path: root/contrib/clickhouse/src/Storages/MergeTree/ReplicatedMergeTreeRestartingThread.cpp
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authorvitalyisaev <vitalyisaev@ydb.tech>2023-11-14 09:58:56 +0300
committervitalyisaev <vitalyisaev@ydb.tech>2023-11-14 10:20:20 +0300
commitc2b2dfd9827a400a8495e172a56343462e3ceb82 (patch)
treecd4e4f597d01bede4c82dffeb2d780d0a9046bd0 /contrib/clickhouse/src/Storages/MergeTree/ReplicatedMergeTreeRestartingThread.cpp
parentd4ae8f119e67808cb0cf776ba6e0cf95296f2df7 (diff)
YQ Connector: move tests from yql to ydb (OSS)
Перенос папки с тестами на Коннектор из папки yql в папку ydb (синхронизируется с github).
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/clickhouse/src/Storages/MergeTree/ReplicatedMergeTreeRestartingThread.cpp')
1 files changed, 394 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/clickhouse/src/Storages/MergeTree/ReplicatedMergeTreeRestartingThread.cpp b/contrib/clickhouse/src/Storages/MergeTree/ReplicatedMergeTreeRestartingThread.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..79054ef46d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/clickhouse/src/Storages/MergeTree/ReplicatedMergeTreeRestartingThread.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+#include <IO/Operators.h>
+#include <Storages/StorageReplicatedMergeTree.h>
+#include <Storages/MergeTree/ReplicatedMergeTreeRestartingThread.h>
+#include <Storages/MergeTree/ReplicatedMergeTreeQuorumEntry.h>
+#include <Storages/MergeTree/ReplicatedMergeTreeAddress.h>
+#include <Interpreters/Context.h>
+#include <Common/ZooKeeper/KeeperException.h>
+#include <Common/randomSeed.h>
+#include <Core/ServerUUID.h>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
+namespace CurrentMetrics
+ extern const Metric ReadonlyReplica;
+namespace DB
+namespace ErrorCodes
+ extern const int REPLICA_IS_ALREADY_ACTIVE;
+/// Used to check whether it's us who set node `is_active`, or not.
+static String generateActiveNodeIdentifier()
+ return Field(ServerUUID::get()).dump();
+ReplicatedMergeTreeRestartingThread::ReplicatedMergeTreeRestartingThread(StorageReplicatedMergeTree & storage_)
+ : storage(storage_)
+ , log_name(storage.getStorageID().getFullTableName() + " (ReplicatedMergeTreeRestartingThread)")
+ , log(&Poco::Logger::get(log_name))
+ , active_node_identifier(generateActiveNodeIdentifier())
+ const auto storage_settings = storage.getSettings();
+ check_period_ms = storage_settings->zookeeper_session_expiration_check_period.totalSeconds() * 1000;
+ task = storage.getContext()->getSchedulePool().createTask(log_name, [this]{ run(); });
+void ReplicatedMergeTreeRestartingThread::run()
+ if (need_stop)
+ return;
+ /// In case of any exceptions we want to rerun the this task as fast as possible but we also don't want to keep retrying immediately
+ /// in a close loop (as fast as tasks can be processed), so we'll retry in between 100 and 10000 ms
+ const size_t backoff_ms = 100 * ((consecutive_check_failures + 1) * (consecutive_check_failures + 2)) / 2;
+ const size_t next_failure_retry_ms = std::min(size_t{10000}, backoff_ms);
+ try
+ {
+ bool replica_is_active = runImpl();
+ if (replica_is_active)
+ {
+ consecutive_check_failures = 0;
+ task->scheduleAfter(check_period_ms);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ consecutive_check_failures++;
+ task->scheduleAfter(next_failure_retry_ms);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ consecutive_check_failures++;
+ task->scheduleAfter(next_failure_retry_ms);
+ /// We couldn't activate table let's set it into readonly mode if necessary
+ /// We do this after scheduling the task in case it throws
+ partialShutdown();
+ tryLogCurrentException(log, "Failed to restart the table. Will try again");
+ }
+ if (first_time)
+ {
+ if (storage.is_readonly)
+ {
+ /// We failed to start replication, table is still readonly, so we should increment the metric. See also setNotReadonly().
+ CurrentMetrics::add(CurrentMetrics::ReadonlyReplica);
+ }
+ /// It does not matter if replication is actually started or not, just notify after the first attempt.
