path: root/contrib/python/Twisted/py2/twisted/conch/unix.py
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authorshmel1k <shmel1k@ydb.tech>2023-11-26 18:16:14 +0300
committershmel1k <shmel1k@ydb.tech>2023-11-26 18:43:30 +0300
commitb8cf9e88f4c5c64d9406af533d8948deb050d695 (patch)
tree218eb61fb3c3b96ec08b4d8cdfef383104a87d63 /contrib/python/Twisted/py2/twisted/conch/unix.py
parent523f645a83a0ec97a0332dbc3863bb354c92a328 (diff)
add kikimr_configure
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/Twisted/py2/twisted/conch/unix.py')
1 files changed, 535 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py2/twisted/conch/unix.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py2/twisted/conch/unix.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d9c3f05c89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py2/twisted/conch/unix.py
@@ -0,0 +1,535 @@
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+A UNIX SSH server.
+import fcntl
+import grp
+import os
+import pty
+import pwd
+import socket
+import struct
+import time
+import tty
+from zope.interface import implementer
+from twisted.conch import ttymodes
+from twisted.conch.avatar import ConchUser
+from twisted.conch.error import ConchError
+from twisted.conch.ls import lsLine
+from twisted.conch.ssh import session, forwarding, filetransfer
+from twisted.conch.ssh.filetransfer import (
+from twisted.conch.interfaces import ISession, ISFTPServer, ISFTPFile
+from twisted.cred import portal
+from twisted.internet.error import ProcessExitedAlready
+from twisted.python import components, log
+from twisted.python.compat import _bytesChr as chr, nativeString
+ import utmp
+except ImportError:
+ utmp = None
+class UnixSSHRealm:
+ def requestAvatar(self, username, mind, *interfaces):
+ user = UnixConchUser(username)
+ return interfaces[0], user, user.logout
+class UnixConchUser(ConchUser):
+ def __init__(self, username):
+ ConchUser.__init__(self)
+ self.username = username
+ self.pwdData = pwd.getpwnam(self.username)
+ l = [self.pwdData[3]]
+ for groupname, password, gid, userlist in grp.getgrall():
+ if username in userlist:
+ l.append(gid)
+ self.otherGroups = l
+ self.listeners = {} # Dict mapping (interface, port) -> listener
+ self.channelLookup.update(
+ {b"session": session.SSHSession,
+ b"direct-tcpip": forwarding.openConnectForwardingClient})
+ self.subsystemLookup.update(
+ {b"sftp": filetransfer.FileTransferServer})
+ def getUserGroupId(self):
+ return self.pwdData[2:4]
+ def getOtherGroups(self):
+ return self.otherGroups
+ def getHomeDir(self):
+ return self.pwdData[5]
+ def getShell(self):
+ return self.pwdData[6]
+ def global_tcpip_forward(self, data):
+ hostToBind, portToBind = forwarding.unpackGlobal_tcpip_forward(data)
+ from twisted.internet import reactor
+ try:
+ listener = self._runAsUser(
+ reactor.listenTCP, portToBind,
+ forwarding.SSHListenForwardingFactory(
+ self.conn,
+ (hostToBind, portToBind),
+ forwarding.SSHListenServerForwardingChannel),
+ interface=hostToBind)
+ except:
+ return 0
+ else:
+ self.listeners[(hostToBind, portToBind)] = listener
+ if portToBind == 0:
+ portToBind = listener.getHost()[2] # The port
+ return 1, struct.pack('>L', portToBind)
+ else:
+ return 1
+ def global_cancel_tcpip_forward(self, data):
+ hostToBind, portToBind = forwarding.unpackGlobal_tcpip_forward(data)
+ listener = self.listeners.get((hostToBind, portToBind), None)
+ if not listener:
+ return 0
+ del self.listeners[(hostToBind, portToBind)]
+ self._runAsUser(listener.stopListening)
+ return 1
+ def logout(self):
+ # Remove all listeners.
