path: root/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/persisted
diff options
authorshmel1k <shmel1k@ydb.tech>2023-11-26 18:16:14 +0300
committershmel1k <shmel1k@ydb.tech>2023-11-26 18:43:30 +0300
commitb8cf9e88f4c5c64d9406af533d8948deb050d695 (patch)
tree218eb61fb3c3b96ec08b4d8cdfef383104a87d63 /contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/persisted
parent523f645a83a0ec97a0332dbc3863bb354c92a328 (diff)
add kikimr_configure
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/persisted')
9 files changed, 2796 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/persisted/__init__.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/persisted/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..55893b8cb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/persisted/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+Twisted Persisted: Utilities for managing persistence.
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/persisted/_token.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/persisted/_token.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a0453212f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/persisted/_token.py
@@ -0,0 +1,150 @@
+This can be removed once t.persisted.aot is removed.
+New code should not make use of this.
+Token constants.
+vendored from https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/6b825c1b8a14460641ca6f1647d83005c68199aa/Lib/token.py
+Licence: https://docs.python.org/3/license.html
+# Auto-generated by Tools/scripts/generate_token.py
+__all__ = ["tok_name", "ISTERMINAL", "ISNONTERMINAL", "ISEOF"]
+NAME = 1
+LPAR = 7
+RPAR = 8
+LSQB = 9
+RSQB = 10
+COLON = 11
+COMMA = 12
+SEMI = 13
+PLUS = 14
+MINUS = 15
+STAR = 16
+SLASH = 17
+VBAR = 18
+AMPER = 19
+LESS = 20
+EQUAL = 22
+DOT = 23
+LBRACE = 25
+RBRACE = 26
+TILDE = 31
+AT = 49
+RARROW = 51
+OP = 54
+AWAIT = 55
+ASYNC = 56
+# These aren't used by the C tokenizer but are needed for tokenize.py
+NL = 62
+N_TOKENS = 64
+# Special definitions for cooperation with parser
+NT_OFFSET = 256
+tok_name = {
+ value: name
+ for name, value in globals().items()
+ if isinstance(value, int) and not name.startswith("_")
+ "!=": NOTEQUAL,
+ "%": PERCENT,
+ "&": AMPER,
+ "(": LPAR,
+ ")": RPAR,
+ "*": STAR,
+ "*=": STAREQUAL,
+ "+": PLUS,
+ "+=": PLUSEQUAL,
+ ",": COMMA,
+ "-": MINUS,
+ "-=": MINEQUAL,
+ "->": RARROW,
+ ".": DOT,
+ "...": ELLIPSIS,
+ "/": SLASH,
+ ":": COLON,
+ ";": SEMI,
+ "<": LESS,
+ "<<": LEFTSHIFT,
+ "<=": LESSEQUAL,
+ "=": EQUAL,
+ "==": EQEQUAL,
+ ">": GREATER,
+ "@": AT,
+ "@=": ATEQUAL,
+ "[": LSQB,
+ "]": RSQB,
+ "{": LBRACE,
+ "|": VBAR,
+ "|=": VBAREQUAL,
+ "}": RBRACE,
+ "~": TILDE,
+ return x < NT_OFFSET
+ return x >= NT_OFFSET
+def ISEOF(x):
+ return x == ENDMARKER
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/persisted/_tokenize.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/persisted/_tokenize.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ae94292a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/persisted/_tokenize.py
@@ -0,0 +1,897 @@
+This can be removed once t.persisted.aot is removed.
+New code should not make use of this.
+Tokenization help for Python programs.
+vendored from https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/6b825c1b8a14460641ca6f1647d83005c68199aa/Lib/tokenize.py
+Licence: https://docs.python.org/3/license.html
+tokenize(readline) is a generator that breaks a stream of bytes into
+Python tokens. It decodes the bytes according to PEP-0263 for
+determining source file encoding.
+It accepts a readline-like method which is called repeatedly to get the
+next line of input (or b"" for EOF). It generates 5-tuples with these
+ the token type (see token.py)
+ the token (a string)
+ the starting (row, column) indices of the token (a 2-tuple of ints)
+ the ending (row, column) indices of the token (a 2-tuple of ints)
+ the original line (string)
+It is designed to match the working of the Python tokenizer exactly, except
+that it produces COMMENT tokens for comments and gives type OP for all
+operators. Additionally, all token lists start with an ENCODING token
+which tells you which encoding was used to decode the bytes stream.
+__author__ = "Ka-Ping Yee <ping@lfw.org>"
+__credits__ = (
+ "GvR, ESR, Tim Peters, Thomas Wouters, Fred Drake, "
+ "Skip Montanaro, Raymond Hettinger, Trent Nelson, "
+ "Michael Foord"
+import collections
+import functools
+import itertools as _itertools
+import re
+import sys
+from builtins import open as _builtin_open
+from codecs import BOM_UTF8, lookup
+from io import TextIOWrapper
+from ._token import (
+ AT,
+ DOT,
+ NL,
+ OP,
+ tok_name,
+__all__ = [
+ "tok_name",
+ "ISEOF",
+ "NAME",
+ "LPAR",
+ "RPAR",
+ "LSQB",
+ "RSQB",
+ "COLON",
+ "COMMA",
+ "SEMI",
+ "PLUS",
+ "MINUS",
+ "STAR",
+ "SLASH",
+ "VBAR",
+ "AMPER",
+ "LESS",
+ "EQUAL",
+ "DOT",
+ "TILDE",
+ "AT",
+ "OP",
+ "AWAIT",
+ "ASYNC",
+ "NL",
+ "tokenize",
+ "generate_tokens",
+ "detect_encoding",
+ "untokenize",
+ "TokenInfo",
+cookie_re = re.compile(r"^[ \t\f]*#.*?coding[:=][ \t]*([-\w.]+)", re.ASCII)
+blank_re = re.compile(rb"^[ \t\f]*(?:[#\r\n]|$)", re.ASCII)
+class TokenInfo(collections.namedtuple("TokenInfo", "type string start end line")):
+ def __repr__(self):
+ annotated_type = "%d (%s)" % (self.type, tok_name[self.type])
+ return (
+ "TokenInfo(type=%s, string=%r, start=%r, end=%r, line=%r)"
+ % self._replace(type=annotated_type)
+ )
+ @property
+ def exact_type(self):
+ if self.type == OP and self.string in EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES:
+ return EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES[self.string]
+ else:
+ return self.type
+def group(*choices):
+ return "(" + "|".join(choices) + ")"
+def any(*choices):
+ return group(*choices) + "*"
+def maybe(*choices):
+ return group(*choices) + "?"
+# Note: we use unicode matching for names ("\w") but ascii matching for
+# number literals.
+Whitespace = r"[ \f\t]*"
+Comment = r"#[^\r\n]*"
+Ignore = Whitespace + any(r"\\\r?\n" + Whitespace) + maybe(Comment)
+Name = r"\w+"
+Hexnumber = r"0[xX](?:_?[0-9a-fA-F])+"
+Binnumber = r"0[bB](?:_?[01])+"
+Octnumber = r"0[oO](?:_?[0-7])+"
+Decnumber = r"(?:0(?:_?0)*|[1-9](?:_?[0-9])*)"
+Intnumber = group(Hexnumber, Binnumber, Octnumber, Decnumber)
+Exponent = r"[eE][-+]?[0-9](?:_?[0-9])*"
+Pointfloat = group(
+ r"[0-9](?:_?[0-9])*\.(?:[0-9](?:_?[0-9])*)?", r"\.[0-9](?:_?[0-9])*"
+) + maybe(Exponent)
+Expfloat = r"[0-9](?:_?[0-9])*" + Exponent
+Floatnumber = group(Pointfloat, Expfloat)
+Imagnumber = group(r"[0-9](?:_?[0-9])*[jJ]", Floatnumber + r"[jJ]")
+Number = group(Imagnumber, Floatnumber, Intnumber)
+# Return the empty string, plus all of the valid string prefixes.
+def _all_string_prefixes():
+ # The valid string prefixes. Only contain the lower case versions,
+ # and don't contain any permutations (include 'fr', but not
+ # 'rf'). The various permutations will be generated.
+ _valid_string_prefixes = ["b", "r", "u", "f", "br", "fr"]
+ # if we add binary f-strings, add: ['fb', 'fbr']
+ result = {""}
+ for prefix in _valid_string_prefixes:
+ for t in _itertools.permutations(prefix):
+ # create a list with upper and lower versions of each
+ # character
+ for u in _itertools.product(*[(c, c.upper()) for c in t]):
+ result.add("".join(u))
+ return result
+def _compile(expr):
+ return re.compile(expr, re.UNICODE)
+# Note that since _all_string_prefixes includes the empty string,
+# StringPrefix can be the empty string (making it optional).
+StringPrefix = group(*_all_string_prefixes())
+# Tail end of ' string.
+Single = r"[^'\\]*(?:\\.[^'\\]*)*'"
+# Tail end of " string.
+Double = r'[^"\\]*(?:\\.[^"\\]*)*"'
+# Tail end of ''' string.
+Single3 = r"[^'\\]*(?:(?:\\.|'(?!''))[^'\\]*)*'''"
+# Tail end of """ string.
+Double3 = r'[^"\\]*(?:(?:\\.|"(?!""))[^"\\]*)*"""'
+Triple = group(StringPrefix + "'''", StringPrefix + '"""')
+# Single-line ' or " string.
