path: root/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/protocols/amp.py
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authorshmel1k <shmel1k@ydb.tech>2023-11-26 18:16:14 +0300
committershmel1k <shmel1k@ydb.tech>2023-11-26 18:43:30 +0300
commitb8cf9e88f4c5c64d9406af533d8948deb050d695 (patch)
tree218eb61fb3c3b96ec08b4d8cdfef383104a87d63 /contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/protocols/amp.py
parent523f645a83a0ec97a0332dbc3863bb354c92a328 (diff)
add kikimr_configure
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/protocols/amp.py')
1 files changed, 2833 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/protocols/amp.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/protocols/amp.py
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index 0000000000..a8c35754a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/protocols/amp.py
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+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_amp -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2005 Divmod, Inc.
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+This module implements AMP, the Asynchronous Messaging Protocol.
+AMP is a protocol for sending multiple asynchronous request/response pairs over
+the same connection. Requests and responses are both collections of key/value
+AMP is a very simple protocol which is not an application. This module is a
+"protocol construction kit" of sorts; it attempts to be the simplest wire-level
+implementation of Deferreds. AMP provides the following base-level features:
+ - Asynchronous request/response handling (hence the name)
+ - Requests and responses are both key/value pairs
+ - Binary transfer of all data: all data is length-prefixed. Your
+ application will never need to worry about quoting.
+ - Command dispatching (like HTTP Verbs): the protocol is extensible, and
+ multiple AMP sub-protocols can be grouped together easily.
+The protocol implementation also provides a few additional features which are
+not part of the core wire protocol, but are nevertheless very useful:
+ - Tight TLS integration, with an included StartTLS command.
+ - Handshaking to other protocols: because AMP has well-defined message
+ boundaries and maintains all incoming and outgoing requests for you, you
+ can start a connection over AMP and then switch to another protocol.
+ This makes it ideal for firewall-traversal applications where you may
+ have only one forwarded port but multiple applications that want to use
+ it.
+Using AMP with Twisted is simple. Each message is a command, with a response.
+You begin by defining a command type. Commands specify their input and output
+in terms of the types that they expect to see in the request and response
+key-value pairs. Here's an example of a command that adds two integers, 'a'
+and 'b'::
+ class Sum(amp.Command):
+ arguments = [('a', amp.Integer()),
+ ('b', amp.Integer())]
+ response = [('total', amp.Integer())]
+Once you have specified a command, you need to make it part of a protocol, and
+define a responder for it. Here's a 'JustSum' protocol that includes a
+responder for our 'Sum' command::
+ class JustSum(amp.AMP):
+ def sum(self, a, b):
+ total = a + b
+ print 'Did a sum: %d + %d = %d' % (a, b, total)
+ return {'total': total}
+ Sum.responder(sum)
+Later, when you want to actually do a sum, the following expression will return
+a L{Deferred} which will fire with the result::
+ ClientCreator(reactor, amp.AMP).connectTCP(...).addCallback(
+ lambda p: p.callRemote(Sum, a=13, b=81)).addCallback(
+ lambda result: result['total'])
+Command responders may also return Deferreds, causing the response to be
+sent only once the Deferred fires::
+ class DelayedSum(amp.AMP):
+ def slowSum(self, a, b):
+ total = a + b
+ result = defer.Deferred()
+ reactor.callLater(3, result.callback, {'total': total})
+ return result
+ Sum.responder(slowSum)
+This is transparent to the caller.
+You can also define the propagation of specific errors in AMP. For example,
+for the slightly more complicated case of division, we might have to deal with
+division by zero::
+ class Divide(amp.Command):
+ arguments = [('numerator', amp.Integer()),
+ ('denominator', amp.Integer())]
+ response = [('result', amp.Float())]
+ errors = {ZeroDivisionError: 'ZERO_DIVISION'}
+The 'errors' mapping here tells AMP that if a responder to Divide emits a
+L{ZeroDivisionError}, then the other side should be informed that an error of
+the type 'ZERO_DIVISION' has occurred. Writing a responder which takes
+advantage of this is very simple - just raise your exception normally::
+ class JustDivide(amp.AMP):
+ def divide(self, numerator, denominator):
+ result = numerator / denominator
+ print 'Divided: %d / %d = %d' % (numerator, denominator, total)
+ return {'result': result}
+ Divide.responder(divide)
+On the client side, the errors mapping will be used to determine what the
+'ZERO_DIVISION' error means, and translated into an asynchronous exception,
+which can be handled normally as any L{Deferred} would be::
+ def trapZero(result):
+ result.trap(ZeroDivisionError)
+ print "Divided by zero: returning INF"
+ return 1e1000
+ ClientCreator(reactor, amp.AMP).connectTCP(...).addCallback(
+ lambda p: p.callRemote(Divide, numerator=1234,
+ denominator=0)
+ ).addErrback(trapZero)
+For a complete, runnable example of both of these commands, see the files in
+the Twisted repository::
+ doc/core/examples/ampserver.py
+ doc/core/examples/ampclient.py
+On the wire, AMP is a protocol which uses 2-byte lengths to prefix keys and
+values, and empty keys to separate messages::
+ <2-byte length><key><2-byte length><value>
+ <2-byte length><key><2-byte length><value>
+ ...
+ <2-byte length><key><2-byte length><value>
+ <NUL><NUL> # Empty Key == End of Message
+And so on. Because it's tedious to refer to lengths and NULs constantly, the
+documentation will refer to packets as if they were newline delimited, like
+ C: _command: sum
+ C: _ask: ef639e5c892ccb54
+ C: a: 13
+ C: b: 81
+ S: _answer: ef639e5c892ccb54
+ S: total: 94
+In general, the order of keys is arbitrary. Specific uses of AMP may impose an
+ordering requirement, but unless this is specified explicitly, any ordering may
+be generated and any ordering must be accepted. This applies to the
+command-related keys I{_command} and I{_ask} as well as any other keys.
+Values are limited to the maximum encodable size in a 16-bit length, 65535
+Keys are limited to the maximum encodable size in a 8-bit length, 255 bytes.
+Note that we still use 2-byte lengths to encode keys. This small redundancy
+has several features:
+ - If an implementation becomes confused and starts emitting corrupt data,
+ or gets keys confused with values, many common errors will be signalled
+ immediately instead of delivering obviously corrupt packets.
+ - A single NUL will separate every key, and a double NUL separates
+ messages. This provides some redundancy when debugging traffic dumps.
+ - NULs will be present at regular intervals along the protocol, providing
+ some padding for otherwise braindead C implementations of the protocol,
+ so that <stdio.h> string functions will see the NUL and stop.
+ - This makes it possible to run an AMP server on a port also used by a
+ plain-text protocol, and easily distinguish between non-AMP clients (like
+ web browsers) which issue non-NUL as the first byte, and AMP clients,
+ which always issue NUL as the first byte.
+@var MAX_VALUE_LENGTH: The maximum length of a message.
+@type MAX_VALUE_LENGTH: L{int}
+@var ASK: Marker for an Ask packet.
+@type ASK: L{bytes}
+@var ANSWER: Marker for an Answer packet.
+@type ANSWER: L{bytes}
+@var COMMAND: Marker for a Command packet.
+@type COMMAND: L{bytes}
+@var ERROR: Marker for an AMP box of error type.
+@type ERROR: L{bytes}
+@var ERROR_CODE: Marker for an AMP box containing the code of an error.
+@type ERROR_CODE: L{bytes}
+@var ERROR_DESCRIPTION: Marker for an AMP box containing the description of the
+ error.
+@type ERROR_DESCRIPTION: L{bytes}
+from __future__ import annotations
+import datetime
+import decimal
+import warnings
+from functools import partial
+from io import BytesIO
+from itertools import count
+from struct import pack
+from types import MethodType
+from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union
+from zope.interface import Interface, implementer
+from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred, fail, maybeDeferred
+from twisted.internet.error import ConnectionClosed, ConnectionLost, PeerVerifyError
+from twisted.internet.interfaces import IFileDescriptorReceiver
+from twisted.internet.main import CONNECTION_LOST
+from twisted.internet.protocol import Protocol
+from twisted.protocols.basic import Int16StringReceiver, StatefulStringProtocol
+from twisted.python import filepath, log
+from twisted.python._tzhelper import (
+ UTC as utc,
+ FixedOffsetTimeZone as _FixedOffsetTZInfo,
+from twisted.python.compat import nativeString
+from twisted.python.failure import Failure
+from twisted.python.reflect import accumulateClassDict
+ from twisted.internet import ssl as _ssl
+ if _ssl.supported:
+ from twisted.internet.ssl import DN, Certificate, CertificateOptions, KeyPair
+ else:
+ ssl = None
+except ImportError:
+ ssl = None
+ ssl = _ssl
+__all__ = [
+ "AMP",
+ "ASK",
+ "AmpBox",
+ "AmpError",
+ "AmpList",
+ "Argument",
+ "BadLocalReturn",
+ "BinaryBoxProtocol",
+ "Boolean",
+ "Box",
+ "BoxDispatcher",
+ "Command",
+ "CommandLocator",
+ "Decimal",
+ "Descriptor",
+ "ERROR",
+ "Float",
+ "IArgumentType",
+ "IBoxReceiver",
+ "IBoxSender",
+ "IResponderLocator",
+ "IncompatibleVersions",
+ "Integer",
+ "InvalidSignature",
+ "ListOf",
+ "MalformedAmpBox",
+ "NoEmptyBoxes",
+ "OnlyOneTLS",
+ "Path",
+ "ProtocolSwitchCommand",
+ "ProtocolSwitched",
+ "QuitBox",
+ "RemoteAmpError",
+ "SimpleStringLocator",
+ "StartTLS",
+ "String",
+ "TooLong",
+ "UnhandledCommand",
+ "utc",
+ "Unicode",
+ "UnknownRemoteError",
+ "parse",
+ "parseString",
+_T_Callable = TypeVar("_T_Callable", bound=Callable[..., object])
+ASK = b"_ask"
+ANSWER = b"_answer"
+COMMAND = b"_command"
+ERROR = b"_error"
+ERROR_CODE = b"_error_code"
+ERROR_DESCRIPTION = b"_error_description"
+class IArgumentType(Interface):
+ """
+ An L{IArgumentType} can serialize a Python object into an AMP box and
+ deserialize information from an AMP box back into a Python object.
+ @since: 9.0
+ """
+ def fromBox(name, strings, objects, proto):
+ """
+ Given an argument name and an AMP box containing serialized values,
+ extract one or more Python objects and add them to the C{objects}
+ dictionary.
+ @param name: The name associated with this argument. Most commonly
+ this is the key which can be used to find a serialized value in
+ C{strings}.
+ @type name: C{bytes}
+ @param strings: The AMP box from which to extract one or more
+ values.
