path: root/contrib/python/Twisted/py2/twisted/conch/recvline.py
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authorshmel1k <shmel1k@ydb.tech>2023-11-26 18:16:14 +0300
committershmel1k <shmel1k@ydb.tech>2023-11-26 18:43:30 +0300
commitb8cf9e88f4c5c64d9406af533d8948deb050d695 (patch)
tree218eb61fb3c3b96ec08b4d8cdfef383104a87d63 /contrib/python/Twisted/py2/twisted/conch/recvline.py
parent523f645a83a0ec97a0332dbc3863bb354c92a328 (diff)
add kikimr_configure
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/Twisted/py2/twisted/conch/recvline.py')
1 files changed, 374 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/Twisted/py2/twisted/conch/recvline.py b/contrib/python/Twisted/py2/twisted/conch/recvline.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f7801b720e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Twisted/py2/twisted/conch/recvline.py
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+# -*- test-case-name: twisted.conch.test.test_recvline -*-
+# Copyright (c) Twisted Matrix Laboratories.
+# See LICENSE for details.
+Basic line editing support.
+@author: Jp Calderone
+import string
+from zope.interface import implementer
+from twisted.conch.insults import insults, helper
+from twisted.python import log, reflect
+from twisted.python.compat import iterbytes
+_counters = {}
+class Logging(object):
+ """
+ Wrapper which logs attribute lookups.
+ This was useful in debugging something, I guess. I forget what.
+ It can probably be deleted or moved somewhere more appropriate.
+ Nothing special going on here, really.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, original):
+ self.original = original
+ key = reflect.qual(original.__class__)
+ count = _counters.get(key, 0)
+ _counters[key] = count + 1
+ self._logFile = open(key + '-' + str(count), 'w')
+ def __str__(self):
+ return str(super(Logging, self).__getattribute__('original'))
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return repr(super(Logging, self).__getattribute__('original'))
+ def __getattribute__(self, name):
+ original = super(Logging, self).__getattribute__('original')
+ logFile = super(Logging, self).__getattribute__('_logFile')
+ logFile.write(name + '\n')
+ return getattr(original, name)
+class TransportSequence(object):
+ """
+ An L{ITerminalTransport} implementation which forwards calls to
+ one or more other L{ITerminalTransport}s.
+ This is a cheap way for servers to keep track of the state they
+ expect the client to see, since all terminal manipulations can be
+ send to the real client and to a terminal emulator that lives in
+ the server process.
+ """
+ for keyID in (b'UP_ARROW', b'DOWN_ARROW', b'RIGHT_ARROW', b'LEFT_ARROW',
+ b'HOME', b'INSERT', b'DELETE', b'END', b'PGUP', b'PGDN',
+ b'F1', b'F2', b'F3', b'F4', b'F5', b'F6', b'F7', b'F8',
+ b'F9', b'F10', b'F11', b'F12'):
+ execBytes = keyID + b" = object()"
+ execStr = execBytes.decode("ascii")
+ exec(execStr)
+ TAB = b'\t'
+ BACKSPACE = b'\x7f'
+ def __init__(self, *transports):
+ assert transports, (
+ "Cannot construct a TransportSequence with no transports")
+ self.transports = transports
+ for method in insults.ITerminalTransport:
+ exec("""\
+def %s(self, *a, **kw):
+ for tpt in self.transports:
+ result = tpt.%s(*a, **kw)
+ return result
+""" % (method, method))
+class LocalTerminalBufferMixin(object):
+ """
+ A mixin for RecvLine subclasses which records the state of the terminal.
+ This is accomplished by performing all L{ITerminalTransport} operations on both
+ the transport passed to makeConnection and an instance of helper.TerminalBuffer.
+ @ivar terminalCopy: A L{helper.TerminalBuffer} instance which efforts
+ will be made to keep up to date with the actual terminal
+ associated with this protocol instance.
+ """
+ def makeConnection(self, transport):
+ self.terminalCopy = helper.TerminalBuffer()
+ self.terminalCopy.connectionMade()
+ return super(LocalTerminalBufferMixin, self).makeConnection(
+ TransportSequence(transport, self.terminalCopy))
+ def __str__(self):
+ return str(self.terminalCopy)
+class RecvLine(insults.TerminalProtocol):
+ """
+ L{TerminalProtocol} which adds line editing features.
