path: root/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_grid.py
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authorshumkovnd <shumkovnd@yandex-team.com>2023-11-10 14:39:34 +0300
committershumkovnd <shumkovnd@yandex-team.com>2023-11-10 16:42:24 +0300
commit77eb2d3fdcec5c978c64e025ced2764c57c00285 (patch)
treec51edb0748ca8d4a08d7c7323312c27ba1a8b79a /contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_grid.py
parentdd6d20cadb65582270ac23f4b3b14ae189704b9d (diff)
KIKIMR-19287: add task_stats_drawing script
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_grid.py')
1 files changed, 550 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_grid.py b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_grid.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..720d985414
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py3/mpl_toolkits/axes_grid1/axes_grid.py
@@ -0,0 +1,550 @@
+from numbers import Number
+import functools
+from types import MethodType
+import numpy as np
+from matplotlib import _api, cbook
+from matplotlib.gridspec import SubplotSpec
+from .axes_divider import Size, SubplotDivider, Divider
+from .mpl_axes import Axes, SimpleAxisArtist
+class CbarAxesBase:
+ def __init__(self, *args, orientation, **kwargs):
+ self.orientation = orientation
+ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def colorbar(self, mappable, **kwargs):
+ return self.figure.colorbar(
+ mappable, cax=self, location=self.orientation, **kwargs)
+ @_api.deprecated("3.8", alternative="ax.tick_params and colorbar.set_label")
+ def toggle_label(self, b):
+ axis = self.axis[self.orientation]
+ axis.toggle(ticklabels=b, label=b)
+_cbaraxes_class_factory = cbook._make_class_factory(CbarAxesBase, "Cbar{}")
+class Grid:
+ """
+ A grid of Axes.
+ In Matplotlib, the Axes location (and size) is specified in normalized
+ figure coordinates. This may not be ideal for images that needs to be
+ displayed with a given aspect ratio; for example, it is difficult to
+ display multiple images of a same size with some fixed padding between
+ them. AxesGrid can be used in such case.
+ """
+ _defaultAxesClass = Axes
+ def __init__(self, fig,
+ rect,
+ nrows_ncols,
+ ngrids=None,
+ direction="row",
+ axes_pad=0.02,
+ *,
+ share_all=False,
+ share_x=True,
+ share_y=True,
+ label_mode="L",
+ axes_class=None,
+ aspect=False,
+ ):
+ """
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ fig : `.Figure`
+ The parent figure.
+ rect : (float, float, float, float), (int, int, int), int, or \
+ `~.SubplotSpec`
+ The axes position, as a ``(left, bottom, width, height)`` tuple,
+ as a three-digit subplot position code (e.g., ``(1, 2, 1)`` or
+ ``121``), or as a `~.SubplotSpec`.
+ nrows_ncols : (int, int)
+ Number of rows and columns in the grid.
+ ngrids : int or None, default: None
+ If not None, only the first *ngrids* axes in the grid are created.
+ direction : {"row", "column"}, default: "row"
+ Whether axes are created in row-major ("row by row") or
+ column-major order ("column by column"). This also affects the
+ order in which axes are accessed using indexing (``grid[index]``).
+ axes_pad : float or (float, float), default: 0.02
+ Padding or (horizontal padding, vertical padding) between axes, in
+ inches.
+ share_all : bool, default: False
+ Whether all axes share their x- and y-axis. Overrides *share_x*
+ and *share_y*.
+ share_x : bool, default: True
+ Whether all axes of a column share their x-axis.
+ share_y : bool, default: True
+ Whether all axes of a row share their y-axis.
+ label_mode : {"L", "1", "all", "keep"}, default: "L"
+ Determines which axes will get tick labels:
+ - "L": All axes on the left column get vertical tick labels;
+ all axes on the bottom row get horizontal tick labels.
+ - "1": Only the bottom left axes is labelled.
+ - "all": All axes are labelled.
+ - "keep": Do not do anything.
+ axes_class : subclass of `matplotlib.axes.Axes`, default: None
+ aspect : bool, default: False
+ Whether the axes aspect ratio follows the aspect ratio of the data
+ limits.
