path: root/contrib/libs/aws-sdk-cpp/aws-cpp-sdk-core/source/client/AdaptiveRetryStrategy.cpp
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authordakovalkov <dakovalkov@yandex-team.com>2023-12-03 13:33:55 +0300
committerdakovalkov <dakovalkov@yandex-team.com>2023-12-03 14:04:39 +0300
commit2a718325637e5302334b6d0a6430f63168f8dbb3 (patch)
tree64be81080b7df9ec1d86d053a0c394ae53fcf1fe /contrib/libs/aws-sdk-cpp/aws-cpp-sdk-core/source/client/AdaptiveRetryStrategy.cpp
parente0d94a470142d95c3007e9c5d80380994940664a (diff)
Update contrib/libs/aws-sdk-cpp to 1.11.37
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/libs/aws-sdk-cpp/aws-cpp-sdk-core/source/client/AdaptiveRetryStrategy.cpp')
1 files changed, 228 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/libs/aws-sdk-cpp/aws-cpp-sdk-core/source/client/AdaptiveRetryStrategy.cpp b/contrib/libs/aws-sdk-cpp/aws-cpp-sdk-core/source/client/AdaptiveRetryStrategy.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0907b81137
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/libs/aws-sdk-cpp/aws-cpp-sdk-core/source/client/AdaptiveRetryStrategy.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
+ * Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0.
+ */
+#include <aws/core/client/AdaptiveRetryStrategy.h>
+#include <aws/core/client/AWSError.h>
+#include <aws/core/client/CoreErrors.h>
+#include <aws/core/utils/memory/stl/AWSSet.h>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <thread>
+using namespace Aws::Utils::Threading;
+namespace Aws
+ namespace Client
+ {
+ static const double MIN_FILL_RATE = 0.5;
+ static const double MIN_CAPACITY = 1;
+ static const double SMOOTH = 0.8;
+ static const double BETA = 0.7;
+ static const double SCALE_CONSTANT = 0.4;
+ // A static list containing all service exception names classified as throttled.
+ static const char* THROTTLING_EXCEPTIONS[] {
+ "Throttling", "ThrottlingException", "ThrottledException", "RequestThrottledException",
+ "TooManyRequestsException", "ProvisionedThroughputExceededException", "TransactionInProgressException",
+ "RequestLimitExceeded", "BandwidthLimitExceeded", "LimitExceededException", "RequestThrottled",
+ "SlowDown", "PriorRequestNotComplete", "EC2ThrottledException"};
+ // C-tor for unit testing
+ RetryTokenBucket::RetryTokenBucket(double fillRate, double maxCapacity, double currentCapacity,
+ const Aws::Utils::DateTime& lastTimestamp, double measuredTxRate, double lastTxRateBucket,
+ size_t requestCount, bool enabled, double lastMaxRate, const Aws::Utils::DateTime& lastThrottleTime)
+ :
+ m_fillRate(fillRate), m_maxCapacity(maxCapacity), m_currentCapacity(currentCapacity),
+ m_lastTimestamp(lastTimestamp), m_measuredTxRate(measuredTxRate),
+ m_lastTxRateBucket(lastTxRateBucket), m_requestCount(requestCount), m_enabled(enabled),
+ m_lastMaxRate(lastMaxRate), m_lastThrottleTime(lastThrottleTime)
+ {}
+ bool RetryTokenBucket::Acquire(size_t amount, bool fastFail)
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> locker(m_mutex);
+ if (!m_enabled)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ Refill();
+ bool notEnough = amount > m_currentCapacity;
+ if (notEnough && fastFail) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // If all the tokens couldn't be acquired immediately, wait enough
+ // time to fill the remainder.
