path: root/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py
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authorshumkovnd <shumkovnd@yandex-team.com>2023-11-10 14:39:34 +0300
committershumkovnd <shumkovnd@yandex-team.com>2023-11-10 16:42:24 +0300
commit77eb2d3fdcec5c978c64e025ced2764c57c00285 (patch)
treec51edb0748ca8d4a08d7c7323312c27ba1a8b79a /contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py
parentdd6d20cadb65582270ac23f4b3b14ae189704b9d (diff)
KIKIMR-19287: add task_stats_drawing script
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py')
1 files changed, 1115 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..407ad07a3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/axis_artist.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1115 @@
+The :mod:`.axis_artist` module implements custom artists to draw axis elements
+(axis lines and labels, tick lines and labels, grid lines).
+Axis lines and labels and tick lines and labels are managed by the `AxisArtist`
+class; grid lines are managed by the `GridlinesCollection` class.
+There is one `AxisArtist` per Axis; it can be accessed through
+the ``axis`` dictionary of the parent Axes (which should be a
+`mpl_toolkits.axislines.Axes`), e.g. ``ax.axis["bottom"]``.
+Children of the AxisArtist are accessed as attributes: ``.line`` and ``.label``
+for the axis line and label, ``.major_ticks``, ``.major_ticklabels``,
+``.minor_ticks``, ``.minor_ticklabels`` for the tick lines and labels (e.g.
+Children properties (colors, fonts, line widths, etc.) can be set using
+setters, e.g. ::
+ # Make the major ticks of the bottom axis red.
+ ax.axis["bottom"].major_ticks.set_color("red")
+However, things like the locations of ticks, and their ticklabels need to be
+changed from the side of the grid_helper.
+`AxisArtist`, `AxisLabel`, `TickLabels` have an *axis_direction* attribute,
+which adjusts the location, angle, etc. The *axis_direction* must be one of
+"left", "right", "bottom", "top", and follows the Matplotlib convention for
+rectangular axis.
+For example, for the *bottom* axis (the left and right is relative to the
+direction of the increasing coordinate),
+* ticklabels and axislabel are on the right
+* ticklabels and axislabel have text angle of 0
+* ticklabels are baseline, center-aligned
+* axislabel is top, center-aligned
+The text angles are actually relative to (90 + angle of the direction to the
+ticklabel), which gives 0 for bottom axis.
+=================== ====== ======== ====== ========
+Property left bottom right top
+=================== ====== ======== ====== ========
+ticklabel location left right right left
+axislabel location left right right left
+ticklabel angle 90 0 -90 180
+axislabel angle 180 0 0 180
+ticklabel va center baseline center baseline
+axislabel va center top center bottom
+ticklabel ha right center right center
+axislabel ha right center right center
+=================== ====== ======== ====== ========
+Ticks are by default direct opposite side of the ticklabels. To make ticks to
+the same side of the ticklabels, ::
+ ax.axis["bottom"].major_ticks.set_tick_out(True)
+The following attributes can be customized (use the ``set_xxx`` methods):
+* `Ticks`: ticksize, tick_out
+* `TickLabels`: pad
+* `AxisLabel`: pad
+# FIXME :
+# angles are given in data coordinate - need to convert it to canvas coordinate
+from operator import methodcaller
+import numpy as np
+import matplotlib as mpl
+from matplotlib import _api, cbook
+import matplotlib.artist as martist
+import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
+import matplotlib.text as mtext
+from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
+from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
+from matplotlib.patches import PathPatch
+from matplotlib.path import Path
+from matplotlib.transforms import (
+ Affine2D, Bbox, IdentityTransform, ScaledTranslation)
+from .axisline_style import AxislineStyle
+class AttributeCopier:
+ def get_ref_artist(self):
+ """
+ Return the underlying artist that actually defines some properties
+ (e.g., color) of this artist.
+ """
+ raise RuntimeError("get_ref_artist must overridden")
+ def get_attribute_from_ref_artist(self, attr_name):
+ getter = methodcaller("get_" + attr_name)
+ prop = getter(super())
+ return getter(self.get_ref_artist()) if prop == "auto" else prop
+class Ticks(AttributeCopier, Line2D):
+ """
+ Ticks are derived from `.Line2D`, and note that ticks themselves
+ are markers. Thus, you should use set_mec, set_mew, etc.
