path: root/contrib/libs/clapack/dlaneg.c
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authorshmel1k <shmel1k@ydb.tech>2022-09-02 12:44:59 +0300
committershmel1k <shmel1k@ydb.tech>2022-09-02 12:44:59 +0300
commit90d450f74722da7859d6f510a869f6c6908fd12f (patch)
tree538c718dedc76cdfe37ad6d01ff250dd930d9278 /contrib/libs/clapack/dlaneg.c
parent01f64c1ecd0d4ffa9e3a74478335f1745f26cc75 (diff)
[] add metering mode to CLI
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/libs/clapack/dlaneg.c')
1 files changed, 218 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/libs/clapack/dlaneg.c b/contrib/libs/clapack/dlaneg.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee37d6545c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/clapack/dlaneg.c
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+/* dlaneg.f -- translated by f2c (version 20061008).
+ You must link the resulting object file with libf2c:
+ on Microsoft Windows system, link with libf2c.lib;
+ on Linux or Unix systems, link with .../path/to/libf2c.a -lm
+ or, if you install libf2c.a in a standard place, with -lf2c -lm
+ -- in that order, at the end of the command line, as in
+ cc *.o -lf2c -lm
+ Source for libf2c is in /netlib/f2c/libf2c.zip, e.g.,
+ http://www.netlib.org/f2c/libf2c.zip
+#include "f2c.h"
+#include "blaswrap.h"
+integer dlaneg_(integer *n, doublereal *d__, doublereal *lld, doublereal *
+ sigma, doublereal *pivmin, integer *r__)
+ /* System generated locals */
+ integer ret_val, i__1, i__2, i__3, i__4;
+ /* Local variables */
+ integer j;
+ doublereal p, t;
+ integer bj;
+ doublereal tmp;
+ integer neg1, neg2;
+ doublereal bsav, gamma, dplus;
+ extern logical disnan_(doublereal *);
+ integer negcnt;
+ logical sawnan;
+ doublereal dminus;
+/* -- LAPACK auxiliary routine (version 3.2) -- */
+/* Univ. of Tennessee, Univ. of California Berkeley and NAG Ltd.. */
+/* November 2006 */
+/* .. Scalar Arguments .. */
+/* .. */
+/* .. Array Arguments .. */
+/* .. */
+/* Purpose */
+/* ======= */
+/* DLANEG computes the Sturm count, the number of negative pivots */
+/* encountered while factoring tridiagonal T - sigma I = L D L^T. */
+/* This implementation works directly on the factors without forming */
+/* the tridiagonal matrix T. The Sturm count is also the number of */
+/* eigenvalues of T less than sigma. */
+/* This routine is called from DLARRB. */
+/* The current routine does not use the PIVMIN parameter but rather */
+/* requires IEEE-754 propagation of Infinities and NaNs. This */
+/* routine also has no input range restrictions but does require */
+/* default exception handling such that x/0 produces Inf when x is */
+/* non-zero, and Inf/Inf produces NaN. For more information, see: */
+/* Marques, Riedy, and Voemel, "Benefits of IEEE-754 Features in */
+/* Modern Symmetric Tridiagonal Eigensolvers," SIAM Journal on */
+/* Scientific Computing, v28, n5, 2006. DOI 10.1137/050641624 */
+/* (Tech report version in LAWN 172 with the same title.) */
+/* Arguments */
+/* ========= */
+/* N (input) INTEGER */
+/* The order of the matrix. */
+/* D (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N) */
+/* The N diagonal elements of the diagonal matrix D. */
+/* LLD (input) DOUBLE PRECISION array, dimension (N-1) */