+ """
+ self._nrows, self._ncols = nrows_ncols
+ if ngrids is None:
+ ngrids = self._nrows * self._ncols
+ else:
+ if not 0 < ngrids <= self._nrows * self._ncols:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "ngrids must be positive and not larger than nrows*ncols")
+ self.ngrids = ngrids
+ self._horiz_pad_size, self._vert_pad_size = map(
+ Size.Fixed, np.broadcast_to(axes_pad, 2))
+ _api.check_in_list(["column", "row"], direction=direction)
+ self._direction = direction
+ if axes_class is None:
+ axes_class = self._defaultAxesClass
+ elif isinstance(axes_class, (list, tuple)):
+ cls, kwargs = axes_class
+ axes_class = functools.partial(cls, **kwargs)
+ kw = dict(horizontal=[], vertical=[], aspect=aspect)
+ if isinstance(rect, (Number, SubplotSpec)):
+ self._divider = SubplotDivider(fig, rect, **kw)
+ elif len(rect) == 3:
+ self._divider = SubplotDivider(fig, *rect, **kw)
+ elif len(rect) == 4:
+ self._divider = Divider(fig, rect, **kw)
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("Incorrect rect format")
+ rect = self._divider.get_position()
+ axes_array = np.full((self._nrows, self._ncols), None, dtype=object)
+ for i in range(self.ngrids):
+ col, row = self._get_col_row(i)
+ if share_all:
+ sharex = sharey = axes_array[0, 0]
+ else:
+ sharex = axes_array[0, col] if share_x else None
+ sharey = axes_array[row, 0] if share_y else None
+ axes_array[row, col] = axes_class(
+ fig, rect, sharex=sharex, sharey=sharey)
+ self.axes_all = axes_array.ravel(
+ order="C" if self._direction == "row" else "F").tolist()
+ self.axes_column = axes_array.T.tolist()
+ self.axes_row = axes_array.tolist()
+ self.axes_llc = self.axes_column[0][-1]
+ self._init_locators()
+ for ax in self.axes_all:
+ fig.add_axes(ax)
+ self.set_label_mode(label_mode)
+ def _init_locators(self):
+ self._divider.set_horizontal(
+ [Size.Scaled(1), self._horiz_pad_size] * (self._ncols-1) + [Size.Scaled(1)])
+ self._divider.set_vertical(
+ [Size.Scaled(1), self._vert_pad_size] * (self._nrows-1) + [Size.Scaled(1)])
+ for i in range(self.ngrids):
+ col, row = self._get_col_row(i)
+ self.axes_all[i].set_axes_locator(
+ self._divider.new_locator(nx=2 * col, ny=2 * (self._nrows - 1 - row)))
+ def _get_col_row(self, n):
+ if self._direction == "column":
+ col, row = divmod(n, self._nrows)
+ else:
+ row, col = divmod(n, self._ncols)
+ return col, row
+ # Good to propagate __len__ if we have __getitem__
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.axes_all)
+ def __getitem__(self, i):
+ return self.axes_all[i]
+ def get_geometry(self):
+ """
+ Return the number of rows and columns of the grid as (nrows, ncols).
+ """
+ return self._nrows, self._ncols
+ def set_axes_pad(self, axes_pad):
+ """
+ Set the padding between the axes.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ axes_pad : (float, float)
+ The padding (horizontal pad, vertical pad) in inches.
+ """
+ self._horiz_pad_size.fixed_size = axes_pad[0]
+ self._vert_pad_size.fixed_size = axes_pad[1]
+ def get_axes_pad(self):
+ """
+ Return the axes padding.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ hpad, vpad
+ Padding (horizontal pad, vertical pad) in inches.
+ """
+ return (self._horiz_pad_size.fixed_size,
+ self._vert_pad_size.fixed_size)
+ def set_aspect(self, aspect):
+ """Set the aspect of the SubplotDivider."""
+ self._divider.set_aspect(aspect)
+ def get_aspect(self):
+ """Return the aspect of the SubplotDivider."""
+ return self._divider.get_aspect()
+ def set_label_mode(self, mode):
+ """
+ Define which axes have tick labels.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ mode : {"L", "1", "all", "keep"}
+ The label mode:
+ - "L": All axes on the left column get vertical tick labels;
+ all axes on the bottom row get horizontal tick labels.