+ storage.startup_event.set();
+ first_time = false;
+ }
+bool ReplicatedMergeTreeRestartingThread::runImpl()
+ if (!storage.is_readonly && !storage.getZooKeeper()->expired())
+ return true;
+ if (first_time)
+ {
+ LOG_DEBUG(log, "Activating replica.");
+ assert(storage.is_readonly);
+ }
+ else if (storage.is_readonly)
+ {
+ LOG_WARNING(log, "Table was in readonly mode. Will try to activate it.");
+ }
+ else if (storage.getZooKeeper()->expired())
+ {
+ LOG_WARNING(log, "ZooKeeper session has expired. Switching to a new session.");
+ partialShutdown();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ storage.setZooKeeper();
+ }
+ catch (const Coordination::Exception &)
+ {
+ /// The exception when you try to zookeeper_init usually happens if DNS does not work or the connection with ZK fails
+ tryLogCurrentException(log, "Failed to establish a new ZK connection. Will try again");
+ assert(storage.is_readonly);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (need_stop)
+ return false;
+ if (!tryStartup())
+ {
+ assert(storage.is_readonly);
+ return false;
+ }
+ setNotReadonly();
+ /// Start queue processing
+ storage.background_operations_assignee.start();
+ storage.queue_updating_task->activateAndSchedule();
+ storage.mutations_updating_task->activateAndSchedule();
+ storage.mutations_finalizing_task->activateAndSchedule();
+ storage.merge_selecting_task->activateAndSchedule();
+ storage.cleanup_thread.start();
+ storage.async_block_ids_cache.start();
+ storage.part_check_thread.start();
+ LOG_DEBUG(log, "Table started successfully");
+ return true;
+bool ReplicatedMergeTreeRestartingThread::tryStartup()
+ LOG_DEBUG(log, "Trying to start replica up");
+ try
+ {
+ removeFailedQuorumParts();
+ activateReplica();
+ const auto & zookeeper = storage.getZooKeeper();
+ const auto storage_settings = storage.getSettings();
+ storage.cloneReplicaIfNeeded(zookeeper);
+ try
+ {
+ storage.queue.initialize(zookeeper);
+ storage.queue.load(zookeeper);
+ storage.queue.createLogEntriesToFetchBrokenParts();
+ /// pullLogsToQueue() after we mark replica 'is_active' (and after we repair if it was lost);
+ /// because cleanup_thread doesn't delete log_pointer of active replicas.
+ storage.queue.pullLogsToQueue(zookeeper, {}, ReplicatedMergeTreeQueue::LOAD);
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ std::lock_guard lock(storage.last_queue_update_exception_lock);
+ storage.last_queue_update_exception = getCurrentExceptionMessage(false);
+ throw;
+ }
+ storage.queue.removeCurrentPartsFromMutations();
+ storage.last_queue_update_finish_time.store(time(nullptr));
+ updateQuorumIfWeHavePart();
+ /// Anything above can throw a KeeperException if something is wrong with ZK.
+ /// Anything below should not throw exceptions.
+ storage.partial_shutdown_called = false;
+ storage.partial_shutdown_event.reset();
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ storage.replica_is_active_node = nullptr;
+ try
+ {
+ throw;
+ }
+ catch (const Coordination::Exception & e)
+ {
+ LOG_ERROR(log, "Couldn't start replication (table will be in readonly mode): {}. {}", e.what(), DB::getCurrentExceptionMessage(true));
+ return false;
+ }
+ catch (const Exception & e)
+ {
+ if (e.code() != ErrorCodes::REPLICA_IS_ALREADY_ACTIVE)
+ throw;
+ LOG_ERROR(log, "Couldn't start replication (table will be in readonly mode): {}. {}", e.what(), DB::getCurrentExceptionMessage(true));
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+void ReplicatedMergeTreeRestartingThread::removeFailedQuorumParts()
+ auto zookeeper = storage.getZooKeeper();
+ Strings failed_parts;
+ if (zookeeper->tryGetChildren(storage.zookeeper_path + "/quorum/failed_parts", failed_parts) != Coordination::Error::ZOK)
+ return;
+ /// Firstly, remove parts from ZooKeeper
+ storage.removePartsFromZooKeeperWithRetries(failed_parts);
+ for (const auto & part_name : failed_parts)
+ {
+ auto part = storage.getPartIfExists(
+ part_name, {MergeTreeDataPartState::PreActive, MergeTreeDataPartState::Active, MergeTreeDataPartState::Outdated});
+ if (part)
+ {
+ LOG_DEBUG(log, "Found part {} with failed quorum. Moving to detached. This shouldn't happen often.", part_name);
+ storage.forcefullyMovePartToDetachedAndRemoveFromMemory(part, "noquorum");
+ storage.queue.removeFailedQuorumPart(part->info);
+ }
+ }
+void ReplicatedMergeTreeRestartingThread::updateQuorumIfWeHavePart()
+ auto zookeeper = storage.getZooKeeper();
+ String quorum_str;
+ if (zookeeper->tryGet(fs::path(storage.zookeeper_path) / "quorum" / "status", quorum_str))
+ {
+ ReplicatedMergeTreeQuorumEntry quorum_entry(quorum_str);
+ if (!quorum_entry.replicas.contains(storage.replica_name)
+ && storage.getActiveContainingPart(quorum_entry.part_name))
+ {
+ LOG_WARNING(log, "We have part {} but we is not in quorum. Updating quorum. This shouldn't happen often.", quorum_entry.part_name);
+ storage.updateQuorum(quorum_entry.part_name, false);
+ }
+ }
+ Strings part_names;
+ String parallel_quorum_parts_path = fs::path(storage.zookeeper_path) / "quorum" / "parallel";
+ if (zookeeper->tryGetChildren(parallel_quorum_parts_path, part_names) == Coordination::Error::ZOK)
+ {
+ for (auto & part_name : part_names)
+ {
+ if (zookeeper->tryGet(fs::path(parallel_quorum_parts_path) / part_name, quorum_str))
+ {
+ ReplicatedMergeTreeQuorumEntry quorum_entry(quorum_str);
+ if (!quorum_entry.replicas.contains(storage.replica_name)
+ && storage.getActiveContainingPart(part_name))
+ {
+ LOG_WARNING(log, "We have part {} but we is not in quorum. Updating quorum. This shouldn't happen often.", part_name);
+ storage.updateQuorum(part_name, true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void ReplicatedMergeTreeRestartingThread::activateReplica()
+ auto zookeeper = storage.getZooKeeper();
+ /// How other replicas can access this one.
