path: root/contrib/libs/icu/include/unicode/ustdio.h
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authorDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
committerDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@mous.vla.yp-c.yandex.net>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
commit1110808a9d39d4b808aef724c861a2e1a38d2a69 (patch)
treee26c9fed0de5d9873cce7e00bc214573dc2195b7 /contrib/libs/icu/include/unicode/ustdio.h
intermediate changes
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/libs/icu/include/unicode/ustdio.h')
1 files changed, 1018 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/libs/icu/include/unicode/ustdio.h b/contrib/libs/icu/include/unicode/ustdio.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..342c2b4604
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/icu/include/unicode/ustdio.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1018 @@
+// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
+* Copyright (C) 1998-2015, International Business Machines
+* Corporation and others. All Rights Reserved.
+* File ustdio.h
+* Modification History:
+* Date Name Description
+* 10/16/98 stephen Creation.
+* 11/06/98 stephen Modified per code review.
+* 03/12/99 stephen Modified for new C API.
+* 07/19/99 stephen Minor doc update.
+* 02/01/01 george Added sprintf & sscanf with all of its variants
+#ifndef USTDIO_H
+#define USTDIO_H
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/ucnv.h"
+#include "unicode/utrans.h"
+#include "unicode/localpointer.h"
+#include "unicode/unum.h"
+ The following is a small list as to what is currently wrong/suggestions for
+ ustdio.
+ * Make sure that * in the scanf format specification works for all formats.
+ * Each UFILE takes up at least 2KB.
+ Look into adding setvbuf() for configurable buffers.
+ * This library does buffering. The OS should do this for us already. Check on
+ this, and remove it from this library, if this is the case. Double buffering
+ wastes a lot of time and space.
+ * Test stdin and stdout with the u_f* functions
+ * Testing should be done for reading and writing multi-byte encodings,
+ and make sure that a character that is contained across buffer boundries
+ works even for incomplete characters.
+ * Make sure that the last character is flushed when the file/string is closed.
+ * snprintf should follow the C99 standard for the return value, which is
+ return the number of characters (excluding the trailing '\0')
+ which would have been written to the destination string regardless
+ of available space. This is like pre-flighting.
+ * Everything that uses %s should do what operator>> does for UnicodeString.
+ It should convert one byte at a time, and once a character is
+ converted then check to see if it's whitespace or in the scanset.
+ If it's whitespace or in the scanset, put all the bytes back (do nothing
+ for sprintf/sscanf).
+ * If bad string data is encountered, make sure that the function fails
+ without memory leaks and the unconvertable characters are valid
+ substitution or are escaped characters.
+ * u_fungetc() can't unget a character when it's at the beginning of the
+ internal conversion buffer. For example, read the buffer size # of
+ characters, and then ungetc to get the previous character that was
+ at the end of the last buffer.
+ * u_fflush() and u_fclose should return an int32_t like C99 functions.
+ 0 is returned if the operation was successful and EOF otherwise.
+ * u_fsettransliterator does not support U_READ side of transliteration.
+ * The format specifier should limit the size of a format or honor it in
+ order to prevent buffer overruns. (e.g. %256.256d).
+ * u_fread and u_fwrite don't exist. They're needed for reading and writing
+ data structures without any conversion.
+ * u_file_read and u_file_write are used for writing strings. u_fgets and
+ u_fputs or u_fread and u_fwrite should be used to do this.
+ * The width parameter for all scanf formats, including scanset, needs
+ better testing. This prevents buffer overflows.
+ * Figure out what is suppose to happen when a codepage is changed midstream.
+ Maybe a flush or a rewind are good enough.
+ * Make sure that a UFile opened with "rw" can be used after using
+ u_fflush with a u_frewind.
+ * scanf(%i) should detect what type of number to use.
+ * Add more testing of the alternate format, %#
+ * Look at newline handling of fputs/puts
+ * Think more about codeunit/codepoint error handling/support in %S,%s,%C,%c,%[]
+ * Complete the file documentation with proper doxygen formatting.
+ See http://oss.software.ibm.com/pipermail/icu/2003-July/005647.html
+ * \file
+ * \brief C API: Unicode stdio-like API
+ *
+ * <h2>Unicode stdio-like C API</h2>
+ *
+ * <p>This API provides an stdio-like API wrapper around ICU's other
+ * formatting and parsing APIs. It is meant to ease the transition of adding
+ * Unicode support to a preexisting applications using stdio. The following
+ * is a small list of noticable differences between stdio and ICU I/O's
+ * ustdio implementation.</p>
+ *
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>Locale specific formatting and parsing is only done with file IO.</li>
+ * <li>u_fstropen can be used to simulate file IO with strings.