+ - "1": Only the bottom left axes is labelled.
+ - "all": All axes are labelled.
+ - "keep": Do not do anything.
+ """
+ is_last_row, is_first_col = (
+ np.mgrid[:self._nrows, :self._ncols] == [[[self._nrows - 1]], [[0]]])
+ if mode == "all":
+ bottom = left = np.full((self._nrows, self._ncols), True)
+ elif mode == "L":
+ bottom = is_last_row
+ left = is_first_col
+ elif mode == "1":
+ bottom = left = is_last_row & is_first_col
+ else:
+ # Use _api.check_in_list at the top of the method when deprecation
+ # period expires
+ if mode != 'keep':
+ _api.warn_deprecated(
+ '3.7', name="Grid label_mode",
+ message='Passing an undefined label_mode is deprecated '
+ 'since %(since)s and will become an error '
+ '%(removal)s. To silence this warning, pass '
+ '"keep", which gives the same behaviour.')
+ return
+ for i in range(self._nrows):
+ for j in range(self._ncols):
+ ax = self.axes_row[i][j]
+ if isinstance(ax.axis, MethodType):
+ bottom_axis = SimpleAxisArtist(ax.xaxis, 1, ax.spines["bottom"])
+ left_axis = SimpleAxisArtist(ax.yaxis, 1, ax.spines["left"])
+ else:
+ bottom_axis = ax.axis["bottom"]
+ left_axis = ax.axis["left"]
+ bottom_axis.toggle(ticklabels=bottom[i, j], label=bottom[i, j])
+ left_axis.toggle(ticklabels=left[i, j], label=left[i, j])
+ def get_divider(self):
+ return self._divider
+ def set_axes_locator(self, locator):
+ self._divider.set_locator(locator)
+ def get_axes_locator(self):
+ return self._divider.get_locator()
+class ImageGrid(Grid):
+ """
+ A grid of Axes for Image display.
+ This class is a specialization of `~.axes_grid1.axes_grid.Grid` for displaying a
+ grid of images. In particular, it forces all axes in a column to share their x-axis
+ and all axes in a row to share their y-axis. It further provides helpers to add
+ colorbars to some or all axes.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, fig,
+ rect,
+ nrows_ncols,
+ ngrids=None,
+ direction="row",
+ axes_pad=0.02,
+ *,
+ share_all=False,
+ aspect=True,
+ label_mode="L",
+ cbar_mode=None,
+ cbar_location="right",
+ cbar_pad=None,
+ cbar_size="5%",
+ cbar_set_cax=True,
+ axes_class=None,
+ ):
+ """
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ fig : `.Figure`
+ The parent figure.
+ rect : (float, float, float, float) or int
+ The axes position, as a ``(left, bottom, width, height)`` tuple or
+ as a three-digit subplot position code (e.g., "121").
+ nrows_ncols : (int, int)
+ Number of rows and columns in the grid.
+ ngrids : int or None, default: None
+ If not None, only the first *ngrids* axes in the grid are created.
+ direction : {"row", "column"}, default: "row"
+ Whether axes are created in row-major ("row by row") or
+ column-major order ("column by column"). This also affects the
+ order in which axes are accessed using indexing (``grid[index]``).
+ axes_pad : float or (float, float), default: 0.02in
+ Padding or (horizontal padding, vertical padding) between axes, in
+ inches.
+ share_all : bool, default: False
+ Whether all axes share their x- and y-axis. Note that in any case,
+ all axes in a column share their x-axis and all axes in a row share
+ their y-axis.
+ aspect : bool, default: True
+ Whether the axes aspect ratio follows the aspect ratio of the data
+ limits.
+ label_mode : {"L", "1", "all"}, default: "L"
+ Determines which axes will get tick labels:
+ - "L": All axes on the left column get vertical tick labels;
+ all axes on the bottom row get horizontal tick labels.
+ - "1": Only the bottom left axes is labelled.
+ - "all": all axes are labelled.
+ cbar_mode : {"each", "single", "edge", None}, default: None
+ Whether to create a colorbar for "each" axes, a "single" colorbar
+ for the entire grid, colorbars only for axes on the "edge"
+ determined by *cbar_location*, or no colorbars. The colorbars are
+ stored in the :attr:`cbar_axes` attribute.
