path: root/contrib/libs/hyperscan/src/nfagraph/ng_repeat.cpp
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authorDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
committerDevtools Arcadia <arcadia-devtools@mous.vla.yp-c.yandex.net>2022-02-07 18:08:42 +0300
commit1110808a9d39d4b808aef724c861a2e1a38d2a69 (patch)
treee26c9fed0de5d9873cce7e00bc214573dc2195b7 /contrib/libs/hyperscan/src/nfagraph/ng_repeat.cpp
intermediate changes
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/libs/hyperscan/src/nfagraph/ng_repeat.cpp')
1 files changed, 2547 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/libs/hyperscan/src/nfagraph/ng_repeat.cpp b/contrib/libs/hyperscan/src/nfagraph/ng_repeat.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1f63ad3c6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/hyperscan/src/nfagraph/ng_repeat.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2547 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2015-2018, Intel Corporation
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+ *
+ * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+ * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors
+ * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
+ * without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+/** \file
+ * \brief Bounded repeat analysis.
+ */
+#include "ng_repeat.h"
+#include "grey.h"
+#include "ng_depth.h"
+#include "ng_holder.h"
+#include "ng_limex_accel.h"
+#include "ng_prune.h"
+#include "ng_reports.h"
+#include "ng_som_util.h"
+#include "ng_util.h"
+#include "nfa/accel.h"
+#include "nfa/limex_limits.h"
+#include "nfa/repeat_internal.h"
+#include "nfa/repeatcompile.h"
+#include "util/container.h"
+#include "util/dump_charclass.h"
+#include "util/graph_range.h"
+#include "util/graph_small_color_map.h"
+#include "util/graph_undirected.h"
+#include "util/report_manager.h"
+#include "util/unordered.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <map>
+#include <queue>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include <boost/graph/connected_components.hpp>
+#include <boost/graph/depth_first_search.hpp>
+#include <boost/graph/filtered_graph.hpp>
+#include <boost/graph/reverse_graph.hpp>
+#include <boost/graph/topological_sort.hpp>
+#include <boost/icl/interval_set.hpp>
+using namespace std;
+using boost::depth_first_search;
+using boost::depth_first_visit;
+using boost::make_assoc_property_map;
+namespace ue2 {
+namespace {
+ * \brief Filter that retains only edges between vertices with the same
+ * reachability. Special vertices are dropped.
+ */
+template<class Graph>
+struct ReachFilter {
+ ReachFilter() = default;
+ explicit ReachFilter(const Graph *g_in) : g(g_in) {}
+ // Convenience typedefs.
+ using Traits = typename boost::graph_traits<Graph>;
+ using VertexDescriptor = typename Traits::vertex_descriptor;
+ using EdgeDescriptor = typename Traits::edge_descriptor;
+ bool operator()(const VertexDescriptor &v) const {
+ assert(g);
+ // Disallow special vertices, as otherwise we will try to remove them
+ // later.
+ return !is_special(v, *g);
+ }
+ bool operator()(const EdgeDescriptor &e) const {
+ assert(g);
+ // Vertices must have the same reach.
+ auto u = source(e, *g), v = target(e, *g);
+ const CharReach &cr_u = (*g)[u].char_reach;
+ const CharReach &cr_v = (*g)[v].char_reach;
+ return cr_u == cr_v;
+ }
+ const Graph *g = nullptr;
+using RepeatGraph = boost::filtered_graph<NGHolder, ReachFilter<NGHolder>,
+ ReachFilter<NGHolder>>;
+struct ReachSubgraph {
+ vector<NFAVertex> vertices;
+ depth repeatMin{0};
+ depth repeatMax{0};
+ u32 minPeriod = 1;
+ bool is_reset = false;
+ enum RepeatType historyType = REPEAT_RING;
+ bool bad = false; // if true, ignore this case
+} // namespace
+void findInitDepths(const NGHolder &g,
+ unordered_map<NFAVertex, NFAVertexDepth> &depths) {
+ auto d = calcDepths(g);
+ for (auto v : vertices_range(g)) {
+ size_t idx = g[v].index;
+ assert(idx < d.size());
+ depths.emplace(v, d[idx]);
+ }
+vector<NFAVertex> buildTopoOrder(const RepeatGraph &g) {
+ /* Note: RepeatGraph is a filtered version of NGHolder and still has
+ * NFAVertex as its vertex descriptor */
+ typedef unordered_set<NFAEdge> EdgeSet;
+ EdgeSet deadEdges;
+ // We don't have indices spanning [0,N] on our filtered graph, so we
+ // provide a colour map.
+ unordered_map<NFAVertex, boost::default_color_type> colours;
+ depth_first_search(g, visitor(BackEdges<EdgeSet>(deadEdges)).
+ color_map(make_assoc_property_map(colours)));
+ auto acyclic_g = make_filtered_graph(g, make_bad_edge_filter(&deadEdges));
+ vector<NFAVertex> topoOrder;
+ topological_sort(acyclic_g, back_inserter(topoOrder),
+ color_map(make_assoc_property_map(colours)));
+ reverse(topoOrder.begin(), topoOrder.end());
+ return topoOrder;
+void proper_pred(const NGHolder &g, NFAVertex v,
+ unordered_set<NFAVertex> &p) {
+ pred(g, v, &p);
+ p.erase(v); // self-loops
+void proper_succ(const NGHolder &g, NFAVertex v,
+ unordered_set<NFAVertex> &s) {
+ succ(g, v, &s);
+ s.erase(v); // self-loops
+bool roguePredecessor(const NGHolder &g, NFAVertex v,
+ const unordered_set<NFAVertex> &involved,
+ const unordered_set<NFAVertex> &pred) {
+ u32 seen = 0;
+ for (auto u : inv_adjacent_vertices_range(v, g)) {
+ if (contains(involved, u)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!contains(pred, u)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("%zu is a rogue pred\n", g[u].index);
+ return true;
+ }
+ seen++;
+ }
+ // We must have edges from either (a) none of our external predecessors, or
+ // (b) all of our external predecessors.
+ if (!seen) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return pred.size() != seen;
+bool rogueSuccessor(const NGHolder &g, NFAVertex v,
+ const unordered_set<NFAVertex> &involved,
+ const unordered_set<NFAVertex> &succ) {
+ u32 seen = 0;
+ for (auto w : adjacent_vertices_range(v, g)) {
+ if (contains(involved, w)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!contains(succ, w)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("%zu is a rogue succ\n", g[w].index);
+ return true;
+ }
+ seen++;
+ }
+ // We must have edges to either (a) none of our external successors, or
+ // (b) all of our external successors.
+ if (!seen) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return succ.size() != seen;
+bool hasDifferentTops(const NGHolder &g, const vector<NFAVertex> &verts) {
+ /* TODO: check that we need this now that we allow multiple tops */
+ const flat_set<u32> *tops = nullptr;
+ for (auto v : verts) {
+ for (const auto &e : in_edges_range(v, g)) {
+ NFAVertex u = source(e, g);
+ if (u != g.start && u != g.startDs) {
+ continue; // Only edges from starts have valid top properties.
+ }
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("edge (%zu,%zu) with %zu tops\n", g[u].index,
+ g[v].index, g[e].tops.size());
+ if (!tops) {
+ tops = &g[e].tops;
+ } else if (g[e].tops != *tops) {
+ return true; // More than one set of tops.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool vertexIsBad(const NGHolder &g, NFAVertex v,
+ const unordered_set<NFAVertex> &involved,
+ const unordered_set<NFAVertex> &tail,
+ const unordered_set<NFAVertex> &pred,
+ const unordered_set<NFAVertex> &succ,
+ const flat_set<ReportID> &reports) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("check vertex %zu\n", g[v].index);
+ // We must drop any vertex that is the target of a back-edge within
+ // our subgraph. The tail set contains all vertices that are after v in a
+ // topo ordering.
+ for (auto u : inv_adjacent_vertices_range(v, g)) {
+ if (contains(tail, u)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("back-edge (%zu,%zu) in subgraph found\n",
+ g[u].index, g[v].index);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // If this vertex has an entry from outside our subgraph, it must have
+ // edges from *all* the vertices in pred and no other external entries.
+ // Similarly for exits.
+ if (roguePredecessor(g, v, involved, pred)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("preds for %zu not well-formed\n", g[v].index);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (rogueSuccessor(g, v, involved, succ)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("succs for %zu not well-formed\n", g[v].index);
+ return true;
+ }
+ // All reporting vertices should have the same reports.
+ if (is_match_vertex(v, g) && reports != g[v].reports) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("report mismatch to %zu\n", g[v].index);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+void splitSubgraph(const NGHolder &g, const deque<NFAVertex> &verts,
+ const u32 minNumVertices, queue<ReachSubgraph> &q) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("entry\n");
+ // We construct a copy of the graph using just the vertices we want, rather
+ // than using a filtered_graph -- this way is faster.
+ NGHolder verts_g;
+ unordered_map<NFAVertex, NFAVertex> verts_map; // in g -> in verts_g
+ fillHolder(&verts_g, g, verts, &verts_map);
+ const auto ug = make_undirected_graph(verts_g);
+ unordered_map<NFAVertex, u32> repeatMap;
+ size_t num = connected_components(ug, make_assoc_property_map(repeatMap));
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("found %zu connected repeat components\n", num);
+ assert(num > 0);
+ vector<ReachSubgraph> rs(num);
+ for (auto v : verts) {
+ assert(!is_special(v, g));
+ auto vu = verts_map.at(v);
+ auto rit = repeatMap.find(vu);
+ if (rit == repeatMap.end()) {
+ continue; /* not part of a repeat */
+ }
+ u32 comp_id = rit->second;
+ assert(comp_id < num);
+ rs[comp_id].vertices.push_back(v);
+ }
+ for (const auto &rsi : rs) {
+ if (rsi.vertices.empty()) {
+ // Empty elements can happen when connected_components finds a
+ // subgraph consisting entirely of specials (which aren't added to
+ // ReachSubgraph in the loop above). There's nothing we can do with
+ // these, so we skip them.