+ To change the tick size (length), you need to use
+ `set_ticksize`. To change the direction of the ticks (ticks are
+ in opposite direction of ticklabels by default), use
+ ``set_tick_out(False)``
+ """
+ def __init__(self, ticksize, tick_out=False, *, axis=None, **kwargs):
+ self._ticksize = ticksize
+ self.locs_angles_labels = []
+ self.set_tick_out(tick_out)
+ self._axis = axis
+ if self._axis is not None:
+ if "color" not in kwargs:
+ kwargs["color"] = "auto"
+ if "mew" not in kwargs and "markeredgewidth" not in kwargs:
+ kwargs["markeredgewidth"] = "auto"
+ Line2D.__init__(self, [0.], [0.], **kwargs)
+ self.set_snap(True)
+ def get_ref_artist(self):
+ # docstring inherited
+ return self._axis.majorTicks[0].tick1line
+ def set_color(self, color):
+ # docstring inherited
+ # Unlike the base Line2D.set_color, this also supports "auto".
+ if not cbook._str_equal(color, "auto"):
+ mcolors._check_color_like(color=color)
+ self._color = color
+ self.stale = True
+ def get_color(self):
+ return self.get_attribute_from_ref_artist("color")
+ def get_markeredgecolor(self):
+ return self.get_attribute_from_ref_artist("markeredgecolor")
+ def get_markeredgewidth(self):
+ return self.get_attribute_from_ref_artist("markeredgewidth")
+ def set_tick_out(self, b):
+ """Set whether ticks are drawn inside or outside the axes."""
+ self._tick_out = b
+ def get_tick_out(self):
+ """Return whether ticks are drawn inside or outside the axes."""
+ return self._tick_out
+ def set_ticksize(self, ticksize):
+ """Set length of the ticks in points."""
+ self._ticksize = ticksize
+ def get_ticksize(self):
+ """Return length of the ticks in points."""
+ return self._ticksize
+ def set_locs_angles(self, locs_angles):
+ self.locs_angles = locs_angles
+ _tickvert_path = Path([[0., 0.], [1., 0.]])
+ def draw(self, renderer):
+ if not self.get_visible():
+ return
+ gc = renderer.new_gc()
+ gc.set_foreground(self.get_markeredgecolor())
+ gc.set_linewidth(self.get_markeredgewidth())
+ gc.set_alpha(self._alpha)
+ path_trans = self.get_transform()
+ marker_transform = (Affine2D()
+ .scale(renderer.points_to_pixels(self._ticksize)))
+ if self.get_tick_out():
+ marker_transform.rotate_deg(180)
+ for loc, angle in self.locs_angles:
+ locs = path_trans.transform_non_affine(np.array([loc]))
+ if self.axes and not self.axes.viewLim.contains(*locs[0]):
+ continue
+ renderer.draw_markers(
+ gc, self._tickvert_path,
+ marker_transform + Affine2D().rotate_deg(angle),
+ Path(locs), path_trans.get_affine())
+ gc.restore()
+class LabelBase(mtext.Text):
+ """
+ A base class for `.AxisLabel` and `.TickLabels`. The position and
+ angle of the text are calculated by the offset_ref_angle,
+ text_ref_angle, and offset_radius attributes.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self.locs_angles_labels = []
+ self._ref_angle = 0
+ self._offset_radius = 0.
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.set_rotation_mode("anchor")
+ self._text_follow_ref_angle = True
+ @property
+ def _text_ref_angle(self):
+ if self._text_follow_ref_angle:
+ return self._ref_angle + 90
+ else:
+ return 0
+ @property
+ def _offset_ref_angle(self):
+ return self._ref_angle
+ _get_opposite_direction = {"left": "right",
+ "right": "left",
+ "top": "bottom",
+ "bottom": "top"}.__getitem__
+ def draw(self, renderer):
+ if not self.get_visible():
+ return
+ # save original and adjust some properties
+ tr = self.get_transform()
+ angle_orig = self.get_rotation()
+ theta = np.deg2rad(self._offset_ref_angle)
+ dd = self._offset_radius
+ dx, dy = dd * np.cos(theta), dd * np.sin(theta)
+ self.set_transform(tr + Affine2D().translate(dx, dy))
+ self.set_rotation(self._text_ref_angle + angle_orig)
+ super().draw(renderer)
+ # restore original properties
+ self.set_transform(tr)
+ self.set_rotation(angle_orig)
+ def get_window_extent(self, renderer=None):
+ if renderer is None:
+ renderer = self.figure._get_renderer()
+ # save original and adjust some properties
+ tr = self.get_transform()
+ angle_orig = self.get_rotation()
+ theta = np.deg2rad(self._offset_ref_angle)
+ dd = self._offset_radius
+ dx, dy = dd * np.cos(theta), dd * np.sin(theta)
+ self.set_transform(tr + Affine2D().translate(dx, dy))
+ self.set_rotation(self._text_ref_angle + angle_orig)
+ bbox = super().get_window_extent(renderer).frozen()
+ # restore original properties
+ self.set_transform(tr)
+ self.set_rotation(angle_orig)
+ return bbox
+class AxisLabel(AttributeCopier, LabelBase):
+ """
+ Axis label. Derived from `.Text`. The position of the text is updated
+ in the fly, so changing text position has no effect. Otherwise, the
+ properties can be changed as a normal `.Text`.
