path: root/contrib/python/Pygments/py3/pygments/lexers/algebra.py
diff options
authorilezhankin <ilezhankin@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:45:56 +0300
committerDaniil Cherednik <dcherednik@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:45:56 +0300
commit62a805381e41500fbc7914c37c71ab040a098f4e (patch)
tree1a2c5ffcf89eb53ecd79dbc9bc0a195c27404d0c /contrib/python/Pygments/py3/pygments/lexers/algebra.py
parent1d125034f06575234f83f24f08677955133f140e (diff)
Restoring authorship annotation for <ilezhankin@yandex-team.ru>. Commit 2 of 2.
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/Pygments/py3/pygments/lexers/algebra.py')
1 files changed, 214 insertions, 214 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/Pygments/py3/pygments/lexers/algebra.py b/contrib/python/Pygments/py3/pygments/lexers/algebra.py
index f5ac9857ca..3e5c47b8dd 100644
--- a/contrib/python/Pygments/py3/pygments/lexers/algebra.py
+++ b/contrib/python/Pygments/py3/pygments/lexers/algebra.py
@@ -1,75 +1,75 @@
- pygments.lexers.algebra
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Lexers for computer algebra systems.
+ pygments.lexers.algebra
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Lexers for computer algebra systems.
:copyright: Copyright 2006-2021 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
- :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
-import re
-from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer, bygroups, words
-from pygments.token import Text, Comment, Operator, Keyword, Name, String, \
+ :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+import re
+from pygments.lexer import RegexLexer, bygroups, words
+from pygments.token import Text, Comment, Operator, Keyword, Name, String, \
Number, Punctuation, Whitespace
-__all__ = ['GAPLexer', 'MathematicaLexer', 'MuPADLexer', 'BCLexer']
-class GAPLexer(RegexLexer):
- """
- For `GAP <http://www.gap-system.org>`_ source code.
- .. versionadded:: 2.0
- """
- name = 'GAP'
- aliases = ['gap']
- filenames = ['*.g', '*.gd', '*.gi', '*.gap']
- tokens = {
- 'root': [
- (r'#.*$', Comment.Single),
- (r'"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"', String),
- (r'\(|\)|\[|\]|\{|\}', Punctuation),
- (r'''(?x)\b(?:
- if|then|elif|else|fi|
- for|while|do|od|
- repeat|until|
- break|continue|
- function|local|return|end|
- rec|
- quit|QUIT|
- IsBound|Unbind|
- TryNextMethod|
- Info|Assert
- )\b''', Keyword),
- (r'''(?x)\b(?:
- true|false|fail|infinity
- )\b''',
- Name.Constant),
- (r'''(?x)\b(?:
- (Declare|Install)([A-Z][A-Za-z]+)|
- BindGlobal|BIND_GLOBAL
- )\b''',
- Name.Builtin),
- (r'\.|,|:=|;|=|\+|-|\*|/|\^|>|<', Operator),
- (r'''(?x)\b(?:
- and|or|not|mod|in
- )\b''',
- Operator.Word),
- (r'''(?x)
- (?:\w+|`[^`]*`)
- (?:::\w+|`[^`]*`)*''', Name.Variable),
- (r'[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?(?:e[0-9]+)?', Number),
- (r'\.[0-9]+(?:e[0-9]+)?', Number),
- (r'.', Text)
- ],
- }
+__all__ = ['GAPLexer', 'MathematicaLexer', 'MuPADLexer', 'BCLexer']
+class GAPLexer(RegexLexer):
+ """
+ For `GAP <http://www.gap-system.org>`_ source code.