+ continue;
+ }
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("repeat with %zu vertices\n", rsi.vertices.size());
+ if (rsi.vertices.size() >= minNumVertices) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("enqueuing\n");
+ q.push(rsi);
+ }
+ }
+void findFirstReports(const NGHolder &g, const ReachSubgraph &rsi,
+ flat_set<ReportID> &reports) {
+ for (auto v : rsi.vertices) {
+ if (is_match_vertex(v, g)) {
+ reports = g[v].reports;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+void checkReachSubgraphs(const NGHolder &g, vector<ReachSubgraph> &rs,
+ const u32 minNumVertices) {
+ if (rs.empty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("%zu subgraphs\n", rs.size());
+ vector<ReachSubgraph> rs_out;
+ queue<ReachSubgraph> q;
+ for (const auto &rsi : rs) {
+ if (rsi.vertices.size() < minNumVertices) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ q.push(rsi);
+ }
+ while (!q.empty()) {
+ const ReachSubgraph &rsi = q.front();
+ if (rsi.vertices.size() < minNumVertices) {
+ q.pop(); // Too small for consideration as a repeat.
+ continue;
+ }
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("subgraph with %zu vertices\n", rsi.vertices.size());
+ // Check that all the edges from outside have the same tops. TODO: we
+ // don't have to throw the whole subgraph out, we could do this check
+ // on a per vertex basis.
+ if (hasDifferentTops(g, rsi.vertices)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("different tops!\n");
+ q.pop();
+ continue;
+ }
+ unordered_set<NFAVertex> involved(rsi.vertices.begin(),
+ rsi.vertices.end());
+ unordered_set<NFAVertex> tail(involved); // to look for back-edges.
+ unordered_set<NFAVertex> pred, succ;
+ proper_pred(g, rsi.vertices.front(), pred);
+ proper_succ(g, rsi.vertices.back(), succ);
+ flat_set<ReportID> reports;
+ findFirstReports(g, rsi, reports);
+ bool recalc = false;
+ deque<NFAVertex> verts;
+ for (auto v : rsi.vertices) {
+ tail.erase(v); // now contains all vertices _after_ this one.
+ if (vertexIsBad(g, v, involved, tail, pred, succ, reports)) {
+ recalc = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ verts.push_back(v);
+ }
+ if (recalc) {
+ if (verts.size() < minNumVertices) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("subgraph got too small\n");
+ q.pop();
+ continue;
+ }
+ splitSubgraph(g, verts, minNumVertices, q);
+ } else {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("subgraph is ok\n");
+ rs_out.push_back(rsi);
+ }
+ q.pop();
+ }
+ rs.swap(rs_out);
+namespace {
+class DistanceSet {
+ // We use boost::icl to do the heavy lifting.
+ typedef boost::icl::closed_interval<u32> ClosedInterval;
+ typedef boost::icl::interval_set<u32, std::less, ClosedInterval>
+ IntervalSet;
+ IntervalSet distances;
+ // Add a distance.
+ void insert(u32 d) {
+ distances.insert(d);
+ }
+ void add(const DistanceSet &a) {
+ distances += a.distances; // union operation
+ }
+ // Increment all the distances by one and add.
+ void add_incremented(const DistanceSet &a) {
+ for (const auto &d : a.distances) {
+ u32 lo = lower(d) + 1;
+ u32 hi = upper(d) + 1;
+ distances.insert(boost::icl::construct<ClosedInterval>(lo, hi));
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ void dump() const {
+ if (distances.empty()) {
+ printf("<empty>");
+ return;
+ }
+ for (const auto &d : distances) {
+ printf("[%u,%u] ", lower(d), upper(d));
+ }
+ }
+ // True if this distance set is a single contiguous interval.
+ bool is_contiguous() const {
+ IntervalSet::const_iterator it = distances.begin();
+ if (it == distances.end()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ ++it;
+ return (it == distances.end());
+ }
+ pair<u32, u32> get_range() const {
+ assert(is_contiguous());
+ return make_pair(lower(distances), upper(distances));
+ }
+ * Returns false if the given bounds are too large to be implemented with our
+ * runtime engines that handle bounded repeats.
+ */
+bool tooLargeToImplement(const depth &repeatMin, const depth &repeatMax) {
+ if (!repeatMin.is_finite()) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("non-finite min bound %s\n", repeatMin.str().c_str());
+ assert(0); // this is a surprise!
+ return true;
+ }
+ if ((u32)repeatMin >= REPEAT_INF) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("min bound %s too large\n", repeatMin.str().c_str());
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (repeatMax.is_finite() && (u32)repeatMax >= REPEAT_INF) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("finite max bound %s too large\n", repeatMax.str().c_str());
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+/** Returns false if the graph is not a supported bounded repeat. */
+bool processSubgraph(const NGHolder &g, ReachSubgraph &rsi,
+ u32 minNumVertices) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("reach subgraph has %zu vertices\n", rsi.vertices.size());
+ if (rsi.vertices.size() < minNumVertices) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("too small, min is %u\n", minNumVertices);
+ return false;
+ }
+ NFAVertex first = rsi.vertices.front();
+ NFAVertex last = rsi.vertices.back();
+ typedef unordered_map<NFAVertex, DistanceSet> DistanceMap;
+ DistanceMap dist;
+ // Initial distance sets.
+ for (auto u : inv_adjacent_vertices_range(first, g)) {
+ if (u == first) {
+ continue; // no self-loops
+ }
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("pred vertex %zu\n", g[u].index);
+ dist[u].insert(0);
+ }
+ for (auto v : rsi.vertices) {
+ for (auto u : inv_adjacent_vertices_range(v, g)) {
+ if (u == v) {
+ continue; // no self-loops
+ }
+ auto di = dist.find(u);
+ if (di == dist.end()) {
+ assert(0);
+ return false;
+ }
+ dist[v].add_incremented(di->second);
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove pred distances from our map.
+ for (auto u : inv_adjacent_vertices_range(first, g)) {
+ if (u == first) {
+ continue; // no self-loops
+ }
+ dist.erase(u);
+ }
+ // Calculate final union of distances.
+ DistanceSet final_d;
+ for (auto v : adjacent_vertices_range(last, g)) {
+ if (v == last) {
+ continue; // no self-loops
+ }
+ for (auto u : inv_adjacent_vertices_range(v, g)) {
+ if (u == v) {
+ continue; // no self-loops
+ }
+ auto di = dist.find(u);
+ if (di == dist.end()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ final_d.add(di->second);
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("final_d dists: ");
+ final_d.dump();
+ printf("\n");
+ if (!final_d.is_contiguous()) {
+ // not handled right now
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("not contiguous!\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ pair<u32, u32> range = final_d.get_range();
+ if (range.first > depth::max_value() || range.second > depth::max_value()) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("repeat (%u,%u) not representable with depths\n",
+ range.first, range.second);
+ return false;
+ }
+ rsi.repeatMin = depth(range.first);
+ rsi.repeatMax = depth(range.second);
+ // If we've got a self-loop anywhere, we've got inf max.
+ if (anySelfLoop(g, rsi.vertices.begin(), rsi.vertices.end())) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("repeat contains self-loop, setting max to INF\n");
+ rsi.repeatMax = depth::infinity();
+ }
+ // If our pattern contains a bounded repeat that we wouldn't be able to
+ // implement as runtime, then we have no strategy that leads to
+ // implementation -- it's not like falling back to a DFA or other
+ // non-repeat engine is going to succeed.
+ if (tooLargeToImplement(rsi.repeatMin, rsi.repeatMax)) {
+ throw CompileError("Pattern too large.");
+ }
+ return true;
+bool allPredsInSubgraph(NFAVertex v, const NGHolder &g,
+ const unordered_set<NFAVertex> &involved) {
+ for (auto u : inv_adjacent_vertices_range(v, g)) {
+ if (!contains(involved, u)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+void buildTugTrigger(NGHolder &g, NFAVertex cyclic, NFAVertex v,
+ const unordered_set<NFAVertex> &involved,
+ unordered_map<NFAVertex, NFAVertexDepth> &depths,
+ vector<NFAVertex> &tugs) {
+ if (allPredsInSubgraph(v, g, involved)) {
+ // We can transform this vertex into a tug trigger in-place.
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("all preds in subgraph, vertex %zu becomes tug\n",
+ g[v].index);
+ add_edge(cyclic, v, g);
+ tugs.push_back(v);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Some predecessors of v are not in the subgraph, so we need to clone v
+ // and split up its in-edges.
+ NFAVertex t = clone_vertex(g, v);
+ depths[t] = depths[v];
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("there are other paths, cloned tug %zu from vertex %zu\n",
+ g[t].index, g[v].index);
+ tugs.push_back(t);
+ add_edge(cyclic, t, g);
+ // New vertex gets all of v's successors, including v itself if it's
+ // cyclic.
+ clone_out_edges(g, v, t);
+NFAVertex createCyclic(NGHolder &g, ReachSubgraph &rsi) {
+ NFAVertex last = rsi.vertices.back();
+ NFAVertex cyclic = clone_vertex(g, last);
+ add_edge(cyclic, cyclic, g);
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("created cyclic vertex %zu\n", g[cyclic].index);
+ return cyclic;
+NFAVertex createPos(NGHolder &g, ReachSubgraph &rsi) {
+ NFAVertex pos = add_vertex(g);
+ NFAVertex first = rsi.vertices.front();
+ g[pos].char_reach = g[first].char_reach;
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("created pos vertex %zu\n", g[pos].index);
+ return pos;
+// 2 if v is directly connected to an accept, or 1 if one hop away,
+// or 0 otherwise.