+String = group(
+ StringPrefix + r"'[^\n'\\]*(?:\\.[^\n'\\]*)*'",
+ StringPrefix + r'"[^\n"\\]*(?:\\.[^\n"\\]*)*"',
+# Sorting in reverse order puts the long operators before their prefixes.
+# Otherwise if = came before ==, == would get recognized as two instances
+# of =.
+Special = group(*(re.escape(x) for x in sorted(EXACT_TOKEN_TYPES, reverse=True)))
+Funny = group(r"\r?\n", Special)
+PlainToken = group(Number, Funny, String, Name)
+Token = Ignore + PlainToken
+# First (or only) line of ' or " string.
+ContStr = group(
+ StringPrefix + r"'[^\n'\\]*(?:\\.[^\n'\\]*)*" + group("'", r"\\\r?\n"),
+ StringPrefix + r'"[^\n"\\]*(?:\\.[^\n"\\]*)*' + group('"', r"\\\r?\n"),
+PseudoExtras = group(r"\\\r?\n|\Z", Comment, Triple)
+PseudoToken = Whitespace + group(PseudoExtras, Number, Funny, ContStr, Name)
+# For a given string prefix plus quotes, endpats maps it to a regex
+# to match the remainder of that string. _prefix can be empty, for
+# a normal single or triple quoted string (with no prefix).
+endpats = {}
+for _prefix in _all_string_prefixes():
+ endpats[_prefix + "'"] = Single
+ endpats[_prefix + '"'] = Double
+ endpats[_prefix + "'''"] = Single3
+ endpats[_prefix + '"""'] = Double3
+del _prefix
+# A set of all of the single and triple quoted string prefixes,
+# including the opening quotes.
+single_quoted = set()
+triple_quoted = set()
+for t in _all_string_prefixes():
+ for u in (t + '"', t + "'"):
+ single_quoted.add(u)
+ for u in (t + '"""', t + "'''"):
+ triple_quoted.add(u)
+del t, u
+tabsize = 8
+class TokenError(Exception):
+ pass
+class StopTokenizing(Exception):
+ pass
+class Untokenizer:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.tokens = []
+ self.prev_row = 1
+ self.prev_col = 0
+ self.encoding = None
+ def add_whitespace(self, start):
+ row, col = start
+ if row < self.prev_row or row == self.prev_row and col < self.prev_col:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "start ({},{}) precedes previous end ({},{})".format(
+ row, col, self.prev_row, self.prev_col
+ )
+ )
+ row_offset = row - self.prev_row
+ if row_offset:
+ self.tokens.append("\\\n" * row_offset)
+ self.prev_col = 0
+ col_offset = col - self.prev_col
+ if col_offset:
+ self.tokens.append(" " * col_offset)
+ def untokenize(self, iterable):
+ it = iter(iterable)
+ indents = []
+ startline = False
+ for t in it:
+ if len(t) == 2:
+ self.compat(t, it)
+ break
+ tok_type, token, start, end, line = t
+ if tok_type == ENCODING:
+ self.encoding = token
+ continue
+ if tok_type == ENDMARKER:
+ break
+ if tok_type == INDENT:
+ indents.append(token)
+ continue
+ elif tok_type == DEDENT:
+ indents.pop()
+ self.prev_row, self.prev_col = end
+ continue
+ elif tok_type in (NEWLINE, NL):
+ startline = True
+ elif startline and indents:
+ indent = indents[-1]
+ if start[1] >= len(indent):
+ self.tokens.append(indent)
+ self.prev_col = len(indent)
+ startline = False
+ self.add_whitespace(start)
+ self.tokens.append(token)
+ self.prev_row, self.prev_col = end
+ if tok_type in (NEWLINE, NL):
+ self.prev_row += 1
+ self.prev_col = 0
+ return "".join(self.tokens)
+ def compat(self, token, iterable):
+ indents = []
+ toks_append = self.tokens.append
+ startline = token[0] in (NEWLINE, NL)
+ prevstring = False
+ for tok in _itertools.chain([token], iterable):
+ toknum, tokval = tok[:2]
+ if toknum == ENCODING:
+ self.encoding = tokval
+ continue
+ if toknum in (NAME, NUMBER):
+ tokval += " "
+ # Insert a space between two consecutive strings
+ if toknum == STRING:
+ if prevstring:
+ tokval = " " + tokval
+ prevstring = True
+ else:
+ prevstring = False
+ if toknum == INDENT:
+ indents.append(tokval)
+ continue
+ elif toknum == DEDENT:
+ indents.pop()
+ continue
+ elif toknum in (NEWLINE, NL):
+ startline = True
+ elif startline and indents:
+ toks_append(indents[-1])
+ startline = False
+ toks_append(tokval)
+def untokenize(iterable):
+ """Transform tokens back into Python source code.
+ It returns a bytes object, encoded using the ENCODING
+ token, which is the first token sequence output by tokenize.
+ Each element returned by the iterable must be a token sequence
+ with at least two elements, a token number and token value. If
+ only two tokens are passed, the resulting output is poor.
+ Round-trip invariant for full input:
+ Untokenized source will match input source exactly
+ Round-trip invariant for limited input:
+ # Output bytes will tokenize back to the input
+ t1 = [tok[:2] for tok in tokenize(f.readline)]
+ newcode = untokenize(t1)
+ readline = BytesIO(newcode).readline
+ t2 = [tok[:2] for tok in tokenize(readline)]
+ assert t1 == t2
+ """
+ ut = Untokenizer()
+ out = ut.untokenize(iterable)
+ if ut.encoding is not None:
+ out = out.encode(ut.encoding)
+ return out
+def _get_normal_name(orig_enc):
+ """Imitates get_normal_name in tokenizer.c."""
+ # Only care about the first 12 characters.
+ enc = orig_enc[:12].lower().replace("_", "-")
+ if enc == "utf-8" or enc.startswith("utf-8-"):
+ return "utf-8"
+ if enc in ("latin-1", "iso-8859-1", "iso-latin-1") or enc.startswith(
+ ("latin-1-", "iso-8859-1-", "iso-latin-1-")
+ ):
+ return "iso-8859-1"
+ return orig_enc
+def detect_encoding(readline):
+ """
+ The detect_encoding() function is used to detect the encoding that should
+ be used to decode a Python source file. It requires one argument, readline,
+ in the same way as the tokenize() generator.
+ It will call readline a maximum of twice, and return the encoding used
+ (as a string) and a list of any lines (left as bytes) it has read in.
+ It detects the encoding from the presence of a utf-8 bom or an encoding
+ cookie as specified in pep-0263. If both a bom and a cookie are present,
+ but disagree, a SyntaxError will be raised. If the encoding cookie is an
+ invalid charset, raise a SyntaxError. Note that if a utf-8 bom is found,
+ 'utf-8-sig' is returned.
+ If no encoding is specified, then the default of 'utf-8' will be returned.
+ """
+ try:
+ filename = readline.__self__.name
+ except AttributeError:
+ filename = None
+ bom_found = False
+ encoding = None
+ default = "utf-8"
+ def read_or_stop():
+ try:
+ return readline()
+ except StopIteration:
+ return b""
+ def find_cookie(line):
+ try:
+ # Decode as UTF-8. Either the line is an encoding declaration,
+ # in which case it should be pure ASCII, or it must be UTF-8
+ # per default encoding.
+ line_string = line.decode("utf-8")
+ except UnicodeDecodeError:
+ msg = "invalid or missing encoding declaration"
+ if filename is not None:
+ msg = "{} for {!r}".format(msg, filename)
+ raise SyntaxError(msg)
+ match = cookie_re.match(line_string)
+ if not match:
+ return None
+ encoding = _get_normal_name(match.group(1))
+ try:
+ lookup(encoding)
+ except LookupError:
+ # This behaviour mimics the Python interpreter
+ if filename is None:
+ msg = "unknown encoding: " + encoding
+ else:
+ msg = "unknown encoding for {!r}: {}".format(filename, encoding)
+ raise SyntaxError(msg)
+ if bom_found:
+ if encoding != "utf-8":
+ # This behaviour mimics the Python interpreter
+ if filename is None:
+ msg = "encoding problem: utf-8"
+ else:
+ msg = "encoding problem for {!r}: utf-8".format(filename)
+ raise SyntaxError(msg)
+ encoding += "-sig"
+ return encoding
+ first = read_or_stop()
+ if first.startswith(BOM_UTF8):
+ bom_found = True
+ first = first[3:]
+ default = "utf-8-sig"
+ if not first:
+ return default, []
+ encoding = find_cookie(first)
+ if encoding:
+ return encoding, [first]
+ if not blank_re.match(first):
+ return default, [first]
+ second = read_or_stop()
+ if not second:
+ return default, [first]
+ encoding = find_cookie(second)
+ if encoding:
+ return encoding, [first, second]
+ return default, [first, second]
+def open(filename):
+ """Open a file in read only mode using the encoding detected by
+ detect_encoding().
+ """
+ buffer = _builtin_open(filename, "rb")
+ try:
+ encoding, lines = detect_encoding(buffer.readline)
+ buffer.seek(0)
+ text = TextIOWrapper(buffer, encoding, line_buffering=True)
+ text.mode = "r"
+ return text
+ except BaseException:
+ buffer.close()
+ raise
+def tokenize(readline):
+ """
+ The tokenize() generator requires one argument, readline, which
+ must be a callable object which provides the same interface as the
+ readline() method of built-in file objects. Each call to the function
+ should return one line of input as bytes. Alternatively, readline
+ can be a callable function terminating with StopIteration:
+ readline = open(myfile, 'rb').__next__ # Example of alternate readline
+ The generator produces 5-tuples with these members: the token type; the
+ token string; a 2-tuple (srow, scol) of ints specifying the row and
+ column where the token begins in the source; a 2-tuple (erow, ecol) of
+ ints specifying the row and column where the token ends in the source;
+ and the line on which the token was found. The line passed is the
+ physical line.
