path: root/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal
diff options
authornkozlovskiy <nmk@ydb.tech>2023-09-29 12:24:06 +0300
committernkozlovskiy <nmk@ydb.tech>2023-09-29 12:41:34 +0300
commite0e3e1717e3d33762ce61950504f9637a6e669ed (patch)
treebca3ff6939b10ed60c3d5c12439963a1146b9711 /contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal
parent38f2c5852db84c7b4d83adfcb009eb61541d1ccd (diff)
add ydb deps
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal')
24 files changed, 4994 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/__init__.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/__init__.py
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/console.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/console.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..65571a7572
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/console.py
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+Shim to maintain backwards compatibility with old IPython.terminal.console imports.
+# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
+# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
+import sys
+from warnings import warn
+from IPython.utils.shimmodule import ShimModule, ShimWarning
+warn("The `IPython.terminal.console` package has been deprecated since IPython 4.0. "
+ "You should import from jupyter_console instead.", ShimWarning)
+# Unconditionally insert the shim into sys.modules so that further import calls
+# trigger the custom attribute access above
+sys.modules['IPython.terminal.console'] = ShimModule(
+ src='IPython.terminal.console', mirror='jupyter_console')
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/debugger.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/debugger.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a0623c847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/debugger.py
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+import asyncio
+import os
+import sys
+from IPython.core.debugger import Pdb
+from IPython.core.completer import IPCompleter
+from .ptutils import IPythonPTCompleter
+from .shortcuts import create_ipython_shortcuts
+from . import embed
+from pathlib import Path
+from pygments.token import Token
+from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts.prompt import PromptSession
+from prompt_toolkit.enums import EditingMode
+from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import PygmentsTokens
+from prompt_toolkit.history import InMemoryHistory, FileHistory
+from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
+from prompt_toolkit import __version__ as ptk_version
+PTK3 = ptk_version.startswith('3.')
+# we want to avoid ptk as much as possible when using subprocesses
+# as it uses cursor positioning requests, deletes color ....
+_use_simple_prompt = "IPY_TEST_SIMPLE_PROMPT" in os.environ
+class TerminalPdb(Pdb):
+ """Standalone IPython debugger."""
+ def __init__(self, *args, pt_session_options=None, **kwargs):
+ Pdb.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ self._ptcomp = None
+ self.pt_init(pt_session_options)
+ self.thread_executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(1)
+ def pt_init(self, pt_session_options=None):
+ """Initialize the prompt session and the prompt loop
+ and store them in self.pt_app and self.pt_loop.
+ Additional keyword arguments for the PromptSession class
+ can be specified in pt_session_options.
+ """
+ if pt_session_options is None:
+ pt_session_options = {}
+ def get_prompt_tokens():
+ return [(Token.Prompt, self.prompt)]
+ if self._ptcomp is None:
+ compl = IPCompleter(
+ shell=self.shell, namespace={}, global_namespace={}, parent=self.shell
+ )
+ # add a completer for all the do_ methods
+ methods_names = [m[3:] for m in dir(self) if m.startswith("do_")]
+ def gen_comp(self, text):
+ return [m for m in methods_names if m.startswith(text)]
+ import types
+ newcomp = types.MethodType(gen_comp, compl)
+ compl.custom_matchers.insert(0, newcomp)
+ # end add completer.
+ self._ptcomp = IPythonPTCompleter(compl)
+ # setup history only when we start pdb
+ if self.shell.debugger_history is None:
+ if self.shell.debugger_history_file is not None:
+ p = Path(self.shell.debugger_history_file).expanduser()
+ if not p.exists():
+ p.touch()
+ self.debugger_history = FileHistory(os.path.expanduser(str(p)))
+ else:
+ self.debugger_history = InMemoryHistory()
+ else:
+ self.debugger_history = self.shell.debugger_history
+ options = dict(
+ message=(lambda: PygmentsTokens(get_prompt_tokens())),
+ editing_mode=getattr(EditingMode, self.shell.editing_mode.upper()),
+ key_bindings=create_ipython_shortcuts(self.shell),
+ history=self.debugger_history,
+ completer=self._ptcomp,
+ enable_history_search=True,
+ mouse_support=self.shell.mouse_support,
+ complete_style=self.shell.pt_complete_style,
+ style=getattr(self.shell, "style", None),
+ color_depth=self.shell.color_depth,
+ )
+ if not PTK3:
+ options['inputhook'] = self.shell.inputhook
+ options.update(pt_session_options)
+ if not _use_simple_prompt:
+ self.pt_loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
+ self.pt_app = PromptSession(**options)
+ def cmdloop(self, intro=None):
+ """Repeatedly issue a prompt, accept input, parse an initial prefix
+ off the received input, and dispatch to action methods, passing them
+ the remainder of the line as argument.
+ override the same methods from cmd.Cmd to provide prompt toolkit replacement.
+ """
+ if not self.use_rawinput:
+ raise ValueError('Sorry ipdb does not support use_rawinput=False')
+ # In order to make sure that prompt, which uses asyncio doesn't
+ # interfere with applications in which it's used, we always run the
+ # prompt itself in a different thread (we can't start an event loop
+ # within an event loop). This new thread won't have any event loop
+ # running, and here we run our prompt-loop.
+ self.preloop()
+ try:
+ if intro is not None:
+ self.intro = intro
+ if self.intro:
+ print(self.intro, file=self.stdout)
+ stop = None
+ while not stop:
+ if self.cmdqueue:
+ line = self.cmdqueue.pop(0)
+ else:
+ self._ptcomp.ipy_completer.namespace = self.curframe_locals
+ self._ptcomp.ipy_completer.global_namespace = self.curframe.f_globals
+ # Run the prompt in a different thread.
+ if not _use_simple_prompt:
+ try:
+ line = self.thread_executor.submit(
+ self.pt_app.prompt
+ ).result()
+ except EOFError:
+ line = "EOF"
+ else:
+ line = input("ipdb> ")
+ line = self.precmd(line)
+ stop = self.onecmd(line)
+ stop = self.postcmd(stop, line)
+ self.postloop()
+ except Exception:
+ raise
+ def do_interact(self, arg):
+ ipshell = embed.InteractiveShellEmbed(
+ config=self.shell.config,
+ banner1="*interactive*",
+ exit_msg="*exiting interactive console...*",
+ )
+ global_ns = self.curframe.f_globals
+ ipshell(
+ module=sys.modules.get(global_ns["__name__"], None),
+ local_ns=self.curframe_locals,
+ )
+def set_trace(frame=None):
+ """
+ Start debugging from `frame`.
+ If frame is not specified, debugging starts from caller's frame.
+ """
+ TerminalPdb().set_trace(frame or sys._getframe().f_back)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import pdb
+ # IPython.core.debugger.Pdb.trace_dispatch shall not catch
+ # bdb.BdbQuit. When started through __main__ and an exception
+ # happened after hitting "c", this is needed in order to
+ # be able to quit the debugging session (see #9950).
+ old_trace_dispatch = pdb.Pdb.trace_dispatch
+ pdb.Pdb = TerminalPdb # type: ignore
+ pdb.Pdb.trace_dispatch = old_trace_dispatch # type: ignore
+ pdb.main()
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/embed.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/embed.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ce5ee01ff1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/embed.py
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+An embedded IPython shell.
+# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
+# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
+import sys
+import warnings
+from IPython.core import ultratb, compilerop
+from IPython.core import magic_arguments
+from IPython.core.magic import Magics, magics_class, line_magic
+from IPython.core.interactiveshell import DummyMod, InteractiveShell
+from IPython.terminal.interactiveshell import TerminalInteractiveShell
+from IPython.terminal.ipapp import load_default_config
+from traitlets import Bool, CBool, Unicode
+from IPython.utils.io import ask_yes_no
+from typing import Set
+class KillEmbedded(Exception):pass
+# kept for backward compatibility as IPython 6 was released with
+# the typo. See https://github.com/ipython/ipython/pull/10706
+KillEmbeded = KillEmbedded
+# This is an additional magic that is exposed in embedded shells.
+class EmbeddedMagics(Magics):
+ @line_magic
+ @magic_arguments.magic_arguments()
+ @magic_arguments.argument('-i', '--instance', action='store_true',
+ help='Kill instance instead of call location')
+ @magic_arguments.argument('-x', '--exit', action='store_true',
+ help='Also exit the current session')
+ @magic_arguments.argument('-y', '--yes', action='store_true',
+ help='Do not ask confirmation')
+ def kill_embedded(self, parameter_s=''):
+ """%kill_embedded : deactivate for good the current embedded IPython
+ This function (after asking for confirmation) sets an internal flag so
+ that an embedded IPython will never activate again for the given call
+ location. This is useful to permanently disable a shell that is being
+ called inside a loop: once you've figured out what you needed from it,
+ you may then kill it and the program will then continue to run without
+ the interactive shell interfering again.
+ Kill Instance Option:
+ If for some reasons you need to kill the location where the instance
+ is created and not called, for example if you create a single
+ instance in one place and debug in many locations, you can use the
+ ``--instance`` option to kill this specific instance. Like for the
+ ``call location`` killing an "instance" should work even if it is
+ recreated within a loop.
+ .. note::
+ This was the default behavior before IPython 5.2
+ """
+ args = magic_arguments.parse_argstring(self.kill_embedded, parameter_s)
+ print(args)
+ if args.instance:
+ # let no ask
+ if not args.yes:
+ kill = ask_yes_no(
+ "Are you sure you want to kill this embedded instance? [y/N] ", 'n')
+ else:
+ kill = True
+ if kill:
+ self.shell._disable_init_location()
+ print("This embedded IPython instance will not reactivate anymore "
+ "once you exit.")
+ else:
+ if not args.yes:
+ kill = ask_yes_no(
+ "Are you sure you want to kill this embedded call_location? [y/N] ", 'n')
+ else:
+ kill = True
+ if kill:
+ self.shell.embedded_active = False
+ print("This embedded IPython call location will not reactivate anymore "
+ "once you exit.")
+ if args.exit:
+ # Ask-exit does not really ask, it just set internals flags to exit
+ # on next loop.
+ self.shell.ask_exit()
+ @line_magic
+ def exit_raise(self, parameter_s=''):
+ """%exit_raise Make the current embedded kernel exit and raise and exception.
+ This function sets an internal flag so that an embedded IPython will
+ raise a `IPython.terminal.embed.KillEmbedded` Exception on exit, and then exit the current I. This is
+ useful to permanently exit a loop that create IPython embed instance.
+ """
+ self.shell.should_raise = True
+ self.shell.ask_exit()
+class _Sentinel:
+ def __init__(self, repr):
+ assert isinstance(repr, str)
+ self.repr = repr
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return repr
+class InteractiveShellEmbed(TerminalInteractiveShell):
+ dummy_mode = Bool(False)
+ exit_msg = Unicode('')
+ embedded = CBool(True)
+ should_raise = CBool(False)
+ # Like the base class display_banner is not configurable, but here it
+ # is True by default.
+ display_banner = CBool(True)
+ exit_msg = Unicode()
+ # When embedding, by default we don't change the terminal title
+ term_title = Bool(False,
+ help="Automatically set the terminal title"
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ _inactive_locations: Set[str] = set()
+ def _disable_init_location(self):
+ """Disable the current Instance creation location"""
+ InteractiveShellEmbed._inactive_locations.add(self._init_location_id)
+ @property
+ def embedded_active(self):
+ return (self._call_location_id not in InteractiveShellEmbed._inactive_locations)\
+ and (self._init_location_id not in InteractiveShellEmbed._inactive_locations)
+ @embedded_active.setter
+ def embedded_active(self, value):
+ if value:
+ InteractiveShellEmbed._inactive_locations.discard(
+ self._call_location_id)
+ InteractiveShellEmbed._inactive_locations.discard(
+ self._init_location_id)
+ else:
+ InteractiveShellEmbed._inactive_locations.add(
+ self._call_location_id)
+ def __init__(self, **kw):
+ assert (
+ "user_global_ns" not in kw
+ ), "Key word argument `user_global_ns` has been replaced by `user_module` since IPython 4.0."
+ clid = kw.pop('_init_location_id', None)
+ if not clid:
+ frame = sys._getframe(1)
+ clid = '%s:%s' % (frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno)
+ self._init_location_id = clid
+ super(InteractiveShellEmbed,self).__init__(**kw)
+ # don't use the ipython crash handler so that user exceptions aren't
+ # trapped
+ sys.excepthook = ultratb.FormattedTB(color_scheme=self.colors,
+ mode=self.xmode,
+ call_pdb=self.pdb)
+ def init_sys_modules(self):
+ """
+ Explicitly overwrite :mod:`IPython.core.interactiveshell` to do nothing.
+ """
+ pass
+ def init_magics(self):
+ super(InteractiveShellEmbed, self).init_magics()
+ self.register_magics(EmbeddedMagics)
+ def __call__(
+ self,
+ header="",
+ local_ns=None,
+ module=None,
+ dummy=None,
+ stack_depth=1,
+ compile_flags=None,
+ **kw
+ ):
+ """Activate the interactive interpreter.
+ __call__(self,header='',local_ns=None,module=None,dummy=None) -> Start
+ the interpreter shell with the given local and global namespaces, and
+ optionally print a header string at startup.
+ The shell can be globally activated/deactivated using the
+ dummy_mode attribute. This allows you to turn off a shell used
+ for debugging globally.
+ However, *each* time you call the shell you can override the current
+ state of dummy_mode with the optional keyword parameter 'dummy'. For
+ example, if you set dummy mode on with IPShell.dummy_mode = True, you
+ can still have a specific call work by making it as IPShell(dummy=False).
+ """
+ # we are called, set the underlying interactiveshell not to exit.
+ self.keep_running = True
+ # If the user has turned it off, go away
+ clid = kw.pop('_call_location_id', None)
+ if not clid:
+ frame = sys._getframe(1)
+ clid = '%s:%s' % (frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno)
+ self._call_location_id = clid
+ if not self.embedded_active:
+ return
+ # Normal exits from interactive mode set this flag, so the shell can't
+ # re-enter (it checks this variable at the start of interactive mode).
+ self.exit_now = False
+ # Allow the dummy parameter to override the global __dummy_mode
+ if dummy or (dummy != 0 and self.dummy_mode):
+ return
+ # self.banner is auto computed
+ if header:
+ self.old_banner2 = self.banner2
+ self.banner2 = self.banner2 + '\n' + header + '\n'
+ else:
+ self.old_banner2 = ''
+ if self.display_banner:
+ self.show_banner()
+ # Call the embedding code with a stack depth of 1 so it can skip over
+ # our call and get the original caller's namespaces.
+ self.mainloop(
+ local_ns, module, stack_depth=stack_depth, compile_flags=compile_flags
+ )
+ self.banner2 = self.old_banner2
+ if self.exit_msg is not None:
+ print(self.exit_msg)
+ if self.should_raise:
+ raise KillEmbedded('Embedded IPython raising error, as user requested.')
+ def mainloop(
+ self,
+ local_ns=None,
+ module=None,
+ stack_depth=0,
+ compile_flags=None,
+ ):
+ """Embeds IPython into a running python program.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ local_ns, module
+ Working local namespace (a dict) and module (a module or similar
+ object). If given as None, they are automatically taken from the scope
+ where the shell was called, so that program variables become visible.
+ stack_depth : int
+ How many levels in the stack to go to looking for namespaces (when
+ local_ns or module is None). This allows an intermediate caller to
+ make sure that this function gets the namespace from the intended
+ level in the stack. By default (0) it will get its locals and globals
+ from the immediate caller.
+ compile_flags
+ A bit field identifying the __future__ features
+ that are enabled, as passed to the builtin :func:`compile` function.
+ If given as None, they are automatically taken from the scope where
+ the shell was called.
+ """
+ # Get locals and globals from caller
+ if ((local_ns is None or module is None or compile_flags is None)
+ and self.default_user_namespaces):
+ call_frame = sys._getframe(stack_depth).f_back
+ if local_ns is None:
+ local_ns = call_frame.f_locals
+ if module is None:
+ global_ns = call_frame.f_globals
+ try:
+ module = sys.modules[global_ns['__name__']]
+ except KeyError:
+ warnings.warn("Failed to get module %s" % \
+ global_ns.get('__name__', 'unknown module')
+ )
+ module = DummyMod()
+ module.__dict__ = global_ns
+ if compile_flags is None:
+ compile_flags = (call_frame.f_code.co_flags &
+ compilerop.PyCF_MASK)
+ # Save original namespace and module so we can restore them after
+ # embedding; otherwise the shell doesn't shut down correctly.
+ orig_user_module = self.user_module
+ orig_user_ns = self.user_ns
+ orig_compile_flags = self.compile.flags
+ # Update namespaces and fire up interpreter
+ # The global one is easy, we can just throw it in
+ if module is not None:
+ self.user_module = module
+ # But the user/local one is tricky: ipython needs it to store internal
+ # data, but we also need the locals. We'll throw our hidden variables
+ # like _ih and get_ipython() into the local namespace, but delete them
+ # later.
+ if local_ns is not None:
+ reentrant_local_ns = {k: v for (k, v) in local_ns.items() if k not in self.user_ns_hidden.keys()}
+ self.user_ns = reentrant_local_ns
+ self.init_user_ns()
+ # Compiler flags
+ if compile_flags is not None:
+ self.compile.flags = compile_flags
+ # make sure the tab-completer has the correct frame information, so it
+ # actually completes using the frame's locals/globals
+ self.set_completer_frame()
+ with self.builtin_trap, self.display_trap:
+ self.interact()
+ # now, purge out the local namespace of IPython's hidden variables.
+ if local_ns is not None:
+ local_ns.update({k: v for (k, v) in self.user_ns.items() if k not in self.user_ns_hidden.keys()})
+ # Restore original namespace so shell can shut down when we exit.
+ self.user_module = orig_user_module
+ self.user_ns = orig_user_ns
+ self.compile.flags = orig_compile_flags
+def embed(*, header="", compile_flags=None, **kwargs):
+ """Call this to embed IPython at the current point in your program.
+ The first invocation of this will create a :class:`terminal.embed.InteractiveShellEmbed`
+ instance and then call it. Consecutive calls just call the already
+ created instance.
+ If you don't want the kernel to initialize the namespace
+ from the scope of the surrounding function,
+ and/or you want to load full IPython configuration,
+ you probably want `IPython.start_ipython()` instead.
+ Here is a simple example::
+ from IPython import embed
+ a = 10
+ b = 20
+ embed(header='First time')
+ c = 30
+ d = 40
+ embed()
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ header : str
+ Optional header string to print at startup.
+ compile_flags
+ Passed to the `compile_flags` parameter of :py:meth:`terminal.embed.InteractiveShellEmbed.mainloop()`,
+ which is called when the :class:`terminal.embed.InteractiveShellEmbed` instance is called.
+ **kwargs : various, optional
+ Any other kwargs will be passed to the :class:`terminal.embed.InteractiveShellEmbed` constructor.
+ Full customization can be done by passing a traitlets :class:`Config` in as the
+ `config` argument (see :ref:`configure_start_ipython` and :ref:`terminal_options`).