+u32 isCloseToAccept(const NGHolder &g, NFAVertex v) {
+ if (is_any_accept(v, g)) {
+ return 2;
+ }
+ for (auto w : adjacent_vertices_range(v, g)) {
+ if (is_any_accept(w, g)) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+u32 unpeelAmount(const NGHolder &g, const ReachSubgraph &rsi) {
+ const NFAVertex last = rsi.vertices.back();
+ u32 rv = 0;
+ for (auto v : adjacent_vertices_range(last, g)) {
+ rv = max(rv, isCloseToAccept(g, v));
+ }
+ return rv;
+void unpeelNearEnd(NGHolder &g, ReachSubgraph &rsi,
+ unordered_map<NFAVertex, NFAVertexDepth> &depths,
+ vector<NFAVertex> *succs) {
+ u32 unpeel = unpeelAmount(g, rsi);
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("unpeeling %u vertices\n", unpeel);
+ while (unpeel) {
+ NFAVertex last = rsi.vertices.back();
+ NFAVertex first = rsi.vertices.front();
+ NFAVertex d = clone_vertex(g, last);
+ depths[d] = depths[last];
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("created vertex %zu\n", g[d].index);
+ for (auto v : *succs) {
+ add_edge(d, v, g);
+ }
+ if (rsi.repeatMin > depth(1)) {
+ rsi.repeatMin -= 1;
+ } else {
+ /* Skip edge for the cyclic state; note that we must clone their
+ * edge properties as they may include tops. */
+ for (const auto &e : in_edges_range(first, g)) {
+ add_edge(source(e, g), d, g[e], g);
+ }
+ }
+ succs->clear();
+ succs->push_back(d);
+ rsi.repeatMax -= 1;
+ assert(rsi.repeatMin > depth(0));
+ assert(rsi.repeatMax > depth(0));
+ unpeel--;
+ }
+/** Fetch the set of successor vertices of this subgraph. */
+void getSuccessors(const NGHolder &g, const ReachSubgraph &rsi,
+ vector<NFAVertex> *succs) {
+ assert(!rsi.vertices.empty());
+ // Successors come from successors of last vertex.
+ NFAVertex last = rsi.vertices.back();
+ for (auto v : adjacent_vertices_range(last, g)) {
+ if (v == last) { /* ignore self loop */
+ continue;
+ }
+ succs->push_back(v);
+ }
+/** Disconnect the given subgraph from its predecessors and successors in the
+ * NFA graph and replace it with a cyclic state. */
+void replaceSubgraphWithSpecial(NGHolder &g, ReachSubgraph &rsi,
+ vector<BoundedRepeatData> *repeats,
+ unordered_map<NFAVertex, NFAVertexDepth> &depths,
+ unordered_set<NFAVertex> &created) {
+ assert(!rsi.bad);
+ /* As we may need to unpeel 2 vertices, we need the width to be more than 2.
+ * This should only happen if the graph did not have redundancy pass
+ * performed on as vertex count checks would be prevent us reaching here.
+ */
+ if (rsi.repeatMax <= depth(2)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ assert(rsi.repeatMin > depth(0));
+ assert(rsi.repeatMax >= rsi.repeatMin);
+ assert(rsi.repeatMax > depth(2));
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("entry\n");
+ const unordered_set<NFAVertex> involved(rsi.vertices.begin(),
+ rsi.vertices.end());
+ vector<NFAVertex> succs;
+ getSuccessors(g, rsi, &succs);
+ unpeelNearEnd(g, rsi, depths, &succs);
+ // Create our replacement cyclic state with the same reachability and
+ // report info as the last vertex in our topo-ordered list.
+ NFAVertex cyclic = createCyclic(g, rsi);
+ created.insert(cyclic);
+ // One more special vertex is necessary: the positive trigger (same
+ // reach as cyclic).
+ NFAVertex pos_trigger = createPos(g, rsi);
+ created.insert(pos_trigger);
+ add_edge(pos_trigger, cyclic, g);
+ // Update depths for our new vertices.
+ NFAVertex first = rsi.vertices.front(), last = rsi.vertices.back();
+ depths[pos_trigger] = depths[first];
+ depths[cyclic].fromStart =
+ unionDepthMinMax(depths[first].fromStart, depths[last].fromStart);
+ depths[cyclic].fromStartDotStar = unionDepthMinMax(
+ depths[first].fromStartDotStar, depths[last].fromStartDotStar);
+ // Wire predecessors to positive trigger.
+ for (const auto &e : in_edges_range(first, g)) {
+ add_edge(source(e, g), pos_trigger, g[e], g);
+ }
+ // Wire cyclic state to tug trigger states built from successors.
+ vector<NFAVertex> tugs;
+ for (auto v : succs) {
+ buildTugTrigger(g, cyclic, v, involved, depths, tugs);
+ }
+ created.insert(tugs.begin(), tugs.end());
+ assert(!tugs.empty());
+ // Wire pos trigger to tugs if min repeat is one -- this deals with cases
+ // where we can get a pos and tug trigger on the same byte.
+ if (rsi.repeatMin == depth(1)) {
+ for (auto v : tugs) {
+ add_edge(pos_trigger, v, g);
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove the vertices/edges in the subgraph.
+ remove_vertices(rsi.vertices, g, false);
+ erase_all(&depths, rsi.vertices);
+ repeats->push_back(BoundedRepeatData(rsi.historyType, rsi.repeatMin,
+ rsi.repeatMax, rsi.minPeriod, cyclic,
+ pos_trigger, tugs));
+/** Variant for Rose-specific graphs that terminate in a sole accept, so we can
+ * use a "lazy tug". See UE-1636. */
+void replaceSubgraphWithLazySpecial(NGHolder &g, ReachSubgraph &rsi,
+ vector<BoundedRepeatData> *repeats,
+ unordered_map<NFAVertex, NFAVertexDepth> &depths,
+ unordered_set<NFAVertex> &created) {
+ assert(!rsi.bad);
+ assert(rsi.repeatMin);
+ assert(rsi.repeatMax >= rsi.repeatMin);
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("entry\n");
+ const unordered_set<NFAVertex> involved(rsi.vertices.begin(),
+ rsi.vertices.end());
+ vector<NFAVertex> succs;
+ getSuccessors(g, rsi, &succs);
+ // Create our replacement cyclic state with the same reachability and
+ // report info as the last vertex in our topo-ordered list.
+ NFAVertex cyclic = createCyclic(g, rsi);
+ created.insert(cyclic);
+ // One more special vertex is necessary: the positive trigger (same
+ // reach as cyclic).
+ NFAVertex pos_trigger = createPos(g, rsi);
+ created.insert(pos_trigger);
+ add_edge(pos_trigger, cyclic, g);
+ // Update depths for our new vertices.
+ NFAVertex first = rsi.vertices.front(), last = rsi.vertices.back();
+ depths[pos_trigger] = depths[first];
+ depths[cyclic].fromStart =
+ unionDepthMinMax(depths[first].fromStart, depths[last].fromStart);
+ depths[cyclic].fromStartDotStar = unionDepthMinMax(
+ depths[first].fromStartDotStar, depths[last].fromStartDotStar);
+ // Wire predecessors to positive trigger.
+ for (const auto &e : in_edges_range(first, g)) {
+ add_edge(source(e, g), pos_trigger, g[e], g);
+ }
+ // In the rose case, our tug is our cyclic, and it's wired to our
+ // successors (which should be just the accept).
+ vector<NFAVertex> tugs;
+ assert(succs.size() == 1);
+ for (auto v : succs) {
+ add_edge(cyclic, v, g);
+ }
+ // Wire pos trigger to accept if min repeat is one -- this deals with cases
+ // where we can get a pos and tug trigger on the same byte.
+ if (rsi.repeatMin == depth(1)) {
+ for (auto v : succs) {
+ add_edge(pos_trigger, v, g);
+ g[pos_trigger].reports = g[cyclic].reports;
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove the vertices/edges in the subgraph.
+ remove_vertices(rsi.vertices, g, false);
+ erase_all(&depths, rsi.vertices);
+ repeats->push_back(BoundedRepeatData(rsi.historyType, rsi.repeatMin,
+ rsi.repeatMax, rsi.minPeriod, cyclic,
+ pos_trigger, tugs));
+bool isCompBigEnough(const RepeatGraph &rg, const u32 minRepeat) {
+ // filtered_graph doesn't filter the num_vertices call.
+ size_t n = 0;
+ RepeatGraph::vertex_iterator vi, ve;
+ for (tie(vi, ve) = vertices(rg); vi != ve; ++vi) {
+ if (++n >= minRepeat) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+// Marks the subgraph as bad if it can't be handled.
+void reprocessSubgraph(const NGHolder &h, const Grey &grey,
+ ReachSubgraph &rsi) {
+ vector<ReachSubgraph> rs(1, rsi);
+ checkReachSubgraphs(h, rs, grey.minExtBoundedRepeatSize);
+ if (rs.size() != 1) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("subgraph split into %zu\n", rs.size());
+ rsi.bad = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ rsi = rs.back(); // Potentially modified.
+ if (processSubgraph(h, rsi, grey.minExtBoundedRepeatSize)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("reprocessed subgraph is {%s,%s} repeat\n",
+ rsi.repeatMin.str().c_str(), rsi.repeatMax.str().c_str());
+ } else {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("reprocessed subgraph is bad\n");
+ rsi.bad = true;
+ }
+/** Remove vertices from the beginning and end of the vertex set that are
+ * involved in other repeats as a result of earlier repeat transformations. */
+bool peelSubgraph(const NGHolder &g, const Grey &grey, ReachSubgraph &rsi,
+ const unordered_set<NFAVertex> &created) {
+ assert(!rsi.bad);
+ if (created.empty()) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (rsi.vertices.empty()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Peel involved vertices from the front.
+ vector<NFAVertex>::iterator zap = rsi.vertices.end();
+ for (auto it = rsi.vertices.begin(), ite = rsi.vertices.end(); it != ite;
+ ++it) {
+ if (!contains(created, *it)) {
+ zap = it;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("%zu is involved in another repeat\n", g[*it].index);
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("peeling %zu vertices from front\n",
+ distance(rsi.vertices.begin(), zap));
+ rsi.vertices.erase(rsi.vertices.begin(), zap);
+ // Peel involved vertices and vertices with edges to involved vertices from
+ // the back; otherwise we may try to transform a POS into a TUG.
+ zap = rsi.vertices.begin();
+ for (auto it = rsi.vertices.rbegin(), ite = rsi.vertices.rend(); it != ite;
+ ++it) {
+ if (!contains(created, *it) &&
+ !contains_any_of(created, adjacent_vertices(*it, g))) {
+ zap = it.base(); // Note: erases everything after it.
+ break;
+ } else {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("%zu is involved in another repeat\n", g[*it].index);
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("peeling %zu vertices from back\n",
+ distance(zap, rsi.vertices.end()));
+ rsi.vertices.erase(zap, rsi.vertices.end());
+ // If vertices in the middle are involved in other repeats, it's a definite
+ // no-no.
