path: root/contrib/libs/aws-sdk-cpp/aws-cpp-sdk-s3/include/aws/s3/model/GetObjectResult.h
diff options
authorunril <unril@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:46:05 +0300
committerDaniil Cherednik <dcherednik@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:46:05 +0300
commit3b241dd57cf58f20bbbd63fa6a0a758dbec09b68 (patch)
tree1a2c5ffcf89eb53ecd79dbc9bc0a195c27404d0c /contrib/libs/aws-sdk-cpp/aws-cpp-sdk-s3/include/aws/s3/model/GetObjectResult.h
parent11ae9eca250d0188b7962459cbc6706719e7dca9 (diff)
Restoring authorship annotation for <unril@yandex-team.ru>. Commit 2 of 2.
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/libs/aws-sdk-cpp/aws-cpp-sdk-s3/include/aws/s3/model/GetObjectResult.h')
1 files changed, 120 insertions, 120 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/libs/aws-sdk-cpp/aws-cpp-sdk-s3/include/aws/s3/model/GetObjectResult.h b/contrib/libs/aws-sdk-cpp/aws-cpp-sdk-s3/include/aws/s3/model/GetObjectResult.h
index 5f36c623a2..e9eb7bf9ed 100644
--- a/contrib/libs/aws-sdk-cpp/aws-cpp-sdk-s3/include/aws/s3/model/GetObjectResult.h
+++ b/contrib/libs/aws-sdk-cpp/aws-cpp-sdk-s3/include/aws/s3/model/GetObjectResult.h
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
#include <aws/s3/model/StorageClass.h>
#include <aws/s3/model/RequestCharged.h>
#include <aws/s3/model/ReplicationStatus.h>
-#include <aws/s3/model/ObjectLockMode.h>
-#include <aws/s3/model/ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus.h>
+#include <aws/s3/model/ObjectLockMode.h>
+#include <aws/s3/model/ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus.h>
#include <utility>
namespace Aws
@@ -75,39 +75,39 @@ namespace Model
inline GetObjectResult& WithDeleteMarker(bool value) { SetDeleteMarker(value); return *this;}
- /**
+ /**
* <p>Indicates that a range of bytes was specified.</p>
- */
+ */
inline const Aws::String& GetAcceptRanges() const{ return m_acceptRanges; }
- /**
+ /**
* <p>Indicates that a range of bytes was specified.</p>
- */
+ */
inline void SetAcceptRanges(const Aws::String& value) { m_acceptRanges = value; }
- /**
+ /**
* <p>Indicates that a range of bytes was specified.</p>
- */
+ */
inline void SetAcceptRanges(Aws::String&& value) { m_acceptRanges = std::move(value); }
- /**
+ /**
* <p>Indicates that a range of bytes was specified.</p>
- */
+ */
inline void SetAcceptRanges(const char* value) { m_acceptRanges.assign(value); }
- /**
+ /**
* <p>Indicates that a range of bytes was specified.</p>
- */
+ */
inline GetObjectResult& WithAcceptRanges(const Aws::String& value) { SetAcceptRanges(value); return *this;}
- /**
+ /**
* <p>Indicates that a range of bytes was specified.</p>
- */
+ */
inline GetObjectResult& WithAcceptRanges(Aws::String&& value) { SetAcceptRanges(std::move(value)); return *this;}
- /**
+ /**
* <p>Indicates that a range of bytes was specified.</p>
- */
+ */
inline GetObjectResult& WithAcceptRanges(const char* value) { SetAcceptRanges(value); return *this;}
@@ -908,10 +908,10 @@ namespace Model
inline GetObjectResult& WithSSEKMSKeyId(const char* value) { SetSSEKMSKeyId(value); return *this;}
- /**
+ /**
* <p>Indicates whether the object uses an S3 Bucket Key for server-side encryption
* with AWS KMS (SSE-KMS).</p>
- */
+ */
inline bool GetBucketKeyEnabled() const{ return m_bucketKeyEnabled; }
@@ -933,28 +933,28 @@ namespace Model
inline const StorageClass& GetStorageClass() const{ return m_storageClass; }
- /**
+ /**
* <p>Provides storage class information of the object. Amazon S3 returns this
* header for all objects except for S3 Standard storage class objects.</p>
- */
+ */
inline void SetStorageClass(const StorageClass& value) { m_storageClass = value; }
- /**
+ /**
* <p>Provides storage class information of the object. Amazon S3 returns this
* header for all objects except for S3 Standard storage class objects.</p>
- */
+ */
inline void SetStorageClass(StorageClass&& value) { m_storageClass = std::move(value); }
- /**
+ /**
* <p>Provides storage class information of the object. Amazon S3 returns this
* header for all objects except for S3 Standard storage class objects.</p>
- */
+ */
inline GetObjectResult& WithStorageClass(const StorageClass& value) { SetStorageClass(value); return *this;}
- /**
+ /**
* <p>Provides storage class information of the object. Amazon S3 returns this
* header for all objects except for S3 Standard storage class objects.</p>
- */
+ */
inline GetObjectResult& WithStorageClass(StorageClass&& value) { SetStorageClass(std::move(value)); return *this;}
