path: root/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/mail/interfaces.py
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authorshmel1k <shmel1k@ydb.tech>2023-11-26 18:16:14 +0300
committershmel1k <shmel1k@ydb.tech>2023-11-26 18:43:30 +0300
commitb8cf9e88f4c5c64d9406af533d8948deb050d695 (patch)
tree218eb61fb3c3b96ec08b4d8cdfef383104a87d63 /contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/mail/interfaces.py
parent523f645a83a0ec97a0332dbc3863bb354c92a328 (diff)
add kikimr_configure
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/mail/interfaces.py')
1 files changed, 1050 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/mail/interfaces.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/mail/interfaces.py
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index 0000000000..dd87d35a63
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+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py3/twisted/mail/interfaces.py
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+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+Interfaces for L{twisted.mail}.
+@since: 16.5
+from zope.interface import Interface
+class IChallengeResponse(Interface):
+ """
+ An C{IMAPrev4} authorization challenge mechanism.
+ """
+ def getChallenge():
+ """
+ Return a client challenge.
+ @return: A challenge.
+ @rtype: L{bytes}
+ """
+ def setResponse(response):
+ """
+ Extract a username and possibly a password from a response and
+ assign them to C{username} and C{password} instance variables.
+ @param response: A decoded response.
+ @type response: L{bytes}
+ @see: L{credentials.IUsernamePassword} or
+ L{credentials.IUsernameHashedPassword}
+ """
+ def moreChallenges():
+ """
+ Are there more challenges than just the first? If so, callers
+ should challenge clients with the result of L{getChallenge},
+ and check their response with L{setResponse} in a loop until
+ this returns L{False}
+ @return: Are there more challenges?
+ @rtype: L{bool}
+ """
+class IClientAuthentication(Interface):
+ def getName():
+ """
+ Return an identifier associated with this authentication scheme.
+ @rtype: L{bytes}
+ """
+ def challengeResponse(secret, challenge):
+ """
+ Generate a challenge response string.
+ """
+class IServerFactoryPOP3(Interface):
+ """
+ An interface for querying capabilities of a POP3 server.
+ Any cap_* method may raise L{NotImplementedError} if the particular
+ capability is not supported. If L{cap_EXPIRE()} does not raise
+ L{NotImplementedError}, L{perUserExpiration()} must be implemented,
+ otherwise they are optional. If L{cap_LOGIN_DELAY()} is implemented,
+ L{perUserLoginDelay()} must be implemented, otherwise they are optional.
+ @type challengers: L{dict} of L{bytes} -> L{IUsernameHashedPassword
+ <cred.credentials.IUsernameHashedPassword>}
+ @ivar challengers: A mapping of challenger names to
+ L{IUsernameHashedPassword <cred.credentials.IUsernameHashedPassword>}
+ provider.
+ """
+ """
+ Return a string describing the POP3 server implementation.
+ @rtype: L{bytes}
+ @return: Server implementation information.
+ """
+ def cap_EXPIRE():
+ """
+ Return the minimum number of days messages are retained.
+ @rtype: L{int} or L{None}
+ @return: The minimum number of days messages are retained or none, if
+ the server never deletes messages.
+ """
+ def perUserExpiration():
+ """
+ Indicate whether the message expiration policy differs per user.
+ @rtype: L{bool}
+ @return: C{True} when the message expiration policy differs per user,
+ C{False} otherwise.
+ """
+ def cap_LOGIN_DELAY():
+ """
+ Return the minimum number of seconds between client logins.
+ @rtype: L{int}
+ @return: The minimum number of seconds between client logins.
+ """
+ def perUserLoginDelay():
+ """
+ Indicate whether the login delay period differs per user.
+ @rtype: L{bool}
+ @return: C{True} when the login delay differs per user, C{False}
+ otherwise.
+ """
+class IMailboxPOP3(Interface):
+ """
+ An interface for mailbox access.
+ Message indices are 0-based.
+ @type loginDelay: L{int}
+ @ivar loginDelay: The number of seconds between allowed logins for the
+ user associated with this mailbox.
+ @type messageExpiration: L{int}
+ @ivar messageExpiration: The number of days messages in this mailbox will
+ remain on the server before being deleted.
