path: root/build/plugins/nots.py
diff options
authoralevitskii <alevitskii@yandex-team.com>2024-07-23 10:45:19 +0300
committeralevitskii <alevitskii@yandex-team.com>2024-07-23 11:02:04 +0300
commite368fb4c997be1bf6af58fe8f82d572e19e20007 (patch)
tree512547240fd24ffa7bae0c4b3ee6a050702e6e88 /build/plugins/nots.py
parent3768e8faf508c366fe31d91e34f1c94ccbf1151b (diff)
Fix nots test plugins
Fix nots test plugins Фикс после отката в https://a.yandex-team.ru/review/6265741/details 1. В `_setup_tsc_typecheck` теперь `df.TestFiles.value7` вместо `df.TestFiles.value6` 2. В `_setup_eslint` теперь `df.TestFiles.value8` вместо `df.TestFiles.value6` и `flat_args = (test_type, "MODDIR")` вместо `flat_args = (test_type, "TS_TEST_FOR_PATH")` 4b229b102cfd73a6bbc7100b30e26c6ad0bb210a
Diffstat (limited to 'build/plugins/nots.py')
1 files changed, 182 insertions, 195 deletions
diff --git a/build/plugins/nots.py b/build/plugins/nots.py
index b99de011d4..facae56747 100644
--- a/build/plugins/nots.py
+++ b/build/plugins/nots.py
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
-import base64
-import six
import os
+from enum import StrEnum, auto
+import _dart_fields as df
import ymake
import ytest
-from _common import resolve_common_const, get_norm_unit_path, rootrel_arc_src, strip_roots, to_yesno
+from _dart_fields import create_dart_record
+from _common import rootrel_arc_src, to_yesno, strip_roots, sort_uniq
# 1 is 60 files per chunk for TIMEOUT(60) - default timeout for SIZE(SMALL)
@@ -13,6 +14,76 @@ from _common import resolve_common_const, get_norm_unit_path, rootrel_arc_src, s
+class TsTestType(StrEnum):
+ JEST = auto()
+ HERMIONE = auto()
+ PLAYWRIGHT = auto()
+ ESLINT = auto()
+ TSC_TYPECHECK = auto()
+ df.BinaryPath.value4,
+ df.BuildFolderPath.value,
+ df.ForkMode.value2,
+ df.NodejsRootVarName.value,
+ df.ScriptRelPath.value2,
+ df.SourceFolderPath.value,
+ df.SplitFactor.value2,
+ df.TestData.value7,
+ df.TestedProjectName.value7,
+ df.TestEnv.value,
+ df.TestName.value,
+ df.TestRecipes.value,
+ df.TestTimeout.value3,
+ TsTestType.JEST: (
+ df.Size.value2,
+ df.Tag.value2,
+ df.Requirements.value4,
+ df.ConfigPath.value,
+ df.TsTestDataDirs.value,
+ df.TsTestDataDirsRename.value,
+ df.TsResources.value,
+ df.TsTestForPath.value,
+ ),
+ TsTestType.HERMIONE: (
+ df.Tag.value3,
+ df.Requirements.value5,
+ df.ConfigPath.value,
+ df.TsTestDataDirs.value,
+ df.TsTestDataDirsRename.value,
+ df.TsResources.value,
+ df.TsTestForPath.value,
+ ),
+ TsTestType.PLAYWRIGHT: (
+ df.Size.value2,
+ df.Tag.value2,
+ df.Requirements.value4,
+ df.ConfigPath.value,
+ df.TsTestDataDirs.value,
+ df.TsTestDataDirsRename.value,
+ df.TsResources.value,
+ df.TsTestForPath.value,
+ ),
+ TsTestType.ESLINT: (
+ df.Size.value2,
+ df.TestCwd.value3,
+ df.Tag.value2,
+ df.Requirements.value4,
+ df.EslintConfigPath.value,
+ ),
+ df.Size.value2,
+ df.TestCwd.value3,
+ df.Tag.value2,
+ df.Requirements.value4,
+ ),
class PluginLogger(object):
def __init__(self):
self.unit = None
@@ -57,30 +128,6 @@ class PluginLogger(object):
logger = PluginLogger()
-def get_values_list(unit, key):
