path: root/contrib/python/incremental
diff options
authorshmel1k <shmel1k@ydb.tech>2023-11-26 18:16:14 +0300
committershmel1k <shmel1k@ydb.tech>2023-11-26 18:43:30 +0300
commitb8cf9e88f4c5c64d9406af533d8948deb050d695 (patch)
tree218eb61fb3c3b96ec08b4d8cdfef383104a87d63 /contrib/python/incremental
parent523f645a83a0ec97a0332dbc3863bb354c92a328 (diff)
add kikimr_configure
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/incremental')
21 files changed, 2194 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/incremental/py2/.dist-info/METADATA b/contrib/python/incremental/py2/.dist-info/METADATA
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4a9409082
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/incremental/py2/.dist-info/METADATA
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+Metadata-Version: 2.1
+Name: incremental
+Version: 22.10.0
+Summary: "A small library that versions your Python projects."
+Home-page: https://github.com/twisted/incremental
+Maintainer: Amber Brown
+Maintainer-email: hawkowl@twistedmatrix.com
+License: MIT
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
+Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
+License-File: LICENSE
+Provides-Extra: mypy
+Requires-Dist: click (>=6.0) ; extra == 'mypy'
+Requires-Dist: twisted (>=16.4.0) ; extra == 'mypy'
+Requires-Dist: mypy (==0.812) ; extra == 'mypy'
+Provides-Extra: scripts
+Requires-Dist: click (>=6.0) ; extra == 'scripts'
+Requires-Dist: twisted (>=16.4.0) ; extra == 'scripts'
+Incremental is a small library that versions your Python projects.
+API documentation can be found `here <https://twisted.github.io/incremental/docs/>`_.
+Quick Start
+Add this to your ``setup.py``\ 's ``setup()`` call, removing any other versioning arguments:
+.. code::
+ setup(
+ use_incremental=True,
+ setup_requires=['incremental'],
+ install_requires=['incremental'], # along with any other install dependencies
+ ...
+ }
+Install Incremental to your local environment with ``pip install incremental[scripts]``.
+Then run ``python -m incremental.update <projectname> --create``.
+It will create a file in your package named ``_version.py`` and look like this:
+.. code::
+ from incremental import Version
+ __version__ = Version("widgetbox", 17, 1, 0)
+ __all__ = ["__version__"]
+Then, so users of your project can find your version, in your root package's ``__init__.py`` add:
+.. code::
+ from ._version import __version__
+Subsequent installations of your project will then use Incremental for versioning.
+Incremental Versions
+``incremental.Version`` is a class that represents a version of a given project.
+It is made up of the following elements (which are given during instantiation):
+- ``package`` (required), the name of the package this ``Version`` represents.
+- ``major``, ``minor``, ``micro`` (all required), the X.Y.Z of your project's ``Version``.
+- ``release_candidate`` (optional), set to 0 or higher to mark this ``Version`` being of a release candidate (also sometimes called a "prerelease").
+- ``post`` (optional), set to 0 or higher to mark this ``Version`` as a postrelease.
+- ``dev`` (optional), set to 0 or higher to mark this ``Version`` as a development release.
+You can extract a PEP-440 compatible version string by using the ``.public()`` method, which returns a ``str`` containing the full version. This is the version you should provide to users, or publicly use. An example output would be ``"13.2.0"``, ``"17.1.2dev1"``, or ``"18.8.0rc2"``.
+Calling ``repr()`` with a ``Version`` will give a Python-source-code representation of it, and calling ``str()`` with a ``Version`` will provide a string similar to ``'[Incremental, version 16.10.1]'``.
+Incremental includes a tool to automate updating your Incremental-using project's version called ``incremental.update``.
+It updates the ``_version.py`` file and automatically updates some uses of Incremental versions from an indeterminate version to the current one.
+It requires ``click`` from PyPI.
+``python -m incremental.update <projectname>`` will perform updates on that package.
+The commands that can be given after that will determine what the next version is.
+- ``--newversion=<version>``, to set the project version to a fully-specified version (like 1.2.3, or 17.1.0dev1).
+- ``--rc``, to set the project version to ``<year-2000>.<month>.0rc1`` if the current version is not a release candidate, or bump the release candidate number by 1 if it is.
+- ``--dev``, to set the project development release number to 0 if it is not a development release, or bump the development release number by 1 if it is.
+- ``--patch``, to increment the patch number of the release. This will also reset the release candidate number, pass ``--rc`` at the same time to increment the patch number and make it a release candidate.
+- ``--post``, to set the project postrelease number to 0 if it is not a postrelease, or bump the postrelease number by 1 if it is. This will also reset the release candidate and development release numbers.
+If you give no arguments, it will strip the release candidate number, making it a "full release".
+Incremental supports "indeterminate" versions, as a stand-in for the next "full" version. This can be used when the version which will be displayed to the end-user is unknown (for example "introduced in" or "deprecated in"). Incremental supports the following indeterminate versions:
+- ``Version("<projectname>", "NEXT", 0, 0)``
+- ``<projectname> NEXT``
+When you run ``python -m incremental.update <projectname> --rc``, these will be updated to real versions (assuming the target final version is 17.1.0):
+- ``Version("<projectname>", 17, 1, 0, release_candidate=1)``
+- ``<projectname> 17.1.0rc1``
+Once the final version is made, it will become:
+- ``Version("<projectname>", 17, 1, 0)``
+- ``<projectname> 17.1.0``
+.. |coverage| image:: https://codecov.io/gh/twisted/incremental/branch/master/graph/badge.svg?token=K2ieeL887X
+.. _coverage: https://codecov.io/gh/twisted/incremental
+.. |gha| image:: https://github.com/twisted/incremental/actions/workflows/tests.yaml/badge.svg
+.. _gha: https://github.com/twisted/incremental/actions/workflows/tests.yaml
+.. |pypi| image:: http://img.shields.io/pypi/v/incremental.svg
+.. _pypi: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/incremental
diff --git a/contrib/python/incremental/py2/.dist-info/entry_points.txt b/contrib/python/incremental/py2/.dist-info/entry_points.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c7b4877c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/incremental/py2/.dist-info/entry_points.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+use_incremental = incremental:_get_version
diff --git a/contrib/python/incremental/py2/.dist-info/top_level.txt b/contrib/python/incremental/py2/.dist-info/top_level.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cb4023922a
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+++ b/contrib/python/incremental/py2/.dist-info/top_level.txt
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diff --git a/contrib/python/incremental/py2/LICENSE b/contrib/python/incremental/py2/LICENSE
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/incremental/py2/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+This project includes code from the Twisted Project, which is licensed as below.
+Copyright (c) 2001-2015
+Allen Short
+Amber Hawkie Brown
+Andrew Bennetts
+Andy Gayton
+Antoine Pitrou
+Apple Computer, Inc.
+Ashwini Oruganti
+Benjamin Bruheim
+Bob Ippolito
+Canonical Limited
+Christopher Armstrong
+David Reid
+Divmod Inc.
+Donovan Preston
+Eric Mangold
+Eyal Lotem
+Google Inc.
+Hybrid Logic Ltd.
+Hynek Schlawack
+Itamar Turner-Trauring
+James Knight
+Jason A. Mobarak
+Jean-Paul Calderone
+Jessica McKellar
+Jonathan D. Simms
+Jonathan Jacobs
+Jonathan Lange
+Julian Berman
+Jürgen Hermann
+Kevin Horn
+Kevin Turner
+Laurens Van Houtven
+Mary Gardiner
+Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+Matthew Lefkowitz
+Moshe Zadka
+Paul Swartz
+Pavel Pergamenshchik
+Rackspace, US Inc.
