path: root/contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/src/_backend_agg.h
diff options
authorshumkovnd <shumkovnd@yandex-team.com>2023-11-10 14:39:34 +0300
committershumkovnd <shumkovnd@yandex-team.com>2023-11-10 16:42:24 +0300
commit77eb2d3fdcec5c978c64e025ced2764c57c00285 (patch)
treec51edb0748ca8d4a08d7c7323312c27ba1a8b79a /contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/src/_backend_agg.h
parentdd6d20cadb65582270ac23f4b3b14ae189704b9d (diff)
KIKIMR-19287: add task_stats_drawing script
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/src/_backend_agg.h')
1 files changed, 1294 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/src/_backend_agg.h b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/src/_backend_agg.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..53b73f179b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/src/_backend_agg.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1294 @@
+/* -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
+/* _backend_agg.h
+#ifndef __BACKEND_AGG_H__
+#define __BACKEND_AGG_H__
+#include <cmath>
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "agg_alpha_mask_u8.h"
+#include "agg_conv_curve.h"
+#include "agg_conv_dash.h"
+#include "agg_conv_stroke.h"
+#include "agg_image_accessors.h"
+#include "agg_pixfmt_amask_adaptor.h"
+#include "agg_pixfmt_gray.h"
+#include "agg_pixfmt_rgba.h"
+#include "agg_rasterizer_scanline_aa.h"
+#include "agg_renderer_base.h"
+#include "agg_renderer_scanline.h"
+#include "agg_rendering_buffer.h"
+#include "agg_scanline_bin.h"
+#include "agg_scanline_p.h"
+#include "agg_scanline_storage_aa.h"
+#include "agg_scanline_storage_bin.h"
+#include "agg_scanline_u.h"
+#include "agg_span_allocator.h"
+#include "agg_span_converter.h"
+#include "agg_span_gouraud_rgba.h"
+#include "agg_span_image_filter_gray.h"
+#include "agg_span_image_filter_rgba.h"
+#include "agg_span_interpolator_linear.h"
+#include "agg_span_pattern_rgba.h"
+#include "util/agg_color_conv_rgb8.h"
+#include "_backend_agg_basic_types.h"
+#include "path_converters.h"
+#include "array.h"
+#include "agg_workaround.h"
+// a helper class to pass agg::buffer objects around. agg::buffer is
+// a class in the swig wrapper
+class BufferRegion
+ public:
+ BufferRegion(const agg::rect_i &r) : rect(r)
+ {
+ width = r.x2 - r.x1;
+ height = r.y2 - r.y1;
+ stride = width * 4;
+ data = new agg::int8u[stride * height];
+ }
+ virtual ~BufferRegion()
+ {
+ delete[] data;
+ };
+ agg::int8u *get_data()
+ {
+ return data;
+ }
+ agg::rect_i &get_rect()
+ {
+ return rect;
+ }
+ int get_width()
+ {
+ return width;
+ }
+ int get_height()
+ {
+ return height;
+ }
+ int get_stride()
+ {
+ return stride;
+ }
+ void to_string_argb(uint8_t *buf);
+ private:
+ agg::int8u *data;
+ agg::rect_i rect;
+ int width;
+ int height;
+ int stride;
+ private:
+ // prevent copying
+ BufferRegion(const BufferRegion &);
+ BufferRegion &operator=(const BufferRegion &);
+#define MARKER_CACHE_SIZE 512
+// the renderer
+class RendererAgg
+ public:
+ typedef fixed_blender_rgba_plain<agg::rgba8, agg::order_rgba> fixed_blender_rgba32_plain;
+ typedef agg::pixfmt_alpha_blend_rgba<fixed_blender_rgba32_plain, agg::rendering_buffer> pixfmt;
+ typedef agg::renderer_base<pixfmt> renderer_base;
+ typedef agg::renderer_scanline_aa_solid<renderer_base> renderer_aa;
+ typedef agg::renderer_scanline_bin_solid<renderer_base> renderer_bin;
+ typedef agg::rasterizer_scanline_aa<agg::rasterizer_sl_clip_dbl> rasterizer;
+ typedef agg::scanline_p8 scanline_p8;
+ typedef agg::scanline_bin scanline_bin;
+ typedef agg::amask_no_clip_gray8 alpha_mask_type;
+ typedef agg::scanline_u8_am<alpha_mask_type> scanline_am;
+ typedef agg::renderer_base<agg::pixfmt_gray8> renderer_base_alpha_mask_type;
+ typedef agg::renderer_scanline_aa_solid<renderer_base_alpha_mask_type> renderer_alpha_mask_type;
+ /* TODO: Remove facepair_t */
+ typedef std::pair<bool, agg::rgba> facepair_t;
+ RendererAgg(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, double dpi);
+ virtual ~RendererAgg();
+ unsigned int get_width()
+ {
+ return width;
+ }
+ unsigned int get_height()
+ {
+ return height;
+ }
+ template <class PathIterator>
+ void draw_path(GCAgg &gc, PathIterator &path, agg::trans_affine &trans, agg::rgba &color);
+ template <class PathIterator>
+ void draw_markers(GCAgg &gc,
+ PathIterator &marker_path,
+ agg::trans_affine &marker_path_trans,
+ PathIterator &path,
+ agg::trans_affine &trans,
+ agg::rgba face);
+ template <class ImageArray>
+ void draw_text_image(GCAgg &gc, ImageArray &image, int x, int y, double angle);
+ template <class ImageArray>
+ void draw_image(GCAgg &gc,
+ double x,
+ double y,
+ ImageArray &image);
+ template <class PathGenerator,
+ class TransformArray,
+ class OffsetArray,
+ class ColorArray,
+ class LineWidthArray,
+ class AntialiasedArray>
+ void draw_path_collection(GCAgg &gc,