- res = map(str.strip, (unit.get(key) or '').replace('$' + key, '').strip().split())
- return [r for r in res if r and r not in ['""', "''"]]
-def format_recipes(data: str | None) -> str:
- if not data:
- return ""
- data = data.replace('"USE_RECIPE_DELIM"', "\n")
- data = data.replace("$TEST_RECIPES_VALUE", "")
- return data
-def prepare_recipes(data: str | None) -> bytes:
- formatted = format_recipes(data)
- return base64.b64encode(six.ensure_binary(formatted))
-def serialize_list(lst):
- lst = list(filter(None, lst))
- return '\"' + ';'.join(lst) + '\"' if lst else ''
def _with_report_configure_error(fn):
def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
last_state = logger.get_state()
@@ -118,6 +165,15 @@ def _build_cmd_input_paths(paths, hide=False, disable_include_processor=False):
return _build_directives("input", [hide_part, disable_ip_part], paths)
+def _create_erm_json(unit):
+ from lib.nots.erm_json_lite import ErmJsonLite
+ erm_packages_path = unit.get("ERM_PACKAGES_PATH")
+ path = unit.resolve(unit.resolve_arc_path(erm_packages_path))
+ return ErmJsonLite.load(path)
def _get_pm_type(unit) -> str:
resolved = unit.get("PM_TYPE")
if not resolved:
@@ -150,15 +206,6 @@ def _create_pm(unit):
-def _create_erm_json(unit):
- from lib.nots.erm_json_lite import ErmJsonLite
- erm_packages_path = unit.get("ERM_PACKAGES_PATH")
- path = unit.resolve(unit.resolve_arc_path(erm_packages_path))
- return ErmJsonLite.load(path)
def on_set_package_manager(unit):
pm_type = "pnpm" # projects without any lockfile are processed by pnpm
@@ -313,7 +360,7 @@ def on_ts_configure(unit):
_filter_inputs_by_rules_from_tsconfig(unit, tsconfig)
- _setup_tsc_typecheck(unit, tsconfig_paths)
+ _setup_tsc_typecheck(unit)
if unit.get("TS_YNDEXING") == "yes":
@@ -373,24 +420,6 @@ def _filter_inputs_by_rules_from_tsconfig(unit, tsconfig):
__set_append(unit, "TS_INPUT_FILES", [os.path.join(target_path, f) for f in filtered_files])
-def _get_ts_test_data_dirs(unit):
- return sorted(
- set([os.path.dirname(rootrel_arc_src(p, unit)) for p in (get_values_list(unit, "_TS_TEST_DATA_VALUE") or [])])
- )
-def _resolve_config_path(unit, test_runner, rel_to):
- config_path = unit.get("ESLINT_CONFIG_PATH") if test_runner == "eslint" else unit.get("TS_TEST_CONFIG_PATH")
- arc_config_path = unit.resolve_arc_path(config_path)
- abs_config_path = unit.resolve(arc_config_path)
- if not abs_config_path:
- raise Exception("{} config not found: {}".format(test_runner, config_path))
- unit.onsrcs([arc_config_path])
- abs_rel_to = unit.resolve(unit.resolve_arc_path(unit.get(rel_to)))
- return os.path.relpath(abs_config_path, start=abs_rel_to)
def _is_tests_enabled(unit):
if unit.get("TIDY") == "yes":
return False
@@ -398,48 +427,6 @@ def _is_tests_enabled(unit):
return True
-def _get_test_runner_handlers():
- return {
- "jest": _add_jest_ts_test,
- "hermione": _add_hermione_ts_test,
- "playwright": _add_playwright_ts_test,
- }
-def _add_jest_ts_test(unit, test_runner, test_files, deps, test_record):
- test_record.update(
- {
- "CONFIG-PATH": _resolve_config_path(unit, test_runner, rel_to="TS_TEST_FOR_PATH"),
- }
- )
- _add_test(unit, test_runner, test_files, deps, test_record)