+ To change the pad between tick labels and axis label, use `set_pad`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *args, axis_direction="bottom", axis=None, **kwargs):
+ self._axis = axis
+ self._pad = 5
+ self._external_pad = 0 # in pixels
+ LabelBase.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ self.set_axis_direction(axis_direction)
+ def set_pad(self, pad):
+ """
+ Set the internal pad in points.
+ The actual pad will be the sum of the internal pad and the
+ external pad (the latter is set automatically by the `.AxisArtist`).
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ pad : float
+ The internal pad in points.
+ """
+ self._pad = pad
+ def get_pad(self):
+ """
+ Return the internal pad in points.
+ See `.set_pad` for more details.
+ """
+ return self._pad
+ def get_ref_artist(self):
+ # docstring inherited
+ return self._axis.get_label()
+ def get_text(self):
+ # docstring inherited
+ t = super().get_text()
+ if t == "__from_axes__":
+ return self._axis.get_label().get_text()
+ return self._text
+ _default_alignments = dict(left=("bottom", "center"),
+ right=("top", "center"),
+ bottom=("top", "center"),
+ top=("bottom", "center"))
+ def set_default_alignment(self, d):
+ """
+ Set the default alignment. See `set_axis_direction` for details.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ d : {"left", "bottom", "right", "top"}
+ """
+ va, ha = _api.check_getitem(self._default_alignments, d=d)
+ self.set_va(va)
+ self.set_ha(ha)
+ _default_angles = dict(left=180,
+ right=0,
+ bottom=0,
+ top=180)
+ def set_default_angle(self, d):
+ """
+ Set the default angle. See `set_axis_direction` for details.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ d : {"left", "bottom", "right", "top"}
+ """
+ self.set_rotation(_api.check_getitem(self._default_angles, d=d))
+ def set_axis_direction(self, d):
+ """
+ Adjust the text angle and text alignment of axis label
+ according to the matplotlib convention.
+ ===================== ========== ========= ========== ==========
+ Property left bottom right top
+ ===================== ========== ========= ========== ==========
+ axislabel angle 180 0 0 180
+ axislabel va center top center bottom
+ axislabel ha right center right center
+ ===================== ========== ========= ========== ==========
+ Note that the text angles are actually relative to (90 + angle
+ of the direction to the ticklabel), which gives 0 for bottom
+ axis.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ d : {"left", "bottom", "right", "top"}
+ """
+ self.set_default_alignment(d)
+ self.set_default_angle(d)
+ def get_color(self):
+ return self.get_attribute_from_ref_artist("color")
+ def draw(self, renderer):
+ if not self.get_visible():
+ return
+ self._offset_radius = \
+ self._external_pad + renderer.points_to_pixels(self.get_pad())
+ super().draw(renderer)
+ def get_window_extent(self, renderer=None):
+ if renderer is None:
+ renderer = self.figure._get_renderer()
+ if not self.get_visible():
+ return
+ r = self._external_pad + renderer.points_to_pixels(self.get_pad())
+ self._offset_radius = r
+ bb = super().get_window_extent(renderer)
+ return bb
+class TickLabels(AxisLabel): # mtext.Text
+ """
+ Tick labels. While derived from `.Text`, this single artist draws all
+ ticklabels. As in `.AxisLabel`, the position of the text is updated
+ in the fly, so changing text position has no effect. Otherwise,
+ the properties can be changed as a normal `.Text`. Unlike the
+ ticklabels of the mainline Matplotlib, properties of a single
+ ticklabel alone cannot be modified.
+ To change the pad between ticks and ticklabels, use `~.AxisLabel.set_pad`.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, *, axis_direction="bottom", **kwargs):
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+ self.set_axis_direction(axis_direction)
+ self._axislabel_pad = 0
+ def get_ref_artist(self):
+ # docstring inherited
+ return self._axis.get_ticklabels()[0]
+ def set_axis_direction(self, label_direction):
+ """
+ Adjust the text angle and text alignment of ticklabels
+ according to the Matplotlib convention.