@@ -974,34 +974,34 @@ namespace Model
inline GetObjectResult& WithRequestCharged(RequestCharged&& value) { SetRequestCharged(std::move(value)); return *this;}
- /**
+ /**
* <p>Amazon S3 can return this if your request involves a bucket that is either a
* source or destination in a replication rule.</p>
- */
+ */
inline const ReplicationStatus& GetReplicationStatus() const{ return m_replicationStatus; }
- /**
+ /**
* <p>Amazon S3 can return this if your request involves a bucket that is either a
* source or destination in a replication rule.</p>
- */
+ */
inline void SetReplicationStatus(const ReplicationStatus& value) { m_replicationStatus = value; }
- /**
+ /**
* <p>Amazon S3 can return this if your request involves a bucket that is either a
* source or destination in a replication rule.</p>
- */
+ */
inline void SetReplicationStatus(ReplicationStatus&& value) { m_replicationStatus = std::move(value); }
- /**
+ /**
* <p>Amazon S3 can return this if your request involves a bucket that is either a
* source or destination in a replication rule.</p>
- */
+ */
inline GetObjectResult& WithReplicationStatus(const ReplicationStatus& value) { SetReplicationStatus(value); return *this;}
- /**
+ /**
* <p>Amazon S3 can return this if your request involves a bucket that is either a
* source or destination in a replication rule.</p>
- */
+ */
inline GetObjectResult& WithReplicationStatus(ReplicationStatus&& value) { SetReplicationStatus(std::move(value)); return *this;}
@@ -1037,89 +1037,89 @@ namespace Model
inline GetObjectResult& WithTagCount(int value) { SetTagCount(value); return *this;}
- /**
- * <p>The Object Lock mode currently in place for this object.</p>
- */
- inline const ObjectLockMode& GetObjectLockMode() const{ return m_objectLockMode; }
- /**
- * <p>The Object Lock mode currently in place for this object.</p>
- */
- inline void SetObjectLockMode(const ObjectLockMode& value) { m_objectLockMode = value; }
- /**
- * <p>The Object Lock mode currently in place for this object.</p>
- */
- inline void SetObjectLockMode(ObjectLockMode&& value) { m_objectLockMode = std::move(value); }
- /**
- * <p>The Object Lock mode currently in place for this object.</p>
- */
- inline GetObjectResult& WithObjectLockMode(const ObjectLockMode& value) { SetObjectLockMode(value); return *this;}
- /**
- * <p>The Object Lock mode currently in place for this object.</p>
- */
- inline GetObjectResult& WithObjectLockMode(ObjectLockMode&& value) { SetObjectLockMode(std::move(value)); return *this;}
- /**
- * <p>The date and time when this object's Object Lock will expire.</p>
- */
- inline const Aws::Utils::DateTime& GetObjectLockRetainUntilDate() const{ return m_objectLockRetainUntilDate; }
- /**
- * <p>The date and time when this object's Object Lock will expire.</p>
- */
- inline void SetObjectLockRetainUntilDate(const Aws::Utils::DateTime& value) { m_objectLockRetainUntilDate = value; }
- /**
- * <p>The date and time when this object's Object Lock will expire.</p>
- */
- inline void SetObjectLockRetainUntilDate(Aws::Utils::DateTime&& value) { m_objectLockRetainUntilDate = std::move(value); }
- /**
- * <p>The date and time when this object's Object Lock will expire.</p>
- */
- inline GetObjectResult& WithObjectLockRetainUntilDate(const Aws::Utils::DateTime& value) { SetObjectLockRetainUntilDate(value); return *this;}
- /**
- * <p>The date and time when this object's Object Lock will expire.</p>
- */
- inline GetObjectResult& WithObjectLockRetainUntilDate(Aws::Utils::DateTime&& value) { SetObjectLockRetainUntilDate(std::move(value)); return *this;}
- /**
- * <p>Indicates whether this object has an active legal hold. This field is only
+ /**
+ * <p>The Object Lock mode currently in place for this object.</p>
+ */
+ inline const ObjectLockMode& GetObjectLockMode() const{ return m_objectLockMode; }
+ /**
+ * <p>The Object Lock mode currently in place for this object.</p>
+ */
+ inline void SetObjectLockMode(const ObjectLockMode& value) { m_objectLockMode = value; }
+ /**
+ * <p>The Object Lock mode currently in place for this object.</p>
+ */
+ inline void SetObjectLockMode(ObjectLockMode&& value) { m_objectLockMode = std::move(value); }
+ /**
+ * <p>The Object Lock mode currently in place for this object.</p>
+ */
+ inline GetObjectResult& WithObjectLockMode(const ObjectLockMode& value) { SetObjectLockMode(value); return *this;}
+ /**
+ * <p>The Object Lock mode currently in place for this object.</p>
+ */