+ The first token sequence will always be an ENCODING token
+ which tells you which encoding was used to decode the bytes stream.
+ """
+ encoding, consumed = detect_encoding(readline)
+ empty = _itertools.repeat(b"")
+ rl_gen = _itertools.chain(consumed, iter(readline, b""), empty)
+ return _tokenize(rl_gen.__next__, encoding)
+def _tokenize(readline, encoding):
+ strstart = None
+ endprog = None
+ lnum = parenlev = continued = 0
+ numchars = "0123456789"
+ contstr, needcont = "", 0
+ contline = None
+ indents = [0]
+ if encoding is not None:
+ if encoding == "utf-8-sig":
+ # BOM will already have been stripped.
+ encoding = "utf-8"
+ yield TokenInfo(ENCODING, encoding, (0, 0), (0, 0), "")
+ last_line = b""
+ line = b""
+ while True: # loop over lines in stream
+ try:
+ # We capture the value of the line variable here because
+ # readline uses the empty string '' to signal end of input,
+ # hence `line` itself will always be overwritten at the end
+ # of this loop.
+ last_line = line
+ line = readline()
+ except StopIteration:
+ line = b""
+ if encoding is not None:
+ line = line.decode(encoding)
+ lnum += 1
+ pos, max = 0, len(line)
+ if contstr: # continued string
+ if not line:
+ raise TokenError("EOF in multi-line string", strstart)
+ endmatch = endprog.match(line)
+ if endmatch:
+ pos = end = endmatch.end(0)
+ yield TokenInfo(
+ STRING, contstr + line[:end], strstart, (lnum, end), contline + line
+ )
+ contstr, needcont = "", 0
+ contline = None
+ elif needcont and line[-2:] != "\\\n" and line[-3:] != "\\\r\n":
+ yield TokenInfo(
+ ERRORTOKEN, contstr + line, strstart, (lnum, len(line)), contline
+ )
+ contstr = ""
+ contline = None
+ continue
+ else:
+ contstr = contstr + line
+ contline = contline + line
+ continue
+ elif parenlev == 0 and not continued: # new statement
+ if not line:
+ break
+ column = 0
+ while pos < max: # measure leading whitespace
+ if line[pos] == " ":
+ column += 1
+ elif line[pos] == "\t":
+ column = (column // tabsize + 1) * tabsize
+ elif line[pos] == "\f":
+ column = 0
+ else:
+ break
+ pos += 1
+ if pos == max:
+ break
+ if line[pos] in "#\r\n": # skip comments or blank lines
+ if line[pos] == "#":
+ comment_token = line[pos:].rstrip("\r\n")
+ yield TokenInfo(
+ comment_token,
+ (lnum, pos),
+ (lnum, pos + len(comment_token)),
+ line,
+ )
+ pos += len(comment_token)
+ yield TokenInfo(NL, line[pos:], (lnum, pos), (lnum, len(line)), line)
+ continue
+ if column > indents[-1]: # count indents or dedents
+ indents.append(column)
+ yield TokenInfo(INDENT, line[:pos], (lnum, 0), (lnum, pos), line)
+ while column < indents[-1]:
+ if column not in indents:
+ raise IndentationError(
+ "unindent does not match any outer indentation level",
+ ("<tokenize>", lnum, pos, line),
+ )
+ indents = indents[:-1]
+ yield TokenInfo(DEDENT, "", (lnum, pos), (lnum, pos), line)
+ else: # continued statement
+ if not line:
+ raise TokenError("EOF in multi-line statement", (lnum, 0))
+ continued = 0
+ while pos < max:
+ pseudomatch = _compile(PseudoToken).match(line, pos)
+ if pseudomatch: # scan for tokens
+ start, end = pseudomatch.span(1)
+ spos, epos, pos = (lnum, start), (lnum, end), end
+ if start == end:
+ continue
+ token, initial = line[start:end], line[start]
+ if initial in numchars or ( # ordinary number
+ initial == "." and token != "." and token != "..."
+ ):
+ yield TokenInfo(NUMBER, token, spos, epos, line)
+ elif initial in "\r\n":
+ if parenlev > 0:
+ yield TokenInfo(NL, token, spos, epos, line)
+ else:
+ yield TokenInfo(NEWLINE, token, spos, epos, line)
+ elif initial == "#":
+ assert not token.endswith("\n")
+ yield TokenInfo(COMMENT, token, spos, epos, line)
+ elif token in triple_quoted:
+ endprog = _compile(endpats[token])
+ endmatch = endprog.match(line, pos)
+ if endmatch: # all on one line
+ pos = endmatch.end(0)
+ token = line[start:pos]
+ yield TokenInfo(STRING, token, spos, (lnum, pos), line)
+ else:
+ strstart = (lnum, start) # multiple lines
+ contstr = line[start:]
+ contline = line
+ break
+ # Check up to the first 3 chars of the token to see if
+ # they're in the single_quoted set. If so, they start
+ # a string.
+ # We're using the first 3, because we're looking for
+ # "rb'" (for example) at the start of the token. If
+ # we switch to longer prefixes, this needs to be
+ # adjusted.
+ # Note that initial == token[:1].
+ # Also note that single quote checking must come after
+ # triple quote checking (above).
+ elif (
+ initial in single_quoted
+ or token[:2] in single_quoted
+ or token[:3] in single_quoted
+ ):
+ if token[-1] == "\n": # continued string
+ strstart = (lnum, start)
+ # Again, using the first 3 chars of the
+ # token. This is looking for the matching end
+ # regex for the correct type of quote
+ # character. So it's really looking for
+ # endpats["'"] or endpats['"'], by trying to
+ # skip string prefix characters, if any.
+ endprog = _compile(
+ endpats.get(initial)
+ or endpats.get(token[1])
+ or endpats.get(token[2])
+ )
+ contstr, needcont = line[start:], 1
+ contline = line
+ break
+ else: # ordinary string
+ yield TokenInfo(STRING, token, spos, epos, line)
+ elif initial.isidentifier(): # ordinary name
+ yield TokenInfo(NAME, token, spos, epos, line)
+ elif initial == "\\": # continued stmt
+ continued = 1
+ else:
+ if initial in "([{":
+ parenlev += 1
+ elif initial in ")]}":
+ parenlev -= 1
+ yield TokenInfo(OP, token, spos, epos, line)
+ else:
+ yield TokenInfo(
+ ERRORTOKEN, line[pos], (lnum, pos), (lnum, pos + 1), line
+ )
+ pos += 1
+ # Add an implicit NEWLINE if the input doesn't end in one
+ if (
+ last_line
+ and last_line[-1] not in "\r\n"
+ and not last_line.strip().startswith("#")
+ ):
+ yield TokenInfo(
+ NEWLINE, "", (lnum - 1, len(last_line)), (lnum - 1, len(last_line) + 1), ""
+ )
+ for indent in indents[1:]: # pop remaining indent levels
+ yield TokenInfo(DEDENT, "", (lnum, 0), (lnum, 0), "")
+ yield TokenInfo(ENDMARKER, "", (lnum, 0), (lnum, 0), "")
+def generate_tokens(readline):
+ """Tokenize a source reading Python code as unicode strings.
+ This has the same API as tokenize(), except that it expects the *readline*
+ callable to return str objects instead of bytes.
+ """
+ return _tokenize(readline, None)
+def main():
+ import argparse
+ # Helper error handling routines
+ def perror(message):
+ sys.stderr.write(message)
+ sys.stderr.write("\n")
+ def error(message, filename=None, location=None):
+ if location:
+ args = (filename,) + location + (message,)
+ perror("%s:%d:%d: error: %s" % args)
+ elif filename:
+ perror("%s: error: %s" % (filename, message))
+ else:
+ perror("error: %s" % message)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Parse the arguments and options
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="python -m tokenize")
+ parser.add_argument(
+ dest="filename",
+ nargs="?",
+ metavar="filename.py",
+ help="the file to tokenize; defaults to stdin",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-e",
+ "--exact",
+ dest="exact",
+ action="store_true",
+ help="display token names using the exact type",
+ )
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ try:
+ # Tokenize the input
+ if args.filename:
+ filename = args.filename
+ with _builtin_open(filename, "rb") as f:
+ tokens = list(tokenize(f.readline))
+ else:
+ filename = "<stdin>"
+ tokens = _tokenize(sys.stdin.readline, None)
+ # Output the tokenization
+ for token in tokens:
+ token_type = token.type
+ if args.exact:
+ token_type = token.exact_type
+ token_range = "%d,%d-%d,%d:" % (token.start + token.end)
+ print("%-20s%-15s%-15r" % (token_range, tok_name[token_type], token.string))
+ except IndentationError as err:
+ line, column = err.args[1][1:3]
+ error(err.args[0], filename, (line, column))
+ except TokenError as err:
+ line, column = err.args[1]
+ error(err.args[0], filename, (line, column))
+ except SyntaxError as err:
+ error(err, filename)
+ except OSError as err:
+ error(err)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print("interrupted\n")
+ except Exception as err:
+ perror("unexpected error: %s" % err)
+ raise
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/persisted/aot.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/persisted/aot.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f46866bc02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/persisted/aot.py
@@ -0,0 +1,631 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_persisted -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+AOT: Abstract Object Trees
+The source-code-marshallin'est abstract-object-serializin'est persister
+this side of Marmalade!