+ The *label_direction* must be one of [left, right, bottom, top].
+ ===================== ========== ========= ========== ==========
+ Property left bottom right top
+ ===================== ========== ========= ========== ==========
+ ticklabel angle 90 0 -90 180
+ ticklabel va center baseline center baseline
+ ticklabel ha right center right center
+ ===================== ========== ========= ========== ==========
+ Note that the text angles are actually relative to (90 + angle
+ of the direction to the ticklabel), which gives 0 for bottom
+ axis.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ label_direction : {"left", "bottom", "right", "top"}
+ """
+ self.set_default_alignment(label_direction)
+ self.set_default_angle(label_direction)
+ self._axis_direction = label_direction
+ def invert_axis_direction(self):
+ label_direction = self._get_opposite_direction(self._axis_direction)
+ self.set_axis_direction(label_direction)
+ def _get_ticklabels_offsets(self, renderer, label_direction):
+ """
+ Calculate the ticklabel offsets from the tick and their total heights.
+ The offset only takes account the offset due to the vertical alignment
+ of the ticklabels: if axis direction is bottom and va is 'top', it will
+ return 0; if va is 'baseline', it will return (height-descent).
+ """
+ whd_list = self.get_texts_widths_heights_descents(renderer)
+ if not whd_list:
+ return 0, 0
+ r = 0
+ va, ha = self.get_va(), self.get_ha()
+ if label_direction == "left":
+ pad = max(w for w, h, d in whd_list)
+ if ha == "left":
+ r = pad
+ elif ha == "center":
+ r = .5 * pad
+ elif label_direction == "right":
+ pad = max(w for w, h, d in whd_list)
+ if ha == "right":
+ r = pad
+ elif ha == "center":
+ r = .5 * pad
+ elif label_direction == "bottom":
+ pad = max(h for w, h, d in whd_list)
+ if va == "bottom":
+ r = pad
+ elif va == "center":
+ r = .5 * pad
+ elif va == "baseline":
+ max_ascent = max(h - d for w, h, d in whd_list)
+ max_descent = max(d for w, h, d in whd_list)
+ r = max_ascent
+ pad = max_ascent + max_descent
+ elif label_direction == "top":
+ pad = max(h for w, h, d in whd_list)
+ if va == "top":
+ r = pad
+ elif va == "center":
+ r = .5 * pad
+ elif va == "baseline":
+ max_ascent = max(h - d for w, h, d in whd_list)
+ max_descent = max(d for w, h, d in whd_list)
+ r = max_descent
+ pad = max_ascent + max_descent
+ # r : offset
+ # pad : total height of the ticklabels. This will be used to
+ # calculate the pad for the axislabel.
+ return r, pad
+ _default_alignments = dict(left=("center", "right"),
+ right=("center", "left"),
+ bottom=("baseline", "center"),
+ top=("baseline", "center"))
+ _default_angles = dict(left=90,
+ right=-90,
+ bottom=0,
+ top=180)
+ def draw(self, renderer):
+ if not self.get_visible():
+ self._axislabel_pad = self._external_pad
+ return
+ r, total_width = self._get_ticklabels_offsets(renderer,
+ self._axis_direction)
+ pad = self._external_pad + renderer.points_to_pixels(self.get_pad())
+ self._offset_radius = r + pad
+ for (x, y), a, l in self._locs_angles_labels:
+ if not l.strip():
+ continue
+ self._ref_angle = a
+ self.set_x(x)
+ self.set_y(y)
+ self.set_text(l)
+ LabelBase.draw(self, renderer)
+ # the value saved will be used to draw axislabel.
+ self._axislabel_pad = total_width + pad
+ def set_locs_angles_labels(self, locs_angles_labels):
+ self._locs_angles_labels = locs_angles_labels
+ def get_window_extents(self, renderer=None):
+ if renderer is None:
+ renderer = self.figure._get_renderer()
+ if not self.get_visible():
+ self._axislabel_pad = self._external_pad
+ return []
+ bboxes = []
+ r, total_width = self._get_ticklabels_offsets(renderer,
+ self._axis_direction)
+ pad = self._external_pad + renderer.points_to_pixels(self.get_pad())
+ self._offset_radius = r + pad
+ for (x, y), a, l in self._locs_angles_labels:
+ self._ref_angle = a
+ self.set_x(x)
+ self.set_y(y)
+ self.set_text(l)
+ bb = LabelBase.get_window_extent(self, renderer)
+ bboxes.append(bb)
+ # the value saved will be used to draw axislabel.