+ agg::trans_affine &master_transform,
+ PathGenerator &path,
+ TransformArray &transforms,
+ OffsetArray &offsets,
+ agg::trans_affine &offset_trans,
+ ColorArray &facecolors,
+ ColorArray &edgecolors,
+ LineWidthArray &linewidths,
+ DashesVector &linestyles,
+ AntialiasedArray &antialiaseds,
+ e_offset_position offset_position);
+ template <class CoordinateArray, class OffsetArray, class ColorArray>
+ void draw_quad_mesh(GCAgg &gc,
+ agg::trans_affine &master_transform,
+ unsigned int mesh_width,
+ unsigned int mesh_height,
+ CoordinateArray &coordinates,
+ OffsetArray &offsets,
+ agg::trans_affine &offset_trans,
+ ColorArray &facecolors,
+ bool antialiased,
+ ColorArray &edgecolors);
+ template <class PointArray, class ColorArray>
+ void draw_gouraud_triangle(GCAgg &gc,
+ PointArray &points,
+ ColorArray &colors,
+ agg::trans_affine &trans);
+ template <class PointArray, class ColorArray>
+ void draw_gouraud_triangles(GCAgg &gc,
+ PointArray &points,
+ ColorArray &colors,
+ agg::trans_affine &trans);
+ void tostring_rgb(uint8_t *buf);
+ void tostring_argb(uint8_t *buf);
+ void tostring_bgra(uint8_t *buf);
+ agg::rect_i get_content_extents();
+ void clear();
+ BufferRegion *copy_from_bbox(agg::rect_d in_rect);
+ void restore_region(BufferRegion &reg);
+ void restore_region(BufferRegion &region, int xx1, int yy1, int xx2, int yy2, int x, int y);
+ unsigned int width, height;
+ double dpi;
+ size_t NUMBYTES; // the number of bytes in buffer
+ agg::int8u *pixBuffer;
+ agg::rendering_buffer renderingBuffer;
+ agg::int8u *alphaBuffer;
+ agg::rendering_buffer alphaMaskRenderingBuffer;
+ alpha_mask_type alphaMask;
+ agg::pixfmt_gray8 pixfmtAlphaMask;
+ renderer_base_alpha_mask_type rendererBaseAlphaMask;
+ renderer_alpha_mask_type rendererAlphaMask;
+ scanline_am scanlineAlphaMask;
+ scanline_p8 slineP8;
+ scanline_bin slineBin;
+ pixfmt pixFmt;
+ renderer_base rendererBase;
+ renderer_aa rendererAA;
+ renderer_bin rendererBin;
+ rasterizer theRasterizer;
+ void *lastclippath;
+ agg::trans_affine lastclippath_transform;
+ size_t hatch_size;
+ agg::int8u *hatchBuffer;
+ agg::rendering_buffer hatchRenderingBuffer;
+ agg::rgba _fill_color;
+ protected:
+ inline double points_to_pixels(double points)
+ {
+ return points * dpi / 72.0;
+ }
+ template <class R>
+ void set_clipbox(const agg::rect_d &cliprect, R &rasterizer);
+ bool render_clippath(py::PathIterator &clippath, const agg::trans_affine &clippath_trans);
+ template <class PathIteratorType>
+ void _draw_path(PathIteratorType &path, bool has_clippath, const facepair_t &face, GCAgg &gc);
+ template <class PathIterator,
+ class PathGenerator,
+ class TransformArray,
+ class OffsetArray,
+ class ColorArray,
+ class LineWidthArray,
+ class AntialiasedArray>
+ void _draw_path_collection_generic(GCAgg &gc,
+ agg::trans_affine master_transform,
+ const agg::rect_d &cliprect,
+ PathIterator &clippath,
+ const agg::trans_affine &clippath_trans,
+ PathGenerator &path_generator,
+ TransformArray &transforms,
+ OffsetArray &offsets,
+ const agg::trans_affine &offset_trans,
+ ColorArray &facecolors,
+ ColorArray &edgecolors,
+ LineWidthArray &linewidths,
+ DashesVector &linestyles,
+ AntialiasedArray &antialiaseds,
+ e_offset_position offset_position,
+ int check_snap,
+ int has_curves);
+ template <class PointArray, class ColorArray>
+ void _draw_gouraud_triangle(PointArray &points,
+ ColorArray &colors,
+ agg::trans_affine trans,
+ bool has_clippath);
+ private:
+ void create_alpha_buffers();
+ // prevent copying
+ RendererAgg(const RendererAgg &);
+ RendererAgg &operator=(const RendererAgg &);
+ * Implementation
+ */
+template <class path_t>
+inline void
+RendererAgg::_draw_path(path_t &path, bool has_clippath, const facepair_t &face, GCAgg &gc)
+ typedef agg::conv_stroke<path_t> stroke_t;
+ typedef agg::conv_dash<path_t> dash_t;
+ typedef agg::conv_stroke<dash_t> stroke_dash_t;
+ typedef agg::pixfmt_amask_adaptor<pixfmt, alpha_mask_type> pixfmt_amask_type;
+ typedef agg::renderer_base<pixfmt_amask_type> amask_ren_type;
+ typedef agg::renderer_scanline_aa_solid<amask_ren_type> amask_aa_renderer_type;
+ typedef agg::renderer_scanline_bin_solid<amask_ren_type> amask_bin_renderer_type;
+ // Render face
+ if (face.first) {
+ theRasterizer.add_path(path);
+ if (gc.isaa) {
+ if (has_clippath) {
+ pixfmt_amask_type pfa(pixFmt, alphaMask);
+ amask_ren_type r(pfa);
+ amask_aa_renderer_type ren(r);
+ ren.color(face.second);
+ agg::render_scanlines(theRasterizer, scanlineAlphaMask, ren);
+ } else {
+ rendererAA.color(face.second);
+ agg::render_scanlines(theRasterizer, slineP8, rendererAA);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (has_clippath) {
+ pixfmt_amask_type pfa(pixFmt, alphaMask);
+ amask_ren_type r(pfa);
+ amask_bin_renderer_type ren(r);
+ ren.color(face.second);
+ agg::render_scanlines(theRasterizer, scanlineAlphaMask, ren);
+ } else {
