path: root/contrib/python/ipython-genutils/py3/ipython_genutils/text.py
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authornkozlovskiy <nmk@ydb.tech>2023-09-29 12:24:06 +0300
committernkozlovskiy <nmk@ydb.tech>2023-09-29 12:41:34 +0300
commite0e3e1717e3d33762ce61950504f9637a6e669ed (patch)
treebca3ff6939b10ed60c3d5c12439963a1146b9711 /contrib/python/ipython-genutils/py3/ipython_genutils/text.py
parent38f2c5852db84c7b4d83adfcb009eb61541d1ccd (diff)
add ydb deps
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/ipython-genutils/py3/ipython_genutils/text.py')
1 files changed, 244 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/ipython-genutils/py3/ipython_genutils/text.py b/contrib/python/ipython-genutils/py3/ipython_genutils/text.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e196a70ad6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/ipython-genutils/py3/ipython_genutils/text.py
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+Utilities for working with strings and text.
+Inheritance diagram:
+.. inheritance-diagram:: IPython.utils.text
+ :parts: 3
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import textwrap
+from string import Formatter
+# datetime.strftime date format for ipython
+if sys.platform == 'win32':
+ date_format = "%B %d, %Y"
+ date_format = "%B %-d, %Y"
+def indent(instr,nspaces=4, ntabs=0, flatten=False):
+ """Indent a string a given number of spaces or tabstops.
+ indent(str,nspaces=4,ntabs=0) -> indent str by ntabs+nspaces.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ instr : basestring
+ The string to be indented.
+ nspaces : int (default: 4)
+ The number of spaces to be indented.
+ ntabs : int (default: 0)
+ The number of tabs to be indented.
+ flatten : bool (default: False)
+ Whether to scrub existing indentation. If True, all lines will be
+ aligned to the same indentation. If False, existing indentation will
+ be strictly increased.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ str|unicode : string indented by ntabs and nspaces.
+ """
+ if instr is None:
+ return
+ ind = '\t'*ntabs+' '*nspaces
+ if flatten:
+ pat = re.compile(r'^\s*', re.MULTILINE)
+ else:
+ pat = re.compile(r'^', re.MULTILINE)
+ outstr = re.sub(pat, ind, instr)
+ if outstr.endswith(os.linesep+ind):
+ return outstr[:-len(ind)]
+ else:
+ return outstr
+def dedent(text):
+ """Equivalent of textwrap.dedent that ignores unindented first line.
+ This means it will still dedent strings like:
+ '''foo
+ is a bar
+ '''
+ For use in wrap_paragraphs.
+ """
+ if text.startswith('\n'):
+ # text starts with blank line, don't ignore the first line
+ return textwrap.dedent(text)
+ # split first line
+ splits = text.split('\n',1)
+ if len(splits) == 1:
+ # only one line
+ return textwrap.dedent(text)
+ first, rest = splits
+ # dedent everything but the first line
+ rest = textwrap.dedent(rest)
+ return '\n'.join([first, rest])
+def wrap_paragraphs(text, ncols=80):
+ """Wrap multiple paragraphs to fit a specified width.
+ This is equivalent to textwrap.wrap, but with support for multiple
+ paragraphs, as separated by empty lines.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ list of complete paragraphs, wrapped to fill `ncols` columns.
+ """
+ paragraph_re = re.compile(r'\n(\s*\n)+', re.MULTILINE)
+ text = dedent(text).strip()
+ paragraphs = paragraph_re.split(text)[::2] # every other entry is space
+ out_ps = []
+ indent_re = re.compile(r'\n\s+', re.MULTILINE)
+ for p in paragraphs:
+ # presume indentation that survives dedent is meaningful formatting,
+ # so don't fill unless text is flush.
+ if indent_re.search(p) is None:
+ # wrap paragraph
+ p = textwrap.fill(p, ncols)
+ out_ps.append(p)
+ return out_ps
+def strip_ansi(source):
+ """
+ Remove ansi escape codes from text.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ source : str
+ Source to remove the ansi from
+ """
+ return re.sub(r'\033\[(\d|;)+?m', '', source)
+# Utils to columnize a list of string
+def _chunks(l, n):
+ """Yield successive n-sized chunks from l."""
+ for i in range(0, len(l), n):
+ yield l[i:i+n]
+def _find_optimal(rlist , separator_size=2 , displaywidth=80):
+ """Calculate optimal info to columnize a list of string"""
+ for nrow in range(1, len(rlist)+1) :
+ chk = list(map(max,_chunks(rlist, nrow)))
+ sumlength = sum(chk)
+ ncols = len(chk)
+ if sumlength+separator_size*(ncols-1) <= displaywidth :
+ break;
+ return {'columns_numbers' : ncols,
+ 'optimal_separator_width':(displaywidth - sumlength)/(ncols-1) if (ncols -1) else 0,
+ 'rows_numbers' : nrow,
+ 'columns_width' : chk
+ }
+def _get_or_default(mylist, i, default=None):
+ """return list item number, or default if don't exist"""
+ if i >= len(mylist):
+ return default
+ else :
+ return mylist[i]
+def compute_item_matrix(items, empty=None, *args, **kwargs) :
+ """Returns a nested list, and info to columnize items
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ items
+ list of strings to columize
+ empty : (default None)
+ default value to fill list if needed
+ separator_size : int (default=2)
+ How much caracters will be used as a separation between each columns.
+ displaywidth : int (default=80)
+ The width of the area onto wich the columns should enter
+ Returns
+ -------
+ strings_matrix
+ nested list of string, the outer most list contains as many list as
+ rows, the innermost lists have each as many element as colums. If the
+ total number of elements in `items` does not equal the product of
+ rows*columns, the last element of some lists are filled with `None`.
+ dict_info
+ some info to make columnize easier:
+ columns_numbers
+ number of columns
+ rows_numbers
+ number of rows
+ columns_width
+ list of with of each columns
+ optimal_separator_width
+ best separator width between columns
+ Examples
+ --------
+ ::
+ In [1]: l = ['aaa','b','cc','d','eeeee','f','g','h','i','j','k','l']
+ ...: compute_item_matrix(l,displaywidth=12)
+ Out[1]:
+ ([['aaa', 'f', 'k'],
+ ['b', 'g', 'l'],
+ ['cc', 'h', None],
+ ['d', 'i', None],
+ ['eeeee', 'j', None]],
+ {'columns_numbers': 3,
+ 'columns_width': [5, 1, 1],
+ 'optimal_separator_width': 2,
+ 'rows_numbers': 5})
+ """
+ info = _find_optimal(list(map(len, items)), *args, **kwargs)
+ nrow, ncol = info['rows_numbers'], info['columns_numbers']
+ return ([[ _get_or_default(items, c*nrow+i, default=empty) for c in range(ncol) ] for i in range(nrow) ], info)
+def columnize(items, separator=' ', displaywidth=80):
+ """ Transform a list of strings into a single string with columns.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ items : sequence of strings
+ The strings to process.
+ separator : str, optional [default is two spaces]
+ The string that separates columns.
+ displaywidth : int, optional [default is 80]
+ Width of the display in number of characters.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ The formatted string.
+ """
+ if not items :
+ return '\n'
+ matrix, info = compute_item_matrix(items, separator_size=len(separator), displaywidth=displaywidth)
+ fmatrix = [filter(None, x) for x in matrix]
+ sjoin = lambda x : separator.join([ y.ljust(w, ' ') for y, w in zip(x, info['columns_width'])])
+ return '\n'.join(map(sjoin, fmatrix))+'\n'