...
+class Lasso(AxesWidget):
+ useblit: bool
+ background: Any
+ verts: list[tuple[float, float]] | None
+ line: Line2D
+ callback: Callable[[list[tuple[float, float]]], Any]
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ax: Axes,
+ xy: tuple[float, float],
+ callback: Callable[[list[tuple[float, float]]], Any],
+ *,
+ useblit: bool = ...,
+ ) -> None: ...
+ def onrelease(self, event: Event) -> None: ...
+ def onmove(self, event: Event) -> None: ...