+import copyreg as copy_reg
+import re
+import types
+from twisted.persisted import crefutil
+from twisted.python import log, reflect
+from twisted.python.compat import _constructMethod
+# tokenize from py3.11 is vendored to work around https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/105238
+# on 3.12
+from ._tokenize import generate_tokens as tokenize
+# Abstract Object Classes #
+# "\0" in a getSource means "insert variable-width indention here".
+# see `indentify'.
+class Named:
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ self.name = name
+class Class(Named):
+ def getSource(self):
+ return "Class(%r)" % self.name
+class Function(Named):
+ def getSource(self):
+ return "Function(%r)" % self.name
+class Module(Named):
+ def getSource(self):
+ return "Module(%r)" % self.name
+class InstanceMethod:
+ def __init__(self, name, klass, inst):
+ if not (
+ isinstance(inst, Ref)
+ or isinstance(inst, Instance)
+ or isinstance(inst, Deref)
+ ):
+ raise TypeError("%s isn't an Instance, Ref, or Deref!" % inst)
+ self.name = name
+ self.klass = klass
+ self.instance = inst
+ def getSource(self):
+ return "InstanceMethod({!r}, {!r}, \n\0{})".format(
+ self.name,
+ self.klass,
+ prettify(self.instance),
+ )
+class _NoStateObj:
+ pass
+NoStateObj = _NoStateObj()
+ bool,
+ bytes,
+ str,
+ int,
+ float,
+ complex,
+ type(None),
+ slice,
+ type(Ellipsis),
+class Instance:
+ def __init__(self, className, __stateObj__=NoStateObj, **state):
+ if not isinstance(className, str):
+ raise TypeError("%s isn't a string!" % className)
+ self.klass = className
+ if __stateObj__ is not NoStateObj:
+ self.state = __stateObj__
+ self.stateIsDict = 0
+ else:
+ self.state = state
+ self.stateIsDict = 1
+ def getSource(self):
+ # XXX make state be foo=bar instead of a dict.
+ if self.stateIsDict:
+ stateDict = self.state
+ elif isinstance(self.state, Ref) and isinstance(self.state.obj, dict):
+ stateDict = self.state.obj
+ else:
+ stateDict = None
+ if stateDict is not None:
+ try:
+ return f"Instance({self.klass!r}, {dictToKW(stateDict)})"
+ except NonFormattableDict:
+ return f"Instance({self.klass!r}, {prettify(stateDict)})"
+ return f"Instance({self.klass!r}, {prettify(self.state)})"
+class Ref:
+ def __init__(self, *args):
+ # blargh, lame.
+ if len(args) == 2:
+ self.refnum = args[0]
+ self.obj = args[1]
+ elif not args:
+ self.refnum = None
+ self.obj = None
+ def setRef(self, num):
+ if self.refnum:
+ raise ValueError(f"Error setting id {num}, I already have {self.refnum}")
+ self.refnum = num
+ def setObj(self, obj):
+ if self.obj:
+ raise ValueError(f"Error setting obj {obj}, I already have {self.obj}")
+ self.obj = obj
+ def getSource(self):
+ if self.obj is None:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Don't try to display me before setting an object on me!"
+ )
+ if self.refnum:
+ return "Ref(%d, \n\0%s)" % (self.refnum, prettify(self.obj))
+ return prettify(self.obj)
+class Deref:
+ def __init__(self, num):
+ self.refnum = num
+ def getSource(self):
+ return "Deref(%d)" % self.refnum
+ __repr__ = getSource
+class Copyreg:
+ def __init__(self, loadfunc, state):
+ self.loadfunc = loadfunc
+ self.state = state
+ def getSource(self):
+ return f"Copyreg({self.loadfunc!r}, {prettify(self.state)})"
+# Marshalling #
+def getSource(ao):
+ """Pass me an AO, I'll return a nicely-formatted source representation."""
+ return indentify("app = " + prettify(ao))
+class NonFormattableDict(Exception):
+ """A dictionary was not formattable."""
+r = re.compile("[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$")
+def dictToKW(d):
+ out = []
+ items = list(d.items())
+ items.sort()
+ for k, v in items:
+ if not isinstance(k, str):
+ raise NonFormattableDict("%r ain't a string" % k)
+ if not r.match(k):
+ raise NonFormattableDict("%r ain't an identifier" % k)
+ out.append(f"\n\0{k}={prettify(v)},")
+ return "".join(out)
+def prettify(obj):
+ if hasattr(obj, "getSource"):
+ return obj.getSource()
+ else:
+ # basic type
+ t = type(obj)
+ return repr(obj)
+ elif t is dict:
+ out = ["{"]
+ for k, v in obj.items():
+ out.append(f"\n\0{prettify(k)}: {prettify(v)},")
+ out.append(len(obj) and "\n\0}" or "}")
+ return "".join(out)
+ elif t is list:
+ out = ["["]
+ for x in obj:
+ out.append("\n\0%s," % prettify(x))
+ out.append(len(obj) and "\n\0]" or "]")
+ return "".join(out)
+ elif t is tuple:
+ out = ["("]
+ for x in obj:
+ out.append("\n\0%s," % prettify(x))
+ out.append(len(obj) and "\n\0)" or ")")
+ return "".join(out)
+ else:
+ raise TypeError(f"Unsupported type {t} when trying to prettify {obj}.")
+def indentify(s):
+ out = []
+ stack = []
+ l = ["", s]
+ for (
+ tokenType,
+ tokenString,
+ (startRow, startColumn),
+ (endRow, endColumn),
+ logicalLine,
+ ) in tokenize(l.pop):
+ if tokenString in ["[", "(", "{"]:
+ stack.append(tokenString)
+ elif tokenString in ["]", ")", "}"]:
+ stack.pop()
+ if tokenString == "\0":
+ out.append(" " * len(stack))
+ else:
+ out.append(tokenString)
+ return "".join(out)
+# Unjelly #
+def unjellyFromAOT(aot):
+ """
+ Pass me an Abstract Object Tree, and I'll unjelly it for you.
+ """
+ return AOTUnjellier().unjelly(aot)
+def unjellyFromSource(stringOrFile):
+ """
+ Pass me a string of code or a filename that defines an 'app' variable (in
+ terms of Abstract Objects!), and I'll execute it and unjelly the resulting
+ AOT for you, returning a newly unpersisted Application object!
+ """
+ ns = {
+ "Instance": Instance,
+ "InstanceMethod": InstanceMethod,
+ "Class": Class,
+ "Function": Function,
+ "Module": Module,
+ "Ref": Ref,
+ "Deref": Deref,
+ "Copyreg": Copyreg,
+ }
+ if hasattr(stringOrFile, "read"):
+ source = stringOrFile.read()
+ else:
+ source = stringOrFile
+ code = compile(source, "<source>", "exec")
+ eval(code, ns, ns)
+ if "app" in ns:
+ return unjellyFromAOT(ns["app"])
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("%s needs to define an 'app', it didn't!" % stringOrFile)
+class AOTUnjellier:
+ """I handle the unjellying of an Abstract Object Tree.
+ See AOTUnjellier.unjellyAO
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.references = {}
+ self.stack = []
+ self.afterUnjelly = []
+ ##
+ # unjelly helpers (copied pretty much directly from (now deleted) marmalade)
+ ##
+ def unjellyLater(self, node):
+ """Unjelly a node, later."""
+ d = crefutil._Defer()
+ self.unjellyInto(d, 0, node)
+ return d
+ def unjellyInto(self, obj, loc, ao):
+ """Utility method for unjellying one object into another.
+ This automates the handling of backreferences.
+ """
+ o = self.unjellyAO(ao)
+ obj[loc] = o
+ if isinstance(o, crefutil.NotKnown):
+ o.addDependant(obj, loc)
+ return o
+ def callAfter(self, callable, result):
+ if isinstance(result, crefutil.NotKnown):
+ listResult = [None]
+ result.addDependant(listResult, 1)
+ else:
+ listResult = [result]
+ self.afterUnjelly.append((callable, listResult))
+ def unjellyAttribute(self, instance, attrName, ao):
+ # XXX this is unused????
+ """Utility method for unjellying into instances of attributes.
+ Use this rather than unjellyAO unless you like surprising bugs!
+ Alternatively, you can use unjellyInto on your instance's __dict__.
+ """
+ self.unjellyInto(instance.__dict__, attrName, ao)
+ def unjellyAO(self, ao):
+ """Unjelly an Abstract Object and everything it contains.
+ I return the real object.