+ .. versionadded:: 2.0
+ """
+ name = 'GAP'
+ aliases = ['gap']
+ filenames = ['*.g', '*.gd', '*.gi', '*.gap']
+ tokens = {
+ 'root': [
+ (r'#.*$', Comment.Single),
+ (r'"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"', String),
+ (r'\(|\)|\[|\]|\{|\}', Punctuation),
+ (r'''(?x)\b(?:
+ if|then|elif|else|fi|
+ for|while|do|od|
+ repeat|until|
+ break|continue|
+ function|local|return|end|
+ rec|
+ quit|QUIT|
+ IsBound|Unbind|
+ TryNextMethod|
+ Info|Assert
+ )\b''', Keyword),
+ (r'''(?x)\b(?:
+ true|false|fail|infinity
+ )\b''',
+ Name.Constant),
+ (r'''(?x)\b(?:
+ (Declare|Install)([A-Z][A-Za-z]+)|
+ BindGlobal|BIND_GLOBAL
+ )\b''',
+ Name.Builtin),
+ (r'\.|,|:=|;|=|\+|-|\*|/|\^|>|<', Operator),
+ (r'''(?x)\b(?:
+ and|or|not|mod|in
+ )\b''',
+ Operator.Word),
+ (r'''(?x)
+ (?:\w+|`[^`]*`)
+ (?:::\w+|`[^`]*`)*''', Name.Variable),
+ (r'[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?(?:e[0-9]+)?', Number),
+ (r'\.[0-9]+(?:e[0-9]+)?', Number),
+ (r'.', Text)
+ ],
+ }
def analyse_text(text):
score = 0.0
# Declaration part
if re.search(
r"(InstallTrueMethod|Declare(Attribute|Category|Filter|Operation" +
@@ -87,154 +87,154 @@ class GAPLexer(RegexLexer):
return min(score, 1.0)
-class MathematicaLexer(RegexLexer):
- """
- Lexer for `Mathematica <http://www.wolfram.com/mathematica/>`_ source code.
- .. versionadded:: 2.0
- """
- name = 'Mathematica'
- aliases = ['mathematica', 'mma', 'nb']
- filenames = ['*.nb', '*.cdf', '*.nbp', '*.ma']
- mimetypes = ['application/mathematica',
- 'application/vnd.wolfram.mathematica',
- 'application/vnd.wolfram.mathematica.package',
- 'application/vnd.wolfram.cdf']
- # http://reference.wolfram.com/mathematica/guide/Syntax.html
- operators = (
- ";;", "=", "=.", "!=" "==", ":=", "->", ":>", "/.", "+", "-", "*", "/",
- "^", "&&", "||", "!", "<>", "|", "/;", "?", "@", "//", "/@", "@@",
- "@@@", "~~", "===", "&", "<", ">", "<=", ">=",
- )
- punctuation = (",", ";", "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}")
- def _multi_escape(entries):
- return '(%s)' % ('|'.join(re.escape(entry) for entry in entries))
- tokens = {
- 'root': [
- (r'(?s)\(\*.*?\*\)', Comment),
- (r'([a-zA-Z]+[A-Za-z0-9]*`)', Name.Namespace),
- (r'([A-Za-z0-9]*_+[A-Za-z0-9]*)', Name.Variable),
- (r'#\d*', Name.Variable),
- (r'([a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9]*)', Name),
+class MathematicaLexer(RegexLexer):
+ """
+ Lexer for `Mathematica <http://www.wolfram.com/mathematica/>`_ source code.
+ .. versionadded:: 2.0
+ """
+ name = 'Mathematica'
+ aliases = ['mathematica', 'mma', 'nb']
+ filenames = ['*.nb', '*.cdf', '*.nbp', '*.ma']
+ mimetypes = ['application/mathematica',
+ 'application/vnd.wolfram.mathematica',
+ 'application/vnd.wolfram.mathematica.package',
+ 'application/vnd.wolfram.cdf']
+ # http://reference.wolfram.com/mathematica/guide/Syntax.html
+ operators = (
+ ";;", "=", "=.", "!=" "==", ":=", "->", ":>", "/.", "+", "-", "*", "/",
+ "^", "&&", "||", "!", "<>", "|", "/;", "?", "@", "//", "/@", "@@",
+ "@@@", "~~", "===", "&", "<", ">", "<=", ">=",
+ )
+ punctuation = (",", ";", "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}")
+ def _multi_escape(entries):
+ return '(%s)' % ('|'.join(re.escape(entry) for entry in entries))
+ tokens = {
+ 'root': [
+ (r'(?s)\(\*.*?\*\)', Comment),
+ (r'([a-zA-Z]+[A-Za-z0-9]*`)', Name.Namespace),
+ (r'([A-Za-z0-9]*_+[A-Za-z0-9]*)', Name.Variable),
+ (r'#\d*', Name.Variable),
+ (r'([a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z0-9]*)', Name),
(r'-?\d+\.\d*', Number.Float),
(r'-?\d*\.\d+', Number.Float),
(r'-?\d+', Number.Integer),
- (words(operators), Operator),
- (words(punctuation), Punctuation),
- (r'".*?"', String),
- (r'\s+', Text.Whitespace),
- ],
- }
-class MuPADLexer(RegexLexer):
- """
- A `MuPAD <http://www.mupad.com>`_ lexer.
