path: root/contrib/python/Pygments/py2/pygments/lexers/robotframework.py
diff options
authorDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
committerDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@mous.vla.yp-c.yandex.net>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
commit1110808a9d39d4b808aef724c861a2e1a38d2a69 (patch)
treee26c9fed0de5d9873cce7e00bc214573dc2195b7 /contrib/python/Pygments/py2/pygments/lexers/robotframework.py
intermediate changes
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/python/Pygments/py2/pygments/lexers/robotframework.py')
1 files changed, 560 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/python/Pygments/py2/pygments/lexers/robotframework.py b/contrib/python/Pygments/py2/pygments/lexers/robotframework.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..642c90c5c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/python/Pygments/py2/pygments/lexers/robotframework.py
@@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ pygments.lexers.robotframework
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Lexer for Robot Framework.
+ :copyright: Copyright 2006-2019 by the Pygments team, see AUTHORS.
+ :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+# Copyright 2012 Nokia Siemens Networks Oyj
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import re
+from pygments.lexer import Lexer
+from pygments.token import Token
+from pygments.util import text_type
+__all__ = ['RobotFrameworkLexer']
+HEADING = Token.Generic.Heading
+SETTING = Token.Keyword.Namespace
+IMPORT = Token.Name.Namespace
+TC_KW_NAME = Token.Generic.Subheading
+KEYWORD = Token.Name.Function
+ARGUMENT = Token.String
+VARIABLE = Token.Name.Variable
+COMMENT = Token.Comment
+SEPARATOR = Token.Punctuation
+SYNTAX = Token.Punctuation
+GHERKIN = Token.Generic.Emph
+ERROR = Token.Error
+def normalize(string, remove=''):
+ string = string.lower()
+ for char in remove + ' ':
+ if char in string:
+ string = string.replace(char, '')
+ return string
+class RobotFrameworkLexer(Lexer):
+ """
+ For `Robot Framework <http://robotframework.org>`_ test data.
+ Supports both space and pipe separated plain text formats.
+ .. versionadded:: 1.6
+ """
+ name = 'RobotFramework'
+ aliases = ['robotframework']
+ filenames = ['*.robot']
+ mimetypes = ['text/x-robotframework']
+ def __init__(self, **options):
+ options['tabsize'] = 2
+ options['encoding'] = 'UTF-8'
+ Lexer.__init__(self, **options)
+ def get_tokens_unprocessed(self, text):
+ row_tokenizer = RowTokenizer()
+ var_tokenizer = VariableTokenizer()
+ index = 0
+ for row in text.splitlines():
+ for value, token in row_tokenizer.tokenize(row):
+ for value, token in var_tokenizer.tokenize(value, token):
+ if value:
+ yield index, token, text_type(value)
+ index += len(value)
+class VariableTokenizer(object):
+ def tokenize(self, string, token):
+ var = VariableSplitter(string, identifiers='$@%&')
+ if var.start < 0 or token in (COMMENT, ERROR):
+ yield string, token
+ return
+ for value, token in self._tokenize(var, string, token):
+ if value:
+ yield value, token
+ def _tokenize(self, var, string, orig_token):
+ before = string[:var.start]
+ yield before, orig_token
+ yield var.identifier + '{', SYNTAX
+ for value, token in self.tokenize(var.base, VARIABLE):
+ yield value, token
+ yield '}', SYNTAX
+ if var.index:
+ yield '[', SYNTAX
+ for value, token in self.tokenize(var.index, VARIABLE):
+ yield value, token
+ yield ']', SYNTAX
+ for value, token in self.tokenize(string[var.end:], orig_token):
+ yield value, token
+class RowTokenizer(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._table = UnknownTable()
+ self._splitter = RowSplitter()
+ testcases = TestCaseTable()
+ settings = SettingTable(testcases.set_default_template)
+ variables = VariableTable()
+ keywords = KeywordTable()
+ self._tables = {'settings': settings, 'setting': settings,
+ 'metadata': settings,
+ 'variables': variables, 'variable': variables,
+ 'testcases': testcases, 'testcase': testcases,
+ 'keywords': keywords, 'keyword': keywords,
+ 'userkeywords': keywords, 'userkeyword': keywords}
+ def tokenize(self, row):
+ commented = False
+ heading = False
+ for index, value in enumerate(self._splitter.split(row)):
+ # First value, and every second after that, is a separator.