+ inline GetObjectResult& WithObjectLockMode(ObjectLockMode&& value) { SetObjectLockMode(std::move(value)); return *this;}
+ /**
+ * <p>The date and time when this object's Object Lock will expire.</p>
+ */
+ inline const Aws::Utils::DateTime& GetObjectLockRetainUntilDate() const{ return m_objectLockRetainUntilDate; }
+ /**
+ * <p>The date and time when this object's Object Lock will expire.</p>
+ */
+ inline void SetObjectLockRetainUntilDate(const Aws::Utils::DateTime& value) { m_objectLockRetainUntilDate = value; }
+ /**
+ * <p>The date and time when this object's Object Lock will expire.</p>
+ */
+ inline void SetObjectLockRetainUntilDate(Aws::Utils::DateTime&& value) { m_objectLockRetainUntilDate = std::move(value); }
+ /**
+ * <p>The date and time when this object's Object Lock will expire.</p>
+ */
+ inline GetObjectResult& WithObjectLockRetainUntilDate(const Aws::Utils::DateTime& value) { SetObjectLockRetainUntilDate(value); return *this;}
+ /**
+ * <p>The date and time when this object's Object Lock will expire.</p>
+ */
+ inline GetObjectResult& WithObjectLockRetainUntilDate(Aws::Utils::DateTime&& value) { SetObjectLockRetainUntilDate(std::move(value)); return *this;}
+ /**
+ * <p>Indicates whether this object has an active legal hold. This field is only
* returned if you have permission to view an object's legal hold status. </p>
- */
- inline const ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus& GetObjectLockLegalHoldStatus() const{ return m_objectLockLegalHoldStatus; }
- /**
- * <p>Indicates whether this object has an active legal hold. This field is only
+ */
+ inline const ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus& GetObjectLockLegalHoldStatus() const{ return m_objectLockLegalHoldStatus; }
+ /**
+ * <p>Indicates whether this object has an active legal hold. This field is only
* returned if you have permission to view an object's legal hold status. </p>
- */
- inline void SetObjectLockLegalHoldStatus(const ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus& value) { m_objectLockLegalHoldStatus = value; }
- /**
- * <p>Indicates whether this object has an active legal hold. This field is only
+ */
+ inline void SetObjectLockLegalHoldStatus(const ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus& value) { m_objectLockLegalHoldStatus = value; }
+ /**
+ * <p>Indicates whether this object has an active legal hold. This field is only
* returned if you have permission to view an object's legal hold status. </p>
- */
- inline void SetObjectLockLegalHoldStatus(ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus&& value) { m_objectLockLegalHoldStatus = std::move(value); }
- /**
- * <p>Indicates whether this object has an active legal hold. This field is only
+ */
+ inline void SetObjectLockLegalHoldStatus(ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus&& value) { m_objectLockLegalHoldStatus = std::move(value); }
+ /**
+ * <p>Indicates whether this object has an active legal hold. This field is only
* returned if you have permission to view an object's legal hold status. </p>
- */
- inline GetObjectResult& WithObjectLockLegalHoldStatus(const ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus& value) { SetObjectLockLegalHoldStatus(value); return *this;}
- /**
- * <p>Indicates whether this object has an active legal hold. This field is only
+ */
+ inline GetObjectResult& WithObjectLockLegalHoldStatus(const ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus& value) { SetObjectLockLegalHoldStatus(value); return *this;}
+ /**
+ * <p>Indicates whether this object has an active legal hold. This field is only
* returned if you have permission to view an object's legal hold status. </p>
- */
- inline GetObjectResult& WithObjectLockLegalHoldStatus(ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus&& value) { SetObjectLockLegalHoldStatus(std::move(value)); return *this;}
+ */
+ inline GetObjectResult& WithObjectLockLegalHoldStatus(ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus&& value) { SetObjectLockLegalHoldStatus(std::move(value)); return *this;}
inline const Aws::String& GetId2() const{ return m_id2; }
@@ -1223,12 +1223,12 @@ namespace Model
int m_tagCount;
- ObjectLockMode m_objectLockMode;
- Aws::Utils::DateTime m_objectLockRetainUntilDate;
- ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus m_objectLockLegalHoldStatus;
+ ObjectLockMode m_objectLockMode;
+ Aws::Utils::DateTime m_objectLockRetainUntilDate;
+ ObjectLockLegalHoldStatus m_objectLockLegalHoldStatus;
Aws::String m_id2;
Aws::String m_requestId;