+Ralph Meijer
+Richard Wall
+Sean Riley
+Software Freedom Conservancy
+Tavendo GmbH
+Thijs Triemstra
+Thomas Herve
+Timothy Allen
+Tom Prince
+Travis B. Hartwell
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/contrib/python/incremental/py2/README.rst b/contrib/python/incremental/py2/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a20d077af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/incremental/py2/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+Incremental is a small library that versions your Python projects.
+API documentation can be found `here <https://twisted.github.io/incremental/docs/>`_.
+Quick Start
+Add this to your ``setup.py``\ 's ``setup()`` call, removing any other versioning arguments:
+.. code::
+ setup(
+ use_incremental=True,
+ setup_requires=['incremental'],
+ install_requires=['incremental'], # along with any other install dependencies
+ ...
+ }
+Install Incremental to your local environment with ``pip install incremental[scripts]``.
+Then run ``python -m incremental.update <projectname> --create``.
+It will create a file in your package named ``_version.py`` and look like this:
+.. code::
+ from incremental import Version
+ __version__ = Version("widgetbox", 17, 1, 0)
+ __all__ = ["__version__"]
+Then, so users of your project can find your version, in your root package's ``__init__.py`` add:
+.. code::
+ from ._version import __version__
+Subsequent installations of your project will then use Incremental for versioning.
+Incremental Versions
+``incremental.Version`` is a class that represents a version of a given project.
+It is made up of the following elements (which are given during instantiation):
+- ``package`` (required), the name of the package this ``Version`` represents.
+- ``major``, ``minor``, ``micro`` (all required), the X.Y.Z of your project's ``Version``.
+- ``release_candidate`` (optional), set to 0 or higher to mark this ``Version`` being of a release candidate (also sometimes called a "prerelease").
+- ``post`` (optional), set to 0 or higher to mark this ``Version`` as a postrelease.
+- ``dev`` (optional), set to 0 or higher to mark this ``Version`` as a development release.
+You can extract a PEP-440 compatible version string by using the ``.public()`` method, which returns a ``str`` containing the full version. This is the version you should provide to users, or publicly use. An example output would be ``"13.2.0"``, ``"17.1.2dev1"``, or ``"18.8.0rc2"``.
+Calling ``repr()`` with a ``Version`` will give a Python-source-code representation of it, and calling ``str()`` with a ``Version`` will provide a string similar to ``'[Incremental, version 16.10.1]'``.
+Incremental includes a tool to automate updating your Incremental-using project's version called ``incremental.update``.
+It updates the ``_version.py`` file and automatically updates some uses of Incremental versions from an indeterminate version to the current one.
+It requires ``click`` from PyPI.
+``python -m incremental.update <projectname>`` will perform updates on that package.
+The commands that can be given after that will determine what the next version is.
+- ``--newversion=<version>``, to set the project version to a fully-specified version (like 1.2.3, or 17.1.0dev1).
+- ``--rc``, to set the project version to ``<year-2000>.<month>.0rc1`` if the current version is not a release candidate, or bump the release candidate number by 1 if it is.
+- ``--dev``, to set the project development release number to 0 if it is not a development release, or bump the development release number by 1 if it is.
+- ``--patch``, to increment the patch number of the release. This will also reset the release candidate number, pass ``--rc`` at the same time to increment the patch number and make it a release candidate.
+- ``--post``, to set the project postrelease number to 0 if it is not a postrelease, or bump the postrelease number by 1 if it is. This will also reset the release candidate and development release numbers.
+If you give no arguments, it will strip the release candidate number, making it a "full release".
+Incremental supports "indeterminate" versions, as a stand-in for the next "full" version. This can be used when the version which will be displayed to the end-user is unknown (for example "introduced in" or "deprecated in"). Incremental supports the following indeterminate versions:
+- ``Version("<projectname>", "NEXT", 0, 0)``
+- ``<projectname> NEXT``
+When you run ``python -m incremental.update <projectname> --rc``, these will be updated to real versions (assuming the target final version is 17.1.0):
+- ``Version("<projectname>", 17, 1, 0, release_candidate=1)``
+- ``<projectname> 17.1.0rc1``
+Once the final version is made, it will become:
+- ``Version("<projectname>", 17, 1, 0)``
+- ``<projectname> 17.1.0``
+.. |coverage| image:: https://codecov.io/gh/twisted/incremental/branch/master/graph/badge.svg?token=K2ieeL887X
+.. _coverage: https://codecov.io/gh/twisted/incremental
+.. |gha| image:: https://github.com/twisted/incremental/actions/workflows/tests.yaml/badge.svg
+.. _gha: https://github.com/twisted/incremental/actions/workflows/tests.yaml
+.. |pypi| image:: http://img.shields.io/pypi/v/incremental.svg
+.. _pypi: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/incremental
diff --git a/contrib/python/incremental/py2/incremental/__init__.py b/contrib/python/incremental/py2/incremental/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0c06c0ae1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/incremental/py2/incremental/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+Versions for Python packages.
+See L{Version}.
+from __future__ import division, absolute_import
+import sys
+import warnings
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, TypeVar, Union, Optional, Dict
+# Compat functions
+_T = TypeVar("_T", contravariant=True)
+ from typing_extensions import Literal
+ from distutils.dist import Distribution as _Distribution
+ _Distribution = object
+if sys.version_info > (3,):
+ def _cmp(a, b): # type: (Any, Any) -> int
+ """
+ Compare two objects.
+ Returns a negative number if C{a < b}, zero if they are equal, and a
+ positive number if C{a > b}.
+ """
+ if a < b:
+ return -1
+ elif a == b:
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return 1
+ _cmp = cmp # noqa: F821
+# Versioning
+class _Inf(object):
+ """
+ An object that is bigger than all other objects.
+ """
+ def __cmp__(self, other): # type: (object) -> int
+ """
+ @param other: Another object.
+ @type other: any
+ @return: 0 if other is inf, 1 otherwise.
+ @rtype: C{int}
+ """
+ if other is _inf:
+ return 0
+ return 1
+ if sys.version_info >= (3,):
+ def __lt__(self, other): # type: (object) -> bool
+ return self.__cmp__(other) < 0
+ def __le__(self, other): # type: (object) -> bool
+ return self.__cmp__(other) <= 0
+ def __gt__(self, other): # type: (object) -> bool
+ return self.__cmp__(other) > 0
+ def __ge__(self, other): # type: (object) -> bool
+ return self.__cmp__(other) >= 0
+_inf = _Inf()
+class IncomparableVersions(TypeError):
+ """
+ Two versions could not be compared.
+ """
+class Version(object):
+ """
+ An encapsulation of a version for a project, with support for outputting
+ PEP-440 compatible version strings.
+ This class supports the standard major.minor.micro[rcN] scheme of
+ versioning.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ package, # type: str
+ major, # type: Union[Literal["NEXT"], int]
+ minor, # type: int
+ micro, # type: int
+ release_candidate=None, # type: Optional[int]
+ prerelease=None, # type: Optional[int]
+ post=None, # type: Optional[int]
+ dev=None, # type: Optional[int]
+ ):
+ """
+ @param package: Name of the package that this is a version of.
+ @type package: C{str}
+ @param major: The major version number.
+ @type major: C{int} or C{str} (for the "NEXT" symbol)
+ @param minor: The minor version number.
+ @type minor: C{int}
+ @param micro: The micro version number.
+ @type micro: C{int}
+ @param release_candidate: The release candidate number.
+ @type release_candidate: C{int}
+ @param prerelease: The prerelease number. (Deprecated)
+ @type prerelease: C{int}
+ @param post: The postrelease number.
+ @type post: C{int}
+ @param dev: The development release number.
+ @type dev: C{int}
+ """
+ if release_candidate and prerelease:
+ raise ValueError("Please only return one of these.")