+ ReplicatedMergeTreeAddress address = storage.getReplicatedMergeTreeAddress();
+ String is_active_path = fs::path(storage.replica_path) / "is_active";
+ zookeeper->handleEphemeralNodeExistence(is_active_path, active_node_identifier);
+ /// Simultaneously declare that this replica is active, and update the host.
+ Coordination::Requests ops;
+ ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeCreateRequest(is_active_path, active_node_identifier, zkutil::CreateMode::Ephemeral));
+ ops.emplace_back(zkutil::makeSetRequest(fs::path(storage.replica_path) / "host", address.toString(), -1));
+ try
+ {
+ zookeeper->multi(ops);
+ }
+ catch (const Coordination::Exception & e)
+ {
+ String existing_replica_host;
+ zookeeper->tryGet(fs::path(storage.replica_path) / "host", existing_replica_host);
+ if (existing_replica_host.empty())
+ existing_replica_host = "without host node";
+ else
+ boost::replace_all(existing_replica_host, "\n", ", ");
+ if (e.code == Coordination::Error::ZNODEEXISTS)
+ throw Exception(ErrorCodes::REPLICA_IS_ALREADY_ACTIVE,
+ "Replica {} appears to be already active ({}). If you're sure it's not, "
+ "try again in a minute or remove znode {}/is_active manually",
+ storage.replica_path, existing_replica_host, storage.replica_path);
+ throw;
+ }
+ /// `current_zookeeper` lives for the lifetime of `replica_is_active_node`,
+ /// since before changing `current_zookeeper`, `replica_is_active_node` object is destroyed in `partialShutdown` method.
+ storage.replica_is_active_node = zkutil::EphemeralNodeHolder::existing(is_active_path, *storage.current_zookeeper);
+void ReplicatedMergeTreeRestartingThread::partialShutdown(bool part_of_full_shutdown)
+ setReadonly(/* on_shutdown = */ part_of_full_shutdown);
+ storage.partialShutdown();
+void ReplicatedMergeTreeRestartingThread::shutdown(bool part_of_full_shutdown)
+ /// Stop restarting_thread before stopping other tasks - so that it won't restart them again.
+ need_stop = true;
+ task->deactivate();
+ /// Explicitly set the event, because the restarting thread will not set it again
+ if (part_of_full_shutdown)
+ storage.startup_event.set();
+ LOG_TRACE(log, "Restarting thread finished");
+ setReadonly(part_of_full_shutdown);
+void ReplicatedMergeTreeRestartingThread::setReadonly(bool on_shutdown)
+ bool old_val = false;
+ bool became_readonly = storage.is_readonly.compare_exchange_strong(old_val, true);
+ /// Do not increment the metric if replica became readonly due to shutdown.
+ if (became_readonly && on_shutdown)
+ return;
+ if (became_readonly)
+ CurrentMetrics::add(CurrentMetrics::ReadonlyReplica);
+ /// Replica was already readonly, but we should decrement the metric, because we are detaching/dropping table.
+ /// if first pass wasn't done we don't have to decrement because it wasn't incremented in the first place
+ /// the task should be deactivated if it's full shutdown so no race is present
+ if (!first_time && on_shutdown)
+ {
+ CurrentMetrics::sub(CurrentMetrics::ReadonlyReplica);
+ assert(CurrentMetrics::get(CurrentMetrics::ReadonlyReplica) >= 0);
+ }
+ if (storage.since_metadata_err_incr_readonly_metric)
+ {
+ CurrentMetrics::sub(CurrentMetrics::ReadonlyReplica);
+ assert(CurrentMetrics::get(CurrentMetrics::ReadonlyReplica) >= 0);
+ }
+void ReplicatedMergeTreeRestartingThread::setNotReadonly()
+ bool old_val = true;
+ /// is_readonly is true on startup, but ReadonlyReplica metric is not incremented,
+ /// because we don't want to change this metric if replication is started successfully.
+ /// So we should not decrement it when replica stopped being readonly on startup.
+ if (storage.is_readonly.compare_exchange_strong(old_val, false) && !first_time)
+ {
+ CurrentMetrics::sub(CurrentMetrics::ReadonlyReplica);
+ assert(CurrentMetrics::get(CurrentMetrics::ReadonlyReplica) >= 0);
+ }