+ Clients will be prompted for lines of input with all the usual
+ features: character echoing, left and right arrow support for
+ moving the cursor to different areas of the line buffer, backspace
+ and delete for removing characters, and insert for toggling
+ between typeover and insert mode. Tabs will be expanded to enough
+ spaces to move the cursor to the next tabstop (every four
+ characters by default). Enter causes the line buffer to be
+ cleared and the line to be passed to the lineReceived() method
+ which, by default, does nothing. Subclasses are responsible for
+ redrawing the input prompt (this will probably change).
+ """
+ width = 80
+ height = 24
+ ps = (b'>>> ', b'... ')
+ pn = 0
+ _printableChars = string.printable.encode("ascii")
+ def connectionMade(self):
+ # A list containing the characters making up the current line
+ self.lineBuffer = []
+ # A zero-based (wtf else?) index into self.lineBuffer.
+ # Indicates the current cursor position.
+ self.lineBufferIndex = 0
+ t = self.terminal
+ # A map of keyIDs to bound instance methods.
+ self.keyHandlers = {
+ t.LEFT_ARROW: self.handle_LEFT,
+ t.RIGHT_ARROW: self.handle_RIGHT,
+ t.TAB: self.handle_TAB,
+ # Both of these should not be necessary, but figuring out
+ # which is necessary is a huge hassle.
+ b'\r': self.handle_RETURN,
+ b'\n': self.handle_RETURN,
+ t.BACKSPACE: self.handle_BACKSPACE,
+ t.DELETE: self.handle_DELETE,
+ t.INSERT: self.handle_INSERT,
+ t.HOME: self.handle_HOME,
+ t.END: self.handle_END}
+ self.initializeScreen()
+ def initializeScreen(self):
+ # Hmm, state sucks. Oh well.
+ # For now we will just take over the whole terminal.
+ self.terminal.reset()
+ self.terminal.write(self.ps[self.pn])
+ # XXX Note: I would prefer to default to starting in insert
+ # mode, however this does not seem to actually work! I do not
+ # know why. This is probably of interest to implementors
+ # subclassing RecvLine.
+ # XXX XXX Note: But the unit tests all expect the initial mode
+ # to be insert right now. Fuck, there needs to be a way to
+ # query the current mode or something.
+ # self.setTypeoverMode()
+ self.setInsertMode()
+ def currentLineBuffer(self):
+ s = b''.join(self.lineBuffer)
+ return s[:self.lineBufferIndex], s[self.lineBufferIndex:]
+ def setInsertMode(self):
+ self.mode = 'insert'
+ self.terminal.setModes([insults.modes.IRM])
+ def setTypeoverMode(self):
+ self.mode = 'typeover'
+ self.terminal.resetModes([insults.modes.IRM])
+ def drawInputLine(self):
+ """
+ Write a line containing the current input prompt and the current line
+ buffer at the current cursor position.