+ elif prerelease and not release_candidate:
+ release_candidate = prerelease
+ warnings.warn(
+ "Passing prerelease to incremental.Version was "
+ "deprecated in Incremental 16.9.0. Please pass "
+ "release_candidate instead.",
+ DeprecationWarning,
+ stacklevel=2,
+ )
+ if major == "NEXT":
+ if minor or micro or release_candidate or post or dev:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "When using NEXT, all other values except Package must be 0."
+ )
+ self.package = package
+ self.major = major
+ self.minor = minor
+ self.micro = micro
+ self.release_candidate = release_candidate
+ self.post = post
+ self.dev = dev
+ @property
+ def prerelease(self): # type: () -> Optional[int]
+ warnings.warn(
+ "Accessing incremental.Version.prerelease was "
+ "deprecated in Incremental 16.9.0. Use "
+ "Version.release_candidate instead.",
+ DeprecationWarning,
+ stacklevel=2,
+ ),
+ return self.release_candidate
+ def public(self): # type: () -> str
+ """
+ Return a PEP440-compatible "public" representation of this L{Version}.
+ Examples:
+ - 14.4.0
+ - 1.2.3rc1
+ - 14.2.1rc1dev9
+ - 16.04.0dev0
+ """
+ if self.major == "NEXT":
+ return self.major
+ if self.release_candidate is None:
+ rc = ""
+ else:
+ rc = ".rc%s" % (self.release_candidate,)
+ if self.post is None:
+ post = ""
+ else:
+ post = ".post%s" % (self.post,)
+ if self.dev is None:
+ dev = ""
+ else:
+ dev = ".dev%s" % (self.dev,)
+ return "%r.%d.%d%s%s%s" % (self.major, self.minor, self.micro, rc, post, dev)
+ base = public
+ short = public
+ local = public
+ def __repr__(self): # type: () -> str
+ if self.release_candidate is None:
+ release_candidate = ""
+ else:
+ release_candidate = ", release_candidate=%r" % (self.release_candidate,)
+ if self.post is None:
+ post = ""
+ else:
+ post = ", post=%r" % (self.post,)
+ if self.dev is None:
+ dev = ""
+ else:
+ dev = ", dev=%r" % (self.dev,)
+ return "%s(%r, %r, %d, %d%s%s%s)" % (
+ self.__class__.__name__,
+ self.package,
+ self.major,
+ self.minor,
+ self.micro,
+ release_candidate,
+ post,
+ dev,
+ )
+ def __str__(self): # type: () -> str
+ return "[%s, version %s]" % (self.package, self.short())
+ def __cmp__(self, other): # type: (Version) -> int
+ """
+ Compare two versions, considering major versions, minor versions, micro
+ versions, then release candidates, then postreleases, then dev
+ releases. Package names are case insensitive.
+ A version with a release candidate is always less than a version
+ without a release candidate. If both versions have release candidates,
+ they will be included in the comparison.
+ Likewise, a version with a dev release is always less than a version
+ without a dev release. If both versions have dev releases, they will
+ be included in the comparison.
+ @param other: Another version.
+ @type other: L{Version}
+ @return: NotImplemented when the other object is not a Version, or one
+ of -1, 0, or 1.
+ @raise IncomparableVersions: when the package names of the versions
+ differ.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
+ return NotImplemented
+ if self.package.lower() != other.package.lower():
+ raise IncomparableVersions("%r != %r" % (self.package, other.package))
+ if self.major == "NEXT":
+ major = _inf # type: Union[int, _Inf]
+ else:
+ major = self.major
+ if self.release_candidate is None:
+ release_candidate = _inf # type: Union[int, _Inf]
+ else:
+ release_candidate = self.release_candidate
+ if self.post is None:
+ post = -1
+ else:
+ post = self.post
+ if self.dev is None:
+ dev = _inf # type: Union[int, _Inf]
+ else:
+ dev = self.dev
+ if other.major == "NEXT":
+ othermajor = _inf # type: Union[int, _Inf]
+ else:
+ othermajor = other.major
+ if other.release_candidate is None:
+ otherrc = _inf # type: Union[int, _Inf]
+ else:
+ otherrc = other.release_candidate
+ if other.post is None:
+ otherpost = -1
+ else:
+ otherpost = other.post
+ if other.dev is None:
+ otherdev = _inf # type: Union[int, _Inf]
+ else:
+ otherdev = other.dev
+ x = _cmp(
+ (major, self.minor, self.micro, release_candidate, post, dev),
+ (othermajor, other.minor, other.micro, otherrc, otherpost, otherdev),
+ )
+ return x
+ if sys.version_info >= (3,):
+ def __eq__(self, other): # type: (Any) -> bool
+ c = self.__cmp__(other)
+ if c is NotImplemented:
+ return c # type: ignore[return-value]
+ return c == 0
+ def __ne__(self, other): # type: (Any) -> bool
+ c = self.__cmp__(other)
+ if c is NotImplemented:
+ return c # type: ignore[return-value]
+ return c != 0
+ def __lt__(self, other): # type: (Version) -> bool
+ c = self.__cmp__(other)
+ if c is NotImplemented:
+ return c # type: ignore[return-value]
+ return c < 0
+ def __le__(self, other): # type: (Version) -> bool
+ c = self.__cmp__(other)
+ if c is NotImplemented:
+ return c # type: ignore[return-value]
+ return c <= 0
+ def __gt__(self, other): # type: (Version) -> bool
+ c = self.__cmp__(other)
+ if c is NotImplemented:
+ return c # type: ignore[return-value]
+ return c > 0
+ def __ge__(self, other): # type: (Version) -> bool
+ c = self.__cmp__(other)
+ if c is NotImplemented:
+ return c # type: ignore[return-value]
+ return c >= 0
+def getVersionString(version): # type: (Version) -> str
+ """
+ Get a friendly string for the given version object.
+ @param version: A L{Version} object.
+ @return: A string containing the package and short version number.
+ """
+ result = "%s %s" % (version.package, version.short())
+ return result
+def _get_version(dist, keyword, value): # type: (_Distribution, object, object) -> None
+ """
+ Get the version from the package listed in the Distribution.
+ """
+ if not value:
+ return
+ from distutils.command import build_py
+ sp_command = build_py.build_py(dist)
+ sp_command.finalize_options()
+ for item in sp_command.find_all_modules(): # type: ignore[attr-defined]
+ if item[1] == "_version":
+ version_file = {} # type: Dict[str, Version]
+ with open(item[2]) as f:
+ exec(f.read(), version_file)
+ dist.metadata.version = version_file["__version__"].public()
+ return None
+ raise Exception("No _version.py found.")
+from ._version import __version__ # noqa: E402
+def _setuptools_version(): # type: () -> str
+ return __version__.public()
+__all__ = ["__version__", "Version", "getVersionString"]
diff --git a/contrib/python/incremental/py2/incremental/_version.py b/contrib/python/incremental/py2/incremental/_version.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..12cb1b8151
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/incremental/py2/incremental/_version.py
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Provides Incremental version information.
+# This file is auto-generated! Do not edit!
+# Use `python -m incremental.update Incremental` to change this file.
+from incremental import Version
+__version__ = Version("Incremental", 22, 10, 0)
+__all__ = ["__version__"]
diff --git a/contrib/python/incremental/py2/incremental/py.typed b/contrib/python/incremental/py2/incremental/py.typed
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/incremental/py2/incremental/py.typed
diff --git a/contrib/python/incremental/py2/incremental/update.py b/contrib/python/incremental/py2/incremental/update.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..64a5cc84e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/incremental/py2/incremental/update.py
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+import click
+import os
+import datetime
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Optional, Callable, Iterable
+from incremental import Version
+ from typing_extensions import Protocol
+ class _ReadableWritable(Protocol):
+ def read(self): # type: () -> bytes
+ pass
+ def write(self, v): # type: (bytes) -> object
+ pass
+ def __enter__(self): # type: () -> _ReadableWritable
+ pass
+ def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): # type: (object, object) -> Optional[bool]
+ pass
+ # FilePath is missing type annotations
+ # https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/10148
+ class FilePath(object):
+ def __init__(self, path): # type: (str) -> None
+ self.path = path
+ def child(self, v): # type: (str) -> FilePath
+ pass
+ def isdir(self): # type: () -> bool
+ pass
+ def isfile(self): # type: () -> bool
+ pass
+ def getContent(self): # type: () -> bytes
+ pass
+ def open(self, mode): # type: (str) -> _ReadableWritable
+ pass
+ def walk(self): # type: () -> Iterable[FilePath]
+ pass
+ from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
+Provides {package} version information.