+ cbar_location : {"left", "right", "bottom", "top"}, default: "right"
+ cbar_pad : float, default: None
+ Padding between the image axes and the colorbar axes.
+ cbar_size : size specification (see `.Size.from_any`), default: "5%"
+ Colorbar size.
+ cbar_set_cax : bool, default: True
+ If True, each axes in the grid has a *cax* attribute that is bound
+ to associated *cbar_axes*.
+ axes_class : subclass of `matplotlib.axes.Axes`, default: None
+ """
+ _api.check_in_list(["each", "single", "edge", None],
+ cbar_mode=cbar_mode)
+ _api.check_in_list(["left", "right", "bottom", "top"],
+ cbar_location=cbar_location)
+ self._colorbar_mode = cbar_mode
+ self._colorbar_location = cbar_location
+ self._colorbar_pad = cbar_pad
+ self._colorbar_size = cbar_size
+ # The colorbar axes are created in _init_locators().
+ super().__init__(
+ fig, rect, nrows_ncols, ngrids,
+ direction=direction, axes_pad=axes_pad,
+ share_all=share_all, share_x=True, share_y=True, aspect=aspect,
+ label_mode=label_mode, axes_class=axes_class)
+ for ax in self.cbar_axes:
+ fig.add_axes(ax)
+ if cbar_set_cax:
+ if self._colorbar_mode == "single":
+ for ax in self.axes_all:
+ ax.cax = self.cbar_axes[0]
+ elif self._colorbar_mode == "edge":
+ for index, ax in enumerate(self.axes_all):
+ col, row = self._get_col_row(index)
+ if self._colorbar_location in ("left", "right"):
+ ax.cax = self.cbar_axes[row]
+ else:
+ ax.cax = self.cbar_axes[col]
+ else:
+ for ax, cax in zip(self.axes_all, self.cbar_axes):
+ ax.cax = cax
+ def _init_locators(self):
+ # Slightly abusing this method to inject colorbar creation into init.
+ if self._colorbar_pad is None:
+ # horizontal or vertical arrangement?
+ if self._colorbar_location in ("left", "right"):
+ self._colorbar_pad = self._horiz_pad_size.fixed_size
+ else:
+ self._colorbar_pad = self._vert_pad_size.fixed_size
+ self.cbar_axes = [
+ _cbaraxes_class_factory(self._defaultAxesClass)(
+ self.axes_all[0].figure, self._divider.get_position(),
+ orientation=self._colorbar_location)
+ for _ in range(self.ngrids)]
+ cb_mode = self._colorbar_mode
+ cb_location = self._colorbar_location
+ h = []
+ v = []
+ h_ax_pos = []
+ h_cb_pos = []
+ if cb_mode == "single" and cb_location in ("left", "bottom"):
+ if cb_location == "left":
+ sz = self._nrows * Size.AxesX(self.axes_llc)
+ h.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_size, sz))
+ h.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_pad, sz))
+ locator = self._divider.new_locator(nx=0, ny=0, ny1=-1)
+ elif cb_location == "bottom":
+ sz = self._ncols * Size.AxesY(self.axes_llc)
+ v.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_size, sz))
+ v.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_pad, sz))
+ locator = self._divider.new_locator(nx=0, nx1=-1, ny=0)
+ for i in range(self.ngrids):
+ self.cbar_axes[i].set_visible(False)
+ self.cbar_axes[0].set_axes_locator(locator)
+ self.cbar_axes[0].set_visible(True)
+ for col, ax in enumerate(self.axes_row[0]):
+ if h:
+ h.append(self._horiz_pad_size)
+ if ax:
+ sz = Size.AxesX(ax, aspect="axes", ref_ax=self.axes_all[0])
+ else:
+ sz = Size.AxesX(self.axes_all[0],
+ aspect="axes", ref_ax=self.axes_all[0])
+ if (cb_location == "left"
+ and (cb_mode == "each"
+ or (cb_mode == "edge" and col == 0))):
+ h_cb_pos.append(len(h))
+ h.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_size, sz))
+ h.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_pad, sz))
+ h_ax_pos.append(len(h))
+ h.append(sz)