+ """
+ config = kwargs.get('config')
+ if config is None:
+ config = load_default_config()
+ config.InteractiveShellEmbed = config.TerminalInteractiveShell
+ kwargs['config'] = config
+ using = kwargs.get('using', 'sync')
+ if using :
+ kwargs['config'].update({'TerminalInteractiveShell':{'loop_runner':using, 'colors':'NoColor', 'autoawait': using!='sync'}})
+ #save ps1/ps2 if defined
+ ps1 = None
+ ps2 = None
+ try:
+ ps1 = sys.ps1
+ ps2 = sys.ps2
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ #save previous instance
+ saved_shell_instance = InteractiveShell._instance
+ if saved_shell_instance is not None:
+ cls = type(saved_shell_instance)
+ cls.clear_instance()
+ frame = sys._getframe(1)
+ shell = InteractiveShellEmbed.instance(_init_location_id='%s:%s' % (
+ frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno), **kwargs)
+ shell(header=header, stack_depth=2, compile_flags=compile_flags,
+ _call_location_id='%s:%s' % (frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_lineno))
+ InteractiveShellEmbed.clear_instance()
+ #restore previous instance
+ if saved_shell_instance is not None:
+ cls = type(saved_shell_instance)
+ cls.clear_instance()
+ for subclass in cls._walk_mro():
+ subclass._instance = saved_shell_instance
+ if ps1 is not None:
+ sys.ps1 = ps1
+ sys.ps2 = ps2
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/interactiveshell.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/interactiveshell.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..75cf25ea66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/interactiveshell.py
@@ -0,0 +1,993 @@
+"""IPython terminal interface using prompt_toolkit"""
+import asyncio
+import os
+import sys
+from warnings import warn
+from typing import Union as UnionType
+from IPython.core.async_helpers import get_asyncio_loop
+from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell, InteractiveShellABC
+from IPython.utils.py3compat import input
+from IPython.utils.terminal import toggle_set_term_title, set_term_title, restore_term_title
+from IPython.utils.process import abbrev_cwd
+from traitlets import (
+ Bool,
+ Unicode,
+ Dict,
+ Integer,
+ List,
+ observe,
+ Instance,
+ Type,
+ default,
+ Enum,
+ Union,
+ Any,
+ validate,
+ Float,
+from prompt_toolkit.auto_suggest import AutoSuggestFromHistory
+from prompt_toolkit.enums import DEFAULT_BUFFER, EditingMode
+from prompt_toolkit.filters import HasFocus, Condition, IsDone
+from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import PygmentsTokens
+from prompt_toolkit.history import History
+from prompt_toolkit.layout.processors import ConditionalProcessor, HighlightMatchingBracketProcessor
+from prompt_toolkit.output import ColorDepth
+from prompt_toolkit.patch_stdout import patch_stdout
+from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts import PromptSession, CompleteStyle, print_formatted_text
+from prompt_toolkit.styles import DynamicStyle, merge_styles
+from prompt_toolkit.styles.pygments import style_from_pygments_cls, style_from_pygments_dict
+from prompt_toolkit import __version__ as ptk_version
+from pygments.styles import get_style_by_name
+from pygments.style import Style
+from pygments.token import Token
+from .debugger import TerminalPdb, Pdb
+from .magics import TerminalMagics
+from .pt_inputhooks import get_inputhook_name_and_func
+from .prompts import Prompts, ClassicPrompts, RichPromptDisplayHook
+from .ptutils import IPythonPTCompleter, IPythonPTLexer
+from .shortcuts import (
+ create_ipython_shortcuts,
+ create_identifier,
+ RuntimeBinding,
+ add_binding,
+from .shortcuts.filters import KEYBINDING_FILTERS, filter_from_string
+from .shortcuts.auto_suggest import (
+ NavigableAutoSuggestFromHistory,
+ AppendAutoSuggestionInAnyLine,
+PTK3 = ptk_version.startswith('3.')
+class _NoStyle(Style): pass
+_style_overrides_light_bg = {
+ Token.Prompt: '#ansibrightblue',
+ Token.PromptNum: '#ansiblue bold',
+ Token.OutPrompt: '#ansibrightred',
+ Token.OutPromptNum: '#ansired bold',
+_style_overrides_linux = {
+ Token.Prompt: '#ansibrightgreen',
+ Token.PromptNum: '#ansigreen bold',
+ Token.OutPrompt: '#ansibrightred',
+ Token.OutPromptNum: '#ansired bold',
+def get_default_editor():
+ try:
+ return os.environ['EDITOR']
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ except UnicodeError:
+ warn("$EDITOR environment variable is not pure ASCII. Using platform "
+ "default editor.")
+ if os.name == 'posix':
+ return 'vi' # the only one guaranteed to be there!
+ else:
+ return 'notepad' # same in Windows!
+# conservatively check for tty
+# overridden streams can result in things like:
+# - sys.stdin = None
+# - no isatty method
+for _name in ('stdin', 'stdout', 'stderr'):
+ _stream = getattr(sys, _name)
+ try:
+ if not _stream or not hasattr(_stream, "isatty") or not _stream.isatty():
+ _is_tty = False
+ break
+ except ValueError:
+ # stream is closed
+ _is_tty = False
+ break
+ _is_tty = True
+_use_simple_prompt = ('IPY_TEST_SIMPLE_PROMPT' in os.environ) or (not _is_tty)
+def black_reformat_handler(text_before_cursor):
+ """
+ We do not need to protect against error,
+ this is taken care at a higher level where any reformat error is ignored.
+ Indeed we may call reformatting on incomplete code.
+ """
+ import black
+ formatted_text = black.format_str(text_before_cursor, mode=black.FileMode())
+ if not text_before_cursor.endswith("\n") and formatted_text.endswith("\n"):
+ formatted_text = formatted_text[:-1]
+ return formatted_text
+def yapf_reformat_handler(text_before_cursor):
+ from yapf.yapflib import file_resources
+ from yapf.yapflib import yapf_api
+ style_config = file_resources.GetDefaultStyleForDir(os.getcwd())
+ formatted_text, was_formatted = yapf_api.FormatCode(
+ text_before_cursor, style_config=style_config
+ )
+ if was_formatted:
+ if not text_before_cursor.endswith("\n") and formatted_text.endswith("\n"):
+ formatted_text = formatted_text[:-1]
+ return formatted_text
+ else:
+ return text_before_cursor
+class PtkHistoryAdapter(History):
+ """
+ Prompt toolkit has it's own way of handling history, Where it assumes it can
+ Push/pull from history.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, shell):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.shell = shell
+ self._refresh()
+ def append_string(self, string):
+ # we rely on sql for that.
+ self._loaded = False
+ self._refresh()
+ def _refresh(self):
+ if not self._loaded:
+ self._loaded_strings = list(self.load_history_strings())
+ def load_history_strings(self):
+ last_cell = ""
+ res = []
+ for __, ___, cell in self.shell.history_manager.get_tail(
+ self.shell.history_load_length, include_latest=True
+ ):
+ # Ignore blank lines and consecutive duplicates
+ cell = cell.rstrip()
+ if cell and (cell != last_cell):
+ res.append(cell)
+ last_cell = cell
+ yield from res[::-1]
+ def store_string(self, string: str) -> None:
+ pass
+class TerminalInteractiveShell(InteractiveShell):
+ mime_renderers = Dict().tag(config=True)
+ space_for_menu = Integer(6, help='Number of line at the bottom of the screen '
+ 'to reserve for the tab completion menu, '
+ 'search history, ...etc, the height of '
+ 'these menus will at most this value. '
+ 'Increase it is you prefer long and skinny '
+ 'menus, decrease for short and wide.'
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ pt_app: UnionType[PromptSession, None] = None
+ auto_suggest: UnionType[
+ AutoSuggestFromHistory, NavigableAutoSuggestFromHistory, None
+ ] = None
+ debugger_history = None
+ debugger_history_file = Unicode(
+ "~/.pdbhistory", help="File in which to store and read history"
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ simple_prompt = Bool(_use_simple_prompt,
+ help="""Use `raw_input` for the REPL, without completion and prompt colors.
+ Useful when controlling IPython as a subprocess, and piping STDIN/OUT/ERR. Known usage are:
+ IPython own testing machinery, and emacs inferior-shell integration through elpy.
+ This mode default to `True` if the `IPY_TEST_SIMPLE_PROMPT`
+ environment variable is set, or the current terminal is not a tty."""
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ @property
+ def debugger_cls(self):
+ return Pdb if self.simple_prompt else TerminalPdb
+ confirm_exit = Bool(True,
+ help="""
+ Set to confirm when you try to exit IPython with an EOF (Control-D
+ in Unix, Control-Z/Enter in Windows). By typing 'exit' or 'quit',
+ you can force a direct exit without any confirmation.""",
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ editing_mode = Unicode('emacs',
+ help="Shortcut style to use at the prompt. 'vi' or 'emacs'.",
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ emacs_bindings_in_vi_insert_mode = Bool(
+ True,
+ help="Add shortcuts from 'emacs' insert mode to 'vi' insert mode.",
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ modal_cursor = Bool(
+ True,
+ help="""
+ Cursor shape changes depending on vi mode: beam in vi insert mode,
+ block in nav mode, underscore in replace mode.""",
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ ttimeoutlen = Float(
+ 0.01,
+ help="""The time in milliseconds that is waited for a key code
+ to complete.""",
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ timeoutlen = Float(
+ 0.5,
+ help="""The time in milliseconds that is waited for a mapped key
+ sequence to complete.""",
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ autoformatter = Unicode(
+ None,
+ help="Autoformatter to reformat Terminal code. Can be `'black'`, `'yapf'` or `None`",
+ allow_none=True
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ auto_match = Bool(
+ False,
+ help="""
+ Automatically add/delete closing bracket or quote when opening bracket or quote is entered/deleted.
+ Brackets: (), [], {}
+ Quotes: '', \"\"
+ """,
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ mouse_support = Bool(False,
+ help="Enable mouse support in the prompt\n(Note: prevents selecting text with the mouse)"
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ # We don't load the list of styles for the help string, because loading
+ # Pygments plugins takes time and can cause unexpected errors.
+ highlighting_style = Union([Unicode('legacy'), Type(klass=Style)],
+ help="""The name or class of a Pygments style to use for syntax
+ highlighting. To see available styles, run `pygmentize -L styles`."""
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ @validate('editing_mode')
+ def _validate_editing_mode(self, proposal):
+ if proposal['value'].lower() == 'vim':
+ proposal['value']= 'vi'
+ elif proposal['value'].lower() == 'default':
+ proposal['value']= 'emacs'
+ if hasattr(EditingMode, proposal['value'].upper()):
+ return proposal['value'].lower()
+ return self.editing_mode
+ @observe('editing_mode')
+ def _editing_mode(self, change):
+ if self.pt_app:
+ self.pt_app.editing_mode = getattr(EditingMode, change.new.upper())
+ def _set_formatter(self, formatter):
+ if formatter is None:
+ self.reformat_handler = lambda x:x
+ elif formatter == 'black':
+ self.reformat_handler = black_reformat_handler
+ elif formatter == "yapf":
+ self.reformat_handler = yapf_reformat_handler
+ else:
+ raise ValueError
+ @observe("autoformatter")
+ def _autoformatter_changed(self, change):
+ formatter = change.new
+ self._set_formatter(formatter)
+ @observe('highlighting_style')
+ @observe('colors')
+ def _highlighting_style_changed(self, change):
+ self.refresh_style()
+ def refresh_style(self):
+ self._style = self._make_style_from_name_or_cls(self.highlighting_style)
+ highlighting_style_overrides = Dict(
+ help="Override highlighting format for specific tokens"
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ true_color = Bool(False,
+ help="""Use 24bit colors instead of 256 colors in prompt highlighting.
+ If your terminal supports true color, the following command should
+ print ``TRUECOLOR`` in orange::
+ printf \"\\x1b[38;2;255;100;0mTRUECOLOR\\x1b[0m\\n\"
+ """,
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ editor = Unicode(get_default_editor(),
+ help="Set the editor used by IPython (default to $EDITOR/vi/notepad)."
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ prompts_class = Type(Prompts, help='Class used to generate Prompt token for prompt_toolkit').tag(config=True)
+ prompts = Instance(Prompts)
+ @default('prompts')
+ def _prompts_default(self):
+ return self.prompts_class(self)
+# @observe('prompts')
+# def _(self, change):
+# self._update_layout()
+ @default('displayhook_class')
+ def _displayhook_class_default(self):
+ return RichPromptDisplayHook
+ term_title = Bool(True,
+ help="Automatically set the terminal title"
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ term_title_format = Unicode("IPython: {cwd}",
+ help="Customize the terminal title format. This is a python format string. " +
+ "Available substitutions are: {cwd}."
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ display_completions = Enum(('column', 'multicolumn','readlinelike'),
+ help= ( "Options for displaying tab completions, 'column', 'multicolumn', and "
+ "'readlinelike'. These options are for `prompt_toolkit`, see "
+ "`prompt_toolkit` documentation for more information."
+ ),
+ default_value='multicolumn').tag(config=True)
+ highlight_matching_brackets = Bool(True,
+ help="Highlight matching brackets.",
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ extra_open_editor_shortcuts = Bool(False,
+ help="Enable vi (v) or Emacs (C-X C-E) shortcuts to open an external editor. "
+ "This is in addition to the F2 binding, which is always enabled."
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ handle_return = Any(None,
+ help="Provide an alternative handler to be called when the user presses "
+ "Return. This is an advanced option intended for debugging, which "
+ "may be changed or removed in later releases."
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ enable_history_search = Bool(True,
+ help="Allows to enable/disable the prompt toolkit history search"
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ autosuggestions_provider = Unicode(
+ "NavigableAutoSuggestFromHistory",
+ help="Specifies from which source automatic suggestions are provided. "
+ "Can be set to ``'NavigableAutoSuggestFromHistory'`` (:kbd:`up` and "
+ ":kbd:`down` swap suggestions), ``'AutoSuggestFromHistory'``, "
+ " or ``None`` to disable automatic suggestions. "
+ "Default is `'NavigableAutoSuggestFromHistory`'.",
+ allow_none=True,
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ def _set_autosuggestions(self, provider):
+ # disconnect old handler
+ if self.auto_suggest and isinstance(
+ self.auto_suggest, NavigableAutoSuggestFromHistory
+ ):
+ self.auto_suggest.disconnect()
+ if provider is None:
+ self.auto_suggest = None
+ elif provider == "AutoSuggestFromHistory":
+ self.auto_suggest = AutoSuggestFromHistory()
+ elif provider == "NavigableAutoSuggestFromHistory":
+ self.auto_suggest = NavigableAutoSuggestFromHistory()
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("No valid provider.")
+ if self.pt_app:
+ self.pt_app.auto_suggest = self.auto_suggest
+ @observe("autosuggestions_provider")
+ def _autosuggestions_provider_changed(self, change):
+ provider = change.new
+ self._set_autosuggestions(provider)
+ shortcuts = List(
+ trait=Dict(
+ key_trait=Enum(
+ [
+ "command",
+ "match_keys",
+ "match_filter",
+ "new_keys",
+ "new_filter",
+ "create",
+ ]
+ ),
+ per_key_traits={
+ "command": Unicode(),
+ "match_keys": List(Unicode()),
+ "match_filter": Unicode(),
+ "new_keys": List(Unicode()),
+ "new_filter": Unicode(),
+ "create": Bool(False),
+ },
+ ),
+ help="""Add, disable or modifying shortcuts.
+ Each entry on the list should be a dictionary with ``command`` key
+ identifying the target function executed by the shortcut and at least
+ one of the following:
+ - ``match_keys``: list of keys used to match an existing shortcut,
+ - ``match_filter``: shortcut filter used to match an existing shortcut,
+ - ``new_keys``: list of keys to set,
+ - ``new_filter``: a new shortcut filter to set
+ The filters have to be composed of pre-defined verbs and joined by one
+ of the following conjunctions: ``&`` (and), ``|`` (or), ``~`` (not).
+ The pre-defined verbs are:
+ {}
+ To disable a shortcut set ``new_keys`` to an empty list.
+ To add a shortcut add key ``create`` with value ``True``.
+ When modifying/disabling shortcuts, ``match_keys``/``match_filter`` can
+ be omitted if the provided specification uniquely identifies a shortcut
+ to be modified/disabled. When modifying a shortcut ``new_filter`` or
+ ``new_keys`` can be omitted which will result in reuse of the existing
+ filter/keys.
+ Only shortcuts defined in IPython (and not default prompt-toolkit
+ shortcuts) can be modified or disabled. The full list of shortcuts,
+ command identifiers and filters is available under
+ :ref:`terminal-shortcuts-list`.
+ """.format(
+ "\n ".join([f"- `{k}`" for k in KEYBINDING_FILTERS])
+ ),
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ @observe("shortcuts")
+ def _shortcuts_changed(self, change):
+ if self.pt_app:
+ self.pt_app.key_bindings = self._merge_shortcuts(user_shortcuts=change.new)
+ def _merge_shortcuts(self, user_shortcuts):
+ # rebuild the bindings list from scratch
+ key_bindings = create_ipython_shortcuts(self)
+ # for now we only allow adding shortcuts for commands which are already
+ # registered; this is a security precaution.
+ known_commands = {
+ create_identifier(binding.command): binding.command
+ for binding in KEY_BINDINGS
+ }
+ shortcuts_to_skip = []
+ shortcuts_to_add = []
+ for shortcut in user_shortcuts:
+ command_id = shortcut["command"]
+ if command_id not in known_commands:
+ allowed_commands = "\n - ".join(known_commands)
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"{command_id} is not a known shortcut command."
+ f" Allowed commands are: \n - {allowed_commands}"
+ )
+ old_keys = shortcut.get("match_keys", None)
+ old_filter = (
+ filter_from_string(shortcut["match_filter"])
+ if "match_filter" in shortcut
+ else None
+ )
+ matching = [
+ binding
+ for binding in KEY_BINDINGS
+ if (
+ (old_filter is None or binding.filter == old_filter)
+ and (old_keys is None or [k for k in binding.keys] == old_keys)
+ and create_identifier(binding.command) == command_id
+ )
+ ]
+ new_keys = shortcut.get("new_keys", None)
+ new_filter = shortcut.get("new_filter", None)
+ command = known_commands[command_id]
+ creating_new = shortcut.get("create", False)
+ modifying_existing = not creating_new and (
+ new_keys is not None or new_filter
+ )
+ if creating_new and new_keys == []:
+ raise ValueError("Cannot add a shortcut without keys")
+ if modifying_existing:
+ specification = {
+ key: shortcut[key]
+ for key in ["command", "filter"]
+ if key in shortcut
+ }
+ if len(matching) == 0:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"No shortcuts matching {specification} found in {KEY_BINDINGS}"
+ )
+ elif len(matching) > 1:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Multiple shortcuts matching {specification} found,"
+ f" please add keys/filter to select one of: {matching}"
+ )
+ matched = matching[0]
+ old_filter = matched.filter
+ old_keys = list(matched.keys)
+ shortcuts_to_skip.append(
+ RuntimeBinding(
+ command,
+ keys=old_keys,
+ filter=old_filter,
+ )
+ )
+ if new_keys != []:
+ shortcuts_to_add.append(
+ RuntimeBinding(
+ command,
+ keys=new_keys or old_keys,
+ filter=filter_from_string(new_filter)
+ if new_filter is not None
+ else (
+ old_filter
+ if old_filter is not None
+ else filter_from_string("always")
+ ),
+ )
+ )
+ # rebuild the bindings list from scratch
+ key_bindings = create_ipython_shortcuts(self, skip=shortcuts_to_skip)
+ for binding in shortcuts_to_add:
+ add_binding(key_bindings, binding)
+ return key_bindings
+ prompt_includes_vi_mode = Bool(True,
+ help="Display the current vi mode (when using vi editing mode)."
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ @observe('term_title')
+ def init_term_title(self, change=None):
+ # Enable or disable the terminal title.
+ if self.term_title and _is_tty:
+ toggle_set_term_title(True)
+ set_term_title(self.term_title_format.format(cwd=abbrev_cwd()))
+ else:
+ toggle_set_term_title(False)
+ def restore_term_title(self):
+ if self.term_title and _is_tty:
+ restore_term_title()
+ def init_display_formatter(self):
+ super(TerminalInteractiveShell, self).init_display_formatter()
+ # terminal only supports plain text
+ self.display_formatter.active_types = ["text/plain"]
+ def init_prompt_toolkit_cli(self):
+ if self.simple_prompt:
+ # Fall back to plain non-interactive output for tests.