+ self._axislabel_pad = total_width + pad
+ return bboxes
+ def get_texts_widths_heights_descents(self, renderer):
+ """
+ Return a list of ``(width, height, descent)`` tuples for ticklabels.
+ Empty labels are left out.
+ """
+ whd_list = []
+ for _loc, _angle, label in self._locs_angles_labels:
+ if not label.strip():
+ continue
+ clean_line, ismath = self._preprocess_math(label)
+ whd = renderer.get_text_width_height_descent(
+ clean_line, self._fontproperties, ismath=ismath)
+ whd_list.append(whd)
+ return whd_list
+class GridlinesCollection(LineCollection):
+ def __init__(self, *args, which="major", axis="both", **kwargs):
+ """
+ Collection of grid lines.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ which : {"major", "minor"}
+ Which grid to consider.
+ axis : {"both", "x", "y"}
+ Which axis to consider.
+ *args, **kwargs
+ Passed to `.LineCollection`.
+ """
+ self._which = which
+ self._axis = axis
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.set_grid_helper(None)
+ def set_which(self, which):
+ """
+ Select major or minor grid lines.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ which : {"major", "minor"}
+ """
+ self._which = which
+ def set_axis(self, axis):
+ """
+ Select axis.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ axis : {"both", "x", "y"}
+ """
+ self._axis = axis
+ def set_grid_helper(self, grid_helper):
+ """
+ Set grid helper.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ grid_helper : `.GridHelperBase` subclass
+ """
+ self._grid_helper = grid_helper
+ def draw(self, renderer):
+ if self._grid_helper is not None:
+ self._grid_helper.update_lim(self.axes)
+ gl = self._grid_helper.get_gridlines(self._which, self._axis)
+ self.set_segments([np.transpose(l) for l in gl])
+ super().draw(renderer)
+class AxisArtist(martist.Artist):
+ """
+ An artist which draws axis (a line along which the n-th axes coord
+ is constant) line, ticks, tick labels, and axis label.
+ """
+ zorder = 2.5
+ @property
+ def LABELPAD(self):
+ return self.label.get_pad()
+ @LABELPAD.setter
+ def LABELPAD(self, v):
+ self.label.set_pad(v)
+ def __init__(self, axes,
+ helper,
+ offset=None,
+ axis_direction="bottom",
+ **kwargs):
+ """
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ axes : `mpl_toolkits.axisartist.axislines.Axes`
+ helper : `~mpl_toolkits.axisartist.axislines.AxisArtistHelper`
+ """
+ # axes is also used to follow the axis attribute (tick color, etc).
+ super().__init__(**kwargs)
+ self.axes = axes
+ self._axis_artist_helper = helper
+ if offset is None:
+ offset = (0, 0)
+ self.offset_transform = ScaledTranslation(
+ *offset,
+ Affine2D().scale(1 / 72) # points to inches.
+ + self.axes.figure.dpi_scale_trans)
+ if axis_direction in ["left", "right"]:
+ self.axis = axes.yaxis
+ else:
+ self.axis = axes.xaxis
+ self._axisline_style = None
+ self._axis_direction = axis_direction
+ self._init_line()
+ self._init_ticks(**kwargs)
+ self._init_offsetText(axis_direction)
+ self._init_label()
+ # axis direction
+ self._ticklabel_add_angle = 0.
+ self._axislabel_add_angle = 0.
+ self.set_axis_direction(axis_direction)
+ # axis direction
+ def set_axis_direction(self, axis_direction):
+ """
+ Adjust the direction, text angle, and text alignment of tick labels
+ and axis labels following the Matplotlib convention for the rectangle
+ axes.
+ The *axis_direction* must be one of [left, right, bottom, top].