+ index, separator = divmod(index-1, 2)
+ if value.startswith('#'):
+ commented = True
+ elif index == 0 and value.startswith('*'):
+ self._table = self._start_table(value)
+ heading = True
+ for value, token in self._tokenize(value, index, commented,
+ separator, heading):
+ yield value, token
+ self._table.end_row()
+ def _start_table(self, header):
+ name = normalize(header, remove='*')
+ return self._tables.get(name, UnknownTable())
+ def _tokenize(self, value, index, commented, separator, heading):
+ if commented:
+ yield value, COMMENT
+ elif separator:
+ yield value, SEPARATOR
+ elif heading:
+ yield value, HEADING
+ else:
+ for value, token in self._table.tokenize(value, index):
+ yield value, token
+class RowSplitter(object):
+ _space_splitter = re.compile('( {2,})')
+ _pipe_splitter = re.compile(r'((?:^| +)\|(?: +|$))')
+ def split(self, row):
+ splitter = (row.startswith('| ') and self._split_from_pipes
+ or self._split_from_spaces)
+ for value in splitter(row):
+ yield value
+ yield '\n'
+ def _split_from_spaces(self, row):
+ yield '' # Start with (pseudo)separator similarly as with pipes
+ for value in self._space_splitter.split(row):
+ yield value
+ def _split_from_pipes(self, row):
+ _, separator, rest = self._pipe_splitter.split(row, 1)
+ yield separator
+ while self._pipe_splitter.search(rest):
+ cell, separator, rest = self._pipe_splitter.split(rest, 1)
+ yield cell
+ yield separator
+ yield rest
+class Tokenizer(object):
+ _tokens = None
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._index = 0
+ def tokenize(self, value):
+ values_and_tokens = self._tokenize(value, self._index)
+ self._index += 1
+ if isinstance(values_and_tokens, type(Token)):
+ values_and_tokens = [(value, values_and_tokens)]
+ return values_and_tokens
+ def _tokenize(self, value, index):
+ index = min(index, len(self._tokens) - 1)
+ return self._tokens[index]
+ def _is_assign(self, value):
+ if value.endswith('='):
+ value = value[:-1].strip()
+ var = VariableSplitter(value, identifiers='$@&')
+ return var.start == 0 and var.end == len(value)
+class Comment(Tokenizer):
+ _tokens = (COMMENT,)
+class Setting(Tokenizer):
+ _tokens = (SETTING, ARGUMENT)
+ _keyword_settings = ('suitesetup', 'suiteprecondition', 'suiteteardown',
+ 'suitepostcondition', 'testsetup', 'testprecondition',
+ 'testteardown', 'testpostcondition', 'testtemplate')
+ _import_settings = ('library', 'resource', 'variables')
+ _other_settings = ('documentation', 'metadata', 'forcetags', 'defaulttags',
+ 'testtimeout')
+ _custom_tokenizer = None
+ def __init__(self, template_setter=None):
+ Tokenizer.__init__(self)
+ self._template_setter = template_setter
+ def _tokenize(self, value, index):
+ if index == 1 and self._template_setter:
+ self._template_setter(value)
+ if index == 0:
+ normalized = normalize(value)
+ if normalized in self._keyword_settings:
+ self._custom_tokenizer = KeywordCall(support_assign=False)
+ elif normalized in self._import_settings:
+ self._custom_tokenizer = ImportSetting()
+ elif normalized not in self._other_settings:
+ return ERROR
+ elif self._custom_tokenizer:
+ return self._custom_tokenizer.tokenize(value)
+ return Tokenizer._tokenize(self, value, index)
+class ImportSetting(Tokenizer):
+ _tokens = (IMPORT, ARGUMENT)
+class TestCaseSetting(Setting):
+ _keyword_settings = ('setup', 'precondition', 'teardown', 'postcondition',
+ 'template')
+ _import_settings = ()
+ _other_settings = ('documentation', 'tags', 'timeout')
+ def _tokenize(self, value, index):
+ if index == 0:
+ type = Setting._tokenize(self, value[1:-1], index)
+ return [('[', SYNTAX), (value[1:-1], type), (']', SYNTAX)]
+ return Setting._tokenize(self, value, index)
+class KeywordSetting(TestCaseSetting):
+ _keyword_settings = ('teardown',)
+ _other_settings = ('documentation', 'arguments', 'return', 'timeout', 'tags')
+class Variable(Tokenizer):
+ _tokens = (SYNTAX, ARGUMENT)
+ def _tokenize(self, value, index):
+ if index == 0 and not self._is_assign(value):
+ return ERROR
+ return Tokenizer._tokenize(self, value, index)
+class KeywordCall(Tokenizer):
+ _tokens = (KEYWORD, ARGUMENT)
+ def __init__(self, support_assign=True):
+ Tokenizer.__init__(self)
+ self._keyword_found = not support_assign
+ self._assigns = 0
+ def _tokenize(self, value, index):
+ if not self._keyword_found and self._is_assign(value):
+ self._assigns += 1
+ return SYNTAX # VariableTokenizer tokenizes this later.