+# This file is auto-generated! Do not edit!
+# Use `python -m incremental.update {package}` to change this file.
+from incremental import Version
+__version__ = {version_repr}
+__all__ = ["__version__"]
+_YEAR_START = 2000
+def _findPath(path, package): # type: (str, str) -> FilePath
+ cwd = FilePath(path)
+ src_dir = cwd.child("src").child(package.lower())
+ current_dir = cwd.child(package.lower())
+ if src_dir.isdir():
+ return src_dir
+ elif current_dir.isdir():
+ return current_dir
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Can't find under `./src` or `./`. Check the "
+ "package name is right (note that we expect your "
+ "package name to be lower cased), or pass it using "
+ "'--path'."
+ )
+def _existing_version(path): # type: (FilePath) -> Version
+ version_info = {} # type: Dict[str, Version]
+ with path.child("_version.py").open("r") as f:
+ exec(f.read(), version_info)
+ return version_info["__version__"]
+def _run(
+ package, # type: str
+ path, # type: Optional[str]
+ newversion, # type: Optional[str]
+ patch, # type: bool
+ rc, # type: bool
+ post, # type: bool
+ dev, # type: bool
+ create, # type: bool
+ _date=None, # type: Optional[datetime.date]
+ _getcwd=None, # type: Optional[Callable[[], str]]
+ _print=print, # type: Callable[[object], object]
+): # type: (...) -> None
+ if not _getcwd:
+ _getcwd = os.getcwd
+ if not _date:
+ _date = datetime.date.today()
+ if type(package) != str:
+ package = package.encode("utf8") # type: ignore[assignment]
+ _path = FilePath(path) if path else _findPath(_getcwd(), package)
+ if (
+ newversion
+ and patch
+ or newversion
+ and dev
+ or newversion
+ and rc
+ or newversion
+ and post
+ ):
+ raise ValueError("Only give --newversion")
+ if dev and patch or dev and rc or dev and post:
+ raise ValueError("Only give --dev")
+ if (
+ create
+ and dev
+ or create
+ and patch
+ or create
+ and rc
+ or create
+ and post
+ or create
+ and newversion
+ ):
+ raise ValueError("Only give --create")
+ if newversion:
+ from pkg_resources import parse_version
+ existing = _existing_version(_path)
+ st_version = parse_version(newversion)._version # type: ignore[attr-defined]
+ release = list(st_version.release)
+ minor = 0
+ micro = 0
+ if len(release) == 1:
+ (major,) = release
+ elif len(release) == 2:
+ major, minor = release
+ else:
+ major, minor, micro = release
+ v = Version(
+ package,
+ major,
+ minor,
+ micro,
+ release_candidate=st_version.pre[1] if st_version.pre else None,
+ post=st_version.post[1] if st_version.post else None,
+ dev=st_version.dev[1] if st_version.dev else None,
+ )
+ elif create:
+ v = Version(package, _date.year - _YEAR_START, _date.month, 0)
+ existing = v
+ elif rc and not patch:
+ existing = _existing_version(_path)
+ if existing.release_candidate:
+ v = Version(
+ package,
+ existing.major,
+ existing.minor,
+ existing.micro,
+ existing.release_candidate + 1,
+ )
+ else:
+ v = Version(package, _date.year - _YEAR_START, _date.month, 0, 1)
+ elif patch:
+ existing = _existing_version(_path)
+ v = Version(
+ package,
+ existing.major,
+ existing.minor,
+ existing.micro + 1,
+ 1 if rc else None,
+ )
+ elif post:
+ existing = _existing_version(_path)
+ if existing.post is None:
+ _post = 0
+ else:
+ _post = existing.post + 1
+ v = Version(package, existing.major, existing.minor, existing.micro, post=_post)
+ elif dev:
+ existing = _existing_version(_path)
+ if existing.dev is None:
+ _dev = 0
+ else:
+ _dev = existing.dev + 1
+ v = Version(
+ package,
+ existing.major,
+ existing.minor,
+ existing.micro,
+ existing.release_candidate,
+ dev=_dev,
+ )
+ else:
+ existing = _existing_version(_path)
+ if existing.release_candidate:
+ v = Version(package, existing.major, existing.minor, existing.micro)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("You need to issue a rc before updating the major/minor")
+ NEXT_repr = repr(Version(package, "NEXT", 0, 0)).split("#")[0].replace("'", '"')
+ NEXT_repr_bytes = NEXT_repr.encode("utf8")
+ version_repr = repr(v).split("#")[0].replace("'", '"')
+ version_repr_bytes = version_repr.encode("utf8")
+ existing_version_repr = repr(existing).split("#")[0].replace("'", '"')
+ existing_version_repr_bytes = existing_version_repr.encode("utf8")
+ _print("Updating codebase to %s" % (v.public()))
+ for x in _path.walk():
+ if not x.isfile():
+ continue
+ original_content = x.getContent()
+ content = original_content
+ # Replace previous release_candidate calls to the new one
+ if existing.release_candidate:
+ content = content.replace(existing_version_repr_bytes, version_repr_bytes)
+ content = content.replace(
+ (package.encode("utf8") + b" " + existing.public().encode("utf8")),
+ (package.encode("utf8") + b" " + v.public().encode("utf8")),
+ )
+ # Replace NEXT Version calls with the new one
+ content = content.replace(NEXT_repr_bytes, version_repr_bytes)
+ content = content.replace(
+ NEXT_repr_bytes.replace(b"'", b'"'), version_repr_bytes
+ )
+ # Replace <package> NEXT with <package> <public>
+ content = content.replace(
+ package.encode("utf8") + b" NEXT",
+ (package.encode("utf8") + b" " + v.public().encode("utf8")),
+ )
+ if content != original_content:
+ _print("Updating %s" % (x.path,))
+ with x.open("w") as f:
+ f.write(content)
+ _print("Updating %s/_version.py" % (_path.path))
+ with _path.child("_version.py").open("w") as f:
+ f.write(
+ (
+ _VERSIONPY_TEMPLATE.format(package=package, version_repr=version_repr)
+ ).encode("utf8")
+ )
+@click.option("--path", default=None)
+@click.option("--newversion", default=None)
+@click.option("--patch", is_flag=True)
+@click.option("--rc", is_flag=True)
+@click.option("--post", is_flag=True)
+@click.option("--dev", is_flag=True)
+@click.option("--create", is_flag=True)
+def run(
+ package, # type: str
+ path, # type: Optional[str]
+ newversion, # type: Optional[str]
+ patch, # type: bool
+ rc, # type: bool
+ post, # type: bool
+ dev, # type: bool
+ create, # type: bool
+): # type: (...) -> None
+ return _run(
+ package=package,
+ path=path,
+ newversion=newversion,
+ patch=patch,
+ rc=rc,
+ post=post,
+ dev=dev,
+ create=create,
+ )
+if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover
+ run()
diff --git a/contrib/python/incremental/py2/ya.make b/contrib/python/incremental/py2/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf41780b7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/incremental/py2/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Generated by devtools/yamaker (pypi).
