path: root/contrib/python/hypothesis
diff options
authorrobot-piglet <robot-piglet@yandex-team.com>2024-05-25 20:04:50 +0300
committerrobot-piglet <robot-piglet@yandex-team.com>2024-05-25 20:20:36 +0300
commitc981104c914df8a13dd4fc7393a2c83b992d4f19 (patch)
tree0acb283ab513417ce1a89e5620a9fdc0264bbe4f /contrib/python/hypothesis
parent583af11cf703cccf01c0139eca58bef0d745d9d4 (diff)
Intermediate changes
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/hypothesis')
7 files changed, 207 insertions, 29 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/hypothesis/py3/.dist-info/METADATA b/contrib/python/hypothesis/py3/.dist-info/METADATA
index f405fc380f..e9db66d500 100644
--- a/contrib/python/hypothesis/py3/.dist-info/METADATA
+++ b/contrib/python/hypothesis/py3/.dist-info/METADATA
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: hypothesis
-Version: 6.100.5
+Version: 6.100.6
Summary: A library for property-based testing
Home-page: https://hypothesis.works
Author: David R. MacIver and Zac Hatfield-Dodds
diff --git a/contrib/python/hypothesis/py3/hypothesis/internal/conjecture/data.py b/contrib/python/hypothesis/py3/hypothesis/internal/conjecture/data.py
index d3b7ba9a8a..99b00ebbca 100644
--- a/contrib/python/hypothesis/py3/hypothesis/internal/conjecture/data.py
+++ b/contrib/python/hypothesis/py3/hypothesis/internal/conjecture/data.py
@@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ IRKWargsType: TypeAlias = Union[
IntegerKWargs, FloatKWargs, StringKWargs, BytesKWargs, BooleanKWargs
IRTypeName: TypeAlias = Literal["integer", "string", "boolean", "float", "bytes"]
+InvalidAt: TypeAlias = Tuple[IRTypeName, IRKWargsType]
class ExtraInformation:
@@ -956,6 +957,9 @@ class DataObserver:
) -> None:
+ def mark_invalid(self, invalid_at: InvalidAt) -> None:
+ pass
@attr.s(slots=True, repr=False, eq=False)
class IRNode:
@@ -1048,6 +1052,16 @@ class IRNode:
and self.was_forced == other.was_forced
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(
+ (
+ self.ir_type,
+ ir_value_key(self.ir_type, self.value),
+ ir_kwargs_key(self.ir_type, self.kwargs),
+ self.was_forced,
+ )
+ )
def __repr__(self):
# repr to avoid "BytesWarning: str() on a bytes instance" for bytes nodes
forced_marker = " [forced]" if self.was_forced else ""
@@ -1087,22 +1101,36 @@ def ir_value_permitted(value, ir_type, kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError(f"unhandled type {type(value)} of ir value {value}")
+def ir_value_key(ir_type, v):
+ if ir_type == "float":
+ return float_to_int(v)
+ return v
+def ir_kwargs_key(ir_type, kwargs):
+ if ir_type == "float":
+ return (
+ float_to_int(kwargs["min_value"]),
+ float_to_int(kwargs["max_value"]),
+ kwargs["allow_nan"],
+ kwargs["smallest_nonzero_magnitude"],
+ )
+ if ir_type == "integer":
+ return (
+ kwargs["min_value"],
+ kwargs["max_value"],
+ None if kwargs["weights"] is None else tuple(kwargs["weights"]),
+ kwargs["shrink_towards"],
+ )
+ return tuple(kwargs[key] for key in sorted(kwargs))
def ir_value_equal(ir_type, v1, v2):
- if ir_type != "float":
- return v1 == v2
- return float_to_int(v1) == float_to_int(v2)
+ return ir_value_key(ir_type, v1) == ir_value_key(ir_type, v2)
def ir_kwargs_equal(ir_type, kwargs1, kwargs2):
- if ir_type != "float":
- return kwargs1 == kwargs2
- return (
- float_to_int(kwargs1["min_value"]) == float_to_int(kwargs2["min_value"])
- and float_to_int(kwargs1["max_value"]) == float_to_int(kwargs2["max_value"])
- and kwargs1["allow_nan"] == kwargs2["allow_nan"]
- and kwargs1["smallest_nonzero_magnitude"]
- == kwargs2["smallest_nonzero_magnitude"]
- )
+ return ir_kwargs_key(ir_type, kwargs1) == ir_kwargs_key(ir_type, kwargs2)
@@ -1125,6 +1153,7 @@ class ConjectureResult:
examples: Examples = attr.ib(repr=False)
arg_slices: Set[Tuple[int, int]] = attr.ib(repr=False)
slice_comments: Dict[Tuple[int, int], str] = attr.ib(repr=False)
+ invalid_at: Optional[InvalidAt] = attr.ib(repr=False)
index: int = attr.ib(init=False)
@@ -1977,6 +2006,7 @@ class ConjectureData:
self.extra_information = ExtraInformation()
self.ir_tree_nodes = ir_tree_prefix
+ self.invalid_at: Optional[InvalidAt] = None
self._node_index = 0
@@ -2279,7 +2309,6 @@ class ConjectureData:
node = self.ir_tree_nodes[self._node_index]
