path: root/contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/src/_contour.h
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authorshumkovnd <shumkovnd@yandex-team.com>2023-11-10 14:39:34 +0300
committershumkovnd <shumkovnd@yandex-team.com>2023-11-10 16:42:24 +0300
commit77eb2d3fdcec5c978c64e025ced2764c57c00285 (patch)
treec51edb0748ca8d4a08d7c7323312c27ba1a8b79a /contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/src/_contour.h
parentdd6d20cadb65582270ac23f4b3b14ae189704b9d (diff)
KIKIMR-19287: add task_stats_drawing script
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/src/_contour.h')
1 files changed, 530 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/src/_contour.h b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/src/_contour.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e01c3bc732
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/src/_contour.h
@@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
+ * QuadContourGenerator
+ * --------------------
+ * A QuadContourGenerator generates contours for scalar fields defined on
+ * quadrilateral grids. A single QuadContourGenerator object can create both
+ * line contours (at single levels) and filled contours (between pairs of
+ * levels) for the same field.
+ *
+ * A field to be contoured has nx, ny points in the x- and y-directions
+ * respectively. The quad grid is defined by x and y arrays of shape(ny, nx),
+ * and the field itself is the z array also of shape(ny, nx). There is an
+ * optional boolean mask; if it exists then it also has shape(ny, nx). The
+ * mask applies to grid points rather than quads.
+ *
+ * How quads are masked based on the point mask is determined by the boolean
+ * 'corner_mask' flag. If false then any quad that has one or more of its four
+ * corner points masked is itself masked. If true the behaviour is the same
+ * except that any quad which has exactly one of its four corner points masked
+ * has only the triangular corner (half of the quad) adjacent to that point
+ * masked; the opposite triangular corner has three unmasked points and is not
+ * masked.
+ *
+ * By default the entire domain of nx*ny points is contoured together which can
+ * result in some very long polygons. The alternative is to break up the
+ * domain into subdomains or 'chunks' of smaller size, each of which is
+ * independently contoured. The size of these chunks is controlled by the
+ * 'nchunk' (or 'chunk_size') parameter. Chunking not only results in shorter
+ * polygons but also requires slightly less RAM. It can result in rendering
+ * artifacts though, depending on backend, antialiased flag and alpha value.
+ *
+ * Notation
+ * --------
+ * i and j are array indices in the x- and y-directions respectively. Although
+ * a single element of an array z can be accessed using z[j][i] or z(j,i), it
+ * is often convenient to use the single quad index z[quad], where
+ * quad = i + j*nx
+ * and hence
+ * i = quad % nx
+ * j = quad / nx
+ *
+ * Rather than referring to x- and y-directions, compass directions are used
+ * instead such that W, E, S, N refer to the -x, +x, -y, +y directions
+ * respectively. To move one quad to the E you would therefore add 1 to the
+ * quad index, to move one quad to the N you would add nx to the quad index.
+ *
+ * Cache
+ * -----
+ * Lots of information that is reused during contouring is stored as single
+ * bits in a mesh-sized cache, indexed by quad. Each quad's cache entry stores
+ * information about the quad itself such as if it is masked, and about the
+ * point at the SW corner of the quad, and about the W and S edges. Hence
+ * information about each point and each edge is only stored once in the cache.
+ *
+ * Cache information is divided into two types: that which is constant over the
+ * lifetime of the QuadContourGenerator, and that which changes for each
+ * contouring operation. The former is all grid-specific information such
+ * as quad and corner masks, and which edges are boundaries, either between
+ * masked and non-masked regions or between adjacent chunks. The latter
+ * includes whether points lie above or below the current contour levels, plus
+ * some flags to indicate how the contouring is progressing.
+ *
+ * Line Contours
+ * -------------
+ * A line contour connects points with the same z-value. Each point of such a
+ * contour occurs on an edge of the grid, at a point linearly interpolated to
+ * the contour z-level from the z-values at the end points of the edge. The
+ * direction of a line contour is such that higher values are to the left of
+ * the contour, so any edge that the contour passes through will have a left-
+ * hand end point with z > contour level and a right-hand end point with
+ * z <= contour level.
+ *
+ * Line contours are of two types. Firstly there are open line strips that
+ * start on a boundary, traverse the interior of the domain and end on a
+ * boundary. Secondly there are closed line loops that occur completely within
+ * the interior of the domain and do not touch a boundary.
