path: root/contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/parquet/schema.h
diff options
authorthegeorg <thegeorg@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:45:08 +0300
committerDaniil Cherednik <dcherednik@yandex-team.ru>2022-02-10 16:45:08 +0300
commit4e839db24a3bbc9f1c610c43d6faaaa99824dcca (patch)
tree506dac10f5df94fab310584ee51b24fc5a081c22 /contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/parquet/schema.h
parent2d37894b1b037cf24231090eda8589bbb44fb6fc (diff)
Restoring authorship annotation for <thegeorg@yandex-team.ru>. Commit 1 of 2.
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/parquet/schema.h')
1 files changed, 494 insertions, 494 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/parquet/schema.h b/contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/parquet/schema.h
index 7dcfa7d144..63fc4706c7 100644
--- a/contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/parquet/schema.h
+++ b/contrib/libs/apache/arrow/cpp/src/parquet/schema.h
@@ -1,494 +1,494 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-// This module contains the logical parquet-cpp types (independent of Thrift
-// structures), schema nodes, and related type tools
-#pragma once
-#include <cstdint>
-#include <memory>
-#include <ostream>
-#include <string>
-#include <unordered_map>
-#include <utility>
-#include <vector>
-#include "parquet/platform.h"
-#include "parquet/types.h"
-namespace parquet {
-class SchemaDescriptor;
-namespace schema {
-class Node;
-// List encodings: using the terminology from Impala to define different styles
-// of representing logical lists (a.k.a. ARRAY types) in Parquet schemas. Since
-// the converted type named in the Parquet metadata is ConvertedType::LIST we
-// use that terminology here. It also helps distinguish from the *_ARRAY
-// primitive types.
-// One-level encoding: Only allows required lists with required cells
-// repeated value_type name
-// Two-level encoding: Enables optional lists with only required cells
-// <required/optional> group list
-// repeated value_type item
-// Three-level encoding: Enables optional lists with optional cells
-// <required/optional> group bag
-// repeated group list
-// <required/optional> value_type item
-// 2- and 1-level encoding are respectively equivalent to 3-level encoding with
-// the non-repeated nodes set to required.
-// The "official" encoding recommended in the Parquet spec is the 3-level, and
-// we use that as the default when creating list types. For semantic completeness
-// we allow the other two. Since all types of encodings will occur "in the
-// wild" we need to be able to interpret the associated definition levels in
-// the context of the actual encoding used in the file.
-// NB: Some Parquet writers may not set ConvertedType::LIST on the repeated
-// SchemaElement, which could make things challenging if we are trying to infer
-// that a sequence of nodes semantically represents an array according to one
-// of these encodings (versus a struct containing an array). We should refuse
-// the temptation to guess, as they say.
-struct ListEncoding {
-class PARQUET_EXPORT ColumnPath {
- public:
- ColumnPath() : path_() {}
- explicit ColumnPath(const std::vector<std::string>& path) : path_(path) {}
- explicit ColumnPath(std::vector<std::string>&& path) : path_(std::move(path)) {}
- static std::shared_ptr<ColumnPath> FromDotString(const std::string& dotstring);
- static std::shared_ptr<ColumnPath> FromNode(const Node& node);
- std::shared_ptr<ColumnPath> extend(const std::string& node_name) const;
- std::string ToDotString() const;
- const std::vector<std::string>& ToDotVector() const;
- protected:
- std::vector<std::string> path_;
-// Base class for logical schema types. A type has a name, repetition level,
-// and optionally a logical type (ConvertedType in Parquet metadata parlance)
-class PARQUET_EXPORT Node {
- public:
- enum type { PRIMITIVE, GROUP };
- virtual ~Node() {}
- bool is_primitive() const { return type_ == Node::PRIMITIVE; }
- bool is_group() const { return type_ == Node::GROUP; }
- bool is_optional() const { return repetition_ == Repetition::OPTIONAL; }
- bool is_repeated() const { return repetition_ == Repetition::REPEATED; }
- bool is_required() const { return repetition_ == Repetition::REQUIRED; }
- virtual bool Equals(const Node* other) const = 0;
- const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
- Node::type node_type() const { return type_; }
- Repetition::type repetition() const { return repetition_; }
- ConvertedType::type converted_type() const { return converted_type_; }
- const std::shared_ptr<const LogicalType>& logical_type() const { return logical_type_; }
- /// \brief The field_id value for the serialized SchemaElement. If the
- /// field_id is less than 0 (e.g. -1), it will not be set when serialized to
- /// Thrift.
