path: root/contrib/python/contourpy/src/threaded.cpp
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authorshumkovnd <shumkovnd@yandex-team.com>2023-11-10 14:39:34 +0300
committershumkovnd <shumkovnd@yandex-team.com>2023-11-10 16:42:24 +0300
commit77eb2d3fdcec5c978c64e025ced2764c57c00285 (patch)
treec51edb0748ca8d4a08d7c7323312c27ba1a8b79a /contrib/python/contourpy/src/threaded.cpp
parentdd6d20cadb65582270ac23f4b3b14ae189704b9d (diff)
KIKIMR-19287: add task_stats_drawing script
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/contourpy/src/threaded.cpp')
1 files changed, 312 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/contourpy/src/threaded.cpp b/contrib/python/contourpy/src/threaded.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e27cd55d51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/contourpy/src/threaded.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+#include "base_impl.h"
+#include "converter.h"
+#include "threaded.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include <thread>
+namespace contourpy {
+ const CoordinateArray& x, const CoordinateArray& y, const CoordinateArray& z,
+ const MaskArray& mask, bool corner_mask, LineType line_type, FillType fill_type,
+ bool quad_as_tri, ZInterp z_interp, index_t x_chunk_size, index_t y_chunk_size,
+ index_t n_threads)
+ : BaseContourGenerator(x, y, z, mask, corner_mask, line_type, fill_type, quad_as_tri, z_interp,
+ x_chunk_size, y_chunk_size),
+ _n_threads(limit_n_threads(n_threads, get_n_chunks())),
+ _next_chunk(0)
+void ThreadedContourGenerator::export_filled(
+ const ChunkLocal& local, std::vector<py::list>& return_lists)
+ // Reimplementation of SerialContourGenerator::export_filled() to separate out the creation of
+ // numpy arrays (which requires a thread lock) from the population of those arrays (which does
+ // not). This minimises the time that the lock is used for.
+ assert(local.total_point_count > 0);
+ switch (get_fill_type())
+ {
+ case FillType::OuterCode:
+ case FillType::OuterOffset: {
+ assert(!has_direct_points() && !has_direct_line_offsets());
+ auto outer_count = local.line_count - local.hole_count;
+ bool outer_code = (get_fill_type() == FillType::OuterCode);
+ std::vector<PointArray::value_type*> points_ptrs(outer_count);
+ std::vector<CodeArray::value_type*> codes_ptrs(outer_code ? outer_count: 0);
+ std::vector<OffsetArray::value_type*> offsets_ptrs(outer_code ? 0 : outer_count);
+ {
+ Lock lock(*this); // cppcheck-suppress unreadVariable
+ for (decltype(outer_count) i = 0; i < outer_count; ++i) {
+ auto outer_start = local.outer_offsets.start[i];
+ auto outer_end = local.outer_offsets.start[i+1];
+ auto point_start = local.line_offsets.start[outer_start];
+ auto point_end = local.line_offsets.start[outer_end];
+ auto point_count = point_end - point_start;
+ assert(point_count > 2);
+ index_t points_shape[2] = {static_cast<index_t>(point_count), 2};
+ PointArray point_array(points_shape);
+ return_lists[0].append(point_array);
+ points_ptrs[i] = point_array.mutable_data();
+ if (outer_code) {
+ index_t codes_shape = static_cast<index_t>(point_count);
+ CodeArray code_array(codes_shape);
+ return_lists[1].append(code_array);
+ codes_ptrs[i] = code_array.mutable_data();
+ }
+ else {
+ index_t offsets_shape = static_cast<index_t>(outer_end - outer_start + 1);
+ OffsetArray offset_array(offsets_shape);
+ return_lists[1].append(offset_array);
+ offsets_ptrs[i] = offset_array.mutable_data();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (decltype(outer_count) i = 0; i < outer_count; ++i) {
+ auto outer_start = local.outer_offsets.start[i];
+ auto outer_end = local.outer_offsets.start[i+1];
+ auto point_start = local.line_offsets.start[outer_start];
+ auto point_end = local.line_offsets.start[outer_end];
+ auto point_count = point_end - point_start;
+ assert(point_count > 2);
+ Converter::convert_points(
+ point_count, local.points.start + 2*point_start, points_ptrs[i]);
+ if (outer_code)
+ Converter::convert_codes(
+ point_count, outer_end - outer_start + 1,
+ local.line_offsets.start + outer_start, point_start, codes_ptrs[i]);
+ else
+ Converter::convert_offsets(
+ outer_end - outer_start + 1, local.line_offsets.start + outer_start,
+ point_start, offsets_ptrs[i]);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case FillType::ChunkCombinedCode:
+ case FillType::ChunkCombinedCodeOffset: {
+ assert(has_direct_points() && !has_direct_line_offsets());
+ // return_lists[0][local_chunk] already contains combined points.