- self._node_index += 1
# If we're trying to draw a different ir type at the same location, then
# this ir tree has become badly misaligned. We don't have many good/simple
# options here for realigning beyond giving up.
@@ -2292,14 +2321,21 @@ class ConjectureData:
# (in fact, it is possible that giving up early here results in more time
# for useful shrinks to run).
if node.ir_type != ir_type:
+ invalid_at = (ir_type, kwargs)
+ self.invalid_at = invalid_at
+ self.observer.mark_invalid(invalid_at)
self.mark_invalid(f"(internal) want a {ir_type} but have a {node.ir_type}")
# if a node has different kwargs (and so is misaligned), but has a value
# that is allowed by the expected kwargs, then we can coerce this node
# into an aligned one by using its value. It's unclear how useful this is.
if not ir_value_permitted(node.value, node.ir_type, kwargs):
+ invalid_at = (ir_type, kwargs)
+ self.invalid_at = invalid_at
+ self.observer.mark_invalid(invalid_at)
self.mark_invalid(f"(internal) got a {ir_type} but outside the valid range")
+ self._node_index += 1
return node
def as_result(self) -> Union[ConjectureResult, _Overrun]:
@@ -2328,6 +2364,7 @@ class ConjectureData:
+ invalid_at=self.invalid_at,
assert self.__result is not None
@@ -2475,7 +2512,34 @@ class ConjectureData:
self.frozen = True
self.buffer = bytes(self.buffer)
- self.observer.conclude_test(self.status, self.interesting_origin)
+ # if we were invalid because of a misalignment in the tree, we don't
+ # want to tell the DataTree that. Doing so would lead to inconsistent behavior.
+ # Given an empty DataTree
+ # ┌──────┐
+ # │ root │
+ # └──────┘
+ # and supposing the very first draw is misaligned, concluding here would
+ # tell the datatree that the *only* possibility at the root node is Status.INVALID:
+ # ┌──────┐
+ # │ root │
+ # └──┬───┘
+ # ┌───────────┴───────────────┐
+ # │ Conclusion(Status.INVALID)│
+ # └───────────────────────────┘
+ # when in fact this is only the case when we try to draw a misaligned node.
+ # For instance, suppose we come along in the second test case and try a
+ # valid node as the first draw from the root. The DataTree thinks this
+ # is flaky (because root must lead to Status.INVALID in the tree) while
+ # in fact nothing in the test function has changed and the only change
+ # is in the ir tree prefix we are supplying.
+ #
+ # From the perspective of DataTree, it is safe to not conclude here. This
+ # tells the datatree that we don't know what happens after this node - which
+ # is true! We are aborting early here because the ir tree became misaligned,
+ # which is a semantically different invalidity than an assume or filter failing.
+ if self.invalid_at is None:
+ self.observer.conclude_test(self.status, self.interesting_origin)
def choice(
diff --git a/contrib/python/hypothesis/py3/hypothesis/internal/conjecture/datatree.py b/contrib/python/hypothesis/py3/hypothesis/internal/conjecture/datatree.py
index ac79b42e6e..c4aded558c 100644
--- a/contrib/python/hypothesis/py3/hypothesis/internal/conjecture/datatree.py
+++ b/contrib/python/hypothesis/py3/hypothesis/internal/conjecture/datatree.py
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ from hypothesis.internal.conjecture.data import (
+ InvalidAt,
@@ -422,6 +423,8 @@ class TreeNode:
# be explored when generating novel prefixes)
transition: Union[None, Branch, Conclusion, Killed] = attr.ib(default=None)
+ invalid_at: Optional[InvalidAt] = attr.ib(default=None)
# A tree node is exhausted if every possible sequence of draws below it has
# been explored. We only update this when performing operations that could
# change the answer.
@@ -475,6 +478,8 @@ class TreeNode:
del self.ir_types[i:]
del self.values[i:]
del self.kwargs[i:]
+ # we have a transition now, so we don't need to carry around invalid_at.
