path: root/contrib/libs/yaml-cpp/src/scanner.cpp
diff options
authorDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
committerDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@mous.vla.yp-c.yandex.net>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
commit1110808a9d39d4b808aef724c861a2e1a38d2a69 (patch)
treee26c9fed0de5d9873cce7e00bc214573dc2195b7 /contrib/libs/yaml-cpp/src/scanner.cpp
intermediate changes
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/libs/yaml-cpp/src/scanner.cpp')
1 files changed, 386 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/libs/yaml-cpp/src/scanner.cpp b/contrib/libs/yaml-cpp/src/scanner.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b5cfcc12b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/yaml-cpp/src/scanner.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+#include <cassert>
+#include <memory>
+#include "exp.h"
+#include "scanner.h"
+#include "token.h"
+#include "yaml-cpp/exceptions.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
+namespace YAML {
+Scanner::Scanner(std::istream& in)
+ : INPUT(in),
+ m_startedStream(false),
+ m_endedStream(false),
+ m_simpleKeyAllowed(false),
+ m_canBeJSONFlow(false) {}
+Scanner::~Scanner() {}
+bool Scanner::empty() {
+ EnsureTokensInQueue();
+ return m_tokens.empty();
+void Scanner::pop() {
+ EnsureTokensInQueue();
+ if (!m_tokens.empty())
+ m_tokens.pop();
+Token& Scanner::peek() {
+ EnsureTokensInQueue();
+ assert(!m_tokens.empty()); // should we be asserting here? I mean, we really
+ // just be checking
+ // if it's empty before peeking.
+#if 0
+ static Token *pLast = 0;
+ if(pLast != &m_tokens.front())
+ std::cerr << "peek: " << m_tokens.front() << "\n";
+ pLast = &m_tokens.front();
+ return m_tokens.front();
+Mark Scanner::mark() const { return INPUT.mark(); }
+void Scanner::EnsureTokensInQueue() {
+ while (1) {
+ if (!m_tokens.empty()) {
+ Token& token = m_tokens.front();
+ // if this guy's valid, then we're done
+ if (token.status == Token::VALID) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // here's where we clean up the impossible tokens
+ if (token.status == Token::INVALID) {
+ m_tokens.pop();
+ continue;
+ }
+ // note: what's left are the unverified tokens
+ }
+ // no token? maybe we've actually finished
+ if (m_endedStream) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // no? then scan...
+ ScanNextToken();
+ }
+void Scanner::ScanNextToken() {
+ if (m_endedStream) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!m_startedStream) {
+ return StartStream();
+ }
+ // get rid of whitespace, etc. (in between tokens it should be irrelevent)
+ ScanToNextToken();
+ // maybe need to end some blocks
+ PopIndentToHere();
+ // *****
+ // And now branch based on the next few characters!
+ // *****
+ // end of stream
+ if (!INPUT) {
+ return EndStream();
+ }
+ if (INPUT.column() == 0 && INPUT.peek() == Keys::Directive) {
+ return ScanDirective();
+ }
+ // document token
+ if (INPUT.column() == 0 && Exp::DocStart().Matches(INPUT)) {
+ return ScanDocStart();
+ }
+ if (INPUT.column() == 0 && Exp::DocEnd().Matches(INPUT)) {
+ return ScanDocEnd();
+ }
+ // flow start/end/entry
+ if (INPUT.peek() == Keys::FlowSeqStart ||
+ INPUT.peek() == Keys::FlowMapStart) {
+ return ScanFlowStart();
+ }
+ if (INPUT.peek() == Keys::FlowSeqEnd || INPUT.peek() == Keys::FlowMapEnd) {
+ return ScanFlowEnd();
+ }
+ if (INPUT.peek() == Keys::FlowEntry) {
+ return ScanFlowEntry();
+ }
+ // block/map stuff
+ if (Exp::BlockEntry().Matches(INPUT)) {
+ return ScanBlockEntry();
+ }
+ if ((InBlockContext() ? Exp::Key() : Exp::KeyInFlow()).Matches(INPUT)) {
+ return ScanKey();
+ }
+ if (GetValueRegex().Matches(INPUT)) {
+ return ScanValue();
+ }
+ // alias/anchor
+ if (INPUT.peek() == Keys::Alias || INPUT.peek() == Keys::Anchor) {
+ return ScanAnchorOrAlias();
+ }
+ // tag
+ if (INPUT.peek() == Keys::Tag) {
+ return ScanTag();
+ }
+ // special scalars
+ if (InBlockContext() && (INPUT.peek() == Keys::LiteralScalar ||
+ INPUT.peek() == Keys::FoldedScalar)) {
+ return ScanBlockScalar();
+ }
+ if (INPUT.peek() == '\'' || INPUT.peek() == '\"') {
+ return ScanQuotedScalar();
+ }
+ // plain scalars
+ if ((InBlockContext() ? Exp::PlainScalar() : Exp::PlainScalarInFlow())
+ .Matches(INPUT)) {
+ return ScanPlainScalar();
+ }
+ // don't know what it is!
+ throw ParserException(INPUT.mark(), ErrorMsg::UNKNOWN_TOKEN);
+void Scanner::ScanToNextToken() {
+ while (1) {
+ // first eat whitespace
+ while (INPUT && IsWhitespaceToBeEaten(INPUT.peek())) {
+ if (InBlockContext() && Exp::Tab().Matches(INPUT)) {
+ m_simpleKeyAllowed = false;
+ }
+ INPUT.eat(1);
+ }
+ // then eat a comment
+ if (Exp::Comment().Matches(INPUT)) {
+ // eat until line break
+ while (INPUT && !Exp::Break().Matches(INPUT)) {
+ INPUT.eat(1);
+ }
+ }
+ // if it's NOT a line break, then we're done!
