path: root/contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/external
diff options
authornkozlovskiy <nmk@ydb.tech>2023-09-29 12:24:06 +0300
committernkozlovskiy <nmk@ydb.tech>2023-09-29 12:41:34 +0300
commite0e3e1717e3d33762ce61950504f9637a6e669ed (patch)
treebca3ff6939b10ed60c3d5c12439963a1146b9711 /contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/external
parent38f2c5852db84c7b4d83adfcb009eb61541d1ccd (diff)
add ydb deps
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/external')
8 files changed, 928 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/external/__init__.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/external/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3104c19462
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/external/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+This package contains all third-party modules bundled with IPython.
+__all__ = ["simplegeneric"]
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/external/decorators/__init__.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/external/decorators/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd8f52b711
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/external/decorators/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+ from numpy.testing.decorators import *
+ from numpy.testing.noseclasses import KnownFailure
+except ImportError:
+ from ._decorators import *
+ try:
+ from ._numpy_testing_noseclasses import KnownFailure
+ except ImportError:
+ pass
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/external/decorators/_decorators.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/external/decorators/_decorators.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..19de5e5cde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/external/decorators/_decorators.py
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+Decorators for labeling and modifying behavior of test objects.
+Decorators that merely return a modified version of the original
+function object are straightforward. Decorators that return a new
+function object need to use
+ nose.tools.make_decorator(original_function)(decorator)
+in returning the decorator, in order to preserve meta-data such as
+function name, setup and teardown functions and so on - see
+``nose.tools`` for more information.
+import warnings
+# IPython changes: make this work if numpy not available
+# Original code:
+#from numpy.testing.utils import \
+# WarningManager, WarningMessage
+# Our version:
+from ._numpy_testing_utils import WarningManager
+ from ._numpy_testing_noseclasses import KnownFailureTest
+ pass
+# End IPython changes
+def slow(t):
+ """
+ Label a test as 'slow'.
+ The exact definition of a slow test is obviously both subjective and
+ hardware-dependent, but in general any individual test that requires more
+ than a second or two should be labeled as slow (the whole suite consists of
+ thousands of tests, so even a second is significant).
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ t : callable
+ The test to label as slow.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ t : callable
+ The decorated test `t`.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ The `numpy.testing` module includes ``import decorators as dec``.
+ A test can be decorated as slow like this::
+ from numpy.testing import *
+ @dec.slow
+ def test_big(self):
+ print 'Big, slow test'
+ """
+ t.slow = True
+ return t
+def setastest(tf=True):
+ """
+ Signals to nose that this function is or is not a test.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ tf : bool
+ If True, specifies that the decorated callable is a test.
+ If False, specifies that the decorated callable is not a test.
+ Default is True.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ This decorator can't use the nose namespace, because it can be
+ called from a non-test module. See also ``istest`` and ``nottest`` in
+ ``nose.tools``.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ `setastest` can be used in the following way::
+ from numpy.testing.decorators import setastest
+ @setastest(False)
+ def func_with_test_in_name(arg1, arg2):
+ pass
+ """
+ def set_test(t):
+ t.__test__ = tf
+ return t
+ return set_test
+def skipif(skip_condition, msg=None):
+ """
+ Make function raise SkipTest exception if a given condition is true.
+ If the condition is a callable, it is used at runtime to dynamically
+ make the decision. This is useful for tests that may require costly
+ imports, to delay the cost until the test suite is actually executed.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ skip_condition : bool or callable
+ Flag to determine whether to skip the decorated test.
+ msg : str, optional
+ Message to give on raising a SkipTest exception. Default is None.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ decorator : function
+ Decorator which, when applied to a function, causes SkipTest
+ to be raised when `skip_condition` is True, and the function
+ to be called normally otherwise.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ The decorator itself is decorated with the ``nose.tools.make_decorator``
+ function in order to transmit function name, and various other metadata.
+ """
+ def skip_decorator(f):
+ # Local import to avoid a hard nose dependency and only incur the
+ # import time overhead at actual test-time.
+ import nose
+ # Allow for both boolean or callable skip conditions.
