path: root/build/scripts/coverage-info.py
diff options
authoriaz1607 <iaz1607@yandex-team.com>2023-11-30 12:16:39 +0300
committeriaz1607 <iaz1607@yandex-team.com>2023-11-30 12:56:46 +0300
commit8951ddf780e02616cdb2ec54a02bc354e8507c0f (patch)
tree478097488957d3b554e25868c972a959bb40d78e /build/scripts/coverage-info.py
parenta5acb7aa4ca5a4603215e878eb0cad786793262b (diff)
`build/scripts` ya style --py
Diffstat (limited to 'build/scripts/coverage-info.py')
1 files changed, 78 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/build/scripts/coverage-info.py b/build/scripts/coverage-info.py
index 94491d9256..ddc5f275f8 100644
--- a/build/scripts/coverage-info.py
+++ b/build/scripts/coverage-info.py
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ def recast(in_file, out_file, probe_path, update_stat):
if line.startswith('TN:'):
output.write(line + '\n')
elif line.startswith(PREFIX):
- path = line[len(PREFIX):]
+ path = line[len(PREFIX) :]
probed_path = probe_path(path)
if probed_path:
output.write(PREFIX + probed_path + '\n')
@@ -72,16 +72,28 @@ def print_stat(da, fnda, teamcity_stat_output):
func_total = len(fnda.values())
func_coverage = 100.0 * func_hit / func_total if func_total else 0
- print >>sys.stderr, '[[imp]]Lines[[rst]] {: >16} {: >16} {: >16.1f}%'.format(lines_hit, lines_total, lines_coverage)
- print >>sys.stderr, '[[imp]]Functions[[rst]] {: >16} {: >16} {: >16.1f}%'.format(func_hit, func_total, func_coverage)
+ print >> sys.stderr, '[[imp]]Lines[[rst]] {: >16} {: >16} {: >16.1f}%'.format(
+ lines_hit, lines_total, lines_coverage
+ )
+ print >> sys.stderr, '[[imp]]Functions[[rst]] {: >16} {: >16} {: >16.1f}%'.format(
+ func_hit, func_total, func_coverage
+ )
if teamcity_stat_output:
with open(teamcity_stat_output, 'w') as tc_file:
tc_file.write("##teamcity[blockOpened name='Code Coverage Summary']\n")
- tc_file.write("##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key=\'CodeCoverageAbsLTotal\' value='{}']\n".format(lines_total))
- tc_file.write("##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key=\'CodeCoverageAbsLCovered\' value='{}']\n".format(lines_hit))
- tc_file.write("##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key=\'CodeCoverageAbsMTotal\' value='{}']\n".format(func_total))
- tc_file.write("##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key=\'CodeCoverageAbsMCovered\' value='{}']\n".format(func_hit))
+ tc_file.write(
+ "##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key=\'CodeCoverageAbsLTotal\' value='{}']\n".format(lines_total)
+ )
+ tc_file.write(
+ "##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key=\'CodeCoverageAbsLCovered\' value='{}']\n".format(lines_hit)
+ )
+ tc_file.write(
+ "##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key=\'CodeCoverageAbsMTotal\' value='{}']\n".format(func_total)
+ )
+ tc_file.write(
+ "##teamcity[buildStatisticValue key=\'CodeCoverageAbsMCovered\' value='{}']\n".format(func_hit)
+ )
tc_file.write("##teamcity[blockClosed name='Code Coverage Summary']\n")
@@ -93,7 +105,7 @@ def chunks(l, n):
[[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]]
for i in xrange(0, len(l), n):
- yield l[i:i + n]
+ yield l[i : i + n]
def combine_info_files(lcov, files, out_file):
@@ -107,7 +119,7 @@ def combine_info_files(lcov, files, out_file):
for trace in chunk:
assert os.path.exists(trace), "Trace file does not exist: {} (cwd={})".format(trace, os.getcwd())
combine_cmd += ["-a", os.path.abspath(trace)]
- print >>sys.stderr, '## lcov', ' '.join(combine_cmd[1:])
+ print >> sys.stderr, '## lcov', ' '.join(combine_cmd[1:])
out_file_tmp = "combined.tmp"
with open(out_file_tmp, "w") as stdout:
subprocess.check_call(combine_cmd, stdout=stdout)
@@ -121,7 +133,9 @@ def probe_path_global(path, source_root, prefix_filter, exclude_files):
return None
for suff in reversed(list(suffixes(path))):
- if (not prefix_filter or suff.startswith(prefix_filter)) and (not exclude_files or not exclude_files.match(suff)):
+ if (not prefix_filter or suff.startswith(prefix_filter)) and (
+ not exclude_files or not exclude_files.match(suff)
+ ):
full_path = source_root + os.sep + suff
if os.path.isfile(full_path):
return full_path
@@ -131,11 +145,11 @@ def probe_path_global(path, source_root, prefix_filter, exclude_files):
def update_stat_global(src_file, line, fnda, da):
if line.startswith("FNDA:"):
- visits, func_name = line[len("FNDA:"):].split(',')
+ visits, func_name = line[len("FNDA:") :].split(',')
fnda[src_file + func_name] += int(visits)
if line.startswith("DA"):
- line_number, visits = line[len("DA:"):].split(',')
+ line_number, visits = line[len("DA:") :].split(',')
if visits == '=====':
visits = 0