-def _add_hermione_ts_test(unit, test_runner, test_files, deps, test_record):
- test_tags = sorted(set(["ya:fat", "ya:external", "ya:noretries"] + get_values_list(unit, "TEST_TAGS_VALUE")))
- test_requirements = sorted(set(["network:full"] + get_values_list(unit, "TEST_REQUIREMENTS_VALUE")))
- test_record.update(
- {
- "SIZE": "LARGE",
- "TAG": serialize_list(test_tags),
- "REQUIREMENTS": serialize_list(test_requirements),
- "CONFIG-PATH": _resolve_config_path(unit, test_runner, rel_to="TS_TEST_FOR_PATH"),
- }
- )
- _add_test(unit, test_runner, test_files, deps, test_record)
-def _add_playwright_ts_test(unit, test_runner, test_files, deps, test_record):
- test_record.update(
- {
- "CONFIG-PATH": _resolve_config_path(unit, test_runner, rel_to="TS_TEST_FOR_PATH"),
- }
- )
- _add_test(unit, test_runner, test_files, deps, test_record)
def _setup_eslint(unit):
if not _is_tests_enabled(unit):
@@ -447,38 +434,59 @@ def _setup_eslint(unit):
if unit.get("_NO_LINT_VALUE") == "none":
- lint_files = get_values_list(unit, "_TS_LINT_SRCS_VALUE")
- if not lint_files:
+ test_files = df.TestFiles.value8(unit, (), {})[df.TestFiles.KEY]
+ if not test_files:
- mod_dir = unit.get("MODDIR")
user_recipes = unit.get("TEST_RECIPES_VALUE")
- lint_files = _resolve_module_files(unit, mod_dir, lint_files)
- deps = _create_pm(unit).get_peers_from_package_json()
- test_record = {
- "ESLINT_CONFIG_PATH": _resolve_config_path(unit, "eslint", rel_to="MODDIR"),
- }
+ test_type = TsTestType.ESLINT
+ from lib.nots.package_manager import constants
+ peers = _create_pm(unit).get_peers_from_package_json()
+ deps = df.CustomDependencies.value5(unit, (peers,), {})[df.CustomDependencies.KEY].split()
- _add_test(unit, "eslint", lint_files, deps, test_record, mod_dir)
+ if deps:
+ joined_deps = "\n".join(deps)
+ logger.info(f"{test_type} deps: \n{joined_deps}")
+ unit.ondepends(deps)
+ flat_args = (test_type, "MODDIR")
+ dart_record = create_dart_record(
+ unit,
+ flat_args,
+ {},
+ )
+ dart_record[df.TestFiles.KEY] = test_files
+ dart_record[df.NodeModulesBundleFilename.KEY] = constants.NODE_MODULES_WORKSPACE_BUNDLE_FILENAME
+ extra_deps = df.CustomDependencies.value3(unit, (), {})[df.CustomDependencies.KEY].split()
+ dart_record[df.CustomDependencies.KEY] = " ".join(sort_uniq(deps + extra_deps))
+ dart_record[df.LintFileProcessingTime.KEY] = str(ESLINT_FILE_PROCESSING_TIME_DEFAULT)
+ data = ytest.dump_test(unit, dart_record)
+ if data:
+ unit.set_property(["DART_DATA", data])
unit.set(["TEST_RECIPES_VALUE", user_recipes])
-def _setup_tsc_typecheck(unit, tsconfig_paths: list[str]):
+def _setup_tsc_typecheck(unit):
if not _is_tests_enabled(unit):
if unit.get("_TS_TYPECHECK_VALUE") == "none":
- typecheck_files = get_values_list(unit, "TS_INPUT_FILES")
- if not typecheck_files:
+ test_files = df.TestFiles.value7(unit, (), {})[df.TestFiles.KEY]
+ if not test_files:
+ tsconfig_paths = unit.get("TS_CONFIG_PATH").split()
tsconfig_path = tsconfig_paths[0]
if len(tsconfig_paths) > 1:
@@ -495,14 +503,36 @@ def _setup_tsc_typecheck(unit, tsconfig_paths: list[str]):
- _add_test(
+ test_type = TsTestType.TSC_TYPECHECK