+ ===================== ========== ========= ========== ==========
+ Property left bottom right top
+ ===================== ========== ========= ========== ==========
+ ticklabel direction "-" "+" "+" "-"
+ axislabel direction "-" "+" "+" "-"
+ ticklabel angle 90 0 -90 180
+ ticklabel va center baseline center baseline
+ ticklabel ha right center right center
+ axislabel angle 180 0 0 180
+ axislabel va center top center bottom
+ axislabel ha right center right center
+ ===================== ========== ========= ========== ==========
+ Note that the direction "+" and "-" are relative to the direction of
+ the increasing coordinate. Also, the text angles are actually
+ relative to (90 + angle of the direction to the ticklabel),
+ which gives 0 for bottom axis.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ axis_direction : {"left", "bottom", "right", "top"}
+ """
+ self.major_ticklabels.set_axis_direction(axis_direction)
+ self.label.set_axis_direction(axis_direction)
+ self._axis_direction = axis_direction
+ if axis_direction in ["left", "top"]:
+ self.set_ticklabel_direction("-")
+ self.set_axislabel_direction("-")
+ else:
+ self.set_ticklabel_direction("+")
+ self.set_axislabel_direction("+")
+ def set_ticklabel_direction(self, tick_direction):
+ r"""
+ Adjust the direction of the tick labels.
+ Note that the *tick_direction*\s '+' and '-' are relative to the
+ direction of the increasing coordinate.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ tick_direction : {"+", "-"}
+ """
+ self._ticklabel_add_angle = _api.check_getitem(
+ {"+": 0, "-": 180}, tick_direction=tick_direction)
+ def invert_ticklabel_direction(self):
+ self._ticklabel_add_angle = (self._ticklabel_add_angle + 180) % 360
+ self.major_ticklabels.invert_axis_direction()
+ self.minor_ticklabels.invert_axis_direction()
+ def set_axislabel_direction(self, label_direction):
+ r"""
+ Adjust the direction of the axis label.
+ Note that the *label_direction*\s '+' and '-' are relative to the
+ direction of the increasing coordinate.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ label_direction : {"+", "-"}
+ """
+ self._axislabel_add_angle = _api.check_getitem(
+ {"+": 0, "-": 180}, label_direction=label_direction)
+ def get_transform(self):
+ return self.axes.transAxes + self.offset_transform
+ def get_helper(self):
+ """
+ Return axis artist helper instance.
+ """
+ return self._axis_artist_helper
+ def set_axisline_style(self, axisline_style=None, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Set the axisline style.
+ The new style is completely defined by the passed attributes. Existing
+ style attributes are forgotten.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ axisline_style : str or None
+ The line style, e.g. '->', optionally followed by a comma-separated
+ list of attributes. Alternatively, the attributes can be provided
+ as keywords.
+ If *None* this returns a string containing the available styles.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ The following two commands are equal:
+ >>> set_axisline_style("->,size=1.5")
+ >>> set_axisline_style("->", size=1.5)
+ """
+ if axisline_style is None:
+ return AxislineStyle.pprint_styles()
+ if isinstance(axisline_style, AxislineStyle._Base):
+ self._axisline_style = axisline_style
+ else:
+ self._axisline_style = AxislineStyle(axisline_style, **kwargs)
+ self._init_line()
+ def get_axisline_style(self):
+ """Return the current axisline style."""
+ return self._axisline_style
+ def _init_line(self):
+ """
+ Initialize the *line* artist that is responsible to draw the axis line.
+ """
+ tran = (self._axis_artist_helper.get_line_transform(self.axes)
+ + self.offset_transform)
+ axisline_style = self.get_axisline_style()
+ if axisline_style is None:
+ self.line = PathPatch(
+ self._axis_artist_helper.get_line(self.axes),
+ color=mpl.rcParams['axes.edgecolor'],
+ fill=False,
+ linewidth=mpl.rcParams['axes.linewidth'],
+ capstyle=mpl.rcParams['lines.solid_capstyle'],
+ joinstyle=mpl.rcParams['lines.solid_joinstyle'],
+ transform=tran)
+ else:
+ self.line = axisline_style(self, transform=tran)
+ def _draw_line(self, renderer):
+ self.line.set_path(self._axis_artist_helper.get_line(self.axes))
+ if self.get_axisline_style() is not None:
+ self.line.set_line_mutation_scale(self.major_ticklabels.get_size())
+ self.line.draw(renderer)
+ def _init_ticks(self, **kwargs):
+ axis_name = self.axis.axis_name
+ trans = (self._axis_artist_helper.get_tick_transform(self.axes)
+ + self.offset_transform)
+ self.major_ticks = Ticks(
+ kwargs.get(
+ "major_tick_size",
+ mpl.rcParams[f"{axis_name}tick.major.size"]),
+ axis=self.axis, transform=trans)
+ self.minor_ticks = Ticks(
+ kwargs.get(
+ "minor_tick_size",
+ mpl.rcParams[f"{axis_name}tick.minor.size"]),
+ axis=self.axis, transform=trans)
+ size = mpl.rcParams[f"{axis_name}tick.labelsize"]
+ self.major_ticklabels = TickLabels(
+ axis=self.axis,
+ axis_direction=self._axis_direction,
+ figure=self.axes.figure,
+ transform=trans,
+ fontsize=size,
+ pad=kwargs.get(
+ "major_tick_pad", mpl.rcParams[f"{axis_name}tick.major.pad"]),
+ )
+ self.minor_ticklabels = TickLabels(
+ axis=self.axis,
+ axis_direction=self._axis_direction,
+ figure=self.axes.figure,
+ transform=trans,
+ fontsize=size,
+ pad=kwargs.get(
+ "minor_tick_pad", mpl.rcParams[f"{axis_name}tick.minor.pad"]),
+ )
+ def _get_tick_info(self, tick_iter):
+ """
+ Return a pair of:
+ - list of locs and angles for ticks
+ - list of locs, angles and labels for ticklabels.
