path: root/build/plugins/_dart_fields.py
diff options
authoralevitskii <alevitskii@yandex-team.com>2024-09-12 09:41:59 +0300
committeralevitskii <alevitskii@yandex-team.com>2024-09-12 09:53:26 +0300
commitf3fc9bb5ecb70b4b2a340d935ea06c92307da3b1 (patch)
treea705eae6ae543a0f75fe061412fea9e91d59e842 /build/plugins/_dart_fields.py
parent7bd81dc2f1ea38b950587f937d2f886cf011e60e (diff)
Python linting macroses
Init 93a5052a4192d230f52b4b27c41c9c77bf8d5880
Diffstat (limited to 'build/plugins/_dart_fields.py')
1 files changed, 113 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/build/plugins/_dart_fields.py b/build/plugins/_dart_fields.py
index 4676499399..07ff9ce0f2 100644
--- a/build/plugins/_dart_fields.py
+++ b/build/plugins/_dart_fields.py
@@ -22,6 +22,9 @@ CANON_OUTPUT_STORAGE = 'canondata_storage'
KTLINT_CURRENT_EDITOR_CONFIG = "arcadia/build/platform/java/ktlint/.editorconfig"
KTLINT_OLD_EDITOR_CONFIG = "arcadia/build/platform/java/ktlint_old/.editorconfig"
class DartValueError(ValueError):
@@ -256,6 +259,15 @@ def _get_ts_test_data_dirs(unit):
+def get_linter_configs(unit, config_paths):
+ rel_config_path = _common.rootrel_arc_src(config_paths, unit)
+ arc_config_path = unit.resolve_arc_path(rel_config_path)
+ abs_config_path = unit.resolve(arc_config_path)
+ with open(abs_config_path, 'r') as fd:
+ return list(json.load(fd).values())
class AndroidApkTestActivity:
@@ -360,10 +372,10 @@ class CustomDependencies:
def depends_with_linter(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args):
- deps = []
- _, linter = flat_args
- deps.append(os.path.dirname(linter))
- deps += spec_args.get('DEPENDS', [])
+ linter = Linter.value(unit, flat_args, spec_args)[Linter.KEY]
+ deps = spec_args.get('DEPENDS', []) + [os.path.dirname(linter)]
+ for dep in deps:
+ unit.ondepends(dep)
return {cls.KEY: " ".join(deps)}
@@ -478,7 +490,7 @@ class JavaClasspathCmdType:
unit.path(), java_cp_arg_type
- raise DartValueError
+ raise DartValueError()
return {cls.KEY: java_cp_arg_type}
@@ -528,9 +540,69 @@ class KtlintBinary:
return {cls.KEY: value}
+class Linter:
+ @classmethod
+ def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args):
+ return {cls.KEY: spec_args['LINTER'][0]}
+class LintConfigs:
+ @classmethod
+ def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args):
+ resolved_configs = []
+ configs = spec_args.get('CONFIGS', [])
+ for cfg in configs:
+ filename = unit.resolve(SOURCE_ROOT_SHORT + cfg)
+ if not os.path.exists(filename):
+ message = 'Configuration file {} is not found'.format(filename)
+ raise DartValueError(message)
+ resolved_configs.append(cfg)
+ if os.path.splitext(filename)[-1] == '.json':
+ cfgs = get_linter_configs(unit, cfg)
+ for c in cfgs:
+ filename = unit.resolve(SOURCE_ROOT_SHORT + c)
+ if not os.path.exists(filename):
+ message = 'Configuration file {} is not found'.format(filename)
+ raise DartValueError(message)
+ resolved_configs.append(c)
+ return {cls.KEY: serialize_list(resolved_configs)}
+class LintExtraParams:
+ @classmethod
+ def from_macro_args(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args):
+ extra_params = spec_args.get('EXTRA_PARAMS', [])
+ for arg in extra_params:
+ if '=' not in arg:
+ message = 'Wrong EXTRA_PARAMS value: "{}". Values must have format "name=value".'.format(arg)
+ raise DartValueError(message)
+ return {cls.KEY: serialize_list(extra_params)}
class LintFileProcessingTime:
+ @classmethod
+ def from_macro_args(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args):
+ return {cls.KEY: spec_args.get('FILE_PROCESSING_TIME', [''])[0]}
+class LintName:
+ @classmethod
+ def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args):
+ lint_name = spec_args['NAME'][0]
+ if lint_name in ('flake8', 'py2_flake8') and (unit.get('DISABLE_FLAKE8') or 'no') == 'yes':
+ raise DartValueError('Flake8 linting is disabled by `DISABLE_FLAKE8`')
