path: root/contrib/clickhouse/src/Storages/MergeTree/MutateFromLogEntryTask.cpp
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authorvitalyisaev <vitalyisaev@ydb.tech>2023-11-14 09:58:56 +0300
committervitalyisaev <vitalyisaev@ydb.tech>2023-11-14 10:20:20 +0300
commitc2b2dfd9827a400a8495e172a56343462e3ceb82 (patch)
treecd4e4f597d01bede4c82dffeb2d780d0a9046bd0 /contrib/clickhouse/src/Storages/MergeTree/MutateFromLogEntryTask.cpp
parentd4ae8f119e67808cb0cf776ba6e0cf95296f2df7 (diff)
YQ Connector: move tests from yql to ydb (OSS)
Перенос папки с тестами на Коннектор из папки yql в папку ydb (синхронизируется с github).
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/clickhouse/src/Storages/MergeTree/MutateFromLogEntryTask.cpp')
1 files changed, 282 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/clickhouse/src/Storages/MergeTree/MutateFromLogEntryTask.cpp b/contrib/clickhouse/src/Storages/MergeTree/MutateFromLogEntryTask.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..164b541d2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/clickhouse/src/Storages/MergeTree/MutateFromLogEntryTask.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+#include <Storages/MergeTree/MutateFromLogEntryTask.h>
+#include <Common/logger_useful.h>
+#include <Common/ProfileEvents.h>
+#include <Storages/StorageReplicatedMergeTree.h>
+#include <cmath>
+namespace ProfileEvents
+ extern const Event DataAfterMutationDiffersFromReplica;
+ extern const Event ReplicatedPartMutations;
+namespace DB
+ReplicatedMergeMutateTaskBase::PrepareResult MutateFromLogEntryTask::prepare()
+ const String & source_part_name = entry.source_parts.at(0);
+ const auto storage_settings_ptr = storage.getSettings();
+ LOG_TRACE(log, "Executing log entry to mutate part {} to {}", source_part_name, entry.new_part_name);
+ MergeTreeData::DataPartPtr source_part = storage.getActiveContainingPart(source_part_name);
+ if (!source_part)
+ {
+ LOG_DEBUG(log, "Source part {} for {} is missing; will try to fetch it instead. "
+ "Either pool for fetches is starving, see background_fetches_pool_size, or none of active replicas has it",
+ source_part_name, entry.new_part_name);
+ return PrepareResult{
+ .prepared_successfully = false,
+ .need_to_check_missing_part_in_fetch = true,
+ .part_log_writer = {}
+ };
+ }
+ if (source_part->name != source_part_name)
+ {
+ "Part {} is covered by {} but should be mutated to {}. "
+ "Possibly the mutation of this part is not needed and will be skipped. "
+ "This shouldn't happen often.",
+ source_part_name, source_part->name, entry.new_part_name);
+ return PrepareResult{
+ .prepared_successfully = false,
+ .need_to_check_missing_part_in_fetch = true,
+ .part_log_writer = {}
+ };
+ }
+ /// TODO - some better heuristic?
+ size_t estimated_space_for_result = MergeTreeDataMergerMutator::estimateNeededDiskSpace({source_part});
+ if (entry.create_time + storage_settings_ptr->prefer_fetch_merged_part_time_threshold.totalSeconds() <= time(nullptr)
+ && estimated_space_for_result >= storage_settings_ptr->prefer_fetch_merged_part_size_threshold)
+ {
+ /// If entry is old enough, and have enough size, and some replica has the desired part,
+ /// then prefer fetching from replica.
+ String replica = storage.findReplicaHavingPart(entry.new_part_name, true); /// NOTE excessive ZK requests for same data later, may remove.
+ if (!replica.empty())
+ {
+ LOG_DEBUG(log, "Prefer to fetch {} from replica {}", entry.new_part_name, replica);
+ return PrepareResult{
+ .prepared_successfully = false,
+ .need_to_check_missing_part_in_fetch = true,
+ .part_log_writer = {}
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ /// In some use cases merging can be more expensive than fetching
+ /// and it may be better to spread merges tasks across the replicas
+ /// instead of doing exactly the same merge cluster-wise
+ if (storage.merge_strategy_picker.shouldMergeOnSingleReplica(entry))
+ {
+ std::optional<String> replica_to_execute_merge = storage.merge_strategy_picker.pickReplicaToExecuteMerge(entry);
+ if (replica_to_execute_merge)
+ {
+ LOG_DEBUG(log,
+ "Prefer fetching part {} from replica {} due to execute_merges_on_single_replica_time_threshold",
+ entry.new_part_name, replica_to_execute_merge.value());
+ return PrepareResult{
+ .prepared_successfully = false,
+ .need_to_check_missing_part_in_fetch = true,
+ .part_log_writer = {}
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ new_part_info = MergeTreePartInfo::fromPartName(entry.new_part_name, storage.format_version);
+ Strings mutation_ids;
+ commands = std::make_shared<MutationCommands>(storage.queue.getMutationCommands(source_part, new_part_info.mutation, mutation_ids));
+ LOG_TRACE(log, "Mutating part {} with mutation commands from {} mutations ({}): {}",
+ entry.new_part_name, commands->size(), fmt::join(mutation_ids, ", "), commands->toString());
+ /// Once we mutate part, we must reserve space on the same disk, because mutations can possibly create hardlinks.
+ /// Can throw an exception.
+ reserved_space = storage.reserveSpace(estimated_space_for_result, source_part->getDataPartStorage());
+ table_lock_holder = storage.lockForShare(
+ RWLockImpl::NO_QUERY, storage_settings_ptr->lock_acquire_timeout_for_background_operations);
+ StorageMetadataPtr metadata_snapshot = storage.getInMemoryMetadataPtr();
+ transaction_ptr = std::make_unique<MergeTreeData::Transaction>(storage, NO_TRANSACTION_RAW);
+ future_mutated_part = std::make_shared<FutureMergedMutatedPart>();
+ future_mutated_part->name = entry.new_part_name;
+ future_mutated_part->uuid = entry.new_part_uuid;
+ future_mutated_part->parts.push_back(source_part);
+ future_mutated_part->part_info = new_part_info;
+ future_mutated_part->updatePath(storage, reserved_space.get());
+ future_mutated_part->part_format = source_part->getFormat();
+ if (storage_settings_ptr->allow_remote_fs_zero_copy_replication)
+ {
+ if (auto disk = reserved_space->getDisk(); disk->supportZeroCopyReplication())
+ {
+ String dummy;
+ if (!storage.findReplicaHavingCoveringPart(entry.new_part_name, true, dummy).empty())
+ {
+ LOG_DEBUG(log, "Mutation of part {} finished by some other replica, will download mutated part", entry.new_part_name);
+ return PrepareResult{
+ .prepared_successfully = false,
+ .need_to_check_missing_part_in_fetch = true,
+ .part_log_writer = {}
+ };
+ }
+ if (storage_settings_ptr->zero_copy_merge_mutation_min_parts_size_sleep_before_lock != 0 &&
+ estimated_space_for_result >= storage_settings_ptr->zero_copy_merge_mutation_min_parts_size_sleep_before_lock)
+ {
+ /// In zero copy replication only one replica execute merge/mutation, others just download merged parts metadata.
+ /// Here we are trying to metigate the skew of merges execution because of faster/slower replicas.
+ /// Replicas can be slow because of different reasons like bigger latency for ZooKeeper or just slight step behind because of bigger queue.
+ /// In this case faster replica can pick up all merges execution, especially large merges while other replicas can just idle. And even in this case
+ /// the fast replica is not overloaded because amount of executing merges don't affect the ability to aquite locks for new merges.
+ ///
+ /// So here we trying to solve it with the simplest solution -- sleep random time up to 500ms for 1GB part and up to 7 seconds for 300GB part.
+ /// It can sound too much, but we are trying to acquire these locks in background tasks which can be scheduled each 5 seconds or so.
+ double start_to_sleep_seconds = std::logf(storage_settings_ptr->zero_copy_merge_mutation_min_parts_size_sleep_before_lock.value);
+ uint64_t right_border_to_sleep_ms = static_cast<uint64_t>((std::log(estimated_space_for_result) - start_to_sleep_seconds + 0.5) * 1000);
+ uint64_t time_to_sleep_milliseconds = std::min<uint64_t>(10000UL, std::uniform_int_distribution<uint64_t>(1, 1 + right_border_to_sleep_ms)(rng));
+ LOG_INFO(log, "Mutation size is {} bytes (it's more than sleep threshold {}) so will intentionally sleep for {} ms to allow other replicas to took this big mutation",
+ estimated_space_for_result, storage_settings_ptr->zero_copy_merge_mutation_min_parts_size_sleep_before_lock, time_to_sleep_milliseconds);
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(time_to_sleep_milliseconds));
+ }
+ zero_copy_lock = storage.tryCreateZeroCopyExclusiveLock(entry.new_part_name, disk);
+ if (!zero_copy_lock || !zero_copy_lock->isLocked())
+ {
+ log,
+ "Mutation of part {} started by some other replica, will wait for it and mutated merged part. Number of tries {}",
+ entry.new_part_name,
+ entry.num_tries);
+ storage.watchZeroCopyLock(entry.new_part_name, disk);
+ return PrepareResult{
+ .prepared_successfully = false,
+ .need_to_check_missing_part_in_fetch = false,
+ .part_log_writer = {}
+ };
+ }
+ else if (!storage.findReplicaHavingCoveringPart(entry.new_part_name, /* active */ false, dummy).empty())
+ {
+ /// Why this if still needed? We can check for part in zookeeper, don't find it and sleep for any amount of time. During this sleep part will be actually committed from other replica
+ /// and exclusive zero copy lock will be released. We will take the lock and execute mutation one more time, while it was possible just to download the part from other replica.
+ ///
+ /// It's also possible just because reads in [Zoo]Keeper are not lineariazable.
+ ///
+ /// NOTE: In case of mutation and hardlinks it can even lead to extremely rare dataloss (we will produce new part with the same hardlinks, don't fetch the same from other replica), so this check is important.
+ ///
+ /// In case of DROP_RANGE on fast replica and stale replica we can have some failed select queries in case of zero copy replication.
+ zero_copy_lock->lock->unlock();
+ LOG_DEBUG(log, "We took zero copy lock, but mutation of part {} finished by some other replica, will release lock and download mutated part to avoid data duplication", entry.new_part_name);
+ return PrepareResult{
+ .prepared_successfully = false,
+ .need_to_check_missing_part_in_fetch = true,
+ .part_log_writer = {}
+ };
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG_DEBUG(log, "Zero copy lock taken, will mutate part {}", entry.new_part_name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ task_context = Context::createCopy(storage.getContext());
+ task_context->makeQueryContext();
+ task_context->setCurrentQueryId(getQueryId());
+ merge_mutate_entry = storage.getContext()->getMergeList().insert(
+ storage.getStorageID(),
+ future_mutated_part,
+ task_context);
+ stopwatch_ptr = std::make_unique<Stopwatch>();
+ mutate_task = storage.merger_mutator.mutatePartToTemporaryPart(
+ future_mutated_part, metadata_snapshot, commands, merge_mutate_entry.get(),
+ entry.create_time, task_context, NO_TRANSACTION_PTR, reserved_space, table_lock_holder);
+ /// Adjust priority
+ for (auto & item : future_mutated_part->parts)
+ priority.value += item->getBytesOnDisk();
+ return {true, true, [this] (const ExecutionStatus & execution_status)
+ {
+ auto profile_counters_snapshot = std::make_shared<ProfileEvents::Counters::Snapshot>(profile_counters.getPartiallyAtomicSnapshot());
+ storage.writePartLog(
+ PartLogElement::MUTATE_PART, execution_status, stopwatch_ptr->elapsed(),
+ entry.new_part_name, new_part, future_mutated_part->parts, merge_mutate_entry.get(), std::move(profile_counters_snapshot));
+ }};
+bool MutateFromLogEntryTask::finalize(ReplicatedMergeMutateTaskBase::PartLogWriter write_part_log)
+ new_part = mutate_task->getFuture().get();
+ auto & data_part_storage = new_part->getDataPartStorage();
+ if (data_part_storage.hasActiveTransaction())
+ data_part_storage.precommitTransaction();
+ storage.renameTempPartAndReplace(new_part, *transaction_ptr);
+ try
+ {
+ storage.checkPartChecksumsAndCommit(*transaction_ptr, new_part, mutate_task->getHardlinkedFiles());
+ }
+ catch (const Exception & e)
+ {
+ if (MergeTreeDataPartChecksums::isBadChecksumsErrorCode(e.code()))
+ {
+ transaction_ptr->rollback();
+ ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::DataAfterMutationDiffersFromReplica);
+ LOG_ERROR(log, "{}. Data after mutation is not byte-identical to data on another replicas. "
+ "We will download merged part from replica to force byte-identical result.", getCurrentExceptionMessage(false));
+ write_part_log(ExecutionStatus::fromCurrentException("", true));
+ if (storage.getSettings()->detach_not_byte_identical_parts)
+ storage.forcefullyMovePartToDetachedAndRemoveFromMemory(std::move(new_part), "mutate-not-byte-identical");
+ else
+ storage.tryRemovePartImmediately(std::move(new_part));
+ /// No need to delete the part from ZK because we can be sure that the commit transaction
+ /// didn't go through.
+ return false;
+ }
+ throw;
+ }
+ if (zero_copy_lock)
+ {
+ LOG_DEBUG(log, "Removing zero-copy lock");
+ zero_copy_lock->lock->unlock();
+ }
+ /** With `ZSESSIONEXPIRED` or `ZOPERATIONTIMEOUT`, we can inadvertently roll back local changes to the parts.
+ * This is not a problem, because in this case the entry will remain in the queue, and we will try again.
+ */
+ finish_callback = [storage_ptr = &storage]() { storage_ptr->merge_selecting_task->schedule(); };
+ ProfileEvents::increment(ProfileEvents::ReplicatedPartMutations);
+ write_part_log({});
+ return true;