+ rendererBin.color(face.second);
+ agg::render_scanlines(theRasterizer, slineP8, rendererBin);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Render hatch
+ if (gc.has_hatchpath()) {
+ // Reset any clipping that may be in effect, since we'll be
+ // drawing the hatch in a scratch buffer at origin (0, 0)
+ theRasterizer.reset_clipping();
+ rendererBase.reset_clipping(true);
+ // Create and transform the path
+ typedef agg::conv_transform<py::PathIterator> hatch_path_trans_t;
+ typedef agg::conv_curve<hatch_path_trans_t> hatch_path_curve_t;
+ typedef agg::conv_stroke<hatch_path_curve_t> hatch_path_stroke_t;
+ py::PathIterator hatch_path(gc.hatchpath);
+ agg::trans_affine hatch_trans;
+ hatch_trans *= agg::trans_affine_scaling(1.0, -1.0);
+ hatch_trans *= agg::trans_affine_translation(0.0, 1.0);
+ hatch_trans *= agg::trans_affine_scaling(hatch_size, hatch_size);
+ hatch_path_trans_t hatch_path_trans(hatch_path, hatch_trans);
+ hatch_path_curve_t hatch_path_curve(hatch_path_trans);
+ hatch_path_stroke_t hatch_path_stroke(hatch_path_curve);
+ hatch_path_stroke.width(points_to_pixels(gc.hatch_linewidth));
+ hatch_path_stroke.line_cap(agg::square_cap);
+ // Render the path into the hatch buffer
+ pixfmt hatch_img_pixf(hatchRenderingBuffer);
+ renderer_base rb(hatch_img_pixf);
+ renderer_aa rs(rb);
+ rb.clear(_fill_color);
+ rs.color(gc.hatch_color);
+ theRasterizer.add_path(hatch_path_curve);
+ agg::render_scanlines(theRasterizer, slineP8, rs);
+ theRasterizer.add_path(hatch_path_stroke);
+ agg::render_scanlines(theRasterizer, slineP8, rs);
+ // Put clipping back on, if originally set on entry to this
+ // function
+ set_clipbox(gc.cliprect, theRasterizer);
+ if (has_clippath) {
+ render_clippath(gc.clippath.path, gc.clippath.trans);
+ }
+ // Transfer the hatch to the main image buffer
+ typedef agg::image_accessor_wrap<pixfmt,
+ agg::wrap_mode_repeat_auto_pow2,
+ agg::wrap_mode_repeat_auto_pow2> img_source_type;
+ typedef agg::span_pattern_rgba<img_source_type> span_gen_type;
+ agg::span_allocator<agg::rgba8> sa;
+ img_source_type img_src(hatch_img_pixf);
+ span_gen_type sg(img_src, 0, 0);
+ theRasterizer.add_path(path);
+ if (has_clippath) {
+ pixfmt_amask_type pfa(pixFmt, alphaMask);
+ amask_ren_type ren(pfa);
+ agg::render_scanlines_aa(theRasterizer, slineP8, ren, sa, sg);
+ } else {
+ agg::render_scanlines_aa(theRasterizer, slineP8, rendererBase, sa, sg);
+ }
+ }
+ // Render stroke
+ if (gc.linewidth != 0.0) {
+ double linewidth = points_to_pixels(gc.linewidth);
+ if (!gc.isaa) {
+ linewidth = (linewidth < 0.5) ? 0.5 : mpl_round(linewidth);
+ }
+ if (gc.dashes.size() == 0) {
+ stroke_t stroke(path);
+ stroke.width(points_to_pixels(gc.linewidth));
+ stroke.line_cap(gc.cap);
+ stroke.line_join(gc.join);
+ stroke.miter_limit(points_to_pixels(gc.linewidth));
+ theRasterizer.add_path(stroke);
+ } else {
+ dash_t dash(path);
+ gc.dashes.dash_to_stroke(dash, dpi, gc.isaa);
+ stroke_dash_t stroke(dash);
+ stroke.line_cap(gc.cap);
+ stroke.line_join(gc.join);
+ stroke.width(linewidth);
+ stroke.miter_limit(points_to_pixels(gc.linewidth));
+ theRasterizer.add_path(stroke);
+ }
+ if (gc.isaa) {
+ if (has_clippath) {
+ pixfmt_amask_type pfa(pixFmt, alphaMask);
+ amask_ren_type r(pfa);
+ amask_aa_renderer_type ren(r);
+ ren.color(gc.color);
+ agg::render_scanlines(theRasterizer, scanlineAlphaMask, ren);
+ } else {
+ rendererAA.color(gc.color);
+ agg::render_scanlines(theRasterizer, slineP8, rendererAA);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (has_clippath) {
+ pixfmt_amask_type pfa(pixFmt, alphaMask);
+ amask_ren_type r(pfa);
+ amask_bin_renderer_type ren(r);
+ ren.color(gc.color);
+ agg::render_scanlines(theRasterizer, scanlineAlphaMask, ren);
+ } else {
+ rendererBin.color(gc.color);
+ agg::render_scanlines(theRasterizer, slineBin, rendererBin);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+template <class PathIterator>
+inline void
+RendererAgg::draw_path(GCAgg &gc, PathIterator &path, agg::trans_affine &trans, agg::rgba &color)
+ typedef agg::conv_transform<py::PathIterator> transformed_path_t;
+ typedef PathNanRemover<transformed_path_t> nan_removed_t;
+ typedef PathClipper<nan_removed_t> clipped_t;
+ typedef PathSnapper<clipped_t> snapped_t;
+ typedef PathSimplifier<snapped_t> simplify_t;
+ typedef agg::conv_curve<simplify_t> curve_t;
+ typedef Sketch<curve_t> sketch_t;
+ facepair_t face(color.a != 0.0, color);
+ theRasterizer.reset_clipping();
+ rendererBase.reset_clipping(true);
+ set_clipbox(gc.cliprect, theRasterizer);
+ bool has_clippath = render_clippath(gc.clippath.path, gc.clippath.trans);
+ trans *= agg::trans_affine_scaling(1.0, -1.0);
+ trans *= agg::trans_affine_translation(0.0, (double)height);
+ bool clip = !face.first && !gc.has_hatchpath() && !path.has_curves();
+ bool simplify = path.should_simplify() && clip;
+ double snapping_linewidth = points_to_pixels(gc.linewidth);