+ """
+ self.stack.append(ao)
+ t = type(ao)
+ return ao
+ elif t is list:
+ l = []
+ for x in ao:
+ l.append(None)
+ self.unjellyInto(l, len(l) - 1, x)
+ return l
+ elif t is tuple:
+ l = []
+ tuple_ = tuple
+ for x in ao:
+ l.append(None)
+ if isinstance(self.unjellyInto(l, len(l) - 1, x), crefutil.NotKnown):
+ tuple_ = crefutil._Tuple
+ return tuple_(l)
+ elif t is dict:
+ d = {}
+ for k, v in ao.items():
+ kvd = crefutil._DictKeyAndValue(d)
+ self.unjellyInto(kvd, 0, k)
+ self.unjellyInto(kvd, 1, v)
+ return d
+ else:
+ # Abstract Objects
+ c = ao.__class__
+ if c is Module:
+ return reflect.namedModule(ao.name)
+ elif c in [Class, Function] or issubclass(c, type):
+ return reflect.namedObject(ao.name)
+ elif c is InstanceMethod:
+ im_name = ao.name
+ im_class = reflect.namedObject(ao.klass)
+ im_self = self.unjellyAO(ao.instance)
+ if im_name in im_class.__dict__:
+ if im_self is None:
+ return getattr(im_class, im_name)
+ elif isinstance(im_self, crefutil.NotKnown):
+ return crefutil._InstanceMethod(im_name, im_self, im_class)
+ else:
+ return _constructMethod(im_class, im_name, im_self)
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("instance method changed")
+ elif c is Instance:
+ klass = reflect.namedObject(ao.klass)
+ state = self.unjellyAO(ao.state)
+ inst = klass.__new__(klass)
+ if hasattr(klass, "__setstate__"):
+ self.callAfter(inst.__setstate__, state)
+ elif isinstance(state, dict):
+ inst.__dict__ = state
+ else:
+ inst.__dict__ = state.__getstate__()
+ return inst
+ elif c is Ref:
+ o = self.unjellyAO(ao.obj) # THIS IS CHANGING THE REF OMG
+ refkey = ao.refnum
+ ref = self.references.get(refkey)
+ if ref is None:
+ self.references[refkey] = o
+ elif isinstance(ref, crefutil.NotKnown):
+ ref.resolveDependants(o)
+ self.references[refkey] = o
+ elif refkey is None:
+ # This happens when you're unjellying from an AOT not read from source
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "Multiple references with the same ID: %s, %s, %s!"
+ % (ref, refkey, ao)
+ )
+ return o
+ elif c is Deref:
+ num = ao.refnum
+ ref = self.references.get(num)
+ if ref is None:
+ der = crefutil._Dereference(num)
+ self.references[num] = der
+ return der
+ return ref
+ elif c is Copyreg:
+ loadfunc = reflect.namedObject(ao.loadfunc)
+ d = self.unjellyLater(ao.state).addCallback(
+ lambda result, _l: _l(*result), loadfunc
+ )
+ return d
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("Unsupported AOT type: %s" % t)
+ def unjelly(self, ao):
+ try:
+ l = [None]
+ self.unjellyInto(l, 0, ao)
+ for func, v in self.afterUnjelly:
+ func(v[0])
+ return l[0]
+ except BaseException:
+ log.msg("Error jellying object! Stacktrace follows::")
+ log.msg("\n".join(map(repr, self.stack)))
+ raise
+# Jelly #
+def jellyToAOT(obj):
+ """Convert an object to an Abstract Object Tree."""
+ return AOTJellier().jelly(obj)
+def jellyToSource(obj, file=None):
+ """
+ Pass me an object and, optionally, a file object.
+ I'll convert the object to an AOT either return it (if no file was
+ specified) or write it to the file.
+ """
+ aot = jellyToAOT(obj)
+ if file:
+ file.write(getSource(aot).encode("utf-8"))
+ else:
+ return getSource(aot)
+def _classOfMethod(methodObject):
+ """
+ Get the associated class of the given method object.
+ @param methodObject: a bound method
+ @type methodObject: L{types.MethodType}
+ @return: a class
+ @rtype: L{type}
+ """
+ return methodObject.__self__.__class__
+def _funcOfMethod(methodObject):
+ """
+ Get the associated function of the given method object.
+ @param methodObject: a bound method
+ @type methodObject: L{types.MethodType}
+ @return: the function implementing C{methodObject}
+ @rtype: L{types.FunctionType}
+ """
+ return methodObject.__func__
+def _selfOfMethod(methodObject):
+ """
+ Get the object that a bound method is bound to.
+ @param methodObject: a bound method
+ @type methodObject: L{types.MethodType}
+ @return: the C{self} passed to C{methodObject}
+ @rtype: L{object}
+ """
+ return methodObject.__self__
+class AOTJellier:
+ def __init__(self):
+ # dict of {id(obj): (obj, node)}
+ self.prepared = {}
+ self._ref_id = 0
+ self.stack = []
+ def prepareForRef(self, aoref, object):
+ """I prepare an object for later referencing, by storing its id()
+ and its _AORef in a cache."""
+ self.prepared[id(object)] = aoref
+ def jellyToAO(self, obj):
+ """I turn an object into an AOT and return it."""
+ objType = type(obj)
+ self.stack.append(repr(obj))
+ # immutable: We don't care if these have multiple refs!
+ if objType in _SIMPLE_BUILTINS:
+ retval = obj
+ elif issubclass(objType, types.MethodType):
+ # TODO: make methods 'prefer' not to jelly the object internally,
+ # so that the object will show up where it's referenced first NOT
+ # by a method.
+ retval = InstanceMethod(
+ _funcOfMethod(obj).__name__,
+ reflect.qual(_classOfMethod(obj)),
+ self.jellyToAO(_selfOfMethod(obj)),
+ )
+ elif issubclass(objType, types.ModuleType):
+ retval = Module(obj.__name__)
+ elif issubclass(objType, type):
+ retval = Class(reflect.qual(obj))
+ elif objType is types.FunctionType:
+ retval = Function(reflect.fullFuncName(obj))
+ else: # mutable! gotta watch for refs.
+ # Marmalade had the nicety of being able to just stick a 'reference' attribute
+ # on any Node object that was referenced, but in AOT, the referenced object
+ # is *inside* of a Ref call (Ref(num, obj) instead of
+ # <objtype ... reference="1">). The problem is, especially for built-in types,
+ # I can't just assign some attribute to them to give them a refnum. So, I have
+ # to "wrap" a Ref(..) around them later -- that's why I put *everything* that's
+ # mutable inside one. The Ref() class will only print the "Ref(..)" around an
+ # object if it has a Reference explicitly attached.
+ if id(obj) in self.prepared:
+ oldRef = self.prepared[id(obj)]
+ if oldRef.refnum:
+ # it's been referenced already
+ key = oldRef.refnum
+ else:
+ # it hasn't been referenced yet
+ self._ref_id = self._ref_id + 1
+ key = self._ref_id
+ oldRef.setRef(key)
+ return Deref(key)
+ retval = Ref()
+ def _stateFrom(state):
+ retval.setObj(
+ Instance(reflect.qual(obj.__class__), self.jellyToAO(state))
+ )
+ self.prepareForRef(retval, obj)
+ if objType is list:
+ retval.setObj([self.jellyToAO(o) for o in obj]) # hah!
+ elif objType is tuple:
+ retval.setObj(tuple(map(self.jellyToAO, obj)))
+ elif objType is dict:
+ d = {}
+ for k, v in obj.items():
+ d[self.jellyToAO(k)] = self.jellyToAO(v)
+ retval.setObj(d)
+ elif objType in copy_reg.dispatch_table:
+ unpickleFunc, state = copy_reg.dispatch_table[objType](obj)
+ retval.setObj(
+ Copyreg(reflect.fullFuncName(unpickleFunc), self.jellyToAO(state))
+ )
+ elif hasattr(obj, "__getstate__"):
+ _stateFrom(obj.__getstate__())
+ elif hasattr(obj, "__dict__"):
+ _stateFrom(obj.__dict__)
+ else:
+ raise TypeError("Unsupported type: %s" % objType.__name__)
+ del self.stack[-1]
+ return retval
+ def jelly(self, obj):
+ try:
+ ao = self.jellyToAO(obj)
+ return ao
+ except BaseException:
+ log.msg("Error jellying object! Stacktrace follows::")
+ log.msg("\n".join(self.stack))
+ raise
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/persisted/crefutil.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/persisted/crefutil.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5c14b6194a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/persisted/crefutil.py
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_persisted -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+Utility classes for dealing with circular references.
+from twisted.python import log, reflect
+from twisted.python.compat import _constructMethod
+class NotKnown:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.dependants = []
+ self.resolved = 0
+ def addDependant(self, mutableObject, key):
+ assert not self.resolved
+ self.dependants.append((mutableObject, key))
+ resolvedObject = None
+ def resolveDependants(self, newObject):
+ self.resolved = 1
+ self.resolvedObject = newObject
+ for mut, key in self.dependants:
+ mut[key] = newObject
+ def __hash__(self):
+ assert 0, "I am not to be used as a dictionary key."
+class _Container(NotKnown):
+ """
+ Helper class to resolve circular references on container objects.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, l, containerType):
+ """
+ @param l: The list of object which may contain some not yet referenced
+ objects.
+ @param containerType: A type of container objects (e.g., C{tuple} or
+ C{set}).
+ """
+ NotKnown.__init__(self)
+ self.containerType = containerType
+ self.l = l
+ self.locs = list(range(len(l)))
+ for idx in range(len(l)):
+ if not isinstance(l[idx], NotKnown):
+ self.locs.remove(idx)
+ else:
+ l[idx].addDependant(self, idx)
+ if not self.locs:
+ self.resolveDependants(self.containerType(self.l))
+ def __setitem__(self, n, obj):
+ """
+ Change the value of one contained objects, and resolve references if
+ all objects have been referenced.
