path: root/contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/extern/agg24-svn/src/agg_vcgen_contour.cpp
diff options
authorshumkovnd <shumkovnd@yandex-team.com>2023-11-10 14:39:34 +0300
committershumkovnd <shumkovnd@yandex-team.com>2023-11-10 16:42:24 +0300
commit77eb2d3fdcec5c978c64e025ced2764c57c00285 (patch)
treec51edb0748ca8d4a08d7c7323312c27ba1a8b79a /contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/extern/agg24-svn/src/agg_vcgen_contour.cpp
parentdd6d20cadb65582270ac23f4b3b14ae189704b9d (diff)
KIKIMR-19287: add task_stats_drawing script
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/extern/agg24-svn/src/agg_vcgen_contour.cpp')
1 files changed, 165 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/extern/agg24-svn/src/agg_vcgen_contour.cpp b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/extern/agg24-svn/src/agg_vcgen_contour.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6a99405ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/extern/agg24-svn/src/agg_vcgen_contour.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+// Anti-Grain Geometry - Version 2.4
+// Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Maxim Shemanarev (http://www.antigrain.com)
+// Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software
+// is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies.
+// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
+// warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
+// Contact: mcseem@antigrain.com
+// mcseemagg@yahoo.com
+// http://www.antigrain.com
+// Contour generator
+#include <math.h>
+#include "agg_vcgen_contour.h"
+namespace agg
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ vcgen_contour::vcgen_contour() :
+ m_stroker(),
+ m_width(1),
+ m_src_vertices(),
+ m_out_vertices(),
+ m_status(initial),
+ m_src_vertex(0),
+ m_closed(0),
+ m_orientation(0),
+ m_auto_detect(false)
+ {
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void vcgen_contour::remove_all()
+ {
+ m_src_vertices.remove_all();
+ m_closed = 0;
+ m_orientation = 0;
+ m_status = initial;
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void vcgen_contour::add_vertex(double x, double y, unsigned cmd)
+ {
+ m_status = initial;
+ if(is_move_to(cmd))
+ {
+ m_src_vertices.modify_last(vertex_dist(x, y));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(is_vertex(cmd))
+ {
+ m_src_vertices.add(vertex_dist(x, y));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(is_end_poly(cmd))
+ {
+ m_closed = get_close_flag(cmd);
+ if(m_orientation == path_flags_none)
+ {
+ m_orientation = get_orientation(cmd);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void vcgen_contour::rewind(unsigned)
+ {
+ if(m_status == initial)
+ {
+ m_src_vertices.close(true);
+ if(m_auto_detect)
+ {
+ if(!is_oriented(m_orientation))
+ {
+ m_orientation = (calc_polygon_area(m_src_vertices) > 0.0) ?
+ path_flags_ccw :
+ path_flags_cw;
+ }
+ }
+ if(is_oriented(m_orientation))
+ {
+ m_stroker.width(is_ccw(m_orientation) ? m_width : -m_width);
+ }
+ }
+ m_status = ready;
+ m_src_vertex = 0;
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ unsigned vcgen_contour::vertex(double* x, double* y)
+ {
+ unsigned cmd = path_cmd_line_to;
+ while(!is_stop(cmd))
+ {
+ switch(m_status)
+ {
+ case initial:
+ rewind(0);
+ case ready:
+ if(m_src_vertices.size() < 2 + unsigned(m_closed != 0))
+ {
+ cmd = path_cmd_stop;
+ break;
+ }
+ m_status = outline;
+ cmd = path_cmd_move_to;
+ m_src_vertex = 0;
+ m_out_vertex = 0;
+ case outline:
+ if(m_src_vertex >= m_src_vertices.size())
+ {
+ m_status = end_poly;
+ break;
+ }
+ m_stroker.calc_join(m_out_vertices,
+ m_src_vertices.prev(m_src_vertex),
+ m_src_vertices.curr(m_src_vertex),
+ m_src_vertices.next(m_src_vertex),
+ m_src_vertices.prev(m_src_vertex).dist,
+ m_src_vertices.curr(m_src_vertex).dist);
+ ++m_src_vertex;
+ m_status = out_vertices;
+ m_out_vertex = 0;
+ case out_vertices:
+ if(m_out_vertex >= m_out_vertices.size())
+ {
+ m_status = outline;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const point_d& c = m_out_vertices[m_out_vertex++];
+ *x = c.x;
+ *y = c.y;
+ return cmd;
+ }
+ break;
+ case end_poly:
+ if(!m_closed) return path_cmd_stop;
+ m_status = stop;
+ return path_cmd_end_poly | path_flags_close | path_flags_ccw;
+ case stop:
+ return path_cmd_stop;
+ }
+ }
+ return cmd;
+ }