+ for listener in self.listeners.values():
+ self._runAsUser(listener.stopListening)
+ log.msg(
+ 'avatar %s logging out (%i)'
+ % (self.username, len(self.listeners)))
+ def _runAsUser(self, f, *args, **kw):
+ euid = os.geteuid()
+ egid = os.getegid()
+ groups = os.getgroups()
+ uid, gid = self.getUserGroupId()
+ os.setegid(0)
+ os.seteuid(0)
+ os.setgroups(self.getOtherGroups())
+ os.setegid(gid)
+ os.seteuid(uid)
+ try:
+ f = iter(f)
+ except TypeError:
+ f = [(f, args, kw)]
+ try:
+ for i in f:
+ func = i[0]
+ args = len(i) > 1 and i[1] or ()
+ kw = len(i) > 2 and i[2] or {}
+ r = func(*args, **kw)
+ finally:
+ os.setegid(0)
+ os.seteuid(0)
+ os.setgroups(groups)
+ os.setegid(egid)
+ os.seteuid(euid)
+ return r
+class SSHSessionForUnixConchUser:
+ def __init__(self, avatar, reactor=None):
+ """
+ Construct an C{SSHSessionForUnixConchUser}.
+ @param avatar: The L{UnixConchUser} for whom this is an SSH session.
+ @param reactor: An L{IReactorProcess} used to handle shell and exec
+ requests. Uses the default reactor if None.
+ """
+ if reactor is None:
+ from twisted.internet import reactor
+ self._reactor = reactor
+ self.avatar = avatar
+ self.environ = {'PATH': '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin'}
+ self.pty = None
+ self.ptyTuple = 0
+ def addUTMPEntry(self, loggedIn=1):
+ if not utmp:
+ return
+ ipAddress = self.avatar.conn.transport.transport.getPeer().host
+ packedIp, = struct.unpack('L', socket.inet_aton(ipAddress))
+ ttyName = self.ptyTuple[2][5:]
+ t = time.time()
+ t1 = int(t)
+ t2 = int((t-t1) * 1e6)
+ entry = utmp.UtmpEntry()
+ entry.ut_type = loggedIn and utmp.USER_PROCESS or utmp.DEAD_PROCESS
+ entry.ut_pid = self.pty.pid
+ entry.ut_line = ttyName
+ entry.ut_id = ttyName[-4:]
+ entry.ut_tv = (t1, t2)
+ if loggedIn:
+ entry.ut_user = self.avatar.username
+ entry.ut_host = socket.gethostbyaddr(ipAddress)[0]
+ entry.ut_addr_v6 = (packedIp, 0, 0, 0)
+ a = utmp.UtmpRecord(utmp.UTMP_FILE)
+ a.pututline(entry)
+ a.endutent()
+ b = utmp.UtmpRecord(utmp.WTMP_FILE)
+ b.pututline(entry)
+ b.endutent()
+ def getPty(self, term, windowSize, modes):
+ self.environ['TERM'] = term
+ self.winSize = windowSize
+ self.modes = modes
+ master, slave = pty.openpty()
+ ttyname = os.ttyname(slave)
+ self.environ['SSH_TTY'] = ttyname
+ self.ptyTuple = (master, slave, ttyname)
+ def openShell(self, proto):
+ if not self.ptyTuple: # We didn't get a pty-req.
+ log.msg('tried to get shell without pty, failing')
+ raise ConchError("no pty")
+ uid, gid = self.avatar.getUserGroupId()
+ homeDir = self.avatar.getHomeDir()
+ shell = self.avatar.getShell()
+ self.environ['USER'] = self.avatar.username
+ self.environ['HOME'] = homeDir
+ self.environ['SHELL'] = shell
+ shellExec = os.path.basename(shell)
+ peer = self.avatar.conn.transport.transport.getPeer()
+ host = self.avatar.conn.transport.transport.getHost()
+ self.environ['SSH_CLIENT'] = '%s %s %s' % (
+ peer.host, peer.port, host.port)
+ self.getPtyOwnership()
+ self.pty = self._reactor.spawnProcess(
+ proto, shell, ['-%s' % (shellExec,)], self.environ, homeDir, uid,
+ gid, usePTY=self.ptyTuple)
+ self.addUTMPEntry()
+ fcntl.ioctl(self.pty.fileno(), tty.TIOCSWINSZ,
+ struct.pack('4H', *self.winSize))
+ if self.modes:
+ self.setModes()
+ self.oldWrite = proto.transport.write
+ proto.transport.write = self._writeHack
+ self.avatar.conn.transport.transport.setTcpNoDelay(1)
+ def execCommand(self, proto, cmd):
+ uid, gid = self.avatar.getUserGroupId()
+ homeDir = self.avatar.getHomeDir()
+ shell = self.avatar.getShell() or '/bin/sh'
+ self.environ['HOME'] = homeDir
+ command = (shell, '-c', cmd)
+ peer = self.avatar.conn.transport.transport.getPeer()
+ host = self.avatar.conn.transport.transport.getHost()
+ self.environ['SSH_CLIENT'] = '%s %s %s' % (
+ peer.host, peer.port, host.port)
+ if self.ptyTuple:
+ self.getPtyOwnership()
+ self.pty = self._reactor.spawnProcess(
+ proto, shell, command, self.environ, homeDir, uid, gid,
+ usePTY=self.ptyTuple or 0)
+ if self.ptyTuple:
+ self.addUTMPEntry()
+ if self.modes:
+ self.setModes()
+ self.avatar.conn.transport.transport.setTcpNoDelay(1)
+ def getPtyOwnership(self):
+ ttyGid = os.stat(self.ptyTuple[2])[5]
+ uid, gid = self.avatar.getUserGroupId()
+ euid, egid = os.geteuid(), os.getegid()
+ os.setegid(0)
+ os.seteuid(0)
+ try:
+ os.chown(self.ptyTuple[2], uid, ttyGid)
+ finally:
+ os.setegid(egid)
+ os.seteuid(euid)
+ def setModes(self):
+ pty = self.pty
+ attr = tty.tcgetattr(pty.fileno())
+ for mode, modeValue in self.modes:
+ if mode not in ttymodes.TTYMODES:
+ continue
+ ttyMode = ttymodes.TTYMODES[mode]
+ if len(ttyMode) == 2: # Flag.