- int field_id() const { return field_id_; }
- PARQUET_DEPRECATED("id() is deprecated. Use field_id() instead")
- int id() const { return field_id_; }
- const Node* parent() const { return parent_; }
- const std::shared_ptr<ColumnPath> path() const;
- virtual void ToParquet(void* element) const = 0;
- // Node::Visitor abstract class for walking schemas with the visitor pattern
- class Visitor {
- public:
- virtual ~Visitor() {}
- virtual void Visit(Node* node) = 0;
- };
- class ConstVisitor {
- public:
- virtual ~ConstVisitor() {}
- virtual void Visit(const Node* node) = 0;
- };
- virtual void Visit(Visitor* visitor) = 0;
- virtual void VisitConst(ConstVisitor* visitor) const = 0;
- protected:
- friend class GroupNode;
- Node(Node::type type, const std::string& name, Repetition::type repetition,
- ConvertedType::type converted_type = ConvertedType::NONE, int field_id = -1)
- : type_(type),
- name_(name),
- repetition_(repetition),
- converted_type_(converted_type),
- field_id_(field_id),
- parent_(NULLPTR) {}
- Node(Node::type type, const std::string& name, Repetition::type repetition,
- std::shared_ptr<const LogicalType> logical_type, int field_id = -1)
- : type_(type),
- name_(name),
- repetition_(repetition),
- logical_type_(std::move(logical_type)),
- field_id_(field_id),
- parent_(NULLPTR) {}
- Node::type type_;
- std::string name_;
- Repetition::type repetition_;
- ConvertedType::type converted_type_;
- std::shared_ptr<const LogicalType> logical_type_;
- int field_id_;
- // Nodes should not be shared, they have a single parent.
- const Node* parent_;
- bool EqualsInternal(const Node* other) const;
- void SetParent(const Node* p_parent);
- private:
-// Save our breath all over the place with these typedefs
-typedef std::shared_ptr<Node> NodePtr;
-typedef std::vector<NodePtr> NodeVector;
-// A type that is one of the primitive Parquet storage types. In addition to
-// the other type metadata (name, repetition level, logical type), also has the
-// physical storage type and their type-specific metadata (byte width, decimal
-// parameters)
-class PARQUET_EXPORT PrimitiveNode : public Node {
- public:
- static std::unique_ptr<Node> FromParquet(const void* opaque_element);
- // A field_id -1 (or any negative value) will be serialized as null in Thrift
- static inline NodePtr Make(const std::string& name, Repetition::type repetition,
- Type::type type,
- ConvertedType::type converted_type = ConvertedType::NONE,
- int length = -1, int precision = -1, int scale = -1,
- int field_id = -1) {
- return NodePtr(new PrimitiveNode(name, repetition, type, converted_type, length,
- precision, scale, field_id));
- }
- // If no logical type, pass LogicalType::None() or nullptr
- // A field_id -1 (or any negative value) will be serialized as null in Thrift
- static inline NodePtr Make(const std::string& name, Repetition::type repetition,
- std::shared_ptr<const LogicalType> logical_type,
- Type::type primitive_type, int primitive_length = -1,
- int field_id = -1) {
- return NodePtr(new PrimitiveNode(name, repetition, logical_type, primitive_type,
- primitive_length, field_id));
- }
- bool Equals(const Node* other) const override;
- Type::type physical_type() const { return physical_type_; }
- ColumnOrder column_order() const { return column_order_; }
- void SetColumnOrder(ColumnOrder column_order) { column_order_ = column_order; }
- int32_t type_length() const { return type_length_; }
- const DecimalMetadata& decimal_metadata() const { return decimal_metadata_; }
- void ToParquet(void* element) const override;
- void Visit(Visitor* visitor) override;
- void VisitConst(ConstVisitor* visitor) const override;
- private:
- PrimitiveNode(const std::string& name, Repetition::type repetition, Type::type type,
- ConvertedType::type converted_type = ConvertedType::NONE, int length = -1,
- int precision = -1, int scale = -1, int field_id = -1);