+ *
+ * The QuadContourGenerator makes two sweeps through the grid to generate line
+ * contours for a particular level. In the first sweep it looks only for start
+ * points that occur on boundaries, and when it finds one it follows the
+ * contour through the interior until it finishes on another boundary edge.
+ * Each quad that is visited by the algorithm has a 'visited' flag set in the
+ * cache to indicate that the quad does not need to be visited again. In the
+ * second sweep all non-visited quads are checked to see if they contain part
+ * of an interior closed loop, and again each time one is found it is followed
+ * through the domain interior until it returns back to its start quad and is
+ * therefore completed.
+ *
+ * The situation is complicated by saddle quads that have two opposite corners
+ * with z >= contour level and the other two corners with z < contour level.
+ * These therefore contain two segments of a line contour, and the visited
+ * flags take account of this by only being set on the second visit. On the
+ * first visit a number of saddle flags are set in the cache to indicate which
+ * one of the two segments has been completed so far.
+ *
+ * Filled Contours
+ * ---------------
+ * Filled contours are produced between two contour levels and are always
+ * closed polygons. They can occur completely within the interior of the
+ * domain without touching a boundary, following either the lower or upper
+ * contour levels. Those on the lower level are exactly like interior line
+ * contours with higher values on the left. Those on the upper level are
+ * reversed such that higher values are on the right.
+ *
+ * Filled contours can also involve a boundary in which case they consist of
+ * one or more sections along a boundary and one or more sections through the
+ * interior. Interior sections can be on either level, and again those on the
+ * upper level have higher values on the right. Boundary sections can remain
+ * on either contour level or switch between the two.
+ *
+ * Once the start of a filled contour is found, the algorithm is similar to
+ * that for line contours in that it follows the contour to its end, which
+ * because filled contours are always closed polygons will be by returning
+ * back to the start. However, because two levels must be considered, each
+ * level has its own set of saddle and visited flags and indeed some extra
+ * visited flags for boundary edges.
+ *
+ * The major complication for filled contours is that some polygons can be
+ * holes (with points ordered clockwise) within other polygons (with points
+ * ordered anticlockwise). When it comes to rendering filled contours each
+ * non-hole polygon must be rendered along with its zero or more contained
+ * holes or the rendering will not be correct. The filled contour finding
+ * algorithm could progress pretty much as the line contour algorithm does,
+ * taking each polygon as it is found, but then at the end there would have to
+ * be an extra step to identify the parent non-hole polygon for each hole.
+ * This is not a particularly onerous task but it does not scale well and can
+ * easily dominate the execution time of the contour finding for even modest
+ * problems. It is much better to identity each hole's parent non-hole during
+ * the sweep algorithm.
+ *
+ * This requirement dictates the order that filled contours are identified. As
+ * the algorithm sweeps up through the grid, every time a polygon passes
+ * through a quad a ParentCache object is updated with the new possible parent.
+ * When a new hole polygon is started, the ParentCache is used to find the
+ * first possible parent in the same quad or to the S of it. Great care is
+ * needed each time a new quad is checked to see if a new polygon should be
+ * started, as a single quad can have multiple polygon starts, e.g. a quad
+ * could be a saddle quad for both lower and upper contour levels, meaning it
+ * has four contour line segments passing through it which could all be from
+ * different polygons. The S-most polygon must be started first, then the next
+ * S-most and so on until the N-most polygon is started in that quad.
+ */
+#ifndef _CONTOUR_H
+#define _CONTOUR_H
+#include "src/numpy_cpp.h"
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <list>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+// Edge of a quad including diagonal edges of masked quads if _corner_mask true.
+typedef enum
+ // Listing values here so easier to check for debug purposes.
+ Edge_None = -1,
+ Edge_E = 0,
+ Edge_N = 1,
+ Edge_W = 2,
+ Edge_S = 3,
+ // The following are only used if _corner_mask is true.
+ Edge_NE = 4,
+ Edge_NW = 5,
+ Edge_SW = 6,
+ Edge_SE = 7
+} Edge;
+// Combination of a quad and an edge of that quad.
+// An invalid quad edge has quad of -1.
+struct QuadEdge
+ QuadEdge();
+ QuadEdge(long quad_, Edge edge_);
+ bool operator<(const QuadEdge& other) const;
+ bool operator==(const QuadEdge& other) const;
+ bool operator!=(const QuadEdge& other) const;
+ friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os,
+ const QuadEdge& quad_edge);
+ long quad;
+ Edge edge;
+// 2D point with x,y coordinates.