+ * This is similar to the iostream API, and it allows locale specific
+ * formatting and parsing to be used.</li>
+ * <li>This API provides uniform formatting and parsing behavior between
+ * platforms (unlike the standard stdio implementations found on various
+ * platforms).</li>
+ * <li>This API is better suited for text data handling than binary data
+ * handling when compared to the typical stdio implementation.</li>
+ * <li>You can specify a Transliterator while using the file IO.</li>
+ * <li>You can specify a file's codepage separately from the default
+ * system codepage.</li>
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * <h2>Formatting and Parsing Specification</h2>
+ *
+ * General printf format:<br>
+ * %[format modifier][width][.precision][type modifier][format]
+ *
+ * General scanf format:<br>
+ * %[*][format modifier][width][type modifier][format]
+ *
+<table cellspacing="3">
+<tr><td>%E</td><td>double</td><td>float</td><td>Scientific with an uppercase exponent</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%e</td><td>double</td><td>float</td><td>Scientific with a lowercase exponent</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%G</td><td>double</td><td>float</td><td>Use %E or %f for best format</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%g</td><td>double</td><td>float</td><td>Use %e or %f for best format</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%f</td><td>double</td><td>float</td><td>Simple floating point without the exponent</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%X</td><td>int32_t</td><td>int32_t</td><td>ustdio special uppercase hex radix formatting</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%x</td><td>int32_t</td><td>int32_t</td><td>ustdio special lowercase hex radix formatting</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%d</td><td>int32_t</td><td>int32_t</td><td>Decimal format</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%i</td><td>int32_t</td><td>int32_t</td><td>Same as %d</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%n</td><td>int32_t</td><td>int32_t</td><td>count (write the number of UTF-16 codeunits read/written)</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%o</td><td>int32_t</td><td>int32_t</td><td>ustdio special octal radix formatting</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%u</td><td>uint32_t</td><td>uint32_t</td><td>Decimal format</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%p</td><td>void *</td><td>void *</td><td>Prints the pointer value</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%s</td><td>char *</td><td>char *</td><td>Use default converter or specified converter from fopen</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%c</td><td>char</td><td>char</td><td>Use default converter or specified converter from fopen<br>
+When width is specified for scanf, this acts like a non-NULL-terminated char * string.<br>
+By default, only one char is written.</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%S</td><td>UChar *</td><td>UChar *</td><td>Null terminated UTF-16 string</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%C</td><td>UChar</td><td>UChar</td><td>16-bit Unicode code unit<br>
+When width is specified for scanf, this acts like a non-NULL-terminated UChar * string<br>
+By default, only one codepoint is written.</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%[]</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>UChar *</td><td>Null terminated UTF-16 string which contains the filtered set of characters specified by the UnicodeSet</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%%</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>Show a percent sign</td></tr>
+Format modifiers
+<tr><td>%h</td><td>%d, %i, %o, %x</td><td>int16_t</td><td>short format</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%h</td><td>%u</td><td>uint16_t</td><td>short format</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%h</td><td>c</td><td>char</td><td><b>(Unimplemented)</b> Use invariant converter</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%h</td><td>s</td><td>char *</td><td><b>(Unimplemented)</b> Use invariant converter</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%h</td><td>C</td><td>char</td><td><b>(Unimplemented)</b> 8-bit Unicode code unit</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%h</td><td>S</td><td>char *</td><td><b>(Unimplemented)</b> Null terminated UTF-8 string</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%l</td><td>%d, %i, %o, %x</td><td>int32_t</td><td>long format (no effect)</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%l</td><td>%u</td><td>uint32_t</td><td>long format (no effect)</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%l</td><td>c</td><td>N/A</td><td><b>(Unimplemented)</b> Reserved for future implementation</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%l</td><td>s</td><td>N/A</td><td><b>(Unimplemented)</b> Reserved for future implementation</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%l</td><td>C</td><td>UChar32</td><td><b>(Unimplemented)</b> 32-bit Unicode code unit</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%l</td><td>S</td><td>UChar32 *</td><td><b>(Unimplemented)</b> Null terminated UTF-32 string</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%ll</td><td>%d, %i, %o, %x</td><td>int64_t</td><td>long long format</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%ll</td><td>%u</td><td>uint64_t</td><td><b>(Unimplemented)</b> long long format</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%-</td><td><i>all</i></td><td>N/A</td><td>Left justify</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%+</td><td>%d, %i, %o, %x, %e, %f, %g, %E, %G</td><td>N/A</td><td>Always show the plus or minus sign. Needs data for plus sign.</td></tr>