+ self.invalid_at = None
assert len(self.values) == len(self.kwargs) == len(self.ir_types) == i
def check_exhausted(self):
@@ -811,6 +816,9 @@ class DataTree:
node = self.root
def draw(ir_type, kwargs, *, forced=None):
+ if ir_type == "float" and forced is not None:
+ forced = int_to_float(forced)
draw_func = getattr(data, f"draw_{ir_type}")
value = draw_func(**kwargs, forced=forced)
@@ -832,6 +840,13 @@ class DataTree:
t = node.transition
data.conclude_test(t.status, t.interesting_origin)
elif node.transition is None:
+ if node.invalid_at is not None:
+ (ir_type, kwargs) = node.invalid_at
+ try:
+ draw(ir_type, kwargs)
+ except StopTest:
+ if data.invalid_at is not None:
+ raise
raise PreviouslyUnseenBehaviour
elif isinstance(node.transition, Branch):
v = draw(node.transition.ir_type, node.transition.kwargs)
@@ -977,6 +992,9 @@ class TreeRecordingObserver(DataObserver):
) -> None:
self.draw_value("boolean", value, was_forced=was_forced, kwargs=kwargs)
+ def mark_invalid(self, invalid_at: InvalidAt) -> None:
+ self.__current_node.invalid_at = invalid_at
def draw_value(
ir_type: IRTypeName,
diff --git a/contrib/python/hypothesis/py3/hypothesis/internal/conjecture/engine.py b/contrib/python/hypothesis/py3/hypothesis/internal/conjecture/engine.py
index ddf8c0e090..d154fdc28e 100644
--- a/contrib/python/hypothesis/py3/hypothesis/internal/conjecture/engine.py
+++ b/contrib/python/hypothesis/py3/hypothesis/internal/conjecture/engine.py
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ from hypothesis.internal.conjecture.data import (
+ ir_kwargs_key,
+ ir_value_key,
from hypothesis.internal.conjecture.datatree import DataTree, PreviouslyUnseenBehaviour
from hypothesis.internal.conjecture.junkdrawer import clamp, ensure_free_stackframes
@@ -186,6 +188,7 @@ class ConjectureRunner:
# shrinking where we need to know about the structure of the
# executed test case.
self.__data_cache = LRUReusedCache(CACHE_SIZE)
+ self.__data_cache_ir = LRUReusedCache(CACHE_SIZE)
self.__pending_call_explanation = None
self._switch_to_hypothesis_provider = False
@@ -239,10 +242,70 @@ class ConjectureRunner:
# correct engine.
- def ir_tree_to_data(self, ir_tree_nodes):
- data = ConjectureData.for_ir_tree(ir_tree_nodes)
- self.__stoppable_test_function(data)
- return data
+ def _cache_key_ir(self, *, nodes=None, data=None):
+ assert (nodes is not None) ^ (data is not None)
+ extension = []
+ if data is not None:
+ nodes = data.examples.ir_tree_nodes
+ if data.invalid_at is not None:
+ # if we're invalid then we should have at least one node left (the invalid one).
+ assert data._node_index < len(data.ir_tree_nodes)
+ extension = [data.ir_tree_nodes[data._node_index]]
+ # intentionally drop was_forced from equality here, because the was_forced
+ # of node prefixes on ConjectureData has no impact on that data's result
+ return tuple(
+ (
+ node.ir_type,
+ ir_value_key(node.ir_type, node.value),
+ ir_kwargs_key(node.ir_type, node.kwargs),
+ )
+ for node in nodes + extension
+ )
+ def _cache(self, data):
+ result = data.as_result()
+ # when we shrink, we try out of bounds things, which can lead to the same
+ # data.buffer having multiple outcomes. eg data.buffer=b'' is Status.OVERRUN
+ # in normal circumstances, but a data with
+ # ir_nodes=[integer -5 {min_value: 0, max_value: 10}] will also have
+ # data.buffer=b'' but will be Status.INVALID instead. We do not want to
+ # change the cached value to INVALID in this case.
+ #
+ # We handle this specially for the ir cache by keying off the misaligned node
+ # as well, but we cannot do the same for buffers as we do not know ahead of
+ # time what buffer a node maps to. I think it's largely fine that we don't
+ # write to the buffer cache here as we move more things to the ir cache.
