path: root/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/mail/mail.py
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authorshmel1k <shmel1k@ydb.tech>2023-11-26 18:16:14 +0300
committershmel1k <shmel1k@ydb.tech>2023-11-26 18:43:30 +0300
commitb8cf9e88f4c5c64d9406af533d8948deb050d695 (patch)
tree218eb61fb3c3b96ec08b4d8cdfef383104a87d63 /contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/mail/mail.py
parent523f645a83a0ec97a0332dbc3863bb354c92a328 (diff)
add kikimr_configure
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/mail/mail.py')
1 files changed, 706 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/mail/mail.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/mail/mail.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2dc405344b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/mail/mail.py
@@ -0,0 +1,706 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.mail.test.test_mail -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+Mail service support.
+# System imports
+import os
+import warnings
+from zope.interface import implementer
+from twisted.application import internet, service
+from twisted.cred.portal import Portal
+# Twisted imports
+from twisted.internet import defer
+# Sibling imports
+from twisted.mail import protocols, smtp
+from twisted.mail.interfaces import IAliasableDomain, IDomain
+from twisted.python import log, util
+class DomainWithDefaultDict:
+ """
+ A simulated dictionary for mapping domain names to domain objects with
+ a default value for non-existing keys.
+ @ivar domains: See L{__init__}
+ @ivar default: See L{__init__}
+ """
+ def __init__(self, domains, default):
+ """
+ @type domains: L{dict} of L{bytes} -> L{IDomain} provider
+ @param domains: A mapping of domain name to domain object.
+ @type default: L{IDomain} provider
+ @param default: The default domain.
+ """
+ self.domains = domains
+ self.default = default
+ def setDefaultDomain(self, domain):
+ """
+ Set the default domain.
+ @type domain: L{IDomain} provider
+ @param domain: The default domain.
+ """
+ self.default = domain
+ def has_key(self, name):
+ """
+ Test for the presence of a domain name in this dictionary.
+ This always returns C{True} because a default value will be returned
+ if the name doesn't exist in this dictionary.
+ @type name: L{bytes}
+ @param name: A domain name.
+ @rtype: L{bool}
+ @return: C{True} to indicate that the domain name is in this
+ dictionary.
+ """
+ warnings.warn(
+ "twisted.mail.mail.DomainWithDefaultDict.has_key was deprecated "
+ "in Twisted 16.3.0. "
+ "Use the `in` keyword instead.",
+ category=DeprecationWarning,
+ stacklevel=2,
+ )
+ return 1
+ @classmethod
+ def fromkeys(klass, keys, value=None):
+ """
+ Create a new L{DomainWithDefaultDict} with the specified keys.
+ @type keys: iterable of L{bytes}
+ @param keys: Domain names to serve as keys in the new dictionary.
+ @type value: L{None} or L{IDomain} provider
+ @param value: A domain object to serve as the value for all new keys
+ in the dictionary.
+ @rtype: L{DomainWithDefaultDict}
+ @return: A new dictionary.
+ """
+ d = klass()
+ for k in keys:
+ d[k] = value
+ return d
+ def __contains__(self, name):
+ """
+ Test for the presence of a domain name in this dictionary.
+ This always returns C{True} because a default value will be returned
+ if the name doesn't exist in this dictionary.
+ @type name: L{bytes}
+ @param name: A domain name.
+ @rtype: L{bool}
+ @return: C{True} to indicate that the domain name is in this
+ dictionary.
+ """
+ return 1
+ def __getitem__(self, name):
+ """
+ Look up a domain name and, if it is present, return the domain object
+ associated with it. Otherwise return the default domain.
+ @type name: L{bytes}
+ @param name: A domain name.
+ @rtype: L{IDomain} provider or L{None}
+ @return: A domain object.
+ """
+ return self.domains.get(name, self.default)
+ def __setitem__(self, name, value):
+ """
+ Associate a domain object with a domain name in this dictionary.