+ """
+ def listMessages(index=None):
+ """
+ Retrieve the size of a message, or, if none is specified, the size of
+ each message in the mailbox.
+ @type index: L{int} or L{None}
+ @param index: The 0-based index of the message.
+ @rtype: L{int}, sequence of L{int}, or L{Deferred <defer.Deferred>}
+ @return: The number of octets in the specified message, or, if an
+ index is not specified, a sequence of the number of octets for
+ all messages in the mailbox or a deferred which fires with
+ one of those. Any value which corresponds to a deleted message
+ is set to 0.
+ @raise ValueError or IndexError: When the index does not correspond to
+ a message in the mailbox. The use of ValueError is preferred.
+ """
+ def getMessage(index):
+ """
+ Retrieve a file containing the contents of a message.
+ @type index: L{int}
+ @param index: The 0-based index of a message.
+ @rtype: file-like object
+ @return: A file containing the message.
+ @raise ValueError or IndexError: When the index does not correspond to
+ a message in the mailbox. The use of ValueError is preferred.
+ """
+ def getUidl(index):
+ """
+ Get a unique identifier for a message.
+ @type index: L{int}
+ @param index: The 0-based index of a message.
+ @rtype: L{bytes}
+ @return: A string of printable characters uniquely identifying the
+ message for all time.
+ @raise ValueError or IndexError: When the index does not correspond to
+ a message in the mailbox. The use of ValueError is preferred.
+ """
+ def deleteMessage(index):
+ """
+ Mark a message for deletion.
+ This must not change the number of messages in this mailbox. Further
+ requests for the size of the deleted message should return 0. Further
+ requests for the message itself may raise an exception.
+ @type index: L{int}
+ @param index: The 0-based index of a message.
+ @raise ValueError or IndexError: When the index does not correspond to
+ a message in the mailbox. The use of ValueError is preferred.
+ """
+ def undeleteMessages():
+ """
+ Undelete all messages marked for deletion.
+ Any message which can be undeleted should be returned to its original
+ position in the message sequence and retain its original UID.
+ """
+ def sync():
+ """
+ Discard the contents of any message marked for deletion.
+ """
+class IDomain(Interface):
+ """
+ An interface for email domains.
+ """
+ def exists(user):
+ """
+ Check whether a user exists in this domain.
+ @type user: L{User}
+ @param user: A user.
+ @rtype: no-argument callable which returns L{IMessageSMTP} provider
+ @return: A function which takes no arguments and returns a message
+ receiver for the user.
+ @raise SMTPBadRcpt: When the given user does not exist in this domain.
+ """
+ def addUser(user, password):
+ """
+ Add a user to this domain.
+ @type user: L{bytes}
+ @param user: A username.
+ @type password: L{bytes}
+ @param password: A password.
+ """
+ def getCredentialsCheckers():
+ """
+ Return credentials checkers for this domain.
+ @rtype: L{list} of L{ICredentialsChecker
+ <twisted.cred.checkers.ICredentialsChecker>} provider
+ @return: Credentials checkers for this domain.
+ """
+class IAlias(Interface):
+ """
+ An interface for aliases.
+ """
+ def createMessageReceiver():
+ """
+ Create a message receiver.
+ @rtype: L{IMessageSMTP} provider
+ @return: A message receiver.
+ """
+class IAliasableDomain(IDomain):
+ """
+ An interface for email domains which can be aliased to other domains.
+ """
+ def setAliasGroup(aliases):
+ """
+ Set the group of defined aliases for this domain.
+ @type aliases: L{dict} of L{bytes} -> L{IAlias} provider
+ @param aliases: A mapping of domain name to alias.
+ """
+ def exists(user, memo=None):
+ """
+ Check whether a user exists in this domain or an alias of it.
+ @type user: L{User}
+ @param user: A user.
+ @type memo: L{None} or L{dict} of
+ L{AliasBase <twisted.mail.alias.AliasBase>}
+ @param memo: A record of the addresses already considered while
+ resolving aliases. The default value should be used by all external
+ code.
+ @rtype: no-argument callable which returns L{IMessageSMTP} provider
+ @return: A function which takes no arguments and returns a message
+ receiver for the user.