- PrimitiveNode(const std::string& name, Repetition::type repetition,
- std::shared_ptr<const LogicalType> logical_type,
- Type::type primitive_type, int primitive_length = -1, int field_id = -1);
- Type::type physical_type_;
- int32_t type_length_;
- DecimalMetadata decimal_metadata_;
- ColumnOrder column_order_;
- void SetTypeLength(int32_t length) { type_length_ = length; }
- bool EqualsInternal(const PrimitiveNode* other) const;
- FRIEND_TEST(TestPrimitiveNode, Attrs);
- FRIEND_TEST(TestPrimitiveNode, Equals);
- FRIEND_TEST(TestPrimitiveNode, PhysicalLogicalMapping);
- FRIEND_TEST(TestPrimitiveNode, FromParquet);
-class PARQUET_EXPORT GroupNode : public Node {
- public:
- static std::unique_ptr<Node> FromParquet(const void* opaque_element,
- NodeVector fields = {});
- // A field_id -1 (or any negative value) will be serialized as null in Thrift
- static inline NodePtr Make(const std::string& name, Repetition::type repetition,
- const NodeVector& fields,
- ConvertedType::type converted_type = ConvertedType::NONE,
- int field_id = -1) {
- return NodePtr(new GroupNode(name, repetition, fields, converted_type, field_id));
- }
- // If no logical type, pass nullptr
- // A field_id -1 (or any negative value) will be serialized as null in Thrift
- static inline NodePtr Make(const std::string& name, Repetition::type repetition,
- const NodeVector& fields,
- std::shared_ptr<const LogicalType> logical_type,
- int field_id = -1) {
- return NodePtr(new GroupNode(name, repetition, fields, logical_type, field_id));
- }
- bool Equals(const Node* other) const override;
- NodePtr field(int i) const { return fields_[i]; }
- // Get the index of a field by its name, or negative value if not found.
- // If several fields share the same name, it is unspecified which one
- // is returned.
- int FieldIndex(const std::string& name) const;
- // Get the index of a field by its node, or negative value if not found.
- int FieldIndex(const Node& node) const;
- int field_count() const { return static_cast<int>(fields_.size()); }
- void ToParquet(void* element) const override;
- void Visit(Visitor* visitor) override;
- void VisitConst(ConstVisitor* visitor) const override;
- /// \brief Return true if this node or any child node has REPEATED repetition
- /// type
- bool HasRepeatedFields() const;
- private:
- GroupNode(const std::string& name, Repetition::type repetition,
- const NodeVector& fields,
- ConvertedType::type converted_type = ConvertedType::NONE, int field_id = -1);
- GroupNode(const std::string& name, Repetition::type repetition,
- const NodeVector& fields, std::shared_ptr<const LogicalType> logical_type,
- int field_id = -1);
- NodeVector fields_;
- bool EqualsInternal(const GroupNode* other) const;
- // Mapping between field name to the field index
- std::unordered_multimap<std::string, int> field_name_to_idx_;
- FRIEND_TEST(TestGroupNode, Attrs);
- FRIEND_TEST(TestGroupNode, Equals);
- FRIEND_TEST(TestGroupNode, FieldIndex);
- FRIEND_TEST(TestGroupNode, FieldIndexDuplicateName);
-// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Convenience primitive type factory functions
-#define PRIMITIVE_FACTORY(FuncName, TYPE) \
- static inline NodePtr FuncName(const std::string& name, \
- Repetition::type repetition = Repetition::OPTIONAL, \
- int field_id = -1) { \
- return PrimitiveNode::Make(name, repetition, Type::TYPE, ConvertedType::NONE, \
- /*length=*/-1, /*precision=*/-1, /*scale=*/-1, field_id); \
- }
-void PARQUET_EXPORT PrintSchema(const schema::Node* schema, std::ostream& stream,
- int indent_width = 2);
-} // namespace schema
-// The ColumnDescriptor encapsulates information necessary to interpret
-// primitive column data in the context of a particular schema. We have to
-// examine the node structure of a column's path to the root in the schema tree
-// to be able to reassemble the nested structure from the repetition and
-// definition levels.