+ @type strings: C{dict}
+ @param objects: The output dictionary to populate with the value for
+ this argument. The key used will be derived from C{name}. It may
+ differ; in Python 3, for example, the key will be a Unicode/native
+ string. See L{_wireNameToPythonIdentifier}.
+ @type objects: C{dict}
+ @param proto: The protocol instance which received the AMP box being
+ interpreted. Most likely this is an instance of L{AMP}, but
+ this is not guaranteed.
+ @return: L{None}
+ """
+ def toBox(name, strings, objects, proto):
+ """
+ Given an argument name and a dictionary containing structured Python
+ objects, serialize values into one or more strings and add them to
+ the C{strings} dictionary.
+ @param name: The name associated with this argument. Most commonly
+ this is the key in C{strings} to associate with a C{bytes} giving
+ the serialized form of that object.
+ @type name: C{bytes}
+ @param strings: The AMP box into which to insert one or more strings.
+ @type strings: C{dict}
+ @param objects: The input dictionary from which to extract Python
+ objects to serialize. The key used will be derived from C{name}.
+ It may differ; in Python 3, for example, the key will be a
+ Unicode/native string. See L{_wireNameToPythonIdentifier}.
+ @type objects: C{dict}
+ @param proto: The protocol instance which will send the AMP box once
+ it is fully populated. Most likely this is an instance of
+ L{AMP}, but this is not guaranteed.
+ @return: L{None}
+ """
+class IBoxSender(Interface):
+ """
+ A transport which can send L{AmpBox} objects.
+ """
+ def sendBox(box):
+ """
+ Send an L{AmpBox}.
+ @raise ProtocolSwitched: if the underlying protocol has been
+ switched.
+ @raise ConnectionLost: if the underlying connection has already been
+ lost.
+ """
+ def unhandledError(failure):
+ """
+ An unhandled error occurred in response to a box. Log it
+ appropriately.
+ @param failure: a L{Failure} describing the error that occurred.
+ """
+class IBoxReceiver(Interface):
+ """
+ An application object which can receive L{AmpBox} objects and dispatch them
+ appropriately.
+ """
+ def startReceivingBoxes(boxSender):
+ """
+ The L{IBoxReceiver.ampBoxReceived} method will start being called;
+ boxes may be responded to by responding to the given L{IBoxSender}.
+ @param boxSender: an L{IBoxSender} provider.
+ """
+ def ampBoxReceived(box):
+ """
+ A box was received from the transport; dispatch it appropriately.
+ """
+ def stopReceivingBoxes(reason):
+ """
+ No further boxes will be received on this connection.
+ @type reason: L{Failure}
+ """
+class IResponderLocator(Interface):
+ """
+ An application object which can look up appropriate responder methods for
+ AMP commands.
+ """
+ def locateResponder(name):
+ """
+ Locate a responder method appropriate for the named command.
+ @param name: the wire-level name (commandName) of the AMP command to be
+ responded to.
+ @type name: C{bytes}
+ @return: a 1-argument callable that takes an L{AmpBox} with argument
+ values for the given command, and returns an L{AmpBox} containing
+ argument values for the named command, or a L{Deferred} that fires the
+ same.
+ """
+class AmpError(Exception):
+ """
+ Base class of all Amp-related exceptions.
+ """
+class ProtocolSwitched(Exception):
+ """
+ Connections which have been switched to other protocols can no longer
+ accept traffic at the AMP level. This is raised when you try to send it.
+ """
+class OnlyOneTLS(AmpError):
+ """
+ This is an implementation limitation; TLS may only be started once per
+ connection.
+ """
+class NoEmptyBoxes(AmpError):
+ """
+ You can't have empty boxes on the connection. This is raised when you
+ receive or attempt to send one.
+ """
+class InvalidSignature(AmpError):
+ """
+ You didn't pass all the required arguments.
+ """
+class TooLong(AmpError):
+ """
+ One of the protocol's length limitations was violated.
+ @ivar isKey: true if the string being encoded in a key position, false if
+ it was in a value position.
+ @ivar isLocal: Was the string encoded locally, or received too long from
+ the network? (It's only physically possible to encode "too long" values on
+ the network for keys.)
+ @ivar value: The string that was too long.
+ @ivar keyName: If the string being encoded was in a value position, what
+ key was it being encoded for?
+ """
+ def __init__(self, isKey, isLocal, value, keyName=None):
+ AmpError.__init__(self)
+ self.isKey = isKey
+ self.isLocal = isLocal
+ self.value = value
+ self.keyName = keyName
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ hdr = self.isKey and "key" or "value"
+ if not self.isKey:
+ hdr += " " + repr(self.keyName)
+ lcl = self.isLocal and "local" or "remote"
+ return "%s %s too long: %d" % (lcl, hdr, len(self.value))
+class BadLocalReturn(AmpError):
+ """
+ A bad value was returned from a local command; we were unable to coerce it.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, message: str, enclosed: Failure) -> None:
+ AmpError.__init__(self)
+ self.message = message
+ self.enclosed = enclosed
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return self.message + " " + self.enclosed.getBriefTraceback()
+ __str__ = __repr__
+class RemoteAmpError(AmpError):
+ """
+ This error indicates that something went wrong on the remote end of the
+ connection, and the error was serialized and transmitted to you.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, errorCode, description, fatal=False, local=None):
+ """Create a remote error with an error code and description.
+ @param errorCode: the AMP error code of this error.
+ @type errorCode: C{bytes}
+ @param description: some text to show to the user.
+ @type description: C{str}
+ @param fatal: a boolean, true if this error should terminate the
+ connection.
+ @param local: a local Failure, if one exists.
+ """
+ if local:
+ localwhat = " (local)"
+ othertb = local.getBriefTraceback()
+ else:
+ localwhat = ""
+ othertb = ""
+ # Backslash-escape errorCode. Python 3.5 can do this natively
+ # ("backslashescape") but Python 2.7 and Python 3.4 can't.
+ errorCodeForMessage = "".join(
+ f"\\x{c:2x}" if c >= 0x80 else chr(c) for c in errorCode
+ )
+ if othertb:
+ message = "Code<{}>{}: {}\n{}".format(
+ errorCodeForMessage,
+ localwhat,
+ description,
+ othertb,
+ )
+ else:
+ message = "Code<{}>{}: {}".format(
+ errorCodeForMessage, localwhat, description
+ )
+ super().__init__(message)
+ self.local = local
+ self.errorCode = errorCode
+ self.description = description
+ self.fatal = fatal
+class UnknownRemoteError(RemoteAmpError):
+ """
+ This means that an error whose type we can't identify was raised from the
+ other side.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, description):
+ RemoteAmpError.__init__(self, errorCode, description)
+class MalformedAmpBox(AmpError):
+ """
+ This error indicates that the wire-level protocol was malformed.
+ """
+class UnhandledCommand(AmpError):
+ """
+ A command received via amp could not be dispatched.
+ """
+class IncompatibleVersions(AmpError):
+ """
+ It was impossible to negotiate a compatible version of the protocol with
+ the other end of the connection.
+ """
+class AmpBox(Dict[bytes, bytes]):
+ """
+ I am a packet in the AMP protocol, much like a
+ regular bytes:bytes dictionary.
+ """
+ # be like a regular dictionary don't magically
+ # acquire a __dict__...
+ __slots__: List[str] = []
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+ """
+ Initialize a new L{AmpBox}.
+ In Python 3, keyword arguments MUST be Unicode/native strings whereas
+ in Python 2 they could be either byte strings or Unicode strings.
+ However, all keys of an L{AmpBox} MUST be byte strings, or possible to
+ transparently coerce into byte strings (i.e. Python 2).
+ In Python 3, therefore, native string keys are coerced to byte strings
+ by encoding as ASCII. This can result in C{UnicodeEncodeError} being
+ raised.
+ @param args: See C{dict}, but all keys and values should be C{bytes}.
+ On Python 3, native strings may be used as keys provided they
+ contain only ASCII characters.
+ @param kw: See C{dict}, but all keys and values should be C{bytes}.
+ On Python 3, native strings may be used as keys provided they
+ contain only ASCII characters.
+ @raise UnicodeEncodeError: When a native string key cannot be coerced
+ to an ASCII byte string (Python 3 only).
+ """
+ super().__init__(*args, **kw)
+ nonByteNames = [n for n in self if not isinstance(n, bytes)]
+ for nonByteName in nonByteNames:
+ byteName = nonByteName.encode("ascii")
+ self[byteName] = self.pop(nonByteName)
+ def copy(self):
+ """
+ Return another AmpBox just like me.
+ """
+ newBox = self.__class__()
+ newBox.update(self)
+ return newBox
+ def serialize(self):
+ """
+ Convert me into a wire-encoded string.
+ @return: a C{bytes} encoded according to the rules described in the
+ module docstring.
+ """
+ i = sorted(self.items())
+ L = []
+ w = L.append
+ for k, v in i:
+ if type(k) == str:
+ raise TypeError("Unicode key not allowed: %r" % k)
+ if type(v) == str:
+ raise TypeError(f"Unicode value for key {k!r} not allowed: {v!r}")
+ if len(k) > MAX_KEY_LENGTH:
+ raise TooLong(True, True, k, None)
+ if len(v) > MAX_VALUE_LENGTH:
+ raise TooLong(False, True, v, k)
+ for kv in k, v:
+ w(pack("!H", len(kv)))
+ w(kv)
+ w(pack("!H", 0))
+ return b"".join(L)
+ def _sendTo(self, proto):
+ """
+ Serialize and send this box to an Amp instance. By the time it is being
+ sent, several keys are required. I must have exactly ONE of::
+ _ask
+ _answer
+ _error
+ If the '_ask' key is set, then the '_command' key must also be
+ set.
+ @param proto: an AMP instance.
+ """
+ proto.sendBox(self)
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return f"AmpBox({dict.__repr__(self)})"
+# amp.Box => AmpBox
+Box = AmpBox
+class QuitBox(AmpBox):
+ """
+ I am an AmpBox that, upon being sent, terminates the connection.
+ """
+ __slots__: List[str] = []
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return f"QuitBox(**{super().__repr__()})"
+ def _sendTo(self, proto):
+ """
+ Immediately call loseConnection after sending.
+ """
+ super()._sendTo(proto)
+ proto.transport.loseConnection()
+class _SwitchBox(AmpBox):
+ """
+ Implementation detail of ProtocolSwitchCommand: I am an AmpBox which sets
+ up state for the protocol to switch.
+ """
+ # DON'T set __slots__ here; we do have an attribute.
+ def __init__(self, innerProto, **kw):
+ """
+ Create a _SwitchBox with the protocol to switch to after being sent.
+ @param innerProto: the protocol instance to switch to.
+ @type innerProto: an IProtocol provider.
+ """
+ super().__init__(**kw)
+ self.innerProto = innerProto
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ return "_SwitchBox({!r}, **{})".format(
+ self.innerProto,
+ dict.__repr__(self),
+ )
+ def _sendTo(self, proto):
+ """
+ Send me; I am the last box on the connection. All further traffic will be
+ over the new protocol.