+<tr><td>% </td><td>%d, %i, %o, %x, %e, %f, %g, %E, %G</td><td>N/A</td><td>Instead of a "+" output a blank character for positive numbers.</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%#</td><td>%d, %i, %o, %x, %e, %f, %g, %E, %G</td><td>N/A</td><td>Precede octal value with 0, hex with 0x and show the
+ decimal point for floats.</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%<i>n</i></td><td><i>all</i></td><td>N/A</td><td>Width of input/output. num is an actual number from 0 to
+ some large number.</td></tr>
+<tr><td>%.<i>n</i></td><td>%e, %f, %g, %E, %F, %G</td><td>N/A</td><td>Significant digits precision. num is an actual number from
+ 0 to some large number.<br>If * is used in printf, then the precision is passed in as an argument before the number to be formatted.</td></tr>
+printf modifier
+%* int32_t Next argument after this one specifies the width
+scanf modifier
+%* N/A This field is scanned, but not stored
+<p>If you are using this C API instead of the ustream.h API for C++,
+you can use one of the following u_fprintf examples to display a UnicodeString.</p>
+ UFILE *out = u_finit(stdout, NULL, NULL);
+ UnicodeString string1("string 1");
+ UnicodeString string2("string 2");
+ u_fprintf(out, "%S\n", string1.getTerminatedBuffer());
+ u_fprintf(out, "%.*S\n", string2.length(), string2.getBuffer());
+ u_fclose(out);
+ */
+ * When an end of file is encountered, this value can be returned.
+ * @see u_fgetc
+ * @stable 3.0
+ */
+#define U_EOF 0xFFFF
+/** Forward declaration of a Unicode-aware file @stable 3.0 */
+typedef struct UFILE UFILE;
+ * Enum for which direction of stream a transliterator applies to.
+ * @see u_fsettransliterator
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+typedef enum {
+ U_READ = 1,
+ U_WRITE = 2,
+ U_READWRITE =3 /* == (U_READ | U_WRITE) */
+} UFileDirection;
+ * Open a UFILE.
+ * A UFILE is a wrapper around a FILE* that is locale and codepage aware.
+ * That is, data written to a UFILE will be formatted using the conventions
+ * specified by that UFILE's Locale; this data will be in the character set
+ * specified by that UFILE's codepage.
+ * @param filename The name of the file to open.
+ * @param perm The read/write permission for the UFILE; one of "r", "w", "rw"
+ * @param locale The locale whose conventions will be used to format
+ * and parse output. If this parameter is NULL, the default locale will
+ * be used.
+ * @param codepage The codepage in which data will be written to and
+ * read from the file. If this paramter is NULL the system default codepage
+ * will be used.
+ * @return A new UFILE, or NULL if an error occurred.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_fopen(const char *filename,
+ const char *perm,
+ const char *locale,
+ const char *codepage);
+ * Open a UFILE with a UChar* filename
+ * A UFILE is a wrapper around a FILE* that is locale and codepage aware.
+ * That is, data written to a UFILE will be formatted using the conventions
+ * specified by that UFILE's Locale; this data will be in the character set
+ * specified by that UFILE's codepage.
+ * @param filename The name of the file to open.
+ * @param perm The read/write permission for the UFILE; one of "r", "w", "rw"
+ * @param locale The locale whose conventions will be used to format
+ * and parse output. If this parameter is NULL, the default locale will
+ * be used.
+ * @param codepage The codepage in which data will be written to and
+ * read from the file. If this paramter is NULL the system default codepage
+ * will be used.
+ * @return A new UFILE, or NULL if an error occurred.
+ * @stable ICU 54
+ */
+u_fopen_u(const UChar *filename,
+ const char *perm,
+ const char *locale,
+ const char *codepage);
+ * Open a UFILE on top of an existing FILE* stream. The FILE* stream
+ * ownership remains with the caller. To have the UFILE take over
+ * ownership and responsibility for the FILE* stream, use the
+ * function u_fadopt.
+ * @param f The FILE* to which this UFILE will attach and use.
+ * @param locale The locale whose conventions will be used to format
+ * and parse output. If this parameter is NULL, the default locale will
+ * be used.
+ * @param codepage The codepage in which data will be written to and
+ * read from the file. If this paramter is NULL, data will be written and
+ * read using the default codepage for <TT>locale</TT>, unless <TT>locale</TT>
+ * is NULL, in which case the system default codepage will be used.
+ * @return A new UFILE, or NULL if an error occurred.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_finit(FILE *f,
+ const char *locale,
+ const char *codepage);
+ * Open a UFILE on top of an existing FILE* stream. The FILE* stream
+ * ownership is transferred to the new UFILE. It will be closed when the
+ * UFILE is closed.
+ * @param f The FILE* which this UFILE will take ownership of.
+ * @param locale The locale whose conventions will be used to format
+ * and parse output. If this parameter is NULL, the default locale will
+ * be used.
+ * @param codepage The codepage in which data will be written to and
+ * read from the file. If this paramter is NULL, data will be written and
+ * read using the default codepage for <TT>locale</TT>, unless <TT>locale</TT>
+ * is NULL, in which case the system default codepage will be used.
+ * @return A new UFILE, or NULL if an error occurred. If an error occurs
+ * the ownership of the FILE* stream remains with the caller.
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+u_fadopt(FILE *f,
+ const char *locale,
+ const char *codepage);
+ * Create a UFILE that can be used for localized formatting or parsing.
+ * The u_sprintf and u_sscanf functions do not read or write numbers for a
+ * specific locale. The ustdio.h file functions can be used on this UFILE.
+ * The string is usable once u_fclose or u_fflush has been called on the
+ * returned UFILE.
+ * @param stringBuf The string used for reading or writing.
+ * @param capacity The number of code units available for use in stringBuf
+ * @param locale The locale whose conventions will be used to format
+ * and parse output. If this parameter is NULL, the default locale will
+ * be used.
+ * @return A new UFILE, or NULL if an error occurred.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_fstropen(UChar *stringBuf,
+ int32_t capacity,
+ const char *locale);
+ * Close a UFILE. Implies u_fflush first.
+ * @param file The UFILE to close.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ * @see u_fflush
+ */
+u_fclose(UFILE *file);
+ * \class LocalUFILEPointer
+ * "Smart pointer" class, closes a UFILE via u_fclose().
+ * For most methods see the LocalPointerBase base class.
+ *
+ * @see LocalPointerBase
+ * @see LocalPointer
+ * @stable ICU 4.4
+ */
+ * Tests if the UFILE is at the end of the file stream.
+ * @param f The UFILE from which to read.
+ * @return Returns TRUE after the first read operation that attempts to
+ * read past the end of the file. It returns FALSE if the current position is
+ * not end of file.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+u_feof(UFILE *f);
+ * Flush output of a UFILE. Implies a flush of
+ * converter/transliterator state. (That is, a logical break is
+ * made in the output stream - for example if a different type of
+ * output is desired.) The underlying OS level file is also flushed.
+ * Note that for a stateful encoding, the converter may write additional
+ * bytes to return the stream to default state.
+ * @param file The UFILE to flush.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_fflush(UFILE *file);
+ * Rewind the file pointer to the beginning of the file.
+ * @param file The UFILE to rewind.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+U_STABLE void
+u_frewind(UFILE *file);
+ * Get the FILE* associated with a UFILE.
+ * @param f The UFILE
+ * @return A FILE*, owned by the UFILE. (The FILE <EM>must not</EM> be modified or closed)
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_fgetfile(UFILE *f);
+ * Get the locale whose conventions are used to format and parse output.
+ * This is the same locale passed in the preceding call to<TT>u_fsetlocale</TT>
+ * or <TT>u_fopen</TT>.
+ * @param file The UFILE to set.
+ * @return The locale whose conventions are used to format and parse output.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const char* U_EXPORT2
+u_fgetlocale(UFILE *file);
+ * Set the locale whose conventions will be used to format and parse output.
+ * @param locale The locale whose conventions will be used to format
+ * and parse output.
+ * @param file The UFILE to query.
+ * @return NULL if successful, otherwise a negative number.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_fsetlocale(UFILE *file,
+ const char *locale);
+ * Get the codepage in which data is written to and read from the UFILE.
+ * This is the same codepage passed in the preceding call to
+ * <TT>u_fsetcodepage</TT> or <TT>u_fopen</TT>.
+ * @param file The UFILE to query.
+ * @return The codepage in which data is written to and read from the UFILE,
+ * or NULL if an error occurred.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+U_STABLE const char* U_EXPORT2
+u_fgetcodepage(UFILE *file);
+ * Set the codepage in which data will be written to and read from the UFILE.
+ * All Unicode data written to the UFILE will be converted to this codepage
+ * before it is written to the underlying FILE*. It it generally a bad idea to
+ * mix codepages within a file. This should only be called right
+ * after opening the <TT>UFile</TT>, or after calling <TT>u_frewind</TT>.
+ * @param codepage The codepage in which data will be written to
+ * and read from the file. For example <TT>"latin-1"</TT> or <TT>"ibm-943"</TT>.
+ * A value of NULL means the default codepage for the UFILE's current
+ * locale will be used.