-class PARQUET_EXPORT ColumnDescriptor {
- public:
- ColumnDescriptor(schema::NodePtr node, int16_t max_definition_level,
- int16_t max_repetition_level,
- const SchemaDescriptor* schema_descr = NULLPTR);
- bool Equals(const ColumnDescriptor& other) const;
- int16_t max_definition_level() const { return max_definition_level_; }
- int16_t max_repetition_level() const { return max_repetition_level_; }
- Type::type physical_type() const { return primitive_node_->physical_type(); }
- ConvertedType::type converted_type() const { return primitive_node_->converted_type(); }
- const std::shared_ptr<const LogicalType>& logical_type() const {
- return primitive_node_->logical_type();
- }
- ColumnOrder column_order() const { return primitive_node_->column_order(); }
- SortOrder::type sort_order() const {
- auto la = logical_type();
- auto pt = physical_type();
- return la ? GetSortOrder(la, pt) : GetSortOrder(converted_type(), pt);
- }
- const std::string& name() const { return primitive_node_->name(); }
- const std::shared_ptr<schema::ColumnPath> path() const;
- const schema::NodePtr& schema_node() const { return node_; }
- std::string ToString() const;
- int type_length() const;
- int type_precision() const;
- int type_scale() const;
- private:
- schema::NodePtr node_;
- const schema::PrimitiveNode* primitive_node_;
- int16_t max_definition_level_;
- int16_t max_repetition_level_;
-// Container for the converted Parquet schema with a computed information from
-// the schema analysis needed for file reading
-// * Column index to Node
-// * Max repetition / definition levels for each primitive node
-// The ColumnDescriptor objects produced by this class can be used to assist in
-// the reconstruction of fully materialized data structures from the
-// repetition-definition level encoding of nested data
-// TODO(wesm): this object can be recomputed from a Schema
-class PARQUET_EXPORT SchemaDescriptor {
- public:
- SchemaDescriptor() {}
- ~SchemaDescriptor() {}
- // Analyze the schema
- void Init(std::unique_ptr<schema::Node> schema);
- void Init(schema::NodePtr schema);
- const ColumnDescriptor* Column(int i) const;
- // Get the index of a column by its dotstring path, or negative value if not found.
- // If several columns share the same dotstring path, it is unspecified which one
- // is returned.
- int ColumnIndex(const std::string& node_path) const;
- // Get the index of a column by its node, or negative value if not found.
- int ColumnIndex(const schema::Node& node) const;
- bool Equals(const SchemaDescriptor& other) const;
- // The number of physical columns appearing in the file
- int num_columns() const { return static_cast<int>(leaves_.size()); }
- const schema::NodePtr& schema_root() const { return schema_; }
- const schema::GroupNode* group_node() const { return group_node_; }
- // Returns the root (child of the schema root) node of the leaf(column) node
- const schema::Node* GetColumnRoot(int i) const;
- const std::string& name() const { return group_node_->name(); }
- std::string ToString() const;
- void updateColumnOrders(const std::vector<ColumnOrder>& column_orders);
- /// \brief Return column index corresponding to a particular
- /// PrimitiveNode. Returns -1 if not found
- int GetColumnIndex(const schema::PrimitiveNode& node) const;
- /// \brief Return true if any field or their children have REPEATED repetition
- /// type
- bool HasRepeatedFields() const;
- private:
- friend class ColumnDescriptor;
- // Root Node
- schema::NodePtr schema_;
- // Root Node
- const schema::GroupNode* group_node_;
- void BuildTree(const schema::NodePtr& node, int16_t max_def_level,
- int16_t max_rep_level, const schema::NodePtr& base);
- // Result of leaf node / tree analysis
- std::vector<ColumnDescriptor> leaves_;
- std::unordered_map<const schema::PrimitiveNode*, int> node_to_leaf_index_;
- // Mapping between leaf nodes and root group of leaf (first node
- // below the schema's root group)
- //
- // For example, the leaf `a.b.c.d` would have a link back to `a`
- //
- // -- a <------
- // -- -- b |
- // -- -- -- c |
- // -- -- -- -- d
- std::unordered_map<int, schema::NodePtr> leaf_to_base_;
- // Mapping between ColumnPath DotString to the leaf index
- std::unordered_multimap<std::string, int> leaf_to_idx_;
-} // namespace parquet
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+// This module contains the logical parquet-cpp types (independent of Thrift
+// structures), schema nodes, and related type tools
+#pragma once
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <memory>
+#include <ostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include "parquet/platform.h"
+#include "parquet/types.h"
+namespace parquet {
+class SchemaDescriptor;
+namespace schema {
+class Node;
+// List encodings: using the terminology from Impala to define different styles
+// of representing logical lists (a.k.a. ARRAY types) in Parquet schemas. Since
+// the converted type named in the Parquet metadata is ConvertedType::LIST we
+// use that terminology here. It also helps distinguish from the *_ARRAY
+// primitive types.