+ """
+ super()._sendTo(proto)
+ proto._lockForSwitch()
+ proto._switchTo(self.innerProto)
+class BoxDispatcher:
+ """
+ A L{BoxDispatcher} dispatches '_ask', '_answer', and '_error' L{AmpBox}es,
+ both incoming and outgoing, to their appropriate destinations.
+ Outgoing commands are converted into L{Deferred}s and outgoing boxes, and
+ associated tracking state to fire those L{Deferred} when '_answer' boxes
+ come back. Incoming '_answer' and '_error' boxes are converted into
+ callbacks and errbacks on those L{Deferred}s, respectively.
+ Incoming '_ask' boxes are converted into method calls on a supplied method
+ locator.
+ @ivar _outstandingRequests: a dictionary mapping request IDs to
+ L{Deferred}s which were returned for those requests.
+ @ivar locator: an object with a L{CommandLocator.locateResponder} method
+ that locates a responder function that takes a Box and returns a result
+ (either a Box or a Deferred which fires one).
+ @ivar boxSender: an object which can send boxes, via the L{_sendBoxCommand}
+ method, such as an L{AMP} instance.
+ @type boxSender: L{IBoxSender}
+ """
+ _failAllReason = None
+ _outstandingRequests = None
+ _counter = 0
+ boxSender = None
+ def __init__(self, locator):
+ self._outstandingRequests = {}
+ self.locator = locator
+ def startReceivingBoxes(self, boxSender):
+ """
+ The given boxSender is going to start calling boxReceived on this
+ L{BoxDispatcher}.
+ @param boxSender: The L{IBoxSender} to send command responses to.
+ """
+ self.boxSender = boxSender
+ def stopReceivingBoxes(self, reason):
+ """
+ No further boxes will be received here. Terminate all currently
+ outstanding command deferreds with the given reason.
+ """
+ self.failAllOutgoing(reason)
+ def failAllOutgoing(self, reason):
+ """
+ Call the errback on all outstanding requests awaiting responses.
+ @param reason: the Failure instance to pass to those errbacks.
+ """
+ self._failAllReason = reason
+ OR = self._outstandingRequests.items()
+ self._outstandingRequests = None # we can never send another request
+ for key, value in OR:
+ value.errback(reason)
+ def _nextTag(self):
+ """
+ Generate protocol-local serial numbers for _ask keys.
+ @return: a string that has not yet been used on this connection.
+ """
+ self._counter += 1
+ return b"%x" % (self._counter,)
+ def _sendBoxCommand(self, command, box, requiresAnswer=True):
+ """
+ Send a command across the wire with the given C{amp.Box}.
+ Mutate the given box to give it any additional keys (_command, _ask)
+ required for the command and request/response machinery, then send it.
+ If requiresAnswer is True, returns a C{Deferred} which fires when a
+ response is received. The C{Deferred} is fired with an C{amp.Box} on
+ success, or with an C{amp.RemoteAmpError} if an error is received.
+ If the Deferred fails and the error is not handled by the caller of
+ this method, the failure will be logged and the connection dropped.
+ @param command: a C{bytes}, the name of the command to issue.
+ @param box: an AmpBox with the arguments for the command.
+ @param requiresAnswer: a boolean. Defaults to True. If True, return a
+ Deferred which will fire when the other side responds to this command.
+ If False, return None and do not ask the other side for acknowledgement.
+ @return: a Deferred which fires the AmpBox that holds the response to
+ this command, or None, as specified by requiresAnswer.
+ @raise ProtocolSwitched: if the protocol has been switched.
+ """
+ if self._failAllReason is not None:
+ if requiresAnswer:
+ return fail(self._failAllReason)
+ else:
+ return None
+ box[COMMAND] = command
+ tag = self._nextTag()
+ if requiresAnswer:
+ box[ASK] = tag
+ box._sendTo(self.boxSender)
+ if requiresAnswer:
+ result = self._outstandingRequests[tag] = Deferred()
+ else:
+ result = None
+ return result
+ def callRemoteString(self, command, requiresAnswer=True, **kw):
+ """
+ This is a low-level API, designed only for optimizing simple messages
+ for which the overhead of parsing is too great.
+ @param command: a C{bytes} naming the command.
+ @param kw: arguments to the amp box.
+ @param requiresAnswer: a boolean. Defaults to True. If True, return a
+ Deferred which will fire when the other side responds to this command.
+ If False, return None and do not ask the other side for acknowledgement.
+ @return: a Deferred which fires the AmpBox that holds the response to
+ this command, or None, as specified by requiresAnswer.
+ """
+ box = Box(kw)
+ return self._sendBoxCommand(command, box, requiresAnswer)
+ def callRemote(self, commandType, *a, **kw):
+ """
+ This is the primary high-level API for sending messages via AMP. Invoke it
+ with a command and appropriate arguments to send a message to this
+ connection's peer.
+ @param commandType: a subclass of Command.
+ @type commandType: L{type}
+ @param a: Positional (special) parameters taken by the command.
+ Positional parameters will typically not be sent over the wire. The
+ only command included with AMP which uses positional parameters is
+ L{ProtocolSwitchCommand}, which takes the protocol that will be
+ switched to as its first argument.
+ @param kw: Keyword arguments taken by the command. These are the
+ arguments declared in the command's 'arguments' attribute. They will
+ be encoded and sent to the peer as arguments for the L{commandType}.
+ @return: If L{commandType} has a C{requiresAnswer} attribute set to
+ L{False}, then return L{None}. Otherwise, return a L{Deferred} which
+ fires with a dictionary of objects representing the result of this
+ call. Additionally, this L{Deferred} may fail with an exception
+ representing a connection failure, with L{UnknownRemoteError} if the
+ other end of the connection fails for an unknown reason, or with any
+ error specified as a key in L{commandType}'s C{errors} dictionary.
+ """
+ # XXX this takes command subclasses and not command objects on purpose.
+ # There's really no reason to have all this back-and-forth between
+ # command objects and the protocol, and the extra object being created
+ # (the Command instance) is pointless. Command is kind of like
+ # Interface, and should be more like it.
+ # In other words, the fact that commandType is instantiated here is an
+ # implementation detail. Don't rely on it.
+ try:
+ co = commandType(*a, **kw)
+ except BaseException:
+ return fail()
+ return co._doCommand(self)
+ def unhandledError(self, failure):
+ """
+ This is a terminal callback called after application code has had a
+ chance to quash any errors.
+ """
+ return self.boxSender.unhandledError(failure)
+ def _answerReceived(self, box):
+ """
+ An AMP box was received that answered a command previously sent with
+ L{callRemote}.
+ @param box: an AmpBox with a value for its L{ANSWER} key.
+ """
+ question = self._outstandingRequests.pop(box[ANSWER])
+ question.addErrback(self.unhandledError)
+ question.callback(box)
+ def _errorReceived(self, box):
+ """
+ An AMP box was received that answered a command previously sent with
+ L{callRemote}, with an error.
+ @param box: an L{AmpBox} with a value for its L{ERROR}, L{ERROR_CODE},
+ """
+ question = self._outstandingRequests.pop(box[ERROR])
+ question.addErrback(self.unhandledError)
+ errorCode = box[ERROR_CODE]
+ description = box[ERROR_DESCRIPTION]
+ if isinstance(description, bytes):
+ description = description.decode("utf-8", "replace")
+ if errorCode in PROTOCOL_ERRORS:
+ exc = PROTOCOL_ERRORS[errorCode](errorCode, description)
+ else:
+ exc = RemoteAmpError(errorCode, description)
+ question.errback(Failure(exc))
+ def _commandReceived(self, box):
+ """
+ @param box: an L{AmpBox} with a value for its L{COMMAND} and L{ASK}
+ keys.
+ """
+ def formatAnswer(answerBox):
+ answerBox[ANSWER] = box[ASK]
+ return answerBox
+ def formatError(error):
+ if error.check(RemoteAmpError):
+ code = error.value.errorCode
+ desc = error.value.description
+ if isinstance(desc, str):
+ desc = desc.encode("utf-8", "replace")
+ if error.value.fatal:
+ errorBox = QuitBox()
+ else:
+ errorBox = AmpBox()
+ else:
+ errorBox = QuitBox()
+ log.err(error) # here is where server-side logging happens
+ # if the error isn't handled
+ desc = b"Unknown Error"
+ errorBox[ERROR] = box[ASK]
+ errorBox[ERROR_DESCRIPTION] = desc
+ errorBox[ERROR_CODE] = code
+ return errorBox
+ deferred = self.dispatchCommand(box)
+ if ASK in box:
+ deferred.addCallbacks(formatAnswer, formatError)
+ deferred.addCallback(self._safeEmit)
+ deferred.addErrback(self.unhandledError)
+ def ampBoxReceived(self, box):
+ """
+ An AmpBox was received, representing a command, or an answer to a
+ previously issued command (either successful or erroneous). Respond to
+ it according to its contents.
+ @param box: an AmpBox
+ @raise NoEmptyBoxes: when a box is received that does not contain an
+ '_answer', '_command' / '_ask', or '_error' key; i.e. one which does not
+ fit into the command / response protocol defined by AMP.
+ """
+ if ANSWER in box:
+ self._answerReceived(box)
+ elif ERROR in box:
+ self._errorReceived(box)
+ elif COMMAND in box:
+ self._commandReceived(box)
+ else:
+ raise NoEmptyBoxes(box)
+ def _safeEmit(self, aBox):
+ """
+ Emit a box, ignoring L{ProtocolSwitched} and L{ConnectionLost} errors
+ which cannot be usefully handled.
+ """
+ try:
+ aBox._sendTo(self.boxSender)
+ except (ProtocolSwitched, ConnectionLost):
+ pass
+ def dispatchCommand(self, box):
+ """
+ A box with a _command key was received.
+ Dispatch it to a local handler call it.
+ @param box: an AmpBox to be dispatched.
+ """
+ cmd = box[COMMAND]
+ responder = self.locator.locateResponder(cmd)
+ if responder is None:
+ description = f"Unhandled Command: {cmd!r}"
+ return fail(
+ RemoteAmpError(
+ description,
+ False,
+ local=Failure(UnhandledCommand()),
+ )
+ )
+ return maybeDeferred(responder, box)
+class _CommandLocatorMeta(type):
+ """
+ This metaclass keeps track of all of the Command.responder-decorated
+ methods defined since the last CommandLocator subclass was defined. It
+ assumes (usually correctly, but unfortunately not necessarily so) that
+ those commands responders were all declared as methods of the class
+ being defined. Note that this list can be incorrect if users use the
+ Command.responder decorator outside the context of a CommandLocator
+ class declaration.
+ Command responders defined on subclasses are given precedence over
+ those inherited from a base class.
