path: root/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/src/_qhull_wrapper.cpp
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authorshumkovnd <shumkovnd@yandex-team.com>2023-11-10 14:39:34 +0300
committershumkovnd <shumkovnd@yandex-team.com>2023-11-10 16:42:24 +0300
commit77eb2d3fdcec5c978c64e025ced2764c57c00285 (patch)
treec51edb0748ca8d4a08d7c7323312c27ba1a8b79a /contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/src/_qhull_wrapper.cpp
parentdd6d20cadb65582270ac23f4b3b14ae189704b9d (diff)
KIKIMR-19287: add task_stats_drawing script
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/src/_qhull_wrapper.cpp')
1 files changed, 340 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/src/_qhull_wrapper.cpp b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/src/_qhull_wrapper.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e4f306305
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/src/_qhull_wrapper.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+ * Wrapper module for libqhull, providing Delaunay triangulation.
+ *
+ * This module's methods should not be accessed directly. To obtain a Delaunay
+ * triangulation, construct an instance of the matplotlib.tri.Triangulation
+ * class without specifying a triangles array.
+ */
+#include "Python.h"
+#include "numpy_cpp.h"
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+/* The Qhull header does not declare this as extern "C", but only MSVC seems to
+ * do name mangling on global variables. We thus need to declare this before
+ * the header so that it treats it correctly, and doesn't mangle the name. */
+extern "C" {
+extern const char qh_version[];
+#include "libqhull_r/qhull_ra.h"
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <vector>
+#ifndef MPL_DEVNULL
+#error "MPL_DEVNULL must be defined as the OS-equivalent of /dev/null"
+#define STRINGIFY(x) STR(x)
+#define STR(x) #x
+static const char* qhull_error_msg[6] = {
+ "", /* 0 = qh_ERRnone */
+ "input inconsistency", /* 1 = qh_ERRinput */
+ "singular input data", /* 2 = qh_ERRsingular */
+ "precision error", /* 3 = qh_ERRprec */
+ "insufficient memory", /* 4 = qh_ERRmem */
+ "internal error"}; /* 5 = qh_ERRqhull */
+/* Return the indices of the 3 vertices that comprise the specified facet (i.e.
+ * triangle). */
+static void
+get_facet_vertices(qhT* qh, const facetT* facet, int indices[3])
+ vertexT *vertex, **vertexp;
+ FOREACHvertex_(facet->vertices) {
+ *indices++ = qh_pointid(qh, vertex->point);
+ }
+/* Return the indices of the 3 triangles that are neighbors of the specified
+ * facet (triangle). */
+static void
+get_facet_neighbours(const facetT* facet, std::vector<int>& tri_indices,
+ int indices[3])
+ facetT *neighbor, **neighborp;
+ FOREACHneighbor_(facet) {
+ *indices++ = (neighbor->upperdelaunay ? -1 : tri_indices[neighbor->id]);
+ }
+/* Return true if the specified points arrays contain at least 3 unique points,
+ * or false otherwise. */
+static bool
+at_least_3_unique_points(npy_intp npoints, const double* x, const double* y)
+ int i;
+ const int unique1 = 0; /* First unique point has index 0. */
+ int unique2 = 0; /* Second unique point index is 0 until set. */
+ if (npoints < 3) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (i = 1; i < npoints; ++i) {
+ if (unique2 == 0) {
+ /* Looking for second unique point. */
+ if (x[i] != x[unique1] || y[i] != y[unique1]) {
+ unique2 = i;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /* Looking for third unique point. */
+ if ( (x[i] != x[unique1] || y[i] != y[unique1]) &&
+ (x[i] != x[unique2] || y[i] != y[unique2]) ) {
+ /* 3 unique points found, with indices 0, unique2 and i. */
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Run out of points before 3 unique points found. */
+ return false;
+/* Holds on to info from Qhull so that it can be destructed automatically. */
+class QhullInfo {
+ QhullInfo(FILE *error_file, qhT* qh) {
+ this->error_file = error_file;
+ this->qh = qh;
+ }
+ ~QhullInfo() {
+ qh_freeqhull(this->qh, !qh_ALL);
+ int curlong, totlong; /* Memory remaining. */
+ qh_memfreeshort(this->qh, &curlong, &totlong);
+ if (curlong || totlong) {
+ PyErr_WarnEx(PyExc_RuntimeWarning,
+ "Qhull could not free all allocated memory", 1);
+ }
+ if (this->error_file != stderr) {
+ fclose(error_file);
+ }
+ }
+ FILE* error_file;
+ qhT* qh;
+/* Delaunay implementation method.
+ * If hide_qhull_errors is true then qhull error messages are discarded;
+ * if it is false then they are written to stderr. */
+static PyObject*
+delaunay_impl(npy_intp npoints, const double* x, const double* y,
+ bool hide_qhull_errors)
+ qhT qh_qh; /* qh variable type and name must be like */
+ qhT* qh = &qh_qh; /* this for Qhull macros to work correctly. */
+ facetT* facet;
+ int i, ntri, max_facet_id;
+ int exitcode; /* Value returned from qh_new_qhull(). */
+ const int ndim = 2;
+ double x_mean = 0.0;
+ double y_mean = 0.0;
+ /* Allocate points. */
+ std::vector<coordT> points(npoints * ndim);
+ /* Determine mean x, y coordinates. */
+ for (i = 0; i < npoints; ++i) {
+ x_mean += x[i];
+ y_mean += y[i];
+ }
+ x_mean /= npoints;
+ y_mean /= npoints;
+ /* Prepare points array to pass to qhull. */
+ for (i = 0; i < npoints; ++i) {
+ points[2*i ] = x[i] - x_mean;
+ points[2*i+1] = y[i] - y_mean;
+ }
+ /* qhull expects a FILE* to write errors to. */
+ FILE* error_file = NULL;
+ if (hide_qhull_errors) {
+ /* qhull errors are ignored by writing to OS-equivalent of /dev/null.