+ # This is very limited.
+ def prompt():
+ prompt_text = "".join(x[1] for x in self.prompts.in_prompt_tokens())
+ lines = [input(prompt_text)]
+ prompt_continuation = "".join(x[1] for x in self.prompts.continuation_prompt_tokens())
+ while self.check_complete('\n'.join(lines))[0] == 'incomplete':
+ lines.append( input(prompt_continuation) )
+ return '\n'.join(lines)
+ self.prompt_for_code = prompt
+ return
+ # Set up keyboard shortcuts
+ key_bindings = self._merge_shortcuts(user_shortcuts=self.shortcuts)
+ # Pre-populate history from IPython's history database
+ history = PtkHistoryAdapter(self)
+ self._style = self._make_style_from_name_or_cls(self.highlighting_style)
+ self.style = DynamicStyle(lambda: self._style)
+ editing_mode = getattr(EditingMode, self.editing_mode.upper())
+ self.pt_loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
+ self.pt_app = PromptSession(
+ auto_suggest=self.auto_suggest,
+ editing_mode=editing_mode,
+ key_bindings=key_bindings,
+ history=history,
+ completer=IPythonPTCompleter(shell=self),
+ enable_history_search=self.enable_history_search,
+ style=self.style,
+ include_default_pygments_style=False,
+ mouse_support=self.mouse_support,
+ enable_open_in_editor=self.extra_open_editor_shortcuts,
+ color_depth=self.color_depth,
+ tempfile_suffix=".py",
+ **self._extra_prompt_options(),
+ )
+ if isinstance(self.auto_suggest, NavigableAutoSuggestFromHistory):
+ self.auto_suggest.connect(self.pt_app)
+ def _make_style_from_name_or_cls(self, name_or_cls):
+ """
+ Small wrapper that make an IPython compatible style from a style name
+ We need that to add style for prompt ... etc.
+ """
+ style_overrides = {}
+ if name_or_cls == 'legacy':
+ legacy = self.colors.lower()
+ if legacy == 'linux':
+ style_cls = get_style_by_name('monokai')
+ style_overrides = _style_overrides_linux
+ elif legacy == 'lightbg':
+ style_overrides = _style_overrides_light_bg
+ style_cls = get_style_by_name('pastie')
+ elif legacy == 'neutral':
+ # The default theme needs to be visible on both a dark background
+ # and a light background, because we can't tell what the terminal
+ # looks like. These tweaks to the default theme help with that.
+ style_cls = get_style_by_name('default')
+ style_overrides.update({
+ Token.Number: '#ansigreen',
+ Token.Operator: 'noinherit',
+ Token.String: '#ansiyellow',
+ Token.Name.Function: '#ansiblue',
+ Token.Name.Class: 'bold #ansiblue',
+ Token.Name.Namespace: 'bold #ansiblue',
+ Token.Name.Variable.Magic: '#ansiblue',
+ Token.Prompt: '#ansigreen',
+ Token.PromptNum: '#ansibrightgreen bold',
+ Token.OutPrompt: '#ansired',
+ Token.OutPromptNum: '#ansibrightred bold',
+ })
+ # Hack: Due to limited color support on the Windows console
+ # the prompt colors will be wrong without this
+ if os.name == 'nt':
+ style_overrides.update({
+ Token.Prompt: '#ansidarkgreen',
+ Token.PromptNum: '#ansigreen bold',
+ Token.OutPrompt: '#ansidarkred',
+ Token.OutPromptNum: '#ansired bold',
+ })
+ elif legacy =='nocolor':
+ style_cls=_NoStyle
+ style_overrides = {}
+ else :
+ raise ValueError('Got unknown colors: ', legacy)
+ else :
+ if isinstance(name_or_cls, str):
+ style_cls = get_style_by_name(name_or_cls)
+ else:
+ style_cls = name_or_cls
+ style_overrides = {
+ Token.Prompt: '#ansigreen',
+ Token.PromptNum: '#ansibrightgreen bold',
+ Token.OutPrompt: '#ansired',
+ Token.OutPromptNum: '#ansibrightred bold',
+ }
+ style_overrides.update(self.highlighting_style_overrides)
+ style = merge_styles([
+ style_from_pygments_cls(style_cls),
+ style_from_pygments_dict(style_overrides),
+ ])
+ return style
+ @property
+ def pt_complete_style(self):
+ return {
+ 'multicolumn': CompleteStyle.MULTI_COLUMN,
+ 'column': CompleteStyle.COLUMN,
+ 'readlinelike': CompleteStyle.READLINE_LIKE,
+ }[self.display_completions]
+ @property
+ def color_depth(self):
+ return (ColorDepth.TRUE_COLOR if self.true_color else None)
+ def _extra_prompt_options(self):
+ """
+ Return the current layout option for the current Terminal InteractiveShell
+ """
+ def get_message():
+ return PygmentsTokens(self.prompts.in_prompt_tokens())
+ if self.editing_mode == 'emacs':
+ # with emacs mode the prompt is (usually) static, so we call only
+ # the function once. With VI mode it can toggle between [ins] and
+ # [nor] so we can't precompute.
+ # here I'm going to favor the default keybinding which almost
+ # everybody uses to decrease CPU usage.
+ # if we have issues with users with custom Prompts we can see how to
+ # work around this.
+ get_message = get_message()
+ options = {
+ "complete_in_thread": False,
+ "lexer": IPythonPTLexer(),
+ "reserve_space_for_menu": self.space_for_menu,
+ "message": get_message,
+ "prompt_continuation": (
+ lambda width, lineno, is_soft_wrap: PygmentsTokens(
+ self.prompts.continuation_prompt_tokens(width)
+ )
+ ),
+ "multiline": True,
+ "complete_style": self.pt_complete_style,
+ "input_processors": [
+ # Highlight matching brackets, but only when this setting is
+ # enabled, and only when the DEFAULT_BUFFER has the focus.
+ ConditionalProcessor(
+ processor=HighlightMatchingBracketProcessor(chars="[](){}"),
+ filter=HasFocus(DEFAULT_BUFFER)
+ & ~IsDone()
+ & Condition(lambda: self.highlight_matching_brackets),
+ ),
+ # Show auto-suggestion in lines other than the last line.
+ ConditionalProcessor(
+ processor=AppendAutoSuggestionInAnyLine(),
+ filter=HasFocus(DEFAULT_BUFFER)
+ & ~IsDone()
+ & Condition(
+ lambda: isinstance(
+ self.auto_suggest, NavigableAutoSuggestFromHistory
+ )
+ ),
+ ),
+ ],
+ }
+ if not PTK3:
+ options['inputhook'] = self.inputhook
+ return options
+ def prompt_for_code(self):
+ if self.rl_next_input:
+ default = self.rl_next_input
+ self.rl_next_input = None
+ else:
+ default = ''
+ # In order to make sure that asyncio code written in the
+ # interactive shell doesn't interfere with the prompt, we run the
+ # prompt in a different event loop.
+ # If we don't do this, people could spawn coroutine with a
+ # while/true inside which will freeze the prompt.
+ policy = asyncio.get_event_loop_policy()
+ old_loop = get_asyncio_loop()
+ # FIXME: prompt_toolkit is using the deprecated `asyncio.get_event_loop`
+ # to get the current event loop.
+ # This will probably be replaced by an attribute or input argument,
+ # at which point we can stop calling the soon-to-be-deprecated `set_event_loop` here.
+ if old_loop is not self.pt_loop:
+ policy.set_event_loop(self.pt_loop)
+ try:
+ with patch_stdout(raw=True):
+ text = self.pt_app.prompt(
+ default=default,
+ **self._extra_prompt_options())
+ finally:
+ # Restore the original event loop.
+ if old_loop is not None and old_loop is not self.pt_loop:
+ policy.set_event_loop(old_loop)
+ return text
+ def enable_win_unicode_console(self):
+ # Since IPython 7.10 doesn't support python < 3.6 and PEP 528, Python uses the unicode APIs for the Windows
+ # console by default, so WUC shouldn't be needed.
+ warn("`enable_win_unicode_console` is deprecated since IPython 7.10, does not do anything and will be removed in the future",
+ DeprecationWarning,
+ stacklevel=2)
+ def init_io(self):
+ if sys.platform not in {'win32', 'cli'}:
+ return
+ import colorama
+ colorama.init()
+ def init_magics(self):
+ super(TerminalInteractiveShell, self).init_magics()
+ self.register_magics(TerminalMagics)
+ def init_alias(self):
+ # The parent class defines aliases that can be safely used with any
+ # frontend.
+ super(TerminalInteractiveShell, self).init_alias()
+ # Now define aliases that only make sense on the terminal, because they
+ # need direct access to the console in a way that we can't emulate in
+ # GUI or web frontend
+ if os.name == 'posix':
+ for cmd in ('clear', 'more', 'less', 'man'):
+ self.alias_manager.soft_define_alias(cmd, cmd)
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
+ super(TerminalInteractiveShell, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ self._set_autosuggestions(self.autosuggestions_provider)
+ self.init_prompt_toolkit_cli()
+ self.init_term_title()
+ self.keep_running = True
+ self._set_formatter(self.autoformatter)
+ def ask_exit(self):
+ self.keep_running = False
+ rl_next_input = None
+ def interact(self):
+ self.keep_running = True
+ while self.keep_running:
+ print(self.separate_in, end='')
+ try:
+ code = self.prompt_for_code()
+ except EOFError:
+ if (not self.confirm_exit) \
+ or self.ask_yes_no('Do you really want to exit ([y]/n)?','y','n'):
+ self.ask_exit()
+ else:
+ if code:
+ self.run_cell(code, store_history=True)
+ def mainloop(self):
+ # An extra layer of protection in case someone mashing Ctrl-C breaks
+ # out of our internal code.
+ while True:
+ try:
+ self.interact()
+ break
+ except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
+ print("\n%s escaped interact()\n" % type(e).__name__)
+ finally:
+ # An interrupt during the eventloop will mess up the
+ # internal state of the prompt_toolkit library.
+ # Stopping the eventloop fixes this, see
+ # https://github.com/ipython/ipython/pull/9867
+ if hasattr(self, '_eventloop'):
+ self._eventloop.stop()
+ self.restore_term_title()
+ # try to call some at-exit operation optimistically as some things can't
+ # be done during interpreter shutdown. this is technically inaccurate as
+ # this make mainlool not re-callable, but that should be a rare if not
+ # in existent use case.
+ self._atexit_once()
+ _inputhook = None
+ def inputhook(self, context):
+ if self._inputhook is not None:
+ self._inputhook(context)
+ active_eventloop = None
+ def enable_gui(self, gui=None):
+ if self._inputhook is None and gui is None:
+ print("No event loop hook running.")
+ return
+ if self._inputhook is not None and gui is not None:
+ print(
+ f"Shell is already running a gui event loop for {self.active_eventloop}. "
+ "Call with no arguments to disable the current loop."
+ )
+ return
+ if self._inputhook is not None and gui is None:
+ self.active_eventloop = self._inputhook = None
+ if gui and (gui not in {"inline", "webagg"}):
+ # This hook runs with each cycle of the `prompt_toolkit`'s event loop.
+ self.active_eventloop, self._inputhook = get_inputhook_name_and_func(gui)
+ else:
+ self.active_eventloop = self._inputhook = None
+ # For prompt_toolkit 3.0. We have to create an asyncio event loop with
+ # this inputhook.
+ if PTK3:
+ import asyncio
+ from prompt_toolkit.eventloop import new_eventloop_with_inputhook
+ if gui == 'asyncio':
+ # When we integrate the asyncio event loop, run the UI in the
+ # same event loop as the rest of the code. don't use an actual
+ # input hook. (Asyncio is not made for nesting event loops.)
+ self.pt_loop = get_asyncio_loop()
+ print("Installed asyncio event loop hook.")
+ elif self._inputhook:
+ # If an inputhook was set, create a new asyncio event loop with
+ # this inputhook for the prompt.
+ self.pt_loop = new_eventloop_with_inputhook(self._inputhook)
+ print(f"Installed {self.active_eventloop} event loop hook.")
+ else:
+ # When there's no inputhook, run the prompt in a separate
+ # asyncio event loop.
+ self.pt_loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
+ print("GUI event loop hook disabled.")
+ # Run !system commands directly, not through pipes, so terminal programs
+ # work correctly.
+ system = InteractiveShell.system_raw
+ def auto_rewrite_input(self, cmd):
+ """Overridden from the parent class to use fancy rewriting prompt"""
+ if not self.show_rewritten_input:
+ return
+ tokens = self.prompts.rewrite_prompt_tokens()
+ if self.pt_app:
+ print_formatted_text(PygmentsTokens(tokens), end='',
+ style=self.pt_app.app.style)
+ print(cmd)
+ else:
+ prompt = ''.join(s for t, s in tokens)
+ print(prompt, cmd, sep='')
+ _prompts_before = None
+ def switch_doctest_mode(self, mode):
+ """Switch prompts to classic for %doctest_mode"""
+ if mode:
+ self._prompts_before = self.prompts
+ self.prompts = ClassicPrompts(self)
+ elif self._prompts_before:
+ self.prompts = self._prompts_before
+ self._prompts_before = None
+# self._update_layout()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ TerminalInteractiveShell.instance().interact()
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/ipapp.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/ipapp.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6280bce3b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/ipapp.py
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# encoding: utf-8
+The :class:`~traitlets.config.application.Application` object for the command
+line :command:`ipython` program.
+# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
+# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
+import logging
+import os
+import sys
+import warnings
+from traitlets.config.loader import Config
+from traitlets.config.application import boolean_flag, catch_config_error
+from IPython.core import release
+from IPython.core import usage
+from IPython.core.completer import IPCompleter
+from IPython.core.crashhandler import CrashHandler
+from IPython.core.formatters import PlainTextFormatter
+from IPython.core.history import HistoryManager
+from IPython.core.application import (
+ ProfileDir, BaseIPythonApplication, base_flags, base_aliases
+from IPython.core.magic import MagicsManager
+from IPython.core.magics import (
+ ScriptMagics, LoggingMagics
+from IPython.core.shellapp import (
+ InteractiveShellApp, shell_flags, shell_aliases
+from IPython.extensions.storemagic import StoreMagics
+from .interactiveshell import TerminalInteractiveShell
+from IPython.paths import get_ipython_dir
+from traitlets import (
+ Bool, List, default, observe, Type
+# Globals, utilities and helpers
+_examples = """
+ipython --matplotlib # enable matplotlib integration
+ipython --matplotlib=qt # enable matplotlib integration with qt4 backend
+ipython --log-level=DEBUG # set logging to DEBUG
+ipython --profile=foo # start with profile foo
+ipython profile create foo # create profile foo w/ default config files
+ipython help profile # show the help for the profile subcmd
+ipython locate # print the path to the IPython directory
+ipython locate profile foo # print the path to the directory for profile `foo`
+# Crash handler for this application
+class IPAppCrashHandler(CrashHandler):
+ """sys.excepthook for IPython itself, leaves a detailed report on disk."""
+ def __init__(self, app):
+ contact_name = release.author
+ contact_email = release.author_email
+ bug_tracker = 'https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues'
+ super(IPAppCrashHandler,self).__init__(
+ app, contact_name, contact_email, bug_tracker
+ )
+ def make_report(self,traceback):
+ """Return a string containing a crash report."""
+ sec_sep = self.section_sep
+ # Start with parent report
+ report = [super(IPAppCrashHandler, self).make_report(traceback)]
+ # Add interactive-specific info we may have
+ rpt_add = report.append
+ try:
+ rpt_add(sec_sep+"History of session input:")
+ for line in self.app.shell.user_ns['_ih']:
+ rpt_add(line)
+ rpt_add('\n*** Last line of input (may not be in above history):\n')
+ rpt_add(self.app.shell._last_input_line+'\n')
+ except:
+ pass
+ return ''.join(report)
+# Aliases and Flags
+flags = dict(base_flags)
+frontend_flags = {}
+addflag = lambda *args: frontend_flags.update(boolean_flag(*args))
+addflag('autoedit-syntax', 'TerminalInteractiveShell.autoedit_syntax',
+ 'Turn on auto editing of files with syntax errors.',
+ 'Turn off auto editing of files with syntax errors.'
+addflag('simple-prompt', 'TerminalInteractiveShell.simple_prompt',
+ "Force simple minimal prompt using `raw_input`",
+ "Use a rich interactive prompt with prompt_toolkit",
+addflag('banner', 'TerminalIPythonApp.display_banner',
+ "Display a banner upon starting IPython.",
+ "Don't display a banner upon starting IPython."
+addflag('confirm-exit', 'TerminalInteractiveShell.confirm_exit',
+ """Set to confirm when you try to exit IPython with an EOF (Control-D
+ in Unix, Control-Z/Enter in Windows). By typing 'exit' or 'quit',
+ you can force a direct exit without any confirmation.""",
+ "Don't prompt the user when exiting."
+addflag('term-title', 'TerminalInteractiveShell.term_title',
+ "Enable auto setting the terminal title.",
+ "Disable auto setting the terminal title."
+classic_config = Config()
+classic_config.InteractiveShell.cache_size = 0
+classic_config.PlainTextFormatter.pprint = False
+classic_config.InteractiveShell.separate_in = ''
+classic_config.InteractiveShell.separate_out = ''
+classic_config.InteractiveShell.separate_out2 = ''
+classic_config.InteractiveShell.colors = 'NoColor'
+classic_config.InteractiveShell.xmode = 'Plain'
+ classic_config,
+ "Gives IPython a similar feel to the classic Python prompt."
+# # log doesn't make so much sense this way anymore
+# paa('--log','-l',
+# action='store_true', dest='InteractiveShell.logstart',
+# help="Start logging to the default log file (./ipython_log.py).")
+# # quick is harder to implement
+ {'TerminalIPythonApp' : {'quick' : True}},
+ "Enable quick startup with no config files."
+frontend_flags['i'] = (
+ {'TerminalIPythonApp' : {'force_interact' : True}},
+ """If running code from the command line, become interactive afterwards.
+ It is often useful to follow this with `--` to treat remaining flags as
+ script arguments.
+ """
+aliases = dict(base_aliases)
+aliases.update(shell_aliases) # type: ignore[arg-type]
+# Main classes and functions
+class LocateIPythonApp(BaseIPythonApplication):
+ description = """print the path to the IPython dir"""
+ subcommands = dict(
+ profile=('IPython.core.profileapp.ProfileLocate',
+ "print the path to an IPython profile directory",
+ ),
+ )
+ def start(self):
+ if self.subapp is not None:
+ return self.subapp.start()
+ else:
+ print(self.ipython_dir)
+class TerminalIPythonApp(BaseIPythonApplication, InteractiveShellApp):
+ name = u'ipython'
+ description = usage.cl_usage
+ crash_handler_class = IPAppCrashHandler # typing: ignore[assignment]
+ examples = _examples
+ flags = flags
+ aliases = aliases
+ classes = List()
+ interactive_shell_class = Type(
+ klass=object, # use default_value otherwise which only allow subclasses.
+ default_value=TerminalInteractiveShell,
+ help="Class to use to instantiate the TerminalInteractiveShell object. Useful for custom Frontends"
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ @default('classes')
+ def _classes_default(self):
+ """This has to be in a method, for TerminalIPythonApp to be available."""
+ return [
+ InteractiveShellApp, # ShellApp comes before TerminalApp, because
+ self.__class__, # it will also affect subclasses (e.g. QtConsole)
+ TerminalInteractiveShell,
+ HistoryManager,
+ MagicsManager,
+ ProfileDir,
+ PlainTextFormatter,
+ IPCompleter,
+ ScriptMagics,
+ LoggingMagics,
+ StoreMagics,
+ ]
+ subcommands = dict(
+ profile = ("IPython.core.profileapp.ProfileApp",
+ "Create and manage IPython profiles."