+ The Command.responder decorator explicitly cooperates with this
+ metaclass.
+ """
+ _currentClassCommands: "list[tuple[type[Command], Callable[..., Any]]]" = []
+ def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
+ commands = cls._currentClassCommands[:]
+ cls._currentClassCommands[:] = []
+ cd = attrs["_commandDispatch"] = {}
+ subcls = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
+ ancestors = list(subcls.__mro__[1:])
+ ancestors.reverse()
+ for ancestor in ancestors:
+ cd.update(getattr(ancestor, "_commandDispatch", {}))
+ for commandClass, responderFunc in commands:
+ cd[commandClass.commandName] = (commandClass, responderFunc)
+ if bases and (subcls.lookupFunction != CommandLocator.lookupFunction):
+ def locateResponder(self, name):
+ warnings.warn(
+ "Override locateResponder, not lookupFunction.",
+ category=PendingDeprecationWarning,
+ stacklevel=2,
+ )
+ return self.lookupFunction(name)
+ subcls.locateResponder = locateResponder
+ return subcls
+class CommandLocator(metaclass=_CommandLocatorMeta):
+ """
+ A L{CommandLocator} is a collection of responders to AMP L{Command}s, with
+ the help of the L{Command.responder} decorator.
+ """
+ def _wrapWithSerialization(self, aCallable, command):
+ """
+ Wrap aCallable with its command's argument de-serialization
+ and result serialization logic.
+ @param aCallable: a callable with a 'command' attribute, designed to be
+ called with keyword arguments.
+ @param command: the command class whose serialization to use.
+ @return: a 1-arg callable which, when invoked with an AmpBox, will
+ deserialize the argument list and invoke appropriate user code for the
+ callable's command, returning a Deferred which fires with the result or
+ fails with an error.
+ """
+ def doit(box):
+ kw = command.parseArguments(box, self)
+ def checkKnownErrors(error):
+ key = error.trap(*command.allErrors)
+ code = command.allErrors[key]
+ desc = str(error.value)
+ return Failure(
+ RemoteAmpError(code, desc, key in command.fatalErrors, local=error)
+ )
+ def makeResponseFor(objects):
+ try:
+ return command.makeResponse(objects, self)
+ except BaseException:
+ # let's helpfully log this.
+ originalFailure = Failure()
+ raise BadLocalReturn(
+ "%r returned %r and %r could not serialize it"
+ % (aCallable, objects, command),
+ originalFailure,
+ )
+ return (
+ maybeDeferred(aCallable, **kw)
+ .addCallback(makeResponseFor)
+ .addErrback(checkKnownErrors)
+ )
+ return doit
+ def lookupFunction(self, name):
+ """
+ Deprecated synonym for L{CommandLocator.locateResponder}
+ """
+ if self.__class__.lookupFunction != CommandLocator.lookupFunction:
+ return CommandLocator.locateResponder(self, name)
+ else:
+ warnings.warn(
+ "Call locateResponder, not lookupFunction.",
+ category=PendingDeprecationWarning,
+ stacklevel=2,
+ )
+ return self.locateResponder(name)
+ def locateResponder(self, name):
+ """
+ Locate a callable to invoke when executing the named command.
+ @param name: the normalized name (from the wire) of the command.
+ @type name: C{bytes}
+ @return: a 1-argument function that takes a Box and returns a box or a
+ Deferred which fires a Box, for handling the command identified by the
+ given name, or None, if no appropriate responder can be found.
+ """
+ # Try to find a high-level method to invoke, and if we can't find one,
+ # fall back to a low-level one.
+ cd = self._commandDispatch
+ if name in cd:
+ commandClass, responderFunc = cd[name]
+ responderMethod = MethodType(responderFunc, self)
+ return self._wrapWithSerialization(responderMethod, commandClass)
+class SimpleStringLocator:
+ """
+ Implement the L{AMP.locateResponder} method to do simple, string-based
+ dispatch.
+ """
+ baseDispatchPrefix = b"amp_"
+ def locateResponder(self, name):
+ """
+ Locate a callable to invoke when executing the named command.
+ @return: a function with the name C{"amp_" + name} on the same
+ instance, or None if no such function exists.
+ This function will then be called with the L{AmpBox} itself as an
+ argument.
+ @param name: the normalized name (from the wire) of the command.
+ @type name: C{bytes}
+ """
+ fName = nativeString(self.baseDispatchPrefix + name.upper())
+ return getattr(self, fName, None)
+ "and",
+ "del",
+ "for",
+ "is",
+ "raise",
+ "assert",
+ "elif",
+ "from",
+ "lambda",
+ "return",
+ "break",
+ "else",
+ "global",
+ "not",
+ "try",
+ "class",
+ "except",
+ "if",
+ "or",
+ "while",
+ "continue",
+ "exec",
+ "import",
+ "pass",
+ "yield",
+ "def",
+ "finally",
+ "in",
+ "print",
+def _wireNameToPythonIdentifier(key):
+ """
+ (Private) Normalize an argument name from the wire for use with Python
+ code. If the return value is going to be a python keyword it will be
+ capitalized. If it contains any dashes they will be replaced with
+ underscores.
+ The rationale behind this method is that AMP should be an inherently
+ multi-language protocol, so message keys may contain all manner of bizarre
+ bytes. This is not a complete solution; there are still forms of arguments
+ that this implementation will be unable to parse. However, Python
+ identifiers share a huge raft of properties with identifiers from many
+ other languages, so this is a 'good enough' effort for now. We deal
+ explicitly with dashes because that is the most likely departure: Lisps
+ commonly use dashes to separate method names, so protocols initially
+ implemented in a lisp amp dialect may use dashes in argument or command
+ names.
+ @param key: a C{bytes}, looking something like 'foo-bar-baz' or 'from'
+ @type key: C{bytes}
+ @return: a native string which is a valid python identifier, looking
+ something like 'foo_bar_baz' or 'From'.
+ """
+ lkey = nativeString(key.replace(b"-", b"_"))
+ if lkey in PYTHON_KEYWORDS:
+ return lkey.title()
+ return lkey
+class Argument:
+ """
+ Base-class of all objects that take values from Amp packets and convert
+ them into objects for Python functions.
+ This implementation of L{IArgumentType} provides several higher-level
+ hooks for subclasses to override. See L{toString} and L{fromString}
+ which will be used to define the behavior of L{IArgumentType.toBox} and
+ L{IArgumentType.fromBox}, respectively.
+ """
+ optional = False
+ def __init__(self, optional=False):
+ """
+ Create an Argument.
+ @param optional: a boolean indicating whether this argument can be
+ omitted in the protocol.
+ """
+ self.optional = optional
+ def retrieve(self, d, name, proto):
+ """
+ Retrieve the given key from the given dictionary, removing it if found.
+ @param d: a dictionary.
+ @param name: a key in I{d}.
+ @param proto: an instance of an AMP.
+ @raise KeyError: if I am not optional and no value was found.
+ @return: d[name].
+ """
+ if self.optional:
+ value = d.get(name)
+ if value is not None:
+ del d[name]
+ else:
+ value = d.pop(name)
+ return value
+ def fromBox(self, name, strings, objects, proto):
+ """
+ Populate an 'out' dictionary with mapping names to Python values
+ decoded from an 'in' AmpBox mapping strings to string values.
+ @param name: the argument name to retrieve
+ @type name: C{bytes}
+ @param strings: The AmpBox to read string(s) from, a mapping of
+ argument names to string values.
+ @type strings: AmpBox
+ @param objects: The dictionary to write object(s) to, a mapping of
+ names to Python objects. Keys will be native strings.
+ @type objects: dict
+ @param proto: an AMP instance.
+ """
+ st = self.retrieve(strings, name, proto)
+ nk = _wireNameToPythonIdentifier(name)
+ if self.optional and st is None:
+ objects[nk] = None
+ else:
+ objects[nk] = self.fromStringProto(st, proto)
+ def toBox(self, name, strings, objects, proto):
+ """
+ Populate an 'out' AmpBox with strings encoded from an 'in' dictionary
+ mapping names to Python values.
+ @param name: the argument name to retrieve
+ @type name: C{bytes}
+ @param strings: The AmpBox to write string(s) to, a mapping of
+ argument names to string values.
+ @type strings: AmpBox
+ @param objects: The dictionary to read object(s) from, a mapping of
+ names to Python objects. Keys should be native strings.
+ @type objects: dict
+ @param proto: the protocol we are converting for.
+ @type proto: AMP
+ """
+ obj = self.retrieve(objects, _wireNameToPythonIdentifier(name), proto)
+ if self.optional and obj is None:
+ # strings[name] = None
+ pass
+ else:
+ strings[name] = self.toStringProto(obj, proto)
+ def fromStringProto(self, inString, proto):
+ """
+ Convert a string to a Python value.
+ @param inString: the string to convert.
+ @type inString: C{bytes}
+ @param proto: the protocol we are converting for.
+ @type proto: AMP
+ @return: a Python object.
+ """
+ return self.fromString(inString)
+ def toStringProto(self, inObject, proto):
+ """
+ Convert a Python object to a string.
+ @param inObject: the object to convert.
+ @param proto: the protocol we are converting for.
+ @type proto: AMP
+ """
+ return self.toString(inObject)
+ def fromString(self, inString):
+ """
+ Convert a string to a Python object. Subclasses must implement this.
+ @param inString: the string to convert.
+ @type inString: C{bytes}
+ @return: the decoded value from C{inString}
+ """
+ def toString(self, inObject):
+ """
+ Convert a Python object into a string for passing over the network.
+ @param inObject: an object of the type that this Argument is intended
+ to deal with.
+ @return: the wire encoding of inObject
+ @rtype: C{bytes}
+ """
+class Integer(Argument):
+ """
+ Encode any integer values of any size on the wire as the string
+ representation.
+ Example: C{123} becomes C{"123"}
+ """
+ fromString = int
+ def toString(self, inObject):
+ return b"%d" % (inObject,)
+class String(Argument):
+ """
+ Don't do any conversion at all; just pass through 'str'.
+ """
+ def toString(self, inObject):
+ return inObject
+ def fromString(self, inString):
+ return inString
+class Float(Argument):
+ """
+ Encode floating-point values on the wire as their repr.
+ """
+ fromString = float
+ def toString(self, inString):
+ if not isinstance(inString, float):
+ raise ValueError(f"Bad float value {inString!r}")
+ return str(inString).encode("ascii")
+class Boolean(Argument):
+ """
+ Encode True or False as "True" or "False" on the wire.
+ """
+ def fromString(self, inString):
+ if inString == b"True":
+ return True
+ elif inString == b"False":
+ return False
+ else:
+ raise TypeError(f"Bad boolean value: {inString!r}")
+ def toString(self, inObject):
+ if inObject:
+ return b"True"
+ else:
+ return b"False"
+class Unicode(String):
+ """
+ Encode a unicode string on the wire as UTF-8.