+ for (auto v : rsi.vertices) {
+ if (contains(created, v)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("vertex %zu is in another repeat\n", g[v].index);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ reprocessSubgraph(g, grey, rsi);
+ return !rsi.bad;
+/** For performance reasons, it's nice not to have an exceptional state right
+ * next to a startDs state: that way we can do double-byte accel, whereas
+ * otherwise the NEG trigger would limit us to single. This might be a good
+ * idea to extend to cyclic states, too. */
+void peelStartDotStar(const NGHolder &g,
+ const unordered_map<NFAVertex, NFAVertexDepth> &depths,
+ const Grey &grey, ReachSubgraph &rsi) {
+ if (rsi.vertices.size() < 1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ NFAVertex first = rsi.vertices.front();
+ if (depths.at(first).fromStartDotStar.min == depth(1)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("peeling start front vertex %zu\n", g[first].index);
+ rsi.vertices.erase(rsi.vertices.begin());
+ reprocessSubgraph(g, grey, rsi);
+ }
+void buildReachSubgraphs(const NGHolder &g, vector<ReachSubgraph> &rs,
+ const u32 minNumVertices) {
+ const ReachFilter<NGHolder> fil(&g);
+ const RepeatGraph rg(g, fil, fil);
+ if (!isCompBigEnough(rg, minNumVertices)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("component not big enough, bailing\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ const auto ug = make_undirected_graph(rg);
+ unordered_map<NFAVertex, u32> repeatMap;
+ unsigned int num;
+ num = connected_components(ug, make_assoc_property_map(repeatMap));
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("found %u connected repeat components\n", num);
+ // Now, we build a set of topo-ordered ReachSubgraphs.
+ vector<NFAVertex> topoOrder = buildTopoOrder(rg);
+ rs.resize(num);
+ for (auto v : topoOrder) {
+ auto rit = repeatMap.find(v);
+ if (rit == repeatMap.end()) {
+ continue; /* not part of a repeat */
+ }
+ u32 comp_id = rit->second;
+ assert(comp_id < num);
+ rs[comp_id].vertices.push_back(v);
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < rs.size(); i++) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("rs %zu has %zu vertices.\n", i, rs[i].vertices.size());
+ }
+bool hasSkipEdges(const NGHolder &g, const ReachSubgraph &rsi) {
+ assert(!rsi.vertices.empty());
+ const NFAVertex first = rsi.vertices.front();
+ const NFAVertex last = rsi.vertices.back();
+ // All of the preds of first must have edges to all the successors of last.
+ for (auto u : inv_adjacent_vertices_range(first, g)) {
+ for (auto v : adjacent_vertices_range(last, g)) {
+ if (!edge(u, v, g).second) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+/* depth info is valid as calculated at entry */
+bool entered_at_fixed_offset(NFAVertex v, const NGHolder &g,
+ const unordered_map<NFAVertex, NFAVertexDepth> &depths,
+ const unordered_set<NFAVertex> &reached_by_fixed_tops) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("|reached_by_fixed_tops| %zu\n",
+ reached_by_fixed_tops.size());
+ if (is_triggered(g) && !contains(reached_by_fixed_tops, v)) {
+ /* can't do this for infix/suffixes unless we know trigger literals
+ * can only occur at one offset */
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("bad top(s) for %zu\n", g[v].index);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (depths.at(v).fromStartDotStar.min.is_reachable()) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("reachable from startDs\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* look at preds as v may be cyclic */
+ const depth &first = depths.at(v).fromStart.min;
+ assert(first.is_reachable());
+ if (!first.is_finite()) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("first not finite\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("first is at least %s from start\n", first.str().c_str());
+ for (auto u : inv_adjacent_vertices_range(v, g)) {
+ const depth &u_max_depth = depths.at(u).fromStart.max;
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("pred %zu max depth %s from start\n", g[u].index,
+ u_max_depth.str().c_str());
+ if (u_max_depth != first - depth(1)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+NFAVertex buildTriggerStates(NGHolder &g, const vector<CharReach> &trigger,
+ u32 top) {
+ NFAVertex u = g.start;
+ for (const auto &cr : trigger) {
+ NFAVertex v = add_vertex(g);
+ g[v].char_reach = cr;
+ add_edge(u, v, g);
+ if (u == g.start) {
+ g[edge(u, v, g)].tops.insert(top);
+ }
+ u = v;
+ }
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("trigger len=%zu has sink %zu\n", trigger.size(), g[u].index);
+ return u;
+ * For triggered graphs, replace the "top" edges from start with the triggers
+ * they represent, for the purposes of determining sole entry.
+ */
+void addTriggers(NGHolder &g,
+ const map<u32, vector<vector<CharReach>>> &triggers) {
+ if (!is_triggered(g)) {
+ assert(triggers.empty());
+ return;
+ }
+ vector<NFAEdge> dead;
+ map<u32, vector<NFAVertex>> starts_by_top;
+ for (const auto &e : out_edges_range(g.start, g)) {
+ const NFAVertex &v = target(e, g);
+ if (v == g.startDs) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const auto &tops = g[e].tops;
+ // The caller may not have given us complete trigger information. If we
+ // don't have any triggers for a particular top, we should just leave
+ // it alone.
+ for (u32 top : tops) {
+ if (!contains(triggers, top)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("no triggers for top %u\n", top);
+ goto next_edge;
+ }
+ starts_by_top[top].push_back(v);
+ }
+ dead.push_back(e);
+ next_edge:;
+ }
+ remove_edges(dead, g);
+ for (const auto &m : starts_by_top) {
+ const auto &top = m.first;
+ const auto &starts = m.second;
+ assert(contains(triggers, top));
+ const auto &top_triggers = triggers.at(top);
+ for (const auto &trigger : top_triggers) {
+ NFAVertex u = buildTriggerStates(g, trigger, top);
+ for (const auto &v : starts) {
+ add_edge_if_not_present(u, v, g);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+CharReach predReach(const NGHolder &g, NFAVertex v) {
+ CharReach cr;
+ for (auto u : inv_adjacent_vertices_range(v, g)) {
+ cr |= g[u].char_reach;
+ }
+ return cr;
+ * Filter the given vertex map (which maps from vertices in another graph to
+ * vertices in subg) so that it only contains vertices that actually exist in
+ * subg.
+ */
+void filterMap(const NGHolder &subg,
+ unordered_map<NFAVertex, NFAVertex> &vmap) {
+ NGHolder::vertex_iterator vi, ve;
+ tie(vi, ve) = vertices(subg);
+ const unordered_set<NFAVertex> remaining_verts(vi, ve);
+ unordered_map<NFAVertex, NFAVertex> fmap; // filtered map
+ for (const auto &m : vmap) {
+ if (contains(remaining_verts, m.second)) {
+ fmap.insert(m);
+ }
+ }
+ vmap.swap(fmap);
+/** Construct a graph for sole entry analysis that only considers paths through
+ * the bounded repeat. */
+void buildRepeatGraph(NGHolder &rg,
+ unordered_map<NFAVertex, NFAVertex> &rg_map,
+ const NGHolder &g, const ReachSubgraph &rsi,
+ const map<u32, vector<vector<CharReach>>> &triggers) {
+ cloneHolder(rg, g, &rg_map);
+ assert(rg.kind == g.kind);
+ clear_in_edges(rg.accept, rg);
+ clear_in_edges(rg.acceptEod, rg);
+ add_edge(rg.accept, rg.acceptEod, rg);
+ // Find the set of vertices in rg involved in the repeat.
+ unordered_set<NFAVertex> rg_involved;
+ for (const auto &v : rsi.vertices) {
+ assert(contains(rg_map, v));
+ rg_involved.insert(rg_map.at(v));
+ }
+ // Remove all out-edges from repeat vertices that aren't to other repeat
+ // vertices, then connect terminal repeat vertices to accept.
+ for (const auto &v : rsi.vertices) {
+ NFAVertex rv = rg_map.at(v);
+ remove_out_edge_if(rv, [&](const NFAEdge &e) {
+ return !contains(rg_involved, target(e, rg));
+ }, rg);
+ if (!has_successor(rv, rg)) { // no interior out-edges
+ add_edge(rv, rg.accept, rg);
+ }
+ }
+ pruneUseless(rg);
+ if (is_triggered(rg)) {
+ // Add vertices for all our triggers
+ addTriggers(rg, triggers);
+ renumber_vertices(rg);
+ // We don't know anything about how often this graph is triggered, so we
+ // make the start vertex cyclic for the purposes of this analysis ONLY.
+ add_edge(rg.start, rg.start, rg);
+ }
+ filterMap(rg, rg_map);
+ // All of our repeat vertices should have vertices in rg.
+ assert(all_of(begin(rsi.vertices), end(rsi.vertices),
+ [&](const NFAVertex &v) { return contains(rg_map, v); }));
+ * Construct an input DAG which accepts on all entries to the repeat.
+ */
+void buildInputGraph(NGHolder &lhs,
+ unordered_map<NFAVertex, NFAVertex> &lhs_map,
+ const NGHolder &g, const NFAVertex first,
+ const map<u32, vector<vector<CharReach>>> &triggers) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("building lhs with first=%zu\n", g[first].index);
+ cloneHolder(lhs, g, &lhs_map);
+ assert(g.kind == lhs.kind);
+ addTriggers(lhs, triggers);
+ renumber_vertices(lhs);
+ // Replace each back-edge (u,v) with an edge (startDs,v), which will
+ // generate entries at at least the rate of the loop created by that
+ // back-edge.
+ set<NFAEdge> dead;
+ BackEdges<set<NFAEdge> > backEdgeVisitor(dead);
+ depth_first_search(lhs, visitor(backEdgeVisitor).root_vertex(lhs.start));
+ for (const auto &e : dead) {
+ const NFAVertex u = source(e, lhs), v = target(e, lhs);
+ if (u == v) {
+ continue; // Self-loops are OK.
