path: root/build/scripts/fetch_from_sandbox.py
diff options
authoralexv-smirnov <alex@ydb.tech>2023-03-15 19:59:12 +0300
committeralexv-smirnov <alex@ydb.tech>2023-03-15 19:59:12 +0300
commit056bb284ccf8dd6793ec3a54ffa36c4fb2b9ad11 (patch)
tree4740980126f32e3af7937ba0ca5f83e59baa4ab0 /build/scripts/fetch_from_sandbox.py
parent269126dcced1cc8b53eb4398b4a33e5142f10290 (diff)
add library/cpp/actors, ymake build to ydb oss export
Diffstat (limited to 'build/scripts/fetch_from_sandbox.py')
1 files changed, 269 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/build/scripts/fetch_from_sandbox.py b/build/scripts/fetch_from_sandbox.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..a99542e174
--- /dev/null
+++ b/build/scripts/fetch_from_sandbox.py
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+import itertools
+import json
+import logging
+import argparse
+import os
+import random
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import time
+import urllib2
+import uuid
+import fetch_from
+ORIGIN_SUFFIX = '?origin=fetch-from-sandbox'
+MDS_PREFIX = 'http://storage-int.mds.yandex.net/get-sandbox/'
+TEMPORARY_ERROR_CODES = (429, 500, 503, 504)
+def parse_args():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+ fetch_from.add_common_arguments(parser)
+ parser.add_argument('--resource-id', type=int, required=True)
+ parser.add_argument('--custom-fetcher')
+ parser.add_argument('--resource-file')
+ return parser.parse_args()
+class ResourceInfoError(Exception):
+ pass
+class UnsupportedProtocolException(Exception):
+ pass
+def _sky_path():
+ return "/usr/local/bin/sky"
+def _is_skynet_avaliable():
+ if not os.path.exists(_sky_path()):
+ return False
+ try:
+ subprocess.check_output([_sky_path(), "--version"])
+ return True
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+ return False
+ except OSError:
+ return False
+def download_by_skynet(resource_info, file_name):
+ def sky_get(skynet_id, target_dir, timeout=None):
+ cmd_args = [_sky_path(), 'get', "-N", "Backbone", "--user", "--wait", "--dir", target_dir, skynet_id]
+ if timeout is not None:
+ cmd_args += ["--timeout", str(timeout)]
+ logging.info('Call skynet with args: %s', cmd_args)
+ stdout = subprocess.check_output(cmd_args).strip()
+ logging.debug('Skynet call with args %s is finished, result is %s', cmd_args, stdout)
+ return stdout
+ if not _is_skynet_avaliable():
+ raise UnsupportedProtocolException("Skynet is not available")
+ skynet_id = resource_info.get("skynet_id")
+ if not skynet_id:
+ raise ValueError("Resource does not have skynet_id")
+ temp_dir = os.path.abspath(fetch_from.uniq_string_generator())
+ os.mkdir(temp_dir)
+ sky_get(skynet_id, temp_dir)
+ return os.path.join(temp_dir, file_name)
+def _urlopen(url, data=None, headers=None):
+ n = 10
+ tout = 30
+ started = time.time()
+ reqid = uuid.uuid4()
+ request = urllib2.Request(url, data=data, headers=headers or {})
+ request.add_header('X-Request-Timeout', str(tout))
+ request.add_header('X-Request-Id', str(reqid))
+ request.add_header('User-Agent', 'fetch_from_sandbox.py')
+ for i in xrange(n):
+ retry_after = i
+ try:
+ request.add_header('X-Request-Duration', str(int(time.time() - started)))
+ return urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=tout).read()
+ except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
+ logging.warning('failed to fetch URL %s with HTTP code %d: %s', url, e.code, e)
+ retry_after = int(e.headers.get('Retry-After', str(retry_after)))
+ if e.code not in TEMPORARY_ERROR_CODES:
+ raise
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.warning('failed to fetch URL %s: %s', url, e)
+ if i + 1 == n:
+ raise e
+ time.sleep(retry_after)
+def _query(url):
+ return json.loads(_urlopen(url))
+_SANDBOX_BASE_URL = 'https://sandbox.yandex-team.ru/api/v1.0'
+def get_resource_info(resource_id, touch=False, no_links=False):
+ url = ''.join((_SANDBOX_BASE_URL, '/resource/', str(resource_id)))
+ headers = {}
+ if touch:
+ headers.update({'X-Touch-Resource': '1'})
+ if no_links:
+ headers.update({'X-No-Links': '1'})
+ return _query(url)
+def get_resource_http_links(resource_id):
+ url = ''.join((_SANDBOX_BASE_URL, '/resource/', str(resource_id), '/data/http'))
+ return [r['url'] + ORIGIN_SUFFIX for r in _query(url)]
+def fetch_via_script(script, resource_id):
+ return subprocess.check_output([script, str(resource_id)]).rstrip()
+def fetch(resource_id, custom_fetcher):
+ try:
+ resource_info = get_resource_info(resource_id, touch=True, no_links=True)
+ except Exception as e:
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ "Failed to fetch resource {}: {}\n".format(resource_id, str(e))
+ )
+ raise
+ if resource_info.get('state', 'DELETED') != 'READY':
+ raise ResourceInfoError("Resource {} is not READY".format(resource_id))
+ logging.info('Resource %s info %s', str(resource_id), json.dumps(resource_info))
+ resource_file_name = os.path.basename(resource_info["file_name"])
+ expected_md5 = resource_info.get('md5')
+ proxy_link = resource_info['http']['proxy'] + ORIGIN_SUFFIX
+ mds_id = resource_info.get('attributes', {}).get('mds')
+ mds_link = MDS_PREFIX + mds_id if mds_id else None
+ def get_storage_links():
+ storage_links = get_resource_http_links(resource_id)
+ random.shuffle(storage_links)
+ return storage_links
+ skynet = _is_skynet_avaliable()
+ if not skynet:
+ logging.info("Skynet is not available, will try other protocols")
+ def iter_tries():
+ if skynet:
+ yield lambda: download_by_skynet(resource_info, resource_file_name)
+ if custom_fetcher:
+ yield lambda: fetch_via_script(custom_fetcher, resource_id)
+ # Don't try too hard here: we will get back to proxy later on
+ yield lambda: fetch_from.fetch_url(proxy_link, False, resource_file_name, expected_md5, tries=2)
+ for x in get_storage_links():
+ # Don't spend too much time connecting single host
+ yield lambda: fetch_from.fetch_url(x, False, resource_file_name, expected_md5, tries=1)
+ if mds_link is not None:
+ # Don't try too hard here: we will get back to MDS later on
+ yield lambda: fetch_from.fetch_url(mds_link, True, resource_file_name, expected_md5, tries=2)
+ yield lambda: fetch_from.fetch_url(proxy_link, False, resource_file_name, expected_md5)
+ if mds_link is not None:
+ yield lambda: fetch_from.fetch_url(mds_link, True, resource_file_name, expected_md5)
+ if resource_info.get('attributes', {}).get('ttl') != 'inf':
+ sys.stderr.write('WARNING: resource {} ttl is not "inf".\n'.format(resource_id))
+ exc_info = None
+ for i, action in enumerate(itertools.islice(iter_tries(), 0, 10)):
+ try:
+ fetched_file = action()
+ break
+ except UnsupportedProtocolException:
+ pass
+ except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
+ logging.warning('failed to fetch resource %s with subprocess: %s', resource_id, e)
+ time.sleep(i)
+ except urllib2.HTTPError as e:
+ logging.warning('failed to fetch resource %s with HTTP code %d: %s', resource_id, e.code, e)
+ if e.code not in TEMPORARY_ERROR_CODES:
+ exc_info = exc_info or sys.exc_info()
+ time.sleep(i)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.exception(e)
+ exc_info = exc_info or sys.exc_info()
+ time.sleep(i)
+ else:
+ if exc_info:
+ raise exc_info[0], exc_info[1], exc_info[2]
+ else:
+ raise Exception("No available protocol and/or server to fetch resource")
+ return fetched_file, resource_info['file_name']
+def _get_resource_info_from_file(resource_file):
+ if resource_file is None or not os.path.exists(resource_file):
+ return None
+ RESOURCE_INFO_JSON = "resource_info.json"
+ resource_dir, resource_file = os.path.split(resource_file)
+ if resource_file != RESOURCE_CONTENT_FILE_NAME:
+ return None
+ resource_json = os.path.join(resource_dir, RESOURCE_INFO_JSON)
+ if not os.path.isfile(resource_json):
+ return None
+ try:
+ with open(resource_json, 'r') as j:
+ resource_info = json.load(j)
+ resource_info['file_name'] # check consistency
+ return resource_info
+ except:
+ logging.debug('Invalid %s in %s', RESOURCE_INFO_JSON, resource_dir)
+ return None
+def main(args):
+ custom_fetcher = os.environ.get('YA_CUSTOM_FETCHER')
+ resource_info = _get_resource_info_from_file(args.resource_file)
+ if resource_info:
+ fetched_file = args.resource_file
+ file_name = resource_info['file_name']
+ else:
+ # This code should be merged to ya and removed.
+ fetched_file, file_name = fetch(args.resource_id, custom_fetcher)
+ fetch_from.process(fetched_file, file_name, args, remove=not custom_fetcher and not resource_info)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ args = parse_args()
+ fetch_from.setup_logging(args, os.path.basename(__file__))
+ try:
+ main(args)
+ except Exception as e:
+ logging.exception(e)
+ print >>sys.stderr, open(args.abs_log_path).read()
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ import error
+ sys.exit(error.ExitCodes.INFRASTRUCTURE_ERROR if fetch_from.is_temporary(e) else 1)