+// One-level encoding: Only allows required lists with required cells
+// repeated value_type name
+// Two-level encoding: Enables optional lists with only required cells
+// <required/optional> group list
+// repeated value_type item
+// Three-level encoding: Enables optional lists with optional cells
+// <required/optional> group bag
+// repeated group list
+// <required/optional> value_type item
+// 2- and 1-level encoding are respectively equivalent to 3-level encoding with
+// the non-repeated nodes set to required.
+// The "official" encoding recommended in the Parquet spec is the 3-level, and
+// we use that as the default when creating list types. For semantic completeness
+// we allow the other two. Since all types of encodings will occur "in the
+// wild" we need to be able to interpret the associated definition levels in
+// the context of the actual encoding used in the file.
+// NB: Some Parquet writers may not set ConvertedType::LIST on the repeated
+// SchemaElement, which could make things challenging if we are trying to infer
+// that a sequence of nodes semantically represents an array according to one
+// of these encodings (versus a struct containing an array). We should refuse
+// the temptation to guess, as they say.
+struct ListEncoding {
+class PARQUET_EXPORT ColumnPath {
+ public:
+ ColumnPath() : path_() {}
+ explicit ColumnPath(const std::vector<std::string>& path) : path_(path) {}
+ explicit ColumnPath(std::vector<std::string>&& path) : path_(std::move(path)) {}
+ static std::shared_ptr<ColumnPath> FromDotString(const std::string& dotstring);
+ static std::shared_ptr<ColumnPath> FromNode(const Node& node);
+ std::shared_ptr<ColumnPath> extend(const std::string& node_name) const;
+ std::string ToDotString() const;
+ const std::vector<std::string>& ToDotVector() const;
+ protected:
+ std::vector<std::string> path_;
+// Base class for logical schema types. A type has a name, repetition level,
+// and optionally a logical type (ConvertedType in Parquet metadata parlance)
+class PARQUET_EXPORT Node {
+ public:
+ enum type { PRIMITIVE, GROUP };
+ virtual ~Node() {}
+ bool is_primitive() const { return type_ == Node::PRIMITIVE; }
+ bool is_group() const { return type_ == Node::GROUP; }
+ bool is_optional() const { return repetition_ == Repetition::OPTIONAL; }
+ bool is_repeated() const { return repetition_ == Repetition::REPEATED; }
+ bool is_required() const { return repetition_ == Repetition::REQUIRED; }
+ virtual bool Equals(const Node* other) const = 0;
+ const std::string& name() const { return name_; }
+ Node::type node_type() const { return type_; }
+ Repetition::type repetition() const { return repetition_; }
+ ConvertedType::type converted_type() const { return converted_type_; }
+ const std::shared_ptr<const LogicalType>& logical_type() const { return logical_type_; }
+ /// \brief The field_id value for the serialized SchemaElement. If the
+ /// field_id is less than 0 (e.g. -1), it will not be set when serialized to
+ /// Thrift.