+ * @param file The UFILE to set.
+ * @return 0 if successful, otherwise a negative number.
+ * @see u_frewind
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_fsetcodepage(const char *codepage,
+ UFILE *file);
+ * Returns an alias to the converter being used for this file.
+ * @param f The UFILE to get the value from
+ * @return alias to the converter (The converter <EM>must not</EM> be modified or closed)
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UConverter* U_EXPORT2 u_fgetConverter(UFILE *f);
+ * Returns an alias to the number formatter being used for this file.
+ * @param f The UFILE to get the value from
+ * @return alias to the number formatter (The formatter <EM>must not</EM> be modified or closed)
+ * @stable ICU 51
+ U_STABLE const UNumberFormat* U_EXPORT2 u_fgetNumberFormat(UFILE *f);
+/* Output functions */
+ * Write formatted data to <TT>stdout</TT>.
+ * @param patternSpecification A pattern specifying how <TT>u_printf</TT> will
+ * interpret the variable arguments received and format the data.
+ * @return The number of Unicode characters written to <TT>stdout</TT>
+ * @stable ICU 49
+ */
+u_printf(const char *patternSpecification,
+ ... );
+ * Write formatted data to a UFILE.
+ * @param f The UFILE to which to write.
+ * @param patternSpecification A pattern specifying how <TT>u_fprintf</TT> will
+ * interpret the variable arguments received and format the data.
+ * @return The number of Unicode characters written to <TT>f</TT>.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_fprintf(UFILE *f,
+ const char *patternSpecification,
+ ... );
+ * Write formatted data to a UFILE.
+ * This is identical to <TT>u_fprintf</TT>, except that it will
+ * <EM>not</EM> call <TT>va_start</TT> and <TT>va_end</TT>.
+ * @param f The UFILE to which to write.
+ * @param patternSpecification A pattern specifying how <TT>u_fprintf</TT> will
+ * interpret the variable arguments received and format the data.
+ * @param ap The argument list to use.
+ * @return The number of Unicode characters written to <TT>f</TT>.
+ * @see u_fprintf
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_vfprintf(UFILE *f,
+ const char *patternSpecification,
+ va_list ap);
+ * Write formatted data to <TT>stdout</TT>.
+ * @param patternSpecification A pattern specifying how <TT>u_printf_u</TT> will
+ * interpret the variable arguments received and format the data.
+ * @return The number of Unicode characters written to <TT>stdout</TT>
+ * @stable ICU 49
+ */
+u_printf_u(const UChar *patternSpecification,
+ ... );
+ * Get a UFILE for <TT>stdout</TT>.
+ * @return UFILE that writes to <TT>stdout</TT>
+ * @stable ICU 49
+ */
+ * Write formatted data to a UFILE.
+ * @param f The UFILE to which to write.
+ * @param patternSpecification A pattern specifying how <TT>u_fprintf</TT> will
+ * interpret the variable arguments received and format the data.
+ * @return The number of Unicode characters written to <TT>f</TT>.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_fprintf_u(UFILE *f,
+ const UChar *patternSpecification,
+ ... );
+ * Write formatted data to a UFILE.
+ * This is identical to <TT>u_fprintf_u</TT>, except that it will
+ * <EM>not</EM> call <TT>va_start</TT> and <TT>va_end</TT>.
+ * @param f The UFILE to which to write.
+ * @param patternSpecification A pattern specifying how <TT>u_fprintf</TT> will
+ * interpret the variable arguments received and format the data.
+ * @param ap The argument list to use.
+ * @return The number of Unicode characters written to <TT>f</TT>.
+ * @see u_fprintf_u
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_vfprintf_u(UFILE *f,
+ const UChar *patternSpecification,
+ va_list ap);
+ * Write a Unicode to a UFILE. The null (U+0000) terminated UChar*
+ * <TT>s</TT> will be written to <TT>f</TT>, excluding the NULL terminator.
+ * A newline will be added to <TT>f</TT>.
+ * @param s The UChar* to write.
+ * @param f The UFILE to which to write.
+ * @return A non-negative number if successful, EOF otherwise.
+ * @see u_file_write
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_fputs(const UChar *s,
+ UFILE *f);
+ * Write a UChar to a UFILE.
+ * @param uc The UChar to write.
+ * @param f The UFILE to which to write.
+ * @return The character written if successful, EOF otherwise.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_fputc(UChar32 uc,
+ UFILE *f);
+ * Write Unicode to a UFILE.
+ * The ustring passed in will be converted to the UFILE's underlying
+ * codepage before it is written.
+ * @param ustring A pointer to the Unicode data to write.