+ """
+ self.l[n] = obj
+ if not isinstance(obj, NotKnown):
+ self.locs.remove(n)
+ if not self.locs:
+ self.resolveDependants(self.containerType(self.l))
+class _Tuple(_Container):
+ """
+ Manage tuple containing circular references. Deprecated: use C{_Container}
+ instead.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, l):
+ """
+ @param l: The list of object which may contain some not yet referenced
+ objects.
+ """
+ _Container.__init__(self, l, tuple)
+class _InstanceMethod(NotKnown):
+ def __init__(self, im_name, im_self, im_class):
+ NotKnown.__init__(self)
+ self.my_class = im_class
+ self.name = im_name
+ # im_self _must_ be a NotKnown
+ im_self.addDependant(self, 0)
+ def __call__(self, *args, **kw):
+ import traceback
+ log.msg(f"instance method {reflect.qual(self.my_class)}.{self.name}")
+ log.msg(f"being called with {args!r} {kw!r}")
+ traceback.print_stack(file=log.logfile)
+ assert 0
+ def __setitem__(self, n, obj):
+ assert n == 0, "only zero index allowed"
+ if not isinstance(obj, NotKnown):
+ method = _constructMethod(self.my_class, self.name, obj)
+ self.resolveDependants(method)
+class _DictKeyAndValue:
+ def __init__(self, dict):
+ self.dict = dict
+ def __setitem__(self, n, obj):
+ if n not in (1, 0):
+ raise RuntimeError("DictKeyAndValue should only ever be called with 0 or 1")
+ if n: # value
+ self.value = obj
+ else:
+ self.key = obj
+ if hasattr(self, "key") and hasattr(self, "value"):
+ self.dict[self.key] = self.value
+class _Dereference(NotKnown):
+ def __init__(self, id):
+ NotKnown.__init__(self)
+ self.id = id
+from twisted.internet.defer import Deferred
+class _Defer(Deferred[object], NotKnown):
+ def __init__(self):
+ Deferred.__init__(self)
+ NotKnown.__init__(self)
+ self.pause()
+ wasset = 0
+ def __setitem__(self, n, obj):
+ if self.wasset:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "setitem should only be called once, setting {!r} to {!r}".format(
+ n, obj
+ )
+ )
+ else:
+ self.wasset = 1
+ self.callback(obj)
+ def addDependant(self, dep, key):
+ # by the time I'm adding a dependant, I'm *not* adding any more
+ # callbacks
+ NotKnown.addDependant(self, dep, key)
+ self.unpause()
+ resovd = self.result
+ self.resolveDependants(resovd)
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/persisted/dirdbm.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/persisted/dirdbm.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..da8375b77c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/persisted/dirdbm.py
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_dirdbm -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+DBM-style interface to a directory.
+Each key is stored as a single file. This is not expected to be very fast or
+efficient, but it's good for easy debugging.
+DirDBMs are *not* thread-safe, they should only be accessed by one thread at
+a time.
+No files should be placed in the working directory of a DirDBM save those
+created by the DirDBM itself!
+Maintainer: Itamar Shtull-Trauring
+import base64
+import glob
+import os
+import pickle
+from twisted.python.filepath import FilePath
+ _open # type: ignore[has-type, used-before-def]
+except NameError:
+ _open = open
+class DirDBM:
+ """
+ A directory with a DBM interface.
+ This class presents a hash-like interface to a directory of small,
+ flat files. It can only use strings as keys or values.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ """
+ @type name: str
+ @param name: Base path to use for the directory storage.
+ """
+ self.dname = os.path.abspath(name)
+ self._dnamePath = FilePath(name)
+ if not self._dnamePath.isdir():
+ self._dnamePath.createDirectory()
+ else:
+ # Run recovery, in case we crashed. we delete all files ending
+ # with ".new". Then we find all files who end with ".rpl". If a
+ # corresponding file exists without ".rpl", we assume the write
+ # failed and delete the ".rpl" file. If only a ".rpl" exist we
+ # assume the program crashed right after deleting the old entry
+ # but before renaming the replacement entry.
+ #
+ # NOTE: '.' is NOT in the base64 alphabet!
+ for f in glob.glob(self._dnamePath.child("*.new").path):
+ os.remove(f)
+ replacements = glob.glob(self._dnamePath.child("*.rpl").path)
+ for f in replacements:
+ old = f[:-4]
+ if os.path.exists(old):
+ os.remove(f)
+ else:
+ os.rename(f, old)
+ def _encode(self, k):
+ """
+ Encode a key so it can be used as a filename.
+ """
+ # NOTE: '_' is NOT in the base64 alphabet!
+ return base64.encodebytes(k).replace(b"\n", b"_").replace(b"/", b"-")
+ def _decode(self, k):
+ """
+ Decode a filename to get the key.
+ """
+ return base64.decodebytes(k.replace(b"_", b"\n").replace(b"-", b"/"))
+ def _readFile(self, path):
+ """
+ Read in the contents of a file.
+ Override in subclasses to e.g. provide transparently encrypted dirdbm.
+ """
+ with _open(path.path, "rb") as f:
+ s = f.read()
+ return s
+ def _writeFile(self, path, data):
+ """
+ Write data to a file.
+ Override in subclasses to e.g. provide transparently encrypted dirdbm.
+ """
+ with _open(path.path, "wb") as f:
+ f.write(data)
+ f.flush()
+ def __len__(self):
+ """
+ @return: The number of key/value pairs in this Shelf
+ """
+ return len(self._dnamePath.listdir())
+ def __setitem__(self, k, v):
+ """
+ C{dirdbm[k] = v}
+ Create or modify a textfile in this directory
+ @type k: bytes
+ @param k: key to set
+ @type v: bytes
+ @param v: value to associate with C{k}
+ """
+ if not type(k) == bytes:
+ raise TypeError("DirDBM key must be bytes")
+ if not type(v) == bytes:
+ raise TypeError("DirDBM value must be bytes")
+ k = self._encode(k)
+ # We create a new file with extension .new, write the data to it, and
+ # if the write succeeds delete the old file and rename the new one.
+ old = self._dnamePath.child(k)
+ if old.exists():
+ new = old.siblingExtension(".rpl") # Replacement entry
+ else:
+ new = old.siblingExtension(".new") # New entry
+ try:
+ self._writeFile(new, v)
+ except BaseException:
+ new.remove()
+ raise
+ else:
+ if old.exists():
+ old.remove()
+ new.moveTo(old)
+ def __getitem__(self, k):
+ """
+ C{dirdbm[k]}
+ Get the contents of a file in this directory as a string.
+ @type k: bytes
+ @param k: key to lookup
+ @return: The value associated with C{k}
+ @raise KeyError: Raised when there is no such key
+ """
+ if not type(k) == bytes:
+ raise TypeError("DirDBM key must be bytes")
+ path = self._dnamePath.child(self._encode(k))
+ try:
+ return self._readFile(path)
+ except OSError:
+ raise KeyError(k)
+ def __delitem__(self, k):
+ """
+ C{del dirdbm[foo]}
+ Delete a file in this directory.
+ @type k: bytes
+ @param k: key to delete
+ @raise KeyError: Raised when there is no such key
+ """
+ if not type(k) == bytes:
+ raise TypeError("DirDBM key must be bytes")
+ k = self._encode(k)
+ try:
+ self._dnamePath.child(k).remove()
+ except OSError:
+ raise KeyError(self._decode(k))
+ def keys(self):
+ """
+ @return: a L{list} of filenames (keys).
+ """
+ return list(map(self._decode, self._dnamePath.asBytesMode().listdir()))
+ def values(self):
+ """
+ @return: a L{list} of file-contents (values).
+ """
+ vals = []
+ keys = self.keys()
+ for key in keys:
+ vals.append(self[key])
+ return vals
+ def items(self):
+ """
+ @return: a L{list} of 2-tuples containing key/value pairs.
+ """
+ items = []
+ keys = self.keys()
+ for key in keys:
+ items.append((key, self[key]))
+ return items
+ def has_key(self, key):
+ """
+ @type key: bytes
+ @param key: The key to test
+ @return: A true value if this dirdbm has the specified key, a false
+ value otherwise.
+ """
+ if not type(key) == bytes:
+ raise TypeError("DirDBM key must be bytes")
+ key = self._encode(key)
+ return self._dnamePath.child(key).isfile()
+ def setdefault(self, key, value):
+ """
+ @type key: bytes
+ @param key: The key to lookup
+ @param value: The value to associate with key if key is not already
+ associated with a value.
+ """
+ if key not in self:
+ self[key] = value
+ return value
+ return self[key]
+ def get(self, key, default=None):
+ """
+ @type key: bytes
+ @param key: The key to lookup
+ @param default: The value to return if the given key does not exist
+ @return: The value associated with C{key} or C{default} if not
+ L{DirDBM.has_key(key)}
+ """
+ if key in self:
+ return self[key]
+ else:
+ return default
+ def __contains__(self, key):
+ """
+ @see: L{DirDBM.has_key}
+ """
+ return self.has_key(key)
+ def update(self, dict):
+ """
+ Add all the key/value pairs in L{dict} to this dirdbm. Any conflicting
+ keys will be overwritten with the values from L{dict}.
+ @type dict: mapping
+ @param dict: A mapping of key/value pairs to add to this dirdbm.
+ """
+ for key, val in dict.items():
+ self[key] = val
+ def copyTo(self, path):
+ """
+ Copy the contents of this dirdbm to the dirdbm at C{path}.
+ @type path: L{str}
+ @param path: The path of the dirdbm to copy to. If a dirdbm
+ exists at the destination path, it is cleared first.