+ flag, ttyAttr = ttyMode
+ if not hasattr(tty, ttyAttr):
+ continue
+ ttyval = getattr(tty, ttyAttr)
+ if modeValue:
+ attr[flag] = attr[flag] | ttyval
+ else:
+ attr[flag] = attr[flag] & ~ttyval
+ elif ttyMode == 'OSPEED':
+ attr[tty.OSPEED] = getattr(tty, 'B%s' % (modeValue,))
+ elif ttyMode == 'ISPEED':
+ attr[tty.ISPEED] = getattr(tty, 'B%s' % (modeValue,))
+ else:
+ if not hasattr(tty, ttyMode):
+ continue
+ ttyval = getattr(tty, ttyMode)
+ attr[tty.CC][ttyval] = chr(modeValue)
+ tty.tcsetattr(pty.fileno(), tty.TCSANOW, attr)
+ def eofReceived(self):
+ if self.pty:
+ self.pty.closeStdin()
+ def closed(self):
+ if self.ptyTuple and os.path.exists(self.ptyTuple[2]):
+ ttyGID = os.stat(self.ptyTuple[2])[5]
+ os.chown(self.ptyTuple[2], 0, ttyGID)
+ if self.pty:
+ try:
+ self.pty.signalProcess('HUP')
+ except (OSError, ProcessExitedAlready):
+ pass
+ self.pty.loseConnection()
+ self.addUTMPEntry(0)
+ log.msg('shell closed')
+ def windowChanged(self, winSize):
+ self.winSize = winSize
+ fcntl.ioctl(
+ self.pty.fileno(), tty.TIOCSWINSZ,
+ struct.pack('4H', *self.winSize))
+ def _writeHack(self, data):
+ """
+ Hack to send ignore messages when we aren't echoing.
+ """
+ if self.pty is not None:
+ attr = tty.tcgetattr(self.pty.fileno())[3]
+ if not attr & tty.ECHO and attr & tty.ICANON: # No echo.