+ }
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("replacing back-edge (%zu,%zu) with edge (startDs,%zu)\n",
+ lhs[u].index, lhs[v].index, lhs[v].index);
+ add_edge_if_not_present(lhs.startDs, v, lhs);
+ remove_edge(e, lhs);
+ }
+ clear_in_edges(lhs.accept, lhs);
+ clear_in_edges(lhs.acceptEod, lhs);
+ add_edge(lhs.accept, lhs.acceptEod, lhs);
+ // Wire the predecessors of the first repeat vertex to accept, then prune.
+ NFAVertex lhs_first = lhs_map.at(first);
+ for (auto u : inv_adjacent_vertices_range(lhs_first, lhs)) {
+ add_edge_if_not_present(u, lhs.accept, lhs);
+ }
+ pruneUseless(lhs);
+ filterMap(lhs, lhs_map);
+ * Maximum number of vertices in the input DAG to actually allow sole entry
+ * calculation (as very large cases make sentClearsTail take a long, long time
+ * to complete.)
+ */
+static const size_t MAX_SOLE_ENTRY_VERTICES = 10000;
+/** True if (1) fixed offset or (2) reentries to this subgraph must involve a
+ * character which escapes the repeat, meaning that we only need to store a
+ * single offset at runtime. See UE-1361. */
+bool hasSoleEntry(const NGHolder &g, const ReachSubgraph &rsi,
+ const unordered_map<NFAVertex, NFAVertexDepth> &depths,
+ const unordered_set<NFAVertex> &reached_by_fixed_tops,
+ const map<u32, vector<vector<CharReach>>> &triggers) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("checking repeat {%s,%s}\n", rsi.repeatMin.str().c_str(),
+ rsi.repeatMax.str().c_str());
+ NFAVertex first = rsi.vertices.front();
+ const CharReach &repeatReach = g[first].char_reach;
+ /* trivial case first is at a fixed depth */
+ if (entered_at_fixed_offset(first, g, depths, reached_by_fixed_tops)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("fixed depth\n");
+ return true;
+ }
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("repeat reach is %s\n", describeClass(repeatReach).c_str());
+ // Nothing can escape a dot repeat.
+ if (repeatReach.all()) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("dot repeat cannot be escaped\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Another easy case: if the union of the reach of all entries to the
+ // repeat will always escape the repeat, we have sole entry.
+ if (predReach(g, first).isSubsetOf(~repeatReach)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("pred reach %s, which is subset of repeat escape\n",
+ describeClass(predReach(g, first)).c_str());
+ return true;
+ }
+ NGHolder rg;
+ unordered_map<NFAVertex, NFAVertex> rg_map;
+ buildRepeatGraph(rg, rg_map, g, rsi, triggers);
+ assert(rg.kind == g.kind);
+ NGHolder lhs;
+ unordered_map<NFAVertex, NFAVertex> lhs_map;
+ buildInputGraph(lhs, lhs_map, g, first, triggers);
+ assert(lhs.kind == g.kind);
+ if (num_vertices(lhs) > MAX_SOLE_ENTRY_VERTICES) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("too many vertices (%zu) for sole entry test.\n",
+ num_vertices(lhs));
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Split the repeat graph into two regions: vertices in the LHS input DAG
+ // are in one region, vertices in the bounded repeat are in another.
+ const u32 lhs_region = 1;
+ const u32 repeat_region = 2;
+ unordered_map<NFAVertex, u32> region_map;
+ for (const auto &v : rsi.vertices) {
+ assert(!is_special(v, g)); // no specials in repeats
+ assert(contains(rg_map, v));
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("rg vertex %zu in repeat\n", rg[rg_map.at(v)].index);
+ region_map.emplace(rg_map.at(v), repeat_region);
+ }
+ for (const auto &v : vertices_range(rg)) {
+ if (!contains(region_map, v)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("rg vertex %zu in lhs (trigger)\n", rg[v].index);
+ region_map.emplace(v, lhs_region);
+ }
+ }
+ u32 bad_region = 0;
+ if (sentClearsTail(rg, region_map, lhs, lhs_region, &bad_region)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("input dag clears repeat: sole entry\n");
+ return true;
+ }
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("not sole entry\n");
+ return false;
+namespace {
+template<class Graph>
+struct StrawWalker {
+ StrawWalker(const NGHolder &h_in, const Graph &g_in,
+ const vector<BoundedRepeatData> &all_repeats)
+ : h(h_in), g(g_in), repeats(all_repeats) {}
+ /** True if v is a cyclic that belongs to a bounded repeat (one without an
+ * inf max bound). */
+ bool isBoundedRepeatCyclic(NFAVertex v) const {
+ for (const auto &r : repeats) {
+ if (r.repeatMax.is_finite() && r.cyclic == v) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ NFAVertex step(NFAVertex v) const {
+ typename Graph::adjacency_iterator ai, ae;
+ tie(ai, ae) = adjacent_vertices(v, g);
+ assert(ai != ae);
+ NFAVertex next = *ai;
+ if (next == v) { // Ignore self loop.
+ ++ai;
+ if (ai == ae) {
+ return NGHolder::null_vertex();
+ }
+ next = *ai;
+ }
+ ++ai;
+ if (ai != ae && *ai == v) { // Ignore self loop
+ ++ai;
+ }
+ if (ai != ae) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("more than one succ\n");
+ set<NFAVertex> succs;
+ insert(&succs, adjacent_vertices(v, g));
+ succs.erase(v);
+ for (tie(ai, ae) = adjacent_vertices(v, g); ai != ae; ++ai) {
+ next = *ai;
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("checking %zu\n", g[next].index);
+ if (next == v) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ set<NFAVertex> lsuccs;
+ insert(&lsuccs, adjacent_vertices(next, g));
+ if (lsuccs != succs) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Ensure that if v is in connected to accept, the reports
+ // on `next` much match.
+ if (is_match_vertex(v, h) && g[v].reports != g[next].reports) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("report mismatch\n");
+ continue;
+ }
+ return next;
+ }
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("bailing\n");
+ return NGHolder::null_vertex();
+ }
+ return next;
+ }
+ NFAVertex walk(NFAVertex v, vector<NFAVertex> &straw) const {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("walk from %zu\n", g[v].index);
+ unordered_set<NFAVertex> visited;
+ straw.clear();
+ while (!is_special(v, g)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("checking %zu\n", g[v].index);
+ NFAVertex next = step(v);
+ if (next == NGHolder::null_vertex()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!visited.insert(next).second) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("already visited %zu, bailing\n", g[next].index);
+ break; /* don't want to get stuck in any complicated loops */
+ }
+ const CharReach &reach_v = g[v].char_reach;
+ const CharReach &reach_next = g[next].char_reach;
+ if (!reach_v.isSubsetOf(reach_next)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("%zu's reach is not a superset of %zu's\n",
+ g[next].index, g[v].index);
+ break;
+ }
+ // If this is cyclic with the right reach, we're done. Note that
+ // startDs fulfils this requirement.
+ if (hasSelfLoop(next, g) && !isBoundedRepeatCyclic(next)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("found cyclic %zu\n", g[next].index);
+ return next;
+ }
+ v = next;
+ straw.push_back(v);
+ }
+ straw.clear();
+ return NGHolder::null_vertex();
+ }
+ const NGHolder &h; // underlying graph
+ const Graph &g;
+ const vector<BoundedRepeatData> &repeats;
+} // namespace
+NFAVertex walkStrawToCyclicRev(const NGHolder &g, NFAVertex v,
+ const vector<BoundedRepeatData> &all_repeats,
+ vector<NFAVertex> &straw) {
+ typedef boost::reverse_graph<NGHolder, const NGHolder &> RevGraph;
+ const RevGraph revg(g);
+ auto cyclic = StrawWalker<RevGraph>(g, revg, all_repeats).walk(v, straw);
+ reverse(begin(straw), end(straw)); // path comes from cyclic
+ return cyclic;
+NFAVertex walkStrawToCyclicFwd(const NGHolder &g, NFAVertex v,
+ const vector<BoundedRepeatData> &all_repeats,
+ vector<NFAVertex> &straw) {
+ return StrawWalker<NGHolder>(g, g, all_repeats).walk(v, straw);
+/** True if entries to this subgraph must pass through a cyclic state with
+ * reachability that is a superset of the reach of the repeat, and
+ * reachabilities along this path "nest" into the reaches of their
+ * predecessors.
+ *
+ * This is what is called a 'straw' in the region code. */
+bool hasCyclicSupersetEntryPath(const NGHolder &g, const ReachSubgraph &rsi,
+ const vector<BoundedRepeatData> &all_repeats) {
+ // Cope with peeling by following a chain of single vertices backwards
+ // until we encounter our cyclic, all of which must have superset reach.
+ vector<NFAVertex> straw;
+ return walkStrawToCyclicRev(g, rsi.vertices.front(), all_repeats, straw) !=
+ NGHolder::null_vertex();
+bool hasCyclicSupersetExitPath(const NGHolder &g, const ReachSubgraph &rsi,
+ const vector<BoundedRepeatData> &all_repeats) {
+ vector<NFAVertex> straw;
+ return walkStrawToCyclicFwd(g, rsi.vertices.back(), all_repeats, straw) !=
+ NGHolder::null_vertex();
+bool leadsOnlyToAccept(const NGHolder &g, const ReachSubgraph &rsi) {
+ const NFAVertex u = rsi.vertices.back();
+ for (auto v : adjacent_vertices_range(u, g)) {
+ if (v != g.accept) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ assert(out_degree(u, g));
+ return true;
+bool allSimpleHighlander(const ReportManager &rm,
+ const flat_set<ReportID> &reports) {
+ assert(!reports.empty());
+ for (auto report : reports) {
+ if (!isSimpleExhaustible(rm.getReport(report))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+// Finds a single, fairly unrefined trigger for the repeat by walking backwards
+// and collecting the unioned reach at each step.
+vector<CharReach> getUnionedTrigger(const NGHolder &g, const NFAVertex v) {
+ const size_t MAX_TRIGGER_STEPS = 32;
+ vector<CharReach> trigger;
+ flat_set<NFAVertex> curr, next;
+ insert(&curr, inv_adjacent_vertices(v, g));
+ if (contains(curr, g.start)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("start in repeat's immediate preds\n");
+ trigger.push_back(CharReach::dot()); // Trigger could be anything!