- Contributed by Christopher Creutzig <christopher@creutzig.de>.
- .. versionadded:: 0.8
- """
- name = 'MuPAD'
- aliases = ['mupad']
- filenames = ['*.mu']
- tokens = {
- 'root': [
- (r'//.*?$', Comment.Single),
- (r'/\*', Comment.Multiline, 'comment'),
- (r'"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"', String),
- (r'\(|\)|\[|\]|\{|\}', Punctuation),
- (r'''(?x)\b(?:
- next|break|end|
- axiom|end_axiom|category|end_category|domain|end_domain|inherits|
- if|%if|then|elif|else|end_if|
- case|of|do|otherwise|end_case|
- while|end_while|
- repeat|until|end_repeat|
- for|from|to|downto|step|end_for|
- proc|local|option|save|begin|end_proc|
- delete|frame
- )\b''', Keyword),
- (r'''(?x)\b(?:
- )\b''', Name.Class),
- (r'''(?x)\b(?:
- NIL|FAIL|undefined|infinity|
- )\b''',
- Name.Constant),
- (r'\b(?:dom|procname)\b', Name.Builtin.Pseudo),
- (r'\.|,|:|;|=|\+|-|\*|/|\^|@|>|<|\$|\||!|\'|%|~=', Operator),
- (r'''(?x)\b(?:
- and|or|not|xor|
- assuming|
- div|mod|
- union|minus|intersect|in|subset
- )\b''',
- Operator.Word),
- (r'\b(?:I|RDN_INF|RD_NINF|RD_NAN)\b', Number),
- # (r'\b(?:adt|linalg|newDomain|hold)\b', Name.Builtin),
- (r'''(?x)
- ((?:[a-zA-Z_#][\w#]*|`[^`]*`)
- (?:::[a-zA-Z_#][\w#]*|`[^`]*`)*)(\s*)([(])''',
- bygroups(Name.Function, Text, Punctuation)),
- (r'''(?x)
- (?:[a-zA-Z_#][\w#]*|`[^`]*`)
- (?:::[a-zA-Z_#][\w#]*|`[^`]*`)*''', Name.Variable),
- (r'[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?(?:e[0-9]+)?', Number),
- (r'\.[0-9]+(?:e[0-9]+)?', Number),
+ (words(operators), Operator),
+ (words(punctuation), Punctuation),
+ (r'".*?"', String),
+ (r'\s+', Text.Whitespace),
+ ],
+ }
+class MuPADLexer(RegexLexer):
+ """
+ A `MuPAD <http://www.mupad.com>`_ lexer.
+ Contributed by Christopher Creutzig <christopher@creutzig.de>.