+ """
+ self.terminal.write(self.ps[self.pn] + b''.join(self.lineBuffer))
+ def terminalSize(self, width, height):
+ # XXX - Clear the previous input line, redraw it at the new
+ # cursor position
+ self.terminal.eraseDisplay()
+ self.terminal.cursorHome()
+ self.width = width
+ self.height = height
+ self.drawInputLine()
+ def unhandledControlSequence(self, seq):
+ pass
+ def keystrokeReceived(self, keyID, modifier):
+ m = self.keyHandlers.get(keyID)
+ if m is not None:
+ m()
+ elif keyID in self._printableChars:
+ self.characterReceived(keyID, False)
+ else:
+ log.msg("Received unhandled keyID: %r" % (keyID,))
+ def characterReceived(self, ch, moreCharactersComing):
+ if self.mode == 'insert':
+ self.lineBuffer.insert(self.lineBufferIndex, ch)
+ else:
+ self.lineBuffer[self.lineBufferIndex:self.lineBufferIndex+1] = [ch]
+ self.lineBufferIndex += 1
+ self.terminal.write(ch)
+ def handle_TAB(self):
+ n = self.TABSTOP - (len(self.lineBuffer) % self.TABSTOP)
+ self.terminal.cursorForward(n)
+ self.lineBufferIndex += n
+ self.lineBuffer.extend(iterbytes(b' ' * n))
+ def handle_LEFT(self):
+ if self.lineBufferIndex > 0:
+ self.lineBufferIndex -= 1
+ self.terminal.cursorBackward()
+ def handle_RIGHT(self):
+ if self.lineBufferIndex < len(self.lineBuffer):
+ self.lineBufferIndex += 1
+ self.terminal.cursorForward()
+ def handle_HOME(self):
+ if self.lineBufferIndex:
+ self.terminal.cursorBackward(self.lineBufferIndex)
+ self.lineBufferIndex = 0
+ def handle_END(self):
+ offset = len(self.lineBuffer) - self.lineBufferIndex
+ if offset:
+ self.terminal.cursorForward(offset)
+ self.lineBufferIndex = len(self.lineBuffer)
+ def handle_BACKSPACE(self):
+ if self.lineBufferIndex > 0:
+ self.lineBufferIndex -= 1
+ del self.lineBuffer[self.lineBufferIndex]
+ self.terminal.cursorBackward()
+ self.terminal.deleteCharacter()
+ def handle_DELETE(self):
+ if self.lineBufferIndex < len(self.lineBuffer):
+ del self.lineBuffer[self.lineBufferIndex]
+ self.terminal.deleteCharacter()
+ def handle_RETURN(self):
+ line = b''.join(self.lineBuffer)
+ self.lineBuffer = []
+ self.lineBufferIndex = 0
+ self.terminal.nextLine()
+ self.lineReceived(line)
+ def handle_INSERT(self):
+ assert self.mode in ('typeover', 'insert')
+ if self.mode == 'typeover':
+ self.setInsertMode()
+ else:
+ self.setTypeoverMode()
+ def lineReceived(self, line):
+ pass
+class HistoricRecvLine(RecvLine):
+ """
+ L{TerminalProtocol} which adds both basic line-editing features and input history.
+ Everything supported by L{RecvLine} is also supported by this class. In addition, the
+ up and down arrows traverse the input history. Each received line is automatically
+ added to the end of the input history.
+ """
+ def connectionMade(self):
+ RecvLine.connectionMade(self)
+ self.historyLines = []
+ self.historyPosition = 0
+ t = self.terminal
+ self.keyHandlers.update({t.UP_ARROW: self.handle_UP,
+ t.DOWN_ARROW: self.handle_DOWN})
+ def currentHistoryBuffer(self):
+ b = tuple(self.historyLines)
+ return b[:self.historyPosition], b[self.historyPosition:]
+ def _deliverBuffer(self, buf):
+ if buf:
+ for ch in iterbytes(buf[:-1]):
+ self.characterReceived(ch, True)
+ self.characterReceived(buf[-1:], False)
+ def handle_UP(self):
+ if self.lineBuffer and self.historyPosition == len(self.historyLines):
+ self.historyLines.append(b''.join(self.lineBuffer))
+ if self.historyPosition > 0:
+ self.handle_HOME()
+ self.terminal.eraseToLineEnd()
+ self.historyPosition -= 1
+ self.lineBuffer = []
+ self._deliverBuffer(self.historyLines[self.historyPosition])
+ def handle_DOWN(self):
+ if self.historyPosition < len(self.historyLines) - 1:
+ self.handle_HOME()
+ self.terminal.eraseToLineEnd()
+ self.historyPosition += 1
+ self.lineBuffer = []
+ self._deliverBuffer(self.historyLines[self.historyPosition])
+ else:
+ self.handle_HOME()
+ self.terminal.eraseToLineEnd()
+ self.historyPosition = len(self.historyLines)
+ self.lineBuffer = []
+ self.lineBufferIndex = 0
+ def handle_RETURN(self):
+ if self.lineBuffer:
+ self.historyLines.append(b''.join(self.lineBuffer))
+ self.historyPosition = len(self.historyLines)
+ return RecvLine.handle_RETURN(self)