+ @raise SMTPBadRcpt: When the given user does not exist in this domain
+ or an alias of it.
+ """
+class IMessageDelivery(Interface):
+ def receivedHeader(helo, origin, recipients):
+ """
+ Generate the Received header for a message.
+ @type helo: 2-L{tuple} of L{bytes} and L{bytes}.
+ @param helo: The argument to the HELO command and the client's IP
+ address.
+ @type origin: L{Address}
+ @param origin: The address the message is from
+ @type recipients: L{list} of L{User}
+ @param recipients: A list of the addresses for which this message
+ is bound.
+ @rtype: L{bytes}
+ @return: The full C{"Received"} header string.
+ """
+ def validateTo(user):
+ """
+ Validate the address for which the message is destined.
+ @type user: L{User}
+ @param user: The address to validate.
+ @rtype: no-argument callable
+ @return: A L{Deferred} which becomes, or a callable which takes no
+ arguments and returns an object implementing L{IMessageSMTP}. This
+ will be called and the returned object used to deliver the message
+ when it arrives.
+ @raise SMTPBadRcpt: Raised if messages to the address are not to be
+ accepted.
+ """
+ def validateFrom(helo, origin):
+ """
+ Validate the address from which the message originates.
+ @type helo: 2-L{tuple} of L{bytes} and L{bytes}.
+ @param helo: The argument to the HELO command and the client's IP
+ address.
+ @type origin: L{Address}
+ @param origin: The address the message is from
+ @rtype: L{Deferred} or L{Address}
+ @return: C{origin} or a L{Deferred} whose callback will be
+ passed C{origin}.
+ @raise SMTPBadSender: Raised of messages from this address are
+ not to be accepted.
+ """
+class IMessageDeliveryFactory(Interface):
+ """
+ An alternate interface to implement for handling message delivery.
+ It is useful to implement this interface instead of L{IMessageDelivery}
+ directly because it allows the implementor to distinguish between different
+ messages delivery over the same connection. This can be used to optimize
+ delivery of a single message to multiple recipients, something which cannot
+ be done by L{IMessageDelivery} implementors due to their lack of
+ information.
+ """
+ def getMessageDelivery():
+ """
+ Return an L{IMessageDelivery} object.
+ This will be called once per message.
+ """
+class IMessageSMTP(Interface):
+ """
+ Interface definition for messages that can be sent via SMTP.
+ """
+ def lineReceived(line):
+ """
+ Handle another line.
+ """
+ def eomReceived():
+ """
+ Handle end of message.
+ return a deferred. The deferred should be called with either:
+ callback(string) or errback(error)
+ @rtype: L{Deferred}
+ """
+ def connectionLost():
+ """
+ Handle message truncated.
+ semantics should be to discard the message
+ """
+class IMessageIMAPPart(Interface):
+ def getHeaders(negate, *names):
+ """
+ Retrieve a group of message headers.
+ @type names: L{tuple} of L{str}
+ @param names: The names of the headers to retrieve or omit.
+ @type negate: L{bool}
+ @param negate: If True, indicates that the headers listed in C{names}
+ should be omitted from the return value, rather than included.
+ @rtype: L{dict}
+ @return: A mapping of header field names to header field values
+ """
+ def getBodyFile():
+ """
+ Retrieve a file object containing only the body of this message.
+ """
+ def getSize():
+ """
+ Retrieve the total size, in octets, of this message.
+ @rtype: L{int}
+ """
+ def isMultipart():
+ """
+ Indicate whether this message has subparts.
+ @rtype: L{bool}
+ """
+ def getSubPart(part):
+ """
+ Retrieve a MIME sub-message
+ @type part: L{int}
+ @param part: The number of the part to retrieve, indexed from 0.
+ @raise IndexError: Raised if the specified part does not exist.
+ @raise TypeError: Raised if this message is not multipart.
+ @rtype: Any object implementing L{IMessageIMAPPart}.
+ @return: The specified sub-part.
+ """
+class IMessageIMAP(IMessageIMAPPart):
+ def getUID():
+ """
+ Retrieve the unique identifier associated with this message.