+struct XY
+ XY();
+ XY(const double& x_, const double& y_);
+ bool operator==(const XY& other) const;
+ bool operator!=(const XY& other) const;
+ XY operator*(const double& multiplier) const;
+ const XY& operator+=(const XY& other);
+ const XY& operator-=(const XY& other);
+ XY operator+(const XY& other) const;
+ XY operator-(const XY& other) const;
+ friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const XY& xy);
+ double x, y;
+// A single line of a contour, which may be a closed line loop or an open line
+// strip. Identical adjacent points are avoided using push_back().
+// A ContourLine is either a hole (points ordered clockwise) or it is not
+// (points ordered anticlockwise). Each hole has a parent ContourLine that is
+// not a hole; each non-hole contains zero or more child holes. A non-hole and
+// its child holes must be rendered together to obtain the correct results.
+class ContourLine : public std::vector<XY>
+ typedef std::list<ContourLine*> Children;
+ ContourLine(bool is_hole);
+ void add_child(ContourLine* child);
+ void clear_parent();
+ const Children& get_children() const;
+ const ContourLine* get_parent() const;
+ ContourLine* get_parent();
+ bool is_hole() const;
+ void push_back(const XY& point);
+ void set_parent(ContourLine* parent);
+ void write() const;
+ bool _is_hole;
+ ContourLine* _parent; // Only set if is_hole, not owned.
+ Children _children; // Only set if !is_hole, not owned.
+// A Contour is a collection of zero or more ContourLines.
+class Contour : public std::vector<ContourLine*>
+ Contour();
+ virtual ~Contour();
+ void delete_contour_lines();
+ void write() const;
+// Single chunk of ContourLine parents, indexed by quad. As a chunk's filled
+// contours are created, the ParentCache is updated each time a ContourLine
+// passes through each quad. When a new ContourLine is created, if it is a
+// hole its parent ContourLine is read from the ParentCache by looking at the
+// start quad, then each quad to the S in turn until a non-zero ContourLine is
+// found.
+class ParentCache
+ ParentCache(long nx, long x_chunk_points, long y_chunk_points);
+ ContourLine* get_parent(long quad);
+ void set_chunk_starts(long istart, long jstart);
+ void set_parent(long quad, ContourLine& contour_line);
+ long quad_to_index(long quad) const;
+ long _nx;
+ long _x_chunk_points, _y_chunk_points; // Number of points not quads.
+ std::vector<ContourLine*> _lines; // Not owned.
+ long _istart, _jstart;
+// See overview of algorithm at top of file.
+class QuadContourGenerator
+ typedef numpy::array_view<const double, 2> CoordinateArray;
+ typedef numpy::array_view<const bool, 2> MaskArray;
+ // Constructor with optional mask.
+ // x, y, z: double arrays of shape (ny,nx).
+ // mask: boolean array, ether empty (if no mask), or of shape (ny,nx).
+ // corner_mask: flag for different masking behaviour.
+ // chunk_size: 0 for no chunking, or +ve integer for size of chunks that
+ // the domain is subdivided into.
+ QuadContourGenerator(const CoordinateArray& x,
+ const CoordinateArray& y,
+ const CoordinateArray& z,
+ const MaskArray& mask,
+ bool corner_mask,
+ long chunk_size);
+ // Destructor.
+ ~QuadContourGenerator();
+ // Create and return polygons for a line (i.e. non-filled) contour at the
+ // specified level.
+ PyObject* create_contour(const double& level);
+ // Create and return polygons for a filled contour between the two
+ // specified levels.
+ PyObject* create_filled_contour(const double& lower_level,
+ const double& upper_level);
+ // Typedef for following either a boundary of the domain or the interior;
+ // clearer than using a boolean.
+ typedef enum
+ {
+ Boundary,
+ Interior
+ } BoundaryOrInterior;
+ // Typedef for direction of movement from one quad to the next.
+ typedef enum
+ {
+ Dir_Right = -1,
+ Dir_Straight = 0,
+ Dir_Left = +1
+ } Dir;
+ // Typedef for a polygon being a hole or not; clearer than using a boolean.
+ typedef enum
+ {
+ NotHole,
+ Hole
+ } HoleOrNot;
+ // Append a C++ ContourLine to the end of a python list. Used for line
+ // contours where each ContourLine is converted to a separate numpy array
+ // of (x,y) points.