+ int field_id() const { return field_id_; }
+ PARQUET_DEPRECATED("id() is deprecated. Use field_id() instead")
+ int id() const { return field_id_; }
+ const Node* parent() const { return parent_; }
+ const std::shared_ptr<ColumnPath> path() const;
+ virtual void ToParquet(void* element) const = 0;
+ // Node::Visitor abstract class for walking schemas with the visitor pattern
+ class Visitor {
+ public:
+ virtual ~Visitor() {}
+ virtual void Visit(Node* node) = 0;
+ };
+ class ConstVisitor {
+ public:
+ virtual ~ConstVisitor() {}
+ virtual void Visit(const Node* node) = 0;
+ };
+ virtual void Visit(Visitor* visitor) = 0;
+ virtual void VisitConst(ConstVisitor* visitor) const = 0;
+ protected:
+ friend class GroupNode;
+ Node(Node::type type, const std::string& name, Repetition::type repetition,
+ ConvertedType::type converted_type = ConvertedType::NONE, int field_id = -1)
+ : type_(type),
+ name_(name),
+ repetition_(repetition),
+ converted_type_(converted_type),
+ field_id_(field_id),
+ parent_(NULLPTR) {}
+ Node(Node::type type, const std::string& name, Repetition::type repetition,
+ std::shared_ptr<const LogicalType> logical_type, int field_id = -1)
+ : type_(type),
+ name_(name),
+ repetition_(repetition),
+ logical_type_(std::move(logical_type)),
+ field_id_(field_id),
+ parent_(NULLPTR) {}
+ Node::type type_;
+ std::string name_;
+ Repetition::type repetition_;
+ ConvertedType::type converted_type_;
+ std::shared_ptr<const LogicalType> logical_type_;
+ int field_id_;
+ // Nodes should not be shared, they have a single parent.
+ const Node* parent_;
+ bool EqualsInternal(const Node* other) const;
+ void SetParent(const Node* p_parent);
+ private:
+// Save our breath all over the place with these typedefs
+typedef std::shared_ptr<Node> NodePtr;
+typedef std::vector<NodePtr> NodeVector;
+// A type that is one of the primitive Parquet storage types. In addition to
+// the other type metadata (name, repetition level, logical type), also has the
+// physical storage type and their type-specific metadata (byte width, decimal
+// parameters)
+class PARQUET_EXPORT PrimitiveNode : public Node {
+ public:
+ static std::unique_ptr<Node> FromParquet(const void* opaque_element);
+ // A field_id -1 (or any negative value) will be serialized as null in Thrift
+ static inline NodePtr Make(const std::string& name, Repetition::type repetition,
+ Type::type type,
+ ConvertedType::type converted_type = ConvertedType::NONE,
+ int length = -1, int precision = -1, int scale = -1,
+ int field_id = -1) {
+ return NodePtr(new PrimitiveNode(name, repetition, type, converted_type, length,
+ precision, scale, field_id));
+ }
+ // If no logical type, pass LogicalType::None() or nullptr
+ // A field_id -1 (or any negative value) will be serialized as null in Thrift
+ static inline NodePtr Make(const std::string& name, Repetition::type repetition,
+ std::shared_ptr<const LogicalType> logical_type,
+ Type::type primitive_type, int primitive_length = -1,
+ int field_id = -1) {
+ return NodePtr(new PrimitiveNode(name, repetition, logical_type, primitive_type,
+ primitive_length, field_id));
+ }
+ bool Equals(const Node* other) const override;
+ Type::type physical_type() const { return physical_type_; }
+ ColumnOrder column_order() const { return column_order_; }
+ void SetColumnOrder(ColumnOrder column_order) { column_order_ = column_order; }
+ int32_t type_length() const { return type_length_; }
+ const DecimalMetadata& decimal_metadata() const { return decimal_metadata_; }
+ void ToParquet(void* element) const override;
+ void Visit(Visitor* visitor) override;
+ void VisitConst(ConstVisitor* visitor) const override;
+ private:
+ PrimitiveNode(const std::string& name, Repetition::type repetition, Type::type type,
+ ConvertedType::type converted_type = ConvertedType::NONE, int length = -1,
+ int precision = -1, int scale = -1, int field_id = -1);