+ @type name: L{bytes}
+ @param name: A domain name.
+ @type value: L{IDomain} provider
+ @param value: A domain object.
+ """
+ self.domains[name] = value
+ def __delitem__(self, name):
+ """
+ Delete the entry for a domain name in this dictionary.
+ @type name: L{bytes}
+ @param name: A domain name.
+ """
+ del self.domains[name]
+ def __iter__(self):
+ """
+ Return an iterator over the domain names in this dictionary.
+ @rtype: iterator over L{bytes}
+ @return: An iterator over the domain names.
+ """
+ return iter(self.domains)
+ def __len__(self):
+ """
+ Return the number of domains in this dictionary.
+ @rtype: L{int}
+ @return: The number of domains in this dictionary.
+ """
+ return len(self.domains)
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ """
+ Build an informal string representation of this dictionary.
+ @rtype: L{bytes}
+ @return: A string containing the mapping of domain names to domain
+ objects.
+ """
+ return f"<DomainWithDefaultDict {self.domains}>"
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ """
+ Build an "official" string representation of this dictionary.
+ @rtype: L{bytes}
+ @return: A pseudo-executable string describing the underlying domain
+ mapping of this object.
+ """
+ return f"DomainWithDefaultDict({self.domains})"
+ def get(self, key, default=None):
+ """
+ Look up a domain name in this dictionary.
+ @type key: L{bytes}
+ @param key: A domain name.
+ @type default: L{IDomain} provider or L{None}
+ @param default: A domain object to be returned if the domain name is
+ not in this dictionary.
+ @rtype: L{IDomain} provider or L{None}
+ @return: The domain object associated with the domain name if it is in
+ this dictionary. Otherwise, the default value.
+ """
+ return self.domains.get(key, default)
+ def copy(self):
+ """
+ Make a copy of this dictionary.
+ @rtype: L{DomainWithDefaultDict}
+ @return: A copy of this dictionary.
+ """
+ return DomainWithDefaultDict(self.domains.copy(), self.default)
+ def iteritems(self):
+ """
+ Return an iterator over the domain name/domain object pairs in the
+ dictionary.
+ Using the returned iterator while adding or deleting entries from the
+ dictionary may result in a L{RuntimeError} or failing to iterate over
+ all the domain name/domain object pairs.
+ @rtype: iterator over 2-L{tuple} of (E{1}) L{bytes},
+ (E{2}) L{IDomain} provider or L{None}
+ @return: An iterator over the domain name/domain object pairs.
+ """
+ return self.domains.iteritems()
+ def iterkeys(self):
+ """
+ Return an iterator over the domain names in this dictionary.
+ Using the returned iterator while adding or deleting entries from the
+ dictionary may result in a L{RuntimeError} or failing to iterate over
+ all the domain names.
+ @rtype: iterator over L{bytes}
+ @return: An iterator over the domain names.
+ """
+ return self.domains.iterkeys()
+ def itervalues(self):
+ """
+ Return an iterator over the domain objects in this dictionary.
+ Using the returned iterator while adding or deleting entries from the
+ dictionary may result in a L{RuntimeError} or failing to iterate over
+ all the domain objects.
+ @rtype: iterator over L{IDomain} provider or
+ L{None}
+ @return: An iterator over the domain objects.
+ """
+ return self.domains.itervalues()
+ def keys(self):
+ """
+ Return a list of all domain names in this dictionary.
+ @rtype: L{list} of L{bytes}
+ @return: The domain names in this dictionary.
+ """
+ return self.domains.keys()
+ def values(self):
+ """
+ Return a list of all domain objects in this dictionary.
+ @rtype: L{list} of L{IDomain} provider or L{None}
+ @return: The domain objects in this dictionary.
+ """
+ return self.domains.values()
+ def items(self):
+ """
+ Return a list of all domain name/domain object pairs in this
+ dictionary.