+ * @param count The number of Unicode characters to write
+ * @param f The UFILE to which to write.
+ * @return The number of Unicode characters written.
+ * @see u_fputs
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_file_write(const UChar *ustring,
+ int32_t count,
+ UFILE *f);
+/* Input functions */
+ * Read formatted data from a UFILE.
+ * @param f The UFILE from which to read.
+ * @param patternSpecification A pattern specifying how <TT>u_fscanf</TT> will
+ * interpret the variable arguments received and parse the data.
+ * @return The number of items successfully converted and assigned, or EOF
+ * if an error occurred.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_fscanf(UFILE *f,
+ const char *patternSpecification,
+ ... );
+ * Read formatted data from a UFILE.
+ * This is identical to <TT>u_fscanf</TT>, except that it will
+ * <EM>not</EM> call <TT>va_start</TT> and <TT>va_end</TT>.
+ * @param f The UFILE from which to read.
+ * @param patternSpecification A pattern specifying how <TT>u_fscanf</TT> will
+ * interpret the variable arguments received and parse the data.
+ * @param ap The argument list to use.
+ * @return The number of items successfully converted and assigned, or EOF
+ * if an error occurred.
+ * @see u_fscanf
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_vfscanf(UFILE *f,
+ const char *patternSpecification,
+ va_list ap);
+ * Read formatted data from a UFILE.
+ * @param f The UFILE from which to read.
+ * @param patternSpecification A pattern specifying how <TT>u_fscanf</TT> will
+ * interpret the variable arguments received and parse the data.
+ * @return The number of items successfully converted and assigned, or EOF
+ * if an error occurred.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_fscanf_u(UFILE *f,
+ const UChar *patternSpecification,
+ ... );
+ * Read formatted data from a UFILE.
+ * This is identical to <TT>u_fscanf_u</TT>, except that it will
+ * <EM>not</EM> call <TT>va_start</TT> and <TT>va_end</TT>.
+ * @param f The UFILE from which to read.
+ * @param patternSpecification A pattern specifying how <TT>u_fscanf</TT> will
+ * interpret the variable arguments received and parse the data.
+ * @param ap The argument list to use.
+ * @return The number of items successfully converted and assigned, or EOF
+ * if an error occurred.
+ * @see u_fscanf_u
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_vfscanf_u(UFILE *f,
+ const UChar *patternSpecification,
+ va_list ap);
+ * Read one line of text into a UChar* string from a UFILE. The newline
+ * at the end of the line is read into the string. The string is always
+ * null terminated
+ * @param f The UFILE from which to read.
+ * @param n The maximum number of characters - 1 to read.
+ * @param s The UChar* to receive the read data. Characters will be
+ * stored successively in <TT>s</TT> until a newline or EOF is
+ * reached. A null character (U+0000) will be appended to <TT>s</TT>.
+ * @return A pointer to <TT>s</TT>, or NULL if no characters were available.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_fgets(UChar *s,
+ int32_t n,
+ UFILE *f);
+ * Read a UChar from a UFILE. It is recommended that <TT>u_fgetcx</TT>
+ * used instead for proper parsing functions, but sometimes reading
+ * code units is needed instead of codepoints.
+ *
+ * @param f The UFILE from which to read.
+ * @return The UChar value read, or U+FFFF if no character was available.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_fgetc(UFILE *f);
+ * Read a UChar32 from a UFILE.
+ *
+ * @param f The UFILE from which to read.
+ * @return The UChar32 value read, or U_EOF if no character was
+ * available, or U+FFFFFFFF if an ill-formed character was
+ * encountered.
+ * @see u_unescape()
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_fgetcx(UFILE *f);
+ * Unget a UChar from a UFILE.
+ * If this function is not the first to operate on <TT>f</TT> after a call
+ * to <TT>u_fgetc</TT>, the results are undefined.
+ * If this function is passed a character that was not recieved from the
+ * previous <TT>u_fgetc</TT> or <TT>u_fgetcx</TT> call, the results are undefined.
+ * @param c The UChar to put back on the stream.
+ * @param f The UFILE to receive <TT>c</TT>.
+ * @return The UChar32 value put back if successful, U_EOF otherwise.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_fungetc(UChar32 c,
+ UFILE *f);
+ * Read Unicode from a UFILE.
+ * Bytes will be converted from the UFILE's underlying codepage, with
+ * subsequent conversion to Unicode. The data will not be NULL terminated.
+ * @param chars A pointer to receive the Unicode data.
+ * @param count The number of Unicode characters to read.
+ * @param f The UFILE from which to read.