+ if (cb_location == "right"
+ and (cb_mode == "each"
+ or (cb_mode == "edge" and col == self._ncols - 1))):
+ h.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_pad, sz))
+ h_cb_pos.append(len(h))
+ h.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_size, sz))
+ v_ax_pos = []
+ v_cb_pos = []
+ for row, ax in enumerate(self.axes_column[0][::-1]):
+ if v:
+ v.append(self._vert_pad_size)
+ if ax:
+ sz = Size.AxesY(ax, aspect="axes", ref_ax=self.axes_all[0])
+ else:
+ sz = Size.AxesY(self.axes_all[0],
+ aspect="axes", ref_ax=self.axes_all[0])
+ if (cb_location == "bottom"
+ and (cb_mode == "each"
+ or (cb_mode == "edge" and row == 0))):
+ v_cb_pos.append(len(v))
+ v.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_size, sz))
+ v.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_pad, sz))
+ v_ax_pos.append(len(v))
+ v.append(sz)
+ if (cb_location == "top"
+ and (cb_mode == "each"
+ or (cb_mode == "edge" and row == self._nrows - 1))):
+ v.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_pad, sz))
+ v_cb_pos.append(len(v))
+ v.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_size, sz))
+ for i in range(self.ngrids):
+ col, row = self._get_col_row(i)
+ locator = self._divider.new_locator(nx=h_ax_pos[col],
+ ny=v_ax_pos[self._nrows-1-row])
+ self.axes_all[i].set_axes_locator(locator)
+ if cb_mode == "each":
+ if cb_location in ("right", "left"):
+ locator = self._divider.new_locator(
+ nx=h_cb_pos[col], ny=v_ax_pos[self._nrows - 1 - row])
+ elif cb_location in ("top", "bottom"):
+ locator = self._divider.new_locator(
+ nx=h_ax_pos[col], ny=v_cb_pos[self._nrows - 1 - row])
+ self.cbar_axes[i].set_axes_locator(locator)
+ elif cb_mode == "edge":
+ if (cb_location == "left" and col == 0
+ or cb_location == "right" and col == self._ncols - 1):
+ locator = self._divider.new_locator(
+ nx=h_cb_pos[0], ny=v_ax_pos[self._nrows - 1 - row])
+ self.cbar_axes[row].set_axes_locator(locator)
+ elif (cb_location == "bottom" and row == self._nrows - 1
+ or cb_location == "top" and row == 0):
+ locator = self._divider.new_locator(nx=h_ax_pos[col],
+ ny=v_cb_pos[0])
+ self.cbar_axes[col].set_axes_locator(locator)
+ if cb_mode == "single":
+ if cb_location == "right":
+ sz = self._nrows * Size.AxesX(self.axes_llc)
+ h.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_pad, sz))
+ h.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_size, sz))
+ locator = self._divider.new_locator(nx=-2, ny=0, ny1=-1)
+ elif cb_location == "top":
+ sz = self._ncols * Size.AxesY(self.axes_llc)
+ v.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_pad, sz))
+ v.append(Size.from_any(self._colorbar_size, sz))
+ locator = self._divider.new_locator(nx=0, nx1=-1, ny=-2)
+ if cb_location in ("right", "top"):
+ for i in range(self.ngrids):
+ self.cbar_axes[i].set_visible(False)
+ self.cbar_axes[0].set_axes_locator(locator)
+ self.cbar_axes[0].set_visible(True)
+ elif cb_mode == "each":
+ for i in range(self.ngrids):
+ self.cbar_axes[i].set_visible(True)
+ elif cb_mode == "edge":
+ if cb_location in ("right", "left"):
+ count = self._nrows
+ else:
+ count = self._ncols
+ for i in range(count):
+ self.cbar_axes[i].set_visible(True)
+ for j in range(i + 1, self.ngrids):
+ self.cbar_axes[j].set_visible(False)
+ else:
+ for i in range(self.ngrids):
+ self.cbar_axes[i].set_visible(False)
+ self.cbar_axes[i].set_position([1., 1., 0.001, 0.001],
+ which="active")
+ self._divider.set_horizontal(h)
+ self._divider.set_vertical(v)
+AxesGrid = ImageGrid