+ if (!Exp::Break().Matches(INPUT)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ // otherwise, let's eat the line break and keep going
+ int n = Exp::Break().Match(INPUT);
+ INPUT.eat(n);
+ // oh yeah, and let's get rid of that simple key
+ InvalidateSimpleKey();
+ // new line - we may be able to accept a simple key now
+ if (InBlockContext()) {
+ m_simpleKeyAllowed = true;
+ }
+ }
+// Misc. helpers
+// IsWhitespaceToBeEaten
+// . We can eat whitespace if it's a space or tab
+// . Note: originally tabs in block context couldn't be eaten
+// "where a simple key could be allowed
+// (i.e., not at the beginning of a line, or following '-', '?', or
+// ':')"
+// I think this is wrong, since tabs can be non-content whitespace; it's just
+// that they can't contribute to indentation, so once you've seen a tab in a
+// line, you can't start a simple key
+bool Scanner::IsWhitespaceToBeEaten(char ch) {
+ if (ch == ' ') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (ch == '\t') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+const RegEx& Scanner::GetValueRegex() const {
+ if (InBlockContext()) {
+ return Exp::Value();
+ }
+ return m_canBeJSONFlow ? Exp::ValueInJSONFlow() : Exp::ValueInFlow();
+void Scanner::StartStream() {
+ m_startedStream = true;
+ m_simpleKeyAllowed = true;
+ std::unique_ptr<IndentMarker> pIndent(
+ new IndentMarker(-1, IndentMarker::NONE));
+ m_indentRefs.push_back(std::move(pIndent));
+ m_indents.push(&m_indentRefs.back());
+void Scanner::EndStream() {
+ // force newline
+ if (INPUT.column() > 0) {
+ INPUT.ResetColumn();
+ }
+ PopAllIndents();
+ PopAllSimpleKeys();
+ m_simpleKeyAllowed = false;
+ m_endedStream = true;
+Token* Scanner::PushToken(Token::TYPE type) {
+ m_tokens.push(Token(type, INPUT.mark()));
+ return &m_tokens.back();
+Token::TYPE Scanner::GetStartTokenFor(IndentMarker::INDENT_TYPE type) const {
+ switch (type) {
+ case IndentMarker::SEQ:
+ return Token::BLOCK_SEQ_START;
+ case IndentMarker::MAP:
+ return Token::BLOCK_MAP_START;
+ case IndentMarker::NONE:
+ assert(false);
+ break;
+ }
+ assert(false);
+ throw std::runtime_error("yaml-cpp: internal error, invalid indent type");
+Scanner::IndentMarker* Scanner::PushIndentTo(int column,
+ IndentMarker::INDENT_TYPE type) {
+ // are we in flow?
+ if (InFlowContext()) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ std::unique_ptr<IndentMarker> pIndent(new IndentMarker(column, type));
+ IndentMarker& indent = *pIndent;
+ const IndentMarker& lastIndent = *m_indents.top();
+ // is this actually an indentation?
+ if (indent.column < lastIndent.column) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (indent.column == lastIndent.column &&
+ !(indent.type == IndentMarker::SEQ &&
+ lastIndent.type == IndentMarker::MAP)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // push a start token
+ indent.pStartToken = PushToken(GetStartTokenFor(type));
+ // and then the indent
+ m_indents.push(&indent);
+ m_indentRefs.push_back(std::move(pIndent));
+ return &m_indentRefs.back();
+void Scanner::PopIndentToHere() {
+ // are we in flow?
+ if (InFlowContext()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // now pop away
+ while (!m_indents.empty()) {
+ const IndentMarker& indent = *m_indents.top();
+ if (indent.column < INPUT.column()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (indent.column == INPUT.column() &&
+ !(indent.type == IndentMarker::SEQ &&
+ !Exp::BlockEntry().Matches(INPUT))) {
+ break;
+ }
+ PopIndent();
+ }
+ while (!m_indents.empty() &&
+ m_indents.top()->status == IndentMarker::INVALID) {
+ PopIndent();
+ }
+void Scanner::PopAllIndents() {
+ // are we in flow?
+ if (InFlowContext()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // now pop away
+ while (!m_indents.empty()) {
+ const IndentMarker& indent = *m_indents.top();
+ if (indent.type == IndentMarker::NONE) {
+ break;
+ }
+ PopIndent();
+ }
+void Scanner::PopIndent() {
+ const IndentMarker& indent = *m_indents.top();
+ m_indents.pop();
+ if (indent.status != IndentMarker::VALID) {
+ InvalidateSimpleKey();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (indent.type == IndentMarker::SEQ) {
+ m_tokens.push(Token(Token::BLOCK_SEQ_END, INPUT.mark()));
+ } else if (indent.type == IndentMarker::MAP) {
+ m_tokens.push(Token(Token::BLOCK_MAP_END, INPUT.mark()));
+ }
+int Scanner::GetTopIndent() const {
+ if (m_indents.empty()) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return m_indents.top()->column;
+void Scanner::ThrowParserException(const std::string& msg) const {
+ Mark mark = Mark::null_mark();
+ if (!m_tokens.empty()) {
+ const Token& token = m_tokens.front();
+ mark = token.mark;
+ }
+ throw ParserException(mark, msg);
+} // namespace YAML