+ if self._keyword_found:
+ return Tokenizer._tokenize(self, value, index - self._assigns)
+ self._keyword_found = True
+ return GherkinTokenizer().tokenize(value, KEYWORD)
+class GherkinTokenizer(object):
+ _gherkin_prefix = re.compile('^(Given|When|Then|And) ', re.IGNORECASE)
+ def tokenize(self, value, token):
+ match = self._gherkin_prefix.match(value)
+ if not match:
+ return [(value, token)]
+ end = match.end()
+ return [(value[:end], GHERKIN), (value[end:], token)]
+class TemplatedKeywordCall(Tokenizer):
+ _tokens = (ARGUMENT,)
+class ForLoop(Tokenizer):
+ def __init__(self):
+ Tokenizer.__init__(self)
+ self._in_arguments = False
+ def _tokenize(self, value, index):
+ token = self._in_arguments and ARGUMENT or SYNTAX
+ if value.upper() in ('IN', 'IN RANGE'):
+ self._in_arguments = True
+ return token
+class _Table(object):
+ _tokenizer_class = None
+ def __init__(self, prev_tokenizer=None):
+ self._tokenizer = self._tokenizer_class()
+ self._prev_tokenizer = prev_tokenizer
+ self._prev_values_on_row = []
+ def tokenize(self, value, index):
+ if self._continues(value, index):
+ self._tokenizer = self._prev_tokenizer
+ yield value, SYNTAX
+ else:
+ for value_and_token in self._tokenize(value, index):
+ yield value_and_token
+ self._prev_values_on_row.append(value)
+ def _continues(self, value, index):
+ return value == '...' and all(self._is_empty(t)
+ for t in self._prev_values_on_row)
+ def _is_empty(self, value):
+ return value in ('', '\\')
+ def _tokenize(self, value, index):
+ return self._tokenizer.tokenize(value)
+ def end_row(self):
+ self.__init__(prev_tokenizer=self._tokenizer)
+class UnknownTable(_Table):
+ _tokenizer_class = Comment
+ def _continues(self, value, index):
+ return False
+class VariableTable(_Table):
+ _tokenizer_class = Variable
+class SettingTable(_Table):
+ _tokenizer_class = Setting
+ def __init__(self, template_setter, prev_tokenizer=None):
+ _Table.__init__(self, prev_tokenizer)
+ self._template_setter = template_setter
+ def _tokenize(self, value, index):
+ if index == 0 and normalize(value) == 'testtemplate':
+ self._tokenizer = Setting(self._template_setter)
+ return _Table._tokenize(self, value, index)
+ def end_row(self):
+ self.__init__(self._template_setter, prev_tokenizer=self._tokenizer)
+class TestCaseTable(_Table):
+ _setting_class = TestCaseSetting
+ _test_template = None
+ _default_template = None
+ @property
+ def _tokenizer_class(self):
+ if self._test_template or (self._default_template and
+ self._test_template is not False):
+ return TemplatedKeywordCall
+ return KeywordCall
+ def _continues(self, value, index):
+ return index > 0 and _Table._continues(self, value, index)
+ def _tokenize(self, value, index):
+ if index == 0:
+ if value:
+ self._test_template = None
+ return GherkinTokenizer().tokenize(value, TC_KW_NAME)
+ if index == 1 and self._is_setting(value):
+ if self._is_template(value):
+ self._test_template = False
+ self._tokenizer = self._setting_class(self.set_test_template)
+ else:
+ self._tokenizer = self._setting_class()
+ if index == 1 and self._is_for_loop(value):
+ self._tokenizer = ForLoop()
+ if index == 1 and self._is_empty(value):
+ return [(value, SYNTAX)]
+ return _Table._tokenize(self, value, index)
+ def _is_setting(self, value):
+ return value.startswith('[') and value.endswith(']')
+ def _is_template(self, value):
+ return normalize(value) == '[template]'
+ def _is_for_loop(self, value):
+ return value.startswith(':') and normalize(value, remove=':') == 'for'
+ def set_test_template(self, template):
+ self._test_template = self._is_template_set(template)
+ def set_default_template(self, template):
+ self._default_template = self._is_template_set(template)
+ def _is_template_set(self, template):
+ return normalize(template) not in ('', '\\', 'none', '${empty}')
+class KeywordTable(TestCaseTable):
+ _tokenizer_class = KeywordCall
+ _setting_class = KeywordSetting
+ def _is_template(self, value):
+ return False
+# Following code copied directly from Robot Framework 2.7.5.