+ ),
+ kernel = ("ipykernel.kernelapp.IPKernelApp",
+ "Start a kernel without an attached frontend."
+ ),
+ locate=('IPython.terminal.ipapp.LocateIPythonApp',
+ LocateIPythonApp.description
+ ),
+ history=('IPython.core.historyapp.HistoryApp',
+ "Manage the IPython history database."
+ ),
+ )
+ # *do* autocreate requested profile, but don't create the config file.
+ auto_create=Bool(True)
+ # configurables
+ quick = Bool(False,
+ help="""Start IPython quickly by skipping the loading of config files."""
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ @observe('quick')
+ def _quick_changed(self, change):
+ if change['new']:
+ self.load_config_file = lambda *a, **kw: None
+ display_banner = Bool(True,
+ help="Whether to display a banner upon starting IPython."
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ # if there is code of files to run from the cmd line, don't interact
+ # unless the --i flag (App.force_interact) is true.
+ force_interact = Bool(False,
+ help="""If a command or file is given via the command-line,
+ e.g. 'ipython foo.py', start an interactive shell after executing the
+ file or command."""
+ ).tag(config=True)
+ @observe('force_interact')
+ def _force_interact_changed(self, change):
+ if change['new']:
+ self.interact = True
+ @observe('file_to_run', 'code_to_run', 'module_to_run')
+ def _file_to_run_changed(self, change):
+ new = change['new']
+ if new:
+ self.something_to_run = True
+ if new and not self.force_interact:
+ self.interact = False
+ # internal, not-configurable
+ something_to_run=Bool(False)
+ @catch_config_error
+ def initialize(self, argv=None):
+ """Do actions after construct, but before starting the app."""
+ super(TerminalIPythonApp, self).initialize(argv)
+ if self.subapp is not None:
+ # don't bother initializing further, starting subapp
+ return
+ # print self.extra_args
+ if self.extra_args and not self.something_to_run:
+ self.file_to_run = self.extra_args[0]
+ self.init_path()
+ # create the shell
+ self.init_shell()
+ # and draw the banner
+ self.init_banner()
+ # Now a variety of things that happen after the banner is printed.
+ self.init_gui_pylab()
+ self.init_extensions()
+ self.init_code()
+ def init_shell(self):
+ """initialize the InteractiveShell instance"""
+ # Create an InteractiveShell instance.
+ # shell.display_banner should always be False for the terminal
+ # based app, because we call shell.show_banner() by hand below
+ # so the banner shows *before* all extension loading stuff.
+ self.shell = self.interactive_shell_class.instance(parent=self,
+ profile_dir=self.profile_dir,
+ ipython_dir=self.ipython_dir, user_ns=self.user_ns)
+ self.shell.configurables.append(self)
+ def init_banner(self):
+ """optionally display the banner"""
+ if self.display_banner and self.interact:
+ self.shell.show_banner()
+ # Make sure there is a space below the banner.
+ if self.log_level <= logging.INFO: print()
+ def _pylab_changed(self, name, old, new):
+ """Replace --pylab='inline' with --pylab='auto'"""
+ if new == 'inline':
+ warnings.warn("'inline' not available as pylab backend, "
+ "using 'auto' instead.")
+ self.pylab = 'auto'
+ def start(self):
+ if self.subapp is not None:
+ return self.subapp.start()
+ # perform any prexec steps:
+ if self.interact:
+ self.log.debug("Starting IPython's mainloop...")
+ self.shell.mainloop()
+ else:
+ self.log.debug("IPython not interactive...")
+ self.shell.restore_term_title()
+ if not self.shell.last_execution_succeeded:
+ sys.exit(1)
+def load_default_config(ipython_dir=None):
+ """Load the default config file from the default ipython_dir.
+ This is useful for embedded shells.
+ """
+ if ipython_dir is None:
+ ipython_dir = get_ipython_dir()
+ profile_dir = os.path.join(ipython_dir, 'profile_default')
+ app = TerminalIPythonApp()
+ app.config_file_paths.append(profile_dir)
+ app.load_config_file()
+ return app.config
+launch_new_instance = TerminalIPythonApp.launch_instance
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ launch_new_instance()
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/magics.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/magics.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cea53e4a24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/magics.py
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
+"""Extra magics for terminal use."""
+# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
+# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
+from logging import error
+import os
+import sys
+from IPython.core.error import TryNext, UsageError
+from IPython.core.magic import Magics, magics_class, line_magic
+from IPython.lib.clipboard import ClipboardEmpty
+from IPython.testing.skipdoctest import skip_doctest
+from IPython.utils.text import SList, strip_email_quotes
+from IPython.utils import py3compat
+def get_pasted_lines(sentinel, l_input=py3compat.input, quiet=False):
+ """ Yield pasted lines until the user enters the given sentinel value.
+ """
+ if not quiet:
+ print("Pasting code; enter '%s' alone on the line to stop or use Ctrl-D." \
+ % sentinel)
+ prompt = ":"
+ else:
+ prompt = ""
+ while True:
+ try:
+ l = l_input(prompt)
+ if l == sentinel:
+ return
+ else:
+ yield l
+ except EOFError:
+ print('<EOF>')
+ return
+class TerminalMagics(Magics):
+ def __init__(self, shell):
+ super(TerminalMagics, self).__init__(shell)
+ def store_or_execute(self, block, name, store_history=False):
+ """ Execute a block, or store it in a variable, per the user's request.
+ """
+ if name:
+ # If storing it for further editing
+ self.shell.user_ns[name] = SList(block.splitlines())
+ print("Block assigned to '%s'" % name)
+ else:
+ b = self.preclean_input(block)
+ self.shell.user_ns['pasted_block'] = b
+ self.shell.using_paste_magics = True
+ try:
+ self.shell.run_cell(b, store_history)
+ finally:
+ self.shell.using_paste_magics = False
+ def preclean_input(self, block):
+ lines = block.splitlines()
+ while lines and not lines[0].strip():
+ lines = lines[1:]
+ return strip_email_quotes('\n'.join(lines))
+ def rerun_pasted(self, name='pasted_block'):
+ """ Rerun a previously pasted command.
+ """
+ b = self.shell.user_ns.get(name)
+ # Sanity checks
+ if b is None:
+ raise UsageError('No previous pasted block available')
+ if not isinstance(b, str):
+ raise UsageError(
+ "Variable 'pasted_block' is not a string, can't execute")
+ print("Re-executing '%s...' (%d chars)"% (b.split('\n',1)[0], len(b)))
+ self.shell.run_cell(b)
+ @line_magic
+ def autoindent(self, parameter_s = ''):
+ """Toggle autoindent on/off (deprecated)"""
+ self.shell.set_autoindent()
+ print("Automatic indentation is:",['OFF','ON'][self.shell.autoindent])
+ @skip_doctest
+ @line_magic
+ def cpaste(self, parameter_s=''):
+ """Paste & execute a pre-formatted code block from clipboard.
+ You must terminate the block with '--' (two minus-signs) or Ctrl-D
+ alone on the line. You can also provide your own sentinel with '%paste
+ -s %%' ('%%' is the new sentinel for this operation).
+ The block is dedented prior to execution to enable execution of method
+ definitions. '>' and '+' characters at the beginning of a line are
+ ignored, to allow pasting directly from e-mails, diff files and
+ doctests (the '...' continuation prompt is also stripped). The
+ executed block is also assigned to variable named 'pasted_block' for
+ later editing with '%edit pasted_block'.
+ You can also pass a variable name as an argument, e.g. '%cpaste foo'.
+ This assigns the pasted block to variable 'foo' as string, without
+ dedenting or executing it (preceding >>> and + is still stripped)
+ '%cpaste -r' re-executes the block previously entered by cpaste.
+ '%cpaste -q' suppresses any additional output messages.
+ Do not be alarmed by garbled output on Windows (it's a readline bug).
+ Just press enter and type -- (and press enter again) and the block
+ will be what was just pasted.
+ Shell escapes are not supported (yet).
+ See Also
+ --------
+ paste : automatically pull code from clipboard.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ ::
+ In [8]: %cpaste
+ Pasting code; enter '--' alone on the line to stop.
+ :>>> a = ["world!", "Hello"]
+ :>>> print(" ".join(sorted(a)))
+ :--
+ Hello world!
+ ::
+ In [8]: %cpaste
+ Pasting code; enter '--' alone on the line to stop.
+ :>>> %alias_magic t timeit
+ :>>> %t -n1 pass
+ :--
+ Created `%t` as an alias for `%timeit`.
+ Created `%%t` as an alias for `%%timeit`.
+ 354 ns ± 224 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
+ """
+ opts, name = self.parse_options(parameter_s, 'rqs:', mode='string')
+ if 'r' in opts:
+ self.rerun_pasted()
+ return
+ quiet = ('q' in opts)
+ sentinel = opts.get('s', u'--')
+ block = '\n'.join(get_pasted_lines(sentinel, quiet=quiet))
+ self.store_or_execute(block, name, store_history=True)
+ @line_magic
+ def paste(self, parameter_s=''):
+ """Paste & execute a pre-formatted code block from clipboard.
+ The text is pulled directly from the clipboard without user
+ intervention and printed back on the screen before execution (unless
+ the -q flag is given to force quiet mode).
+ The block is dedented prior to execution to enable execution of method
+ definitions. '>' and '+' characters at the beginning of a line are
+ ignored, to allow pasting directly from e-mails, diff files and
+ doctests (the '...' continuation prompt is also stripped). The
+ executed block is also assigned to variable named 'pasted_block' for
+ later editing with '%edit pasted_block'.
+ You can also pass a variable name as an argument, e.g. '%paste foo'.
+ This assigns the pasted block to variable 'foo' as string, without
+ executing it (preceding >>> and + is still stripped).
+ Options:
+ -r: re-executes the block previously entered by cpaste.
+ -q: quiet mode: do not echo the pasted text back to the terminal.
+ IPython statements (magics, shell escapes) are not supported (yet).
+ See Also
+ --------
+ cpaste : manually paste code into terminal until you mark its end.
+ """
+ opts, name = self.parse_options(parameter_s, 'rq', mode='string')
+ if 'r' in opts:
+ self.rerun_pasted()
+ return
+ try:
+ block = self.shell.hooks.clipboard_get()
+ except TryNext as clipboard_exc:
+ message = getattr(clipboard_exc, 'args')
+ if message:
+ error(message[0])
+ else:
+ error('Could not get text from the clipboard.')
+ return
+ except ClipboardEmpty as e:
+ raise UsageError("The clipboard appears to be empty") from e
+ # By default, echo back to terminal unless quiet mode is requested
+ if 'q' not in opts:
+ sys.stdout.write(self.shell.pycolorize(block))
+ if not block.endswith("\n"):
+ sys.stdout.write("\n")
+ sys.stdout.write("## -- End pasted text --\n")
+ self.store_or_execute(block, name, store_history=True)
+ # Class-level: add a '%cls' magic only on Windows
+ if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ @line_magic
+ def cls(self, s):
+ """Clear screen.
+ """
+ os.system("cls")
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/prompts.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/prompts.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f5c07b980
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/prompts.py
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+"""Terminal input and output prompts."""
+from pygments.token import Token
+import sys
+from IPython.core.displayhook import DisplayHook
+from prompt_toolkit.formatted_text import fragment_list_width, PygmentsTokens
+from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts import print_formatted_text
+from prompt_toolkit.enums import EditingMode
+class Prompts(object):
+ def __init__(self, shell):
+ self.shell = shell
+ def vi_mode(self):
+ if (getattr(self.shell.pt_app, 'editing_mode', None) == EditingMode.VI
+ and self.shell.prompt_includes_vi_mode):
+ mode = str(self.shell.pt_app.app.vi_state.input_mode)
+ if mode.startswith('InputMode.'):
+ mode = mode[10:13].lower()
+ elif mode.startswith('vi-'):
+ mode = mode[3:6]
+ return '['+mode+'] '
+ return ''
+ def in_prompt_tokens(self):
+ return [
+ (Token.Prompt, self.vi_mode() ),
+ (Token.Prompt, 'In ['),
+ (Token.PromptNum, str(self.shell.execution_count)),
+ (Token.Prompt, ']: '),
+ ]
+ def _width(self):
+ return fragment_list_width(self.in_prompt_tokens())
+ def continuation_prompt_tokens(self, width=None):
+ if width is None:
+ width = self._width()
+ return [
+ (Token.Prompt, (' ' * (width - 5)) + '...: '),
+ ]
+ def rewrite_prompt_tokens(self):
+ width = self._width()
+ return [
+ (Token.Prompt, ('-' * (width - 2)) + '> '),
+ ]
+ def out_prompt_tokens(self):
+ return [
+ (Token.OutPrompt, 'Out['),
+ (Token.OutPromptNum, str(self.shell.execution_count)),
+ (Token.OutPrompt, ']: '),
+ ]
+class ClassicPrompts(Prompts):
+ def in_prompt_tokens(self):
+ return [
+ (Token.Prompt, '>>> '),
+ ]
+ def continuation_prompt_tokens(self, width=None):
+ return [
+ (Token.Prompt, '... ')
+ ]
+ def rewrite_prompt_tokens(self):
+ return []
+ def out_prompt_tokens(self):
+ return []
+class RichPromptDisplayHook(DisplayHook):
+ """Subclass of base display hook using coloured prompt"""
+ def write_output_prompt(self):
+ sys.stdout.write(self.shell.separate_out)
+ # If we're not displaying a prompt, it effectively ends with a newline,
+ # because the output will be left-aligned.
+ self.prompt_end_newline = True
+ if self.do_full_cache:
+ tokens = self.shell.prompts.out_prompt_tokens()
+ prompt_txt = ''.join(s for t, s in tokens)
+ if prompt_txt and not prompt_txt.endswith('\n'):
+ # Ask for a newline before multiline output
+ self.prompt_end_newline = False
+ if self.shell.pt_app:
+ print_formatted_text(PygmentsTokens(tokens),
+ style=self.shell.pt_app.app.style, end='',
+ )
+ else:
+ sys.stdout.write(prompt_txt)
+ def write_format_data(self, format_dict, md_dict=None) -> None:
+ if self.shell.mime_renderers:
+ for mime, handler in self.shell.mime_renderers.items():
+ if mime in format_dict:
+ handler(format_dict[mime], None)
+ return
+ super().write_format_data(format_dict, md_dict)
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/__init__.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9043f15e86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+import importlib
+import os
+aliases = {
+ 'qt4': 'qt',
+ 'gtk2': 'gtk',
+backends = [
+ "qt",
+ "qt5",
+ "qt6",
+ "gtk",
+ "gtk2",
+ "gtk3",
+ "gtk4",
+ "tk",
+ "wx",
+ "pyglet",
+ "glut",
+ "osx",
+ "asyncio",
+registered = {}
+def register(name, inputhook):
+ """Register the function *inputhook* as an event loop integration."""
+ registered[name] = inputhook
+class UnknownBackend(KeyError):
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ self.name = name
+ def __str__(self):
+ return ("No event loop integration for {!r}. "
+ "Supported event loops are: {}").format(self.name,
+ ', '.join(backends + sorted(registered)))
+def set_qt_api(gui):
+ """Sets the `QT_API` environment variable if it isn't already set."""
+ qt_api = os.environ.get("QT_API", None)
+ from IPython.external.qt_loaders import (
+ loaded_api,
+ )
+ loaded = loaded_api()
+ qt_env2gui = {
+ QT_API_PYSIDE: "qt4",
+ QT_API_PYQTv1: "qt4",
+ QT_API_PYQT: "qt4",
+ QT_API_PYSIDE2: "qt5",
+ QT_API_PYQT5: "qt5",
+ QT_API_PYSIDE6: "qt6",
+ QT_API_PYQT6: "qt6",
+ }
+ if loaded is not None and gui != "qt":
+ if qt_env2gui[loaded] != gui:
+ print(
+ f"Cannot switch Qt versions for this session; will use {qt_env2gui[loaded]}."
+ )
+ return qt_env2gui[loaded]
+ if qt_api is not None and gui != "qt":
+ if qt_env2gui[qt_api] != gui:
+ print(
+ f'Request for "{gui}" will be ignored because `QT_API` '
+ f'environment variable is set to "{qt_api}"'
+ )
+ return qt_env2gui[qt_api]
+ else:
+ if gui == "qt5":
+ try:
+ import PyQt5 # noqa
+ os.environ["QT_API"] = "pyqt5"
+ except ImportError:
+ try:
+ import PySide2 # noqa
+ os.environ["QT_API"] = "pyside2"
+ except ImportError:
+ os.environ["QT_API"] = "pyqt5"
+ elif gui == "qt6":
+ try:
+ import PyQt6 # noqa
+ os.environ["QT_API"] = "pyqt6"
+ except ImportError:
+ try:
+ import PySide6 # noqa
+ os.environ["QT_API"] = "pyside6"
+ except ImportError:
+ os.environ["QT_API"] = "pyqt6"
+ elif gui == "qt":
+ # Don't set QT_API; let IPython logic choose the version.
+ if "QT_API" in os.environ.keys():
+ del os.environ["QT_API"]
+ else:
+ print(f'Unrecognized Qt version: {gui}. Should be "qt5", "qt6", or "qt".')
+ return
+ # Import it now so we can figure out which version it is.
+ from IPython.external.qt_for_kernel import QT_API
+ return qt_env2gui[QT_API]
+def get_inputhook_name_and_func(gui):
+ if gui in registered:
+ return gui, registered[gui]
+ if gui not in backends:
+ raise UnknownBackend(gui)
+ if gui in aliases:
+ return get_inputhook_name_and_func(aliases[gui])
+ gui_mod = gui
+ if gui.startswith("qt"):
+ gui = set_qt_api(gui)
+ gui_mod = "qt"
+ mod = importlib.import_module("IPython.terminal.pt_inputhooks." + gui_mod)
+ return gui, mod.inputhook
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/asyncio.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/asyncio.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d2499e11e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/asyncio.py
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+Inputhook for running the original asyncio event loop while we're waiting for
+By default, in IPython, we run the prompt with a different asyncio event loop,
+because otherwise we risk that people are freezing the prompt by scheduling bad
+coroutines. E.g., a coroutine that does a while/true and never yield back
+control to the loop. We can't cancel that.
+However, sometimes we want the asyncio loop to keep running while waiting for
+a prompt.
+The following example will print the numbers from 1 to 10 above the prompt,
+while we are waiting for input. (This works also because we use
+prompt_toolkit`s `patch_stdout`)::
+ In [1]: import asyncio
+ In [2]: %gui asyncio
+ In [3]: async def f():
+ ...: for i in range(10):
+ ...: await asyncio.sleep(1)
+ ...: print(i)
+ In [4]: asyncio.ensure_future(f())
+from prompt_toolkit import __version__ as ptk_version
+from IPython.core.async_helpers import get_asyncio_loop
+PTK3 = ptk_version.startswith("3.")
+def inputhook(context):
+ """
+ Inputhook for asyncio event loop integration.
+ """
+ # For prompt_toolkit 3.0, this input hook literally doesn't do anything.
+ # The event loop integration here is implemented in `interactiveshell.py`
+ # by running the prompt itself in the current asyncio loop. The main reason
+ # for this is that nesting asyncio event loops is unreliable.
+ if PTK3:
+ return
+ # For prompt_toolkit 2.0, we can run the current asyncio event loop,
+ # because prompt_toolkit 2.0 uses a different event loop internally.
