path: root/contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/core/pylabtools.py
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authorMikhail Borisov <borisov.mikhail@gmail.com>2022-02-10 16:45:39 +0300
committerDaniil Cherednik <dcherednik@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:45:39 +0300
commita6a92afe03e02795227d2641b49819b687f088f8 (patch)
treef6984a1d27d5a7ec88a6fdd6e20cd5b7693b6ece /contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/core/pylabtools.py
parentc6dc8b8bd530985bc4cce0137e9a5de32f1087cb (diff)
Restoring authorship annotation for Mikhail Borisov <borisov.mikhail@gmail.com>. Commit 1 of 2.
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/core/pylabtools.py')
1 files changed, 378 insertions, 378 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/core/pylabtools.py b/contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/core/pylabtools.py
index a1932d8c48..79072b41a9 100644
--- a/contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/core/pylabtools.py
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython/py2/IPython/core/pylabtools.py
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-"""Pylab (matplotlib) support utilities."""
-from __future__ import print_function
-# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
-# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
-from io import BytesIO
-from IPython.core.display import _pngxy
-from IPython.utils.decorators import flag_calls
-from IPython.utils import py3compat
-# If user specifies a GUI, that dictates the backend, otherwise we read the
-# user's mpl default from the mpl rc structure
-backends = {'tk': 'TkAgg',
- 'gtk': 'GTKAgg',
- 'gtk3': 'GTK3Agg',
- 'wx': 'WXAgg',
- 'qt4': 'Qt4Agg',
- 'qt5': 'Qt5Agg',
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+"""Pylab (matplotlib) support utilities."""
+from __future__ import print_function
+# Copyright (c) IPython Development Team.
+# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
+from io import BytesIO
+from IPython.core.display import _pngxy
+from IPython.utils.decorators import flag_calls
+from IPython.utils import py3compat
+# If user specifies a GUI, that dictates the backend, otherwise we read the
+# user's mpl default from the mpl rc structure
+backends = {'tk': 'TkAgg',
+ 'gtk': 'GTKAgg',
+ 'gtk3': 'GTK3Agg',
+ 'wx': 'WXAgg',
+ 'qt4': 'Qt4Agg',
+ 'qt5': 'Qt5Agg',
'qt': 'Qt5Agg',
- 'osx': 'MacOSX',
- 'nbagg': 'nbAgg',
- 'notebook': 'nbAgg',
+ 'osx': 'MacOSX',
+ 'nbagg': 'nbAgg',
+ 'notebook': 'nbAgg',
'agg': 'agg',
'svg': 'svg',
'pdf': 'pdf',
@@ -31,20 +31,20 @@ backends = {'tk': 'TkAgg',
'ipympl': 'module://ipympl.backend_nbagg',
'widget': 'module://ipympl.backend_nbagg',
-# We also need a reverse backends2guis mapping that will properly choose which
-# GUI support to activate based on the desired matplotlib backend. For the
-# most part it's just a reverse of the above dict, but we also need to add a
-# few others that map to the same GUI manually:
-backend2gui = dict(zip(backends.values(), backends.keys()))
-# Our tests expect backend2gui to just return 'qt'
-backend2gui['Qt4Agg'] = 'qt'
-# In the reverse mapping, there are a few extra valid matplotlib backends that
-# map to the same GUI support
-backend2gui['GTK'] = backend2gui['GTKCairo'] = 'gtk'
-backend2gui['GTK3Cairo'] = 'gtk3'
-backend2gui['WX'] = 'wx'
-backend2gui['CocoaAgg'] = 'osx'
+# We also need a reverse backends2guis mapping that will properly choose which
+# GUI support to activate based on the desired matplotlib backend. For the
+# most part it's just a reverse of the above dict, but we also need to add a
+# few others that map to the same GUI manually:
+backend2gui = dict(zip(backends.values(), backends.keys()))
+# Our tests expect backend2gui to just return 'qt'
+backend2gui['Qt4Agg'] = 'qt'
+# In the reverse mapping, there are a few extra valid matplotlib backends that
+# map to the same GUI support
+backend2gui['GTK'] = backend2gui['GTKCairo'] = 'gtk'
+backend2gui['GTK3Cairo'] = 'gtk3'
+backend2gui['WX'] = 'wx'
+backend2gui['CocoaAgg'] = 'osx'
# And some backends that don't need GUI integration
del backend2gui['nbAgg']
del backend2gui['agg']
@@ -52,138 +52,138 @@ del backend2gui['svg']
del backend2gui['pdf']
del backend2gui['ps']
del backend2gui['module://ipykernel.pylab.backend_inline']
-# Matplotlib utilities
-def getfigs(*fig_nums):
- """Get a list of matplotlib figures by figure numbers.