+ if callable(skip_condition):
+ skip_val = lambda : skip_condition()
+ else:
+ skip_val = lambda : skip_condition
+ def get_msg(func,msg=None):
+ """Skip message with information about function being skipped."""
+ if msg is None:
+ out = 'Test skipped due to test condition'
+ else:
+ out = '\n'+msg
+ return "Skipping test: %s%s" % (func.__name__,out)
+ # We need to define *two* skippers because Python doesn't allow both
+ # return with value and yield inside the same function.
+ def skipper_func(*args, **kwargs):
+ """Skipper for normal test functions."""
+ if skip_val():
+ raise nose.SkipTest(get_msg(f,msg))
+ else:
+ return f(*args, **kwargs)
+ def skipper_gen(*args, **kwargs):
+ """Skipper for test generators."""
+ if skip_val():
+ raise nose.SkipTest(get_msg(f,msg))
+ else:
+ for x in f(*args, **kwargs):
+ yield x
+ # Choose the right skipper to use when building the actual decorator.
+ if nose.util.isgenerator(f):
+ skipper = skipper_gen
+ else:
+ skipper = skipper_func
+ return nose.tools.make_decorator(f)(skipper)
+ return skip_decorator
+def knownfailureif(fail_condition, msg=None):
+ """
+ Make function raise KnownFailureTest exception if given condition is true.
+ If the condition is a callable, it is used at runtime to dynamically
+ make the decision. This is useful for tests that may require costly
+ imports, to delay the cost until the test suite is actually executed.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ fail_condition : bool or callable
+ Flag to determine whether to mark the decorated test as a known
+ failure (if True) or not (if False).
+ msg : str, optional
+ Message to give on raising a KnownFailureTest exception.
+ Default is None.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ decorator : function
+ Decorator, which, when applied to a function, causes SkipTest
+ to be raised when `skip_condition` is True, and the function
+ to be called normally otherwise.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ The decorator itself is decorated with the ``nose.tools.make_decorator``
+ function in order to transmit function name, and various other metadata.
+ """
+ if msg is None:
+ msg = 'Test skipped due to known failure'
+ # Allow for both boolean or callable known failure conditions.
+ if callable(fail_condition):
+ fail_val = lambda : fail_condition()
+ else:
+ fail_val = lambda : fail_condition
+ def knownfail_decorator(f):
+ # Local import to avoid a hard nose dependency and only incur the
+ # import time overhead at actual test-time.
+ import nose
+ def knownfailer(*args, **kwargs):
+ if fail_val():
+ raise KnownFailureTest(msg)
+ else:
+ return f(*args, **kwargs)
+ return nose.tools.make_decorator(f)(knownfailer)
+ return knownfail_decorator
+def deprecated(conditional=True):
+ """
+ Filter deprecation warnings while running the test suite.
+ This decorator can be used to filter DeprecationWarning's, to avoid
+ printing them during the test suite run, while checking that the test
+ actually raises a DeprecationWarning.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ conditional : bool or callable, optional
+ Flag to determine whether to mark test as deprecated or not. If the
+ condition is a callable, it is used at runtime to dynamically make the
+ decision. Default is True.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ decorator : function
+ The `deprecated` decorator itself.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ .. versionadded:: 1.4.0
+ """
+ def deprecate_decorator(f):
+ # Local import to avoid a hard nose dependency and only incur the
+ # import time overhead at actual test-time.
+ import nose
+ def _deprecated_imp(*args, **kwargs):
+ # Poor man's replacement for the with statement
+ ctx = WarningManager(record=True)
+ l = ctx.__enter__()
+ warnings.simplefilter('always')
+ try:
+ f(*args, **kwargs)
+ if not len(l) > 0:
+ raise AssertionError("No warning raised when calling %s"
+ % f.__name__)
+ if not l[0].category is DeprecationWarning:
+ raise AssertionError("First warning for %s is not a " \
+ "DeprecationWarning( is %s)" % (f.__name__, l[0]))
+ finally:
+ ctx.__exit__()
+ if callable(conditional):
+ cond = conditional()
+ else:
+ cond = conditional
+ if cond:
+ return nose.tools.make_decorator(f)(_deprecated_imp)
+ else:
+ return f
+ return deprecate_decorator
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/external/decorators/_numpy_testing_noseclasses.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/external/decorators/_numpy_testing_noseclasses.py
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index 0000000000..ca6ccd87bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/external/decorators/_numpy_testing_noseclasses.py
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# IPython: modified copy of numpy.testing.noseclasses, so
+# IPython.external._decorators works without numpy being installed.