+ """
+ def getFlags():
+ """
+ Retrieve the flags associated with this message.
+ @rtype: C{iterable}
+ @return: The flags, represented as strings.
+ """
+ def getInternalDate():
+ """
+ Retrieve the date internally associated with this message.
+ @rtype: L{bytes}
+ @return: An RFC822-formatted date string.
+ """
+class IMessageIMAPFile(Interface):
+ """
+ Optional message interface for representing messages as files.
+ If provided by message objects, this interface will be used instead the
+ more complex MIME-based interface.
+ """
+ def open():
+ """
+ Return a file-like object opened for reading.
+ Reading from the returned file will return all the bytes of which this
+ message consists.
+ """
+class ISearchableIMAPMailbox(Interface):
+ def search(query, uid):
+ """
+ Search for messages that meet the given query criteria.
+ If this interface is not implemented by the mailbox,
+ L{IMailboxIMAP.fetch} and various methods of L{IMessageIMAP} will be
+ used instead.
+ Implementations which wish to offer better performance than the default
+ implementation should implement this interface.
+ @type query: L{list}
+ @param query: The search criteria
+ @type uid: L{bool}
+ @param uid: If true, the IDs specified in the query are UIDs; otherwise
+ they are message sequence IDs.
+ @rtype: L{list} or L{Deferred}
+ @return: A list of message sequence numbers or message UIDs which match
+ the search criteria or a L{Deferred} whose callback will be invoked
+ with such a list.
+ @raise IllegalQueryError: Raised when query is not valid.
+ """
+class IMailboxIMAPListener(Interface):
+ """
+ Interface for objects interested in mailbox events
+ """
+ def modeChanged(writeable):
+ """
+ Indicates that the write status of a mailbox has changed.
+ @type writeable: L{bool}
+ @param writeable: A true value if write is now allowed, false
+ otherwise.
+ """
+ def flagsChanged(newFlags):
+ """
+ Indicates that the flags of one or more messages have changed.
+ @type newFlags: L{dict}
+ @param newFlags: A mapping of message identifiers to tuples of flags
+ now set on that message.
+ """
+ def newMessages(exists, recent):
+ """
+ Indicates that the number of messages in a mailbox has changed.
+ @type exists: L{int} or L{None}
+ @param exists: The total number of messages now in this mailbox. If the
+ total number of messages has not changed, this should be L{None}.
+ @type recent: L{int}
+ @param recent: The number of messages now flagged C{\\Recent}. If the
+ number of recent messages has not changed, this should be L{None}.
+ """
+class IMessageIMAPCopier(Interface):
+ def copy(messageObject):
+ """
+ Copy the given message object into this mailbox.
+ The message object will be one which was previously returned by
+ L{IMailboxIMAP.fetch}.
+ Implementations which wish to offer better performance than the default
+ implementation should implement this interface.
+ If this interface is not implemented by the mailbox,
+ L{IMailboxIMAP.addMessage} will be used instead.
+ @rtype: L{Deferred} or L{int}
+ @return: Either the UID of the message or a Deferred which fires with
+ the UID when the copy finishes.
+ """
+class IMailboxIMAPInfo(Interface):
+ """
+ Interface specifying only the methods required for C{listMailboxes}.
+ Implementations can return objects implementing only these methods for
+ return to C{listMailboxes} if it can allow them to operate more
+ efficiently.
+ """
+ def getFlags():
+ """
+ Return the flags defined in this mailbox
+ Flags with the \\ prefix are reserved for use as system flags.
+ @rtype: L{list} of L{str}
+ @return: A list of the flags that can be set on messages in this
+ mailbox.
+ """
+ def getHierarchicalDelimiter():
+ """
+ Get the character which delimits namespaces for in this mailbox.
+ @rtype: L{bytes}
+ """
+class IMailboxIMAP(IMailboxIMAPInfo):
+ def getUIDValidity():
+ """
+ Return the unique validity identifier for this mailbox.
+ @rtype: L{int}
+ """
+ def getUIDNext():
+ """
+ Return the likely UID for the next message added to this mailbox.