+ """
+ def toString(self, inObject):
+ return String.toString(self, inObject.encode("utf-8"))
+ def fromString(self, inString):
+ return String.fromString(self, inString).decode("utf-8")
+class Path(Unicode):
+ """
+ Encode and decode L{filepath.FilePath} instances as paths on the wire.
+ This is really intended for use with subprocess communication tools:
+ exchanging pathnames on different machines over a network is not generally
+ meaningful, but neither is it disallowed; you can use this to communicate
+ about NFS paths, for example.
+ """
+ def fromString(self, inString):
+ return filepath.FilePath(Unicode.fromString(self, inString))
+ def toString(self, inObject):
+ return Unicode.toString(self, inObject.asTextMode().path)
+class ListOf(Argument):
+ """
+ Encode and decode lists of instances of a single other argument type.
+ For example, if you want to pass::
+ [3, 7, 9, 15]
+ You can create an argument like this::
+ ListOf(Integer())
+ The serialized form of the entire list is subject to the limit imposed by
+ L{MAX_VALUE_LENGTH}. List elements are represented as 16-bit length
+ prefixed strings. The argument type passed to the L{ListOf} initializer is
+ responsible for producing the serialized form of each element.
+ @ivar elementType: The L{Argument} instance used to encode and decode list
+ elements (note, not an arbitrary L{IArgumentType} implementation:
+ arguments must be implemented using only the C{fromString} and
+ C{toString} methods, not the C{fromBox} and C{toBox} methods).
+ @param optional: a boolean indicating whether this argument can be
+ omitted in the protocol.
+ @since: 10.0
+ """
+ def __init__(self, elementType, optional=False):
+ self.elementType = elementType
+ Argument.__init__(self, optional)
+ def fromString(self, inString):
+ """
+ Convert the serialized form of a list of instances of some type back
+ into that list.
+ """
+ strings = []
+ parser = Int16StringReceiver()
+ parser.stringReceived = strings.append
+ parser.dataReceived(inString)
+ elementFromString = self.elementType.fromString
+ return [elementFromString(string) for string in strings]
+ def toString(self, inObject):
+ """
+ Serialize the given list of objects to a single string.
+ """
+ strings = []
+ for obj in inObject:
+ serialized = self.elementType.toString(obj)
+ strings.append(pack("!H", len(serialized)))
+ strings.append(serialized)
+ return b"".join(strings)
+class AmpList(Argument):
+ """
+ Convert a list of dictionaries into a list of AMP boxes on the wire.
+ For example, if you want to pass::
+ [{'a': 7, 'b': u'hello'}, {'a': 9, 'b': u'goodbye'}]
+ You might use an AmpList like this in your arguments or response list::
+ AmpList([('a', Integer()),
+ ('b', Unicode())])
+ """
+ def __init__(self, subargs, optional=False):
+ """
+ Create an AmpList.
+ @param subargs: a list of 2-tuples of ('name', argument) describing the
+ schema of the dictionaries in the sequence of amp boxes.
+ @type subargs: A C{list} of (C{bytes}, L{Argument}) tuples.
+ @param optional: a boolean indicating whether this argument can be
+ omitted in the protocol.
+ """
+ assert all(isinstance(name, bytes) for name, _ in subargs), (
+ "AmpList should be defined with a list of (name, argument) "
+ "tuples where `name' is a byte string, got: %r" % (subargs,)
+ )
+ self.subargs = subargs
+ Argument.__init__(self, optional)
+ def fromStringProto(self, inString, proto):
+ boxes = parseString(inString)
+ values = [_stringsToObjects(box, self.subargs, proto) for box in boxes]
+ return values
+ def toStringProto(self, inObject, proto):
+ return b"".join(
+ [
+ _objectsToStrings(objects, self.subargs, Box(), proto).serialize()
+ for objects in inObject
+ ]
+ )
+class Descriptor(Integer):
+ """
+ Encode and decode file descriptors for exchange over a UNIX domain socket.
+ This argument type requires an AMP connection set up over an
+ L{IUNIXTransport<twisted.internet.interfaces.IUNIXTransport>} provider (for
+ example, the kind of connection created by
+ L{IReactorUNIX.connectUNIX<twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorUNIX.connectUNIX>}
+ and L{UNIXClientEndpoint<twisted.internet.endpoints.UNIXClientEndpoint>}).
+ There is no correspondence between the integer value of the file descriptor
+ on the sending and receiving sides, therefore an alternate approach is taken
+ to matching up received descriptors with particular L{Descriptor}
+ parameters. The argument is encoded to an ordinal (unique per connection)
+ for inclusion in the AMP command or response box. The descriptor itself is
+ sent using
+ L{IUNIXTransport.sendFileDescriptor<twisted.internet.interfaces.IUNIXTransport.sendFileDescriptor>}.
+ The receiver uses the order in which file descriptors are received and the
+ ordinal value to come up with the received copy of the descriptor.
+ """
+ def fromStringProto(self, inString, proto):
+ """
+ Take a unique identifier associated with a file descriptor which must
+ have been received by now and use it to look up that descriptor in a
+ dictionary where they are kept.
+ @param inString: The base representation (as a byte string) of an
+ ordinal indicating which file descriptor corresponds to this usage
+ of this argument.
+ @type inString: C{str}
+ @param proto: The protocol used to receive this descriptor. This
+ protocol must be connected via a transport providing
+ L{IUNIXTransport<twisted.internet.interfaces.IUNIXTransport>}.
+ @type proto: L{BinaryBoxProtocol}
+ @return: The file descriptor represented by C{inString}.
+ @rtype: C{int}
+ """
+ return proto._getDescriptor(int(inString))
+ def toStringProto(self, inObject, proto):
+ """
+ Send C{inObject}, an integer file descriptor, over C{proto}'s connection
+ and return a unique identifier which will allow the receiver to
+ associate the file descriptor with this argument.
+ @param inObject: A file descriptor to duplicate over an AMP connection
+ as the value for this argument.
+ @type inObject: C{int}
+ @param proto: The protocol which will be used to send this descriptor.
+ This protocol must be connected via a transport providing
+ L{IUNIXTransport<twisted.internet.interfaces.IUNIXTransport>}.
+ @return: A byte string which can be used by the receiver to reconstruct
+ the file descriptor.
+ @rtype: C{bytes}
+ """
+ identifier = proto._sendFileDescriptor(inObject)
+ outString = Integer.toStringProto(self, identifier, proto)
+ return outString
+class _CommandMeta(type):
+ """
+ Metaclass hack to establish reverse-mappings for 'errors' and
+ 'fatalErrors' as class vars.
+ """
+ def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
+ reverseErrors = attrs["reverseErrors"] = {}
+ er = attrs["allErrors"] = {}
+ if "commandName" not in attrs:
+ attrs["commandName"] = name.encode("ascii")
+ newtype = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
+ if not isinstance(newtype.commandName, bytes):
+ raise TypeError(
+ "Command names must be byte strings, got: {!r}".format(
+ newtype.commandName
+ )
+ )
+ for name, _ in newtype.arguments:
+ if not isinstance(name, bytes):
+ raise TypeError(f"Argument names must be byte strings, got: {name!r}")
+ for name, _ in newtype.response:
+ if not isinstance(name, bytes):
+ raise TypeError(f"Response names must be byte strings, got: {name!r}")
+ errors: Dict[Type[Exception], bytes] = {}
+ fatalErrors: Dict[Type[Exception], bytes] = {}
+ accumulateClassDict(newtype, "errors", errors)
+ accumulateClassDict(newtype, "fatalErrors", fatalErrors)
+ if not isinstance(newtype.errors, dict):
+ newtype.errors = dict(newtype.errors)
+ if not isinstance(newtype.fatalErrors, dict):
+ newtype.fatalErrors = dict(newtype.fatalErrors)
+ for v, k in errors.items():
+ reverseErrors[k] = v
+ er[v] = k
+ for v, k in fatalErrors.items():
+ reverseErrors[k] = v
+ er[v] = k
+ for _, name in newtype.errors.items():
+ if not isinstance(name, bytes):
+ raise TypeError(f"Error names must be byte strings, got: {name!r}")
+ for _, name in newtype.fatalErrors.items():
+ if not isinstance(name, bytes):
+ raise TypeError(
+ f"Fatal error names must be byte strings, got: {name!r}"
+ )
+ return newtype
+class Command(metaclass=_CommandMeta):
+ """
+ Subclass me to specify an AMP Command.
+ @cvar arguments: A list of 2-tuples of (name, Argument-subclass-instance),
+ specifying the names and values of the parameters which are required for
+ this command.
+ @cvar response: A list like L{arguments}, but instead used for the return
+ value.
+ @cvar errors: A mapping of subclasses of L{Exception} to wire-protocol tags
+ for errors represented as L{str}s. Responders which raise keys from
+ this dictionary will have the error translated to the corresponding tag
+ on the wire.
+ Invokers which receive Deferreds from invoking this command with
+ L{BoxDispatcher.callRemote} will potentially receive Failures with keys
+ from this mapping as their value.
+ This mapping is inherited; if you declare a command which handles
+ C{FooError} as 'FOO_ERROR', then subclass it and specify C{BarError} as
+ 'BAR_ERROR', responders to the subclass may raise either C{FooError} or
+ C{BarError}, and invokers must be able to deal with either of those
+ exceptions.
+ @cvar fatalErrors: like 'errors', but errors in this list will always
+ terminate the connection, despite being of a recognizable error type.
+ @cvar commandType: The type of Box used to issue commands; useful only for
+ protocol-modifying behavior like startTLS or protocol switching. Defaults
+ to a plain vanilla L{Box}.
+ @cvar responseType: The type of Box used to respond to this command; only
+ useful for protocol-modifying behavior like startTLS or protocol switching.
+ Defaults to a plain vanilla L{Box}.
+ @ivar requiresAnswer: a boolean; defaults to True. Set it to False on your
+ subclass if you want callRemote to return None. Note: this is a hint only
+ to the client side of the protocol. The return-type of a command responder
+ method must always be a dictionary adhering to the contract specified by
+ L{response}, because clients are always free to request a response if they
+ want one.
+ """
+ arguments: List[Tuple[bytes, Argument]] = []
+ response: List[Tuple[bytes, Argument]] = []
+ extra: List[Any] = []
+ errors: Dict[Type[Exception], bytes] = {}
+ fatalErrors: Dict[Type[Exception], bytes] = {}
+ commandType: "Union[Type[Command], Type[Box]]" = Box
+ responseType: Type[AmpBox] = Box
+ requiresAnswer = True
+ def __init__(self, **kw):
+ """
+ Create an instance of this command with specified values for its
+ parameters.
+ In Python 3, keyword arguments MUST be Unicode/native strings whereas
+ in Python 2 they could be either byte strings or Unicode strings.