+# These classes implement a "known failure" error class.
+import os
+from nose.plugins.errorclass import ErrorClass, ErrorClassPlugin
+class KnownFailureTest(Exception):
+ '''Raise this exception to mark a test as a known failing test.'''
+ pass
+class KnownFailure(ErrorClassPlugin):
+ '''Plugin that installs a KNOWNFAIL error class for the
+ KnownFailureClass exception. When KnownFailureTest is raised,
+ the exception will be logged in the knownfail attribute of the
+ result, 'K' or 'KNOWNFAIL' (verbose) will be output, and the
+ exception will not be counted as an error or failure.'''
+ enabled = True
+ knownfail = ErrorClass(KnownFailureTest,
+ label='KNOWNFAIL',
+ isfailure=False)
+ def options(self, parser, env=os.environ):
+ parser.add_option('--no-knownfail', action='store_true',
+ dest='noKnownFail', default=env.get(env_opt, False),
+ help='Disable special handling of KnownFailureTest '
+ 'exceptions')
+ def configure(self, options, conf):
+ if not self.can_configure:
+ return
+ self.conf = conf
+ disable = getattr(options, 'noKnownFail', False)
+ if disable:
+ self.enabled = False
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/external/decorators/_numpy_testing_utils.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/external/decorators/_numpy_testing_utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad7bd0f981
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/external/decorators/_numpy_testing_utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# IPython: modified copy of numpy.testing.utils, so
+# IPython.external._decorators works without numpy being installed.
+Utility function to facilitate testing.
+import sys
+import warnings
+# The following two classes are copied from python 2.6 warnings module (context
+# manager)
+class WarningMessage(object):
+ """
+ Holds the result of a single showwarning() call.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ `WarningMessage` is copied from the Python 2.6 warnings module,
+ so it can be used in NumPy with older Python versions.
+ """
+ _WARNING_DETAILS = ("message", "category", "filename", "lineno", "file",
+ "line")
+ def __init__(self, message, category, filename, lineno, file=None,
+ line=None):
+ local_values = locals()
+ for attr in self._WARNING_DETAILS:
+ setattr(self, attr, local_values[attr])
+ if category:
+ self._category_name = category.__name__
+ else:
+ self._category_name = None
+ def __str__(self):
+ return ("{message : %r, category : %r, filename : %r, lineno : %s, "
+ "line : %r}" % (self.message, self._category_name,
+ self.filename, self.lineno, self.line))
+class WarningManager:
+ """
+ A context manager that copies and restores the warnings filter upon
+ exiting the context.
+ The 'record' argument specifies whether warnings should be captured by a
+ custom implementation of ``warnings.showwarning()`` and be appended to a
+ list returned by the context manager. Otherwise None is returned by the
+ context manager. The objects appended to the list are arguments whose
+ attributes mirror the arguments to ``showwarning()``.
+ The 'module' argument is to specify an alternative module to the module
+ named 'warnings' and imported under that name. This argument is only useful
+ when testing the warnings module itself.
+ Notes
+ -----
+ `WarningManager` is a copy of the ``catch_warnings`` context manager
+ from the Python 2.6 warnings module, with slight modifications.