+ @rtype: L{int}
+ """
+ def getUID(message):
+ """
+ Return the UID of a message in the mailbox
+ @type message: L{int}
+ @param message: The message sequence number
+ @rtype: L{int}
+ @return: The UID of the message.
+ """
+ def getMessageCount():
+ """
+ Return the number of messages in this mailbox.
+ @rtype: L{int}
+ """
+ def getRecentCount():
+ """
+ Return the number of messages with the 'Recent' flag.
+ @rtype: L{int}
+ """
+ def getUnseenCount():
+ """
+ Return the number of messages with the 'Unseen' flag.
+ @rtype: L{int}
+ """
+ def isWriteable():
+ """
+ Get the read/write status of the mailbox.
+ @rtype: L{int}
+ @return: A true value if write permission is allowed, a false value
+ otherwise.
+ """
+ def destroy():
+ """
+ Called before this mailbox is deleted, permanently.
+ If necessary, all resources held by this mailbox should be cleaned up
+ here. This function _must_ set the \\Noselect flag on this mailbox.
+ """
+ def requestStatus(names):
+ """
+ Return status information about this mailbox.
+ Mailboxes which do not intend to do any special processing to generate
+ the return value, C{statusRequestHelper} can be used to build the
+ dictionary by calling the other interface methods which return the data
+ for each name.
+ @type names: Any iterable
+ @param names: The status names to return information regarding. The
+ possible values for each name are: MESSAGES, RECENT, UIDNEXT,
+ @rtype: L{dict} or L{Deferred}
+ @return: A dictionary containing status information about the requested
+ names is returned. If the process of looking this information up
+ would be costly, a deferred whose callback will eventually be
+ passed this dictionary is returned instead.
+ """
+ def addListener(listener):
+ """
+ Add a mailbox change listener
+ @type listener: Any object which implements C{IMailboxIMAPListener}
+ @param listener: An object to add to the set of those which will be
+ notified when the contents of this mailbox change.
+ """
+ def removeListener(listener):
+ """
+ Remove a mailbox change listener
+ @type listener: Any object previously added to and not removed from
+ this mailbox as a listener.
+ @param listener: The object to remove from the set of listeners.
+ @raise ValueError: Raised when the given object is not a listener for
+ this mailbox.
+ """
+ def addMessage(message, flags, date):
+ """
+ Add the given message to this mailbox.
+ @type message: A file-like object
+ @param message: The RFC822 formatted message
+ @type flags: Any iterable of L{bytes}
+ @param flags: The flags to associate with this message
+ @type date: L{bytes}
+ @param date: If specified, the date to associate with this message.
+ @rtype: L{Deferred}
+ @return: A deferred whose callback is invoked with the message id if
+ the message is added successfully and whose errback is invoked
+ otherwise.
+ @raise ReadOnlyMailbox: Raised if this Mailbox is not open for
+ read-write.
+ """
+ def expunge():
+ """
+ Remove all messages flagged \\Deleted.
+ @rtype: L{list} or L{Deferred}
+ @return: The list of message sequence numbers which were deleted, or a
+ L{Deferred} whose callback will be invoked with such a list.
+ @raise ReadOnlyMailbox: Raised if this Mailbox is not open for
+ read-write.
+ """
+ def fetch(messages, uid):
+ """
+ Retrieve one or more messages.
+ @type messages: C{MessageSet}
+ @param messages: The identifiers of messages to retrieve information
+ about
+ @type uid: L{bool}
+ @param uid: If true, the IDs specified in the query are UIDs; otherwise
+ they are message sequence IDs.
+ @rtype: Any iterable of two-tuples of message sequence numbers and
+ implementors of C{IMessageIMAP}.
+ """
+ def store(messages, flags, mode, uid):
+ """
+ Set the flags of one or more messages.
+ @type messages: A MessageSet object with the list of messages requested
+ @param messages: The identifiers of the messages to set the flags of.
+ @type flags: sequence of L{str}
+ @param flags: The flags to set, unset, or add.
+ @type mode: -1, 0, or 1
+ @param mode: If mode is -1, these flags should be removed from the
+ specified messages. If mode is 1, these flags should be added to
+ the specified messages. If mode is 0, all existing flags should be
+ cleared and these flags should be added.