+ """
+ ticks_loc_angle = []
+ ticklabels_loc_angle_label = []
+ ticklabel_add_angle = self._ticklabel_add_angle
+ for loc, angle_normal, angle_tangent, label in tick_iter:
+ angle_label = angle_tangent - 90 + ticklabel_add_angle
+ angle_tick = (angle_normal
+ if 90 <= (angle_label - angle_normal) % 360 <= 270
+ else angle_normal + 180)
+ ticks_loc_angle.append([loc, angle_tick])
+ ticklabels_loc_angle_label.append([loc, angle_label, label])
+ return ticks_loc_angle, ticklabels_loc_angle_label
+ def _update_ticks(self, renderer=None):
+ # set extra pad for major and minor ticklabels: use ticksize of
+ # majorticks even for minor ticks. not clear what is best.
+ if renderer is None:
+ renderer = self.figure._get_renderer()
+ dpi_cor = renderer.points_to_pixels(1.)
+ if self.major_ticks.get_visible() and self.major_ticks.get_tick_out():
+ ticklabel_pad = self.major_ticks._ticksize * dpi_cor
+ self.major_ticklabels._external_pad = ticklabel_pad
+ self.minor_ticklabels._external_pad = ticklabel_pad
+ else:
+ self.major_ticklabels._external_pad = 0
+ self.minor_ticklabels._external_pad = 0
+ majortick_iter, minortick_iter = \
+ self._axis_artist_helper.get_tick_iterators(self.axes)
+ tick_loc_angle, ticklabel_loc_angle_label = \
+ self._get_tick_info(majortick_iter)
+ self.major_ticks.set_locs_angles(tick_loc_angle)
+ self.major_ticklabels.set_locs_angles_labels(ticklabel_loc_angle_label)
+ tick_loc_angle, ticklabel_loc_angle_label = \
+ self._get_tick_info(minortick_iter)
+ self.minor_ticks.set_locs_angles(tick_loc_angle)
+ self.minor_ticklabels.set_locs_angles_labels(ticklabel_loc_angle_label)
+ def _draw_ticks(self, renderer):
+ self._update_ticks(renderer)
+ self.major_ticks.draw(renderer)
+ self.major_ticklabels.draw(renderer)
+ self.minor_ticks.draw(renderer)
+ self.minor_ticklabels.draw(renderer)
+ if (self.major_ticklabels.get_visible()
+ or self.minor_ticklabels.get_visible()):
+ self._draw_offsetText(renderer)
+ _offsetText_pos = dict(left=(0, 1, "bottom", "right"),
+ right=(1, 1, "bottom", "left"),
+ bottom=(1, 0, "top", "right"),
+ top=(1, 1, "bottom", "right"))
+ def _init_offsetText(self, direction):
+ x, y, va, ha = self._offsetText_pos[direction]
+ self.offsetText = mtext.Annotation(
+ "",
+ xy=(x, y), xycoords="axes fraction",
+ xytext=(0, 0), textcoords="offset points",
+ color=mpl.rcParams['xtick.color'],
+ horizontalalignment=ha, verticalalignment=va,
+ )
+ self.offsetText.set_transform(IdentityTransform())
+ self.axes._set_artist_props(self.offsetText)
+ def _update_offsetText(self):
+ self.offsetText.set_text(self.axis.major.formatter.get_offset())
+ self.offsetText.set_size(self.major_ticklabels.get_size())
+ offset = (self.major_ticklabels.get_pad()
+ + self.major_ticklabels.get_size()
+ + 2)
+ self.offsetText.xyann = (0, offset)
+ def _draw_offsetText(self, renderer):
+ self._update_offsetText()
+ self.offsetText.draw(renderer)
+ def _init_label(self, **kwargs):
+ tr = (self._axis_artist_helper.get_axislabel_transform(self.axes)
+ + self.offset_transform)
+ self.label = AxisLabel(
+ 0, 0, "__from_axes__",
+ color="auto",
+ fontsize=kwargs.get("labelsize", mpl.rcParams['axes.labelsize']),
+ fontweight=mpl.rcParams['axes.labelweight'],