+ It is copied so it can be used in NumPy with older Python versions.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, record=False, module=None):
+ self._record = record
+ if module is None:
+ self._module = sys.modules['warnings']
+ else:
+ self._module = module
+ self._entered = False
+ def __enter__(self):
+ if self._entered:
+ raise RuntimeError("Cannot enter %r twice" % self)
+ self._entered = True
+ self._filters = self._module.filters
+ self._module.filters = self._filters[:]
+ self._showwarning = self._module.showwarning
+ if self._record:
+ log = []
+ def showwarning(*args, **kwargs):
+ log.append(WarningMessage(*args, **kwargs))
+ self._module.showwarning = showwarning
+ return log
+ else:
+ return None
+ def __exit__(self, type_, value, traceback):
+ if not self._entered:
+ raise RuntimeError("Cannot exit %r without entering first" % self)
+ self._module.filters = self._filters
+ self._module.showwarning = self._showwarning
+def assert_warns(warning_class, func, *args, **kw):
+ """Fail unless a warning of class warning_class is thrown by callable when
+ invoked with arguments args and keyword arguments kwargs.
+ If a different type of warning is thrown, it will not be caught, and the
+ test case will be deemed to have suffered an error.
+ """
+ # XXX: once we may depend on python >= 2.6, this can be replaced by the
+ # warnings module context manager.
+ with WarningManager(record=True) as l:
+ warnings.simplefilter('always')
+ func(*args, **kw)
+ if not len(l) > 0:
+ raise AssertionError("No warning raised when calling %s"
+ % func.__name__)
+ if not l[0].category is warning_class:
+ raise AssertionError("First warning for %s is not a " \
+ "%s( is %s)" % (func.__name__, warning_class, l[0]))
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/external/mathjax.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/external/mathjax.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1b9b80905b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/external/mathjax.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+`IPython.external.mathjax` is deprecated with IPython 4.0+
+mathjax is now install by default with the notebook package
+import sys
+if __name__ == '__main__' :
+ sys.exit("IPython.external.mathjax is deprecated, Mathjax is now installed by default with the notebook package")
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/external/qt_for_kernel.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/external/qt_for_kernel.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a94e7e0a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/external/qt_for_kernel.py
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+""" Import Qt in a manner suitable for an IPython kernel.
+This is the import used for the `gui=qt` or `matplotlib=qt` initialization.
+Import Priority:
+if Qt has been imported anywhere else:
+ use that
+if matplotlib has been imported and doesn't support v2 (<= 1.0.1):
+ use PyQt4 @v1
+Next, ask QT_API env variable
+if QT_API not set:
+ ask matplotlib what it's using. If Qt4Agg or Qt5Agg, then use the
+ version matplotlib is configured with
+ else: (matplotlib said nothing)
+ # this is the default path - nobody told us anything
+ try in this order:
+ PyQt default version, PySide, PyQt5
+ use what QT_API says
+# NOTE: This is no longer an external, third-party module, and should be
+# considered part of IPython. For compatibility however, it is being kept in
+# IPython/external.
+import os
+import sys
+from IPython.utils.version import check_version
+from IPython.external.qt_loaders import (load_qt, loaded_api, QT_API_PYSIDE,
+#Constraints placed on an imported matplotlib
+def matplotlib_options(mpl):
+ if mpl is None:
+ return
+ backend = mpl.rcParams.get('backend', None)
+ if backend == 'Qt4Agg':
+ mpqt = mpl.rcParams.get('backend.qt4', None)
+ if mpqt is None:
+ return None
+ if mpqt.lower() == 'pyside':
+ return [QT_API_PYSIDE]
+ elif mpqt.lower() == 'pyqt4':
+ elif mpqt.lower() == 'pyqt4v2':
+ return [QT_API_PYQT]
+ raise ImportError("unhandled value for backend.qt4 from matplotlib: %r" %
+ mpqt)
+ elif backend == 'Qt5Agg':
+ mpqt = mpl.rcParams.get('backend.qt5', None)
+ if mpqt is None:
+ return None
+ if mpqt.lower() == 'pyqt5':
+ return [QT_API_PYQT5]
+ raise ImportError("unhandled value for backend.qt5 from matplotlib: %r" %
+ mpqt)
+def get_options():
+ """Return a list of acceptable QT APIs, in decreasing order of
+ preference
+ """
+ #already imported Qt somewhere. Use that
+ loaded = loaded_api()
+ if loaded is not None:
+ return [loaded]
+ mpl = sys.modules.get('matplotlib', None)
+ if mpl is not None and not check_version(mpl.__version__, '1.0.2'):
+ #1.0.1 only supports PyQt4 v1
+ qt_api = os.environ.get('QT_API', None)
+ if qt_api is None:
+ #no ETS variable. Ask mpl, then use default fallback path
+ return matplotlib_options(mpl) or [QT_API_PYQT_DEFAULT, QT_API_PYSIDE,
+ elif qt_api not in _qt_apis:
+ raise RuntimeError("Invalid Qt API %r, valid values are: %r" %
+ (qt_api, ', '.join(_qt_apis)))
+ else:
+ return [qt_api]
+api_opts = get_options()
+QtCore, QtGui, QtSvg, QT_API = load_qt(api_opts)
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/external/qt_loaders.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/external/qt_loaders.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b894fb2ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/external/qt_loaders.py
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+This module contains factory functions that attempt
+to return Qt submodules from the various python Qt bindings.