+ return trigger;
+ }
+ for (size_t num_steps = 0; num_steps < MAX_TRIGGER_STEPS; num_steps++) {
+ next.clear();
+ trigger.push_back(CharReach());
+ CharReach &cr = trigger.back();
+ for (auto v_c : curr) {
+ cr |= g[v_c].char_reach;
+ insert(&next, inv_adjacent_vertices(v_c, g));
+ }
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("cr[%zu]=%s\n", num_steps, describeClass(cr).c_str());
+ if (next.empty() || contains(next, g.start)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ curr.swap(next);
+ }
+ reverse(trigger.begin(), trigger.end());
+ return trigger;
+vector<vector<CharReach>> getRepeatTriggers(const NGHolder &g,
+ const NFAVertex sink) {
+ const size_t MAX_TRIGGER_STEPS = 32;
+ const size_t UNIONED_FALLBACK_THRESHOLD = 100;
+ using Path = deque<NFAVertex>;
+ vector<vector<CharReach>> triggers;
+ deque<Path> q; // work queue
+ deque<Path> done; // finished paths
+ size_t max_len = MAX_TRIGGER_STEPS;
+ // Find a set of paths leading to vertex v by depth first search.
+ for (auto u : inv_adjacent_vertices_range(sink, g)) {
+ if (is_any_start(u, g)) {
+ triggers.push_back({}); // empty
+ return triggers;
+ }
+ q.push_back(Path(1, u));
+ }
+ while (!q.empty()) {
+ Path &path = q.front();
+ NFAVertex v = path.back();
+ if (path.size() >= max_len) {
+ max_len = min(max_len, path.size());
+ done.push_back(path);
+ goto next_path;
+ }
+ for (auto u : inv_adjacent_vertices_range(v, g)) {
+ if (is_any_start(u, g)) {
+ // Found an accept. There's no point expanding this path any
+ // further, we're done.
+ max_len = min(max_len, path.size());
+ done.push_back(path);
+ goto next_path;
+ }
+ if (path.size() + 1 >= max_len) {
+ done.push_back(path);
+ done.back().push_back(u);
+ } else {
+ q.push_back(path); // copy
+ q.back().push_back(u);
+ }
+ }
+ next_path:
+ q.pop_front();
+ // If our queue or our finished trigger list gets too large, fall back
+ // to generating a single trigger with union reach.
+ if (q.size() + done.size() > UNIONED_FALLBACK_THRESHOLD) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("search too large, fall back to union trigger\n");
+ triggers.clear();
+ triggers.push_back(getUnionedTrigger(g, sink));
+ return triggers;
+ }
+ }
+ assert(!done.empty());
+ // Convert our path list into a set of unique triggers.
+ ue2_unordered_set<vector<CharReach>> unique_triggers;
+ for (const auto &path : done) {
+ vector<CharReach> reach_path;
+ for (auto jt = path.rbegin(), jte = path.rend(); jt != jte; ++jt) {
+ reach_path.push_back(g[*jt].char_reach);
+ }
+ unique_triggers.insert(reach_path);
+ }
+ insert(&triggers, triggers.end(), unique_triggers);
+ sort(triggers.begin(), triggers.end());
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("built %zu unique triggers, max_len=%zu\n", triggers.size(),
+ max_len);
+ return triggers;
+void findMinPeriod(const NGHolder &g,
+ const map<u32, vector<vector<CharReach>>> &triggers,
+ ReachSubgraph &rsi) {
+ const auto v = rsi.vertices.front();
+ const CharReach &cr = g[v].char_reach;
+ vector<vector<CharReach>> repeat_triggers;
+ if (is_triggered(g)) {
+ // Construct a temporary copy of the graph that also contains its
+ // triggers, potentially lengthening the repeat's triggers.
+ NGHolder tg;
+ unordered_map<NFAVertex, NFAVertex> tg_map;
+ cloneHolder(tg, g, &tg_map);
+ addTriggers(tg, triggers);
+ assert(contains(tg_map, v));
+ repeat_triggers = getRepeatTriggers(tg, tg_map.at(v));
+ } else {
+ // Not triggered, no need to mutate the graph.
+ repeat_triggers = getRepeatTriggers(g, v);
+ }
+ rsi.minPeriod = minPeriod(repeat_triggers, cr, &rsi.is_reset);
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("%zu triggers, minPeriod=%u, is_reset=%d\n",
+ repeat_triggers.size(), rsi.minPeriod, (int)rsi.is_reset);
+selectHistoryScheme(const NGHolder &g, const ReportManager *rm,
+ ReachSubgraph &rsi,
+ const unordered_map<NFAVertex, NFAVertexDepth> &depths,
+ const unordered_set<NFAVertex> &reached_by_fixed_tops,
+ const map<u32, vector<vector<CharReach>>> &triggers,
+ const vector<BoundedRepeatData> &all_repeats,
+ const bool simple_model_selection) {
+ // {N,} cases use the FIRST history mechanism.
+ if (rsi.repeatMax.is_infinite()) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("selected FIRST history\n");
+ rsi.historyType = REPEAT_FIRST;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* If we have a repeat which only raises a highlander, only the first match
+ * matters */
+ if (rm && leadsOnlyToAccept(g, rsi)
+ && allSimpleHighlander(*rm, g[rsi.vertices.back()].reports)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("selected FIRST history (as highlander)\n");
+ rsi.historyType = REPEAT_FIRST;
+ rsi.repeatMax = depth::infinity(); /* for consistency */
+ return;
+ }
+ // {N,M} cases can use the FIRST mechanism if they follow a cyclic which
+ // includes their reachability via a "straw" path. (see UE-1589)
+ if (hasCyclicSupersetEntryPath(g, rsi, all_repeats)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("selected FIRST history due to cyclic pred with "
+ "superset of reach\n");
+ rsi.historyType = REPEAT_FIRST;
+ rsi.repeatMax = depth::infinity(); /* will continue to pump out matches */
+ return;
+ }
+ // Similarly, {N,M} cases can use the FIRST mechanism if they precede a
+ // cyclic which includes their reachability via a "straw" path.
+ if (hasCyclicSupersetExitPath(g, rsi, all_repeats)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("selected FIRST history due to cyclic succ with "
+ "superset of reach\n");
+ rsi.historyType = REPEAT_FIRST;
+ rsi.repeatMax = depth::infinity(); /* will continue to pump out matches */
+ return;
+ }
+ // Could have skip edges and therefore be a {0,N} repeat.
+ if (rsi.repeatMin == depth(1) && hasSkipEdges(g, rsi)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("selected LAST history\n");
+ rsi.historyType = REPEAT_LAST;
+ return;
+ }
+ // Fill minPeriod, is_reset flags
+ findMinPeriod(g, triggers, rsi);
+ // If we can't re-enter this cyclic state, we have a reset case.
+ // This check can be very expensive, so we don't do it if we've been asked
+ // for simple model selection.
+ if (!simple_model_selection && !rsi.is_reset &&
+ hasSoleEntry(g, rsi, depths, reached_by_fixed_tops, triggers)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("repeat is sole entry -> reset\n");
+ rsi.is_reset = true;
+ }
+ // We can lean on the common selection code for the remainder of our repeat
+ // models.
+ rsi.historyType = chooseRepeatType(rsi.repeatMin, rsi.repeatMax,
+ rsi.minPeriod, rsi.is_reset);
+void buildFeeder(NGHolder &g, const BoundedRepeatData &rd,
+ unordered_set<NFAVertex> &created,
+ const vector<NFAVertex> &straw) {
+ if (!g[rd.cyclic].char_reach.all()) {
+ // Create another cyclic feeder state with flipped reach. It has an
+ // edge from the repeat's cyclic state and pos_trigger, an edge to the
+ // straw, and edges from every vertex along the straw.
+ NFAVertex feeder = clone_vertex(g, rd.cyclic);
+ created.insert(feeder);
+ g[feeder].char_reach.flip();
+ add_edge(feeder, feeder, g);
+ add_edge(rd.pos_trigger, feeder, g);
+ add_edge(rd.cyclic, feeder, g);
+ add_edge(feeder, straw.front(), g);
+ // An edge from every vertex in the straw.
+ for (auto v : straw) {
+ add_edge(v, feeder, g);
+ }
+ // An edge to the feeder from the first vertex in the straw and all of
+ // its predecessors (other than the feeder itself, we've already
+ // created that edge!)
+ for (auto u : inv_adjacent_vertices_range(straw.front(), g)) {
+ if (u == feeder) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ add_edge(u, feeder, g);
+ }
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("added feeder %zu\n", g[feeder].index);
+ } else {
+ // No neg trigger means feeder is empty, and unnecessary.
+ assert(g[rd.pos_trigger].char_reach.all());
+ }
+ * If we have a leading first repeat, we can split startDs so that it is not
+ * cyclic so that the repeat is only triggered once, rather than every byte. If we
+ * perform this transform we must create another cyclic state to retrigger the
+ * repeat after we see an escape for the repeat.
+ *
+ * We do not use the anchored start state to allow us to restart the NFA at a deep
+ * offset.
+ */
+bool improveLeadingRepeat(NGHolder &g, BoundedRepeatData &rd,
+ unordered_set<NFAVertex> &created,
+ const vector<BoundedRepeatData> &all_repeats) {
+ assert(edge(g.startDs, g.startDs, g).second);
+ // UE-1617: can rewire FIRST history cases that are preceded by
+ // startDs.
+ if (rd.type != REPEAT_FIRST) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const CharReach &cyc_cr = g[rd.cyclic].char_reach;
+ // This transformation is only worth doing if this would allow us to
+ // accelerate the cyclic state (UE-2055).
+ if ((~cyc_cr).count() > ACCEL_MAX_STOP_CHAR) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("we wouldn't be able to accel this case\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ vector<NFAVertex> straw;
+ NFAVertex pred =
+ walkStrawToCyclicRev(g, rd.pos_trigger, all_repeats, straw);
+ if (pred != g.startDs) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("straw walk doesn't lead to startDs\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // This transformation is only safe if the straw path from startDs that
+ // we've discovered can *only* lead to this repeat, since we're going to
+ // remove the self-loop on startDs.