+/* The (N-1) elements L(i)*L(i)*D(i). */
+/* Shift amount in T - sigma I = L D L^T. */
+/* The minimum pivot in the Sturm sequence. May be used */
+/* when zero pivots are encountered on non-IEEE-754 */
+/* architectures. */
+/* R (input) INTEGER */
+/* The twist index for the twisted factorization that is used */
+/* for the negcount. */
+/* Further Details */
+/* =============== */
+/* Based on contributions by */
+/* Osni Marques, LBNL/NERSC, USA */
+/* Christof Voemel, University of California, Berkeley, USA */
+/* Jason Riedy, University of California, Berkeley, USA */
+/* ===================================================================== */
+/* .. Parameters .. */
+/* Some architectures propagate Infinities and NaNs very slowly, so */
+/* the code computes counts in BLKLEN chunks. Then a NaN can */
+/* propagate at most BLKLEN columns before being detected. This is */
+/* not a general tuning parameter; it needs only to be just large */
+/* enough that the overhead is tiny in common cases. */
+/* .. */
+/* .. Local Scalars .. */
+/* .. */
+/* .. Intrinsic Functions .. */
+/* .. */
+/* .. External Functions .. */
+/* .. */
+/* .. Executable Statements .. */
+ /* Parameter adjustments */
+ --lld;
+ --d__;
+ /* Function Body */
+ negcnt = 0;
+/* I) upper part: L D L^T - SIGMA I = L+ D+ L+^T */
+ t = -(*sigma);
+ i__1 = *r__ - 1;
+ for (bj = 1; bj <= i__1; bj += 128) {
+ neg1 = 0;
+ bsav = t;
+/* Computing MIN */
+ i__3 = bj + 127, i__4 = *r__ - 1;
+ i__2 = min(i__3,i__4);
+ for (j = bj; j <= i__2; ++j) {
+ dplus = d__[j] + t;
+ if (dplus < 0.) {
+ ++neg1;
+ }
+ tmp = t / dplus;
+ t = tmp * lld[j] - *sigma;
+/* L21: */
+ }
+ sawnan = disnan_(&t);
+/* Run a slower version of the above loop if a NaN is detected. */
+/* A NaN should occur only with a zero pivot after an infinite */
+/* pivot. In that case, substituting 1 for T/DPLUS is the */
+/* correct limit. */
+ if (sawnan) {
+ neg1 = 0;
+ t = bsav;
+/* Computing MIN */
+ i__3 = bj + 127, i__4 = *r__ - 1;
+ i__2 = min(i__3,i__4);
+ for (j = bj; j <= i__2; ++j) {
+ dplus = d__[j] + t;
+ if (dplus < 0.) {
+ ++neg1;
+ }
+ tmp = t / dplus;
+ if (disnan_(&tmp)) {
+ tmp = 1.;
+ }
+ t = tmp * lld[j] - *sigma;
+/* L22: */
+ }
+ }
+ negcnt += neg1;
+/* L210: */
+ }
+/* II) lower part: L D L^T - SIGMA I = U- D- U-^T */
+ p = d__[*n] - *sigma;
+ i__1 = *r__;
+ for (bj = *n - 1; bj >= i__1; bj += -128) {
+ neg2 = 0;
+ bsav = p;
+/* Computing MAX */
+ i__3 = bj - 127;
+ i__2 = max(i__3,*r__);
+ for (j = bj; j >= i__2; --j) {
+ dminus = lld[j] + p;
+ if (dminus < 0.) {
+ ++neg2;
+ }
+ tmp = p / dminus;
+ p = tmp * d__[j] - *sigma;
+/* L23: */
+ }
+ sawnan = disnan_(&p);
+/* As above, run a slower version that substitutes 1 for Inf/Inf. */
+ if (sawnan) {
+ neg2 = 0;
+ p = bsav;
+/* Computing MAX */
+ i__3 = bj - 127;
+ i__2 = max(i__3,*r__);
+ for (j = bj; j >= i__2; --j) {
+ dminus = lld[j] + p;
+ if (dminus < 0.) {
+ ++neg2;
+ }
+ tmp = p / dminus;
+ if (disnan_(&tmp)) {
+ tmp = 1.;
+ }
+ p = tmp * d__[j] - *sigma;
+/* L24: */
+ }
+ }
+ negcnt += neg2;
+/* L230: */
+ }
+/* III) Twist index */
+/* T was shifted by SIGMA initially. */
+ gamma = t + *sigma + p;
+ if (gamma < 0.) {
+ ++negcnt;
+ }
+ ret_val = negcnt;
+ return ret_val;
+} /* dlaneg_ */