+ A L{Command}'s arguments are defined in its schema using C{bytes}
+ names. The values for those arguments are plucked from the keyword
+ arguments using the name returned from L{_wireNameToPythonIdentifier}.
+ In other words, keyword arguments should be named using the
+ Python-side equivalent of the on-wire (C{bytes}) name.
+ @param kw: a dict containing an appropriate value for each name
+ specified in the L{arguments} attribute of my class.
+ @raise InvalidSignature: if you forgot any required arguments.
+ """
+ self.structured = kw
+ forgotten = []
+ for name, arg in self.arguments:
+ pythonName = _wireNameToPythonIdentifier(name)
+ if pythonName not in self.structured and not arg.optional:
+ forgotten.append(pythonName)
+ if forgotten:
+ raise InvalidSignature(
+ "forgot {} for {}".format(", ".join(forgotten), self.commandName)
+ )
+ forgotten = []
+ @classmethod
+ def makeResponse(cls, objects, proto):
+ """
+ Serialize a mapping of arguments using this L{Command}'s
+ response schema.
+ @param objects: a dict with keys matching the names specified in
+ self.response, having values of the types that the Argument objects in
+ self.response can format.
+ @param proto: an L{AMP}.
+ @return: an L{AmpBox}.
+ """
+ try:
+ responseType = cls.responseType()
+ except BaseException:
+ return fail()
+ return _objectsToStrings(objects, cls.response, responseType, proto)
+ @classmethod
+ def makeArguments(cls, objects, proto):
+ """
+ Serialize a mapping of arguments using this L{Command}'s
+ argument schema.
+ @param objects: a dict with keys similar to the names specified in
+ self.arguments, having values of the types that the Argument objects in
+ self.arguments can parse.
+ @param proto: an L{AMP}.
+ @return: An instance of this L{Command}'s C{commandType}.
+ """
+ allowedNames = set()
+ for argName, ignored in cls.arguments:
+ allowedNames.add(_wireNameToPythonIdentifier(argName))
+ for intendedArg in objects:
+ if intendedArg not in allowedNames:
+ raise InvalidSignature(f"{intendedArg} is not a valid argument")
+ return _objectsToStrings(objects, cls.arguments, cls.commandType(), proto)
+ @classmethod
+ def parseResponse(cls, box, protocol):
+ """
+ Parse a mapping of serialized arguments using this
+ L{Command}'s response schema.
+ @param box: A mapping of response-argument names to the
+ serialized forms of those arguments.
+ @param protocol: The L{AMP} protocol.
+ @return: A mapping of response-argument names to the parsed
+ forms.
+ """
+ return _stringsToObjects(box, cls.response, protocol)
+ @classmethod
+ def parseArguments(cls, box, protocol):
+ """
+ Parse a mapping of serialized arguments using this
+ L{Command}'s argument schema.
+ @param box: A mapping of argument names to the seralized forms
+ of those arguments.
+ @param protocol: The L{AMP} protocol.
+ @return: A mapping of argument names to the parsed forms.
+ """
+ return _stringsToObjects(box, cls.arguments, protocol)
+ @classmethod
+ def responder(cls, methodfunc: _T_Callable) -> _T_Callable:
+ """
+ Declare a method to be a responder for a particular command.
+ This is a decorator.
+ Use like so::
+ class MyCommand(Command):
+ arguments = [('a', ...), ('b', ...)]
+ class MyProto(AMP):
+ def myFunMethod(self, a, b):
+ ...
+ MyCommand.responder(myFunMethod)
+ Notes: Although decorator syntax is not used within Twisted, this
+ function returns its argument and is therefore safe to use with
+ decorator syntax.
+ This is not thread safe. Don't declare AMP subclasses in other
+ threads. Don't declare responders outside the scope of AMP subclasses;
+ the behavior is undefined.
+ @param methodfunc: A function which will later become a method, which
+ has a keyword signature compatible with this command's L{arguments} list
+ and returns a dictionary with a set of keys compatible with this
+ command's L{response} list.
+ @return: the methodfunc parameter.
+ """
+ CommandLocator._currentClassCommands.append((cls, methodfunc))
+ return methodfunc
+ # Our only instance method
+ def _doCommand(self, proto):
+ """
+ Encode and send this Command to the given protocol.
+ @param proto: an AMP, representing the connection to send to.
+ @return: a Deferred which will fire or error appropriately when the
+ other side responds to the command (or error if the connection is lost
+ before it is responded to).
+ """
+ def _massageError(error):
+ error.trap(RemoteAmpError)
+ rje = error.value
+ errorType = self.reverseErrors.get(rje.errorCode, UnknownRemoteError)
+ return Failure(errorType(rje.description))
+ d = proto._sendBoxCommand(
+ self.commandName,
+ self.makeArguments(self.structured, proto),
+ self.requiresAnswer,
+ )
+ if self.requiresAnswer:
+ d.addCallback(self.parseResponse, proto)
+ d.addErrback(_massageError)
+ return d
+class _NoCertificate:
+ """
+ This is for peers which don't want to use a local certificate. Used by
+ AMP because AMP's internal language is all about certificates and this
+ duck-types in the appropriate place; this API isn't really stable though,
+ so it's not exposed anywhere public.
+ For clients, it will use ephemeral DH keys, or whatever the default is for
+ certificate-less clients in OpenSSL. For servers, it will generate a
+ temporary self-signed certificate with garbage values in the DN and use
+ that.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, client):
+ """
+ Create a _NoCertificate which either is or isn't for the client side of
+ the connection.
+ @param client: True if we are a client and should truly have no
+ certificate and be anonymous, False if we are a server and actually
+ have to generate a temporary certificate.
+ @type client: bool
+ """
+ self.client = client
+ def options(self, *authorities):
+ """
+ Behaves like L{twisted.internet.ssl.PrivateCertificate.options}().
+ """
+ if not self.client:
+ # do some crud with sslverify to generate a temporary self-signed
+ # certificate. This is SLOOOWWWWW so it is only in the absolute
+ # worst, most naive case.
+ # We have to do this because OpenSSL will not let both the server
+ # and client be anonymous.
+ key = KeyPair.generate()
+ cr = key.certificateRequest(sharedDN)
+ sscrd = key.signCertificateRequest(sharedDN, cr, lambda dn: True, 1)
+ cert = key.newCertificate(sscrd)
+ return cert.options(*authorities)
+ options = dict()
+ if authorities:
+ options.update(
+ dict(
+ verify=True,
+ requireCertificate=True,
+ caCerts=[auth.original for auth in authorities],
+ )
+ )
+ occo = CertificateOptions(**options)
+ return occo
+class _TLSBox(AmpBox):
+ """
+ I am an AmpBox that, upon being sent, initiates a TLS connection.
+ """
+ __slots__: List[str] = []
+ def __init__(self):
+ if ssl is None:
+ raise RemoteAmpError(b"TLS_ERROR", "TLS not available")
+ AmpBox.__init__(self)
+ @property
+ def certificate(self):
+ return self.get(b"tls_localCertificate", _NoCertificate(False))
+ @property
+ def verify(self):
+ return self.get(b"tls_verifyAuthorities", None)
+ def _sendTo(self, proto):
+ """
+ Send my encoded value to the protocol, then initiate TLS.
+ """
+ ab = AmpBox(self)
+ for k in [b"tls_localCertificate", b"tls_verifyAuthorities"]:
+ ab.pop(k, None)
+ ab._sendTo(proto)
+ proto._startTLS(self.certificate, self.verify)
+class _LocalArgument(String):
+ """
+ Local arguments are never actually relayed across the wire. This is just a
+ shim so that StartTLS can pretend to have some arguments: if arguments
+ acquire documentation properties, replace this with something nicer later.
+ """
+ def fromBox(self, name, strings, objects, proto):
+ pass
+class StartTLS(Command):
+ """
+ Use, or subclass, me to implement a command that starts TLS.
+ Callers of StartTLS may pass several special arguments, which affect the
+ TLS negotiation:
+ - tls_localCertificate: This is a
+ twisted.internet.ssl.PrivateCertificate which will be used to secure
+ the side of the connection it is returned on.
+ - tls_verifyAuthorities: This is a list of
+ twisted.internet.ssl.Certificate objects that will be used as the
+ certificate authorities to verify our peer's certificate.
+ Each of those special parameters may also be present as a key in the
+ response dictionary.
+ """
+ arguments = [
+ (b"tls_localCertificate", _LocalArgument(optional=True)),
+ (b"tls_verifyAuthorities", _LocalArgument(optional=True)),
+ ]
+ response = [
+ (b"tls_localCertificate", _LocalArgument(optional=True)),
+ (b"tls_verifyAuthorities", _LocalArgument(optional=True)),
+ ]
+ responseType = _TLSBox
+ def __init__(self, *, tls_localCertificate=None, tls_verifyAuthorities=None, **kw):
+ """
+ Create a StartTLS command. (This is private. Use AMP.callRemote.)
+ @param tls_localCertificate: the PrivateCertificate object to use to
+ secure the connection. If it's L{None}, or unspecified, an ephemeral DH
+ key is used instead.
+ @param tls_verifyAuthorities: a list of Certificate objects which
+ represent root certificates to verify our peer with.
+ """
+ if ssl is None:
+ raise RuntimeError("TLS not available.")
+ self.certificate = (
+ _NoCertificate(True)
+ if tls_localCertificate is None
+ else tls_localCertificate
+ )
+ self.authorities = tls_verifyAuthorities
+ Command.__init__(self, **kw)
+ def _doCommand(self, proto):
+ """
+ When a StartTLS command is sent, prepare to start TLS, but don't actually
+ do it; wait for the acknowledgement, then initiate the TLS handshake.
+ """
+ d = Command._doCommand(self, proto)
+ proto._prepareTLS(self.certificate, self.authorities)
+ # XXX before we get back to user code we are going to start TLS...
+ def actuallystart(response):
+ proto._startTLS(self.certificate, self.authorities)
+ return response
+ d.addCallback(actuallystart)
+ return d
+class ProtocolSwitchCommand(Command):
+ """
+ Use this command to switch from something Amp-derived to a different
+ protocol mid-connection. This can be useful to use amp as the
+ connection-startup negotiation phase. Since TLS is a different layer
+ entirely, you can use Amp to negotiate the security parameters of your
+ connection, then switch to a different protocol, and the connection will
+ remain secured.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, _protoToSwitchToFactory, **kw):
+ """
+ Create a ProtocolSwitchCommand.
+ @param _protoToSwitchToFactory: a ProtocolFactory which will generate
+ the Protocol to switch to.
+ @param kw: Keyword arguments, encoded and handled normally as
+ L{Command} would.