- If no arguments are given, all available figures are returned. If the
- argument list contains references to invalid figures, a warning is printed
- but the function continues pasting further figures.
- Parameters
- ----------
- figs : tuple
- A tuple of ints giving the figure numbers of the figures to return.
- """
- from matplotlib._pylab_helpers import Gcf
- if not fig_nums:
- fig_managers = Gcf.get_all_fig_managers()
- return [fm.canvas.figure for fm in fig_managers]
- else:
- figs = []
- for num in fig_nums:
- f = Gcf.figs.get(num)
- if f is None:
- print('Warning: figure %s not available.' % num)
- else:
- figs.append(f.canvas.figure)
- return figs
-def figsize(sizex, sizey):
- """Set the default figure size to be [sizex, sizey].
- This is just an easy to remember, convenience wrapper that sets::
- matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [sizex, sizey]
- """
- import matplotlib
- matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [sizex, sizey]
-def print_figure(fig, fmt='png', bbox_inches='tight', **kwargs):
- """Print a figure to an image, and return the resulting file data
- Returned data will be bytes unless ``fmt='svg'``,
- in which case it will be unicode.
- Any keyword args are passed to fig.canvas.print_figure,
- such as ``quality`` or ``bbox_inches``.
- """
- from matplotlib import rcParams
- # When there's an empty figure, we shouldn't return anything, otherwise we
- # get big blank areas in the qt console.
- if not fig.axes and not fig.lines:
- return
+# Matplotlib utilities
+def getfigs(*fig_nums):
+ """Get a list of matplotlib figures by figure numbers.
+ If no arguments are given, all available figures are returned. If the
+ argument list contains references to invalid figures, a warning is printed
+ but the function continues pasting further figures.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ figs : tuple
+ A tuple of ints giving the figure numbers of the figures to return.
+ """
+ from matplotlib._pylab_helpers import Gcf
+ if not fig_nums:
+ fig_managers = Gcf.get_all_fig_managers()
+ return [fm.canvas.figure for fm in fig_managers]
+ else:
+ figs = []
+ for num in fig_nums:
+ f = Gcf.figs.get(num)
+ if f is None:
+ print('Warning: figure %s not available.' % num)
+ else:
+ figs.append(f.canvas.figure)
+ return figs
+def figsize(sizex, sizey):
+ """Set the default figure size to be [sizex, sizey].
+ This is just an easy to remember, convenience wrapper that sets::
+ matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [sizex, sizey]
+ """
+ import matplotlib
+ matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [sizex, sizey]
+def print_figure(fig, fmt='png', bbox_inches='tight', **kwargs):
+ """Print a figure to an image, and return the resulting file data
+ Returned data will be bytes unless ``fmt='svg'``,
+ in which case it will be unicode.
+ Any keyword args are passed to fig.canvas.print_figure,
+ such as ``quality`` or ``bbox_inches``.
+ """
+ from matplotlib import rcParams
+ # When there's an empty figure, we shouldn't return anything, otherwise we
+ # get big blank areas in the qt console.
+ if not fig.axes and not fig.lines:
+ return
dpi = fig.dpi
- if fmt == 'retina':
- dpi = dpi * 2
- fmt = 'png'
- # build keyword args
- kw = dict(
- format=fmt,
- facecolor=fig.get_facecolor(),
- edgecolor=fig.get_edgecolor(),
- dpi=dpi,
- bbox_inches=bbox_inches,
- )
- # **kwargs get higher priority
- kw.update(kwargs)
- bytes_io = BytesIO()
- fig.canvas.print_figure(bytes_io, **kw)
- data = bytes_io.getvalue()
- if fmt == 'svg':
- data = data.decode('utf-8')
- return data
-def retina_figure(fig, **kwargs):
- """format a figure as a pixel-doubled (retina) PNG"""
- pngdata = print_figure(fig, fmt='retina', **kwargs)
- # Make sure that retina_figure acts just like print_figure and returns
- # None when the figure is empty.
- if pngdata is None:
- return
- w, h = _pngxy(pngdata)
- metadata = dict(width=w//2, height=h//2)
- return pngdata, metadata
-# We need a little factory function here to create the closure where
-# safe_execfile can live.
-def mpl_runner(safe_execfile):
- """Factory to return a matplotlib-enabled runner for %run.