+class VariableSplitter:
+ def __init__(self, string, identifiers):
+ self.identifier = None
+ self.base = None
+ self.index = None
+ self.start = -1
+ self.end = -1
+ self._identifiers = identifiers
+ self._may_have_internal_variables = False
+ try:
+ self._split(string)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ else:
+ self._finalize()
+ def get_replaced_base(self, variables):
+ if self._may_have_internal_variables:
+ return variables.replace_string(self.base)
+ return self.base
+ def _finalize(self):
+ self.identifier = self._variable_chars[0]
+ self.base = ''.join(self._variable_chars[2:-1])
+ self.end = self.start + len(self._variable_chars)
+ if self._has_list_or_dict_variable_index():
+ self.index = ''.join(self._list_and_dict_variable_index_chars[1:-1])
+ self.end += len(self._list_and_dict_variable_index_chars)
+ def _has_list_or_dict_variable_index(self):
+ return self._list_and_dict_variable_index_chars\
+ and self._list_and_dict_variable_index_chars[-1] == ']'
+ def _split(self, string):
+ start_index, max_index = self._find_variable(string)
+ self.start = start_index
+ self._open_curly = 1
+ self._state = self._variable_state
+ self._variable_chars = [string[start_index], '{']
+ self._list_and_dict_variable_index_chars = []
+ self._string = string
+ start_index += 2
+ for index, char in enumerate(string[start_index:]):
+ index += start_index # Giving start to enumerate only in Py 2.6+
+ try:
+ self._state(char, index)
+ except StopIteration:
+ return
+ if index == max_index and not self._scanning_list_variable_index():
+ return
+ def _scanning_list_variable_index(self):
+ return self._state in [self._waiting_list_variable_index_state,
+ self._list_variable_index_state]
+ def _find_variable(self, string):
+ max_end_index = string.rfind('}')
+ if max_end_index == -1:
+ raise ValueError('No variable end found')
+ if self._is_escaped(string, max_end_index):
+ return self._find_variable(string[:max_end_index])
+ start_index = self._find_start_index(string, 1, max_end_index)
+ if start_index == -1:
+ raise ValueError('No variable start found')
+ return start_index, max_end_index
+ def _find_start_index(self, string, start, end):
+ index = string.find('{', start, end) - 1
+ if index < 0:
+ return -1
+ if self._start_index_is_ok(string, index):
+ return index
+ return self._find_start_index(string, index+2, end)
+ def _start_index_is_ok(self, string, index):
+ return string[index] in self._identifiers\
+ and not self._is_escaped(string, index)
+ def _is_escaped(self, string, index):
+ escaped = False
+ while index > 0 and string[index-1] == '\\':
+ index -= 1
+ escaped = not escaped
+ return escaped
+ def _variable_state(self, char, index):
+ self._variable_chars.append(char)
+ if char == '}' and not self._is_escaped(self._string, index):
+ self._open_curly -= 1
+ if self._open_curly == 0:
+ if not self._is_list_or_dict_variable():
+ raise StopIteration
+ self._state = self._waiting_list_variable_index_state
+ elif char in self._identifiers:
+ self._state = self._internal_variable_start_state
+ def _is_list_or_dict_variable(self):
+ return self._variable_chars[0] in ('@','&')
+ def _internal_variable_start_state(self, char, index):
+ self._state = self._variable_state
+ if char == '{':
+ self._variable_chars.append(char)
+ self._open_curly += 1
+ self._may_have_internal_variables = True
+ else:
+ self._variable_state(char, index)
+ def _waiting_list_variable_index_state(self, char, index):
+ if char != '[':
+ raise StopIteration
+ self._list_and_dict_variable_index_chars.append(char)
+ self._state = self._list_variable_index_state
+ def _list_variable_index_state(self, char, index):
+ self._list_and_dict_variable_index_chars.append(char)
+ if char == ']':
+ raise StopIteration