+ // If ChunkCombinedCodeOffset. return_lists[2][local.chunk] already contains outer
+ // offsets.
+ index_t codes_shape = static_cast<index_t>(local.total_point_count);
+ CodeArray::value_type* codes_ptr = nullptr;
+ {
+ Lock lock(*this); // cppcheck-suppress unreadVariable
+ CodeArray code_array(codes_shape);
+ return_lists[1][local.chunk] = code_array;
+ codes_ptr = code_array.mutable_data();
+ }
+ Converter::convert_codes(
+ local.total_point_count, local.line_count + 1, local.line_offsets.start, 0,
+ codes_ptr);
+ break;
+ }
+ case FillType::ChunkCombinedOffset:
+ case FillType::ChunkCombinedOffsetOffset:
+ assert(has_direct_points() && has_direct_line_offsets());
+ if (get_fill_type() == FillType::ChunkCombinedOffsetOffset) {
+ assert(has_direct_outer_offsets());
+ }
+ // return_lists[0][local_chunk] already contains combined points.
+ // return_lists[1][local.chunk] already contains line offsets.
+ // If ChunkCombinedOffsetOffset, return_lists[2][local.chunk] already contains
+ // outer offsets.
+ break;
+ }
+void ThreadedContourGenerator::export_lines(
+ const ChunkLocal& local, std::vector<py::list>& return_lists)
+ // Reimplementation of SerialContourGenerator::export_lines() to separate out the creation of
+ // numpy arrays (which requires a thread lock) from the population of those arrays (which does
+ // not). This minimises the time that the lock is used for.
+ assert(local.total_point_count > 0);
+ switch (get_line_type())
+ {
+ case LineType::Separate:
+ case LineType::SeparateCode: {
+ assert(!has_direct_points() && !has_direct_line_offsets());
+ bool separate_code = (get_line_type() == LineType::SeparateCode);
+ std::vector<PointArray::value_type*> points_ptrs(local.line_count);
+ std::vector<CodeArray::value_type*> codes_ptrs(separate_code ? local.line_count: 0);
+ {
+ Lock lock(*this); // cppcheck-suppress unreadVariable
+ for (decltype(local.line_count) i = 0; i < local.line_count; ++i) {
+ auto point_start = local.line_offsets.start[i];
+ auto point_end = local.line_offsets.start[i+1];
+ auto point_count = point_end - point_start;
+ assert(point_count > 1);
+ index_t points_shape[2] = {static_cast<index_t>(point_count), 2};
+ PointArray point_array(points_shape);
+ return_lists[0].append(point_array);
+ points_ptrs[i] = point_array.mutable_data();
+ if (separate_code) {
+ index_t codes_shape = static_cast<index_t>(point_count);
+ CodeArray code_array(codes_shape);
+ return_lists[1].append(code_array);
+ codes_ptrs[i] = code_array.mutable_data();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (decltype(local.line_count) i = 0; i < local.line_count; ++i) {
+ auto point_start = local.line_offsets.start[i];
+ auto point_end = local.line_offsets.start[i+1];
+ auto point_count = point_end - point_start;
+ assert(point_count > 1);
+ Converter::convert_points(
+ point_count, local.points.start + 2*point_start, points_ptrs[i]);
+ if (separate_code) {
+ Converter::convert_codes_check_closed_single(
+ point_count, local.points.start + 2*point_start, codes_ptrs[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case LineType::ChunkCombinedCode: {
+ assert(has_direct_points() && !has_direct_line_offsets());
+ // return_lists[0][local.chunk] already contains points.