+ if (gc.color.a == 0.0) {
+ snapping_linewidth = 0.0;
+ }
+ transformed_path_t tpath(path, trans);
+ nan_removed_t nan_removed(tpath, true, path.has_curves());
+ clipped_t clipped(nan_removed, clip && !path.has_curves(), width, height);
+ snapped_t snapped(clipped, gc.snap_mode, path.total_vertices(), snapping_linewidth);
+ simplify_t simplified(snapped, simplify, path.simplify_threshold());
+ curve_t curve(simplified);
+ sketch_t sketch(curve, gc.sketch.scale, gc.sketch.length, gc.sketch.randomness);
+ _draw_path(sketch, has_clippath, face, gc);
+template <class PathIterator>
+inline void RendererAgg::draw_markers(GCAgg &gc,
+ PathIterator &marker_path,
+ agg::trans_affine &marker_trans,
+ PathIterator &path,
+ agg::trans_affine &trans,
+ agg::rgba color)
+ typedef agg::conv_transform<py::PathIterator> transformed_path_t;
+ typedef PathNanRemover<transformed_path_t> nan_removed_t;
+ typedef PathSnapper<nan_removed_t> snap_t;
+ typedef agg::conv_curve<snap_t> curve_t;
+ typedef agg::conv_stroke<curve_t> stroke_t;
+ typedef agg::pixfmt_amask_adaptor<pixfmt, alpha_mask_type> pixfmt_amask_type;
+ typedef agg::renderer_base<pixfmt_amask_type> amask_ren_type;
+ typedef agg::renderer_scanline_aa_solid<amask_ren_type> amask_aa_renderer_type;
+ // Deal with the difference in y-axis direction
+ marker_trans *= agg::trans_affine_scaling(1.0, -1.0);
+ trans *= agg::trans_affine_scaling(1.0, -1.0);
+ trans *= agg::trans_affine_translation(0.5, (double)height + 0.5);
+ transformed_path_t marker_path_transformed(marker_path, marker_trans);
+ nan_removed_t marker_path_nan_removed(marker_path_transformed, true, marker_path.has_curves());
+ snap_t marker_path_snapped(marker_path_nan_removed,
+ gc.snap_mode,
+ marker_path.total_vertices(),
+ points_to_pixels(gc.linewidth));
+ curve_t marker_path_curve(marker_path_snapped);
+ if (!marker_path_snapped.is_snapping()) {
+ // If the path snapper isn't in effect, at least make sure the marker
+ // at (0, 0) is in the center of a pixel. This, importantly, makes
+ // the circle markers look centered around the point they refer to.
+ marker_trans *= agg::trans_affine_translation(0.5, 0.5);
+ }
+ transformed_path_t path_transformed(path, trans);
+ nan_removed_t path_nan_removed(path_transformed, false, false);
+ snap_t path_snapped(path_nan_removed, SNAP_FALSE, path.total_vertices(), 0.0);
+ curve_t path_curve(path_snapped);
+ path_curve.rewind(0);
+ facepair_t face(color.a != 0.0, color);
+ // maxim's suggestions for cached scanlines
+ agg::scanline_storage_aa8 scanlines;
+ theRasterizer.reset();
+ theRasterizer.reset_clipping();
+ rendererBase.reset_clipping(true);
+ agg::rect_i marker_size(0x7FFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF, -0x7FFFFFFF, -0x7FFFFFFF);
+ agg::int8u staticFillCache[MARKER_CACHE_SIZE];
+ agg::int8u staticStrokeCache[MARKER_CACHE_SIZE];
+ agg::int8u *fillCache = staticFillCache;
+ agg::int8u *strokeCache = staticStrokeCache;
+ try
+ {
+ unsigned fillSize = 0;
+ if (face.first) {
+ theRasterizer.add_path(marker_path_curve);
+ agg::render_scanlines(theRasterizer, slineP8, scanlines);
+ fillSize = scanlines.byte_size();
+ if (fillSize >= MARKER_CACHE_SIZE) {
+ fillCache = new agg::int8u[fillSize];
+ }
+ scanlines.serialize(fillCache);
+ marker_size = agg::rect_i(scanlines.min_x(),
+ scanlines.min_y(),
+ scanlines.max_x(),
+ scanlines.max_y());
+ }
+ stroke_t stroke(marker_path_curve);
+ stroke.width(points_to_pixels(gc.linewidth));
+ stroke.line_cap(gc.cap);
+ stroke.line_join(gc.join);
+ stroke.miter_limit(points_to_pixels(gc.linewidth));
+ theRasterizer.reset();
+ theRasterizer.add_path(stroke);
+ agg::render_scanlines(theRasterizer, slineP8, scanlines);
+ unsigned strokeSize = scanlines.byte_size();
+ if (strokeSize >= MARKER_CACHE_SIZE) {
+ strokeCache = new agg::int8u[strokeSize];
+ }
+ scanlines.serialize(strokeCache);
+ marker_size = agg::rect_i(std::min(marker_size.x1, scanlines.min_x()),
+ std::min(marker_size.y1, scanlines.min_y()),
+ std::max(marker_size.x2, scanlines.max_x()),
+ std::max(marker_size.y2, scanlines.max_y()));
+ theRasterizer.reset_clipping();
+ rendererBase.reset_clipping(true);
+ set_clipbox(gc.cliprect, rendererBase);
+ bool has_clippath = render_clippath(gc.clippath.path, gc.clippath.trans);
+ double x, y;
+ agg::serialized_scanlines_adaptor_aa8 sa;
+ agg::serialized_scanlines_adaptor_aa8::embedded_scanline sl;
+ agg::rect_d clipping_rect(-1.0 - marker_size.x2,
+ -1.0 - marker_size.y2,
+ 1.0 + width - marker_size.x1,
+ 1.0 + height - marker_size.y1);
+ if (has_clippath) {
+ while (path_curve.vertex(&x, &y) != agg::path_cmd_stop) {
+ if (!(std::isfinite(x) && std::isfinite(y))) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* These values are correctly snapped above -- so we don't want
+ to round here, we really only want to truncate */
+ x = floor(x);
+ y = floor(y);
+ // Cull points outside the boundary of the image.