+It also protects against double-importing Qt with different
+bindings, which is unstable and likely to crash
+This is used primarily by qt and qt_for_kernel, and shouldn't
+be accessed directly from the outside
+import sys
+import types
+from functools import partial
+from IPython.utils.version import check_version
+# Available APIs.
+QT_API_PYQT = 'pyqt' # Force version 2
+QT_API_PYQT5 = 'pyqt5'
+QT_API_PYQTv1 = 'pyqtv1' # Force version 2
+QT_API_PYQT_DEFAULT = 'pyqtdefault' # use system default for version 1 vs. 2
+QT_API_PYSIDE = 'pyside'
+QT_API_PYSIDE2 = 'pyside2'
+api_to_module = {QT_API_PYSIDE2: 'PySide2',
+ QT_API_PYSIDE: 'PySide',
+ QT_API_PYQT: 'PyQt4',
+ QT_API_PYQTv1: 'PyQt4',
+ QT_API_PYQT5: 'PyQt5',
+ }
+class ImportDenier(object):
+ """Import Hook that will guard against bad Qt imports
+ once IPython commits to a specific binding
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.__forbidden = set()
+ def forbid(self, module_name):
+ sys.modules.pop(module_name, None)
+ self.__forbidden.add(module_name)
+ def find_module(self, fullname, path=None):
+ if path:
+ return
+ if fullname in self.__forbidden:
+ return self
+ def load_module(self, fullname):
+ raise ImportError("""
+ Importing %s disabled by IPython, which has
+ already imported an Incompatible QT Binding: %s
+ """ % (fullname, loaded_api()))
+ID = ImportDenier()
+sys.meta_path.insert(0, ID)
+def commit_api(api):
+ """Commit to a particular API, and trigger ImportErrors on subsequent
+ dangerous imports"""
+ if api == QT_API_PYSIDE2:
+ ID.forbid('PySide')
+ ID.forbid('PyQt4')
+ ID.forbid('PyQt5')
+ if api == QT_API_PYSIDE:
+ ID.forbid('PySide2')
+ ID.forbid('PyQt4')
+ ID.forbid('PyQt5')
+ elif api == QT_API_PYQT5:
+ ID.forbid('PySide2')
+ ID.forbid('PySide')
+ ID.forbid('PyQt4')
+ else: # There are three other possibilities, all representing PyQt4
+ ID.forbid('PyQt5')
+ ID.forbid('PySide2')
+ ID.forbid('PySide')
+def loaded_api():
+ """Return which API is loaded, if any
+ If this returns anything besides None,
+ importing any other Qt binding is unsafe.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ None, 'pyside2', 'pyside', 'pyqt', 'pyqt5', or 'pyqtv1'
+ """
+ if 'PyQt4.QtCore' in sys.modules:
+ if qtapi_version() == 2:
+ return QT_API_PYQT
+ else:
+ return QT_API_PYQTv1
+ elif 'PySide.QtCore' in sys.modules:
+ return QT_API_PYSIDE
+ elif 'PySide2.QtCore' in sys.modules:
+ return QT_API_PYSIDE2
+ elif 'PyQt5.QtCore' in sys.modules:
+ return QT_API_PYQT5
+ return None
+def has_binding(api):
+ """Safely check for PyQt4/5, PySide or PySide2, without importing submodules
+ Supports Python <= 3.3
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ api : str [ 'pyqtv1' | 'pyqt' | 'pyqt5' | 'pyside' | 'pyside2' | 'pyqtdefault']
+ Which module to check for
+ Returns
+ -------
+ True if the relevant module appears to be importable
+ """
+ # we can't import an incomplete pyside and pyqt4
+ # this will cause a crash in sip (#1431)
+ # check for complete presence before importing
+ module_name = api_to_module[api]
+ import imp
+ try:
+ #importing top level PyQt4/PySide module is ok...