+ @rtype: L{list} of 2-L{tuple} of (E{1}) L{bytes}, (E{2}) L{IDomain}
+ provider or L{None}
+ @return: Domain name/domain object pairs in this dictionary.
+ """
+ return self.domains.items()
+ def popitem(self):
+ """
+ Remove a random domain name/domain object pair from this dictionary and
+ return it as a tuple.
+ @rtype: 2-L{tuple} of (E{1}) L{bytes}, (E{2}) L{IDomain} provider or
+ L{None}
+ @return: A domain name/domain object pair.
+ @raise KeyError: When this dictionary is empty.
+ """
+ return self.domains.popitem()
+ def update(self, other):
+ """
+ Update this dictionary with domain name/domain object pairs from
+ another dictionary.
+ When this dictionary contains a domain name which is in the other
+ dictionary, its value will be overwritten.
+ @type other: L{dict} of L{bytes} -> L{IDomain} provider and/or
+ L{bytes} -> L{None}
+ @param other: Another dictionary of domain name/domain object pairs.
+ @rtype: L{None}
+ @return: None.
+ """
+ return self.domains.update(other)
+ def clear(self):
+ """
+ Remove all items from this dictionary.
+ @rtype: L{None}
+ @return: None.
+ """
+ return self.domains.clear()
+ def setdefault(self, key, default):
+ """
+ Return the domain object associated with the domain name if it is
+ present in this dictionary. Otherwise, set the value for the
+ domain name to the default and return that value.
+ @type key: L{bytes}
+ @param key: A domain name.
+ @type default: L{IDomain} provider
+ @param default: A domain object.
+ @rtype: L{IDomain} provider or L{None}
+ @return: The domain object associated with the domain name.
+ """
+ return self.domains.setdefault(key, default)
+class BounceDomain:
+ """
+ A domain with no users.
+ This can be used to block off a domain.
+ """
+ def exists(self, user):
+ """
+ Raise an exception to indicate that the user does not exist in this
+ domain.
+ @type user: L{User}
+ @param user: A user.
+ @raise SMTPBadRcpt: When the given user does not exist in this domain.
+ """
+ raise smtp.SMTPBadRcpt(user)
+ def willRelay(self, user, protocol):
+ """
+ Indicate that this domain will not relay.
+ @type user: L{Address}
+ @param user: The destination address.
+ @type protocol: L{Protocol <twisted.internet.protocol.Protocol>}
+ @param protocol: The protocol over which the message to be relayed is
+ being received.
+ @rtype: L{bool}
+ @return: C{False}.
+ """
+ return False
+ def addUser(self, user, password):
+ """
+ Ignore attempts to add a user to this domain.
+ @type user: L{bytes}
+ @param user: A username.
+ @type password: L{bytes}
+ @param password: A password.
+ """
+ pass
+ def getCredentialsCheckers(self):
+ """
+ Return no credentials checkers for this domain.
+ @rtype: L{list}
+ @return: The empty list.
+ """
+ return []
+class FileMessage:
+ """
+ A message receiver which delivers a message to a file.
+ @ivar fp: See L{__init__}.
+ @ivar name: See L{__init__}.
+ @ivar finalName: See L{__init__}.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, fp, name, finalName):
+ """
+ @type fp: file-like object
+ @param fp: The file in which to store the message while it is being
+ received.
+ @type name: L{bytes}
+ @param name: The full path name of the temporary file.
+ @type finalName: L{bytes}
+ @param finalName: The full path name that should be given to the file
+ holding the message after it has been fully received.
+ """
+ self.fp = fp
+ self.name = name
+ self.finalName = finalName
+ def lineReceived(self, line):
+ """
+ Write a received line to the file.
+ @type line: L{bytes}
+ @param line: A received line.
+ """
+ self.fp.write(line + b"\n")
+ def eomReceived(self):
+ """
+ At the end of message, rename the file holding the message to its
+ final name.