+ @rtype: C{DirDBM}
+ @return: The dirdbm this dirdbm was copied to.
+ """
+ path = FilePath(path)
+ assert path != self._dnamePath
+ d = self.__class__(path.path)
+ d.clear()
+ for k in self.keys():
+ d[k] = self[k]
+ return d
+ def clear(self):
+ """
+ Delete all key/value pairs in this dirdbm.
+ """
+ for k in self.keys():
+ del self[k]
+ def close(self):
+ """
+ Close this dbm: no-op, for dbm-style interface compliance.
+ """
+ def getModificationTime(self, key):
+ """
+ Returns modification time of an entry.
+ @return: Last modification date (seconds since epoch) of entry C{key}
+ @raise KeyError: Raised when there is no such key
+ """
+ if not type(key) == bytes:
+ raise TypeError("DirDBM key must be bytes")
+ path = self._dnamePath.child(self._encode(key))
+ if path.isfile():
+ return path.getModificationTime()
+ else:
+ raise KeyError(key)
+class Shelf(DirDBM):
+ """
+ A directory with a DBM shelf interface.
+ This class presents a hash-like interface to a directory of small,
+ flat files. Keys must be strings, but values can be any given object.
+ """
+ def __setitem__(self, k, v):
+ """
+ C{shelf[foo] = bar}
+ Create or modify a textfile in this directory.
+ @type k: str
+ @param k: The key to set
+ @param v: The value to associate with C{key}
+ """
+ v = pickle.dumps(v)
+ DirDBM.__setitem__(self, k, v)
+ def __getitem__(self, k):
+ """
+ C{dirdbm[foo]}
+ Get and unpickle the contents of a file in this directory.
+ @type k: bytes
+ @param k: The key to lookup
+ @return: The value associated with the given key
+ @raise KeyError: Raised if the given key does not exist
+ """
+ return pickle.loads(DirDBM.__getitem__(self, k))
+def open(file, flag=None, mode=None):
+ """
+ This is for 'anydbm' compatibility.
+ @param file: The parameter to pass to the DirDBM constructor.
+ @param flag: ignored
+ @param mode: ignored
+ """
+ return DirDBM(file)
+__all__ = ["open", "DirDBM", "Shelf"]
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/persisted/newsfragments/9831.misc b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/persisted/newsfragments/9831.misc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/persisted/newsfragments/9831.misc
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/persisted/sob.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/persisted/sob.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b952165172
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/persisted/sob.py
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_sob -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+Save and load Small OBjects to and from files, using various formats.
+Maintainer: Moshe Zadka
+import os
+import pickle
+import sys
+from zope.interface import Interface, implementer
+from twisted.persisted import styles
+from twisted.python import log, runtime
+class IPersistable(Interface):
+ """An object which can be saved in several formats to a file"""
+ def setStyle(style):
+ """Set desired format.
+ @type style: string (one of 'pickle' or 'source')
+ """
+ def save(tag=None, filename=None, passphrase=None):
+ """Save object to file.
+ @type tag: string
+ @type filename: string
+ @type passphrase: string
+ """
+class Persistent:
+ style = "pickle"
+ def __init__(self, original, name):
+ self.original = original
+ self.name = name
+ def setStyle(self, style):
+ """Set desired format.
+ @type style: string (one of 'pickle' or 'source')
+ """
+ self.style = style
+ def _getFilename(self, filename, ext, tag):
+ if filename:
+ finalname = filename
+ filename = finalname + "-2"
+ elif tag:
+ filename = f"{self.name}-{tag}-2.{ext}"
+ finalname = f"{self.name}-{tag}.{ext}"
+ else:
+ filename = f"{self.name}-2.{ext}"
+ finalname = f"{self.name}.{ext}"
+ return finalname, filename
+ def _saveTemp(self, filename, dumpFunc):
+ with open(filename, "wb") as f:
+ dumpFunc(self.original, f)
+ def _getStyle(self):
+ if self.style == "source":
+ from twisted.persisted.aot import jellyToSource as dumpFunc
+ ext = "tas"
+ else:
+ def dumpFunc(obj, file=None):
+ pickle.dump(obj, file, 2)
+ ext = "tap"
+ return ext, dumpFunc
+ def save(self, tag=None, filename=None, passphrase=None):
+ """Save object to file.
+ @type tag: string
+ @type filename: string
+ @type passphrase: string
+ """
+ ext, dumpFunc = self._getStyle()
+ if passphrase is not None:
+ raise TypeError("passphrase must be None")
+ finalname, filename = self._getFilename(filename, ext, tag)
+ log.msg("Saving " + self.name + " application to " + finalname + "...")
+ self._saveTemp(filename, dumpFunc)
+ if runtime.platformType == "win32" and os.path.isfile(finalname):
+ os.remove(finalname)
+ os.rename(filename, finalname)
+ log.msg("Saved.")
+# "Persistant" has been present since 1.0.7, so retain it for compatibility
+Persistant = Persistent
+class _EverythingEphemeral(styles.Ephemeral):
+ initRun = 0
+ def __init__(self, mainMod):
+ """
+ @param mainMod: The '__main__' module that this class will proxy.
+ """
+ self.mainMod = mainMod
+ def __getattr__(self, key):
+ try:
+ return getattr(self.mainMod, key)
+ except AttributeError:
+ if self.initRun:
+ raise
+ else:
+ log.msg("Warning! Loading from __main__: %s" % key)
+ return styles.Ephemeral()
+def load(filename, style):
+ """Load an object from a file.
+ Deserialize an object from a file. The file can be encrypted.
+ @param filename: string
+ @param style: string (one of 'pickle' or 'source')
+ """
+ mode = "r"
+ if style == "source":
+ from twisted.persisted.aot import unjellyFromSource as _load
+ else:
+ _load, mode = pickle.load, "rb"
+ fp = open(filename, mode)
+ ee = _EverythingEphemeral(sys.modules["__main__"])
+ sys.modules["__main__"] = ee
+ ee.initRun = 1
+ with fp:
+ try:
+ value = _load(fp)
+ finally:
+ # restore __main__ if an exception is raised.
+ sys.modules["__main__"] = ee.mainMod
+ styles.doUpgrade()
+ ee.initRun = 0
+ persistable = IPersistable(value, None)
+ if persistable is not None:
+ persistable.setStyle(style)
+ return value
+def loadValueFromFile(filename, variable):
+ """Load the value of a variable in a Python file.
+ Run the contents of the file in a namespace and return the result of the
+ variable named C{variable}.
+ @param filename: string
+ @param variable: string
+ """
+ with open(filename) as fileObj:
+ data = fileObj.read()
+ d = {"__file__": filename}
+ codeObj = compile(data, filename, "exec")
+ eval(codeObj, d, d)
+ value = d[variable]
+ return value
+def guessType(filename):
+ ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1]
+ return {
+ ".tac": "python",
+ ".etac": "python",
+ ".py": "python",
+ ".tap": "pickle",
+ ".etap": "pickle",
+ ".tas": "source",
+ ".etas": "source",
+ }[ext]
+__all__ = [
+ "loadValueFromFile",
+ "load",
+ "Persistent",
+ "Persistant",
+ "IPersistable",
+ "guessType",
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/persisted/styles.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/persisted/styles.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2d014dc847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/persisted/styles.py
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.test.test_persisted -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+Different styles of persisted objects.
+import copy
+import copyreg as copy_reg
+import inspect
+import pickle
+import types
+from io import StringIO as _cStringIO
+from typing import Dict
+from twisted.python import log, reflect
+from twisted.python.compat import _PYPY
+oldModules: Dict[str, types.ModuleType] = {}
+_UniversalPicklingError = pickle.PicklingError
+def pickleMethod(method):
+ "support function for copy_reg to pickle method refs"
+ return (
+ unpickleMethod,
+ (method.__name__, method.__self__, method.__self__.__class__),
+ )
+def _methodFunction(classObject, methodName):
+ """
+ Retrieve the function object implementing a method name given the class
+ it's on and a method name.
+ @param classObject: A class to retrieve the method's function from.
+ @type classObject: L{type}
+ @param methodName: The name of the method whose function to retrieve.
+ @type methodName: native L{str}
+ @return: the function object corresponding to the given method name.
+ @rtype: L{types.FunctionType}
+ """
+ methodObject = getattr(classObject, methodName)
+ return methodObject
+def unpickleMethod(im_name, im_self, im_class):
+ """
+ Support function for copy_reg to unpickle method refs.
+ @param im_name: The name of the method.
+ @type im_name: native L{str}
+ @param im_self: The instance that the method was present on.
+ @type im_self: L{object}
+ @param im_class: The class where the method was declared.
+ @type im_class: L{type} or L{None}
+ """
+ if im_self is None:
+ return getattr(im_class, im_name)
+ try:
+ methodFunction = _methodFunction(im_class, im_name)
+ except AttributeError:
+ log.msg("Method", im_name, "not on class", im_class)
+ assert im_self is not None, "No recourse: no instance to guess from."
+ # Attempt a last-ditch fix before giving up. If classes have changed
+ # around since we pickled this method, we may still be able to get it
+ # by looking on the instance's current class.
+ if im_self.__class__ is im_class:
+ raise
+ return unpickleMethod(im_name, im_self, im_self.__class__)
+ else:
+ maybeClass = ()
+ bound = types.MethodType(methodFunction, im_self, *maybeClass)
+ return bound
+copy_reg.pickle(types.MethodType, pickleMethod)
+def _pickleFunction(f):
+ """
+ Reduce, in the sense of L{pickle}'s C{object.__reduce__} special method, a
+ function object into its constituent parts.