+ axis=self.axis,
+ transform=tr,
+ axis_direction=self._axis_direction,
+ )
+ self.label.set_figure(self.axes.figure)
+ labelpad = kwargs.get("labelpad", 5)
+ self.label.set_pad(labelpad)
+ def _update_label(self, renderer):
+ if not self.label.get_visible():
+ return
+ if self._ticklabel_add_angle != self._axislabel_add_angle:
+ if ((self.major_ticks.get_visible()
+ and not self.major_ticks.get_tick_out())
+ or (self.minor_ticks.get_visible()
+ and not self.major_ticks.get_tick_out())):
+ axislabel_pad = self.major_ticks._ticksize
+ else:
+ axislabel_pad = 0
+ else:
+ axislabel_pad = max(self.major_ticklabels._axislabel_pad,
+ self.minor_ticklabels._axislabel_pad)
+ self.label._external_pad = axislabel_pad
+ xy, angle_tangent = \
+ self._axis_artist_helper.get_axislabel_pos_angle(self.axes)
+ if xy is None:
+ return
+ angle_label = angle_tangent - 90
+ x, y = xy
+ self.label._ref_angle = angle_label + self._axislabel_add_angle
+ self.label.set(x=x, y=y)
+ def _draw_label(self, renderer):
+ self._update_label(renderer)
+ self.label.draw(renderer)
+ def set_label(self, s):
+ # docstring inherited
+ self.label.set_text(s)
+ def get_tightbbox(self, renderer=None):
+ if not self.get_visible():
+ return
+ self._axis_artist_helper.update_lim(self.axes)
+ self._update_ticks(renderer)
+ self._update_label(renderer)
+ self.line.set_path(self._axis_artist_helper.get_line(self.axes))
+ if self.get_axisline_style() is not None:
+ self.line.set_line_mutation_scale(self.major_ticklabels.get_size())
+ bb = [
+ *self.major_ticklabels.get_window_extents(renderer),
+ *self.minor_ticklabels.get_window_extents(renderer),
+ self.label.get_window_extent(renderer),
+ self.offsetText.get_window_extent(renderer),
+ self.line.get_window_extent(renderer),
+ ]
+ bb = [b for b in bb if b and (b.width != 0 or b.height != 0)]
+ if bb:
+ _bbox = Bbox.union(bb)
+ return _bbox
+ else:
+ return None
+ @martist.allow_rasterization
+ def draw(self, renderer):
+ # docstring inherited
+ if not self.get_visible():
+ return
+ renderer.open_group(__name__, gid=self.get_gid())
+ self._axis_artist_helper.update_lim(self.axes)
+ self._draw_ticks(renderer)
+ self._draw_line(renderer)
+ self._draw_label(renderer)
+ renderer.close_group(__name__)
+ def toggle(self, all=None, ticks=None, ticklabels=None, label=None):
+ """
+ Toggle visibility of ticks, ticklabels, and (axis) label.
+ To turn all off, ::
+ axis.toggle(all=False)
+ To turn all off but ticks on ::
+ axis.toggle(all=False, ticks=True)
+ To turn all on but (axis) label off ::
+ axis.toggle(all=True, label=False)
+ """
+ if all:
+ _ticks, _ticklabels, _label = True, True, True
+ elif all is not None:
+ _ticks, _ticklabels, _label = False, False, False
+ else:
+ _ticks, _ticklabels, _label = None, None, None
+ if ticks is not None:
+ _ticks = ticks
+ if ticklabels is not None:
+ _ticklabels = ticklabels
+ if label is not None:
+ _label = label
+ if _ticks is not None:
+ self.major_ticks.set_visible(_ticks)
+ self.minor_ticks.set_visible(_ticks)
+ if _ticklabels is not None:
+ self.major_ticklabels.set_visible(_ticklabels)
+ self.minor_ticklabels.set_visible(_ticklabels)
+ if _label is not None:
+ self.label.set_visible(_label)