+ incremental.update
+ incremental/__init__.py
+ incremental/_version.py
+ incremental/update.py
+ PREFIX contrib/python/incremental/py2/
+ .dist-info/METADATA
+ .dist-info/entry_points.txt
+ .dist-info/top_level.txt
+ incremental/py.typed
diff --git a/contrib/python/incremental/py3/.dist-info/METADATA b/contrib/python/incremental/py3/.dist-info/METADATA
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4a9409082
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/incremental/py3/.dist-info/METADATA
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+Metadata-Version: 2.1
+Name: incremental
+Version: 22.10.0
+Summary: "A small library that versions your Python projects."
+Home-page: https://github.com/twisted/incremental
+Maintainer: Amber Brown
+Maintainer-email: hawkowl@twistedmatrix.com
+License: MIT
+Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
+Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9
+License-File: LICENSE
+Provides-Extra: mypy
+Requires-Dist: click (>=6.0) ; extra == 'mypy'
+Requires-Dist: twisted (>=16.4.0) ; extra == 'mypy'
+Requires-Dist: mypy (==0.812) ; extra == 'mypy'
+Provides-Extra: scripts
+Requires-Dist: click (>=6.0) ; extra == 'scripts'
+Requires-Dist: twisted (>=16.4.0) ; extra == 'scripts'
+Incremental is a small library that versions your Python projects.
+API documentation can be found `here <https://twisted.github.io/incremental/docs/>`_.
+Quick Start
+Add this to your ``setup.py``\ 's ``setup()`` call, removing any other versioning arguments:
+.. code::
+ setup(
+ use_incremental=True,
+ setup_requires=['incremental'],
+ install_requires=['incremental'], # along with any other install dependencies
+ ...
+ }
+Install Incremental to your local environment with ``pip install incremental[scripts]``.
+Then run ``python -m incremental.update <projectname> --create``.
+It will create a file in your package named ``_version.py`` and look like this:
+.. code::
+ from incremental import Version
+ __version__ = Version("widgetbox", 17, 1, 0)
+ __all__ = ["__version__"]
+Then, so users of your project can find your version, in your root package's ``__init__.py`` add:
+.. code::
+ from ._version import __version__
+Subsequent installations of your project will then use Incremental for versioning.
+Incremental Versions
+``incremental.Version`` is a class that represents a version of a given project.
+It is made up of the following elements (which are given during instantiation):
+- ``package`` (required), the name of the package this ``Version`` represents.
+- ``major``, ``minor``, ``micro`` (all required), the X.Y.Z of your project's ``Version``.
+- ``release_candidate`` (optional), set to 0 or higher to mark this ``Version`` being of a release candidate (also sometimes called a "prerelease").
+- ``post`` (optional), set to 0 or higher to mark this ``Version`` as a postrelease.
+- ``dev`` (optional), set to 0 or higher to mark this ``Version`` as a development release.
+You can extract a PEP-440 compatible version string by using the ``.public()`` method, which returns a ``str`` containing the full version. This is the version you should provide to users, or publicly use. An example output would be ``"13.2.0"``, ``"17.1.2dev1"``, or ``"18.8.0rc2"``.
+Calling ``repr()`` with a ``Version`` will give a Python-source-code representation of it, and calling ``str()`` with a ``Version`` will provide a string similar to ``'[Incremental, version 16.10.1]'``.
+Incremental includes a tool to automate updating your Incremental-using project's version called ``incremental.update``.
+It updates the ``_version.py`` file and automatically updates some uses of Incremental versions from an indeterminate version to the current one.
+It requires ``click`` from PyPI.
+``python -m incremental.update <projectname>`` will perform updates on that package.
+The commands that can be given after that will determine what the next version is.
+- ``--newversion=<version>``, to set the project version to a fully-specified version (like 1.2.3, or 17.1.0dev1).
+- ``--rc``, to set the project version to ``<year-2000>.<month>.0rc1`` if the current version is not a release candidate, or bump the release candidate number by 1 if it is.
+- ``--dev``, to set the project development release number to 0 if it is not a development release, or bump the development release number by 1 if it is.
+- ``--patch``, to increment the patch number of the release. This will also reset the release candidate number, pass ``--rc`` at the same time to increment the patch number and make it a release candidate.
+- ``--post``, to set the project postrelease number to 0 if it is not a postrelease, or bump the postrelease number by 1 if it is. This will also reset the release candidate and development release numbers.
+If you give no arguments, it will strip the release candidate number, making it a "full release".
+Incremental supports "indeterminate" versions, as a stand-in for the next "full" version. This can be used when the version which will be displayed to the end-user is unknown (for example "introduced in" or "deprecated in"). Incremental supports the following indeterminate versions:
+- ``Version("<projectname>", "NEXT", 0, 0)``
+- ``<projectname> NEXT``
+When you run ``python -m incremental.update <projectname> --rc``, these will be updated to real versions (assuming the target final version is 17.1.0):
+- ``Version("<projectname>", 17, 1, 0, release_candidate=1)``
+- ``<projectname> 17.1.0rc1``
+Once the final version is made, it will become:
+- ``Version("<projectname>", 17, 1, 0)``
+- ``<projectname> 17.1.0``
+.. |coverage| image:: https://codecov.io/gh/twisted/incremental/branch/master/graph/badge.svg?token=K2ieeL887X
+.. _coverage: https://codecov.io/gh/twisted/incremental
+.. |gha| image:: https://github.com/twisted/incremental/actions/workflows/tests.yaml/badge.svg
+.. _gha: https://github.com/twisted/incremental/actions/workflows/tests.yaml
+.. |pypi| image:: http://img.shields.io/pypi/v/incremental.svg
+.. _pypi: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/incremental
diff --git a/contrib/python/incremental/py3/.dist-info/entry_points.txt b/contrib/python/incremental/py3/.dist-info/entry_points.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1c7b4877c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/incremental/py3/.dist-info/entry_points.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+use_incremental = incremental:_get_version
diff --git a/contrib/python/incremental/py3/.dist-info/top_level.txt b/contrib/python/incremental/py3/.dist-info/top_level.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cb4023922a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/incremental/py3/.dist-info/top_level.txt
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/contrib/python/incremental/py3/LICENSE b/contrib/python/incremental/py3/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bc9d47f332
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/incremental/py3/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+This project includes code from the Twisted Project, which is licensed as below.
+Copyright (c) 2001-2015
+Allen Short
+Amber Hawkie Brown
+Andrew Bennetts
+Andy Gayton
+Antoine Pitrou
+Apple Computer, Inc.
+Ashwini Oruganti
+Benjamin Bruheim
+Bob Ippolito
+Canonical Limited
+Christopher Armstrong
+David Reid
+Divmod Inc.
+Donovan Preston
+Eric Mangold
+Eyal Lotem
+Google Inc.
+Hybrid Logic Ltd.
+Hynek Schlawack
+Itamar Turner-Trauring
+James Knight
+Jason A. Mobarak
+Jean-Paul Calderone
+Jessica McKellar
+Jonathan D. Simms
+Jonathan Jacobs
+Jonathan Lange
+Julian Berman
+Jürgen Hermann
+Kevin Horn
+Kevin Turner
+Laurens Van Houtven
+Mary Gardiner
+Massachusetts Institute of Technology
+Matthew Lefkowitz
+Moshe Zadka
+Paul Swartz
+Pavel Pergamenshchik
+Rackspace, US Inc.
+Ralph Meijer
+Richard Wall
+Sean Riley
+Software Freedom Conservancy
+Tavendo GmbH
+Thijs Triemstra
+Thomas Herve
+Timothy Allen
+Tom Prince
+Travis B. Hartwell
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/contrib/python/incremental/py3/README.rst b/contrib/python/incremental/py3/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a20d077af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/incremental/py3/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+Incremental is a small library that versions your Python projects.
+API documentation can be found `here <https://twisted.github.io/incremental/docs/>`_.