+ @param f: The function to reduce.
+ @type f: L{types.FunctionType}
+ @return: a 2-tuple of a reference to L{_unpickleFunction} and a tuple of
+ its arguments, a 1-tuple of the function's fully qualified name.
+ @rtype: 2-tuple of C{callable, native string}
+ """
+ if f.__name__ == "<lambda>":
+ raise _UniversalPicklingError(f"Cannot pickle lambda function: {f}")
+ return (_unpickleFunction, tuple([".".join([f.__module__, f.__qualname__])]))
+def _unpickleFunction(fullyQualifiedName):
+ """
+ Convert a function name into a function by importing it.
+ This is a synonym for L{twisted.python.reflect.namedAny}, but imported
+ locally to avoid circular imports, and also to provide a persistent name
+ that can be stored (and deprecated) independently of C{namedAny}.
+ @param fullyQualifiedName: The fully qualified name of a function.
+ @type fullyQualifiedName: native C{str}
+ @return: A function object imported from the given location.
+ @rtype: L{types.FunctionType}
+ """
+ from twisted.python.reflect import namedAny
+ return namedAny(fullyQualifiedName)
+copy_reg.pickle(types.FunctionType, _pickleFunction)
+def pickleModule(module):
+ "support function for copy_reg to pickle module refs"
+ return unpickleModule, (module.__name__,)
+def unpickleModule(name):
+ "support function for copy_reg to unpickle module refs"
+ if name in oldModules:
+ log.msg("Module has moved: %s" % name)
+ name = oldModules[name]
+ log.msg(name)
+ return __import__(name, {}, {}, "x")
+copy_reg.pickle(types.ModuleType, pickleModule)
+def pickleStringO(stringo):
+ """
+ Reduce the given cStringO.
+ This is only called on Python 2, because the cStringIO module only exists
+ on Python 2.
+ @param stringo: The string output to pickle.
+ @type stringo: C{cStringIO.OutputType}
+ """
+ "support function for copy_reg to pickle StringIO.OutputTypes"
+ return unpickleStringO, (stringo.getvalue(), stringo.tell())
+def unpickleStringO(val, sek):
+ """
+ Convert the output of L{pickleStringO} into an appropriate type for the
+ current python version. This may be called on Python 3 and will convert a
+ cStringIO into an L{io.StringIO}.
+ @param val: The content of the file.
+ @type val: L{bytes}
+ @param sek: The seek position of the file.
+ @type sek: L{int}
+ @return: a file-like object which you can write bytes to.
+ @rtype: C{cStringIO.OutputType} on Python 2, L{io.StringIO} on Python 3.
+ """
+ x = _cStringIO()
+ x.write(val)
+ x.seek(sek)
+ return x
+def pickleStringI(stringi):
+ """
+ Reduce the given cStringI.
+ This is only called on Python 2, because the cStringIO module only exists
+ on Python 2.
+ @param stringi: The string input to pickle.
+ @type stringi: C{cStringIO.InputType}
+ @return: a 2-tuple of (C{unpickleStringI}, (bytes, pointer))
+ @rtype: 2-tuple of (function, (bytes, int))
+ """
+ return unpickleStringI, (stringi.getvalue(), stringi.tell())
+def unpickleStringI(val, sek):
+ """
+ Convert the output of L{pickleStringI} into an appropriate type for the
+ current Python version.
+ This may be called on Python 3 and will convert a cStringIO into an
+ L{io.StringIO}.
+ @param val: The content of the file.
+ @type val: L{bytes}
+ @param sek: The seek position of the file.
+ @type sek: L{int}
+ @return: a file-like object which you can read bytes from.
+ @rtype: C{cStringIO.OutputType} on Python 2, L{io.StringIO} on Python 3.
+ """
+ x = _cStringIO(val)
+ x.seek(sek)
+ return x
+class Ephemeral:
+ """
+ This type of object is never persisted; if possible, even references to it
+ are eliminated.
+ """
+ def __reduce__(self):
+ """
+ Serialize any subclass of L{Ephemeral} in a way which replaces it with
+ L{Ephemeral} itself.
+ """
+ return (Ephemeral, ())
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ log.msg("WARNING: serializing ephemeral %s" % self)
+ if not _PYPY:
+ import gc
+ if getattr(gc, "get_referrers", None):
+ for r in gc.get_referrers(self):
+ log.msg(f" referred to by {r}")
+ return None
+ def __setstate__(self, state):
+ log.msg("WARNING: unserializing ephemeral %s" % self.__class__)
+ self.__class__ = Ephemeral
+versionedsToUpgrade: Dict[int, "Versioned"] = {}
+upgraded = {}
+def doUpgrade():
+ global versionedsToUpgrade, upgraded
+ for versioned in list(versionedsToUpgrade.values()):
+ requireUpgrade(versioned)
+ versionedsToUpgrade = {}
+ upgraded = {}
+def requireUpgrade(obj):
+ """Require that a Versioned instance be upgraded completely first."""
+ objID = id(obj)
+ if objID in versionedsToUpgrade and objID not in upgraded:
+ upgraded[objID] = 1
+ obj.versionUpgrade()
+ return obj
+def _aybabtu(c):
+ """
+ Get all of the parent classes of C{c}, not including C{c} itself, which are
+ strict subclasses of L{Versioned}.
+ @param c: a class
+ @returns: list of classes
+ """
+ # begin with two classes that should *not* be included in the
+ # final result
+ l = [c, Versioned]
+ for b in inspect.getmro(c):
+ if b not in l and issubclass(b, Versioned):
+ l.append(b)
+ # return all except the unwanted classes
+ return l[2:]
+class Versioned:
+ """
+ This type of object is persisted with versioning information.
+ I have a single class attribute, the int persistenceVersion. After I am
+ unserialized (and styles.doUpgrade() is called), self.upgradeToVersionX()
+ will be called for each version upgrade I must undergo.
+ For example, if I serialize an instance of a Foo(Versioned) at version 4
+ and then unserialize it when the code is at version 9, the calls::
+ self.upgradeToVersion5()
+ self.upgradeToVersion6()
+ self.upgradeToVersion7()
+ self.upgradeToVersion8()
+ self.upgradeToVersion9()
+ will be made. If any of these methods are undefined, a warning message
+ will be printed.
+ """
+ persistenceVersion = 0
+ persistenceForgets = ()
+ def __setstate__(self, state):
+ versionedsToUpgrade[id(self)] = self
+ self.__dict__ = state
+ def __getstate__(self, dict=None):
+ """Get state, adding a version number to it on its way out."""
+ dct = copy.copy(dict or self.__dict__)
+ bases = _aybabtu(self.__class__)
+ bases.reverse()
+ bases.append(self.__class__) # don't forget me!!
+ for base in bases:
+ if "persistenceForgets" in base.__dict__:
+ for slot in base.persistenceForgets:
+ if slot in dct:
+ del dct[slot]
+ if "persistenceVersion" in base.__dict__:
+ dct[
+ f"{reflect.qual(base)}.persistenceVersion"
+ ] = base.persistenceVersion
+ return dct
+ def versionUpgrade(self):
+ """(internal) Do a version upgrade."""
+ bases = _aybabtu(self.__class__)
+ # put the bases in order so superclasses' persistenceVersion methods
+ # will be called first.
+ bases.reverse()
+ bases.append(self.__class__) # don't forget me!!
+ # first let's look for old-skool versioned's
+ if "persistenceVersion" in self.__dict__:
+ # Hacky heuristic: if more than one class subclasses Versioned,
+ # we'll assume that the higher version number wins for the older
+ # class, so we'll consider the attribute the version of the older
+ # class. There are obviously possibly times when this will
+ # eventually be an incorrect assumption, but hopefully old-school
+ # persistenceVersion stuff won't make it that far into multiple
+ # classes inheriting from Versioned.
+ pver = self.__dict__["persistenceVersion"]
+ del self.__dict__["persistenceVersion"]
+ highestVersion = 0
+ highestBase = None
+ for base in bases:
+ if "persistenceVersion" not in base.__dict__:
+ continue
+ if base.persistenceVersion > highestVersion:
+ highestBase = base
+ highestVersion = base.persistenceVersion
+ if highestBase:
+ self.__dict__[
+ "%s.persistenceVersion" % reflect.qual(highestBase)
+ ] = pver
+ for base in bases:
+ # ugly hack, but it's what the user expects, really
+ if (
+ Versioned not in base.__bases__
+ and "persistenceVersion" not in base.__dict__
+ ):
+ continue
+ currentVers = base.persistenceVersion
+ pverName = "%s.persistenceVersion" % reflect.qual(base)
+ persistVers = self.__dict__.get(pverName) or 0
+ if persistVers:
+ del self.__dict__[pverName]
+ assert persistVers <= currentVers, "Sorry, can't go backwards in time."
+ while persistVers < currentVers:
+ persistVers = persistVers + 1
+ method = base.__dict__.get("upgradeToVersion%s" % persistVers, None)
+ if method:
+ log.msg(
+ "Upgrading %s (of %s @ %s) to version %s"
+ % (
+ reflect.qual(base),
+ reflect.qual(self.__class__),
+ id(self),
+ persistVers,
+ )
+ )
+ method(self)
+ else:
+ log.msg(
+ "Warning: cannot upgrade {} to version {}".format(
+ base, persistVers
+ )
+ )