+ self.avatar.conn.transport.sendIgnore('\x00'*(8+len(data)))
+ self.oldWrite(data)
+class SFTPServerForUnixConchUser:
+ def __init__(self, avatar):
+ self.avatar = avatar
+ def _setAttrs(self, path, attrs):
+ """
+ NOTE: this function assumes it runs as the logged-in user:
+ i.e. under _runAsUser()
+ """
+ if "uid" in attrs and "gid" in attrs:
+ os.chown(path, attrs["uid"], attrs["gid"])
+ if "permissions" in attrs:
+ os.chmod(path, attrs["permissions"])
+ if "atime" in attrs and "mtime" in attrs:
+ os.utime(path, (attrs["atime"], attrs["mtime"]))
+ def _getAttrs(self, s):
+ return {
+ "size": s.st_size,
+ "uid": s.st_uid,
+ "gid": s.st_gid,
+ "permissions": s.st_mode,
+ "atime": int(s.st_atime),
+ "mtime": int(s.st_mtime)
+ }
+ def _absPath(self, path):
+ home = self.avatar.getHomeDir()
+ return os.path.join(nativeString(home.path), nativeString(path))
+ def gotVersion(self, otherVersion, extData):
+ return {}
+ def openFile(self, filename, flags, attrs):
+ return UnixSFTPFile(self, self._absPath(filename), flags, attrs)
+ def removeFile(self, filename):
+ filename = self._absPath(filename)
+ return self.avatar._runAsUser(os.remove, filename)
+ def renameFile(self, oldpath, newpath):
+ oldpath = self._absPath(oldpath)
+ newpath = self._absPath(newpath)
+ return self.avatar._runAsUser(os.rename, oldpath, newpath)
+ def makeDirectory(self, path, attrs):
+ path = self._absPath(path)
+ return self.avatar._runAsUser(
+ [(os.mkdir, (path,)), (self._setAttrs, (path, attrs))])
+ def removeDirectory(self, path):
+ path = self._absPath(path)
+ self.avatar._runAsUser(os.rmdir, path)
+ def openDirectory(self, path):
+ return UnixSFTPDirectory(self, self._absPath(path))
+ def getAttrs(self, path, followLinks):
+ path = self._absPath(path)
+ if followLinks:
+ s = self.avatar._runAsUser(os.stat, path)
+ else:
+ s = self.avatar._runAsUser(os.lstat, path)
+ return self._getAttrs(s)
+ def setAttrs(self, path, attrs):
+ path = self._absPath(path)
+ self.avatar._runAsUser(self._setAttrs, path, attrs)
+ def readLink(self, path):
+ path = self._absPath(path)
+ return self.avatar._runAsUser(os.readlink, path)
+ def makeLink(self, linkPath, targetPath):
+ linkPath = self._absPath(linkPath)
+ targetPath = self._absPath(targetPath)
+ return self.avatar._runAsUser(os.symlink, targetPath, linkPath)
+ def realPath(self, path):
+ return os.path.realpath(self._absPath(path))
+ def extendedRequest(self, extName, extData):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class UnixSFTPFile:
+ def __init__(self, server, filename, flags, attrs):
+ self.server = server
+ openFlags = 0
+ if flags & FXF_READ == FXF_READ and flags & FXF_WRITE == 0:
+ openFlags = os.O_RDONLY
+ if flags & FXF_WRITE == FXF_WRITE and flags & FXF_READ == 0:
+ openFlags = os.O_WRONLY
+ if flags & FXF_WRITE == FXF_WRITE and flags & FXF_READ == FXF_READ:
+ openFlags = os.O_RDWR
+ if flags & FXF_APPEND == FXF_APPEND:
+ openFlags |= os.O_APPEND
+ if flags & FXF_CREAT == FXF_CREAT:
+ openFlags |= os.O_CREAT
+ if flags & FXF_TRUNC == FXF_TRUNC:
+ openFlags |= os.O_TRUNC
+ if flags & FXF_EXCL == FXF_EXCL:
+ openFlags |= os.O_EXCL
+ if "permissions" in attrs:
+ mode = attrs["permissions"]
+ del attrs["permissions"]
+ else:
+ mode = 0o777
+ fd = server.avatar._runAsUser(os.open, filename, openFlags, mode)
+ if attrs:
+ server.avatar._runAsUser(server._setAttrs, filename, attrs)
+ self.fd = fd
+ def close(self):
+ return self.server.avatar._runAsUser(os.close, self.fd)
+ def readChunk(self, offset, length):
+ return self.server.avatar._runAsUser(
+ [(os.lseek, (self.fd, offset, 0)),
+ (os.read, (self.fd, length))])
+ def writeChunk(self, offset, data):
+ return self.server.avatar._runAsUser(
+ [(os.lseek, (self.fd, offset, 0)),
+ (os.write, (self.fd, data))])
+ def getAttrs(self):
+ s = self.server.avatar._runAsUser(os.fstat, self.fd)
+ return self.server._getAttrs(s)
+ def setAttrs(self, attrs):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+class UnixSFTPDirectory:
+ def __init__(self, server, directory):
+ self.server = server
+ self.files = server.avatar._runAsUser(os.listdir, directory)
+ self.dir = directory
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+ def __next__(self):
+ try:
+ f = self.files.pop(0)
+ except IndexError:
+ raise StopIteration
+ else:
+ s = self.server.avatar._runAsUser(
+ os.lstat, os.path.join(self.dir, f))
+ longname = lsLine(f, s)
+ attrs = self.server._getAttrs(s)
+ return (f, longname, attrs)
+ next = __next__
+ def close(self):
+ self.files = []
+ SFTPServerForUnixConchUser, UnixConchUser, filetransfer.ISFTPServer)
+ SSHSessionForUnixConchUser, UnixConchUser, session.ISession)