+ if (proper_out_degree(g.startDs, g) > 1) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("startDs has other successors\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (const auto &v : straw) {
+ if (proper_out_degree(v, g) != 1) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("branch between startDs and repeat, from vertex %zu\n",
+ g[v].index);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (g[rd.pos_trigger].char_reach.count() < ACCEL_MAX_STOP_CHAR) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("entry is narrow, could be accelerable\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ assert(!straw.empty());
+ /* If there is overlap between the feeder and the first vertex in the straw
+ * fun things happen. TODO: handle fun things happening (requires more
+ * edges and more vertices). */
+ if (!g[straw.front()].char_reach.isSubsetOf(cyc_cr)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("straw has `interesting' reach\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("repeat can be improved by removing startDs loop!\n");
+ // Remove the self-loop on startDs! What a blast!
+ remove_edge(g.startDs, g.startDs, g);
+ // Wire up feeder state to straw.
+ buildFeeder(g, rd, created, straw);
+ return true;
+vector<NFAVertex> makeOwnStraw(NGHolder &g, BoundedRepeatData &rd,
+ const vector<NFAVertex> &straw) {
+ // Straw runs from startDs to our pos trigger.
+ assert(!straw.empty());
+ assert(edge(g.startDs, straw.front(), g).second);
+ assert(edge(straw.back(), rd.pos_trigger, g).second);
+ vector<NFAVertex> own_straw;
+ for (const auto &v : straw) {
+ NFAVertex v2 = clone_vertex(g, v);
+ if (hasSelfLoop(v, g)) {
+ add_edge(v2, v2, g);
+ }
+ if (!own_straw.empty()) {
+ add_edge(own_straw.back(), v2, g);
+ }
+ own_straw.push_back(v2);
+ }
+ // Wire our straw to start, not startDs.
+ add_edge(g.start, own_straw.front(), g);
+ // Swap over to using our own straw to get to the POS trigger.
+ remove_edge(straw.back(), rd.pos_trigger, g);
+ add_edge(own_straw.back(), rd.pos_trigger, g);
+ return own_straw;
+ * Specialized version of improveLeadingRepeat for outfixes, in which we can
+ * rewire the straw to start instead of removing the startDs self-loop.
+ */
+bool improveLeadingRepeatOutfix(NGHolder &g, BoundedRepeatData &rd,
+ unordered_set<NFAVertex> &created,
+ const vector<BoundedRepeatData> &all_repeats) {
+ assert(g.kind == NFA_OUTFIX);
+ // UE-1617: can rewire FIRST history cases that are preceded by
+ // startDs.
+ if (rd.type != REPEAT_FIRST) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const CharReach &cyc_cr = g[rd.cyclic].char_reach;
+ // This transformation is only worth doing if this would allow us to
+ // accelerate the cyclic state (UE-2055).
+ if ((~cyc_cr).count() > ACCEL_MAX_STOP_CHAR) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("we wouldn't be able to accel this case\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ vector<NFAVertex> straw;
+ NFAVertex pred =
+ walkStrawToCyclicRev(g, rd.pos_trigger, all_repeats, straw);
+ if (pred != g.startDs) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("straw walk doesn't lead to startDs\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (g[rd.pos_trigger].char_reach.count() < ACCEL_MAX_STOP_CHAR) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("entry is narrow, could be accelerable\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ assert(!straw.empty());
+ /* If there is overlap between the feeder and the first vertex in the straw
+ * fun things happen. TODO: handle fun things happening (requires more
+ * edges and more vertices). */
+ if (!g[straw.front()].char_reach.isSubsetOf(cyc_cr)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("straw has `interesting' reach\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("repeat can be improved by rebuilding its entry\n");
+ const auto own_straw = makeOwnStraw(g, rd, straw);
+ insert(&created, own_straw);
+ // Wire up feeder state to our new straw.
+ buildFeeder(g, rd, created, own_straw);
+ // We may no longer need the original straw.
+ pruneUseless(g);
+ return true;
+/** Returns true if doing the bounded repeat transformation on this case
+ * results in a smaller NFA model. */
+bool givesBetterModel(const NGHolder &g, const vector<ReachSubgraph> &rs) {
+ static const u32 MAX_FAST_STATES = 128; // bigger NFAs are fat and slow.
+ // We use vertex count as an upper bound for the number of states.
+ u32 curr_states = num_vertices(g) - 2; // accepts don't have states
+ if (curr_states <= MAX_FAST_STATES) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (curr_states > NFA_MAX_STATES) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ u32 expected_states = curr_states;
+ for (const auto &rsi : rs) {
+ /* may be off as unpeeling not done yet */
+ expected_states += 2; /* cyclic and pos */
+ expected_states -= rsi.vertices.size();
+ }
+ return ROUNDUP_N(curr_states, 128) != ROUNDUP_N(expected_states, 128);
+/** True if this repeat terminates with a vertex that leads only to accept. */
+bool endsInAccept(const NGHolder &g, const ReachSubgraph &rsi) {
+ NFAVertex last = rsi.vertices.back();
+ return getSoleDestVertex(g, last) == g.accept;
+bool endsInAcceptEod(const NGHolder &g, const ReachSubgraph &rsi) {
+ NFAVertex last = rsi.vertices.back();
+ return getSoleDestVertex(g, last) == g.acceptEod;
+namespace {
+class pfti_visitor : public boost::default_dfs_visitor {
+ pfti_visitor(unordered_map<NFAVertex, depth> &top_depths_in,
+ const depth &our_depth_in)
+ : top_depths(top_depths_in), our_depth(our_depth_in) {}
+ void discover_vertex(NFAVertex v, UNUSED const NGHolder &g) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("discovered %zu (depth %s)\n", g[v].index,
+ our_depth.str().c_str());
+ auto it = top_depths.find(v);
+ if (it != top_depths.end() && it->second != our_depth) {
+ // already seen at a different depth, remove from consideration.
+ it->second = depth::infinity();
+ } else {
+ top_depths[v] = our_depth;
+ }
+ }
+ unordered_map<NFAVertex, depth> &top_depths;
+ const depth &our_depth;
+} // namespace
+void populateFixedTopInfo(const map<u32, u32> &fixed_depth_tops,
+ const NGHolder &g,
+ unordered_set<NFAVertex> *reached_by_fixed_tops) {
+ if (fixed_depth_tops.empty()) {
+ return; /* we will never find anything */
+ }
+ assert(!proper_out_degree(g.startDs, g));
+ unordered_map<NFAVertex, depth> top_depths;
+ auto colours = make_small_color_map(g);
+ for (const auto &e : out_edges_range(g.start, g)) {
+ NFAVertex v = target(e, g);
+ if (v == g.startDs) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ depth td = depth::infinity();
+ for (u32 top : g[e].tops) {
+ if (!contains(fixed_depth_tops, top)) {
+ td = depth::infinity();
+ break;
+ }
+ depth td_t(fixed_depth_tops.at(top));
+ if (td == td_t) {
+ continue;
+ } else if (td == depth::infinity()) {
+ td = td_t;
+ } else {
+ td = depth::infinity();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("scanning from %zu depth=%s\n", g[v].index,
+ td.str().c_str());
+ /* for each vertex reachable from v update its map to reflect that it is
+ * reachable from a top of depth td. */
+ depth_first_visit(g, v, pfti_visitor(top_depths, td), colours);
+ }
+ for (const auto &v_depth : top_depths) {
+ const NFAVertex v = v_depth.first;
+ const depth &d = v_depth.second;
+ if (d.is_finite()) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("%zu reached by fixed tops at depth %s\n",
+ g[v].index, d.str().c_str());
+ reached_by_fixed_tops->insert(v);
+ }
+ }
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+/** Assertion use only. Returns true if the given bounded repeats share any
+ * vertices, which we don't allow. */
+bool hasOverlappingRepeats(UNUSED const NGHolder &g,
+ const vector<BoundedRepeatData> &repeats) {
+ unordered_set<NFAVertex> involved;
+ for (const auto &br : repeats) {
+ if (contains(involved, br.cyclic)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("already seen cyclic %zu\n", g[br.cyclic].index);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (contains(involved, br.pos_trigger)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("already seen pos %zu\n", g[br.pos_trigger].index);
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (auto v : br.tug_triggers) {
+ if (contains(involved, v)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("already seen tug %zu\n", g[v].index);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ involved.insert(br.cyclic);
+ involved.insert(br.pos_trigger);
+ involved.insert(br.tug_triggers.begin(), br.tug_triggers.end());
+ }
+ return false;
+#endif // NDEBUG
+ * Identifies so-called "nasty" repeats, in which the reachability of both the
+ * repeat itself and its tugs are wide, which means that executing the NFA will
+ * likely be bogged down in exception processing.
+ */
+bool repeatIsNasty(const NGHolder &g, const ReachSubgraph &rsi,
+ const unordered_map<NFAVertex, NFAVertexDepth> &depths) {
+ if (num_vertices(g) > NFA_MAX_STATES) {
+ // We may have no choice but to implement this repeat to get the graph
+ // down to a tractable number of vertices.
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!generates_callbacks(g) && endsInAccept(g, rsi)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("would generate a lazy tug, repeat is OK\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ const NFAVertex first = rsi.vertices.front();
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("min depth from startds = %s\n",
+ depths.at(first).fromStartDotStar.min.str().c_str());
+ if (depths.at(first).fromStartDotStar.min > depth(2)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ NFAVertex last = rsi.vertices.back();
+ const CharReach &cyclicreach = g[last].char_reach;
+ CharReach tugreach;
+ for (auto v : adjacent_vertices_range(last, g)) {
+ if (v == last || is_special(v, g)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ tugreach |= g[v].char_reach;
+ }
+ // Deal with unpeeled cases.
+ if (tugreach.none()) {
+ tugreach = cyclicreach;
+ }
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("tugreach.count=%zu, cyclicreach.count=%zu\n",
+ tugreach.count(), cyclicreach.count());
+ return (tugreach.count() > 200) && (cyclicreach.count() > 200);
+void analyseRepeats(NGHolder &g, const ReportManager *rm,
+ const map<u32, u32> &fixed_depth_tops,
+ const map<u32, vector<vector<CharReach>>> &triggers,
+ vector<BoundedRepeatData> *repeats, bool streaming,
+ bool simple_model_selection, const Grey &grey,
+ bool *reformed_start_ds) {
+ if (!grey.allowExtendedNFA || !grey.allowLimExNFA) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // Quick sanity test.