+ mod = __import__(module_name)
+ #...importing submodules is not
+ imp.find_module('QtCore', mod.__path__)
+ imp.find_module('QtGui', mod.__path__)
+ imp.find_module('QtSvg', mod.__path__)
+ if api in (QT_API_PYQT5, QT_API_PYSIDE2):
+ # QT5 requires QtWidgets too
+ imp.find_module('QtWidgets', mod.__path__)
+ #we can also safely check PySide version
+ if api == QT_API_PYSIDE:
+ return check_version(mod.__version__, '1.0.3')
+ else:
+ return True
+ except ImportError:
+ return False
+def has_binding_new(api):
+ """Safely check for PyQt4/5, PySide or PySide2, without importing submodules
+ Supports Python >= 3.4
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ api : str [ 'pyqtv1' | 'pyqt' | 'pyqt5' | 'pyside' | 'pyside2' | 'pyqtdefault']
+ Which module to check for
+ Returns
+ -------
+ True if the relevant module appears to be importable
+ """
+ module_name = api_to_module[api]
+ from importlib.util import find_spec
+ required = ['QtCore', 'QtGui', 'QtSvg']
+ if api in (QT_API_PYQT5, QT_API_PYSIDE2):
+ # QT5 requires QtWidgets too
+ required.append('QtWidgets')
+ for submod in required:
+ try:
+ spec = find_spec('%s.%s' % (module_name, submod))
+ except ImportError:
+ # Package (e.g. PyQt5) not found
+ return False
+ else:
+ if spec is None:
+ # Submodule (e.g. PyQt5.QtCore) not found
+ return False
+ if api == QT_API_PYSIDE:
+ # We can also safely check PySide version
+ import PySide
+ return check_version(PySide.__version__, '1.0.3')
+ return True
+if sys.version_info >= (3, 4):
+ has_binding = has_binding_new
+def qtapi_version():
+ """Return which QString API has been set, if any
+ Returns
+ -------
+ The QString API version (1 or 2), or None if not set
+ """
+ try:
+ import sip
+ except ImportError:
+ return
+ try:
+ return sip.getapi('QString')
+ except ValueError:
+ return
+def can_import(api):
+ """Safely query whether an API is importable, without importing it"""
+ if not has_binding(api):
+ return False
+ current = loaded_api()
+ if api == QT_API_PYQT_DEFAULT:
+ return current in [QT_API_PYQT, QT_API_PYQTv1, None]
+ else:
+ return current in [api, None]
+def import_pyqt4(version=2):
+ """
+ Import PyQt4
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ version : 1, 2, or None
+ Which QString/QVariant API to use. Set to None to use the system
+ default
+ ImportErrors rasied within this function are non-recoverable
+ """
+ # The new-style string API (version=2) automatically
+ # converts QStrings to Unicode Python strings. Also, automatically unpacks
+ # QVariants to their underlying objects.
+ import sip
+ if version is not None:
+ sip.setapi('QString', version)
+ sip.setapi('QVariant', version)
+ from PyQt4 import QtGui, QtCore, QtSvg
+ if not check_version(QtCore.PYQT_VERSION_STR, '4.7'):
+ raise ImportError("IPython requires PyQt4 >= 4.7, found %s" %
+ # Alias PyQt-specific functions for PySide compatibility.