- Parameters
- ----------
- safe_execfile : function
- This must be a function with the same interface as the
- :meth:`safe_execfile` method of IPython.
- Returns
- -------
- A function suitable for use as the ``runner`` argument of the %run magic
- function.
- """
- def mpl_execfile(fname,*where,**kw):
- """matplotlib-aware wrapper around safe_execfile.
- Its interface is identical to that of the :func:`execfile` builtin.
- This is ultimately a call to execfile(), but wrapped in safeties to
- properly handle interactive rendering."""
- import matplotlib
+ if fmt == 'retina':
+ dpi = dpi * 2
+ fmt = 'png'
+ # build keyword args
+ kw = dict(
+ format=fmt,
+ facecolor=fig.get_facecolor(),
+ edgecolor=fig.get_edgecolor(),
+ dpi=dpi,
+ bbox_inches=bbox_inches,
+ )
+ # **kwargs get higher priority
+ kw.update(kwargs)
+ bytes_io = BytesIO()
+ fig.canvas.print_figure(bytes_io, **kw)
+ data = bytes_io.getvalue()
+ if fmt == 'svg':
+ data = data.decode('utf-8')
+ return data
+def retina_figure(fig, **kwargs):
+ """format a figure as a pixel-doubled (retina) PNG"""
+ pngdata = print_figure(fig, fmt='retina', **kwargs)
+ # Make sure that retina_figure acts just like print_figure and returns
+ # None when the figure is empty.
+ if pngdata is None:
+ return
+ w, h = _pngxy(pngdata)
+ metadata = dict(width=w//2, height=h//2)
+ return pngdata, metadata
+# We need a little factory function here to create the closure where
+# safe_execfile can live.
+def mpl_runner(safe_execfile):
+ """Factory to return a matplotlib-enabled runner for %run.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ safe_execfile : function
+ This must be a function with the same interface as the
+ :meth:`safe_execfile` method of IPython.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ A function suitable for use as the ``runner`` argument of the %run magic
+ function.
+ """
+ def mpl_execfile(fname,*where,**kw):
+ """matplotlib-aware wrapper around safe_execfile.
+ Its interface is identical to that of the :func:`execfile` builtin.
+ This is ultimately a call to execfile(), but wrapped in safeties to
+ properly handle interactive rendering."""
+ import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
- #print '*** Matplotlib runner ***' # dbg
- # turn off rendering until end of script
- is_interactive = matplotlib.rcParams['interactive']
- matplotlib.interactive(False)
- safe_execfile(fname,*where,**kw)
- matplotlib.interactive(is_interactive)
- # make rendering call now, if the user tried to do it
+ #print '*** Matplotlib runner ***' # dbg
+ # turn off rendering until end of script
+ is_interactive = matplotlib.rcParams['interactive']
+ matplotlib.interactive(False)
+ safe_execfile(fname,*where,**kw)
+ matplotlib.interactive(is_interactive)
+ # make rendering call now, if the user tried to do it
if plt.draw_if_interactive.called:
plt.draw_if_interactive.called = False
# re-draw everything that is stale
da = plt.draw_all
@@ -192,225 +192,225 @@ def mpl_runner(safe_execfile):
- return mpl_execfile
-def _reshow_nbagg_figure(fig):
- """reshow an nbagg figure"""
- try:
- reshow = fig.canvas.manager.reshow
- except AttributeError:
- raise NotImplementedError()
- else:
- reshow()
-def select_figure_formats(shell, formats, **kwargs):
- """Select figure formats for the inline backend.
- Parameters
- ==========
- shell : InteractiveShell
- The main IPython instance.
- formats : str or set
- One or a set of figure formats to enable: 'png', 'retina', 'jpeg', 'svg', 'pdf'.
- **kwargs : any
- Extra keyword arguments to be passed to fig.canvas.print_figure.
- """
- import matplotlib
- from matplotlib.figure import Figure
- svg_formatter = shell.display_formatter.formatters['image/svg+xml']
- png_formatter = shell.display_formatter.formatters['image/png']
- jpg_formatter = shell.display_formatter.formatters['image/jpeg']
- pdf_formatter = shell.display_formatter.formatters['application/pdf']
- if isinstance(formats, py3compat.string_types):
- formats = {formats}
- # cast in case of list / tuple
- formats = set(formats)
- [ f.pop(Figure, None) for f in shell.display_formatter.formatters.values() ]
+ return mpl_execfile
+def _reshow_nbagg_figure(fig):
+ """reshow an nbagg figure"""
+ try:
+ reshow = fig.canvas.manager.reshow
+ except AttributeError:
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ else:
+ reshow()
+def select_figure_formats(shell, formats, **kwargs):
+ """Select figure formats for the inline backend.