+ // Clears the ContourLine too.
+ void append_contour_line_to_vertices(ContourLine& contour_line,
+ PyObject* vertices_list) const;
+ // Append a C++ Contour to the end of two python lists. Used for filled
+ // contours where each non-hole ContourLine and its child holes are
+ // represented by a numpy array of (x,y) points and a second numpy array of
+ // 'kinds' or 'codes' that indicates where the points array is split into
+ // individual polygons.
+ // Clears the Contour too, freeing each ContourLine as soon as possible
+ // for minimum RAM usage.
+ void append_contour_to_vertices_and_codes(Contour& contour,
+ PyObject* vertices_list,
+ PyObject* codes_list) const;
+ // Return number of chunks that fit in the specified point_count.
+ long calc_chunk_count(long point_count) const;
+ // Return the point on the specified QuadEdge that intersects the specified
+ // level.
+ XY edge_interp(const QuadEdge& quad_edge, const double& level);
+ // Follow a contour along a boundary, appending points to the ContourLine
+ // as it progresses. Only called for filled contours. Stops when the
+ // contour leaves the boundary to move into the interior of the domain, or
+ // when the start_quad_edge is reached in which case the ContourLine is a
+ // completed closed loop. Always adds the end point of each boundary edge
+ // to the ContourLine, regardless of whether moving to another boundary
+ // edge or leaving the boundary into the interior. Never adds the start
+ // point of the first boundary edge to the ContourLine.
+ // contour_line: ContourLine to append points to.
+ // quad_edge: on entry the QuadEdge to start from, on exit the QuadEdge
+ // that is stopped on.
+ // lower_level: lower contour z-value.
+ // upper_level: upper contour z-value.
+ // level_index: level index started on (1 = lower, 2 = upper level).
+ // start_quad_edge: QuadEdge that the ContourLine started from, which is
+ // used to check if the ContourLine is finished.
+ // Returns the end level_index.
+ unsigned int follow_boundary(ContourLine& contour_line,
+ QuadEdge& quad_edge,
+ const double& lower_level,
+ const double& upper_level,
+ unsigned int level_index,
+ const QuadEdge& start_quad_edge);
+ // Follow a contour across the interior of the domain, appending points to
+ // the ContourLine as it progresses. Called for both line and filled
+ // contours. Stops when the contour reaches a boundary or, if the
+ // start_quad_edge is specified, when quad_edge == start_quad_edge and
+ // level_index == start_level_index. Always adds the end point of each
+ // quad traversed to the ContourLine; only adds the start point of the
+ // first quad if want_initial_point flag is true.
+ // contour_line: ContourLine to append points to.
+ // quad_edge: on entry the QuadEdge to start from, on exit the QuadEdge
+ // that is stopped on.
+ // level_index: level index started on (1 = lower, 2 = upper level).
+ // level: contour z-value.
+ // want_initial_point: whether want to append the initial point to the
+ // ContourLine or not.
+ // start_quad_edge: the QuadEdge that the ContourLine started from to
+ // check if the ContourLine is finished, or 0 if no check should occur.
+ // start_level_index: the level_index that the ContourLine started from.
+ // set_parents: whether should set ParentCache as it progresses or not.
+ // This is true for filled contours, false for line contours.
+ void follow_interior(ContourLine& contour_line,
+ QuadEdge& quad_edge,
+ unsigned int level_index,
+ const double& level,
+ bool want_initial_point,
+ const QuadEdge* start_quad_edge,
+ unsigned int start_level_index,
+ bool set_parents);
+ // Return the index limits of a particular chunk.
+ void get_chunk_limits(long ijchunk,
+ long& ichunk,
+ long& jchunk,
+ long& istart,
+ long& iend,
+ long& jstart,
+ long& jend);
+ // Check if a contour starts within the specified corner quad on the
+ // specified level_index, and if so return the start edge. Otherwise
+ // return Edge_None.
+ Edge get_corner_start_edge(long quad, unsigned int level_index) const;
+ // Return index of point at start or end of specified QuadEdge, assuming
+ // anticlockwise ordering around non-masked quads.
+ long get_edge_point_index(const QuadEdge& quad_edge, bool start) const;
+ // Return the edge to exit a quad from, given the specified entry quad_edge
+ // and direction to move in.