+ QtCore.Signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal
+ QtCore.Slot = QtCore.pyqtSlot
+ # query for the API version (in case version == None)
+ version = sip.getapi('QString')
+ api = QT_API_PYQTv1 if version == 1 else QT_API_PYQT
+ return QtCore, QtGui, QtSvg, api
+def import_pyqt5():
+ """
+ Import PyQt5
+ ImportErrors rasied within this function are non-recoverable
+ """
+ import sip
+ from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtSvg, QtWidgets, QtGui
+ # Alias PyQt-specific functions for PySide compatibility.
+ QtCore.Signal = QtCore.pyqtSignal
+ QtCore.Slot = QtCore.pyqtSlot
+ # Join QtGui and QtWidgets for Qt4 compatibility.
+ QtGuiCompat = types.ModuleType('QtGuiCompat')
+ QtGuiCompat.__dict__.update(QtGui.__dict__)
+ QtGuiCompat.__dict__.update(QtWidgets.__dict__)
+ api = QT_API_PYQT5
+ return QtCore, QtGuiCompat, QtSvg, api
+def import_pyside():
+ """
+ Import PySide
+ ImportErrors raised within this function are non-recoverable
+ """
+ from PySide import QtGui, QtCore, QtSvg
+ return QtCore, QtGui, QtSvg, QT_API_PYSIDE
+def import_pyside2():
+ """
+ Import PySide2
+ ImportErrors raised within this function are non-recoverable
+ """
+ from PySide2 import QtGui, QtCore, QtSvg, QtWidgets, QtPrintSupport
+ # Join QtGui and QtWidgets for Qt4 compatibility.
+ QtGuiCompat = types.ModuleType('QtGuiCompat')
+ QtGuiCompat.__dict__.update(QtGui.__dict__)
+ QtGuiCompat.__dict__.update(QtWidgets.__dict__)
+ QtGuiCompat.__dict__.update(QtPrintSupport.__dict__)
+ return QtCore, QtGuiCompat, QtSvg, QT_API_PYSIDE2
+def load_qt(api_options):
+ """
+ Attempt to import Qt, given a preference list
+ of permissible bindings
+ It is safe to call this function multiple times.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ api_options: List of strings
+ The order of APIs to try. Valid items are 'pyside', 'pyside2',
+ 'pyqt', 'pyqt5', 'pyqtv1' and 'pyqtdefault'
+ Returns
+ -------
+ A tuple of QtCore, QtGui, QtSvg, QT_API
+ The first three are the Qt modules. The last is the
+ string indicating which module was loaded.
+ Raises
+ ------
+ ImportError, if it isn't possible to import any requested
+ bindings (either becaues they aren't installed, or because
+ an incompatible library has already been installed)
+ """
+ loaders = {
+ QT_API_PYSIDE2: import_pyside2,
+ QT_API_PYSIDE: import_pyside,
+ QT_API_PYQT: import_pyqt4,
+ QT_API_PYQT5: import_pyqt5,
+ QT_API_PYQTv1: partial(import_pyqt4, version=1),
+ QT_API_PYQT_DEFAULT: partial(import_pyqt4, version=None)
+ }
+ for api in api_options:
+ if api not in loaders:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Invalid Qt API %r, valid values are: %s" %
+ (api, ", ".join(["%r" % k for k in loaders.keys()])))
+ if not can_import(api):
+ continue
+ #cannot safely recover from an ImportError during this
+ result = loaders[api]()
+ api = result[-1] # changed if api = QT_API_PYQT_DEFAULT
+ commit_api(api)
+ return result
+ else:
+ raise ImportError("""
+ Could not load requested Qt binding. Please ensure that
+ PyQt4 >= 4.7, PyQt5, PySide >= 1.0.3 or PySide2 is available,
+ and only one is imported per session.
+ Currently-imported Qt library: %r
+ PyQt4 available (requires QtCore, QtGui, QtSvg): %s
+ PyQt5 available (requires QtCore, QtGui, QtSvg, QtWidgets): %s
+ PySide >= 1.0.3 installed: %s
+ PySide2 installed: %s
+ Tried to load: %r
+ """ % (loaded_api(),
+ has_binding(QT_API_PYQT),
+ has_binding(QT_API_PYQT5),
+ has_binding(QT_API_PYSIDE),
+ has_binding(QT_API_PYSIDE2),
+ api_options))