path: root/contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_finder.py
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authorshumkovnd <shumkovnd@yandex-team.com>2023-11-10 14:39:34 +0300
committershumkovnd <shumkovnd@yandex-team.com>2023-11-10 16:42:24 +0300
commit77eb2d3fdcec5c978c64e025ced2764c57c00285 (patch)
treec51edb0748ca8d4a08d7c7323312c27ba1a8b79a /contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_finder.py
parentdd6d20cadb65582270ac23f4b3b14ae189704b9d (diff)
KIKIMR-19287: add task_stats_drawing script
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_finder.py')
1 files changed, 340 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_finder.py b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_finder.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..62a94b1478
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/mpl_toolkits/axisartist/grid_finder.py
@@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,
+ unicode_literals)
+import six
+import numpy as np
+from matplotlib.transforms import Bbox
+from . import clip_path
+clip_line_to_rect = clip_path.clip_line_to_rect
+import matplotlib.ticker as mticker
+from matplotlib.transforms import Transform
+# extremes finder
+class ExtremeFinderSimple(object):
+ def __init__(self, nx, ny):
+ self.nx, self.ny = nx, ny
+ def __call__(self, transform_xy, x1, y1, x2, y2):
+ """
+ get extreme values.
+ x1, y1, x2, y2 in image coordinates (0-based)
+ nx, ny : number of division in each axis
+ """
+ x_, y_ = np.linspace(x1, x2, self.nx), np.linspace(y1, y2, self.ny)
+ x, y = np.meshgrid(x_, y_)
+ lon, lat = transform_xy(np.ravel(x), np.ravel(y))
+ lon_min, lon_max = lon.min(), lon.max()
+ lat_min, lat_max = lat.min(), lat.max()
+ return self._add_pad(lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max)
+ def _add_pad(self, lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max):
+ """ a small amount of padding is added because the current
+ clipping algorithms seems to fail when the gridline ends at
+ the bbox boundary.
+ """
+ dlon = (lon_max - lon_min) / self.nx
+ dlat = (lat_max - lat_min) / self.ny
+ lon_min, lon_max = lon_min - dlon, lon_max + dlon
+ lat_min, lat_max = lat_min - dlat, lat_max + dlat
+ return lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max
+class GridFinderBase(object):
+ def __init__(self,
+ extreme_finder,
+ grid_locator1,
+ grid_locator2,
+ tick_formatter1=None,
+ tick_formatter2=None):
+ """
+ the transData of the axes to the world coordinate.
+ locator1, locator2 : grid locator for 1st and 2nd axis.
+ Derived must define "transform_xy, inv_transform_xy"
+ (may use update_transform)
+ """
+ super(GridFinderBase, self).__init__()
+ self.extreme_finder = extreme_finder
+ self.grid_locator1 = grid_locator1
+ self.grid_locator2 = grid_locator2
+ self.tick_formatter1 = tick_formatter1
+ self.tick_formatter2 = tick_formatter2
+ def get_grid_info(self,
+ x1, y1, x2, y2):
+ """
+ lon_values, lat_values : list of grid values. if integer is given,
+ rough number of grids in each direction.
+ """
+ extremes = self.extreme_finder(self.inv_transform_xy, x1, y1, x2, y2)
+ # min & max rage of lat (or lon) for each grid line will be drawn.
+ # i.e., gridline of lon=0 will be drawn from lat_min to lat_max.
+ lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max = extremes
+ lon_levs, lon_n, lon_factor = \
+ self.grid_locator1(lon_min, lon_max)
+ lat_levs, lat_n, lat_factor = \
+ self.grid_locator2(lat_min, lat_max)
+ if lon_factor is None:
+ lon_values = np.asarray(lon_levs[:lon_n])
+ else:
+ lon_values = np.asarray(lon_levs[:lon_n]/lon_factor)
+ if lat_factor is None:
+ lat_values = np.asarray(lat_levs[:lat_n])
+ else:
+ lat_values = np.asarray(lat_levs[:lat_n]/lat_factor)
+ lon_lines, lat_lines = self._get_raw_grid_lines(lon_values,
+ lat_values,
+ lon_min, lon_max,
+ lat_min, lat_max)
+ ddx = (x2-x1)*1.e-10
+ ddy = (y2-y1)*1.e-10
+ bb = Bbox.from_extents(x1-ddx, y1-ddy, x2+ddx, y2+ddy)
+ grid_info = {}
+ grid_info["extremes"] = extremes
+ grid_info["lon_lines"] = lon_lines
+ grid_info["lat_lines"] = lat_lines
+ grid_info["lon"] = self._clip_grid_lines_and_find_ticks(lon_lines,
+ lon_values,
+ lon_levs,
+ bb)
+ grid_info["lat"] = self._clip_grid_lines_and_find_ticks(lat_lines,
+ lat_values,
+ lat_levs,
+ bb)
+ tck_labels = grid_info["lon"]["tick_labels"] = dict()
+ for direction in ["left", "bottom", "right", "top"]:
+ levs = grid_info["lon"]["tick_levels"][direction]
+ tck_labels[direction] = self.tick_formatter1(direction,
+ lon_factor, levs)
+ tck_labels = grid_info["lat"]["tick_labels"] = dict()
+ for direction in ["left", "bottom", "right", "top"]:
+ levs = grid_info["lat"]["tick_levels"][direction]
+ tck_labels[direction] = self.tick_formatter2(direction,
+ lat_factor, levs)
+ return grid_info
+ def _get_raw_grid_lines(self,
+ lon_values, lat_values,
+ lon_min, lon_max, lat_min, lat_max):
+ lons_i = np.linspace(lon_min, lon_max, 100) # for interpolation
+ lats_i = np.linspace(lat_min, lat_max, 100)
+ lon_lines = [self.transform_xy(np.zeros_like(lats_i) + lon, lats_i)
+ for lon in lon_values]
+ lat_lines = [self.transform_xy(lons_i, np.zeros_like(lons_i) + lat)
+ for lat in lat_values]
+ return lon_lines, lat_lines
+ def _clip_grid_lines_and_find_ticks(self, lines, values, levs, bb):
+ gi = dict()
+ gi["values"] = []
+ gi["levels"] = []
+ gi["tick_levels"] = dict(left=[], bottom=[], right=[], top=[])
+ gi["tick_locs"] = dict(left=[], bottom=[], right=[], top=[])
+ gi["lines"] = []
+ tck_levels = gi["tick_levels"]
+ tck_locs = gi["tick_locs"]
+ for (lx, ly), v, lev in zip(lines, values, levs):
+ xy, tcks = clip_line_to_rect(lx, ly, bb)
+ if not xy:
+ continue
+ gi["levels"].append(v)
+ gi["lines"].append(xy)
+ for tck, direction in zip(tcks,
+ ["left", "bottom", "right", "top"]):
+ for t in tck:
+ tck_levels[direction].append(lev)
+ tck_locs[direction].append(t)
+ return gi
+ def update_transform(self, aux_trans):
+ if isinstance(aux_trans, Transform):
+ def transform_xy(x, y):
+ x, y = np.asarray(x), np.asarray(y)
+ ll1 = np.concatenate((x[:,np.newaxis], y[:,np.newaxis]), 1)
+ ll2 = aux_trans.transform(ll1)
+ lon, lat = ll2[:,0], ll2[:,1]
+ return lon, lat
+ def inv_transform_xy(x, y):
+ x, y = np.asarray(x), np.asarray(y)
+ ll1 = np.concatenate((x[:,np.newaxis], y[:,np.newaxis]), 1)
+ ll2 = aux_trans.inverted().transform(ll1)
+ lon, lat = ll2[:,0], ll2[:,1]
+ return lon, lat
+ else:
+ transform_xy, inv_transform_xy = aux_trans
+ self.transform_xy = transform_xy
+ self.inv_transform_xy = inv_transform_xy
+ def update(self, **kw):
+ for k in kw:
+ if k in ["extreme_finder",
+ "grid_locator1",
+ "grid_locator2",
+ "tick_formatter1",
+ "tick_formatter2"]:
+ setattr(self, k, kw[k])
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("unknown update property '%s'" % k)
+class GridFinder(GridFinderBase):
+ def __init__(self,
+ transform,
+ extreme_finder=None,
+ grid_locator1=None,
+ grid_locator2=None,
+ tick_formatter1=None,
+ tick_formatter2=None):
+ """
+ transform : transform from the image coordinate (which will be
+ the transData of the axes to the world coordinate.