+ from lib.nots.package_manager import constants
+ peers = _create_pm(unit).get_peers_from_package_json()
+ deps = df.CustomDependencies.value5(unit, (peers,), {})[df.CustomDependencies.KEY].split()
+ if deps:
+ joined_deps = "\n".join(deps)
+ logger.info(f"{test_type} deps: \n{joined_deps}")
+ unit.ondepends(deps)
+ flat_args = (test_type,)
+ dart_record = create_dart_record(
- test_type="tsc_typecheck",
- test_files=[resolve_common_const(f) for f in typecheck_files],
- deps=_create_pm(unit).get_peers_from_package_json(),
- test_record={"TS_CONFIG_PATH": tsconfig_path},
- test_cwd=unit.get("MODDIR"),
+ flat_args,
+ {},
+ dart_record[df.TestFiles.KEY] = test_files
+ dart_record[df.NodeModulesBundleFilename.KEY] = constants.NODE_MODULES_WORKSPACE_BUNDLE_FILENAME
+ extra_deps = df.CustomDependencies.value3(unit, (), {})[df.CustomDependencies.KEY].split()
+ dart_record[df.CustomDependencies.KEY] = " ".join(sort_uniq(deps + extra_deps))
+ dart_record[df.TsConfigPath.KEY] = tsconfig_path
+ data = ytest.dump_test(unit, dart_record)
+ if data:
+ unit.set_property(["DART_DATA", data])
unit.set(["TEST_RECIPES_VALUE", user_recipes])
@@ -519,56 +549,6 @@ def _resolve_module_files(unit, mod_dir, file_paths):
return resolved_files
-def _add_test(unit, test_type, test_files, deps=None, test_record=None, test_cwd=None):
- from lib.nots.package_manager import constants
- def sort_uniq(text):
- return sorted(set(text))
- recipes_lines = format_recipes(unit.get("TEST_RECIPES_VALUE")).strip().splitlines()
- if recipes_lines:
- deps = deps or []
- deps.extend([os.path.dirname(r.strip().split(" ")[0]) for r in recipes_lines])
- if deps:
- joined_deps = "\n".join(deps)
- logger.info(f"{test_type} deps: \n{joined_deps}")
- unit.ondepends(deps)
- test_dir = get_norm_unit_path(unit)
- full_test_record = {
- # Key to discover suite (see devtools/ya/test/explore/__init__.py#gen_suite)
- "SCRIPT-REL-PATH": test_type,
- # Test name as shown in PR check, should be unique inside one module
- "TEST-NAME": test_type.lower().replace(".new", ""),
- "TEST-TIMEOUT": unit.get("TEST_TIMEOUT") or "",
- "TEST-ENV": ytest.prepare_env(unit.get("TEST_ENV_VALUE")),
- "TESTED-PROJECT-NAME": os.path.splitext(unit.filename())[0],
- "TEST-RECIPES": prepare_recipes(unit.get("TEST_RECIPES_VALUE")),
- "SOURCE-FOLDER-PATH": test_dir,
- "BUILD-FOLDER-PATH": test_dir,
- "BINARY-PATH": os.path.join(test_dir, unit.filename()),
- "SPLIT-FACTOR": unit.get("TEST_SPLIT_FACTOR") or "",
- "FORK-MODE": unit.get("TEST_FORK_MODE") or "",
- "SIZE": unit.get("TEST_SIZE_NAME") or "",
- "TEST-DATA": serialize_list(get_values_list(unit, "TEST_DATA_VALUE")),
- "TEST-FILES": serialize_list(test_files),
- "TEST-CWD": test_cwd or "",
- "TAG": serialize_list(get_values_list(unit, "TEST_TAGS_VALUE")),
- "REQUIREMENTS": serialize_list(get_values_list(unit, "TEST_REQUIREMENTS_VALUE")),
- "CUSTOM-DEPENDENCIES": " ".join(sort_uniq((deps or []) + get_values_list(unit, "TEST_DEPENDS_VALUE"))),
- }
- if test_record:
- full_test_record.update(test_record)
- data = ytest.dump_test(unit, full_test_record)
- if data:
- unit.set_property(["DART_DATA", data])