+ @rtype: L{Deferred} which successfully results in L{bytes}
+ @return: A deferred which returns the final name of the file.
+ """
+ self.fp.close()
+ os.rename(self.name, self.finalName)
+ return defer.succeed(self.finalName)
+ def connectionLost(self):
+ """
+ Delete the file holding the partially received message.
+ """
+ self.fp.close()
+ os.remove(self.name)
+class MailService(service.MultiService):
+ """
+ An email service.
+ @type queue: L{Queue} or L{None}
+ @ivar queue: A queue for outgoing messages.
+ @type domains: L{dict} of L{bytes} -> L{IDomain} provider
+ @ivar domains: A mapping of supported domain name to domain object.
+ @type portals: L{dict} of L{bytes} -> L{Portal}
+ @ivar portals: A mapping of domain name to authentication portal.
+ @type aliases: L{None} or L{dict} of
+ L{bytes} -> L{IAlias} provider
+ @ivar aliases: A mapping of domain name to alias.
+ @type smtpPortal: L{Portal}
+ @ivar smtpPortal: A portal for authentication for the SMTP server.
+ @type monitor: L{FileMonitoringService}
+ @ivar monitor: A service to monitor changes to files.
+ """
+ queue = None
+ domains = None
+ portals = None
+ aliases = None
+ smtpPortal = None
+ def __init__(self):
+ """
+ Initialize the mail service.
+ """
+ service.MultiService.__init__(self)
+ # Domains and portals for "client" protocols - POP3, IMAP4, etc
+ self.domains = DomainWithDefaultDict({}, BounceDomain())
+ self.portals = {}
+ self.monitor = FileMonitoringService()
+ self.monitor.setServiceParent(self)
+ self.smtpPortal = Portal(self)
+ def getPOP3Factory(self):
+ """
+ Create a POP3 protocol factory.
+ @rtype: L{POP3Factory}
+ @return: A POP3 protocol factory.
+ """
+ return protocols.POP3Factory(self)
+ def getSMTPFactory(self):
+ """
+ Create an SMTP protocol factory.
+ @rtype: L{SMTPFactory <protocols.SMTPFactory>}
+ @return: An SMTP protocol factory.
+ """
+ return protocols.SMTPFactory(self, self.smtpPortal)
+ def getESMTPFactory(self):
+ """
+ Create an ESMTP protocol factory.
+ @rtype: L{ESMTPFactory <protocols.ESMTPFactory>}
+ @return: An ESMTP protocol factory.
+ """
+ return protocols.ESMTPFactory(self, self.smtpPortal)
+ def addDomain(self, name, domain):
+ """
+ Add a domain for which the service will accept email.
+ @type name: L{bytes}
+ @param name: A domain name.
+ @type domain: L{IDomain} provider
+ @param domain: A domain object.
+ """
+ portal = Portal(domain)
+ map(portal.registerChecker, domain.getCredentialsCheckers())
+ self.domains[name] = domain
+ self.portals[name] = portal
+ if self.aliases and IAliasableDomain.providedBy(domain):
+ domain.setAliasGroup(self.aliases)
+ def setQueue(self, queue):
+ """
+ Set the queue for outgoing emails.
+ @type queue: L{Queue}
+ @param queue: A queue for outgoing messages.
+ """
+ self.queue = queue
+ def requestAvatar(self, avatarId, mind, *interfaces):
+ """
+ Return a message delivery for an authenticated SMTP user.
+ @type avatarId: L{bytes}
+ @param avatarId: A string which identifies an authenticated user.
+ @type mind: L{None}
+ @param mind: Unused.
+ @type interfaces: n-L{tuple} of C{zope.interface.Interface}
+ @param interfaces: A group of interfaces one of which the avatar must
+ support.