+ or transform = (transform_xy, inv_transform_xy)
+ locator1, locator2 : grid locator for 1st and 2nd axis.
+ """
+ if extreme_finder is None:
+ extreme_finder = ExtremeFinderSimple(20, 20)
+ if grid_locator1 is None:
+ grid_locator1 = MaxNLocator()
+ if grid_locator2 is None:
+ grid_locator2 = MaxNLocator()
+ if tick_formatter1 is None:
+ tick_formatter1 = FormatterPrettyPrint()
+ if tick_formatter2 is None:
+ tick_formatter2 = FormatterPrettyPrint()
+ super(GridFinder, self).__init__(
+ extreme_finder,
+ grid_locator1,
+ grid_locator2,
+ tick_formatter1,
+ tick_formatter2)
+ self.update_transform(transform)
+class MaxNLocator(mticker.MaxNLocator):
+ def __init__(self, nbins=10, steps=None,
+ trim=True,
+ integer=False,
+ symmetric=False,
+ prune=None):
+ # trim argument has no effect. It has been left for API compatibility
+ mticker.MaxNLocator.__init__(self, nbins, steps=steps,
+ integer=integer,
+ symmetric=symmetric, prune=prune)
+ self.create_dummy_axis()
+ self._factor = None
+ def __call__(self, v1, v2):
+ if self._factor is not None:
+ self.set_bounds(v1*self._factor, v2*self._factor)
+ locs = mticker.MaxNLocator.__call__(self)
+ return np.array(locs), len(locs), self._factor
+ else:
+ self.set_bounds(v1, v2)
+ locs = mticker.MaxNLocator.__call__(self)
+ return np.array(locs), len(locs), None
+ def set_factor(self, f):
+ self._factor = f
+class FixedLocator(object):
+ def __init__(self, locs):
+ self._locs = locs
+ self._factor = None
+ def __call__(self, v1, v2):
+ if self._factor is None:
+ v1, v2 = sorted([v1, v2])
+ else:
+ v1, v2 = sorted([v1*self._factor, v2*self._factor])
+ locs = np.array([l for l in self._locs if ((v1 <= l) and (l <= v2))])
+ return locs, len(locs), self._factor
+ def set_factor(self, f):
+ self._factor = f
+# Tick Formatter
+class FormatterPrettyPrint(object):
+ def __init__(self, useMathText=True):
+ self._fmt = mticker.ScalarFormatter(
+ useMathText=useMathText, useOffset=False)
+ self._fmt.create_dummy_axis()
+ self._ignore_factor = True
+ def __call__(self, direction, factor, values):
+ if not self._ignore_factor:
+ if factor is None:
+ factor = 1.
+ values = [v/factor for v in values]
+ #values = [v for v in values]
+ self._fmt.set_locs(values)
+ return [self._fmt(v) for v in values]
+class DictFormatter(object):
+ def __init__(self, format_dict, formatter=None):
+ """
+ format_dict : dictionary for format strings to be used.
+ formatter : fall-back formatter
+ """
+ super(DictFormatter, self).__init__()
+ self._format_dict = format_dict
+ self._fallback_formatter = formatter
+ def __call__(self, direction, factor, values):
+ """
+ factor is ignored if value is found in the dictionary
+ """
+ if self._fallback_formatter:
+ fallback_strings = self._fallback_formatter(
+ direction, factor, values)
+ else:
+ fallback_strings = [""]*len(values)
+ r = [self._format_dict.get(k, v) for k, v in zip(values,
+ fallback_strings)]
+ return r