+ """
+ self.protoToSwitchToFactory = _protoToSwitchToFactory
+ super().__init__(**kw)
+ @classmethod
+ def makeResponse(cls, innerProto, proto):
+ return _SwitchBox(innerProto)
+ def _doCommand(self, proto):
+ """
+ When we emit a ProtocolSwitchCommand, lock the protocol, but don't actually
+ switch to the new protocol unless an acknowledgement is received. If
+ an error is received, switch back.
+ """
+ d = super()._doCommand(proto)
+ proto._lockForSwitch()
+ def switchNow(ign):
+ innerProto = self.protoToSwitchToFactory.buildProtocol(
+ proto.transport.getPeer()
+ )
+ proto._switchTo(innerProto, self.protoToSwitchToFactory)
+ return ign
+ def handle(ign):
+ proto._unlockFromSwitch()
+ self.protoToSwitchToFactory.clientConnectionFailed(
+ None, Failure(CONNECTION_LOST)
+ )
+ return ign
+ return d.addCallbacks(switchNow, handle)
+class _DescriptorExchanger:
+ """
+ L{_DescriptorExchanger} is a mixin for L{BinaryBoxProtocol} which adds
+ support for receiving file descriptors, a feature offered by
+ L{IUNIXTransport<twisted.internet.interfaces.IUNIXTransport>}.
+ @ivar _descriptors: Temporary storage for all file descriptors received.
+ Values in this dictionary are the file descriptors (as integers). Keys
+ in this dictionary are ordinals giving the order in which each
+ descriptor was received. The ordering information is used to allow
+ L{Descriptor} to determine which is the correct descriptor for any
+ particular usage of that argument type.
+ @type _descriptors: C{dict}
+ @ivar _sendingDescriptorCounter: A no-argument callable which returns the
+ ordinals, starting from 0. This is used to construct values for
+ C{_sendFileDescriptor}.
+ @ivar _receivingDescriptorCounter: A no-argument callable which returns the
+ ordinals, starting from 0. This is used to construct values for
+ C{fileDescriptorReceived}.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._descriptors = {}
+ self._getDescriptor = self._descriptors.pop
+ self._sendingDescriptorCounter = partial(next, count())
+ self._receivingDescriptorCounter = partial(next, count())
+ def _sendFileDescriptor(self, descriptor):
+ """
+ Assign and return the next ordinal to the given descriptor after sending
+ the descriptor over this protocol's transport.
+ """
+ self.transport.sendFileDescriptor(descriptor)
+ return self._sendingDescriptorCounter()
+ def fileDescriptorReceived(self, descriptor):
+ """
+ Collect received file descriptors to be claimed later by L{Descriptor}.
+ @param descriptor: The received file descriptor.
+ @type descriptor: C{int}
+ """
+ self._descriptors[self._receivingDescriptorCounter()] = descriptor
+class BinaryBoxProtocol(
+ StatefulStringProtocol, Int16StringReceiver, _DescriptorExchanger
+ """
+ A protocol for receiving L{AmpBox}es - key/value pairs - via length-prefixed
+ strings. A box is composed of:
+ - any number of key-value pairs, described by:
+ - a 2-byte network-endian packed key length (of which the first
+ byte must be null, and the second must be non-null: i.e. the
+ value of the length must be 1-255)
+ - a key, comprised of that many bytes
+ - a 2-byte network-endian unsigned value length (up to the maximum
+ of 65535)
+ - a value, comprised of that many bytes
+ - 2 null bytes
+ In other words, an even number of strings prefixed with packed unsigned
+ 16-bit integers, and then a 0-length string to indicate the end of the box.
+ This protocol also implements 2 extra private bits of functionality related
+ to the byte boundaries between messages; it can start TLS between two given
+ boxes or switch to an entirely different protocol. However, due to some
+ tricky elements of the implementation, the public interface to this
+ functionality is L{ProtocolSwitchCommand} and L{StartTLS}.
+ @ivar _keyLengthLimitExceeded: A flag which is only true when the
+ connection is being closed because a key length prefix which was longer
+ than allowed by the protocol was received.
+ @ivar boxReceiver: an L{IBoxReceiver} provider, whose
+ L{IBoxReceiver.ampBoxReceived} method will be invoked for each
+ L{AmpBox} that is received.
+ """
+ _justStartedTLS = False
+ _startingTLSBuffer = None
+ _locked = False
+ _currentKey = None
+ _currentBox = None
+ _keyLengthLimitExceeded = False
+ hostCertificate = None
+ noPeerCertificate = False # for tests
+ innerProtocol: Optional[Protocol] = None
+ innerProtocolClientFactory = None
+ def __init__(self, boxReceiver):
+ _DescriptorExchanger.__init__(self)
+ self.boxReceiver = boxReceiver
+ def _switchTo(self, newProto, clientFactory=None):
+ """
+ Switch this BinaryBoxProtocol's transport to a new protocol. You need
+ to do this 'simultaneously' on both ends of a connection; the easiest
+ way to do this is to use a subclass of ProtocolSwitchCommand.
+ @param newProto: the new protocol instance to switch to.
+ @param clientFactory: the ClientFactory to send the
+ L{twisted.internet.protocol.ClientFactory.clientConnectionLost}
+ notification to.
+ """
+ # All the data that Int16Receiver has not yet dealt with belongs to our
+ # new protocol: luckily it's keeping that in a handy (although
+ # ostensibly internal) variable for us:
+ newProtoData = self.recvd
+ # We're quite possibly in the middle of a 'dataReceived' loop in
+ # Int16StringReceiver: let's make sure that the next iteration, the
+ # loop will break and not attempt to look at something that isn't a
+ # length prefix.
+ self.recvd = ""
+ # Finally, do the actual work of setting up the protocol and delivering
+ # its first chunk of data, if one is available.
+ self.innerProtocol = newProto
+ self.innerProtocolClientFactory = clientFactory
+ newProto.makeConnection(self.transport)
+ if newProtoData:
+ newProto.dataReceived(newProtoData)
+ def sendBox(self, box):
+ """
+ Send a amp.Box to my peer.
+ Note: transport.write is never called outside of this method.
+ @param box: an AmpBox.
+ @raise ProtocolSwitched: if the protocol has previously been switched.
+ @raise ConnectionLost: if the connection has previously been lost.
+ """
+ if self._locked:
+ raise ProtocolSwitched(
+ "This connection has switched: no AMP traffic allowed."
+ )
+ if self.transport is None:
+ raise ConnectionLost()
+ if self._startingTLSBuffer is not None:
+ self._startingTLSBuffer.append(box)
+ else:
+ self.transport.write(box.serialize())
+ def makeConnection(self, transport):
+ """
+ Notify L{boxReceiver} that it is about to receive boxes from this
+ protocol by invoking L{IBoxReceiver.startReceivingBoxes}.
+ """
+ self.transport = transport
+ self.boxReceiver.startReceivingBoxes(self)
+ self.connectionMade()
+ def dataReceived(self, data):
+ """
+ Either parse incoming data as L{AmpBox}es or relay it to our nested
+ protocol.
+ """
+ if self._justStartedTLS:
+ self._justStartedTLS = False
+ # If we already have an inner protocol, then we don't deliver data to
+ # the protocol parser any more; we just hand it off.
+ if self.innerProtocol is not None:
+ self.innerProtocol.dataReceived(data)
+ return
+ return Int16StringReceiver.dataReceived(self, data)
+ def connectionLost(self, reason):
+ """
+ The connection was lost; notify any nested protocol.
+ """
+ if self.innerProtocol is not None:
+ self.innerProtocol.connectionLost(reason)
+ if self.innerProtocolClientFactory is not None:
+ self.innerProtocolClientFactory.clientConnectionLost(None, reason)
+ if self._keyLengthLimitExceeded:
+ failReason = Failure(TooLong(True, False, None, None))
+ elif reason.check(ConnectionClosed) and self._justStartedTLS:
+ # We just started TLS and haven't received any data. This means
+ # the other connection didn't like our cert (although they may not
+ # have told us why - later Twisted should make 'reason' into a TLS
+ # error.)
+ failReason = PeerVerifyError(
+ "Peer rejected our certificate for an unknown reason."
+ )
+ else:
+ failReason = reason
+ self.boxReceiver.stopReceivingBoxes(failReason)
+ # The longest key allowed
+ # The longest value allowed (this is somewhat redundant, as longer values
+ # cannot be encoded - ah well).
+ # The first thing received is a key.
+ def proto_init(self, string):
+ """
+ String received in the 'init' state.
+ """
+ self._currentBox = AmpBox()
+ return self.proto_key(string)
+ def proto_key(self, string):
+ """
+ String received in the 'key' state. If the key is empty, a complete
+ box has been received.
+ """
+ if string:
+ self._currentKey = string
+ return "value"
+ else:
+ self.boxReceiver.ampBoxReceived(self._currentBox)
+ self._currentBox = None
+ return "init"
+ def proto_value(self, string):
+ """
+ String received in the 'value' state.
+ """
+ self._currentBox[self._currentKey] = string
+ self._currentKey = None
+ return "key"
+ def lengthLimitExceeded(self, length):
+ """
+ The key length limit was exceeded. Disconnect the transport and make
+ sure a meaningful exception is reported.
+ """
+ self._keyLengthLimitExceeded = True
+ self.transport.loseConnection()
+ def _lockForSwitch(self):
+ """
+ Lock this binary protocol so that no further boxes may be sent. This
+ is used when sending a request to switch underlying protocols. You
+ probably want to subclass ProtocolSwitchCommand rather than calling
+ this directly.
+ """
+ self._locked = True
+ def _unlockFromSwitch(self):
+ """
+ Unlock this locked binary protocol so that further boxes may be sent
+ again. This is used after an attempt to switch protocols has failed
+ for some reason.
+ """
+ if self.innerProtocol is not None:
+ raise ProtocolSwitched("Protocol already switched. Cannot unlock.")
+ self._locked = False
+ def _prepareTLS(self, certificate, verifyAuthorities):
+ """
+ Used by StartTLSCommand to put us into the state where we don't
+ actually send things that get sent, instead we buffer them. see
+ L{_sendBoxCommand}.
+ """
+ self._startingTLSBuffer = []
+ if self.hostCertificate is not None:
+ raise OnlyOneTLS(
+ "Previously authenticated connection between %s and %s "
+ "is trying to re-establish as %s"
+ % (
+ self.hostCertificate,
+ self.peerCertificate,
+ (certificate, verifyAuthorities),
+ )
+ )
+ def _startTLS(self, certificate, verifyAuthorities):
+ """
+ Used by TLSBox to initiate the SSL handshake.
+ @param certificate: a L{twisted.internet.ssl.PrivateCertificate} for
+ use locally.
+ @param verifyAuthorities: L{twisted.internet.ssl.Certificate} instances
+ representing certificate authorities which will verify our peer.