+ index_t codes_shape = static_cast<index_t>(local.total_point_count);
+ CodeArray::value_type* codes_ptr = nullptr;
+ {
+ Lock lock(*this); // cppcheck-suppress unreadVariable
+ CodeArray code_array(codes_shape);
+ return_lists[1][local.chunk] = code_array;
+ codes_ptr = code_array.mutable_data();
+ }
+ Converter::convert_codes_check_closed(
+ local.total_point_count, local.line_count + 1, local.line_offsets.start,
+ local.points.start, codes_ptr);
+ break;
+ }
+ case LineType::ChunkCombinedOffset:
+ assert(has_direct_points() && has_direct_line_offsets());
+ // return_lists[0][local.chunk] already contains points.
+ // return_lists[1][local.chunk] already contains line offsets.
+ break;
+ }
+index_t ThreadedContourGenerator::get_thread_count() const
+ return _n_threads;
+index_t ThreadedContourGenerator::limit_n_threads(index_t n_threads, index_t n_chunks)
+ index_t max_threads = std::max<index_t>(Util::get_max_threads(), 1);
+ if (n_threads == 0)
+ return std::min(max_threads, n_chunks);
+ else
+ return std::min({max_threads, n_chunks, n_threads});
+void ThreadedContourGenerator::march(std::vector<py::list>& return_lists)
+ // Each thread executes thread_function() which has two stages:
+ // 1) Initialise cache z-levels and starting locations
+ // 2) Trace contours
+ // Each stage is performed on a chunk by chunk basis. There is a barrier between the two stages
+ // to synchronise the threads so the cache setup is complete before being used by the trace.
+ _next_chunk = 0; // Next available chunk index.
+ _finished_count = 0; // Count of threads that have finished the cache init.
+ // Main thread releases GIL for remainder of this function.
+ // It is temporarily reacquired as necessary within the scope of threaded Lock objects.
+ py::gil_scoped_release release;
+ // Create (_n_threads-1) new worker threads.
+ std::vector<std::thread> threads;
+ threads.reserve(_n_threads-1);
+ for (index_t i = 0; i < _n_threads-1; ++i)
+ threads.emplace_back(
+ &ThreadedContourGenerator::thread_function, this, std::ref(return_lists));
+ thread_function(std::ref(return_lists)); // Main thread work.
+ for (auto& thread : threads)
+ thread.join();
+ assert(_next_chunk == 2*get_n_chunks());
+ threads.clear();
+void ThreadedContourGenerator::thread_function(std::vector<py::list>& return_lists)
+ // Function that is executed by each of the threads.
+ // _next_chunk starts at zero and increases up to 2*_n_chunks. A thread in need of work reads
+ // _next_chunk and incremements it, then processes that chunk. For _next_chunk < _n_chunks this
+ // is stage 1 (init cache levels and starting locations) and for _next_chunk >= _n_chunks this
+ // is stage 2 (trace contours). There is a synchronisation barrier between the two stages so
+ // that the cache initialisation is complete before being used by the contour trace.
+ auto n_chunks = get_n_chunks();
+ index_t chunk;
+ ChunkLocal local;
+ // Stage 1: Initialise cache z-levels and starting locations.
+ while (true) {
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(_chunk_mutex);
+ if (_next_chunk < n_chunks)
+ chunk = _next_chunk++;
+ else
+ break; // No more work to do.
+ }
+ get_chunk_limits(chunk, local);
+ init_cache_levels_and_starts(&local);
+ local.clear();
+ }
+ {
+ // Implementation of multithreaded barrier. Each thread increments the shared counter.
+ // Last thread to finish notifies the other threads that they can all continue.
+ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_chunk_mutex);
+ _finished_count++;
+ if (_finished_count == _n_threads)
+ _condition_variable.notify_all();
+ else
+ _condition_variable.wait(lock);
+ }
+ // Stage 2: Trace contours.
+ while (true) {
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(_chunk_mutex);
+ if (_next_chunk < 2*n_chunks)
+ chunk = _next_chunk++ - n_chunks;
+ else
+ break; // No more work to do.
+ }
+ get_chunk_limits(chunk, local);
+ march_chunk(local, return_lists);
+ local.clear();
+ }
+} // namespace contourpy