path: root/contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/extern/agg24-svn/src/agg_trans_affine.cpp
diff options
authorshumkovnd <shumkovnd@yandex-team.com>2023-11-10 14:39:34 +0300
committershumkovnd <shumkovnd@yandex-team.com>2023-11-10 16:42:24 +0300
commit77eb2d3fdcec5c978c64e025ced2764c57c00285 (patch)
treec51edb0748ca8d4a08d7c7323312c27ba1a8b79a /contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/extern/agg24-svn/src/agg_trans_affine.cpp
parentdd6d20cadb65582270ac23f4b3b14ae189704b9d (diff)
KIKIMR-19287: add task_stats_drawing script
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/extern/agg24-svn/src/agg_trans_affine.cpp')
1 files changed, 194 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/extern/agg24-svn/src/agg_trans_affine.cpp b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/extern/agg24-svn/src/agg_trans_affine.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99febc953a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/extern/agg24-svn/src/agg_trans_affine.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+// Anti-Grain Geometry - Version 2.4
+// Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Maxim Shemanarev (http://www.antigrain.com)
+// Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software
+// is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies.
+// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
+// warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
+// Contact: mcseem@antigrain.com
+// mcseemagg@yahoo.com
+// http://www.antigrain.com
+// Affine transformations
+#include "agg_trans_affine.h"
+namespace agg
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const trans_affine& trans_affine::parl_to_parl(const double* src,
+ const double* dst)
+ {
+ sx = src[2] - src[0];
+ shy = src[3] - src[1];
+ shx = src[4] - src[0];
+ sy = src[5] - src[1];
+ tx = src[0];
+ ty = src[1];
+ invert();
+ multiply(trans_affine(dst[2] - dst[0], dst[3] - dst[1],
+ dst[4] - dst[0], dst[5] - dst[1],
+ dst[0], dst[1]));
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const trans_affine& trans_affine::rect_to_parl(double x1, double y1,
+ double x2, double y2,
+ const double* parl)
+ {
+ double src[6];
+ src[0] = x1; src[1] = y1;
+ src[2] = x2; src[3] = y1;
+ src[4] = x2; src[5] = y2;
+ parl_to_parl(src, parl);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const trans_affine& trans_affine::parl_to_rect(const double* parl,
+ double x1, double y1,
+ double x2, double y2)
+ {
+ double dst[6];
+ dst[0] = x1; dst[1] = y1;
+ dst[2] = x2; dst[3] = y1;
+ dst[4] = x2; dst[5] = y2;
+ parl_to_parl(parl, dst);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const trans_affine& trans_affine::multiply(const trans_affine& m)
+ {
+ double t0 = sx * m.sx + shy * m.shx;
+ double t2 = shx * m.sx + sy * m.shx;
+ double t4 = tx * m.sx + ty * m.shx + m.tx;
+ shy = sx * m.shy + shy * m.sy;
+ sy = shx * m.shy + sy * m.sy;
+ ty = tx * m.shy + ty * m.sy + m.ty;
+ sx = t0;
+ shx = t2;
+ tx = t4;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const trans_affine& trans_affine::invert()
+ {
+ double d = determinant_reciprocal();
+ double t0 = sy * d;
+ sy = sx * d;
+ shy = -shy * d;
+ shx = -shx * d;
+ double t4 = -tx * t0 - ty * shx;
+ ty = -tx * shy - ty * sy;
+ sx = t0;
+ tx = t4;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const trans_affine& trans_affine::flip_x()
+ {
+ sx = -sx;
+ shy = -shy;
+ tx = -tx;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const trans_affine& trans_affine::flip_y()
+ {
+ shx = -shx;
+ sy = -sy;
+ ty = -ty;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const trans_affine& trans_affine::reset()
+ {
+ sx = sy = 1.0;
+ shy = shx = tx = ty = 0.0;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool trans_affine::is_identity(double epsilon) const
+ {
+ return is_equal_eps(sx, 1.0, epsilon) &&
+ is_equal_eps(shy, 0.0, epsilon) &&
+ is_equal_eps(shx, 0.0, epsilon) &&
+ is_equal_eps(sy, 1.0, epsilon) &&
+ is_equal_eps(tx, 0.0, epsilon) &&
+ is_equal_eps(ty, 0.0, epsilon);
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool trans_affine::is_valid(double epsilon) const
+ {
+ return fabs(sx) > epsilon && fabs(sy) > epsilon;
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ bool trans_affine::is_equal(const trans_affine& m, double epsilon) const
+ {
+ return is_equal_eps(sx, m.sx, epsilon) &&
+ is_equal_eps(shy, m.shy, epsilon) &&
+ is_equal_eps(shx, m.shx, epsilon) &&
+ is_equal_eps(sy, m.sy, epsilon) &&
+ is_equal_eps(tx, m.tx, epsilon) &&
+ is_equal_eps(ty, m.ty, epsilon);
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ double trans_affine::rotation() const
+ {
+ double x1 = 0.0;
+ double y1 = 0.0;
+ double x2 = 1.0;
+ double y2 = 0.0;
+ transform(&x1, &y1);
+ transform(&x2, &y2);
+ return atan2(y2-y1, x2-x1);
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void trans_affine::translation(double* dx, double* dy) const
+ {
+ *dx = tx;
+ *dy = ty;
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void trans_affine::scaling(double* x, double* y) const
+ {
+ double x1 = 0.0;
+ double y1 = 0.0;
+ double x2 = 1.0;
+ double y2 = 1.0;
+ trans_affine t(*this);
+ t *= trans_affine_rotation(-rotation());
+ t.transform(&x1, &y1);
+ t.transform(&x2, &y2);
+ *x = x2 - x1;
+ *y = y2 - y1;
+ }