@@ -143,25 +157,29 @@ def update_stat_global(src_file, line, fnda, da):
def gen_info_global(cmd, cov_info, probe_path, update_stat, lcov_args):
- print >>sys.stderr, '## geninfo', ' '.join(cmd)
+ print >> sys.stderr, '## geninfo', ' '.join(cmd)
if recast(cov_info + '.tmp', cov_info, probe_path, update_stat):
-def init_all_coverage_files(gcno_archive, fname2gcno, fname2info, geninfo_executable, gcov_tool, gen_info, prefix_filter, exclude_files):
+def init_all_coverage_files(
+ gcno_archive, fname2gcno, fname2info, geninfo_executable, gcov_tool, gen_info, prefix_filter, exclude_files
with tarfile.open(gcno_archive) as gcno_tf:
for gcno_item in gcno_tf:
if gcno_item.isfile() and gcno_item.name.endswith(GCNO_EXT):
gcno_name = gcno_item.name
- source_fname = gcno_name[:-len(GCNO_EXT)]
+ source_fname = gcno_name[: -len(GCNO_EXT)]
if prefix_filter and not source_fname.startswith(prefix_filter):
sys.stderr.write("Skipping {} (doesn't match prefix '{}')\n".format(source_fname, prefix_filter))
if exclude_files and exclude_files.search(source_fname):
- sys.stderr.write("Skipping {} (matched exclude pattern '{}')\n".format(source_fname, exclude_files.pattern))
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ "Skipping {} (matched exclude pattern '{}')\n".format(source_fname, exclude_files.pattern)
+ )
fname2gcno[source_fname] = gcno_name
@@ -171,9 +189,12 @@ def init_all_coverage_files(gcno_archive, fname2gcno, fname2info, geninfo_execut
geninfo_cmd = [
- '--gcov-tool', gcov_tool,
- '-i', gcno_name,
- '-o', coverage_info + '.tmp'
+ '--gcov-tool',
+ gcov_tool,
+ '-i',
+ gcno_name,
+ '-o',
+ coverage_info + '.tmp',
gen_info(geninfo_cmd, coverage_info)
@@ -183,7 +204,7 @@ def process_all_coverage_files(gcda_archive, fname2gcno, fname2info, geninfo_exe
for gcda_item in gcda_tf:
if gcda_item.isfile() and gcda_item.name.endswith(GCDA_EXT):
gcda_name = gcda_item.name
- source_fname = gcda_name[:-len(GCDA_EXT)]
+ source_fname = gcda_name[: -len(GCDA_EXT)]
for suff in suffixes(source_fname):
if suff in fname2gcno:
gcda_new_name = suff + GCDA_EXT
@@ -194,27 +215,38 @@ def process_all_coverage_files(gcda_archive, fname2gcno, fname2info, geninfo_exe
geninfo_cmd = [
- '--gcov-tool', gcov_tool,
+ '--gcov-tool',
+ gcov_tool,
- '-o', coverage_info + '.tmp'
+ '-o',
+ coverage_info + '.tmp',
gen_info(geninfo_cmd, coverage_info)
def gen_cobertura(tool, output, combined_info):
- cmd = [
- tool,
- combined_info,
- '-b', '#hamster#',
- '-o', output
- ]
+ cmd = [tool, combined_info, '-b', '#hamster#', '-o', output]
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
out, err = p.communicate()
if p.returncode:
- raise Exception('lcov_cobertura failed with exit code {}\nstdout: {}\nstderr: {}'.format(p.returncode, out, err))
-def main(source_root, output, gcno_archive, gcda_archive, gcov_tool, prefix_filter, exclude_regexp, teamcity_stat_output, coverage_report_path, gcov_report, lcov_cobertura):
+ raise Exception(
+ 'lcov_cobertura failed with exit code {}\nstdout: {}\nstderr: {}'.format(p.returncode, out, err)
+ )
+def main(
+ source_root,
+ output,
+ gcno_archive,
+ gcda_archive,
+ gcov_tool,
+ prefix_filter,
+ exclude_regexp,
+ teamcity_stat_output,
+ coverage_report_path,
+ gcov_report,
+ lcov_cobertura,
exclude_files = re.compile(exclude_regexp) if exclude_regexp else None
fname2gcno = {}
@@ -234,7 +266,9 @@ def main(source_root, output, gcno_archive, gcda_archive, gcov_tool, prefix_filt
def gen_info(cmd, cov_info):
gen_info_global(cmd, cov_info, probe_path, update_stat, lcov_args)
- init_all_coverage_files(gcno_archive, fname2gcno, fname2info, geninfo_executable, gcov_tool, gen_info, prefix_filter, exclude_files)
+ init_all_coverage_files(
+ gcno_archive, fname2gcno, fname2info, geninfo_executable, gcov_tool, gen_info, prefix_filter, exclude_files
+ )
process_all_coverage_files(gcda_archive, fname2gcno, fname2info, geninfo_executable, gcov_tool, gen_info)
if coverage_report_path:
@@ -253,8 +287,17 @@ def main(source_root, output, gcno_archive, gcda_archive, gcov_tool, prefix_filt
if lcov_args:
output_trace = "combined.info"
combine_info_files(os.path.join(source_root, 'devtools', 'lcov', 'lcov'), lcov_args, output_trace)
- cmd = [os.path.join(source_root, 'devtools', 'lcov', 'genhtml'), '-p', source_root, '--ignore-errors', 'source', '-o', output_dir, output_trace]
- print >>sys.stderr, '## genhtml', ' '.join(cmd)
+ cmd = [
+ os.path.join(source_root, 'devtools', 'lcov', 'genhtml'),
+ '-p',
+ source_root,
+ '--ignore-errors',
+ 'source',
+ '-o',
+ output_dir,
+ output_trace,
+ ]
+ print >> sys.stderr, '## genhtml', ' '.join(cmd)
if lcov_cobertura:
gen_cobertura(lcov_cobertura, gcov_report, output_trace)