+ PrimitiveNode(const std::string& name, Repetition::type repetition,
+ std::shared_ptr<const LogicalType> logical_type,
+ Type::type primitive_type, int primitive_length = -1, int field_id = -1);
+ Type::type physical_type_;
+ int32_t type_length_;
+ DecimalMetadata decimal_metadata_;
+ ColumnOrder column_order_;
+ void SetTypeLength(int32_t length) { type_length_ = length; }
+ bool EqualsInternal(const PrimitiveNode* other) const;
+ FRIEND_TEST(TestPrimitiveNode, Attrs);
+ FRIEND_TEST(TestPrimitiveNode, Equals);
+ FRIEND_TEST(TestPrimitiveNode, PhysicalLogicalMapping);
+ FRIEND_TEST(TestPrimitiveNode, FromParquet);
+class PARQUET_EXPORT GroupNode : public Node {
+ public:
+ static std::unique_ptr<Node> FromParquet(const void* opaque_element,
+ NodeVector fields = {});
+ // A field_id -1 (or any negative value) will be serialized as null in Thrift
+ static inline NodePtr Make(const std::string& name, Repetition::type repetition,
+ const NodeVector& fields,
+ ConvertedType::type converted_type = ConvertedType::NONE,
+ int field_id = -1) {
+ return NodePtr(new GroupNode(name, repetition, fields, converted_type, field_id));
+ }
+ // If no logical type, pass nullptr
+ // A field_id -1 (or any negative value) will be serialized as null in Thrift
+ static inline NodePtr Make(const std::string& name, Repetition::type repetition,
+ const NodeVector& fields,
+ std::shared_ptr<const LogicalType> logical_type,
+ int field_id = -1) {
+ return NodePtr(new GroupNode(name, repetition, fields, logical_type, field_id));
+ }
+ bool Equals(const Node* other) const override;
+ NodePtr field(int i) const { return fields_[i]; }
+ // Get the index of a field by its name, or negative value if not found.
+ // If several fields share the same name, it is unspecified which one
+ // is returned.
+ int FieldIndex(const std::string& name) const;
+ // Get the index of a field by its node, or negative value if not found.
+ int FieldIndex(const Node& node) const;
+ int field_count() const { return static_cast<int>(fields_.size()); }
+ void ToParquet(void* element) const override;
+ void Visit(Visitor* visitor) override;
+ void VisitConst(ConstVisitor* visitor) const override;
+ /// \brief Return true if this node or any child node has REPEATED repetition
+ /// type
+ bool HasRepeatedFields() const;
+ private:
+ GroupNode(const std::string& name, Repetition::type repetition,
+ const NodeVector& fields,
+ ConvertedType::type converted_type = ConvertedType::NONE, int field_id = -1);
+ GroupNode(const std::string& name, Repetition::type repetition,
+ const NodeVector& fields, std::shared_ptr<const LogicalType> logical_type,
+ int field_id = -1);
+ NodeVector fields_;
+ bool EqualsInternal(const GroupNode* other) const;
+ // Mapping between field name to the field index
+ std::unordered_multimap<std::string, int> field_name_to_idx_;
+ FRIEND_TEST(TestGroupNode, Attrs);
+ FRIEND_TEST(TestGroupNode, Equals);
+ FRIEND_TEST(TestGroupNode, FieldIndex);
+ FRIEND_TEST(TestGroupNode, FieldIndexDuplicateName);
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Convenience primitive type factory functions
+#define PRIMITIVE_FACTORY(FuncName, TYPE) \
+ static inline NodePtr FuncName(const std::string& name, \
+ Repetition::type repetition = Repetition::OPTIONAL, \
+ int field_id = -1) { \
+ return PrimitiveNode::Make(name, repetition, Type::TYPE, ConvertedType::NONE, \
+ /*length=*/-1, /*precision=*/-1, /*scale=*/-1, field_id); \
+ }
+void PARQUET_EXPORT PrintSchema(const schema::Node* schema, std::ostream& stream,
+ int indent_width = 2);
+} // namespace schema
+// The ColumnDescriptor encapsulates information necessary to interpret
+// primitive column data in the context of a particular schema. We have to
+// examine the node structure of a column's path to the root in the schema tree
+// to be able to reassemble the nested structure from the repetition and
+// definition levels.