+Quick Start
+Add this to your ``setup.py``\ 's ``setup()`` call, removing any other versioning arguments:
+.. code::
+ setup(
+ use_incremental=True,
+ setup_requires=['incremental'],
+ install_requires=['incremental'], # along with any other install dependencies
+ ...
+ }
+Install Incremental to your local environment with ``pip install incremental[scripts]``.
+Then run ``python -m incremental.update <projectname> --create``.
+It will create a file in your package named ``_version.py`` and look like this:
+.. code::
+ from incremental import Version
+ __version__ = Version("widgetbox", 17, 1, 0)
+ __all__ = ["__version__"]
+Then, so users of your project can find your version, in your root package's ``__init__.py`` add:
+.. code::
+ from ._version import __version__
+Subsequent installations of your project will then use Incremental for versioning.
+Incremental Versions
+``incremental.Version`` is a class that represents a version of a given project.
+It is made up of the following elements (which are given during instantiation):
+- ``package`` (required), the name of the package this ``Version`` represents.
+- ``major``, ``minor``, ``micro`` (all required), the X.Y.Z of your project's ``Version``.
+- ``release_candidate`` (optional), set to 0 or higher to mark this ``Version`` being of a release candidate (also sometimes called a "prerelease").
+- ``post`` (optional), set to 0 or higher to mark this ``Version`` as a postrelease.
+- ``dev`` (optional), set to 0 or higher to mark this ``Version`` as a development release.
+You can extract a PEP-440 compatible version string by using the ``.public()`` method, which returns a ``str`` containing the full version. This is the version you should provide to users, or publicly use. An example output would be ``"13.2.0"``, ``"17.1.2dev1"``, or ``"18.8.0rc2"``.
+Calling ``repr()`` with a ``Version`` will give a Python-source-code representation of it, and calling ``str()`` with a ``Version`` will provide a string similar to ``'[Incremental, version 16.10.1]'``.
+Incremental includes a tool to automate updating your Incremental-using project's version called ``incremental.update``.
+It updates the ``_version.py`` file and automatically updates some uses of Incremental versions from an indeterminate version to the current one.
+It requires ``click`` from PyPI.
+``python -m incremental.update <projectname>`` will perform updates on that package.
+The commands that can be given after that will determine what the next version is.
+- ``--newversion=<version>``, to set the project version to a fully-specified version (like 1.2.3, or 17.1.0dev1).
+- ``--rc``, to set the project version to ``<year-2000>.<month>.0rc1`` if the current version is not a release candidate, or bump the release candidate number by 1 if it is.
+- ``--dev``, to set the project development release number to 0 if it is not a development release, or bump the development release number by 1 if it is.
+- ``--patch``, to increment the patch number of the release. This will also reset the release candidate number, pass ``--rc`` at the same time to increment the patch number and make it a release candidate.
+- ``--post``, to set the project postrelease number to 0 if it is not a postrelease, or bump the postrelease number by 1 if it is. This will also reset the release candidate and development release numbers.
+If you give no arguments, it will strip the release candidate number, making it a "full release".
+Incremental supports "indeterminate" versions, as a stand-in for the next "full" version. This can be used when the version which will be displayed to the end-user is unknown (for example "introduced in" or "deprecated in"). Incremental supports the following indeterminate versions:
+- ``Version("<projectname>", "NEXT", 0, 0)``
+- ``<projectname> NEXT``
+When you run ``python -m incremental.update <projectname> --rc``, these will be updated to real versions (assuming the target final version is 17.1.0):
+- ``Version("<projectname>", 17, 1, 0, release_candidate=1)``
+- ``<projectname> 17.1.0rc1``
+Once the final version is made, it will become:
+- ``Version("<projectname>", 17, 1, 0)``
+- ``<projectname> 17.1.0``
+.. |coverage| image:: https://codecov.io/gh/twisted/incremental/branch/master/graph/badge.svg?token=K2ieeL887X
+.. _coverage: https://codecov.io/gh/twisted/incremental
+.. |gha| image:: https://github.com/twisted/incremental/actions/workflows/tests.yaml/badge.svg
+.. _gha: https://github.com/twisted/incremental/actions/workflows/tests.yaml
+.. |pypi| image:: http://img.shields.io/pypi/v/incremental.svg
+.. _pypi: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/incremental
diff --git a/contrib/python/incremental/py3/incremental/__init__.py b/contrib/python/incremental/py3/incremental/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0c06c0ae1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/incremental/py3/incremental/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+Versions for Python packages.
+See L{Version}.
+from __future__ import division, absolute_import
+import sys
+import warnings
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, TypeVar, Union, Optional, Dict
+# Compat functions
+_T = TypeVar("_T", contravariant=True)
+ from typing_extensions import Literal
+ from distutils.dist import Distribution as _Distribution
+ _Distribution = object
+if sys.version_info > (3,):
+ def _cmp(a, b): # type: (Any, Any) -> int
+ """
+ Compare two objects.
+ Returns a negative number if C{a < b}, zero if they are equal, and a
+ positive number if C{a > b}.
+ """
+ if a < b:
+ return -1
+ elif a == b:
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return 1
+ _cmp = cmp # noqa: F821
+# Versioning
+class _Inf(object):
+ """
+ An object that is bigger than all other objects.
+ """
+ def __cmp__(self, other): # type: (object) -> int
+ """
+ @param other: Another object.
+ @type other: any
+ @return: 0 if other is inf, 1 otherwise.
+ @rtype: C{int}
+ """
+ if other is _inf:
+ return 0
+ return 1
+ if sys.version_info >= (3,):
+ def __lt__(self, other): # type: (object) -> bool
+ return self.__cmp__(other) < 0
+ def __le__(self, other): # type: (object) -> bool
+ return self.__cmp__(other) <= 0
+ def __gt__(self, other): # type: (object) -> bool
+ return self.__cmp__(other) > 0
+ def __ge__(self, other): # type: (object) -> bool
+ return self.__cmp__(other) >= 0
+_inf = _Inf()
+class IncomparableVersions(TypeError):
+ """
+ Two versions could not be compared.
+ """
+class Version(object):
+ """
+ An encapsulation of a version for a project, with support for outputting
+ PEP-440 compatible version strings.
+ This class supports the standard major.minor.micro[rcN] scheme of
+ versioning.
+ """
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ package, # type: str
+ major, # type: Union[Literal["NEXT"], int]
+ minor, # type: int
+ micro, # type: int
+ release_candidate=None, # type: Optional[int]
+ prerelease=None, # type: Optional[int]
+ post=None, # type: Optional[int]
+ dev=None, # type: Optional[int]
+ ):
+ """
+ @param package: Name of the package that this is a version of.
+ @type package: C{str}
+ @param major: The major version number.
+ @type major: C{int} or C{str} (for the "NEXT" symbol)
+ @param minor: The minor version number.
+ @type minor: C{int}
+ @param micro: The micro version number.
+ @type micro: C{int}
+ @param release_candidate: The release candidate number.
+ @type release_candidate: C{int}
+ @param prerelease: The prerelease number. (Deprecated)
+ @type prerelease: C{int}
+ @param post: The postrelease number.
+ @type post: C{int}
+ @param dev: The development release number.
+ @type dev: C{int}
+ """
+ if release_candidate and prerelease:
+ raise ValueError("Please only return one of these.")
+ elif prerelease and not release_candidate:
+ release_candidate = prerelease
+ warnings.warn(
+ "Passing prerelease to incremental.Version was "
+ "deprecated in Incremental 16.9.0. Please pass "
+ "release_candidate instead.",
+ DeprecationWarning,
+ stacklevel=2,
+ )
+ if major == "NEXT":
+ if minor or micro or release_candidate or post or dev:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "When using NEXT, all other values except Package must be 0."