+ * Rather than have OS-specific code here, instead it is determined by
+ * setupext.py and passed in via the macro MPL_DEVNULL. */
+ error_file = fopen(STRINGIFY(MPL_DEVNULL), "w");
+ if (error_file == NULL) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Could not open devnull");
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ /* qhull errors written to stderr. */
+ error_file = stderr;
+ }
+ /* Perform Delaunay triangulation. */
+ QhullInfo info(error_file, qh);
+ qh_zero(qh, error_file);
+ exitcode = qh_new_qhull(qh, ndim, (int)npoints, points.data(), False,
+ (char*)"qhull d Qt Qbb Qc Qz", NULL, error_file);
+ if (exitcode != qh_ERRnone) {
+ PyErr_Format(PyExc_RuntimeError,
+ "Error in qhull Delaunay triangulation calculation: %s (exitcode=%d)%s",
+ qhull_error_msg[exitcode], exitcode,
+ hide_qhull_errors ? "; use python verbose option (-v) to see original qhull error." : "");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* Split facets so that they only have 3 points each. */
+ qh_triangulate(qh);
+ /* Determine ntri and max_facet_id.
+ Note that libqhull uses macros to iterate through collections. */
+ ntri = 0;
+ FORALLfacets {
+ if (!facet->upperdelaunay) {
+ ++ntri;
+ }
+ }
+ max_facet_id = qh->facet_id - 1;
+ /* Create array to map facet id to triangle index. */
+ std::vector<int> tri_indices(max_facet_id+1);
+ /* Allocate Python arrays to return. */
+ npy_intp dims[2] = {ntri, 3};
+ numpy::array_view<int, ndim> triangles(dims);
+ int* triangles_ptr = triangles.data();
+ numpy::array_view<int, ndim> neighbors(dims);
+ int* neighbors_ptr = neighbors.data();
+ /* Determine triangles array and set tri_indices array. */
+ i = 0;
+ FORALLfacets {
+ if (!facet->upperdelaunay) {
+ int indices[3];
+ tri_indices[facet->id] = i++;
+ get_facet_vertices(qh, facet, indices);
+ *triangles_ptr++ = (facet->toporient ? indices[0] : indices[2]);
+ *triangles_ptr++ = indices[1];
+ *triangles_ptr++ = (facet->toporient ? indices[2] : indices[0]);
+ }
+ else {
+ tri_indices[facet->id] = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Determine neighbors array. */
+ FORALLfacets {
+ if (!facet->upperdelaunay) {
+ int indices[3];
+ get_facet_neighbours(facet, tri_indices, indices);
+ *neighbors_ptr++ = (facet->toporient ? indices[2] : indices[0]);
+ *neighbors_ptr++ = (facet->toporient ? indices[0] : indices[2]);
+ *neighbors_ptr++ = indices[1];
+ }
+ }
+ PyObject* tuple = PyTuple_New(2);
+ if (tuple == 0) {
+ throw std::runtime_error("Failed to create Python tuple");
+ }
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 0, triangles.pyobj());
+ PyTuple_SET_ITEM(tuple, 1, neighbors.pyobj());
+ return tuple;
+/* Process Python arguments and call Delaunay implementation method. */
+static PyObject*
+delaunay(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
+ numpy::array_view<double, 1> xarray;
+ numpy::array_view<double, 1> yarray;
+ PyObject* ret;
+ npy_intp npoints;
+ const double* x;
+ const double* y;
+ int verbose = 0;
+ if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O&O&i:delaunay",
+ &xarray.converter_contiguous, &xarray,
+ &yarray.converter_contiguous, &yarray,
+ &verbose)) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ npoints = xarray.dim(0);
+ if (npoints != yarray.dim(0)) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
+ "x and y must be 1D arrays of the same length");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (npoints < 3) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
+ "x and y arrays must have a length of at least 3");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ x = xarray.data();
+ y = yarray.data();
+ if (!at_least_3_unique_points(npoints, x, y)) {
+ PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError,
+ "x and y arrays must consist of at least 3 unique points");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ CALL_CPP("qhull.delaunay",
+ (ret = delaunay_impl(npoints, x, y, verbose == 0)));
+ return ret;
+/* Return qhull version string for assistance in debugging. */
+static PyObject*
+version(PyObject *self, PyObject *arg)
+ return PyBytes_FromString(qh_version);
+static PyMethodDef qhull_methods[] = {
+ {"delaunay", delaunay, METH_VARARGS,
+ "delaunay(x, y, verbose, /)\n"
+ "--\n\n"
+ "Compute a Delaunay triangulation.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Parameters\n"
+ "----------\n"
+ "x, y : 1d arrays\n"
+ " The coordinates of the point set, which must consist of at least\n"
+ " three unique points.\n"
+ "verbose : int\n"
+ " Python's verbosity level.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Returns\n"
+ "-------\n"
+ "triangles, neighbors : int arrays, shape (ntri, 3)\n"
+ " Indices of triangle vertices and indices of triangle neighbors.\n"
+ },
+ {"version", version, METH_NOARGS,
+ "version()\n--\n\n"
+ "Return the qhull version string."},
+static struct PyModuleDef qhull_module = {
+ PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT,
+ "qhull", "Computing Delaunay triangulations.\n", -1, qhull_methods
+ import_array();
+ return PyModule_Create(&qhull_module);