+ Parameters
+ ==========
+ shell : InteractiveShell
+ The main IPython instance.
+ formats : str or set
+ One or a set of figure formats to enable: 'png', 'retina', 'jpeg', 'svg', 'pdf'.
+ **kwargs : any
+ Extra keyword arguments to be passed to fig.canvas.print_figure.
+ """
+ import matplotlib
+ from matplotlib.figure import Figure
+ svg_formatter = shell.display_formatter.formatters['image/svg+xml']
+ png_formatter = shell.display_formatter.formatters['image/png']
+ jpg_formatter = shell.display_formatter.formatters['image/jpeg']
+ pdf_formatter = shell.display_formatter.formatters['application/pdf']
+ if isinstance(formats, py3compat.string_types):
+ formats = {formats}
+ # cast in case of list / tuple
+ formats = set(formats)
+ [ f.pop(Figure, None) for f in shell.display_formatter.formatters.values() ]
mplbackend = matplotlib.get_backend().lower()
if mplbackend == 'nbagg' or mplbackend == 'module://ipympl.backend_nbagg':
- formatter = shell.display_formatter.ipython_display_formatter
- formatter.for_type(Figure, _reshow_nbagg_figure)
- supported = {'png', 'png2x', 'retina', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'svg', 'pdf'}
- bad = formats.difference(supported)
- if bad:
- bs = "%s" % ','.join([repr(f) for f in bad])
- gs = "%s" % ','.join([repr(f) for f in supported])
- raise ValueError("supported formats are: %s not %s" % (gs, bs))
- if 'png' in formats:
- png_formatter.for_type(Figure, lambda fig: print_figure(fig, 'png', **kwargs))
- if 'retina' in formats or 'png2x' in formats:
- png_formatter.for_type(Figure, lambda fig: retina_figure(fig, **kwargs))
- if 'jpg' in formats or 'jpeg' in formats:
- jpg_formatter.for_type(Figure, lambda fig: print_figure(fig, 'jpg', **kwargs))
- if 'svg' in formats:
- svg_formatter.for_type(Figure, lambda fig: print_figure(fig, 'svg', **kwargs))
- if 'pdf' in formats:
- pdf_formatter.for_type(Figure, lambda fig: print_figure(fig, 'pdf', **kwargs))
-# Code for initializing matplotlib and importing pylab
-def find_gui_and_backend(gui=None, gui_select=None):
- """Given a gui string return the gui and mpl backend.
- Parameters
- ----------
- gui : str
- Can be one of ('tk','gtk','wx','qt','qt4','inline').
- gui_select : str
- Can be one of ('tk','gtk','wx','qt','qt4','inline').
- This is any gui already selected by the shell.
- Returns
- -------
- A tuple of (gui, backend) where backend is one of ('TkAgg','GTKAgg',
- 'WXAgg','Qt4Agg','module://ipykernel.pylab.backend_inline').
- """
- import matplotlib
- if gui and gui != 'auto':
- # select backend based on requested gui
- backend = backends[gui]
- else:
- # We need to read the backend from the original data structure, *not*
- # from mpl.rcParams, since a prior invocation of %matplotlib may have
- # overwritten that.
- # WARNING: this assumes matplotlib 1.1 or newer!!
- backend = matplotlib.rcParamsOrig['backend']
- # In this case, we need to find what the appropriate gui selection call
- # should be for IPython, so we can activate inputhook accordingly
- gui = backend2gui.get(backend, None)
- # If we have already had a gui active, we need it and inline are the
- # ones allowed.
- if gui_select and gui != gui_select:
- gui = gui_select
- backend = backends[gui]
- return gui, backend
-def activate_matplotlib(backend):
- """Activate the given backend and set interactive to True."""
- import matplotlib
- matplotlib.interactive(True)
- # Matplotlib had a bug where even switch_backend could not force
- # the rcParam to update. This needs to be set *before* the module
- # magic of switch_backend().