+ @rtype: 3-L{tuple} of (E{1}) L{IMessageDelivery},
+ (E{2}) L{ESMTPDomainDelivery}, (E{3}) no-argument callable
+ @return: A tuple of the supported interface, a message delivery, and
+ a logout function.
+ @raise NotImplementedError: When the given interfaces do not include
+ L{IMessageDelivery}.
+ """
+ if smtp.IMessageDelivery in interfaces:
+ a = protocols.ESMTPDomainDelivery(self, avatarId)
+ return smtp.IMessageDelivery, a, lambda: None
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def lookupPortal(self, name):
+ """
+ Find the portal for a domain.
+ @type name: L{bytes}
+ @param name: A domain name.
+ @rtype: L{Portal}
+ @return: A portal.
+ """
+ return self.portals[name]
+ def defaultPortal(self):
+ """
+ Return the portal for the default domain.
+ The default domain is named ''.
+ @rtype: L{Portal}
+ @return: The portal for the default domain.
+ """
+ return self.portals[""]
+class FileMonitoringService(internet.TimerService):
+ """
+ A service for monitoring changes to files.
+ @type files: L{list} of L{list} of (E{1}) L{float}, (E{2}) L{bytes},
+ (E{3}) callable which takes a L{bytes} argument, (E{4}) L{float}
+ @ivar files: Information about files to be monitored. Each list entry
+ provides the following information for a file: interval in seconds
+ between checks, filename, callback function, time of last modification
+ to the file.
+ @type intervals: L{_IntervalDifferentialIterator
+ <twisted.python.util._IntervalDifferentialIterator>}
+ @ivar intervals: Intervals between successive file checks.
+ @type _call: L{IDelayedCall <twisted.internet.interfaces.IDelayedCall>}
+ provider
+ @ivar _call: The next scheduled call to check a file.
+ @type index: L{int}
+ @ivar index: The index of the next file to be checked.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """
+ Initialize the file monitoring service.
+ """
+ self.files = []
+ self.intervals = iter(util.IntervalDifferential([], 60))
+ def startService(self):
+ """
+ Start the file monitoring service.
+ """
+ service.Service.startService(self)
+ self._setupMonitor()
+ def _setupMonitor(self):
+ """
+ Schedule the next monitoring call.
+ """
+ from twisted.internet import reactor
+ t, self.index = self.intervals.next()
+ self._call = reactor.callLater(t, self._monitor)
+ def stopService(self):
+ """
+ Stop the file monitoring service.
+ """
+ service.Service.stopService(self)
+ if self._call:
+ self._call.cancel()
+ self._call = None
+ def monitorFile(self, name, callback, interval=10):
+ """
+ Start monitoring a file for changes.
+ @type name: L{bytes}
+ @param name: The name of a file to monitor.
+ @type callback: callable which takes a L{bytes} argument
+ @param callback: The function to call when the file has changed.
+ @type interval: L{float}
+ @param interval: The interval in seconds between checks.
+ """
+ try:
+ mtime = os.path.getmtime(name)
+ except BaseException:
+ mtime = 0
+ self.files.append([interval, name, callback, mtime])
+ self.intervals.addInterval(interval)
+ def unmonitorFile(self, name):
+ """
+ Stop monitoring a file.
+ @type name: L{bytes}
+ @param name: A file name.
+ """
+ for i in range(len(self.files)):
+ if name == self.files[i][1]:
+ self.intervals.removeInterval(self.files[i][0])
+ del self.files[i]
+ break
+ def _monitor(self):
+ """
+ Monitor a file and make a callback if it has changed.
+ """
+ self._call = None
+ if self.index is not None:
+ name, callback, mtime = self.files[self.index][1:]
+ try:
+ now = os.path.getmtime(name)
+ except BaseException:
+ now = 0
+ if now > mtime:
+ log.msg(f"{name} changed, notifying listener")
+ self.files[self.index][3] = now
+ callback(name)
+ self._setupMonitor()