+ .. versionadded:: 0.8
+ """
+ name = 'MuPAD'
+ aliases = ['mupad']
+ filenames = ['*.mu']
+ tokens = {
+ 'root': [
+ (r'//.*?$', Comment.Single),
+ (r'/\*', Comment.Multiline, 'comment'),
+ (r'"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"', String),
+ (r'\(|\)|\[|\]|\{|\}', Punctuation),
+ (r'''(?x)\b(?:
+ next|break|end|
+ axiom|end_axiom|category|end_category|domain|end_domain|inherits|
+ if|%if|then|elif|else|end_if|
+ case|of|do|otherwise|end_case|
+ while|end_while|
+ repeat|until|end_repeat|
+ for|from|to|downto|step|end_for|
+ proc|local|option|save|begin|end_proc|
+ delete|frame
+ )\b''', Keyword),
+ (r'''(?x)\b(?:
+ )\b''', Name.Class),
+ (r'''(?x)\b(?:
+ NIL|FAIL|undefined|infinity|
+ )\b''',
+ Name.Constant),
+ (r'\b(?:dom|procname)\b', Name.Builtin.Pseudo),
+ (r'\.|,|:|;|=|\+|-|\*|/|\^|@|>|<|\$|\||!|\'|%|~=', Operator),
+ (r'''(?x)\b(?:
+ and|or|not|xor|
+ assuming|
+ div|mod|
+ union|minus|intersect|in|subset
+ )\b''',
+ Operator.Word),
+ (r'\b(?:I|RDN_INF|RD_NINF|RD_NAN)\b', Number),
+ # (r'\b(?:adt|linalg|newDomain|hold)\b', Name.Builtin),
+ (r'''(?x)
+ ((?:[a-zA-Z_#][\w#]*|`[^`]*`)
+ (?:::[a-zA-Z_#][\w#]*|`[^`]*`)*)(\s*)([(])''',
+ bygroups(Name.Function, Text, Punctuation)),
+ (r'''(?x)
+ (?:[a-zA-Z_#][\w#]*|`[^`]*`)
+ (?:::[a-zA-Z_#][\w#]*|`[^`]*`)*''', Name.Variable),
+ (r'[0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?(?:e[0-9]+)?', Number),
+ (r'\.[0-9]+(?:e[0-9]+)?', Number),
(r'\s+', Whitespace),
- (r'.', Text)
- ],
- 'comment': [
+ (r'.', Text)
+ ],
+ 'comment': [
(r'[^/*]+', Comment.Multiline),
- (r'/\*', Comment.Multiline, '#push'),
- (r'\*/', Comment.Multiline, '#pop'),
- (r'[*/]', Comment.Multiline)
- ],
- }
-class BCLexer(RegexLexer):
- """
- A `BC <https://www.gnu.org/software/bc/>`_ lexer.
- .. versionadded:: 2.1
- """
- name = 'BC'
- aliases = ['bc']
- filenames = ['*.bc']
- tokens = {
- 'root': [
- (r'/\*', Comment.Multiline, 'comment'),
- (r'"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"', String),
- (r'[{}();,]', Punctuation),
- (words(('if', 'else', 'while', 'for', 'break', 'continue',
- 'halt', 'return', 'define', 'auto', 'print', 'read',
- 'length', 'scale', 'sqrt', 'limits', 'quit',
- 'warranty'), suffix=r'\b'), Keyword),
- (r'\+\+|--|\|\||&&|'
- r'([-<>+*%\^/!=])=?', Operator),
- # bc doesn't support exponential
- (r'[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?', Number),
- (r'\.[0-9]+', Number),
- (r'.', Text)
- ],
- 'comment': [
- (r'[^*/]+', Comment.Multiline),
- (r'\*/', Comment.Multiline, '#pop'),
- (r'[*/]', Comment.Multiline)
- ],
- }
+ (r'/\*', Comment.Multiline, '#push'),
+ (r'\*/', Comment.Multiline, '#pop'),
+ (r'[*/]', Comment.Multiline)
+ ],
+ }
+class BCLexer(RegexLexer):
+ """
+ A `BC <https://www.gnu.org/software/bc/>`_ lexer.
+ .. versionadded:: 2.1
+ """
+ name = 'BC'
+ aliases = ['bc']
+ filenames = ['*.bc']
+ tokens = {
+ 'root': [
+ (r'/\*', Comment.Multiline, 'comment'),
+ (r'"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"', String),
+ (r'[{}();,]', Punctuation),
+ (words(('if', 'else', 'while', 'for', 'break', 'continue',
+ 'halt', 'return', 'define', 'auto', 'print', 'read',
+ 'length', 'scale', 'sqrt', 'limits', 'quit',
+ 'warranty'), suffix=r'\b'), Keyword),
+ (r'\+\+|--|\|\||&&|'
+ r'([-<>+*%\^/!=])=?', Operator),
+ # bc doesn't support exponential
+ (r'[0-9]+(\.[0-9]*)?', Number),
+ (r'\.[0-9]+', Number),
+ (r'.', Text)
+ ],
+ 'comment': [
+ (r'[^*/]+', Comment.Multiline),
+ (r'\*/', Comment.Multiline, '#pop'),
+ (r'[*/]', Comment.Multiline)
+ ],
+ }