+ @type uid: L{bool}
+ @param uid: If true, the IDs specified in the query are UIDs; otherwise
+ they are message sequence IDs.
+ @rtype: L{dict} or L{Deferred}
+ @return: A L{dict} mapping message sequence numbers to sequences of
+ L{str} representing the flags set on the message after this
+ operation has been performed, or a L{Deferred} whose callback will
+ be invoked with such a L{dict}.
+ @raise ReadOnlyMailbox: Raised if this mailbox is not open for
+ read-write.
+ """
+class ICloseableMailboxIMAP(Interface):
+ """
+ A supplementary interface for mailboxes which require cleanup on close.
+ Implementing this interface is optional. If it is implemented, the protocol
+ code will call the close method defined whenever a mailbox is closed.
+ """
+ def close():
+ """
+ Close this mailbox.
+ @return: A L{Deferred} which fires when this mailbox has been closed,
+ or None if the mailbox can be closed immediately.
+ """
+class IAccountIMAP(Interface):
+ """
+ Interface for Account classes
+ Implementors of this interface should consider implementing
+ C{INamespacePresenter}.
+ """
+ def addMailbox(name, mbox=None):
+ """
+ Add a new mailbox to this account
+ @type name: L{bytes}
+ @param name: The name associated with this mailbox. It may not contain
+ multiple hierarchical parts.
+ @type mbox: An object implementing C{IMailboxIMAP}
+ @param mbox: The mailbox to associate with this name. If L{None}, a
+ suitable default is created and used.
+ @rtype: L{Deferred} or L{bool}
+ @return: A true value if the creation succeeds, or a deferred whose
+ callback will be invoked when the creation succeeds.
+ @raise MailboxException: Raised if this mailbox cannot be added for
+ some reason. This may also be raised asynchronously, if a
+ L{Deferred} is returned.
+ """
+ def create(pathspec):
+ """
+ Create a new mailbox from the given hierarchical name.
+ @type pathspec: L{bytes}
+ @param pathspec: The full hierarchical name of a new mailbox to create.
+ If any of the inferior hierarchical names to this one do not exist,
+ they are created as well.
+ @rtype: L{Deferred} or L{bool}
+ @return: A true value if the creation succeeds, or a deferred whose
+ callback will be invoked when the creation succeeds.
+ @raise MailboxException: Raised if this mailbox cannot be added. This
+ may also be raised asynchronously, if a L{Deferred} is returned.
+ """
+ def select(name, rw=True):
+ """
+ Acquire a mailbox, given its name.
+ @type name: L{bytes}
+ @param name: The mailbox to acquire
+ @type rw: L{bool}
+ @param rw: If a true value, request a read-write version of this
+ mailbox. If a false value, request a read-only version.
+ @rtype: Any object implementing C{IMailboxIMAP} or L{Deferred}
+ @return: The mailbox object, or a L{Deferred} whose callback will be
+ invoked with the mailbox object. None may be returned if the
+ specified mailbox may not be selected for any reason.
+ """
+ def delete(name):
+ """
+ Delete the mailbox with the specified name.
+ @type name: L{bytes}
+ @param name: The mailbox to delete.
+ @rtype: L{Deferred} or L{bool}
+ @return: A true value if the mailbox is successfully deleted, or a
+ L{Deferred} whose callback will be invoked when the deletion
+ completes.
+ @raise MailboxException: Raised if this mailbox cannot be deleted. This
+ may also be raised asynchronously, if a L{Deferred} is returned.
+ """
+ def rename(oldname, newname):
+ """
+ Rename a mailbox
+ @type oldname: L{bytes}
+ @param oldname: The current name of the mailbox to rename.
+ @type newname: L{bytes}
+ @param newname: The new name to associate with the mailbox.
+ @rtype: L{Deferred} or L{bool}
+ @return: A true value if the mailbox is successfully renamed, or a
+ L{Deferred} whose callback will be invoked when the rename
+ operation is completed.
+ @raise MailboxException: Raised if this mailbox cannot be renamed. This
+ may also be raised asynchronously, if a L{Deferred} is returned.
