path: root/contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/extern/agg24-svn/include/agg_gradient_lut.h
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authormaxim-yurchuk <maxim-yurchuk@yandex-team.com>2024-10-09 12:29:46 +0300
committermaxim-yurchuk <maxim-yurchuk@yandex-team.com>2024-10-09 13:14:22 +0300
commit9731d8a4bb7ee2cc8554eaf133bb85498a4c7d80 (patch)
treea8fb3181d5947c0d78cf402aa56e686130179049 /contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/extern/agg24-svn/include/agg_gradient_lut.h
parenta44b779cd359f06c3ebbef4ec98c6b38609d9d85 (diff)
publishFullContrib: true for ydb
<HIDDEN_URL> commit_hash:c82a80ac4594723cebf2c7387dec9c60217f603e
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/extern/agg24-svn/include/agg_gradient_lut.h')
1 files changed, 244 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/extern/agg24-svn/include/agg_gradient_lut.h b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/extern/agg24-svn/include/agg_gradient_lut.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9aaa426815
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/matplotlib/py2/extern/agg24-svn/include/agg_gradient_lut.h
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+// Anti-Grain Geometry - Version 2.4
+// Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Maxim Shemanarev (http://www.antigrain.com)
+// Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software
+// is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies.
+// This software is provided "as is" without express or implied
+// warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
+// Contact: mcseem@antigrain.com
+// mcseemagg@yahoo.com
+// http://www.antigrain.com
+#include "agg_array.h"
+#include "agg_dda_line.h"
+#include "agg_color_rgba.h"
+#include "agg_color_gray.h"
+namespace agg
+ //======================================================color_interpolator
+ template<class ColorT> struct color_interpolator
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef ColorT color_type;
+ color_interpolator(const color_type& c1,
+ const color_type& c2,
+ unsigned len) :
+ m_c1(c1),
+ m_c2(c2),
+ m_len(len),
+ m_count(0)
+ {}
+ void operator ++ ()
+ {
+ ++m_count;
+ }
+ color_type color() const
+ {
+ return m_c1.gradient(m_c2, double(m_count) / m_len);
+ }
+ private:
+ color_type m_c1;
+ color_type m_c2;
+ unsigned m_len;
+ unsigned m_count;
+ };
+ //========================================================================
+ // Fast specialization for rgba8
+ template<> struct color_interpolator<rgba8>
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef rgba8 color_type;
+ color_interpolator(const color_type& c1,
+ const color_type& c2,
+ unsigned len) :
+ r(c1.r, c2.r, len),
+ g(c1.g, c2.g, len),
+ b(c1.b, c2.b, len),
+ a(c1.a, c2.a, len)
+ {}
+ void operator ++ ()
+ {
+ ++r; ++g; ++b; ++a;
+ }
+ color_type color() const
+ {
+ return color_type(r.y(), g.y(), b.y(), a.y());
+ }
+ private:
+ agg::dda_line_interpolator<14> r, g, b, a;
+ };
+ //========================================================================
+ // Fast specialization for gray8
+ template<> struct color_interpolator<gray8>
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef gray8 color_type;
+ color_interpolator(const color_type& c1,
+ const color_type& c2,
+ unsigned len) :
+ v(c1.v, c2.v, len),
+ a(c1.a, c2.a, len)
+ {}
+ void operator ++ ()
+ {
+ ++v; ++a;
+ }
+ color_type color() const
+ {
+ return color_type(v.y(), a.y());
+ }
+ private:
+ agg::dda_line_interpolator<14> v,a;
+ };
+ //============================================================gradient_lut
+ template<class ColorInterpolator,
+ unsigned ColorLutSize=256> class gradient_lut
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef ColorInterpolator interpolator_type;
+ typedef typename interpolator_type::color_type color_type;
+ enum { color_lut_size = ColorLutSize };
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ gradient_lut() : m_color_lut(color_lut_size) {}
+ // Build Gradient Lut
+ // First, call remove_all(), then add_color() at least twice,
+ // then build_lut(). Argument "offset" in add_color must be
+ // in range [0...1] and defines a color stop as it is described
+ // in SVG specification, section Gradients and Patterns.
+ // The simplest linear gradient is:
+ // gradient_lut.add_color(0.0, start_color);
+ // gradient_lut.add_color(1.0, end_color);
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void remove_all();
+ void add_color(double offset, const color_type& color);
+ void build_lut();
+ // Size-index Interface. This class can be used directly as the
+ // ColorF in span_gradient. All it needs is two access methods
+ // size() and operator [].
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ static unsigned size()
+ {
+ return color_lut_size;
+ }
+ const color_type& operator [] (unsigned i) const
+ {
+ return m_color_lut[i];
+ }
+ private:
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ struct color_point
+ {
+ double offset;
+ color_type color;
+ color_point() {}
+ color_point(double off, const color_type& c) :
+ offset(off), color(c)
+ {
+ if(offset < 0.0) offset = 0.0;
+ if(offset > 1.0) offset = 1.0;
+ }
+ };
+ typedef agg::pod_bvector<color_point, 4> color_profile_type;
+ typedef agg::pod_array<color_type> color_lut_type;
+ static bool offset_less(const color_point& a, const color_point& b)
+ {
+ return a.offset < b.offset;
+ }
+ static bool offset_equal(const color_point& a, const color_point& b)
+ {
+ return a.offset == b.offset;
+ }
+ //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ color_profile_type m_color_profile;
+ color_lut_type m_color_lut;
+ };
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template<class T, unsigned S>
+ void gradient_lut<T,S>::remove_all()
+ {
+ m_color_profile.remove_all();
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template<class T, unsigned S>
+ void gradient_lut<T,S>::add_color(double offset, const color_type& color)
+ {
+ m_color_profile.add(color_point(offset, color));
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ template<class T, unsigned S>
+ void gradient_lut<T,S>::build_lut()
+ {
+ quick_sort(m_color_profile, offset_less);
+ m_color_profile.cut_at(remove_duplicates(m_color_profile, offset_equal));
+ if(m_color_profile.size() >= 2)
+ {
+ unsigned i;
+ unsigned start = uround(m_color_profile[0].offset * color_lut_size);
+ unsigned end;
+ color_type c = m_color_profile[0].color;
+ for(i = 0; i < start; i++)
+ {
+ m_color_lut[i] = c;
+ }
+ for(i = 1; i < m_color_profile.size(); i++)
+ {
+ end = uround(m_color_profile[i].offset * color_lut_size);
+ interpolator_type ci(m_color_profile[i-1].color,
+ m_color_profile[i ].color,
+ end - start + 1);
+ while(start < end)
+ {
+ m_color_lut[start] = ci.color();
+ ++ci;
+ ++start;
+ }
+ }
+ c = m_color_profile.last().color;
+ for(; end < m_color_lut.size(); end++)
+ {
+ m_color_lut[end] = c;
+ }
+ }
+ }