def _set_resource_vars(unit, erm_json, tool, version, nodejs_major=None):
# type: (any, ErmJsonLite, Version, str|None, int|None) -> None
@@ -723,37 +703,54 @@ def on_ts_test_for_configure(unit, test_runner, default_config, node_modules_fil
if unit.enabled('TS_COVERAGE'):
- for_mod_path = unit.get("TS_TEST_FOR_PATH")
+ for_mod_path = df.TsTestForPath.value(unit, (), {})[df.TsTestForPath.KEY]
- root = "$B" if test_runner == "hermione" else "$(BUILD_ROOT)"
- unit.set(["TS_TEST_NM", os.path.join(root, for_mod_path, node_modules_filename)])
+ build_root = "$B" if test_runner == TsTestType.HERMIONE else "$(BUILD_ROOT)"
+ unit.set(["TS_TEST_NM", os.path.join(build_root, for_mod_path, node_modules_filename)])
config_path = unit.get("TS_TEST_CONFIG_PATH")
if not config_path:
config_path = os.path.join(for_mod_path, default_config)
unit.set(["TS_TEST_CONFIG_PATH", config_path])
- test_record = _add_ts_resources_to_test_record(
- unit,
- {
- "TS-TEST-FOR-PATH": for_mod_path,
- "TS-TEST-DATA-DIRS": serialize_list(_get_ts_test_data_dirs(unit)),
- },
- )
- test_files = get_values_list(unit, "_TS_TEST_SRCS_VALUE")
- test_files = _resolve_module_files(unit, unit.get("MODDIR"), test_files)
+ test_files = df.TestFiles.value6(unit, (), {})[df.TestFiles.KEY]
if not test_files:
ymake.report_configure_error("No tests found")
- deps = _create_pm(unit).get_peers_from_package_json()
- add_ts_test = _get_test_runner_handlers()[test_runner]
- add_ts_test(unit, test_runner, test_files, deps, test_record)
+ from lib.nots.package_manager import constants
+ peers = _create_pm(unit).get_peers_from_package_json()
+ deps = df.CustomDependencies.value5(unit, (peers,), {})[df.CustomDependencies.KEY].split()
+ if deps:
+ joined_deps = "\n".join(deps)
+ logger.info(f"{test_runner} deps: \n{joined_deps}")
+ unit.ondepends(deps)
+ flat_args = (test_runner, "TS_TEST_FOR_PATH")
+ spec_args = {'erm_json': _create_erm_json(unit)}
+ dart_record = create_dart_record(
+ unit,
+ flat_args,
+ spec_args,
+ )
+ dart_record[df.TestFiles.KEY] = test_files
+ dart_record[df.NodeModulesBundleFilename.KEY] = constants.NODE_MODULES_WORKSPACE_BUNDLE_FILENAME
+ extra_deps = df.CustomDependencies.value3(unit, (), {})[df.CustomDependencies.KEY].split()
+ dart_record[df.CustomDependencies.KEY] = " ".join(sort_uniq(deps + extra_deps))
+ if test_runner == TsTestType.HERMIONE:
+ dart_record[df.Size.KEY] = "LARGE"
+ data = ytest.dump_test(unit, dart_record)
+ if data:
+ unit.set_property(["DART_DATA", data])
@@ -776,16 +773,6 @@ def on_set_ts_test_for_vars(unit, for_mod):
unit.set(["TS_TEST_FOR_PATH", rootrel_arc_src(for_mod, unit)])
-def _add_ts_resources_to_test_record(unit, test_record):
- erm_json = _create_erm_json(unit)
- for tool in erm_json.list_npm_packages():
- tool_resource_label = "{}-ROOT-VAR-NAME".format(tool.upper())
- tool_resource_value = unit.get(tool_resource_label)
- if tool_resource_value:
- test_record[tool_resource_label] = tool_resource_value
- return test_record
def on_ts_files(unit, *files):
new_cmds = ['$COPY_CMD ${{input;context=TEXT:"{0}"}} ${{output;noauto:"{0}"}}'.format(f) for f in files]