+ assert(allMatchStatesHaveReports(g));
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ // So we can assert that the number of tops hasn't changed at the end of
+ // this analysis.
+ const flat_set<u32> allTops = getTops(g);
+ // Later on, we're (a little bit) dependent on depth information for
+ // unpeeling and so forth. Note that these depths MUST be maintained when
+ // new vertices are added.
+ unordered_map<NFAVertex, NFAVertexDepth> depths;
+ findInitDepths(g, depths);
+ // Construct our list of subgraphs with the same reach using BGL magic.
+ vector<ReachSubgraph> rs;
+ buildReachSubgraphs(g, rs, grey.minExtBoundedRepeatSize);
+ // Validate and split subgraphs.
+ checkReachSubgraphs(g, rs, grey.minExtBoundedRepeatSize);
+ // Identify which subgraphs represent bounded repeats in forms ("cliches")
+ // that we accept, and mark the others as bad.
+ for (auto &rsi: rs) {
+ if (!processSubgraph(g, rsi, grey.minExtBoundedRepeatSize)) {
+ rsi.bad = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("rsi min %s=max=%s\n", rsi.repeatMin.str().c_str(),
+ rsi.repeatMax.str().c_str());
+ // Identify repeats with wide cyclic and tug reach which will produce
+ // low-performance implementations and avoid doing them.
+ if (repeatIsNasty(g, rsi, depths)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("marking nasty repeat as bad\n");
+ rsi.bad = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove bad cases, then sort remaining subgraphs in descending size
+ // order.
+ rs.erase(remove_if(rs.begin(), rs.end(),
+ [](const ReachSubgraph &r) { return r.bad; }),
+ rs.end());
+ stable_sort(rs.begin(), rs.end(),
+ [](const ReachSubgraph &a, const ReachSubgraph &b) {
+ return a.vertices.size() > b.vertices.size();
+ });
+ if (!streaming && !givesBetterModel(g, rs)) {
+ /* in block mode, there is no state space so we are only looking for
+ * performance wins */
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("repeat would not reduce NFA model size, skipping\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (rs.empty()) {
+ /* no good repeats */
+ return;
+ }
+ // Store a copy of the original, unmodified graph in case we need to revert
+ // back: in particular, due to tug cloning it is possible to build a graph
+ // that was bigger than the original. See UE-2370. FIXME: smarter analysis
+ // could make this unnecessary?
+ const unique_ptr<const NGHolder> orig_g(cloneHolder(g));
+ unordered_set<NFAVertex> reached_by_fixed_tops;
+ if (is_triggered(g)) {
+ populateFixedTopInfo(fixed_depth_tops, g, &reached_by_fixed_tops);
+ }
+ // Go to town on the remaining acceptable subgraphs.
+ unordered_set<NFAVertex> created;
+ for (auto &rsi : rs) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("subgraph (beginning vertex %zu) is a {%s,%s} repeat\n",
+ g[rsi.vertices.front()].index,
+ rsi.repeatMin.str().c_str(), rsi.repeatMax.str().c_str());
+ if (!peelSubgraph(g, grey, rsi, created)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("peel failed, skipping\n");
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Attempt to peel a vertex if we're up against startDs, for
+ // performance reasons.
+ peelStartDotStar(g, depths, grey, rsi);
+ // Our peeling passes may have killed off this repeat.
+ if (rsi.bad) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ selectHistoryScheme(g, rm, rsi, depths, reached_by_fixed_tops, triggers,
+ *repeats, simple_model_selection);
+ if (!generates_callbacks(g) && endsInAccept(g, rsi)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("accepty-rosy graph\n");
+ replaceSubgraphWithLazySpecial(g, rsi, repeats, depths, created);
+ } else if (endsInAcceptEod(g, rsi)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("accepty-rosy graph\n");
+ replaceSubgraphWithLazySpecial(g, rsi, repeats, depths, created);
+ } else {
+ replaceSubgraphWithSpecial(g, rsi, repeats, depths, created);
+ }
+ // Some of our analyses require correctly numbered vertices, so we
+ // renumber after changes.
+ renumber_vertices(g);
+ }
+ bool modified_start_ds = false;
+ // We may be able to make improvements to the graph for performance
+ // reasons. Note that this may do 'orrible things like remove the startDs
+ // cycle, this should only happen quite late in the graph lifecycle.
+ if (repeats->size() == 1) {
+ if (g.kind == NFA_OUTFIX) {
+ improveLeadingRepeatOutfix(g, repeats->back(), created, *repeats);
+ // (Does not modify startDs, so we don't need to set
+ // reformed_start_ds for this case.)
+ } else {
+ modified_start_ds =
+ improveLeadingRepeat(g, repeats->back(), created, *repeats);
+ }
+ }
+ if (reformed_start_ds) {
+ *reformed_start_ds = modified_start_ds;
+ }
+ if (!repeats->empty()) {
+ if (num_vertices(g) > NFA_MAX_STATES) {
+ // We've managed to build an unimplementable NFA. Swap back to the
+ // original.
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("NFA has %zu vertices; swapping back to the "
+ "original graph\n", num_vertices(g));
+ clear_graph(g);
+ assert(orig_g);
+ cloneHolder(g, *orig_g);
+ repeats->clear();
+ }
+ // Sanity test: we don't want any repeats that share special vertices
+ // as our construction code later can't cope with it.
+ assert(!hasOverlappingRepeats(g, *repeats));
+ // We have modified the graph, so we need to ensure that our edges
+ // and vertices are correctly numbered.
+ renumber_vertices(g);
+ renumber_edges(g);
+ // Remove stray report IDs.
+ clearReports(g);
+ }
+ // Quick sanity tests.
+ assert(allMatchStatesHaveReports(g));
+ assert(!is_triggered(g) || getTops(g) == allTops);
+ * \brief True if the non-special vertices in the given graph all have the same
+ * character reachability.
+ */
+bool allOneReach(const NGHolder &g) {
+ const CharReach *cr = nullptr;
+ for (const auto &v : vertices_range(g)) {
+ if (is_special(v, g)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!cr) {
+ cr = &g[v].char_reach;
+ } else {
+ if (*cr != g[v].char_reach) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool isPureRepeat(const NGHolder &g, PureRepeat &repeat) {
+ assert(allMatchStatesHaveReports(g));
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("entry\n");
+ // Must be start anchored.
+ assert(edge(g.startDs, g.startDs, g).second);
+ if (out_degree(g.startDs, g) > 1) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("Unanchored\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Must not be EOD-anchored.
+ assert(edge(g.accept, g.acceptEod, g).second);
+ if (in_degree(g.acceptEod, g) > 1) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("EOD anchored\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Must have precisely one top.
+ if (is_triggered(g) && !onlyOneTop(g)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("Too many tops\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!allOneReach(g)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("vertices with different reach\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // We allow this code to report true for any repeat, even for '.*' or '.+'
+ // cases.
+ const u32 minNumVertices = 1;
+ vector<ReachSubgraph> rs;
+ buildReachSubgraphs(g, rs, minNumVertices);
+ checkReachSubgraphs(g, rs, minNumVertices);
+ if (rs.size() != 1) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("too many subgraphs\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ ReachSubgraph &rsi = *rs.begin();
+ if (!processSubgraph(g, rsi, minNumVertices)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("not a supported repeat\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (rsi.vertices.size() + N_SPECIALS != num_vertices(g)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("repeat doesn't span graph\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ assert(!rsi.bad);
+ assert(rsi.vertices.size() >= minNumVertices);
+ const NFAVertex v = rsi.vertices.back();
+ repeat.reach = g[v].char_reach;
+ repeat.bounds.min = rsi.repeatMin;
+ repeat.bounds.max = rsi.repeatMax;
+ insert(&repeat.reports, g[v].reports);
+ if (isVacuous(g)) {
+ // This graph might be a {0,N} or {0,} repeat. For this to be true, we
+ // must have found a {1,N} or {1,} repeat and the start vertex must
+ // have the same report set as the vertices in the repeat.
+ if (repeat.bounds.min == depth(1) &&
+ g[g.start].reports == g[v].reports) {
+ repeat.bounds.min = depth(0);
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("graph is %s repeat\n", repeat.bounds.str().c_str());
+ } else {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("not a supported repeat\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ assert(all_reports(g) == set<ReportID>(begin(g[v].reports),
+ end(g[v].reports)));
+ return true;
+void findRepeats(const NGHolder &h, u32 minRepeatVertices,
+ vector<GraphRepeatInfo> *repeats_out) {
+ // Construct our list of subgraphs with the same reach using BGL magic.
+ vector<ReachSubgraph> rs;
+ buildReachSubgraphs(h, rs, minRepeatVertices);
+ checkReachSubgraphs(h, rs, minRepeatVertices);
+ for (auto &rsi : rs) {
+ if (!processSubgraph(h, rsi, minRepeatVertices)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("rsi min=%s max=%s\n", rsi.repeatMin.str().c_str(),
+ rsi.repeatMax.str().c_str());
+ depth repeatMax = rsi.repeatMax;
+ vector<BoundedRepeatData> all_repeats; /* we don't mutate the graph in
+ * this path */
+ if (hasCyclicSupersetEntryPath(h, rsi, all_repeats)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("selected FIRST history due to cyclic pred with "
+ "superset of reach\n");
+ repeatMax = depth::infinity(); /* will continue to pump out matches */
+ }
+ if (hasCyclicSupersetExitPath(h, rsi, all_repeats)) {
+ DEBUG_PRINTF("selected FIRST history due to cyclic succ with "
+ "superset of reach\n");
+ repeatMax = depth::infinity(); /* will continue to pump out matches */
+ }
+ repeats_out->push_back(GraphRepeatInfo());
+ GraphRepeatInfo &ri = repeats_out->back();
+ ri.vertices.swap(rsi.vertices);
+ ri.repeatMin = rsi.repeatMin;
+ ri.repeatMax = repeatMax;
+ }
+} // namespace ue2