+ )
+ self.package = package
+ self.major = major
+ self.minor = minor
+ self.micro = micro
+ self.release_candidate = release_candidate
+ self.post = post
+ self.dev = dev
+ @property
+ def prerelease(self): # type: () -> Optional[int]
+ warnings.warn(
+ "Accessing incremental.Version.prerelease was "
+ "deprecated in Incremental 16.9.0. Use "
+ "Version.release_candidate instead.",
+ DeprecationWarning,
+ stacklevel=2,
+ ),
+ return self.release_candidate
+ def public(self): # type: () -> str
+ """
+ Return a PEP440-compatible "public" representation of this L{Version}.
+ Examples:
+ - 14.4.0
+ - 1.2.3rc1
+ - 14.2.1rc1dev9
+ - 16.04.0dev0
+ """
+ if self.major == "NEXT":
+ return self.major
+ if self.release_candidate is None:
+ rc = ""
+ else:
+ rc = ".rc%s" % (self.release_candidate,)
+ if self.post is None:
+ post = ""
+ else:
+ post = ".post%s" % (self.post,)
+ if self.dev is None:
+ dev = ""
+ else:
+ dev = ".dev%s" % (self.dev,)
+ return "%r.%d.%d%s%s%s" % (self.major, self.minor, self.micro, rc, post, dev)
+ base = public
+ short = public
+ local = public
+ def __repr__(self): # type: () -> str
+ if self.release_candidate is None:
+ release_candidate = ""
+ else:
+ release_candidate = ", release_candidate=%r" % (self.release_candidate,)
+ if self.post is None:
+ post = ""
+ else:
+ post = ", post=%r" % (self.post,)
+ if self.dev is None:
+ dev = ""
+ else:
+ dev = ", dev=%r" % (self.dev,)
+ return "%s(%r, %r, %d, %d%s%s%s)" % (
+ self.__class__.__name__,
+ self.package,
+ self.major,
+ self.minor,
+ self.micro,
+ release_candidate,
+ post,
+ dev,
+ )
+ def __str__(self): # type: () -> str
+ return "[%s, version %s]" % (self.package, self.short())
+ def __cmp__(self, other): # type: (Version) -> int
+ """
+ Compare two versions, considering major versions, minor versions, micro
+ versions, then release candidates, then postreleases, then dev
+ releases. Package names are case insensitive.
+ A version with a release candidate is always less than a version
+ without a release candidate. If both versions have release candidates,
+ they will be included in the comparison.
+ Likewise, a version with a dev release is always less than a version
+ without a dev release. If both versions have dev releases, they will
+ be included in the comparison.
+ @param other: Another version.
+ @type other: L{Version}
+ @return: NotImplemented when the other object is not a Version, or one
+ of -1, 0, or 1.
+ @raise IncomparableVersions: when the package names of the versions
+ differ.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(other, self.__class__):
+ return NotImplemented
+ if self.package.lower() != other.package.lower():
+ raise IncomparableVersions("%r != %r" % (self.package, other.package))
+ if self.major == "NEXT":
+ major = _inf # type: Union[int, _Inf]
+ else:
+ major = self.major
+ if self.release_candidate is None:
+ release_candidate = _inf # type: Union[int, _Inf]
+ else:
+ release_candidate = self.release_candidate
+ if self.post is None:
+ post = -1
+ else:
+ post = self.post
+ if self.dev is None:
+ dev = _inf # type: Union[int, _Inf]
+ else:
+ dev = self.dev
+ if other.major == "NEXT":
+ othermajor = _inf # type: Union[int, _Inf]
+ else:
+ othermajor = other.major
+ if other.release_candidate is None:
+ otherrc = _inf # type: Union[int, _Inf]
+ else:
+ otherrc = other.release_candidate
+ if other.post is None:
+ otherpost = -1
+ else:
+ otherpost = other.post
+ if other.dev is None:
+ otherdev = _inf # type: Union[int, _Inf]
+ else:
+ otherdev = other.dev
+ x = _cmp(
+ (major, self.minor, self.micro, release_candidate, post, dev),
+ (othermajor, other.minor, other.micro, otherrc, otherpost, otherdev),
+ )
+ return x
+ if sys.version_info >= (3,):
+ def __eq__(self, other): # type: (Any) -> bool
+ c = self.__cmp__(other)
+ if c is NotImplemented:
+ return c # type: ignore[return-value]
+ return c == 0
+ def __ne__(self, other): # type: (Any) -> bool
+ c = self.__cmp__(other)
+ if c is NotImplemented:
+ return c # type: ignore[return-value]
+ return c != 0
+ def __lt__(self, other): # type: (Version) -> bool
+ c = self.__cmp__(other)
+ if c is NotImplemented:
+ return c # type: ignore[return-value]
+ return c < 0
+ def __le__(self, other): # type: (Version) -> bool
+ c = self.__cmp__(other)
+ if c is NotImplemented:
+ return c # type: ignore[return-value]
+ return c <= 0
+ def __gt__(self, other): # type: (Version) -> bool
+ c = self.__cmp__(other)
+ if c is NotImplemented:
+ return c # type: ignore[return-value]
+ return c > 0
+ def __ge__(self, other): # type: (Version) -> bool
+ c = self.__cmp__(other)
+ if c is NotImplemented:
+ return c # type: ignore[return-value]
+ return c >= 0
+def getVersionString(version): # type: (Version) -> str
+ """
+ Get a friendly string for the given version object.
+ @param version: A L{Version} object.
+ @return: A string containing the package and short version number.
+ """
+ result = "%s %s" % (version.package, version.short())
+ return result
+def _get_version(dist, keyword, value): # type: (_Distribution, object, object) -> None
+ """
+ Get the version from the package listed in the Distribution.
+ """
+ if not value:
+ return
+ from distutils.command import build_py
+ sp_command = build_py.build_py(dist)
+ sp_command.finalize_options()
+ for item in sp_command.find_all_modules(): # type: ignore[attr-defined]
+ if item[1] == "_version":
+ version_file = {} # type: Dict[str, Version]
+ with open(item[2]) as f:
+ exec(f.read(), version_file)
+ dist.metadata.version = version_file["__version__"].public()
+ return None
+ raise Exception("No _version.py found.")
+from ._version import __version__ # noqa: E402
+def _setuptools_version(): # type: () -> str
+ return __version__.public()
+__all__ = ["__version__", "Version", "getVersionString"]
diff --git a/contrib/python/incremental/py3/incremental/_version.py b/contrib/python/incremental/py3/incremental/_version.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..12cb1b8151
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/incremental/py3/incremental/_version.py
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+Provides Incremental version information.
+# This file is auto-generated! Do not edit!
+# Use `python -m incremental.update Incremental` to change this file.
+from incremental import Version
+__version__ = Version("Incremental", 22, 10, 0)
+__all__ = ["__version__"]
diff --git a/contrib/python/incremental/py3/incremental/py.typed b/contrib/python/incremental/py3/incremental/py.typed
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/incremental/py3/incremental/py.typed
diff --git a/contrib/python/incremental/py3/incremental/update.py b/contrib/python/incremental/py3/incremental/update.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..64a5cc84e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/incremental/py3/incremental/update.py
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+import click
+import os
+import datetime
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Optional, Callable, Iterable
+from incremental import Version
+ from typing_extensions import Protocol
+ class _ReadableWritable(Protocol):
+ def read(self): # type: () -> bytes
+ pass
+ def write(self, v): # type: (bytes) -> object
+ pass
+ def __enter__(self): # type: () -> _ReadableWritable
+ pass
+ def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): # type: (object, object) -> Optional[bool]
+ pass
+ # FilePath is missing type annotations
+ # https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/10148
+ class FilePath(object):
+ def __init__(self, path): # type: (str) -> None
+ self.path = path
+ def child(self, v): # type: (str) -> FilePath
+ pass
+ def isdir(self): # type: () -> bool
+ pass
+ def isfile(self): # type: () -> bool
+ pass
+ def getContent(self): # type: () -> bytes
+ pass
+ def open(self, mode): # type: (str) -> _ReadableWritable
+ pass
+ def walk(self): # type: () -> Iterable[FilePath]
+ pass
+ from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
+Provides {package} version information.