+ Edge get_exit_edge(const QuadEdge& quad_edge, Dir dir) const;
+ // Return the (x,y) coordinates of the specified point index.
+ XY get_point_xy(long point) const;
+ // Return the z-value of the specified point index.
+ const double& get_point_z(long point) const;
+ // Check if a contour starts within the specified non-corner quad on the
+ // specified level_index, and if so return the start edge. Otherwise
+ // return Edge_None.
+ Edge get_quad_start_edge(long quad, unsigned int level_index) const;
+ // Check if a contour starts within the specified quad, whether it is a
+ // corner or a full quad, and if so return the start edge. Otherwise
+ // return Edge_None.
+ Edge get_start_edge(long quad, unsigned int level_index) const;
+ // Initialise the cache to contain grid information that is constant
+ // across the lifetime of this object, i.e. does not vary between calls to
+ // create_contour() and create_filled_contour().
+ void init_cache_grid(const MaskArray& mask);
+ // Initialise the cache with information that is specific to contouring the
+ // specified two levels. The levels are the same for contour lines,
+ // different for filled contours.
+ void init_cache_levels(const double& lower_level,
+ const double& upper_level);
+ // Return the (x,y) point at which the level intersects the line connecting
+ // the two specified point indices.
+ XY interp(long point1, long point2, const double& level) const;
+ // Return true if the specified QuadEdge is a boundary, i.e. is either an
+ // edge between a masked and non-masked quad/corner or is a chunk boundary.
+ bool is_edge_a_boundary(const QuadEdge& quad_edge) const;
+ // Follow a boundary from one QuadEdge to the next in an anticlockwise
+ // manner around the non-masked region.
+ void move_to_next_boundary_edge(QuadEdge& quad_edge) const;
+ // Move from the quad specified by quad_edge.quad to the neighbouring quad
+ // by crossing the edge specified by quad_edge.edge.
+ void move_to_next_quad(QuadEdge& quad_edge) const;
+ // Check for filled contours starting within the specified quad and
+ // complete any that are found, appending them to the specified Contour.
+ void single_quad_filled(Contour& contour,
+ long quad,
+ const double& lower_level,
+ const double& upper_level);
+ // Start and complete a filled contour line.
+ // quad: index of quad to start ContourLine in.
+ // edge: edge of quad to start ContourLine from.
+ // start_level_index: the level_index that the ContourLine starts from.
+ // hole_or_not: whether the ContourLine is a hole or not.
+ // boundary_or_interior: whether the ContourLine starts on a boundary or
+ // the interior.
+ // lower_level: lower contour z-value.
+ // upper_level: upper contour z-value.
+ // Returns newly created ContourLine.
+ ContourLine* start_filled(long quad,
+ Edge edge,
+ unsigned int start_level_index,
+ HoleOrNot hole_or_not,
+ BoundaryOrInterior boundary_or_interior,
+ const double& lower_level,
+ const double& upper_level);
+ // Start and complete a line contour that both starts and end on a
+ // boundary, traversing the interior of the domain.
+ // vertices_list: Python list that the ContourLine should be appended to.
+ // quad: index of quad to start ContourLine in.
+ // edge: boundary edge to start ContourLine from.
+ // level: contour z-value.
+ // Returns true if the start quad does not need to be visited again, i.e.
+ // VISITED(quad,1).
+ bool start_line(PyObject* vertices_list,
+ long quad,
+ Edge edge,
+ const double& level);
+ // Debug function that writes the cache status to stdout.
+ void write_cache(bool grid_only = false) const;
+ // Debug function that writes that cache status for a single quad to
+ // stdout.
+ void write_cache_quad(long quad, bool grid_only) const;
+ // Note that mask is not stored as once it has been used to initialise the
+ // cache it is no longer needed.
+ CoordinateArray _x, _y, _z;
+ long _nx, _ny; // Number of points in each direction.
+ long _n; // Total number of points (and hence quads).
+ bool _corner_mask;
+ long _chunk_size; // Number of quads per chunk (not points).
+ // Always > 0, unlike python nchunk which is 0
+ // for no chunking.
+ long _nxchunk, _nychunk; // Number of chunks in each direction.
+ long _chunk_count; // Total number of chunks.
+ typedef uint32_t CacheItem;
+ CacheItem* _cache;
+ ParentCache _parent_cache; // On W quad sides.
+#endif // _CONTOUR_H