+ """
+ def isSubscribed(name):
+ """
+ Check the subscription status of a mailbox
+ @type name: L{bytes}
+ @param name: The name of the mailbox to check
+ @rtype: L{Deferred} or L{bool}
+ @return: A true value if the given mailbox is currently subscribed to,
+ a false value otherwise. A L{Deferred} may also be returned whose
+ callback will be invoked with one of these values.
+ """
+ def subscribe(name):
+ """
+ Subscribe to a mailbox
+ @type name: L{bytes}
+ @param name: The name of the mailbox to subscribe to
+ @rtype: L{Deferred} or L{bool}
+ @return: A true value if the mailbox is subscribed to successfully, or
+ a Deferred whose callback will be invoked with this value when the
+ subscription is successful.
+ @raise MailboxException: Raised if this mailbox cannot be subscribed
+ to. This may also be raised asynchronously, if a L{Deferred} is
+ returned.
+ """
+ def unsubscribe(name):
+ """
+ Unsubscribe from a mailbox
+ @type name: L{bytes}
+ @param name: The name of the mailbox to unsubscribe from
+ @rtype: L{Deferred} or L{bool}
+ @return: A true value if the mailbox is unsubscribed from successfully,
+ or a Deferred whose callback will be invoked with this value when
+ the unsubscription is successful.
+ @raise MailboxException: Raised if this mailbox cannot be unsubscribed
+ from. This may also be raised asynchronously, if a L{Deferred} is
+ returned.
+ """
+ def listMailboxes(ref, wildcard):
+ """
+ List all the mailboxes that meet a certain criteria
+ @type ref: L{bytes}
+ @param ref: The context in which to apply the wildcard
+ @type wildcard: L{bytes}
+ @param wildcard: An expression against which to match mailbox names.
+ '*' matches any number of characters in a mailbox name, and '%'
+ matches similarly, but will not match across hierarchical
+ boundaries.
+ @rtype: L{list} of L{tuple}
+ @return: A list of C{(mailboxName, mailboxObject)} which meet the given
+ criteria. C{mailboxObject} should implement either
+ C{IMailboxIMAPInfo} or C{IMailboxIMAP}. A Deferred may also be
+ returned.
+ """
+class INamespacePresenter(Interface):
+ def getPersonalNamespaces():
+ """
+ Report the available personal namespaces.
+ Typically there should be only one personal namespace. A common name
+ for it is C{\"\"}, and its hierarchical delimiter is usually C{\"/\"}.
+ @rtype: iterable of two-tuples of strings
+ @return: The personal namespaces and their hierarchical delimiters. If
+ no namespaces of this type exist, None should be returned.
+ """
+ def getSharedNamespaces():
+ """
+ Report the available shared namespaces.
+ Shared namespaces do not belong to any individual user but are usually
+ to one or more of them. Examples of shared namespaces might be
+ C{\"#news\"} for a usenet gateway.
+ @rtype: iterable of two-tuples of strings
+ @return: The shared namespaces and their hierarchical delimiters. If no
+ namespaces of this type exist, None should be returned.
+ """
+ def getUserNamespaces():
+ """
+ Report the available user namespaces.
+ These are namespaces that contain folders belonging to other users
+ access to which this account has been granted.
+ @rtype: iterable of two-tuples of strings
+ @return: The user namespaces and their hierarchical delimiters. If no
+ namespaces of this type exist, None should be returned.
+ """
+__all__ = [
+ # IMAP
+ "IAccountIMAP",
+ "ICloseableMailboxIMAP",
+ "IMailboxIMAP",
+ "IMailboxIMAPInfo",
+ "IMailboxIMAPListener",
+ "IMessageIMAP",
+ "IMessageIMAPCopier",
+ "IMessageIMAPFile",
+ "IMessageIMAPPart",
+ "ISearchableIMAPMailbox",
+ "INamespacePresenter",
+ # SMTP
+ "IMessageDelivery",
+ "IMessageDeliveryFactory",
+ "IMessageSMTP",
+ # Domains and aliases
+ "IDomain",
+ "IAlias",
+ "IAliasableDomain",
+ # POP3
+ "IMailboxPOP3",
+ "IServerFactoryPOP3",
+ # Authentication
+ "IClientAuthentication",