+ * @return The number of Unicode characters read.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_file_read(UChar *chars,
+ int32_t count,
+ UFILE *f);
+ * Set a transliterator on the UFILE. The transliterator will be owned by the
+ * UFILE.
+ * @param file The UFILE to set transliteration on
+ * @param adopt The UTransliterator to set. Can be NULL, which will
+ * mean that no transliteration is used.
+ * @param direction either U_READ, U_WRITE, or U_READWRITE - sets
+ * which direction the transliterator is to be applied to. If
+ * U_READWRITE, the "Read" transliteration will be in the inverse
+ * direction.
+ * @param status ICU error code.
+ * @return The previously set transliterator, owned by the
+ * caller. If U_READWRITE is specified, only the WRITE transliterator
+ * is returned. In most cases, the caller should call utrans_close()
+ * on the result of this function.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+U_STABLE UTransliterator* U_EXPORT2
+u_fsettransliterator(UFILE *file, UFileDirection direction,
+ UTransliterator *adopt, UErrorCode *status);
+/* Output string functions */
+ * Write formatted data to a Unicode string.
+ *
+ * @param buffer The Unicode String to which to write.
+ * @param patternSpecification A pattern specifying how <TT>u_sprintf</TT> will
+ * interpret the variable arguments received and format the data.
+ * @return The number of Unicode code units written to <TT>buffer</TT>. This
+ * does not include the terminating null character.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_sprintf(UChar *buffer,
+ const char *patternSpecification,
+ ... );
+ * Write formatted data to a Unicode string. When the number of code units
+ * required to store the data exceeds <TT>count</TT>, then <TT>count</TT> code
+ * units of data are stored in <TT>buffer</TT> and a negative value is
+ * returned. When the number of code units required to store the data equals
+ * <TT>count</TT>, the string is not null terminated and <TT>count</TT> is
+ * returned.
+ *
+ * @param buffer The Unicode String to which to write.
+ * @param count The number of code units to read.
+ * @param patternSpecification A pattern specifying how <TT>u_sprintf</TT> will
+ * interpret the variable arguments received and format the data.
+ * @return The number of Unicode characters that would have been written to
+ * <TT>buffer</TT> had count been sufficiently large. This does not include
+ * the terminating null character.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_snprintf(UChar *buffer,
+ int32_t count,
+ const char *patternSpecification,
+ ... );
+ * Write formatted data to a Unicode string.
+ * This is identical to <TT>u_sprintf</TT>, except that it will
+ * <EM>not</EM> call <TT>va_start</TT> and <TT>va_end</TT>.
+ *
+ * @param buffer The Unicode string to which to write.
+ * @param patternSpecification A pattern specifying how <TT>u_sprintf</TT> will
+ * interpret the variable arguments received and format the data.
+ * @param ap The argument list to use.
+ * @return The number of Unicode characters written to <TT>buffer</TT>.
+ * @see u_sprintf
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_vsprintf(UChar *buffer,
+ const char *patternSpecification,
+ va_list ap);
+ * Write formatted data to a Unicode string.
+ * This is identical to <TT>u_snprintf</TT>, except that it will
+ * <EM>not</EM> call <TT>va_start</TT> and <TT>va_end</TT>.<br><br>
+ * When the number of code units required to store the data exceeds
+ * <TT>count</TT>, then <TT>count</TT> code units of data are stored in
+ * <TT>buffer</TT> and a negative value is returned. When the number of code
+ * units required to store the data equals <TT>count</TT>, the string is not
+ * null terminated and <TT>count</TT> is returned.
+ *
+ * @param buffer The Unicode string to which to write.
+ * @param count The number of code units to read.
+ * @param patternSpecification A pattern specifying how <TT>u_sprintf</TT> will
+ * interpret the variable arguments received and format the data.
+ * @param ap The argument list to use.
+ * @return The number of Unicode characters that would have been written to
+ * <TT>buffer</TT> had count been sufficiently large.
+ * @see u_sprintf
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_vsnprintf(UChar *buffer,
+ int32_t count,
+ const char *patternSpecification,
+ va_list ap);
+ * Write formatted data to a Unicode string.
+ *
+ * @param buffer The Unicode string to which to write.
+ * @param patternSpecification A pattern specifying how <TT>u_sprintf</TT> will
+ * interpret the variable arguments received and format the data.
+ * @return The number of Unicode characters written to <TT>buffer</TT>.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_sprintf_u(UChar *buffer,
+ const UChar *patternSpecification,
+ ... );
+ * Write formatted data to a Unicode string. When the number of code units
+ * required to store the data exceeds <TT>count</TT>, then <TT>count</TT> code
+ * units of data are stored in <TT>buffer</TT> and a negative value is
+ * returned. When the number of code units required to store the data equals
+ * <TT>count</TT>, the string is not null terminated and <TT>count</TT> is
+ * returned.