+ return {cls.KEY: lint_name}
class ModuleLang:
@@ -841,9 +913,8 @@ class TestData:
props, error_mgs = extract_java_system_properties(unit, get_values_list(unit, 'SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_VALUE'))
if error_mgs:
- # TODO move error reporting out of field classes
- raise DartValueError
+ raise DartValueError()
for prop in props:
if prop['type'] == 'file':
test_data.append(prop['path'].replace('${ARCADIA_ROOT}', 'arcadia'))
@@ -949,7 +1020,8 @@ class TestedProjectName:
class TestFiles:
- # TODO remove FILES, see DEVTOOLS-7052
+ # TODO remove FILES, see DEVTOOLS-7052, currently it's required
+ # https://a.yandex-team.ru/arcadia/devtools/ya/test/dartfile/__init__.py?rev=r14292146#L10
@@ -993,32 +1065,55 @@ class TestFiles:
def test_srcs(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args):
test_files = get_values_list(unit, 'TEST_SRCS_VALUE')
- return {cls.KEY: serialize_list(test_files)}
+ value = serialize_list(test_files)
+ return {cls.KEY: value, cls.KEY2: value}
def ts_test_srcs(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args):
test_files = get_values_list(unit, "_TS_TEST_SRCS_VALUE")
test_files = _resolve_module_files(unit, unit.get("MODDIR"), test_files)
- return {cls.KEY: serialize_list(test_files)}
+ value = serialize_list(test_files)
+ return {cls.KEY: value, cls.KEY2: value}
def ts_input_files(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args):
typecheck_files = get_values_list(unit, "TS_INPUT_FILES")
test_files = [_common.resolve_common_const(f) for f in typecheck_files]
- return {cls.KEY: serialize_list(test_files)}
+ value = serialize_list(test_files)
+ return {cls.KEY: value, cls.KEY2: value}
def ts_lint_srcs(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args):
test_files = get_values_list(unit, "_TS_LINT_SRCS_VALUE")
test_files = _resolve_module_files(unit, unit.get("MODDIR"), test_files)
- return {cls.KEY: serialize_list(test_files)}
+ value = serialize_list(test_files)
+ return {cls.KEY: value, cls.KEY2: value}
def stylesheets(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args):
test_files = get_values_list(unit, "_TS_STYLELINT_FILES")
test_files = _resolve_module_files(unit, unit.get("MODDIR"), test_files)
+ value = serialize_list(test_files)
+ return {cls.KEY: value, cls.KEY2: value}
- return {cls.KEY: serialize_list(test_files)}
+ @classmethod
+ def py_linter_files(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args):
+ files = unit.get('PY_LINTER_FILES')
+ if not files:
+ raise DartValueError()
+ files = json.loads(files)
+ test_files = []
+ for path in files:
+ if path.startswith(ARCADIA_ROOT):
+ test_files.append(path.replace(ARCADIA_ROOT, SOURCE_ROOT_SHORT, 1))
+ elif path.startswith(SOURCE_ROOT_SHORT):
+ test_files.append(path)
+ if not test_files:
+ lint_name = LintName.value(unit, flat_args, spec_args)[LintName.KEY]
+ message = 'No files to lint for {}'.format(lint_name)
+ raise DartValueError(message)
+ test_files = serialize_list(test_files)
+ return {cls.KEY: test_files, cls.KEY2: test_files}
class TestEnv:
@@ -1097,6 +1192,10 @@ class TestName:
test_name = os.path.basename(os.path.join(unit.path(), unit.filename()).replace(".pkg", ""))
return {cls.KEY: os.path.splitext(test_name)[0]}
+ @classmethod
+ def name_from_macro_args(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args):
+ return {cls.KEY: spec_args['NAME'][0]}
class TestPartition:
@@ -1181,9 +1280,8 @@ class SystemProperties:
def value(cls, unit, flat_args, spec_args):
props, error_mgs = extract_java_system_properties(unit, get_values_list(unit, 'SYSTEM_PROPERTIES_VALUE'))
if error_mgs:
- # TODO move error reporting out of field classes
- raise DartValueError
+ raise DartValueError()
props = base64.b64encode(six.ensure_binary(json.dumps(props)))
return {cls.KEY: props}