+class PARQUET_EXPORT ColumnDescriptor {
+ public:
+ ColumnDescriptor(schema::NodePtr node, int16_t max_definition_level,
+ int16_t max_repetition_level,
+ const SchemaDescriptor* schema_descr = NULLPTR);
+ bool Equals(const ColumnDescriptor& other) const;
+ int16_t max_definition_level() const { return max_definition_level_; }
+ int16_t max_repetition_level() const { return max_repetition_level_; }
+ Type::type physical_type() const { return primitive_node_->physical_type(); }
+ ConvertedType::type converted_type() const { return primitive_node_->converted_type(); }
+ const std::shared_ptr<const LogicalType>& logical_type() const {
+ return primitive_node_->logical_type();
+ }
+ ColumnOrder column_order() const { return primitive_node_->column_order(); }
+ SortOrder::type sort_order() const {
+ auto la = logical_type();
+ auto pt = physical_type();
+ return la ? GetSortOrder(la, pt) : GetSortOrder(converted_type(), pt);
+ }
+ const std::string& name() const { return primitive_node_->name(); }
+ const std::shared_ptr<schema::ColumnPath> path() const;
+ const schema::NodePtr& schema_node() const { return node_; }
+ std::string ToString() const;
+ int type_length() const;
+ int type_precision() const;
+ int type_scale() const;
+ private:
+ schema::NodePtr node_;
+ const schema::PrimitiveNode* primitive_node_;
+ int16_t max_definition_level_;
+ int16_t max_repetition_level_;
+// Container for the converted Parquet schema with a computed information from
+// the schema analysis needed for file reading
+// * Column index to Node
+// * Max repetition / definition levels for each primitive node
+// The ColumnDescriptor objects produced by this class can be used to assist in
+// the reconstruction of fully materialized data structures from the
+// repetition-definition level encoding of nested data
+// TODO(wesm): this object can be recomputed from a Schema
+class PARQUET_EXPORT SchemaDescriptor {
+ public:
+ SchemaDescriptor() {}
+ ~SchemaDescriptor() {}
+ // Analyze the schema
+ void Init(std::unique_ptr<schema::Node> schema);
+ void Init(schema::NodePtr schema);
+ const ColumnDescriptor* Column(int i) const;
+ // Get the index of a column by its dotstring path, or negative value if not found.
+ // If several columns share the same dotstring path, it is unspecified which one
+ // is returned.
+ int ColumnIndex(const std::string& node_path) const;
+ // Get the index of a column by its node, or negative value if not found.
+ int ColumnIndex(const schema::Node& node) const;
+ bool Equals(const SchemaDescriptor& other) const;
+ // The number of physical columns appearing in the file
+ int num_columns() const { return static_cast<int>(leaves_.size()); }
+ const schema::NodePtr& schema_root() const { return schema_; }
+ const schema::GroupNode* group_node() const { return group_node_; }
+ // Returns the root (child of the schema root) node of the leaf(column) node
+ const schema::Node* GetColumnRoot(int i) const;
+ const std::string& name() const { return group_node_->name(); }
+ std::string ToString() const;
+ void updateColumnOrders(const std::vector<ColumnOrder>& column_orders);
+ /// \brief Return column index corresponding to a particular
+ /// PrimitiveNode. Returns -1 if not found
+ int GetColumnIndex(const schema::PrimitiveNode& node) const;
+ /// \brief Return true if any field or their children have REPEATED repetition
+ /// type
+ bool HasRepeatedFields() const;
+ private:
+ friend class ColumnDescriptor;
+ // Root Node
+ schema::NodePtr schema_;
+ // Root Node
+ const schema::GroupNode* group_node_;
+ void BuildTree(const schema::NodePtr& node, int16_t max_def_level,
+ int16_t max_rep_level, const schema::NodePtr& base);
+ // Result of leaf node / tree analysis
+ std::vector<ColumnDescriptor> leaves_;
+ std::unordered_map<const schema::PrimitiveNode*, int> node_to_leaf_index_;
+ // Mapping between leaf nodes and root group of leaf (first node
+ // below the schema's root group)
+ //
+ // For example, the leaf `a.b.c.d` would have a link back to `a`
+ //
+ // -- a <------
+ // -- -- b |
+ // -- -- -- c |
+ // -- -- -- -- d
+ std::unordered_map<int, schema::NodePtr> leaf_to_base_;
+ // Mapping between ColumnPath DotString to the leaf index
+ std::unordered_multimap<std::string, int> leaf_to_idx_;
+} // namespace parquet