+ // Values that are too large may overflow and create
+ // segfaults.
+ // http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2865490&group_id=80706&atid=560720
+ if (!clipping_rect.hit_test(x, y)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ pixfmt_amask_type pfa(pixFmt, alphaMask);
+ amask_ren_type r(pfa);
+ amask_aa_renderer_type ren(r);
+ if (face.first) {
+ ren.color(face.second);
+ sa.init(fillCache, fillSize, x, y);
+ agg::render_scanlines(sa, sl, ren);
+ }
+ ren.color(gc.color);
+ sa.init(strokeCache, strokeSize, x, y);
+ agg::render_scanlines(sa, sl, ren);
+ }
+ } else {
+ while (path_curve.vertex(&x, &y) != agg::path_cmd_stop) {
+ if (!(std::isfinite(x) && std::isfinite(y))) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* These values are correctly snapped above -- so we don't want
+ to round here, we really only want to truncate */
+ x = floor(x);
+ y = floor(y);
+ // Cull points outside the boundary of the image.
+ // Values that are too large may overflow and create
+ // segfaults.
+ // http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2865490&group_id=80706&atid=560720
+ if (!clipping_rect.hit_test(x, y)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (face.first) {
+ rendererAA.color(face.second);
+ sa.init(fillCache, fillSize, x, y);
+ agg::render_scanlines(sa, sl, rendererAA);
+ }
+ rendererAA.color(gc.color);
+ sa.init(strokeCache, strokeSize, x, y);
+ agg::render_scanlines(sa, sl, rendererAA);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ if (fillCache != staticFillCache)
+ delete[] fillCache;
+ if (strokeCache != staticStrokeCache)
+ delete[] strokeCache;
+ theRasterizer.reset_clipping();
+ rendererBase.reset_clipping(true);
+ throw;
+ }
+ if (fillCache != staticFillCache)
+ delete[] fillCache;
+ if (strokeCache != staticStrokeCache)
+ delete[] strokeCache;
+ theRasterizer.reset_clipping();
+ rendererBase.reset_clipping(true);
+ * This is a custom span generator that converts spans in the
+ * 8-bit inverted greyscale font buffer to rgba that agg can use.
+ */
+template <class ChildGenerator>
+class font_to_rgba
+ public:
+ typedef ChildGenerator child_type;
+ typedef agg::rgba8 color_type;
+ typedef typename child_type::color_type child_color_type;
+ typedef agg::span_allocator<child_color_type> span_alloc_type;
+ private:
+ child_type *_gen;
+ color_type _color;
+ span_alloc_type _allocator;
+ public:
+ font_to_rgba(child_type *gen, color_type color) : _gen(gen), _color(color)
+ {
+ }
+ inline void generate(color_type *output_span, int x, int y, unsigned len)
+ {
+ _allocator.allocate(len);
+ child_color_type *input_span = _allocator.span();
+ _gen->generate(input_span, x, y, len);
+ do {
+ *output_span = _color;
+ output_span->a = ((unsigned int)_color.a * (unsigned int)input_span->v) >> 8;
+ ++output_span;
+ ++input_span;
+ } while (--len);
+ }
+ void prepare()
+ {
+ _gen->prepare();
+ }
+template <class ImageArray>
+inline void RendererAgg::draw_text_image(GCAgg &gc, ImageArray &image, int x, int y, double angle)
+ typedef agg::span_allocator<agg::rgba8> color_span_alloc_type;
+ typedef agg::span_interpolator_linear<> interpolator_type;
+ typedef agg::image_accessor_clip<agg::pixfmt_gray8> image_accessor_type;
+ typedef agg::span_image_filter_gray<image_accessor_type, interpolator_type> image_span_gen_type;
+ typedef font_to_rgba<image_span_gen_type> span_gen_type;
+ typedef agg::renderer_scanline_aa<renderer_base, color_span_alloc_type, span_gen_type>
+ renderer_type;
+ theRasterizer.reset_clipping();
+ rendererBase.reset_clipping(true);
+ if (angle != 0.0) {
+ agg::rendering_buffer srcbuf(
+ image.data(), (unsigned)image.dim(1),
+ (unsigned)image.dim(0), (unsigned)image.dim(1));
+ agg::pixfmt_gray8 pixf_img(srcbuf);
+ set_clipbox(gc.cliprect, theRasterizer);
+ agg::trans_affine mtx;
+ mtx *= agg::trans_affine_translation(0, -image.dim(0));
+ mtx *= agg::trans_affine_rotation(-angle * agg::pi / 180.0);
+ mtx *= agg::trans_affine_translation(x, y);
+ agg::path_storage rect;
+ rect.move_to(0, 0);
+ rect.line_to(image.dim(1), 0);
+ rect.line_to(image.dim(1), image.dim(0));
+ rect.line_to(0, image.dim(0));
+ rect.line_to(0, 0);
+ agg::conv_transform<agg::path_storage> rect2(rect, mtx);
+ agg::trans_affine inv_mtx(mtx);
+ inv_mtx.invert();
+ agg::image_filter_lut filter;
+ filter.calculate(agg::image_filter_spline36());
+ interpolator_type interpolator(inv_mtx);
+ color_span_alloc_type sa;
+ image_accessor_type ia(pixf_img, agg::gray8(0));
+ image_span_gen_type image_span_generator(ia, interpolator, filter);
+ span_gen_type output_span_generator(&image_span_generator, gc.color);
+ renderer_type ri(rendererBase, sa, output_span_generator);
+ theRasterizer.add_path(rect2);
+ agg::render_scanlines(theRasterizer, slineP8, ri);
+ } else {
+ agg::rect_i fig, text;
+ fig.init(0, 0, width, height);
+ text.init(x, y - image.dim(0), x + image.dim(1), y);
+ text.clip(fig);
+ if (gc.cliprect.x1 != 0.0 || gc.cliprect.y1 != 0.0 || gc.cliprect.x2 != 0.0 || gc.cliprect.y2 != 0.0) {
+ agg::rect_i clip;
+ clip.init(int(mpl_round(gc.cliprect.x1)),
+ int(mpl_round(height - gc.cliprect.y2)),
+ int(mpl_round(gc.cliprect.x2)),
+ int(mpl_round(height - gc.cliprect.y1)));
+ text.clip(clip);
+ }
+ if (text.x2 > text.x1) {
+ for (int yi = text.y1; yi < text.y2; ++yi) {
+ pixFmt.blend_solid_hspan(text.x1, yi, (text.x2 - text.x1), gc.color,
+ &image(yi - (y - image.dim(0)), text.x1 - x));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+class span_conv_alpha
+ public:
+ typedef agg::rgba8 color_type;
+ double m_alpha;
+ span_conv_alpha(double alpha) : m_alpha(alpha)
+ {
+ }
+ void prepare()
+ {
+ }
+ void generate(color_type *span, int x, int y, unsigned len) const
+ {
+ do {
+ span->a = (agg::int8u)((double)span->a * m_alpha);
+ ++span;
+ } while (--len);
+ }
+template <class ImageArray>
+inline void RendererAgg::draw_image(GCAgg &gc,
+ double x,
+ double y,
+ ImageArray &image)
+ double alpha = gc.alpha;
+ theRasterizer.reset_clipping();
+ rendererBase.reset_clipping(true);
+ set_clipbox(gc.cliprect, theRasterizer);
+ bool has_clippath = render_clippath(gc.clippath.path, gc.clippath.trans);
+ agg::rendering_buffer buffer;
+ buffer.attach(
+ image.data(), (unsigned)image.dim(1), (unsigned)image.dim(0), -(int)image.dim(1) * 4);
+ pixfmt pixf(buffer);
+ if (has_clippath) {
+ agg::trans_affine mtx;
+ agg::path_storage rect;
+ mtx *= agg::trans_affine_translation((int)x, (int)(height - (y + image.dim(0))));
+ rect.move_to(0, 0);
+ rect.line_to(image.dim(1), 0);
+ rect.line_to(image.dim(1), image.dim(0));
+ rect.line_to(0, image.dim(0));
+ rect.line_to(0, 0);
+ agg::conv_transform<agg::path_storage> rect2(rect, mtx);
+ agg::trans_affine inv_mtx(mtx);
+ inv_mtx.invert();
+ typedef agg::span_allocator<agg::rgba8> color_span_alloc_type;
+ typedef agg::image_accessor_clip<pixfmt> image_accessor_type;
+ typedef agg::span_interpolator_linear<> interpolator_type;
+ typedef agg::span_image_filter_rgba_nn<image_accessor_type, interpolator_type>
+ image_span_gen_type;
+ typedef agg::span_converter<image_span_gen_type, span_conv_alpha> span_conv;
+ color_span_alloc_type sa;
+ image_accessor_type ia(pixf, agg::rgba8(0, 0, 0, 0));
+ interpolator_type interpolator(inv_mtx);
+ image_span_gen_type image_span_generator(ia, interpolator);
+ span_conv_alpha conv_alpha(alpha);
+ span_conv spans(image_span_generator, conv_alpha);
+ typedef agg::pixfmt_amask_adaptor<pixfmt, alpha_mask_type> pixfmt_amask_type;
+ typedef agg::renderer_base<pixfmt_amask_type> amask_ren_type;
+ typedef agg::renderer_scanline_aa<amask_ren_type, color_span_alloc_type, span_conv>
+ renderer_type_alpha;
+ pixfmt_amask_type pfa(pixFmt, alphaMask);
+ amask_ren_type r(pfa);
+ renderer_type_alpha ri(r, sa, spans);
+ theRasterizer.add_path(rect2);
+ agg::render_scanlines(theRasterizer, scanlineAlphaMask, ri);
+ } else {
+ set_clipbox(gc.cliprect, rendererBase);
+ rendererBase.blend_from(
+ pixf, 0, (int)x, (int)(height - (y + image.dim(0))), (agg::int8u)(alpha * 255));
+ }
+ rendererBase.reset_clipping(true);
+template <class PathIterator,
+ class PathGenerator,
+ class TransformArray,
+ class OffsetArray,
+ class ColorArray,
+ class LineWidthArray,
+ class AntialiasedArray>
+inline void RendererAgg::_draw_path_collection_generic(GCAgg &gc,
+ agg::trans_affine master_transform,
+ const agg::rect_d &cliprect,
+ PathIterator &clippath,
+ const agg::trans_affine &clippath_trans,
+ PathGenerator &path_generator,
+ TransformArray &transforms,
+ OffsetArray &offsets,
+ const agg::trans_affine &offset_trans,
+ ColorArray &facecolors,
+ ColorArray &edgecolors,
+ LineWidthArray &linewidths,
+ DashesVector &linestyles,
+ AntialiasedArray &antialiaseds,
+ e_offset_position offset_position,
+ int check_snap,
+ int has_curves)
+ typedef agg::conv_transform<typename PathGenerator::path_iterator> transformed_path_t;
+ typedef PathNanRemover<transformed_path_t> nan_removed_t;
+ typedef PathClipper<nan_removed_t> clipped_t;
+ typedef PathSnapper<clipped_t> snapped_t;
+ typedef agg::conv_curve<snapped_t> snapped_curve_t;
+ typedef agg::conv_curve<clipped_t> curve_t;
+ size_t Npaths = path_generator.num_paths();
+ size_t Noffsets = offsets.size();
+ size_t N = std::max(Npaths, Noffsets);
+ size_t Ntransforms = transforms.size();
+ size_t Nfacecolors = facecolors.size();
+ size_t Nedgecolors = edgecolors.size();
+ size_t Nlinewidths = linewidths.size();