- matplotlib.rcParams['backend'] = backend
- import matplotlib.pyplot
- matplotlib.pyplot.switch_backend(backend)
- # This must be imported last in the matplotlib series, after
- # backend/interactivity choices have been made
+ formatter = shell.display_formatter.ipython_display_formatter
+ formatter.for_type(Figure, _reshow_nbagg_figure)
+ supported = {'png', 'png2x', 'retina', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'svg', 'pdf'}
+ bad = formats.difference(supported)
+ if bad:
+ bs = "%s" % ','.join([repr(f) for f in bad])
+ gs = "%s" % ','.join([repr(f) for f in supported])
+ raise ValueError("supported formats are: %s not %s" % (gs, bs))
+ if 'png' in formats:
+ png_formatter.for_type(Figure, lambda fig: print_figure(fig, 'png', **kwargs))
+ if 'retina' in formats or 'png2x' in formats:
+ png_formatter.for_type(Figure, lambda fig: retina_figure(fig, **kwargs))
+ if 'jpg' in formats or 'jpeg' in formats:
+ jpg_formatter.for_type(Figure, lambda fig: print_figure(fig, 'jpg', **kwargs))
+ if 'svg' in formats:
+ svg_formatter.for_type(Figure, lambda fig: print_figure(fig, 'svg', **kwargs))
+ if 'pdf' in formats:
+ pdf_formatter.for_type(Figure, lambda fig: print_figure(fig, 'pdf', **kwargs))
+# Code for initializing matplotlib and importing pylab
+def find_gui_and_backend(gui=None, gui_select=None):
+ """Given a gui string return the gui and mpl backend.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ gui : str
+ Can be one of ('tk','gtk','wx','qt','qt4','inline').
+ gui_select : str
+ Can be one of ('tk','gtk','wx','qt','qt4','inline').
+ This is any gui already selected by the shell.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ A tuple of (gui, backend) where backend is one of ('TkAgg','GTKAgg',
+ 'WXAgg','Qt4Agg','module://ipykernel.pylab.backend_inline').
+ """
+ import matplotlib
+ if gui and gui != 'auto':
+ # select backend based on requested gui
+ backend = backends[gui]
+ else:
+ # We need to read the backend from the original data structure, *not*
+ # from mpl.rcParams, since a prior invocation of %matplotlib may have
+ # overwritten that.
+ # WARNING: this assumes matplotlib 1.1 or newer!!
+ backend = matplotlib.rcParamsOrig['backend']
+ # In this case, we need to find what the appropriate gui selection call
+ # should be for IPython, so we can activate inputhook accordingly
+ gui = backend2gui.get(backend, None)
+ # If we have already had a gui active, we need it and inline are the
+ # ones allowed.
+ if gui_select and gui != gui_select:
+ gui = gui_select
+ backend = backends[gui]
+ return gui, backend
+def activate_matplotlib(backend):
+ """Activate the given backend and set interactive to True."""
+ import matplotlib
+ matplotlib.interactive(True)
+ # Matplotlib had a bug where even switch_backend could not force
+ # the rcParam to update. This needs to be set *before* the module
+ # magic of switch_backend().
+ matplotlib.rcParams['backend'] = backend
+ import matplotlib.pyplot
+ matplotlib.pyplot.switch_backend(backend)
+ # This must be imported last in the matplotlib series, after
+ # backend/interactivity choices have been made
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.show._needmain = False
- # We need to detect at runtime whether show() is called by the user.
- # For this, we wrap it into a decorator which adds a 'called' flag.
+ # We need to detect at runtime whether show() is called by the user.
+ # For this, we wrap it into a decorator which adds a 'called' flag.
plt.draw_if_interactive = flag_calls(plt.draw_if_interactive)
-def import_pylab(user_ns, import_all=True):
- """Populate the namespace with pylab-related values.
- Imports matplotlib, pylab, numpy, and everything from pylab and numpy.
- Also imports a few names from IPython (figsize, display, getfigs)
- """
- # Import numpy as np/pyplot as plt are conventions we're trying to
- # somewhat standardize on. Making them available to users by default
- # will greatly help this.
- s = ("import numpy\n"
- "import matplotlib\n"
- "from matplotlib import pylab, mlab, pyplot\n"
- "np = numpy\n"
- "plt = pyplot\n"
- )
- exec(s, user_ns)
- if import_all:
- s = ("from matplotlib.pylab import *\n"
- "from numpy import *\n")
- exec(s, user_ns)
- # IPython symbols to add
- user_ns['figsize'] = figsize
- from IPython.core.display import display
- # Add display and getfigs to the user's namespace
- user_ns['display'] = display
- user_ns['getfigs'] = getfigs
-def configure_inline_support(shell, backend):
- """Configure an IPython shell object for matplotlib use.