+# This file is auto-generated! Do not edit!
+# Use `python -m incremental.update {package}` to change this file.
+from incremental import Version
+__version__ = {version_repr}
+__all__ = ["__version__"]
+_YEAR_START = 2000
+def _findPath(path, package): # type: (str, str) -> FilePath
+ cwd = FilePath(path)
+ src_dir = cwd.child("src").child(package.lower())
+ current_dir = cwd.child(package.lower())
+ if src_dir.isdir():
+ return src_dir
+ elif current_dir.isdir():
+ return current_dir
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Can't find under `./src` or `./`. Check the "
+ "package name is right (note that we expect your "
+ "package name to be lower cased), or pass it using "
+ "'--path'."
+ )
+def _existing_version(path): # type: (FilePath) -> Version
+ version_info = {} # type: Dict[str, Version]
+ with path.child("_version.py").open("r") as f:
+ exec(f.read(), version_info)
+ return version_info["__version__"]
+def _run(
+ package, # type: str
+ path, # type: Optional[str]
+ newversion, # type: Optional[str]
+ patch, # type: bool
+ rc, # type: bool
+ post, # type: bool
+ dev, # type: bool
+ create, # type: bool
+ _date=None, # type: Optional[datetime.date]
+ _getcwd=None, # type: Optional[Callable[[], str]]
+ _print=print, # type: Callable[[object], object]
+): # type: (...) -> None
+ if not _getcwd:
+ _getcwd = os.getcwd
+ if not _date:
+ _date = datetime.date.today()
+ if type(package) != str:
+ package = package.encode("utf8") # type: ignore[assignment]
+ _path = FilePath(path) if path else _findPath(_getcwd(), package)
+ if (
+ newversion
+ and patch
+ or newversion
+ and dev
+ or newversion
+ and rc
+ or newversion
+ and post
+ ):
+ raise ValueError("Only give --newversion")
+ if dev and patch or dev and rc or dev and post:
+ raise ValueError("Only give --dev")
+ if (
+ create
+ and dev
+ or create
+ and patch
+ or create
+ and rc
+ or create
+ and post
+ or create
+ and newversion
+ ):
+ raise ValueError("Only give --create")
+ if newversion:
+ from pkg_resources import parse_version
+ existing = _existing_version(_path)
+ st_version = parse_version(newversion)._version # type: ignore[attr-defined]
+ release = list(st_version.release)
+ minor = 0
+ micro = 0
+ if len(release) == 1:
+ (major,) = release
+ elif len(release) == 2:
+ major, minor = release
+ else:
+ major, minor, micro = release
+ v = Version(
+ package,
+ major,
+ minor,
+ micro,
+ release_candidate=st_version.pre[1] if st_version.pre else None,
+ post=st_version.post[1] if st_version.post else None,
+ dev=st_version.dev[1] if st_version.dev else None,
+ )
+ elif create:
+ v = Version(package, _date.year - _YEAR_START, _date.month, 0)
+ existing = v
+ elif rc and not patch:
+ existing = _existing_version(_path)
+ if existing.release_candidate:
+ v = Version(
+ package,
+ existing.major,
+ existing.minor,
+ existing.micro,
+ existing.release_candidate + 1,
+ )
+ else:
+ v = Version(package, _date.year - _YEAR_START, _date.month, 0, 1)
+ elif patch:
+ existing = _existing_version(_path)
+ v = Version(
+ package,
+ existing.major,
+ existing.minor,
+ existing.micro + 1,
+ 1 if rc else None,
+ )
+ elif post:
+ existing = _existing_version(_path)
+ if existing.post is None:
+ _post = 0
+ else:
+ _post = existing.post + 1
+ v = Version(package, existing.major, existing.minor, existing.micro, post=_post)
+ elif dev:
+ existing = _existing_version(_path)
+ if existing.dev is None:
+ _dev = 0
+ else:
+ _dev = existing.dev + 1
+ v = Version(
+ package,
+ existing.major,
+ existing.minor,
+ existing.micro,
+ existing.release_candidate,
+ dev=_dev,
+ )
+ else:
+ existing = _existing_version(_path)
+ if existing.release_candidate:
+ v = Version(package, existing.major, existing.minor, existing.micro)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("You need to issue a rc before updating the major/minor")
+ NEXT_repr = repr(Version(package, "NEXT", 0, 0)).split("#")[0].replace("'", '"')
+ NEXT_repr_bytes = NEXT_repr.encode("utf8")
+ version_repr = repr(v).split("#")[0].replace("'", '"')
+ version_repr_bytes = version_repr.encode("utf8")
+ existing_version_repr = repr(existing).split("#")[0].replace("'", '"')
+ existing_version_repr_bytes = existing_version_repr.encode("utf8")
+ _print("Updating codebase to %s" % (v.public()))
+ for x in _path.walk():
+ if not x.isfile():
+ continue
+ original_content = x.getContent()
+ content = original_content
+ # Replace previous release_candidate calls to the new one
+ if existing.release_candidate:
+ content = content.replace(existing_version_repr_bytes, version_repr_bytes)
+ content = content.replace(
+ (package.encode("utf8") + b" " + existing.public().encode("utf8")),
+ (package.encode("utf8") + b" " + v.public().encode("utf8")),
+ )
+ # Replace NEXT Version calls with the new one
+ content = content.replace(NEXT_repr_bytes, version_repr_bytes)
+ content = content.replace(
+ NEXT_repr_bytes.replace(b"'", b'"'), version_repr_bytes
+ )
+ # Replace <package> NEXT with <package> <public>
+ content = content.replace(
+ package.encode("utf8") + b" NEXT",
+ (package.encode("utf8") + b" " + v.public().encode("utf8")),
+ )
+ if content != original_content:
+ _print("Updating %s" % (x.path,))
+ with x.open("w") as f:
+ f.write(content)
+ _print("Updating %s/_version.py" % (_path.path))
+ with _path.child("_version.py").open("w") as f:
+ f.write(
+ (
+ _VERSIONPY_TEMPLATE.format(package=package, version_repr=version_repr)
+ ).encode("utf8")
+ )
+@click.option("--path", default=None)
+@click.option("--newversion", default=None)
+@click.option("--patch", is_flag=True)
+@click.option("--rc", is_flag=True)
+@click.option("--post", is_flag=True)
+@click.option("--dev", is_flag=True)
+@click.option("--create", is_flag=True)
+def run(
+ package, # type: str
+ path, # type: Optional[str]
+ newversion, # type: Optional[str]
+ patch, # type: bool
+ rc, # type: bool
+ post, # type: bool
+ dev, # type: bool
+ create, # type: bool
+): # type: (...) -> None
+ return _run(
+ package=package,
+ path=path,
+ newversion=newversion,
+ patch=patch,
+ rc=rc,
+ post=post,
+ dev=dev,
+ create=create,
+ )
+if __name__ == "__main__": # pragma: no cover
+ run()
diff --git a/contrib/python/incremental/py3/ya.make b/contrib/python/incremental/py3/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..57846dd33a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/incremental/py3/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+# Generated by devtools/yamaker (pypi).
+ incremental.update
+ incremental/__init__.py
+ incremental/_version.py
+ incremental/update.py
+ PREFIX contrib/python/incremental/py3/
+ .dist-info/METADATA
+ .dist-info/entry_points.txt
+ .dist-info/top_level.txt
+ incremental/py.typed
diff --git a/contrib/python/incremental/ya.make b/contrib/python/incremental/ya.make
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad23ac6b27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/incremental/ya.make
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ PEERDIR(contrib/python/incremental/py2)
+ PEERDIR(contrib/python/incremental/py3)
+ py2
+ py3