+ *
+ * @param buffer The Unicode string to which to write.
+ * @param count The number of code units to read.
+ * @param patternSpecification A pattern specifying how <TT>u_sprintf</TT> will
+ * interpret the variable arguments received and format the data.
+ * @return The number of Unicode characters that would have been written to
+ * <TT>buffer</TT> had count been sufficiently large.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_snprintf_u(UChar *buffer,
+ int32_t count,
+ const UChar *patternSpecification,
+ ... );
+ * Write formatted data to a Unicode string.
+ * This is identical to <TT>u_sprintf_u</TT>, except that it will
+ * <EM>not</EM> call <TT>va_start</TT> and <TT>va_end</TT>.
+ *
+ * @param buffer The Unicode string to which to write.
+ * @param patternSpecification A pattern specifying how <TT>u_sprintf</TT> will
+ * interpret the variable arguments received and format the data.
+ * @param ap The argument list to use.
+ * @return The number of Unicode characters written to <TT>f</TT>.
+ * @see u_sprintf_u
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_vsprintf_u(UChar *buffer,
+ const UChar *patternSpecification,
+ va_list ap);
+ * Write formatted data to a Unicode string.
+ * This is identical to <TT>u_snprintf_u</TT>, except that it will
+ * <EM>not</EM> call <TT>va_start</TT> and <TT>va_end</TT>.
+ * When the number of code units required to store the data exceeds
+ * <TT>count</TT>, then <TT>count</TT> code units of data are stored in
+ * <TT>buffer</TT> and a negative value is returned. When the number of code
+ * units required to store the data equals <TT>count</TT>, the string is not
+ * null terminated and <TT>count</TT> is returned.
+ *
+ * @param buffer The Unicode string to which to write.
+ * @param count The number of code units to read.
+ * @param patternSpecification A pattern specifying how <TT>u_sprintf</TT> will
+ * interpret the variable arguments received and format the data.
+ * @param ap The argument list to use.
+ * @return The number of Unicode characters that would have been written to
+ * <TT>f</TT> had count been sufficiently large.
+ * @see u_sprintf_u
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_vsnprintf_u(UChar *buffer,
+ int32_t count,
+ const UChar *patternSpecification,
+ va_list ap);
+/* Input string functions */
+ * Read formatted data from a Unicode string.
+ *
+ * @param buffer The Unicode string from which to read.
+ * @param patternSpecification A pattern specifying how <TT>u_sscanf</TT> will
+ * interpret the variable arguments received and parse the data.
+ * @return The number of items successfully converted and assigned, or EOF
+ * if an error occurred.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_sscanf(const UChar *buffer,
+ const char *patternSpecification,
+ ... );
+ * Read formatted data from a Unicode string.
+ * This is identical to <TT>u_sscanf</TT>, except that it will
+ * <EM>not</EM> call <TT>va_start</TT> and <TT>va_end</TT>.
+ *
+ * @param buffer The Unicode string from which to read.
+ * @param patternSpecification A pattern specifying how <TT>u_sscanf</TT> will
+ * interpret the variable arguments received and parse the data.
+ * @param ap The argument list to use.
+ * @return The number of items successfully converted and assigned, or EOF
+ * if an error occurred.
+ * @see u_sscanf
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_vsscanf(const UChar *buffer,
+ const char *patternSpecification,
+ va_list ap);
+ * Read formatted data from a Unicode string.
+ *
+ * @param buffer The Unicode string from which to read.
+ * @param patternSpecification A pattern specifying how <TT>u_sscanf</TT> will
+ * interpret the variable arguments received and parse the data.
+ * @return The number of items successfully converted and assigned, or EOF
+ * if an error occurred.
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_sscanf_u(const UChar *buffer,
+ const UChar *patternSpecification,
+ ... );
+ * Read formatted data from a Unicode string.
+ * This is identical to <TT>u_sscanf_u</TT>, except that it will
+ * <EM>not</EM> call <TT>va_start</TT> and <TT>va_end</TT>.
+ *
+ * @param buffer The Unicode string from which to read.
+ * @param patternSpecification A pattern specifying how <TT>u_sscanf</TT> will
+ * interpret the variable arguments received and parse the data.
+ * @param ap The argument list to use.
+ * @return The number of items successfully converted and assigned, or EOF
+ * if an error occurred.
+ * @see u_sscanf_u
+ * @stable ICU 3.0
+ */
+u_vsscanf_u(const UChar *buffer,
+ const UChar *patternSpecification,
+ va_list ap);