- Parameters
- ----------
- shell : InteractiveShell instance
- backend : matplotlib backend
- """
- # If using our svg payload backend, register the post-execution
- # function that will pick up the results for display. This can only be
- # done with access to the real shell object.
- # Note: if we can't load the inline backend, then there's no point
- # continuing (such as in terminal-only shells in environments without
- # zeromq available).
- try:
- from ipykernel.pylab.backend_inline import InlineBackend
- except ImportError:
- return
+def import_pylab(user_ns, import_all=True):
+ """Populate the namespace with pylab-related values.
+ Imports matplotlib, pylab, numpy, and everything from pylab and numpy.
+ Also imports a few names from IPython (figsize, display, getfigs)
+ """
+ # Import numpy as np/pyplot as plt are conventions we're trying to
+ # somewhat standardize on. Making them available to users by default
+ # will greatly help this.
+ s = ("import numpy\n"
+ "import matplotlib\n"
+ "from matplotlib import pylab, mlab, pyplot\n"
+ "np = numpy\n"
+ "plt = pyplot\n"
+ )
+ exec(s, user_ns)
+ if import_all:
+ s = ("from matplotlib.pylab import *\n"
+ "from numpy import *\n")
+ exec(s, user_ns)
+ # IPython symbols to add
+ user_ns['figsize'] = figsize
+ from IPython.core.display import display
+ # Add display and getfigs to the user's namespace
+ user_ns['display'] = display
+ user_ns['getfigs'] = getfigs
+def configure_inline_support(shell, backend):
+ """Configure an IPython shell object for matplotlib use.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ shell : InteractiveShell instance
+ backend : matplotlib backend
+ """
+ # If using our svg payload backend, register the post-execution
+ # function that will pick up the results for display. This can only be
+ # done with access to the real shell object.
+ # Note: if we can't load the inline backend, then there's no point
+ # continuing (such as in terminal-only shells in environments without
+ # zeromq available).
+ try:
+ from ipykernel.pylab.backend_inline import InlineBackend
+ except ImportError:
+ return
import matplotlib
- cfg = InlineBackend.instance(parent=shell)
- cfg.shell = shell
- if cfg not in shell.configurables:
- shell.configurables.append(cfg)
- if backend == backends['inline']:
- from ipykernel.pylab.backend_inline import flush_figures
- shell.events.register('post_execute', flush_figures)
- # Save rcParams that will be overwrittern
- shell._saved_rcParams = dict()
- for k in cfg.rc:
+ cfg = InlineBackend.instance(parent=shell)
+ cfg.shell = shell
+ if cfg not in shell.configurables:
+ shell.configurables.append(cfg)
+ if backend == backends['inline']:
+ from ipykernel.pylab.backend_inline import flush_figures
+ shell.events.register('post_execute', flush_figures)
+ # Save rcParams that will be overwrittern
+ shell._saved_rcParams = dict()
+ for k in cfg.rc:
shell._saved_rcParams[k] = matplotlib.rcParams[k]
- # load inline_rc
+ # load inline_rc
- new_backend_name = "inline"
- else:
- from ipykernel.pylab.backend_inline import flush_figures
- try:
- shell.events.unregister('post_execute', flush_figures)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- if hasattr(shell, '_saved_rcParams'):
+ new_backend_name = "inline"
+ else:
+ from ipykernel.pylab.backend_inline import flush_figures
+ try:
+ shell.events.unregister('post_execute', flush_figures)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ if hasattr(shell, '_saved_rcParams'):
- del shell._saved_rcParams
- new_backend_name = "other"
- # only enable the formats once -> don't change the enabled formats (which the user may
- # has changed) when getting another "%matplotlib inline" call.
- # See https://github.com/ipython/ipykernel/issues/29
- cur_backend = getattr(configure_inline_support, "current_backend", "unset")
- if new_backend_name != cur_backend:
- # Setup the default figure format
- select_figure_formats(shell, cfg.figure_formats, **cfg.print_figure_kwargs)
- configure_inline_support.current_backend = new_backend_name
+ del shell._saved_rcParams
+ new_backend_name = "other"
+ # only enable the formats once -> don't change the enabled formats (which the user may
+ # has changed) when getting another "%matplotlib inline" call.
+ # See https://github.com/ipython/ipykernel/issues/29
+ cur_backend = getattr(configure_inline_support, "current_backend", "unset")
+ if new_backend_name != cur_backend:
+ # Setup the default figure format
+ select_figure_formats(shell, cfg.figure_formats, **cfg.print_figure_kwargs)
+ configure_inline_support.current_backend = new_backend_name