+ # get the persistent asyncio event loop
+ loop = get_asyncio_loop()
+ def stop():
+ loop.stop()
+ fileno = context.fileno()
+ loop.add_reader(fileno, stop)
+ try:
+ loop.run_forever()
+ finally:
+ loop.remove_reader(fileno)
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/glut.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/glut.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..835aadfc97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/glut.py
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+"""GLUT Input hook for interactive use with prompt_toolkit
+# GLUT is quite an old library and it is difficult to ensure proper
+# integration within IPython since original GLUT does not allow to handle
+# events one by one. Instead, it requires for the mainloop to be entered
+# and never returned (there is not even a function to exit he
+# mainloop). Fortunately, there are alternatives such as freeglut
+# (available for linux and windows) and the OSX implementation gives
+# access to a glutCheckLoop() function that blocks itself until a new
+# event is received. This means we have to setup the idle callback to
+# ensure we got at least one event that will unblock the function.
+# Furthermore, it is not possible to install these handlers without a window
+# being first created. We choose to make this window invisible. This means that
+# display mode options are set at this level and user won't be able to change
+# them later without modifying the code. This should probably be made available
+# via IPython options system.
+import sys
+import time
+import signal
+import OpenGL.GLUT as glut
+import OpenGL.platform as platform
+from timeit import default_timer as clock
+# Frame per second : 60
+# Should probably be an IPython option
+glut_fps = 60
+# Display mode : double buffeed + rgba + depth
+# Should probably be an IPython option
+glut_display_mode = (glut.GLUT_DOUBLE |
+ glut.GLUT_RGBA |
+ glut.GLUT_DEPTH)
+glutMainLoopEvent = None
+if sys.platform == 'darwin':
+ try:
+ glutCheckLoop = platform.createBaseFunction(
+ 'glutCheckLoop', dll=platform.GLUT, resultType=None,
+ argTypes=[],
+ doc='glutCheckLoop( ) -> None',
+ argNames=(),
+ )
+ except AttributeError as e:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ '''Your glut implementation does not allow interactive sessions. '''
+ '''Consider installing freeglut.''') from e
+ glutMainLoopEvent = glutCheckLoop
+elif glut.HAVE_FREEGLUT:
+ glutMainLoopEvent = glut.glutMainLoopEvent
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ '''Your glut implementation does not allow interactive sessions. '''
+ '''Consider installing freeglut.''')
+def glut_display():
+ # Dummy display function
+ pass
+def glut_idle():
+ # Dummy idle function
+ pass
+def glut_close():
+ # Close function only hides the current window
+ glut.glutHideWindow()
+ glutMainLoopEvent()
+def glut_int_handler(signum, frame):
+ # Catch sigint and print the defaultipyt message
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.default_int_handler)
+ print('\nKeyboardInterrupt')
+ # Need to reprint the prompt at this stage
+# Initialisation code
+glut.glutInit( sys.argv )
+glut.glutInitDisplayMode( glut_display_mode )
+# This is specific to freeglut
+if bool(glut.glutSetOption):
+ glut.glutSetOption( glut.GLUT_ACTION_ON_WINDOW_CLOSE,
+glut.glutCreateWindow( b'ipython' )
+glut.glutReshapeWindow( 1, 1 )
+glut.glutHideWindow( )
+glut.glutWMCloseFunc( glut_close )
+glut.glutDisplayFunc( glut_display )
+glut.glutIdleFunc( glut_idle )
+def inputhook(context):
+ """Run the pyglet event loop by processing pending events only.
+ This keeps processing pending events until stdin is ready. After
+ processing all pending events, a call to time.sleep is inserted. This is
+ needed, otherwise, CPU usage is at 100%. This sleep time should be tuned
+ though for best performance.
+ """
+ # We need to protect against a user pressing Control-C when IPython is
+ # idle and this is running. We trap KeyboardInterrupt and pass.
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, glut_int_handler)
+ try:
+ t = clock()
+ # Make sure the default window is set after a window has been closed
+ if glut.glutGetWindow() == 0:
+ glut.glutSetWindow( 1 )
+ glutMainLoopEvent()
+ return 0
+ while not context.input_is_ready():
+ glutMainLoopEvent()
+ # We need to sleep at this point to keep the idle CPU load
+ # low. However, if sleep to long, GUI response is poor. As
+ # a compromise, we watch how often GUI events are being processed
+ # and switch between a short and long sleep time. Here are some
+ # stats useful in helping to tune this.
+ # time CPU load
+ # 0.001 13%
+ # 0.005 3%
+ # 0.01 1.5%
+ # 0.05 0.5%
+ used_time = clock() - t
+ if used_time > 10.0:
+ # print 'Sleep for 1 s' # dbg
+ time.sleep(1.0)
+ elif used_time > 0.1:
+ # Few GUI events coming in, so we can sleep longer
+ # print 'Sleep for 0.05 s' # dbg
+ time.sleep(0.05)
+ else:
+ # Many GUI events coming in, so sleep only very little
+ time.sleep(0.001)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ pass
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/gtk.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/gtk.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5c201b65d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/gtk.py
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+# Code borrowed from python-prompt-toolkit examples
+# https://github.com/jonathanslenders/python-prompt-toolkit/blob/77cdcfbc7f4b4c34a9d2f9a34d422d7152f16209/examples/inputhook.py
+# Copyright (c) 2014, Jonathan Slenders
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+# are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
+# list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
+# list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
+# other materials provided with the distribution.
+# * Neither the name of the {organization} nor the names of its
+# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+# this software without specific prior written permission.
+PyGTK input hook for prompt_toolkit.
+Listens on the pipe prompt_toolkit sets up for a notification that it should
+return control to the terminal event loop.
+import gtk, gobject
+# Enable threading in GTK. (Otherwise, GTK will keep the GIL.)
+def inputhook(context):
+ """
+ When the eventloop of prompt-toolkit is idle, call this inputhook.
+ This will run the GTK main loop until the file descriptor
+ `context.fileno()` becomes ready.
+ :param context: An `InputHookContext` instance.
+ """
+ def _main_quit(*a, **kw):
+ gtk.main_quit()
+ return False
+ gobject.io_add_watch(context.fileno(), gobject.IO_IN, _main_quit)
+ gtk.main()
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/gtk3.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/gtk3.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b073bd94d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/gtk3.py
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+"""prompt_toolkit input hook for GTK 3
+from gi.repository import Gtk, GLib
+def _main_quit(*args, **kwargs):
+ Gtk.main_quit()
+ return False
+def inputhook(context):
+ GLib.io_add_watch(context.fileno(), GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, GLib.IO_IN, _main_quit)
+ Gtk.main()
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/gtk4.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/gtk4.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..009fbf1212
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/gtk4.py
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+prompt_toolkit input hook for GTK 4.
+from gi.repository import GLib
+class _InputHook:
+ def __init__(self, context):
+ self._quit = False
+ GLib.io_add_watch(
+ context.fileno(), GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, GLib.IO_IN, self.quit
+ )
+ def quit(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ self._quit = True
+ return False
+ def run(self):
+ context = GLib.MainContext.default()
+ while not self._quit:
+ context.iteration(True)
+def inputhook(context):
+ hook = _InputHook(context)
+ hook.run()
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/osx.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/osx.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2754820efc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/osx.py
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+"""Inputhook for OS X
+Calls NSApp / CoreFoundation APIs via ctypes.
+# obj-c boilerplate from appnope, used under BSD 2-clause
+import ctypes
+import ctypes.util
+from threading import Event
+objc = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(ctypes.util.find_library("objc")) # type: ignore
+void_p = ctypes.c_void_p
+objc.objc_getClass.restype = void_p
+objc.sel_registerName.restype = void_p
+objc.objc_msgSend.restype = void_p
+objc.objc_msgSend.argtypes = [void_p, void_p]
+msg = objc.objc_msgSend
+def _utf8(s):
+ """ensure utf8 bytes"""
+ if not isinstance(s, bytes):
+ s = s.encode('utf8')
+ return s
+def n(name):
+ """create a selector name (for ObjC methods)"""
+ return objc.sel_registerName(_utf8(name))
+def C(classname):
+ """get an ObjC Class by name"""
+ return objc.objc_getClass(_utf8(classname))
+# end obj-c boilerplate from appnope
+# CoreFoundation C-API calls we will use:
+CoreFoundation = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(ctypes.util.find_library("CoreFoundation")) # type: ignore
+CFFileDescriptorCreate = CoreFoundation.CFFileDescriptorCreate
+CFFileDescriptorCreate.restype = void_p
+CFFileDescriptorCreate.argtypes = [void_p, ctypes.c_int, ctypes.c_bool, void_p, void_p]
+CFFileDescriptorGetNativeDescriptor = CoreFoundation.CFFileDescriptorGetNativeDescriptor
+CFFileDescriptorGetNativeDescriptor.restype = ctypes.c_int
+CFFileDescriptorGetNativeDescriptor.argtypes = [void_p]
+CFFileDescriptorEnableCallBacks = CoreFoundation.CFFileDescriptorEnableCallBacks
+CFFileDescriptorEnableCallBacks.restype = None
+CFFileDescriptorEnableCallBacks.argtypes = [void_p, ctypes.c_ulong]
+CFFileDescriptorCreateRunLoopSource = CoreFoundation.CFFileDescriptorCreateRunLoopSource
+CFFileDescriptorCreateRunLoopSource.restype = void_p
+CFFileDescriptorCreateRunLoopSource.argtypes = [void_p, void_p, void_p]
+CFRunLoopGetCurrent = CoreFoundation.CFRunLoopGetCurrent
+CFRunLoopGetCurrent.restype = void_p
+CFRunLoopAddSource = CoreFoundation.CFRunLoopAddSource
+CFRunLoopAddSource.restype = None
+CFRunLoopAddSource.argtypes = [void_p, void_p, void_p]
+CFRelease = CoreFoundation.CFRelease
+CFRelease.restype = None
+CFRelease.argtypes = [void_p]
+CFFileDescriptorInvalidate = CoreFoundation.CFFileDescriptorInvalidate
+CFFileDescriptorInvalidate.restype = None
+CFFileDescriptorInvalidate.argtypes = [void_p]
+# From CFFileDescriptor.h
+kCFFileDescriptorReadCallBack = 1
+kCFRunLoopCommonModes = void_p.in_dll(CoreFoundation, 'kCFRunLoopCommonModes')
+def _NSApp():
+ """Return the global NSApplication instance (NSApp)"""
+ objc.objc_msgSend.argtypes = [void_p, void_p]
+ return msg(C('NSApplication'), n('sharedApplication'))
+def _wake(NSApp):
+ """Wake the Application"""
+ objc.objc_msgSend.argtypes = [
+ void_p,
+ void_p,
+ void_p,
+ void_p,
+ void_p,
+ void_p,
+ void_p,
+ void_p,
+ void_p,
+ void_p,
+ void_p,
+ ]
+ event = msg(
+ C("NSEvent"),
+ n(
+ "otherEventWithType:location:modifierFlags:"
+ "timestamp:windowNumber:context:subtype:data1:data2:"
+ ),
+ 15, # Type
+ 0, # location
+ 0, # flags
+ 0, # timestamp
+ 0, # window
+ None, # context
+ 0, # subtype
+ 0, # data1
+ 0, # data2
+ )
+ objc.objc_msgSend.argtypes = [void_p, void_p, void_p, void_p]
+ msg(NSApp, n('postEvent:atStart:'), void_p(event), True)
+_triggered = Event()
+def _input_callback(fdref, flags, info):
+ """Callback to fire when there's input to be read"""
+ _triggered.set()
+ CFFileDescriptorInvalidate(fdref)
+ CFRelease(fdref)
+ NSApp = _NSApp()
+ objc.objc_msgSend.argtypes = [void_p, void_p, void_p]
+ msg(NSApp, n('stop:'), NSApp)
+ _wake(NSApp)
+_c_callback_func_type = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(None, void_p, void_p, void_p)
+_c_input_callback = _c_callback_func_type(_input_callback)
+def _stop_on_read(fd):
+ """Register callback to stop eventloop when there's data on fd"""
+ _triggered.clear()
+ fdref = CFFileDescriptorCreate(None, fd, False, _c_input_callback, None)
+ CFFileDescriptorEnableCallBacks(fdref, kCFFileDescriptorReadCallBack)
+ source = CFFileDescriptorCreateRunLoopSource(None, fdref, 0)
+ loop = CFRunLoopGetCurrent()
+ CFRunLoopAddSource(loop, source, kCFRunLoopCommonModes)
+ CFRelease(source)
+def inputhook(context):
+ """Inputhook for Cocoa (NSApp)"""
+ NSApp = _NSApp()
+ _stop_on_read(context.fileno())
+ objc.objc_msgSend.argtypes = [void_p, void_p]
+ msg(NSApp, n('run'))
+ if not _triggered.is_set():
+ # app closed without firing callback,
+ # probably due to last window being closed.
+ # Run the loop manually in this case,
+ # since there may be events still to process (#9734)
+ CoreFoundation.CFRunLoopRun()
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/pyglet.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/pyglet.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49ec86d223
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/pyglet.py
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+"""Enable pyglet to be used interactively with prompt_toolkit
+import sys
+import time
+from timeit import default_timer as clock
+import pyglet
+# On linux only, window.flip() has a bug that causes an AttributeError on
+# window close. For details, see:
+# http://groups.google.com/group/pyglet-users/browse_thread/thread/47c1aab9aa4a3d23/c22f9e819826799e?#c22f9e819826799e
+if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
+ def flip(window):
+ try:
+ window.flip()
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ def flip(window):
+ window.flip()
+def inputhook(context):
+ """Run the pyglet event loop by processing pending events only.
+ This keeps processing pending events until stdin is ready. After
+ processing all pending events, a call to time.sleep is inserted. This is
+ needed, otherwise, CPU usage is at 100%. This sleep time should be tuned
+ though for best performance.
+ """
+ # We need to protect against a user pressing Control-C when IPython is
+ # idle and this is running. We trap KeyboardInterrupt and pass.
+ try:
+ t = clock()
+ while not context.input_is_ready():
+ pyglet.clock.tick()
+ for window in pyglet.app.windows:
+ window.switch_to()
+ window.dispatch_events()
+ window.dispatch_event('on_draw')
+ flip(window)
+ # We need to sleep at this point to keep the idle CPU load
+ # low. However, if sleep to long, GUI response is poor. As
+ # a compromise, we watch how often GUI events are being processed
+ # and switch between a short and long sleep time. Here are some
+ # stats useful in helping to tune this.
+ # time CPU load
+ # 0.001 13%
+ # 0.005 3%
+ # 0.01 1.5%
+ # 0.05 0.5%
+ used_time = clock() - t
+ if used_time > 10.0:
+ # print 'Sleep for 1 s' # dbg
+ time.sleep(1.0)
+ elif used_time > 0.1:
+ # Few GUI events coming in, so we can sleep longer
+ # print 'Sleep for 0.05 s' # dbg
+ time.sleep(0.05)
+ else:
+ # Many GUI events coming in, so sleep only very little
+ time.sleep(0.001)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ pass
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/qt.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/qt.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cf6d11ea6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/qt.py
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+import sys
+import os
+from IPython.external.qt_for_kernel import QtCore, QtGui, enum_helper
+from IPython import get_ipython
+# If we create a QApplication, keep a reference to it so that it doesn't get
+# garbage collected.
+_appref = None
+_already_warned = False
+def _exec(obj):
+ # exec on PyQt6, exec_ elsewhere.
+ obj.exec() if hasattr(obj, "exec") else obj.exec_()
+def _reclaim_excepthook():
+ shell = get_ipython()
+ if shell is not None:
+ sys.excepthook = shell.excepthook
+def inputhook(context):
+ global _appref
+ app = QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance()
+ if not app:
+ if sys.platform == 'linux':
+ if not os.environ.get('DISPLAY') \
+ and not os.environ.get('WAYLAND_DISPLAY'):
+ import warnings
+ global _already_warned
+ if not _already_warned:
+ _already_warned = True
+ warnings.warn(
+ 'The DISPLAY or WAYLAND_DISPLAY environment variable is '
+ 'not set or empty and Qt5 requires this environment '
+ 'variable. Deactivate Qt5 code.'
+ )
+ return
+ try:
+ QtCore.QApplication.setAttribute(QtCore.Qt.AA_EnableHighDpiScaling)
+ except AttributeError: # Only for Qt>=5.6, <6.
+ pass
+ try:
+ QtCore.QApplication.setHighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy(
+ QtCore.Qt.HighDpiScaleFactorRoundingPolicy.PassThrough
+ )
+ except AttributeError: # Only for Qt>=5.14.
+ pass
+ _appref = app = QtGui.QApplication([" "])
+ # "reclaim" IPython sys.excepthook after event loop starts
+ # without this, it defaults back to BaseIPythonApplication.excepthook
+ # and exceptions in the Qt event loop are rendered without traceback
+ # formatting and look like "bug in IPython".
+ QtCore.QTimer.singleShot(0, _reclaim_excepthook)
+ event_loop = QtCore.QEventLoop(app)
+ if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ # The QSocketNotifier method doesn't appear to work on Windows.
+ # Use polling instead.
+ timer = QtCore.QTimer()
+ timer.timeout.connect(event_loop.quit)
+ while not context.input_is_ready():
+ # NOTE: run the event loop, and after 50 ms, call `quit` to exit it.
+ timer.start(50) # 50 ms
+ _exec(event_loop)
+ timer.stop()
+ else:
+ # On POSIX platforms, we can use a file descriptor to quit the event
+ # loop when there is input ready to read.
+ notifier = QtCore.QSocketNotifier(
+ context.fileno(), enum_helper("QtCore.QSocketNotifier.Type").Read
+ )
+ try:
+ # connect the callback we care about before we turn it on
+ # lambda is necessary as PyQT inspect the function signature to know
+ # what arguments to pass to. See https://github.com/ipython/ipython/pull/12355
+ notifier.activated.connect(lambda: event_loop.exit())
+ notifier.setEnabled(True)
+ # only start the event loop we are not already flipped
+ if not context.input_is_ready():
+ _exec(event_loop)
+ finally:
+ notifier.setEnabled(False)
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/tk.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/tk.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2715505f1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/tk.py
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# Code borrowed from ptpython
+# https://github.com/jonathanslenders/ptpython/blob/86b71a89626114b18898a0af463978bdb32eeb70/ptpython/eventloop.py
+# Copyright (c) 2015, Jonathan Slenders
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
+# are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
+# list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this
+# list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or
+# other materials provided with the distribution.
+# * Neither the name of the {organization} nor the names of its
+# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+# this software without specific prior written permission.
+Wrapper around the eventloop that gives some time to the Tkinter GUI to process
+events when it's loaded and while we are waiting for input at the REPL. This
+way we don't block the UI of for instance ``turtle`` and other Tk libraries.
+(Normally Tkinter registers it's callbacks in ``PyOS_InputHook`` to integrate
+in readline. ``prompt-toolkit`` doesn't understand that input hook, but this
+will fix it for Tk.)
+import time
+import _tkinter
+import tkinter
+def inputhook(inputhook_context):
+ """
+ Inputhook for Tk.
+ Run the Tk eventloop until prompt-toolkit needs to process the next input.
+ """
+ # Get the current TK application.
+ root = tkinter._default_root
+ def wait_using_filehandler():
+ """
+ Run the TK eventloop until the file handler that we got from the
+ inputhook becomes readable.
+ """
+ # Add a handler that sets the stop flag when `prompt-toolkit` has input
+ # to process.
+ stop = [False]
+ def done(*a):
+ stop[0] = True
+ root.createfilehandler(inputhook_context.fileno(), _tkinter.READABLE, done)
+ # Run the TK event loop as long as we don't receive input.
+ while root.dooneevent(_tkinter.ALL_EVENTS):
+ if stop[0]:
+ break
+ root.deletefilehandler(inputhook_context.fileno())
+ def wait_using_polling():
+ """
+ Windows TK doesn't support 'createfilehandler'.