+ size_t Nlinestyles = std::min(linestyles.size(), N);
+ size_t Naa = antialiaseds.size();
+ if ((Nfacecolors == 0 && Nedgecolors == 0) || Npaths == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Handle any clipping globally
+ theRasterizer.reset_clipping();
+ rendererBase.reset_clipping(true);
+ set_clipbox(cliprect, theRasterizer);
+ bool has_clippath = render_clippath(clippath, clippath_trans);
+ // Set some defaults, assuming no face or edge
+ gc.linewidth = 0.0;
+ facepair_t face;
+ face.first = Nfacecolors != 0;
+ agg::trans_affine trans;
+ for (int i = 0; i < (int)N; ++i) {
+ typename PathGenerator::path_iterator path = path_generator(i);
+ if (Ntransforms) {
+ int it = i % Ntransforms;
+ trans = agg::trans_affine(transforms(it, 0, 0),
+ transforms(it, 1, 0),
+ transforms(it, 0, 1),
+ transforms(it, 1, 1),
+ transforms(it, 0, 2),
+ transforms(it, 1, 2));
+ trans *= master_transform;
+ } else {
+ trans = master_transform;
+ }
+ if (Noffsets) {
+ double xo = offsets(i % Noffsets, 0);
+ double yo = offsets(i % Noffsets, 1);
+ offset_trans.transform(&xo, &yo);
+ if (offset_position == OFFSET_POSITION_DATA) {
+ trans = agg::trans_affine_translation(xo, yo) * trans;
+ } else {
+ trans *= agg::trans_affine_translation(xo, yo);
+ }
+ }
+ // These transformations must be done post-offsets
+ trans *= agg::trans_affine_scaling(1.0, -1.0);
+ trans *= agg::trans_affine_translation(0.0, (double)height);
+ if (Nfacecolors) {
+ int ic = i % Nfacecolors;
+ face.second = agg::rgba(facecolors(ic, 0), facecolors(ic, 1), facecolors(ic, 2), facecolors(ic, 3));
+ }
+ if (Nedgecolors) {
+ int ic = i % Nedgecolors;
+ gc.color = agg::rgba(edgecolors(ic, 0), edgecolors(ic, 1), edgecolors(ic, 2), edgecolors(ic, 3));
+ if (Nlinewidths) {
+ gc.linewidth = linewidths(i % Nlinewidths);
+ } else {
+ gc.linewidth = 1.0;
+ }
+ if (Nlinestyles) {
+ gc.dashes = linestyles[i % Nlinestyles];
+ }
+ }
+ bool do_clip = !face.first && !gc.has_hatchpath() && !has_curves;
+ if (check_snap) {
+ gc.isaa = antialiaseds(i % Naa);
+ transformed_path_t tpath(path, trans);
+ nan_removed_t nan_removed(tpath, true, has_curves);
+ clipped_t clipped(nan_removed, do_clip && !has_curves, width, height);
+ snapped_t snapped(
+ clipped, gc.snap_mode, path.total_vertices(), points_to_pixels(gc.linewidth));
+ if (has_curves) {
+ snapped_curve_t curve(snapped);
+ _draw_path(curve, has_clippath, face, gc);
+ } else {
+ _draw_path(snapped, has_clippath, face, gc);
+ }
+ } else {
+ gc.isaa = antialiaseds(i % Naa);
+ transformed_path_t tpath(path, trans);
+ nan_removed_t nan_removed(tpath, true, has_curves);
+ clipped_t clipped(nan_removed, do_clip, width, height);
+ if (has_curves) {
+ curve_t curve(clipped);
+ _draw_path(curve, has_clippath, face, gc);
+ } else {
+ _draw_path(clipped, has_clippath, face, gc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+template <class PathGenerator,
+ class TransformArray,
+ class OffsetArray,
+ class ColorArray,
+ class LineWidthArray,
+ class AntialiasedArray>
+inline void RendererAgg::draw_path_collection(GCAgg &gc,
+ agg::trans_affine &master_transform,
+ PathGenerator &path,
+ TransformArray &transforms,
+ OffsetArray &offsets,
+ agg::trans_affine &offset_trans,
+ ColorArray &facecolors,
+ ColorArray &edgecolors,
+ LineWidthArray &linewidths,
+ DashesVector &linestyles,
+ AntialiasedArray &antialiaseds,
+ e_offset_position offset_position)
+ _draw_path_collection_generic(gc,
+ master_transform,
+ gc.cliprect,
+ gc.clippath.path,
+ gc.clippath.trans,
+ path,
+ transforms,
+ offsets,
+ offset_trans,
+ facecolors,
+ edgecolors,
+ linewidths,
+ linestyles,
+ antialiaseds,
+ offset_position,
+ 1,
+ 1);
+template <class CoordinateArray>
+class QuadMeshGenerator
+ unsigned m_meshWidth;
+ unsigned m_meshHeight;
+ CoordinateArray m_coordinates;
+ class QuadMeshPathIterator
+ {
+ unsigned m_iterator;
+ unsigned m_m, m_n;
+ const CoordinateArray *m_coordinates;
+ public:
+ QuadMeshPathIterator(unsigned m, unsigned n, const CoordinateArray *coordinates)
+ : m_iterator(0), m_m(m), m_n(n), m_coordinates(coordinates)
+ {
+ }
+ private:
+ inline unsigned vertex(unsigned idx, double *x, double *y)
+ {
+ size_t m = m_m + ((idx & 0x2) >> 1);
+ size_t n = m_n + (((idx + 1) & 0x2) >> 1);
+ *x = (*m_coordinates)(n, m, 0);
+ *y = (*m_coordinates)(n, m, 1);
+ return (idx) ? agg::path_cmd_line_to : agg::path_cmd_move_to;
+ }
+ public:
+ inline unsigned vertex(double *x, double *y)
+ {
+ if (m_iterator >= total_vertices()) {
+ return agg::path_cmd_stop;
+ }
+ return vertex(m_iterator++, x, y);
+ }
+ inline void rewind(unsigned path_id)
+ {
+ m_iterator = path_id;
+ }
+ inline unsigned total_vertices()
+ {
+ return 5;
+ }
+ inline bool should_simplify()