+ if data.invalid_at is None:
+ self.__data_cache[data.buffer] = result
+ key = self._cache_key_ir(data=data)
+ self.__data_cache_ir[key] = result
+ def cached_test_function_ir(self, nodes):
+ key = self._cache_key_ir(nodes=nodes)
+ try:
+ return self.__data_cache_ir[key]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ trial_data = self.new_conjecture_data_ir(nodes)
+ self.tree.simulate_test_function(trial_data)
+ except PreviouslyUnseenBehaviour:
+ pass
+ else:
+ trial_data.freeze()
+ key = self._cache_key_ir(data=trial_data)
+ try:
+ return self.__data_cache_ir[key]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ data = self.new_conjecture_data_ir(nodes)
+ # note that calling test_function caches `data` for us, for both an ir
+ # tree key and a buffer key.
+ self.test_function(data)
+ return data.as_result()
def test_function(self, data):
if self.__pending_call_explanation is not None:
@@ -274,7 +337,7 @@ class ConjectureRunner:
- self.__data_cache[data.buffer] = data.as_result()
+ self._cache(data)
@@ -321,8 +384,9 @@ class ConjectureRunner:
# drive the ir tree through the test function to convert it
# to a buffer
- data = self.ir_tree_to_data(data.examples.ir_tree_nodes)
- self.__data_cache[data.buffer] = data.as_result()
+ data = ConjectureData.for_ir_tree(data.examples.ir_tree_nodes)
+ self.__stoppable_test_function(data)
+ self._cache(data)
key = data.interesting_origin
changed = False
@@ -983,6 +1047,18 @@ class ConjectureRunner:
+ def new_conjecture_data_ir(self, ir_tree_prefix, *, observer=None):
+ provider = (
+ HypothesisProvider if self._switch_to_hypothesis_provider else self.provider
+ )
+ observer = observer or self.tree.new_observer()
+ if self.settings.backend != "hypothesis":
+ observer = DataObserver()
+ return ConjectureData.for_ir_tree(
+ ir_tree_prefix, observer=observer, provider=provider
+ )
def new_conjecture_data(self, prefix, max_length=BUFFER_SIZE, observer=None):
provider = (
HypothesisProvider if self._switch_to_hypothesis_provider else self.provider
diff --git a/contrib/python/hypothesis/py3/hypothesis/internal/conjecture/shrinker.py b/contrib/python/hypothesis/py3/hypothesis/internal/conjecture/shrinker.py
index 04bbe079a3..dc1b3397f0 100644
--- a/contrib/python/hypothesis/py3/hypothesis/internal/conjecture/shrinker.py
+++ b/contrib/python/hypothesis/py3/hypothesis/internal/conjecture/shrinker.py
@@ -381,9 +381,31 @@ class Shrinker:
test function."""
return self.engine.call_count
+ def check_calls(self):
+ if self.calls - self.calls_at_last_shrink >= self.max_stall:
+ raise StopShrinking
+ def cached_test_function_ir(self, tree):
+ result = self.engine.cached_test_function_ir(tree)
+ self.incorporate_test_data(result)
+ self.check_calls()
+ return result
def consider_new_tree(self, tree):
- data = self.engine.ir_tree_to_data(tree)
- return self.consider_new_buffer(data.buffer)
+ tree = tree[: len(self.nodes)]
+ def startswith(t1, t2):
+ return t1[: len(t2)] == t2
+ if startswith(tree, self.nodes):
+ return True
+ if startswith(self.nodes, tree):
+ return False
+ previous = self.shrink_target
+ self.cached_test_function_ir(tree)
+ return previous is not self.shrink_target
def consider_new_buffer(self, buffer):
"""Returns True if after running this buffer the result would be
@@ -430,12 +452,10 @@ class Shrinker:
that the result is either an Overrun object (if the buffer is
too short to be a valid test case) or a ConjectureData object
with status >= INVALID that would result from running this buffer."""
buffer = bytes(buffer)
result = self.engine.cached_test_function(buffer, extend=self.__extend)
- if self.calls - self.calls_at_last_shrink >= self.max_stall:
- raise StopShrinking
+ self.check_calls()
return result
def debug(self, msg):
diff --git a/contrib/python/hypothesis/py3/hypothesis/version.py b/contrib/python/hypothesis/py3/hypothesis/version.py
index 5040febc7d..659ee4dc34 100644
--- a/contrib/python/hypothesis/py3/hypothesis/version.py
+++ b/contrib/python/hypothesis/py3/hypothesis/version.py
@@ -8,5 +8,5 @@
# v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can
# obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
-__version_info__ = (6, 100, 5)
+__version_info__ = (6, 100, 6)
__version__ = ".".join(map(str, __version_info__))
diff --git a/contrib/python/hypothesis/py3/ya.make b/contrib/python/hypothesis/py3/ya.make
index b5f51bc88f..a54ba569eb 100644
--- a/contrib/python/hypothesis/py3/ya.make
+++ b/contrib/python/hypothesis/py3/ya.make
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@