+ So, run the TK eventloop and poll until input is ready.
+ """
+ while not inputhook_context.input_is_ready():
+ while root.dooneevent(_tkinter.ALL_EVENTS | _tkinter.DONT_WAIT):
+ pass
+ # Sleep to make the CPU idle, but not too long, so that the UI
+ # stays responsive.
+ time.sleep(.01)
+ if root is not None:
+ if hasattr(root, 'createfilehandler'):
+ wait_using_filehandler()
+ else:
+ wait_using_polling()
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/wx.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/wx.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a0f4442c77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/pt_inputhooks/wx.py
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+"""Enable wxPython to be used interactively in prompt_toolkit
+import sys
+import signal
+import time
+from timeit import default_timer as clock
+import wx
+def ignore_keyboardinterrupts(func):
+ """Decorator which causes KeyboardInterrupt exceptions to be ignored during
+ execution of the decorated function.
+ This is used by the inputhook functions to handle the event where the user
+ presses CTRL+C while IPython is idle, and the inputhook loop is running. In
+ this case, we want to ignore interrupts.
+ """
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+ try:
+ func(*args, **kwargs)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ pass
+ return wrapper
+def inputhook_wx1(context):
+ """Run the wx event loop by processing pending events only.
+ This approach seems to work, but its performance is not great as it
+ relies on having PyOS_InputHook called regularly.
+ """
+ app = wx.GetApp()
+ if app is not None:
+ assert wx.Thread_IsMain()
+ # Make a temporary event loop and process system events until
+ # there are no more waiting, then allow idle events (which
+ # will also deal with pending or posted wx events.)
+ evtloop = wx.EventLoop()
+ ea = wx.EventLoopActivator(evtloop)
+ while evtloop.Pending():
+ evtloop.Dispatch()
+ app.ProcessIdle()
+ del ea
+ return 0
+class EventLoopTimer(wx.Timer):
+ def __init__(self, func):
+ self.func = func
+ wx.Timer.__init__(self)
+ def Notify(self):
+ self.func()
+class EventLoopRunner(object):
+ def Run(self, time, input_is_ready):
+ self.input_is_ready = input_is_ready
+ self.evtloop = wx.EventLoop()
+ self.timer = EventLoopTimer(self.check_stdin)
+ self.timer.Start(time)
+ self.evtloop.Run()
+ def check_stdin(self):
+ if self.input_is_ready():
+ self.timer.Stop()
+ self.evtloop.Exit()
+def inputhook_wx2(context):
+ """Run the wx event loop, polling for stdin.
+ This version runs the wx eventloop for an undetermined amount of time,
+ during which it periodically checks to see if anything is ready on
+ stdin. If anything is ready on stdin, the event loop exits.
+ The argument to elr.Run controls how often the event loop looks at stdin.
+ This determines the responsiveness at the keyboard. A setting of 1000
+ enables a user to type at most 1 char per second. I have found that a
+ setting of 10 gives good keyboard response. We can shorten it further,
+ but eventually performance would suffer from calling select/kbhit too
+ often.
+ """
+ app = wx.GetApp()
+ if app is not None:
+ assert wx.Thread_IsMain()
+ elr = EventLoopRunner()
+ # As this time is made shorter, keyboard response improves, but idle
+ # CPU load goes up. 10 ms seems like a good compromise.
+ elr.Run(time=10, # CHANGE time here to control polling interval
+ input_is_ready=context.input_is_ready)
+ return 0
+def inputhook_wx3(context):
+ """Run the wx event loop by processing pending events only.
+ This is like inputhook_wx1, but it keeps processing pending events
+ until stdin is ready. After processing all pending events, a call to
+ time.sleep is inserted. This is needed, otherwise, CPU usage is at 100%.
+ This sleep time should be tuned though for best performance.
+ """
+ app = wx.GetApp()
+ if app is not None:
+ assert wx.Thread_IsMain()
+ # The import of wx on Linux sets the handler for signal.SIGINT
+ # to 0. This is a bug in wx or gtk. We fix by just setting it
+ # back to the Python default.
+ if not callable(signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT)):
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.default_int_handler)
+ evtloop = wx.EventLoop()
+ ea = wx.EventLoopActivator(evtloop)
+ t = clock()
+ while not context.input_is_ready():
+ while evtloop.Pending():
+ t = clock()
+ evtloop.Dispatch()
+ app.ProcessIdle()
+ # We need to sleep at this point to keep the idle CPU load
+ # low. However, if sleep to long, GUI response is poor. As
+ # a compromise, we watch how often GUI events are being processed
+ # and switch between a short and long sleep time. Here are some
+ # stats useful in helping to tune this.
+ # time CPU load
+ # 0.001 13%
+ # 0.005 3%
+ # 0.01 1.5%
+ # 0.05 0.5%
+ used_time = clock() - t
+ if used_time > 10.0:
+ # print 'Sleep for 1 s' # dbg
+ time.sleep(1.0)
+ elif used_time > 0.1:
+ # Few GUI events coming in, so we can sleep longer
+ # print 'Sleep for 0.05 s' # dbg
+ time.sleep(0.05)
+ else:
+ # Many GUI events coming in, so sleep only very little
+ time.sleep(0.001)
+ del ea
+ return 0
+def inputhook_wxphoenix(context):
+ """Run the wx event loop until the user provides more input.
+ This input hook is suitable for use with wxPython >= 4 (a.k.a. Phoenix).
+ It uses the same approach to that used in
+ ipykernel.eventloops.loop_wx. The wx.MainLoop is executed, and a wx.Timer
+ is used to periodically poll the context for input. As soon as input is
+ ready, the wx.MainLoop is stopped.
+ """
+ app = wx.GetApp()
+ if app is None:
+ return
+ if context.input_is_ready():
+ return
+ assert wx.IsMainThread()
+ # Wx uses milliseconds
+ poll_interval = 100
+ # Use a wx.Timer to periodically check whether input is ready - as soon as
+ # it is, we exit the main loop
+ timer = wx.Timer()
+ def poll(ev):
+ if context.input_is_ready():
+ timer.Stop()
+ app.ExitMainLoop()
+ timer.Start(poll_interval)
+ timer.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, poll)
+ # The import of wx on Linux sets the handler for signal.SIGINT to 0. This
+ # is a bug in wx or gtk. We fix by just setting it back to the Python
+ # default.
+ if not callable(signal.getsignal(signal.SIGINT)):
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.default_int_handler)
+ # The SetExitOnFrameDelete call allows us to run the wx mainloop without
+ # having a frame open.
+ app.SetExitOnFrameDelete(False)
+ app.MainLoop()
+# Get the major wx version number to figure out what input hook we should use.
+major_version = 3
+ major_version = int(wx.__version__[0])
+except Exception:
+ pass
+# Use the phoenix hook on all platforms for wxpython >= 4
+if major_version >= 4:
+ inputhook = inputhook_wxphoenix
+# On OSX, evtloop.Pending() always returns True, regardless of there being
+# any events pending. As such we can't use implementations 1 or 3 of the
+# inputhook as those depend on a pending/dispatch loop.
+elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
+ inputhook = inputhook_wx2
+ inputhook = inputhook_wx3
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/ptutils.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/ptutils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..39bc2e15af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/ptutils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+"""prompt-toolkit utilities
+Everything in this module is a private API,
+not to be used outside IPython.
+# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
+# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
+import unicodedata
+from wcwidth import wcwidth
+from IPython.core.completer import (
+ provisionalcompleter, cursor_to_position,
+ _deduplicate_completions)
+from prompt_toolkit.completion import Completer, Completion
+from prompt_toolkit.lexers import Lexer
+from prompt_toolkit.lexers import PygmentsLexer
+from prompt_toolkit.patch_stdout import patch_stdout
+import pygments.lexers as pygments_lexers
+import os
+import sys
+import traceback
+_completion_sentinel = object()
+def _elide_point(string:str, *, min_elide=30)->str:
+ """
+ If a string is long enough, and has at least 3 dots,
+ replace the middle part with ellipses.
+ If a string naming a file is long enough, and has at least 3 slashes,
+ replace the middle part with ellipses.
+ If three consecutive dots, or two consecutive dots are encountered these are
+ replaced by the equivalents HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS or TWO DOT LEADER unicode
+ equivalents
+ """
+ string = string.replace('...','\N{HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS}')
+ string = string.replace('..','\N{TWO DOT LEADER}')
+ if len(string) < min_elide:
+ return string
+ object_parts = string.split('.')
+ file_parts = string.split(os.sep)
+ if file_parts[-1] == '':
+ file_parts.pop()
+ if len(object_parts) > 3:
+ return "{}.{}\N{HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS}{}.{}".format(
+ object_parts[0],
+ object_parts[1][:1],
+ object_parts[-2][-1:],
+ object_parts[-1],
+ )
+ elif len(file_parts) > 3:
+ return ("{}" + os.sep + "{}\N{HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS}{}" + os.sep + "{}").format(
+ file_parts[0], file_parts[1][:1], file_parts[-2][-1:], file_parts[-1]
+ )
+ return string
+def _elide_typed(string:str, typed:str, *, min_elide:int=30)->str:
+ """
+ Elide the middle of a long string if the beginning has already been typed.
+ """
+ if len(string) < min_elide:
+ return string
+ cut_how_much = len(typed)-3
+ if cut_how_much < 7:
+ return string
+ if string.startswith(typed) and len(string)> len(typed):
+ return f"{string[:3]}\N{HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS}{string[cut_how_much:]}"
+ return string
+def _elide(string:str, typed:str, min_elide=30)->str:
+ return _elide_typed(
+ _elide_point(string, min_elide=min_elide),
+ typed, min_elide=min_elide)
+def _adjust_completion_text_based_on_context(text, body, offset):
+ if text.endswith('=') and len(body) > offset and body[offset] == '=':
+ return text[:-1]
+ else:
+ return text
+class IPythonPTCompleter(Completer):
+ """Adaptor to provide IPython completions to prompt_toolkit"""
+ def __init__(self, ipy_completer=None, shell=None):
+ if shell is None and ipy_completer is None:
+ raise TypeError("Please pass shell=an InteractiveShell instance.")
+ self._ipy_completer = ipy_completer
+ self.shell = shell
+ @property
+ def ipy_completer(self):
+ if self._ipy_completer:
+ return self._ipy_completer
+ else:
+ return self.shell.Completer
+ def get_completions(self, document, complete_event):
+ if not document.current_line.strip():
+ return
+ # Some bits of our completion system may print stuff (e.g. if a module
+ # is imported). This context manager ensures that doesn't interfere with
+ # the prompt.
+ with patch_stdout(), provisionalcompleter():
+ body = document.text
+ cursor_row = document.cursor_position_row
+ cursor_col = document.cursor_position_col
+ cursor_position = document.cursor_position
+ offset = cursor_to_position(body, cursor_row, cursor_col)
+ try:
+ yield from self._get_completions(body, offset, cursor_position, self.ipy_completer)
+ except Exception as e:
+ try:
+ exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
+ traceback.print_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb)
+ except AttributeError:
+ print('Unrecoverable Error in completions')
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_completions(body, offset, cursor_position, ipyc):
+ """
+ Private equivalent of get_completions() use only for unit_testing.
+ """
+ debug = getattr(ipyc, 'debug', False)
+ completions = _deduplicate_completions(
+ body, ipyc.completions(body, offset))
+ for c in completions:
+ if not c.text:
+ # Guard against completion machinery giving us an empty string.
+ continue
+ text = unicodedata.normalize('NFC', c.text)
+ # When the first character of the completion has a zero length,
+ # then it's probably a decomposed unicode character. E.g. caused by
+ # the "\dot" completion. Try to compose again with the previous
+ # character.
+ if wcwidth(text[0]) == 0:
+ if cursor_position + c.start > 0:
+ char_before = body[c.start - 1]
+ fixed_text = unicodedata.normalize(
+ 'NFC', char_before + text)
+ # Yield the modified completion instead, if this worked.
+ if wcwidth(text[0:1]) == 1:
+ yield Completion(fixed_text, start_position=c.start - offset - 1)
+ continue
+ # TODO: Use Jedi to determine meta_text
+ # (Jedi currently has a bug that results in incorrect information.)
+ # meta_text = ''
+ # yield Completion(m, start_position=start_pos,
+ # display_meta=meta_text)
+ display_text = c.text
+ adjusted_text = _adjust_completion_text_based_on_context(c.text, body, offset)
+ if c.type == 'function':
+ yield Completion(adjusted_text, start_position=c.start - offset, display=_elide(display_text+'()', body[c.start:c.end]), display_meta=c.type+c.signature)
+ else:
+ yield Completion(adjusted_text, start_position=c.start - offset, display=_elide(display_text, body[c.start:c.end]), display_meta=c.type)
+class IPythonPTLexer(Lexer):
+ """
+ Wrapper around PythonLexer and BashLexer.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ l = pygments_lexers
+ self.python_lexer = PygmentsLexer(l.Python3Lexer)
+ self.shell_lexer = PygmentsLexer(l.BashLexer)
+ self.magic_lexers = {
+ 'HTML': PygmentsLexer(l.HtmlLexer),
+ 'html': PygmentsLexer(l.HtmlLexer),
+ 'javascript': PygmentsLexer(l.JavascriptLexer),
+ 'js': PygmentsLexer(l.JavascriptLexer),
+ 'perl': PygmentsLexer(l.PerlLexer),
+ 'ruby': PygmentsLexer(l.RubyLexer),
+ 'latex': PygmentsLexer(l.TexLexer),
+ }
+ def lex_document(self, document):
+ text = document.text.lstrip()
+ lexer = self.python_lexer
+ if text.startswith('!') or text.startswith('%%bash'):
+ lexer = self.shell_lexer
+ elif text.startswith('%%'):
+ for magic, l in self.magic_lexers.items():
+ if text.startswith('%%' + magic):
+ lexer = l
+ break
+ return lexer.lex_document(document)
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/shortcuts/__init__.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/shortcuts/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..12890f4ab6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/shortcuts/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,630 @@
+Module to define and register Terminal IPython shortcuts with
+# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
+# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
+import os
+import signal
+import sys
+import warnings
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from typing import Callable, Any, Optional, List
+from prompt_toolkit.application.current import get_app
+from prompt_toolkit.key_binding import KeyBindings
+from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.key_processor import KeyPressEvent
+from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.bindings import named_commands as nc
+from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.bindings.completion import (
+ display_completions_like_readline,
+from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.vi_state import InputMode, ViState
+from prompt_toolkit.filters import Condition
+from IPython.core.getipython import get_ipython
+from IPython.terminal.shortcuts import auto_match as match
+from IPython.terminal.shortcuts import auto_suggest
+from IPython.terminal.shortcuts.filters import filter_from_string
+from IPython.utils.decorators import undoc
+from prompt_toolkit.enums import DEFAULT_BUFFER
+__all__ = ["create_ipython_shortcuts"]
+class BaseBinding:
+ command: Callable[[KeyPressEvent], Any]
+ keys: List[str]
+class RuntimeBinding(BaseBinding):
+ filter: Condition
+class Binding(BaseBinding):
+ # while filter could be created by referencing variables directly (rather
+ # than created from strings), by using strings we ensure that users will
+ # be able to create filters in configuration (e.g. JSON) files too, which
+ # also benefits the documentation by enforcing human-readable filter names.
+ condition: Optional[str] = None
+ def __post_init__(self):
+ if self.condition:
+ self.filter = filter_from_string(self.condition)
+ else:
+ self.filter = None
+def create_identifier(handler: Callable):
+ parts = handler.__module__.split(".")
+ name = handler.__name__
+ package = parts[0]
+ if len(parts) > 1:
+ final_module = parts[-1]
+ return f"{package}:{final_module}.{name}"
+ else:
+ return f"{package}:{name}"
+ *[
+ Binding(
+ cmd, [key], "focused_insert & auto_match & followed_by_closing_paren_or_end"
+ )
+ for key, cmd in match.auto_match_parens.items()
+ ],
+ *[
+ # raw string
+ Binding(cmd, [key], "focused_insert & auto_match & preceded_by_raw_str_prefix")
+ for key, cmd in match.auto_match_parens_raw_string.items()
+ ],
+ Binding(
+ match.double_quote,
+ ['"'],
+ "focused_insert"
+ " & auto_match"
+ " & not_inside_unclosed_string"
+ " & preceded_by_paired_double_quotes"
+ " & followed_by_closing_paren_or_end",
+ ),
+ Binding(
+ match.single_quote,
+ ["'"],
+ "focused_insert"
+ " & auto_match"
+ " & not_inside_unclosed_string"
+ " & preceded_by_paired_single_quotes"
+ " & followed_by_closing_paren_or_end",
+ ),
+ Binding(
+ match.docstring_double_quotes,
+ ['"'],
+ "focused_insert"
+ " & auto_match"
+ " & not_inside_unclosed_string"
+ " & preceded_by_two_double_quotes",
+ ),
+ Binding(
+ match.docstring_single_quotes,
+ ["'"],
+ "focused_insert"
+ " & auto_match"
+ " & not_inside_unclosed_string"
+ " & preceded_by_two_single_quotes",
+ ),
+ Binding(
+ match.skip_over,
+ [")"],
+ "focused_insert & auto_match & followed_by_closing_round_paren",
+ ),
+ Binding(
+ match.skip_over,
+ ["]"],
+ "focused_insert & auto_match & followed_by_closing_bracket",
+ ),
+ Binding(
+ match.skip_over,
+ ["}"],
+ "focused_insert & auto_match & followed_by_closing_brace",
+ ),
+ Binding(
+ match.skip_over, ['"'], "focused_insert & auto_match & followed_by_double_quote"
+ ),
+ Binding(
+ match.skip_over, ["'"], "focused_insert & auto_match & followed_by_single_quote"
+ ),
+ Binding(
+ match.delete_pair,
+ ["backspace"],
+ "focused_insert"
+ " & preceded_by_opening_round_paren"
+ " & auto_match"
+ " & followed_by_closing_round_paren",
+ ),
+ Binding(
+ match.delete_pair,
+ ["backspace"],
+ "focused_insert"
+ " & preceded_by_opening_bracket"
+ " & auto_match"
+ " & followed_by_closing_bracket",
+ ),
+ Binding(
+ match.delete_pair,
+ ["backspace"],
+ "focused_insert"
+ " & preceded_by_opening_brace"
+ " & auto_match"
+ " & followed_by_closing_brace",
+ ),
+ Binding(
+ match.delete_pair,
+ ["backspace"],
+ "focused_insert"
+ " & preceded_by_double_quote"
+ " & auto_match"
+ " & followed_by_double_quote",
+ ),
+ Binding(
+ match.delete_pair,
+ ["backspace"],
+ "focused_insert"
+ " & preceded_by_single_quote"
+ " & auto_match"
+ " & followed_by_single_quote",
+ ),
+ # there are two reasons for re-defining bindings defined upstream:
+ # 1) prompt-toolkit does not execute autosuggestion bindings in vi mode,
+ # 2) prompt-toolkit checks if we are at the end of text, not end of line
+ # hence it does not work in multi-line mode of navigable provider
+ Binding(
+ auto_suggest.accept_or_jump_to_end,
+ ["end"],
+ "has_suggestion & default_buffer_focused & emacs_like_insert_mode",
+ ),
+ Binding(
+ auto_suggest.accept_or_jump_to_end,
+ ["c-e"],
+ "has_suggestion & default_buffer_focused & emacs_like_insert_mode",
+ ),
+ Binding(
+ auto_suggest.accept,
+ ["c-f"],
+ "has_suggestion & default_buffer_focused & emacs_like_insert_mode",
+ ),
+ Binding(
+ auto_suggest.accept,
+ ["right"],
+ "has_suggestion & default_buffer_focused & emacs_like_insert_mode",
+ ),
+ Binding(
+ auto_suggest.accept_word,
+ ["escape", "f"],
+ "has_suggestion & default_buffer_focused & emacs_like_insert_mode",
+ ),
+ Binding(
+ auto_suggest.accept_token,
+ ["c-right"],
+ "has_suggestion & default_buffer_focused & emacs_like_insert_mode",
+ ),
+ Binding(
+ auto_suggest.discard,
+ ["escape"],
+ # note this one is using `emacs_insert_mode`, not `emacs_like_insert_mode`
+ # as in `vi_insert_mode` we do not want `escape` to be shadowed (ever).