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ public:
+ typedef QuadMeshPathIterator path_iterator;
+ inline QuadMeshGenerator(unsigned meshWidth, unsigned meshHeight, CoordinateArray &coordinates)
+ : m_meshWidth(meshWidth), m_meshHeight(meshHeight), m_coordinates(coordinates)
+ {
+ }
+ inline size_t num_paths() const
+ {
+ return m_meshWidth * m_meshHeight;
+ }
+ inline path_iterator operator()(size_t i) const
+ {
+ return QuadMeshPathIterator(i % m_meshWidth, i / m_meshWidth, &m_coordinates);
+ }
+template <class CoordinateArray, class OffsetArray, class ColorArray>
+inline void RendererAgg::draw_quad_mesh(GCAgg &gc,
+ agg::trans_affine &master_transform,
+ unsigned int mesh_width,
+ unsigned int mesh_height,
+ CoordinateArray &coordinates,
+ OffsetArray &offsets,
+ agg::trans_affine &offset_trans,
+ ColorArray &facecolors,
+ bool antialiased,
+ ColorArray &edgecolors)
+ QuadMeshGenerator<CoordinateArray> path_generator(mesh_width, mesh_height, coordinates);
+ array::empty<double> transforms;
+ array::scalar<double, 1> linewidths(gc.linewidth);
+ array::scalar<uint8_t, 1> antialiaseds(antialiased);
+ DashesVector linestyles;
+ ColorArray *edgecolors_ptr = &edgecolors;
+ if (edgecolors.size() == 0) {
+ if (antialiased) {
+ edgecolors_ptr = &facecolors;
+ }
+ }
+ _draw_path_collection_generic(gc,
+ master_transform,
+ gc.cliprect,
+ gc.clippath.path,
+ gc.clippath.trans,
+ path_generator,
+ transforms,
+ offsets,
+ offset_trans,
+ facecolors,
+ *edgecolors_ptr,
+ linewidths,
+ linestyles,
+ antialiaseds,
+ 0,
+ 0);
+template <class PointArray, class ColorArray>
+inline void RendererAgg::_draw_gouraud_triangle(PointArray &points,
+ ColorArray &colors,
+ agg::trans_affine trans,
+ bool has_clippath)
+ typedef agg::rgba8 color_t;
+ typedef agg::span_gouraud_rgba<color_t> span_gen_t;
+ typedef agg::span_allocator<color_t> span_alloc_t;
+ trans *= agg::trans_affine_scaling(1.0, -1.0);
+ trans *= agg::trans_affine_translation(0.0, (double)height);
+ double tpoints[3][2];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
+ tpoints[i][j] = points(i, j);
+ }
+ trans.transform(&tpoints[i][0], &tpoints[i][1]);
+ }
+ span_alloc_t span_alloc;
+ span_gen_t span_gen;
+ span_gen.colors(agg::rgba(colors(0, 0), colors(0, 1), colors(0, 2), colors(0, 3)),
+ agg::rgba(colors(1, 0), colors(1, 1), colors(1, 2), colors(1, 3)),
+ agg::rgba(colors(2, 0), colors(2, 1), colors(2, 2), colors(2, 3)));
+ span_gen.triangle(tpoints[0][0],
+ tpoints[0][1],
+ tpoints[1][0],
+ tpoints[1][1],
+ tpoints[2][0],
+ tpoints[2][1],
+ 0.5);
+ theRasterizer.add_path(span_gen);
+ if (has_clippath) {
+ typedef agg::pixfmt_amask_adaptor<pixfmt, alpha_mask_type> pixfmt_amask_type;
+ typedef agg::renderer_base<pixfmt_amask_type> amask_ren_type;
+ typedef agg::renderer_scanline_aa<amask_ren_type, span_alloc_t, span_gen_t>
+ amask_aa_renderer_type;
+ pixfmt_amask_type pfa(pixFmt, alphaMask);
+ amask_ren_type r(pfa);
+ amask_aa_renderer_type ren(r, span_alloc, span_gen);
+ agg::render_scanlines(theRasterizer, scanlineAlphaMask, ren);
+ } else {
+ agg::render_scanlines_aa(theRasterizer, slineP8, rendererBase, span_alloc, span_gen);
+ }
+template <class PointArray, class ColorArray>
+inline void RendererAgg::draw_gouraud_triangle(GCAgg &gc,
+ PointArray &points,
+ ColorArray &colors,
+ agg::trans_affine &trans)
+ theRasterizer.reset_clipping();
+ rendererBase.reset_clipping(true);
+ set_clipbox(gc.cliprect, theRasterizer);
+ bool has_clippath = render_clippath(gc.clippath.path, gc.clippath.trans);
+ _draw_gouraud_triangle(points, colors, trans, has_clippath);
+template <class PointArray, class ColorArray>
+inline void RendererAgg::draw_gouraud_triangles(GCAgg &gc,
+ PointArray &points,
+ ColorArray &colors,
+ agg::trans_affine &trans)
+ theRasterizer.reset_clipping();
+ rendererBase.reset_clipping(true);
+ set_clipbox(gc.cliprect, theRasterizer);
+ bool has_clippath = render_clippath(gc.clippath.path, gc.clippath.trans);
+ for (int i = 0; i < points.dim(0); ++i) {
+ typename PointArray::sub_t point = points.subarray(i);
+ typename ColorArray::sub_t color = colors.subarray(i);
+ _draw_gouraud_triangle(point, color, trans, has_clippath);
+ }
+template <class R>
+void RendererAgg::set_clipbox(const agg::rect_d &cliprect, R &rasterizer)
+ // set the clip rectangle from the gc
+ if (cliprect.x1 != 0.0 || cliprect.y1 != 0.0 || cliprect.x2 != 0.0 || cliprect.y2 != 0.0) {
+ rasterizer.clip_box(std::max(int(floor(cliprect.x1 + 0.5)), 0),
+ std::max(int(floor(height - cliprect.y1 + 0.5)), 0),
+ std::min(int(floor(cliprect.x2 + 0.5)), int(width)),
+ std::min(int(floor(height - cliprect.y2 + 0.5)), int(height)));
+ } else {
+ rasterizer.clip_box(0, 0, width, height);
+ }