+ """
+ self.hostCertificate = certificate
+ self._justStartedTLS = True
+ if verifyAuthorities is None:
+ verifyAuthorities = ()
+ self.transport.startTLS(certificate.options(*verifyAuthorities))
+ stlsb = self._startingTLSBuffer
+ if stlsb is not None:
+ self._startingTLSBuffer = None
+ for box in stlsb:
+ self.sendBox(box)
+ @property
+ def peerCertificate(self):
+ if self.noPeerCertificate:
+ return None
+ return Certificate.peerFromTransport(self.transport)
+ def unhandledError(self, failure):
+ """
+ The buck stops here. This error was completely unhandled, time to
+ terminate the connection.
+ """
+ log.err(
+ failure,
+ "Amp server or network failure unhandled by client application. "
+ "Dropping connection! To avoid, add errbacks to ALL remote "
+ "commands!",
+ )
+ if self.transport is not None:
+ self.transport.loseConnection()
+ def _defaultStartTLSResponder(self):
+ """
+ The default TLS responder doesn't specify any certificate or anything.
+ From a security perspective, it's little better than a plain-text
+ connection - but it is still a *bit* better, so it's included for
+ convenience.
+ You probably want to override this by providing your own StartTLS.responder.
+ """
+ return {}
+ StartTLS.responder(_defaultStartTLSResponder)
+class AMP(BinaryBoxProtocol, BoxDispatcher, CommandLocator, SimpleStringLocator):
+ """
+ This protocol is an AMP connection. See the module docstring for protocol
+ details.
+ """
+ _ampInitialized = False
+ def __init__(self, boxReceiver=None, locator=None):
+ # For backwards compatibility. When AMP did not separate parsing logic
+ # (L{BinaryBoxProtocol}), request-response logic (L{BoxDispatcher}) and
+ # command routing (L{CommandLocator}), it did not have a constructor.
+ # Now it does, so old subclasses might have defined their own that did
+ # not upcall. If this flag isn't set, we'll call the constructor in
+ # makeConnection before anything actually happens.
+ self._ampInitialized = True
+ if boxReceiver is None:
+ boxReceiver = self
+ if locator is None:
+ locator = self
+ BoxDispatcher.__init__(self, locator)
+ BinaryBoxProtocol.__init__(self, boxReceiver)
+ def locateResponder(self, name):
+ """
+ Unify the implementations of L{CommandLocator} and
+ L{SimpleStringLocator} to perform both kinds of dispatch, preferring
+ L{CommandLocator}.
+ @type name: C{bytes}
+ """
+ firstResponder = CommandLocator.locateResponder(self, name)
+ if firstResponder is not None:
+ return firstResponder
+ secondResponder = SimpleStringLocator.locateResponder(self, name)
+ return secondResponder
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ """
+ A verbose string representation which gives us information about this
+ AMP connection.
+ """
+ if self.innerProtocol is not None:
+ innerRepr = f" inner {self.innerProtocol!r}"
+ else:
+ innerRepr = ""
+ return f"<{self.__class__.__name__}{innerRepr} at 0x{id(self):x}>"
+ def makeConnection(self, transport):
+ """
+ Emit a helpful log message when the connection is made.
+ """
+ if not self._ampInitialized:
+ # See comment in the constructor re: backward compatibility. I
+ # should probably emit a deprecation warning here.
+ AMP.__init__(self)
+ # Save these so we can emit a similar log message in L{connectionLost}.
+ self._transportPeer = transport.getPeer()
+ self._transportHost = transport.getHost()
+ log.msg(
+ "%s connection established (HOST:%s PEER:%s)"
+ % (self.__class__.__name__, self._transportHost, self._transportPeer)
+ )
+ BinaryBoxProtocol.makeConnection(self, transport)
+ def connectionLost(self, reason):
+ """
+ Emit a helpful log message when the connection is lost.
+ """
+ log.msg(
+ "%s connection lost (HOST:%s PEER:%s)"
+ % (self.__class__.__name__, self._transportHost, self._transportPeer)
+ )
+ BinaryBoxProtocol.connectionLost(self, reason)
+ self.transport = None
+class _ParserHelper:
+ """
+ A box receiver which records all boxes received.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.boxes = []
+ def getPeer(self):
+ return "string"
+ def getHost(self):
+ return "string"
+ disconnecting = False
+ def startReceivingBoxes(self, sender):
+ """
+ No initialization is required.
+ """
+ def ampBoxReceived(self, box):
+ self.boxes.append(box)
+ # Synchronous helpers
+ @classmethod
+ def parse(cls, fileObj):
+ """
+ Parse some amp data stored in a file.
+ @param fileObj: a file-like object.
+ @return: a list of AmpBoxes encoded in the given file.
+ """
+ parserHelper = cls()
+ bbp = BinaryBoxProtocol(boxReceiver=parserHelper)
+ bbp.makeConnection(parserHelper)
+ bbp.dataReceived(fileObj.read())
+ return parserHelper.boxes
+ @classmethod
+ def parseString(cls, data):
+ """
+ Parse some amp data stored in a string.
+ @param data: a str holding some amp-encoded data.
+ @return: a list of AmpBoxes encoded in the given string.
+ """
+ return cls.parse(BytesIO(data))
+parse = _ParserHelper.parse
+parseString = _ParserHelper.parseString
+def _stringsToObjects(strings, arglist, proto):
+ """
+ Convert an AmpBox to a dictionary of python objects, converting through a
+ given arglist.
+ @param strings: an AmpBox (or dict of strings)
+ @param arglist: a list of 2-tuples of strings and Argument objects, as
+ described in L{Command.arguments}.
+ @param proto: an L{AMP} instance.
+ @return: the converted dictionary mapping names to argument objects.
+ """
+ objects = {}
+ myStrings = strings.copy()
+ for argname, argparser in arglist:
+ argparser.fromBox(argname, myStrings, objects, proto)
+ return objects
+def _objectsToStrings(objects, arglist, strings, proto):
+ """
+ Convert a dictionary of python objects to an AmpBox, converting through a
+ given arglist.
+ @param objects: a dict mapping names to python objects
+ @param arglist: a list of 2-tuples of strings and Argument objects, as
+ described in L{Command.arguments}.
+ @param strings: [OUT PARAMETER] An object providing the L{dict}
+ interface which will be populated with serialized data.
+ @param proto: an L{AMP} instance.
+ @return: The converted dictionary mapping names to encoded argument
+ strings (identical to C{strings}).
+ """
+ myObjects = objects.copy()
+ for argname, argparser in arglist:
+ argparser.toBox(argname, strings, myObjects, proto)
+ return strings
+class Decimal(Argument):
+ """
+ Encodes C{decimal.Decimal} instances.
+ There are several ways in which a decimal value might be encoded.
+ Special values are encoded as special strings::
+ - Positive infinity is encoded as C{"Infinity"}
+ - Negative infinity is encoded as C{"-Infinity"}
+ - Quiet not-a-number is encoded as either C{"NaN"} or C{"-NaN"}
+ - Signalling not-a-number is encoded as either C{"sNaN"} or C{"-sNaN"}
+ Normal values are encoded using the base ten string representation, using
+ engineering notation to indicate magnitude without precision, and "normal"
+ digits to indicate precision. For example::
+ - C{"1"} represents the value I{1} with precision to one place.
+ - C{"-1"} represents the value I{-1} with precision to one place.
+ - C{"1.0"} represents the value I{1} with precision to two places.
+ - C{"10"} represents the value I{10} with precision to two places.
+ - C{"1E+2"} represents the value I{10} with precision to one place.
+ - C{"1E-1"} represents the value I{0.1} with precision to one place.
+ - C{"1.5E+2"} represents the value I{15} with precision to two places.
+ U{http://speleotrove.com/decimal/} should be considered the authoritative
+ specification for the format.
+ """
+ def fromString(self, inString):
+ inString = nativeString(inString)
+ return decimal.Decimal(inString)
+ def toString(self, inObject):
+ """
+ Serialize a C{decimal.Decimal} instance to the specified wire format.
+ """
+ if isinstance(inObject, decimal.Decimal):
+ # Hopefully decimal.Decimal.__str__ actually does what we want.
+ return str(inObject).encode("ascii")
+ raise ValueError("amp.Decimal can only encode instances of decimal.Decimal")
+class DateTime(Argument):
+ """
+ Encodes C{datetime.datetime} instances.
+ Wire format: '%04i-%02i-%02iT%02i:%02i:%02i.%06i%s%02i:%02i'. Fields in
+ order are: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, microsecond, timezone
+ direction (+ or -), timezone hour, timezone minute. Encoded string is
+ always exactly 32 characters long. This format is compatible with ISO 8601,
+ but that does not mean all ISO 8601 dates can be accepted.
+ Also, note that the datetime module's notion of a "timezone" can be
+ complex, but the wire format includes only a fixed offset, so the
+ conversion is not lossless. A lossless transmission of a C{datetime} instance
+ is not feasible since the receiving end would require a Python interpreter.
+ @ivar _positions: A sequence of slices giving the positions of various
+ interesting parts of the wire format.
+ """
+ _positions = [
+ slice(0, 4),
+ slice(5, 7),
+ slice(8, 10), # year, month, day
+ slice(11, 13),
+ slice(14, 16),
+ slice(17, 19), # hour, minute, second
+ slice(20, 26), # microsecond
+ # intentionally skip timezone direction, as it is not an integer
+ slice(27, 29),
+ slice(30, 32), # timezone hour, timezone minute
+ ]
+ def fromString(self, s):
+ """
+ Parse a string containing a date and time in the wire format into a
+ C{datetime.datetime} instance.
+ """
+ s = nativeString(s)
+ if len(s) != 32:
+ raise ValueError(f"invalid date format {s!r}")
+ values = [int(s[p]) for p in self._positions]
+ sign = s[26]
+ timezone = _FixedOffsetTZInfo.fromSignHoursMinutes(sign, *values[7:])
+ values[7:] = [timezone]
+ return datetime.datetime(*values)
+ def toString(self, i):
+ """
+ Serialize a C{datetime.datetime} instance to a string in the specified
+ wire format.
+ """
+ offset = i.utcoffset()
+ if offset is None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "amp.DateTime cannot serialize naive datetime instances. "
+ "You may find amp.utc useful."
+ )
+ minutesOffset = (offset.days * 86400 + offset.seconds) // 60
+ if minutesOffset > 0:
+ sign = "+"
+ else:
+ sign = "-"
+ # strftime has no way to format the microseconds, or put a ':' in the
+ # timezone. Surprise!
+ # Python 3.4 cannot do % interpolation on byte strings so we pack into
+ # an explicitly Unicode string then encode as ASCII.
+ packed = "%04i-%02i-%02iT%02i:%02i:%02i.%06i%s%02i:%02i" % (
+ i.year,
+ i.month,
+ i.day,
+ i.hour,
+ i.minute,
+ i.second,
+ i.microsecond,
+ sign,
+ abs(minutesOffset) // 60,
+ abs(minutesOffset) % 60,
+ )
+ return packed.encode("ascii")