+ "has_suggestion & default_buffer_focused & emacs_insert_mode",
+ ),
+ Binding(
+ auto_suggest.discard,
+ ["delete"],
+ "has_suggestion & default_buffer_focused & emacs_insert_mode",
+ ),
+ Binding(
+ auto_suggest.swap_autosuggestion_up,
+ ["c-up"],
+ "navigable_suggestions"
+ " & ~has_line_above"
+ " & has_suggestion"
+ " & default_buffer_focused",
+ ),
+ Binding(
+ auto_suggest.swap_autosuggestion_down,
+ ["c-down"],
+ "navigable_suggestions"
+ " & ~has_line_below"
+ " & has_suggestion"
+ " & default_buffer_focused",
+ ),
+ Binding(
+ auto_suggest.up_and_update_hint,
+ ["c-up"],
+ "has_line_above & navigable_suggestions & default_buffer_focused",
+ ),
+ Binding(
+ auto_suggest.down_and_update_hint,
+ ["c-down"],
+ "has_line_below & navigable_suggestions & default_buffer_focused",
+ ),
+ Binding(
+ auto_suggest.accept_character,
+ ["escape", "right"],
+ "has_suggestion & default_buffer_focused & emacs_like_insert_mode",
+ ),
+ Binding(
+ auto_suggest.accept_and_move_cursor_left,
+ ["c-left"],
+ "has_suggestion & default_buffer_focused & emacs_like_insert_mode",
+ ),
+ Binding(
+ auto_suggest.accept_and_keep_cursor,
+ ["escape", "down"],
+ "has_suggestion & default_buffer_focused & emacs_insert_mode",
+ ),
+ Binding(
+ auto_suggest.backspace_and_resume_hint,
+ ["backspace"],
+ # no `has_suggestion` here to allow resuming if no suggestion
+ "default_buffer_focused & emacs_like_insert_mode",
+ ),
+ Binding(
+ auto_suggest.resume_hinting,
+ ["right"],
+ "is_cursor_at_the_end_of_line"
+ " & default_buffer_focused"
+ " & emacs_like_insert_mode"
+ " & pass_through",
+ ),
+ Binding(cmd, [key], "vi_insert_mode & default_buffer_focused & ebivim")
+ for key, cmd in {
+ "c-a": nc.beginning_of_line,
+ "c-b": nc.backward_char,
+ "c-k": nc.kill_line,
+ "c-w": nc.backward_kill_word,
+ "c-y": nc.yank,
+ "c-_": nc.undo,
+ }.items()
+ Binding(cmd, list(keys), "vi_insert_mode & default_buffer_focused & ebivim")
+ for keys, cmd in {
+ # Control Combos
+ ("c-x", "c-e"): nc.edit_and_execute,
+ ("c-x", "e"): nc.edit_and_execute,
+ # Alt
+ ("escape", "b"): nc.backward_word,
+ ("escape", "c"): nc.capitalize_word,
+ ("escape", "d"): nc.kill_word,
+ ("escape", "h"): nc.backward_kill_word,
+ ("escape", "l"): nc.downcase_word,
+ ("escape", "u"): nc.uppercase_word,
+ ("escape", "y"): nc.yank_pop,
+ ("escape", "."): nc.yank_last_arg,
+ }.items()
+def add_binding(bindings: KeyBindings, binding: Binding):
+ bindings.add(
+ *binding.keys,
+ **({"filter": binding.filter} if binding.filter is not None else {}),
+ )(binding.command)
+def create_ipython_shortcuts(shell, skip=None) -> KeyBindings:
+ """Set up the prompt_toolkit keyboard shortcuts for IPython.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ shell: InteractiveShell
+ The current IPython shell Instance
+ skip: List[Binding]
+ Bindings to skip.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ KeyBindings
+ the keybinding instance for prompt toolkit.
+ """
+ kb = KeyBindings()
+ skip = skip or []
+ for binding in KEY_BINDINGS:
+ skip_this_one = False
+ for to_skip in skip:
+ if (
+ to_skip.command == binding.command
+ and to_skip.filter == binding.filter
+ and to_skip.keys == binding.keys
+ ):
+ skip_this_one = True
+ break
+ if skip_this_one:
+ continue
+ add_binding(kb, binding)
+ def get_input_mode(self):
+ app = get_app()
+ app.ttimeoutlen = shell.ttimeoutlen
+ app.timeoutlen = shell.timeoutlen
+ return self._input_mode
+ def set_input_mode(self, mode):
+ shape = {InputMode.NAVIGATION: 2, InputMode.REPLACE: 4}.get(mode, 6)
+ cursor = "\x1b[{} q".format(shape)
+ sys.stdout.write(cursor)
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ self._input_mode = mode
+ if shell.editing_mode == "vi" and shell.modal_cursor:
+ ViState._input_mode = InputMode.INSERT # type: ignore
+ ViState.input_mode = property(get_input_mode, set_input_mode) # type: ignore
+ return kb
+def reformat_and_execute(event):
+ """Reformat code and execute it"""
+ shell = get_ipython()
+ reformat_text_before_cursor(
+ event.current_buffer, event.current_buffer.document, shell
+ )
+ event.current_buffer.validate_and_handle()
+def reformat_text_before_cursor(buffer, document, shell):
+ text = buffer.delete_before_cursor(len(document.text[: document.cursor_position]))
+ try:
+ formatted_text = shell.reformat_handler(text)
+ buffer.insert_text(formatted_text)
+ except Exception as e:
+ buffer.insert_text(text)
+def handle_return_or_newline_or_execute(event):
+ shell = get_ipython()
+ if getattr(shell, "handle_return", None):
+ return shell.handle_return(shell)(event)
+ else:
+ return newline_or_execute_outer(shell)(event)
+def newline_or_execute_outer(shell):
+ def newline_or_execute(event):
+ """When the user presses return, insert a newline or execute the code."""
+ b = event.current_buffer
+ d = b.document
+ if b.complete_state:
+ cc = b.complete_state.current_completion
+ if cc:
+ b.apply_completion(cc)
+ else:
+ b.cancel_completion()
+ return
+ # If there's only one line, treat it as if the cursor is at the end.
+ # See https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/10425
+ if d.line_count == 1:
+ check_text = d.text
+ else:
+ check_text = d.text[: d.cursor_position]
+ status, indent = shell.check_complete(check_text)
+ # if all we have after the cursor is whitespace: reformat current text
+ # before cursor
+ after_cursor = d.text[d.cursor_position :]
+ reformatted = False
+ if not after_cursor.strip():
+ reformat_text_before_cursor(b, d, shell)
+ reformatted = True
+ if not (
+ d.on_last_line
+ or d.cursor_position_row >= d.line_count - d.empty_line_count_at_the_end()
+ ):
+ if shell.autoindent:
+ b.insert_text("\n" + indent)
+ else:
+ b.insert_text("\n")
+ return
+ if (status != "incomplete") and b.accept_handler:
+ if not reformatted:
+ reformat_text_before_cursor(b, d, shell)
+ b.validate_and_handle()
+ else:
+ if shell.autoindent:
+ b.insert_text("\n" + indent)
+ else:
+ b.insert_text("\n")
+ return newline_or_execute
+def previous_history_or_previous_completion(event):
+ """
+ Control-P in vi edit mode on readline is history next, unlike default prompt toolkit.
+ If completer is open this still select previous completion.
+ """
+ event.current_buffer.auto_up()
+def next_history_or_next_completion(event):
+ """
+ Control-N in vi edit mode on readline is history previous, unlike default prompt toolkit.
+ If completer is open this still select next completion.
+ """
+ event.current_buffer.auto_down()
+def dismiss_completion(event):
+ """Dismiss completion"""
+ b = event.current_buffer
+ if b.complete_state:
+ b.cancel_completion()
+def reset_buffer(event):
+ """Reset buffer"""
+ b = event.current_buffer
+ if b.complete_state:
+ b.cancel_completion()
+ else:
+ b.reset()
+def reset_search_buffer(event):
+ """Reset search buffer"""
+ if event.current_buffer.document.text:
+ event.current_buffer.reset()
+ else:
+ event.app.layout.focus(DEFAULT_BUFFER)
+def suspend_to_bg(event):
+ """Suspend to background"""
+ event.app.suspend_to_background()
+def quit(event):
+ """
+ Quit application with ``SIGQUIT`` if supported or ``sys.exit`` otherwise.
+ On platforms that support SIGQUIT, send SIGQUIT to the current process.
+ On other platforms, just exit the process with a message.
+ """
+ sigquit = getattr(signal, "SIGQUIT", None)
+ if sigquit is not None:
+ os.kill(0, signal.SIGQUIT)
+ else:
+ sys.exit("Quit")
+def indent_buffer(event):
+ """Indent buffer"""
+ event.current_buffer.insert_text(" " * 4)
+def newline_autoindent(event):
+ """Insert a newline after the cursor indented appropriately.
+ Fancier version of former ``newline_with_copy_margin`` which should
+ compute the correct indentation of the inserted line. That is to say, indent
+ by 4 extra space after a function definition, class definition, context
+ manager... And dedent by 4 space after ``pass``, ``return``, ``raise ...``.
+ """
+ shell = get_ipython()
+ inputsplitter = shell.input_transformer_manager
+ b = event.current_buffer
+ d = b.document
+ if b.complete_state:
+ b.cancel_completion()
+ text = d.text[: d.cursor_position] + "\n"
+ _, indent = inputsplitter.check_complete(text)
+ b.insert_text("\n" + (" " * (indent or 0)), move_cursor=False)
+def open_input_in_editor(event):
+ """Open code from input in external editor"""
+ event.app.current_buffer.open_in_editor()
+if sys.platform == "win32":
+ from IPython.core.error import TryNext
+ from IPython.lib.clipboard import (
+ ClipboardEmpty,
+ tkinter_clipboard_get,
+ win32_clipboard_get,
+ )
+ @undoc
+ def win_paste(event):
+ try:
+ text = win32_clipboard_get()
+ except TryNext:
+ try:
+ text = tkinter_clipboard_get()
+ except (TryNext, ClipboardEmpty):
+ return
+ except ClipboardEmpty:
+ return
+ event.current_buffer.insert_text(text.replace("\t", " " * 4))
+ @undoc
+ def win_paste(event):
+ """Stub used on other platforms"""
+ pass
+ Binding(
+ handle_return_or_newline_or_execute,
+ ["enter"],
+ "default_buffer_focused & ~has_selection & insert_mode",
+ ),
+ Binding(
+ reformat_and_execute,
+ ["escape", "enter"],
+ "default_buffer_focused & ~has_selection & insert_mode & ebivim",
+ ),
+ Binding(quit, ["c-\\"]),
+ Binding(
+ previous_history_or_previous_completion,
+ ["c-p"],
+ "vi_insert_mode & default_buffer_focused",
+ ),
+ Binding(
+ next_history_or_next_completion,
+ ["c-n"],
+ "vi_insert_mode & default_buffer_focused",
+ ),
+ Binding(dismiss_completion, ["c-g"], "default_buffer_focused & has_completions"),
+ Binding(reset_buffer, ["c-c"], "default_buffer_focused"),
+ Binding(reset_search_buffer, ["c-c"], "search_buffer_focused"),
+ Binding(suspend_to_bg, ["c-z"], "supports_suspend"),
+ Binding(
+ indent_buffer,
+ ["tab"], # Ctrl+I == Tab
+ "default_buffer_focused"
+ " & ~has_selection"
+ " & insert_mode"
+ " & cursor_in_leading_ws",
+ ),
+ Binding(newline_autoindent, ["c-o"], "default_buffer_focused & emacs_insert_mode"),
+ Binding(open_input_in_editor, ["f2"], "default_buffer_focused"),
+ Binding(
+ display_completions_like_readline,
+ ["c-i"],
+ "readline_like_completions"
+ " & default_buffer_focused"
+ " & ~has_selection"
+ " & insert_mode"
+ " & ~cursor_in_leading_ws",
+ ),
+ Binding(win_paste, ["c-v"], "default_buffer_focused & ~vi_mode & is_windows_os"),
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/shortcuts/auto_match.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/shortcuts/auto_match.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c2b1ef70c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/shortcuts/auto_match.py
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+Utilities function for keybinding with prompt toolkit.
+This will be bound to specific key press and filter modes,
+like whether we are in edit mode, and whether the completer is open.
+import re
+from prompt_toolkit.key_binding import KeyPressEvent
+def parenthesis(event: KeyPressEvent):
+ """Auto-close parenthesis"""
+ event.current_buffer.insert_text("()")
+ event.current_buffer.cursor_left()
+def brackets(event: KeyPressEvent):
+ """Auto-close brackets"""
+ event.current_buffer.insert_text("[]")
+ event.current_buffer.cursor_left()
+def braces(event: KeyPressEvent):
+ """Auto-close braces"""
+ event.current_buffer.insert_text("{}")
+ event.current_buffer.cursor_left()
+def double_quote(event: KeyPressEvent):
+ """Auto-close double quotes"""
+ event.current_buffer.insert_text('""')
+ event.current_buffer.cursor_left()
+def single_quote(event: KeyPressEvent):
+ """Auto-close single quotes"""
+ event.current_buffer.insert_text("''")
+ event.current_buffer.cursor_left()
+def docstring_double_quotes(event: KeyPressEvent):
+ """Auto-close docstring (double quotes)"""
+ event.current_buffer.insert_text('""""')
+ event.current_buffer.cursor_left(3)
+def docstring_single_quotes(event: KeyPressEvent):
+ """Auto-close docstring (single quotes)"""
+ event.current_buffer.insert_text("''''")
+ event.current_buffer.cursor_left(3)
+def raw_string_parenthesis(event: KeyPressEvent):
+ """Auto-close parenthesis in raw strings"""
+ matches = re.match(
+ r".*(r|R)[\"'](-*)",
+ event.current_buffer.document.current_line_before_cursor,
+ )
+ dashes = matches.group(2) if matches else ""
+ event.current_buffer.insert_text("()" + dashes)
+ event.current_buffer.cursor_left(len(dashes) + 1)
+def raw_string_bracket(event: KeyPressEvent):
+ """Auto-close bracker in raw strings"""
+ matches = re.match(
+ r".*(r|R)[\"'](-*)",
+ event.current_buffer.document.current_line_before_cursor,
+ )
+ dashes = matches.group(2) if matches else ""
+ event.current_buffer.insert_text("[]" + dashes)
+ event.current_buffer.cursor_left(len(dashes) + 1)
+def raw_string_braces(event: KeyPressEvent):
+ """Auto-close braces in raw strings"""
+ matches = re.match(
+ r".*(r|R)[\"'](-*)",
+ event.current_buffer.document.current_line_before_cursor,
+ )
+ dashes = matches.group(2) if matches else ""
+ event.current_buffer.insert_text("{}" + dashes)
+ event.current_buffer.cursor_left(len(dashes) + 1)
+def skip_over(event: KeyPressEvent):
+ """Skip over automatically added parenthesis/quote.
+ (rather than adding another parenthesis/quote)"""
+ event.current_buffer.cursor_right()
+def delete_pair(event: KeyPressEvent):
+ """Delete auto-closed parenthesis"""
+ event.current_buffer.delete()
+ event.current_buffer.delete_before_cursor()
+auto_match_parens = {"(": parenthesis, "[": brackets, "{": braces}
+auto_match_parens_raw_string = {
+ "(": raw_string_parenthesis,
+ "[": raw_string_bracket,
+ "{": raw_string_braces,
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/shortcuts/auto_suggest.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/shortcuts/auto_suggest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..65f91577ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/shortcuts/auto_suggest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+import re
+import tokenize
+from io import StringIO
+from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Union, Generator, Tuple
+import warnings
+from prompt_toolkit.buffer import Buffer
+from prompt_toolkit.key_binding import KeyPressEvent
+from prompt_toolkit.key_binding.bindings import named_commands as nc
+from prompt_toolkit.auto_suggest import AutoSuggestFromHistory, Suggestion
+from prompt_toolkit.document import Document
+from prompt_toolkit.history import History
+from prompt_toolkit.shortcuts import PromptSession
+from prompt_toolkit.layout.processors import (
+ Processor,
+ Transformation,
+ TransformationInput,
+from IPython.core.getipython import get_ipython
+from IPython.utils.tokenutil import generate_tokens
+from .filters import pass_through
+def _get_query(document: Document):
+ return document.lines[document.cursor_position_row]
+class AppendAutoSuggestionInAnyLine(Processor):
+ """
+ Append the auto suggestion to lines other than the last (appending to the
+ last line is natively supported by the prompt toolkit).
+ """
+ def __init__(self, style: str = "class:auto-suggestion") -> None:
+ self.style = style
+ def apply_transformation(self, ti: TransformationInput) -> Transformation:
+ is_last_line = ti.lineno == ti.document.line_count - 1
+ is_active_line = ti.lineno == ti.document.cursor_position_row
+ if not is_last_line and is_active_line:
+ buffer = ti.buffer_control.buffer
+ if buffer.suggestion and ti.document.is_cursor_at_the_end_of_line:
+ suggestion = buffer.suggestion.text
+ else:
+ suggestion = ""
+ return Transformation(fragments=ti.fragments + [(self.style, suggestion)])
+ else:
+ return Transformation(fragments=ti.fragments)
+class NavigableAutoSuggestFromHistory(AutoSuggestFromHistory):
+ """
+ A subclass of AutoSuggestFromHistory that allow navigation to next/previous
+ suggestion from history. To do so it remembers the current position, but it
+ state need to carefully be cleared on the right events.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ ):
+ self.skip_lines = 0
+ self._connected_apps = []
+ def reset_history_position(self, _: Buffer):
+ self.skip_lines = 0
+ def disconnect(self):
+ for pt_app in self._connected_apps:
+ text_insert_event = pt_app.default_buffer.on_text_insert
+ text_insert_event.remove_handler(self.reset_history_position)
+ def connect(self, pt_app: PromptSession):
+ self._connected_apps.append(pt_app)
+ # note: `on_text_changed` could be used for a bit different behaviour
+ # on character deletion (i.e. reseting history position on backspace)
+ pt_app.default_buffer.on_text_insert.add_handler(self.reset_history_position)
+ pt_app.default_buffer.on_cursor_position_changed.add_handler(self._dismiss)
+ def get_suggestion(
+ self, buffer: Buffer, document: Document
+ ) -> Optional[Suggestion]:
+ text = _get_query(document)
+ if text.strip():
+ for suggestion, _ in self._find_next_match(
+ text, self.skip_lines, buffer.history
+ ):
+ return Suggestion(suggestion)
+ return None
+ def _dismiss(self, buffer, *args, **kwargs):
+ buffer.suggestion = None
+ def _find_match(
+ self, text: str, skip_lines: float, history: History, previous: bool
+ ) -> Generator[Tuple[str, float], None, None]:
+ """
+ text : str
+ Text content to find a match for, the user cursor is most of the
+ time at the end of this text.
+ skip_lines : float
+ number of items to skip in the search, this is used to indicate how
+ far in the list the user has navigated by pressing up or down.
+ The float type is used as the base value is +inf
+ history : History
+ prompt_toolkit History instance to fetch previous entries from.
+ previous : bool
+ Direction of the search, whether we are looking previous match
+ (True), or next match (False).