+ if (notEnough) {
+ std::chrono::duration<double> waitTime((amount - m_currentCapacity) / m_fillRate);
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(waitTime);
+ Refill();
+ }
+ m_currentCapacity -= amount;
+ return true;
+ }
+ void RetryTokenBucket::Refill(const Aws::Utils::DateTime& now)
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> locker(m_mutex);
+ if (0 == m_lastTimestamp.Millis()) {
+ m_lastTimestamp = now;
+ return;
+ }
+ double fillAmount = (std::abs(now.Millis() - m_lastTimestamp.Millis()))/1000.0 * m_fillRate;
+ m_currentCapacity = (std::min)(m_maxCapacity, m_currentCapacity + fillAmount);
+ m_lastTimestamp = now;
+ }
+ void RetryTokenBucket::UpdateRate(double newRps, const Aws::Utils::DateTime& now)
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> locker(m_mutex);
+ Refill(now);
+ m_fillRate = (std::max)(newRps, MIN_FILL_RATE);
+ m_maxCapacity = (std::max)(newRps, MIN_CAPACITY);
+ m_currentCapacity = (std::min)(m_currentCapacity, m_maxCapacity);
+ }
+ void RetryTokenBucket::UpdateMeasuredRate(const Aws::Utils::DateTime& now)
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> locker(m_mutex);
+ double t = now.Millis() / 1000.0;
+ double timeBucket = floor(t * 2.0) / 2.0;
+ m_requestCount += 1;
+ if (timeBucket > m_lastTxRateBucket) {
+ double currentRate = m_requestCount / (timeBucket - m_lastTxRateBucket);
+ m_measuredTxRate = (currentRate * SMOOTH) + (m_measuredTxRate * (1 - SMOOTH));
+ m_requestCount = 0;
+ m_lastTxRateBucket = timeBucket;
+ }
+ }
+ void RetryTokenBucket::UpdateClientSendingRate(bool isThrottlingResponse, const Aws::Utils::DateTime& now)
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> locker(m_mutex);
+ UpdateMeasuredRate(now);
+ double calculatedRate = 0.0;
+ if (isThrottlingResponse)
+ {
+ double rateToUse = m_measuredTxRate;
+ if (m_enabled)
+ rateToUse = (std::min)(rateToUse, m_fillRate);
+ m_lastMaxRate = rateToUse;
+ m_lastThrottleTime = now;
+ calculatedRate = CUBICThrottle(rateToUse);
+ Enable();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ double timeWindow = CalculateTimeWindow();
+ calculatedRate = CUBICSuccess(now, timeWindow);
+ }
+ double newRate = (std::min)(calculatedRate, 2.0 * m_measuredTxRate);
+ UpdateRate(newRate, now);
+ }
+ void RetryTokenBucket::Enable()
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<std::recursive_mutex> locker(m_mutex);
+ m_enabled = true;
+ }
+ double RetryTokenBucket::CalculateTimeWindow() const
+ {
+ return pow(((m_lastMaxRate * (1.0 - BETA)) / SCALE_CONSTANT), (1.0 / 3));
+ }
+ double RetryTokenBucket::CUBICSuccess(const Aws::Utils::DateTime& timestamp, const double timeWindow) const
+ {
+ double dt = (timestamp.Millis() - m_lastThrottleTime.Millis()) / 1000.0;
+ double calculatedRate = SCALE_CONSTANT * pow(dt - timeWindow, 3.0) + m_lastMaxRate;
+ return calculatedRate;
+ }
+ double RetryTokenBucket::CUBICThrottle(const double rateToUse) const
+ {
+ double calculatedRate = rateToUse * BETA;
+ return calculatedRate;
+ }
+ AdaptiveRetryStrategy::AdaptiveRetryStrategy(long maxAttempts) :
+ StandardRetryStrategy(maxAttempts)
+ {}
+ AdaptiveRetryStrategy::AdaptiveRetryStrategy(std::shared_ptr<RetryQuotaContainer> retryQuotaContainer, long maxAttempts) :
+ StandardRetryStrategy(retryQuotaContainer, maxAttempts)
+ {}
+ bool AdaptiveRetryStrategy::HasSendToken()
+ {
+ return m_retryTokenBucket.Acquire(1, m_fastFail);
+ }
+ void AdaptiveRetryStrategy::RequestBookkeeping(const HttpResponseOutcome& httpResponseOutcome)
+ {
+ if (httpResponseOutcome.IsSuccess())
+ {
+ m_retryQuotaContainer->ReleaseRetryQuota(Aws::Client::NO_RETRY_INCREMENT);
+ m_retryTokenBucket.UpdateClientSendingRate(false);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_retryTokenBucket.UpdateClientSendingRate(IsThrottlingResponse(httpResponseOutcome));
+ }
+ }
+ void AdaptiveRetryStrategy::RequestBookkeeping(const HttpResponseOutcome& httpResponseOutcome, const AWSError<CoreErrors>& lastError)
+ {
+ if (httpResponseOutcome.IsSuccess())
+ {
+ m_retryQuotaContainer->ReleaseRetryQuota(lastError);
+ m_retryTokenBucket.UpdateClientSendingRate(false);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_retryTokenBucket.UpdateClientSendingRate(IsThrottlingResponse(httpResponseOutcome));
+ }
+ }
+ bool AdaptiveRetryStrategy::IsThrottlingResponse(const HttpResponseOutcome& httpResponseOutcome)
+ {
+ if(httpResponseOutcome.IsSuccess())
+ return false;
+ const AWSError<CoreErrors>& error = httpResponseOutcome.GetError();
+ const Aws::Client::CoreErrors enumValue = error.GetErrorType();
+ switch(enumValue)
+ {
+ case Aws::Client::CoreErrors::THROTTLING:
+ case Aws::Client::CoreErrors::SLOW_DOWN:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }