path: root/contrib/clickhouse/src/Interpreters/DatabaseCatalog.cpp
diff options
authorvitalyisaev <vitalyisaev@ydb.tech>2023-11-14 09:58:56 +0300
committervitalyisaev <vitalyisaev@ydb.tech>2023-11-14 10:20:20 +0300
commitc2b2dfd9827a400a8495e172a56343462e3ceb82 (patch)
treecd4e4f597d01bede4c82dffeb2d780d0a9046bd0 /contrib/clickhouse/src/Interpreters/DatabaseCatalog.cpp
parentd4ae8f119e67808cb0cf776ba6e0cf95296f2df7 (diff)
YQ Connector: move tests from yql to ydb (OSS)
Перенос папки с тестами на Коннектор из папки yql в папку ydb (синхронизируется с github).
Diffstat (limited to 'contrib/clickhouse/src/Interpreters/DatabaseCatalog.cpp')
1 files changed, 1644 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/contrib/clickhouse/src/Interpreters/DatabaseCatalog.cpp b/contrib/clickhouse/src/Interpreters/DatabaseCatalog.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..194e890d26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/clickhouse/src/Interpreters/DatabaseCatalog.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1644 @@
+#include <string>
+#include <Interpreters/DatabaseCatalog.h>
+#include <Interpreters/Context.h>
+#include <Interpreters/loadMetadata.h>
+#include <Interpreters/executeQuery.h>
+#include <Interpreters/InterpreterCreateQuery.h>
+#include <Storages/IStorage.h>
+#include <Databases/IDatabase.h>
+#include <Databases/DatabaseMemory.h>
+#include <Databases/DatabaseOnDisk.h>
+#include <Disks/IDisk.h>
+#include <Storages/StorageMemory.h>
+#include <Core/BackgroundSchedulePool.h>
+#include <Parsers/formatAST.h>
+#include <IO/ReadHelpers.h>
+#include <Poco/DirectoryIterator.h>
+#include <Poco/Util/AbstractConfiguration.h>
+#include <Common/Exception.h>
+#include <Common/quoteString.h>
+#include <Common/atomicRename.h>
+#include <Common/CurrentMetrics.h>
+#include <Common/logger_useful.h>
+#include <Common/ThreadPool.h>
+#include <Common/filesystemHelpers.h>
+#include <Common/noexcept_scope.h>
+#include <Common/checkStackSize.h>
+#include "Interpreters/Context_fwd.h"
+#include "clickhouse_config.h"
+# include <Databases/MySQL/MaterializedMySQLSyncThread.h>
+# include <Storages/StorageMaterializedMySQL.h>
+# error #include <Databases/PostgreSQL/DatabaseMaterializedPostgreSQL.h>
+# error #include <Storages/PostgreSQL/StorageMaterializedPostgreSQL.h>
+namespace CurrentMetrics
+ extern const Metric TablesToDropQueueSize;
+ extern const Metric DatabaseCatalogThreads;
+ extern const Metric DatabaseCatalogThreadsActive;
+namespace DB
+namespace ErrorCodes
+ extern const int UNKNOWN_DATABASE;
+ extern const int UNKNOWN_TABLE;
+ extern const int TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS;
+ extern const int DATABASE_ALREADY_EXISTS;
+ extern const int DATABASE_NOT_EMPTY;
+ extern const int DATABASE_ACCESS_DENIED;
+ extern const int LOGICAL_ERROR;
+ extern const int HAVE_DEPENDENT_OBJECTS;
+ extern const int UNFINISHED;
+class DatabaseNameHints : public IHints<1, DatabaseNameHints>
+ explicit DatabaseNameHints(const DatabaseCatalog & database_catalog_)
+ : database_catalog(database_catalog_)
+ {
+ }
+ Names getAllRegisteredNames() const override
+ {
+ Names result;
+ auto databases_list = database_catalog.getDatabases();
+ for (const auto & database_name : databases_list | boost::adaptors::map_keys)
+ {
+ if (database_name == DatabaseCatalog::TEMPORARY_DATABASE)
+ continue;
+ result.emplace_back(database_name);
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ const DatabaseCatalog & database_catalog;
+TemporaryTableHolder::TemporaryTableHolder(ContextPtr context_, const TemporaryTableHolder::Creator & creator, const ASTPtr & query)
+ : WithContext(context_->getGlobalContext())
+ , temporary_tables(DatabaseCatalog::instance().getDatabaseForTemporaryTables().get())
+ ASTPtr original_create;
+ ASTCreateQuery * create = dynamic_cast<ASTCreateQuery *>(query.get());
+ String global_name;
+ if (create)
+ {
+ original_create = create->clone();
+ if (create->uuid == UUIDHelpers::Nil)
+ create->uuid = UUIDHelpers::generateV4();
+ id = create->uuid;
+ create->setTable("_tmp_" + toString(id));
+ global_name = create->getTable();
+ create->setDatabase(DatabaseCatalog::TEMPORARY_DATABASE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ id = UUIDHelpers::generateV4();
+ global_name = "_tmp_" + toString(id);
+ }
+ auto table_id = StorageID(DatabaseCatalog::TEMPORARY_DATABASE, global_name, id);
+ auto table = creator(table_id);
+ DatabaseCatalog::instance().addUUIDMapping(id);
+ temporary_tables->createTable(getContext(), global_name, table, original_create);
+ table->startup();
+ ContextPtr context_,
+ const ColumnsDescription & columns,
+ const ConstraintsDescription & constraints,
+ const ASTPtr & query,
+ bool create_for_global_subquery)
+ : TemporaryTableHolder(
+ context_,
+ [&](const StorageID & table_id)
+ {
+ auto storage = std::make_shared<StorageMemory>(table_id, ColumnsDescription{columns}, ConstraintsDescription{constraints}, String{});
+ if (create_for_global_subquery)
+ storage->delayReadForGlobalSubqueries();
+ return storage;
+ },
+ query)
+TemporaryTableHolder::TemporaryTableHolder(TemporaryTableHolder && rhs) noexcept
+ : WithContext(rhs.context), temporary_tables(rhs.temporary_tables), id(rhs.id), future_set(std::move(rhs.future_set))
+ rhs.id = UUIDHelpers::Nil;
+TemporaryTableHolder & TemporaryTableHolder::operator=(TemporaryTableHolder && rhs) noexcept
+ id = rhs.id;
+ rhs.id = UUIDHelpers::Nil;
+ return *this;
+ if (id != UUIDHelpers::Nil)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ auto table = getTable();
+ table->flushAndShutdown();
+ temporary_tables->dropTable(getContext(), "_tmp_" + toString(id));
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ tryLogCurrentException("TemporaryTableHolder");
+ }
+ }
+StorageID TemporaryTableHolder::getGlobalTableID() const
+ return StorageID{DatabaseCatalog::TEMPORARY_DATABASE, "_tmp_" + toString(id), id};
+StoragePtr TemporaryTableHolder::getTable() const
+ auto table = temporary_tables->tryGetTable("_tmp_" + toString(id), getContext());
+ if (!table)
+ throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Temporary table {} not found", getGlobalTableID().getNameForLogs());
+ return table;
+void DatabaseCatalog::initializeAndLoadTemporaryDatabase()
+ drop_delay_sec = getContext()->getConfigRef().getInt("database_atomic_delay_before_drop_table_sec", default_drop_delay_sec);
+ unused_dir_hide_timeout_sec = getContext()->getConfigRef().getInt64("database_catalog_unused_dir_hide_timeout_sec", unused_dir_hide_timeout_sec);
+ unused_dir_rm_timeout_sec = getContext()->getConfigRef().getInt64("database_catalog_unused_dir_rm_timeout_sec", unused_dir_rm_timeout_sec);
+ unused_dir_cleanup_period_sec = getContext()->getConfigRef().getInt64("database_catalog_unused_dir_cleanup_period_sec", unused_dir_cleanup_period_sec);
+ drop_error_cooldown_sec = getContext()->getConfigRef().getInt64("database_catalog_drop_error_cooldown_sec", drop_error_cooldown_sec);
+ auto db_for_temporary_and_external_tables = std::make_shared<DatabaseMemory>(TEMPORARY_DATABASE, getContext());
+ attachDatabase(TEMPORARY_DATABASE, db_for_temporary_and_external_tables);
+void DatabaseCatalog::createBackgroundTasks()
+ /// It has to be done before databases are loaded (to avoid a race condition on initialization)
+ if (Context::getGlobalContextInstance()->getApplicationType() == Context::ApplicationType::SERVER && unused_dir_cleanup_period_sec)
+ {
+ auto cleanup_task_holder
+ = getContext()->getSchedulePool().createTask("DatabaseCatalog", [this]() { this->cleanupStoreDirectoryTask(); });
+ cleanup_task = std::make_unique<BackgroundSchedulePoolTaskHolder>(std::move(cleanup_task_holder));
+ }
+ auto task_holder = getContext()->getSchedulePool().createTask("DatabaseCatalog", [this](){ this->dropTableDataTask(); });
+ drop_task = std::make_unique<BackgroundSchedulePoolTaskHolder>(std::move(task_holder));
+void DatabaseCatalog::startupBackgroundCleanup()
+ /// And it has to be done after all databases are loaded, otherwise cleanup_task may remove something that should not be removed
+ if (cleanup_task)
+ {
+ (*cleanup_task)->activate();
+ /// Do not start task immediately on server startup, it's not urgent.
+ (*cleanup_task)->scheduleAfter(unused_dir_hide_timeout_sec * 1000);
+ }
+ (*drop_task)->activate();
+ std::lock_guard lock{tables_marked_dropped_mutex};
+ if (!tables_marked_dropped.empty())
+ (*drop_task)->schedule();
+void DatabaseCatalog::shutdownImpl()
+ is_shutting_down = true;
+ wait_table_finally_dropped.notify_all();
+ if (cleanup_task)
+ (*cleanup_task)->deactivate();
+ if (drop_task)
+ (*drop_task)->deactivate();
+ /** At this point, some tables may have threads that block our mutex.
+ * To shutdown them correctly, we will copy the current list of tables,
+ * and ask them all to finish their work.
+ * Then delete all objects with tables.
+ */
+ Databases current_databases;
+ {
+ std::lock_guard lock(databases_mutex);
+ current_databases = databases;
+ }
+ /// We still hold "databases" (instead of std::move) for Buffer tables to flush data correctly.
+ /// Delay shutdown of temporary and system databases. They will be shutdown last.
+ /// Because some databases might use them until their shutdown is called, but calling shutdown
+ /// on temporary database means clearing its set of tables, which will lead to unnecessary errors like "table not found".
+ std::vector<DatabasePtr> databases_with_delayed_shutdown;
+ for (auto & database : current_databases)
+ {
+ if (database.first == TEMPORARY_DATABASE || database.first == SYSTEM_DATABASE)
+ {
+ databases_with_delayed_shutdown.push_back(database.second);
+ continue;
+ }
+ LOG_TRACE(log, "Shutting down database {}", database.first);
+ database.second->shutdown();
+ }
+ LOG_TRACE(log, "Shutting down system databases");
+ for (auto & database : databases_with_delayed_shutdown)
+ {
+ database->shutdown();
+ }
+ {
+ std::lock_guard lock(tables_marked_dropped_mutex);
+ tables_marked_dropped.clear();
+ }
+ std::lock_guard lock(databases_mutex);
+ for (const auto & db : databases)
+ {
+ UUID db_uuid = db.second->getUUID();
+ if (db_uuid != UUIDHelpers::Nil)
+ removeUUIDMapping(db_uuid);
+ }
+ assert(std::find_if(uuid_map.begin(), uuid_map.end(), [](const auto & elem)
+ {
+ /// Ensure that all UUID mappings are empty (i.e. all mappings contain nullptr instead of a pointer to storage)
+ const auto & not_empty_mapping = [] (const auto & mapping)
+ {
+ auto & db = mapping.second.first;
+ auto & table = mapping.second.second;
+ return db || table;
+ };
+ std::lock_guard map_lock{elem.mutex};
+ auto it = std::find_if(elem.map.begin(), elem.map.end(), not_empty_mapping);
+ return it != elem.map.end();
+ }) == uuid_map.end());
+ databases.clear();
+ referential_dependencies.clear();
+ loading_dependencies.clear();
+ view_dependencies.clear();
+bool DatabaseCatalog::isPredefinedDatabase(std::string_view database_name)
+ return database_name == TEMPORARY_DATABASE || database_name == SYSTEM_DATABASE || database_name == INFORMATION_SCHEMA
+DatabaseAndTable DatabaseCatalog::tryGetByUUID(const UUID & uuid) const
+ assert(uuid != UUIDHelpers::Nil && getFirstLevelIdx(uuid) < uuid_map.size());
+ const UUIDToStorageMapPart & map_part = uuid_map[getFirstLevelIdx(uuid)];
+ std::lock_guard lock{map_part.mutex};
+ auto it = map_part.map.find(uuid);
+ if (it == map_part.map.end())
+ return {};
+ return it->second;
+DatabaseAndTable DatabaseCatalog::getTableImpl(
+ const StorageID & table_id,
+ ContextPtr context_,
+ std::optional<Exception> * exception) const
+ checkStackSize();
+ if (!table_id)
+ {
+ if (exception)
+ exception->emplace(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_TABLE, "Cannot find table: StorageID is empty");
+ return {};
+ }
+ if (table_id.hasUUID())
+ {
+ /// Shortcut for tables which have persistent UUID
+ auto db_and_table = tryGetByUUID(table_id.uuid);
+ if (!db_and_table.first || !db_and_table.second)
+ {
+ assert(!db_and_table.first && !db_and_table.second);
+ if (exception)
+ {
+ TableNameHints hints(this->tryGetDatabase(table_id.getDatabaseName()), getContext());
+ std::vector<String> names = hints.getHints(table_id.getTableName());
+ if (names.empty())
+ exception->emplace(Exception(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_TABLE, "Table {} does not exist", table_id.getNameForLogs()));
+ else
+ exception->emplace(Exception(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_TABLE, "Table {} does not exist. Maybe you meant {}?", table_id.getNameForLogs(), backQuoteIfNeed(names[0])));
+ }
+ return {};
+ }
+ if (!context_->isInternalQuery() && (db_and_table.first->getEngineName() == "MaterializedPostgreSQL"))
+ {
+ db_and_table.second = std::make_shared<StorageMaterializedPostgreSQL>(std::move(db_and_table.second), getContext(),
+ assert_cast<const DatabaseMaterializedPostgreSQL *>(db_and_table.first.get())->getPostgreSQLDatabaseName(),
+ db_and_table.second->getStorageID().table_name);
+ }
+ /// It's definitely not the best place for this logic, but behaviour must be consistent with DatabaseMaterializedMySQL::tryGetTable(...)
+ if (!context_->isInternalQuery() && db_and_table.first->getEngineName() == "MaterializedMySQL")
+ {
+ db_and_table.second = std::make_shared<StorageMaterializedMySQL>(std::move(db_and_table.second), db_and_table.first.get());
+ }
+ return db_and_table;
+ }
+ if (table_id.database_name == TEMPORARY_DATABASE)
+ {
+ /// For temporary tables UUIDs are set in Context::resolveStorageID(...).
+ /// If table_id has no UUID, then the name of database was specified by user and table_id was not resolved through context.
+ /// Do not allow access to TEMPORARY_DATABASE because it contains all temporary tables of all contexts and users.
+ if (exception)
+ exception->emplace(Exception(ErrorCodes::DATABASE_ACCESS_DENIED, "Direct access to `{}` database is not allowed", TEMPORARY_DATABASE));
+ return {};
+ }
+ DatabasePtr database;
+ {
+ // Callers assume that this method doesn't throw exceptions, but getDatabaseName() will throw if there is no database part.
+ // So, fail early and gracefully...
+ if (!table_id.hasDatabase())
+ {
+ if (exception)
+ exception->emplace(Exception(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_DATABASE, "Empty database name"));
+ return {};
+ }
+ std::lock_guard lock{databases_mutex};
+ auto it = databases.find(table_id.getDatabaseName());
+ if (databases.end() != it)
+ database = it->second;
+ }
+ if (!database)
+ {
+ if (exception)
+ {
+ DatabaseNameHints hints(*this);
+ std::vector<String> names = hints.getHints(table_id.getDatabaseName());
+ if (names.empty())
+ {
+ exception->emplace(Exception(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_DATABASE, "Database {} does not exist", backQuoteIfNeed(table_id.getDatabaseName())));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ exception->emplace(Exception(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_DATABASE, "Database {} does not exist. Maybe you meant {}?", backQuoteIfNeed(table_id.getDatabaseName()), backQuoteIfNeed(names[0])));
+ }
+ }
+ return {};
+ }
+ StoragePtr table;
+ if (exception)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ table = database->getTable(table_id.table_name, context_);
+ }
+ catch (const Exception & e)
+ {
+ exception->emplace(e);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ table = database->tryGetTable(table_id.table_name, context_);
+ }
+ if (!table && exception && !exception->has_value())
+ {
+ TableNameHints hints(this->tryGetDatabase(table_id.getDatabaseName()), getContext());
+ std::vector<String> names = hints.getHints(table_id.getTableName());
+ if (names.empty())
+ {
+ exception->emplace(Exception(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_TABLE, "Table {} does not exist", table_id.getNameForLogs()));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ exception->emplace(Exception(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_TABLE, "Table {} does not exist. Maybe you meant {}?", table_id.getNameForLogs(), backQuoteIfNeed(names[0])));
+ }
+ }
+ if (!table)
+ database = nullptr;
+ return {database, table};
+bool DatabaseCatalog::isPredefinedTable(const StorageID & table_id) const
+ static const char * information_schema_views[] = {"schemata", "tables", "views", "columns"};
+ static const char * information_schema_views_uppercase[] = {"SCHEMATA", "TABLES", "VIEWS", "COLUMNS"};
+ auto check_database_and_table_name = [&](const String & database_name, const String & table_name)
+ {
+ if (database_name == SYSTEM_DATABASE)
+ {
+ auto storage = getSystemDatabase()->tryGetTable(table_name, getContext());
+ return storage && storage->isSystemStorage();
+ }
+ if (database_name == INFORMATION_SCHEMA)
+ {
+ return std::find(std::begin(information_schema_views), std::end(information_schema_views), table_name)
+ != std::end(information_schema_views);
+ }
+ if (database_name == INFORMATION_SCHEMA_UPPERCASE)
+ {
+ return std::find(std::begin(information_schema_views_uppercase), std::end(information_schema_views_uppercase), table_name)
+ != std::end(information_schema_views_uppercase);
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
+ if (table_id.hasUUID())
+ {
+ if (auto storage = tryGetByUUID(table_id.uuid).second)
+ {
+ if (storage->isSystemStorage())
+ return true;
+ auto res_id = storage->getStorageID();
+ String database_name = res_id.getDatabaseName();
+ if (database_name != SYSTEM_DATABASE) /// If (database_name == SYSTEM_DATABASE) then we have already checked it (see isSystemStorage() above).
+ return check_database_and_table_name(database_name, res_id.getTableName());
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return check_database_and_table_name(table_id.getDatabaseName(), table_id.getTableName());
+void DatabaseCatalog::assertDatabaseExists(const String & database_name) const
+ DatabasePtr db;
+ {
+ std::lock_guard lock{databases_mutex};
+ assert(!database_name.empty());
+ if (auto it = databases.find(database_name); it != databases.end())
+ db = it->second;
+ }
+ if (!db)
+ {
+ DatabaseNameHints hints(*this);
+ std::vector<String> names = hints.getHints(database_name);
+ if (names.empty())
+ {
+ throw Exception(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_DATABASE, "Database {} does not exist", backQuoteIfNeed(database_name));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw Exception(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_DATABASE, "Database {} does not exist. Maybe you meant {}?", backQuoteIfNeed(database_name), backQuoteIfNeed(names[0]));
+ }
+ }
+void DatabaseCatalog::assertDatabaseDoesntExist(const String & database_name) const
+ std::lock_guard lock{databases_mutex};
+ assertDatabaseDoesntExistUnlocked(database_name);
+void DatabaseCatalog::assertDatabaseDoesntExistUnlocked(const String & database_name) const
+ assert(!database_name.empty());
+ if (databases.end() != databases.find(database_name))
+ throw Exception(ErrorCodes::DATABASE_ALREADY_EXISTS, "Database {} already exists", backQuoteIfNeed(database_name));
+void DatabaseCatalog::attachDatabase(const String & database_name, const DatabasePtr & database)
+ std::lock_guard lock{databases_mutex};
+ assertDatabaseDoesntExistUnlocked(database_name);
+ databases.emplace(database_name, database);
+ UUID db_uuid = database->getUUID();
+ if (db_uuid != UUIDHelpers::Nil)
+ addUUIDMapping(db_uuid, database, nullptr);
+ });
+DatabasePtr DatabaseCatalog::detachDatabase(ContextPtr local_context, const String & database_name, bool drop, bool check_empty)
+ if (database_name == TEMPORARY_DATABASE)
+ throw Exception(ErrorCodes::DATABASE_ACCESS_DENIED, "Cannot detach database with temporary tables.");
+ assert(!database_name.empty());
+ DatabasePtr db;
+ {
+ std::lock_guard lock{databases_mutex};
+ if (auto it = databases.find(database_name); it != databases.end())
+ {
+ db = it->second;
+ UUID db_uuid = db->getUUID();
+ if (db_uuid != UUIDHelpers::Nil)
+ removeUUIDMapping(db_uuid);
+ databases.erase(database_name);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!db)
+ {
+ DatabaseNameHints hints(*this);
+ std::vector<String> names = hints.getHints(database_name);
+ if (names.empty())
+ {
+ throw Exception(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_DATABASE, "Database {} does not exist", backQuoteIfNeed(database_name));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw Exception(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_DATABASE, "Database {} does not exist. Maybe you meant {}?", backQuoteIfNeed(database_name), backQuoteIfNeed(names[0]));
+ }
+ }
+ if (check_empty)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ if (!db->empty())
+ throw Exception(ErrorCodes::DATABASE_NOT_EMPTY, "New table appeared in database being dropped or detached. Try again.");
+ if (!drop)
+ db->assertCanBeDetached(false);
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ attachDatabase(database_name, db);
+ throw;
+ }
+ }
+ db->shutdown();
+ if (drop)
+ {
+ UUID db_uuid = db->getUUID();
+ /// Delete the database.
+ db->drop(local_context);
+ /// Old ClickHouse versions did not store database.sql files
+ /// Remove metadata dir (if exists) to avoid recreation of .sql file on server startup
+ fs::path database_metadata_dir = fs::path(getContext()->getPath()) / "metadata" / escapeForFileName(database_name);
+ fs::remove(database_metadata_dir);
+ fs::path database_metadata_file = fs::path(getContext()->getPath()) / "metadata" / (escapeForFileName(database_name) + ".sql");
+ fs::remove(database_metadata_file);
+ if (db_uuid != UUIDHelpers::Nil)
+ removeUUIDMappingFinally(db_uuid);
+ }
+ return db;
+void DatabaseCatalog::updateDatabaseName(const String & old_name, const String & new_name, const Strings & tables_in_database)
+ std::lock_guard lock{databases_mutex};
+ assert(databases.find(new_name) == databases.end());
+ auto it = databases.find(old_name);
+ assert(it != databases.end());
+ auto db = it->second;
+ databases.erase(it);
+ databases.emplace(new_name, db);
+ /// Update dependencies.
+ for (const auto & table_name : tables_in_database)
+ {
+ auto removed_ref_deps = referential_dependencies.removeDependencies(StorageID{old_name, table_name}, /* remove_isolated_tables= */ true);
+ auto removed_loading_deps = loading_dependencies.removeDependencies(StorageID{old_name, table_name}, /* remove_isolated_tables= */ true);
+ referential_dependencies.addDependencies(StorageID{new_name, table_name}, removed_ref_deps);
+ loading_dependencies.addDependencies(StorageID{new_name, table_name}, removed_loading_deps);
+ }
+DatabasePtr DatabaseCatalog::getDatabase(const String & database_name) const
+ assert(!database_name.empty());
+ DatabasePtr db;
+ {
+ std::lock_guard lock{databases_mutex};
+ if (auto it = databases.find(database_name); it != databases.end())
+ db = it->second;
+ }
+ if (!db)
+ {
+ DatabaseNameHints hints(*this);
+ std::vector<String> names = hints.getHints(database_name);
+ if (names.empty())
+ {
+ throw Exception(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_DATABASE, "Database {} does not exist", backQuoteIfNeed(database_name));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw Exception(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_DATABASE, "Database {} does not exist. Maybe you meant {}?", backQuoteIfNeed(database_name), backQuoteIfNeed(names[0]));
+ }
+ }
+ return db;
+DatabasePtr DatabaseCatalog::tryGetDatabase(const String & database_name) const
+ assert(!database_name.empty());
+ std::lock_guard lock{databases_mutex};
+ auto it = databases.find(database_name);
+ if (it == databases.end())
+ return {};
+ return it->second;
+DatabasePtr DatabaseCatalog::getDatabase(const UUID & uuid) const
+ auto db_and_table = tryGetByUUID(uuid);
+ if (!db_and_table.first || db_and_table.second)
+ throw Exception(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_DATABASE, "Database UUID {} does not exist", uuid);
+ return db_and_table.first;
+DatabasePtr DatabaseCatalog::tryGetDatabase(const UUID & uuid) const
+ assert(uuid != UUIDHelpers::Nil);
+ auto db_and_table = tryGetByUUID(uuid);
+ if (!db_and_table.first || db_and_table.second)
+ return {};
+ return db_and_table.first;
+bool DatabaseCatalog::isDatabaseExist(const String & database_name) const
+ assert(!database_name.empty());
+ std::lock_guard lock{databases_mutex};
+ return databases.end() != databases.find(database_name);
+Databases DatabaseCatalog::getDatabases() const
+ std::lock_guard lock{databases_mutex};
+ return databases;
+bool DatabaseCatalog::isTableExist(const DB::StorageID & table_id, ContextPtr context_) const
+ if (table_id.hasUUID())
+ return tryGetByUUID(table_id.uuid).second != nullptr;
+ DatabasePtr db;
+ {
+ std::lock_guard lock{databases_mutex};
+ auto iter = databases.find(table_id.database_name);
+ if (iter != databases.end())
+ db = iter->second;
+ }
+ return db && db->isTableExist(table_id.table_name, context_);
+void DatabaseCatalog::assertTableDoesntExist(const StorageID & table_id, ContextPtr context_) const
+ if (isTableExist(table_id, context_))
+ throw Exception(ErrorCodes::TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS, "Table {} already exists.", table_id);
+DatabasePtr DatabaseCatalog::getDatabaseForTemporaryTables() const
+ return getDatabase(TEMPORARY_DATABASE);
+DatabasePtr DatabaseCatalog::getSystemDatabase() const
+ return getDatabase(SYSTEM_DATABASE);
+void DatabaseCatalog::addUUIDMapping(const UUID & uuid)
+ addUUIDMapping(uuid, nullptr, nullptr);
+void DatabaseCatalog::addUUIDMapping(const UUID & uuid, const DatabasePtr & database, const StoragePtr & table)
+ assert(uuid != UUIDHelpers::Nil && getFirstLevelIdx(uuid) < uuid_map.size());
+ assert(database || !table);
+ UUIDToStorageMapPart & map_part = uuid_map[getFirstLevelIdx(uuid)];
+ std::lock_guard lock{map_part.mutex};
+ auto [it, inserted] = map_part.map.try_emplace(uuid, database, table);
+ if (inserted)
+ {
+ /// Mapping must be locked before actually inserting something
+ chassert((!database && !table));
+ return;
+ }
+ auto & prev_database = it->second.first;
+ auto & prev_table = it->second.second;
+ assert(prev_database || !prev_table);
+ if (!prev_database && database)
+ {
+ /// It's empty mapping, it was created to "lock" UUID and prevent collision. Just update it.
+ prev_database = database;
+ prev_table = table;
+ return;
+ }
+ /// We are trying to replace existing mapping (prev_database != nullptr), it's logical error
+ if (database || table)
+ throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Mapping for table with UUID={} already exists", uuid);
+ /// Normally this should never happen, but it's possible when the same UUIDs are explicitly specified in different CREATE queries,
+ /// so it's not LOGICAL_ERROR
+ throw Exception(ErrorCodes::TABLE_ALREADY_EXISTS, "Mapping for table with UUID={} already exists. It happened due to UUID collision, "
+ "most likely because some not random UUIDs were manually specified in CREATE queries.", uuid);
+void DatabaseCatalog::removeUUIDMapping(const UUID & uuid)
+ assert(uuid != UUIDHelpers::Nil && getFirstLevelIdx(uuid) < uuid_map.size());
+ UUIDToStorageMapPart & map_part = uuid_map[getFirstLevelIdx(uuid)];
+ std::lock_guard lock{map_part.mutex};
+ auto it = map_part.map.find(uuid);
+ if (it == map_part.map.end())
+ throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Mapping for table with UUID={} doesn't exist", uuid);
+ it->second = {};
+void DatabaseCatalog::removeUUIDMappingFinally(const UUID & uuid)
+ assert(uuid != UUIDHelpers::Nil && getFirstLevelIdx(uuid) < uuid_map.size());
+ UUIDToStorageMapPart & map_part = uuid_map[getFirstLevelIdx(uuid)];
+ std::lock_guard lock{map_part.mutex};
+ if (!map_part.map.erase(uuid))
+ throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Mapping for table with UUID={} doesn't exist", uuid);
+void DatabaseCatalog::updateUUIDMapping(const UUID & uuid, DatabasePtr database, StoragePtr table)
+ assert(uuid != UUIDHelpers::Nil && getFirstLevelIdx(uuid) < uuid_map.size());
+ assert(database && table);
+ UUIDToStorageMapPart & map_part = uuid_map[getFirstLevelIdx(uuid)];
+ std::lock_guard lock{map_part.mutex};
+ auto it = map_part.map.find(uuid);
+ if (it == map_part.map.end())
+ throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Mapping for table with UUID={} doesn't exist", uuid);
+ auto & prev_database = it->second.first;
+ auto & prev_table = it->second.second;
+ assert(prev_database && prev_table);
+ prev_database = std::move(database);
+ prev_table = std::move(table);
+bool DatabaseCatalog::hasUUIDMapping(const UUID & uuid)
+ assert(uuid != UUIDHelpers::Nil && getFirstLevelIdx(uuid) < uuid_map.size());
+ UUIDToStorageMapPart & map_part = uuid_map[getFirstLevelIdx(uuid)];
+ std::lock_guard lock{map_part.mutex};
+ return map_part.map.contains(uuid);
+std::unique_ptr<DatabaseCatalog> DatabaseCatalog::database_catalog;
+DatabaseCatalog::DatabaseCatalog(ContextMutablePtr global_context_)
+ : WithMutableContext(global_context_)
+ , referential_dependencies{"ReferentialDeps"}
+ , loading_dependencies{"LoadingDeps"}
+ , view_dependencies{"ViewDeps"}
+ , log(&Poco::Logger::get("DatabaseCatalog"))
+ , first_async_drop_in_queue(tables_marked_dropped.end())
+DatabaseCatalog & DatabaseCatalog::init(ContextMutablePtr global_context_)
+ if (database_catalog)
+ {
+ throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Database catalog is initialized twice. This is a bug.");
+ }
+ database_catalog.reset(new DatabaseCatalog(global_context_));
+ return *database_catalog;
+DatabaseCatalog & DatabaseCatalog::instance()
+ if (!database_catalog)
+ {
+ throw Exception(ErrorCodes::LOGICAL_ERROR, "Database catalog is not initialized. This is a bug.");
+ }
+ return *database_catalog;
+void DatabaseCatalog::shutdown()
+ // The catalog might not be initialized yet by init(global_context). It can
+ // happen if some exception was thrown on first steps of startup.
+ if (database_catalog)
+ {
+ database_catalog->shutdownImpl();
+ }
+DatabasePtr DatabaseCatalog::getDatabase(const String & database_name, ContextPtr local_context) const
+ String resolved_database = local_context->resolveDatabase(database_name);
+ return getDatabase(resolved_database);
+void DatabaseCatalog::addViewDependency(const StorageID & source_table_id, const StorageID & view_id)
+ std::lock_guard lock{databases_mutex};
+ view_dependencies.addDependency(source_table_id, view_id);
+void DatabaseCatalog::removeViewDependency(const StorageID & source_table_id, const StorageID & view_id)
+ std::lock_guard lock{databases_mutex};
+ view_dependencies.removeDependency(source_table_id, view_id, /* remove_isolated_tables= */ true);
+std::vector<StorageID> DatabaseCatalog::getDependentViews(const StorageID & source_table_id) const
+ std::lock_guard lock{databases_mutex};
+ return view_dependencies.getDependencies(source_table_id);
+void DatabaseCatalog::updateViewDependency(const StorageID & old_source_table_id, const StorageID & old_view_id,
+ const StorageID & new_source_table_id, const StorageID & new_view_id)
+ std::lock_guard lock{databases_mutex};
+ if (!old_source_table_id.empty())
+ view_dependencies.removeDependency(old_source_table_id, old_view_id, /* remove_isolated_tables= */ true);
+ if (!new_source_table_id.empty())
+ view_dependencies.addDependency(new_source_table_id, new_view_id);
+DDLGuardPtr DatabaseCatalog::getDDLGuard(const String & database, const String & table)
+ std::unique_lock lock(ddl_guards_mutex);
+ /// TSA does not support unique_lock
+ auto db_guard_iter = TSA_SUPPRESS_WARNING_FOR_WRITE(ddl_guards).try_emplace(database).first;
+ DatabaseGuard & db_guard = db_guard_iter->second;
+ return std::make_unique<DDLGuard>(db_guard.first, db_guard.second, std::move(lock), table, database);
+std::unique_lock<SharedMutex> DatabaseCatalog::getExclusiveDDLGuardForDatabase(const String & database)
+ DDLGuards::iterator db_guard_iter;
+ {
+ std::lock_guard lock(ddl_guards_mutex);
+ db_guard_iter = ddl_guards.try_emplace(database).first;
+ assert(db_guard_iter->second.first.contains(""));
+ }
+ DatabaseGuard & db_guard = db_guard_iter->second;
+ return std::unique_lock{db_guard.second};
+bool DatabaseCatalog::isDictionaryExist(const StorageID & table_id) const
+ auto storage = tryGetTable(table_id, getContext());
+ bool storage_is_dictionary = storage && storage->isDictionary();
+ return storage_is_dictionary;
+StoragePtr DatabaseCatalog::getTable(const StorageID & table_id, ContextPtr local_context) const
+ std::optional<Exception> exc;
+ auto res = getTableImpl(table_id, local_context, &exc);
+ if (!res.second)
+ throw Exception(*exc);
+ return res.second;
+StoragePtr DatabaseCatalog::tryGetTable(const StorageID & table_id, ContextPtr local_context) const
+ return getTableImpl(table_id, local_context, nullptr).second;
+DatabaseAndTable DatabaseCatalog::getDatabaseAndTable(const StorageID & table_id, ContextPtr local_context) const
+ std::optional<Exception> exc;
+ auto res = getTableImpl(table_id, local_context, &exc);
+ if (!res.second)
+ throw Exception(*exc);
+ return res;
+DatabaseAndTable DatabaseCatalog::tryGetDatabaseAndTable(const StorageID & table_id, ContextPtr local_context) const
+ return getTableImpl(table_id, local_context, nullptr);
+void DatabaseCatalog::loadMarkedAsDroppedTables()
+ assert(!cleanup_task);
+ /// /clickhouse_root/metadata_dropped/ contains files with metadata of tables,
+ /// which where marked as dropped by Atomic databases.
+ /// Data directories of such tables still exists in store/
+ /// and metadata still exists in ZooKeeper for ReplicatedMergeTree tables.
+ /// If server restarts before such tables was completely dropped,
+ /// we should load them and enqueue cleanup to remove data from store/ and metadata from ZooKeeper
+ std::map<String, StorageID> dropped_metadata;
+ String path = getContext()->getPath() + "metadata_dropped/";
+ if (!std::filesystem::exists(path))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ Poco::DirectoryIterator dir_end;
+ for (Poco::DirectoryIterator it(path); it != dir_end; ++it)
+ {
+ /// File name has the following format:
+ /// database_name.table_name.uuid.sql
+ /// Ignore unexpected files
+ if (!it.name().ends_with(".sql"))
+ continue;
+ /// Process .sql files with metadata of tables which were marked as dropped
+ StorageID dropped_id = StorageID::createEmpty();
+ size_t dot_pos = it.name().find('.');
+ if (dot_pos == std::string::npos)
+ continue;
+ dropped_id.database_name = unescapeForFileName(it.name().substr(0, dot_pos));
+ size_t prev_dot_pos = dot_pos;
+ dot_pos = it.name().find('.', prev_dot_pos + 1);
+ if (dot_pos == std::string::npos)
+ continue;
+ dropped_id.table_name = unescapeForFileName(it.name().substr(prev_dot_pos + 1, dot_pos - prev_dot_pos - 1));
+ prev_dot_pos = dot_pos;
+ dot_pos = it.name().find('.', prev_dot_pos + 1);
+ if (dot_pos == std::string::npos)
+ continue;
+ dropped_id.uuid = parse<UUID>(it.name().substr(prev_dot_pos + 1, dot_pos - prev_dot_pos - 1));
+ String full_path = path + it.name();
+ dropped_metadata.emplace(std::move(full_path), std::move(dropped_id));
+ }
+ LOG_INFO(log, "Found {} partially dropped tables. Will load them and retry removal.", dropped_metadata.size());
+ ThreadPool pool(CurrentMetrics::DatabaseCatalogThreads, CurrentMetrics::DatabaseCatalogThreadsActive);
+ for (const auto & elem : dropped_metadata)
+ {
+ pool.scheduleOrThrowOnError([&]()
+ {
+ this->enqueueDroppedTableCleanup(elem.second, nullptr, elem.first);
+ });
+ }
+ pool.wait();
+String DatabaseCatalog::getPathForDroppedMetadata(const StorageID & table_id) const
+ return getContext()->getPath() + "metadata_dropped/" +
+ escapeForFileName(table_id.getDatabaseName()) + "." +
+ escapeForFileName(table_id.getTableName()) + "." +
+ toString(table_id.uuid) + ".sql";
+String DatabaseCatalog::getPathForMetadata(const StorageID & table_id) const
+ return getContext()->getPath() + "metadata/" +
+ escapeForFileName(table_id.getDatabaseName()) + "/" +
+ escapeForFileName(table_id.getTableName()) + ".sql";
+void DatabaseCatalog::enqueueDroppedTableCleanup(StorageID table_id, StoragePtr table, String dropped_metadata_path, bool ignore_delay)
+ assert(table_id.hasUUID());
+ assert(!table || table->getStorageID().uuid == table_id.uuid);
+ assert(dropped_metadata_path == getPathForDroppedMetadata(table_id));
+ /// Table was removed from database. Enqueue removal of its data from disk.
+ time_t drop_time;
+ if (table)
+ {
+ chassert(hasUUIDMapping(table_id.uuid));
+ drop_time = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(std::chrono::system_clock::now());
+ /// Do not postpone removal of in-memory tables
+ ignore_delay = ignore_delay || !table->storesDataOnDisk();
+ table->is_dropped = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /// Try load table from metadata to drop it correctly (e.g. remove metadata from zk or remove data from all volumes)
+ LOG_INFO(log, "Trying load partially dropped table {} from {}", table_id.getNameForLogs(), dropped_metadata_path);
+ ASTPtr ast = DatabaseOnDisk::parseQueryFromMetadata(
+ log, getContext(), dropped_metadata_path, /*throw_on_error*/ false, /*remove_empty*/ false);
+ auto * create = typeid_cast<ASTCreateQuery *>(ast.get());
+ assert(!create || create->uuid == table_id.uuid);
+ if (create)
+ {
+ String data_path = "store/" + getPathForUUID(table_id.uuid);
+ create->setDatabase(table_id.database_name);
+ create->setTable(table_id.table_name);
+ try
+ {
+ table = createTableFromAST(*create, table_id.getDatabaseName(), data_path, getContext(), /* force_restore */ true).second;
+ table->is_dropped = true;
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ tryLogCurrentException(log, "Cannot load partially dropped table " + table_id.getNameForLogs() +
+ " from: " + dropped_metadata_path +
+ ". Parsed query: " + serializeAST(*create) +
+ ". Will remove metadata and " + data_path +
+ ". Garbage may be left in ZooKeeper.");
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ LOG_WARNING(log, "Cannot parse metadata of partially dropped table {} from {}. Will remove metadata file and data directory. Garbage may be left in /store directory and ZooKeeper.", table_id.getNameForLogs(), dropped_metadata_path);
+ }
+ addUUIDMapping(table_id.uuid);
+ drop_time = FS::getModificationTime(dropped_metadata_path);
+ }
+ std::lock_guard lock(tables_marked_dropped_mutex);
+ if (ignore_delay)
+ {
+ /// Insert it before first_async_drop_in_queue, so sync drop queries will have priority over async ones,
+ /// but the queue will remain fair for multiple sync drop queries.
+ tables_marked_dropped.emplace(first_async_drop_in_queue, TableMarkedAsDropped{table_id, table, dropped_metadata_path, drop_time});
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tables_marked_dropped.push_back({table_id, table, dropped_metadata_path, drop_time + drop_delay_sec});
+ if (first_async_drop_in_queue == tables_marked_dropped.end())
+ --first_async_drop_in_queue;
+ }
+ tables_marked_dropped_ids.insert(table_id.uuid);
+ CurrentMetrics::add(CurrentMetrics::TablesToDropQueueSize, 1);
+ /// If list of dropped tables was empty, start a drop task.
+ /// If ignore_delay is set, schedule drop task as soon as possible.
+ if (drop_task && (tables_marked_dropped.size() == 1 || ignore_delay))
+ (*drop_task)->schedule();
+void DatabaseCatalog::dequeueDroppedTableCleanup(StorageID table_id)
+ String latest_metadata_dropped_path;
+ TableMarkedAsDropped dropped_table;
+ {
+ std::lock_guard lock(tables_marked_dropped_mutex);
+ time_t latest_drop_time = std::numeric_limits<time_t>::min();
+ auto it_dropped_table = tables_marked_dropped.end();
+ for (auto it = tables_marked_dropped.begin(); it != tables_marked_dropped.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ auto storage_ptr = it->table;
+ if (it->table_id.uuid == table_id.uuid)
+ {
+ it_dropped_table = it;
+ dropped_table = *it;
+ break;
+ }
+ /// If table uuid exists, only find tables with equal uuid.
+ if (table_id.uuid != UUIDHelpers::Nil)
+ continue;
+ if (it->table_id.database_name == table_id.database_name &&
+ it->table_id.table_name == table_id.table_name &&
+ it->drop_time >= latest_drop_time)
+ {
+ latest_drop_time = it->drop_time;
+ it_dropped_table = it;
+ dropped_table = *it;
+ }
+ }
+ if (it_dropped_table == tables_marked_dropped.end())
+ throw Exception(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_TABLE,
+ "The drop task of table {} is in progress, has been dropped or the database engine doesn't support it",
+ table_id.getNameForLogs());
+ latest_metadata_dropped_path = it_dropped_table->metadata_path;
+ String table_metadata_path = getPathForMetadata(it_dropped_table->table_id);
+ /// a table is successfully marked undropped,
+ /// if and only if its metadata file was moved to a database.
+ /// This maybe throw exception.
+ renameNoReplace(latest_metadata_dropped_path, table_metadata_path);
+ if (first_async_drop_in_queue == it_dropped_table)
+ ++first_async_drop_in_queue;
+ tables_marked_dropped.erase(it_dropped_table);
+ [[maybe_unused]] auto removed = tables_marked_dropped_ids.erase(dropped_table.table_id.uuid);
+ assert(removed);
+ CurrentMetrics::sub(CurrentMetrics::TablesToDropQueueSize, 1);
+ }
+ LOG_INFO(log, "Attaching undropped table {} (metadata moved from {})",
+ dropped_table.table_id.getNameForLogs(), latest_metadata_dropped_path);
+ /// It's unsafe to create another instance while the old one exists
+ /// We cannot wait on shared_ptr's refcount, so it's busy wait
+ while (!dropped_table.table.unique())
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(100));
+ dropped_table.table.reset();
+ auto ast_attach = std::make_shared<ASTCreateQuery>();
+ ast_attach->attach = true;
+ ast_attach->setDatabase(dropped_table.table_id.database_name);
+ ast_attach->setTable(dropped_table.table_id.table_name);
+ auto query_context = Context::createCopy(getContext());
+ /// Attach table needs to acquire ddl guard, that has already been acquired in undrop table,
+ /// and cannot be acquired in the attach table again.
+ InterpreterCreateQuery interpreter(ast_attach, query_context);
+ interpreter.setForceAttach(true);
+ interpreter.setForceRestoreData(true);
+ interpreter.setDontNeedDDLGuard(); /// It's already locked by caller
+ interpreter.execute();
+ LOG_INFO(log, "Table {} was successfully undropped.", dropped_table.table_id.getNameForLogs());
+void DatabaseCatalog::dropTableDataTask()
+ /// Background task that removes data of tables which were marked as dropped by Atomic databases.
+ /// Table can be removed when it's not used by queries and drop_delay_sec elapsed since it was marked as dropped.
+ bool need_reschedule = true;
+ /// Default reschedule time for the case when we are waiting for reference count to become 1.
+ size_t schedule_after_ms = reschedule_time_ms;
+ TableMarkedAsDropped table;
+ try
+ {
+ std::lock_guard lock(tables_marked_dropped_mutex);
+ if (tables_marked_dropped.empty())
+ return;
+ time_t current_time = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(std::chrono::system_clock::now());
+ time_t min_drop_time = std::numeric_limits<time_t>::max();
+ size_t tables_in_use_count = 0;
+ auto it = std::find_if(tables_marked_dropped.begin(), tables_marked_dropped.end(), [&](const auto & elem)
+ {
+ bool not_in_use = !elem.table || elem.table.unique();
+ bool old_enough = elem.drop_time <= current_time;
+ min_drop_time = std::min(min_drop_time, elem.drop_time);
+ tables_in_use_count += !not_in_use;
+ return not_in_use && old_enough;
+ });
+ if (it != tables_marked_dropped.end())
+ {
+ table = std::move(*it);
+ LOG_INFO(log, "Have {} tables in drop queue ({} of them are in use), will try drop {}",
+ tables_marked_dropped.size(), tables_in_use_count, table.table_id.getNameForLogs());
+ if (first_async_drop_in_queue == it)
+ ++first_async_drop_in_queue;
+ tables_marked_dropped.erase(it);
+ /// Schedule the task as soon as possible, while there are suitable tables to drop.
+ schedule_after_ms = 0;
+ }
+ else if (current_time < min_drop_time)
+ {
+ /// We are waiting for drop_delay_sec to exceed, no sense to wakeup until min_drop_time.
+ /// If new table is added to the queue with ignore_delay flag, schedule() is called to wakeup the task earlier.
+ schedule_after_ms = (min_drop_time - current_time) * 1000;
+ LOG_TRACE(log, "Not found any suitable tables to drop, still have {} tables in drop queue ({} of them are in use). "
+ "Will check again after {} seconds", tables_marked_dropped.size(), tables_in_use_count, min_drop_time - current_time);
+ }
+ need_reschedule = !tables_marked_dropped.empty();
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ tryLogCurrentException(log, __PRETTY_FUNCTION__);
+ }
+ if (table.table_id)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ dropTableFinally(table);
+ std::lock_guard lock(tables_marked_dropped_mutex);
+ [[maybe_unused]] auto removed = tables_marked_dropped_ids.erase(table.table_id.uuid);
+ assert(removed);
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ tryLogCurrentException(log, "Cannot drop table " + table.table_id.getNameForLogs() +
+ ". Will retry later.");
+ {
+ table.drop_time = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(std::chrono::system_clock::now()) + drop_error_cooldown_sec;
+ std::lock_guard lock(tables_marked_dropped_mutex);
+ tables_marked_dropped.emplace_back(std::move(table));
+ if (first_async_drop_in_queue == tables_marked_dropped.end())
+ --first_async_drop_in_queue;
+ /// If list of dropped tables was empty, schedule a task to retry deletion.
+ if (tables_marked_dropped.size() == 1)
+ {
+ need_reschedule = true;
+ schedule_after_ms = drop_error_cooldown_sec * 1000;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ wait_table_finally_dropped.notify_all();
+ }
+ /// Do not schedule a task if there is no tables to drop
+ if (need_reschedule)
+ (*drop_task)->scheduleAfter(schedule_after_ms);
+void DatabaseCatalog::dropTableFinally(const TableMarkedAsDropped & table)
+ if (table.table)
+ {
+ table.table->drop();
+ }
+ /// Even if table is not loaded, try remove its data from disks.
+ for (const auto & [disk_name, disk] : getContext()->getDisksMap())
+ {
+ String data_path = "store/" + getPathForUUID(table.table_id.uuid);
+ if (disk->isReadOnly() || !disk->exists(data_path))
+ continue;
+ LOG_INFO(log, "Removing data directory {} of dropped table {} from disk {}", data_path, table.table_id.getNameForLogs(), disk_name);
+ disk->removeRecursive(data_path);
+ }
+ LOG_INFO(log, "Removing metadata {} of dropped table {}", table.metadata_path, table.table_id.getNameForLogs());
+ fs::remove(fs::path(table.metadata_path));
+ removeUUIDMappingFinally(table.table_id.uuid);
+ CurrentMetrics::sub(CurrentMetrics::TablesToDropQueueSize, 1);
+String DatabaseCatalog::getPathForUUID(const UUID & uuid)
+ const size_t uuid_prefix_len = 3;
+ return toString(uuid).substr(0, uuid_prefix_len) + '/' + toString(uuid) + '/';
+void DatabaseCatalog::waitTableFinallyDropped(const UUID & uuid)
+ if (uuid == UUIDHelpers::Nil)
+ return;
+ LOG_DEBUG(log, "Waiting for table {} to be finally dropped", toString(uuid));
+ std::unique_lock lock{tables_marked_dropped_mutex};
+ wait_table_finally_dropped.wait(lock, [&]() TSA_REQUIRES(tables_marked_dropped_mutex) -> bool
+ {
+ return !tables_marked_dropped_ids.contains(uuid) || is_shutting_down;
+ });
+ /// TSA doesn't support unique_lock
+ if (TSA_SUPPRESS_WARNING_FOR_READ(tables_marked_dropped_ids).contains(uuid))
+ throw Exception(ErrorCodes::UNFINISHED, "Did not finish dropping the table with UUID {} because the server is shutting down, "
+ "will finish after restart", uuid);
+void DatabaseCatalog::addDependencies(
+ const StorageID & table_id,
+ const std::vector<StorageID> & new_referential_dependencies,
+ const std::vector<StorageID> & new_loading_dependencies)
+ if (new_referential_dependencies.empty() && new_loading_dependencies.empty())
+ return;
+ std::lock_guard lock{databases_mutex};
+ if (!new_referential_dependencies.empty())
+ referential_dependencies.addDependencies(table_id, new_referential_dependencies);
+ if (!new_loading_dependencies.empty())
+ loading_dependencies.addDependencies(table_id, new_loading_dependencies);
+void DatabaseCatalog::addDependencies(
+ const QualifiedTableName & table_name,
+ const TableNamesSet & new_referential_dependencies,
+ const TableNamesSet & new_loading_dependencies)
+ if (new_referential_dependencies.empty() && new_loading_dependencies.empty())
+ return;
+ std::lock_guard lock{databases_mutex};
+ if (!new_referential_dependencies.empty())
+ referential_dependencies.addDependencies(table_name, new_referential_dependencies);
+ if (!new_loading_dependencies.empty())
+ loading_dependencies.addDependencies(table_name, new_loading_dependencies);
+void DatabaseCatalog::addDependencies(
+ const TablesDependencyGraph & new_referential_dependencies, const TablesDependencyGraph & new_loading_dependencies)
+ std::lock_guard lock{databases_mutex};
+ referential_dependencies.mergeWith(new_referential_dependencies);
+ loading_dependencies.mergeWith(new_loading_dependencies);
+std::vector<StorageID> DatabaseCatalog::getReferentialDependencies(const StorageID & table_id) const
+ std::lock_guard lock{databases_mutex};
+ return referential_dependencies.getDependencies(table_id);
+std::vector<StorageID> DatabaseCatalog::getReferentialDependents(const StorageID & table_id) const
+ std::lock_guard lock{databases_mutex};
+ return referential_dependencies.getDependents(table_id);
+std::vector<StorageID> DatabaseCatalog::getLoadingDependencies(const StorageID & table_id) const
+ std::lock_guard lock{databases_mutex};
+ return loading_dependencies.getDependencies(table_id);
+std::vector<StorageID> DatabaseCatalog::getLoadingDependents(const StorageID & table_id) const
+ std::lock_guard lock{databases_mutex};
+ return loading_dependencies.getDependents(table_id);
+std::pair<std::vector<StorageID>, std::vector<StorageID>> DatabaseCatalog::removeDependencies(
+ const StorageID & table_id, bool check_referential_dependencies, bool check_loading_dependencies, bool is_drop_database)
+ std::lock_guard lock{databases_mutex};
+ checkTableCanBeRemovedOrRenamedUnlocked(table_id, check_referential_dependencies, check_loading_dependencies, is_drop_database);
+ return {referential_dependencies.removeDependencies(table_id, /* remove_isolated_tables= */ true),
+ loading_dependencies.removeDependencies(table_id, /* remove_isolated_tables= */ true)};
+void DatabaseCatalog::updateDependencies(
+ const StorageID & table_id, const TableNamesSet & new_referential_dependencies, const TableNamesSet & new_loading_dependencies)
+ std::lock_guard lock{databases_mutex};
+ referential_dependencies.removeDependencies(table_id, /* remove_isolated_tables= */ true);
+ loading_dependencies.removeDependencies(table_id, /* remove_isolated_tables= */ true);
+ if (!new_referential_dependencies.empty())
+ referential_dependencies.addDependencies(table_id, new_referential_dependencies);
+ if (!new_loading_dependencies.empty())
+ loading_dependencies.addDependencies(table_id, new_loading_dependencies);
+void DatabaseCatalog::checkTableCanBeRemovedOrRenamed(
+ const StorageID & table_id, bool check_referential_dependencies, bool check_loading_dependencies, bool is_drop_database) const
+ if (!check_referential_dependencies && !check_loading_dependencies)
+ return;
+ std::lock_guard lock{databases_mutex};
+ return checkTableCanBeRemovedOrRenamedUnlocked(table_id, check_referential_dependencies, check_loading_dependencies, is_drop_database);
+void DatabaseCatalog::checkTableCanBeRemovedOrRenamedUnlocked(
+ const StorageID & removing_table, bool check_referential_dependencies, bool check_loading_dependencies, bool is_drop_database) const
+ chassert(!check_referential_dependencies || !check_loading_dependencies); /// These flags must not be both set.
+ std::vector<StorageID> dependents;
+ if (check_referential_dependencies)
+ dependents = referential_dependencies.getDependents(removing_table);
+ else if (check_loading_dependencies)
+ dependents = loading_dependencies.getDependents(removing_table);
+ else
+ return;
+ if (!is_drop_database)
+ {
+ if (!dependents.empty())
+ throw Exception(ErrorCodes::HAVE_DEPENDENT_OBJECTS, "Cannot drop or rename {}, because some tables depend on it: {}",
+ removing_table, fmt::join(dependents, ", "));
+ return;
+ }
+ /// For DROP DATABASE we should ignore dependent tables from the same database.
+ /// TODO unload tables in reverse topological order and remove this code
+ std::vector<StorageID> from_other_databases;
+ for (const auto & dependent : dependents)
+ if (dependent.database_name != removing_table.database_name)
+ from_other_databases.push_back(dependent);
+ if (!from_other_databases.empty())
+ throw Exception(ErrorCodes::HAVE_DEPENDENT_OBJECTS, "Cannot drop or rename {}, because some tables depend on it: {}",
+ removing_table, fmt::join(from_other_databases, ", "));
+void DatabaseCatalog::cleanupStoreDirectoryTask()
+ for (const auto & [disk_name, disk] : getContext()->getDisksMap())
+ {
+ if (!disk->supportsStat() || !disk->supportsChmod())
+ continue;
+ size_t affected_dirs = 0;
+ size_t checked_dirs = 0;
+ for (auto it = disk->iterateDirectory("store"); it->isValid(); it->next())
+ {
+ String prefix = it->name();
+ bool expected_prefix_dir = disk->isDirectory(it->path()) && prefix.size() == 3 && isHexDigit(prefix[0]) && isHexDigit(prefix[1])
+ && isHexDigit(prefix[2]);
+ if (!expected_prefix_dir)
+ {
+ LOG_WARNING(log, "Found invalid directory {} on disk {}, will try to remove it", it->path(), disk_name);
+ checked_dirs += 1;
+ affected_dirs += maybeRemoveDirectory(disk_name, disk, it->path());
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (auto jt = disk->iterateDirectory(it->path()); jt->isValid(); jt->next())
+ {
+ String uuid_str = jt->name();
+ UUID uuid;
+ bool parsed = tryParse(uuid, uuid_str);
+ bool expected_dir = disk->isDirectory(jt->path()) && parsed && uuid != UUIDHelpers::Nil && uuid_str.starts_with(prefix);
+ if (!expected_dir)
+ {
+ LOG_WARNING(log, "Found invalid directory {} on disk {}, will try to remove it", jt->path(), disk_name);
+ checked_dirs += 1;
+ affected_dirs += maybeRemoveDirectory(disk_name, disk, jt->path());
+ continue;
+ }
+ /// Order is important
+ if (!hasUUIDMapping(uuid))
+ {
+ /// We load uuids even for detached and permanently detached tables,
+ /// so it looks safe enough to remove directory if we don't have uuid mapping for it.
+ /// No table or database using this directory should concurrently appear,
+ /// because creation of new table would fail with "directory already exists".
+ checked_dirs += 1;
+ affected_dirs += maybeRemoveDirectory(disk_name, disk, jt->path());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (affected_dirs)
+ LOG_INFO(log, "Cleaned up {} directories from store/ on disk {}", affected_dirs, disk_name);
+ if (checked_dirs == 0)
+ LOG_TEST(log, "Nothing to clean up from store/ on disk {}", disk_name);
+ }
+ (*cleanup_task)->scheduleAfter(unused_dir_cleanup_period_sec * 1000);
+bool DatabaseCatalog::maybeRemoveDirectory(const String & disk_name, const DiskPtr & disk, const String & unused_dir)
+ /// "Safe" automatic removal of some directory.
+ /// At first we do not remove anything and only revoke all access right.
+ /// And remove only if nobody noticed it after, for example, one month.
+ try
+ {
+ struct stat st = disk->stat(unused_dir);
+ if (st.st_uid != geteuid())
+ {
+ /// Directory is not owned by clickhouse, it's weird, let's ignore it (chmod will likely fail anyway).
+ LOG_WARNING(log, "Found directory {} with unexpected owner (uid={}) on disk {}", unused_dir, st.st_uid, disk_name);
+ return false;
+ }
+ time_t max_modification_time = std::max(st.st_atime, std::max(st.st_mtime, st.st_ctime));
+ time_t current_time = time(nullptr);
+ if (st.st_mode & (S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO))
+ {
+ if (current_time <= max_modification_time + unused_dir_hide_timeout_sec)
+ return false;
+ LOG_INFO(log, "Removing access rights for unused directory {} from disk {} (will remove it when timeout exceed)", unused_dir, disk_name);
+ /// Explicitly update modification time just in case
+ disk->setLastModified(unused_dir, Poco::Timestamp::fromEpochTime(current_time));
+ /// Remove all access right
+ disk->chmod(unused_dir, 0);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!unused_dir_rm_timeout_sec)
+ return false;
+ if (current_time <= max_modification_time + unused_dir_rm_timeout_sec)
+ return false;
+ LOG_INFO(log, "Removing unused directory {} from disk {}", unused_dir, disk_name);
+ /// We have to set these access rights to make recursive removal work
+ disk->chmod(unused_dir, S_IRWXU);
+ disk->removeRecursive(unused_dir);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ tryLogCurrentException(log, fmt::format("Failed to remove unused directory {} from disk {} ({})",
+ unused_dir, disk->getName(), disk->getPath()));
+ return false;
+ }
+static void maybeUnlockUUID(UUID uuid)
+ if (uuid == UUIDHelpers::Nil)
+ return;
+ chassert(DatabaseCatalog::instance().hasUUIDMapping(uuid));
+ auto db_and_table = DatabaseCatalog::instance().tryGetByUUID(uuid);
+ if (!db_and_table.first && !db_and_table.second)
+ {
+ DatabaseCatalog::instance().removeUUIDMappingFinally(uuid);
+ return;
+ }
+ chassert(db_and_table.first || !db_and_table.second);
+TemporaryLockForUUIDDirectory::TemporaryLockForUUIDDirectory(UUID uuid_)
+ : uuid(uuid_)
+ if (uuid != UUIDHelpers::Nil)
+ DatabaseCatalog::instance().addUUIDMapping(uuid);
+ maybeUnlockUUID(uuid);
+TemporaryLockForUUIDDirectory::TemporaryLockForUUIDDirectory(TemporaryLockForUUIDDirectory && rhs) noexcept
+ : uuid(rhs.uuid)
+ rhs.uuid = UUIDHelpers::Nil;
+TemporaryLockForUUIDDirectory & TemporaryLockForUUIDDirectory::operator = (TemporaryLockForUUIDDirectory && rhs) noexcept
+ maybeUnlockUUID(uuid);
+ uuid = rhs.uuid;
+ rhs.uuid = UUIDHelpers::Nil;
+ return *this;
+DDLGuard::DDLGuard(Map & map_, SharedMutex & db_mutex_, std::unique_lock<std::mutex> guards_lock_, const String & elem, const String & database_name)
+ : map(map_), db_mutex(db_mutex_), guards_lock(std::move(guards_lock_))
+ it = map.emplace(elem, Entry{std::make_unique<std::mutex>(), 0}).first;
+ ++it->second.counter;
+ guards_lock.unlock();
+ table_lock = std::unique_lock(*it->second.mutex);
+ is_database_guard = elem.empty();
+ if (!is_database_guard)
+ {
+ bool locked_database_for_read = db_mutex.try_lock_shared();
+ if (!locked_database_for_read)
+ {
+ releaseTableLock();
+ throw Exception(ErrorCodes::UNKNOWN_DATABASE, "Database {} is currently dropped or renamed", database_name);
+ }
+ }
+void DDLGuard::releaseTableLock() noexcept
+ if (table_lock_removed)
+ return;
+ table_lock_removed = true;
+ guards_lock.lock();
+ UInt32 counter = --it->second.counter;
+ table_lock.unlock();
+ if (counter == 0)
+ map.erase(it);
+ guards_lock.unlock();
+ if (!is_database_guard)
+ db_mutex.unlock_shared();
+ releaseTableLock();