+ Yields
+ ------
+ Tuple with:
+ str:
+ current suggestion.
+ float:
+ will actually yield only ints, which is passed back via skip_lines,
+ which may be a +inf (float)
+ """
+ line_number = -1
+ for string in reversed(list(history.get_strings())):
+ for line in reversed(string.splitlines()):
+ line_number += 1
+ if not previous and line_number < skip_lines:
+ continue
+ # do not return empty suggestions as these
+ # close the auto-suggestion overlay (and are useless)
+ if line.startswith(text) and len(line) > len(text):
+ yield line[len(text) :], line_number
+ if previous and line_number >= skip_lines:
+ return
+ def _find_next_match(
+ self, text: str, skip_lines: float, history: History
+ ) -> Generator[Tuple[str, float], None, None]:
+ return self._find_match(text, skip_lines, history, previous=False)
+ def _find_previous_match(self, text: str, skip_lines: float, history: History):
+ return reversed(
+ list(self._find_match(text, skip_lines, history, previous=True))
+ )
+ def up(self, query: str, other_than: str, history: History) -> None:
+ for suggestion, line_number in self._find_next_match(
+ query, self.skip_lines, history
+ ):
+ # if user has history ['very.a', 'very', 'very.b'] and typed 'very'
+ # we want to switch from 'very.b' to 'very.a' because a) if the
+ # suggestion equals current text, prompt-toolkit aborts suggesting
+ # b) user likely would not be interested in 'very' anyways (they
+ # already typed it).
+ if query + suggestion != other_than:
+ self.skip_lines = line_number
+ break
+ else:
+ # no matches found, cycle back to beginning
+ self.skip_lines = 0
+ def down(self, query: str, other_than: str, history: History) -> None:
+ for suggestion, line_number in self._find_previous_match(
+ query, self.skip_lines, history
+ ):
+ if query + suggestion != other_than:
+ self.skip_lines = line_number
+ break
+ else:
+ # no matches found, cycle to end
+ for suggestion, line_number in self._find_previous_match(
+ query, float("Inf"), history
+ ):
+ if query + suggestion != other_than:
+ self.skip_lines = line_number
+ break
+def accept_or_jump_to_end(event: KeyPressEvent):
+ """Apply autosuggestion or jump to end of line."""
+ buffer = event.current_buffer
+ d = buffer.document
+ after_cursor = d.text[d.cursor_position :]
+ lines = after_cursor.split("\n")
+ end_of_current_line = lines[0].strip()
+ suggestion = buffer.suggestion
+ if (suggestion is not None) and (suggestion.text) and (end_of_current_line == ""):
+ buffer.insert_text(suggestion.text)
+ else:
+ nc.end_of_line(event)
+def _deprected_accept_in_vi_insert_mode(event: KeyPressEvent):
+ """Accept autosuggestion or jump to end of line.
+ .. deprecated:: 8.12
+ Use `accept_or_jump_to_end` instead.
+ """
+ return accept_or_jump_to_end(event)
+def accept(event: KeyPressEvent):
+ """Accept autosuggestion"""
+ buffer = event.current_buffer
+ suggestion = buffer.suggestion
+ if suggestion:
+ buffer.insert_text(suggestion.text)
+ else:
+ nc.forward_char(event)
+def discard(event: KeyPressEvent):
+ """Discard autosuggestion"""
+ buffer = event.current_buffer
+ buffer.suggestion = None
+def accept_word(event: KeyPressEvent):
+ """Fill partial autosuggestion by word"""
+ buffer = event.current_buffer
+ suggestion = buffer.suggestion
+ if suggestion:
+ t = re.split(r"(\S+\s+)", suggestion.text)
+ buffer.insert_text(next((x for x in t if x), ""))
+ else:
+ nc.forward_word(event)
+def accept_character(event: KeyPressEvent):
+ """Fill partial autosuggestion by character"""
+ b = event.current_buffer
+ suggestion = b.suggestion
+ if suggestion and suggestion.text:
+ b.insert_text(suggestion.text[0])
+def accept_and_keep_cursor(event: KeyPressEvent):
+ """Accept autosuggestion and keep cursor in place"""
+ buffer = event.current_buffer
+ old_position = buffer.cursor_position
+ suggestion = buffer.suggestion
+ if suggestion:
+ buffer.insert_text(suggestion.text)
+ buffer.cursor_position = old_position
+def accept_and_move_cursor_left(event: KeyPressEvent):
+ """Accept autosuggestion and move cursor left in place"""
+ accept_and_keep_cursor(event)
+ nc.backward_char(event)
+def _update_hint(buffer: Buffer):
+ if buffer.auto_suggest:
+ suggestion = buffer.auto_suggest.get_suggestion(buffer, buffer.document)
+ buffer.suggestion = suggestion
+def backspace_and_resume_hint(event: KeyPressEvent):
+ """Resume autosuggestions after deleting last character"""
+ nc.backward_delete_char(event)
+ _update_hint(event.current_buffer)
+def resume_hinting(event: KeyPressEvent):
+ """Resume autosuggestions"""
+ pass_through.reply(event)
+ # Order matters: if update happened first and event reply second, the
+ # suggestion would be auto-accepted if both actions are bound to same key.
+ _update_hint(event.current_buffer)
+def up_and_update_hint(event: KeyPressEvent):
+ """Go up and update hint"""
+ current_buffer = event.current_buffer
+ current_buffer.auto_up(count=event.arg)
+ _update_hint(current_buffer)
+def down_and_update_hint(event: KeyPressEvent):
+ """Go down and update hint"""
+ current_buffer = event.current_buffer
+ current_buffer.auto_down(count=event.arg)
+ _update_hint(current_buffer)
+def accept_token(event: KeyPressEvent):
+ """Fill partial autosuggestion by token"""
+ b = event.current_buffer
+ suggestion = b.suggestion
+ if suggestion:
+ prefix = _get_query(b.document)
+ text = prefix + suggestion.text
+ tokens: List[Optional[str]] = [None, None, None]
+ substrings = [""]
+ i = 0
+ for token in generate_tokens(StringIO(text).readline):
+ if token.type == tokenize.NEWLINE:
+ index = len(text)
+ else:
+ index = text.index(token[1], len(substrings[-1]))
+ substrings.append(text[:index])
+ tokenized_so_far = substrings[-1]
+ if tokenized_so_far.startswith(prefix):
+ if i == 0 and len(tokenized_so_far) > len(prefix):
+ tokens[0] = tokenized_so_far[len(prefix) :]
+ substrings.append(tokenized_so_far)
+ i += 1
+ tokens[i] = token[1]
+ if i == 2:
+ break
+ i += 1
+ if tokens[0]:
+ to_insert: str
+ insert_text = substrings[-2]
+ if tokens[1] and len(tokens[1]) == 1:
+ insert_text = substrings[-1]
+ to_insert = insert_text[len(prefix) :]
+ b.insert_text(to_insert)
+ return
+ nc.forward_word(event)
+Provider = Union[AutoSuggestFromHistory, NavigableAutoSuggestFromHistory, None]
+def _swap_autosuggestion(
+ buffer: Buffer,
+ provider: NavigableAutoSuggestFromHistory,
+ direction_method: Callable,
+ """
+ We skip most recent history entry (in either direction) if it equals the
+ current autosuggestion because if user cycles when auto-suggestion is shown
+ they most likely want something else than what was suggested (otherwise
+ they would have accepted the suggestion).
+ """
+ suggestion = buffer.suggestion
+ if not suggestion:
+ return
+ query = _get_query(buffer.document)
+ current = query + suggestion.text
+ direction_method(query=query, other_than=current, history=buffer.history)
+ new_suggestion = provider.get_suggestion(buffer, buffer.document)
+ buffer.suggestion = new_suggestion
+def swap_autosuggestion_up(event: KeyPressEvent):
+ """Get next autosuggestion from history."""
+ shell = get_ipython()
+ provider = shell.auto_suggest
+ if not isinstance(provider, NavigableAutoSuggestFromHistory):
+ return
+ return _swap_autosuggestion(
+ buffer=event.current_buffer, provider=provider, direction_method=provider.up
+ )
+def swap_autosuggestion_down(event: KeyPressEvent):
+ """Get previous autosuggestion from history."""
+ shell = get_ipython()
+ provider = shell.auto_suggest
+ if not isinstance(provider, NavigableAutoSuggestFromHistory):
+ return
+ return _swap_autosuggestion(
+ buffer=event.current_buffer,
+ provider=provider,
+ direction_method=provider.down,
+ )
+def __getattr__(key):
+ if key == "accept_in_vi_insert_mode":
+ warnings.warn(
+ "`accept_in_vi_insert_mode` is deprecated since IPython 8.12 and "
+ "renamed to `accept_or_jump_to_end`. Please update your configuration "
+ "accordingly",
+ DeprecationWarning,
+ stacklevel=2,
+ )
+ return _deprected_accept_in_vi_insert_mode
+ raise AttributeError
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/shortcuts/filters.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/shortcuts/filters.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c9d6a9c41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py3/IPython/terminal/shortcuts/filters.py
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+Filters restricting scope of IPython Terminal shortcuts.
+# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
+# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
+import ast
+import re
+import signal
+import sys
+from typing import Callable, Dict, Union
+from prompt_toolkit.application.current import get_app
+from prompt_toolkit.enums import DEFAULT_BUFFER, SEARCH_BUFFER
+from prompt_toolkit.key_binding import KeyPressEvent
+from prompt_toolkit.filters import Condition, Filter, emacs_insert_mode, has_completions
+from prompt_toolkit.filters import has_focus as has_focus_impl
+from prompt_toolkit.filters import (
+ Always,
+ Never,
+ has_selection,
+ has_suggestion,
+ vi_insert_mode,
+ vi_mode,
+from prompt_toolkit.layout.layout import FocusableElement
+from IPython.core.getipython import get_ipython
+from IPython.core.guarded_eval import _find_dunder, BINARY_OP_DUNDERS, UNARY_OP_DUNDERS
+from IPython.terminal.shortcuts import auto_suggest
+from IPython.utils.decorators import undoc
+def cursor_in_leading_ws():
+ before = get_app().current_buffer.document.current_line_before_cursor
+ return (not before) or before.isspace()
+def has_focus(value: FocusableElement):
+ """Wrapper around has_focus adding a nice `__name__` to tester function"""
+ tester = has_focus_impl(value).func
+ tester.__name__ = f"is_focused({value})"
+ return Condition(tester)
+def has_line_below() -> bool:
+ document = get_app().current_buffer.document
+ return document.cursor_position_row < len(document.lines) - 1
+def is_cursor_at_the_end_of_line() -> bool:
+ document = get_app().current_buffer.document
+ return document.is_cursor_at_the_end_of_line
+def has_line_above() -> bool:
+ document = get_app().current_buffer.document
+ return document.cursor_position_row != 0
+def ebivim():
+ shell = get_ipython()
+ return shell.emacs_bindings_in_vi_insert_mode
+def supports_suspend():
+ return hasattr(signal, "SIGTSTP")
+def auto_match():
+ shell = get_ipython()
+ return shell.auto_match
+def all_quotes_paired(quote, buf):
+ paired = True
+ i = 0
+ while i < len(buf):
+ c = buf[i]
+ if c == quote:
+ paired = not paired
+ elif c == "\\":
+ i += 1
+ i += 1
+ return paired
+_preceding_text_cache: Dict[Union[str, Callable], Condition] = {}
+_following_text_cache: Dict[Union[str, Callable], Condition] = {}
+def preceding_text(pattern: Union[str, Callable]):
+ if pattern in _preceding_text_cache:
+ return _preceding_text_cache[pattern]
+ if callable(pattern):
+ def _preceding_text():
+ app = get_app()
+ before_cursor = app.current_buffer.document.current_line_before_cursor
+ # mypy can't infer if(callable): https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/3603
+ return bool(pattern(before_cursor)) # type: ignore[operator]
+ else:
+ m = re.compile(pattern)
+ def _preceding_text():
+ app = get_app()
+ before_cursor = app.current_buffer.document.current_line_before_cursor
+ return bool(m.match(before_cursor))
+ _preceding_text.__name__ = f"preceding_text({pattern!r})"
+ condition = Condition(_preceding_text)
+ _preceding_text_cache[pattern] = condition
+ return condition
+def following_text(pattern):
+ try:
+ return _following_text_cache[pattern]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ m = re.compile(pattern)
+ def _following_text():
+ app = get_app()
+ return bool(m.match(app.current_buffer.document.current_line_after_cursor))
+ _following_text.__name__ = f"following_text({pattern!r})"
+ condition = Condition(_following_text)
+ _following_text_cache[pattern] = condition
+ return condition
+def not_inside_unclosed_string():
+ app = get_app()
+ s = app.current_buffer.document.text_before_cursor
+ # remove escaped quotes
+ s = s.replace('\\"', "").replace("\\'", "")
+ # remove triple-quoted string literals
+ s = re.sub(r"(?:\"\"\"[\s\S]*\"\"\"|'''[\s\S]*''')", "", s)
+ # remove single-quoted string literals
+ s = re.sub(r"""(?:"[^"]*["\n]|'[^']*['\n])""", "", s)
+ return not ('"' in s or "'" in s)
+def navigable_suggestions():
+ shell = get_ipython()
+ return isinstance(shell.auto_suggest, auto_suggest.NavigableAutoSuggestFromHistory)
+def readline_like_completions():
+ shell = get_ipython()
+ return shell.display_completions == "readlinelike"
+def is_windows_os():
+ return sys.platform == "win32"
+class PassThrough(Filter):
+ """A filter allowing to implement pass-through behaviour of keybindings.
+ Prompt toolkit key processor dispatches only one event per binding match,
+ which means that adding a new shortcut will suppress the old shortcut
+ if the keybindings are the same (unless one is filtered out).
+ To stop a shortcut binding from suppressing other shortcuts:
+ - add the `pass_through` filter to list of filter, and
+ - call `pass_through.reply(event)` in the shortcut handler.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._is_replying = False
+ def reply(self, event: KeyPressEvent):
+ self._is_replying = True
+ try:
+ event.key_processor.reset()
+ event.key_processor.feed_multiple(event.key_sequence)
+ event.key_processor.process_keys()
+ finally:
+ self._is_replying = False
+ def __call__(self):
+ return not self._is_replying
+pass_through = PassThrough()
+# these one is callable and re-used multiple times hence needs to be
+# only defined once beforhand so that transforming back to human-readable
+# names works well in the documentation.
+default_buffer_focused = has_focus(DEFAULT_BUFFER)
+ "always": Always(),
+ # never is used for exposing commands which have no default keybindings
+ "never": Never(),
+ "has_line_below": has_line_below,
+ "has_line_above": has_line_above,
+ "is_cursor_at_the_end_of_line": is_cursor_at_the_end_of_line,
+ "has_selection": has_selection,
+ "has_suggestion": has_suggestion,
+ "vi_mode": vi_mode,
+ "vi_insert_mode": vi_insert_mode,
+ "emacs_insert_mode": emacs_insert_mode,
+ # https://github.com/ipython/ipython/pull/12603 argued for inclusion of
+ # emacs key bindings with a configurable `emacs_bindings_in_vi_insert_mode`
+ # toggle; when the toggle is on user can access keybindigns like `ctrl + e`
+ # in vi insert mode. Because some of the emacs bindings involve `escape`
+ # followed by another key, e.g. `escape` followed by `f`, prompt-toolkit
+ # needs to wait to see if there will be another character typed in before
+ # executing pure `escape` keybinding; in vi insert mode `escape` switches to
+ # command mode which is common and performance critical action for vi users.
+ # To avoid the delay users employ a workaround:
+ # https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/13443#issuecomment-1032753703
+ # which involves switching `emacs_bindings_in_vi_insert_mode` off.
+ #
+ # For the workaround to work:
+ # 1) end users need to toggle `emacs_bindings_in_vi_insert_mode` off
+ # 2) all keybindings which would involve `escape` need to respect that
+ # toggle by including either:
+ # - `vi_insert_mode & ebivim` for actions which have emacs keybindings
+ # predefined upstream in prompt-toolkit, or
+ # - `emacs_like_insert_mode` for actions which do not have existing
+ # emacs keybindings predefined upstream (or need overriding of the
+ # upstream bindings to modify behaviour), defined below.
+ "emacs_like_insert_mode": (vi_insert_mode & ebivim) | emacs_insert_mode,
+ "has_completions": has_completions,
+ "insert_mode": vi_insert_mode | emacs_insert_mode,
+ "default_buffer_focused": default_buffer_focused,
+ "search_buffer_focused": has_focus(SEARCH_BUFFER),
+ # `ebivim` stands for emacs bindings in vi insert mode
+ "ebivim": ebivim,
+ "supports_suspend": supports_suspend,
+ "is_windows_os": is_windows_os,
+ "auto_match": auto_match,
+ "focused_insert": (vi_insert_mode | emacs_insert_mode) & default_buffer_focused,
+ "not_inside_unclosed_string": not_inside_unclosed_string,
+ "readline_like_completions": readline_like_completions,
+ "preceded_by_paired_double_quotes": preceding_text(
+ lambda line: all_quotes_paired('"', line)
+ ),
+ "preceded_by_paired_single_quotes": preceding_text(
+ lambda line: all_quotes_paired("'", line)
+ ),
+ "preceded_by_raw_str_prefix": preceding_text(r".*(r|R)[\"'](-*)$"),
+ "preceded_by_two_double_quotes": preceding_text(r'^.*""$'),
+ "preceded_by_two_single_quotes": preceding_text(r"^.*''$"),
+ "followed_by_closing_paren_or_end": following_text(r"[,)}\]]|$"),
+ "preceded_by_opening_round_paren": preceding_text(r".*\($"),
+ "preceded_by_opening_bracket": preceding_text(r".*\[$"),
+ "preceded_by_opening_brace": preceding_text(r".*\{$"),
+ "preceded_by_double_quote": preceding_text('.*"$'),
+ "preceded_by_single_quote": preceding_text(r".*'$"),
+ "followed_by_closing_round_paren": following_text(r"^\)"),
+ "followed_by_closing_bracket": following_text(r"^\]"),
+ "followed_by_closing_brace": following_text(r"^\}"),
+ "followed_by_double_quote": following_text('^"'),
+ "followed_by_single_quote": following_text("^'"),
+ "navigable_suggestions": navigable_suggestions,
+ "cursor_in_leading_ws": cursor_in_leading_ws,
+ "pass_through": pass_through,
+def eval_node(node: Union[ast.AST, None]):
+ if node is None:
+ return None
+ if isinstance(node, ast.Expression):
+ return eval_node(node.body)
+ if isinstance(node, ast.BinOp):
+ left = eval_node(node.left)
+ right = eval_node(node.right)
+ dunders = _find_dunder(node.op, BINARY_OP_DUNDERS)
+ if dunders:
+ return getattr(left, dunders[0])(right)
+ raise ValueError(f"Unknown binary operation: {node.op}")
+ if isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp):
+ value = eval_node(node.operand)
+ dunders = _find_dunder(node.op, UNARY_OP_DUNDERS)
+ if dunders:
+ return getattr(value, dunders[0])()
+ raise ValueError(f"Unknown unary operation: {node.op}")
+ if isinstance(node, ast.Name):
+ if node.id in KEYBINDING_FILTERS:
+ return KEYBINDING_FILTERS[node.id]
+ else:
+ sep = "\n - "
+ known_filters = sep.join(sorted(KEYBINDING_FILTERS))
+ raise NameError(
+ f"{node.id} is not a known shortcut filter."
+ f" Known filters are: {sep}{known_filters}."
+ )
+ raise ValueError("Unhandled node", ast.dump(node))
+def filter_from_string(code: str):
+ expression = ast.parse(code, mode="eval")
+ return eval_node(expression)
+__all__ = ["KEYBINDING_FILTERS", "filter_from_string"]